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Social Shopping:
Reshaping the world of retail
Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

Social Shopping:
Reshaping the
World of Retail
Social Shopping is a rising trend that integrates the power
of social media into both on — and offline shopping. It is
revolutionising the business world, with retailers realising and
capitalising on the potential and reach of social media. It has
also transformed the average shopper’s behaviour, causing
businesses to sit up and change the way they sell. This white
paper, produced by Reactive, explains what Social Shopping is
all about, and how it is changing eCommerce as we know it.

Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

Reshaping                               Social media has thrown a monkey wrench in the retail industry and the traditional rules that
                                        govern it. For retailers, running a successful business is no longer just about operating a bustling

the world                               brick-and-mortar store or a pretty website. And for shoppers, purchasing decisions are no longer
                                        driven by in-store interactions with salespeople or physical evaluations of products.

of retail                               The rise of online shopping activities coupled with social media integration allows consumers to
                                        consult and interact with one another, bringing to life the concept of social buying in the digital
                                        realm. Convenience is no longer sufficient; we are social creatures and marketers are beginning to
                                        capitalise on that to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

                                        A trend that has surfaced over the last year is social shopping, and consumers all around the
                                        world are catching on fast, or as eCommerce consultant Linda Bustos describes it; ”a mashup that
                                        resembles social bookmarking, social networking and comparison shopping in a blender.”1

Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

Consumers                               According to the 2011 Social Shopping Study report by e-tailing group, 35% of respondents spent
                                        75% of their overall shopping time researching products online2. Today’s shopper is savvy and

now get the                             willing to invest a lot of their time to ensure they find the right product at the right price.

upper hand                              For consumers, social shopping services have opened up possibilities to post about potential/
                                        past purchases, ask for advice and opinions from friends online, and collaborate on purchasing
                                        decisions. These are key factors for increasingly social online shoppers as peer influence and
                                        discussion become more important when having a pleasant online shopping experience.

                                        Consider how numerous online retailers have started including ‘Share’ functions on their
                                        sites, giving shoppers the option to show products to friends easily via social networking or
                                        bookmarking services. Online opinion sharing is on the rise, as demonstrated by Bazaarvoice’s
                                        2011 Social Commerce Trends Report which reported that while 90% of online consumers trust
                                        recommendations by people they know and 70% trust those of people they don’t know, only a
                                        miserable 14% trust advertising and a paltry 8% trust celebrity endorsements.3 As more than
                                        70% of shoppers consider user-submitted consumer reviews as a significant driving factor behind
                                        purchasing decisions, these brief comments generated by consumers and social media users are
                                        slowly replacing traditional advertising models.

                                        The advent of online social shopping seems to have reshaped the Business-to-Consumer
                                        relationship; it has shifted power back into the hands of the consumer, forcing brands to think
                                        through messages they are sending out because a few complaints can very easily grow into
                                        a global rabble of upset shoppers. Now everybody with a mobile phone can be a critic, truly
                                        demonstrating the democratic power of the social web.

Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

Types                                   There are, of course, many different types of social shopping services catering to the varying needs
                                        and wants of shoppers. We will now look at several common ones, along with other emerging

of social                               services that are proving quite popular among users now.

                                        Group Buying

                                        Social shopping programmes such as Groupon and LivingSocial offer discounts of up to 90% off
                                        on local products, services and events. Such massive discounts are only made possible because
                                        they rely on bulk purchases, allowing businesses to reach new customers. Moreover because of the
                                        social power of the Internet, these services can also pull in those who otherwise wouldn’t normally
                                        patronise or even be aware of certain businesses. The spectacularly growth of these sites has more
                                        recently seen an inevitable back-lash.

                                        Reviews and Recommendations

                                        Because shoppers tend to trust peer reviews more willingly than corporate advertising, sites
                                        like ThisNext usually list out products which are then reviewed by site users. Many online stores
                                        have this feature so it’s nothing new, but the growing trend of online social shopping has driven
                                        the proliferation of customer reviews and ratings functions, and retailers have started offering
                                        customers discounts or virtual points for reviewing a product or simply recommending it to others.

                                        Geo-location Services

                                        Location-based apps like Foursquare, Facebook Check-ins and Google Places are being integrated
                                        into the act of in-store shopping, in which users will be awarded points or directed to in-store
                                        deals and discounts from within the app, giving brands the opportunity to capture market share by
                                        providing seamless cross-channel shopping experiences. To further reinforce its social networking
                                        abilities, such apps also let users look up product information, upload pictures of purchases, track
                                        and share desired items and comment on their friends’ activities as well.

Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

of social
shopping                                Real-time Social Shopping

services                                Shopping sites like DoTogether or even retailers like Wet Seal let shoppers log on and connect with
                                        their social media account, or invite friends over email. They can then browse and shop online
                                        together, all at the same time. Such services are bringing the social experience of shopping unto
                                        the web, and usage is spreading amongst consumers due to the proffered one-click convenience.
                                        An example of this is the social shopping application Givvy. Givvy is a social shopping app that
                                        allows users to discover, share and curate gifts, which are then ranked in order of popularity.
                                        Users can follow gift recommendations of their favourite curators or browse gifts based on the
                                        personality type of the gift recipient.

                                        Barcode Scanning

                                        A 2011 report by ScanLife4 has revealed that the company is now processing more than one scan
                                        per second, compared to just 10 scans per minute a year ago. Apps like RedLaser, ShopSavvy and
                                        Amazon Mobile allow users to scan barcodes of in-store goods, upload information like prices on
                                        the network for other shoppers and simultaneously check for cheaper prices across other retailers.
                                        Though not social shopping in the strictest sense, the ability to share product information allows
                                        shoppers to use the app as a reference point before purchase.

                                        Facebook Shopping

                                        Yet another factor behind the social shopping revolution, this method involves buying, selling and
                                        paying for goods within Facebook itself. This manner of social shopping will be explained in detail
                                        later in this paper.

                                        Peer-to-Peer Services

                                        Social shopping also appears in the form of peer-to-peer services like Rentoid, which connect
                                        individuals and allows for the renting or swapping or goods between registered users, like renting a
                                        car for a short weekend trip or even exchanging old video games.

Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

Taking the                              Dedicated social shopping sites no longer stand alone. Businesses are now including functions like
                                        user-generated reviews and social media integration to better extend market reach, proving that

world by                                social media can be utilised by retailers to work in their favour.

storm                                   Money is being poured into social shopping as businesses are moving into this area, like eBay.
                                        In November 2011, eBay acquired recommendations service Hunch, which uses data to make
                                        predictions about its users and provide them with personalised content recommendations. “Hunch
                                        will enable eBay to move beyond standard item-to-item recommendations and use a broader
                                        variety of members’ online tastes and interests to suggest new and interesting items for them to
                                        browse and buy on eBay” eBay said in a statement5.
                                        Not surprisingly, another global brand that has capitalised on the social shopping trend is Amazon.
                                        In addition to its numerous apps and growing list of acquired online social services, the company
                                        has integrated Facebook Connect functionality into the site, providing logged-on users with
                                        individualised product recommendations based on data gathered from their Facebook profiles.
                                        Moreover if the user activates the feature on their Facebook accounts, he/she will also find gift
                                        suggestions for friends based on details gleaned from their profiles and Amazon Wish Lists. This
                                        is a useful feature for shoppers, especially when it comes to finding the right gift. For Amazon, all
                                        the information gathered from their users’ Facebook profiles is priceless.

Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

The new                                 In its recent US Digital Media Usage report, eMarketer estimates how digital media usage
                                        will grow in 2012 in terms of the internet, mobile, social, video, and ecommerce6. They

eCommerce,                              predicted that 90% of social network users will be on Facebook in 2012. While over 800
                                        million users are already on Facebook7, the site offers savvy digital marketers unique, cost-

fCommerce is                            effective opportunities to sell to potential customers on a Web site they are engaged with.

here to stay                            fCommerce, commerce over Facebook, is wreaking havoc on traditional retail business models..
                                        The Facebook fan now wants to express their brand preferences with more than just Likes
                                        and comments, and businesses are going beyond branded pages to better drive consumer
                                        engagement. Seen as an effective way of connecting with customers, the trend of fCommerce
                                        began picking up speed last year and now some of the world’s biggest brands, including Coca-
                                        Cola, Starbucks and Disney are selling directly on Facebook. Strategists from Reactive predict
                                        that within the next five years, more sales will be happening on Facebook than on Amazon.8

                                        For smaller brands and retailers looking to get started in fCommerce, Facebook-based ecommerce
                                        platforms are emerging, with Payvment leading the small, but growing pack. Payvment focuses
                                        on companies wanting to sell goods and services on Facebook. It does this by offering several
                                        options to e-retailers looking to utilise Facebook’s social platform. The first and original
                                        version of the app is free, and once installed, allows anyone to set up a virtual storefront in
                                        under 15 minutes. Powered by PayPal’s Adaptive Payment APIs, the app features a site-wide
                                        shopping cart system and accepts over 20 currencies, enabling Facebook users from around
                                        the world to shop across multiple Facebook stores and check out whenever they’re ready.

                                        The two paid versions, Payvment Premium and Payvment Platinum, provide online stores with
                                        a deeper, analytics-based understanding on how consumers are talking about and sharing
                                        their goods on Facebook and Twitter.9 Since its inception in November 2009, Payvment has
                                        already registered over 100,000 independent retailers and new sellers usually take two
                                        to three days to get their first sale on Facebook. In 2012, Payvment announced that the
                                        company reached one million monthly active shoppers in December 2011, and saw a 3X year-
                                        over-year increase in transactions by its network of over 100,000 sellers during 2011.10

                                      “While many businesses feel that social commerce
                                       activities have yet to prove themselves in hard ROI...
                                       consumers aged 18 to 34 are in fact embracing certain
                                       social commerce activities, and social media is becoming
                                       a significant driver of product discovery.”

Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

The new                                 And they aren’t stopping there. In 2011, Facebook and Payvment unveiled the world’s
                                        first virtual mall on the social networking website. It brings together an initial group

eCommerce,                              of 100,000 online retailers offering over a million products in one centralised location,
                                        allowing shoppers to browse and purchase items without leaving Facebook at all. Called

fCommerce is                            the ‘Shopping Mall, it incorporates several social shopping functions such as Liking and
                                        sharing individual products. It also displays personalised recommendation lists based on

here to stay                            what the shopper has Liked in the mall and shares new product Likes on news feeds for
                                        friends to see, making the Shopping Mall consumer experience a truly social one.

                                        Moreover Payvment’s universal shopping cart gives users the freedom to browse across different
                                        retailers and check out to pay just once. Such ease-of-use and convenience are drawing in the
                                        numbers for both retailers and consumers. Businesses are already setting up branded pages to
                                        display and promote new and existing services and products, changing the 800 million-member
                                        strong social network into one huge marketing platform, so the idea of a virtual mall does make
                                        sense. Additionally, Facebook reportedly has more plans to drive its eCommerce initiatives
                                        forward in 2012, including a ‘Buy With Friends’ shopping programme that is currently being
                                        tested. Capitalising on the growing fCommerce trend and the rush of businesses eager for better
                                        customer engagement, Facebook is becoming a globally accessible one-stop shopping destination.

P 10
Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

Conclusion:                             A new era has dawned upon the retail industry as social media continues to change the way
                                        businesses sell and people shop. Product awareness and purchasing decisions are now more

Social                                  informed by fellow shoppers and friends, and selling is no longer as straightforward as before
                                        because of savvier consumers. An article titled ‘Social media review for retailers’ reiterates the

shopping                                power shift that social media has enacted between the retailer and shopper:

and your                                   There is a plethora of evidence to show Facebook has vast power and influence over consumers
                                           shopping behaviour, with 38% of consumers deciding to use social media when researching

business                                   products, prices, promotions and considering other consumers’ views, to validate their decision-
                                           making.(Taken from Social media review for retailers, oneiota, November, 2011)
                                        With the incorporation of social media in the eCommerce field, shoppers are now armed with the
                                        knowledge and tools needed to make informed purchasing decisions and to become a smarter
                                        shopper. It looks like brands are beginning to pay attention to the consumer’s demands: A
                                        recent study by Buddy Media Corporation reported that social media will account for a higher
                                        percentage of total digital marketing spent in the next three years.11 The aforementioned study
                                        reinforces this point, recommending that businesses need to adopt strong, integrated cross-
                                        channel marketing strategies to expand the potential market reach and effectively interact with
                                        existing consumers too.

                                        Though a relatively young trend, social shopping is one to act on now. As Barbara Kohn observed –
                                        ”Our shopping habits have changed. That should change retailers’ behaviour too”12

P 11
Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

                                        About Reactive
                                        Reactive is an award-winning digital agency specialising in strategy, creative, technology and
                                        marketing with over 95 staff across our five offices in Melbourne, Sydney, London, New York
                                        and Auckland.

                                        Please contact us to discuss your online communication requirements.


                                        Ph	        +61 (0)3 9415 2333
                                        Fax	       +61 (0)3 9415 2399


                                        Ph	        +61 (0)2 9339 1001
                                        Fax	       +61 (0)2 9380 4787

                                        New York

                                        Ph 	       +1 (917) 655 8790


                                        Ph	        +44 (0)20 7550 8200
                                        Fax	       +44 (0)20 7550 8254


                                        Ph 	       +64 (0)9 309 5696

P 12
Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

References                              1.	 Bustos, L 2007, Social Shopping Roundup for Online Retailers, Get Elastic, 25 May,

                                        2.	 Freedman, L 2011, ‘2011 Social Shopping Study

                                        3.	 Bazaarvoice, 2011 Social Commerce Trends Report,

                                        4.	 Scanlife, 2011, ‘When did mobile barcode scanning take off? You just missed it’

                                        5.	 Van Grove, J, 2011, ‘eBay snaps up recommendations service Hunch’,

                                        6.	 eMarketer, 2011 ‘US Digital Media Usage in 2012’

                                        7.	 Protolanski, E, 2001 ‘Facebook confirms it now has 800 million users’

                                        8.	 Gupta, A, 2011 ‘Seven Fcommerce strategies for brands’

                                        9.	 Sinksy, R, 2011 ‘Payvment has an actual plan for making money from Facebook’ ecommerce

                                        10.	Payvment, 2012, Marketwire release

                                        11.	 Ruiz-McPherson, M, 2011 ‘Marketers looking to increase budgets on social media’ http://www.

                                        12.	Kohn, B, New Retail Strategies: Offering a Better Fit for Today’s Careful Consumers, http://

P 13

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Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail

  • 2. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail Social Shopping: Reshaping the World of Retail Social Shopping is a rising trend that integrates the power of social media into both on — and offline shopping. It is revolutionising the business world, with retailers realising and capitalising on the potential and reach of social media. It has also transformed the average shopper’s behaviour, causing businesses to sit up and change the way they sell. This white paper, produced by Reactive, explains what Social Shopping is all about, and how it is changing eCommerce as we know it. P2
  • 3. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail Reshaping Social media has thrown a monkey wrench in the retail industry and the traditional rules that govern it. For retailers, running a successful business is no longer just about operating a bustling the world brick-and-mortar store or a pretty website. And for shoppers, purchasing decisions are no longer driven by in-store interactions with salespeople or physical evaluations of products. of retail The rise of online shopping activities coupled with social media integration allows consumers to consult and interact with one another, bringing to life the concept of social buying in the digital realm. Convenience is no longer sufficient; we are social creatures and marketers are beginning to capitalise on that to stand out in a crowded marketplace. A trend that has surfaced over the last year is social shopping, and consumers all around the world are catching on fast, or as eCommerce consultant Linda Bustos describes it; ”a mashup that resembles social bookmarking, social networking and comparison shopping in a blender.”1 P3
  • 4.
  • 5. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail Consumers According to the 2011 Social Shopping Study report by e-tailing group, 35% of respondents spent 75% of their overall shopping time researching products online2. Today’s shopper is savvy and now get the willing to invest a lot of their time to ensure they find the right product at the right price. upper hand For consumers, social shopping services have opened up possibilities to post about potential/ past purchases, ask for advice and opinions from friends online, and collaborate on purchasing decisions. These are key factors for increasingly social online shoppers as peer influence and discussion become more important when having a pleasant online shopping experience. Consider how numerous online retailers have started including ‘Share’ functions on their sites, giving shoppers the option to show products to friends easily via social networking or bookmarking services. Online opinion sharing is on the rise, as demonstrated by Bazaarvoice’s 2011 Social Commerce Trends Report which reported that while 90% of online consumers trust recommendations by people they know and 70% trust those of people they don’t know, only a miserable 14% trust advertising and a paltry 8% trust celebrity endorsements.3 As more than 70% of shoppers consider user-submitted consumer reviews as a significant driving factor behind purchasing decisions, these brief comments generated by consumers and social media users are slowly replacing traditional advertising models. The advent of online social shopping seems to have reshaped the Business-to-Consumer relationship; it has shifted power back into the hands of the consumer, forcing brands to think through messages they are sending out because a few complaints can very easily grow into a global rabble of upset shoppers. Now everybody with a mobile phone can be a critic, truly demonstrating the democratic power of the social web. P5
  • 6. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail Types There are, of course, many different types of social shopping services catering to the varying needs and wants of shoppers. We will now look at several common ones, along with other emerging of social services that are proving quite popular among users now. shopping services Group Buying Social shopping programmes such as Groupon and LivingSocial offer discounts of up to 90% off on local products, services and events. Such massive discounts are only made possible because they rely on bulk purchases, allowing businesses to reach new customers. Moreover because of the social power of the Internet, these services can also pull in those who otherwise wouldn’t normally patronise or even be aware of certain businesses. The spectacularly growth of these sites has more recently seen an inevitable back-lash. Reviews and Recommendations Because shoppers tend to trust peer reviews more willingly than corporate advertising, sites like ThisNext usually list out products which are then reviewed by site users. Many online stores have this feature so it’s nothing new, but the growing trend of online social shopping has driven the proliferation of customer reviews and ratings functions, and retailers have started offering customers discounts or virtual points for reviewing a product or simply recommending it to others. Geo-location Services Location-based apps like Foursquare, Facebook Check-ins and Google Places are being integrated into the act of in-store shopping, in which users will be awarded points or directed to in-store deals and discounts from within the app, giving brands the opportunity to capture market share by providing seamless cross-channel shopping experiences. To further reinforce its social networking abilities, such apps also let users look up product information, upload pictures of purchases, track and share desired items and comment on their friends’ activities as well. P6
  • 7. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail Types of social shopping Real-time Social Shopping services Shopping sites like DoTogether or even retailers like Wet Seal let shoppers log on and connect with their social media account, or invite friends over email. They can then browse and shop online together, all at the same time. Such services are bringing the social experience of shopping unto the web, and usage is spreading amongst consumers due to the proffered one-click convenience. An example of this is the social shopping application Givvy. Givvy is a social shopping app that allows users to discover, share and curate gifts, which are then ranked in order of popularity. Users can follow gift recommendations of their favourite curators or browse gifts based on the personality type of the gift recipient. Barcode Scanning A 2011 report by ScanLife4 has revealed that the company is now processing more than one scan per second, compared to just 10 scans per minute a year ago. Apps like RedLaser, ShopSavvy and Amazon Mobile allow users to scan barcodes of in-store goods, upload information like prices on the network for other shoppers and simultaneously check for cheaper prices across other retailers. Though not social shopping in the strictest sense, the ability to share product information allows shoppers to use the app as a reference point before purchase. Facebook Shopping Yet another factor behind the social shopping revolution, this method involves buying, selling and paying for goods within Facebook itself. This manner of social shopping will be explained in detail later in this paper. Peer-to-Peer Services Social shopping also appears in the form of peer-to-peer services like Rentoid, which connect individuals and allows for the renting or swapping or goods between registered users, like renting a car for a short weekend trip or even exchanging old video games. P7
  • 8. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail Taking the Dedicated social shopping sites no longer stand alone. Businesses are now including functions like user-generated reviews and social media integration to better extend market reach, proving that world by social media can be utilised by retailers to work in their favour. storm Money is being poured into social shopping as businesses are moving into this area, like eBay. In November 2011, eBay acquired recommendations service Hunch, which uses data to make predictions about its users and provide them with personalised content recommendations. “Hunch will enable eBay to move beyond standard item-to-item recommendations and use a broader variety of members’ online tastes and interests to suggest new and interesting items for them to browse and buy on eBay” eBay said in a statement5. Not surprisingly, another global brand that has capitalised on the social shopping trend is Amazon. In addition to its numerous apps and growing list of acquired online social services, the company has integrated Facebook Connect functionality into the site, providing logged-on users with individualised product recommendations based on data gathered from their Facebook profiles. Moreover if the user activates the feature on their Facebook accounts, he/she will also find gift suggestions for friends based on details gleaned from their profiles and Amazon Wish Lists. This is a useful feature for shoppers, especially when it comes to finding the right gift. For Amazon, all the information gathered from their users’ Facebook profiles is priceless. P8
  • 9. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail The new In its recent US Digital Media Usage report, eMarketer estimates how digital media usage will grow in 2012 in terms of the internet, mobile, social, video, and ecommerce6. They eCommerce, predicted that 90% of social network users will be on Facebook in 2012. While over 800 million users are already on Facebook7, the site offers savvy digital marketers unique, cost- fCommerce is effective opportunities to sell to potential customers on a Web site they are engaged with. here to stay fCommerce, commerce over Facebook, is wreaking havoc on traditional retail business models.. The Facebook fan now wants to express their brand preferences with more than just Likes and comments, and businesses are going beyond branded pages to better drive consumer engagement. Seen as an effective way of connecting with customers, the trend of fCommerce began picking up speed last year and now some of the world’s biggest brands, including Coca- Cola, Starbucks and Disney are selling directly on Facebook. Strategists from Reactive predict that within the next five years, more sales will be happening on Facebook than on Amazon.8 For smaller brands and retailers looking to get started in fCommerce, Facebook-based ecommerce platforms are emerging, with Payvment leading the small, but growing pack. Payvment focuses on companies wanting to sell goods and services on Facebook. It does this by offering several options to e-retailers looking to utilise Facebook’s social platform. The first and original version of the app is free, and once installed, allows anyone to set up a virtual storefront in under 15 minutes. Powered by PayPal’s Adaptive Payment APIs, the app features a site-wide shopping cart system and accepts over 20 currencies, enabling Facebook users from around the world to shop across multiple Facebook stores and check out whenever they’re ready. The two paid versions, Payvment Premium and Payvment Platinum, provide online stores with a deeper, analytics-based understanding on how consumers are talking about and sharing their goods on Facebook and Twitter.9 Since its inception in November 2009, Payvment has already registered over 100,000 independent retailers and new sellers usually take two to three days to get their first sale on Facebook. In 2012, Payvment announced that the company reached one million monthly active shoppers in December 2011, and saw a 3X year- over-year increase in transactions by its network of over 100,000 sellers during 2011.10 “While many businesses feel that social commerce activities have yet to prove themselves in hard ROI... consumers aged 18 to 34 are in fact embracing certain social commerce activities, and social media is becoming a significant driver of product discovery.” P9
  • 10. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail The new And they aren’t stopping there. In 2011, Facebook and Payvment unveiled the world’s first virtual mall on the social networking website. It brings together an initial group eCommerce, of 100,000 online retailers offering over a million products in one centralised location, allowing shoppers to browse and purchase items without leaving Facebook at all. Called fCommerce is the ‘Shopping Mall, it incorporates several social shopping functions such as Liking and sharing individual products. It also displays personalised recommendation lists based on here to stay what the shopper has Liked in the mall and shares new product Likes on news feeds for friends to see, making the Shopping Mall consumer experience a truly social one. Moreover Payvment’s universal shopping cart gives users the freedom to browse across different retailers and check out to pay just once. Such ease-of-use and convenience are drawing in the numbers for both retailers and consumers. Businesses are already setting up branded pages to display and promote new and existing services and products, changing the 800 million-member strong social network into one huge marketing platform, so the idea of a virtual mall does make sense. Additionally, Facebook reportedly has more plans to drive its eCommerce initiatives forward in 2012, including a ‘Buy With Friends’ shopping programme that is currently being tested. Capitalising on the growing fCommerce trend and the rush of businesses eager for better customer engagement, Facebook is becoming a globally accessible one-stop shopping destination. P 10
  • 11. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail Conclusion: A new era has dawned upon the retail industry as social media continues to change the way businesses sell and people shop. Product awareness and purchasing decisions are now more Social informed by fellow shoppers and friends, and selling is no longer as straightforward as before because of savvier consumers. An article titled ‘Social media review for retailers’ reiterates the shopping power shift that social media has enacted between the retailer and shopper: and your There is a plethora of evidence to show Facebook has vast power and influence over consumers shopping behaviour, with 38% of consumers deciding to use social media when researching business products, prices, promotions and considering other consumers’ views, to validate their decision- making.(Taken from Social media review for retailers, oneiota, November, 2011) With the incorporation of social media in the eCommerce field, shoppers are now armed with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed purchasing decisions and to become a smarter shopper. It looks like brands are beginning to pay attention to the consumer’s demands: A recent study by Buddy Media Corporation reported that social media will account for a higher percentage of total digital marketing spent in the next three years.11 The aforementioned study reinforces this point, recommending that businesses need to adopt strong, integrated cross- channel marketing strategies to expand the potential market reach and effectively interact with existing consumers too. Though a relatively young trend, social shopping is one to act on now. As Barbara Kohn observed – ”Our shopping habits have changed. That should change retailers’ behaviour too”12 P 11
  • 12. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail About Reactive Reactive is an award-winning digital agency specialising in strategy, creative, technology and marketing with over 95 staff across our five offices in Melbourne, Sydney, London, New York and Auckland. Please contact us to discuss your online communication requirements. Melbourne Ph +61 (0)3 9415 2333 Fax +61 (0)3 9415 2399 Email Sydney Ph +61 (0)2 9339 1001 Fax +61 (0)2 9380 4787 Email New York Ph +1 (917) 655 8790 Email London Ph +44 (0)20 7550 8200 Fax +44 (0)20 7550 8254 Email Auckland Ph +64 (0)9 309 5696 Email: P 12
  • 13. Reactive Social Shopping: Reshaping the world of retail References 1. Bustos, L 2007, Social Shopping Roundup for Online Retailers, Get Elastic, 25 May, 2. Freedman, L 2011, ‘2011 Social Shopping Study 3. Bazaarvoice, 2011 Social Commerce Trends Report, research/social-commerce-trends-report-europe-2012?Aid=70150000000PIpY 4. Scanlife, 2011, ‘When did mobile barcode scanning take off? You just missed it’ 5. Van Grove, J, 2011, ‘eBay snaps up recommendations service Hunch’, 6. eMarketer, 2011 ‘US Digital Media Usage in 2012’ 7. Protolanski, E, 2001 ‘Facebook confirms it now has 800 million users’ blog/facebook/facebook-confirms-it-now-has-800-million-users/3949 8. Gupta, A, 2011 ‘Seven Fcommerce strategies for brands’ gupta/306251/seven-f-commerce-strategies-brands 9. Sinksy, R, 2011 ‘Payvment has an actual plan for making money from Facebook’ ecommerce 10. Payvment, 2012, Marketwire release 11. Ruiz-McPherson, M, 2011 ‘Marketers looking to increase budgets on social media’ http://www. 12. Kohn, B, New Retail Strategies: Offering a Better Fit for Today’s Careful Consumers, http:// P 13