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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media
Unit 13:
Planning and Pitching a Print based Media
Serena Keogh - 1156
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – 64135
Slide4-13-Survey Monkey.
Slide 14-15- Photoshoot Plan.
Slide 16-17-Test Photography.
Slide 18-21- Analysis of hand drawn DPS and Front Cover.
Slide 22-25-Graphic Layouts.
Slide 26-27- House Colours.
Slide 28-Steve Neale 1980.
Slide 29-34- Magazine Flat Plan(Both Ideas).
Slide 35-36- Target Audience and Economic Needs.
Slide 37- Magazine Market Place.
Slide 38-44- Step by step creating my DPS and Front Cover.
Slide 45- BOTH Front Cover ideas.
Slide 46- BOTH DPS ideas.
Slide 47- Simply Sound vs Q Music Magazine.
Slide 48- House Style of Magazine.
Slide 49- Spending Power.
Slide 50-
Slide 50- 51-Final Magazine Idea.
Slide 52-53-54-Conclusion to LO3.
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked people what
age category they fell into, the
majority of the results were 16-18
years old this is why I am going to
base my magazine for this target
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked what gender most
people were, I got a 75% result of females,
and a 10% of males, although I have decided
I will aim my magazine at both males and
females, even though I got a higher amount
of females, respond I don’t think I asked
enough males that is why the male
percentage is so low, I will be making sure I
including conventions to my magazine which
attract both male and female.
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked own
often do people buy a magazine,
80% of people said never and
40% of people said on a weekly
basis, so I have decided to look
at both responses and decided I
will release my magazine on a
monthly basis.
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked what
music magazine people would
read/buy. 80% of people said
they never buy a magazine, and
20% of people said that they
read/buy Q magazine, and for
that reason this is why I am
using Q magazine as my
magazine of inspiration.
Survey Monkey
In this question I have asked
what are the main reasons for
buying this particular magazine,
and 60% of people said that
they would only by the
magazine if it had free gifts in
and 40% of people said that
they would buy this magazine,
for a general interest in the
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked what
type of music do most people
listen to, and the responses I got
were 20% listen to rock and roll,
40% listen to hip hop and 40%
listen to R&B.So therefore my
magazine genre will he a
mixture of hip hop and R&B due
to them getting an equal
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked what is the
maximum price people are willing
to pay for a music magazine, and
60% of people said that they would
pay £2-£2.50, and 40% of people
said that they would pay £3-
£3.50.So therefore I have decided to
lower my price of the magazine
even more to a price of £1.50 and
that I hope by doing this that more
than 60% of people I asked would
buy my magazine.
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked what is
the best way to advertise any
magazine, 60% said by TV, as
many people watch it, and 40%
said social media, and social
media is growing each day and
most people go on some form of
social media. So as a result of
this I am going to be advertising
my magazine in the form of
social media such twitter and
Facebook, by making a Facebook
and twitter, I may even decide to
try and include my magazine on
a TV advert, although the
downside to this is that this can
be expensive.
Survey Monkey
In this question I asked what
articles/interviews would you
like to read about, and I got a
equal vote with most answers,
like 20% said lifestyle, 20% said
motivational interviews, 40%
facts and information about that
artist and 20% said they weren't
Survey Monkey
Finally, in this question I asked what
house colours would draw people
into buying the magazine, and 40%
said red, grey and white. And 60%
said pink, purple and blue.
Location Reece
Photography Studio-
Firstly, I took this image in our Photography
studio at school, the reason why I decided to
take the image here is because the studio
had lighting which I was able to use, to
create good lighting for my image. I also
decided to take photos in the photography
studio as they had a number of different
backgrounds I could use.
Blank Wall in the classroom-
I took this image in casual places against a
plain white wall in my classroom, I decided
to do this as I needed a plain background so
that it was easy to edit my image, in
Photoshop. I also decided to take a photo in
my classroom, as I wanted to see how the
images turned out when using natural
Picture Needed/Required
Shot Type
The shot type I used was a ‘medium close up
shot’ the reason why I used a medium close
up shot was because this is the shot was used
for my magazine of inspiration, and this is
what I was basing my magazine off. As well as
this I wanted the main focus to be on the
artist on the front cover.
Person used- Will Eze (student)
Lighting I used was artifical lighting in the
photography studio, I also used a plain
background which was already in the studio, I
didn’t require much props as I didn’t want my
image to be too busy, I liked how it look when
it was simple. The clothing that will was using
was up to date clothing, in the image he is
wearing a black top from Topman, as well as a
beige coat also from Topman in the image he
is always wearing black jeans but you cannot
see them in the shot. The reason why I chose
to use Will for my magazine is because his
style best fits my magazine style and genre of
the music which is R&B and Rap.
The shot type I used was again a ‘medium
close up shot’.The shot type I used was a
‘medium close up shot’ the reason why I used
a medium close up shot was because this is
the shot was used for my magazine of
inspiration, and this is what I was basing my
magazine off. As well as this I wanted the
main focus to be on the artist on the front
cover. Person used- Will Eze
(student).Compared to my first image the
lighting I used for this image was natural
lighting, I decided to use this as I thought that
it looked a lot better when using the camera, I
also wanted to switch it up from my front
cover image were I used artifical lighting, I
also used natural lighting because sometimes
it makes people look harsher, and distorts
their features, so therefore at this time
natural lighting looked better when taking
pictures of Will. I didn’t require much props as
I didn’t want my image to be too busy, I liked
how it look when it was simple. The clothing
that will was using was up to date clothing, in
the image he is wearing a black top, I decided
to get will to remove his jacket, as I didn’t
want the image to look exactly the same as
my front cover image.
Location Recce
Permission Needed
Contact needed to be made
Evidence of this?
I emailed Will asking him for
permission to take photos of him and
use them for my magazine. Will didn’t
mind taking some time out of his day to
take a couple of images.
I emailed Willl asking him for
permission to take photos of him and
use them for my magazine. Will didn’t
mind taking some time out of his day to
take a couple of ima ges.
Potential Hazards/Risks
Location specific
 One potienal hazard would be
loose trails of wires may be a
hazard to tripping over.
 As well as the different types of
backgrounds which have been
hanged up on the walls might not
be secure therefore this could fall
on the person I am taking a picture
 Breaking the camera- if this would
to happen pieces of the camera
could be sharp, and harmful to you
or other around you.
 There could be a possibility of the
bulbs in the artificial lights over
heating, and smashing because of
that therefore this could harm you
or others.
 No liquid-drinking ect near the
pugs and the lights as this is
danger to me and people I am
taking pictures of.
 Breaking the camera- if this would
to happen pieces of the camera
could be sharp, and harmful to you
or other around you.
 No liquids near any electrical
 Location- Classroom.
Photoshoot Plan.
For my photoshoot, I decided to plan my for my images so I knew exactly what I
was going to do. I choose to photograph both females and males, I did this so at
the end I could decide which photo I liked best, and which fitted my genre of
music, and the artist I was going to interview.
So.. Finally I decided to use the photo of the two males, as they look similar, to
the artist I am interviewing as well as their style was up to date, and fitted in with
the whole image of what R&B and Rap is all about.
Although, when looking at my magazine of inspiration, I preferred how that
looked when it just had one person on the cover, I felt that my magazine would
look better with just one person as then they are the main focus of my magazine.
Photoshoot Plan.
Model Requirements:
At first, I decided to have two female models, on my front cover and DPS as they were very similar looking to Arianna
Grande and Beyoncé, although I decided to change this as I wanted my star artist to appeal to both genders, and I
felt that having too females on my front cover would only really appeal to the female audience and not the male.
So then I decided to use to males for my front cover and have them modelling as the artists/rappers “Krept and
Konan” as both female and male like these artists, although when it came to creating my front cover and DPS I didn’t
like the way the image looked with two people in the image, so then finally I decided to change my image to just one
person and using the “Krept” interview, I prefer having just the one person on my front cover and DPS, as It draws
the reader in and keeps the focus on the image.
First idea
Second Idea
Final Idea
Test Photography- Front Cover-FIRST IDEA
Here is my test photography for my front cover, I decided to go with the single image of the
person I took the photo of as, I think the image of just the one person, best appeals to my
target audience and best stereotypically fits in with my music genre.
I first decided to go with images of females, as I thought they would appeal more, I took
images of two different females to see when comparing them which better fitted and suited
the style of my magazine. Although, when it came to comparing to other magazines I felt mine
wasn’t as strong as other due to them not being the person who I was interviewing in my
I then came back and looked through my ideas and decided to change the pictures.
Test Photos-Front Cover-SECOND IDEA- and DPS
Here is my test photography, second idea for my front cover I took images of two boys, I
decided to do this as I thought their style best fitted my music genre and their age etc. also
best fitted my target audience of my magazine.
Although, upon taking these images I decided NOT to use them, and came back to my work
and looked at other magazine ideas for inspiration, as the quality of the images wasn’t at a
professional standard, they were too far away from the camera so therefore when it came to
photo shopping them onto my magazine, other conventions of the magazine seemed a lot
bigger than the image of them that’s why I didn’t continue taking anymore images.
Final Idea-Test Photograph-Front Cover and DPS.
Front Cover-
Front Cove-TEST
Simply Sound- Hand drawn
drafts Front Cover and DPS.
Strapline; I have decided
to have my masthead in
the left hand corner of
the page, I have done
this because I still want
to include my logo
although I want the artist
to be the main
attraction. I was inspired
to do this my Q music
Main image; for my magazine I
have change the idea of having the
artist cover the whole page, but I
have decided to have the artist in
the middle of the page, the reason
for this is that this magazine is
going to contain less images and
more fun, inviting information I
have done this as my magazine
needs to appeal to all types of
Barcode, price and date; I am
keeping the barcode in the
same place like Q magazine.
Cover stories; I want to include more information about the
content that can be found inside the magazine. Therefore I
plan to include a small textbox with the name of one artist
and their autograph inviting the reader in. This will be placed
over the front cover subjects lower chest, as this is not
considered as an important area that creates ‘star appeal’, as
well as this it would still give the reader an insight as to what
the magazine is about..
Puff Promotion; Instead of a
puff promotion that reads ‘free
gift’ I have included a ‘coming
soon’ puff promotion as others
who are willing to buy the
magazine on a monthly basis
may appeal to them more. I
have ladled/coloured it in red in
order to stand out.
Simply Sound
Hand drawn
draft- Front
cover .
Main Interview; the main part of my
interview is going to be to the right hand
side of the page, I have done this
because I feel that while the reader is
reading the information about the star
artist they are able to refer back to the
image while they are reading.
Pull Quote; Having a
pull quote form my
interview in bold, this
will attract the readers
to the quote which
would get them
interested in the
interview, it also
demonstrates what
will be in the interview
and what it is based on
and who is it about.
Page number; Will be shown
on each page at the bottom
corner or each page.
Final Product I decided to
go with.
Sound Key- Hand drawn drafts
front cover and DPS.
Main Image of my magazine, I
have chose to use my main
image covering the whole of
the magazine cover, The
reason why I have done this is
to convey what my magazine is
about and what type of genre
my magazine is.As well as this
having the main artist covering
the whole page, would also
draw the reader into to
reading the magazine as if the
star artist appeals to them.
Price, barcode and date: I
am keeping the barcode
in the same place inspired
by Q magazine.
Puff Promotion: This
puff promotion will
include a free gift, this
is because other may
not be as interested in
what is coming soon
therefore I want my
magazine to attract as
many readers as
possible. By placing the
puff promotion at the
top of the page, when
the magazine is picked
up this will be one of
the first things the
reader will see, as well
as the logo.
Readers Requirements –
I am going to have a list of
well-know artist listed down
the side of the page, gives
other readers a chance to
read the magazine if they
aren't as interested in the
‘star artist’.I was inspired to
do this by Q music
Logo/masthead: I have
decided to have my
masthead in the left hand
corner of the page, I have
done this because I still
want to include my logo
although I want the artist
to be the main attraction. I
was inspired to do this my
Q music magazine.
Stars autograph: I am going to have the
stars autograph on the front cover,
underneath the image of the star I am
going to have this typed in white font the
reason for this is because its going to
stand out against the background of the
image of the artist.
Images- I have
decided to place all
the Images above
the text, the
reason for this is
that I don’t want
the page to look to
messy as well as
this is also want to
reader to be drawn
to one part of the
page and not have
to look all around
the page.
Text: I have decided to
have 2 blocks of text at
the bottom of the page,
the reason for this that I
want the images above to
correspond to the text
Strapline: I am keeping the logo in the left hand corner
of each page I am doing this so that my logo becomes
recognisable to the reader when they go to buy
another copy of my magazine.
Main title: I have decided to have the
main title of the interview right next to
my logo the reason for this is because I
still want my logo to be the last thing
they remember, and as well as this it
means that the title is covering the
whole page focusing on the text and
Magazine Fonts-For both magazine ideas.
Font Name Font Preview Font Usage
Headline - Headline
- Main Article Title
Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book
Puff Promotion -Puff Promotion
Text -text and information such as
Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book
Puff Promotion -Puff Promotion
Here I have created, the ideas of fonts I am going to be using for my magazine. I decided to use
these fonts and styles for both of my ideas.I want to make sure that it is consistent throughout. I
have also made sure that my font looks interesting as it would appeal/address to the target
audience. I have chosen several fonts that will be used in my magazine, because some are easier
to read than others when sized differently, although I didn't want my magazine to contain a lot of
different fonts as it could just confuse the reader, and become messy.
Graphic Layout-FRONT COVER-”Simply Sound”.
Firstly, the main Image of my magazine, I have
chose to use my main image covering the whole of
the magazine cover, The reason why I have done
this is to convey what my magazine is about and
what type of genre my magazine is.As well as this
having the main artist covering the whole page,
would also draw the reader into to reading the
magazine as if the star artist appeals to them.
Artist autograph I have decided to include an
artists autograph into each one of my magazines
depending on the artists, although I have decided
to not include it into every magazine I publish as
this could become to repetitive for the reader, as
well as this I’m going to include it into some of the
magazines to invite/surprise them as one of their
favourite artist autograph is on the page. House
colours I have thought about my house colours and
made sure that they appeal to each of my target
audiences men and women, so I have gone with
the theme of yellow, white and grey and added
some red in there for my puff promotions to catch
the readers eye. Price, I have decided to price my
magazine at £3.25 as this is a affordable price for
the age group my magazine fits into.
Graphic Layout-FRONT COVER-”Sound Key”.
Firstly, for my main Image of my magazine I
have chosen to have the main image in the
centre of the page as it will draw the reader
straight to the picture. I have also chosen to not
have the front cover too busy as it could distract
the reader away from the star artist. As well as
having text and information around the image,
as for some readers the image might not be the
most important thing on the page but the
text/info is. The Logo I have decide to have my
logo in the left hand corner I was inspired to do
this my the music magazine Q. Cover Stories-I
have also chosen to have the cover stories right
next to the star artist, I have chosen to do this
as when the reader, looks at the magazine cover
they will look straight to the cover lines which
would intense them to look inside. I am also
including Puff Promotion-coveys how this
would persuade the reader to read inside the
magazine. Price the price of my magazine is
going to be slightly more than my previous plan,
as this magazine is going to contain more text
than images although I am not going to price it
too high as I still want it to be affordable.
Graphic Layout-DPS-”Simply Sound”
Graphic Layout-DPS-”Sound Key”
Double page spread-
I have decided to place
everything on my double page
spread like this as I feel it will
draw the reader into reading the
page,I have also decided to have
my image on one side of the
page, as readers will be more
interested in reading my
interview as my target audience
are young they would’t want to
read a lot of writing.. I have also
decided to do this as it makes
my content consistent
throughout my magazine and
means therefore this has an
impact on the reader as they
will remember my logo and
hopefully they will begin to buy
my magazine more frequently.
House Styles Continued-”Simply Sound”
These are the colors I decided to go with for my magazine front cover and DPS, the
reason why I decided to go with these colors is because they best fitted in with my
genre style, as well as fitting in with the different artists I am going to be featuring in my
magazine. Red, and yellow are bold colors which means they are going to stand out
against the black and grey colors in my magazine.
I also decided to keep the red theme in, from my magazine of inspiration although, I
would only use it for conventions such as the puff promotion, headings so that they will
stand out.
Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity.
Yellow is very effective for attracting attention, so use it to highlight the most important
parts of my music magazine.
House styles-”Sound Key”
Here are my 2nd magazine idea house colors, in the end I decided
not to pick these colors for my magazine, as I felt that they didn't’t
fit in with the genre of music I decided to go with, as I felt that
these colors were too ‘calm’ and ‘simple’. As opposed to black,
white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a
successful beginning.
The colour blue is often associated with depth and stability.
Steve Neale-1980
• “Genre’s are instances of repetition and difference”.
• Some of the conventions I will be repeating in my magazine will be, the
house style and color. The reason why I have decided to repeat my house
color throughout my magazine and not change them, as I want my
audience to become familiar with my house style/colors in order for them
to recognize my magazine due to the colors in shops compared to other
• As well as this I will also be keep the general layout of my front cover,
although my DPS will be changing throughout each issue, I will be keeping
my front cover layout the same as I want my magazine to be recognizable.
House Style of magazine.
• What am I going to keep the same in my magazine compared to my magazine of
Some the things I’m going to keep the same, which I was inspired by with my
magazine of inspiration which is ‘Q music magazine’.
• Strapline-I am going to keep where the masthead is placed on my magazine of
inspiration I’m going to do this because I don’t want anything to cover my main
picture as much and putting the masthead at the very top of the page will draw
readers in to looking at it.
• Masthead- I am going to keep the idea of having the logo large, and slightly
coming in front of the artists face as the logo is a big part of my magazine and I
want people to remember it.
• House Colours- I am changing the house colours when it comes to my own
magazine, and the majority of Q music magazine’s are normally dark with reds and
blacks and greys.Therefore,I am going to use bright colours in order to attract
peoples attention.
Magazine Flat Plan-”Simply Sound”
Magazine Flat Plan-”Simply Sound”
Magazine Flat Plan-”Simply Sound”
Magazine Flat Plan-”Sound Key”
Magazine Flat Plan-”Sound Key”
Magazine Flat Plan "Sound Key”
Production Plan.
Production Plan-Pro-production materials.
Launch Date –
I have decided to
release my magazine
on the 1st November,
as this is just in time
for Christmas, I did this
so that sales figures
would increase around
this time of year as
well as, there was a lot
of news in the music
industry happening in
November and late
October such as artists
getting ready to
release Christmas
• Simply sound Target Audience: 15-18+
• Sound Key’s target audience:13-16+
• When it comes to psychographics my target audience would fit into
Aspirers because they are SEEK STATUS.
• When it comes to my theory my magazine best fits into Hartley as I am
basing my magazine on around age,gender,and ethnicity. There there isn't a
specific person who can read my magazine it is open to everyone.
• Katz: When it comes to Maslow's theory my target audience would be
come under ‘Diversion’ this is because they would read my magazine, so
that they can escape from reality, such as everyday life whether that is
school life, working or life in general. They would feel like they are not
worrying about any issues they may have when they read my magazine.
• Hartley’s 7 subjectivities; When it comes to Hartley’s theory I will be
mainly focusing on age and gender for my magazine, by this I will be making
my magazine accessible to both genders, as well as focusing on a particular
age group I want my magazine to be aimed at- (Final Idea – 15-18+)
Maslow’s Theory: ‘Social climbers’ ‘survivors’ and ‘explorers’.
• My target audience would fit into the category ‘Explores’ this is where the
audience are driven to change caused by social media, and everything
which changes in the media. My target audience would fit into this
category as they are driven by the change of media, making sure they
keep up to date with the latest issues that are happening in the media
• They would also be a part of ‘Survivors’ as they will want the security and
a routine of knowing that my magazine will be released monthly.
• Socio-Economic Need:
• My target audience for my magazine would full in to the categories E and D,
this is because as they are of a young age they are likely to still be in
education or in a semi-skilled workers, therefore they are unlikely to be
earning a lot of money therefore this links in how I have priced my
magazine, quite cheap so they will be able to afford it each month.
• Psychographics:
• My target audience would be aspires this is because they would look up to
particular people, like their role models and aim to aspire to be like them.
Target audience and Economic needs.
• ‘Social climbers’ ‘survivors’ and ‘explorers’.
• My target audience would fit into the category ‘Explores’ this is where the
audience are driven to change caused by social media, and everything which
changes in the media. My target audience would fit into this category as they are
driven by the change of media, making sure they keep up to date with the latest
issues that are happening in the media industry.
• They would also be a part of ‘Survivors’ as they will want the security and a routine
of knowing that my magazine will be released monthly.
Magazine Market Place.
Who will my magazine be competing against?
•My magazine will be competing against ‘Q music magazine’, the reason for this is
because I was inspired by some of the features that Q magazine uses such as the
placement of the logo, and the different sized fonts.
What am I going to change/do to make sure that my magazine is more successful?
•The main thing that I am going to do with my magazine, is that the price of my
magazine is going to be a lot more cheaper, compared to ‘Q music magazine’ the
reason for this is because my target audience are a lot under than Qs target audience
therefore if I kept the price as the same as Q’s price I feel that my target audience
wont be able to afford it because they would either be employed or have a small job
that doesn’t pay a lot unlike Qs target audience.
My Inspiration for my magazine.
Step By Step-Creating My Front Cover.
• Firstly, I created my front cover by using a template by creating one by file, new and using the
international option which then gave me a blank page, secondly I dragged the ruler tool
option down and created an brief outline of where I was going to place each convention of
my magazine. Then after this I changed the color of my background to my house colors(which
is grey), I then after this used the gradient affect so the background wans’t as harsh.
• Next, I placed my logo which I had already created before, and made sure that the blue ruler
lines where inside the logo and the side of the logo weren't going beyond the blue lines. I
then began to insert two shapes one for my strapline and one for my puff promotion, and
made sure that each time I added something in I named each layer.
• After this I included texted, by using the pen tool to create a box, which meant when typing
my text wouldn't’t go outside that box, and that when placing any images in that the text
goes around the image nicely. After this I went onto a different document and opened up my
front cover image, and began to use the quick selection tool to remove the background, after
this I placed this image on to my front cover making sure I moved the image layer above my
background layer in order for it to sit in front of the background and show up. Once I had
positioned my image in correctly and balanced it out on the page, I used the bending tool on
the image and blended the edges of the image so that it merges in with the background, and
doesn't’t look like I have just placed the image in.
• After this, I typed in some of my cover stories and made sure I labeled each layer
corresponding to what each cover story was called, once I had done this is corrected the font
style to how I wanted it and made sure that each word/phrase was in alignment with each
other and that they were all the same size.
Step by step-Creating My Front Cover.
• As well as this I then began to create my barcode, I did this by created a white
shape in order to back/board my barcode, after this is in ported a picture of a
barcode that I had previously found, and inserted in a re-shaped it to size making
sure that I held down shift and re-sized my image I did this so that I didn't’t pixilate
the image. After getting my image of the barcode to the size that I wanted, I used
the text tool, and just underneath the barcode, I typed out the following “issue 1,
DATE and PRICE”. I then re-sized, and highlighted the text and used the arrows on
the keyboard, and moved the text so that it was more in the middle of the barcode.
• After this is imported images such as Facebook logo and twitter as well as my logo
I then used the ruler tool to make sure that when positioning my smaller images
for my barcode that they were all in-line with each other and as well as this they
they were all the same size, and weren't too big.
Step by Step-Creating My Front Cover.
• After this I began to create my ‘puff promotion’ I did this by using the shape tool
and picked the shape which looked like this the reason for this is I wanted to make
sure that it stood out against my main image and doesn't’t get lost between all my
other features.
• Once I had created the shape that I wanted for my puff promotion, I used the
filters on that shape and began to sharpen the shape even more so it would pop
against the dark background, I then clicked on the text tool and filled in my puff
promotion reading ‘ win a free iTunes voucher'. While doing this I made sure that I
was labeling/renaming my layers.
• When it comes to the main image, I have already sized the image to the correct
size as well as this I have used to quick easer tool to get rid of the background, so
now I have a cropped image, I then again clicked on filters and sharped it, as well
as using the blending tool to blend the edges.
Final product
Step by Step-Creating my front cover.
• Next, I began to look at my magazine of inspiration and used the shape
tool to create rectangle boxes, I made sure the all the boxes were in line
with each other using the ruler tool, after this Is type into each box artists
and groups. Then I began to play around with the colour of the fronts, and
decided to go with a black box and white text.
• After this is began to perfect my main image, blurring out any
Step by Step-Double Page Spread.
• Firstly, I started off with a blank template for my DPS, I then began to
insert the ruler lines, using the ruler tool (ctrl r), I did this as it was copying
the lay out from one of my ‘Q music magazines’ and new exactly where I
was going to place everything. Starting of with my background, I went
onto Google images and found a grey brick wall background, then inserted
this onto my background only covering half the background as well as
holding down shift while re-sizing so that the image didn’t pixelate. The on
a separate document I insert the main image I was going to use and then
using the quick selection tool and went around the two people in my
image getting rid of the background, after I did the I dragged the image
into my magazine and re-sized according to the size of the page, after this I
went onto blending options and made sure all the edges of the image
weren't harsh and blended well against the brick wall.
Step By Step- Double Page Spread.
• After this using the shape too I inserted a rectangle at the top of my page
and filled it in with grey to match my house styles using the paint bucket
tool. After this using the text tool I inserted all the text that I wanted
making sure that the text layer was above the shape layer in order for it to
show up. Then I began to adjust the colours of the text to fit my house
styles as well playing around with the font. When inserting the text I used
the ruler tool to make sure that everything was inline.
• After this I began to move the ruler tools that I used for a guide and then
started to insert my interview I had already pre-made but I began to use
the text tool and by doing this it makes sure that my text goes around my
images on the page as well as making sure the text doesn’t over lap with
the images, once I didn’t this in double checked any spelling or
punctuation errors before putting my interview into the magazine.
Step By Step-Double Page Spread.
• Next, I highlighted all the questions in bold, and then inserted a quote for
affect. After this at the bottom of the page I added another text box and
inserted a web link, and then added both page numbers.
Front Cover-Both Ideas.
Here are both my front cover ideas, I have changed the
house colours from dark colours, to light, and change my
masthead to fit in with the house colours of each
DPS-ideas Here is my first double page spread Idea, I have used
conventions based around my magazine of
inspiration ‘Q music magazine'. I have also used my
first idea for house colours which is Grey,Yellow,Black
and white. I have also based the layout of my
magazine from a page in Q magazine.
Here is my 2nd magazine idea, I have also used the
same magazine conventions as before, although I
have changed my magazine house colours to Dark
Blue, Light Blue, White and Grey. I have also based
my magazine layout from a page in Q magazine.
I then decided to change my DPS again as I felt, the
headline, on my previous ideas, weren’t how I wanted
them by this I wanted to make sure that they stood out
as much possible so that it would catch the readers eye,
and draw them into purchasing my magazine over my
magazine competitors.
I also decided to change my image on the left, to a single
image as I felt with two people in the picture their bodies
looked out of proportion, and the image was a long shot,
therefore this wouldn't’t draw the reader in.So finally, I
decided to change it to just having one person in the
image and using a close up shot, to get the detail of the
person, which conveys his facial expression and clothing
which links to my music genre.
“Simply Sound” vs “Q Music Magazine”(DPS)
“Simply Sound” Vs “Q Music Magazine”
Spending Power.
Price-The price of my magazine would be around £3.25,the main reason for pricing my
magazine at this price is because it is cheaper than my magazine of inspiration which is ‘Q
Music Magazine’ I decided to price my magazine cheaper than Q and another magazine is
so that my target audience would be able to afford my magazine. Although, for my first
magazine I created then changed I was pricing my magazine at £1.50, the reason why I
changed the price of this to £3.25 is because the magazine I was looking at to come up of
the price of £1.50 was ‘We Love Pop’ and when comparing ‘We Love Pop’ with ‘Q Music
Magazine’ the content between the two was completely different, this is why I decided to
mix both contents together to come up with the content for my magazine. The purpose of a
reader profile is to advertise the magazine and see what type of spending power they have.
It also shows hat the readers like and enjoy to read.
• Q magazine uses musical knowledge as the readers of the magazine take music very
seriously and the writers take pride in their work. 33.8% of women read Q magazine and
66.2% of man as well as 83.8% of 15-34 year olds and 63.2% of people aged 35 years and
•Therefore people are more likely to pay for the full cost of the magazine as they are most
likely in full time work and can afford to pay for the magazine every other month.
Final Magazine Idea.
Final Magazine Idea
• Here is my final magazine front cover I decided to change my front cover,
and go for this option instead as I preferred the background, as it fitted
well with my, genre of music, the background fits best with the colour
scheme, as well as not being too bold or bright so that it distracts readers
from my main image, which I want to be the main focus point.
• The colour scheme of my magazine is simple so that it doesn’t distract the
reader away from the important conventions of my magazine, the use of
the colours yellow and grey, with white, red and black. I decided to choose
these colours on my magazine as I felt that they appealed to both genders.
• I decided to use a close up image for my magazine, as the main focus point
of my magazine will be the ‘Star Artist’ on the front of my magazine which
also links the interview inside my magazine.
Conclusion to LO3
In LO3, in order to produce my magazine, I firstly created a “Survey Monkey” which
allowed me to find out what type of music my target audience are into, when they buy a
magazine and how frequently they buy a magazine. I did this so that, I knew what type of
music I should be featuring in my magazine as well what I was going to price my magazine
at so that I knew what to price my magazine at so that it appealed to everyone.
I then also created “4 graphic layouts” and “4 hand drawn drafts”. I did this so that I had a
guide of how to layout my magazine DPS and Front Cover, so that it looked professional,
when competing against other magazines.
After this I came up with “2 color scheme Ideas”, so that I could match them up to my
graphic layouts, to see which one looked better and best fitted the style and target
audience of my magazine. Once I came up with my main color scheme, I then created a
“magazine flat plan” I didn’t this so that I knew what how each page of my magazine was
going to look like, ready for the publishers to create my magazine.
After this is then began to create a step by step plan for my magazine, of how to produce
my DPS and my Front cover. I then began to look into the technical parts of my magazine
which were finding out what category my target audience would fit into such as I have
found out that my target audience would be “Explores". My target audience would fit into
this category as they are driven by the change of media, making sure they keep up to date
with the latest issues that are happening in the media industry.
Conclusion LO3.
When it comes to my hand drawn drafts, I have decided to mainly go with
my first idea I have drawn out although I have taken the idea of just having
a image of one person on my front cover from my second idea.
Idea 1: I will be using this layout,
where I have placed all the
conventions of the magazine.
Idea 2: I will be taking the idea
of just have a single image of
my artist on the cover, instead
of a picture of 2 people.

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Serena Keogh - Unit 13- LO3

  • 1. – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 13: Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product Serena Keogh - 1156 St. Andrew’s Catholic School – 64135
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents. SLIDE 2-LO3 Slide4-13-Survey Monkey. Slide 14-15- Photoshoot Plan. Slide 16-17-Test Photography. Slide 18-21- Analysis of hand drawn DPS and Front Cover. Slide 22-25-Graphic Layouts. Slide 26-27- House Colours. Slide 28-Steve Neale 1980. Slide 29-34- Magazine Flat Plan(Both Ideas). Slide 35-36- Target Audience and Economic Needs. Slide 37- Magazine Market Place. Slide 38-44- Step by step creating my DPS and Front Cover. Slide 45- BOTH Front Cover ideas. Slide 46- BOTH DPS ideas. Slide 47- Simply Sound vs Q Music Magazine. Slide 48- House Style of Magazine. Slide 49- Spending Power. Slide 50- Slide 50- 51-Final Magazine Idea. Slide 52-53-54-Conclusion to LO3.
  • 4. Survey Monkey In this question I asked people what age category they fell into, the majority of the results were 16-18 years old this is why I am going to base my magazine for this target audience.
  • 5. Survey Monkey In this question I asked what gender most people were, I got a 75% result of females, and a 10% of males, although I have decided I will aim my magazine at both males and females, even though I got a higher amount of females, respond I don’t think I asked enough males that is why the male percentage is so low, I will be making sure I including conventions to my magazine which attract both male and female.
  • 6. Survey Monkey In this question I asked own often do people buy a magazine, 80% of people said never and 40% of people said on a weekly basis, so I have decided to look at both responses and decided I will release my magazine on a monthly basis.
  • 7. Survey Monkey In this question I asked what music magazine people would read/buy. 80% of people said they never buy a magazine, and 20% of people said that they read/buy Q magazine, and for that reason this is why I am using Q magazine as my magazine of inspiration.
  • 8. Survey Monkey In this question I have asked what are the main reasons for buying this particular magazine, and 60% of people said that they would only by the magazine if it had free gifts in and 40% of people said that they would buy this magazine, for a general interest in the content.
  • 9. Survey Monkey In this question I asked what type of music do most people listen to, and the responses I got were 20% listen to rock and roll, 40% listen to hip hop and 40% listen to R&B.So therefore my magazine genre will he a mixture of hip hop and R&B due to them getting an equal percentage.
  • 10. Survey Monkey In this question I asked what is the maximum price people are willing to pay for a music magazine, and 60% of people said that they would pay £2-£2.50, and 40% of people said that they would pay £3- £3.50.So therefore I have decided to lower my price of the magazine even more to a price of £1.50 and that I hope by doing this that more than 60% of people I asked would buy my magazine.
  • 11. Survey Monkey In this question I asked what is the best way to advertise any magazine, 60% said by TV, as many people watch it, and 40% said social media, and social media is growing each day and most people go on some form of social media. So as a result of this I am going to be advertising my magazine in the form of social media such twitter and Facebook, by making a Facebook and twitter, I may even decide to try and include my magazine on a TV advert, although the downside to this is that this can be expensive.
  • 12. Survey Monkey In this question I asked what articles/interviews would you like to read about, and I got a equal vote with most answers, like 20% said lifestyle, 20% said motivational interviews, 40% facts and information about that artist and 20% said they weren't bothered.
  • 13. Survey Monkey Finally, in this question I asked what house colours would draw people into buying the magazine, and 40% said red, grey and white. And 60% said pink, purple and blue.
  • 14. Location Reece Location Time Date Why? Photography Studio- Firstly, I took this image in our Photography studio at school, the reason why I decided to take the image here is because the studio had lighting which I was able to use, to create good lighting for my image. I also decided to take photos in the photography studio as they had a number of different backgrounds I could use. Blank Wall in the classroom- I took this image in casual places against a plain white wall in my classroom, I decided to do this as I needed a plain background so that it was easy to edit my image, in Photoshop. I also decided to take a photo in my classroom, as I wanted to see how the images turned out when using natural lighting. Picture Needed/Required Shot Type Props/Equipment Lighting Costume Person/People Why? The shot type I used was a ‘medium close up shot’ the reason why I used a medium close up shot was because this is the shot was used for my magazine of inspiration, and this is what I was basing my magazine off. As well as this I wanted the main focus to be on the artist on the front cover. Person used- Will Eze (student) Lighting I used was artifical lighting in the photography studio, I also used a plain background which was already in the studio, I didn’t require much props as I didn’t want my image to be too busy, I liked how it look when it was simple. The clothing that will was using was up to date clothing, in the image he is wearing a black top from Topman, as well as a beige coat also from Topman in the image he is always wearing black jeans but you cannot see them in the shot. The reason why I chose to use Will for my magazine is because his style best fits my magazine style and genre of the music which is R&B and Rap. The shot type I used was again a ‘medium close up shot’.The shot type I used was a ‘medium close up shot’ the reason why I used a medium close up shot was because this is the shot was used for my magazine of inspiration, and this is what I was basing my magazine off. As well as this I wanted the main focus to be on the artist on the front cover. Person used- Will Eze (student).Compared to my first image the lighting I used for this image was natural lighting, I decided to use this as I thought that it looked a lot better when using the camera, I also wanted to switch it up from my front cover image were I used artifical lighting, I also used natural lighting because sometimes it makes people look harsher, and distorts their features, so therefore at this time natural lighting looked better when taking pictures of Will. I didn’t require much props as I didn’t want my image to be too busy, I liked how it look when it was simple. The clothing that will was using was up to date clothing, in the image he is wearing a black top, I decided to get will to remove his jacket, as I didn’t want the image to look exactly the same as my front cover image.
  • 15. Location Recce Permission Needed Contact needed to be made Evidence of this? I emailed Will asking him for permission to take photos of him and use them for my magazine. Will didn’t mind taking some time out of his day to take a couple of images. I emailed Willl asking him for permission to take photos of him and use them for my magazine. Will didn’t mind taking some time out of his day to take a couple of ima ges. Potential Hazards/Risks Location specific Why?  One potienal hazard would be loose trails of wires may be a hazard to tripping over.  As well as the different types of backgrounds which have been hanged up on the walls might not be secure therefore this could fall on the person I am taking a picture off.  Breaking the camera- if this would to happen pieces of the camera could be sharp, and harmful to you or other around you.  There could be a possibility of the bulbs in the artificial lights over heating, and smashing because of that therefore this could harm you or others.  No liquid-drinking ect near the pugs and the lights as this is danger to me and people I am taking pictures of.  Breaking the camera- if this would to happen pieces of the camera could be sharp, and harmful to you or other around you.  No liquids near any electrical equipment.  Location- Classroom.
  • 16. Photoshoot Plan. For my photoshoot, I decided to plan my for my images so I knew exactly what I was going to do. I choose to photograph both females and males, I did this so at the end I could decide which photo I liked best, and which fitted my genre of music, and the artist I was going to interview. So.. Finally I decided to use the photo of the two males, as they look similar, to the artist I am interviewing as well as their style was up to date, and fitted in with the whole image of what R&B and Rap is all about. Although, when looking at my magazine of inspiration, I preferred how that looked when it just had one person on the cover, I felt that my magazine would look better with just one person as then they are the main focus of my magazine.
  • 17. Photoshoot Plan. . Model Requirements: At first, I decided to have two female models, on my front cover and DPS as they were very similar looking to Arianna Grande and Beyoncé, although I decided to change this as I wanted my star artist to appeal to both genders, and I felt that having too females on my front cover would only really appeal to the female audience and not the male. So then I decided to use to males for my front cover and have them modelling as the artists/rappers “Krept and Konan” as both female and male like these artists, although when it came to creating my front cover and DPS I didn’t like the way the image looked with two people in the image, so then finally I decided to change my image to just one person and using the “Krept” interview, I prefer having just the one person on my front cover and DPS, as It draws the reader in and keeps the focus on the image. First idea Second Idea Final Idea
  • 18. Test Photography- Front Cover-FIRST IDEA Here is my test photography for my front cover, I decided to go with the single image of the person I took the photo of as, I think the image of just the one person, best appeals to my target audience and best stereotypically fits in with my music genre. I first decided to go with images of females, as I thought they would appeal more, I took images of two different females to see when comparing them which better fitted and suited the style of my magazine. Although, when it came to comparing to other magazines I felt mine wasn’t as strong as other due to them not being the person who I was interviewing in my magazine. I then came back and looked through my ideas and decided to change the pictures.
  • 19. Test Photos-Front Cover-SECOND IDEA- and DPS Here is my test photography, second idea for my front cover I took images of two boys, I decided to do this as I thought their style best fitted my music genre and their age etc. also best fitted my target audience of my magazine. Although, upon taking these images I decided NOT to use them, and came back to my work and looked at other magazine ideas for inspiration, as the quality of the images wasn’t at a professional standard, they were too far away from the camera so therefore when it came to photo shopping them onto my magazine, other conventions of the magazine seemed a lot bigger than the image of them that’s why I didn’t continue taking anymore images.
  • 20. Final Idea-Test Photograph-Front Cover and DPS. DPS-FINAL IDEA DPS-TEST Front Cover- FINAL IDEA Front Cove-TEST
  • 21. Simply Sound- Hand drawn drafts Front Cover and DPS.
  • 22. Strapline; I have decided to have my masthead in the left hand corner of the page, I have done this because I still want to include my logo although I want the artist to be the main attraction. I was inspired to do this my Q music magazine. Main image; for my magazine I have change the idea of having the artist cover the whole page, but I have decided to have the artist in the middle of the page, the reason for this is that this magazine is going to contain less images and more fun, inviting information I have done this as my magazine needs to appeal to all types of audiences. Barcode, price and date; I am keeping the barcode in the same place like Q magazine. Cover stories; I want to include more information about the content that can be found inside the magazine. Therefore I plan to include a small textbox with the name of one artist and their autograph inviting the reader in. This will be placed over the front cover subjects lower chest, as this is not considered as an important area that creates ‘star appeal’, as well as this it would still give the reader an insight as to what the magazine is about.. Puff Promotion; Instead of a puff promotion that reads ‘free gift’ I have included a ‘coming soon’ puff promotion as others who are willing to buy the magazine on a monthly basis may appeal to them more. I have ladled/coloured it in red in order to stand out. Simply Sound Hand drawn draft- Front cover .
  • 23. Main Interview; the main part of my interview is going to be to the right hand side of the page, I have done this because I feel that while the reader is reading the information about the star artist they are able to refer back to the image while they are reading. Pull Quote; Having a pull quote form my interview in bold, this will attract the readers to the quote which would get them interested in the interview, it also demonstrates what will be in the interview and what it is based on and who is it about. Page number; Will be shown on each page at the bottom corner or each page. Final Product I decided to go with.
  • 24. Sound Key- Hand drawn drafts front cover and DPS.
  • 25. Main Image of my magazine, I have chose to use my main image covering the whole of the magazine cover, The reason why I have done this is to convey what my magazine is about and what type of genre my magazine is.As well as this having the main artist covering the whole page, would also draw the reader into to reading the magazine as if the star artist appeals to them. Price, barcode and date: I am keeping the barcode in the same place inspired by Q magazine. Puff Promotion: This puff promotion will include a free gift, this is because other may not be as interested in what is coming soon therefore I want my magazine to attract as many readers as possible. By placing the puff promotion at the top of the page, when the magazine is picked up this will be one of the first things the reader will see, as well as the logo. Readers Requirements – I am going to have a list of well-know artist listed down the side of the page, gives other readers a chance to read the magazine if they aren't as interested in the ‘star artist’.I was inspired to do this by Q music magazine. Logo/masthead: I have decided to have my masthead in the left hand corner of the page, I have done this because I still want to include my logo although I want the artist to be the main attraction. I was inspired to do this my Q music magazine. Stars autograph: I am going to have the stars autograph on the front cover, underneath the image of the star I am going to have this typed in white font the reason for this is because its going to stand out against the background of the image of the artist.
  • 26. Images- I have decided to place all the Images above the text, the reason for this is that I don’t want the page to look to messy as well as this is also want to reader to be drawn to one part of the page and not have to look all around the page. Text: I have decided to have 2 blocks of text at the bottom of the page, the reason for this that I want the images above to correspond to the text below. Strapline: I am keeping the logo in the left hand corner of each page I am doing this so that my logo becomes recognisable to the reader when they go to buy another copy of my magazine. Main title: I have decided to have the main title of the interview right next to my logo the reason for this is because I still want my logo to be the last thing they remember, and as well as this it means that the title is covering the whole page focusing on the text and photos.
  • 27. Magazine Fonts-For both magazine ideas. Font Name Font Preview Font Usage Impact Headline - Headline - Main Article Title Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book Puff Promotion -Puff Promotion Eurostile Text -text and information such as interviews. Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book Puff Promotion -Puff Promotion Here I have created, the ideas of fonts I am going to be using for my magazine. I decided to use these fonts and styles for both of my ideas.I want to make sure that it is consistent throughout. I have also made sure that my font looks interesting as it would appeal/address to the target audience. I have chosen several fonts that will be used in my magazine, because some are easier to read than others when sized differently, although I didn't want my magazine to contain a lot of different fonts as it could just confuse the reader, and become messy.
  • 28. Graphic Layout-FRONT COVER-”Simply Sound”. Firstly, the main Image of my magazine, I have chose to use my main image covering the whole of the magazine cover, The reason why I have done this is to convey what my magazine is about and what type of genre my magazine is.As well as this having the main artist covering the whole page, would also draw the reader into to reading the magazine as if the star artist appeals to them. Artist autograph I have decided to include an artists autograph into each one of my magazines depending on the artists, although I have decided to not include it into every magazine I publish as this could become to repetitive for the reader, as well as this I’m going to include it into some of the magazines to invite/surprise them as one of their favourite artist autograph is on the page. House colours I have thought about my house colours and made sure that they appeal to each of my target audiences men and women, so I have gone with the theme of yellow, white and grey and added some red in there for my puff promotions to catch the readers eye. Price, I have decided to price my magazine at £3.25 as this is a affordable price for the age group my magazine fits into.
  • 29. Graphic Layout-FRONT COVER-”Sound Key”. Firstly, for my main Image of my magazine I have chosen to have the main image in the centre of the page as it will draw the reader straight to the picture. I have also chosen to not have the front cover too busy as it could distract the reader away from the star artist. As well as having text and information around the image, as for some readers the image might not be the most important thing on the page but the text/info is. The Logo I have decide to have my logo in the left hand corner I was inspired to do this my the music magazine Q. Cover Stories-I have also chosen to have the cover stories right next to the star artist, I have chosen to do this as when the reader, looks at the magazine cover they will look straight to the cover lines which would intense them to look inside. I am also including Puff Promotion-coveys how this would persuade the reader to read inside the magazine. Price the price of my magazine is going to be slightly more than my previous plan, as this magazine is going to contain more text than images although I am not going to price it too high as I still want it to be affordable.
  • 31. Graphic Layout-DPS-”Sound Key” Double page spread- I have decided to place everything on my double page spread like this as I feel it will draw the reader into reading the page,I have also decided to have my image on one side of the page, as readers will be more interested in reading my interview as my target audience are young they would’t want to read a lot of writing.. I have also decided to do this as it makes my content consistent throughout my magazine and means therefore this has an impact on the reader as they will remember my logo and hopefully they will begin to buy my magazine more frequently.
  • 32. House Styles Continued-”Simply Sound” These are the colors I decided to go with for my magazine front cover and DPS, the reason why I decided to go with these colors is because they best fitted in with my genre style, as well as fitting in with the different artists I am going to be featuring in my magazine. Red, and yellow are bold colors which means they are going to stand out against the black and grey colors in my magazine. I also decided to keep the red theme in, from my magazine of inspiration although, I would only use it for conventions such as the puff promotion, headings so that they will stand out. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity. Yellow is very effective for attracting attention, so use it to highlight the most important parts of my music magazine. http://www.color- meaning.html
  • 33. House styles-”Sound Key” Here are my 2nd magazine idea house colors, in the end I decided not to pick these colors for my magazine, as I felt that they didn't’t fit in with the genre of music I decided to go with, as I felt that these colors were too ‘calm’ and ‘simple’. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. The colour blue is often associated with depth and stability. meaning.html
  • 34. Steve Neale-1980 • “Genre’s are instances of repetition and difference”. • Some of the conventions I will be repeating in my magazine will be, the house style and color. The reason why I have decided to repeat my house color throughout my magazine and not change them, as I want my audience to become familiar with my house style/colors in order for them to recognize my magazine due to the colors in shops compared to other magazines. • As well as this I will also be keep the general layout of my front cover, although my DPS will be changing throughout each issue, I will be keeping my front cover layout the same as I want my magazine to be recognizable.
  • 35. House Style of magazine. • What am I going to keep the same in my magazine compared to my magazine of inspiration? Some the things I’m going to keep the same, which I was inspired by with my magazine of inspiration which is ‘Q music magazine’. • Strapline-I am going to keep where the masthead is placed on my magazine of inspiration I’m going to do this because I don’t want anything to cover my main picture as much and putting the masthead at the very top of the page will draw readers in to looking at it. • Masthead- I am going to keep the idea of having the logo large, and slightly coming in front of the artists face as the logo is a big part of my magazine and I want people to remember it. • House Colours- I am changing the house colours when it comes to my own magazine, and the majority of Q music magazine’s are normally dark with reds and blacks and greys.Therefore,I am going to use bright colours in order to attract peoples attention.
  • 41. Magazine Flat Plan "Sound Key”
  • 43. Production Plan-Pro-production materials. Launch Date – I have decided to release my magazine on the 1st November, as this is just in time for Christmas, I did this so that sales figures would increase around this time of year as well as, there was a lot of news in the music industry happening in November and late October such as artists getting ready to release Christmas Albums.
  • 44. MY TARGET AUDIENCE • Simply sound Target Audience: 15-18+ • Sound Key’s target audience:13-16+ • When it comes to psychographics my target audience would fit into Aspirers because they are SEEK STATUS. • When it comes to my theory my magazine best fits into Hartley as I am basing my magazine on around age,gender,and ethnicity. There there isn't a specific person who can read my magazine it is open to everyone. • Katz: When it comes to Maslow's theory my target audience would be come under ‘Diversion’ this is because they would read my magazine, so that they can escape from reality, such as everyday life whether that is school life, working or life in general. They would feel like they are not worrying about any issues they may have when they read my magazine. • Hartley’s 7 subjectivities; When it comes to Hartley’s theory I will be mainly focusing on age and gender for my magazine, by this I will be making my magazine accessible to both genders, as well as focusing on a particular age group I want my magazine to be aimed at- (Final Idea – 15-18+) Maslow’s Theory: ‘Social climbers’ ‘survivors’ and ‘explorers’. • My target audience would fit into the category ‘Explores’ this is where the audience are driven to change caused by social media, and everything which changes in the media. My target audience would fit into this category as they are driven by the change of media, making sure they keep up to date with the latest issues that are happening in the media industry. • They would also be a part of ‘Survivors’ as they will want the security and a routine of knowing that my magazine will be released monthly. • Socio-Economic Need: • My target audience for my magazine would full in to the categories E and D, this is because as they are of a young age they are likely to still be in education or in a semi-skilled workers, therefore they are unlikely to be earning a lot of money therefore this links in how I have priced my magazine, quite cheap so they will be able to afford it each month. • Psychographics: • My target audience would be aspires this is because they would look up to particular people, like their role models and aim to aspire to be like them.
  • 45. Target audience and Economic needs. Maslow- • ‘Social climbers’ ‘survivors’ and ‘explorers’. • My target audience would fit into the category ‘Explores’ this is where the audience are driven to change caused by social media, and everything which changes in the media. My target audience would fit into this category as they are driven by the change of media, making sure they keep up to date with the latest issues that are happening in the media industry. • They would also be a part of ‘Survivors’ as they will want the security and a routine of knowing that my magazine will be released monthly.
  • 46. Magazine Market Place. Who will my magazine be competing against? •My magazine will be competing against ‘Q music magazine’, the reason for this is because I was inspired by some of the features that Q magazine uses such as the placement of the logo, and the different sized fonts. What am I going to change/do to make sure that my magazine is more successful? •The main thing that I am going to do with my magazine, is that the price of my magazine is going to be a lot more cheaper, compared to ‘Q music magazine’ the reason for this is because my target audience are a lot under than Qs target audience therefore if I kept the price as the same as Q’s price I feel that my target audience wont be able to afford it because they would either be employed or have a small job that doesn’t pay a lot unlike Qs target audience. My Inspiration for my magazine.
  • 47. Step By Step-Creating My Front Cover. • Firstly, I created my front cover by using a template by creating one by file, new and using the international option which then gave me a blank page, secondly I dragged the ruler tool option down and created an brief outline of where I was going to place each convention of my magazine. Then after this I changed the color of my background to my house colors(which is grey), I then after this used the gradient affect so the background wans’t as harsh. • Next, I placed my logo which I had already created before, and made sure that the blue ruler lines where inside the logo and the side of the logo weren't going beyond the blue lines. I then began to insert two shapes one for my strapline and one for my puff promotion, and made sure that each time I added something in I named each layer. • After this I included texted, by using the pen tool to create a box, which meant when typing my text wouldn't’t go outside that box, and that when placing any images in that the text goes around the image nicely. After this I went onto a different document and opened up my front cover image, and began to use the quick selection tool to remove the background, after this I placed this image on to my front cover making sure I moved the image layer above my background layer in order for it to sit in front of the background and show up. Once I had positioned my image in correctly and balanced it out on the page, I used the bending tool on the image and blended the edges of the image so that it merges in with the background, and doesn't’t look like I have just placed the image in. • After this, I typed in some of my cover stories and made sure I labeled each layer corresponding to what each cover story was called, once I had done this is corrected the font style to how I wanted it and made sure that each word/phrase was in alignment with each other and that they were all the same size.
  • 48. Step by step-Creating My Front Cover. • As well as this I then began to create my barcode, I did this by created a white shape in order to back/board my barcode, after this is in ported a picture of a barcode that I had previously found, and inserted in a re-shaped it to size making sure that I held down shift and re-sized my image I did this so that I didn't’t pixilate the image. After getting my image of the barcode to the size that I wanted, I used the text tool, and just underneath the barcode, I typed out the following “issue 1, DATE and PRICE”. I then re-sized, and highlighted the text and used the arrows on the keyboard, and moved the text so that it was more in the middle of the barcode. • After this is imported images such as Facebook logo and twitter as well as my logo I then used the ruler tool to make sure that when positioning my smaller images for my barcode that they were all in-line with each other and as well as this they they were all the same size, and weren't too big.
  • 49. Step by Step-Creating My Front Cover. • After this I began to create my ‘puff promotion’ I did this by using the shape tool and picked the shape which looked like this the reason for this is I wanted to make sure that it stood out against my main image and doesn't’t get lost between all my other features. • Once I had created the shape that I wanted for my puff promotion, I used the filters on that shape and began to sharpen the shape even more so it would pop against the dark background, I then clicked on the text tool and filled in my puff promotion reading ‘ win a free iTunes voucher'. While doing this I made sure that I was labeling/renaming my layers. • When it comes to the main image, I have already sized the image to the correct size as well as this I have used to quick easer tool to get rid of the background, so now I have a cropped image, I then again clicked on filters and sharped it, as well as using the blending tool to blend the edges. Final product
  • 50. Step by Step-Creating my front cover. • Next, I began to look at my magazine of inspiration and used the shape tool to create rectangle boxes, I made sure the all the boxes were in line with each other using the ruler tool, after this Is type into each box artists and groups. Then I began to play around with the colour of the fronts, and decided to go with a black box and white text. • After this is began to perfect my main image, blurring out any imperfections.
  • 51. Step by Step-Double Page Spread. • Firstly, I started off with a blank template for my DPS, I then began to insert the ruler lines, using the ruler tool (ctrl r), I did this as it was copying the lay out from one of my ‘Q music magazines’ and new exactly where I was going to place everything. Starting of with my background, I went onto Google images and found a grey brick wall background, then inserted this onto my background only covering half the background as well as holding down shift while re-sizing so that the image didn’t pixelate. The on a separate document I insert the main image I was going to use and then using the quick selection tool and went around the two people in my image getting rid of the background, after I did the I dragged the image into my magazine and re-sized according to the size of the page, after this I went onto blending options and made sure all the edges of the image weren't harsh and blended well against the brick wall.
  • 52. Step By Step- Double Page Spread. • After this using the shape too I inserted a rectangle at the top of my page and filled it in with grey to match my house styles using the paint bucket tool. After this using the text tool I inserted all the text that I wanted making sure that the text layer was above the shape layer in order for it to show up. Then I began to adjust the colours of the text to fit my house styles as well playing around with the font. When inserting the text I used the ruler tool to make sure that everything was inline. • After this I began to move the ruler tools that I used for a guide and then started to insert my interview I had already pre-made but I began to use the text tool and by doing this it makes sure that my text goes around my images on the page as well as making sure the text doesn’t over lap with the images, once I didn’t this in double checked any spelling or punctuation errors before putting my interview into the magazine.
  • 53. Step By Step-Double Page Spread. • Next, I highlighted all the questions in bold, and then inserted a quote for affect. After this at the bottom of the page I added another text box and inserted a web link, and then added both page numbers.
  • 54. Front Cover-Both Ideas. Here are both my front cover ideas, I have changed the house colours from dark colours, to light, and change my masthead to fit in with the house colours of each magazine.
  • 55. DPS-ideas Here is my first double page spread Idea, I have used conventions based around my magazine of inspiration ‘Q music magazine'. I have also used my first idea for house colours which is Grey,Yellow,Black and white. I have also based the layout of my magazine from a page in Q magazine. Here is my 2nd magazine idea, I have also used the same magazine conventions as before, although I have changed my magazine house colours to Dark Blue, Light Blue, White and Grey. I have also based my magazine layout from a page in Q magazine. I then decided to change my DPS again as I felt, the headline, on my previous ideas, weren’t how I wanted them by this I wanted to make sure that they stood out as much possible so that it would catch the readers eye, and draw them into purchasing my magazine over my magazine competitors. I also decided to change my image on the left, to a single image as I felt with two people in the picture their bodies looked out of proportion, and the image was a long shot, therefore this wouldn't’t draw the reader in.So finally, I decided to change it to just having one person in the image and using a close up shot, to get the detail of the person, which conveys his facial expression and clothing which links to my music genre.
  • 56. “Simply Sound” vs “Q Music Magazine”(DPS)
  • 57. “Simply Sound” Vs “Q Music Magazine”
  • 58. Spending Power. Price-The price of my magazine would be around £3.25,the main reason for pricing my magazine at this price is because it is cheaper than my magazine of inspiration which is ‘Q Music Magazine’ I decided to price my magazine cheaper than Q and another magazine is so that my target audience would be able to afford my magazine. Although, for my first magazine I created then changed I was pricing my magazine at £1.50, the reason why I changed the price of this to £3.25 is because the magazine I was looking at to come up of the price of £1.50 was ‘We Love Pop’ and when comparing ‘We Love Pop’ with ‘Q Music Magazine’ the content between the two was completely different, this is why I decided to mix both contents together to come up with the content for my magazine. The purpose of a reader profile is to advertise the magazine and see what type of spending power they have. It also shows hat the readers like and enjoy to read. • Q magazine uses musical knowledge as the readers of the magazine take music very seriously and the writers take pride in their work. 33.8% of women read Q magazine and 66.2% of man as well as 83.8% of 15-34 year olds and 63.2% of people aged 35 years and over. •Therefore people are more likely to pay for the full cost of the magazine as they are most likely in full time work and can afford to pay for the magazine every other month. you-fallen-out-of-love-with-music-magazines
  • 62. Final Magazine Idea • Here is my final magazine front cover I decided to change my front cover, and go for this option instead as I preferred the background, as it fitted well with my, genre of music, the background fits best with the colour scheme, as well as not being too bold or bright so that it distracts readers from my main image, which I want to be the main focus point. • The colour scheme of my magazine is simple so that it doesn’t distract the reader away from the important conventions of my magazine, the use of the colours yellow and grey, with white, red and black. I decided to choose these colours on my magazine as I felt that they appealed to both genders. • I decided to use a close up image for my magazine, as the main focus point of my magazine will be the ‘Star Artist’ on the front of my magazine which also links the interview inside my magazine.
  • 63. Conclusion to LO3 In LO3, in order to produce my magazine, I firstly created a “Survey Monkey” which allowed me to find out what type of music my target audience are into, when they buy a magazine and how frequently they buy a magazine. I did this so that, I knew what type of music I should be featuring in my magazine as well what I was going to price my magazine at so that I knew what to price my magazine at so that it appealed to everyone. I then also created “4 graphic layouts” and “4 hand drawn drafts”. I did this so that I had a guide of how to layout my magazine DPS and Front Cover, so that it looked professional, when competing against other magazines. After this I came up with “2 color scheme Ideas”, so that I could match them up to my graphic layouts, to see which one looked better and best fitted the style and target audience of my magazine. Once I came up with my main color scheme, I then created a “magazine flat plan” I didn’t this so that I knew what how each page of my magazine was going to look like, ready for the publishers to create my magazine. After this is then began to create a step by step plan for my magazine, of how to produce my DPS and my Front cover. I then began to look into the technical parts of my magazine which were finding out what category my target audience would fit into such as I have found out that my target audience would be “Explores". My target audience would fit into this category as they are driven by the change of media, making sure they keep up to date with the latest issues that are happening in the media industry.
  • 64. Conclusion LO3. When it comes to my hand drawn drafts, I have decided to mainly go with my first idea I have drawn out although I have taken the idea of just having a image of one person on my front cover from my second idea. Idea 1: I will be using this layout, where I have placed all the conventions of the magazine. Idea 2: I will be taking the idea of just have a single image of my artist on the cover, instead of a picture of 2 people.

Editor's Notes