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University at Buffalo – State University of New York
ARC 211 - American Diversity and Design – Spring 2017
Online Discussion Questions
Matthew Wilson
The following pages document my responses to the online discussion questions in the Spring 2017 version of ARC 211 American
Diversity and Design at the University at Buffalo – State University of New York
American Diversity and Design has been a rather
influential factor on my take on life. Many fail to realize
the cultural composition of the United States and this
may place a damper on modern-day society. The United
States of America thrives on diversity. A synthesis of the
world’s races, religions, and cultures, America is a home
to people from all walks of life. The blend of cultures here
is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as
proud of their original cultural heritage as they are to be
an American. Diversity in America collection takes a good
look at what it means to be American and examines the
rich heritages that make up our country. Each culture
provides its own contributions to our understanding of
America today. From Asia to Europe to Africa to Latin
America, each nationality’s broad history and important
contributions to the American way of life. Diversity in
America documents the struggles of nationalities to
integrate into the melting pot society of America, and
highlights the strength and integrity of various cultural
leaders and thinkers. Needless to say, the course provided
me with some new insight on how I view society and it’s
Response to "What is design?" from Hello World
Describe an innovation or
invention (can be current or
historical) that gave
advantage to a group of
people in the U.S. or to the
population as a whole. What
were the social impacts of
this innovation? Were any
groups negatively impacted
by this innovation?
I would like to say that the invention of the computer has definitely been one of the most innovative and beneficial creations
introduced to mankind. Computers have changed the lives of many people across the globe in a drastic way. One of the reasons
this newly introduced bit of technology has continued to be so popular is due to the fact that the computer is so multifaceted.
Not only could users search the internet for whatever it is they desire, they could also connect with others around the world with
just the click of a button. Businesses and organizations were then able to create websites and pages unique to their brand or
company. To this day, computers are a big part of the business world as they can be found in almost any workplace. In the same
sense, computers can also hold a negative bearing on society as well. In modern-day society, many have become dependent on
computers and other sources of technology. The same way computers have allowed individuals to excel at their job, is the same
exact way computers have minimized the number of jobs available to the public as well. Too much of anything is never a good
thing. It is safe to say that computers and technology could help us in numerous ways, but we must not lose sight of the fact that
these very things that help us could prove to be destructive as they consume our lives'.
Computers have been a key technological component ever since the first creation. One of the reasons it is so popular is due to the
fact that the computer is so multifaceted. Not only could users search the internet for whatever it is they desire, they could also
connect with others around the world with just the click of a button. Businesses and organizations were then able to create websites
and pages unique to their brand or company. To this day, computers are a big part of the business world as well. On the other hand,
computers have allowed individuals to excel at their job, is the same exact way computers have minimized the number of jobs
available to the public as well.
Response to "Introduction" from Diversity and Design
Describe a design that was impacted by a diversity group. How and why did it change form and/or circumstances? (Note that a
design can be anything requiring planning and development prior to the production of an action, system, visual, material object,
or environment. Also, keep in mind that, for our purposes, a diversity group is a group of individuals who are underrepresented in
society in some way—children, older adults, the economically disadvantaged, those with cognitive disabilities, etc.)
Obamacare proves to be a design that impacts those who were undergoing what is known as the "healthcare crisis". Obamacare
serves as a US healthcare law that provides many with affordable health care through certain rules, regulations, and taxes. It's
focal point is providing affordable healthcare for US citizens while improving the quality of healthcare and insurance. With this
newly introduced system, insurance exchanges offer consumers and small businesses a choice of standardized and regulated
health plans. This policy focuses on citizens that aren't offered insurance by a large employer. Health plans can be purchased
through a broker, a provider, work, or programs like Medicare or Medicaid. In other words, Obamacare reforms the health care
system as a whole as it contains over a thousand pages of provisions that give Americans more access to affordable quality health
The Affordable Care Act is also known as the ACA or Obamacare.
It was created to make healthcare more affordable and easily
accessible to a wider range of Americans. Under the law, people
in the United States who don’t qualify for an exemption are
required to obtain a minimum amount of healthcare coverage.
Under this law, millions of uninsured people now have access to
healthcare options that they may not have had in the past. It
also ensures that insurers and healthcare providers provide
accessible healthcare to those who may have been refused prior
to the implementation of the law.
Response to Media/Society Chapter and TED Talk on Photographs
Where would you place the images shown in Photos That Changed the World into Croteau and Hoynes' diagram entitled
“Model of Media and the Social World”? Identify a mass media photograph taken in your own lifetime that has served as an icon
of an event. (Feel free to add an attachment.) What roles does this photo play in the communication of the event?
I would classify the photos shown under the media message category. These images possess a substantial amount of significance
and most certainly have brought out many different emotions and views out of the world as a whole. An iconic photo taken in my
lifetime would be a heartwrenching photo of innocent bystanders looking on as Hurricane Katrina ripped through their
community. Katrina proved to be one of the most devastating natural disasters to date. Relief efforts and support organizations
were stationed throughout all of New Orleans. Media coverage televised the entire storm as America just watched in awe. Many
people donated proceeds to the victims of Hurricane Katrina and even went as far as volunteering in relief efforts. Thankfully,
there were several people willing to reach out and provide their services to those in need. Crises like these truly show what our
country is made of. Citizens from all over could not sit back and watch without taking any action. Those who devoted their time
to others in need, prove that the media withholds the power to influence it's viewers no matter the circumstances.
Response to Articles on Hats as Communication Design
Typically, we do not think of hats as elements of mass media or social media. However, the two hats (red and pink) discussed in
the articles certainly have taken on that role. Why are the two hats (red and pink) mentioned in the articles vehicles of
communication design? What meanings do each of the two hats carry? In terms of communication design, how are they similar?
And how are they different from one another?
The two hats that have recently emerged among several media outlets have taken the world by storm. Both fashion statements
hold a powerful message behind their emergence. Their very color even hold some sort of meaning as the red Trump hat
represents his bold and unforeseen campaigning, meanwhile the pink women's hat serves as the prideful women of America's
message that they will not submit to their opressors. The media aspect is a big portion of their success as it gages the amount of
support the two parties attract. The more attention drawn in, the more each campaign networks out from state to state across
the country. Both relate to each other in the sense that their focal points called for many people nationwide to rise up and
join each movement. At the same time, each campaign represents opposing views, and in a way, have created a feud between
the two. Needless to say, these significant pieces of fashion have captivated the nation as we know it.
Both fashion statements hold a powerful message
behind their emergence. The media aspect is a big
portion of their success as it gages the amount of
support the two parties attract. The more attention
drawn in, the more each campaign networks out from
state to state across the country. Both relate to each
other in the sense that their focal points called for many
people nationwide to rise up and join each movement.
At the same time, each campaign represents opposing
views, and in a way, have created a feud between the
Response to “Industrial Design” by John Heskett and "The Incredible Inventions of Intuitive AI" by Maurice Conti
In his chapter on industrial design (written in 1987), historian John Heskett claims that the methods of mass production
introduced by Henry Ford in the U.S. involved new concepts of the standardization and integration of the production line that
were adopted across the world. With Ford’s method, work could be completed by relatively unskilled workers; it was more
efficient and with this method, products were made more quickly and cheaply than previously possible. What were some of the
social consequences of Ford’s production line? In other words, how did this system change our U.S. society? Do any of those
changes remain with us today? Now consider Maurice Conti’s TED Talk, and the predictions he makes about production. How do
you think manufacturing processes will change in the next twenty years? How do you think these changes will affect our U.S.
Throughout the course of history, there have been many innovative designs and creations that have helped mold modern-day
society. Perhaps, one of the most crucial designs to date was Henry Ford's assembly line. The assembly line was originated in the
suburbs of Detroit. Ford's design proved to be so influential as it helped spark a transformation of not only manufacturing in the
U.S., but society as well. The assembly line drastically reduced the cost of production with newly introduced standardized parts
and more efficient labor. With this new form of technology, Ford was able to bring many appealing aspects such as the luxury and
convenience of the automobile to the masses. Other industries soon adopted the idea of the assembly line and today, it serves as
the primary mean of production. Standardization led to lower costs, higher quality and more reliable products. Unfortunately,
methods of production are way different now than in contemporary society and a new era of technology and innovation is
underway. In the near future, technology is going to supercede the human race and take over the production process completely.
Robots will most likely be the only ones partaking in the production and manufacturing process. One can not really infer on how
this will affect society, but I personally think it will not be beneficial to the country. Only time will tell in regards to this situation,
but the thought raises many questions such as: How will new production and manufacturing processes affect the cost for
consumers and what will the new turnaround time be for production
The introduction of Ford’s assembly line made it possible to bring many appealing aspects such as the luxury and convenience of the
automobile to the masses. Other industries soon adopted the idea of the assembly line and today, it serves as the primary mean of
production. Standardization led to lower costs, higher quality and more reliable products. Unfortunately, methods of production are
way different now than in contemporary society and a new era of technology and innovation is underway. In the near future,
technology is going to supercede the human race and take over the production process completely. Robots will most likely be the
only ones partaking in the production and manufacturing process. One can not really infer on how this will affect society, but I
personally think it will not be beneficial to the country.
Response IDEA Awards and Cradle-to-Cradle Video
Which of the 2016 IDEA Gold Award products seems to defy the Cradle-to-Cradle concept developed by architect William
McDonough and chemist Dr. Michael Braungart? How does this product resist or disregard the concept? Please provide your own
example of a product that uses Cradle-to-Cradle design. Describe and cite sources
The Cradle-to-cradle concept is a biomimetic approach to the design of products and systems. This concept takes on the notion
that materials serve as nutrients circulating in healthy, safe metabolisms. Upon reviewing the 2016 IDEA Gold Awards, the Rolls
Royce Dawn seems to deviate from the Cradle-to-cradle notion further than others. The newly introduced luxury vehicle remains
indifferent from the launches of competitor brands. This luxury car provider, along with others, release several models of cars
each year. No changes are made to the vehicles to become more eco-friendly or even flexible in price for consumers.
Instead, buyers are given tweaks to the appearance that thrill and captivate. The Cradle-to-cradle concept sets out and creates
production techniques that are efficient and waste free. This design concept views material inputs and outputs as technical or
biological nutrients. This Rolls Royce design steers away from this concept while failing to utilize the resources and materials
while catering to the consumer and the environment as well. On the other hand, there are many products present in modern-day
society that abide by the Cradle-to-cradle idea. The Brita filtration system proves to be one of the most efficicent and innovative
of this lifetime. Unsanitary water can be filtrated within minutes with this brilliant design. Many fail to realize the importance of
this invention. In the long run, we will come to see how beneficial the Brita really is. In fact, "The Environmental Working
Group tested tap water in 45 states a couple of years ago and found 202 chemical contaminants that are not subject to any
government regulation or safety standards for drinking water." Needless to say not only can this system save money, it provides
you with guaranteed sanitary water. Filtration systems also cut down on the production and manufacturing of plastic bottles that
companies use. Although many companies have made adjustments to use bottles from recycled materials, cutting the bottles out
completely could truly help the environment.
"Why Filtering Tap Water Is Important + Which Water Filters Work." The Soft Landing®. N.p., 01 May 2016. Web. Feb.
The Cradle-to-cradle concept sets out and creates production techniques that are efficient and waste free. This design concept views
material inputs and outputs as technical or biological nutrients. The Rolls Royce Dawn remains indifferent from the launches of
competitor brands. This luxury car provider, along with others, release several models of cars each year. No changes are made to the
vehicles to become more eco-friendly or even flexible in price for consumers. Instead, buyers are given tweaks to the appearance
that thrill and captivate. The Cradle-to-cradle concept sets out and creates production techniques that are efficient and waste free.
The Brita filtration system proves to be one of the most efficicent and innovative of this lifetime. Unsanitary water can be filtrated
within minutes with this brilliant design. Filtration systems also cut down on the production and manufacturing of plastic bottles
that companies use. Although many companies have made adjustments to use bottles from recycled materials, cutting the bottles
out completely could truly help the environment.
Response to All Module 4 Materials
Your readings and viewings this week present different ways of thinking about architecture. Mies Van der Rohe describes
architecture as “The will of the epoch translated into space.” Andrew Ballantyne describes architecture as the background for life.
Jeanne Gang describes it as the act of building relationships. All agree that architecture can change based on context and culture.
Choose two works of architecture from any of your materials this week—one with sensibilities about the past and one with
sensibilities about the present and/or future. How do each of these buildings either reflect or challenge their cultural contexts?
(Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question.)
Two works of architecture that were discussed in the Top Ten Structures that Changed America are the Virginia Capitol State
Building and The Silk Pavilion Environment. The Virginia State Capitol building is located on top of Capitol Hill. Charles-Louis
Clérisseau and Thomas Jefferson selected the building’s location based on the works of Andrea Palladio. Jefferson was said to
have one of the only copies of Palladio’s Four Books of Architecture in the United States. The Capitol was modeled on the Maison
Carrée, a roman temple located in Nimes, France. He was captivated by this ancient structure and even went on to describe it as
“the best morsel of ancient architecture now remaining." The Virginia State Capitol Building served as a declaration of
architectural independence and freedom. The Silk Pavilion explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on
product and architectural scales. The design was inspired by the silkworm’s ability to generate a cocoon out of a single multi-
property silk thread. The Pavilion is an innovative environmental design for silk and heat to make biological structures. This
biological world proves to be essential to the environment as everything is 100% biodegradable. The Silk Pavilion is one of
many recent benefical designs that cater to the cultural context of modern-day architecture.
The Virginia State Capitol building is located on
top of Capitol Hill. Charles-Louis Clérisseau and
Thomas Jefferson selected the building’s location
based on the works of Andrea Palladio. The
Capitol was modeled on the Maison Carrée, a
roman temple located in Nimes, France. He was
captivated by this ancient structure and even
went on to describe it as “the best morsel of
ancient architecture now remaining." Meanwhile,
The Silk Pavilion explores the relationship
between digital and biological fabrication on
product and architectural scales. The design was
inspired by the silkworm’s ability to generate a
cocoon out of a single multi-property silk thread.
The Pavilion is an innovative environmental
design for silk and heat to make biological
Response to Ballantyne and Zumthor Articles
Andrew Ballantyne and Peter Zumthor present ideas about architecture that seem to value the sensorial and material elements of
life. How are Ballantyne’s and Zumthor’s viewpoints on architecture alike? More importantly, how do they differ? (Use the SEE-IT
method to respond to this question.)
Often times, different architects share common interests in many different designs. Andrew Ballantyne and Peter Zumthor are
two world-renowned architects who have impeccable taste in designs. Both architects stress the significance of buildings and
their effect on the surrounding environment. Zumthor is best known for his intricate designs in material-led projects. The focal
point of his work is to create emotional space. He states that there is a strong connection between reality and living and that
emotions reveal the authentic core of things. Ballantyne on the other hand, found his expertise in contemporary architectural
designs. He believed in appreciating buildings through their artistic roots. Ballantyne emphasizes the level of comfort must feel
inside these buildings. According to Ballantyne, creating a shelter that enables a comfortable life is viewed as an expression of
Both architects stress the significance of buildings and their effect on the surrounding environment. Zumthor is best known for his
intricate designs in material-led projects. The focal point of his work is to create emotional space. He states that there is a strong
connection between reality and living and that emotions reveal the authentic core of things. Ballantyne on the other hand, found his
expertise in contemporary architectural designs. He believed in appreciating buildings through their artistic roots. Ballantyne
emphasizes the level of comfort must feel inside these buildings.
Response to Levy Article
John Levy’s article, “An Overview: The Need for Planning,” discussed ways in which planning can determine the characteristics of
a place. For example, some smaller towns restrict the heights of buildings to maintain a certain scale. How did planning define the
character of the place in which you grew up?
I grew up and currently live in Newburgh, New York. Newburgh is top of the list as most dangerous cities in New York which
makes it safe to say that planning has had not much of a positive bearing on my hometown. John Levy discusses how planning can
truly characterize a particular place. Perhaps planning, or lack of planning has lead to the high crime rate in the city. Newburgh
has many abandoned buildings and vacant homes throughout. In all reality, the way Newburgh is portrayed in the media is way
worse than actually living there, but there are many changes that could be made to improve the city as a whole. Despite the high
crime rate, the city is very rich in ethnicity. A tour of Broadway and adjacent neighborhoods will provide not only a taste of
Newburgh, but of cuisines from around the world. The City’s diversity is one of the greatest assets to date. Newburgh was mainly
placed on the map during the 19th century. The city serves as the second largest historic district in New York State. An easy
walking tour of the East End will take you by architectural gems from the 1800s, including the breathtaking Greek Revival Dutch
Reformed Church on Grand Street, a National Historic Landmark. On Liberty Street, Washington’s Headquarters, the nation’s first
publicly owned historic site, is bordered by quaint shops and cafes. Breathtaking Hudson River vistas can be seen from the
Headquarters’ spacious grounds, as well as along the City’s main thoroughfare, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard, and from
the Bluff in Washington Heights. The planning of the city may have proved to be beneficial short-term, but long-term, not so
much. Despite it's great historical background and accolades, Newburgh is a different city today.
Newburgh is top of the list as most
dangerous cities in New York which shows
the effect that planning truly had. Levy
discusses how planning can truly
characterize a particular place. Perhaps
planning, or lack of planning has lead to
the high crime rate in the city. Newburgh
has many abandoned buildings and vacant
homes throughout. In all reality, the way
Newburgh is portrayed in the media is way
worse than actually living there, but there
are many changes that could be made to
improve the city as a whole. Despite the
high crime rate, the city is very rich in
ethnicity. A tour of Broadway, the widest
street in America, as well as adjacent
neighborhoods will provide not only a taste
of Newburgh, but of cuisines from around
the world. The City’s diversity is one of the
greatest assets to date. Newburgh was
mainly placed on the map during the 19th
century. The city serves as the second
largest historic district in New York State.
Despite it's great historical background and
accolades, Newburgh is a different city
Response to Pruitt Igoe Project, Talen, and Lars
Imagine that you are part of a urban planning and design firm working with Emily Talen (author of “Design That Enables
Diversity”) and Kent Larson (who gave the TED Talk "Brilliant Designs to Fit More People In Every City" The thee of you have been
tasked with developing a plan to rebuild Pruitt Igoe in St. Louis. City officials told the three of you that that they want to do it
right this time. Identify three strategies for rebuilding Pruitt Igoe in ways that promise to be more successful. What would Talen
do? What would Larson do? What would you do? How would your strategies differ from those of the original urban
planners/designers of the project? Why would your strategies be more effective?
Pruitt Igoe was a large urban housing project created in 1954. Located in St. Louis, living conditions began to decline soon after its
completion in 1956. By the late 1960s, the complex had become internationally infamous for its poverty, crime, and racial
segregation. With time, Pruitt Igoe was dismantled due to a string of various problems relating to its development. Although
Larson and Talen would argue several distinctive general factors that contributed the most; segregation and the lack of
appropriate diversity, and an unacceptable architectural layout of both the buildings as well as the surrounding areas. Talen
argues that racial segregation is still very prominent in society today, though in contrast to the segregation era in the mid 20th
century, it isn't imposed by a legal standard rather than a trend arising from the methods being utilized by city planners. She also
states that segregation between whites and blacks in Pruitt Igoe most likely was most likely came as a result of the poor planning
of the housing development and as a result a key reason for its decline. Talen would argue that the lack of diversity would lead to
a lack of idea sharing, and that those living there would look to only benefit themselves rather than living as a cohesive unit
regardless of race. Vandalism, crime, and other problems would arise from this poorly diversified community. Larson on the other
hand would argue that the city planning was troublesome due to the layout rather than the diversity factors. Larson suggests that
often times in America developments such as these are poorly constructed, and that America is largely planned by automobile
access as well as poorly designed and constrained, tiny apartments. This isn't the case in places like Paris or other European
countries due to their history tracing back to smaller villages that enabled walking access and short distances between necessary
institutions. Many of the places in Europe revolve around a centrally located town, whereas in America it largely revolves around
where the individual is. This is problematic since it makes the place rely heavily on automobiles and not walking and other
methods of transportation. There are many things that can be done to Pruitt Igoe to make it a better place. Both economic and
social diversity would serve as a form of unification. Cutting back on crime and conflict also means integrating people together by
social and economic classes to get a unique perspective from each group and allow the community to thrive. The apartments and
surrounding areas must also be planned more to Larson's liking; easier access, easier transportation, with apartments that are
more suited to being planned out for people's daily activities.
Larson and Talen would argue several distinctive general factors that contributed the most; segregation and the lack of appropriate diversity, and an unacceptable
architectural layout of both the buildings as well as the surrounding areas. Talen argues that racial segregation is still very prominent in society today, though in
contrast to segregation in the mid 20th century, it isn't imposed by a legal standard rather than a trend arising from the methods being utilized by city planners. She
also states that segregation between whites and blacks in Pruitt Igoe most likely most likely came as a result of the poor planning of the housing development and as
a result a key reason for its decline. Talen would argue that the lack of diversity would lead to a lack of idea sharing, and that those living there would look to only
benefit themselves rather than living as a cohesive unit regardless of race. Vandalism, crime, and other problems would arise from this poorly diversified community.
Larson on the other hand would argue that the city planning was troublesome due to the layout rather than the diversity factors. Larson suggests that often times in
America developments such as these are poorly constructed, and that America is largely planned by automobile access as well as poorly designed and constrained,
tiny apartments. This isn't the case in places like Paris or other European countries due to their history tracing back to smaller villages that enabled walking access and
short distances between necessary institutions. Many of the places in Europe revolve around a centrally located town, whereas in America it largely revolves around
where the individual is. This is problematic since it makes the place rely heavily on automobiles and not walking and other methods of transportation. There are many
things that can be done to Pruitt Igoe to make it a better place. Both economic and social diversity would serve as a form of unification. Cutting back on crime and
conflict also means integrating people together by social and economic classes to get a unique perspective from each group and allow the community to thrive.
Response to F.L. Olmsted
Displaying his plan at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Frederick Law Olmsted stated that "Buffalo is the best
planned city, as to its streets, public places, and grounds, in the United States, if not in the world." What was the basis for this
claim? Would Olmsted still make that claim today? Why or why not?
It is safe to say that Fredrick Law Olmsted may have been the most talented landscape architect that planned Buffalo. Derived
from parks, connecting parkways, roundabouts and several spaces, Olmsted's design captured nature in the community
beautifully. Olmsted stated that Buffalo was "the best planned city, as to its streets, public places and grounds in The United
States, if not the world." He believed that the way captured Buffalo's green infrastructures all in one was way before it's time.
Olmsted was told to create a park influenced by Central Park and Prospect Park, but he went beyond that. All of the city's cultural
establishments are located in and along the Olmsted design. I don't believe Olmsted will still make that claim that he expressed at
the Centennial Exposition today because Buffalo isn't the same Buffalo it was when he designed it. There were many changes that
happened to Buffalo because the city didn't keep their relationship and contribution to the Olmsted Firm. The maintenance of the
Buffalo parks also broke apart after a long period. The Humboldt Parkway, one of the parkways Olmsted designed that connected
Delaware Park and Martin Luther King Jr. Park was destroyed. That was one of the nation's most attractive residential parkways
and it was considered a loss by many Buffalo residents. The city built the Scajaquanda Expressway in the middle of the Delaware
Park that cut of the meadow side from the lake side that presented traffic and pollution in the landscape. Also the waterfront
park that gave entrance to the Riverside and Front Park was destroyed in 1960. With that being said, I do not think Olmsted
would make that claim again if he was alive today.
Olmsted stated that Buffalo was "the
best planned city, as to its streets, public
places and grounds in The United States,
if not the world." He believed that the
way captured Buffalo's green
infrastructures all in one was way before
it's time. Olmsted was told to create a
park influenced by Central Park and
Prospect Park, but he went beyond that.
All of the city's cultural establishments
are located in and along the Olmsted
design. I don't believe Olmsted will still
make that claim that he expressed at
the Centennial Exposition today because
Buffalo isn't the same Buffalo it was
when he designed it.
Response to Walter Hood's Work
Identify something that should be memorialized either on UB's campus or in your hometown. Imagine that you are the person
who will oversee this project, and that you are using Walter Hood's 'triad of investigations' as your approach to the project. What
would your landscape intervention commemorate/memorialize? How will you use Hood's 'triad of investigations' to design a new
landscape intervention? What do you imagine that the design will be? (Either written or visual descriptions are acceptable).
Newburgh is a monumental city. There is a story behind the motivation and creation of each public monument. One noted 19th
century Newburgh sculptor, Henry Kirke Brown, designed monuments for the U.S. Capitol and West Point. His sculpture of
George Clinton, Revolutionary War General, first governor of New York and twice Vice-President of the United States, once
graced the Newburgh waterfront. Today stands a beautiful mural down by the waterfront that depicts the life of it's inhabitants.
Personally, I feel as if this should be memorialized due to the fact that this mural accurately depicts Newburgh and not the
savagery being played on the news and internet. The mural is divided into five archways, each depicting a different Newburgh
landmark and peopled with locals. A private contractor whose work was donated by the city applied the treatment to the wall of
a railroad trestle that became the canvas for the work. The mural displays five of Newburgh’s architectural treasures of the past,
present and future: Washington’s Headquarters, Broadway, Downing Park, the Dutch Reformed Church, and the Crawford House.
The “Archways” mural was completed and dedicated on November 3, 2007. This mural has received local, regional and national
attention, through regional television, regional and national publications, as well as thousands of visitors. Tourists from all over
the world have come to Newburgh to see this mural. Rather than this mural in one location imagine setting up correlating murals
all throughout the city in designated locations. Each mural would be unique to it's own location and provide viewers with a quick
history lesson on their neighborhood, all while being tied to the main focus of each mural.
Response to the Brookes
Find another iconic graphic that addresses racial
issues and post it for others in your group to view.
How do you interpret the graphic? What is its
meaning? Now imagine that someone from a racial
and cultural background different than your own is
looking at the same graphic. Briefly describe this
person. How might s/he interpret its meaning? How
might this differ from your interpretation? What are
the possible reasons for these differences?
The image selected portrays the untouched realities of the time,
regarding the black community in comparison to the idealistic
billboard. Its meaning is one that articulates the concept of
photojournalism, in that it tells the untold stories that lie behind the
gilded nature of the time - its meaning encompasses a return to
reality and confrontation of societal issue, particularly racial
inequality and inequity. A black man or woman from this time period
might not appreciate the historical context of this photograph as
much as I do they might instead consider this as something mundane,
and would be more appreciative of a photograph of action being
taken. Perhaps a photograph of music, religion, culture, and
family showing that these individuals led optimistic or adamant lives,
rather than the depicted lives of indifference and quiet solidarity.
This differs from my interpretation; I believe its importance lies in
depicting the everyday conditions of black population, and depicting
the general inequality that had occurred historically. The main
reason differences occur is because I live empirically outside of their
world, judging and evaluating rather than empathizing with the
individual. Had I known that the everyday life was oddly optimistic
or cheerful, despite circumstances, I would have called to depict
these individuals in a more historically accurate way rather than just
focus on the polarity of society.
Its meaning is one that articulates the concept of
photojournalism, in that it tells the untold stories that lie behind
the nature of the time. The photograph encompasses a return to
reality and confrontation of racial inequality and inequity. A black
man or woman from this time period might not appreciate the
historical context of this photograph as much as I do they might
instead consider this as something mundane, and would be more
appreciative of a photograph of action being taken. Perhaps a
photograph of music, religion, culture, and family showing that
these individuals led optimistic or adamant lives, rather than the
depicted lives of indifference and quiet solidarity. This differs
from my interpretation; I believe its importance lies in depicting
the everyday conditions of black population, and depicting the
general inequality that had occurred historically. The main
reason differences occur is because I live empirically outside of
their world, judging and evaluating rather than empathizing with
the individual.
Response to Charles Davis and equityXdesign's Work
Critique either the MLK Memorial or the National Museum of African American History and Culture using equityXdesign’s core beliefs
and/or design principles.
In regards to the Civil Rights Movement, MLK was fundamental in its success through nonviolent protests, speeches, activism, but most
of all, unification and inclusion as he included and inspired individuals across all backgrounds. This should be better portrayed on his
monument. Rather than proceed completely with the award winning design, planners should consider new concepts as they proceed
with their project. For instance, the issue that arose in regards to the facial expression of MLK opposing a former president
(Jefferson). This could have been avoided with a different placement or direction of MLK, and the architect may have been able to also
include the names that were unfortunately omitted, names of those that all contributed to his success - a success representative of the
population as a whole. In regards to MLK's memorial, the designers probably could have included the ideas of individuals across the
country and what they believe MLK stood for, rather than just the architects and politicians. To consider the values and beliefs of the
United States as a whole, something almost all agree on, that should be the true representation of MLK.
Rather than proceed completely with the award
winning design, planners should consider new concepts
as they proceed with their project. For instance, the
issue that arose in regards to the facial expression of
MLK opposing a former president (Jefferson). This could
have been avoided with a different placement or
direction of MLK, and the architect may have been able
to also include the names that were unfortunately
omitted, names of those that all contributed to his
success - a success representative of the population as a
whole. In regards to MLK's memorial, the designers
probably could have included the ideas of individuals
across the country and what they believe MLK stood for,
rather than just the architects and politicians.
Response to "Landscape Stories" Chapter
First, let’s start with your own home. Describe a place in your home (indoors and/or outdoors) that you think of as representative
of your own ethnic background and discuss why you consider this place to be ‘ethnic’. –OR-- Describe an object in your home that
you think of as representative of your ethnic background and discuss why this object is considered to be ‘ethnic’. (If possible, add
photo/s.) Is this object or place something that you will keep or continue when you establish your own home? Why or why not?
Now let’s move into your community. In “Landscape Stories,” the authors show how landscape architects develop a historical
narrative that sifts through and interpets the culture and material of underrepresented groups. Think about the community
where you grew up. Describe and discuss any evidence of cultural influences on the physical environment in your community. If
possible, describe evidence of the cultural influence of an underrepresented group. (If possible, add photo/s.) Is this cultural
influence being acknowledged or preserved from future generations? Why or why not? (Limit your response to 250 words.)
A direct representation of my ethnic background would have to be seen through the Puerto Rican flag hanging in my room. This
symbolizes the Puerto Rican culture and represents the large number of Puerto Ricans present in America today. Not only will I
keep this object for my home going forth, it will end up as a decoration in my car as my mom and sister have as well. Sitting
elegantly on the wall, the flag reminds me to never forget my roots and where I come from, while constantly bringing out that
pride in me. As far as in my community, a set of murals down by the Newburgh Waterfront serves as a huge cultural influence.
The mural holds home to people of many different ethnic backgrounds from all over Newburgh in the lively waterfront scene.
Upon it's completion several years ago, eateries in the area grew from Italian and traditional-style, to a myriad of restaurants
with cultural foods. You see everything from Mexican restaurants to Greek and they are all very popular within the area. My
favorite part of the mural is the fact that it shows representation of the many ethnic backgrounds presently living in Newburgh
and displays how they are a major part of the social environment throughout the city. Numbers in these various groups of people
continue to increase around the city so it is safe to say that culture is being preserved.
Response to “Landscape Stories”
A direct representation of my ethnic
background would have to be seen through
the Puerto Rican flag hanging in my room.
This symbolizes the Puerto Rican culture and
represents the large number of Puerto Ricans
present in America today. the flag reminds me
to never forget my roots and where I come
from, while constantly bringing out that pride
in me
A set of murals down by the Newburgh
Waterfront serves as a huge cultural
influence. The mural holds home to people of
many different ethnic backgrounds from all
over Newburgh in the lively waterfront scene.
Upon completion, eateries in the area grew
from Italian and traditional-style, to a myriad
of restaurants with cultural foods. You see
everything from Mexican restaurants to Greek
and they are all very popular within the area.
My favorite part of the mural is the fact that it
shows representation of the many ethnic
backgrounds presently living in Newburgh and
displays how they are a major part of the
social environment throughout the city.
Numbers in these various groups of people
continue to increase around the city so it is
safe to say that culture is being preserved.
Response to Article on Sports Branding
Recent controversies about sports branding focus on ethnicity. The Washington Redskins team is just one example of the larger
controversy, but it receives the most public attention due to the name itself being defined as derogatory or insulting in modern
dictionaries, and the prominence of the team representing the nation’s capital. Should sports team branding designers use ethnic
references (Fighting Irish, Boston Celtics, Atlanta Braves, etc.)? Why? Why not? What are some of the complexities of this issue?
(Limit your response to 150 words.)
Personally, I feel as if sports teams and franchises should make it their best effort to respect ethnic references in regard to logos
and mascots. The Washington Redskins certainly have stirred the pot as the term Redskin is found to be offensive to Native
Americans due to the origin of the word. The term represents not only a racial slur, but marked the deaths of Native Americans as
well. Whether or not this term refers to people of your ethnic background, we should respect their culture and name the same
way we expect them to respect us. To prevent further discrepancies, sports franchise owners should adhere to a reviewing panel
to further approve or deny the name, logo, mascot, etc...
Perhaps, the best solution to the mascot controversy with sports
franchises is making it their best effort to respect ethnic references
regarding to logos and mascots. The Washington Redskins certainly
have stirred the pot as the term Redskin is found to be offensive to
Native Americans due to the origin of the word. The term represents
not only a racial slur, but marked the deaths of Native Americans as
well. We should respect their culture and name the same way we
expect them to respect us. To prevent any further controversy, sports
franchise owners should adhere to a reviewing panel to further
approve or deny the name, logo, mascot, etc...
Response to "Visualizing Gender" Chapter
In their chapter “Communicating Gender,” Maya Ganesh and Gabi Sobliye discuss two primary visual advocacy approaches: 1) get
the idea, and 2) stories in data. Find a new example of either of the two visual advocacy approaches to gender issues, and post it
in this thread. Cite the source.
First, identify the approach. Then explain how the designer uses the approach to communicate a gender issue. Is the approach
effective in this example? Why or why not? How could this graphic be improved? (Limit your response to 200 words.)
The approach the designer utilizes is "get the idea." This is
clear because there are no statistical presentations, the design
is reliant on visuals. The designer approaches the issue of
gender by combining the mundane concepts of male and
female symbolized restrooms into one, half male half female
identity, added alongside, in equality, to the latter symbols.
The approach is effective in the example by generating an
"unsubtle metaphor," which sends a visual message that
provides a different solution or approach to a looming,
controversial issue. It succeeds in the "get the idea" by
generating a range of reactions. This image borrows from
"cultural, political, and commercial communications" and
challenges the viewer. On the other hand, it is not effective in
generating a stream of more layers of information. The
message is portrayed, and abandoned after the initial effect.
There is only the superficial, uppermost layer that portrays the
concept of inclusiveness; But I believe the graphic could be
improved by altering it so that we think about larger issues of
gender in society as a whole, as well as the government's role
in it.
The approach the designer utilizes is "get the idea." The designer
approaches the issue of gender by combining the mundane concepts of
male and female symbolized restrooms into one, half male half female
identity, added alongside, in equality, to the latter symbols. The approach
is effective in the example by generating an "unsubtle metaphor," which
sends a visual message that provides a different solution or approach to a
looming, controversial issue. It succeeds in the "get the idea" by
generating a range of reactions. This image borrows from "cultural,
political, and commercial communications" and challenges the viewer. On
the other hand, it is not effective in generating a stream of more layers of
information. The message is portrayed, and abandoned after the initial
Response to Bathroom Bill
Should people be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with the biological gender written on their birth certificate?
State why AND state why not. In other words, to receive full credit for this question, you need to present an argument for both
sides of the issue. As a designer, how would you solve this gender dilemma? Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question.
(Limit your response to less than 250 words.)
A common issue in modern-day society continues to be whether or not people should be required to use the bathroom that
corresponds with their biological gender has sparked heated discussion. Some people think that using the bathroom corresponds
one’s biological gender is the basic etiquette. However, some people think that it deprives people’s rights to freely choose their
gender identity in public places. On one hand, I think the possible reasons for requiring people to use the bathroom corresponds
with their biological gender are that the concept of fluid gender identity is relatively new for the majority of people and the lack
of understanding for transgender individuals might also brings confusion. Also, building various bathrooms according to various
gender identity needs more funding compared to just having male and female restrooms. On the other hand, I think the reasons
why people are against this bill are that it not only violates people’s rights to freely choose the bathroom they feel comfortable
using but also suggest discrimination against people who adopt a different gender identity than their biological gender. As a
designer, I want to solve this dilemma by designing a neutral bathroom sign that featured the color of green instead of blue and
pink, and presenting a simple image of people in pants, people in dresses, people in half pants and half dresses and people in
wheelchair holding their hands together which reflects that we all share equal rights and we should embrace people's differences
instead of eliminating them.
Response to Bathroom Bill
Whether or not people should be
required to use the bathroom that
corresponds with their biological gender
has sparked heated discussion. While
some people think using the bathroom
corresponds one’s biological gender is
the basic etiquette, others believe that it
deprives people’s rights to freely choose
their gender identity in public places. I
think the possible reasons for requiring
people to use the bathroom corresponds
with their biological gender are that the
concept of fluid gender identity is
relatively new for the majority of people
and the lack of understanding for
transgender individuals might also bring
confusion. On the other hand, I think the
reasons why people are against this bill
are that it not only violates people’s
rights to freely choose the bathroom
they feel comfortable using but also
suggest discrimination against people
who adopt a different gender identity
than their biological gender. As a
designer, I would tackle the situation by
designing a neutral bathroom sign that
featured the color of green instead of
blue and pink, and presenting a simple
image of people in pants, people in
dresses, people in half pants and half
dresses and people in wheelchair
holding their hands together which
reflects that we all share equal rights
and we should embrace people's
differences instead of eliminating them.
Response to Hidden Ways
Author Steven Flusty categorized five types of disciplinary architecture that perpetuate what he calls urban spatial injustice: 1)
stealthy, 2) slippery, 3) crusty, 4) prickly, and 5) jittery. Go out into the city of Buffalo, and find/photograph two examples from
the list of five. Identify what type of space you’ve photographed and why it might discriminate against a specific
population. Identify the location where you took the photographs, and make certain you are in at least one of the two
This photo was taken at the University station on south campus I would classify this as stealthy space only because from my
personal experience at the station, in between train times the platform is always dead. With no activity, the station platform, at
times, will prove to be a quiet, low-key place. Not only would I consider this stealthy, but slippery space as well. Not really
captured in the photo, the actual platform proves why caution must be used when waiting for the train. One wrong move and you
could be on the tracks instantly. The train is open to all people but from my experience, you could say it is discriminating towards
caucasians due to the fact that each train I have been on mostly consisted of people of color.
This image was taken by Lake LaSalle on North
Campus but over by the gazebo. I would classify this
as crusty space due to the fact that over 28,000
students have access to this site and maintenance of
it could truly be a hassle. I would not say this space
is discriminatory towards anyone.
Response to People Like Us
After almost two decades of public assistance, Tammy Crabtree took herself and her family off the welfare rolls. But her job
cleaning bathrooms at a local Burger King barely paid the bills. Crabtree wanted to do better and hopes to go to college and
become a teacher.
Imagine this scenario. You are a designer who works at the well-known firm, iPD (Integrated Planning and Design). You work on a
team with planners, urban designers, policy designers, architects, and social designers. You have been tasked to develop/design a
way for Tammy Crabtree and her family (and others with situations similar to Tammy’s) to move themselves out of poverty. What
will your team to do to help Tammy and her family achieve their goals? What approach will your team take to address this
difficult problem?
My approach to helping assist Tammy and her family would be based on using my iPD resources and assets. Working for a well
known firm has it's perks, especially in regards to connections. First, I would organize a sit-down with the mayor or whichever city
official(s) have a hand in grants and funds for the city. The focal point of this meeting would be to stress how major the issue of
poverty is not only within the city but the country as well. Using the Crabtree as a prime example, I would express the hardships
the family faces on a daily basis and what all other poverty-stricken families and communities must constantly endure. My
proposal: Create an annual grant that financially supports the family's pursuit of education and means of survival to bring them
out of poverty and into a new start. Of course there must be restrictions and requirements that go along with this idea. Only those
who fall within a certain amount of income, along with other factors such as living conditions that are deamed unsafe or
dangerous or even single spouse families. A panel would come to the house of those who qualify and carry out a conversation
with the family and observe a day in the life. Rather than come into homes and take children away from parents, why not proivde
them with the life they could not attain?
I would organize a sit-down with the mayor or whichever city official(s) have a hand in grants and funds for the city. The focal point
of this meeting would be to stress how major the issue of poverty is not only within the city but the country as well. Using the
Crabtree as a prime example, I would express the hardships the family faces on a daily basis and what all other poverty-stricken
families and communities must constantly endure. My proposal: Create an annual grant that financially supports the family's pursuit
of education and means of survival to bring them out of poverty and into a new start. Of course there must be restrictions and
requirements that go along with this idea. Only those who fall within a certain amount of income, along with other factors such as
living conditions that are deamed unsafe or dangerous or even single spouse families. A panel would come to the house of those
who qualify and carry out a conversation with the family and observe a day in the life.
Response to Carroll Article: “(Re)forming Regent Park: When Policy Does Not Equal Practice”
The development of Regent Park is phased, and there are several more phases to the project. What actions could be taken to
ensure more social integration for the older people living in the ‘new and improved’ Regent Park?
Social integration can be achieved in a number of ways. Personally, my approach would consist of having different communities
as a whole campaign for integration of individuals who are of different age groups. With this in place, we can then argue our case
to any higher power. Great emphasis would be placed on construction of tunnels which would connect elderly to other buildings.
But, also to possibly put in programs for social events. Suggesting a recreation center for everyone on each floor or specific floor,
playground with outdoor activity for elderly to accompany families with children. Another aspect of improvements that can be
made pertains to community activity involving carnivals, social weekends or nights that have a certain theme or activity going on.
This notion could prove to be successful and truly create an establishment for integration of all ages, races, and cultures.
My approach would entail having different
communities as a whole campaign for
integration of individuals of various age groups.
With this in place, we can then argue our case
to any higher power. Great emphasis would be
placed on construction of tunnels which would
connect elderly to other buildings. Suggesting a
recreation center for everyone on each floor or
specific floor, playground with outdoor activity
for elderly to accompany families with children.
Another aspect of improvements that can be
made pertains to community activity involving
carnivals, social weekends or nights that have a
certain theme or activity going on. This notion
could prove to be successful and truly create an
establishment for integration of all ages, races,
and cultures.
Response to Enriquez TED Talk: “What Will Humans Look Like in 100 Years?”
For this question, we will focus on Juan Enriquez’ Life Two civilization, which alters fundamental aspects of the body. We are
living longer than ever before in human history. Enriquez argues that, because of advances in bio-medical technology, the
possibility of living to 120 years of age and beyond is quite possible for many of us in this D+D class. Assuming that his assertion is
accurate, how do you think extended life spans will change our societies and built environments? What new issues might
designers face because of extended life spans?
Truthfully, there is no telling what the future holds. The most we can do is predict what is in store for society in the coming years.
With this comes the conversation of issues that may affect us somewhere down the line. The main issue that I see with increasing
life span is an issue of overpopulation, as life spans increase those alive at a particular time would increase, leading to more
resourced needed for all, as well as an increased environmental impact as population increases. Despite that, I believe that an
increased life span is a great thing, humanity would just have to plan for it. More programs for the elderly would be necessary, as
there would be more who would need aid. Designers would need to accommodate for a larger number of the elderly living in
society, and would need to make sure places are accessible for not only everyone, but a larger number of people. The impact is the
issue that would be the most problematic, however the increasing population shouldn't be the reason to deal with this issue.
Renewable resources would need to be utilized, and pollution from the increased population would need to be kept in check.
The main issue that I see with increasing life span is an issue of overpopulation, as life spans increase those alive at a particular time
would increase, leading to more resourced needed for all, as well as an increased environmental impact as population increases.
Despite that, I believe that an increased life span is a great thing, humanity would just have to plan for it. More programs for the
elderly would be necessary, as there would be more who would need aid. Designers would need to accommodate for a larger
number of the elderly living in society, and would need to make sure places are accessible for not only everyone, but a larger
number of people. The impact is the issue that would be the most problematic, however the increasing population shouldn't be the
reason to deal with this issue.
Response to PPT, Smithsonian, and Roy
For the Module 12 Thread 1, please select one of the seven universal design principles, and post photographs that show both a
positive and a negative example of the principle. Then address the following question: How do your examples empower or
disempower various people? Describe the specific features of the positive example and the specific features of the negative
example. Discuss ways that the positive example could be even further improved.
This is a negative example of the principle of equitable use, this paper towel dispenser is located in residence halls and I think that
it excludes people with mobility issues for the height and position of the handle is hard for them to reach when attempting to get
paper towels. This paper towel dispenser does not cater to everyone and stigmatizes people with mobility issues when they could
not get the paper towels due to the unreasonable design. To be specific, the features that make this paper towel dispenser not
equally usable by everyone are that it not only is installed at an unreasonable height, but the handle is also far for people to
reach, thus making the action of getting paper towels difficult for users with mobility issues.
This image is a positive example of Equitable Use. Equitable Use is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities. In our
supermarkets such as Walmart, Wegmans, etc... There are shopping cart for both handicapped and non-handicapped. This is an
example that empowers various people, they can all go shopping without any differences. The auto shopping cart helps disabled
people easily shopping at those supermarket. The further specific feature can be improved is that lower some of the goods shelves
because people who use the auto shopping cart may be shorter than normal person.
Response to Survey, FIXED, and Stelarc
What lessons do you think we should learn from history when thinking about emerging enhancement technologies
and reproductive technologies? What are some of the possible consequences (both positive and negative) of being able to design
our bodies and the bodies of our children? What ethical quandaries do these technologies pose?
The main concept that needs to be implemented before even furthering ourselves as a race is how we will use emerging tech
enhancements to our advantage, but in a manner that does not effect any one person or group as well as the environment. It's a
question of functionality and whether it's functionality is relevant to us as a species. Unfortunately, we may tend to use these tech
advancements ethically wrong. These tech advancements may be viewed as a way to satisfy an even greater want not only for its
benefits to our health but an upgrade to our old and unreliable body parts that will die out eventually. I think we will create ways
to skip harsh realities of life and starts leaning towards easy accessibility to certain things like specified baby features, no use for
woman reproductive usage, or cyborg implants. Nothing will be real, just other puzzle pierces added to our body parts. Teaching
future generations it's okay to do this, it's our "obligation as a species to survive". By doing this, it could possibly destroy not only
financial markets by having a higher population, but also healthcare and the overall well-being of the human race. That is not to
say there can be no good things that can come out of his. Advancements among the human race and prosperity have come from
great tech advancements and innovation. It may be safe to say that advancement in enhancement tech and reproductive tech can
make humans excel far greater as a race then ever before. To possibly manipulate our brains to work faster, more efficient, and
with longer lasting energy will make us look as if we are the ultimate self sustaining battery. Its safe to say that these
advancements can help us fix issues related to healthcare, the financial market, and even poverty. This could truly be the
beginning of something far greater importance to the survival of our species. In all there is a lesson to learn to not surpass our
boundaries of ethics, nor have any hierarchy towards any one individual or group. We should all be unity, living for a common
goal, to forward our race in a positive manner.
How we will use emerging tech enhancements to our
advantage, but in a manner that does not affect any one
person or group as well as the environment? It's a question of
functionality and it’s relevance to us as a species.
Unfortunately, we may tend to use these tech advancements
ethically wrong. These tech advancements may be viewed as a
way to satisfy an even greater want not only for its benefits to
our health but an upgrade to our old and unreliable body parts
that will die out eventually. I think we will create ways to skip
harsh realities of life and starts leaning towards easy
accessibility to certain things. Teaching future generations it's
okay to do this, it's our "obligation as a species to survive". By
doing this, it could possibly destroy not only financial markets
by having a higher population, but also healthcare and the
overall well-being of the human race. Advancements among
the human race and prosperity have come from great tech
innovation. It may be safe to say that advancement in
enhancement tech and reproductive tech has allowed for
humans to excel far greater than ever before. It’s safe to say
that these advancements can help us fix issues related to
healthcare, the financial market, and possibly even poverty.
This could truly be the beginning of something far greater
importance to the survival of our species. In all there is a
lesson to learn to not surpass our boundaries of ethics, nor
have any hierarchy towards any one individual or group. We
should all be unity, living for a common goal, to forward our
race in a positive manner.
Response to Titicut Follies
Should Wiseman have been allowed to film the residents of Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility? Why or why not?
How might this film be of value to designers (communication designers, product, designers, architects, interior designers,
planners, landscape designers, systems designers, and/or social designers)? In other words, what might they gain from this film
that they could use in their work?
Personally, I feel as if Wiseman should have been able to film the residents at Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility. I
am standing behind this argument due to the fact that it grants access to future designers to learn from the past. Having an idea
pf what was going on in the correctional facilities not only allowed people to see the treatment of the patients, but it also led to
various laws and changes being made to institutions and facilities built after the film. Making the area feel more like a home
instead of a prison may help in the design process, and viewing this film could show what a certain layout may affect.
Architects may find it useful to find the positives and negatives of certain designs and apply them to future designs. Making areas
where patients can interact both indoors and outdoors can affect how they feel, and possibly improve upon their interaction with
everyone overall. Social designers may see that the effect of the doctors and nurses on patients; and what is effective and what is
not. The interactions of patients and doctors and nurses can also aid communication designers, determining how to interact with
certain patients. Making the place feel more comfortable will be more effective than cells that are home to
maltreatment. Allowing the filming of the Correctional facility will prove to be rather beneficial in regards to future designs.
Wiseman should have been able to film the residents at Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility. I am standing behind this
argument due to the fact that it grants access to future designers to learn from the past. Having an idea of what was going on in the
correctional facilities not only allowed people to see the treatment of the patients, but it also led to various laws and changes.
Architects may find it useful to find the positives and negatives of certain designs and apply them to future designs. Making areas
where patients can interact both indoors and outdoors can affect how they feel, and possibly improve upon their interaction with
everyone overall. Social designers may see that the effect of the doctors and nurses on patients; and what is effective and what is
not. The interactions of patients and doctors and nurses can also aid communication designers, determining how to interact with
certain patients.
Response to PPT, The Architecture of Autism, Public Space
The Scenario: Imagine that you and your four children live in Amherst, New York in a $650,000 home at the end of a cul-de-sac on
the edge of a ten acre woods. The town has purchased a one acre lot three houses away from yours, and plans to build a group
home for ten intellectually challenged adults.
• As a resident of the neighborhood, would you support or oppose this proposal and why?
• How would this change your opinion about the construction of the group home in your neighborhood?
• What are some possible solutions that would allow the residents of the home to be provided with “the same basic human
rights as the rest of the population”?
1. As a resident of the neighborhood, I would have no other choice but to oppose the construction. As a resident and parent, living
close to a group home filled with intellectually disabled adults would impact my standard of living as well as the standard of living
for the kids, especially if any of the developmentally disabled adults are loud, disruptive, or engage in inappropriate behavior,
which is not out of the realm of possibility or likelihood in this scenario. This isn't to place the blame on the developmentally
disabled adults, nor is it an insult, but it is a cautionary measure to be sure. I feel as if the status of the neighborhood and the
environment would revolve around this home and I am not sure the effects it would bring.
2. The new information regarding the patients simply reinforces the earlier decision. If three of the ten patients have a history of
damaging behavior it introduces the possibility for future mishaps that could affect me or my children. While it has not happened
in a long time, precautionary measures are still necessary to protect my family. While this could be a stigma related to the
mentally ill, it isn't unfair to take caution in relation to their behavior.
3. Introducing the group home in an area that isn't in close proximity to the private homes of others is beneficial to society and
beneficial to places such as this. This isn't to say they should be entirely isolated from the general population, but simply present
in areas with commercial activity or areas close, away from people's homes. People shouldn't have a home with mentally ill adults
who have a history of bad and dangerous behavior near their children and life, but it is important that these adults still receive
the dignity that comes with being a human being.
1As a resident and parent, living close to a group home filled with intellectually disabled adults would impact my standard of living
as well as the standard of living for the kids, especially if any of the developmentally disabled adults are loud, disruptive, or engage
in inappropriate behavior, which is not out of the realm of possibility or likelihood in this scenario. This isn't to place the blame on
the developmentally disabled adults, nor is it an insult, but it is a cautionary measure to be sure. I feel as if the status of the
neighborhood and the environment would revolve around this home and I am not sure the effects it would bring.
2. The new information regarding the patients simply reinforces the earlier decision. If three of the ten patients have a history of
damaging behavior it introduces the possibility for future mishaps that could affect me or my children. While it has not happened in
a long time, precautionary measures are still necessary to protect my family. While this could be a stigma related to the mentally ill,
it isn't unfair to take caution in relation to their behavior.
3. Introducing the group home in an area that isn't in close proximity to the private homes of others is beneficial to society and
beneficial to places such as this. This isn't to say they should be entirely isolated from the general population, but simply present in
areas with commercial activity or areas close, away from people's homes. People shouldn't have a home with mentally ill adults who
have a history of bad and dangerous behavior near their children and life, but it is important that these adults still receive the dignity
that comes with being a human being.
Response to The Connection Between Religion and Urban Planning by David Engwicht
Identify a place of worship with which you are somewhat familiar. What roles has this place served in the development of your
city/town? How has it influenced the design of the area around it? How has its role changed over time? What roles could this
place of worship play in the future development of your city/town?
The image above is the Dubois St. Pentecostal Church
which is about 5 minutes away from my house back home.
The church is labeled as a Church of God and was
constructed in the late 1800's. This church has been the
most influential among the latino community in Newburgh
as services are worshipped in Spanish. This church paved
the way for the creation of various places of worship in the
area with everything from Mosques to Temples. Although
it attracts a large sum of the latino population within the
city of Newburgh, the church seems to lack diversity due to
the fact that there is a substantial amount of non-spanish
speaking residents. This seems to be the problem with
many churches within the area but with time, I believe this
issue will diminish. Perhaps, the Dubois St. church will go
beyond racial barriers and begin to attract people from all
walks of life in search of the same religious journey.
Response to Prospects for the Future of Diversity and Design
Think about your own major and/or future profession. What is the biggest challenge, problem, or question that your field needs
to tackle right now? What do you plan to do to address this challenge, problem, or question either as part of your studies or
professional life?
As an exercise science major I personally feel as one of the biggest issues we face is new and developing physical conditions. The
body is always changing and new/developing conditions are quite common in modern-day society. We definitely have the assets
and resources necessary to treat practically every condition out there but in the end, the body always wins. We may prolong life
after being diagnosed, but that is only providing us with an extension. There is no set-solution or specific way to tackle this
situation but there may be some precautionary measures. Perhaps, running studies on underlying causes of physical conditions
and risk factors may educate people enough to beat physical conditions. This may not be easy because if no condition is detected,
we will not know what to look for. If we take things a step further and develop technology or even physical practices that prove
to act as preventative measures, this issue would be instantly thrown out the window.

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  • 1. University at Buffalo – State University of New York ARC 211 - American Diversity and Design – Spring 2017 Online Discussion Questions Matthew Wilson
  • 2. The following pages document my responses to the online discussion questions in the Spring 2017 version of ARC 211 American Diversity and Design at the University at Buffalo – State University of New York Introduction American Diversity and Design has been a rather influential factor on my take on life. Many fail to realize the cultural composition of the United States and this may place a damper on modern-day society. The United States of America thrives on diversity. A synthesis of the world’s races, religions, and cultures, America is a home to people from all walks of life. The blend of cultures here is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as proud of their original cultural heritage as they are to be an American. Diversity in America collection takes a good look at what it means to be American and examines the rich heritages that make up our country. Each culture provides its own contributions to our understanding of America today. From Asia to Europe to Africa to Latin America, each nationality’s broad history and important contributions to the American way of life. Diversity in America documents the struggles of nationalities to integrate into the melting pot society of America, and highlights the strength and integrity of various cultural leaders and thinkers. Needless to say, the course provided me with some new insight on how I view society and it’s composition.
  • 3. Response to "What is design?" from Hello World Describe an innovation or invention (can be current or historical) that gave advantage to a group of people in the U.S. or to the population as a whole. What were the social impacts of this innovation? Were any groups negatively impacted by this innovation?
  • 4. I would like to say that the invention of the computer has definitely been one of the most innovative and beneficial creations introduced to mankind. Computers have changed the lives of many people across the globe in a drastic way. One of the reasons this newly introduced bit of technology has continued to be so popular is due to the fact that the computer is so multifaceted. Not only could users search the internet for whatever it is they desire, they could also connect with others around the world with just the click of a button. Businesses and organizations were then able to create websites and pages unique to their brand or company. To this day, computers are a big part of the business world as they can be found in almost any workplace. In the same sense, computers can also hold a negative bearing on society as well. In modern-day society, many have become dependent on computers and other sources of technology. The same way computers have allowed individuals to excel at their job, is the same exact way computers have minimized the number of jobs available to the public as well. Too much of anything is never a good thing. It is safe to say that computers and technology could help us in numerous ways, but we must not lose sight of the fact that these very things that help us could prove to be destructive as they consume our lives'. Computers have been a key technological component ever since the first creation. One of the reasons it is so popular is due to the fact that the computer is so multifaceted. Not only could users search the internet for whatever it is they desire, they could also connect with others around the world with just the click of a button. Businesses and organizations were then able to create websites and pages unique to their brand or company. To this day, computers are a big part of the business world as well. On the other hand, computers have allowed individuals to excel at their job, is the same exact way computers have minimized the number of jobs available to the public as well.
  • 5. Response to "Introduction" from Diversity and Design Describe a design that was impacted by a diversity group. How and why did it change form and/or circumstances? (Note that a design can be anything requiring planning and development prior to the production of an action, system, visual, material object, or environment. Also, keep in mind that, for our purposes, a diversity group is a group of individuals who are underrepresented in society in some way—children, older adults, the economically disadvantaged, those with cognitive disabilities, etc.) Obamacare proves to be a design that impacts those who were undergoing what is known as the "healthcare crisis". Obamacare serves as a US healthcare law that provides many with affordable health care through certain rules, regulations, and taxes. It's focal point is providing affordable healthcare for US citizens while improving the quality of healthcare and insurance. With this newly introduced system, insurance exchanges offer consumers and small businesses a choice of standardized and regulated health plans. This policy focuses on citizens that aren't offered insurance by a large employer. Health plans can be purchased through a broker, a provider, work, or programs like Medicare or Medicaid. In other words, Obamacare reforms the health care system as a whole as it contains over a thousand pages of provisions that give Americans more access to affordable quality health care. The Affordable Care Act is also known as the ACA or Obamacare. It was created to make healthcare more affordable and easily accessible to a wider range of Americans. Under the law, people in the United States who don’t qualify for an exemption are required to obtain a minimum amount of healthcare coverage. Under this law, millions of uninsured people now have access to healthcare options that they may not have had in the past. It also ensures that insurers and healthcare providers provide accessible healthcare to those who may have been refused prior to the implementation of the law.
  • 6. Response to Media/Society Chapter and TED Talk on Photographs Where would you place the images shown in Photos That Changed the World into Croteau and Hoynes' diagram entitled “Model of Media and the Social World”? Identify a mass media photograph taken in your own lifetime that has served as an icon of an event. (Feel free to add an attachment.) What roles does this photo play in the communication of the event? I would classify the photos shown under the media message category. These images possess a substantial amount of significance and most certainly have brought out many different emotions and views out of the world as a whole. An iconic photo taken in my lifetime would be a heartwrenching photo of innocent bystanders looking on as Hurricane Katrina ripped through their community. Katrina proved to be one of the most devastating natural disasters to date. Relief efforts and support organizations were stationed throughout all of New Orleans. Media coverage televised the entire storm as America just watched in awe. Many people donated proceeds to the victims of Hurricane Katrina and even went as far as volunteering in relief efforts. Thankfully, there were several people willing to reach out and provide their services to those in need. Crises like these truly show what our country is made of. Citizens from all over could not sit back and watch without taking any action. Those who devoted their time to others in need, prove that the media withholds the power to influence it's viewers no matter the circumstances. 1-facts-about-hurricane-katrina
  • 7. Response to Articles on Hats as Communication Design Typically, we do not think of hats as elements of mass media or social media. However, the two hats (red and pink) discussed in the articles certainly have taken on that role. Why are the two hats (red and pink) mentioned in the articles vehicles of communication design? What meanings do each of the two hats carry? In terms of communication design, how are they similar? And how are they different from one another? The two hats that have recently emerged among several media outlets have taken the world by storm. Both fashion statements hold a powerful message behind their emergence. Their very color even hold some sort of meaning as the red Trump hat represents his bold and unforeseen campaigning, meanwhile the pink women's hat serves as the prideful women of America's message that they will not submit to their opressors. The media aspect is a big portion of their success as it gages the amount of support the two parties attract. The more attention drawn in, the more each campaign networks out from state to state across the country. Both relate to each other in the sense that their focal points called for many people nationwide to rise up and join each movement. At the same time, each campaign represents opposing views, and in a way, have created a feud between the two. Needless to say, these significant pieces of fashion have captivated the nation as we know it.
  • 8. Both fashion statements hold a powerful message behind their emergence. The media aspect is a big portion of their success as it gages the amount of support the two parties attract. The more attention drawn in, the more each campaign networks out from state to state across the country. Both relate to each other in the sense that their focal points called for many people nationwide to rise up and join each movement. At the same time, each campaign represents opposing views, and in a way, have created a feud between the two. RESPONSE TO ARTICLES ON HATS AS COMMUNICATION DESIGN
  • 9. Response to “Industrial Design” by John Heskett and "The Incredible Inventions of Intuitive AI" by Maurice Conti In his chapter on industrial design (written in 1987), historian John Heskett claims that the methods of mass production introduced by Henry Ford in the U.S. involved new concepts of the standardization and integration of the production line that were adopted across the world. With Ford’s method, work could be completed by relatively unskilled workers; it was more efficient and with this method, products were made more quickly and cheaply than previously possible. What were some of the social consequences of Ford’s production line? In other words, how did this system change our U.S. society? Do any of those changes remain with us today? Now consider Maurice Conti’s TED Talk, and the predictions he makes about production. How do you think manufacturing processes will change in the next twenty years? How do you think these changes will affect our U.S. society? Throughout the course of history, there have been many innovative designs and creations that have helped mold modern-day society. Perhaps, one of the most crucial designs to date was Henry Ford's assembly line. The assembly line was originated in the suburbs of Detroit. Ford's design proved to be so influential as it helped spark a transformation of not only manufacturing in the U.S., but society as well. The assembly line drastically reduced the cost of production with newly introduced standardized parts and more efficient labor. With this new form of technology, Ford was able to bring many appealing aspects such as the luxury and convenience of the automobile to the masses. Other industries soon adopted the idea of the assembly line and today, it serves as the primary mean of production. Standardization led to lower costs, higher quality and more reliable products. Unfortunately, methods of production are way different now than in contemporary society and a new era of technology and innovation is underway. In the near future, technology is going to supercede the human race and take over the production process completely. Robots will most likely be the only ones partaking in the production and manufacturing process. One can not really infer on how this will affect society, but I personally think it will not be beneficial to the country. Only time will tell in regards to this situation, but the thought raises many questions such as: How will new production and manufacturing processes affect the cost for consumers and what will the new turnaround time be for production
  • 10. The introduction of Ford’s assembly line made it possible to bring many appealing aspects such as the luxury and convenience of the automobile to the masses. Other industries soon adopted the idea of the assembly line and today, it serves as the primary mean of production. Standardization led to lower costs, higher quality and more reliable products. Unfortunately, methods of production are way different now than in contemporary society and a new era of technology and innovation is underway. In the near future, technology is going to supercede the human race and take over the production process completely. Robots will most likely be the only ones partaking in the production and manufacturing process. One can not really infer on how this will affect society, but I personally think it will not be beneficial to the country.
  • 11. Response IDEA Awards and Cradle-to-Cradle Video Which of the 2016 IDEA Gold Award products seems to defy the Cradle-to-Cradle concept developed by architect William McDonough and chemist Dr. Michael Braungart? How does this product resist or disregard the concept? Please provide your own example of a product that uses Cradle-to-Cradle design. Describe and cite sources The Cradle-to-cradle concept is a biomimetic approach to the design of products and systems. This concept takes on the notion that materials serve as nutrients circulating in healthy, safe metabolisms. Upon reviewing the 2016 IDEA Gold Awards, the Rolls Royce Dawn seems to deviate from the Cradle-to-cradle notion further than others. The newly introduced luxury vehicle remains indifferent from the launches of competitor brands. This luxury car provider, along with others, release several models of cars each year. No changes are made to the vehicles to become more eco-friendly or even flexible in price for consumers. Instead, buyers are given tweaks to the appearance that thrill and captivate. The Cradle-to-cradle concept sets out and creates production techniques that are efficient and waste free. This design concept views material inputs and outputs as technical or biological nutrients. This Rolls Royce design steers away from this concept while failing to utilize the resources and materials while catering to the consumer and the environment as well. On the other hand, there are many products present in modern-day society that abide by the Cradle-to-cradle idea. The Brita filtration system proves to be one of the most efficicent and innovative of this lifetime. Unsanitary water can be filtrated within minutes with this brilliant design. Many fail to realize the importance of this invention. In the long run, we will come to see how beneficial the Brita really is. In fact, "The Environmental Working Group tested tap water in 45 states a couple of years ago and found 202 chemical contaminants that are not subject to any government regulation or safety standards for drinking water." Needless to say not only can this system save money, it provides you with guaranteed sanitary water. Filtration systems also cut down on the production and manufacturing of plastic bottles that companies use. Although many companies have made adjustments to use bottles from recycled materials, cutting the bottles out completely could truly help the environment. "Why Filtering Tap Water Is Important + Which Water Filters Work." The Soft Landing®. N.p., 01 May 2016. Web. Feb. 2017.
  • 12. The Cradle-to-cradle concept sets out and creates production techniques that are efficient and waste free. This design concept views material inputs and outputs as technical or biological nutrients. The Rolls Royce Dawn remains indifferent from the launches of competitor brands. This luxury car provider, along with others, release several models of cars each year. No changes are made to the vehicles to become more eco-friendly or even flexible in price for consumers. Instead, buyers are given tweaks to the appearance that thrill and captivate. The Cradle-to-cradle concept sets out and creates production techniques that are efficient and waste free. The Brita filtration system proves to be one of the most efficicent and innovative of this lifetime. Unsanitary water can be filtrated within minutes with this brilliant design. Filtration systems also cut down on the production and manufacturing of plastic bottles that companies use. Although many companies have made adjustments to use bottles from recycled materials, cutting the bottles out completely could truly help the environment.
  • 13. Response to All Module 4 Materials Your readings and viewings this week present different ways of thinking about architecture. Mies Van der Rohe describes architecture as “The will of the epoch translated into space.” Andrew Ballantyne describes architecture as the background for life. Jeanne Gang describes it as the act of building relationships. All agree that architecture can change based on context and culture. Choose two works of architecture from any of your materials this week—one with sensibilities about the past and one with sensibilities about the present and/or future. How do each of these buildings either reflect or challenge their cultural contexts? (Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question.) Two works of architecture that were discussed in the Top Ten Structures that Changed America are the Virginia Capitol State Building and The Silk Pavilion Environment. The Virginia State Capitol building is located on top of Capitol Hill. Charles-Louis Clérisseau and Thomas Jefferson selected the building’s location based on the works of Andrea Palladio. Jefferson was said to have one of the only copies of Palladio’s Four Books of Architecture in the United States. The Capitol was modeled on the Maison Carrée, a roman temple located in Nimes, France. He was captivated by this ancient structure and even went on to describe it as “the best morsel of ancient architecture now remaining." The Virginia State Capitol Building served as a declaration of architectural independence and freedom. The Silk Pavilion explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on product and architectural scales. The design was inspired by the silkworm’s ability to generate a cocoon out of a single multi- property silk thread. The Pavilion is an innovative environmental design for silk and heat to make biological structures. This biological world proves to be essential to the environment as everything is 100% biodegradable. The Silk Pavilion is one of many recent benefical designs that cater to the cultural context of modern-day architecture.
  • 14. The Virginia State Capitol building is located on top of Capitol Hill. Charles-Louis Clérisseau and Thomas Jefferson selected the building’s location based on the works of Andrea Palladio. The Capitol was modeled on the Maison Carrée, a roman temple located in Nimes, France. He was captivated by this ancient structure and even went on to describe it as “the best morsel of ancient architecture now remaining." Meanwhile, The Silk Pavilion explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on product and architectural scales. The design was inspired by the silkworm’s ability to generate a cocoon out of a single multi-property silk thread. The Pavilion is an innovative environmental design for silk and heat to make biological structures.
  • 15. Response to Ballantyne and Zumthor Articles Andrew Ballantyne and Peter Zumthor present ideas about architecture that seem to value the sensorial and material elements of life. How are Ballantyne’s and Zumthor’s viewpoints on architecture alike? More importantly, how do they differ? (Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question.) Often times, different architects share common interests in many different designs. Andrew Ballantyne and Peter Zumthor are two world-renowned architects who have impeccable taste in designs. Both architects stress the significance of buildings and their effect on the surrounding environment. Zumthor is best known for his intricate designs in material-led projects. The focal point of his work is to create emotional space. He states that there is a strong connection between reality and living and that emotions reveal the authentic core of things. Ballantyne on the other hand, found his expertise in contemporary architectural
  • 16. designs. He believed in appreciating buildings through their artistic roots. Ballantyne emphasizes the level of comfort must feel inside these buildings. According to Ballantyne, creating a shelter that enables a comfortable life is viewed as an expression of freedom. Both architects stress the significance of buildings and their effect on the surrounding environment. Zumthor is best known for his intricate designs in material-led projects. The focal point of his work is to create emotional space. He states that there is a strong connection between reality and living and that emotions reveal the authentic core of things. Ballantyne on the other hand, found his expertise in contemporary architectural designs. He believed in appreciating buildings through their artistic roots. Ballantyne emphasizes the level of comfort must feel inside these buildings.
  • 17. Response to Levy Article John Levy’s article, “An Overview: The Need for Planning,” discussed ways in which planning can determine the characteristics of a place. For example, some smaller towns restrict the heights of buildings to maintain a certain scale. How did planning define the character of the place in which you grew up? I grew up and currently live in Newburgh, New York. Newburgh is top of the list as most dangerous cities in New York which makes it safe to say that planning has had not much of a positive bearing on my hometown. John Levy discusses how planning can truly characterize a particular place. Perhaps planning, or lack of planning has lead to the high crime rate in the city. Newburgh has many abandoned buildings and vacant homes throughout. In all reality, the way Newburgh is portrayed in the media is way worse than actually living there, but there are many changes that could be made to improve the city as a whole. Despite the high crime rate, the city is very rich in ethnicity. A tour of Broadway and adjacent neighborhoods will provide not only a taste of Newburgh, but of cuisines from around the world. The City’s diversity is one of the greatest assets to date. Newburgh was mainly placed on the map during the 19th century. The city serves as the second largest historic district in New York State. An easy walking tour of the East End will take you by architectural gems from the 1800s, including the breathtaking Greek Revival Dutch Reformed Church on Grand Street, a National Historic Landmark. On Liberty Street, Washington’s Headquarters, the nation’s first publicly owned historic site, is bordered by quaint shops and cafes. Breathtaking Hudson River vistas can be seen from the Headquarters’ spacious grounds, as well as along the City’s main thoroughfare, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard, and from the Bluff in Washington Heights. The planning of the city may have proved to be beneficial short-term, but long-term, not so much. Despite it's great historical background and accolades, Newburgh is a different city today.
  • 18. Newburgh is top of the list as most dangerous cities in New York which shows the effect that planning truly had. Levy discusses how planning can truly characterize a particular place. Perhaps planning, or lack of planning has lead to the high crime rate in the city. Newburgh has many abandoned buildings and vacant homes throughout. In all reality, the way Newburgh is portrayed in the media is way worse than actually living there, but there are many changes that could be made to improve the city as a whole. Despite the high crime rate, the city is very rich in ethnicity. A tour of Broadway, the widest street in America, as well as adjacent neighborhoods will provide not only a taste of Newburgh, but of cuisines from around the world. The City’s diversity is one of the greatest assets to date. Newburgh was mainly placed on the map during the 19th century. The city serves as the second largest historic district in New York State. Despite it's great historical background and accolades, Newburgh is a different city today. RESPONSE TO LEVY ARTICLE:
  • 19. Response to Pruitt Igoe Project, Talen, and Lars Imagine that you are part of a urban planning and design firm working with Emily Talen (author of “Design That Enables Diversity”) and Kent Larson (who gave the TED Talk "Brilliant Designs to Fit More People In Every City" The thee of you have been tasked with developing a plan to rebuild Pruitt Igoe in St. Louis. City officials told the three of you that that they want to do it right this time. Identify three strategies for rebuilding Pruitt Igoe in ways that promise to be more successful. What would Talen do? What would Larson do? What would you do? How would your strategies differ from those of the original urban planners/designers of the project? Why would your strategies be more effective? Pruitt Igoe was a large urban housing project created in 1954. Located in St. Louis, living conditions began to decline soon after its completion in 1956. By the late 1960s, the complex had become internationally infamous for its poverty, crime, and racial segregation. With time, Pruitt Igoe was dismantled due to a string of various problems relating to its development. Although Larson and Talen would argue several distinctive general factors that contributed the most; segregation and the lack of appropriate diversity, and an unacceptable architectural layout of both the buildings as well as the surrounding areas. Talen argues that racial segregation is still very prominent in society today, though in contrast to the segregation era in the mid 20th century, it isn't imposed by a legal standard rather than a trend arising from the methods being utilized by city planners. She also states that segregation between whites and blacks in Pruitt Igoe most likely was most likely came as a result of the poor planning of the housing development and as a result a key reason for its decline. Talen would argue that the lack of diversity would lead to a lack of idea sharing, and that those living there would look to only benefit themselves rather than living as a cohesive unit regardless of race. Vandalism, crime, and other problems would arise from this poorly diversified community. Larson on the other hand would argue that the city planning was troublesome due to the layout rather than the diversity factors. Larson suggests that often times in America developments such as these are poorly constructed, and that America is largely planned by automobile access as well as poorly designed and constrained, tiny apartments. This isn't the case in places like Paris or other European countries due to their history tracing back to smaller villages that enabled walking access and short distances between necessary institutions. Many of the places in Europe revolve around a centrally located town, whereas in America it largely revolves around where the individual is. This is problematic since it makes the place rely heavily on automobiles and not walking and other methods of transportation. There are many things that can be done to Pruitt Igoe to make it a better place. Both economic and social diversity would serve as a form of unification. Cutting back on crime and conflict also means integrating people together by social and economic classes to get a unique perspective from each group and allow the community to thrive. The apartments and
  • 20. surrounding areas must also be planned more to Larson's liking; easier access, easier transportation, with apartments that are more suited to being planned out for people's daily activities. Larson and Talen would argue several distinctive general factors that contributed the most; segregation and the lack of appropriate diversity, and an unacceptable architectural layout of both the buildings as well as the surrounding areas. Talen argues that racial segregation is still very prominent in society today, though in contrast to segregation in the mid 20th century, it isn't imposed by a legal standard rather than a trend arising from the methods being utilized by city planners. She also states that segregation between whites and blacks in Pruitt Igoe most likely most likely came as a result of the poor planning of the housing development and as a result a key reason for its decline. Talen would argue that the lack of diversity would lead to a lack of idea sharing, and that those living there would look to only benefit themselves rather than living as a cohesive unit regardless of race. Vandalism, crime, and other problems would arise from this poorly diversified community. Larson on the other hand would argue that the city planning was troublesome due to the layout rather than the diversity factors. Larson suggests that often times in America developments such as these are poorly constructed, and that America is largely planned by automobile access as well as poorly designed and constrained, tiny apartments. This isn't the case in places like Paris or other European countries due to their history tracing back to smaller villages that enabled walking access and short distances between necessary institutions. Many of the places in Europe revolve around a centrally located town, whereas in America it largely revolves around where the individual is. This is problematic since it makes the place rely heavily on automobiles and not walking and other methods of transportation. There are many things that can be done to Pruitt Igoe to make it a better place. Both economic and social diversity would serve as a form of unification. Cutting back on crime and conflict also means integrating people together by social and economic classes to get a unique perspective from each group and allow the community to thrive.
  • 21. Response to F.L. Olmsted Displaying his plan at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Frederick Law Olmsted stated that "Buffalo is the best planned city, as to its streets, public places, and grounds, in the United States, if not in the world." What was the basis for this claim? Would Olmsted still make that claim today? Why or why not? It is safe to say that Fredrick Law Olmsted may have been the most talented landscape architect that planned Buffalo. Derived from parks, connecting parkways, roundabouts and several spaces, Olmsted's design captured nature in the community beautifully. Olmsted stated that Buffalo was "the best planned city, as to its streets, public places and grounds in The United States, if not the world." He believed that the way captured Buffalo's green infrastructures all in one was way before it's time. Olmsted was told to create a park influenced by Central Park and Prospect Park, but he went beyond that. All of the city's cultural establishments are located in and along the Olmsted design. I don't believe Olmsted will still make that claim that he expressed at the Centennial Exposition today because Buffalo isn't the same Buffalo it was when he designed it. There were many changes that happened to Buffalo because the city didn't keep their relationship and contribution to the Olmsted Firm. The maintenance of the Buffalo parks also broke apart after a long period. The Humboldt Parkway, one of the parkways Olmsted designed that connected Delaware Park and Martin Luther King Jr. Park was destroyed. That was one of the nation's most attractive residential parkways and it was considered a loss by many Buffalo residents. The city built the Scajaquanda Expressway in the middle of the Delaware Park that cut of the meadow side from the lake side that presented traffic and pollution in the landscape. Also the waterfront park that gave entrance to the Riverside and Front Park was destroyed in 1960. With that being said, I do not think Olmsted would make that claim again if he was alive today.
  • 22. Olmsted stated that Buffalo was "the best planned city, as to its streets, public places and grounds in The United States, if not the world." He believed that the way captured Buffalo's green infrastructures all in one was way before it's time. Olmsted was told to create a park influenced by Central Park and Prospect Park, but he went beyond that. All of the city's cultural establishments are located in and along the Olmsted design. I don't believe Olmsted will still make that claim that he expressed at the Centennial Exposition today because Buffalo isn't the same Buffalo it was when he designed it. RESPONSE TO F.L. OLMSTED
  • 23. Response to Walter Hood's Work Identify something that should be memorialized either on UB's campus or in your hometown. Imagine that you are the person who will oversee this project, and that you are using Walter Hood's 'triad of investigations' as your approach to the project. What would your landscape intervention commemorate/memorialize? How will you use Hood's 'triad of investigations' to design a new landscape intervention? What do you imagine that the design will be? (Either written or visual descriptions are acceptable).
  • 24. Newburgh is a monumental city. There is a story behind the motivation and creation of each public monument. One noted 19th century Newburgh sculptor, Henry Kirke Brown, designed monuments for the U.S. Capitol and West Point. His sculpture of George Clinton, Revolutionary War General, first governor of New York and twice Vice-President of the United States, once graced the Newburgh waterfront. Today stands a beautiful mural down by the waterfront that depicts the life of it's inhabitants. Personally, I feel as if this should be memorialized due to the fact that this mural accurately depicts Newburgh and not the savagery being played on the news and internet. The mural is divided into five archways, each depicting a different Newburgh landmark and peopled with locals. A private contractor whose work was donated by the city applied the treatment to the wall of a railroad trestle that became the canvas for the work. The mural displays five of Newburgh’s architectural treasures of the past, present and future: Washington’s Headquarters, Broadway, Downing Park, the Dutch Reformed Church, and the Crawford House. The “Archways” mural was completed and dedicated on November 3, 2007. This mural has received local, regional and national attention, through regional television, regional and national publications, as well as thousands of visitors. Tourists from all over the world have come to Newburgh to see this mural. Rather than this mural in one location imagine setting up correlating murals all throughout the city in designated locations. Each mural would be unique to it's own location and provide viewers with a quick history lesson on their neighborhood, all while being tied to the main focus of each mural.
  • 25. Response to the Brookes Find another iconic graphic that addresses racial issues and post it for others in your group to view. How do you interpret the graphic? What is its meaning? Now imagine that someone from a racial and cultural background different than your own is looking at the same graphic. Briefly describe this person. How might s/he interpret its meaning? How might this differ from your interpretation? What are the possible reasons for these differences? The image selected portrays the untouched realities of the time, regarding the black community in comparison to the idealistic billboard. Its meaning is one that articulates the concept of photojournalism, in that it tells the untold stories that lie behind the gilded nature of the time - its meaning encompasses a return to reality and confrontation of societal issue, particularly racial inequality and inequity. A black man or woman from this time period might not appreciate the historical context of this photograph as much as I do they might instead consider this as something mundane, and would be more appreciative of a photograph of action being taken. Perhaps a photograph of music, religion, culture, and family showing that these individuals led optimistic or adamant lives, rather than the depicted lives of indifference and quiet solidarity. This differs from my interpretation; I believe its importance lies in depicting the everyday conditions of black population, and depicting the general inequality that had occurred historically. The main reason differences occur is because I live empirically outside of their world, judging and evaluating rather than empathizing with the individual. Had I known that the everyday life was oddly optimistic or cheerful, despite circumstances, I would have called to depict these individuals in a more historically accurate way rather than just focus on the polarity of society. Its meaning is one that articulates the concept of photojournalism, in that it tells the untold stories that lie behind the nature of the time. The photograph encompasses a return to reality and confrontation of racial inequality and inequity. A black man or woman from this time period might not appreciate the historical context of this photograph as much as I do they might instead consider this as something mundane, and would be more appreciative of a photograph of action being taken. Perhaps a photograph of music, religion, culture, and family showing that these individuals led optimistic or adamant lives, rather than the depicted lives of indifference and quiet solidarity. This differs from my interpretation; I believe its importance lies in depicting the everyday conditions of black population, and depicting the general inequality that had occurred historically. The main reason differences occur is because I live empirically outside of their world, judging and evaluating rather than empathizing with the individual. lity=75&strip=color&w=756
  • 26. Response to Charles Davis and equityXdesign's Work Critique either the MLK Memorial or the National Museum of African American History and Culture using equityXdesign’s core beliefs and/or design principles. In regards to the Civil Rights Movement, MLK was fundamental in its success through nonviolent protests, speeches, activism, but most of all, unification and inclusion as he included and inspired individuals across all backgrounds. This should be better portrayed on his monument. Rather than proceed completely with the award winning design, planners should consider new concepts as they proceed with their project. For instance, the issue that arose in regards to the facial expression of MLK opposing a former president (Jefferson). This could have been avoided with a different placement or direction of MLK, and the architect may have been able to also include the names that were unfortunately omitted, names of those that all contributed to his success - a success representative of the population as a whole. In regards to MLK's memorial, the designers probably could have included the ideas of individuals across the country and what they believe MLK stood for, rather than just the architects and politicians. To consider the values and beliefs of the United States as a whole, something almost all agree on, that should be the true representation of MLK. Rather than proceed completely with the award winning design, planners should consider new concepts as they proceed with their project. For instance, the issue that arose in regards to the facial expression of MLK opposing a former president (Jefferson). This could have been avoided with a different placement or direction of MLK, and the architect may have been able to also include the names that were unfortunately omitted, names of those that all contributed to his success - a success representative of the population as a whole. In regards to MLK's memorial, the designers probably could have included the ideas of individuals across the country and what they believe MLK stood for, rather than just the architects and politicians.
  • 27. Response to "Landscape Stories" Chapter First, let’s start with your own home. Describe a place in your home (indoors and/or outdoors) that you think of as representative of your own ethnic background and discuss why you consider this place to be ‘ethnic’. –OR-- Describe an object in your home that you think of as representative of your ethnic background and discuss why this object is considered to be ‘ethnic’. (If possible, add photo/s.) Is this object or place something that you will keep or continue when you establish your own home? Why or why not? Now let’s move into your community. In “Landscape Stories,” the authors show how landscape architects develop a historical narrative that sifts through and interpets the culture and material of underrepresented groups. Think about the community where you grew up. Describe and discuss any evidence of cultural influences on the physical environment in your community. If possible, describe evidence of the cultural influence of an underrepresented group. (If possible, add photo/s.) Is this cultural influence being acknowledged or preserved from future generations? Why or why not? (Limit your response to 250 words.) A direct representation of my ethnic background would have to be seen through the Puerto Rican flag hanging in my room. This symbolizes the Puerto Rican culture and represents the large number of Puerto Ricans present in America today. Not only will I keep this object for my home going forth, it will end up as a decoration in my car as my mom and sister have as well. Sitting elegantly on the wall, the flag reminds me to never forget my roots and where I come from, while constantly bringing out that pride in me. As far as in my community, a set of murals down by the Newburgh Waterfront serves as a huge cultural influence. The mural holds home to people of many different ethnic backgrounds from all over Newburgh in the lively waterfront scene. Upon it's completion several years ago, eateries in the area grew from Italian and traditional-style, to a myriad of restaurants with cultural foods. You see everything from Mexican restaurants to Greek and they are all very popular within the area. My favorite part of the mural is the fact that it shows representation of the many ethnic backgrounds presently living in Newburgh and displays how they are a major part of the social environment throughout the city. Numbers in these various groups of people continue to increase around the city so it is safe to say that culture is being preserved.
  • 28. Response to “Landscape Stories” Chapter A direct representation of my ethnic background would have to be seen through the Puerto Rican flag hanging in my room. This symbolizes the Puerto Rican culture and represents the large number of Puerto Ricans present in America today. the flag reminds me to never forget my roots and where I come from, while constantly bringing out that pride in me A set of murals down by the Newburgh Waterfront serves as a huge cultural influence. The mural holds home to people of many different ethnic backgrounds from all over Newburgh in the lively waterfront scene. Upon completion, eateries in the area grew from Italian and traditional-style, to a myriad of restaurants with cultural foods. You see everything from Mexican restaurants to Greek and they are all very popular within the area. My favorite part of the mural is the fact that it shows representation of the many ethnic backgrounds presently living in Newburgh and displays how they are a major part of the social environment throughout the city. Numbers in these various groups of people continue to increase around the city so it is safe to say that culture is being preserved.
  • 29. Response to Article on Sports Branding Recent controversies about sports branding focus on ethnicity. The Washington Redskins team is just one example of the larger controversy, but it receives the most public attention due to the name itself being defined as derogatory or insulting in modern dictionaries, and the prominence of the team representing the nation’s capital. Should sports team branding designers use ethnic references (Fighting Irish, Boston Celtics, Atlanta Braves, etc.)? Why? Why not? What are some of the complexities of this issue? (Limit your response to 150 words.) Personally, I feel as if sports teams and franchises should make it their best effort to respect ethnic references in regard to logos and mascots. The Washington Redskins certainly have stirred the pot as the term Redskin is found to be offensive to Native Americans due to the origin of the word. The term represents not only a racial slur, but marked the deaths of Native Americans as well. Whether or not this term refers to people of your ethnic background, we should respect their culture and name the same way we expect them to respect us. To prevent further discrepancies, sports franchise owners should adhere to a reviewing panel to further approve or deny the name, logo, mascot, etc... Perhaps, the best solution to the mascot controversy with sports franchises is making it their best effort to respect ethnic references regarding to logos and mascots. The Washington Redskins certainly have stirred the pot as the term Redskin is found to be offensive to Native Americans due to the origin of the word. The term represents not only a racial slur, but marked the deaths of Native Americans as well. We should respect their culture and name the same way we expect them to respect us. To prevent any further controversy, sports franchise owners should adhere to a reviewing panel to further approve or deny the name, logo, mascot, etc...
  • 30. Response to "Visualizing Gender" Chapter In their chapter “Communicating Gender,” Maya Ganesh and Gabi Sobliye discuss two primary visual advocacy approaches: 1) get the idea, and 2) stories in data. Find a new example of either of the two visual advocacy approaches to gender issues, and post it in this thread. Cite the source. First, identify the approach. Then explain how the designer uses the approach to communicate a gender issue. Is the approach effective in this example? Why or why not? How could this graphic be improved? (Limit your response to 200 words.)
  • 31. The approach the designer utilizes is "get the idea." This is clear because there are no statistical presentations, the design is reliant on visuals. The designer approaches the issue of gender by combining the mundane concepts of male and female symbolized restrooms into one, half male half female identity, added alongside, in equality, to the latter symbols. The approach is effective in the example by generating an "unsubtle metaphor," which sends a visual message that provides a different solution or approach to a looming, controversial issue. It succeeds in the "get the idea" by generating a range of reactions. This image borrows from "cultural, political, and commercial communications" and challenges the viewer. On the other hand, it is not effective in generating a stream of more layers of information. The message is portrayed, and abandoned after the initial effect. There is only the superficial, uppermost layer that portrays the concept of inclusiveness; But I believe the graphic could be improved by altering it so that we think about larger issues of gender in society as a whole, as well as the government's role in it. The approach the designer utilizes is "get the idea." The designer approaches the issue of gender by combining the mundane concepts of male and female symbolized restrooms into one, half male half female identity, added alongside, in equality, to the latter symbols. The approach is effective in the example by generating an "unsubtle metaphor," which sends a visual message that provides a different solution or approach to a looming, controversial issue. It succeeds in the "get the idea" by generating a range of reactions. This image borrows from "cultural, political, and commercial communications" and challenges the viewer. On the other hand, it is not effective in generating a stream of more layers of information. The message is portrayed, and abandoned after the initial effect. coming-to-seattle.html
  • 32. Response to Bathroom Bill Should people be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with the biological gender written on their birth certificate? State why AND state why not. In other words, to receive full credit for this question, you need to present an argument for both sides of the issue. As a designer, how would you solve this gender dilemma? Use the SEE-IT method to respond to this question. (Limit your response to less than 250 words.) A common issue in modern-day society continues to be whether or not people should be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with their biological gender has sparked heated discussion. Some people think that using the bathroom corresponds one’s biological gender is the basic etiquette. However, some people think that it deprives people’s rights to freely choose their gender identity in public places. On one hand, I think the possible reasons for requiring people to use the bathroom corresponds with their biological gender are that the concept of fluid gender identity is relatively new for the majority of people and the lack of understanding for transgender individuals might also brings confusion. Also, building various bathrooms according to various gender identity needs more funding compared to just having male and female restrooms. On the other hand, I think the reasons why people are against this bill are that it not only violates people’s rights to freely choose the bathroom they feel comfortable using but also suggest discrimination against people who adopt a different gender identity than their biological gender. As a designer, I want to solve this dilemma by designing a neutral bathroom sign that featured the color of green instead of blue and pink, and presenting a simple image of people in pants, people in dresses, people in half pants and half dresses and people in wheelchair holding their hands together which reflects that we all share equal rights and we should embrace people's differences instead of eliminating them.
  • 33. Response to Bathroom Bill Whether or not people should be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with their biological gender has sparked heated discussion. While some people think using the bathroom corresponds one’s biological gender is the basic etiquette, others believe that it deprives people’s rights to freely choose their gender identity in public places. I think the possible reasons for requiring people to use the bathroom corresponds with their biological gender are that the concept of fluid gender identity is relatively new for the majority of people and the lack of understanding for transgender individuals might also bring confusion. On the other hand, I think the reasons why people are against this bill are that it not only violates people’s rights to freely choose the bathroom they feel comfortable using but also suggest discrimination against people who adopt a different gender identity than their biological gender. As a designer, I would tackle the situation by designing a neutral bathroom sign that featured the color of green instead of blue and pink, and presenting a simple image of people in pants, people in dresses, people in half pants and half dresses and people in wheelchair holding their hands together which reflects that we all share equal rights and we should embrace people's differences instead of eliminating them.
  • 34. Response to Hidden Ways Author Steven Flusty categorized five types of disciplinary architecture that perpetuate what he calls urban spatial injustice: 1) stealthy, 2) slippery, 3) crusty, 4) prickly, and 5) jittery. Go out into the city of Buffalo, and find/photograph two examples from the list of five. Identify what type of space you’ve photographed and why it might discriminate against a specific population. Identify the location where you took the photographs, and make certain you are in at least one of the two photographs. This photo was taken at the University station on south campus I would classify this as stealthy space only because from my personal experience at the station, in between train times the platform is always dead. With no activity, the station platform, at times, will prove to be a quiet, low-key place. Not only would I consider this stealthy, but slippery space as well. Not really captured in the photo, the actual platform proves why caution must be used when waiting for the train. One wrong move and you could be on the tracks instantly. The train is open to all people but from my experience, you could say it is discriminating towards caucasians due to the fact that each train I have been on mostly consisted of people of color.
  • 35. This image was taken by Lake LaSalle on North Campus but over by the gazebo. I would classify this as crusty space due to the fact that over 28,000 students have access to this site and maintenance of it could truly be a hassle. I would not say this space is discriminatory towards anyone.
  • 36. Response to People Like Us After almost two decades of public assistance, Tammy Crabtree took herself and her family off the welfare rolls. But her job cleaning bathrooms at a local Burger King barely paid the bills. Crabtree wanted to do better and hopes to go to college and become a teacher. Imagine this scenario. You are a designer who works at the well-known firm, iPD (Integrated Planning and Design). You work on a team with planners, urban designers, policy designers, architects, and social designers. You have been tasked to develop/design a way for Tammy Crabtree and her family (and others with situations similar to Tammy’s) to move themselves out of poverty. What will your team to do to help Tammy and her family achieve their goals? What approach will your team take to address this difficult problem? My approach to helping assist Tammy and her family would be based on using my iPD resources and assets. Working for a well known firm has it's perks, especially in regards to connections. First, I would organize a sit-down with the mayor or whichever city official(s) have a hand in grants and funds for the city. The focal point of this meeting would be to stress how major the issue of poverty is not only within the city but the country as well. Using the Crabtree as a prime example, I would express the hardships the family faces on a daily basis and what all other poverty-stricken families and communities must constantly endure. My proposal: Create an annual grant that financially supports the family's pursuit of education and means of survival to bring them out of poverty and into a new start. Of course there must be restrictions and requirements that go along with this idea. Only those who fall within a certain amount of income, along with other factors such as living conditions that are deamed unsafe or dangerous or even single spouse families. A panel would come to the house of those who qualify and carry out a conversation with the family and observe a day in the life. Rather than come into homes and take children away from parents, why not proivde them with the life they could not attain?
  • 37. I would organize a sit-down with the mayor or whichever city official(s) have a hand in grants and funds for the city. The focal point of this meeting would be to stress how major the issue of poverty is not only within the city but the country as well. Using the Crabtree as a prime example, I would express the hardships the family faces on a daily basis and what all other poverty-stricken families and communities must constantly endure. My proposal: Create an annual grant that financially supports the family's pursuit of education and means of survival to bring them out of poverty and into a new start. Of course there must be restrictions and requirements that go along with this idea. Only those who fall within a certain amount of income, along with other factors such as living conditions that are deamed unsafe or dangerous or even single spouse families. A panel would come to the house of those who qualify and carry out a conversation with the family and observe a day in the life.
  • 38. Response to Carroll Article: “(Re)forming Regent Park: When Policy Does Not Equal Practice” The development of Regent Park is phased, and there are several more phases to the project. What actions could be taken to ensure more social integration for the older people living in the ‘new and improved’ Regent Park? Social integration can be achieved in a number of ways. Personally, my approach would consist of having different communities as a whole campaign for integration of individuals who are of different age groups. With this in place, we can then argue our case to any higher power. Great emphasis would be placed on construction of tunnels which would connect elderly to other buildings. But, also to possibly put in programs for social events. Suggesting a recreation center for everyone on each floor or specific floor, playground with outdoor activity for elderly to accompany families with children. Another aspect of improvements that can be made pertains to community activity involving carnivals, social weekends or nights that have a certain theme or activity going on. This notion could prove to be successful and truly create an establishment for integration of all ages, races, and cultures. My approach would entail having different communities as a whole campaign for integration of individuals of various age groups. With this in place, we can then argue our case to any higher power. Great emphasis would be placed on construction of tunnels which would connect elderly to other buildings. Suggesting a recreation center for everyone on each floor or specific floor, playground with outdoor activity for elderly to accompany families with children. Another aspect of improvements that can be made pertains to community activity involving carnivals, social weekends or nights that have a certain theme or activity going on. This notion could prove to be successful and truly create an establishment for integration of all ages, races, and cultures.
  • 39. Response to Enriquez TED Talk: “What Will Humans Look Like in 100 Years?” For this question, we will focus on Juan Enriquez’ Life Two civilization, which alters fundamental aspects of the body. We are living longer than ever before in human history. Enriquez argues that, because of advances in bio-medical technology, the possibility of living to 120 years of age and beyond is quite possible for many of us in this D+D class. Assuming that his assertion is accurate, how do you think extended life spans will change our societies and built environments? What new issues might designers face because of extended life spans? Truthfully, there is no telling what the future holds. The most we can do is predict what is in store for society in the coming years. With this comes the conversation of issues that may affect us somewhere down the line. The main issue that I see with increasing life span is an issue of overpopulation, as life spans increase those alive at a particular time would increase, leading to more resourced needed for all, as well as an increased environmental impact as population increases. Despite that, I believe that an increased life span is a great thing, humanity would just have to plan for it. More programs for the elderly would be necessary, as there would be more who would need aid. Designers would need to accommodate for a larger number of the elderly living in society, and would need to make sure places are accessible for not only everyone, but a larger number of people. The impact is the issue that would be the most problematic, however the increasing population shouldn't be the reason to deal with this issue. Renewable resources would need to be utilized, and pollution from the increased population would need to be kept in check. The main issue that I see with increasing life span is an issue of overpopulation, as life spans increase those alive at a particular time would increase, leading to more resourced needed for all, as well as an increased environmental impact as population increases. Despite that, I believe that an increased life span is a great thing, humanity would just have to plan for it. More programs for the elderly would be necessary, as there would be more who would need aid. Designers would need to accommodate for a larger number of the elderly living in society, and would need to make sure places are accessible for not only everyone, but a larger number of people. The impact is the issue that would be the most problematic, however the increasing population shouldn't be the reason to deal with this issue.
  • 41. Response to PPT, Smithsonian, and Roy For the Module 12 Thread 1, please select one of the seven universal design principles, and post photographs that show both a positive and a negative example of the principle. Then address the following question: How do your examples empower or disempower various people? Describe the specific features of the positive example and the specific features of the negative example. Discuss ways that the positive example could be even further improved. This is a negative example of the principle of equitable use, this paper towel dispenser is located in residence halls and I think that it excludes people with mobility issues for the height and position of the handle is hard for them to reach when attempting to get paper towels. This paper towel dispenser does not cater to everyone and stigmatizes people with mobility issues when they could not get the paper towels due to the unreasonable design. To be specific, the features that make this paper towel dispenser not equally usable by everyone are that it not only is installed at an unreasonable height, but the handle is also far for people to reach, thus making the action of getting paper towels difficult for users with mobility issues.
  • 42.
  • 43. This image is a positive example of Equitable Use. Equitable Use is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities. In our supermarkets such as Walmart, Wegmans, etc... There are shopping cart for both handicapped and non-handicapped. This is an example that empowers various people, they can all go shopping without any differences. The auto shopping cart helps disabled people easily shopping at those supermarket. The further specific feature can be improved is that lower some of the goods shelves because people who use the auto shopping cart may be shorter than normal person.
  • 44. Response to Survey, FIXED, and Stelarc What lessons do you think we should learn from history when thinking about emerging enhancement technologies and reproductive technologies? What are some of the possible consequences (both positive and negative) of being able to design our bodies and the bodies of our children? What ethical quandaries do these technologies pose? The main concept that needs to be implemented before even furthering ourselves as a race is how we will use emerging tech enhancements to our advantage, but in a manner that does not effect any one person or group as well as the environment. It's a question of functionality and whether it's functionality is relevant to us as a species. Unfortunately, we may tend to use these tech advancements ethically wrong. These tech advancements may be viewed as a way to satisfy an even greater want not only for its benefits to our health but an upgrade to our old and unreliable body parts that will die out eventually. I think we will create ways to skip harsh realities of life and starts leaning towards easy accessibility to certain things like specified baby features, no use for woman reproductive usage, or cyborg implants. Nothing will be real, just other puzzle pierces added to our body parts. Teaching future generations it's okay to do this, it's our "obligation as a species to survive". By doing this, it could possibly destroy not only financial markets by having a higher population, but also healthcare and the overall well-being of the human race. That is not to say there can be no good things that can come out of his. Advancements among the human race and prosperity have come from great tech advancements and innovation. It may be safe to say that advancement in enhancement tech and reproductive tech can make humans excel far greater as a race then ever before. To possibly manipulate our brains to work faster, more efficient, and with longer lasting energy will make us look as if we are the ultimate self sustaining battery. Its safe to say that these advancements can help us fix issues related to healthcare, the financial market, and even poverty. This could truly be the beginning of something far greater importance to the survival of our species. In all there is a lesson to learn to not surpass our boundaries of ethics, nor have any hierarchy towards any one individual or group. We should all be unity, living for a common goal, to forward our race in a positive manner.
  • 45. How we will use emerging tech enhancements to our advantage, but in a manner that does not affect any one person or group as well as the environment? It's a question of functionality and it’s relevance to us as a species. Unfortunately, we may tend to use these tech advancements ethically wrong. These tech advancements may be viewed as a way to satisfy an even greater want not only for its benefits to our health but an upgrade to our old and unreliable body parts that will die out eventually. I think we will create ways to skip harsh realities of life and starts leaning towards easy accessibility to certain things. Teaching future generations it's okay to do this, it's our "obligation as a species to survive". By doing this, it could possibly destroy not only financial markets by having a higher population, but also healthcare and the overall well-being of the human race. Advancements among the human race and prosperity have come from great tech innovation. It may be safe to say that advancement in enhancement tech and reproductive tech has allowed for humans to excel far greater than ever before. It’s safe to say that these advancements can help us fix issues related to healthcare, the financial market, and possibly even poverty. This could truly be the beginning of something far greater importance to the survival of our species. In all there is a lesson to learn to not surpass our boundaries of ethics, nor have any hierarchy towards any one individual or group. We should all be unity, living for a common goal, to forward our race in a positive manner.
  • 46. Response to Titicut Follies Should Wiseman have been allowed to film the residents of Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility? Why or why not? How might this film be of value to designers (communication designers, product, designers, architects, interior designers, planners, landscape designers, systems designers, and/or social designers)? In other words, what might they gain from this film that they could use in their work? Personally, I feel as if Wiseman should have been able to film the residents at Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility. I am standing behind this argument due to the fact that it grants access to future designers to learn from the past. Having an idea pf what was going on in the correctional facilities not only allowed people to see the treatment of the patients, but it also led to various laws and changes being made to institutions and facilities built after the film. Making the area feel more like a home instead of a prison may help in the design process, and viewing this film could show what a certain layout may affect. Architects may find it useful to find the positives and negatives of certain designs and apply them to future designs. Making areas where patients can interact both indoors and outdoors can affect how they feel, and possibly improve upon their interaction with everyone overall. Social designers may see that the effect of the doctors and nurses on patients; and what is effective and what is not. The interactions of patients and doctors and nurses can also aid communication designers, determining how to interact with certain patients. Making the place feel more comfortable will be more effective than cells that are home to maltreatment. Allowing the filming of the Correctional facility will prove to be rather beneficial in regards to future designs. Wiseman should have been able to film the residents at Bridgewater Massachusetts Correctional Facility. I am standing behind this argument due to the fact that it grants access to future designers to learn from the past. Having an idea of what was going on in the correctional facilities not only allowed people to see the treatment of the patients, but it also led to various laws and changes. Architects may find it useful to find the positives and negatives of certain designs and apply them to future designs. Making areas where patients can interact both indoors and outdoors can affect how they feel, and possibly improve upon their interaction with everyone overall. Social designers may see that the effect of the doctors and nurses on patients; and what is effective and what is not. The interactions of patients and doctors and nurses can also aid communication designers, determining how to interact with certain patients.
  • 48. Response to PPT, The Architecture of Autism, Public Space The Scenario: Imagine that you and your four children live in Amherst, New York in a $650,000 home at the end of a cul-de-sac on the edge of a ten acre woods. The town has purchased a one acre lot three houses away from yours, and plans to build a group home for ten intellectually challenged adults. • As a resident of the neighborhood, would you support or oppose this proposal and why? • How would this change your opinion about the construction of the group home in your neighborhood? • What are some possible solutions that would allow the residents of the home to be provided with “the same basic human rights as the rest of the population”? 1. As a resident of the neighborhood, I would have no other choice but to oppose the construction. As a resident and parent, living close to a group home filled with intellectually disabled adults would impact my standard of living as well as the standard of living for the kids, especially if any of the developmentally disabled adults are loud, disruptive, or engage in inappropriate behavior, which is not out of the realm of possibility or likelihood in this scenario. This isn't to place the blame on the developmentally disabled adults, nor is it an insult, but it is a cautionary measure to be sure. I feel as if the status of the neighborhood and the environment would revolve around this home and I am not sure the effects it would bring. 2. The new information regarding the patients simply reinforces the earlier decision. If three of the ten patients have a history of damaging behavior it introduces the possibility for future mishaps that could affect me or my children. While it has not happened in a long time, precautionary measures are still necessary to protect my family. While this could be a stigma related to the mentally ill, it isn't unfair to take caution in relation to their behavior. 3. Introducing the group home in an area that isn't in close proximity to the private homes of others is beneficial to society and beneficial to places such as this. This isn't to say they should be entirely isolated from the general population, but simply present in areas with commercial activity or areas close, away from people's homes. People shouldn't have a home with mentally ill adults who have a history of bad and dangerous behavior near their children and life, but it is important that these adults still receive the dignity that comes with being a human being.
  • 49. 1As a resident and parent, living close to a group home filled with intellectually disabled adults would impact my standard of living as well as the standard of living for the kids, especially if any of the developmentally disabled adults are loud, disruptive, or engage in inappropriate behavior, which is not out of the realm of possibility or likelihood in this scenario. This isn't to place the blame on the developmentally disabled adults, nor is it an insult, but it is a cautionary measure to be sure. I feel as if the status of the neighborhood and the environment would revolve around this home and I am not sure the effects it would bring. 2. The new information regarding the patients simply reinforces the earlier decision. If three of the ten patients have a history of damaging behavior it introduces the possibility for future mishaps that could affect me or my children. While it has not happened in a long time, precautionary measures are still necessary to protect my family. While this could be a stigma related to the mentally ill, it isn't unfair to take caution in relation to their behavior. 3. Introducing the group home in an area that isn't in close proximity to the private homes of others is beneficial to society and beneficial to places such as this. This isn't to say they should be entirely isolated from the general population, but simply present in areas with commercial activity or areas close, away from people's homes. People shouldn't have a home with mentally ill adults who have a history of bad and dangerous behavior near their children and life, but it is important that these adults still receive the dignity that comes with being a human being.
  • 50. Response to The Connection Between Religion and Urban Planning by David Engwicht Identify a place of worship with which you are somewhat familiar. What roles has this place served in the development of your city/town? How has it influenced the design of the area around it? How has its role changed over time? What roles could this place of worship play in the future development of your city/town? The image above is the Dubois St. Pentecostal Church which is about 5 minutes away from my house back home. The church is labeled as a Church of God and was constructed in the late 1800's. This church has been the most influential among the latino community in Newburgh as services are worshipped in Spanish. This church paved the way for the creation of various places of worship in the area with everything from Mosques to Temples. Although it attracts a large sum of the latino population within the city of Newburgh, the church seems to lack diversity due to the fact that there is a substantial amount of non-spanish speaking residents. This seems to be the problem with many churches within the area but with time, I believe this issue will diminish. Perhaps, the Dubois St. church will go beyond racial barriers and begin to attract people from all walks of life in search of the same religious journey.
  • 51. Response to Prospects for the Future of Diversity and Design Think about your own major and/or future profession. What is the biggest challenge, problem, or question that your field needs to tackle right now? What do you plan to do to address this challenge, problem, or question either as part of your studies or professional life?
  • 52. As an exercise science major I personally feel as one of the biggest issues we face is new and developing physical conditions. The body is always changing and new/developing conditions are quite common in modern-day society. We definitely have the assets and resources necessary to treat practically every condition out there but in the end, the body always wins. We may prolong life after being diagnosed, but that is only providing us with an extension. There is no set-solution or specific way to tackle this situation but there may be some precautionary measures. Perhaps, running studies on underlying causes of physical conditions and risk factors may educate people enough to beat physical conditions. This may not be easy because if no condition is detected, we will not know what to look for. If we take things a step further and develop technology or even physical practices that prove to act as preventative measures, this issue would be instantly thrown out the window.