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Team Working
       NOTES                                     Training  Simulation  Workshop  Presentation  Exercise

 End Goal(s)                   •   Delegates know: why working in teams is more effective then working alone
                               •   Delegates know: how to divide the job among them in team
                               •   Delegates can: cooperate with each other in order to make their future work in
                                   PBoX effective
 Process Goals                 •   Delegates know why and how communicate well inside team
                               •   Delegates know how to divide tasks among team

 Participants                  Newees after 2-3 months in AIESEC

                               Optimal number of participants:                                        # 9 or 18

                                                                                                      -      Introduction to AIESEC
                               What training should they attend before this one?                             (just to make sure they
                                                                                                             know what AIESEC is)

                                                                                                      -      Sessions inside PBoX
                                                                                                             lead by OCP about
                               What training should they attend after this one?                              specific project style of
                                                                                                      -      Team efficiency
 Duration                          1,5 :hours                              90 :min
 Logistics                                                                                     How to organize training room?
                               •   Flipcharts (big ones) – around 50
 requirements                  •   Markers – 5 pcs.
                                   Ordinary sticky tape – 5 pcs.
                                   Could be projector – don’t necessary,
                                   but very useful
                                   If there will be exactly 18 people we                                             U
                                   will need 3-4 more people (OC) to help
                                   in the middle of the session

 First training:               Recruitment LCC 2005 , modified version on New Horizons 2005 (Ukraine)
 Created by:                   Piotr Głuszczuk, LCP, LC Olsztyn, AIESEC in Poland,

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Budowanie treningu (1)             Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............           <e-mail: .................................................>
Dear Facilitator,

     This training is about Team Work. Why Team Work is needed in AIESEC is quite
obvious. We are working in teams on each step during our development in AIESEC
which is showed on @XP flow. So that’s why I’ve created this session to show people,
mostly by practice, how important it is to work as a TEAM not as a group.
      Training is very dynamic and interactive – we have here 3 full Kolbe Education
Cycles during only 1,5 h. So we start with practice, goes to reflection, then theory,
finally practice (in next exercise). That should keep people interested and participating
all the time. Moreover they will feel that from one exercise to another they are getting
better and better in Team Work.
    Good luck in your session and make AIESEC be one big TEAM.

                                          Module name                                                    Process Goal(s)
10                                       Introduction to session                                  •   Delegates know the name of the session
                                                                                                  •   We know the “rules” of the session
                                                                                                  •   Get to Know Each Other
                                                                                                  •   Delegates know why they are
                                                                                                      participating in this session
                                                                                                  •   Delegates are stimulated to think and
                                                                                                      participate actively
15                                                  Squares                                       •   Module shows why we have to work in
                                                                                                      teams not in groups?
10                                            Team vs. Group                                      •   Delegates work out what is a group and
                                                                                                      what is a team?
                                                                                                  •   Faci shows the difference afterwards
20                                     Escape from the prison                                     •    Module shows that working in team is
                                                                                                       very often necessary !!!
                                                                                                  •   One can do nothing comparing to Team
10                                               Job Division                                     •   How do we divide our work in teams?
                                                                                                  •   Why job division is so important in Team
                                                                                                  •   How can we divide our job in PBoX
15                                         Building Pyramids                                      •   Delegates are using they knowledge
                                                                                                      their gain before to try their Team Work
                                                                                                      in practice
10                                                   Sum up                                       •   Delegates compare the knowledge they
                                                                                                      had and the knowledge they have after
90                             Total Time:               90 min. (1 hour, 30 min.)

                          practice ___ reflection ___ theory ___ implementation (education cycle by Kolbe)

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Budowanie treningu (2)                   Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............               <e-mail: .................................................>
Introduction to session ( 10)
                                                     Description                                                                         Transparency
1 min    I would like to greet everybody.                                                                                              # sticky tape
         My name is Piotr Głuszczuk – call me “Pit” – will be easier ;)                         I’m the LCP of LC Olsztyn
         (Poland) + a few words about me (of course very short)                                                                        # marker

1 min    Setting “rules” of the session, or rather showing them to delegates:                                                          # flip for
             • We are here to know what is and why we need Team Work                                                                   expectations
             • We will participate as much as possible in order to use the session in a most
                 effective way                                                                                                         # flip with 4 goals
             • We will use the knowledge gained here in our PBoX team work                                                             of the session

4 min    Get to know each other:                                                                                                       # flip with agenda
             1. We are sitting in a cycle
             2. Everybody (one by one) says his/her name and favorite film or book (in English                                         # projector
                 obviously)                                                                                                            wouldn’t be a bad
             3. One more round one by one – this time everybody says his/her name one more time                                        solution ;)
                 + “I’ve got between my leg …….”
         ….. – stands for the title of favorite film or book

1 min    Delegates’ Expectations

3 min    What the session will be about?
            • Importance of team work
            • Importance of job division in team (dividing tasks)
            • Cooperation in team (future PBoX)
            • Importance of communication inside team
         + showing agenda of the session

 10      Total Time for module

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Budowanie treningu (3)                 Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............                <e-mail: .................................................>
“Squares” ( 15 )
                                                            Description                                                                  Transparency
          Divide people into 2 groups (we need 9 people in each group).                                                                # sticky tape

4 min     Intro to exercise:                                                                                                           # flips numbered
          We need 2 times for 9 numbered squares (flips) on the floor put in this order                                                from 1 to 9
                                                                                                                                       (2 separate sets)
           1 2         3       We have to make sure that each delegate can easily stand on one number
           4 5         6                                                                                                               # papers (10x20
           7 8         9                                                                                                               cm) with numbers
                                                                                                                                       (1-9) rolled up in
          Explain that the team which will fulfill the task firstly is better and the best!!                                           the way nobody
            We do it to make sure they will try to be very quick which will help us in explaining why                                  can see the
          they should behave like a team not a group.                                                                                  numbers inside
                                                                                                                                       (2 separate sets)
          Give each delegate a shit of paper (big enough to see from a distance) with a number (1-9)
             They mast NOT see the number they have.                                                                                   # flip with rules –
          Ask them to stand on the squares.                                                                                            if projector
             Now ask them to open their papers and check their numbers.                                                                unavailable…
          Attach an extra flip to our big square

           1       2    3
           4       5    6        Try to attach the extra square in the place where delegate got right
           7       8    9        number (will be more funny afterwards)

          Task is: to stand on the right square.
             • Delegates can move only from one square to another
             • They can move only to the square which is directly attached to their own if it’s free
             • 2 delegates can NOT stand on one square
             • Delegates can NOT move more then one square in they way showed below

                                   can move here
           can move here              Delegate         can move here
                                   can move here
               •       They have to use the empty flip to make their moves possible
7 min     Exercise: “First group is the BEST”

2 min     After exercise:
          How do you feel?
          Do you have any observations?

2 min     Comment:
          As you see firstly all of you were only trying to get the right number – not looking for the
          other numbers / people.
          Afterwards you saw that working on your own will not lead you to the point and you (as a
          group) will not fulfill the task.
             And finally you’ve started to work as a team, so you started to look for other’s positions,
          how to help them to get to their number.
          So sometimes even if you got your right number/position you have to move from it in order
          to make sure the team will fulfill the task. Without compromise that could be impossible.
          You have to work together !!! Not separately !!!
15        Total Time for module

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Budowanie treningu (4)                       Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............          <e-mail: .................................................>
Team vs. Group ( 10 )
                                                            Description                                                                        Transparency
6 min     Divide delegates into 2 groups and give them 1-2 flips and 1-2 markers                                                              # sticky tape

          Half of the them should work out what in their opinion is a group?                                                                  # 4 flips
           The second half – what is a team?
                                                                                                                                              # 3 markers
          Facis observe groups and help them with some questions (not too much of course) and focus
          them on:                                                                                                                            # projector
          - competition (in group and team)
          - setting goals and receiving tasks
          - decision making process
          - motivation
          - independence / dependence / interdependence
          - examples ?

          Ask both groups to present their outputs, first group then team
          We put their flip on the wall – maybe we will use them later during next exercises

2 min     Of course there are a lot of features that can describe group and team but I’d like to share
          with you, in my opinion the most important differences

          GROUP                                                       TEAM
                         - competition inside the group                                    - competition outside the team
                         - is doing tasks                                                  - is reaching goals
                         - is autocratic                                                  - is democratic
                         - lack of motivation                                                   - motivation is a outcome of the
                         team’s mission
                         - independent or dependent on others                              - is interdependent
                         - i.e. students group, people on the party                       - i.e. football team, plane crew

          Ajjj – don’t you agree ? ;)
2 min
          My definition of a team: (put on the flip or PPT)

          TEAM is a small group of people who have their own identity and target to aim for. More
          over they have to work in coordinated and self-supporting way.

          TEAM can be also showed on flip (PPT is better) with other definition on the picture:
                                             3 cycles overlapping each other with 3 features
                                             of a team + “target” in the middle
                                                     Communication ->
                                                     Trust               -> TARGET
                  Communication                      Responsibility ->

                                                          We can add “Team Spirit” (so more private
                         Target                           relationships among team members – it’s good when it
                                                          is - but it’s not necessary to make team effective
                 Trus              Responsibility

                         Team Spirit

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Budowanie treningu (5)                      Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............                <e-mail: .................................................>
10        Total Time for module

Escaping from the prison ( 20)
                                                          Description                                                                  Transparency
          Divide delegates into 2 groups                                                                                             # 2 lines (at least
                                                                                                                                     3 m each)
13 min    2 extra people (could be OC or 2 of delegates or 2 Facis) keep the line on the chest level
          (around 1,5 meter)                                                                                                         # 4 people to
          We need 2 sets of this construction for 2 groups.                                                                          keep the lines

          Rules:                                                                                                                     # PPT or flips
          Delegates stand on one side of the line – they are in the prison.                                                          from previous
          They have to escape!! The line is the wall.                                                                                modules
          They must go over the wall (line). But can neither go under it nor around – it MUST be over.
          They can NOT use anything. It must be done only be themselves. Extra objects like
          furniture, chairs, tables are NOT allowed.

          They can make whatever they want to fulfill the task but only with their bodies.

          Explain that the team which will fulfill the task firstly is better and the best!!
          Make sure that they remember they are working as a TEAM not a group.

2 min     After exercise:
          How do you feel?
          Did you make any observations?
          What about the team work?
          Would you be able to do it alone?

5 min     Comment:

          As you saw during this exercise working alone is sometimes impossible – will you manage
          to go over this wall alone?? Ha – will you ?
              So in this case one is powerless comparing to Team. One means nothing in this
          particular case.
              Even if you will be very brilliant, smart and intelligent you’re not able to to get over the
          wall… You need some assistance.

          This process is well explained by Synergy Effect:
                 2+2=5 or 10 or even 50
          But we can reach this effect only when our team member have: good communication, trust
          to each other, are responsible for what they are doing and they have common goal (target)
          + could be (but not necessary Team Spirit).

          On the other hand when team is not working like a team but like a group we can observe so
          called Apollo Syndrome:
                   2+2=3 or 2+2=1 or even 2+2+2+2+2=1 !!!!
          It can happen even when we gain the best specialists from chosen are, but somehow they
          will not create a team and will compete with each other…. DO NOT DO LIKE THIS
               Diversify your teams!!! – more different we are in team more synergy we gain.

              …out of this we get POWER OF THE TEAM

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Budowanie treningu (6)                     Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............          <e-mail: .................................................>
20        Total Time for module

Job Division ( 10)

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Budowanie treningu (7)             Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............          <e-mail: .................................................>
                                                      Description                                                                     Transparency
          Conversation – knowledge sharing                                                                                            # PPT for Matrix
5 min     Did you observe any specific slit of your responsibilities in your team?                                                    Structure
          Why did you divide your responsibilities?                                                                                   (or flip…)

          Obviously you’ve divided your tasks because some of you has different skills then others:
          i.e. boys are stronger then girls that’s why they were giving the lift to girls during escape
          from prison.

5 min     The same thing we can observe in every team – for example in PBoXes.
          Because teams are very diversified in order to make them more effective people inside
          those teams divide the job among them.

          In practice if there are 5 people in a PBoX almost each of them has different tasks.
          One can take OCVP role
          One can be responsible for PBoX Finance
          One can be responsible for PBoX Public Relations
          One can be responsible for Information Systems in PBoX
          One can be responsible for PBoX People Development
              All those divisions and even more of them are called Matrix Structure

           Matrix Structure
                                                       VP as PBoX                     VP as PBoX         VP as PBoX
                                                       coach                          coach              coach
           OCPs Commission         LCP                          OCP                               OCP        OCP
           Finance                 LCVPF     OC member          OC member          OC member
           Commission                        resp. for F        resp. for F        resp. for F
           PR Commission          LCVPPR     OC member          OC member          OC member
                                             resp. for PR       resp. for PR       resp. for PR
            IS Commission         LCVPIS     OC member          OC member          OC member
                                             resp. for IS       resp. for IS       resp. for IS
            PD Commission         LCVPPD     OC member          OC member          OC member
                                             resp. for PD       resp. for PD       resp. for PD
            …                                OC without         OC without         OC without
                                             other              other              other
                                             responsibilities   responsibilities   responsibilities
          If the OC os big enough the OC member responsible for sth can be called OCVPsth

          Each PBoX is coached by VP – in practice VP is working directly with OCP
          VP responsible for some special area (F,PR…) is leading his/her own Commission which is
          made from PBoX OC members (each PBoX = one person in each commission). That
          guarantee that in each PBoX each area will be covered with responsible person who is
          trained by VP directly responsible for the whole area.

10        Total Time for module

Building Pyramids ( 15)
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Budowanie treningu (8)                   Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............             <e-mail: .................................................>
                                                       Description                                                                  Transparency
          Divide delegates into 2 groups.                                                                                           # 30 flips

2 min     Each team gets 15 flips (they must be the same size) and 2 sticky tapes.                                                  # 4 sticky tapes

          Task: Teams has to build as high pyramid as possible.
          They can use only 15 flips an 2 tapes and themselves – NOTHING more
          One team is building pyramid from cubes
            Each building element has to look like cube

          Other team from pyramids
             Each building element has to look like pyramid

          Make sure that all delegates know that they are the team!! And that they have to remember
          about: communication, trust, responsible, target is already known but they can make some
          vision which will help in working as a team.
           Also remind delegates that they can use knowledge gained before and divide their
          responsibilities among team – which for sure will help them in fulfilling the task.

7 min     Highest win !!!

3 min     What about features of a good team? Were you working as a team or a group?....
          Communication flow?? Trust to each other?? Responsibility for your tasks in team??
            What about Team Spirit? Was it nice to work in a friendly atmosphere?
          Would it be the same without friendly relations?
            Would it be the same effect? Better? Worse? Why? Which situation do you prefer?

          Obviously everybody will say that their like to work in friendly atmosphere. And we have to
          agree:) but put focus on dangerous of working in too much friendly atmosphere…
           which can destroy team and for sure will not help in aiming the target.
             i.e. sth like more than private relations among team members + some private arguments
          = misunderstandings… so we have to divide private live from the team live…

          Was there anybody who was leading?
           They can say that there was sb who was leading and then we can say that it’s normal that
          team should have a leader / coordinator / manager or whoever who will take care of whole
          process – it’s next feature of team: leaders: official and unofficial – this time it was unofficial
          because we (as Facis) didn’t nominated anybody. The appearance of a leader was

3 min     Did you observe any phases / stages during your work? Any changes during your work?
          Maybe some changes in your attitude, involvement, commitment?

          Yes? of course it’s typical for every team.
          Each team during it’s work change the stages (in terms of personal involvement, attitude):
             • FORMING
             • STORMING
             • NORMING
             • PERFORMING
             • TRANSFORMING or ENDING                 + PPT
15        Total Time for module

Sum up ( 10)
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Budowanie treningu (9)                    Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............          <e-mail: .................................................>
                                                   Description                                                                 Transparency
5 min     So which position do would you like to take in your team? Leader or member?
          After those exercises who want to be a leader?

                                                             Now we should explain that our lovely
                                                             delegates are going to work in team on every
5 min                                                        (!!!) stage in @XP flow.
                                                             There would be NO stage without team work.
                                                             So that’s why this ability is so important.

                                                             Moreover they can be leaders (official or
                                                             unofficial) on EVERY stage of this flow.

                                                             + explanation

          Sum up of the session? (if it would be enough time)
           - did we meet delegates expectations (we can check with the list)
           What did you learn during this session?
           Will it be useful in your AIESEC and future professional work?
           Any questions? We still have around 45 seconds 

          Are you going to play in groups or build True TEAMS?
                Are you going to behave like babies or become FUTURE Leaders?
                      Are you going to make AIESEC a kindergarten or a GLOBAL Team?

          It’s up to you!

          Thanx for your attention? And let’s have a coffee break ;)

10        Total Time for module

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Budowanie treningu (10)                 Przygotował: ...................... vel. .............         <e-mail: .................................................>

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So team work

  • 1. Team Working NOTES  Training  Simulation  Workshop  Presentation  Exercise End Goal(s) • Delegates know: why working in teams is more effective then working alone • Delegates know: how to divide the job among them in team • Delegates can: cooperate with each other in order to make their future work in PBoX effective Process Goals • Delegates know why and how communicate well inside team • Delegates know how to divide tasks among team Participants Newees after 2-3 months in AIESEC Optimal number of participants: # 9 or 18 - Introduction to AIESEC What training should they attend before this one? (just to make sure they know what AIESEC is) - Sessions inside PBoX lead by OCP about What training should they attend after this one? specific project style of working - Team efficiency Duration 1,5 :hours 90 :min Logistics How to organize training room? • Flipcharts (big ones) – around 50 requirements • Markers – 5 pcs. • • Ordinary sticky tape – 5 pcs. Could be projector – don’t necessary, . • but very useful If there will be exactly 18 people we U will need 3-4 more people (OC) to help in the middle of the session First training: Recruitment LCC 2005 , modified version on New Horizons 2005 (Ukraine) Created by: Piotr Głuszczuk, LCP, LC Olsztyn, AIESEC in Poland, write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (1) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 2. Description Dear Facilitator, This training is about Team Work. Why Team Work is needed in AIESEC is quite obvious. We are working in teams on each step during our development in AIESEC which is showed on @XP flow. So that’s why I’ve created this session to show people, mostly by practice, how important it is to work as a TEAM not as a group. Training is very dynamic and interactive – we have here 3 full Kolbe Education Cycles during only 1,5 h. So we start with practice, goes to reflection, then theory, finally practice (in next exercise). That should keep people interested and participating all the time. Moreover they will feel that from one exercise to another they are getting better and better in Team Work. Good luck in your session and make AIESEC be one big TEAM. Structure  Module name Process Goal(s) 10 Introduction to session • Delegates know the name of the session • We know the “rules” of the session • Get to Know Each Other • Delegates know why they are participating in this session • Delegates are stimulated to think and participate actively 15 Squares • Module shows why we have to work in teams not in groups? 10 Team vs. Group • Delegates work out what is a group and what is a team? • Faci shows the difference afterwards 20 Escape from the prison • Module shows that working in team is very often necessary !!! • One can do nothing comparing to Team 10 Job Division • How do we divide our work in teams? • Why job division is so important in Team Work • How can we divide our job in PBoX 15 Building Pyramids • Delegates are using they knowledge their gain before to try their Team Work in practice 10 Sum up • Delegates compare the knowledge they had and the knowledge they have after session 90 Total Time: 90 min. (1 hour, 30 min.) practice ___ reflection ___ theory ___ implementation (education cycle by Kolbe) write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (2) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 3. Introduction to session ( 10)  Description Transparency 1 min I would like to greet everybody. # sticky tape My name is Piotr Głuszczuk – call me “Pit” – will be easier ;) I’m the LCP of LC Olsztyn (Poland) + a few words about me (of course very short) # marker 1 min Setting “rules” of the session, or rather showing them to delegates: # flip for • We are here to know what is and why we need Team Work expectations • We will participate as much as possible in order to use the session in a most effective way # flip with 4 goals • We will use the knowledge gained here in our PBoX team work of the session 4 min Get to know each other: # flip with agenda 1. We are sitting in a cycle 2. Everybody (one by one) says his/her name and favorite film or book (in English # projector obviously) wouldn’t be a bad 3. One more round one by one – this time everybody says his/her name one more time solution ;) + “I’ve got between my leg …….” ….. – stands for the title of favorite film or book 1 min Delegates’ Expectations 3 min What the session will be about? • Importance of team work • Importance of job division in team (dividing tasks) • Cooperation in team (future PBoX) • Importance of communication inside team + showing agenda of the session 10 Total Time for module write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (3) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 4. “Squares” ( 15 )  Description Transparency Divide people into 2 groups (we need 9 people in each group). # sticky tape 4 min Intro to exercise: # flips numbered We need 2 times for 9 numbered squares (flips) on the floor put in this order from 1 to 9 (2 separate sets) 1 2 3 We have to make sure that each delegate can easily stand on one number 4 5 6 # papers (10x20 7 8 9 cm) with numbers (1-9) rolled up in Explain that the team which will fulfill the task firstly is better and the best!! the way nobody We do it to make sure they will try to be very quick which will help us in explaining why can see the they should behave like a team not a group. numbers inside (2 separate sets) Give each delegate a shit of paper (big enough to see from a distance) with a number (1-9) They mast NOT see the number they have. # flip with rules – Ask them to stand on the squares. if projector Now ask them to open their papers and check their numbers. unavailable… Attach an extra flip to our big square 1 2 3 4 5 6 Try to attach the extra square in the place where delegate got right 7 8 9 number (will be more funny afterwards) Task is: to stand on the right square. Rules: • Delegates can move only from one square to another • They can move only to the square which is directly attached to their own if it’s free • 2 delegates can NOT stand on one square • Delegates can NOT move more then one square in they way showed below can move here can move here Delegate can move here can move here • They have to use the empty flip to make their moves possible 7 min Exercise: “First group is the BEST” 2 min After exercise: How do you feel? Do you have any observations? 2 min Comment: As you see firstly all of you were only trying to get the right number – not looking for the other numbers / people. Afterwards you saw that working on your own will not lead you to the point and you (as a group) will not fulfill the task. And finally you’ve started to work as a team, so you started to look for other’s positions, how to help them to get to their number. So sometimes even if you got your right number/position you have to move from it in order to make sure the team will fulfill the task. Without compromise that could be impossible. You have to work together !!! Not separately !!! 15 Total Time for module write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (4) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 5. Team vs. Group ( 10 )  Description Transparency 6 min Divide delegates into 2 groups and give them 1-2 flips and 1-2 markers # sticky tape Half of the them should work out what in their opinion is a group? # 4 flips The second half – what is a team? # 3 markers Facis observe groups and help them with some questions (not too much of course) and focus them on: # projector - competition (in group and team) - setting goals and receiving tasks - decision making process - motivation - independence / dependence / interdependence - examples ? Ask both groups to present their outputs, first group then team We put their flip on the wall – maybe we will use them later during next exercises 2 min Of course there are a lot of features that can describe group and team but I’d like to share with you, in my opinion the most important differences GROUP TEAM - competition inside the group - competition outside the team - is doing tasks - is reaching goals - is autocratic - is democratic - lack of motivation - motivation is a outcome of the team’s mission - independent or dependent on others - is interdependent - i.e. students group, people on the party - i.e. football team, plane crew Ajjj – don’t you agree ? ;) 2 min My definition of a team: (put on the flip or PPT) TEAM is a small group of people who have their own identity and target to aim for. More over they have to work in coordinated and self-supporting way. TEAM can be also showed on flip (PPT is better) with other definition on the picture: 3 cycles overlapping each other with 3 features of a team + “target” in the middle Communication -> Trust -> TARGET Communication Responsibility -> We can add “Team Spirit” (so more private Target relationships among team members – it’s good when it is - but it’s not necessary to make team effective Trus Responsibility t Team Spirit write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (5) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 6. 10 Total Time for module Escaping from the prison ( 20)  Description Transparency Divide delegates into 2 groups # 2 lines (at least 3 m each) 13 min 2 extra people (could be OC or 2 of delegates or 2 Facis) keep the line on the chest level (around 1,5 meter) # 4 people to We need 2 sets of this construction for 2 groups. keep the lines Rules: # PPT or flips Delegates stand on one side of the line – they are in the prison. from previous They have to escape!! The line is the wall. modules They must go over the wall (line). But can neither go under it nor around – it MUST be over. They can NOT use anything. It must be done only be themselves. Extra objects like furniture, chairs, tables are NOT allowed. They can make whatever they want to fulfill the task but only with their bodies. Explain that the team which will fulfill the task firstly is better and the best!! Make sure that they remember they are working as a TEAM not a group. 2 min After exercise: How do you feel? Did you make any observations? What about the team work? Would you be able to do it alone? 5 min Comment: As you saw during this exercise working alone is sometimes impossible – will you manage to go over this wall alone?? Ha – will you ? So in this case one is powerless comparing to Team. One means nothing in this particular case. Even if you will be very brilliant, smart and intelligent you’re not able to to get over the wall… You need some assistance. This process is well explained by Synergy Effect: 2+2=5 or 10 or even 50 But we can reach this effect only when our team member have: good communication, trust to each other, are responsible for what they are doing and they have common goal (target) + could be (but not necessary Team Spirit). On the other hand when team is not working like a team but like a group we can observe so called Apollo Syndrome: 2+2=3 or 2+2=1 or even 2+2+2+2+2=1 !!!! It can happen even when we gain the best specialists from chosen are, but somehow they will not create a team and will compete with each other…. DO NOT DO LIKE THIS Diversify your teams!!! – more different we are in team more synergy we gain. …out of this we get POWER OF THE TEAM write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (6) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 7. 20 Total Time for module Job Division ( 10) write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (7) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 8. Description Transparency Conversation – knowledge sharing # PPT for Matrix 5 min Did you observe any specific slit of your responsibilities in your team? Structure Why did you divide your responsibilities? (or flip…) Obviously you’ve divided your tasks because some of you has different skills then others: i.e. boys are stronger then girls that’s why they were giving the lift to girls during escape from prison. 5 min The same thing we can observe in every team – for example in PBoXes. Because teams are very diversified in order to make them more effective people inside those teams divide the job among them. In practice if there are 5 people in a PBoX almost each of them has different tasks. One can take OCVP role One can be responsible for PBoX Finance One can be responsible for PBoX Public Relations One can be responsible for Information Systems in PBoX One can be responsible for PBoX People Development All those divisions and even more of them are called Matrix Structure LCP Matrix Structure VP as PBoX VP as PBoX VP as PBoX coach coach coach OCPs Commission LCP OCP OCP OCP Finance LCVPF OC member OC member OC member Commission resp. for F resp. for F resp. for F PR Commission LCVPPR OC member OC member OC member resp. for PR resp. for PR resp. for PR IS Commission LCVPIS OC member OC member OC member resp. for IS resp. for IS resp. for IS PD Commission LCVPPD OC member OC member OC member resp. for PD resp. for PD resp. for PD … OC without OC without OC without other other other responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities If the OC os big enough the OC member responsible for sth can be called OCVPsth Each PBoX is coached by VP – in practice VP is working directly with OCP VP responsible for some special area (F,PR…) is leading his/her own Commission which is made from PBoX OC members (each PBoX = one person in each commission). That guarantee that in each PBoX each area will be covered with responsible person who is trained by VP directly responsible for the whole area. 10 Total Time for module Building Pyramids ( 15) write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (8) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 9. Description Transparency Divide delegates into 2 groups. # 30 flips 2 min Each team gets 15 flips (they must be the same size) and 2 sticky tapes. # 4 sticky tapes Task: Teams has to build as high pyramid as possible. They can use only 15 flips an 2 tapes and themselves – NOTHING more But: One team is building pyramid from cubes Each building element has to look like cube Other team from pyramids Each building element has to look like pyramid Make sure that all delegates know that they are the team!! And that they have to remember about: communication, trust, responsible, target is already known but they can make some vision which will help in working as a team. Also remind delegates that they can use knowledge gained before and divide their responsibilities among team – which for sure will help them in fulfilling the task. 7 min Highest win !!! 3 min What about features of a good team? Were you working as a team or a group?.... Communication flow?? Trust to each other?? Responsibility for your tasks in team?? What about Team Spirit? Was it nice to work in a friendly atmosphere? Would it be the same without friendly relations? Would it be the same effect? Better? Worse? Why? Which situation do you prefer? Obviously everybody will say that their like to work in friendly atmosphere. And we have to agree:) but put focus on dangerous of working in too much friendly atmosphere… which can destroy team and for sure will not help in aiming the target. i.e. sth like more than private relations among team members + some private arguments = misunderstandings… so we have to divide private live from the team live… Was there anybody who was leading? They can say that there was sb who was leading and then we can say that it’s normal that team should have a leader / coordinator / manager or whoever who will take care of whole process – it’s next feature of team: leaders: official and unofficial – this time it was unofficial because we (as Facis) didn’t nominated anybody. The appearance of a leader was spontaneous. 3 min Did you observe any phases / stages during your work? Any changes during your work? Maybe some changes in your attitude, involvement, commitment? Yes? of course it’s typical for every team. Each team during it’s work change the stages (in terms of personal involvement, attitude): • FORMING • STORMING • NORMING • PERFORMING • TRANSFORMING or ENDING + PPT 15 Total Time for module Sum up ( 10) write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (9) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>
  • 10. Description Transparency 5 min So which position do would you like to take in your team? Leader or member? After those exercises who want to be a leader? Now we should explain that our lovely delegates are going to work in team on every 5 min (!!!) stage in @XP flow. There would be NO stage without team work. So that’s why this ability is so important. Moreover they can be leaders (official or unofficial) on EVERY stage of this flow. + explanation Sum up of the session? (if it would be enough time) - did we meet delegates expectations (we can check with the list) What did you learn during this session? Will it be useful in your AIESEC and future professional work? Any questions? We still have around 45 seconds  Are you going to play in groups or build True TEAMS? Are you going to behave like babies or become FUTURE Leaders? Are you going to make AIESEC a kindergarten or a GLOBAL Team? It’s up to you! Thanx for your attention? And let’s have a coffee break ;) 10 Total Time for module write read say show hear watch ?ask Budowanie treningu (10) Przygotował: ...................... vel. ............. <e-mail: .................................................>