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SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                                   1

Running head: Shifting Sands: Globalization, Equity, and the Current State of the Digital Divide

                          Shifting Sands: Globalization and Digital Equity

                                            Colleen M. Ites

                                         Iowa State University

                                             4 March 2011
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                                2


 Current views of globalization and its impact on digital equity have been hot-button topics for the

last decade. The publication of Thomas Friedman’s The World Is Flat in 2005 took an issue that had

 previously been in the academic fields of education and economics and brought it to the American

 forefront. The fears of globalization as a method of removing the United States’ traditional world

domination in the economic sector were directly and frankly confronted, as well as the role American

    education must fulfill to give future world citizens the best possible chances at future careers.

  Throughout the work Friedman argues that while a difficult process, acceptance of globalization

                              would be a benefit for Americans overall.

  This article will address the optimistic ideals found in Friedman’s book by comparing it with other

 current research on theories surrounding the digital divide, globalization, the Western influence on

developing nations, and the social responsibilities of multinational corporations. Important questions

       addressed after an initial analysis of the review of literature will include the following:

   •   What is the true definition of the digital divide and is this divide constant or changing?

   •   To what extent are the ideas of globalization intertwined with corporate responsibility? Does

       that responsibility extend to workers in developing countries, and how should this

       responsibility be monitored or maintained on a global level?

   •   How much of an influence should the Western world have in developing countries, as most

       of the digital growth has initiated in the West?

   •   How does bridging the digital divide include those who are often on society’s fringes?

           Keywords: digital divide, globalization, digital equity, technology implementation
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                            3

                           Shifting Sands: Globalization and Digital Equity


       In this essay the author will compare the ideas found in Friedman’s work with alternative

ideas on globalization and the digital divide, and explain possible ‘fixes’ for these complicated

issues. The issues of digital equity are addressed in James McShay's chapter “Paulo Freire’s

Liberatory Pedagogy: Rethinking Issues of Technology Access and Use in Education” where the

author discusses the need for a shift from thinking about technology access and use toward

thinking of technology as a form of Freire’s liberatory media, enabling repressed peoples the

potential for freedom and social change. Jill Jameson also draws on Freirean’s critical pedagogy

as she analyzes attempts at addressing the digital divide in Zimbabwe while taking into account

the country’s violent and impoverished past and present in her chapter “The Digital Abyss in

Zimbabwe.” Francesco Amoretti and Fortunato Musella in their chapter “Governing Digital

Divides: Power Structures and ICT Strategies in a Global Perspective” discuss the impact

Western ICT providers and growth has had on nations around the world and if the dependence of

developing countries on Western ICT providers puts them as risk of becoming technology

colonies to the West. All chapters are found in International Exploration of Technology Equity

and the Digital Divide, a collection of varying viewpoints and theories surrounding the concept

of digital equity edited by Patricia R. Leigh.

       The final works used in this article will give specific and detailed alternatives to the

‘automatic promise’ of closing the digital divide found in Friedman’s work. In Paul C. Gorski’s

“Insisting on Digital Equity: Reframing the Dominant Discourse on Multicultural Education and

Technology,” the author argues that the issues of digital inequities must be faced and addressed
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                           4

before the digital divide can be overcome. Don Fallis argues for the application of epistemic

value theory to apply a value to knowledge learned through the implementation and use of

technology in his article, “Epistemic Value Theory and the Digital Divide.” And finally, an

examination of the impact technology has had on the complex caste society found in India is

found in Elizabeth Langran’s article “Caste, Class, and IT in India.” All the resources above will

be examined and analyzed to determine if the digital divide is growing or closing.


       While all these texts address various interpretations of the term “digital divide” there is

no one steadfast definition for this concept. Friedman defines digital divide as the technological

differences found between those who have access to and have embraced new and emerging

communication and business technologies. He argues that the digital divide is shrinking is based

on the implementation of new technologies by specific sectors of societies in developing

countries and how those in these sectors are utilizing these new technologies to better their lives

and the economic health of their country. He uses economic and industrial centers in India and

China to make his point: multinationals and home-grown companies developed methods of

outsourcing and off-shoring that brought about the ‘flattening’ process Friedman espouses

throughout the book (Friedman, 2005 p. 126-151).

       Friedman’s definition is similar to the ‘accepted’ definition used by pundits and news

media all over the world, but new research on the topic intends to broaden and deepen the

definition of an idea that seems simple but is actually quite complicated. McShay uses the

Freire’s liberatory pedagogy to expand the definition from the access to and use of new

technologies to addressing the actual technology as an agent of liberation and a catalyst for social

change to disenfranchised peoples around the world (2010 p. 138). In this example the
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                           5

technology itself is a tool for providing educational and legal opportunities to those previously

overlooked in the new global economy, especially those of color, impoverished, or in a lowered

social ranking. This idea of using the language surrounding technology advances as a guidepost

for state development in poor nations is groundbreaking and will require an entire new viewpoint

on the idea of the digital divide.

  The fear of developing a form of digital colonization by allowing Western information and

technology companies (ICTs) to control diffusion of new technologies in developing countries is

covered in depth by Amoretti and Musella (2010 p.193). This article espouses that the attempts

to use ICT as a method of reducing the digital divide is in effect providing a greater resource to

the elites found in developing countries, therefore making the digital divide greater than before.

This inequity between the educated elite and less-educated (usually rural) poor in such countries

takes into account how the digital divide is also a separation of social and democratic rights, and

argues that gaps in funding and infrastructures in developing countries must be addressed before

the digital divide can begin to close (Amoretti and Musella, 2010 pp. 196-198).

  Specific countries serve as excellent examples of the complex interactions between the digital

divide and globalization. Zimbabwe is one of the poorest, most disorganized, and violent

countries in Africa today. Attempts at normalization and establishment of a democracy

following British colonial rule have been marred by the despot Mugabe, civil unrest, an epidemic

of HIV/AIDS, and a lack of natural resources. These factors all contribute to Zimbabwe’s

complete lack of “ ‘network readiness’ in ICT … in comparison with (other) African countries

… which have overtaken its capability amongst the ‘bottom 20’ “ nations in the 2008 - 2009

Global Information Technology Report (GITR) (Jameson, 2010 p.115). This with other ranking

accounts leads Zimbabwe to the dubious title of “least developed nation in the world for ICT”
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                              6

(Jameson, 2010 p.117). These factors have also led Zimbabwe to become less informed and

therefore more isolated from the rest of the world; this generational lack of information has led

the oppressed peoples to not strive for freedom but instead to become cogs in the machinery of

violence and oppression. They oppressed fight instead to become the oppressors (Jameson, 2010

pp. 123-125). While Jameson argues that Freire’s praxis for positive change could lead to a

greater change in Zimbabwe, because of the country’s nearly complete disenfranchisement from

the developed world, those who would institute this change must be dependent on other states to

begin to close the digital divide (2010 pp. 123-128). In this example, globalization has given up

on Zimbabwe, as her own people have given up on her, people who have instead chosen to

become displaced persons in search of skills to rebuild Zimbabwe. One issue not confronted in

the article was how those in power in Zimbabwe (often through bribes and illegal disbursement

of funds) would potentially deal with these newly skilled citizens ‘upending the apple cart’ in

terms of power. As with every society, those who hold the power will rule the people. The great

attention to detail given every other aspect of this article makes the lack of attention given to this

potential threat disturbing.

       Gorski directly addresses the issued of the digital divide as hinging on the digital

inequities that are evident for all peoples on the fringes of societies. His proposal for continual

multicultural education is a combination of multicultural education and social reconstructionism.

Gorski cautions educators to carefully consider if the implementation of new innovations will

enrich and enable multicultural education or if it will create further inequalities between the

advantages and disadvantaged in American education. He also directs educators to dig deep into

honestly defining the multicultural education, the digital divide, access to technology, and digital

inequities (Gorski, 2008 pp.350-356).The issues that spoke most to me where how educators
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                              7

needs to create non-hostile digital cultures designed to be safe places of learning for all

regardless of previous digital cultural norms. This addressed the issues of educating female,

minority, and impoverished students in a way that was not even regarded by the Friedman text.

The inclusion of these specific groups was a welcome addition to the current study of digital

inequities by displaying to educators specific areas of concern regarding implementation of

digital innovations.

  Elizabeth Lungran addresses these same issues of digital inequities specific to India and

utilizes comparisons to Thomas Friedmans’ The World Is Flat within her article. She argues that

providing access without considering the issues of class, caste, and power will never allow for

the ultimate flattening of all in India. If technologies are implemented and a blind eye is turned

toward these issues, the digital divide will continue to grow with the potential to result in

political instability and localized isolation of social groups already on the fringes of society

(2011 pp.5-7). Lungran also touches on the specific needs of women in a society where gender

issues abound. Finally, she addresses the issues specific to the caste system, class hierarchies,

and the rising divide between the digerati and the common, poor Indian (2011 pp.7-12). In her

conclusions Lungran agrees with Friedman regarding necessary improvements to the Indian

school system, removal of bureaucratic and academic barriers, and creation of a domestic market

for software as the best ways to diffuse knowledge to the ‘have-nots’ of India. That being said,

she did disagree with Friedman regarding the infusion of new capital back into the Indian

economy: Lungran argues that these previous steps are necessary in order for change to occur

while Friedman believes it is already occurring (2011 13-15; Friedman, 2005 pp.425, 479-482).

A final common ground between Lungran and Freidman is in regards to corporate

responsibilities for multinational corporations. Friedman believes that multinationals need to
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                            8

offer workers a safe environment with adequate pay (2005 p, 425), and Lungran also believes

this to be true (2011 p.16). The final difference is regarding the moral value of globalization,

where both give excellent factual supports for his and her points of view. These all comprise the

complicated state of globalization and the digital divide today, as well as the potential solutions

to these problems.

       While many articles espouse theories on how to truly define the digital divide and

implement globalization effectively in developing countries, Don Fallis proposes the use of a

mathematic methodology epistemology value theory to measure the distribution of knowledge

and the value of access to information technology (2007 pp.30-31). This quantification is

measurable once the distribution of knowledge regarding differing digital divide policies to

determine which (if any) are most effective based on the types of implementation and societies

encountered. He has two solid arguments comparing differing distributions of knowledge:

utilitarian, with the maximized average amount of cumulative societal knowledge, egalitarian, an

attempt to distribute knowledge equally to all members of society, Rawlsian, where inequities

among members of a society are accepted as long as those less informed receive the greatest

increase in knowledge (Fallis, 2007 31-35). While this scientific measurement of the distribution

of new knowledge may seem like a guaranteed way to solve the digital divide, Fallis cautions the

reader regarding acquirement of new knowledge harming previous social, religious, and cultural

norms is a raw reality in the flattening of the world as we know it (2007 pp.35-39). While

Feinstein does address the changes that technology diffusion may bring to local communities and

cultures, his positive spin on creating policies that honor these traditions while implementing

new technologies would require a scientific scaffold such as Fallis’ theory to establish an

effective implementation.
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                            9


  Each of these authors feels passionate about the impact of globalization and the digital divide

on different cultures throughout the world. Overall Friedman’s book is perhaps too optimistic at

the long-term effects of globalization. This is seen in his minimal accounts of the negative

impacts of new innovations on the cultural, local economic, and religious peoples of the world.

When Friedman does address this issue, he tends to give examples of extremists, such as the rise

of militant Islam and Al-Qaeda in the Middle East and Africa. This is a typical tactic of

Friedman’s regarding the darker side of globalization. While the book has a positive tone, he

does slip in some of the more negative aspects, including the sometimes lack of corporate

responsibility in a globalized world (2005 pp. 151-166), while in the same breath extolling the

virtues of the same company. For example, he discusses how the Gates Foundation is a

multinational that can be seen as controlling and rigid but that has done wonders for public

health all over the world when wealthy nations would not step up to the challenge (2005

pp.541-545). This process of partnering a negative aspect of globalization followed by a positive

one is an excellent way to slip bias past the reader to convince him or her to take a positive tone

or spin away from the book.

       The chapters from Leigh’s book and the other articles do not use as much sugar-coating

as Friedman does. Instead, they often pick out specific cultural, gender, social, and economic

issues upon which to build the research of and attitudes toward globalization and attempts at

closing the digital divide. These same articles require the reading to really look at the long-

standing effects of globalization regarding digital equity and recommend that further research in

this field do the same.
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                         10

       Perhaps the greatest difference between Friedman and the other texts is how much time

Friedman spends explaining how all American schools need to change. McShay addresses the

unique needs of multicultural education and Gorski discusses the need to revamp definitions and

applications of new technologies, but Friedman far and away has the deepest and broadest

opinion on what is wrong in American education today. That being said, he offers many errors

and few solutions. The articles and chapters give more potential solutions to these issues as well

as others including the best ways to implement new technologies for specific groups and how to

address unique student and societal needs in technology education. They also address the

somewhat uncomfortable issue of developing countries becoming dependent on wealthier ones

for assistance in implementing new technologies, creating a new form of digital colonialism.

       The awareness of how best to address these issues will be the guiding force for future

educational technologists and researchers. Technologists then must use this awareness along

with research results to make changes to the implementation, type, and dispersal of new

innovations to specific cultures and groups. Perhaps the best solution is to incorporate the Freier

pedagogy toward innovation implementation or the application of epistemic value theory toward

the overall accumulation of knowledge. As the shifting sands of information and communication

technologies continue to evolve and expand, it will require a broad and deep analysis of what has

and has and has not worked, minus emotional bias, to help educational researchers determine the

best solutions in successfully overcoming the digital divide. The greater emphasis recently

placed on the complex interactions of culture, tradition, religion, SES, understanding and

application of new technologies is a first step in the right direction.
SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY                                            11


Amoretti, F & Musella F. (2011). Power structures and ICT strategies in a global perspective. In

       P. R. Leigh (Ed.). International explorations of technology equity and the digital divide:

       Critical, historical, and social perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global.

Fallis, D. (2007). Epistemic value theory and the digital divide. In E. Rooksby & J. Weckert

       (Eds.) Information technology and social justice, pp. 29-46. Hershey, PA: Information

       Science Publishing.

Friedman, Thomas L. (2005). The world is flat. New York: Picador.

Gorski, P. C. (2009). Insisting on digital equity: Reframing the dominant discourse on

       multicultural education and technology. Urban education, 44(3), pp. 348-364.

Jameson, J. (2011). The digital abyss in Zimbabwe. In P. R. Leigh (Ed.). International

       explorations of technology equity and the digital divide: Critical, historical, and social

       perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global.

Langran, E. K. (2011). Caste, class, and IT in India. In P. R. Leigh (Ed.). International

       explorations of technology equity and the digital divide: Critical, historical, and social

       perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global.

McShay, J. C. (2011). Paulo Freire's liberatory pedagogy: Rethinking issues of technology. In P.

       R. Leigh (Ed.). International explorations of technology equity and the digital divide:

       Critical, historical, and social perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global.

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  • 1. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 1 Running head: Shifting Sands: Globalization, Equity, and the Current State of the Digital Divide Shifting Sands: Globalization and Digital Equity Colleen M. Ites Iowa State University 4 March 2011
  • 2. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 2 ABSTRACT Current views of globalization and its impact on digital equity have been hot-button topics for the last decade. The publication of Thomas Friedman’s The World Is Flat in 2005 took an issue that had previously been in the academic fields of education and economics and brought it to the American forefront. The fears of globalization as a method of removing the United States’ traditional world domination in the economic sector were directly and frankly confronted, as well as the role American education must fulfill to give future world citizens the best possible chances at future careers. Throughout the work Friedman argues that while a difficult process, acceptance of globalization would be a benefit for Americans overall. This article will address the optimistic ideals found in Friedman’s book by comparing it with other current research on theories surrounding the digital divide, globalization, the Western influence on developing nations, and the social responsibilities of multinational corporations. Important questions addressed after an initial analysis of the review of literature will include the following: • What is the true definition of the digital divide and is this divide constant or changing? • To what extent are the ideas of globalization intertwined with corporate responsibility? Does that responsibility extend to workers in developing countries, and how should this responsibility be monitored or maintained on a global level? • How much of an influence should the Western world have in developing countries, as most of the digital growth has initiated in the West? • How does bridging the digital divide include those who are often on society’s fringes? Keywords: digital divide, globalization, digital equity, technology implementation
  • 3. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 3 Shifting Sands: Globalization and Digital Equity INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF LITERATURE In this essay the author will compare the ideas found in Friedman’s work with alternative ideas on globalization and the digital divide, and explain possible ‘fixes’ for these complicated issues. The issues of digital equity are addressed in James McShay's chapter “Paulo Freire’s Liberatory Pedagogy: Rethinking Issues of Technology Access and Use in Education” where the author discusses the need for a shift from thinking about technology access and use toward thinking of technology as a form of Freire’s liberatory media, enabling repressed peoples the potential for freedom and social change. Jill Jameson also draws on Freirean’s critical pedagogy as she analyzes attempts at addressing the digital divide in Zimbabwe while taking into account the country’s violent and impoverished past and present in her chapter “The Digital Abyss in Zimbabwe.” Francesco Amoretti and Fortunato Musella in their chapter “Governing Digital Divides: Power Structures and ICT Strategies in a Global Perspective” discuss the impact Western ICT providers and growth has had on nations around the world and if the dependence of developing countries on Western ICT providers puts them as risk of becoming technology colonies to the West. All chapters are found in International Exploration of Technology Equity and the Digital Divide, a collection of varying viewpoints and theories surrounding the concept of digital equity edited by Patricia R. Leigh. The final works used in this article will give specific and detailed alternatives to the ‘automatic promise’ of closing the digital divide found in Friedman’s work. In Paul C. Gorski’s “Insisting on Digital Equity: Reframing the Dominant Discourse on Multicultural Education and Technology,” the author argues that the issues of digital inequities must be faced and addressed
  • 4. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 4 before the digital divide can be overcome. Don Fallis argues for the application of epistemic value theory to apply a value to knowledge learned through the implementation and use of technology in his article, “Epistemic Value Theory and the Digital Divide.” And finally, an examination of the impact technology has had on the complex caste society found in India is found in Elizabeth Langran’s article “Caste, Class, and IT in India.” All the resources above will be examined and analyzed to determine if the digital divide is growing or closing. ANALYSIS AND CONCEPTUAL DISCUSSIONS While all these texts address various interpretations of the term “digital divide” there is no one steadfast definition for this concept. Friedman defines digital divide as the technological differences found between those who have access to and have embraced new and emerging communication and business technologies. He argues that the digital divide is shrinking is based on the implementation of new technologies by specific sectors of societies in developing countries and how those in these sectors are utilizing these new technologies to better their lives and the economic health of their country. He uses economic and industrial centers in India and China to make his point: multinationals and home-grown companies developed methods of outsourcing and off-shoring that brought about the ‘flattening’ process Friedman espouses throughout the book (Friedman, 2005 p. 126-151). Friedman’s definition is similar to the ‘accepted’ definition used by pundits and news media all over the world, but new research on the topic intends to broaden and deepen the definition of an idea that seems simple but is actually quite complicated. McShay uses the Freire’s liberatory pedagogy to expand the definition from the access to and use of new technologies to addressing the actual technology as an agent of liberation and a catalyst for social change to disenfranchised peoples around the world (2010 p. 138). In this example the
  • 5. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 5 technology itself is a tool for providing educational and legal opportunities to those previously overlooked in the new global economy, especially those of color, impoverished, or in a lowered social ranking. This idea of using the language surrounding technology advances as a guidepost for state development in poor nations is groundbreaking and will require an entire new viewpoint on the idea of the digital divide. The fear of developing a form of digital colonization by allowing Western information and technology companies (ICTs) to control diffusion of new technologies in developing countries is covered in depth by Amoretti and Musella (2010 p.193). This article espouses that the attempts to use ICT as a method of reducing the digital divide is in effect providing a greater resource to the elites found in developing countries, therefore making the digital divide greater than before. This inequity between the educated elite and less-educated (usually rural) poor in such countries takes into account how the digital divide is also a separation of social and democratic rights, and argues that gaps in funding and infrastructures in developing countries must be addressed before the digital divide can begin to close (Amoretti and Musella, 2010 pp. 196-198). Specific countries serve as excellent examples of the complex interactions between the digital divide and globalization. Zimbabwe is one of the poorest, most disorganized, and violent countries in Africa today. Attempts at normalization and establishment of a democracy following British colonial rule have been marred by the despot Mugabe, civil unrest, an epidemic of HIV/AIDS, and a lack of natural resources. These factors all contribute to Zimbabwe’s complete lack of “ ‘network readiness’ in ICT … in comparison with (other) African countries … which have overtaken its capability amongst the ‘bottom 20’ “ nations in the 2008 - 2009 Global Information Technology Report (GITR) (Jameson, 2010 p.115). This with other ranking accounts leads Zimbabwe to the dubious title of “least developed nation in the world for ICT”
  • 6. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 6 (Jameson, 2010 p.117). These factors have also led Zimbabwe to become less informed and therefore more isolated from the rest of the world; this generational lack of information has led the oppressed peoples to not strive for freedom but instead to become cogs in the machinery of violence and oppression. They oppressed fight instead to become the oppressors (Jameson, 2010 pp. 123-125). While Jameson argues that Freire’s praxis for positive change could lead to a greater change in Zimbabwe, because of the country’s nearly complete disenfranchisement from the developed world, those who would institute this change must be dependent on other states to begin to close the digital divide (2010 pp. 123-128). In this example, globalization has given up on Zimbabwe, as her own people have given up on her, people who have instead chosen to become displaced persons in search of skills to rebuild Zimbabwe. One issue not confronted in the article was how those in power in Zimbabwe (often through bribes and illegal disbursement of funds) would potentially deal with these newly skilled citizens ‘upending the apple cart’ in terms of power. As with every society, those who hold the power will rule the people. The great attention to detail given every other aspect of this article makes the lack of attention given to this potential threat disturbing. Gorski directly addresses the issued of the digital divide as hinging on the digital inequities that are evident for all peoples on the fringes of societies. His proposal for continual multicultural education is a combination of multicultural education and social reconstructionism. Gorski cautions educators to carefully consider if the implementation of new innovations will enrich and enable multicultural education or if it will create further inequalities between the advantages and disadvantaged in American education. He also directs educators to dig deep into honestly defining the multicultural education, the digital divide, access to technology, and digital inequities (Gorski, 2008 pp.350-356).The issues that spoke most to me where how educators
  • 7. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 7 needs to create non-hostile digital cultures designed to be safe places of learning for all regardless of previous digital cultural norms. This addressed the issues of educating female, minority, and impoverished students in a way that was not even regarded by the Friedman text. The inclusion of these specific groups was a welcome addition to the current study of digital inequities by displaying to educators specific areas of concern regarding implementation of digital innovations. Elizabeth Lungran addresses these same issues of digital inequities specific to India and utilizes comparisons to Thomas Friedmans’ The World Is Flat within her article. She argues that providing access without considering the issues of class, caste, and power will never allow for the ultimate flattening of all in India. If technologies are implemented and a blind eye is turned toward these issues, the digital divide will continue to grow with the potential to result in political instability and localized isolation of social groups already on the fringes of society (2011 pp.5-7). Lungran also touches on the specific needs of women in a society where gender issues abound. Finally, she addresses the issues specific to the caste system, class hierarchies, and the rising divide between the digerati and the common, poor Indian (2011 pp.7-12). In her conclusions Lungran agrees with Friedman regarding necessary improvements to the Indian school system, removal of bureaucratic and academic barriers, and creation of a domestic market for software as the best ways to diffuse knowledge to the ‘have-nots’ of India. That being said, she did disagree with Friedman regarding the infusion of new capital back into the Indian economy: Lungran argues that these previous steps are necessary in order for change to occur while Friedman believes it is already occurring (2011 13-15; Friedman, 2005 pp.425, 479-482). A final common ground between Lungran and Freidman is in regards to corporate responsibilities for multinational corporations. Friedman believes that multinationals need to
  • 8. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 8 offer workers a safe environment with adequate pay (2005 p, 425), and Lungran also believes this to be true (2011 p.16). The final difference is regarding the moral value of globalization, where both give excellent factual supports for his and her points of view. These all comprise the complicated state of globalization and the digital divide today, as well as the potential solutions to these problems. While many articles espouse theories on how to truly define the digital divide and implement globalization effectively in developing countries, Don Fallis proposes the use of a mathematic methodology epistemology value theory to measure the distribution of knowledge and the value of access to information technology (2007 pp.30-31). This quantification is measurable once the distribution of knowledge regarding differing digital divide policies to determine which (if any) are most effective based on the types of implementation and societies encountered. He has two solid arguments comparing differing distributions of knowledge: utilitarian, with the maximized average amount of cumulative societal knowledge, egalitarian, an attempt to distribute knowledge equally to all members of society, Rawlsian, where inequities among members of a society are accepted as long as those less informed receive the greatest increase in knowledge (Fallis, 2007 31-35). While this scientific measurement of the distribution of new knowledge may seem like a guaranteed way to solve the digital divide, Fallis cautions the reader regarding acquirement of new knowledge harming previous social, religious, and cultural norms is a raw reality in the flattening of the world as we know it (2007 pp.35-39). While Feinstein does address the changes that technology diffusion may bring to local communities and cultures, his positive spin on creating policies that honor these traditions while implementing new technologies would require a scientific scaffold such as Fallis’ theory to establish an effective implementation.
  • 9. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 9 CONCLUSION Each of these authors feels passionate about the impact of globalization and the digital divide on different cultures throughout the world. Overall Friedman’s book is perhaps too optimistic at the long-term effects of globalization. This is seen in his minimal accounts of the negative impacts of new innovations on the cultural, local economic, and religious peoples of the world. When Friedman does address this issue, he tends to give examples of extremists, such as the rise of militant Islam and Al-Qaeda in the Middle East and Africa. This is a typical tactic of Friedman’s regarding the darker side of globalization. While the book has a positive tone, he does slip in some of the more negative aspects, including the sometimes lack of corporate responsibility in a globalized world (2005 pp. 151-166), while in the same breath extolling the virtues of the same company. For example, he discusses how the Gates Foundation is a multinational that can be seen as controlling and rigid but that has done wonders for public health all over the world when wealthy nations would not step up to the challenge (2005 pp.541-545). This process of partnering a negative aspect of globalization followed by a positive one is an excellent way to slip bias past the reader to convince him or her to take a positive tone or spin away from the book. The chapters from Leigh’s book and the other articles do not use as much sugar-coating as Friedman does. Instead, they often pick out specific cultural, gender, social, and economic issues upon which to build the research of and attitudes toward globalization and attempts at closing the digital divide. These same articles require the reading to really look at the long- standing effects of globalization regarding digital equity and recommend that further research in this field do the same.
  • 10. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 10 Perhaps the greatest difference between Friedman and the other texts is how much time Friedman spends explaining how all American schools need to change. McShay addresses the unique needs of multicultural education and Gorski discusses the need to revamp definitions and applications of new technologies, but Friedman far and away has the deepest and broadest opinion on what is wrong in American education today. That being said, he offers many errors and few solutions. The articles and chapters give more potential solutions to these issues as well as others including the best ways to implement new technologies for specific groups and how to address unique student and societal needs in technology education. They also address the somewhat uncomfortable issue of developing countries becoming dependent on wealthier ones for assistance in implementing new technologies, creating a new form of digital colonialism. The awareness of how best to address these issues will be the guiding force for future educational technologists and researchers. Technologists then must use this awareness along with research results to make changes to the implementation, type, and dispersal of new innovations to specific cultures and groups. Perhaps the best solution is to incorporate the Freier pedagogy toward innovation implementation or the application of epistemic value theory toward the overall accumulation of knowledge. As the shifting sands of information and communication technologies continue to evolve and expand, it will require a broad and deep analysis of what has and has and has not worked, minus emotional bias, to help educational researchers determine the best solutions in successfully overcoming the digital divide. The greater emphasis recently placed on the complex interactions of culture, tradition, religion, SES, understanding and application of new technologies is a first step in the right direction.
  • 11. SHIFTING SANDS: GLOBALIZATION AND DIGITAL EQUITY 11 REFERENCES Amoretti, F & Musella F. (2011). Power structures and ICT strategies in a global perspective. In P. R. Leigh (Ed.). International explorations of technology equity and the digital divide: Critical, historical, and social perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global. Fallis, D. (2007). Epistemic value theory and the digital divide. In E. Rooksby & J. Weckert (Eds.) Information technology and social justice, pp. 29-46. Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing. Friedman, Thomas L. (2005). The world is flat. New York: Picador. Gorski, P. C. (2009). Insisting on digital equity: Reframing the dominant discourse on multicultural education and technology. Urban education, 44(3), pp. 348-364. Jameson, J. (2011). The digital abyss in Zimbabwe. In P. R. Leigh (Ed.). International explorations of technology equity and the digital divide: Critical, historical, and social perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global. Langran, E. K. (2011). Caste, class, and IT in India. In P. R. Leigh (Ed.). International explorations of technology equity and the digital divide: Critical, historical, and social perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global. McShay, J. C. (2011). Paulo Freire's liberatory pedagogy: Rethinking issues of technology. In P. R. Leigh (Ed.). International explorations of technology equity and the digital divide: Critical, historical, and social perspectives. Hershey. PA: IGI Global.