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Small Town Culture
Living in a small town is all about tradition. Every Friday night during the fall, the entire community is at the football stadium, going crazy after every
touchdown. You've lived and gone to school with the same people your entire life. The line between family and friends starts to blur. You have to be
careful who you date because they may actually be a distant cousin. Sadly, a small town isn't the most liberal or open–minded of places.
With a predominantly white population of approximately 3,700 people, Sweeny is the epitome of a small southern town. We have one stoplight, and
the main buildings in the town are the three schools. You can imagine the discomfort and insecurity a closeted gay Hispanic teenager felt.
Once I began high school, I began noticing little things that didn't seem quite right. Most of them centered on the fact that I seemed to find guys more
attractive than girls. Ashamed of myself, I pushed these feelings to the furthest reaches of my mind. Boys had girlfriends; girls had boyfriends. It was
the way things were meant to be; anything else was wrong and perverse. Despite constant self–reassurance that I was straight, I never really convinced
myself. ... Show more content on ...
Panicked, I succumbed to the social norm and started dating a girl. It came as no surprise to me that I never felt quite comfortable holding her hand
and never felt the desire to kiss her. Little by little, I began realizing that I couldn't really picture a future with a girl. I broke up with her and found
myself back at square one: dealing with a problem I could tell no one about, not even my
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Characteristics Of A Small Town
Have you ever gone on a road trip and you 're driving through a loud, hectic city and then, BAM! You reach a quiet countryside surrounded by
charming houses, and it seems so serene? You have just stepped foot in a small town. I personally prefer living in a small town rather than a big
city because I am more comfortable with a smaller area. I come from a small town of about 6,000 people, and I have to say it is so much better than
living in a big city (AreaVibes Inc.). Unique characteristics of a small town, a relaxed pace of life, and a safer environment are all reasons to live
in a small town. The small town is home. Small towns have their own special characteristics. Not only are they surrounded by beautiful outdoor
nature, but they also have a great small town hospitality. You will find people to be more welcoming and will take the time to say hi to you. The
environment is much cleaner. You can get to know your neighbors better and makes lots of friends in a small town. It is easier to get involved in
the community. The best thing about small towns is their low cost of living compared to a big city. It is far better to live in a small town where
people can take a break to smell the roses and make connections with the people around them. The air is fresh because there is lower population, less
vehicles, and less traffic jam. Also, there are lots of trees, forests, or lakes in small town that gives people fresher air. Furthermore, people in rural
areas have more
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Avigail In A Small Town
IIn a small town there was problem being caused because of one girl's misdeeds. Now the town is having court to find the person who's guilty for
these misdeeds. I strongly believe that Avigail is responsible for these misdeeds. She put innocent girls in danger in order to be safe. she also force
them to do fake witchcraft and lie for her. She should pay for her crimes.
Avigail force them to do crazy things such as fake witchcraft. She also force force them to lie for her safety. She basically told girls what to do. She
made sure that she wouldn't be held accountable for her misdeed. She didn't just manipulated. She also called innocent people, She blamed them for her
misdeeds. For example Tibuta. She blamed Tibuta for dancing in the woods.
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Building A Small Town Of Downtown Blacksburg
What would you do, if your favorite locally owned shops were to shut down? All across America locally owned stores are shutting down due to
competition with large corporate businesses. One such case involves Blacksburg a small town located in Southwest Virginia. Located in the center of
town, Downtown Blacksburg hosts its fair share of local business. From art stores to yogurt shops Downtown Blacksburg has it all. However, in the
recent years local businesses are taking a toll as big franchises are moving in across the street. As big businesses move in competition increases for the
local stores and being unable to keep up with the growing competition small businesses ultimately shut down. Steps should be taken to preserve the
integrity of locally owned business from big franchises to prevent the loss of local culture that defines a small town. One of the major issues with big
corporation moving in is that they affect the overall real estate of the local town. This means that as more and bigger corporation move in the price
of real estate increase. As the price increase local business are left defense less. This is because big businesses try to acquire prime real estate. This
further increases competition and those who can afford to pay remain, while those who are unable to pay are forgotten. A local resident of Blacksburg
Mr. Comaratta, who uses to be an assistant manager at Crossroads, a locally owned music and record store stated, "They raised our rent from $4,200 to
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Small Town Research Paper
I grew up in the small town of Blair, Nebraska which is located 20 miles north of Omaha, on the eastern edge of the state. The town covers 5.5
square miles and lies directly on the Missouri river. The population is approximately 8,000 and it continues to grow, as Blair is a very popular town
for young and developing families. With the expanding number of kids, the town does the best it can to create enough attractions that will keep them
entertained. While it may seem like Blair is a small town with nothing to do, I have realized that is far from the truth. There are countless reasons for
families to live there. One of the most significant reasons a family would choose to live there is the school district. It is in the top 25 largest school
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Why Should People Stay Away From Small Towns?
People will ask why small towns are so cozy, so welcoming to anyone who enters its town's city limits. It is not as nice as many would think. Small
towns are ruined by people, by the way they live, and by the way people will hurt one another just for gain. These are just three factors that are
reasons why people should stay away from small towns. The begining factor on how people ruin by people is simply by how they ruin the town. Many
people would assume that in a small town, everybody are friends... This factor though, is a major lie. In small town; there are two people who live
in them, friends, and people you just wish to run over with a truck and shoot their head with a shotgun. It is true that small town folks are very close
with their friends, but for those who are not friends, it can be related to having to eat ice cream while every tooth has a cavity. For folks here, it is
war between people who are hated, with the armies being friends of the ... Show more content on ...
The everyday city tourist would assume that the houses are great big farm houses with barns and animals living inside white picket fences; when
this is not the case. In small towns, there are actually only few, massively oversized farms taking up acres of land to plant one crop, while the rest
of the homes are either in a state of decay, being destroyed by the owners, or in a fairly decent condition for age. Most houses are very hold, some
of the younger original houses only being 100 years old or older. Select few are in fairly good condition but have minor flaws that can be livable
with; other houses though will look as if they were dug out from a landfill and lived in. Houses like these will be common to see holes in wall, trash
everywhere, messes to all extent and nightmares of home issues that make it unsafe for anyone to even live in such a place; yet they do. Just one more
reason to show how horrid small towns
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Small Town Research Paper
[b]Name:[/b] Small Town, Big secret [b]Content:[/b] This one could go in exotic NC or Extreme [b]Scenario:[/b] This RP takes place in a quiet
country town that has some very special secrets. About to turn eighteen an outsider to this small town is sent to spend the summer with her
grandparents. This young woman has never meet these grandparents and has no idea what awaits her when she climbs off the bus into the sleepy
country town of Weirwood creek. Her parents told her it was just going to be a relaxing summer before her busy collage life starts, but as she spends
more time in this little town she starts to discover that things are not as they seem. In this small town there is a gate from which creatures from other
worlds and times
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Exploring Small Town Life
I live in the small town of Barney, North Dakota, however I go to school in the town of Wyndmere, North Dakota. I absolutely love small town life
and I do believe that it has had a huge impact on who I have become throughout all 17 years of my life. Going to a school with only 20 kids in my
class has immediate positives. First of all, it is easy to concentrate on academics when you can have one on one time with a teacher almost whenever
there is freetime. Also, in a small town there is a huge push for involvement in extracurricular activities. This is because we still have many groups and
organizations but we don't have as many members that a larger school would. This has sculpted me into a well rounded individual by being apart of
almost every
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Personal Narrative: Moving To A Small Town
Moving from a Chicago Suburb to a smaller town was pretty difficult at first, but the more I've lived in this town, I've grown to like it better than
my old town. Moving from a town with nearly fifty thousand people to a town about a seventh of the size was a big benefit. Seeing that in my old
town people only knew their neighbors or the parents of their kids. But here, when I first moved, in our neighbor asked if we were the people at the
soccer tryouts. We haven't talked to anyone yet, so we were a bit weirded out. But it's nice knowing that there is always someone who knows who you
It was a welcomed change. We lived in "Canterbury Woods", a neighborhood where all the houses looked nearly identical and no one–– excluding the
kids –– ... Show more content on ...
"I'll check out some of the towns nearby, and we'll tell the kids in the morning." She said. Tell us what? I didn't really know what they were talking
about, so I crept back to my room. The only signs anyone acknowledged me sneaking out was my dog, whose head sprung up, looking in my
direction, her ears perked up. In the morning our mom told us we were going to sell the house and possibly move to a little town named Geneseo. I've
only been there once, to get gas on the way to our grandma and grandpa's. The news was surprising and made me a little upset. I'd have to leave my
friends I've grown up with.
"We need to be close to family," my mom said, apparently noticing my sadness. We found a realtor, who later turned out to be terrible. We don't
know how she got all these good reviews. We had to clean the house spotless, clean enough to eat off of anything. We did touch ups on the walls
and cabinets where they were needed. The next day after school, my dad picked me up from the bus stop with my sister because we had three
showings after school. The day was filled with driving around the neighborhood, cramped in the car with a dog panting in my face. When we got
home, we were stiffer than a board. We were so glad to finally lay down on the couch or our beds. My mom got a call from our realtor saying that we
had three offers. We were so surprised to get an offer in less than a day, even our realtor was. Two were over asking price by nearly twenty
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Small Town Research Paper
How the Lack of Recreational Activities in Small Towns Affects the Development of Children
Chance Copp
Daleville High School
Author Note Chance Copp, Department of, Daleville High School
How the Lack of Recreational Activities in Small Towns Affects the Development of Children Although there is nothing wrong with growing up in a
small town, children that do are usually not as sociable as children that grow up in more urban areas, they tend to have a duller childhood, and they
don't know how to talk to people as well. Many sociologist have done research in the area of childhood development and how growing up in certain
environments can affect how they are later in life, but one question has remained unanswered: How do children ... Show more content on ...
The answer could be as simple as: since rural children are secluded from mainstream society they are going to be more likely to be less sociable than
their urban counterparts and that because of their lack of recreational activities in their communities that they are more likely to engage in illegal
activities such as drug use to try and entertain themselves. While this may answer the question, a lot of the answer still remains to be unfound. In
order to fully answer this question more research needs to be done into the subject and we need to get the input of children in these communities. A
good way to continue this research would be to go into rural communities that recently added recreational activities and see how it has changed the
youth in those communities. Researchers will continue to go over this topic for years to come and one day they will be able to find a complete
answer to the question, but for now this answer will have to suffice.
Conger, R., & Elder, G. H. (1994). Families in troubled times: adapting to change in rural America. New York, IA: Aldine de Gruyter.
Indicators of rural youth drug use. (1988). Journal of Youth and Adolescence,17(4), 335
Kandel, D. (1975).
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My Favorite Experience Of Living In A Small Town Life?
Small Town Life
I am from a small town named Winner that has roughly 3,500 people in it. We don't have a whole lot, but it is still a nice place to live. Moving to
Aberdeen has been a challenge, but I am slowly getting the hang of things. Small towns have multiple perks that people from bigger areas do not get
to experience, just like bigger towns have things that small towns do not get to experience. My favorite thing about living in Winner is having a sense
of community. Because we live in a small town, everybody knows everyone. Sometimes it can be a pain because everyone knows your business but
it does have benefits. If someone has cancer, or a loved one has passed away, or someone has a house fire, people are always there to help you.
Whether it's a benefit, locals sending you sympathy cards, or people starting a meal chain for you, you can always count on the people who live in
your small town. I have had an amazing group of people who have helped my family in tough times and it means the world to us. Smaller
communities seem to have an unbreakable backbone of people who will always be there for you in whatever situation you are going through.
Another thing I realized is how great the traffic in Winner is. Obviously, we have our normal lunch rush, but Aberdeen's traffic has been a different
experience. It was quite overwhelming when I first moved here because things move at such fast pace. People seem to be in such a hurry and I find it
difficult to avoid
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Spring In A Small Town
In this essay, I will argue the blocking and lighting of Mise en ScГЁne convey Yuwen will never get back the former love from the clip of Spring in a
Small Town. Firstly, there are two scenes use blocking to display the implicit meaning to the audience. In the view of one scene shows Dai Xiu is
singing for Zhicheng but he is looking at Yuwen affectionately while Yuwen is getting medicine for Liyan, even Dai Xiu distracts Zhicheng by an
emphatic tone, this can express Zhicheng is still loving Yuwen. Also, Liyan stands up and walks towards Zhicheng when Zhicheng is focusing his
attention on Yuwen, which the scene shows Liyan could be the main obstruction between Yuwen and Zhicheng. According to the description above and
Yuwen barely smiles and
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To What Extent Is It Better To Grow Up In A Small Town
Some people believe it is better to grow up in a small town, and other people think it's better to grow in a big city. I consider it better to grow in a big
city, not only because there are more people, but because you experience more people and different things that a small town probably doesn't have. In a
small town, everyone knows everyone else, and a neighborhood in a big city is bigger than that whole small town. There are more eating options in a
big city.
Growing up in a big city is better because you aren't sharing the road with farm vehicles, which could be a hazard. For someone to grow up in a big
city, there aren't as many chemicals being sprayed, because farms. It also would be boring. A small town has a lot of fields, and sometimes
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What Is Small Town Big Idea?
Helping Entrepreneurs Turn BIG Ideas into even BIGGER Realities
Starting your own business can seem daunting. It can seem like the American dream is just out of reach. It's not! Small Town Big Idea is here to show
you just how attainable it actually is.
Many small businesses can't afford a marketing agency or business coach to help them navigate the ever changing world of business. Small Town Big
Idea offers a simple and affordable solution to help small business owners and entrepreneurs launch or grow their business. Small Town Big Idea
provides resources and consulting services that help entrepreneurs manage all aspects of their business and market affectively to their target public.
Small Town Big Idea gives small businesses the tools
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Compare And Contrast Living In A Small Town
Life in the United States has evolved over many years. One particular form of evolution includes cities and towns. Cities are far different now than
from the first settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. The question today is, which is better? Is it better to live in a large popular urbanized city or is it
more suitable to live in a small rural town. There are multiple pros and cons for either of the two preferences. Every person is different and has their
own opinion and preferences. Although I do live in a small town I would prefer to live in the city. Cities are exceedingly superior due to goods nearby,
simpler transportation, a wide variety of activities, and many more. However, I am not against living in small towns. By living in a city people are
closer to sources of food. There is no driving for twenty minutes for an individual if they must go to get groceries. They are much closer and cuts
down valuable time out of people's busy schedules. The amount of time for driving to the nearest supermarket is much quicker when living in the city
than a small town that does not have a store to go to for purchasing food. The time factor is very important because of many different plans that an
individual could have going on throughout a day. Living in a smaller town you must drive to a nearby city to be able to purchase ... Show more content
on ...
One of the vast number of trends includes clothing. Clothing is a way for people to be able to show and express who they are. Being in the city
you are closest to malls and other shopping centers. This allows people to be able to have quick access to clothing and much more. Malls are also a
place for social gatherings. Being close to a mall allows you not only to go shopping but to also go and hangout with friends while doing so. It opens
up many more opportunities for people to do things because of living in a city being nearby these different
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Similarities And Differences Between Small Town And Small...
In every country, the land is divided into sections of towns and cities. These towns and cities are homes to people who have looked upon their
preferences to decide where to locate their homes. Individuals take into account the advantages and disadvantages of both locations as well as the
opportunities presented. Hence, there are several similarities and differences between big cities and small towns.
To begin, a significant difference between big cities and small towns is the cost of living. The cost of living in a big city is much higher than that of a
small town due to the increase of population and demand. In the city, landlords tend to increase rate prices of living spaces depending on the
demand for the space and the number of applicants. Also, the price of food and clothing from stores is much more costly because it is located in a
busy city. The owners of these businesses do this because of the high demand, but limited supply of both space and items. However, towns have a
lower population level than cities and the cost of living spaces or items is not as expensive as the latter. The cost of living in towns is ... Show more
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Though cities and towns are places that are being modernized and turned into more concrete than grass there are still places reserved for outdoor
activities like parks and lakes. In both of these locations, people can visit their local park and have picnics or play sports. These outdoor areas are
places that people can visit to spend time with friends and family. In smalls towns and big cities people can even visit stands that are placed outside
for people to buy a variety of items like food or souvenirs. Towns and cities have these outdoor activity areas so that events can be held like fairs and
annual festivals. The outdoor spaces are an important part of towns and cities because it encourages people to become involved in the
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Small Towns Sociology
There is a diverse culture in rural areas that range from social activities such as farming and high school sports, among other traditional activities
such as drinking. Sometimes, the society of a rural community can easily force someone to be conformed to a given lifestyle that they may not
enjoy, or even do well with. Small towns, when compared to bigger cities are generally not as busy. The infrastructures in the rural areas are also
not as complex as the urban ones. The level of technology is usually not as advanced as well. For these reasons, people living in smaller towns
normally occupy out ordinary careers to earn a living. There are also particular interaction activities, which bring people from various places together.
Making decisions in small towns is more collective than bigger towns because the individuals in small towns are typically idle and almost always
ready to participate in certain acts. This paper highlights some of the cultural behaviors that are inherent in small towns.
When ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, they often turn to alcohol to make their lives better. By doing business for a couple of years or even months, almost all members of the
family resort to using the brew. Sometimes, the community way of life may also force young, innocent individuals to start drinking at a very young
age. Many people believe that the only way to feel that you belong to a given community is to drink just like others do. This kind of belief has led
many youths astray where moral values are concerned. Peer groups in small towns usually develop a range of customs or their drinking culture, which
surrounds their alcohol consumption. These customs normally cover what they drink and how much they drink. The people commonly affected by this
situation are the youth. This is because most of them do not take time to think of the consequences that always follow drinking. They just do it to
please their friends and other members of the
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Effects of Small Town Walmart
Wal–Mart: What is it Good For Travis Specht BUS 644: Operations Management Prof Arthur Baldonado 11 February, 2013 Wal
–Mart: What is it Good
For Small business is at the heart of the economies of small towns all over the United States. Yet, big box stores like Wal
–Mart and Target are growing
increasingly popular in these same communities. This is because they are able to provide a wide variety of goods and services and the lowest prices
possible. In weaker economies, these convenient and thrifty options can help stretch a family's wallet and minimize the time it takes to run a
household. However, these benefits come at a cost. Many have argues that Wal–Mart destroys any competition in a small town, ruining small businesses.
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Of course, Wal–Mart supporters might say that many stores improve the use of land they were built on. Ultimately, the value of Wal–Mart comes down
to the community it is in. Many small towns have thrived after the arrival of Wal–Mart, and many have degraded. It is no question that Wal–Mart is
one of the most popular and controversial stores in the United States. However, if it is right for your town must be a matter of great debate and
consideration. References Walmart–Stores Inc. (2012). Shoppers Spending $100 a Week Could Save An Average $700+ A Year on Similar Packaged
Groceries at Walmart. Retrieved from–archive/2008/09/12
/shoppers–spending–100–a–week–could–save–an–average–700–a–year–on–similar–packaged–groceries–at–walmart. Reich, R. (2012). Why You
Shouldn't Shop at Wal–Mart on Friday. Retrieved from
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Benefits Of Small Town Living
Growing up in a very little town in Illinois was a lot different than growing up in Houston, Texas. When I was in the fourth grade I found many
things to have changed about my surroundings, I currently lived in a place where, the people thought and acted differently. I know now reading
about it and understanding more that some of those changes were for the good and some were not. Small town living has its advantages such as,
very close friendships, close approximately to may things, and friendly people. Looking back, I also realized that there were a lot of disadvantages
such as lack of transportation, affects of a poor education, no opportunities for growth, crime, no diversity, and low paying jobs and housing. Now
that I am older, and aware of the affects of living in a small town, I can see how these many things affected my life and will continue affect it in the
future. I grew up, the majority of my live, in a town in central Illinois, Kincaid, or better known as South Fork because of the co–op with the schools
around us in sports. This town is approximately 20 miles southeast of Springfield, and is only seven miles west from the nearest town, with many
opportunities that my town did not offer (City–data).
With a total population of 1,495, including the town of Tovey about a mile away, as of July 1, 2015 Kincaid is ranked as number 587 of 1,367 as being
a small town in Illinois (Kincaid, IL). Kincaid is only about 0.62 square miles in land areas, and is located in
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Small Town Vs Big City Essay
Small town verses big city, the age–old argument which is better to live in and why does the grass always look greener on the other side, well for the
small towners at least. Growing up in Prince George a small town in B.C, I always dreamed of leaving, moving on to bigger and better places, the
big cities looked so wonderful. Well I have now lived in Edmonton, Alberta for eight years and I will say that home is where the heart is.
Now not all small towns are the same, some are in the middle of nowhere, not a thing around. Prince George was different, sure it was small and stinky
I may add, however, the lakes surrounding the town were beautiful. The water was clear and clean, the beach areas were sandy and weed free. Unlike
Alberta where you could drive for hours and still not find a clean lake, in Prince George driving for 20 min will bring you to a beautiful lake for a day
of fun. However, the closer the lake understandably the busier the lake would be, it was still nice to go out on an evening for a few hours after work
or on a whim. Even though the closer lakes could be busier from time to time, compared to the city lakes, well it doesn't even compare. Once a nice
lake is found close to the city, everyone and their dog is going to be heading to that lake on a beautiful day.
Less people! I love that about small towns, city people saying the Costco is busy compared to small town people say the Costco is busy, is actually
laughable. Costco in Prince George, you pull up
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Small Town Essay
Gabrielle Bolin
Dr. Lindsy Lawrence
English 1213 0D4
23 April 2015
This Small Town Means Business: Improving Local Economy When you grow up in a small town the one thing that is the most difficult to withstand
is boredom. At least, that's how it is for the youth of the area. However, when you look at it from an older and more mature perspective you might
realize that the main issue with some small towns is job availability, as well as the town's revenue for different projects, etc. Recently my hometown has
been undertaking a few different projects that will really benefit the area and it's economy. The youth league softball program has grown tremendously
within the past few years. Due to that improvement, Sallisaw was chosen to host a state tournament. Which was wonderful until we realized that our
softball complex was not best suited for a tournament of this magnitude. This is when talk began on building an entirely new sports complex for all of
the youth league sports in the area. One other issue arose through hosting this tournament. Out of sixty–three teams who were in the tournament last
summer, only one team stayed in Sallisaw. The rest of the teams were sent to stay in hotels here in Fort Smith, all because the hotels that are located in
Sallisaw did not have an indoor swimming pool. The teams would rather make a thirty minute commute than stay in a hotel that does not have a
swimming pool. The next project Sallisaw is undertaking is bringing in a well–known hotel
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A Small Town Analysis
Where I grew up
The small town of dill city is where I grew up and spent all of my life in the same house. I cant complain about the peaceful little town of dill city.
Nothing to interesting happens here so you don't have to worry about much. But not much goes on I western Oklahoma anyways. You normally have
to drive an hour or so to find anything interesting and fun things to do. But you can usually call a couple of friends to hangout with and usually have a
pretty good time. Friends are the best thing about growing up in a small town, they become brothers and sisters to you and eventually become family.
The neighbors here in dill city are not your average people that you see on your everyday bases. These people are the best and would do anything for
someone. The town has some shady parts in it but what town doesn't have its flaws. Dill city isn't much anymore but my oldest neighbor Ralph Ensey
has a bunch to say about this little town. He said ... Show more content on ...
It has some of the most beautiful sights that you cant see everywhere else. It has one of the prettiest sunsets that you cant miss. It has some very
wonderful grass plains that look like the ocean when the wind blows. And we can see forever out in this area. We have such pretty sky's and
wonderful clouds. This area of Oklahoma the world has much of an odd beauty that only certain people can take in. some people just overlook the
prettiest things in life and never take in the natural beauty in things
All in all I wouldn't want to grow up in any other community other than this one. No other place would feel as much like home as any other one would.
I just cant say enough about this wonderful and caring community. They provide so muchlove and care and I couldn't have made it this far without
them. The teachers here care so much for their students but sometimes don't always understand quite what we go through when some of us have
homework and have a job at the same time after
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The Influence Of Living In A Small Town
Imagine growing up in a small town where everyone knows everyone's business and the nearest Wal–Mart is almost an hour away; then imagine
attending a school where the amount of student attending is the same number of people who occupy a small town. The size difference is substantial
and plays an important role. When I was younger, I had attended both a small town school and a school in the city. I have had the chance to experience
the different lifestyles of these two variations of living. The development of who I am today was because of my surroundings. In the city, I noticed
there was different opportunities. The opportunities seemed more readily available depending on funding and sources; which are dependant on the
location. Education, development, and opportunities are widely known to be affected by environmental factors; thus, people who live in the city have a
different experience than those who reside in small towns.
There are many stereotypes associated with people who live in the city and people who live in a small town. A lot of stereotypes lean towards
people who grow up in a small town do not have the chance to receive a finer education, or everyone who lives in the city are rude and arrogant. On
contrary to these stereotypes, people raised in a small town can receive an adequate education and not everyone who lives in the city is rude.
Personally, when I transferred from a middle school with a 1000 students to a school who had roughly 300 students I noticed
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Small Town Personal Statement
Personal Statement Many people think that living in a small town can limit the perspective of one's mind, leaving one to believe that hardly
anything exists beyond the boards of one's town. Enumclaw is a small town I love; everyone knows everyone, local grocery store you got to know
the person that works there, small mountains, old parks, greens fields filled with cows. Growing up in Enumclaw was different there was not
weekends spent at the mall, not too much going on in town, and not a lot of movement, everything in Enumclaw is slow and calm. The weekends
would be consisted of getting up early to ride the tractor with your father and sit on his lap as if you were driving, quading, or hiking Mt.Peak. This
town is where I call home and I love my home because its where I feel safe, happy and where grew a great connection to.
I remember my childhood like if I was five years old again; it was the best time of my life, getting woken up by the sound of the lawn mower. My dad
was always up early, working at the farm. The smell of fresh cut grass ... Show more content on ...
This house was the best as a child it had a long drive way and big field of green grass and cows. I grew a big connection to my childhood house like
roots to a tree. It was a little down the road from Mt.Peak and I would always going hiking because it was enjoying for me to be with nature. I
remember elementary school and seeing the same faces in some of my classes tell this day. I met my best friend in kindergarten and I'm still really
good friends. Growing up in a small town there was always the same faces and same people working at the local grocery store, it takes around a
minute to walk through town, most of the time you can take a bike to your friend's house, walking to school wasn't that hard because it's not far and of
course the same old smell of
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Living In A Small Town Essay
Living in a Small Town in a Big City
Everyone has a different opinion when they have to choose between live in a small town or a big city. Some people think that living in a small town
is peaceful because they feel much closer to the nature, while the others choose to live in a big city because of its entertainment such as cinemas,
shopping centers, club, and concerts. Also, there are several similarities between small town and a big city which is history, mission, vision, values,
and goals to make their place become much better. However, most people still do not know how to decide whether they want to live in a small town
or a big city and one of the ways to solve this is to compare them at several points.
Living in a big city can be very different from a small town. Since there are a lot of opportunities to find a job in a big city, most people have their
own variety of occupations. In the morning, people are wake up and get ready to work. There are several occupations that most people in a big city
have, such as businessman, architect, entrepreneur and etc. Most of them are typically a hard worker because sometimes they do overtime work even
on the weekend. They usually ... Show more content on ...
A small town is known by their peacefulness and by their nature sounds of animals in the morning or during the night. Different from a small town, a
big city is noisier because they have a lot of variety of machine sounds such as sirens, honks, vehicles, and people. Those kind of sounds will block
out the natural noises that people would hear in a small town. It is not only the noise that is very different from both of them but also the air pollution. A
small town has more fresh air and it means people in a small town are breathing healthier air than people in a big city. Unlike small town, in a big
city, they have a lot of air pollution from cars, factories, cigarette smoke, and smokestacks which are not good for
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Descriptive Essay On A Small Town
A Small Town In a small town called Tiltonsville their was a young girl named Sue. She wasn't like any normal girl in Tiltonsville. Sue wasn't a
fancy girl, a smarts girl, or an outgoing girl. She was more like an adventurous person that was very athletic. After Sue's father was fired from his
job her parents decided moving to a new town would be a good new start. Sue was very frustrated when she heard she had to move to a new town
and quiet her soccer team. Tiltonsville is a small town with a population of about 2,428 people. Tiltonsville is known for being a very quiet and
peaceful place. The authorities and people of Tiltonsville made a rule. This rule states that in this town you are not allowed to participate in any
types of sports. The first time Sue heard about this rule was when she was kicking a soccer ball against the wall of her house and her neighbors
were giving her dirty looks. Sue was confused so she decided to ask her parents. Sue's parents asked the authorities if there was any rule against
sports. The Authorities responded and said sports are banned in this town. Sue did not agree with the authorities and people in this town. Sue had fell
in love with sports ever since she started playing them at school, with her friends, and her family during the holidays. When Sue walked into school
on the very first day she noticed it was very quiet. She noticed a recess all the children would just talk or run around. She noticed during PE all they
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Living In A Small Town
Living in a small town may not be for everyone, but to many people that have grown up in one, it is one of the most amazing ways to live life. It is
really some of the most simplest things in life that will make a small town one of the most amazing places on Earth. Many small towns deserve way
more attention than they receive. Despite their size they still have a lot to offer. Throughout all over the world, many various forms of small towns
stretch all the way across. Some tend to offer more uniqueness than others, but each and everyone one of them have their own story. Most of them all
have their own dark secrets, offering a fascinating history within its origin. They all offer a very uniqueness of food, since it is located in a small town, it
is probably the only one in the world, unless if its a chain of restaurants. Many small towns allow people to create close relationships, because it is a
type of environment where everyone knows everyone. Allowing people to have more of belonging, which allows small towns to be a safe and
friendly place. Even though cities tend to offer more opportunities, it is almost impossible for them to have the experiences that a small town can
offer. Small towns tend to offer many varieties of unique food experiences along with safe and friendly neighborhoods and a fascinating history. Many
various forms of restaurants stretch across the world. However, some are more unique than others. Especially if they are located in small towns. Most
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Small Town Living In Our Town
The play Our Town, illustrates the true essence of small town living. When living in a small town, people see a familiar face wherever they go and
know the history and character behind these individuals. Life in a small town can lack options for entertainment at times; some may even categorize
it as "dull". Yet, anyone can see that Grover's Corners, the town written about in Our Town, and Colby, Kansas contain a life full of personality and
charm. The citizens of Grover's Corners live a basic life throughout the majority of the play. The play portrays daily life,love and marriage, and how
delicate life can amount to. The life lived today in Colby compared with Grover's Corners depicts several similarities as well as differences. Each
person in the small town lives a simple life that meets their basic needs: working, their political philosophy and their religious affiliation. In Act I, the
Lady in a Box quizzes Mr. Webb about the culture of the community. The playwright expresses this through Mr. Webb saying, "Well, ma'am, there ain't
much––not in the sense you mean" (Wilder 17). This means the townspeople don't attend elaborate concerts, but enjoy simple pleasures such as the
playing of a piano at local events. In our town, very rarely do big promoted concerts choose Colby as their venue, but citizens get to enjoy a lot of
local talent. The population of Grover's Corners consists of 3,149 people compared to Colby which has around 5,418 people. Furthermore, the
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Importance Of Children In A Small Town
A small town, a place where everyone knows everyone. Raising a child in a small town can be beneficial because of the environmental setting.
Freedom in a small town is likely to come because parents are not too concerned of their child's whereabouts. Getting out of the house and being
adventurous exposes children to nature and portrays a better view of life. Being skillful is a great trait because it helps children be able to make do
with what him/her may have.
Children should be reared in a small town rather than a large city because of its positive factors. Freedom in a small town is given to children
because parents do not have to worry as much. If children are raised in a city, parents are less likely to give their children freedom because he/she
will be exposed to so much. As Rebecca Ley states, "I can't imagine ever letting my children out of the front door to roam /freely like I did. Not
when I've witnessed a man selling drugs at the end of our road, and the crossing near the high street has a shrine of faded plastic flowers"(3). Ley
is saying that if she lets her children roam around the city, then it may affect the way she is raising them. As Rebecca Ley states, "I worry that they
will lose their innocence far too early, becoming streetwise teenagers who roll their eyes and melt into the city to get up to no good"(3). Rebecca Ley
says she is afraid that her children will become corrupted teenagers because of what the children are exposed to. As Rebecca Ley
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Small Town Monologue
Waking up in Winnfield, Louisiana is nothing new to me. I've been here all my life and rarely go out of town. Even though my traveling has been
limited I've experienced a lot of things. Being from a small town doesn't necessarily restrain the things you undergo and it doesn't mean you have a
nice, simple life either. Well, unfortunately, my life is based on hard work, sacrifice, and poverty. My siblings and I have been through a lot. From
having little food to eat to having to watch our mother deal with domestic abuse and even disownment from family members. We've gotten through all
of this, but some things take a toll on you. We lived in pretty much every apartment complex in Winnfield because we always got put out for late
bills or the holes in the wall from my dad's temper. My mom was the only one that had a job and that wasn't enough for five kids and my dad as
well. He didn't have job, yet my mom basically took care of him. He treated her like she was nothing. When we would get kicked out of yet another
apartment with no where to go, our grandma would take us in. It was move in with her or be homeless. Honestly, living with her was hell. She's the
person that caused us to feel unwanted because she made it obvious that she didn't want us there. She was our ... Show more content on
My experiences have been very inculcate. It has humbled me and given me a drive to keep going. Yes, I am African American and less fortunate than
others, but I'll never become a stereotype. Yes, I still don't have much money and I still deal with depression and the thought of being let down, but
now I've learn to deal with it. I live with my cousin and this environment has also alleviated my situation. I feel that my past experiences only
enhanced my life. I thank God for the things I've been through because I would have a different mindset. No matter what happens, I'll still continue to
work hard because that's just who I
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Small Town Research Paper
Twin city is a great small town in Emanuel County Georgia. I have been around Twin city since I was about 5 or so and it has been a good
experience. Twin city consist of about three convenient stores, a grocery store, parts store and a few other places with one red light. There isn't
much to do in Twin city but it's a small town with very few people so it's easy to get peace and quiet without your neighbor fussing, fighting, partying
etc. Twin city is 3.6 square miles and has a total of about 1800 people. Twin city used to consist of the two separate towns of Summit and Graymont
until in 1921 when the two towns combined together and became Twin city. The main attraction in Twin city is at George L. Smith state park and it's
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Growing Up In A Small Town
Imagine a world where there is no longer any local farms or farmers, a world where Ag is no longer offered in high school, FFA is no longer the
backbone for agricultural education, and buying locally grown produce at your local supermarket is no longer an option. For those of us who have
grown up with these great benefits and opportunities of living in a small town, probably can't imagine what it would be like. I personally will be
greatly affected by this. The thought of urbanization taking the heart and soul out of small rural towns is crushing. Growing up in a small town has
made me who I am today.
The world that we have grown up in is changing. By the year 2050, nearly 80% of the earth's population will reside in urban areas. This will
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What Is A Small Town?
Limington, Maine 43.29 square miles large. It is a small town that is in the southern part of Maine; forty–five minutes from the coast and two hours
from New Hampshire. Limington is a small forested area spread, with only one major chain store "Dollar General". Limington has by the latest census
in 2010 the population is 3,713 residents. The population is divided 50/50 for females (1,855) and males (1,858). The median age is 43.7 years old for
males it is 43 years old and for females it is 49.1 years old.
The median income of the town is averaged around $69,389 for families and the mean income is $73,668 with a per capita of $23,822. For non–family
households the median is $25,208 and the mean is $29,377. The earnings of a full–time and ... Show more content on ...
Though none of those are by geography, but by the area in which limington lies and the fact it is in the northeast.
Limington hold only one elementary school H.B.Emery Elementary and is part of the S.A.D.6 district that combines with neighboring towns of
Standish,Hollis,Buxton, and Steep Falls all of which join together in the Middle School (6th–8th) and High School (9th–12th). The school district has a
graduation rate of 85.11% and as of 2007–2008 the number of dropouts from 9th to 12th is 42 students a normal graduating class is between 200–300
students. Of all the schools S.A.D.6 district is just above the average graduation rate in Cumberland county that is at 84.88% and compared to other
counties it is about average for all of Maine.
The education at Bonny Eagle High School is considered 18th in the state of Maine, but by standards and grades it is C average school.
On their website Niche breaks down the school into 10 categories and the best grades are in Club & Activities and Sports and the lowest being
Diversity (as noted above diversity is limited), Food, and Administration. Though personal reviews are not wanted: I want the record to stand that
grades given to the school are pretty accurate and sad to admit too. The academics proficients in
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Small Town In Huck Finn
Mark Twain's HuckleBerry Finn is one of the most influential classics in American History. It obtained this status for many reasons, one of which
being the way Twain accurately captured the essence of the time period and its societal aspects. However, just because it reflects the 1800s so
perfectly, doesn't mean it neglects to show readers occurrences that are still applicable today. One of the most apparent examples of this is the way
he depicts small town life. Many of these features he emphasizes are unchanging and still apply to small towns today. Twain portrays small towns
in a way that shows clear examples of the way gossip travels, it's restraints, and his own judgments of the inhabitants of said towns. He also shows a
disdain for small town life, through the thoughts of Huck himself. There are many examples of small towns throughout the book. One of principle
characteristics of small towns that Twain displays is the rate at which information and gossip spreads. This is very apparent in Huck's home town,
especially expressed when Huck visits a woman new to town in order to gain knowledge of the happenings of the town. This woman had lived in
town less than two weeks, yet she already knew all of the recent events of the town, including the situation with Huck Finn and his father. This is
expressed by Huck narrating, "by–and–by she dropped into pap and the murder...She told me about me and Tom Sawyer finding 6 thousand dollars
(only she got it ten) and all about pap
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Small Town Research Paper
Even in a small town, there is a variety of art everywhere you look. Some art is more unique and interesting than others, which is one of the many
reasons why I love our small town. The art in this community has a special place in my life because I have grown up in this area; Humphrey's county
was and always will be my childhood. Although many things in Humphrey's County interest me, some tend to fascinate me more than others. The three
pieces of art that interest me the most in this community are Paint Rock, Cherry Bottom, and the train at the City Hall. Paint Rock, a three–dimensional
piece of art, is very well known in my community; many people go every year to paint their name or draw on not only the rock, but the road as well.
The focal ... Show more content on ...
This train car represents the Waverly train wreck of 1978. This wreck consisted of an explosion and massive fire. A derailed tank car loaded with
2,000 gallons of propane exploded in "a ball of fire", hurling burning bodies into the air and setting downtown Waverly afire. Art with a history is
the best kind of art. This piece of art is definitely not for sale, and probably never will be. It marks a day in history; in fact, one that many will
never forget. The train car is important in my community because it represents the deaths of many loved ones on the sad day of 1978. The train is
one of my many favorite sites because it has a meaning behind it and is held close to many people's hearts that lost their relatives and loved ones in
the unpredictable explosion. In this case, I believe that this piece of art is unique. Many trains explode, but not in Waverly, Tennessee. This terrible
accident will forever be
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A Small Town In The 1800's
In the early 1800's, high in the mountains, secluded from the rest of the world a small town that goes by Umbrae. The town only had 130 people
living there. The nearest town was six hours away by hours and carriage. The people live normal lives, they helped each other with anything and
everything. They were all friendly and kind to each other. It was just a simple town... well you could say they were just a "normal" town with "normal
people. But one day, in the middle of September a carriage pulled into the small town. The gates opened up allowing the carriage to enter. As the
carriage was passing the town's people, a man in the carriage looked out of the window and looked at the scenery. The carriage stopped in front of the
mayor's house. The man stepped out of the carriage with the help of the footman, brushing off the imaginary dirt on his shoulders and sleeves. ... Show
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The man walked up to the door and knocked three times. A women in her late thirty's opened the door and looked at the man in the eyes "Come in,
he's waiting for you." She spoke quietly. As he walked in, the lady shuts the door behind him. She took him to a room all the way down the hall.
The lady knocked on the door. "Come in," a soft voice was heard through the door. As the lady opened the door the man walked in. A chubby man sat
in an overly large chair. His medium wooden desk was filled with papers some scattered on the
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The Importance Of Teens In A Small Town
When people choose to have children their first thought is their well–being which includes their safety, happiness, and health. The second thought
might be, where is the best place to raise them. Some may argue for cities because there's more diversity, or a small town because it's safer. In
movies, you see small towns as the perfect place to raise your kids. The people in the community are close and helpful, it gives you a sense of
safeness for your kids, and it's cute and quaint. In reality there's nothing for them to do and in turn some kids might isolate themselves, turn to
alcohol and drugs, get pregnant, or harm themselves. All the previous reason listed is why we need more things for teens to do in a small town. In
order for teens to stay happy, healthy, and safe we must come up with things to occupy their time that are affordable for all. One benefit of having
more things to do in a small town is reducing the drunk driving. Many times, in a small–town, teens will use alcohol as a way to pass the time on a
Friday or Saturday night, if not both. When teens get together to drink its usually never turns out good. In an article written by Jeff Black of NBC
NEWS, he mentioned a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, that the risk of death is 20% higher in a small town than in a big city. These
deaths include shootings, vehicle accidents and many more. Black also says that in most rural areas the vehicle death rate is 27.61/100,000 people
compared to the rate
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Is It Better To Grow Up In A Small Town Essay
Some believe it is better to grow up in a big city. However it is more beneficial to grow up in a small town. Rural communities have a lot to offer. It
offers numerous benefits to living in a bigger community. For example, they have several job opportunities offered to the residents. There is less
conflict between each other because half of the people don't even know eachother. Therefore, everyone is minding their business and keeping to
themselves. The bigger the community you live in the more money the city probably makes, for example, they offer a better education and provide more
options as what a student wants to pursue in after graduating high school. In my opinion there are more sights to see when there are more places to
experience and explore, therefore stating why a big city is better to live in. In a more populated area, it expands the opportunities for jobs in the
community when there are more options to choose from. It's difficult to live in a populated area, but it benefits almost everyone around you trying
to make a living as well as you are. Resulting in a huge reason why families move to bigger towns for job offers or opportunities. As everyone knows
businesses thrive better in cities, because they have more people needing the opportunity to work for them. If the staff increases, the business will
grow as well. Businesses provide jobs for numerous people to help the company and provide for the employees to receive what they need in daily living.
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Pros And Cons Of Small Town America
Let's talk about small town America. It is a wild place. It can be the greatest place on planet earth, or the worse place you have ever been. Rural
towns do have their ups and downs. For instance, in a house out in the country, you can take a leak off of your back porch, and no one will care.
However, the location of many small country towns makes them a target for trouble. And out away from civilization, there may be no one to help you
in your time of need. So what are the pros and cons of rural life?
Let's talk about the good things first. A popular good thing that comes to mind is privacy. Privacy is a window to freedom. You can piss off of your
front porch and no one cares, you can listen to your music as loud as you want to, and you can roam free in your underwear and, likely, no one will
see you. Privacy is good, but what else is nice about small town America? One word: Friends. In small rural towns, you begin to build close
relationship with your neighbors, and sometimes, they may even become family. Don't take them for granted either, because out in the country, they
will be your first and last life–line. ... Show more content on ...
You do not have to worry about you noisy neighbors making there "love session" known to the entire apartment complex, you do not have to worry
about Bob's drama every other Monday, and you have to listen to people loud, broken cars. So, yeah, quiet is nice. It is so great, as a matter of fact,
that it is usually the one soul reason any one person may move to the
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Small Town Culture

  • 1. Small Town Culture Living in a small town is all about tradition. Every Friday night during the fall, the entire community is at the football stadium, going crazy after every touchdown. You've lived and gone to school with the same people your entire life. The line between family and friends starts to blur. You have to be careful who you date because they may actually be a distant cousin. Sadly, a small town isn't the most liberal or open–minded of places. With a predominantly white population of approximately 3,700 people, Sweeny is the epitome of a small southern town. We have one stoplight, and the main buildings in the town are the three schools. You can imagine the discomfort and insecurity a closeted gay Hispanic teenager felt. Once I began high school, I began noticing little things that didn't seem quite right. Most of them centered on the fact that I seemed to find guys more attractive than girls. Ashamed of myself, I pushed these feelings to the furthest reaches of my mind. Boys had girlfriends; girls had boyfriends. It was the way things were meant to be; anything else was wrong and perverse. Despite constant self–reassurance that I was straight, I never really convinced myself. ... Show more content on ... Panicked, I succumbed to the social norm and started dating a girl. It came as no surprise to me that I never felt quite comfortable holding her hand and never felt the desire to kiss her. Little by little, I began realizing that I couldn't really picture a future with a girl. I broke up with her and found myself back at square one: dealing with a problem I could tell no one about, not even my ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Characteristics Of A Small Town Have you ever gone on a road trip and you 're driving through a loud, hectic city and then, BAM! You reach a quiet countryside surrounded by charming houses, and it seems so serene? You have just stepped foot in a small town. I personally prefer living in a small town rather than a big city because I am more comfortable with a smaller area. I come from a small town of about 6,000 people, and I have to say it is so much better than living in a big city (AreaVibes Inc.). Unique characteristics of a small town, a relaxed pace of life, and a safer environment are all reasons to live in a small town. The small town is home. Small towns have their own special characteristics. Not only are they surrounded by beautiful outdoor nature, but they also have a great small town hospitality. You will find people to be more welcoming and will take the time to say hi to you. The environment is much cleaner. You can get to know your neighbors better and makes lots of friends in a small town. It is easier to get involved in the community. The best thing about small towns is their low cost of living compared to a big city. It is far better to live in a small town where people can take a break to smell the roses and make connections with the people around them. The air is fresh because there is lower population, less vehicles, and less traffic jam. Also, there are lots of trees, forests, or lakes in small town that gives people fresher air. Furthermore, people in rural areas have more ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Avigail In A Small Town IIn a small town there was problem being caused because of one girl's misdeeds. Now the town is having court to find the person who's guilty for these misdeeds. I strongly believe that Avigail is responsible for these misdeeds. She put innocent girls in danger in order to be safe. she also force them to do fake witchcraft and lie for her. She should pay for her crimes. Avigail force them to do crazy things such as fake witchcraft. She also force force them to lie for her safety. She basically told girls what to do. She made sure that she wouldn't be held accountable for her misdeed. She didn't just manipulated. She also called innocent people, She blamed them for her misdeeds. For example Tibuta. She blamed Tibuta for dancing in the woods. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Building A Small Town Of Downtown Blacksburg What would you do, if your favorite locally owned shops were to shut down? All across America locally owned stores are shutting down due to competition with large corporate businesses. One such case involves Blacksburg a small town located in Southwest Virginia. Located in the center of town, Downtown Blacksburg hosts its fair share of local business. From art stores to yogurt shops Downtown Blacksburg has it all. However, in the recent years local businesses are taking a toll as big franchises are moving in across the street. As big businesses move in competition increases for the local stores and being unable to keep up with the growing competition small businesses ultimately shut down. Steps should be taken to preserve the integrity of locally owned business from big franchises to prevent the loss of local culture that defines a small town. One of the major issues with big corporation moving in is that they affect the overall real estate of the local town. This means that as more and bigger corporation move in the price of real estate increase. As the price increase local business are left defense less. This is because big businesses try to acquire prime real estate. This further increases competition and those who can afford to pay remain, while those who are unable to pay are forgotten. A local resident of Blacksburg Mr. Comaratta, who uses to be an assistant manager at Crossroads, a locally owned music and record store stated, "They raised our rent from $4,200 to ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Small Town Research Paper I grew up in the small town of Blair, Nebraska which is located 20 miles north of Omaha, on the eastern edge of the state. The town covers 5.5 square miles and lies directly on the Missouri river. The population is approximately 8,000 and it continues to grow, as Blair is a very popular town for young and developing families. With the expanding number of kids, the town does the best it can to create enough attractions that will keep them entertained. While it may seem like Blair is a small town with nothing to do, I have realized that is far from the truth. There are countless reasons for families to live there. One of the most significant reasons a family would choose to live there is the school district. It is in the top 25 largest school ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Why Should People Stay Away From Small Towns? People will ask why small towns are so cozy, so welcoming to anyone who enters its town's city limits. It is not as nice as many would think. Small towns are ruined by people, by the way they live, and by the way people will hurt one another just for gain. These are just three factors that are reasons why people should stay away from small towns. The begining factor on how people ruin by people is simply by how they ruin the town. Many people would assume that in a small town, everybody are friends... This factor though, is a major lie. In small town; there are two people who live in them, friends, and people you just wish to run over with a truck and shoot their head with a shotgun. It is true that small town folks are very close with their friends, but for those who are not friends, it can be related to having to eat ice cream while every tooth has a cavity. For folks here, it is war between people who are hated, with the armies being friends of the ... Show more content on ... The everyday city tourist would assume that the houses are great big farm houses with barns and animals living inside white picket fences; when this is not the case. In small towns, there are actually only few, massively oversized farms taking up acres of land to plant one crop, while the rest of the homes are either in a state of decay, being destroyed by the owners, or in a fairly decent condition for age. Most houses are very hold, some of the younger original houses only being 100 years old or older. Select few are in fairly good condition but have minor flaws that can be livable with; other houses though will look as if they were dug out from a landfill and lived in. Houses like these will be common to see holes in wall, trash everywhere, messes to all extent and nightmares of home issues that make it unsafe for anyone to even live in such a place; yet they do. Just one more reason to show how horrid small towns ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Small Town Research Paper [b]Name:[/b] Small Town, Big secret [b]Content:[/b] This one could go in exotic NC or Extreme [b]Scenario:[/b] This RP takes place in a quiet country town that has some very special secrets. About to turn eighteen an outsider to this small town is sent to spend the summer with her grandparents. This young woman has never meet these grandparents and has no idea what awaits her when she climbs off the bus into the sleepy country town of Weirwood creek. Her parents told her it was just going to be a relaxing summer before her busy collage life starts, but as she spends more time in this little town she starts to discover that things are not as they seem. In this small town there is a gate from which creatures from other worlds and times ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Exploring Small Town Life I live in the small town of Barney, North Dakota, however I go to school in the town of Wyndmere, North Dakota. I absolutely love small town life and I do believe that it has had a huge impact on who I have become throughout all 17 years of my life. Going to a school with only 20 kids in my class has immediate positives. First of all, it is easy to concentrate on academics when you can have one on one time with a teacher almost whenever there is freetime. Also, in a small town there is a huge push for involvement in extracurricular activities. This is because we still have many groups and organizations but we don't have as many members that a larger school would. This has sculpted me into a well rounded individual by being apart of almost every ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Personal Narrative: Moving To A Small Town Moving from a Chicago Suburb to a smaller town was pretty difficult at first, but the more I've lived in this town, I've grown to like it better than my old town. Moving from a town with nearly fifty thousand people to a town about a seventh of the size was a big benefit. Seeing that in my old town people only knew their neighbors or the parents of their kids. But here, when I first moved, in our neighbor asked if we were the people at the soccer tryouts. We haven't talked to anyone yet, so we were a bit weirded out. But it's nice knowing that there is always someone who knows who you are. It was a welcomed change. We lived in "Canterbury Woods", a neighborhood where all the houses looked nearly identical and no one–– excluding the kids –– ... Show more content on ... "I'll check out some of the towns nearby, and we'll tell the kids in the morning." She said. Tell us what? I didn't really know what they were talking about, so I crept back to my room. The only signs anyone acknowledged me sneaking out was my dog, whose head sprung up, looking in my direction, her ears perked up. In the morning our mom told us we were going to sell the house and possibly move to a little town named Geneseo. I've only been there once, to get gas on the way to our grandma and grandpa's. The news was surprising and made me a little upset. I'd have to leave my friends I've grown up with. "We need to be close to family," my mom said, apparently noticing my sadness. We found a realtor, who later turned out to be terrible. We don't know how she got all these good reviews. We had to clean the house spotless, clean enough to eat off of anything. We did touch ups on the walls and cabinets where they were needed. The next day after school, my dad picked me up from the bus stop with my sister because we had three showings after school. The day was filled with driving around the neighborhood, cramped in the car with a dog panting in my face. When we got home, we were stiffer than a board. We were so glad to finally lay down on the couch or our beds. My mom got a call from our realtor saying that we had three offers. We were so surprised to get an offer in less than a day, even our realtor was. Two were over asking price by nearly twenty ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Small Town Research Paper How the Lack of Recreational Activities in Small Towns Affects the Development of Children Chance Copp Daleville High School Author Note Chance Copp, Department of, Daleville High School How the Lack of Recreational Activities in Small Towns Affects the Development of Children Although there is nothing wrong with growing up in a small town, children that do are usually not as sociable as children that grow up in more urban areas, they tend to have a duller childhood, and they don't know how to talk to people as well. Many sociologist have done research in the area of childhood development and how growing up in certain environments can affect how they are later in life, but one question has remained unanswered: How do children ... Show more content on ... The answer could be as simple as: since rural children are secluded from mainstream society they are going to be more likely to be less sociable than their urban counterparts and that because of their lack of recreational activities in their communities that they are more likely to engage in illegal activities such as drug use to try and entertain themselves. While this may answer the question, a lot of the answer still remains to be unfound. In order to fully answer this question more research needs to be done into the subject and we need to get the input of children in these communities. A good way to continue this research would be to go into rural communities that recently added recreational activities and see how it has changed the youth in those communities. Researchers will continue to go over this topic for years to come and one day they will be able to find a complete answer to the question, but for now this answer will have to suffice. Reference Conger, R., & Elder, G. H. (1994). Families in troubled times: adapting to change in rural America. New York, IA: Aldine de Gruyter. Indicators of rural youth drug use. (1988). Journal of Youth and Adolescence,17(4), 335 –347. Kandel, D. (1975). ... Get more on ...
  • 11. My Favorite Experience Of Living In A Small Town Life? Small Town Life I am from a small town named Winner that has roughly 3,500 people in it. We don't have a whole lot, but it is still a nice place to live. Moving to Aberdeen has been a challenge, but I am slowly getting the hang of things. Small towns have multiple perks that people from bigger areas do not get to experience, just like bigger towns have things that small towns do not get to experience. My favorite thing about living in Winner is having a sense of community. Because we live in a small town, everybody knows everyone. Sometimes it can be a pain because everyone knows your business but it does have benefits. If someone has cancer, or a loved one has passed away, or someone has a house fire, people are always there to help you. Whether it's a benefit, locals sending you sympathy cards, or people starting a meal chain for you, you can always count on the people who live in your small town. I have had an amazing group of people who have helped my family in tough times and it means the world to us. Smaller communities seem to have an unbreakable backbone of people who will always be there for you in whatever situation you are going through. Another thing I realized is how great the traffic in Winner is. Obviously, we have our normal lunch rush, but Aberdeen's traffic has been a different experience. It was quite overwhelming when I first moved here because things move at such fast pace. People seem to be in such a hurry and I find it difficult to avoid ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Spring In A Small Town In this essay, I will argue the blocking and lighting of Mise en ScГЁne convey Yuwen will never get back the former love from the clip of Spring in a Small Town. Firstly, there are two scenes use blocking to display the implicit meaning to the audience. In the view of one scene shows Dai Xiu is singing for Zhicheng but he is looking at Yuwen affectionately while Yuwen is getting medicine for Liyan, even Dai Xiu distracts Zhicheng by an emphatic tone, this can express Zhicheng is still loving Yuwen. Also, Liyan stands up and walks towards Zhicheng when Zhicheng is focusing his attention on Yuwen, which the scene shows Liyan could be the main obstruction between Yuwen and Zhicheng. According to the description above and Yuwen barely smiles and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. To What Extent Is It Better To Grow Up In A Small Town Some people believe it is better to grow up in a small town, and other people think it's better to grow in a big city. I consider it better to grow in a big city, not only because there are more people, but because you experience more people and different things that a small town probably doesn't have. In a small town, everyone knows everyone else, and a neighborhood in a big city is bigger than that whole small town. There are more eating options in a big city. Growing up in a big city is better because you aren't sharing the road with farm vehicles, which could be a hazard. For someone to grow up in a big city, there aren't as many chemicals being sprayed, because farms. It also would be boring. A small town has a lot of fields, and sometimes ... Get more on ...
  • 14. What Is Small Town Big Idea? Helping Entrepreneurs Turn BIG Ideas into even BIGGER Realities Starting your own business can seem daunting. It can seem like the American dream is just out of reach. It's not! Small Town Big Idea is here to show you just how attainable it actually is. Many small businesses can't afford a marketing agency or business coach to help them navigate the ever changing world of business. Small Town Big Idea offers a simple and affordable solution to help small business owners and entrepreneurs launch or grow their business. Small Town Big Idea provides resources and consulting services that help entrepreneurs manage all aspects of their business and market affectively to their target public. Small Town Big Idea gives small businesses the tools ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Living In A Small Town Life in the United States has evolved over many years. One particular form of evolution includes cities and towns. Cities are far different now than from the first settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. The question today is, which is better? Is it better to live in a large popular urbanized city or is it more suitable to live in a small rural town. There are multiple pros and cons for either of the two preferences. Every person is different and has their own opinion and preferences. Although I do live in a small town I would prefer to live in the city. Cities are exceedingly superior due to goods nearby, simpler transportation, a wide variety of activities, and many more. However, I am not against living in small towns. By living in a city people are closer to sources of food. There is no driving for twenty minutes for an individual if they must go to get groceries. They are much closer and cuts down valuable time out of people's busy schedules. The amount of time for driving to the nearest supermarket is much quicker when living in the city than a small town that does not have a store to go to for purchasing food. The time factor is very important because of many different plans that an individual could have going on throughout a day. Living in a smaller town you must drive to a nearby city to be able to purchase ... Show more content on ... One of the vast number of trends includes clothing. Clothing is a way for people to be able to show and express who they are. Being in the city you are closest to malls and other shopping centers. This allows people to be able to have quick access to clothing and much more. Malls are also a place for social gatherings. Being close to a mall allows you not only to go shopping but to also go and hangout with friends while doing so. It opens up many more opportunities for people to do things because of living in a city being nearby these different ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Similarities And Differences Between Small Town And Small... In every country, the land is divided into sections of towns and cities. These towns and cities are homes to people who have looked upon their preferences to decide where to locate their homes. Individuals take into account the advantages and disadvantages of both locations as well as the opportunities presented. Hence, there are several similarities and differences between big cities and small towns. To begin, a significant difference between big cities and small towns is the cost of living. The cost of living in a big city is much higher than that of a small town due to the increase of population and demand. In the city, landlords tend to increase rate prices of living spaces depending on the demand for the space and the number of applicants. Also, the price of food and clothing from stores is much more costly because it is located in a busy city. The owners of these businesses do this because of the high demand, but limited supply of both space and items. However, towns have a lower population level than cities and the cost of living spaces or items is not as expensive as the latter. The cost of living in towns is ... Show more content on ... Though cities and towns are places that are being modernized and turned into more concrete than grass there are still places reserved for outdoor activities like parks and lakes. In both of these locations, people can visit their local park and have picnics or play sports. These outdoor areas are places that people can visit to spend time with friends and family. In smalls towns and big cities people can even visit stands that are placed outside for people to buy a variety of items like food or souvenirs. Towns and cities have these outdoor activity areas so that events can be held like fairs and annual festivals. The outdoor spaces are an important part of towns and cities because it encourages people to become involved in the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Small Towns Sociology There is a diverse culture in rural areas that range from social activities such as farming and high school sports, among other traditional activities such as drinking. Sometimes, the society of a rural community can easily force someone to be conformed to a given lifestyle that they may not enjoy, or even do well with. Small towns, when compared to bigger cities are generally not as busy. The infrastructures in the rural areas are also not as complex as the urban ones. The level of technology is usually not as advanced as well. For these reasons, people living in smaller towns normally occupy out ordinary careers to earn a living. There are also particular interaction activities, which bring people from various places together. Making decisions in small towns is more collective than bigger towns because the individuals in small towns are typically idle and almost always ready to participate in certain acts. This paper highlights some of the cultural behaviors that are inherent in small towns. When ... Show more content on ... Therefore, they often turn to alcohol to make their lives better. By doing business for a couple of years or even months, almost all members of the family resort to using the brew. Sometimes, the community way of life may also force young, innocent individuals to start drinking at a very young age. Many people believe that the only way to feel that you belong to a given community is to drink just like others do. This kind of belief has led many youths astray where moral values are concerned. Peer groups in small towns usually develop a range of customs or their drinking culture, which surrounds their alcohol consumption. These customs normally cover what they drink and how much they drink. The people commonly affected by this situation are the youth. This is because most of them do not take time to think of the consequences that always follow drinking. They just do it to please their friends and other members of the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Effects of Small Town Walmart Wal–Mart: What is it Good For Travis Specht BUS 644: Operations Management Prof Arthur Baldonado 11 February, 2013 Wal –Mart: What is it Good For Small business is at the heart of the economies of small towns all over the United States. Yet, big box stores like Wal –Mart and Target are growing increasingly popular in these same communities. This is because they are able to provide a wide variety of goods and services and the lowest prices possible. In weaker economies, these convenient and thrifty options can help stretch a family's wallet and minimize the time it takes to run a household. However, these benefits come at a cost. Many have argues that Wal–Mart destroys any competition in a small town, ruining small businesses. ... Show more content on ... Of course, Wal–Mart supporters might say that many stores improve the use of land they were built on. Ultimately, the value of Wal–Mart comes down to the community it is in. Many small towns have thrived after the arrival of Wal–Mart, and many have degraded. It is no question that Wal–Mart is one of the most popular and controversial stores in the United States. However, if it is right for your town must be a matter of great debate and consideration. References Walmart–Stores Inc. (2012). Shoppers Spending $100 a Week Could Save An Average $700+ A Year on Similar Packaged Groceries at Walmart. Retrieved from–archive/2008/09/12 /shoppers–spending–100–a–week–could–save–an–average–700–a–year–on–similar–packaged–groceries–at–walmart. Reich, R. (2012). Why You Shouldn't Shop at Wal–Mart on Friday. Retrieved from ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Benefits Of Small Town Living Growing up in a very little town in Illinois was a lot different than growing up in Houston, Texas. When I was in the fourth grade I found many things to have changed about my surroundings, I currently lived in a place where, the people thought and acted differently. I know now reading about it and understanding more that some of those changes were for the good and some were not. Small town living has its advantages such as, very close friendships, close approximately to may things, and friendly people. Looking back, I also realized that there were a lot of disadvantages such as lack of transportation, affects of a poor education, no opportunities for growth, crime, no diversity, and low paying jobs and housing. Now that I am older, and aware of the affects of living in a small town, I can see how these many things affected my life and will continue affect it in the future. I grew up, the majority of my live, in a town in central Illinois, Kincaid, or better known as South Fork because of the co–op with the schools around us in sports. This town is approximately 20 miles southeast of Springfield, and is only seven miles west from the nearest town, with many opportunities that my town did not offer (City–data). With a total population of 1,495, including the town of Tovey about a mile away, as of July 1, 2015 Kincaid is ranked as number 587 of 1,367 as being a small town in Illinois (Kincaid, IL). Kincaid is only about 0.62 square miles in land areas, and is located in ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Small Town Vs Big City Essay Small town verses big city, the age–old argument which is better to live in and why does the grass always look greener on the other side, well for the small towners at least. Growing up in Prince George a small town in B.C, I always dreamed of leaving, moving on to bigger and better places, the big cities looked so wonderful. Well I have now lived in Edmonton, Alberta for eight years and I will say that home is where the heart is. Now not all small towns are the same, some are in the middle of nowhere, not a thing around. Prince George was different, sure it was small and stinky I may add, however, the lakes surrounding the town were beautiful. The water was clear and clean, the beach areas were sandy and weed free. Unlike Alberta where you could drive for hours and still not find a clean lake, in Prince George driving for 20 min will bring you to a beautiful lake for a day of fun. However, the closer the lake understandably the busier the lake would be, it was still nice to go out on an evening for a few hours after work or on a whim. Even though the closer lakes could be busier from time to time, compared to the city lakes, well it doesn't even compare. Once a nice lake is found close to the city, everyone and their dog is going to be heading to that lake on a beautiful day. Less people! I love that about small towns, city people saying the Costco is busy compared to small town people say the Costco is busy, is actually laughable. Costco in Prince George, you pull up ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Small Town Essay Gabrielle Bolin Dr. Lindsy Lawrence English 1213 0D4 23 April 2015 This Small Town Means Business: Improving Local Economy When you grow up in a small town the one thing that is the most difficult to withstand is boredom. At least, that's how it is for the youth of the area. However, when you look at it from an older and more mature perspective you might realize that the main issue with some small towns is job availability, as well as the town's revenue for different projects, etc. Recently my hometown has been undertaking a few different projects that will really benefit the area and it's economy. The youth league softball program has grown tremendously within the past few years. Due to that improvement, Sallisaw was chosen to host a state tournament. Which was wonderful until we realized that our softball complex was not best suited for a tournament of this magnitude. This is when talk began on building an entirely new sports complex for all of the youth league sports in the area. One other issue arose through hosting this tournament. Out of sixty–three teams who were in the tournament last summer, only one team stayed in Sallisaw. The rest of the teams were sent to stay in hotels here in Fort Smith, all because the hotels that are located in Sallisaw did not have an indoor swimming pool. The teams would rather make a thirty minute commute than stay in a hotel that does not have a swimming pool. The next project Sallisaw is undertaking is bringing in a well–known hotel ... Get more on ...
  • 22. A Small Town Analysis Where I grew up The small town of dill city is where I grew up and spent all of my life in the same house. I cant complain about the peaceful little town of dill city. Nothing to interesting happens here so you don't have to worry about much. But not much goes on I western Oklahoma anyways. You normally have to drive an hour or so to find anything interesting and fun things to do. But you can usually call a couple of friends to hangout with and usually have a pretty good time. Friends are the best thing about growing up in a small town, they become brothers and sisters to you and eventually become family. The neighbors here in dill city are not your average people that you see on your everyday bases. These people are the best and would do anything for someone. The town has some shady parts in it but what town doesn't have its flaws. Dill city isn't much anymore but my oldest neighbor Ralph Ensey has a bunch to say about this little town. He said ... Show more content on ... It has some of the most beautiful sights that you cant see everywhere else. It has one of the prettiest sunsets that you cant miss. It has some very wonderful grass plains that look like the ocean when the wind blows. And we can see forever out in this area. We have such pretty sky's and wonderful clouds. This area of Oklahoma the world has much of an odd beauty that only certain people can take in. some people just overlook the prettiest things in life and never take in the natural beauty in things All in all I wouldn't want to grow up in any other community other than this one. No other place would feel as much like home as any other one would. I just cant say enough about this wonderful and caring community. They provide so muchlove and care and I couldn't have made it this far without them. The teachers here care so much for their students but sometimes don't always understand quite what we go through when some of us have homework and have a job at the same time after ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Influence Of Living In A Small Town Imagine growing up in a small town where everyone knows everyone's business and the nearest Wal–Mart is almost an hour away; then imagine attending a school where the amount of student attending is the same number of people who occupy a small town. The size difference is substantial and plays an important role. When I was younger, I had attended both a small town school and a school in the city. I have had the chance to experience the different lifestyles of these two variations of living. The development of who I am today was because of my surroundings. In the city, I noticed there was different opportunities. The opportunities seemed more readily available depending on funding and sources; which are dependant on the location. Education, development, and opportunities are widely known to be affected by environmental factors; thus, people who live in the city have a different experience than those who reside in small towns. There are many stereotypes associated with people who live in the city and people who live in a small town. A lot of stereotypes lean towards people who grow up in a small town do not have the chance to receive a finer education, or everyone who lives in the city are rude and arrogant. On contrary to these stereotypes, people raised in a small town can receive an adequate education and not everyone who lives in the city is rude. Personally, when I transferred from a middle school with a 1000 students to a school who had roughly 300 students I noticed ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Small Town Personal Statement Personal Statement Many people think that living in a small town can limit the perspective of one's mind, leaving one to believe that hardly anything exists beyond the boards of one's town. Enumclaw is a small town I love; everyone knows everyone, local grocery store you got to know the person that works there, small mountains, old parks, greens fields filled with cows. Growing up in Enumclaw was different there was not weekends spent at the mall, not too much going on in town, and not a lot of movement, everything in Enumclaw is slow and calm. The weekends would be consisted of getting up early to ride the tractor with your father and sit on his lap as if you were driving, quading, or hiking Mt.Peak. This town is where I call home and I love my home because its where I feel safe, happy and where grew a great connection to. I remember my childhood like if I was five years old again; it was the best time of my life, getting woken up by the sound of the lawn mower. My dad was always up early, working at the farm. The smell of fresh cut grass ... Show more content on ... This house was the best as a child it had a long drive way and big field of green grass and cows. I grew a big connection to my childhood house like roots to a tree. It was a little down the road from Mt.Peak and I would always going hiking because it was enjoying for me to be with nature. I remember elementary school and seeing the same faces in some of my classes tell this day. I met my best friend in kindergarten and I'm still really good friends. Growing up in a small town there was always the same faces and same people working at the local grocery store, it takes around a minute to walk through town, most of the time you can take a bike to your friend's house, walking to school wasn't that hard because it's not far and of course the same old smell of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Living In A Small Town Essay Living in a Small Town in a Big City Everyone has a different opinion when they have to choose between live in a small town or a big city. Some people think that living in a small town is peaceful because they feel much closer to the nature, while the others choose to live in a big city because of its entertainment such as cinemas, shopping centers, club, and concerts. Also, there are several similarities between small town and a big city which is history, mission, vision, values, and goals to make their place become much better. However, most people still do not know how to decide whether they want to live in a small town or a big city and one of the ways to solve this is to compare them at several points. Living in a big city can be very different from a small town. Since there are a lot of opportunities to find a job in a big city, most people have their own variety of occupations. In the morning, people are wake up and get ready to work. There are several occupations that most people in a big city have, such as businessman, architect, entrepreneur and etc. Most of them are typically a hard worker because sometimes they do overtime work even on the weekend. They usually ... Show more content on ... A small town is known by their peacefulness and by their nature sounds of animals in the morning or during the night. Different from a small town, a big city is noisier because they have a lot of variety of machine sounds such as sirens, honks, vehicles, and people. Those kind of sounds will block out the natural noises that people would hear in a small town. It is not only the noise that is very different from both of them but also the air pollution. A small town has more fresh air and it means people in a small town are breathing healthier air than people in a big city. Unlike small town, in a big city, they have a lot of air pollution from cars, factories, cigarette smoke, and smokestacks which are not good for ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Descriptive Essay On A Small Town A Small Town In a small town called Tiltonsville their was a young girl named Sue. She wasn't like any normal girl in Tiltonsville. Sue wasn't a fancy girl, a smarts girl, or an outgoing girl. She was more like an adventurous person that was very athletic. After Sue's father was fired from his job her parents decided moving to a new town would be a good new start. Sue was very frustrated when she heard she had to move to a new town and quiet her soccer team. Tiltonsville is a small town with a population of about 2,428 people. Tiltonsville is known for being a very quiet and peaceful place. The authorities and people of Tiltonsville made a rule. This rule states that in this town you are not allowed to participate in any types of sports. The first time Sue heard about this rule was when she was kicking a soccer ball against the wall of her house and her neighbors were giving her dirty looks. Sue was confused so she decided to ask her parents. Sue's parents asked the authorities if there was any rule against sports. The Authorities responded and said sports are banned in this town. Sue did not agree with the authorities and people in this town. Sue had fell in love with sports ever since she started playing them at school, with her friends, and her family during the holidays. When Sue walked into school on the very first day she noticed it was very quiet. She noticed a recess all the children would just talk or run around. She noticed during PE all they ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Living In A Small Town Living in a small town may not be for everyone, but to many people that have grown up in one, it is one of the most amazing ways to live life. It is really some of the most simplest things in life that will make a small town one of the most amazing places on Earth. Many small towns deserve way more attention than they receive. Despite their size they still have a lot to offer. Throughout all over the world, many various forms of small towns stretch all the way across. Some tend to offer more uniqueness than others, but each and everyone one of them have their own story. Most of them all have their own dark secrets, offering a fascinating history within its origin. They all offer a very uniqueness of food, since it is located in a small town, it is probably the only one in the world, unless if its a chain of restaurants. Many small towns allow people to create close relationships, because it is a type of environment where everyone knows everyone. Allowing people to have more of belonging, which allows small towns to be a safe and friendly place. Even though cities tend to offer more opportunities, it is almost impossible for them to have the experiences that a small town can offer. Small towns tend to offer many varieties of unique food experiences along with safe and friendly neighborhoods and a fascinating history. Many various forms of restaurants stretch across the world. However, some are more unique than others. Especially if they are located in small towns. Most ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Small Town Living In Our Town The play Our Town, illustrates the true essence of small town living. When living in a small town, people see a familiar face wherever they go and know the history and character behind these individuals. Life in a small town can lack options for entertainment at times; some may even categorize it as "dull". Yet, anyone can see that Grover's Corners, the town written about in Our Town, and Colby, Kansas contain a life full of personality and charm. The citizens of Grover's Corners live a basic life throughout the majority of the play. The play portrays daily life,love and marriage, and how delicate life can amount to. The life lived today in Colby compared with Grover's Corners depicts several similarities as well as differences. Each person in the small town lives a simple life that meets their basic needs: working, their political philosophy and their religious affiliation. In Act I, the Lady in a Box quizzes Mr. Webb about the culture of the community. The playwright expresses this through Mr. Webb saying, "Well, ma'am, there ain't much––not in the sense you mean" (Wilder 17). This means the townspeople don't attend elaborate concerts, but enjoy simple pleasures such as the playing of a piano at local events. In our town, very rarely do big promoted concerts choose Colby as their venue, but citizens get to enjoy a lot of local talent. The population of Grover's Corners consists of 3,149 people compared to Colby which has around 5,418 people. Furthermore, the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Importance Of Children In A Small Town A small town, a place where everyone knows everyone. Raising a child in a small town can be beneficial because of the environmental setting. Freedom in a small town is likely to come because parents are not too concerned of their child's whereabouts. Getting out of the house and being adventurous exposes children to nature and portrays a better view of life. Being skillful is a great trait because it helps children be able to make do with what him/her may have. Children should be reared in a small town rather than a large city because of its positive factors. Freedom in a small town is given to children because parents do not have to worry as much. If children are raised in a city, parents are less likely to give their children freedom because he/she will be exposed to so much. As Rebecca Ley states, "I can't imagine ever letting my children out of the front door to roam /freely like I did. Not when I've witnessed a man selling drugs at the end of our road, and the crossing near the high street has a shrine of faded plastic flowers"(3). Ley is saying that if she lets her children roam around the city, then it may affect the way she is raising them. As Rebecca Ley states, "I worry that they will lose their innocence far too early, becoming streetwise teenagers who roll their eyes and melt into the city to get up to no good"(3). Rebecca Ley says she is afraid that her children will become corrupted teenagers because of what the children are exposed to. As Rebecca Ley ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Small Town Monologue Waking up in Winnfield, Louisiana is nothing new to me. I've been here all my life and rarely go out of town. Even though my traveling has been limited I've experienced a lot of things. Being from a small town doesn't necessarily restrain the things you undergo and it doesn't mean you have a nice, simple life either. Well, unfortunately, my life is based on hard work, sacrifice, and poverty. My siblings and I have been through a lot. From having little food to eat to having to watch our mother deal with domestic abuse and even disownment from family members. We've gotten through all of this, but some things take a toll on you. We lived in pretty much every apartment complex in Winnfield because we always got put out for late bills or the holes in the wall from my dad's temper. My mom was the only one that had a job and that wasn't enough for five kids and my dad as well. He didn't have job, yet my mom basically took care of him. He treated her like she was nothing. When we would get kicked out of yet another apartment with no where to go, our grandma would take us in. It was move in with her or be homeless. Honestly, living with her was hell. She's the person that caused us to feel unwanted because she made it obvious that she didn't want us there. She was our ... Show more content on ... My experiences have been very inculcate. It has humbled me and given me a drive to keep going. Yes, I am African American and less fortunate than others, but I'll never become a stereotype. Yes, I still don't have much money and I still deal with depression and the thought of being let down, but now I've learn to deal with it. I live with my cousin and this environment has also alleviated my situation. I feel that my past experiences only enhanced my life. I thank God for the things I've been through because I would have a different mindset. No matter what happens, I'll still continue to work hard because that's just who I ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Small Town Research Paper Twin city is a great small town in Emanuel County Georgia. I have been around Twin city since I was about 5 or so and it has been a good experience. Twin city consist of about three convenient stores, a grocery store, parts store and a few other places with one red light. There isn't much to do in Twin city but it's a small town with very few people so it's easy to get peace and quiet without your neighbor fussing, fighting, partying etc. Twin city is 3.6 square miles and has a total of about 1800 people. Twin city used to consist of the two separate towns of Summit and Graymont until in 1921 when the two towns combined together and became Twin city. The main attraction in Twin city is at George L. Smith state park and it's ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Growing Up In A Small Town Imagine a world where there is no longer any local farms or farmers, a world where Ag is no longer offered in high school, FFA is no longer the backbone for agricultural education, and buying locally grown produce at your local supermarket is no longer an option. For those of us who have grown up with these great benefits and opportunities of living in a small town, probably can't imagine what it would be like. I personally will be greatly affected by this. The thought of urbanization taking the heart and soul out of small rural towns is crushing. Growing up in a small town has made me who I am today. The world that we have grown up in is changing. By the year 2050, nearly 80% of the earth's population will reside in urban areas. This will ... Get more on ...
  • 33. What Is A Small Town? Limington, Maine 43.29 square miles large. It is a small town that is in the southern part of Maine; forty–five minutes from the coast and two hours from New Hampshire. Limington is a small forested area spread, with only one major chain store "Dollar General". Limington has by the latest census in 2010 the population is 3,713 residents. The population is divided 50/50 for females (1,855) and males (1,858). The median age is 43.7 years old for males it is 43 years old and for females it is 49.1 years old. The median income of the town is averaged around $69,389 for families and the mean income is $73,668 with a per capita of $23,822. For non–family households the median is $25,208 and the mean is $29,377. The earnings of a full–time and ... Show more content on ... Though none of those are by geography, but by the area in which limington lies and the fact it is in the northeast. Limington hold only one elementary school H.B.Emery Elementary and is part of the S.A.D.6 district that combines with neighboring towns of Standish,Hollis,Buxton, and Steep Falls all of which join together in the Middle School (6th–8th) and High School (9th–12th). The school district has a graduation rate of 85.11% and as of 2007–2008 the number of dropouts from 9th to 12th is 42 students a normal graduating class is between 200–300 students. Of all the schools S.A.D.6 district is just above the average graduation rate in Cumberland county that is at 84.88% and compared to other counties it is about average for all of Maine. The education at Bonny Eagle High School is considered 18th in the state of Maine, but by standards and grades it is C average school. On their website Niche breaks down the school into 10 categories and the best grades are in Club & Activities and Sports and the lowest being Diversity (as noted above diversity is limited), Food, and Administration. Though personal reviews are not wanted: I want the record to stand that grades given to the school are pretty accurate and sad to admit too. The academics proficients in ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Small Town In Huck Finn Mark Twain's HuckleBerry Finn is one of the most influential classics in American History. It obtained this status for many reasons, one of which being the way Twain accurately captured the essence of the time period and its societal aspects. However, just because it reflects the 1800s so perfectly, doesn't mean it neglects to show readers occurrences that are still applicable today. One of the most apparent examples of this is the way he depicts small town life. Many of these features he emphasizes are unchanging and still apply to small towns today. Twain portrays small towns in a way that shows clear examples of the way gossip travels, it's restraints, and his own judgments of the inhabitants of said towns. He also shows a disdain for small town life, through the thoughts of Huck himself. There are many examples of small towns throughout the book. One of principle characteristics of small towns that Twain displays is the rate at which information and gossip spreads. This is very apparent in Huck's home town, especially expressed when Huck visits a woman new to town in order to gain knowledge of the happenings of the town. This woman had lived in town less than two weeks, yet she already knew all of the recent events of the town, including the situation with Huck Finn and his father. This is expressed by Huck narrating, "by–and–by she dropped into pap and the murder...She told me about me and Tom Sawyer finding 6 thousand dollars (only she got it ten) and all about pap ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Small Town Research Paper Even in a small town, there is a variety of art everywhere you look. Some art is more unique and interesting than others, which is one of the many reasons why I love our small town. The art in this community has a special place in my life because I have grown up in this area; Humphrey's county was and always will be my childhood. Although many things in Humphrey's County interest me, some tend to fascinate me more than others. The three pieces of art that interest me the most in this community are Paint Rock, Cherry Bottom, and the train at the City Hall. Paint Rock, a three–dimensional piece of art, is very well known in my community; many people go every year to paint their name or draw on not only the rock, but the road as well. The focal ... Show more content on ... This train car represents the Waverly train wreck of 1978. This wreck consisted of an explosion and massive fire. A derailed tank car loaded with 2,000 gallons of propane exploded in "a ball of fire", hurling burning bodies into the air and setting downtown Waverly afire. Art with a history is the best kind of art. This piece of art is definitely not for sale, and probably never will be. It marks a day in history; in fact, one that many will never forget. The train car is important in my community because it represents the deaths of many loved ones on the sad day of 1978. The train is one of my many favorite sites because it has a meaning behind it and is held close to many people's hearts that lost their relatives and loved ones in the unpredictable explosion. In this case, I believe that this piece of art is unique. Many trains explode, but not in Waverly, Tennessee. This terrible accident will forever be ... Get more on ...
  • 36. A Small Town In The 1800's In the early 1800's, high in the mountains, secluded from the rest of the world a small town that goes by Umbrae. The town only had 130 people living there. The nearest town was six hours away by hours and carriage. The people live normal lives, they helped each other with anything and everything. They were all friendly and kind to each other. It was just a simple town... well you could say they were just a "normal" town with "normal people. But one day, in the middle of September a carriage pulled into the small town. The gates opened up allowing the carriage to enter. As the carriage was passing the town's people, a man in the carriage looked out of the window and looked at the scenery. The carriage stopped in front of the mayor's house. The man stepped out of the carriage with the help of the footman, brushing off the imaginary dirt on his shoulders and sleeves. ... Show more content on ... The man walked up to the door and knocked three times. A women in her late thirty's opened the door and looked at the man in the eyes "Come in, he's waiting for you." She spoke quietly. As he walked in, the lady shuts the door behind him. She took him to a room all the way down the hall. The lady knocked on the door. "Come in," a soft voice was heard through the door. As the lady opened the door the man walked in. A chubby man sat in an overly large chair. His medium wooden desk was filled with papers some scattered on the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Importance Of Teens In A Small Town When people choose to have children their first thought is their well–being which includes their safety, happiness, and health. The second thought might be, where is the best place to raise them. Some may argue for cities because there's more diversity, or a small town because it's safer. In movies, you see small towns as the perfect place to raise your kids. The people in the community are close and helpful, it gives you a sense of safeness for your kids, and it's cute and quaint. In reality there's nothing for them to do and in turn some kids might isolate themselves, turn to alcohol and drugs, get pregnant, or harm themselves. All the previous reason listed is why we need more things for teens to do in a small town. In order for teens to stay happy, healthy, and safe we must come up with things to occupy their time that are affordable for all. One benefit of having more things to do in a small town is reducing the drunk driving. Many times, in a small–town, teens will use alcohol as a way to pass the time on a Friday or Saturday night, if not both. When teens get together to drink its usually never turns out good. In an article written by Jeff Black of NBC NEWS, he mentioned a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, that the risk of death is 20% higher in a small town than in a big city. These deaths include shootings, vehicle accidents and many more. Black also says that in most rural areas the vehicle death rate is 27.61/100,000 people compared to the rate ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Is It Better To Grow Up In A Small Town Essay Some believe it is better to grow up in a big city. However it is more beneficial to grow up in a small town. Rural communities have a lot to offer. It offers numerous benefits to living in a bigger community. For example, they have several job opportunities offered to the residents. There is less conflict between each other because half of the people don't even know eachother. Therefore, everyone is minding their business and keeping to themselves. The bigger the community you live in the more money the city probably makes, for example, they offer a better education and provide more options as what a student wants to pursue in after graduating high school. In my opinion there are more sights to see when there are more places to experience and explore, therefore stating why a big city is better to live in. In a more populated area, it expands the opportunities for jobs in the community when there are more options to choose from. It's difficult to live in a populated area, but it benefits almost everyone around you trying to make a living as well as you are. Resulting in a huge reason why families move to bigger towns for job offers or opportunities. As everyone knows businesses thrive better in cities, because they have more people needing the opportunity to work for them. If the staff increases, the business will grow as well. Businesses provide jobs for numerous people to help the company and provide for the employees to receive what they need in daily living. The ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Pros And Cons Of Small Town America Let's talk about small town America. It is a wild place. It can be the greatest place on planet earth, or the worse place you have ever been. Rural towns do have their ups and downs. For instance, in a house out in the country, you can take a leak off of your back porch, and no one will care. However, the location of many small country towns makes them a target for trouble. And out away from civilization, there may be no one to help you in your time of need. So what are the pros and cons of rural life? Let's talk about the good things first. A popular good thing that comes to mind is privacy. Privacy is a window to freedom. You can piss off of your front porch and no one cares, you can listen to your music as loud as you want to, and you can roam free in your underwear and, likely, no one will see you. Privacy is good, but what else is nice about small town America? One word: Friends. In small rural towns, you begin to build close relationship with your neighbors, and sometimes, they may even become family. Don't take them for granted either, because out in the country, they will be your first and last life–line. ... Show more content on ... You do not have to worry about you noisy neighbors making there "love session" known to the entire apartment complex, you do not have to worry about Bob's drama every other Monday, and you have to listen to people loud, broken cars. So, yeah, quiet is nice. It is so great, as a matter of fact, that it is usually the one soul reason any one person may move to the ... Get more on ...