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Self Essay Examples
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Self Essay Examples" is a challenging endeavor that requires a
delicate balance between introspection and articulation. The difficulty lies not only in narrating
personal experiences but also in weaving them into a cohesive narrative that resonates with the
audience. One must tread carefully to avoid sounding boastful or self-centered, while still
presenting a genuine and authentic reflection of oneself.
The intricacy of this task is amplified by the need to strike the right tone – not too casual, yet
not overly formal. It demands a keen awareness of the audience and an ability to convey
personal growth and insights without delving into unnecessary details. The challenge is not just
in recounting events but in providing meaningful analysis and reflection on how those
experiences shaped one's character and perspective.
Moreover, the subjective nature of self-analysis introduces an additional layer of complexity. It
requires a level of self-awareness that can be both enlightening and uncomfortable. The writer
must navigate through memories, emotions, and thoughts, carefully selecting those that best
showcase their identity without straying from the main theme.
Assembling coherent paragraphs and structuring the essay is another hurdle. The narrative must
flow seamlessly, guiding the reader through the writer's journey without causing confusion or
disinterest. Striking the right balance between humility and confidence is crucial, as an overly
modest portrayal may undermine the purpose of the essay, while excessive self-praise could
alienate the audience.
In conclusion, composing an essay on "Self Essay Examples" is no simple task. It demands a high
level of introspection, narrative skill, and self-awareness to create a compelling and authentic
piece. The difficulty lies not only in recounting personal experiences but in presenting them in a
way that engages the reader and communicates a deeper understanding of oneself.
If you find yourself struggling with such a task, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and more can be ordered on, providing you with the support needed to
navigate the complexities of self-reflection in writing.
Self Essay Examples Self Essay Examples
Ruby And Sapphire Character Analysis
Indeed, it can be argued that, since Ruby and Sapphire are in a romantic
relationship, there is no need to include other and different types of LGBT
couples. Pearl is in love with Rose but is ultimately rejected as her romantic
interest is assimilated into the heteronormative, leaving her bitter and resentful.
Therefore, if, on one hand, the otherness of Rose as an alien is assimilated and
normalized as she enters the heteronormative by beginning a relationship with the
human male character Greg, Pearl s deviousness as not only alien but also
homosexual character condemns her to remain unhappy and alone. Still bound to
her idealized vision of Rose and unable to overcome her issues, Pearl develops a
crush for a human that looks just like her lost lover: the mysterious girl of Last
One out of Beach City. Their story, however, has not been resolved yet: the
mysterious girl s presence was just a one time occurrence and has not yet been
featured in successive episodes; moreover, she was not even given a name or any line
... Show more content on ...
Consequently, everyone who has not watched the episodes in which Ruby and
Sapphire un fuse can legitimately be oblivious of the existence of a stable lesbian
relationship in Steven Universe. On a different note, it can also be pointed out
how Garnet s condition as fusion is still unsettling and unusual for Homeworld
gems: in Log Date 7 15 12, Peridot asks Garnet to split because her presence is
making her incredibly uncomfortable. Even the character of Jasper is unable to
understand the relationship between Ruby and Sapphire because she can only think
of fusion as a weapon or, as she puts it, a cheap trick to make weak gems
Anne s Case
Anne s case study Anne is a 10 year old girl who has admitted to the emergency
department (ED) with the right iliac fossa pain. Further assessment has done for her
by the emergency registrar and appendicitis suspected. The surgical team decides that
she needs an appendectomy. Anne returns to the ward with an IV therapy and triple
IV antibiotics, morphine PCA, a nasogastric tube in situ on free drainage. Anne is an
older of the five children and her parents has a restaurant in the city. This essay will
discuss about the appendicitispathophysiology, the growth and development theories.
Moreover, this essay will discuss about how the nurse can provide a family central
care model and the... Show more content on ...
This model can help reduce the impact of illness for children and families by
encouraging all family members as well as health care workers to work together to
achieve the best outcomes for their child (Arango,2011). According to Kuo et al.
(2012), the main point of this model is respect and dignity, information sharing, and
participation. Firstly, a nurse must listen and respect the patient and caregiver for
their background, culture, values, and beliefs. Providing the welcoming, assessable
and responsive care to Anne and her family. Protecting privacy during consultation
and treatment time for Anne and her family. The nurse should not make any
assumption about Anne or her family s beliefs (Wilfred et al., 2012). The nurse need
to find out what Anne and her family know about health problem and treatment. This
is because planning and delivery of care will be affected by the patient and caregiver
s perspective, therefore, a nurse should be understanding Anne and her family s
concerns and put them into treatment and care with appropriate support for her and
her family members (Wilfred et al., 2012). By doing this the nurse will have the
benefit such as gaining the greater trust and respect from Anne and her family.
Secondly, the nurse should share all the useful information for patients and their
families. Anne is under age to
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Vertical Wind
The vertical wind turbine are designed with vertical rotor shaft a generator a gearbox
which are located at the bottom of the turbine and has various shapes that designed
the power of the wind in any direction the wind blows (VAWT), which may be as
efficient as current horizontal axis systems, might be practical, simpler and
significantly cheaper to build and maintain than horizontal axis wind turbines
(HAWTs). Advantages of VAWT:
They are always facing the wind
Have greater surface area for energy capture.  Are more efficient in gusty winds
Can be installed in more locations.
Do not kill birds because it is highly visible.
less expensive to build
low maintenance
Produce less noise
a vertical rotating shaft it has very good ... Show more content on ...
Without a tail vane, the machine rotor naturally tracks the wind in a
The more blades there are on a wind turbine, the higher will be the torque and the
slower the rotational speed. But turbines used for generating electricity need to
operate at high speeds, and actually don t need much torque. So, the fewer the
number of blades, the better suited the system is for producing power.
A one bladed wind turbine is the most efficient turbine design. This is because the
turbine blade sweeps 360 degrees before encountering its wake. However, only
having one blade causes many problems structurally and dynamically, so it is not
very feasible.
A two bladed turbine is the next most efficient because each blade sweeps 180
degrees before reaching the wake of the other blade, but you get something called
yaw chatter when the turbine rotates to face the wind. The yaw chatter cause noise,
vibration, and stress on the tower.
A three bladed wind turbine is the most efficient turbine design without having any
dynamic issues. This is why pretty much all large wind turbines these days are three
Analysis Of George S. Patton
George S. Patton was a U.S. Army General, who was know for his grit and
toughness. The kind of guy who was known for pouring his heart and soul into
everything he did. He was a man of many even self contradictory ways: He was a
noted horseman and polo player, a well known champion swordsman, and a
competent sailor and sportsman ... an amateur poet... a rough and tough soldier... a
thoughtful and sentimental man. Unpredictable in his actions, yet always
dependable... outgoing, yet introverted. (Charles M. Province)
He was also well known for his controversy and ability to rally the troops. His
speech to the third army was given June 5th, 1944 which was the eve of the allied
invasion of Europe. It was a chance for Patton to shine as a general.He knew he
would have to construct a speech for which listeners and future readers would be
struck by his harsh style, while incorporating his unstinting dependence of profanity.
But we must not be led to believe that Patton had not carefully rehearsed every
word, chosen precisely for its desired persuasive effect. Patton s address to the Third
Army repays attentive examination, and, when the problems it is designed to address
are identified, its brilliance and influence will become apparent. Yet, raising soldier s
moral raises a challenge: should a speech be a formal, incorporating articulate words
and sentence structure, or should it be vulgar and rife with profanities? Patton begins
the speech by mentioning how much Americans
The Columbine Massacre
The Columbine Massacre Were They Pushed or Did They Jump What would drive
two seemingly normal high schoolers to try and slaughter everyone they went to
school with? Was it the bullying, angst or video games and movies? Or none of the
above. As we examine what led up to one of the worst domestic terrorist acts in
American history I think we ll that find Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboldweren t your
average teenagers. In my opinion they were cold blooded killers who had every
intention to take as many lives as they could. At approximately 11:10 on April 20th
1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went to their high schooland carried out a
coordinated attack, killing twelve students and one teacher before eventually turning
the guns on themselves.... Show more content on ...
He makes statements like The pain multiplies infinitely. Never stops. Yet I m here,
STILL alone, still in pain. ... I d rather have nothing than be nothing. One of the
last pages in Dylan s journal was him and Eric s plan for the massacre and it goes
like this. Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17. Leave. Drive to clemete Park.
Gearup. Get back by 11:15. Park cars. Set car bombs for 11:18. Get out, go to
outside hill, wait. When first bombs go off, attack. Have fun! Dylan s journals
start off very suicidal and progressively more hateful until him and Eric are on the
same level and were set on completing their final mission. During their senior year
Eric and Dylan starred in a short film for a class called Hitmen for Hire where they
foreshadowed themselves walking around Columbine in their trenchcoats and talked
about relocating other students. Even though in the film they talk about killing other
students that are bullying another student, who hires Eric and Dylan for twenty
dollars a day to protect him, Eric says you know we can t have weapons on school
grounds. There are too many similarities to think that this short film for a class was
simply just that, I believe at this time (December 1998) the duo had a plan and they
were intentionally foreshadowing it through this
What Was The Role Of Thinking In The Renaissance
Starting with when man walked the Earth, human intuition and curiosity has played
a major role in our evolution. Humans have evolved to be the leading organism on
Earth. Our intellect and will to progress has made us the modern society that we are
today. Every day, someone in our world is creating something new. They may be
using old techniques to accomplish their goal. There is also a possibility that they
have created a new way of reaching that objective. The renaissanceis evidence that
humans, for a long time, have improve themselves, whether it s older ways of
thinking or new ways.
The Renaissance translates to rebirth. During this time European civilization surged
towards interest in classical scholarship and values. Discovery of new continents,
decline in the feudal system, and the ability to print were only but a few derivatives
from this epic time in ... Show more content on ...
Humanism was an intellectual movement expressed by those involved in the new
time of rebirth. People that were considered secular developed the scholastic
philosophy. Their way of thinking was completely different from the people with
sacred beliefs. Humanism had a strong and fruitful beginning in Italy. Renaissance
icons like Dante, Erasmus, and Petrarch were major Humanist. They believed in
significant features associated with humanism. ( Renaissance ).
Intelligence wasn t the only thing that made the Renaissance great. Artist and
sculptors made mindboggling creations. Through art, the Renaissance achieved a
cutting edge panicle. Art allowed men like Leonardo da Vinci to express himself,
and showcase his brilliance. His art is what places him as one of the most well
know people in human history. Great sculptors like Raphael, Donatello, and
Michelangelo expressed themselves using their picks and stone. Many of their great
works are still stand today. These artist valued nature, and was inspired to create
different pieces due to it.
Major Themes Of The Mahabhira s Mahbharata
In order to explain why Yudhisthira is tested and not his four brothers, one needs to
understand the major theme of the Mahbharata. In one of the final scenes of the
Mahbharta Yudhisthira proves himself and is rewarded with life after life. The best
way to understand the importance of Yudhisthira and his dog is to first summarize
the story. Then the story can be interpreted to show why this story exemplifies the
major theme of the rest of the epic.
Despite the complexity and length of the Mahabharta, it seems to have one over
arching theme. This theme is dharma or more specifically fulfilling you dharmatic
duty. I think that dharma includes both the themes of duty and loyalty. Any other
presented themes in the Mahabharta seem to relate ... Show more content on ...
Krishna calls Arjuna to take up his arms to fight and helps him realize the answer to
his question of the morality of taking up arms against one s kin.
The thing about Dharma is that it follows your status or your duty in life. This is
important to differentiate because there is a difference between the dharma of a
warrior and the dharma of a king. While in a traditional sense, dharma simply is an
individual s responsibility to fulfill their duties. The duties of a warrior and king
are vastly different and so dharma can have diverse ramifications to its application
on an individual s life. A person s dharma is what is right for that specific person to
do but what is right for them might be an affront to someone else s dharma. A range
of factors such as caste, wealth or heritage combine to determine what constitutes
dharma for an individual. A good interpretation of this is that in a general sense
dharma of the Kshatirya is somewhat hypocritical. In a general sense, one s
dharmatic duty in society to condemn violence and taking of a life. However, the
specific dharma of the warrior caste demands responsibility for the kingdom and
therefore requires as a duty the destruction of enemies. The explanation of this
dilemma is given extensively in the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna in the
Bhagavad Gita. Where Arjuna, a hero, doubts fighting his cousins before consulting
Krishna. Krishna explains that there is a higher destiny for Arjuna and to choose
Case Study On Instruction Versus Collaboration
Case Analysis
Instruction versus collaboration
Greg Chappell followed an instruction based coaching style, characterised by an
authoritarian, dogmatic, dictatorial, my way or the highway coaching style, whereas
Gary Kirsten followed a collaborative style, which is more participative and ranges
from democratic to laissez faire.
The overall results of a research(titled An Integral Approach to Coachingin Elite
Sport ) carried out by Paddy Upton) showed a statistically significant difference
between the coaches style and the players preferred style, with the players preferring
less instruction based coaching and more collaboration (Figure 1).
Overall coaches style
Instruction vs. Collaboration
Overall players preference ... Show more content on ...
Performance Focus
A personal coaching focus has its primary focus on the individual as a person, with
their performance as the secondary focus, whilst a performance focus is primarily on
sporting performance/behaviour and/or actions, and secondarily on the individual
from whom the performance emanates.
When coaching for mental toughness in cricket, the focus must be extended to
include a personal focus, rather than focusing on performance alone. Gary Kirsten,
who represented South Africa in 101 test matches, sums this up; When you walk out
in a tight situation on the fifth day of a test match, what is tested is more the person
than his skills (Sunday Times, 2004).
Greg Chappell followed a rigid strategy. Chappell s critics felt that he lacked the
people skills and human touch that were so necessary for a coach to succeed. There
was also a feeling that Chappell was much too interested in preserving his own power
equation in the team. Also he was insensitive to the pertaining team culture. His
experimental approach ended up in disturbing the order and performance of the team
Good Coaching vs. Bad
Masculinity In The Maltese Falcon
Within comptemporary society, there are many ways to define gender. Gender
includes all the characteristics that differentiate masculinity and femininity. The
existence of masculinity create problems for every men because they are constantly
pressured to behave in a certain way in order to look masculine. In the story The
Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett, masculinity is negatively depicted as
problematic toward men. In this story, the author displays the negativity of
masculinity through the conduct, manliness and reputation of the main character.
To begin, the author depicts masculinity negatively through the conduct of the main
characters. In Hammett s story The Maltese Falcon , the main character, Sam Spade
is a person who does not ... Show more content on ...
To sum up, Dashiell Hammett s story The Maltese Falcon , clearly and successfully
depicted the negativity of masculinity as problematic toward men through the
conduct, the reputation and the manliness of the main character. The main character
had many trouble and difficulties because of masculinity. Sam Spade might have
avoided those problems and difficulty if he did not try to be so masculine. Although,
socially a man is made to act masculine, the most important are the benefits and the
consequences of acting that
Sodium Hydroxide Reaction Lab
Experiment to investigate the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to neutralize the
solution of vinegar
CH3COOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) CH3COONa(aq) + H2O(l)
(Reaction between sodium hydroxide and solution of vinegar, which produces an
aqueous solution of sodium acetate and water)
Approximately 8.8ml of sodium hydroxide will be required to neutralize 100ml of
acetic acid. ( of vinegar lab answers/)
1. Burette2. Funnel
3. Pipette4. Phenolphthalein
5. Conical flask (100cm^3)
8. Solution of vinegar (0.5mol/L)
6. Clamp stand ... Show more content on ...
Type of container (100cm3 of glass conical flask).
Number of drops of phenolphthalein dropped in to the solution of vinegar.
Temperature of the place where the experiment took place.
1.Measure 25ml of acetic acid and pour it inside the conical flask.
2.Place a burette on the conical flask and then hold it by using a clamp stand.
3.Measure 50ml of Sodium Hydroxide and pour in to the burette (use funnel, and
remove after use).
4.Add 4 drops of phenolphthalein in to the prepared acetic acid, and check whether
the color changes to dark pink.
5.Check whether it is ready or not, and then open the burette to start neutralize the
acetic acid. (Check the progress by change in colour)
6.When it is almost neutralized, pour possible minimum amount of sodium hydroxide
for a fair result.
7.Repeat the same experiment several more times (at least 4) to calculate the average
amount of sodium hydroxide, which is required to neutralize the solution of vinegar.
The Effects Of Fossil Fuels On The United States
In the United States, a sustainable society is desired by virtually every citizen,
especially the ones informed of the consequences caused by our wanton use of fossil
fuels and the detrimental methods used to extract them from the earth. Nevertheless,
despite almost universal acceptance of the need to turn away from nonrenewable and
polluting energy sources, there are forces preventing that switch. One of those forces
is the megalith that is our current energy paradigm, or the existing energy production
/consumption infrastructure that we ve built which runs largely on nonrenewable
resources. Yet, as daunting as a transition to a world run on renewable energies like
solar, an energy source with significant growth potential, may seem from a
technological and logistical standpoint, it is eminently feasible. The most problematic
hurdle the United States faces is, in truth, political stagnation. While intense lobbying
efforts from the fossil fuelindustry and public utilities don t help, the gridlock caused
by the inherent framework of the U.S. political system is principally to blame for
governmental malaise when it comes to investing in green technology. However, with
increasing concerns over environmental degradation and impending climate change,
progress has been made. The U.S. Department of Energy (USDE) has appointed 25
cities across the country to be part of its Solar America City initiative, including
Philadelphia. Philadelphia, which aims to become the leading city in
Holden Caulfield Satire
J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye has become a classic novel of literature. It is
one of the best selling novels because of its humour, its criticism of the middle class
society and their values, and the word choice in which Salinger captures the
idiomatic speech and vocabulary. The Catcher in the Rye will take you by surprise as
you shelp along with the main character, Holden Caulfield, as he travels around New
York City. The book is certainly one of the novels to a lot of debate and controversy,
however this is what makes it so captivating to read. Although The Catcher in the Rye
isn t everyone s cup of tea, I personally found it relatable and engrossing. It contained
a lot of brutal reality along with humour, contrasting with moments... Show more
content on ...
Others would consider this as a psychological ground for such a short novel but
Salinger dives deep into Holden s spiritual inner self over 200 pages.
Although Holden sees the world as a cruel and uncaring place, the book presents it
in a way for kids to delve safety into the real issues at the heart of being an
adolescent. Others can learn so much about what kind of people exist in the world
and what kind of person they want to be by living through Holden s actions and
dilemmas. Holden s character allows others to examine their own behaviour as well
as their insight into the world of adolescence and adulthood.
Holden s three days are his propulsion, pushing him forward out of his view of
humanity. In the end he breaks through his angst, finding inspiration through the
innocence of his beloved sister, Phoebe. It is quite sad that this moment of
reclamation receives less attention compared to the rest of the book. However in the
end, Holden doesn t give up on the world which can be interpreted as Salinger s
Stereotypes Of Single Parents In Television
When picturing what an ideal family on television is shown as, we would picture
the family that we see on television shows often, the functional and ecstatic family
composed with the typical members: mom, dad, and two to six children. What
happens if the family is separated by death or divorce? Will being raised by a single
parent affect how the child is raised? These single parent families are a stereotype
that is now trending in television. The parent of this familyis usually shown facing
the challenges of single parenthood, working full time jobs, while also raising two
to six children in their household that they also have to maintain. Humor as well
as stereotypes for single parent families has changed during the years. Comedy can
change the way that a single parent is viewed in the world and television shows
such as The Andy Griffith Show (1960 1968), Full House (1987 1995), Gilmore
Girls (2000 2007), and The Vampire Diaries (2009 2017), as well as many other
shows. The depiction of single parent families has changed in a more open minded
way for people through the years.
A typical single mom in television is seen as struggling women on welfare with
children that misbehave and have undesirable characteristics. In an HBO
documentary called, Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert,
shows the life of a non stereotypical mom. In the documentary, she tries to start her
life the right way by getting married and gaining the courage to have three kids with
Analysis of Bradbury s Dandelion Wine
Dandelion Wine After reading Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, I became more
aware of the magic of summer and what it means to truly live. The novel gave me a
new perspective of thee idea that life is like summer where you re alive and feel
free, but how it sadly doesn t last forever. The novel opened me up to the idea of
looking at person s mental age instead of their physical age. The novel follows the
path of Douglas, a twelve year old boy living in Green Town, Illinois. In the novel,
Douglas strives to enjoy his summer and to live his life to its fullest. In his
adventuring, he becomes more aware of the nature of the world and tries to make
sense of life and death. At the same time, Douglas sees people as machines that serve
a... Show more content on ...
Douglas is crushed by John s news, and he deals with the loss of his friend by
getting angry with John. Afterwards, Colonel Freeleigh dies, and Douglas feels a
great loss. He comes to realize that the colonel s legacy has died with him. As
August starts, Douglas begins to lose his enthusiasm in summer. However, his
grandfather is able to raise his spirits with dandelion wine. The dandelion wine that
he makes with his brother Tom and his grandfather represents the spirit of summer
that Douglas loves so much. Eventually the thought of death begins to haunt
Douglas. He witnesses the brief relationship between Bill Forrester and ninety five
year old Helen Loomis. Although their ages are far apart, they talk together every
day for weeks, as if seems that their minds are perfect for each other, although it
ends when Miss Loomis dies. In the end, Douglas comes to terms with death and
that summer is coming to an end although he reflects on what he s observed
throughout the summer and looks on never forgetting the magic of life that summer
brings through the power of dandelion wine. I found Ray Bradbury s novel really
eye opening. I thought the parallel of people with machines along with the parallel
of life and summer to be engaging. When I was first reading Dandelion Wine, I
thought it was it was going to be primarily about Douglas summer and his childish
adventures. However, I was glad to find that the novel
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy On The Feelings
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy focusses on the feelings that impact behavior.
The importance is on receptiveness of the couple to the emotional needs that arise
when discussing their issues and finding solutions to the conflicts. A couple is helped
to recognize and understand their connection and need for attachment. This therapy is
centered on the theory that couples childhood experiences strongly influence the
couple s behavior in the relationship. In order for this therapy to be effective the
professionals in the human service field must be competent in many facets. They
must be able to use non verbal and verbal skills of communication, use reflective
techniques and ask closed and open ended questions. In addition the counselor...
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In her mind she thinks that if Josh had a glimpse of what she perceives is here true
self, he would leave her. Susan fails to recognize how her behavior effects Josh.
Verbal and non verbal communication forms the interactions that a person has with
others. Susan recognizes the important role that communication plays in enhancing
positive outcome in their counselling session. Susan s verbal and non verbal
communication allow the couple to quickly become comfortable with her and open
up about their feelings. Susan always faces the person that is talking and she
maintains a proper amount of eye contact with that person. Not making eye contact
gives the perception of not caring and excessive eye contact can make a person
uncomfortable or feel intruded upon. Susan maintains a soft demeanor throughout the
session by speaking in a calm comforting voice and having a relaxed posture. This
non verbal communication gives the couple the perception that Susan genuinely cares
about what they have to say. Susan asks the couple to describe their relationship and
how each individual feels about the state of the current relationship. She is constantly
showing the couple that she understands what is being said by verbally
communicating to them the emotions they must have felt in the situations they are
describing. She expresses empathy by saying statements like I hear you or I
understand which gives the couple reassurance that they are being heard and she
cares about their
The Accounting Policies Of The United States
2.Significant Accounting Policies
A)Basis of accounting
Both the U.S. GAAP and IFRS both have similar requirements when it comes to the
basis of accounting. This means that they both place a heavy emphasis on fair
values, essentially implying that Chris does not need to address the basis of his
company s policies. In addition, both standards require companies to inform the
public regarding any uncertainties in the accounting records. However, Chris was
already given sufficient information for the conversion in the Basis of Accounting
section, as the accounting policies were applied by each consolidated company
consistently to all relevant periods. Therefore, Chris is able to transition the company
s basis of accounting with no other ... Show more content on ...
Other than bank overdrafts, however; Chris should have enough information to
convert cash and cash equivalents to IFRS.
C)Accounts Receivable and Other Receivables
Chris first objective in analyzing his firm s receivables is to understand how they are
recorded. The International Standards require receivables to be measured at fair value
with an amortization cost. However, Chris was not given this information in his
financial records. Still, what he was given is that Ruckman analyzes accounts
receivable based on transaction history and creditworthiness of the customer,
suggesting that the firm s receivables are done per case, and thus cannot be lumped
together. With that, Chris can move forward knowing that accounts receivable are in
accordance with IFRS.
Inventory is known as the single most important item on a balance sheet. Every
business contains inventory, and Ruckman, Inc. is no exception. With the concept of
inventory come the different types of cost methods, including: last in first out (LIFO),
first in first out (FIFO), and the weighted average cost. With such an important item,
it is understandable that both standards allow and prohibit different types of costing
methods due to certain reasons. The major difference between the two is the
allowance of the LIFO method, which is only allowed by GAAP. This method allows
companies to highlight
Essay On Campus Engagement
Campus Engagement Report Astonishing, stunning, remarkable, spectacular,
phenomenal: All words to describe my experience attending agriculture and biology
related activities on college campus this past month. When I was assigned this
assignment, I thought there would only be a few events to choose from, but after
looking at the potential activities I could attend, I was awestruck by how many events
that were held on campus. Little did I know that there so many opportunities for me
to get involved in college. This engagement assignment helped me become more
comfortable on campus and more familiarized with what is happening on campus.
Three events I would like to highlight in my experience are the Ag. and Bio Ice
Cream Social, SDSU... Show more content on ...
I haven t done much in the club so far, but there are multiple opportunities for me to
get involved in the future. I already met so many new friends through this club and
I can tell these people will be my friends until the day we graduate from college. By
going to some of the Collegiate FFA/Ag. Education meetings, I learned of different
engagement opportunities and made new friends as well. The last engagement
activity I would like to highlight is the Career Fair. I think so far the Career Fair is
one of the most important events I have participated in. At this fair, students can
talk with businesses and companies to discuss potential job opportunities and
internships. The week leading up to this event, I didn t think there would be much
to offer since I m just an Agriculture Education major. Later that week, some
speakers from Land O Lakes spoke in one of my classes to inform us on what their
business is all about and the job opportunities they have to offer. This really
sparked my interest to at least talk to them at the career fair. Also, one of my friends
talked to me about the new Agriculture Education internship at Riverview this
summer. I did some research on this job opportunity and it is definitely something I
m interested in. If I did not attend the Career Fair and talk to the people I did, I
probably would
Geoffrey Chaucer s Primary Sources
Geoffrey Chaucer formed the incomplete work, The Canterbury Stories. It is seen as
extraordinary compared to other effortless works in English. Essayist Geoffrey
Chaucer was considered around 1340 in London, Britain. In 1357 he transformed into
an open worker to Royal lady Elizabeth of Ulster and continued in that farthest point
with the English court every through hey lifetime. Craftsman Geoffrey Chaucerwas
considered around 1340, more likely than not at his people s home on Thames
Road in London, Britain. Chaucer s family was of the working class, slipped from
a well to do family who benefitted in the London wine trade. As demonstrated by a
couple of sources, Chaucer s father, John, carried on the family wine business.
Geoffrey Chaucer is acknowledged to have gone to the St. Paul s Church School,
where he probably first wound up evidently comfortable with the intense composed
work of Virgil and Ovid.
Throughout the period, Chaucer transformed into an open specialist to Royal lady
Elizabeth of Ulster, the Duke of Clarence s life partner, for which he was paid a
little stipend enough to pay for his food and clothing. In 1359, the secondary school
Chaucer took off to fight in the Hundred Years War in France, and at Rethel he was
gotten for convey. Due to Chaucer s grand affiliations, Lord Edward III helped pay
his installment. After Chaucer s release, he joined the Illustrious Administration,
going all through France, Spain and Italy on vital
Hamlets Attitudes Towards Death In William Shakespeare
In a following speech Hamlet s disposition towards the world persists, yet his
attitude towards death has undergone a transformation. Previously, Hamlet was quick
to proclaim his desire to die, but by the third act he s become uncertain. This
hesitation becomes apparent in Hamlet s To be or not to be speech (3.1.56 90). With
those opening words, Hamletdebates whether he should exist or not. The fact that
this is still a question for him shows that he continues to be displeased with life.
Hamlet asks himself, Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing
end them? To die to sleep. This reveals a new concern that Hamlet has, he doesn t
ask what is best for him to do, but rather what is nobler, which makes it apparent that
he s concerned with maintaining his character. Even though he maintains the desire
to escape the world and the experience in it, he still cares about the image that he
leaves behind. Subsequently, Hamlet uses war like diction, comparing life to war
with slings and arrows which makes life intolerable. This just reaffirms the ideas
Hamlet has had throughout the play, however, a shift transpires when he mulls over
the idea that deathis like being asleep. A problem arises when he realizes that even
when you sleep you experience, To sleep; perchance to dream: Ay, there s the rub.
This could be easily misinterpreted as Hamlet hoping to dream, but perchance
Women s Roles In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Women s roles throughout history, as well as literature, have been constantly
changing throughout the times. In the beginning, women are property and the only
function they served was to have children and take care of the men and their
households. However, the roles of women changed throughout each passing year.
Middle Ages England saw a slight change, and it is reflected in their poetry and
literature. This is prevalent in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where a woman
helps to drive the plot of the poem. However, this poem also highlights the
misogynistic view of not only the wife in the poem but of all women as well. This
belief was highlighted in the poem due to the societal viewing of women during
the time of the poem s origin. During the Middle Ages, women only had two
occupations that they could uphold: wife and mother or nun (Bovey, Women in
Medieval Society). Society expected women to get married in their youth, and then
have as many children as they could in order to have the children help around the
house or farm. On the other hand, if women did not want to go through the horrors
of childbirth, then they could join the church and become a nun or later Abbess
(Bovey, Women in Medieval Society). However, becoming a nun was still much
like becoming a mother, due to the duties of the Abbess to the monasteries. The
Abbess has to not only take care of her fellow nuns but also has to take care of the
friars because of her superiority (Bovey, Women in Medieval
Examples Of Symbology 101
Symbology 101 If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a symbol is worth a
thousand pictures. ~ symbolism ~ Noun ~ : the art or practice of using symbols,
especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the
invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representation Proverbs
14:8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is
deceit. Hello Welcome: Ladies Gentlemen Boys Girls from Around the World.
First and foremost, I am Tim and this is Symbology 101. Initially, this brief decode
video is discussing the application of symbols and examining a few extremely
common examples of gestures and images. Symbology 101 will only serve as a
basic and fundamental introduction to this subject matter which will therefore serve
as a premise for future videos on the topic. Some of these images and gestures may
be disturbing, so for protective measures, now may be an excellent time to pause this
video and pray for discernment in the Spirit and for Our Father s Confirmations....
Show more content on ...
That is to say, there will never be a substitute for the genuine article, just as there is
only ONE real MR. T! Do not be fooled by the exoteric meanings and values of the
mimics and diversionary values for countless symbols and gestures. Decoys and
enticing definitions may be appropriated to certain images or gestures but let us not
be so quick to jump to our conclusions. The devil is comparatively more often in the
details than just simply floating atop the surface of perception. Future videos will
dig much deeper into more examples and delve further into the details of how to
decode with accuracy in this realm. Naturally, some fundamentals need to be
addressed in order to have a proper foundation in this first video on the
St Vincent De Paul Mission Statement
St Vincent de Paul The Society of St Vincent De Paul are a voluntary organization
with the catholic church. St Vincent de Paul society strive to achieve there goal,
which is to educate Catholic social teaching, and to apply the knowledge they have
in catholic social teaching to help and find a way to care for others. St Vincent de
Paul let no injustice go unchallenged and mention in their mission statement saying
that they aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love,
respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and
compassionate society. You can find many outreach programs supported by local
councils and conferences, addressing social needs for social... Show more content on ...
In 2016 St Vincent de Paul released a report called the ache for homes , calling for a
comprehensive national strategy, to tackle housing affordability and prevent
homelessness. Lead by CST Preferential option for the poor they play a role in
helping the homeless. St Vincent de Paul even offer a way for you to help get
involved by donating and volunteering, to fight homelessness in Australia. St Vincent
de Paul provides help for not only those physically in need but mentally, almost 1 in 5
Australians have experienced mental health disorder. St Vincent Care help those
Australians with mental issues by supplying them with accommodation, but most
importantly support. Vincentcare encourage those in need to develop skills needed,
such as people skills, social skills and independence. St Vincent Care offer 24 hour
support, shared and social housing and activities that widen their network and
confidence in everyday environments. St Vincent Care are non reliant on medical
services but on the principles of social justice and community
The Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty Essay examples
In the world we as people live in violence. Violence has gotten so out of control that
it has affected everyone. The one thing about violence is that it also leads to
crimes. And crimes leads to some people being imprisoned, while others are put on
death row. But if crimes are crimes, what makes them minor or major? Who
decides if they are minor or major? Nowadays minor and major crimes are being
pushed together. For example, someone gets shot and the shooter gets 5 years in
prison. But if someone is raped it cannot be proven and the victim is left suicidal
while the rapist goes about their day. Both are major crimes but one has a sentence
and the other one does not. With this happening in the world it makes me wonder if
we as the people... Show more content on ...
30). The community as a whole should already have what crime gets the death
penalty. If it takes a lot of money to make sure that this particular crime was
committed by the right person then so be it. It should not matter whether it takes
another month or so to be accurate with the crime committed. Also Robinson adds
Some experts believe deciding to limit the death penalty will no longer make it a
potential deterrent to criminals (Robinson par. 24). If the death penalty is restricted
then there is no hope of it having an effect on the population a little as time passes.
Robinsons also wrote about how the death penalty should be used:
More discriminate use of the death penalty reserving its use for only highly
aggravated crimes, the worst of the worst will lessen the risk of flawed convictions
and sentences and ensure that those who really deserve to be on death row will be
executed. [There shouldn t be restriction to the death penalty because] ... the capital
punishment system will remain flawed and it is more likely that less deserving or
innocent prisoners will be convicted and put on death row. (Robinson par. 7)
In life there is always going to be something that is flawed with the death penalty.
The reason being is because of human error. Human error happens a lot and
sometimes it
Loss Of Identity In T. S. Eliot s The Hollow Men
The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot could not be any truer with the messages of modern
society. Reading Hollow Men, the average person can find almost all of the
messages applying to modern day times. Especially in a high school setting. It was
obvious that Eliot was far ahead of his time when he nailed society on the head about
its imperfections. Three messages that Eliot portrays in The Hollow Menare: the self
identity crisis, the loss of faith, and the incredible force of skepticism. In which line
does The HollowMen show that humans suffer from loss of identity? Well, in lines
31 and 32 he gives a dark image of how fake people are. Let me also wear such
deliberate disguises. (Hollow 31 21) Now, the descriptive word that Eliot used is
deliberate. That means people purposely hid their true selves from the outside world.
In Worland High, countless students wear these deliberate disguises in fear of the
awful judgement that they may receive. However, it is not only students who are
cautious.... Show more content on ...
Form prayers to broken stone. (Hollow 51) People still pray, but it s to nothing. As
in nothing meaning, they do not truly believe that praying will work. Many children
are raised up in a religion, and think nothing of them. There are followers and then
there are religious followers. Religious followers really believe and have faith in
their religion, will the others follow blindly, and could care less about their
religion. Eliot informs his readers about how the majority is only followers and
continue to get worse. In today s modern society, this is very true, Atheists and
Agnostic Atheists are very common. Perhaps it is because of the progression in
science proving many religious events to not be possible. Then again, is this
necessarily a good or a bad thing? Everyone is entitled to their one beliefs, just
because someone doesn t believe in God, does not mean they do not have
Are Pat-Downs and Full-Body Scans as Airport Security
I believe that the pat downs and full body scans at the United States airports are too
much. Many people oppose it and it is receiving negative reception. (Stellin) There
is an issue of privacy when it comes to pat downs and full body scans. People do not
want their body to be groped or scanned in a way which shows nude images of them.
Another thing about this new security practice by the Transportation Security
Administration(TSA) is that it is time consuming, so travelers have to go through the
unpleasant chore of having to go through security longer. I believe that the
Transportation Security Administration is violating traveler s privacy and their
solution in making the airways safe is too excessive. I looked at many articles, videos,
... Show more content on ...
He says I am eliminating as many flights as I can. He is expressing his dismay over
the new security and in response he would be taking fewer flights. These two
sources demonstrate the outrage the public has about the new security the TSA is
forcing upon its travelers. To see why this security is looked down upon by travelers
I decided to read someone s blog who received firsthand experience with the new
Before reading the blog I was aware I would be reading raw information so whatever
the author puts on his blog may not be what really happened at the airport. The author
acknowledges this in the beginning of his post. As written in his blog:
I m writing this approximately 2 1/2 hours after the events transpired, and they are
correct to the best of my recollection. I will admit to being particularly fuzzy on the
exact order of events when dealing with the agents after getting my ticket refunded;
however, all of the events described did occur. (TSA Encounter at SAN)
He admits there may be flaws recalling his account so he is being transparent. He
also does not provide his name or contact information so he loses accountability. In
his blog he has videos or direct evidence of what transpired at the airport so that adds
reliability to his account. Although he tries to tell an honest account of his
Snowboarding Changes
It is strange that over time your view on a simple thing, such as snow can change
so much over the years. As a child, I loved snow! I loved the way it fell from the
sky, falling in swirling patterns as I ran around trying to catch one on my tongue.
It was a quite a process for my mother to put all the clothing that she thought was
necessary. Once this was done, I would run out and open the gate for the dogs, we
owned five, they would stick their nose in the snow then slingshot it towards my
direction. We would continue this until I grew tired then I would throw a tennis ball
for them. I would throw the ball and watch it get buried in the snow. Then the dogs
would run in the general direction the ball was thrown and commenced digging in the
... Show more content on ...
After spending two years in a tropical climate, coming home to a dry and cold
climate seems cruel. Especially when I have to walk from my apartment to my
various classes. But, once again my view on snow has changed once again when
my friend invited me to go snowboarding with him. It was the first time that I went
snowboarding. I was feeling confident. because I know how to skateboard and I
thought I would be able to transition my skills fairly easily. We set out to my
roommates house to pick up his cousin and the snow gear for me. From there we
went to the resort; once we got all our gear one we walked to the bunny hill lift. It
looked simple enough, all you had to do was hold on to a rope that would pull you
and the board up the hill. So I was partly strapped in my board ready to grab on the
rope. Once I grabbed on the force pulling me forward surprised me, I bent this way
and that eventually falling down. This happened two more times until I gave up
and walked the rest of the way up the hill. I like to say the bunny hill went better,
but it didn t. I soon realized that my skills as a skateboarder did not transition well.
I fell many times and there were no signs of me getting better. After we ran the
bunny hill a few times my roommate took me to the intermediate sloop. From the
bottom of the hill I looked up at the steep slope and I thought I was going to die if I
went down that hill. Getting on the lift was not as difficult as I thought, I jusr sat
down and slid my board off the hill. The anticipation was building going up the hill,
because the lift kept stopping, making the ride even longer. I started out really
well, Sliding down the hill is a ziz zag formation. Then I made my first big mistake. I
was feeling a little more confident in my skills and decided to go a little faster. Once
I decided to do this my snowboard went over a patch of ice. The board slipped out
from under my and I rolled und
Chapter 22 Apush Key Terms
Marcus Pando
Period 4
Chapter 22 Key Terms
Describe and state the historical significance of the following:
7.Freedmen s Bureau Initiated by President Abraham Lincoln and was intended to
last for one year after the end of the Civil War. At the end of the war, the Bureau s
main role was providing emergency food, housing, and medical aid to refugees,
though it also helped reunite families. Later, it focused its work on helping the
freedmen adjust to their conditions of freedom. Its main job was setting up work
opportunities and supervising labor contracts.
8. Exodusters
Was a name given to African Americans who left the south[Kansas] in 1879 and
1880. After the end of Reconstruction, racial oppression and rumors ... Show more
content on ...
In Reed v. Reed (1971), the Supreme Court ruled that laws arbitrarily requiring sex
discrimination violated the Equal Protection Clause. The amendment also includes a
number of clauses dealing with the Confederacy and its officials.
17.Reconstruction Act
After the end of the American Civil War, as part of the on going process of
Reconstruction, the United States Congress passed four statutes known as
Reconstruction Acts. The actual title of the initial legislation was An act to provide
for the more efficient government of the Rebel States and it was passed on March 2,
1867. Fulfillment of the requirements of the Acts were necessary for the former
Confederate States to be readmitted to the Union. The Acts excluded Tennessee,
which had already ratified the 14th Amendment and had been readmitted to the Union.
18.Fifteenth Amendment Prohibits each government in the United States from
denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen s race, color, or previous
condition of servitude (for example, slavery). It was ratified on February 3, 1870. The
Fifteenth Amendment is one of the Reconstruction Amendments.
19.Ex parte Milligan
Was a United States Supreme Court case that ruled that the application of military
tribunals to citizens when civilian courts are still operating is unconstitutional. It was
Greek Language Research Paper
Biology, autobiography,democracy, geography, grammar, economy; all of those
words you hear everyday have only one thing in common; they are all derived from
the Greek language. How influential have the Ancient Greeks been on the
development of the English language? this is a very important topic to write about
and show how the Greeks have heavily influenced the English language in many
different ways. It is evident that the Greek language had a major impact on the
English alphabets; vowels and even the style that we write. 13.2% of the English
language is derived from the vocabulary of the ancient Greeks. More than 150,000
English words are derived from the Greeks. Many English words are formed of
parts of words that originated from the Greek language for example, phobia
arachnophobia, micro microscopic and many more. Most of the words related to
Government and even Science are derived from the Greeks, for example many
elements in the periodic table such as Arsenic, Calcium, Helium and many more.
Also some medical terms and occupations are derived from the Greek language for
example a Pediatrician. So basically there are 2 ways an English word was derived
from the Greeks, it is either the entire word is translated from Greek to English or
only half of the word is borrowed to which extra letters are added to expand its
meaning.... Show more content on ...
The Greeks were the first major european civilization that created literature. One
major influence was in the style of the English literature. Why do we write history,
philosophy, comedy, poetry these styles were all discovered by the Greeks? The key
is that the English have derived their writing techniques and styles from the
Pros And Cons Of Black Mold
Why Is Black Mold Dangerous?
A Top Mold Abatement Company Provides Answers
You may have heard that black mold is harmful. Many news reports have focused on
the dangers of black mold in homes and other indoor environments. However, you
might not be sure exactly how this kind of mold is dangerous. The pros at National
Restoration Experts (NRE) are here to offer some answers to this common question.
The Dangers of Black Mold
These are the dangers of being exposed to black mold:
Easy Absorption: Mold is easily absorbed into the body. The spores are
microorganisms, and they can be quickly inhaled through the nose and mouth. They
may also enter the system via the eyes.
Serious Health Problems: Toxic black mold has been associated
Using Content Based Filtering Technique
Various techniques have been used in content based models. Such systems try to
п¬Ѓnd regularities in the descriptions that can be used to distinguish highly rated
items from others [97]. Content based approaches are based on objective information
about the items. This information is automatically extracted from various sources
(e.g., Web pages) or manually introduced (e.g., product database). However, selecting
one item or another is based mostly on subjective attributes of the item (e.g., a well
written document or a product with a spicy taste). Therefore, these attributes, which
better influence the user s choice, are not taken into account. In the rest of this
section, we discuss three technique of content based filtering technique including
keyword based models, semantic techniques, and probabilistic models. The п¬Ѓrst
systematic evaluation of the impact of applying perturbation based privacy
technologies on the usability of content based recommendation systems proposed by
Puglisi, S., et al. (2015) [98]. The primary goal of their work is to investigate the
effects of tag forgery to the content based recommendation in a real world application
scenario, studying the interplay between the degree of privacy and the potential
degradation of the quality of the recommendation. In other paper, Rana, C. and S.K.
Jain [23] have developed a book recommendation system that is based on content
based recommendation technique and takes into account the choices of not an
Sacrifice In The Military
Sacrifice is giving up something you like, in order to help someone else, without
expecting anything in return. Some things that you can sacrifice are: belongings,
comfort, or even just time. These can be used to help the needy, or just give
comfort to someone who needs it. A sacrifice is a way to show that you care about
someone or something, and that you want to help them. It could be something
small, like going to see a friend who needs your help instead of going to an activity
you really want to do, or something big, like giving your life to serve in the military.
There are many different types of sacrifice, be it time, money, physical possessions,
or even just a comfort. You can donate to charities that help those who need it.
Everyday people make sacrifices, even some they don t realize. One such sacrifice
is helping someone do a job without expecting pay: they don t have to help, and
they sacrifice free time by helping. Another you give to a food drive, you are
sacrificing a possession, in order to help those who need it. When people donate to
a blood drive, they help people who might need it in the future by sacrificing the
time to go there. These are just a few of the types of sacrifice. ... Show more content
on ...
When you sacrifice, you can achieve goals, help the needy, improve a community,
and more. Through sacrifice, when we donated items for the food drive, we helped
people that didn t have enough food to be able to have some available to them.
Another benefit is that when we sacrifice our money to taxes, we help to improve
the country, through improving our military to protect us, building better roads, and
more. Yet another example would be that when you sacrifice time to help somebody
perform a task, you are achieving a goal. Sacrifice can help people and places to
Essay on Academic and Career Goals
ACADEMIC2 Academic and Career Goals
Sometimes it seems like life is inhibiting me from achieving my goals. I define my
objectives as I see them. I associate them with my values. Knowing that the task at
hand is essential to realizing my dreams, but I am unable to do it. I have thought
about other ways to get around the problem, I keep getting back to the talent I m
missing. Accomplishing a new ability might feel like a huge undertaking. It s been
my experience that if a talent is necessary in getting closer to achieving my dreams,
education is not a bad thing after all. I begin on an excursion to take the first of many
steps gaining enlightenment ... Show more content on ...
During this day and age, numerous individuals are going back to the school to further
their education; due to many families having challenging times in making their ends
meet. The employers are seeking individuals who possess college degrees; which
inspires people to further their education. Having a college degree often leads
individuals into a secure and a well paying job in order to adequately support their
family. In today s society and principles, individuals with a college degree are
viewed to be more devoted, well informed, teachable, and respected to potential
Additionally, when I was younger and inexperienced, my day dreams were of going
college and gaining the experience that would lead me to a successful career.
Unnecessary time had passed; and unfortunately, I had to work instead of continuing
on with school. Many of my older friends talked about their experiences, and my high
school friends were also excited about the idea of joining the working class. After
being employed with several jobs, I felt as if my life was not reaching full
potential. My self esteem became low and I felt distraught. Furthermore, I needed
to motivate myself and decided to pursue my college degree. There is a point in
everyone s life where they will have to become financially independent.
Unfortunately, for some people this process can be difficult. Planning my life has
been a roller
The Ethics Of The United States Army Essay
At 5pm eastern standard time on a Friday in late October, 2010, an independent
website publisher named released documents alleging government
and corporate misconduct as told by soldiers in the United States Army. This
marked the single largest classified documentation leak that the United States
government has ever encountered. This leak included 391,832 classified
documents that covered a span of five years, from 2004 2009. I would like to take
a second to dive deep into the five ethical examinations that our textbook covers
including the utilitarian perspective, rights perspective, fairness or justice
perspective, common good perspective and virtuous perspective. The utilitarian
perspective is a moral principle where the morally right course of action in any
situation is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for
everyone affected. Our textbook defines utilitarian as doing the most good and the
least harm. This is a difficult situation to compare because there are conflicting
issues to harm from the WikiLeaks documentation release. The benefits that the
impact of this informational leak had was that the public was able to read an honest
story directly from a soldier s perspective. This gives sympathy to soldiers and what
they had to deal with on a daily basis. The harm of this informational leak is that
anyone could have used this information to harm United States Army soldiers at that
time whether it be directly or indirectly.
Slave Rebellions, By Nat Turner
Slavery resistance dates back to the earliest days of slavery. Although there were
many forms, varying in degree, including: working slowly, faking illness, burning
down buildings, the most powerful form was slave rebellions. Slave rebellions, put
simply, are the armed uprising of slaves. Dating back as far as the 1700s, there
have been many slave rebellions, however only a few of these have been considered
successful. One of the most significant slave rebellions happened in 1831, and was
called Nat Turner s Rebellion. Nat Turner was born October 2nd, 1800 in
Southampton County, Virginia. In 1810, Nat Turner became the property to Samuel
Turner, after his brother, the man who enslaved him, Benjamin Turner died. The
two brothers allowed Nat to learn reading, writing, and to practice his religion. As
a young child, it was believed Nat Turner had special gifts because he was able to
describe events that had happened before he was born. According to his family
members, Turner had a great purpose in this world. As he learned more about his
religion, the more he believed his mission from God was to lead his people out of
slavery. He was known to nearby slaves as The Prophet (Nat Turner Biography). In
1821, Turner began having visions and hearing divine voices. After dealing with
visions of bloody conflicts between whites and blacks for ten years, in 1831 Turner
took the sign of a solar eclipse that the time to attack was soon (Nat Turner
Biography). Turner gathered a group
Characteristics Of Canadian Culture
There are many different views of Canadian culture and to me personally, it refers to
our unique culture, identity and values of being Canadian. Canada does not only
embody one culture, it instead embodies many other different cultures that co exist
with each other. It is one of the most notable unique characteristics of Canadas by
being such a diverse country. In my preference, in order to follow Canadian culture,
you have to follow the Canadian values and beliefs, an example: how Canadians have
rights/freedom, and are nice/polite people. Moreover, all Canadians have been
associated with things that sets Canada apart from other countries, such as ketchup
chips, free healthcare and Canada s national sport, curling. Canadian culture is
represented by uniqueness of Canadians, traditions and values/beliefs of the Canadian
people. I like to see Canada as cultural mosaic, rather than a cultural melting pot. One
of Canada s distinct qualities is its multiculturalism, where there is co existence
between different cultures. Canada is mostly made up of immigrants which makes
Canada so culturally diverse with different cultures. Canadians take pride in its
diversity of its cultures as it makes up Canada. Multiculturalism is the key factor in
building Canada into a greater nation that includes everybody. Stated by Austin Uthe.
I fully agree with Mr. Uthe s point, to include everybody no matter what race and
ethnicity will make Canada a greater nation with everybody having same
Monarchy Vs. Democracy In Ancient Rome
The Roman government is very unique compared to others. While many places had
either a monarchy or democracy the Romans found a way to have both. The Roman
empire had both a senate and an emperor. The Senate made up the Democracy part
having elected officials who although made laws couldn t without approval of the
emperor. The Emperor made up the Monarchy part having the final say in all
important objectives. The Roman Emperor was very much like our modern day
president. He oversaw the senate often conducting the meetings. Before Rome was an
empire, it was a republic with a long history of democratic rule. After ousting the
Etruscans and their king, city state was ruled by a Senate and/or an assembly with
elected magistrates consuls... Show more content on ...
The speaking order was similar to that of the seating arrangement, in which the
princeps senatus held the first chair, followed by the consuls, censors, praetors,
aediles, tribunes and finally, the quaestors. There were no limits to debating and
various methods of delay and subversion were employed. Among these, the
practice of the filibuster, or speaking at incredible lengths to derail the opposition
and delay voting, was a popular one. Voting in the Senate could be taken by voice
or show of hands in unimportant matters, but important or formal motions were
decided by a quorum, or an actual physical division of the house to either side of
the floor. In these cases even non voting members were allowed to take places on
either side of the issue, lending their support to a particular cause or motion, or to
fulfill their client
San Diego Descriptive Writing
If you re into the beach and sun then you may be surprised to learn that every year
from December 15 through April 1 is the best time to visit San Diego, at least as far
as whale watching is concerned. This four month timeframe is when at least 25,000
Pacific grey whales make their annual ocean migration from the South Arctic to Baja
California with a stop over along the coast of this southern California community.
Visitors to San Diego during whale watching season are spoiled for choice if they
want to go on a harbor cruise adventure to look for the graceful creatures of the deep.
Available cruise options range from intimate trips on small sailing boats to luxury
excursions on gigantic charter yachts with enough room for a traveling family ...
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Whale watching charters cruise the local oceans with such amenities as state of the
art sound systems and climate controlled decks. The crew aboard these charter
yachts are trained to care for passengers and pay attention to even the smallest details.
This is a definitely a different type of adventure and tourists may want to plan for a
longer trip. Whale watching in the afternoon, dinner at sunset followed by a
moonlight cruise around the harbor.
When it comes to planning your whale watching excursion, it pays to do your
homework. Each cruise programs offers different features. Some of the unique extras
that you might find include: microphones that allow passengers to listen to the
whales communicating under water or coupons to the aquarium. Some tours are led
by guides from the nearby Birch Aquarium who provide interesting grey whale fact
sheets, filled with information about the whales daily life.
The most important thing to look for when booking a cruise is whether or not the
tour company offers a guarantee. Some tours will offer a voucher that allows
passengers to cruise again for free if no whales are sighted during the
Brown Vs. Board Of Public Schools
Brown vs Board Tess Gerczak Baker College Brown vs Board Neither the atom
bomb nor the hydrogen bomb will ever be as meaningful to our democracy as the
unanimous declaration of the Supreme Court that racial segregation violates the spirit
and the letter of our Constitution. On May 17 1954 the court unanimously ruled that
separate but equal violated the Equal Protection Clause. Even though undefined the
brown vs board of education caused the desegregation of public schools. Led to
abolishment of racial segregation in public schools. And lastly sparked a change in
the way schools would run desegregated. Chief justice warren Following oral
argument, Warren told his fellow justices that the separate but equal doctrine... Show
more content on ...
School fundamentally changed the lives of people who lived through it yet had a
smaller impact on the larger society. The brown case was not liked by everyone
there were even other African Americans who believed they would get more
harassment from the racist groups In many ways the drive to appoint sols and put
black and white children together was the most radical part of the civil rights
movement. ( . All the Topeka elementary schools are to
neighborhood attendance centers in January 1956, although existing students were
allowed to continue attending their prior assigned schools at their option the
struggle for integrated schools has gone through many faces since the 1954
decision. ( . It sparked hope and outrage depending on people s
reactions. After the Supreme Court decision in 1954 was not moving smoothly they
decided to add a 1955 court decision that called for desegration with deliberate
speed. Browns impact has been enormous on the civil rights movement from the
years to come this case sparked a generous amount of change that would give equal
rights to children. Although the holding of the decision was focused on terminating
segregation in schools. It also over time supported racial discrimination in almost
every other area of public life. (2008 pg.17). Sparked by brown the civil rights
movement manifested quickly spreading all over and
Poverty Of Sharecroppers And Unemployed Industrial
Poverty of Sharecroppers vs Unemployed Industrial Workers Poverty has been a
big issue over the past century or so and continues to be a problem to this day in
the United States. Due to the Civil War, rural areas and industrial areas were
affected by poverty. The poverty of rural sharecroppers in 1877 was different from
the poverty of unemployed industrial workers in 1939. Even though both situations
were dealing with a form of poverty, both were two completely different situations.
There were several major events that happened that caused poverty of rural
sharecroppers in 1877. Although there were various events leading up to the
poverty of unemployed industrial workers in 1939, poverty in the year of 1877 was
just as bad, if not worse, as in the year of 1939. There are several major events that
happened after the Civil War that led up to poverty. In 1865, Southern states started
issuing out black codes after the Civil War. Black codes were intended to restrain
African Americans freedom. It made it illegal for an African American to be
unemployed or to quit a job, which made them slaves even though they were getting
paid low wages. In 1866, the 14th Amendment was passed by Congress, which
granted citizenship for all Americans, not just white Americans, but African
Americans too. This Amendment got endorsed by the states, which became known as
the Reconstruction Amendment two years later in 1868. In 1870, the states were
obligated to enforce the 15th Amendment due the
Negative Externalities Associated With The Use Of Plastics
Plastic is lightweight, strong, inexpensive to provide to consumers, and has a
chemical makeup that does not allow it to decompose during our lifetime. This is a
problem because plastic s success in our society is causing us to overuse a product
that is designed for temporary use with a material that lasts for centuries creating a
buildup of plastic within our landfills. The high mobility of plastic bags makes
them particularly problematic in society. Because of Cleveland s proximity to
Lake Erie, it is important to stop the flow of this material into this important
natural resource. This paper investigates the negative externalities associated with
the use of disposable plastic bags and the benefits of legislation that would ban
plastic bags from being given out at retail facilities. Scale of the Problem Chances
are that at some point over the past week, you have obtained a disposable plastic
bag during a trip to a retail store. They are inexpensive to give to consumers and
provide a utility in making the carrying of retail products significantly easier. How
many of these bags are out there? How often are they recycled? The numbers can
be staggering. According to a story reported by NPR, a study done by Roland
Geyer, an industrial ecologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 8.3
Billion metric tons of plastic has been produced so far enough to cover the country
of Argentina ankle deep. This production of plastic shows no signs of slowing and in
fact has
What Role Does Perception Play In Critical Thinking
Perception is the organisation, identification and interpretation of sensory
information in order to represent and understand the environment. Like
perception, logic plays a role in critical thinking. Critical thinking is the process in
which one mentally explores deeper than the superficial matters at hand into the
deeper layers in order to find out what the real issues are. However, when it comes
to weighing their beneficial impact on the critical thinking process, logic and
perception are by no means equal. While logic is firmly rooted in reason,
perceptions are just as firmly rooted in one s senses and can easily be corrupted.
Many kinds of faulty logic or perception interfere with our ability to think critically,
for example, superstition, argument from ignorance, false analogies, irrelevant
comparison and fallacies. Therefore, I believe that perception is certainly not reality
and most mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of
logics. Perception is defined as the ability to see, hear or becomes aware of
something through the senses (Nature of Logic and Perception). However, since the
senses are susceptible to personal interpretation, they are therefore potentially
unreliable sources of data. If one is able of rationally thinking through the information
that they perceive, then they are more likely to make accurate assumptions. However,
if one is highly emotive, they may not be able to separate the emotion from the data
they perceive,
Effects Of Disney Princess Effect On Girls
Is Disney Destroying Our Girls? As a child, I grew up with the Disney pop culture
surrounding me. I constantly watched Disney movies, cartoons, and I even played
with their toys like every other kid in America during the early 2000s. Not much
has changed except the increase and growth of their industry. With the expanding
$4 billion revenue (Hanes 510) flowing in each year, they have added more
princesses along the way. While some girls are ecstatic over the new additions to
the princess family, some adults are not. This is not a common opinion among
many Disney fanatics to see, but the author of Little Girls or Little Women? The
Disney Princess Effect Stephanie Hanes is one of the few that are not satisfied with
the work of Walt, bringing an eccentric point of view to our attention. Parents, like
Hanes, fear the psychological effect it can leave on their daughters and how it can
potentially narrow their future goals. Hanes s argument uses ethos, logos, and pathos
to skillfully to argue the point of the Disney Princess effect on girls. As a girl, Disney
s industry was an avid part of my youth and I was convinced that I would become
Bellefrom Beauty and the Beast one day. I wrote to Santa and waited patiently for
new princess gowns at Christmas time so I could be a different character each
Halloween. You can say that I have a lot in common with Mary Finucane s daughter
that we hear about in Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect . Ms.
Essay on Rent Control
There is a reason for everything, and if there is no reason to do something, most
people will not do it. For example, if there is no incentive to motivate landlords to
upkeep their property and make it the best it can be, they will left their properties at
the lowest manageable state they can get away. Rent ceiling laws are an example of
how lack of motivation and incentives can discourage people from making sure their
best work and resources go into their product or whatever they are doing. These laws
impose limitations on the amount landlords can charge their tenants for staying in
their properties. This causes the landlords to lose the amount of money they should
have made on their property, and the landlords will not be motivated to... Show more
content on ...
The obstacles landlords have to overcome causes them to lose their motivation to
invest in rental properties and they instead flock towards other housing options to
include condominiums, office towers, and hotels.
In short, lack of motivation in exchange for more red tape causes investors and
landlords to move towards more profitable options. This movement of money and
resources tends to negatively impact people trying to find a place to live, most
notably the poor. The National Multi Housing Council (NMHC) states that
prospective customers must pay finder fees to find a rental property due to a
presumably growing scarcity of available housing. As if this were not bad enough, in
some communities rental properties are handed down to friends and family, so they
never quite leave the market. In order to obtain housing, new consumers are forced to
pay key money and other fees. These costs tend to impact young, single, and poor
families the most.
As if all of the more or less hidden fees were not bad enough, young, single, and
poor families able to find a rental property are often discriminated against. Landlords
tend to use factors such as income and credit history in determining who gets their
rental property Richer families end up doing better with rent control laws because of
this. Poorer people who make up a larger part of the population end up out of a
house to live in.
Some economists would argue the above mentioned examples of why rent control is
harmful to
Black Nationalism
The Title: DuBois and Black Nationalism
The Epigraph:The colored people are coming to face the fact quite calmly that most
white Americans do not like them, and are planning neither for their survival, nor
their definite future W.E.B. DuBois A Negro Nation within the Nation
The Premise:Black Nationalism is a pragmatic solution for the success and survival of
the oppressed African Americans.
The Argument:
Black Nationalism is defined by Karenga, as the political belief and practice of
African Americans as a distinct people with a distinct historical personality who
politically should develop structures to define, defend, and develop the interests of
Blacks as a people. Black Nationalism can be traced back to the 18th ... Show more
content on ...
He believed the only way to fight racism and oppression was to attack the economic
power of the white people. The thinking colored people of the United States, he
wrote, must stop being stampeded by the word segregation. . . . There should never
be an opposition to segregation pure and simple unless that segregation does involve
discrimination. (DuBois, 557.) He believed that some forms of segregation were
beneficial to the Black people. This statement from DuBois spurred a lot of
controversy and resulted in his resignation form the NAACP, which was primarily
made of integrationist, those who refused to see themselves as people of African
descent and opposed any form of institutional segregation based on race. Nationalists,
on the other hand such a DuBois, saw themselves as descendents of Africa, they
emphasized that Black people should create their own economical, cultural and
educational institutions.
The Conclusion: Black Nationalism was created as a result of the struggles of the
Black people in America, it was necessary for their cultural and economical survival.
Some may say that being a nationalist is being a racist; this is true in some cases.
Black Nationalism is similar to Kurdish Nationalism, or Armenian Nationalism, the
nationalism of oppressed people, struggling for freedom and equality. On the other
hand White Nationalism can be compared with Arab or Turkish Nationalism, which
includes racism, race superiority,
The Old Gringo by Carlos Fuentes Essay
The Old Gringo by Carlos Fuentes
The Old Gringo is a fiction novel written by one of Latin America s most renowned
and eloquent authors, Carlos Fuentes. Filled with war, adventure, love and more, this
novel takes you back to the Mexican revolution fought in 1912. This contemporary
fiction is based on many themes found and experienced by the main characters in this
novel. The relationship between Mexico and the United States, the drive to find one
s true self and the different ways two men need a woman are only a few themes
contained in this story. The question: Is he Ambrose Bierce or just an old gringo, is
one that I had to answer while reading this book. We all have different opinions, but
it is a question that all ask ... Show more content on ...
The setting also influenced one of the major themes of the story, the historical
relationship between the United States and Mexico. As you can see, the setting of
this novel was very important to everything included in this story.
The main characters in this story are Harriet Winslow, the old gringo, and Tomas
Arroyo. Of the Three, Harriet learns the most as she starts her new life as governess
across the frontier. She is a dynamic character that changes in the story because of the
things that happen around her. Other characters include Manslavo, La Garduna,
Frutos Garcia, La Luna and more. Carlos Fuentes did a very good job of describing
these characters and paints a picture, like all great authors, of the characters portrayed
in their novels.
Most of the story revolves, however, not around the old gringo but the young
gringa, Harriet Winslow. Harriet Winslow is a Yankee spinster, who decides one
day in 1912 to break loose from her humdrum life by taking a job as governess in
Mexico. Once she arrives, she is immediately caught in the middle of the Mexican
revolution. Here, she meets the general, Tomas Arroyo, and the American author, the
old gringo. Harriet is described as a, quick, elegant, and a beautiful woman of thirty.
; In a discussion with Miss Harriet and the old gringo, we learn that her father
disappeared in the Spanish American War somewhere in Cuba.
Concept of Pricing, Affordability, Cost Recovery, and...
of Pricing5 House Price Index5 Housing Affordability 7 Housing Market
Affordability8 Cost Recovery Replication12 Conclusion12 References13
INTRODUCTION Shelter is one of the human basic physiological needs (Maslow s
Hierarchy of Needs). In this modern era, shelter comes in a form of house and it is
the most important component of the socio economy sector. Housing as a social and
economic product has a positive impact on the economy of any country. Housing is
often defined as a... Show more content on ...
Alaghbari (2010) and Denis (2011) explained that the cost of construction is now
very high, making it difficult for anybody with regular income to save for a
building. Many governments in developing countries have been undertaking
innovative projects in the housing sector for several years. The concept of
replicability as a major consideration of project design dates from the time when
international agencies, especially the World Bank, became involved in the
housing sector in the early 1970s (Cohen, 1983). It was envisaged that if unit costs
could be reduced to levels which low income households could afford, the burden
of subsidy would be reduced and it would be possible to repeat projects to the level
required, within existing budgetary resources. This paper provides a general
perspective on the Concept of Pricing, Affordability, Cost Recovery and
Replicability. CONCEPT OF PRICING A house can be seen as a bundle of multi
dimensional attributes that combine together to give a certain price. It can also be
viewed as an economic commodity that can be bought and sold. The possession of a
house involves rights which people want for various reasons and for which they often
are willing to pay substantial sums of money. The fact that they are wanted and have
values extending into the future gives them an attractive investment potential. Most
economists identify the economic value of property with the going exchange value or
market price of
Should There Be More or Less Laws Leading Abortion
There are many reasons why abortions are performed. The main way of looking at
abortion can be summarized in five points: birth control issues, human rights, legal
precedence, when life begins, and religious reasons. (Abortions allowed women to
pursue their educational goals.)(Hill, 2007) Based on both moral and empirical
claims, a wide variety of views supporting either less or more legal restriction on
abortions has enlarged in America. While advocacy groups define the issue through
its moral and constitutional represented by their citizens, representatives define the
issue by party lines, normally with liberals as pro choice and traditionalists as pro
life. The media defines the issue ethically, presenting to the land the views of... Show
more content on ...
Wade. Thus, the Presidential selection of Justices leaves abortionas a hot topic for
political applicants. Before digging deeper into the current or past debates on an
issue like abortion, it is important to look simply at the fact of its existence in the
United States. Permitting to studies released in 2005 by The Guttmacher Institute
and the Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH), there were 1.29
million abortions performed in the United States, research by the same group
shows that in 1994, about half of all pregnancies in the country were unintended,
with only approximately partial of those really ending in abortion. In contrast to
other nations, the United States accounted for 3% of universal abortions in 1995
(PRCH and Guttmacher). A modern legal choice that affects the validity of
abortion is the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 created after the Laci
Peterson case. This act has made it so that a vicious crime against an expecting
woman counts as two different crimes; one against the woman alone and the other
one against the unborn child. This has additional to the debated nature of the issue
because it seems like an inconsistency to allow the fetus to be considered a person
in wrong proceedings, however allow abortion to be legal. It is inconsistent to
provide a fetus rights as a human while still
Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbor Essay
Between 1942 and 1945, thousands of Japanese Americans, regardless of United
States citizenship status, were required to evacuate their homes and businesses.
Sparked by rising fear and anxiety of the American people after the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor, a United States Naval base in Hawaii, Japanese Americans were
moved to remote areas on the West Coast, where they were isolated in internment
camps organized and run by the United StatesGovernment. Despite the lack of any
concrete evidence, the U.S. forced Japanese Americans into internment camps,
during World War II, due to Japanese involvement in Pearl Harbor; a rise in anti
Japanese paranoia sparked by economic success of Japanese Americans; fear, anxiety
and prejudice erupting within the United States government and amongst citizens;
and a timid Supreme Court refusing to overturn internment orders. On Sunday,
December 7, 1941, at 7:55 a.m., hundreds of Japanese aircraft and warplanes
launched from Japanese aircraft carriers located just off the West Coast of the United
States. The mission was to initiate a surprise attack on the United States Naval base
in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, particularly targeting the lot of American Pacific fleet
located at the base, hoping to weaken the American and Allied military support. The
attack was very successful for the Japanese, leaving a devastating toll on the
American naval base and American lives in general. During the airborne attack, the
United States lost eight battleships,
Extended Stereotypes
Anything but Average
The baby blue ribbon draped around my horse s neck tells the crowd that I am the
tenth best junior dressage rider in the country. Don t confuse this with some fantasy, I
did not reign supreme nor top the field of competitors I faced during the weekend in
Chicago, Illinois at the Festival of Champions horse show. However, I stood proud
with my lowly score of 63.7 percent. Seven percent off the winner, which as far as
my sport goes equates to the difference between an A and a C on a math test.
In layman s terms, dressage means riding patterns on a horse. I could share the ideas
of flying changes, extended trots, and half passes, but these seemingly alien concepts
would lose most people. Above all, I trick people, including ... Show more content on ...
In addition to a minimum qualifying standard, I had to prove myself in front of the
panel of five international judges at Junior Olympics before I would receive an
invitation to compete at the National Championships. The criteria seemed
backwards, but I had no other options. My trainer worked Paddington and I long
and hard all year up until the week before Junior Olympics. However, the four days
leading up to championships I instead spent in an arm sling due to a conveniently
placed contusion to my arm that prevented me from riding. I bummed around the
isles of the barn, letting anxiety fill my head at the lack of preparation I felt I had
in those final days. The morning of our six hour trek I rode for the first time with
little to no pain and continued to hope the worst had ended. We made it to Kentucky
and, with my arm finally free of the sling, pulled out a qualifying score to allow me
acceptance into the Festival of
Medical And Surgical Treatment Of Vitiligo
Vitiligo is a skin disease where an individual loses their pigmentation when the
pigment producing cells are attacked and destroyed (AOCD, n.d.). Vitiligo is also
known to be an auto immune disorder where certain white blood cells direct the
destruction of the melanocyte (AOCD, n.d.). Melanocytes are cells that give us our
skinand hair color (AAOD, n.d.). Vitiligo affects any individual no matter their ethnic
origin or sex. Individuals often notice that they have the skin diseasebefore they
reached the age of 20 which is often notice on individuals with darker skin. Common
areas that vitiligo would normally start would be on an individual s hands, feet, or
face (AOCD, n.d.).
Currently, there s no cure for vitiligo but there are ... Show more content on ...
Articles that involved foreign language and children were excluded from the search.
Search Strategy The systematic review was searched independently by one reviewer
to find articles related to vitiligo and depression. There was no primary focus for a
particular country. There was one particular database used to conduct the search
which was google scholar. fig.1
Author(s)CountryObjectives MethodsResults
Al Harbi, M (2012)EuropeTo study and classify depressive symptomsSelf
administered questionnaires54 % were found to be depressed. Depression was more
prevalent in single patients.
Branch and Layegh (2010)IranEvaluate the degree of depression in vitiligo patients
Beck Depression Questionnaire70 % was the prevalence rate of depression in
individuals with vitiligo.
Chan et al. (2012)AsiaExplore the level of depression in a group of vitiligo
patientsA descriptive study17.2% had been identified as depressed.
Maleki et al (2005)Iran Evaluate the prevalence and severity if depression in vitiligo
patientsHamilton Depression Rating ScaleOut of the 52 participants 24(46%) were
Zaki and Elbatrawy (2009)EgyptTo detect the level of depression in patients with
vitiligoHamilton Depression Rating ScaleDepression was found in 33 % of the
patients. Table 2.
Results The results for
The Media s Role in Terrorism Essays
If the media were not there to report terrorist acts and to explain their political and
social significance...terrorism as such would cease to exist said John O Sullivan, an
editor of the Times of London.1 This is also the way many other people feel about
the recent increase in terrorist activity; they feel that the media is causing it. The
media is doing this by fulfilling the terrorists need for publicity.2 Terrorists need
media publicity in order to get their views spread to the public.3 Because of this
need for publicity, terrorists are committing their acts of terrorism in areas where a
lot of publicity will be gained; the United States and Western Europe are the most
recent targets. The bombings of the federal building in... Show more content on ...
The way in which terrorists have gained publicity is very different. Late nineteenth
century Southern lynch mobs and Central American death squads did not even use
the media to gain their publicity. They just used their victims as examples to others
who might disobey their rules.9 As times changed, terrorists began to publicize their
views in books, pamphlets, underground newspapers, etc.
This technique allowed them to reach a bigger audience. It was mostly used by
terrorist groups during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Terrorist groups often
contained a printer and a writer who together would make sure their views were
publicized; the groups did not have to rely on an outside force to publicize for
them.10 As new media technologies were invented, the terrorist groups were able to
publicize their views to a bigger audience than they had ever imagined possible.11
The only problem was that they could not rely on people in the group to publicize
for them; it would be almost impossible for a terrorist group to own a television or
radio station. The only way they could get a piece of the new technology was to
quot;create news. quot; This is what most terrorists do today; they stage an event that
will gain news coverage and then try to get their views publicized by

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Self Essay Examples.pdf

  • 1. Self Essay Examples Crafting an essay on the topic of "Self Essay Examples" is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance between introspection and articulation. The difficulty lies not only in narrating personal experiences but also in weaving them into a cohesive narrative that resonates with the audience. One must tread carefully to avoid sounding boastful or self-centered, while still presenting a genuine and authentic reflection of oneself. The intricacy of this task is amplified by the need to strike the right tone – not too casual, yet not overly formal. It demands a keen awareness of the audience and an ability to convey personal growth and insights without delving into unnecessary details. The challenge is not just in recounting events but in providing meaningful analysis and reflection on how those experiences shaped one's character and perspective. Moreover, the subjective nature of self-analysis introduces an additional layer of complexity. It requires a level of self-awareness that can be both enlightening and uncomfortable. The writer must navigate through memories, emotions, and thoughts, carefully selecting those that best showcase their identity without straying from the main theme. Assembling coherent paragraphs and structuring the essay is another hurdle. The narrative must flow seamlessly, guiding the reader through the writer's journey without causing confusion or disinterest. Striking the right balance between humility and confidence is crucial, as an overly modest portrayal may undermine the purpose of the essay, while excessive self-praise could alienate the audience. In conclusion, composing an essay on "Self Essay Examples" is no simple task. It demands a high level of introspection, narrative skill, and self-awareness to create a compelling and authentic piece. The difficulty lies not only in recounting personal experiences but in presenting them in a way that engages the reader and communicates a deeper understanding of oneself. If you find yourself struggling with such a task, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, providing you with the support needed to navigate the complexities of self-reflection in writing. Self Essay Examples Self Essay Examples
  • 2. Ruby And Sapphire Character Analysis Indeed, it can be argued that, since Ruby and Sapphire are in a romantic relationship, there is no need to include other and different types of LGBT couples. Pearl is in love with Rose but is ultimately rejected as her romantic interest is assimilated into the heteronormative, leaving her bitter and resentful. Therefore, if, on one hand, the otherness of Rose as an alien is assimilated and normalized as she enters the heteronormative by beginning a relationship with the human male character Greg, Pearl s deviousness as not only alien but also homosexual character condemns her to remain unhappy and alone. Still bound to her idealized vision of Rose and unable to overcome her issues, Pearl develops a crush for a human that looks just like her lost lover: the mysterious girl of Last One out of Beach City. Their story, however, has not been resolved yet: the mysterious girl s presence was just a one time occurrence and has not yet been featured in successive episodes; moreover, she was not even given a name or any line ... Show more content on ... Consequently, everyone who has not watched the episodes in which Ruby and Sapphire un fuse can legitimately be oblivious of the existence of a stable lesbian relationship in Steven Universe. On a different note, it can also be pointed out how Garnet s condition as fusion is still unsettling and unusual for Homeworld gems: in Log Date 7 15 12, Peridot asks Garnet to split because her presence is making her incredibly uncomfortable. Even the character of Jasper is unable to understand the relationship between Ruby and Sapphire because she can only think of fusion as a weapon or, as she puts it, a cheap trick to make weak gems
  • 3. Anne s Case Anne s case study Anne is a 10 year old girl who has admitted to the emergency department (ED) with the right iliac fossa pain. Further assessment has done for her by the emergency registrar and appendicitis suspected. The surgical team decides that she needs an appendectomy. Anne returns to the ward with an IV therapy and triple IV antibiotics, morphine PCA, a nasogastric tube in situ on free drainage. Anne is an older of the five children and her parents has a restaurant in the city. This essay will discuss about the appendicitispathophysiology, the growth and development theories. Moreover, this essay will discuss about how the nurse can provide a family central care model and the... Show more content on ... This model can help reduce the impact of illness for children and families by encouraging all family members as well as health care workers to work together to achieve the best outcomes for their child (Arango,2011). According to Kuo et al. (2012), the main point of this model is respect and dignity, information sharing, and participation. Firstly, a nurse must listen and respect the patient and caregiver for their background, culture, values, and beliefs. Providing the welcoming, assessable and responsive care to Anne and her family. Protecting privacy during consultation and treatment time for Anne and her family. The nurse should not make any assumption about Anne or her family s beliefs (Wilfred et al., 2012). The nurse need to find out what Anne and her family know about health problem and treatment. This is because planning and delivery of care will be affected by the patient and caregiver s perspective, therefore, a nurse should be understanding Anne and her family s concerns and put them into treatment and care with appropriate support for her and her family members (Wilfred et al., 2012). By doing this the nurse will have the benefit such as gaining the greater trust and respect from Anne and her family. Secondly, the nurse should share all the useful information for patients and their families. Anne is under age to
  • 4. Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Vertical Wind Turbine... The vertical wind turbine are designed with vertical rotor shaft a generator a gearbox which are located at the bottom of the turbine and has various shapes that designed the power of the wind in any direction the wind blows (VAWT), which may be as efficient as current horizontal axis systems, might be practical, simpler and significantly cheaper to build and maintain than horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs). Advantages of VAWT: They are always facing the wind Have greater surface area for energy capture.  Are more efficient in gusty winds Can be installed in more locations. Do not kill birds because it is highly visible. less expensive to build low maintenance Produce less noise a vertical rotating shaft it has very good ... Show more content on ... Without a tail vane, the machine rotor naturally tracks the wind in a The more blades there are on a wind turbine, the higher will be the torque and the slower the rotational speed. But turbines used for generating electricity need to operate at high speeds, and actually don t need much torque. So, the fewer the number of blades, the better suited the system is for producing power. A one bladed wind turbine is the most efficient turbine design. This is because the turbine blade sweeps 360 degrees before encountering its wake. However, only having one blade causes many problems structurally and dynamically, so it is not very feasible. A two bladed turbine is the next most efficient because each blade sweeps 180 degrees before reaching the wake of the other blade, but you get something called yaw chatter when the turbine rotates to face the wind. The yaw chatter cause noise, vibration, and stress on the tower. A three bladed wind turbine is the most efficient turbine design without having any dynamic issues. This is why pretty much all large wind turbines these days are three
  • 5. Analysis Of George S. Patton George S. Patton was a U.S. Army General, who was know for his grit and toughness. The kind of guy who was known for pouring his heart and soul into everything he did. He was a man of many even self contradictory ways: He was a noted horseman and polo player, a well known champion swordsman, and a competent sailor and sportsman ... an amateur poet... a rough and tough soldier... a thoughtful and sentimental man. Unpredictable in his actions, yet always dependable... outgoing, yet introverted. (Charles M. Province) He was also well known for his controversy and ability to rally the troops. His speech to the third army was given June 5th, 1944 which was the eve of the allied invasion of Europe. It was a chance for Patton to shine as a general.He knew he would have to construct a speech for which listeners and future readers would be struck by his harsh style, while incorporating his unstinting dependence of profanity. But we must not be led to believe that Patton had not carefully rehearsed every word, chosen precisely for its desired persuasive effect. Patton s address to the Third Army repays attentive examination, and, when the problems it is designed to address are identified, its brilliance and influence will become apparent. Yet, raising soldier s moral raises a challenge: should a speech be a formal, incorporating articulate words and sentence structure, or should it be vulgar and rife with profanities? Patton begins the speech by mentioning how much Americans
  • 6. The Columbine Massacre The Columbine Massacre Were They Pushed or Did They Jump What would drive two seemingly normal high schoolers to try and slaughter everyone they went to school with? Was it the bullying, angst or video games and movies? Or none of the above. As we examine what led up to one of the worst domestic terrorist acts in American history I think we ll that find Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboldweren t your average teenagers. In my opinion they were cold blooded killers who had every intention to take as many lives as they could. At approximately 11:10 on April 20th 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went to their high schooland carried out a coordinated attack, killing twelve students and one teacher before eventually turning the guns on themselves.... Show more content on ... He makes statements like The pain multiplies infinitely. Never stops. Yet I m here, STILL alone, still in pain. ... I d rather have nothing than be nothing. One of the last pages in Dylan s journal was him and Eric s plan for the massacre and it goes like this. Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17. Leave. Drive to clemete Park. Gearup. Get back by 11:15. Park cars. Set car bombs for 11:18. Get out, go to outside hill, wait. When first bombs go off, attack. Have fun! Dylan s journals start off very suicidal and progressively more hateful until him and Eric are on the same level and were set on completing their final mission. During their senior year Eric and Dylan starred in a short film for a class called Hitmen for Hire where they foreshadowed themselves walking around Columbine in their trenchcoats and talked about relocating other students. Even though in the film they talk about killing other students that are bullying another student, who hires Eric and Dylan for twenty dollars a day to protect him, Eric says you know we can t have weapons on school grounds. There are too many similarities to think that this short film for a class was simply just that, I believe at this time (December 1998) the duo had a plan and they were intentionally foreshadowing it through this
  • 7. What Was The Role Of Thinking In The Renaissance Starting with when man walked the Earth, human intuition and curiosity has played a major role in our evolution. Humans have evolved to be the leading organism on Earth. Our intellect and will to progress has made us the modern society that we are today. Every day, someone in our world is creating something new. They may be using old techniques to accomplish their goal. There is also a possibility that they have created a new way of reaching that objective. The renaissanceis evidence that humans, for a long time, have improve themselves, whether it s older ways of thinking or new ways. The Renaissance translates to rebirth. During this time European civilization surged towards interest in classical scholarship and values. Discovery of new continents, decline in the feudal system, and the ability to print were only but a few derivatives from this epic time in ... Show more content on ... Humanism was an intellectual movement expressed by those involved in the new time of rebirth. People that were considered secular developed the scholastic philosophy. Their way of thinking was completely different from the people with sacred beliefs. Humanism had a strong and fruitful beginning in Italy. Renaissance icons like Dante, Erasmus, and Petrarch were major Humanist. They believed in significant features associated with humanism. ( Renaissance ). Intelligence wasn t the only thing that made the Renaissance great. Artist and sculptors made mindboggling creations. Through art, the Renaissance achieved a cutting edge panicle. Art allowed men like Leonardo da Vinci to express himself, and showcase his brilliance. His art is what places him as one of the most well know people in human history. Great sculptors like Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo expressed themselves using their picks and stone. Many of their great works are still stand today. These artist valued nature, and was inspired to create different pieces due to it.
  • 8. Major Themes Of The Mahabhira s Mahbharata In order to explain why Yudhisthira is tested and not his four brothers, one needs to understand the major theme of the Mahbharata. In one of the final scenes of the Mahbharta Yudhisthira proves himself and is rewarded with life after life. The best way to understand the importance of Yudhisthira and his dog is to first summarize the story. Then the story can be interpreted to show why this story exemplifies the major theme of the rest of the epic. Despite the complexity and length of the Mahabharta, it seems to have one over arching theme. This theme is dharma or more specifically fulfilling you dharmatic duty. I think that dharma includes both the themes of duty and loyalty. Any other presented themes in the Mahabharta seem to relate ... Show more content on ... Krishna calls Arjuna to take up his arms to fight and helps him realize the answer to his question of the morality of taking up arms against one s kin. The thing about Dharma is that it follows your status or your duty in life. This is important to differentiate because there is a difference between the dharma of a warrior and the dharma of a king. While in a traditional sense, dharma simply is an individual s responsibility to fulfill their duties. The duties of a warrior and king are vastly different and so dharma can have diverse ramifications to its application on an individual s life. A person s dharma is what is right for that specific person to do but what is right for them might be an affront to someone else s dharma. A range of factors such as caste, wealth or heritage combine to determine what constitutes dharma for an individual. A good interpretation of this is that in a general sense dharma of the Kshatirya is somewhat hypocritical. In a general sense, one s dharmatic duty in society to condemn violence and taking of a life. However, the specific dharma of the warrior caste demands responsibility for the kingdom and therefore requires as a duty the destruction of enemies. The explanation of this dilemma is given extensively in the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Where Arjuna, a hero, doubts fighting his cousins before consulting Krishna. Krishna explains that there is a higher destiny for Arjuna and to choose
  • 9. Case Study On Instruction Versus Collaboration Case Analysis Instruction versus collaboration Greg Chappell followed an instruction based coaching style, characterised by an authoritarian, dogmatic, dictatorial, my way or the highway coaching style, whereas Gary Kirsten followed a collaborative style, which is more participative and ranges from democratic to laissez faire. The overall results of a research(titled An Integral Approach to Coachingin Elite Sport ) carried out by Paddy Upton) showed a statistically significant difference between the coaches style and the players preferred style, with the players preferring less instruction based coaching and more collaboration (Figure 1). Overall coaches style 53%47% Instruction vs. Collaboration Overall players preference ... Show more content on ... Performance Focus A personal coaching focus has its primary focus on the individual as a person, with their performance as the secondary focus, whilst a performance focus is primarily on sporting performance/behaviour and/or actions, and secondarily on the individual from whom the performance emanates. When coaching for mental toughness in cricket, the focus must be extended to include a personal focus, rather than focusing on performance alone. Gary Kirsten, who represented South Africa in 101 test matches, sums this up; When you walk out in a tight situation on the fifth day of a test match, what is tested is more the person than his skills (Sunday Times, 2004). Greg Chappell followed a rigid strategy. Chappell s critics felt that he lacked the people skills and human touch that were so necessary for a coach to succeed. There was also a feeling that Chappell was much too interested in preserving his own power equation in the team. Also he was insensitive to the pertaining team culture. His experimental approach ended up in disturbing the order and performance of the team members. Good Coaching vs. Bad
  • 10. Masculinity In The Maltese Falcon Within comptemporary society, there are many ways to define gender. Gender includes all the characteristics that differentiate masculinity and femininity. The existence of masculinity create problems for every men because they are constantly pressured to behave in a certain way in order to look masculine. In the story The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett, masculinity is negatively depicted as problematic toward men. In this story, the author displays the negativity of masculinity through the conduct, manliness and reputation of the main character. To begin, the author depicts masculinity negatively through the conduct of the main characters. In Hammett s story The Maltese Falcon , the main character, Sam Spade is a person who does not ... Show more content on ... To sum up, Dashiell Hammett s story The Maltese Falcon , clearly and successfully depicted the negativity of masculinity as problematic toward men through the conduct, the reputation and the manliness of the main character. The main character had many trouble and difficulties because of masculinity. Sam Spade might have avoided those problems and difficulty if he did not try to be so masculine. Although, socially a man is made to act masculine, the most important are the benefits and the consequences of acting that
  • 11. Sodium Hydroxide Reaction Lab Experiment to investigate the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to neutralize the solution of vinegar CH3COOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) CH3COONa(aq) + H2O(l) (Reaction between sodium hydroxide and solution of vinegar, which produces an aqueous solution of sodium acetate and water) Hypothesis: Approximately 8.8ml of sodium hydroxide will be required to neutralize 100ml of acetic acid. ( of vinegar lab answers/) Apparatus: 1. Burette2. Funnel 3. Pipette4. Phenolphthalein 5. Conical flask (100cm^3) 8. Solution of vinegar (0.5mol/L) 6. Clamp stand ... Show more content on ... Type of container (100cm3 of glass conical flask). Number of drops of phenolphthalein dropped in to the solution of vinegar. Temperature of the place where the experiment took place. Method: 1.Measure 25ml of acetic acid and pour it inside the conical flask. 2.Place a burette on the conical flask and then hold it by using a clamp stand. 3.Measure 50ml of Sodium Hydroxide and pour in to the burette (use funnel, and remove after use). 4.Add 4 drops of phenolphthalein in to the prepared acetic acid, and check whether the color changes to dark pink. 5.Check whether it is ready or not, and then open the burette to start neutralize the acetic acid. (Check the progress by change in colour) 6.When it is almost neutralized, pour possible minimum amount of sodium hydroxide for a fair result. 7.Repeat the same experiment several more times (at least 4) to calculate the average amount of sodium hydroxide, which is required to neutralize the solution of vinegar.
  • 12. The Effects Of Fossil Fuels On The United States In the United States, a sustainable society is desired by virtually every citizen, especially the ones informed of the consequences caused by our wanton use of fossil fuels and the detrimental methods used to extract them from the earth. Nevertheless, despite almost universal acceptance of the need to turn away from nonrenewable and polluting energy sources, there are forces preventing that switch. One of those forces is the megalith that is our current energy paradigm, or the existing energy production /consumption infrastructure that we ve built which runs largely on nonrenewable resources. Yet, as daunting as a transition to a world run on renewable energies like solar, an energy source with significant growth potential, may seem from a technological and logistical standpoint, it is eminently feasible. The most problematic hurdle the United States faces is, in truth, political stagnation. While intense lobbying efforts from the fossil fuelindustry and public utilities don t help, the gridlock caused by the inherent framework of the U.S. political system is principally to blame for governmental malaise when it comes to investing in green technology. However, with increasing concerns over environmental degradation and impending climate change, progress has been made. The U.S. Department of Energy (USDE) has appointed 25 cities across the country to be part of its Solar America City initiative, including Philadelphia. Philadelphia, which aims to become the leading city in
  • 13. Holden Caulfield Satire J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye has become a classic novel of literature. It is one of the best selling novels because of its humour, its criticism of the middle class society and their values, and the word choice in which Salinger captures the idiomatic speech and vocabulary. The Catcher in the Rye will take you by surprise as you shelp along with the main character, Holden Caulfield, as he travels around New York City. The book is certainly one of the novels to a lot of debate and controversy, however this is what makes it so captivating to read. Although The Catcher in the Rye isn t everyone s cup of tea, I personally found it relatable and engrossing. It contained a lot of brutal reality along with humour, contrasting with moments... Show more content on ... Others would consider this as a psychological ground for such a short novel but Salinger dives deep into Holden s spiritual inner self over 200 pages. Although Holden sees the world as a cruel and uncaring place, the book presents it in a way for kids to delve safety into the real issues at the heart of being an adolescent. Others can learn so much about what kind of people exist in the world and what kind of person they want to be by living through Holden s actions and dilemmas. Holden s character allows others to examine their own behaviour as well as their insight into the world of adolescence and adulthood. Holden s three days are his propulsion, pushing him forward out of his view of humanity. In the end he breaks through his angst, finding inspiration through the innocence of his beloved sister, Phoebe. It is quite sad that this moment of reclamation receives less attention compared to the rest of the book. However in the end, Holden doesn t give up on the world which can be interpreted as Salinger s
  • 14. Stereotypes Of Single Parents In Television When picturing what an ideal family on television is shown as, we would picture the family that we see on television shows often, the functional and ecstatic family composed with the typical members: mom, dad, and two to six children. What happens if the family is separated by death or divorce? Will being raised by a single parent affect how the child is raised? These single parent families are a stereotype that is now trending in television. The parent of this familyis usually shown facing the challenges of single parenthood, working full time jobs, while also raising two to six children in their household that they also have to maintain. Humor as well as stereotypes for single parent families has changed during the years. Comedy can change the way that a single parent is viewed in the world and television shows such as The Andy Griffith Show (1960 1968), Full House (1987 1995), Gilmore Girls (2000 2007), and The Vampire Diaries (2009 2017), as well as many other shows. The depiction of single parent families has changed in a more open minded way for people through the years. A typical single mom in television is seen as struggling women on welfare with children that misbehave and have undesirable characteristics. In an HBO documentary called, Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert, shows the life of a non stereotypical mom. In the documentary, she tries to start her life the right way by getting married and gaining the courage to have three kids with
  • 15. Analysis of Bradbury s Dandelion Wine Dandelion Wine After reading Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, I became more aware of the magic of summer and what it means to truly live. The novel gave me a new perspective of thee idea that life is like summer where you re alive and feel free, but how it sadly doesn t last forever. The novel opened me up to the idea of looking at person s mental age instead of their physical age. The novel follows the path of Douglas, a twelve year old boy living in Green Town, Illinois. In the novel, Douglas strives to enjoy his summer and to live his life to its fullest. In his adventuring, he becomes more aware of the nature of the world and tries to make sense of life and death. At the same time, Douglas sees people as machines that serve a... Show more content on ... Douglas is crushed by John s news, and he deals with the loss of his friend by getting angry with John. Afterwards, Colonel Freeleigh dies, and Douglas feels a great loss. He comes to realize that the colonel s legacy has died with him. As August starts, Douglas begins to lose his enthusiasm in summer. However, his grandfather is able to raise his spirits with dandelion wine. The dandelion wine that he makes with his brother Tom and his grandfather represents the spirit of summer that Douglas loves so much. Eventually the thought of death begins to haunt Douglas. He witnesses the brief relationship between Bill Forrester and ninety five year old Helen Loomis. Although their ages are far apart, they talk together every day for weeks, as if seems that their minds are perfect for each other, although it ends when Miss Loomis dies. In the end, Douglas comes to terms with death and that summer is coming to an end although he reflects on what he s observed throughout the summer and looks on never forgetting the magic of life that summer brings through the power of dandelion wine. I found Ray Bradbury s novel really eye opening. I thought the parallel of people with machines along with the parallel of life and summer to be engaging. When I was first reading Dandelion Wine, I thought it was it was going to be primarily about Douglas summer and his childish adventures. However, I was glad to find that the novel
  • 16. Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy On The Feelings That... Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy focusses on the feelings that impact behavior. The importance is on receptiveness of the couple to the emotional needs that arise when discussing their issues and finding solutions to the conflicts. A couple is helped to recognize and understand their connection and need for attachment. This therapy is centered on the theory that couples childhood experiences strongly influence the couple s behavior in the relationship. In order for this therapy to be effective the professionals in the human service field must be competent in many facets. They must be able to use non verbal and verbal skills of communication, use reflective techniques and ask closed and open ended questions. In addition the counselor... Show more content on ... In her mind she thinks that if Josh had a glimpse of what she perceives is here true self, he would leave her. Susan fails to recognize how her behavior effects Josh. Verbal and non verbal communication forms the interactions that a person has with others. Susan recognizes the important role that communication plays in enhancing positive outcome in their counselling session. Susan s verbal and non verbal communication allow the couple to quickly become comfortable with her and open up about their feelings. Susan always faces the person that is talking and she maintains a proper amount of eye contact with that person. Not making eye contact gives the perception of not caring and excessive eye contact can make a person uncomfortable or feel intruded upon. Susan maintains a soft demeanor throughout the session by speaking in a calm comforting voice and having a relaxed posture. This non verbal communication gives the couple the perception that Susan genuinely cares about what they have to say. Susan asks the couple to describe their relationship and how each individual feels about the state of the current relationship. She is constantly showing the couple that she understands what is being said by verbally communicating to them the emotions they must have felt in the situations they are describing. She expresses empathy by saying statements like I hear you or I understand which gives the couple reassurance that they are being heard and she cares about their
  • 17. The Accounting Policies Of The United States 2.Significant Accounting Policies A)Basis of accounting Both the U.S. GAAP and IFRS both have similar requirements when it comes to the basis of accounting. This means that they both place a heavy emphasis on fair values, essentially implying that Chris does not need to address the basis of his company s policies. In addition, both standards require companies to inform the public regarding any uncertainties in the accounting records. However, Chris was already given sufficient information for the conversion in the Basis of Accounting section, as the accounting policies were applied by each consolidated company consistently to all relevant periods. Therefore, Chris is able to transition the company s basis of accounting with no other ... Show more content on ... Other than bank overdrafts, however; Chris should have enough information to convert cash and cash equivalents to IFRS. C)Accounts Receivable and Other Receivables Chris first objective in analyzing his firm s receivables is to understand how they are recorded. The International Standards require receivables to be measured at fair value with an amortization cost. However, Chris was not given this information in his financial records. Still, what he was given is that Ruckman analyzes accounts receivable based on transaction history and creditworthiness of the customer, suggesting that the firm s receivables are done per case, and thus cannot be lumped together. With that, Chris can move forward knowing that accounts receivable are in accordance with IFRS. D)Inventories Inventory is known as the single most important item on a balance sheet. Every business contains inventory, and Ruckman, Inc. is no exception. With the concept of inventory come the different types of cost methods, including: last in first out (LIFO), first in first out (FIFO), and the weighted average cost. With such an important item, it is understandable that both standards allow and prohibit different types of costing methods due to certain reasons. The major difference between the two is the allowance of the LIFO method, which is only allowed by GAAP. This method allows companies to highlight
  • 18. Essay On Campus Engagement Campus Engagement Report Astonishing, stunning, remarkable, spectacular, phenomenal: All words to describe my experience attending agriculture and biology related activities on college campus this past month. When I was assigned this assignment, I thought there would only be a few events to choose from, but after looking at the potential activities I could attend, I was awestruck by how many events that were held on campus. Little did I know that there so many opportunities for me to get involved in college. This engagement assignment helped me become more comfortable on campus and more familiarized with what is happening on campus. Three events I would like to highlight in my experience are the Ag. and Bio Ice Cream Social, SDSU... Show more content on ... I haven t done much in the club so far, but there are multiple opportunities for me to get involved in the future. I already met so many new friends through this club and I can tell these people will be my friends until the day we graduate from college. By going to some of the Collegiate FFA/Ag. Education meetings, I learned of different engagement opportunities and made new friends as well. The last engagement activity I would like to highlight is the Career Fair. I think so far the Career Fair is one of the most important events I have participated in. At this fair, students can talk with businesses and companies to discuss potential job opportunities and internships. The week leading up to this event, I didn t think there would be much to offer since I m just an Agriculture Education major. Later that week, some speakers from Land O Lakes spoke in one of my classes to inform us on what their business is all about and the job opportunities they have to offer. This really sparked my interest to at least talk to them at the career fair. Also, one of my friends talked to me about the new Agriculture Education internship at Riverview this summer. I did some research on this job opportunity and it is definitely something I m interested in. If I did not attend the Career Fair and talk to the people I did, I probably would
  • 19. Geoffrey Chaucer s Primary Sources Geoffrey Chaucer formed the incomplete work, The Canterbury Stories. It is seen as extraordinary compared to other effortless works in English. Essayist Geoffrey Chaucer was considered around 1340 in London, Britain. In 1357 he transformed into an open worker to Royal lady Elizabeth of Ulster and continued in that farthest point with the English court every through hey lifetime. Craftsman Geoffrey Chaucerwas considered around 1340, more likely than not at his people s home on Thames Road in London, Britain. Chaucer s family was of the working class, slipped from a well to do family who benefitted in the London wine trade. As demonstrated by a couple of sources, Chaucer s father, John, carried on the family wine business. Geoffrey Chaucer is acknowledged to have gone to the St. Paul s Church School, where he probably first wound up evidently comfortable with the intense composed work of Virgil and Ovid. Throughout the period, Chaucer transformed into an open specialist to Royal lady Elizabeth of Ulster, the Duke of Clarence s life partner, for which he was paid a little stipend enough to pay for his food and clothing. In 1359, the secondary school Chaucer took off to fight in the Hundred Years War in France, and at Rethel he was gotten for convey. Due to Chaucer s grand affiliations, Lord Edward III helped pay his installment. After Chaucer s release, he joined the Illustrious Administration, going all through France, Spain and Italy on vital
  • 20. Hamlets Attitudes Towards Death In William Shakespeare s... In a following speech Hamlet s disposition towards the world persists, yet his attitude towards death has undergone a transformation. Previously, Hamlet was quick to proclaim his desire to die, but by the third act he s become uncertain. This hesitation becomes apparent in Hamlet s To be or not to be speech (3.1.56 90). With those opening words, Hamletdebates whether he should exist or not. The fact that this is still a question for him shows that he continues to be displeased with life. Hamlet asks himself, Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die to sleep. This reveals a new concern that Hamlet has, he doesn t ask what is best for him to do, but rather what is nobler, which makes it apparent that he s concerned with maintaining his character. Even though he maintains the desire to escape the world and the experience in it, he still cares about the image that he leaves behind. Subsequently, Hamlet uses war like diction, comparing life to war with slings and arrows which makes life intolerable. This just reaffirms the ideas Hamlet has had throughout the play, however, a shift transpires when he mulls over the idea that deathis like being asleep. A problem arises when he realizes that even when you sleep you experience, To sleep; perchance to dream: Ay, there s the rub. This could be easily misinterpreted as Hamlet hoping to dream, but perchance
  • 21. Women s Roles In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Women s roles throughout history, as well as literature, have been constantly changing throughout the times. In the beginning, women are property and the only function they served was to have children and take care of the men and their households. However, the roles of women changed throughout each passing year. Middle Ages England saw a slight change, and it is reflected in their poetry and literature. This is prevalent in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where a woman helps to drive the plot of the poem. However, this poem also highlights the misogynistic view of not only the wife in the poem but of all women as well. This belief was highlighted in the poem due to the societal viewing of women during the time of the poem s origin. During the Middle Ages, women only had two occupations that they could uphold: wife and mother or nun (Bovey, Women in Medieval Society). Society expected women to get married in their youth, and then have as many children as they could in order to have the children help around the house or farm. On the other hand, if women did not want to go through the horrors of childbirth, then they could join the church and become a nun or later Abbess (Bovey, Women in Medieval Society). However, becoming a nun was still much like becoming a mother, due to the duties of the Abbess to the monasteries. The Abbess has to not only take care of her fellow nuns but also has to take care of the friars because of her superiority (Bovey, Women in Medieval
  • 22. Examples Of Symbology 101 Symbology 101 If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a symbol is worth a thousand pictures. ~ symbolism ~ Noun ~ : the art or practice of using symbols, especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representation Proverbs 14:8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit. Hello Welcome: Ladies Gentlemen Boys Girls from Around the World. First and foremost, I am Tim and this is Symbology 101. Initially, this brief decode video is discussing the application of symbols and examining a few extremely common examples of gestures and images. Symbology 101 will only serve as a basic and fundamental introduction to this subject matter which will therefore serve as a premise for future videos on the topic. Some of these images and gestures may be disturbing, so for protective measures, now may be an excellent time to pause this video and pray for discernment in the Spirit and for Our Father s Confirmations.... Show more content on ... That is to say, there will never be a substitute for the genuine article, just as there is only ONE real MR. T! Do not be fooled by the exoteric meanings and values of the mimics and diversionary values for countless symbols and gestures. Decoys and enticing definitions may be appropriated to certain images or gestures but let us not be so quick to jump to our conclusions. The devil is comparatively more often in the details than just simply floating atop the surface of perception. Future videos will dig much deeper into more examples and delve further into the details of how to decode with accuracy in this realm. Naturally, some fundamentals need to be addressed in order to have a proper foundation in this first video on the
  • 23. St Vincent De Paul Mission Statement St Vincent de Paul The Society of St Vincent De Paul are a voluntary organization with the catholic church. St Vincent de Paul society strive to achieve there goal, which is to educate Catholic social teaching, and to apply the knowledge they have in catholic social teaching to help and find a way to care for others. St Vincent de Paul let no injustice go unchallenged and mention in their mission statement saying that they aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society. You can find many outreach programs supported by local councils and conferences, addressing social needs for social... Show more content on ... In 2016 St Vincent de Paul released a report called the ache for homes , calling for a comprehensive national strategy, to tackle housing affordability and prevent homelessness. Lead by CST Preferential option for the poor they play a role in helping the homeless. St Vincent de Paul even offer a way for you to help get involved by donating and volunteering, to fight homelessness in Australia. St Vincent de Paul provides help for not only those physically in need but mentally, almost 1 in 5 Australians have experienced mental health disorder. St Vincent Care help those Australians with mental issues by supplying them with accommodation, but most importantly support. Vincentcare encourage those in need to develop skills needed, such as people skills, social skills and independence. St Vincent Care offer 24 hour support, shared and social housing and activities that widen their network and confidence in everyday environments. St Vincent Care are non reliant on medical services but on the principles of social justice and community
  • 24. The Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty Essay examples In the world we as people live in violence. Violence has gotten so out of control that it has affected everyone. The one thing about violence is that it also leads to crimes. And crimes leads to some people being imprisoned, while others are put on death row. But if crimes are crimes, what makes them minor or major? Who decides if they are minor or major? Nowadays minor and major crimes are being pushed together. For example, someone gets shot and the shooter gets 5 years in prison. But if someone is raped it cannot be proven and the victim is left suicidal while the rapist goes about their day. Both are major crimes but one has a sentence and the other one does not. With this happening in the world it makes me wonder if we as the people... Show more content on ... 30). The community as a whole should already have what crime gets the death penalty. If it takes a lot of money to make sure that this particular crime was committed by the right person then so be it. It should not matter whether it takes another month or so to be accurate with the crime committed. Also Robinson adds Some experts believe deciding to limit the death penalty will no longer make it a potential deterrent to criminals (Robinson par. 24). If the death penalty is restricted then there is no hope of it having an effect on the population a little as time passes. Robinsons also wrote about how the death penalty should be used: More discriminate use of the death penalty reserving its use for only highly aggravated crimes, the worst of the worst will lessen the risk of flawed convictions and sentences and ensure that those who really deserve to be on death row will be executed. [There shouldn t be restriction to the death penalty because] ... the capital punishment system will remain flawed and it is more likely that less deserving or innocent prisoners will be convicted and put on death row. (Robinson par. 7) In life there is always going to be something that is flawed with the death penalty. The reason being is because of human error. Human error happens a lot and sometimes it
  • 25. Loss Of Identity In T. S. Eliot s The Hollow Men The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot could not be any truer with the messages of modern society. Reading Hollow Men, the average person can find almost all of the messages applying to modern day times. Especially in a high school setting. It was obvious that Eliot was far ahead of his time when he nailed society on the head about its imperfections. Three messages that Eliot portrays in The Hollow Menare: the self identity crisis, the loss of faith, and the incredible force of skepticism. In which line does The HollowMen show that humans suffer from loss of identity? Well, in lines 31 and 32 he gives a dark image of how fake people are. Let me also wear such deliberate disguises. (Hollow 31 21) Now, the descriptive word that Eliot used is deliberate. That means people purposely hid their true selves from the outside world. In Worland High, countless students wear these deliberate disguises in fear of the awful judgement that they may receive. However, it is not only students who are cautious.... Show more content on ... Form prayers to broken stone. (Hollow 51) People still pray, but it s to nothing. As in nothing meaning, they do not truly believe that praying will work. Many children are raised up in a religion, and think nothing of them. There are followers and then there are religious followers. Religious followers really believe and have faith in their religion, will the others follow blindly, and could care less about their religion. Eliot informs his readers about how the majority is only followers and continue to get worse. In today s modern society, this is very true, Atheists and Agnostic Atheists are very common. Perhaps it is because of the progression in science proving many religious events to not be possible. Then again, is this necessarily a good or a bad thing? Everyone is entitled to their one beliefs, just because someone doesn t believe in God, does not mean they do not have
  • 26. Are Pat-Downs and Full-Body Scans as Airport Security Too... I believe that the pat downs and full body scans at the United States airports are too much. Many people oppose it and it is receiving negative reception. (Stellin) There is an issue of privacy when it comes to pat downs and full body scans. People do not want their body to be groped or scanned in a way which shows nude images of them. Another thing about this new security practice by the Transportation Security Administration(TSA) is that it is time consuming, so travelers have to go through the unpleasant chore of having to go through security longer. I believe that the Transportation Security Administration is violating traveler s privacy and their solution in making the airways safe is too excessive. I looked at many articles, videos, ... Show more content on ... He says I am eliminating as many flights as I can. He is expressing his dismay over the new security and in response he would be taking fewer flights. These two sources demonstrate the outrage the public has about the new security the TSA is forcing upon its travelers. To see why this security is looked down upon by travelers I decided to read someone s blog who received firsthand experience with the new security. Before reading the blog I was aware I would be reading raw information so whatever the author puts on his blog may not be what really happened at the airport. The author acknowledges this in the beginning of his post. As written in his blog: I m writing this approximately 2 1/2 hours after the events transpired, and they are correct to the best of my recollection. I will admit to being particularly fuzzy on the exact order of events when dealing with the agents after getting my ticket refunded; however, all of the events described did occur. (TSA Encounter at SAN) He admits there may be flaws recalling his account so he is being transparent. He also does not provide his name or contact information so he loses accountability. In his blog he has videos or direct evidence of what transpired at the airport so that adds reliability to his account. Although he tries to tell an honest account of his
  • 27. Snowboarding Changes It is strange that over time your view on a simple thing, such as snow can change so much over the years. As a child, I loved snow! I loved the way it fell from the sky, falling in swirling patterns as I ran around trying to catch one on my tongue. It was a quite a process for my mother to put all the clothing that she thought was necessary. Once this was done, I would run out and open the gate for the dogs, we owned five, they would stick their nose in the snow then slingshot it towards my direction. We would continue this until I grew tired then I would throw a tennis ball for them. I would throw the ball and watch it get buried in the snow. Then the dogs would run in the general direction the ball was thrown and commenced digging in the ... Show more content on ... After spending two years in a tropical climate, coming home to a dry and cold climate seems cruel. Especially when I have to walk from my apartment to my various classes. But, once again my view on snow has changed once again when my friend invited me to go snowboarding with him. It was the first time that I went snowboarding. I was feeling confident. because I know how to skateboard and I thought I would be able to transition my skills fairly easily. We set out to my roommates house to pick up his cousin and the snow gear for me. From there we went to the resort; once we got all our gear one we walked to the bunny hill lift. It looked simple enough, all you had to do was hold on to a rope that would pull you and the board up the hill. So I was partly strapped in my board ready to grab on the rope. Once I grabbed on the force pulling me forward surprised me, I bent this way and that eventually falling down. This happened two more times until I gave up and walked the rest of the way up the hill. I like to say the bunny hill went better, but it didn t. I soon realized that my skills as a skateboarder did not transition well. I fell many times and there were no signs of me getting better. After we ran the bunny hill a few times my roommate took me to the intermediate sloop. From the bottom of the hill I looked up at the steep slope and I thought I was going to die if I went down that hill. Getting on the lift was not as difficult as I thought, I jusr sat down and slid my board off the hill. The anticipation was building going up the hill, because the lift kept stopping, making the ride even longer. I started out really well, Sliding down the hill is a ziz zag formation. Then I made my first big mistake. I was feeling a little more confident in my skills and decided to go a little faster. Once I decided to do this my snowboard went over a patch of ice. The board slipped out from under my and I rolled und
  • 28. Chapter 22 Apush Key Terms Marcus Pando Period 4 Chapter 22 Key Terms Describe and state the historical significance of the following: 7.Freedmen s Bureau Initiated by President Abraham Lincoln and was intended to last for one year after the end of the Civil War. At the end of the war, the Bureau s main role was providing emergency food, housing, and medical aid to refugees, though it also helped reunite families. Later, it focused its work on helping the freedmen adjust to their conditions of freedom. Its main job was setting up work opportunities and supervising labor contracts. 8. Exodusters Was a name given to African Americans who left the south[Kansas] in 1879 and 1880. After the end of Reconstruction, racial oppression and rumors ... Show more content on ... In Reed v. Reed (1971), the Supreme Court ruled that laws arbitrarily requiring sex discrimination violated the Equal Protection Clause. The amendment also includes a number of clauses dealing with the Confederacy and its officials. 17.Reconstruction Act After the end of the American Civil War, as part of the on going process of Reconstruction, the United States Congress passed four statutes known as Reconstruction Acts. The actual title of the initial legislation was An act to provide for the more efficient government of the Rebel States and it was passed on March 2, 1867. Fulfillment of the requirements of the Acts were necessary for the former Confederate States to be readmitted to the Union. The Acts excluded Tennessee, which had already ratified the 14th Amendment and had been readmitted to the Union. 18.Fifteenth Amendment Prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen s race, color, or previous condition of servitude (for example, slavery). It was ratified on February 3, 1870. The Fifteenth Amendment is one of the Reconstruction Amendments. 19.Ex parte Milligan Was a United States Supreme Court case that ruled that the application of military tribunals to citizens when civilian courts are still operating is unconstitutional. It was also
  • 29. Greek Language Research Paper Biology, autobiography,democracy, geography, grammar, economy; all of those words you hear everyday have only one thing in common; they are all derived from the Greek language. How influential have the Ancient Greeks been on the development of the English language? this is a very important topic to write about and show how the Greeks have heavily influenced the English language in many different ways. It is evident that the Greek language had a major impact on the English alphabets; vowels and even the style that we write. 13.2% of the English language is derived from the vocabulary of the ancient Greeks. More than 150,000 English words are derived from the Greeks. Many English words are formed of parts of words that originated from the Greek language for example, phobia arachnophobia, micro microscopic and many more. Most of the words related to Government and even Science are derived from the Greeks, for example many elements in the periodic table such as Arsenic, Calcium, Helium and many more. Also some medical terms and occupations are derived from the Greek language for example a Pediatrician. So basically there are 2 ways an English word was derived from the Greeks, it is either the entire word is translated from Greek to English or only half of the word is borrowed to which extra letters are added to expand its meaning.... Show more content on ... The Greeks were the first major european civilization that created literature. One major influence was in the style of the English literature. Why do we write history, philosophy, comedy, poetry these styles were all discovered by the Greeks? The key is that the English have derived their writing techniques and styles from the
  • 30. Pros And Cons Of Black Mold Why Is Black Mold Dangerous? A Top Mold Abatement Company Provides Answers You may have heard that black mold is harmful. Many news reports have focused on the dangers of black mold in homes and other indoor environments. However, you might not be sure exactly how this kind of mold is dangerous. The pros at National Restoration Experts (NRE) are here to offer some answers to this common question. The Dangers of Black Mold These are the dangers of being exposed to black mold: Easy Absorption: Mold is easily absorbed into the body. The spores are microorganisms, and they can be quickly inhaled through the nose and mouth. They may also enter the system via the eyes. Serious Health Problems: Toxic black mold has been associated
  • 31. Using Content Based Filtering Technique Various techniques have been used in content based models. Such systems try to п¬Ѓnd regularities in the descriptions that can be used to distinguish highly rated items from others [97]. Content based approaches are based on objective information about the items. This information is automatically extracted from various sources (e.g., Web pages) or manually introduced (e.g., product database). However, selecting one item or another is based mostly on subjective attributes of the item (e.g., a well written document or a product with a spicy taste). Therefore, these attributes, which better influence the user s choice, are not taken into account. In the rest of this section, we discuss three technique of content based filtering technique including keyword based models, semantic techniques, and probabilistic models. The п¬Ѓrst systematic evaluation of the impact of applying perturbation based privacy technologies on the usability of content based recommendation systems proposed by Puglisi, S., et al. (2015) [98]. The primary goal of their work is to investigate the effects of tag forgery to the content based recommendation in a real world application scenario, studying the interplay between the degree of privacy and the potential degradation of the quality of the recommendation. In other paper, Rana, C. and S.K. Jain [23] have developed a book recommendation system that is based on content based recommendation technique and takes into account the choices of not an
  • 32. Sacrifice In The Military Sacrifice is giving up something you like, in order to help someone else, without expecting anything in return. Some things that you can sacrifice are: belongings, comfort, or even just time. These can be used to help the needy, or just give comfort to someone who needs it. A sacrifice is a way to show that you care about someone or something, and that you want to help them. It could be something small, like going to see a friend who needs your help instead of going to an activity you really want to do, or something big, like giving your life to serve in the military. There are many different types of sacrifice, be it time, money, physical possessions, or even just a comfort. You can donate to charities that help those who need it. Everyday people make sacrifices, even some they don t realize. One such sacrifice is helping someone do a job without expecting pay: they don t have to help, and they sacrifice free time by helping. Another you give to a food drive, you are sacrificing a possession, in order to help those who need it. When people donate to a blood drive, they help people who might need it in the future by sacrificing the time to go there. These are just a few of the types of sacrifice. ... Show more content on ... When you sacrifice, you can achieve goals, help the needy, improve a community, and more. Through sacrifice, when we donated items for the food drive, we helped people that didn t have enough food to be able to have some available to them. Another benefit is that when we sacrifice our money to taxes, we help to improve the country, through improving our military to protect us, building better roads, and more. Yet another example would be that when you sacrifice time to help somebody perform a task, you are achieving a goal. Sacrifice can help people and places to become
  • 33. Essay on Academic and Career Goals ACADEMIC2 Academic and Career Goals Sometimes it seems like life is inhibiting me from achieving my goals. I define my objectives as I see them. I associate them with my values. Knowing that the task at hand is essential to realizing my dreams, but I am unable to do it. I have thought about other ways to get around the problem, I keep getting back to the talent I m missing. Accomplishing a new ability might feel like a huge undertaking. It s been my experience that if a talent is necessary in getting closer to achieving my dreams, education is not a bad thing after all. I begin on an excursion to take the first of many steps gaining enlightenment ... Show more content on ... During this day and age, numerous individuals are going back to the school to further their education; due to many families having challenging times in making their ends meet. The employers are seeking individuals who possess college degrees; which inspires people to further their education. Having a college degree often leads individuals into a secure and a well paying job in order to adequately support their family. In today s society and principles, individuals with a college degree are viewed to be more devoted, well informed, teachable, and respected to potential businesses. Additionally, when I was younger and inexperienced, my day dreams were of going college and gaining the experience that would lead me to a successful career. Unnecessary time had passed; and unfortunately, I had to work instead of continuing on with school. Many of my older friends talked about their experiences, and my high school friends were also excited about the idea of joining the working class. After being employed with several jobs, I felt as if my life was not reaching full potential. My self esteem became low and I felt distraught. Furthermore, I needed to motivate myself and decided to pursue my college degree. There is a point in everyone s life where they will have to become financially independent. Unfortunately, for some people this process can be difficult. Planning my life has been a roller
  • 34. The Ethics Of The United States Army Essay At 5pm eastern standard time on a Friday in late October, 2010, an independent website publisher named released documents alleging government and corporate misconduct as told by soldiers in the United States Army. This marked the single largest classified documentation leak that the United States government has ever encountered. This leak included 391,832 classified documents that covered a span of five years, from 2004 2009. I would like to take a second to dive deep into the five ethical examinations that our textbook covers including the utilitarian perspective, rights perspective, fairness or justice perspective, common good perspective and virtuous perspective. The utilitarian perspective is a moral principle where the morally right course of action in any situation is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected. Our textbook defines utilitarian as doing the most good and the least harm. This is a difficult situation to compare because there are conflicting issues to harm from the WikiLeaks documentation release. The benefits that the impact of this informational leak had was that the public was able to read an honest story directly from a soldier s perspective. This gives sympathy to soldiers and what they had to deal with on a daily basis. The harm of this informational leak is that anyone could have used this information to harm United States Army soldiers at that time whether it be directly or indirectly.
  • 35. Slave Rebellions, By Nat Turner Slavery resistance dates back to the earliest days of slavery. Although there were many forms, varying in degree, including: working slowly, faking illness, burning down buildings, the most powerful form was slave rebellions. Slave rebellions, put simply, are the armed uprising of slaves. Dating back as far as the 1700s, there have been many slave rebellions, however only a few of these have been considered successful. One of the most significant slave rebellions happened in 1831, and was called Nat Turner s Rebellion. Nat Turner was born October 2nd, 1800 in Southampton County, Virginia. In 1810, Nat Turner became the property to Samuel Turner, after his brother, the man who enslaved him, Benjamin Turner died. The two brothers allowed Nat to learn reading, writing, and to practice his religion. As a young child, it was believed Nat Turner had special gifts because he was able to describe events that had happened before he was born. According to his family members, Turner had a great purpose in this world. As he learned more about his religion, the more he believed his mission from God was to lead his people out of slavery. He was known to nearby slaves as The Prophet (Nat Turner Biography). In 1821, Turner began having visions and hearing divine voices. After dealing with visions of bloody conflicts between whites and blacks for ten years, in 1831 Turner took the sign of a solar eclipse that the time to attack was soon (Nat Turner Biography). Turner gathered a group
  • 36. Characteristics Of Canadian Culture There are many different views of Canadian culture and to me personally, it refers to our unique culture, identity and values of being Canadian. Canada does not only embody one culture, it instead embodies many other different cultures that co exist with each other. It is one of the most notable unique characteristics of Canadas by being such a diverse country. In my preference, in order to follow Canadian culture, you have to follow the Canadian values and beliefs, an example: how Canadians have rights/freedom, and are nice/polite people. Moreover, all Canadians have been associated with things that sets Canada apart from other countries, such as ketchup chips, free healthcare and Canada s national sport, curling. Canadian culture is represented by uniqueness of Canadians, traditions and values/beliefs of the Canadian people. I like to see Canada as cultural mosaic, rather than a cultural melting pot. One of Canada s distinct qualities is its multiculturalism, where there is co existence between different cultures. Canada is mostly made up of immigrants which makes Canada so culturally diverse with different cultures. Canadians take pride in its diversity of its cultures as it makes up Canada. Multiculturalism is the key factor in building Canada into a greater nation that includes everybody. Stated by Austin Uthe. I fully agree with Mr. Uthe s point, to include everybody no matter what race and ethnicity will make Canada a greater nation with everybody having same
  • 37. Monarchy Vs. Democracy In Ancient Rome The Roman government is very unique compared to others. While many places had either a monarchy or democracy the Romans found a way to have both. The Roman empire had both a senate and an emperor. The Senate made up the Democracy part having elected officials who although made laws couldn t without approval of the emperor. The Emperor made up the Monarchy part having the final say in all important objectives. The Roman Emperor was very much like our modern day president. He oversaw the senate often conducting the meetings. Before Rome was an empire, it was a republic with a long history of democratic rule. After ousting the Etruscans and their king, city state was ruled by a Senate and/or an assembly with elected magistrates consuls... Show more content on ... The speaking order was similar to that of the seating arrangement, in which the princeps senatus held the first chair, followed by the consuls, censors, praetors, aediles, tribunes and finally, the quaestors. There were no limits to debating and various methods of delay and subversion were employed. Among these, the practice of the filibuster, or speaking at incredible lengths to derail the opposition and delay voting, was a popular one. Voting in the Senate could be taken by voice or show of hands in unimportant matters, but important or formal motions were decided by a quorum, or an actual physical division of the house to either side of the floor. In these cases even non voting members were allowed to take places on either side of the issue, lending their support to a particular cause or motion, or to fulfill their client
  • 38. San Diego Descriptive Writing If you re into the beach and sun then you may be surprised to learn that every year from December 15 through April 1 is the best time to visit San Diego, at least as far as whale watching is concerned. This four month timeframe is when at least 25,000 Pacific grey whales make their annual ocean migration from the South Arctic to Baja California with a stop over along the coast of this southern California community. Visitors to San Diego during whale watching season are spoiled for choice if they want to go on a harbor cruise adventure to look for the graceful creatures of the deep. Available cruise options range from intimate trips on small sailing boats to luxury excursions on gigantic charter yachts with enough room for a traveling family ... Show more content on ... Whale watching charters cruise the local oceans with such amenities as state of the art sound systems and climate controlled decks. The crew aboard these charter yachts are trained to care for passengers and pay attention to even the smallest details. This is a definitely a different type of adventure and tourists may want to plan for a longer trip. Whale watching in the afternoon, dinner at sunset followed by a moonlight cruise around the harbor. When it comes to planning your whale watching excursion, it pays to do your homework. Each cruise programs offers different features. Some of the unique extras that you might find include: microphones that allow passengers to listen to the whales communicating under water or coupons to the aquarium. Some tours are led by guides from the nearby Birch Aquarium who provide interesting grey whale fact sheets, filled with information about the whales daily life. The most important thing to look for when booking a cruise is whether or not the tour company offers a guarantee. Some tours will offer a voucher that allows passengers to cruise again for free if no whales are sighted during the
  • 39. Brown Vs. Board Of Public Schools Brown vs Board Tess Gerczak Baker College Brown vs Board Neither the atom bomb nor the hydrogen bomb will ever be as meaningful to our democracy as the unanimous declaration of the Supreme Court that racial segregation violates the spirit and the letter of our Constitution. On May 17 1954 the court unanimously ruled that separate but equal violated the Equal Protection Clause. Even though undefined the brown vs board of education caused the desegregation of public schools. Led to abolishment of racial segregation in public schools. And lastly sparked a change in the way schools would run desegregated. Chief justice warren Following oral argument, Warren told his fellow justices that the separate but equal doctrine... Show more content on ... School fundamentally changed the lives of people who lived through it yet had a smaller impact on the larger society. The brown case was not liked by everyone there were even other African Americans who believed they would get more harassment from the racist groups In many ways the drive to appoint sols and put black and white children together was the most radical part of the civil rights movement. ( . All the Topeka elementary schools are to neighborhood attendance centers in January 1956, although existing students were allowed to continue attending their prior assigned schools at their option the struggle for integrated schools has gone through many faces since the 1954 decision. ( . It sparked hope and outrage depending on people s reactions. After the Supreme Court decision in 1954 was not moving smoothly they decided to add a 1955 court decision that called for desegration with deliberate speed. Browns impact has been enormous on the civil rights movement from the years to come this case sparked a generous amount of change that would give equal rights to children. Although the holding of the decision was focused on terminating segregation in schools. It also over time supported racial discrimination in almost every other area of public life. (2008 pg.17). Sparked by brown the civil rights movement manifested quickly spreading all over and
  • 40. Poverty Of Sharecroppers And Unemployed Industrial Workers Poverty of Sharecroppers vs Unemployed Industrial Workers Poverty has been a big issue over the past century or so and continues to be a problem to this day in the United States. Due to the Civil War, rural areas and industrial areas were affected by poverty. The poverty of rural sharecroppers in 1877 was different from the poverty of unemployed industrial workers in 1939. Even though both situations were dealing with a form of poverty, both were two completely different situations. There were several major events that happened that caused poverty of rural sharecroppers in 1877. Although there were various events leading up to the poverty of unemployed industrial workers in 1939, poverty in the year of 1877 was just as bad, if not worse, as in the year of 1939. There are several major events that happened after the Civil War that led up to poverty. In 1865, Southern states started issuing out black codes after the Civil War. Black codes were intended to restrain African Americans freedom. It made it illegal for an African American to be unemployed or to quit a job, which made them slaves even though they were getting paid low wages. In 1866, the 14th Amendment was passed by Congress, which granted citizenship for all Americans, not just white Americans, but African Americans too. This Amendment got endorsed by the states, which became known as the Reconstruction Amendment two years later in 1868. In 1870, the states were obligated to enforce the 15th Amendment due the
  • 41. Negative Externalities Associated With The Use Of Plastics Plastic is lightweight, strong, inexpensive to provide to consumers, and has a chemical makeup that does not allow it to decompose during our lifetime. This is a problem because plastic s success in our society is causing us to overuse a product that is designed for temporary use with a material that lasts for centuries creating a buildup of plastic within our landfills. The high mobility of plastic bags makes them particularly problematic in society. Because of Cleveland s proximity to Lake Erie, it is important to stop the flow of this material into this important natural resource. This paper investigates the negative externalities associated with the use of disposable plastic bags and the benefits of legislation that would ban plastic bags from being given out at retail facilities. Scale of the Problem Chances are that at some point over the past week, you have obtained a disposable plastic bag during a trip to a retail store. They are inexpensive to give to consumers and provide a utility in making the carrying of retail products significantly easier. How many of these bags are out there? How often are they recycled? The numbers can be staggering. According to a story reported by NPR, a study done by Roland Geyer, an industrial ecologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 8.3 Billion metric tons of plastic has been produced so far enough to cover the country of Argentina ankle deep. This production of plastic shows no signs of slowing and in fact has
  • 42. What Role Does Perception Play In Critical Thinking Perception is the organisation, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. Like perception, logic plays a role in critical thinking. Critical thinking is the process in which one mentally explores deeper than the superficial matters at hand into the deeper layers in order to find out what the real issues are. However, when it comes to weighing their beneficial impact on the critical thinking process, logic and perception are by no means equal. While logic is firmly rooted in reason, perceptions are just as firmly rooted in one s senses and can easily be corrupted. Many kinds of faulty logic or perception interfere with our ability to think critically, for example, superstition, argument from ignorance, false analogies, irrelevant comparison and fallacies. Therefore, I believe that perception is certainly not reality and most mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of logics. Perception is defined as the ability to see, hear or becomes aware of something through the senses (Nature of Logic and Perception). However, since the senses are susceptible to personal interpretation, they are therefore potentially unreliable sources of data. If one is able of rationally thinking through the information that they perceive, then they are more likely to make accurate assumptions. However, if one is highly emotive, they may not be able to separate the emotion from the data they perceive,
  • 43. Effects Of Disney Princess Effect On Girls Is Disney Destroying Our Girls? As a child, I grew up with the Disney pop culture surrounding me. I constantly watched Disney movies, cartoons, and I even played with their toys like every other kid in America during the early 2000s. Not much has changed except the increase and growth of their industry. With the expanding $4 billion revenue (Hanes 510) flowing in each year, they have added more princesses along the way. While some girls are ecstatic over the new additions to the princess family, some adults are not. This is not a common opinion among many Disney fanatics to see, but the author of Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect Stephanie Hanes is one of the few that are not satisfied with the work of Walt, bringing an eccentric point of view to our attention. Parents, like Hanes, fear the psychological effect it can leave on their daughters and how it can potentially narrow their future goals. Hanes s argument uses ethos, logos, and pathos to skillfully to argue the point of the Disney Princess effect on girls. As a girl, Disney s industry was an avid part of my youth and I was convinced that I would become Bellefrom Beauty and the Beast one day. I wrote to Santa and waited patiently for new princess gowns at Christmas time so I could be a different character each Halloween. You can say that I have a lot in common with Mary Finucane s daughter that we hear about in Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect . Ms. Finucane
  • 44. Essay on Rent Control There is a reason for everything, and if there is no reason to do something, most people will not do it. For example, if there is no incentive to motivate landlords to upkeep their property and make it the best it can be, they will left their properties at the lowest manageable state they can get away. Rent ceiling laws are an example of how lack of motivation and incentives can discourage people from making sure their best work and resources go into their product or whatever they are doing. These laws impose limitations on the amount landlords can charge their tenants for staying in their properties. This causes the landlords to lose the amount of money they should have made on their property, and the landlords will not be motivated to... Show more content on ... The obstacles landlords have to overcome causes them to lose their motivation to invest in rental properties and they instead flock towards other housing options to include condominiums, office towers, and hotels. In short, lack of motivation in exchange for more red tape causes investors and landlords to move towards more profitable options. This movement of money and resources tends to negatively impact people trying to find a place to live, most notably the poor. The National Multi Housing Council (NMHC) states that prospective customers must pay finder fees to find a rental property due to a presumably growing scarcity of available housing. As if this were not bad enough, in some communities rental properties are handed down to friends and family, so they never quite leave the market. In order to obtain housing, new consumers are forced to pay key money and other fees. These costs tend to impact young, single, and poor families the most. As if all of the more or less hidden fees were not bad enough, young, single, and poor families able to find a rental property are often discriminated against. Landlords tend to use factors such as income and credit history in determining who gets their rental property Richer families end up doing better with rent control laws because of this. Poorer people who make up a larger part of the population end up out of a house to live in. Some economists would argue the above mentioned examples of why rent control is harmful to
  • 45. Black Nationalism The Title: DuBois and Black Nationalism The Epigraph:The colored people are coming to face the fact quite calmly that most white Americans do not like them, and are planning neither for their survival, nor their definite future W.E.B. DuBois A Negro Nation within the Nation The Premise:Black Nationalism is a pragmatic solution for the success and survival of the oppressed African Americans. The Argument: Black Nationalism is defined by Karenga, as the political belief and practice of African Americans as a distinct people with a distinct historical personality who politically should develop structures to define, defend, and develop the interests of Blacks as a people. Black Nationalism can be traced back to the 18th ... Show more content on ... He believed the only way to fight racism and oppression was to attack the economic power of the white people. The thinking colored people of the United States, he wrote, must stop being stampeded by the word segregation. . . . There should never be an opposition to segregation pure and simple unless that segregation does involve discrimination. (DuBois, 557.) He believed that some forms of segregation were beneficial to the Black people. This statement from DuBois spurred a lot of controversy and resulted in his resignation form the NAACP, which was primarily made of integrationist, those who refused to see themselves as people of African descent and opposed any form of institutional segregation based on race. Nationalists, on the other hand such a DuBois, saw themselves as descendents of Africa, they emphasized that Black people should create their own economical, cultural and educational institutions. The Conclusion: Black Nationalism was created as a result of the struggles of the Black people in America, it was necessary for their cultural and economical survival. Some may say that being a nationalist is being a racist; this is true in some cases. Black Nationalism is similar to Kurdish Nationalism, or Armenian Nationalism, the nationalism of oppressed people, struggling for freedom and equality. On the other hand White Nationalism can be compared with Arab or Turkish Nationalism, which includes racism, race superiority,
  • 46. The Old Gringo by Carlos Fuentes Essay The Old Gringo by Carlos Fuentes The Old Gringo is a fiction novel written by one of Latin America s most renowned and eloquent authors, Carlos Fuentes. Filled with war, adventure, love and more, this novel takes you back to the Mexican revolution fought in 1912. This contemporary fiction is based on many themes found and experienced by the main characters in this novel. The relationship between Mexico and the United States, the drive to find one s true self and the different ways two men need a woman are only a few themes contained in this story. The question: Is he Ambrose Bierce or just an old gringo, is one that I had to answer while reading this book. We all have different opinions, but it is a question that all ask ... Show more content on ... The setting also influenced one of the major themes of the story, the historical relationship between the United States and Mexico. As you can see, the setting of this novel was very important to everything included in this story. The main characters in this story are Harriet Winslow, the old gringo, and Tomas Arroyo. Of the Three, Harriet learns the most as she starts her new life as governess across the frontier. She is a dynamic character that changes in the story because of the things that happen around her. Other characters include Manslavo, La Garduna, Frutos Garcia, La Luna and more. Carlos Fuentes did a very good job of describing these characters and paints a picture, like all great authors, of the characters portrayed in their novels. Most of the story revolves, however, not around the old gringo but the young gringa, Harriet Winslow. Harriet Winslow is a Yankee spinster, who decides one day in 1912 to break loose from her humdrum life by taking a job as governess in Mexico. Once she arrives, she is immediately caught in the middle of the Mexican revolution. Here, she meets the general, Tomas Arroyo, and the American author, the old gringo. Harriet is described as a, quick, elegant, and a beautiful woman of thirty. ; In a discussion with Miss Harriet and the old gringo, we learn that her father disappeared in the Spanish American War somewhere in Cuba.
  • 47. Concept of Pricing, Affordability, Cost Recovery, and... CONCEPT OF PRICING, AFFORDABILITY, COST RECOVERY REPLICABILITY IN HOUSING TABLE OF CONTENT1 Introduction3 Concept of Pricing5 House Price Index5 Housing Affordability 7 Housing Market Affordability8 Cost Recovery Replication12 Conclusion12 References13 INTRODUCTION Shelter is one of the human basic physiological needs (Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs). In this modern era, shelter comes in a form of house and it is the most important component of the socio economy sector. Housing as a social and economic product has a positive impact on the economy of any country. Housing is often defined as a... Show more content on ... Alaghbari (2010) and Denis (2011) explained that the cost of construction is now very high, making it difficult for anybody with regular income to save for a building. Many governments in developing countries have been undertaking innovative projects in the housing sector for several years. The concept of replicability as a major consideration of project design dates from the time when international agencies, especially the World Bank, became involved in the housing sector in the early 1970s (Cohen, 1983). It was envisaged that if unit costs could be reduced to levels which low income households could afford, the burden of subsidy would be reduced and it would be possible to repeat projects to the level required, within existing budgetary resources. This paper provides a general perspective on the Concept of Pricing, Affordability, Cost Recovery and Replicability. CONCEPT OF PRICING A house can be seen as a bundle of multi dimensional attributes that combine together to give a certain price. It can also be viewed as an economic commodity that can be bought and sold. The possession of a house involves rights which people want for various reasons and for which they often are willing to pay substantial sums of money. The fact that they are wanted and have values extending into the future gives them an attractive investment potential. Most economists identify the economic value of property with the going exchange value or market price of
  • 48. Should There Be More or Less Laws Leading Abortion Essay There are many reasons why abortions are performed. The main way of looking at abortion can be summarized in five points: birth control issues, human rights, legal precedence, when life begins, and religious reasons. (Abortions allowed women to pursue their educational goals.)(Hill, 2007) Based on both moral and empirical claims, a wide variety of views supporting either less or more legal restriction on abortions has enlarged in America. While advocacy groups define the issue through its moral and constitutional represented by their citizens, representatives define the issue by party lines, normally with liberals as pro choice and traditionalists as pro life. The media defines the issue ethically, presenting to the land the views of... Show more content on ... Wade. Thus, the Presidential selection of Justices leaves abortionas a hot topic for political applicants. Before digging deeper into the current or past debates on an issue like abortion, it is important to look simply at the fact of its existence in the United States. Permitting to studies released in 2005 by The Guttmacher Institute and the Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH), there were 1.29 million abortions performed in the United States, research by the same group shows that in 1994, about half of all pregnancies in the country were unintended, with only approximately partial of those really ending in abortion. In contrast to other nations, the United States accounted for 3% of universal abortions in 1995 (PRCH and Guttmacher). A modern legal choice that affects the validity of abortion is the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 created after the Laci Peterson case. This act has made it so that a vicious crime against an expecting woman counts as two different crimes; one against the woman alone and the other one against the unborn child. This has additional to the debated nature of the issue because it seems like an inconsistency to allow the fetus to be considered a person in wrong proceedings, however allow abortion to be legal. It is inconsistent to provide a fetus rights as a human while still
  • 49. Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbor Essay Between 1942 and 1945, thousands of Japanese Americans, regardless of United States citizenship status, were required to evacuate their homes and businesses. Sparked by rising fear and anxiety of the American people after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a United States Naval base in Hawaii, Japanese Americans were moved to remote areas on the West Coast, where they were isolated in internment camps organized and run by the United StatesGovernment. Despite the lack of any concrete evidence, the U.S. forced Japanese Americans into internment camps, during World War II, due to Japanese involvement in Pearl Harbor; a rise in anti Japanese paranoia sparked by economic success of Japanese Americans; fear, anxiety and prejudice erupting within the United States government and amongst citizens; and a timid Supreme Court refusing to overturn internment orders. On Sunday, December 7, 1941, at 7:55 a.m., hundreds of Japanese aircraft and warplanes launched from Japanese aircraft carriers located just off the West Coast of the United States. The mission was to initiate a surprise attack on the United States Naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, particularly targeting the lot of American Pacific fleet located at the base, hoping to weaken the American and Allied military support. The attack was very successful for the Japanese, leaving a devastating toll on the American naval base and American lives in general. During the airborne attack, the United States lost eight battleships,
  • 50. Extended Stereotypes Anything but Average The baby blue ribbon draped around my horse s neck tells the crowd that I am the tenth best junior dressage rider in the country. Don t confuse this with some fantasy, I did not reign supreme nor top the field of competitors I faced during the weekend in Chicago, Illinois at the Festival of Champions horse show. However, I stood proud with my lowly score of 63.7 percent. Seven percent off the winner, which as far as my sport goes equates to the difference between an A and a C on a math test. In layman s terms, dressage means riding patterns on a horse. I could share the ideas of flying changes, extended trots, and half passes, but these seemingly alien concepts would lose most people. Above all, I trick people, including ... Show more content on ... In addition to a minimum qualifying standard, I had to prove myself in front of the panel of five international judges at Junior Olympics before I would receive an invitation to compete at the National Championships. The criteria seemed backwards, but I had no other options. My trainer worked Paddington and I long and hard all year up until the week before Junior Olympics. However, the four days leading up to championships I instead spent in an arm sling due to a conveniently placed contusion to my arm that prevented me from riding. I bummed around the isles of the barn, letting anxiety fill my head at the lack of preparation I felt I had in those final days. The morning of our six hour trek I rode for the first time with little to no pain and continued to hope the worst had ended. We made it to Kentucky and, with my arm finally free of the sling, pulled out a qualifying score to allow me acceptance into the Festival of
  • 51. Medical And Surgical Treatment Of Vitiligo Vitiligo is a skin disease where an individual loses their pigmentation when the pigment producing cells are attacked and destroyed (AOCD, n.d.). Vitiligo is also known to be an auto immune disorder where certain white blood cells direct the destruction of the melanocyte (AOCD, n.d.). Melanocytes are cells that give us our skinand hair color (AAOD, n.d.). Vitiligo affects any individual no matter their ethnic origin or sex. Individuals often notice that they have the skin diseasebefore they reached the age of 20 which is often notice on individuals with darker skin. Common areas that vitiligo would normally start would be on an individual s hands, feet, or face (AOCD, n.d.). Currently, there s no cure for vitiligo but there are ... Show more content on ... Articles that involved foreign language and children were excluded from the search. Search Strategy The systematic review was searched independently by one reviewer to find articles related to vitiligo and depression. There was no primary focus for a particular country. There was one particular database used to conduct the search which was google scholar. fig.1 Author(s)CountryObjectives MethodsResults Al Harbi, M (2012)EuropeTo study and classify depressive symptomsSelf administered questionnaires54 % were found to be depressed. Depression was more prevalent in single patients. Branch and Layegh (2010)IranEvaluate the degree of depression in vitiligo patients Beck Depression Questionnaire70 % was the prevalence rate of depression in individuals with vitiligo. Chan et al. (2012)AsiaExplore the level of depression in a group of vitiligo patientsA descriptive study17.2% had been identified as depressed. Maleki et al (2005)Iran Evaluate the prevalence and severity if depression in vitiligo patientsHamilton Depression Rating ScaleOut of the 52 participants 24(46%) were depressed. Zaki and Elbatrawy (2009)EgyptTo detect the level of depression in patients with vitiligoHamilton Depression Rating ScaleDepression was found in 33 % of the patients. Table 2. Results The results for
  • 52. The Media s Role in Terrorism Essays If the media were not there to report terrorist acts and to explain their political and social significance...terrorism as such would cease to exist said John O Sullivan, an editor of the Times of London.1 This is also the way many other people feel about the recent increase in terrorist activity; they feel that the media is causing it. The media is doing this by fulfilling the terrorists need for publicity.2 Terrorists need media publicity in order to get their views spread to the public.3 Because of this need for publicity, terrorists are committing their acts of terrorism in areas where a lot of publicity will be gained; the United States and Western Europe are the most recent targets. The bombings of the federal building in... Show more content on ... The way in which terrorists have gained publicity is very different. Late nineteenth century Southern lynch mobs and Central American death squads did not even use the media to gain their publicity. They just used their victims as examples to others who might disobey their rules.9 As times changed, terrorists began to publicize their views in books, pamphlets, underground newspapers, etc. This technique allowed them to reach a bigger audience. It was mostly used by terrorist groups during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Terrorist groups often contained a printer and a writer who together would make sure their views were publicized; the groups did not have to rely on an outside force to publicize for them.10 As new media technologies were invented, the terrorist groups were able to publicize their views to a bigger audience than they had ever imagined possible.11 The only problem was that they could not rely on people in the group to publicize for them; it would be almost impossible for a terrorist group to own a television or radio station. The only way they could get a piece of the new technology was to quot;create news. quot; This is what most terrorists do today; they stage an event that will gain news coverage and then try to get their views publicized by