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Millennials and
   Social Media

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>   Millennials and Social Media

    About the study
    • In-depth online survey conducted by MicroDialogue, June 2010
    • 500 millennials (aged 18–25) and 100 “olders” (aged 40–55) in each of 5
       markets (total n=3,004)
    • Extensive secondary category research

            China                  France    India       U.K.           U.S.
            n=600                  n=600    n=600       n=600          n=600

>   Millennials and Social Media

    • By whatever name they’re called—
       iGeneration, Generation C, Gen Y, Gen
       Next, echo boomers—the millennials are
                                                   “   Social media is changing our
                                                       lives and our society: It makes
                                                       us more sociable, more global,
       the first true digital natives                  and more informed. These
                                                       digital communities are like a
    • They have never known a world other than         second world that each day
       one of constantly improving digital
                                                       turns more important to us.”
       technologies                                    —Carla Lozano, Account Group and
                                                       Planning Director, J. R. Vallejo y Asociados,
    • Yet what sets this generation apart is not       Ecuador
       so much the use of Internet technology
       (everyone uses that), but their use of
       social media
    • For millennials, social media is as
       seamlessly integrated into their lives as
       their computers and cell phones; it’s how
       they communicate and socialize, conduct
       business and explore the world

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Social media is to millennials what rock “n” roll
    was to baby boomers

    • A shared phenomenon shaping youth culture and how the generation views itself
    • A means by which to distinguish itself from earlier generations
    • A tool for self-expression and sociopolitical change

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Key findings

>   Millennials and Social Media


>   Millennials and Social Media

                                   “   Young people and millennials think and
                                       experience society through social media.”
                                       —Luc Basier, Strategic Planning Director, Euro RSCG C&O,
                                       Suresnes, France

>   Millennials and Social Media

    A global phenomenon

>   Millennials and Social Media

    SoMe keeps millennials in constant contact

    • Unlike in days of landline phones and snail mail, SoMe connects people
       instantly and constantly via message posts, instant messaging, VoIP, and
       video chats
    • Appeal lies not so much in connecting with strangers in far-flung places as with
       staying in touch with family and friends
    • SoMe is a new tool for satisfying very basic human needs: connection,
       conversation, community

>   Millennials and Social Media

                           “       Time is of the essence and people rarely have the time for elaborate
                                   conversations. This means microblogging is here to stay. In the
                                   present global village, social media is the lounge where everyone
                                   knows your name. Through social media, the distance between,
                                   say, Baltimore and Bangalore is one click, AND it’s free.” —Shourya
                                   Ray Chaudhuri, Senior Executive, Brand Identity and Corporate Communication, Euro RSCG
                                   4D Matrix, Bangalore, India

>   Millennials and Social Media

2. MULTIPLE                        ACCESS POINTS

>   Millennials and Social Media

    The social media mix varies by country and
    through time
    • Facebook (FB) is an increasingly global phenomenon, having usurped the
       once-dominant MySpace

                                    • 500MM+: Active users
                                    • 700BN+: # of mins/mo. people spend on site
                                    • 90: # of pieces of content average user creates each
                                      month (30BN pieces shared per month in total)
                                    • 70: % of users outside U.S.
                                    • 150MM+: Active users currently accessing FB through
                                      mobile devices (mobile users are 2x as active on FB as
                                      nonmobile users)

        “   Facebook is the number one site in Lebanon, ahead of Google, Live, and
            Yahoo. Because it is cheap and efficient, many marketers are using it. Fan
            pages and groups and games are very popular. The Lebanese pressure
            groups use it to shape and affect political, environmental, and social issues.
            This is something that will stay; it is not a phenomenon that will fade away.”
            —Nada Metni, New Business Development, Euro RSCG Beirut

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Microblogging platform Twitter is generating
    55MM+ tweets a day
    • 37% of Twitter users access service via phone
    • Social networking is by far the fastest-growing mobile activity, reports comScore

                             • In June 2010, nearly 93MM visited, +109% from previous year
                             • In U.S., awareness has exploded from 5% of Americans aged 12+ in 2008 to
                              87% in 2010, but usage trails FB significantly (7% of Americans vs. 41% for FB)
                             • Nearly 2/3 of active Twitter users access social networking sites via mobile phone
                             • 51% of active Twitter users follow companies, brands, or products on social
                              Sources: comScore; “Twitter Usage in America: 2010,” Edison Research/Arbitron Internet and Multimedia

       “   Today social media is strongly linked to the medium itself, but what about
           tomorrow? Social media will be mainstream when it is no longer necessary to
           master the medium, which still excludes some types of people. Twitter,
           Foursquare are not available to everyone, but forums and opinions that reflect
           the social media quickly expand through to all.” —Luc Basier, Strategic Planning Director,
           Euro RSCG C&O, Suresnes, France

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Location-based services = next step

    • Social media services based on
       geolocation allow users to register
       their physical location digitally, in
       cyberspace, and connect up
       physically, in “meatspace”
    • # of users still small, but growing
         – Google Latitude = 3MM active users
         – Foursquare and Gowalla bring in
           elements of game play and

    • These services bridge gap between
       virtual online world and face-to-face
       offline world

>   Millennials and Social Media


>   Millennials and Social Media

    Generational identifiers vary by market maturity

    • In West, both generations agree being “more digital” is primary factor that sets
       millennials apart
    • In China and India, being “more global” is paramount
    • Significant # of Indians in both generations consider millennials “more informed”
       than older generations

>   Millennials and Social Media

                           “     In China, it is mainly youths aged 15–30 who are using social
                                 networking platforms—and, with this usage, the younger generation is
                                 becoming more closely connected and engaged with each other.
                                 People interact through the use of comment threads, games, pictures,
                                 videos, notes, status updates, and live chats. They now live both real
                                 life and virtual life on a single platform.” —Simone Zhang, Strategic Planning
                                 Director, Euro RSCG Shanghai

“    Younger people (aged 16–25) are making e-mail démodé, since they
     tend to use more instant messaging and consider e-mail as
     something more formal and adult. Their use of social media will
     reshape the way they meet people, since they can get to know
     people outside their regular circle of friends and school. Their
     intense activity online since the beginning of their careers is also
     going to change the way companies recruit people; the CV will not
     be necessary any longer. In general, social media will lead to a more
     transparent society, where there will be little room to hide.” —Maria Jose
     Lopez, Market Intelligence Manager, Euro RSCG Spain

>     Millennials and Social Media

     Millennials are mycasting specialists

       • Creating their own news, stories,
         and conversations
       • Active participants and producers
         rather than passive listeners and

“   Millennials don’t rely on established
    experts. The age of the central news-
    gathering spot is gone forever. Social
    media threw that model out the window;
    people everywhere now tap their personal
    universe of contacts to swap advice, news,
    and entertainment.”—Marian Salzman, President,
    Euro RSCG Worldwide PR, North America


>   Millennials and Social Media

4. SOCIAL                          MEDIA FOR A CHANGE

>   Millennials and Social Media

    The development of social media is coinciding
    with emergence of issues that hold particular
    interest for young people
    • For a time after social unrest of 1960s,
       young people in many developed
       countries didn’t have much to rally around
    • No distinct agenda beyond pursuing
       higher education and enjoying fruits of
       consumerist lifestyle
    • Now, several societal shifts are causing
       youth to become more aware of
       themselves as a group with common
       interests, including:
         – Being on wrong side of demographic bulge
           (having to support huge #s of elderly)
         – Climate change
         – Massive debt in some markets

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Desire for change is in the air

    • Huge majorities of both generations believe change is in order, including more
       than 9 in 10 millennials in each market

>   Millennials and Social Media

    In the minds of many, social media will be a key
    factor in creating whatever change there is to be
    • 7 in 10 millennials believe social media is a force for change
    • Similar % also agree SoMe is about entertainment, suggesting this generation is
       perfectly comfortable with social media playing dual roles in their lives, both
       playful and serious
    • India stands out as market with more serious intentions/expectations for SoMe

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Millennials assuming responsibility for
    changing world

    • Despite a reputation for apathy among some of their elders, millennials
       demonstrate a strong commitment to drive change
    • Overall, 8 in 10 millennials (9 in 10 in China) believe it’s their duty to create
    • In contrast, less than 2/3 of older sample are willing to place that burden on
       youth; China and India most likely to count on youth for change

>   Millennials and Social Media

                         “    How a generation uses social media defines its place in society
                              and its level of influence.” —Anthony K. Roxas, Strategic Planning Director,
                              Euro RSCG Manila

>   Millennials and Social Media

    But can millennials change the world?

    • A resounding “Yes!” was heard in every market but France, where only around
       2/3 of millennials consider their generation capable of changing the world
    • Majorities in the Eastern markets and U.S. believe their power is even greater
       today than that of their parents at the same age

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Everywhere but France, boomers agree
    change is in the hands of youth
    • Faith in the power of this new generation to effect change is particularly
       strong in emerging markets of China and India
    • Only in France is there a sense that change is equally likely to happen at the
       hands of the older generations

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Source of youth empowerment: social media

    • 6 in 10 millennials believe SoMe is a source of their power, with agreement
       highest in China and India, and lowest in France

>      Millennials and Social Media

       Millennials wielding social media as weapon for
         Tens of thousands of Chinese joined Friends of Tai Long Sai Wan on social
         networking sites to protest a residential development being built on one of Hong
         Kong’s most treasured beachfronts

“   We helped wake up
    a giant. The quiet
    majority of Hong
    Kong people have
    shown they will no
    longer stand by and
    let developers take
    away their core
    assets.” —Wayne Yim,
    Founder, Save Tai Long Sai

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Millennials wielding social media as weapon for
     Ni putes ni soumises
     (“Neither Whores Nor
     Submissives”) was started
     by teen girls in Paris who
     mobilized to fight for rights
     of women and girls facing
     They communicate with
     international community
     on website and via

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Millennials wielding social media as weapon for
     In India, young people are using SoMe—personal Internet
     pages, Facebook, Orkut, and even an anonymous community
     page called I Protest—to oppose human rights abuses

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Millennials wielding social media as weapon for
     Run by young people for young people, U.K. Youth Parliament provides
     opportunities for 11- to 18-year-olds to use their voice in creative ways to bring
     about social change

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Millennials wielding social media as weapon for
     DreamACTivist: Multicultural social media club led by migrant youth, pushing for
     passage of legislation aimed at mending “broken immigration system”

>   Millennials and Social Media

    As source of change, SoMe beats politics by a

    • Even at a time when several recent elections were won on a platform of
       change (e.g., Sarkozy in France, Obama in U.S., Cameron in U.K.), politics is
       considered a distant second to social media as a force for change
    • In the Western markets, combined power of corporations and consumers is
       seen as potent mix

>   Millennials and Social Media

                           “       Historical sociologists and philosophers [e.g., David Emile Durkheim
                                   (1858–1917) and Karl Marx (1818–1883)] go as far as to say that our
                                   social nature contributes to or even drives our morality and
                                   consciousness. The social Web brings new opportunities for technology
                                   to connect humans in ways never thought possible before, and that’s
                                   the real power of it. People have always been social, and people have
                                   always used technology as a means to enhance their ability to connect
                                   and experience that connection in more meaningful ways.”—Kandace
                                   Hudspeth, Global Strategy Manager, Euro RSCG 4D–New York

“    Millennials and Xers are more willing to use social media to create
     their own movements. Two weeks ago there was a protest against a
     thermoelectric company here in Chile. It started in a blog and was
     viralized through Twitter and Facebook. ‘Termoeléctrica’ was a
     Trending Topic in Twitter, which means it was one of the most
     tweeted-about topics. There were online streamings right from the
     protest. It was beautiful!” —David Oyarzún, Head of Planning, Euro RSCG Santiago

>   Millennials and Social Media

    In practice, forces of change are intertwined

    • Politicians use SoMe to mobilize support and connect with voters
    • NGOs and grassroots movements use SoMe to push their issues and opinions
       into the political arena and onto boardroom agendas
    • Examples of the use of SoMe to influence consumption choices and encourage
       more mindful spending can be found across the Internet
    • In a very short time, social media has worked itself into the social, political, and
       economic fabric of our lives

>   Millennials and Social Media


>   Millennials and Social Media

    Social media is integral to millennials’ lives

    • In our increasingly globalized world, social media offers youth a shared
       experience and powerful ways of interacting and working together
    • Just as with boomers and rock ‘n’ roll, a teen or 20-something who’s not
       plugged in to SoMe is detached from a fundamental generational experience

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Social media fulfills a special function
    • Music provided the soundtrack, style, and ideology for baby boomers
    • SoMe enables millennials, from anywhere, to interact, communicate, share,
       learn, inform, congregate, create, mobilize, and/or play, seamlessly
    • SoMe lubricates and energizes millennials’ lives at school, work, and home

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Social media shapes behavior and attitudes
    • Rock ‘n’ roll was the vehicle for an
       entire set of distinctive cultures still
       visible today among aging boomers
    • Among millennials, SoMe is so
       pervasive that academics and
       researchers are seriously
       wondering whether it is “rewiring”
       the brains of users
    • Judging from the rapt attention
       today’s youth give to their screens
       (computer and mobile), there can
       be little question SoMe is shaping
       behavior and creating a different
       view of the world and how one
       interacts with it

>   Millennials and Social Media

    Millennials identify with SoMe
                                   • Rock ‘n’ roll shocked pre-WWII generations
                                    and, for that, was all the more embraced by
                                    rebellious boomers
                                   • Now, people of all generations recognize
                                    that millennials have a natural affinity for
                                    digital technology in general and social
                                    media in particular
                                   • Social media is millennials’ “thing”—and its
                                    impact shows no signs of waning
                                   • In culture and commerce, the implications of
                                    social media on this newest generation will
                                    be profound

>   Millennials and Social Media

                               “   The world has changed, or so say my kids. The world has changed,
                                   or so say my clients. The change has been caused by social media. It
                                   has, through the empowerment of each of us, delivered the promise
                                   of digital. We are connected. We have influence. We make things
                                   happen. The impact of social media is far-reaching, well beyond how
                                   we connect with our friends. It has changed how we work. It is
                                   changing how we make markets. It has, critically, re-leveled the
                                   playing field.” —George Gallate, Global Chairman, Euro RSCG 4D

About Euro RSCG Worldwide
• Euro RSCG Worldwide is a leading integrated marketing communications
 company and the world’s largest advertising agency by global brands. It enjoys
 the unique distinction of being the only agency ever to have been named Global
 Agency of the Year by Advertising Age and Advertising Network of the Year by
 Campaign in the same year. Made up of 233 offices in 75 countries throughout
 Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia-Pacific, Euro RSCG provides
 advertising, marketing services, corporate communications, and digital and
 social media solutions to global, regional, and local clients. Its client roster
 includes Air France, BNP Paribas, Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Danone Group,
 Heineken USA, IBM, Jaguar, Kraft Foods, Lacoste, L’Oréal, PSA Peugeot
 Citroën, Reckitt Benckiser, sanofi-aventis, and Schering- Plough.
 Headquartered in New York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of
 Havas, a world leader in communications (Euronext Paris SA: HAV.PA).
>   Visit Euro RSCG’s Social Life and Social Media Site

    • Go to for additional materials on the study (also
       available to Euro RSCG employees through the Knowledge Exchange),
        – Millennials and Social Media white paper
        – Social media background sheets on each market surveyed
        – Global and market-specific press releases

          Colleagues/clients: The complete data set is available for download from
                     the Knowledge Exchange on

>   Sample of Digital and Social Media Milestones at Euro RSCG Worldwide

    • Launched Social Life and Social Media website and blog (, which incorporates
       contributions from experts from around world, as part of Euro RSCG Social
    • Created most-downloaded piece of commercial content in history, Evian Rollerbabies, with 128MM+
       downloads to date (as of 9/10)
    • Gathered 17MM+ supporters for digital-based Tck Tck Tck campaign for climate justice and ushered in a
       global first: a digital music petition created by our in-house record label, The:Hours
    • Gave creative, digital, and strategic advice to David Cameron as lead agency in his successful bid for
       British prime minister
    • Won IBM’s global digital business from Digitas in biggest digital pitch of 2009
    • Landed biggest digital pitch in France’s history: global digital business of EDF, country’s largest energy co.
    • Other big global wins incorporating social and digital include Akzo Nobel’s Dulux, Charles Schwab, and
       Reckitt Benckiser, and being named to Unilever’s global digital roster
    • Named digital agency of record and/or social media AOR for many large companies and brands, including
       Clearasil, GSK, Heineken USA, Ikea, Lacoste, method, P&G, sanofi-aventis, Shire Pharmaceuticals,
       Sprint, Volvo, and Woolmark
    • Doubled digital business in China YTD with addition of major accounts such as Dulux, Hershey’s, Balabala,
       and Sun Hung Kai Properties
    • Launched The Sisterhood, a one-of-a-kind social marketing lab—using Web, YouTube, Facebook, and
       Twitter—that’s by, for, and about teenage girls, at Euro RSCG Worldwide PR
    • First agency network to publish social media guidelines for its staff

Media Inquiries

For inquiries regarding Euro RSCG Worldwide’s studies, please contact:

Lisa Gruber
Global Communications Manager
Euro RSCG Worldwide
T +1 212.886.2018

For more insights from Euro RSCG research,
And follow us on Twitter (@prosumer_report)

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Millenials and Social Media - Presentation

  • 1. Millennials and Social Media 2010 External Version
  • 2. > Millennials and Social Media About the study • In-depth online survey conducted by MicroDialogue, June 2010 • 500 millennials (aged 18–25) and 100 “olders” (aged 40–55) in each of 5 markets (total n=3,004) • Extensive secondary category research China France India U.K. U.S. n=600 n=600 n=600 n=600 n=600 2
  • 3. > Millennials and Social Media Introduction • By whatever name they’re called— iGeneration, Generation C, Gen Y, Gen Next, echo boomers—the millennials are “ Social media is changing our lives and our society: It makes us more sociable, more global, the first true digital natives and more informed. These digital communities are like a • They have never known a world other than second world that each day one of constantly improving digital turns more important to us.” technologies —Carla Lozano, Account Group and Planning Director, J. R. Vallejo y Asociados, • Yet what sets this generation apart is not Ecuador so much the use of Internet technology (everyone uses that), but their use of social media • For millennials, social media is as seamlessly integrated into their lives as their computers and cell phones; it’s how they communicate and socialize, conduct business and explore the world 3
  • 4. > Millennials and Social Media Social media is to millennials what rock “n” roll was to baby boomers • A shared phenomenon shaping youth culture and how the generation views itself • A means by which to distinguish itself from earlier generations • A tool for self-expression and sociopolitical change 4
  • 5. > Millennials and Social Media Key findings 5
  • 6. > Millennials and Social Media 1. SOCIAL MEDIA IS TODAY’S SOCIAL GLUE 6
  • 7. > Millennials and Social Media “ Young people and millennials think and experience society through social media.” —Luc Basier, Strategic Planning Director, Euro RSCG C&O, Suresnes, France 7
  • 8. > Millennials and Social Media A global phenomenon 8
  • 9. > Millennials and Social Media SoMe keeps millennials in constant contact • Unlike in days of landline phones and snail mail, SoMe connects people instantly and constantly via message posts, instant messaging, VoIP, and video chats • Appeal lies not so much in connecting with strangers in far-flung places as with staying in touch with family and friends • SoMe is a new tool for satisfying very basic human needs: connection, conversation, community 9
  • 10. > Millennials and Social Media “ Time is of the essence and people rarely have the time for elaborate conversations. This means microblogging is here to stay. In the present global village, social media is the lounge where everyone knows your name. Through social media, the distance between, say, Baltimore and Bangalore is one click, AND it’s free.” —Shourya Ray Chaudhuri, Senior Executive, Brand Identity and Corporate Communication, Euro RSCG 4D Matrix, Bangalore, India 10
  • 11. > Millennials and Social Media 2. MULTIPLE ACCESS POINTS 11
  • 12. > Millennials and Social Media The social media mix varies by country and through time • Facebook (FB) is an increasingly global phenomenon, having usurped the once-dominant MySpace • 500MM+: Active users • 700BN+: # of mins/mo. people spend on site • 90: # of pieces of content average user creates each month (30BN pieces shared per month in total) • 70: % of users outside U.S. • 150MM+: Active users currently accessing FB through mobile devices (mobile users are 2x as active on FB as nonmobile users) Source: “ Facebook is the number one site in Lebanon, ahead of Google, Live, and Yahoo. Because it is cheap and efficient, many marketers are using it. Fan pages and groups and games are very popular. The Lebanese pressure groups use it to shape and affect political, environmental, and social issues. This is something that will stay; it is not a phenomenon that will fade away.” —Nada Metni, New Business Development, Euro RSCG Beirut 12
  • 13. > Millennials and Social Media Microblogging platform Twitter is generating 55MM+ tweets a day • 37% of Twitter users access service via phone • Social networking is by far the fastest-growing mobile activity, reports comScore • In June 2010, nearly 93MM visited, +109% from previous year • In U.S., awareness has exploded from 5% of Americans aged 12+ in 2008 to 87% in 2010, but usage trails FB significantly (7% of Americans vs. 41% for FB) • Nearly 2/3 of active Twitter users access social networking sites via mobile phone • 51% of active Twitter users follow companies, brands, or products on social networks Sources: comScore; “Twitter Usage in America: 2010,” Edison Research/Arbitron Internet and Multimedia Series; “ Today social media is strongly linked to the medium itself, but what about tomorrow? Social media will be mainstream when it is no longer necessary to master the medium, which still excludes some types of people. Twitter, Foursquare are not available to everyone, but forums and opinions that reflect the social media quickly expand through to all.” —Luc Basier, Strategic Planning Director, Euro RSCG C&O, Suresnes, France 13
  • 14. > Millennials and Social Media Location-based services = next step • Social media services based on geolocation allow users to register their physical location digitally, in cyberspace, and connect up physically, in “meatspace” • # of users still small, but growing – Google Latitude = 3MM active users – Foursquare and Gowalla bring in elements of game play and competition • These services bridge gap between virtual online world and face-to-face offline world 14
  • 15. > Millennials and Social Media 3. MILLENNIALS SELF-IDENTIFY AS THE iGENERATION 15
  • 16. > Millennials and Social Media Generational identifiers vary by market maturity • In West, both generations agree being “more digital” is primary factor that sets millennials apart • In China and India, being “more global” is paramount • Significant # of Indians in both generations consider millennials “more informed” than older generations 16
  • 17. > Millennials and Social Media “ In China, it is mainly youths aged 15–30 who are using social networking platforms—and, with this usage, the younger generation is becoming more closely connected and engaged with each other. People interact through the use of comment threads, games, pictures, videos, notes, status updates, and live chats. They now live both real life and virtual life on a single platform.” —Simone Zhang, Strategic Planning Director, Euro RSCG Shanghai “ Younger people (aged 16–25) are making e-mail démodé, since they tend to use more instant messaging and consider e-mail as something more formal and adult. Their use of social media will reshape the way they meet people, since they can get to know people outside their regular circle of friends and school. Their intense activity online since the beginning of their careers is also going to change the way companies recruit people; the CV will not be necessary any longer. In general, social media will lead to a more transparent society, where there will be little room to hide.” —Maria Jose Lopez, Market Intelligence Manager, Euro RSCG Spain 17
  • 18. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials are mycasting specialists • Creating their own news, stories, and conversations • Active participants and producers rather than passive listeners and consumers “ Millennials don’t rely on established experts. The age of the central news- gathering spot is gone forever. Social media threw that model out the window; people everywhere now tap their personal universe of contacts to swap advice, news, and entertainment.”—Marian Salzman, President, Euro RSCG Worldwide PR, North America Image: 18
  • 19. > Millennials and Social Media 4. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR A CHANGE 19
  • 20. > Millennials and Social Media The development of social media is coinciding with emergence of issues that hold particular interest for young people • For a time after social unrest of 1960s, young people in many developed countries didn’t have much to rally around • No distinct agenda beyond pursuing higher education and enjoying fruits of consumerist lifestyle • Now, several societal shifts are causing youth to become more aware of themselves as a group with common interests, including: – Being on wrong side of demographic bulge (having to support huge #s of elderly) – Climate change – Massive debt in some markets 20
  • 21. > Millennials and Social Media Desire for change is in the air • Huge majorities of both generations believe change is in order, including more than 9 in 10 millennials in each market 21
  • 22. > Millennials and Social Media In the minds of many, social media will be a key factor in creating whatever change there is to be • 7 in 10 millennials believe social media is a force for change • Similar % also agree SoMe is about entertainment, suggesting this generation is perfectly comfortable with social media playing dual roles in their lives, both playful and serious • India stands out as market with more serious intentions/expectations for SoMe 22
  • 23. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials assuming responsibility for changing world • Despite a reputation for apathy among some of their elders, millennials demonstrate a strong commitment to drive change • Overall, 8 in 10 millennials (9 in 10 in China) believe it’s their duty to create change • In contrast, less than 2/3 of older sample are willing to place that burden on youth; China and India most likely to count on youth for change 23
  • 24. > Millennials and Social Media “ How a generation uses social media defines its place in society and its level of influence.” —Anthony K. Roxas, Strategic Planning Director, Euro RSCG Manila 24
  • 25. > Millennials and Social Media But can millennials change the world? • A resounding “Yes!” was heard in every market but France, where only around 2/3 of millennials consider their generation capable of changing the world • Majorities in the Eastern markets and U.S. believe their power is even greater today than that of their parents at the same age 25
  • 26. > Millennials and Social Media Everywhere but France, boomers agree change is in the hands of youth • Faith in the power of this new generation to effect change is particularly strong in emerging markets of China and India • Only in France is there a sense that change is equally likely to happen at the hands of the older generations 26
  • 27. > Millennials and Social Media Source of youth empowerment: social media • 6 in 10 millennials believe SoMe is a source of their power, with agreement highest in China and India, and lowest in France 27
  • 28. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials wielding social media as weapon for change Tens of thousands of Chinese joined Friends of Tai Long Sai Wan on social networking sites to protest a residential development being built on one of Hong Kong’s most treasured beachfronts “ We helped wake up a giant. The quiet majority of Hong Kong people have shown they will no longer stand by and let developers take away their core assets.” —Wayne Yim, Founder, Save Tai Long Sai Wan 28
  • 29. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials wielding social media as weapon for change Ni putes ni soumises (“Neither Whores Nor Submissives”) was started by teen girls in Paris who mobilized to fight for rights of women and girls facing violence They communicate with international community on website and via Facebook 29
  • 30. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials wielding social media as weapon for change In India, young people are using SoMe—personal Internet pages, Facebook, Orkut, and even an anonymous community page called I Protest—to oppose human rights abuses 30
  • 31. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials wielding social media as weapon for change Run by young people for young people, U.K. Youth Parliament provides opportunities for 11- to 18-year-olds to use their voice in creative ways to bring about social change 31
  • 32. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials wielding social media as weapon for change DreamACTivist: Multicultural social media club led by migrant youth, pushing for passage of legislation aimed at mending “broken immigration system” 32
  • 33. > Millennials and Social Media As source of change, SoMe beats politics by a landslide • Even at a time when several recent elections were won on a platform of change (e.g., Sarkozy in France, Obama in U.S., Cameron in U.K.), politics is considered a distant second to social media as a force for change • In the Western markets, combined power of corporations and consumers is seen as potent mix 33
  • 34. > Millennials and Social Media “ Historical sociologists and philosophers [e.g., David Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) and Karl Marx (1818–1883)] go as far as to say that our social nature contributes to or even drives our morality and consciousness. The social Web brings new opportunities for technology to connect humans in ways never thought possible before, and that’s the real power of it. People have always been social, and people have always used technology as a means to enhance their ability to connect and experience that connection in more meaningful ways.”—Kandace Hudspeth, Global Strategy Manager, Euro RSCG 4D–New York “ Millennials and Xers are more willing to use social media to create their own movements. Two weeks ago there was a protest against a thermoelectric company here in Chile. It started in a blog and was viralized through Twitter and Facebook. ‘Termoeléctrica’ was a Trending Topic in Twitter, which means it was one of the most tweeted-about topics. There were online streamings right from the protest. It was beautiful!” —David Oyarzún, Head of Planning, Euro RSCG Santiago 34
  • 35. > Millennials and Social Media In practice, forces of change are intertwined • Politicians use SoMe to mobilize support and connect with voters • NGOs and grassroots movements use SoMe to push their issues and opinions into the political arena and onto boardroom agendas • Examples of the use of SoMe to influence consumption choices and encourage more mindful spending can be found across the Internet • In a very short time, social media has worked itself into the social, political, and economic fabric of our lives 35
  • 37. > Millennials and Social Media Social media is integral to millennials’ lives • In our increasingly globalized world, social media offers youth a shared experience and powerful ways of interacting and working together • Just as with boomers and rock ‘n’ roll, a teen or 20-something who’s not plugged in to SoMe is detached from a fundamental generational experience 37
  • 38. > Millennials and Social Media Social media fulfills a special function • Music provided the soundtrack, style, and ideology for baby boomers • SoMe enables millennials, from anywhere, to interact, communicate, share, learn, inform, congregate, create, mobilize, and/or play, seamlessly • SoMe lubricates and energizes millennials’ lives at school, work, and home 38
  • 39. > Millennials and Social Media Social media shapes behavior and attitudes • Rock ‘n’ roll was the vehicle for an entire set of distinctive cultures still visible today among aging boomers • Among millennials, SoMe is so pervasive that academics and researchers are seriously wondering whether it is “rewiring” the brains of users • Judging from the rapt attention today’s youth give to their screens (computer and mobile), there can be little question SoMe is shaping behavior and creating a different view of the world and how one interacts with it 39
  • 40. > Millennials and Social Media Millennials identify with SoMe • Rock ‘n’ roll shocked pre-WWII generations and, for that, was all the more embraced by rebellious boomers • Now, people of all generations recognize that millennials have a natural affinity for digital technology in general and social media in particular • Social media is millennials’ “thing”—and its impact shows no signs of waning • In culture and commerce, the implications of social media on this newest generation will be profound 40
  • 41. > Millennials and Social Media “ The world has changed, or so say my kids. The world has changed, or so say my clients. The change has been caused by social media. It has, through the empowerment of each of us, delivered the promise of digital. We are connected. We have influence. We make things happen. The impact of social media is far-reaching, well beyond how we connect with our friends. It has changed how we work. It is changing how we make markets. It has, critically, re-leveled the playing field.” —George Gallate, Global Chairman, Euro RSCG 4D 41
  • 42. About Euro RSCG Worldwide • Euro RSCG Worldwide is a leading integrated marketing communications company and the world’s largest advertising agency by global brands. It enjoys the unique distinction of being the only agency ever to have been named Global Agency of the Year by Advertising Age and Advertising Network of the Year by Campaign in the same year. Made up of 233 offices in 75 countries throughout Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia-Pacific, Euro RSCG provides advertising, marketing services, corporate communications, and digital and social media solutions to global, regional, and local clients. Its client roster includes Air France, BNP Paribas, Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Danone Group, Heineken USA, IBM, Jaguar, Kraft Foods, Lacoste, L’Oréal, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Reckitt Benckiser, sanofi-aventis, and Schering- Plough. Headquartered in New York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of Havas, a world leader in communications (Euronext Paris SA: HAV.PA).
  • 43. > Visit Euro RSCG’s Social Life and Social Media Site • Go to for additional materials on the study (also available to Euro RSCG employees through the Knowledge Exchange), including: – Millennials and Social Media white paper – Social media background sheets on each market surveyed – Global and market-specific press releases Colleagues/clients: The complete data set is available for download from the Knowledge Exchange on 43
  • 44. > Sample of Digital and Social Media Milestones at Euro RSCG Worldwide • Launched Social Life and Social Media website and blog (, which incorporates contributions from experts from around world, as part of Euro RSCG Social • Created most-downloaded piece of commercial content in history, Evian Rollerbabies, with 128MM+ downloads to date (as of 9/10) • Gathered 17MM+ supporters for digital-based Tck Tck Tck campaign for climate justice and ushered in a global first: a digital music petition created by our in-house record label, The:Hours • Gave creative, digital, and strategic advice to David Cameron as lead agency in his successful bid for British prime minister • Won IBM’s global digital business from Digitas in biggest digital pitch of 2009 • Landed biggest digital pitch in France’s history: global digital business of EDF, country’s largest energy co. • Other big global wins incorporating social and digital include Akzo Nobel’s Dulux, Charles Schwab, and Reckitt Benckiser, and being named to Unilever’s global digital roster • Named digital agency of record and/or social media AOR for many large companies and brands, including Clearasil, GSK, Heineken USA, Ikea, Lacoste, method, P&G, sanofi-aventis, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Sprint, Volvo, and Woolmark • Doubled digital business in China YTD with addition of major accounts such as Dulux, Hershey’s, Balabala, and Sun Hung Kai Properties • Launched The Sisterhood, a one-of-a-kind social marketing lab—using Web, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter—that’s by, for, and about teenage girls, at Euro RSCG Worldwide PR • First agency network to publish social media guidelines for its staff 44
  • 45. Media Inquiries For inquiries regarding Euro RSCG Worldwide’s studies, please contact: Lisa Gruber Global Communications Manager Euro RSCG Worldwide T +1 212.886.2018 E 45
  • 46. For more insights from Euro RSCG research, visit And follow us on Twitter (@prosumer_report)