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Networked International Organizations
Using Networks, Measurement, and Social Media for Learning that Leads To Impact

Beth Kanter, Adjunct Professor
Monterey Institute of International Studies
IPSS8534 – January, 2014
Your Burning Questions!


Please write down your
burning question about
networked international
organizations or social
media on a sticky note
What do you want
answered by the end of
the course?
Post it on the flip chart
Networked International Organizations
Using Networks, Measurement, and Social Media for Learning that Leads To Impact

Beth Kanter, Adjunct Professor
Monterey Institute of International Studies
IPSS8534 – January, 2014
Beth Kanter: Master Trainer, Author, and Blogger
Rapid Introductions (15 seconds)
Your Name
Policy Issue
Host Organization Name
The Agenda


Day 1


Understand and apply
organization best
practices in your


Networked International

Apply professional
networking and social
learning to support
internship and career

Networks and Networked

SMARTer Social Media
Social Strategies:
Listening, Engagement,
Champions, and Content


Poster Share
Class Policy: Laptops and Internet


Laptops Up, Laptops Down
Your full attention during face-to-face interaction
Use laptops to do online exercises
Tweet during breaks: #netnon
Sharing Photos Online: Guidelines
Course Requirements and Grading
• Graded as pass/fail
• Pass = attend all class meetings and
deliver assignment
• The completion of rubric and
assessment is required
• Students submit a report that will be
shared with their host organizations
identifying recommendations for
org’s social media strategy
• Class time to work on report
Course Wiki

• Resources
• Syllabus
• Journals
Laptop Up: Take a minute now to find your journal and fill in the contact
Closed Facebook Group

• Resource to check in
during your internship
• My virtual office

Laptop Up: Take a minute and join
To Join:
Icebreaker: Creating A Social Network

• Think about: What knowledge or skills do you
already have that will help you in this
• Write down one word or phrase per sticky note
and include your name
• You can write on 3 sticky notes
Icebreaker: Reflection
What points of connection or
common interests did you
hear or see?
What opportunities for

How can you mutually
support one another in our
social media learning
The Power of Networks
We have now created a social network
around our shared professional
interests. This is what happens when
we use online social networks –
transparency helps create connections.
The glue that holds them together is
If international organizations
understand the basic building blocks of
social networks and apply to their work,
they can achieve better results

Image Source: Innonet
Networked Nonprofits Defined
Simple, agile, and
They are experts at
using networks and
social media tools to
make the world a
better place.
Social Change is Increasingly Network-Centric
3 Digital Revolutions

NGO Photography


Social Networks
Networked International Organizations
The FCO encourages all staff to make full use of
the opportunities offered by social media to help
deliver FCO objectives.
Social media . . .
• Allows diplomats to monitor events, harvest
information and identify key influencers.
• Can assist in the consultation process and the
formulation of policy by helping us crowd
source ideas.
• Provide real time channels to deliver our
messages directly and influence beyond
traditional audiences.
• Improve the delivery of our services through
closer engagement with our customers and
allow us to better manage a crisis.
• Make us more accountable and transparent
through open dialogue.
Social for the News
Influencer Engagement On Policy Issues
Making Connections and Sharing Stories

Play Video
Making Connections and Sharing Stories
Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
Engagement and Action Around Policy Issues
Social Media Data and Policy Research
Reflection: Share Pair and Popcorn
• How is your host
organization leveraging
the power of networks
and social media for
policy development?
• What international
organizations in your
policy area do a great job
using social media
channels for news,
stakeholder engagement
and action, policy
research, or other area?
If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t
walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep
moving forward.”
Maturity of Practice: Network Nonprofits




Linking Social with
Results and

Culture Change

Pilot: Focus one
campaign or channel


Ladder of

Content Strategy

Incremental Capacity

Best Practices
Some measurement
and learning in all


Network Building
Many champions &
Multi-Channel Engagement,
Content, and Measurement
Reflection and Continuous
What did you learn about your host organization?
What does that look like? Where do you think your
internship can be helpful to them?




Maturity of Practice: Crawl-Walk-Run-Fly

Networked Mindset
Institutional Support
Brand Monitoring
Influencer Research
ENGAGEMENT Ladder of Engagement
Influencer Engagement
Relationship Mapping




CWRF Tracker

“It helps us put some
focused attention into our
strategy and practice. I’ve
set some defined goals and
areas where we might be
able to leap to the next
level. It isn’t realistic to
jump in all of the
15 minutes
Module 2: Understanding Networks and Networked Mindsets
Networked Nonprofits are simple, agile,
and transparent nonprofits.

They are experts at using social media
tools to make the world a better place.
Networked Nonprofits first must “be”
before they can “do.”
For some nonprofits, it means changing
the way they work.
Others naturally work in a networked
way so change isn’t as difficult.
A Network Mindset: A Leadership Style



Openness, transparency, decentralized decision-making, and
collective action.
Listening and cultivating organizational and professional
networks to achieve the impact
Leadership through active participation.
Social Media Policy living document, all staff participate including
Sharing control of decision-making
Communicating through a network model, rather than a
broadcast model

Providing information that
is truthful, complete, easy
to understand & reliable

Absence of Secrecy:
Doesn’t leave out important but
potentially damaging details, the
org doesn’t obfuscate its data
with jargon or confusion & the
org is slow to provide data or
only discloses data when

Source: Measuring the Networked Nonprofit

Forthcoming with bad news,
admits mistakes, and
provides both sides of a

Asks for feedback, involves
others, takes the time to
listen & is prompt in
responding to requests for
The Social CEO: In Service of Strategy

What do they spend time
doing that they could do
better via social ?
Whose work do they
respect or feel inspired by?

How will social improve
things they know already
and value?
Organizational Leaders Are Authentic

Open and accessible to the world and
building relationships
Making interests, hobbies, passions visible
creates authenticity
No Ghost Tweeting
Christine Lagarde - IMF
International Organization Heads: Most Conversational
Leveraging Networks
Best Practice: Write Down the Rules – Social Media Policy

• International Law
Social Media Policy
Social Media Policy – All Staff Participate
Reflection: Share Pair and Popcorn
• Is the head of your host
organization using social
• What did you learn about
your host organization’s
social media policy?
Social Media Staff





• Intern
• Volunteer
• Board

• Spread
tasks across
staff jobs

• Part-Time

• Full-Time
• Team
Hybrid Model Staffing: Tear Down Those Silos

Source: SSIR – Mogus, Silberman, and Roy
Common Social Media Intern Tasks

Social Media Overview
Social Media Research
Template Creation
Blog Monitoring
Blog Drafts
Post Facebook Content
Answer comments on
Collect measurement data
Reflection: Share Pair and Popcorn

• What is the staffing
configuration of your host
organization to support
social media?
• What social media tasks
might be incorporated into
your internship?
A Quick Network Primer
What: Social networks are
collections of people and
organizations who are connected to
each other in different ways through
common interests or affiliations. A
network map visualize these
connections. Online and offline.
Why: If we understand the basic
building blocks of social networks,
and visually map them, we can
leverage them for our work and
organizations can leverage them for
their campaigns. We bring in new
people and resources and save time.
A Quick Primer on Social Network Analysis




Hubs or

Network Weaving and Social Capital

Bridges and

Small talk creates
trust lubricates
pay it forward
and connecting
Stakeholder Map
• Other Constituents

• Other Constituents

• Other Constituents

• Other Constituents

• Other Constituents

• Other Constituents

Target Audiences
• Describe

• Describe

• Describe

• Describe

• Aligned


• Aligned

• Aligned

Stakeholder Maps
Activism Strategy
National Wildlife Federation
Brought together team that is
working on advocacy strategy to
support a law that encourages
children to play outside.
Team mapped their 5 “go to
people” about this issue

Look at connections and strategic
value of relationships, gaps
Twitter Followers
Network Map of Twitter Hashtag: WEF 2030
Create Your Map
1. Use sticky notes, markers and
poster paper to create your
organization’s map.
2. Think about communications
goals and brainstorm a list of
“go to” people, organizations,
and online resources
3. Decide on different colors to
distinguish between different
groups, write the names on
the sticky notes
4. Identify influencers, specific
ties and connections. Draw
the connections
5. Alternative exercises on wiki
Walk About, View Other Maps, Leave Notes
Visualize, develop, and weave relationships with others to help
support your program or communications goals.

What insights did you
learn from mapping your
host network’s
What did you learn from
looking at other
organization’s network
Speed Debrief: 60 Seconds
Stretch Break
SMARTer Social Media

PEOPLE: Artists and people in their community

Increase engagement by 2 comments per post by FY 2013
Content analysis of conversations: Does it make the
organization more accessible?
Increase enrollment in classes and attendance at events by
5% by FY 2013
10% students /attenders say they heard about us through
Show the human face of artists, remove the mystique, get
audience to share their favorites, connect with other
Focused on one social channel (Facebook) to use best
practices and align engagement/content with other channels
which includes flyers, emails, and web site.
PEOPLE: Individuals, Journalists, Donors, Policymakers
Increase awareness of plight and needs of Syrian Child
Increase engagement around need for humanitarian support
Raise $x for Syrian Children’s Relief Fund
Share gritty truth in sobering way: children are victims of violence
and war through specific stories and overall statistics
Activate champions and influencers to spread content and stories
to their networks
CTA: Activate petition signatures and donations
Infographic and photo stories distributed through social channels
Email for donations
NY Times ad During UNGA Week
Song/Video by Ellie Goulding telling real stories from real
Live donor call from Jordan and Reddit
CE0 Carolyn Miles Twitter
Save the Children – Staff and CEO

What keeps them up at night?
What are they currently seeking?
Where do they go for information?
What influences their decisions?
What’s important to them?
What makes them act?

• Reach, Engagement, Action,

1. How many?



Measure with metrics

By when?
Increase donations


Increase donor base

% reduction in cost per dollar
% increase in new donors

Increase number of volunteers

% increase in volunteers

Increase awareness

% increase in awareness,
% increase in
Improve relationships with existing % improvement in relationship
% increase in donation from
existing donors
Improve engagement with
% increase in engagement
(comments on YouTube, shares
on Facebook, comments on
blog, etc.
Change in behavior
% decrease in bad behavior,
% increase in good behavior
Change in attitude about your

% increase in trust score or
relationship score
Work in Small Groups or Pairs
• Use POST Worksheet
• Work through
questions about
• Create POST Poster for
your host organization
• Alternative exercises
on wiki

Create A Poster

POST: Social Strategies




Social Strategies: Listening
Social Strategies: Listening


Key Words





Brand Monitoring
Service delivery
Content curation
Policy research
California Shakespeare Theater
California Shakespeare Theatre
California Shakespeare Festival
Cal Shakes
Jonathan Moscone
Susie Falk
As the season approaches -- the names
of that season's directors and
Social Strategies: Listening
Source: Upwell
Manual Content Analysis

Pages 133-137
Red Cross: Social Media Command Center
Red Cross: Real Time Analysis
Top social topics
People in affected
areas/friends and family of
affected people

• Damage/need reports
• How to get help

General public

• How to help
• Emotional support
• Fundraising
Red Cross: Tools

Engagement Console
Red Cross: Tools

Insights Dashboard
Red Cross: Volunteer Duties
• Categorize posts within Radian6 to feed email
alerts that go to relevant groups
• Look for opportunities to provide mission
critical information or emotional support
• Correct misinformation and connect affected
people with Red Cross resources
Red Cross: Examples
Engagement examples
Red Cross: Examples
Red Cross: Examples
Engagement examples
One Metric That Matters:
Increase Shark Conservation Conversation






Shark Week 2010

Shark Week 2011

Shark Week 2012
Think and Write
• How does your host
organization’s do
• How does it support
their strategy?
• How can they improve?
• What keywords would
you use?
• Write some notes to add
to your poster
Social Strategies: Engagement
Social Strategies: Engagement with a Purpose






Source: KD Paine
Social Strategies: Calls To Action/Conversions


Share Photos
Download App
Promote Campaign
gristastic ladder ‘o engagement

personal calls to
stories of people
making change

fun on-ramps

policy level
to action
Surfrider Foundation: Building Engagement Model

Play Video
Surfrider Foundation: Building Engagement Model

Strategic plan
Staff brainstorm: Identify degree of
engagement and CTA
Wrote it down
Got Feedback from chapters
Guides campaign planning
Built a system to measure
Ladders, Funnels, Pyramids, and Vortexs

Source: SSIR: Permanent Disruption of Social Media

• Defined objective
• Micro conversions or steps
• Continuum of engagement:
light to deep involvement
• Understanding audience
motivation and peer
• A way to track process
• Many entry points, non-linear
• CTA and what channel
Engagement Model: Guides Strategy and Measurement
Measuring Engagement: Conversions


• Views
• Followers/Fans
• Visitors

• Post: Likes, Shares, Comments
• Replies, RTs, Favorites

• Content resonance
• Relationship Scores or SNA
• Contact information

• Landing Page Conversions
• # events, donors, volunteers, dollars

• Conversion to action
• # active champions
Work in Small Groups or Pairs
• How does your host
• What could be
• Add ideas to your POST
Champions and Influencers
Champions: Can Be Influencer
Champions: From Your Network
Champions: Alumni
Champions: Employees
Champions: Influencers
Champions: Online Influencers
Champions: Framework



Desk Research
Network Map

USA for UNHCR raises funds and
awareness in the United States for the
lifesaving work that more than 6,000
staffers of Genevabased UNHCR undertake for refugees
around the world, 24/7.
USA for UNHCR created the Blue Key
campaign as a way to drive awareness of
this global issue in the US. The blue key
pin or pendant symbolizes the one thing
most of us have and that refugees don’t:
a key to their own home.
The Blue Key site was only launched in
December 2010, and its social/digital
aspects were relatively new, so there was
not a lot of data to base KPIs on. Overall,
when we went into the first phase of the
campaign, we had two goals: to secure at
least three Blue Key Champions,
and to get 6,000 keys ordered between
May 9 and June 20 (World Refugee Day).

These goals were important to USA for
UNHCR first, because the entire Blue Key
campaign revolves around more people
purchasing keys, and second, because
with a limited budget for traditional
outreach, we relied on willing bloggers to
help us get the word out.
Work in Small Groups or Pairs
• How does your host
organization use
• How would you
research and find
champions for your
• Add ideas to your POST
Content Strategy

Idea Pieces

Case Studies

Breaking News
Policy News


Real Time



How To
Content Strategy: Editorial Calendar

United Ways of California
Social Content Optimization
• Focus on publishing highquality, engaging, relevant
• Timing and Frequency
• Post questions
• Use images/visuals, but
vary type of content and
• Clear to call to action
• Follow your analytics
Social Content: Fishbowl Exercise






1. Volunteer?
2. Brainstorm an editorial
calendar for one week.
3. Use template, sticky notes,
and poster paper

Photo Source: Beth Kanter
Friending the Finish Line Peer Group


Social Content: Measurement Key
Improve FB Content Resonate with Experiments
Social Content: Reflection and Sense-Making
Work in Small Groups or Pairs
• How would you
describe your host
organization’s content
• What can be
Finish Working on Posters
Gallery Walk

Hang Your
Poster on Wall
Look at other
Leave Notes
Rapid Presentations
Assignment for Monday
• The completion of rubric and
assessment is required
• Students submit a report that will be
shared with their host organizations
identifying recommendations for
org’s social media strategy
• Write a rough outline for your report
Thank you!
@kanter on Twitter

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Social Media and International Organizations

  • 1. Networked International Organizations Using Networks, Measurement, and Social Media for Learning that Leads To Impact Beth Kanter, Adjunct Professor Monterey Institute of International Studies IPSS8534 – January, 2014
  • 2. Your Burning Questions! Welcome Please write down your burning question about networked international organizations or social media on a sticky note What do you want answered by the end of the course? Post it on the flip chart
  • 3. Networked International Organizations Using Networks, Measurement, and Social Media for Learning that Leads To Impact Beth Kanter, Adjunct Professor Monterey Institute of International Studies IPSS8534 – January, 2014
  • 4. Beth Kanter: Master Trainer, Author, and Blogger
  • 5. Rapid Introductions (15 seconds) Your Name Policy Issue Host Organization Name
  • 6. The Agenda AGENDA OUTCOMES Day 1 • Understand and apply organization best practices in your internship Icebreaker • Networked International Organization Apply professional networking and social learning to support internship and career Networks and Networked Mindsets FRAMING SMARTer Social Media Social Strategies: Listening, Engagement, Champions, and Content Interactive Reflective Poster Share Reflection
  • 7. Class Policy: Laptops and Internet • • • • • Laptops Up, Laptops Down Your full attention during face-to-face interaction Use laptops to do online exercises Tweet during breaks: #netnon Sharing Photos Online: Guidelines
  • 8. Course Requirements and Grading • Graded as pass/fail • Pass = attend all class meetings and deliver assignment • The completion of rubric and assessment is required • Students submit a report that will be shared with their host organizations identifying recommendations for org’s social media strategy • Class time to work on report
  • 9. Course Wiki • Resources • Syllabus • Journals Laptop Up: Take a minute now to find your journal and fill in the contact information
  • 10. Closed Facebook Group • Resource to check in during your internship • My virtual office Laptop Up: Take a minute and join To Join:
  • 11. Icebreaker: Creating A Social Network • Think about: What knowledge or skills do you already have that will help you in this class/internship? • Write down one word or phrase per sticky note and include your name • You can write on 3 sticky notes
  • 12. Icebreaker: Reflection What points of connection or common interests did you hear or see? What opportunities for reciprocity? How can you mutually support one another in our social media learning journey?
  • 13. The Power of Networks We have now created a social network around our shared professional interests. This is what happens when we use online social networks – transparency helps create connections. The glue that holds them together is relationships. If international organizations understand the basic building blocks of social networks and apply to their work, they can achieve better results Image Source: Innonet
  • 14. Networked Nonprofits Defined Simple, agile, and transparent nonprofits. They are experts at using networks and social media tools to make the world a better place.
  • 15. Social Change is Increasingly Network-Centric
  • 16. 3 Digital Revolutions Broadband NGO Photography Mobile Social Networks
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Networked International Organizations The FCO encourages all staff to make full use of the opportunities offered by social media to help deliver FCO objectives. Social media . . . • Allows diplomats to monitor events, harvest information and identify key influencers. • Can assist in the consultation process and the formulation of policy by helping us crowd source ideas. • Provide real time channels to deliver our messages directly and influence beyond traditional audiences. • Improve the delivery of our services through closer engagement with our customers and allow us to better manage a crisis. • Make us more accountable and transparent through open dialogue.
  • 21. Influencer Engagement On Policy Issues
  • 22. Making Connections and Sharing Stories Play Video
  • 23. Making Connections and Sharing Stories
  • 24. Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
  • 25. Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
  • 26. Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
  • 27. Civil Society Engagement Around Policy Issues
  • 28. Engagement and Action Around Policy Issues
  • 29. Social Media Data and Policy Research
  • 31. Reflection: Share Pair and Popcorn • How is your host organization leveraging the power of networks and social media for policy development? • What international organizations in your policy area do a great job using social media channels for news, stakeholder engagement and action, policy research, or other area?
  • 32. If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
  • 33. Maturity of Practice: Network Nonprofits CRAWL WALK Communications Strategy Development Linking Social with Results and Networks Culture Change Pilot: Focus one campaign or channel RUN Ladder of Engagement Content Strategy Incremental Capacity Best Practices Some measurement and learning in all above FLY Network Building Many champions & Influencers Multi-Channel Engagement, Content, and Measurement Reflection and Continuous Improvement
  • 34. What did you learn about your host organization? What does that look like? Where do you think your internship can be helpful to them? CRAWL WALK RUN FLY
  • 35. Maturity of Practice: Crawl-Walk-Run-Fly Categories CULTURE Practices Networked Mindset Institutional Support CAPACITY Staffing Strategy MEASUREMENT Analysis Tools Adjustment LISTENING Brand Monitoring Influencer Research ENGAGEMENT Ladder of Engagement CONTENT Integration/Optimization NETWORK Influencer Engagement Relationship Mapping 1 2 3 4
  • 36. CWRF Tracker “It helps us put some focused attention into our strategy and practice. I’ve set some defined goals and areas where we might be able to leap to the next level. It isn’t realistic to jump in all of the categories.”
  • 38. Module 2: Understanding Networks and Networked Mindsets Networked Nonprofits are simple, agile, and transparent nonprofits. They are experts at using social media tools to make the world a better place. Networked Nonprofits first must “be” before they can “do.” For some nonprofits, it means changing the way they work. Others naturally work in a networked way so change isn’t as difficult.
  • 39.
  • 40. A Network Mindset: A Leadership Style • • • • • • • Openness, transparency, decentralized decision-making, and collective action. Listening and cultivating organizational and professional networks to achieve the impact Leadership through active participation. Social Media Policy living document, all staff participate including leaders Sharing control of decision-making Communicating through a network model, rather than a broadcast model Data-Informed
  • 42. Transparency Substantial: Providing information that is truthful, complete, easy to understand & reliable Absence of Secrecy: Doesn’t leave out important but potentially damaging details, the org doesn’t obfuscate its data with jargon or confusion & the org is slow to provide data or only discloses data when required Source: Measuring the Networked Nonprofit Accountable: Forthcoming with bad news, admits mistakes, and provides both sides of a controversy Participation: Asks for feedback, involves others, takes the time to listen & is prompt in responding to requests for information
  • 43. The Social CEO: In Service of Strategy What do they spend time doing that they could do better via social ? Whose work do they respect or feel inspired by? How will social improve things they know already and value?
  • 44. Organizational Leaders Are Authentic Open and accessible to the world and building relationships Making interests, hobbies, passions visible creates authenticity
  • 47. International Organization Heads: Most Conversational
  • 49. Best Practice: Write Down the Rules – Social Media Policy  • International Law
  • 51. Social Media Policy – All Staff Participate
  • 52. Reflection: Share Pair and Popcorn • Is the head of your host organization using social channels? • What did you learn about your host organization’s social media policy?
  • 53. Social Media Staff Free Integrated Staff Staff • Intern • Volunteer • Board Members • Spread tasks across staff jobs • Part-Time • Full-Time • Team
  • 54. Hybrid Model Staffing: Tear Down Those Silos Source: SSIR – Mogus, Silberman, and Roy
  • 55. Common Social Media Intern Tasks Tasks Social Media Overview Account Creation/Customization Social Media Research Template Creation Blog Monitoring Blog Drafts Video Post Facebook Content Answer comments on Facebook Collect measurement data
  • 56. Reflection: Share Pair and Popcorn • What is the staffing configuration of your host organization to support social media? • What social media tasks might be incorporated into your internship?
  • 57. A Quick Network Primer What: Social networks are collections of people and organizations who are connected to each other in different ways through common interests or affiliations. A network map visualize these connections. Online and offline. Why: If we understand the basic building blocks of social networks, and visually map them, we can leverage them for our work and organizations can leverage them for their campaigns. We bring in new people and resources and save time.
  • 58. A Quick Primer on Social Network Analysis Periphery Cluster Core Hubs or Influencers Ties Node
  • 59. Network Weaving and Social Capital Bridges and Islands Small talk creates trust trust lubricates transactions, pay it forward and connecting
  • 62. Stakeholder Map INFORMAL RELATIONSHIPS OTHER ORGANIZATIONS • Other Constituents • Other Constituents • Other Constituents • Other Constituents • Other Constituents • Other Constituents Target Audiences • Describe • Describe • Describe • Describe STAFF and BOARD • Aligned Partners PARTNERS • Aligned Partners • Aligned Partners FORMAL RELATIONSHIPS
  • 64. Activism Strategy National Wildlife Federation Brought together team that is working on advocacy strategy to support a law that encourages children to play outside. Team mapped their 5 “go to people” about this issue Look at connections and strategic value of relationships, gaps
  • 66. Network Map of Twitter Hashtag: WEF 2030
  • 67. Create Your Map 1. Use sticky notes, markers and poster paper to create your organization’s map. 2. Think about communications goals and brainstorm a list of “go to” people, organizations, and online resources 3. Decide on different colors to distinguish between different groups, write the names on the sticky notes 4. Identify influencers, specific ties and connections. Draw the connections 5. Alternative exercises on wiki
  • 68. Walk About, View Other Maps, Leave Notes Visualize, develop, and weave relationships with others to help support your program or communications goals. What insights did you learn from mapping your host network’s organization? What did you learn from looking at other organization’s network maps?
  • 69. Speed Debrief: 60 Seconds
  • 70. Lunch
  • 73. POST APPLIED: SMALL NONPROFIT PEOPLE: Artists and people in their community OBJECTIVES: Increase engagement by 2 comments per post by FY 2013 Content analysis of conversations: Does it make the organization more accessible? Increase enrollment in classes and attendance at events by 5% by FY 2013 10% students /attenders say they heard about us through Facebook SOCIAL STRATEGY Show the human face of artists, remove the mystique, get audience to share their favorites, connect with other organizations. TACTICS Focused on one social channel (Facebook) to use best practices and align engagement/content with other channels which includes flyers, emails, and web site.
  • 74. POST APPLIED: LARGE INTERNATIONAL ORG PEOPLE: Individuals, Journalists, Donors, Policymakers OBJECTIVES: Increase awareness of plight and needs of Syrian Child Increase engagement around need for humanitarian support Raise $x for Syrian Children’s Relief Fund SOCIAL STRATEGY Share gritty truth in sobering way: children are victims of violence and war through specific stories and overall statistics Activate champions and influencers to spread content and stories to their networks CTA: Activate petition signatures and donations A FEW TACTICS Infographic and photo stories distributed through social channels Email for donations NY Times ad During UNGA Week Song/Video by Ellie Goulding telling real stories from real children Live donor call from Jordan and Reddit CE0 Carolyn Miles Twitter
  • 75. Save the Children – Staff and CEO
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. POST: KNOW YOUR PEOPLE • • • • • • What keeps them up at night? What are they currently seeking? Where do they go for information? What influences their decisions? What’s important to them? What makes them act?
  • 79. POST: SMART OBJECTIVES Results • Reach, Engagement, Action, Dollars 1. How many? 2. 3. Measure with metrics By when?
  • 80. Measurable Goal Increase donations Metric Increase donor base % reduction in cost per dollar raised % increase in new donors Increase number of volunteers % increase in volunteers Increase awareness % increase in awareness, % increase in visibility/prominence Improve relationships with existing % improvement in relationship donors/volunteers scores, % increase in donation from existing donors Improve engagement with % increase in engagement stakeholders (comments on YouTube, shares on Facebook, comments on blog, etc. Change in behavior % decrease in bad behavior, % increase in good behavior Change in attitude about your organization % increase in trust score or relationship score
  • 81. Work in Small Groups or Pairs • Use POST Worksheet • Work through questions about PEOPLE and OBJECTIVE • Create POST Poster for your host organization • Alternative exercises on wiki
  • 85. Social Strategies: Listening Repeat Key Words Analysis Dashboard Respond • • • • • • Brand Monitoring Service delivery Engagement Crowdsourcing Content curation Policy research
  • 86. California Shakespeare Theater California Shakespeare Theatre California Shakespeare Festival Cal Shakes Jonathan Moscone Susie Falk As the season approaches -- the names of that season's directors and productions.
  • 87.
  • 91. Red Cross: Social Media Command Center
  • 92. Red Cross: Real Time Analysis Top social topics People in affected areas/friends and family of affected people • Damage/need reports • How to get help General public • How to help • Emotional support • Fundraising
  • 95. Red Cross: Volunteer Duties • Categorize posts within Radian6 to feed email alerts that go to relevant groups • Look for opportunities to provide mission critical information or emotional support • Correct misinformation and connect affected people with Red Cross resources
  • 99.
  • 102. One Metric That Matters: Increase Shark Conservation Conversation 1,800,000 1,683,670 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 745,030 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 133,167 0 Shark Week 2010 Shark Week 2011 Shark Week 2012
  • 103. Think and Write • How does your host organization’s do listening? • How does it support their strategy? • How can they improve? • What keywords would you use? • Write some notes to add to your poster
  • 105. Social Strategies: Engagement with a Purpose Views Trial/Consideration Likes Followers Donate Advocacy Source: KD Paine
  • 106. Social Strategies: Calls To Action/Conversions Adopt Donate Volunteer Share Photos Download App Promote Campaign
  • 107. gristastic ladder ‘o engagement personal calls to action stories of people making change fun on-ramps policy level discussions/calls to action
  • 108. Surfrider Foundation: Building Engagement Model Play Video
  • 109. Surfrider Foundation: Building Engagement Model • • • • • • Strategic plan Staff brainstorm: Identify degree of engagement and CTA Wrote it down Got Feedback from chapters Guides campaign planning Built a system to measure
  • 110. Ladders, Funnels, Pyramids, and Vortexs Source: SSIR: Permanent Disruption of Social Media • Defined objective • Micro conversions or steps • Continuum of engagement: light to deep involvement • Understanding audience motivation and peer influences • A way to track process • Many entry points, non-linear • CTA and what channel
  • 111. Engagement Model: Guides Strategy and Measurement Measuring Engagement: Conversions Reach Engage Connect Action Champion • Views • Followers/Fans • Visitors • PTAT • Post: Likes, Shares, Comments • Replies, RTs, Favorites • Content resonance • Relationship Scores or SNA • Contact information • Landing Page Conversions • # events, donors, volunteers, dollars • Conversion to action • # active champions
  • 112. Work in Small Groups or Pairs • How does your host organization engagement? • What could be improved? • Add ideas to your POST poster
  • 114. Champions: Can Be Influencer
  • 121. Chamipons USA for UNHCR raises funds and awareness in the United States for the lifesaving work that more than 6,000 staffers of Genevabased UNHCR undertake for refugees around the world, 24/7. USA for UNHCR created the Blue Key campaign as a way to drive awareness of this global issue in the US. The blue key pin or pendant symbolizes the one thing most of us have and that refugees don’t: a key to their own home.
  • 122. Champions The Blue Key site was only launched in December 2010, and its social/digital aspects were relatively new, so there was not a lot of data to base KPIs on. Overall, when we went into the first phase of the campaign, we had two goals: to secure at least three Blue Key Champions, and to get 6,000 keys ordered between May 9 and June 20 (World Refugee Day). These goals were important to USA for UNHCR first, because the entire Blue Key campaign revolves around more people purchasing keys, and second, because with a limited budget for traditional outreach, we relied on willing bloggers to help us get the word out.
  • 123.
  • 124. Work in Small Groups or Pairs • How does your host organization use champions? • How would you research and find champions for your host? • Add ideas to your POST poster
  • 125. Content Strategy Ideas Idea Pieces Interviews Opinion Analysis Features Highlights Reviews Stories Case Studies News Breaking News Policy News Data Reports Original Real Time Planned Curated How To Tips Tutorials Lists Resources
  • 126. Content Strategy: Editorial Calendar United Ways of California
  • 127. Social Content Optimization • Focus on publishing highquality, engaging, relevant content • Timing and Frequency • Post questions • Use images/visuals, but vary type of content and test • Clear to call to action • Follow your analytics
  • 128. Social Content: Fishbowl Exercise Date Hook Web Email Facebook 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Volunteer? 2. Brainstorm an editorial calendar for one week. 3. Use template, sticky notes, and poster paper Photo Source: Beth Kanter Friending the Finish Line Peer Group Twitter Blog
  • 129. Social Content: Measurement Key Improve FB Content Resonate with Experiments
  • 130. Social Content: Reflection and Sense-Making
  • 131. Work in Small Groups or Pairs • How would you describe your host organization’s content strategy? • What can be improved?
  • 132. Finish Working on Posters
  • 133. Gallery Walk Hang Your Poster on Wall Look at other posters Leave Notes
  • 135. Assignment for Monday • The completion of rubric and assessment is required • Students submit a report that will be shared with their host organizations identifying recommendations for org’s social media strategy • Write a rough outline for your report