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Sed – tips and Tricks

  Logan Palanisamy

 Basics
 Bio Break
 Intermediate Concepts
 Q&A
What is sed

 non-interactive
 non-screen oriented
 Line oriented
 Input file can be any size
 Input file not affected
sed syntax

 sed [options] 'cmd' in_file(s)
 sed [options] 'cmd' in_file(s) [> out_file]
 Standard input: sed [options] 'cmd' < in_file [>
 Pipelined input: command | sed [options] 'cmd' [>
Simple examples

Example                       Explanation
sed 's/pat1/pat2/g' file      Substitute all occurrences of pat1 with pat2
sed '/pat1/d' file            delete lines containing pat1 from file
sed '/pat1/w newfile' file    save lines containing pat1 to newfile
sed –n '30,40p' file          Print lines 30 to 40
sed '10q' file                Print the top 10 lines
sed –e 's/pat1/pat2/' –e      Substitute pat1 with pat2, and pat3 with pat4
's/pat3/pat4/' file
sed                           Substitute pat1 with pat2, and pat3 with pat4
/' file
Different sed options/switches

Range                   Remarks
-e                      Used when multiple commands are used on the
                        command line
-n                      Suppress automatic printing of pattern space
-f script-file          The commands in the script-file get executed
-r                      Use extended regular expressions in the script. With
                        this option, characters such as (, ), {, }, | become meta
                        characters, and don't have to be escaped.
-s                      Consider files as separate rather than as a single
                        continuous long stream
-i                      in-place editing of the input file
The "-f" option - example

 cat mysed.txt
   /pat1/ s/this/that/g
   /pat2/ s/before/after/

 sed –f mysed.txt in_file
 apostrophes not used
With and without "-s" option -

Lines   Lines   sed –n '1,10p' f1, f2              sed –ns '1,10p' f1, f2
in f1   in f2
4       5       9 lines                            4 lines from f1, 5 lines from f2
6       6       6 lines from f1, 4 lines from f2   6 lines from f1, 6 lines from f2
12      10      10 lines from f1. No lines from    10 lines from f1, 10 lines from
                f2                                 f2
Address Specification

Range               Remarks
10                  Just the line 10
1,10                Lines between 1 and 10
10,$                Line 10 to end of file
10,+3               Line 10 and 3 lines below (lines 10, 11, 12 and 13)
10~3                every third line after line 10
10, ~3              Line 10 and the next multiple of 3 (lines 10,11 and 12)
/pat1/              All lines containing pat1
/pat1/,+3           Lines containing pat1 and three lines following it
/pat1/,~3           Lines containing pat1 and up to the multiple of 3
/pat1/, 20          Lines between the line containing pat1 and line 20 if pat1 appears
                    before line 20. Otherwise, just the line containing pat1
/pat1/, /pat2/      lines between the line containing pat1 and line
                    containing pat2
Address Specification with negation

Range               Remarks
10!                 All lines except 10 (! is the negation indicator)
1,10!               Lines from 11 to end of the file
10,$!               Lines 1 to 9
10,+3!              All lines except 10, 11, 12 and 13
10~3!               All lines except line 10 and every third line after that
10, ~3!             All lines except lines 10, 11, and 12
/pat1/!             All lines not containing pat1
/pat1/,+3!          All line except lines containing pat1 and three lines
                    following it
/pat1/,~3!          All lines containing pat1 and up to the multiple of 3
Regular Expressions

Meta character Meaning
.             Matches any single character except newline
*             Matches zero or more of the character preceding it
              e.g.: bugs*, table.*
^             Denotes the beginning of the line. ^A denotes lines starting
              with A
$             Denotes the end of the line. :$ denotes lines ending with :
             Escape character (., *, [, , etc)
[]            matches one or more characters within the brackets. e.g.
              [aeiou], [a-z], [a-zA-Z], [0-9], [:alpha:], [a-z?,!]
[^]           matches any characters others than the ones inside brackets.
              eg. ^[^13579] denotes all lines not starting with odd numbers,
              [^02468]$ denotes all lines not ending with even numbers
<, >        Matches characters at the beginning or end of words
Extended Regular Expressions

Meta character Meaning
|               alternation. e.g.: ho(use|me), the(y|m), (they|them)
+               one or more occurrences of previous character. a+ is same as
?               zero or one occurrences of previous character.
{n}             exactly n repetitions of the previous char or group
{n,}            n or more repetitions of the previous char or group
{,m}            zero to m repetitions on the previous char or group
{n, m}          n to m repetitions of previous char or group
(....)          Used for grouping
sed –r ...      the "-r" option may have to be used on some version of sed for
                extended regular expressions to work

                e.g.: sed –r '/(pat1|pat2) s/pat3/pat4/'
                sed –rn '/(pat1|pat2){3,}/ p'
Regular Expressions – Examples

Example                       Meaning
.{10,}                        10 or more characters. Curly braces have to
[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}    Social Security number
([1-9]{3})[1-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}   Phone number (xxx)yyy-zzzz
[0-9]{2,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-     IP address format
[0-9]{3}[ ]*[0-9]{3}          Postal code in India
[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?          US ZIP Code + 4
Substitution – Format and Options

 [address[!]]s/pat1/pat2/[options]
 Options: g – global, w – write, i – ignore case, p –
  print, n – nth occurrence
 : or ; +, @ or any other character including space
  could also be used as the delimiter. Useful when / is
  part of the search or replacement string.
Substitution - Examples

Example                       Explanation
sed 's/pat1/pat2/' fn         Substitute the FIRST occurrence of pat1 with pat2
sed 's/pat1/pat2/g' fn        Substitute ALL occurrences of pat1 with pat2
sed 's/pat1/pat2/3' fn        Substitute the third occurrence of pat1 with pat2
sed 's/pat1/pat2/3g' fn       Substitute all but the first two occurrences of pat1
                              with pat2
sed 's/pat1/pat2/gi' fn       Substitute ALL occurrences of pat1 with pat2
                              ignoring the case
sed 's/pat1/pat2/giw          Write to new_files lines containing pat1
new_file' fn                  substituting with pat2
sed –n 's/pat1/pat2/gp' fn    Print lines containing pat1 substituting with pat2
Substitution – Examples contd

Example                         Explanation
sed '/pat1/ s/pat2/pat3/g' fn Substitute all occurrences of pat2 with pat3 on
                              lines containing pat1
sed '/pat1/! s/pat2/pat3/g'     Substitute all occurrences of pat2 with pat3 on
fn                              lines NOT containing pat1
sed '/pat1/,/pat2/              Substitute all occurrences of pat3 with pat4 on
s/pat3/pat4/g' fn               lines between pat1 and pat2 (inclusive)
sed '1,100 s/pat1/pat2/gi' fn   Substitute ALL occurrences of pat1 with pat2
                                ignoring the case between lines 1 and 100
sed '/pat1/,/pat2/!             Substitute all occurrences of pat3 with pat4 on
s/pat3/pat4/g' fn               lines NOT between pat1 and pat2 (inclusive)
sed '1,100! s/pat1/pat2/3i' fn Substitute the third occurrence of pat1 with pat2
                               ignoring the case from 101 to end of file
sed '2~5 s/pat1/pat2/w          Write every 5th line starting with the 2nd line,
new_file ' fn                   substituting pat1 with pat2
Substitution – Examples contd.

Example                         Explanation
sed                             Substitute all occurrences of either pat1 or pat2
's/(pat1|pat2)/pat3/g' fn    with pat3
sed –r 's/(pat1|pat2)/pat3/g' Same as above. With the –r option, parenthesis and
fn                            alternation characters don't have to be escaped

sed –r                          Substitute all occurrences of either abcpat1 or
's/abc(pat1|pat2)/pat3/g' fn    abcpat2 with pat3
sed 's/<pat1/pat3/g' fn        Substitute all occurrences pat1 that begin a word
                                with pat3.
sed 's/pat1>/pat3/g' fn        Substitute all occurrences pat1 that is end of a
                                word with pat3
sed 's/<pat1>/pat3/g' fn      Substitute all occurrences of the word pat1 with pat3.
                                Note: The angular brackets (< and >) have to be escaped
                                even with the –r option.
sed 's/[a-z]/u&/g' fn          Substitute all lower case letters to upper case letters
sed 's/./&&/g' fn               Double each character
Grouping and Back Referencing

 Parts of strings in the Search/Left-hand side can be
  grouped and referenced in the Replacement/Right-
  hand side
 Up to nine groups possible (1, 2, ..9)
 Groups can be nested or referenced back on the
  Search side
 Same group can be referenced any number of times
Substitution with Grouping and Back
               Referencing. Examples

Command                              Explanation
sed 's/^(.*):(.*)/2:1/' fn     Swap two fields delimited with :. "column
                                     A:column B" becomes "column B:column A"
sed –r 's/^(.*):(.*)/2:1/' fn      Same as above. With the –r option, the
                                     parentheses don't have to be escaped.
sed –r 's/^([^:]*):([^:]*)/2:1/'   Same as above. Exchanges only the first two
fn                                   columns even if there are more.
sed –r 's/^(This (.*) nested)/2     Group 1 contains everything between "This ..
1/' fn                              nested". Group 2 contains just the characters
                                     between "This" and "nested".
Substitution with Grouping and Back
               Referencing. Examples

Command                           Explanation
sed –r                            Print lines with six or seven character long
'(w)(w)(w)w?321/p' fn      palindromes
sed –r                            Convert six char palindrome strings to
's/(.)(.)(.)321/123123/g repetitive strings. Note: Any embedded or
' fn                              trailing six spaces also will match
sed -r ':a;s/(^|[^0-9.])([0-      Add comma as thousands separator (Think
9]+)([0-9]{3})/12,3/g;ta'      how easy it would have if we were to do this
numbers.txt                       from the left side)
sed –r 's/(.*)/11/' fn          Concatenate the string at the line level
sed –r 's:(.*):11:' fn          Same as above, but using : as the delimiter
                                  between search and replacement strings
Inserting text with "i" and "a"

Example                  Meaning
sed '4i                 Inserts two lines before line 4
my text 1
my text 2' in_file
sed '/pat1/ i           Inserts two lines before every line that contains
my text 1               pat1
my text 2' in_file

sed '4a                 Inserts two lines after line 4
my text 1
my text 2' in_file
sed '$a                 Inserts two lines after the end of the file
my text 1
my text 2' in_file
Changing text

Example                          Meaning
sed '4c                         Replace line 4 with the two new lines
my text 1
my text 2' in_file
sed '/pat1/ c                   Replace all lines containing pat1 with the two
my text 1                       new lines
my text 2' in_file
sed '/pat1/, /pat2/ c           Replace all lines between pat1 and pat2 with the
my text 1                       two new lines
my text 2' in_file

Change affects the whole line.
Substitute just the matching words or strings on the line
Deleting lines

Command                         Result
sed '10d' in_file               Delete the 10th line
sed '1,10d' in_file             Delete lines between 1 and 10
sed '10,$d' in_file             Delete lines from 10 to end of file
sed '10,+3d' in_file            Delete line 10 and 3 lines below (lines 10, 11, 12 and 13)
sed '10~3d' in_file             Delete every third line after line 10
sed '10, ~3d' in_file           Delete line 10 and up to the next multiple of 3 (lines 10,11 and
sed '/pat1/d' in_file           Delete all lines containing pat1
sed '/pat1/,+3d' in_file        Delete all lines containing pat1 and three lines following it

sed '/pat1/,~3d' in_file        Delete lines containing pat1 and up to next the multiple of 3
sed '/pat1/!d' in_file          Delete all lines NOT containing pat1
sed –r '/[0-9]{8,}/d' in_file   Delete lines containing 8 or more digits
Printing lines

Command                       Result
sed –n '10,/pat1/p' in_file   Print lines from 10 to next line containing pat1
sed –n '10,+3p' in_file       Print line 10 and 3 lines below (lines 10, 11, 12 and 13)
sed –n '10~3p' in_file        Print every third line after line 10
sed –n '10, ~3p' in_file      Print line 10 and up to the next multiple of 3 (lines 10,11 and
sed –n '/pat1/p' in_file      Print all lines containing pat1
sed –n '/pat1/,+3p' in_file   Print all lines containing pat1 and three lines following it

sed –n '/pat1/,~3p' in_file   Print lines containing pat1 and up to next the multiple of 3
sed –n '/pat1/,/pat2/p'       Repetitively print lines between the ranges containing
in_file                       pat1 and pat2
sed –n '/pat1/!p' in_file     Print all lines NOT containing pat1
sed -n '/([0-9]{3})[0-      Print lines containing phones numbers.
A note on the –r option

Command                    Result
sed -n '/([0-9]{3})[0-   Print lines containing phones numbers like (408)806-
9]{3}-[0-9]{4}/p'      8330, (408)349-3699
sed -nr '/([0-            Same as above with the –r option. Note the escaping of
9]{3})[0-9]{3}-[0-        parentheses. Without escaping, ( and ) become meta
9]{4}/p' in_file           characters, not part of the search string.
Printing with and without "-n"
                         option - Comparison

Command                  Comments
sed '1,10p' fn           Lines 1 to 10 are printed twice. Rest of the lines are
                         printed once
sed –n '1,10p' fn        Lines 1 to 10 are printed just once.
sed 's/pat1/pat2/p' fn   Lines containing pat1 are printed twice after
                         substituting pat1 with pat2. Other lines are printed
sed –n 's/pat1/pat2/p'   Only lines containing pat1 are printed after
fn                       substituting pat1 with pat2
Inserting/reading from a file

Command                        Result
sed '10r my_file' in_file      Insert my_file after the 10th line
sed '1,10r my_file' in_file    Insert my_file after each line between 1 and 10
sed '$r my_file' in_file       Append my_file at the end
sed '10,+3r my_file' in_file   Insert my_file after every line between10 and 13.
sed '10~3r my_file' in_file    Insert my_file every third line after line 10
sed '/pat1/,/pat2/r my_file'   Insert my_file after every line between pat1 and pat2
Writing selectively

Command                          Result
sed '1,10w nf' in_file           Write lines 1 to 10 to new file "nf"
sed '/^pat1/w nf' in_file        Write all lines beginning with pat1 to nf
sed '/pat1$/w nf' in_file        Write lines that end with pat1
sed '/<pat1>/w nf' in_file     Write lines that contain the WORD pat1 to nf
sed –e '1~2w odd_lines'          Write odd numbered lines to odd_lines, and even
-e '2~2w even_lines`             numbered files to even_lines
sed '/pat1/, /pat2/w nf'         Write all lines between pat1 and pat2 to nf
sed –r '/[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-   Write lines containing Social Security Number nnn-nn-nnnn to the
9]{4}w ssn' in_file              file ssn. Note the use of –r option. Otherwise, { and } have to be
sed –r '/(.)(.)(.)321/w       Write lines containing palindromes to palin.txt
palin.txt' in_file
Transliterating (like ‘tr’)

Command                   Result
y/source/dest/            One to one character by character substitution.
                          source and dest strings have to be of the same
sed 'y/13579/aeiou/' fn   replace 1 by a, 3 by e, and so on
Quitting from sed

Command                       Result
sed '15q' in_file             Quit after the 15th line. Print 14 lines
sed '/<[Ee]nd>/q' in_file   Quit after encountering the word End or end
Grouping multiple commands with { and }

sed –n '/pat1/,/pat2/ {
   w new_file
   }' inp_file
One liners

Command                       Result
sed 'p' in_file               Duplicate all the lines one below the other
sed '/^$/ d' in_file          Delete the blank lines from the input file
sed ‘s/./&:/80’               Add a colon after the 80th character. (replace the
                              eightieth occurrence of the pattern with itself and a
sed –r ‘s/^(.*) 1/1/' fn    Replace duplicate strings
sed G in_file                 Add a blank line after everyline.
find . –type f –name          Replace all occurrences of TableA with TableB in all
my_files.*.sql –exec sed –i   my SQL scripts
‘s/TableA/TableB/g’ {} +

More oneliners      
Additional concepts           not covered

 labels, branching to them
 h, H: copy/append patternspace to holdspace
 g, G: copy/append holdspace to patternspace
 x: exchange the contents of the hold and pattern

 sed & awk by Dale Dougherty & Arnold Robins

Unanswered questions

 How to simulate tail with sed?
 How to substitute the nth to mth occurrences of pat1
  with pat2?
 How to substitute the last N occurrences or the nth
  occurrence from the end?
 How to identify palindrome of any length?

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Sed tips and_tricks

  • 1. Sed – tips and Tricks 1 Logan Palanisamy
  • 2. Agenda 2  Basics  Bio Break  Intermediate Concepts  Q&A
  • 3. What is sed 3  non-interactive  non-screen oriented  Line oriented  Input file can be any size  Input file not affected
  • 4. sed syntax 4  sed [options] 'cmd' in_file(s)  sed [options] 'cmd' in_file(s) [> out_file]  Standard input: sed [options] 'cmd' < in_file [> out_file]  Pipelined input: command | sed [options] 'cmd' [> out_file]
  • 5. Simple examples 5 Example Explanation sed 's/pat1/pat2/g' file Substitute all occurrences of pat1 with pat2 sed '/pat1/d' file delete lines containing pat1 from file sed '/pat1/w newfile' file save lines containing pat1 to newfile sed –n '30,40p' file Print lines 30 to 40 sed '10q' file Print the top 10 lines sed –e 's/pat1/pat2/' –e Substitute pat1 with pat2, and pat3 with pat4 's/pat3/pat4/' file sed Substitute pat1 with pat2, and pat3 with pat4 's/pat1/pat2/;s/pat3/pat4 /' file
  • 6. Different sed options/switches 6 Range Remarks -e Used when multiple commands are used on the command line -n Suppress automatic printing of pattern space -f script-file The commands in the script-file get executed -r Use extended regular expressions in the script. With this option, characters such as (, ), {, }, | become meta characters, and don't have to be escaped. -s Consider files as separate rather than as a single continuous long stream -i in-place editing of the input file
  • 7. The "-f" option - example 7  cat mysed.txt /pat1/ s/this/that/g /pat2/ s/before/after/  sed –f mysed.txt in_file  apostrophes not used
  • 8. With and without "-s" option - Comparison 8 Lines Lines sed –n '1,10p' f1, f2 sed –ns '1,10p' f1, f2 in f1 in f2 4 5 9 lines 4 lines from f1, 5 lines from f2 6 6 6 lines from f1, 4 lines from f2 6 lines from f1, 6 lines from f2 12 10 10 lines from f1. No lines from 10 lines from f1, 10 lines from f2 f2
  • 9. Address Specification 9 Range Remarks 10 Just the line 10 1,10 Lines between 1 and 10 10,$ Line 10 to end of file 10,+3 Line 10 and 3 lines below (lines 10, 11, 12 and 13) 10~3 every third line after line 10 10, ~3 Line 10 and the next multiple of 3 (lines 10,11 and 12) /pat1/ All lines containing pat1 /pat1/,+3 Lines containing pat1 and three lines following it /pat1/,~3 Lines containing pat1 and up to the multiple of 3 /pat1/, 20 Lines between the line containing pat1 and line 20 if pat1 appears before line 20. Otherwise, just the line containing pat1 /pat1/, /pat2/ lines between the line containing pat1 and line containing pat2
  • 10. Address Specification with negation 10 Range Remarks 10! All lines except 10 (! is the negation indicator) 1,10! Lines from 11 to end of the file 10,$! Lines 1 to 9 10,+3! All lines except 10, 11, 12 and 13 10~3! All lines except line 10 and every third line after that 10, ~3! All lines except lines 10, 11, and 12 /pat1/! All lines not containing pat1 /pat1/,+3! All line except lines containing pat1 and three lines following it /pat1/,~3! All lines containing pat1 and up to the multiple of 3
  • 11. Regular Expressions 11 Meta character Meaning . Matches any single character except newline * Matches zero or more of the character preceding it e.g.: bugs*, table.* ^ Denotes the beginning of the line. ^A denotes lines starting with A $ Denotes the end of the line. :$ denotes lines ending with : Escape character (., *, [, , etc) [] matches one or more characters within the brackets. e.g. [aeiou], [a-z], [a-zA-Z], [0-9], [:alpha:], [a-z?,!] [^] matches any characters others than the ones inside brackets. eg. ^[^13579] denotes all lines not starting with odd numbers, [^02468]$ denotes all lines not ending with even numbers <, > Matches characters at the beginning or end of words
  • 12. Extended Regular Expressions 12 Meta character Meaning | alternation. e.g.: ho(use|me), the(y|m), (they|them) + one or more occurrences of previous character. a+ is same as aa*) ? zero or one occurrences of previous character. {n} exactly n repetitions of the previous char or group {n,} n or more repetitions of the previous char or group {,m} zero to m repetitions on the previous char or group {n, m} n to m repetitions of previous char or group (....) Used for grouping sed –r ... the "-r" option may have to be used on some version of sed for extended regular expressions to work e.g.: sed –r '/(pat1|pat2) s/pat3/pat4/' sed –rn '/(pat1|pat2){3,}/ p'
  • 13. Regular Expressions – Examples 13 Example Meaning .{10,} 10 or more characters. Curly braces have to escaped [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} Social Security number ([1-9]{3})[1-9]{3}-[0-9]{4} Phone number (xxx)yyy-zzzz [0-9]{2,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0- IP address format 9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3} [0-9]{3}[ ]*[0-9]{3} Postal code in India [0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})? US ZIP Code + 4
  • 14. Substitution – Format and Options 14  [address[!]]s/pat1/pat2/[options]  Options: g – global, w – write, i – ignore case, p – print, n – nth occurrence  : or ; +, @ or any other character including space could also be used as the delimiter. Useful when / is part of the search or replacement string.
  • 15. Substitution - Examples 15 Example Explanation sed 's/pat1/pat2/' fn Substitute the FIRST occurrence of pat1 with pat2 sed 's/pat1/pat2/g' fn Substitute ALL occurrences of pat1 with pat2 sed 's/pat1/pat2/3' fn Substitute the third occurrence of pat1 with pat2 sed 's/pat1/pat2/3g' fn Substitute all but the first two occurrences of pat1 with pat2 sed 's/pat1/pat2/gi' fn Substitute ALL occurrences of pat1 with pat2 ignoring the case sed 's/pat1/pat2/giw Write to new_files lines containing pat1 new_file' fn substituting with pat2 sed –n 's/pat1/pat2/gp' fn Print lines containing pat1 substituting with pat2
  • 16. Substitution – Examples contd 16 Example Explanation sed '/pat1/ s/pat2/pat3/g' fn Substitute all occurrences of pat2 with pat3 on lines containing pat1 sed '/pat1/! s/pat2/pat3/g' Substitute all occurrences of pat2 with pat3 on fn lines NOT containing pat1 sed '/pat1/,/pat2/ Substitute all occurrences of pat3 with pat4 on s/pat3/pat4/g' fn lines between pat1 and pat2 (inclusive) sed '1,100 s/pat1/pat2/gi' fn Substitute ALL occurrences of pat1 with pat2 ignoring the case between lines 1 and 100 sed '/pat1/,/pat2/! Substitute all occurrences of pat3 with pat4 on s/pat3/pat4/g' fn lines NOT between pat1 and pat2 (inclusive) sed '1,100! s/pat1/pat2/3i' fn Substitute the third occurrence of pat1 with pat2 ignoring the case from 101 to end of file sed '2~5 s/pat1/pat2/w Write every 5th line starting with the 2nd line, new_file ' fn substituting pat1 with pat2
  • 17. Substitution – Examples contd. 17 Example Explanation sed Substitute all occurrences of either pat1 or pat2 's/(pat1|pat2)/pat3/g' fn with pat3 sed –r 's/(pat1|pat2)/pat3/g' Same as above. With the –r option, parenthesis and fn alternation characters don't have to be escaped sed –r Substitute all occurrences of either abcpat1 or 's/abc(pat1|pat2)/pat3/g' fn abcpat2 with pat3 sed 's/<pat1/pat3/g' fn Substitute all occurrences pat1 that begin a word with pat3. sed 's/pat1>/pat3/g' fn Substitute all occurrences pat1 that is end of a word with pat3 sed 's/<pat1>/pat3/g' fn Substitute all occurrences of the word pat1 with pat3. Note: The angular brackets (< and >) have to be escaped even with the –r option. sed 's/[a-z]/u&/g' fn Substitute all lower case letters to upper case letters sed 's/./&&/g' fn Double each character
  • 18. Grouping and Back Referencing 18  Parts of strings in the Search/Left-hand side can be grouped and referenced in the Replacement/Right- hand side  Up to nine groups possible (1, 2, ..9)  Groups can be nested or referenced back on the Search side  Same group can be referenced any number of times
  • 19. Substitution with Grouping and Back Referencing. Examples 19 Command Explanation sed 's/^(.*):(.*)/2:1/' fn Swap two fields delimited with :. "column A:column B" becomes "column B:column A" sed –r 's/^(.*):(.*)/2:1/' fn Same as above. With the –r option, the parentheses don't have to be escaped. sed –r 's/^([^:]*):([^:]*)/2:1/' Same as above. Exchanges only the first two fn columns even if there are more. sed –r 's/^(This (.*) nested)/2 Group 1 contains everything between "This .. 1/' fn nested". Group 2 contains just the characters between "This" and "nested".
  • 20. Substitution with Grouping and Back Referencing. Examples 20 Command Explanation sed –r Print lines with six or seven character long '(w)(w)(w)w?321/p' fn palindromes sed –r Convert six char palindrome strings to 's/(.)(.)(.)321/123123/g repetitive strings. Note: Any embedded or ' fn trailing six spaces also will match sed -r ':a;s/(^|[^0-9.])([0- Add comma as thousands separator (Think 9]+)([0-9]{3})/12,3/g;ta' how easy it would have if we were to do this numbers.txt from the left side) sed –r 's/(.*)/11/' fn Concatenate the string at the line level sed –r 's:(.*):11:' fn Same as above, but using : as the delimiter between search and replacement strings
  • 21. Inserting text with "i" and "a" 21 Example Meaning sed '4i Inserts two lines before line 4 my text 1 my text 2' in_file sed '/pat1/ i Inserts two lines before every line that contains my text 1 pat1 my text 2' in_file sed '4a Inserts two lines after line 4 my text 1 my text 2' in_file sed '$a Inserts two lines after the end of the file my text 1 my text 2' in_file
  • 22. Changing text 22 Example Meaning sed '4c Replace line 4 with the two new lines my text 1 my text 2' in_file sed '/pat1/ c Replace all lines containing pat1 with the two my text 1 new lines my text 2' in_file sed '/pat1/, /pat2/ c Replace all lines between pat1 and pat2 with the my text 1 two new lines my text 2' in_file Change affects the whole line. Substitute just the matching words or strings on the line
  • 23. Deleting lines 23 Command Result sed '10d' in_file Delete the 10th line sed '1,10d' in_file Delete lines between 1 and 10 sed '10,$d' in_file Delete lines from 10 to end of file sed '10,+3d' in_file Delete line 10 and 3 lines below (lines 10, 11, 12 and 13) sed '10~3d' in_file Delete every third line after line 10 sed '10, ~3d' in_file Delete line 10 and up to the next multiple of 3 (lines 10,11 and 12) sed '/pat1/d' in_file Delete all lines containing pat1 sed '/pat1/,+3d' in_file Delete all lines containing pat1 and three lines following it sed '/pat1/,~3d' in_file Delete lines containing pat1 and up to next the multiple of 3 sed '/pat1/!d' in_file Delete all lines NOT containing pat1 sed –r '/[0-9]{8,}/d' in_file Delete lines containing 8 or more digits
  • 24. Printing lines 24 Command Result sed –n '10,/pat1/p' in_file Print lines from 10 to next line containing pat1 sed –n '10,+3p' in_file Print line 10 and 3 lines below (lines 10, 11, 12 and 13) sed –n '10~3p' in_file Print every third line after line 10 sed –n '10, ~3p' in_file Print line 10 and up to the next multiple of 3 (lines 10,11 and 12) sed –n '/pat1/p' in_file Print all lines containing pat1 sed –n '/pat1/,+3p' in_file Print all lines containing pat1 and three lines following it sed –n '/pat1/,~3p' in_file Print lines containing pat1 and up to next the multiple of 3 sed –n '/pat1/,/pat2/p' Repetitively print lines between the ranges containing in_file pat1 and pat2 sed –n '/pat1/!p' in_file Print all lines NOT containing pat1 sed -n '/([0-9]{3})[0- Print lines containing phones numbers. 9]{3}-[0-9]{4}/p' in_file
  • 25. A note on the –r option 25 Command Result sed -n '/([0-9]{3})[0- Print lines containing phones numbers like (408)806- 9]{3}-[0-9]{4}/p' 8330, (408)349-3699 in_file sed -nr '/([0- Same as above with the –r option. Note the escaping of 9]{3})[0-9]{3}-[0- parentheses. Without escaping, ( and ) become meta 9]{4}/p' in_file characters, not part of the search string.
  • 26. Printing with and without "-n" option - Comparison 26 Command Comments sed '1,10p' fn Lines 1 to 10 are printed twice. Rest of the lines are printed once sed –n '1,10p' fn Lines 1 to 10 are printed just once. sed 's/pat1/pat2/p' fn Lines containing pat1 are printed twice after substituting pat1 with pat2. Other lines are printed once sed –n 's/pat1/pat2/p' Only lines containing pat1 are printed after fn substituting pat1 with pat2
  • 27. Inserting/reading from a file 27 Command Result sed '10r my_file' in_file Insert my_file after the 10th line sed '1,10r my_file' in_file Insert my_file after each line between 1 and 10 sed '$r my_file' in_file Append my_file at the end sed '10,+3r my_file' in_file Insert my_file after every line between10 and 13. sed '10~3r my_file' in_file Insert my_file every third line after line 10 sed '/pat1/,/pat2/r my_file' Insert my_file after every line between pat1 and pat2 in_file
  • 28. Writing selectively 28 Command Result sed '1,10w nf' in_file Write lines 1 to 10 to new file "nf" sed '/^pat1/w nf' in_file Write all lines beginning with pat1 to nf sed '/pat1$/w nf' in_file Write lines that end with pat1 sed '/<pat1>/w nf' in_file Write lines that contain the WORD pat1 to nf sed –e '1~2w odd_lines' Write odd numbered lines to odd_lines, and even -e '2~2w even_lines` numbered files to even_lines in_file sed '/pat1/, /pat2/w nf' Write all lines between pat1 and pat2 to nf in_file sed –r '/[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0- Write lines containing Social Security Number nnn-nn-nnnn to the 9]{4}w ssn' in_file file ssn. Note the use of –r option. Otherwise, { and } have to be escaped. sed –r '/(.)(.)(.)321/w Write lines containing palindromes to palin.txt palin.txt' in_file
  • 29. Transliterating (like ‘tr’) 29 Command Result y/source/dest/ One to one character by character substitution. source and dest strings have to be of the same length sed 'y/13579/aeiou/' fn replace 1 by a, 3 by e, and so on
  • 30. Quitting from sed 30 Command Result sed '15q' in_file Quit after the 15th line. Print 14 lines sed '/<[Ee]nd>/q' in_file Quit after encountering the word End or end
  • 31. Grouping multiple commands with { and } 31 sed –n '/pat1/,/pat2/ { s/pat3/pat4/g s/pat5/pat6/g w new_file p }' inp_file
  • 32. One liners 32 Command Result sed 'p' in_file Duplicate all the lines one below the other sed '/^$/ d' in_file Delete the blank lines from the input file sed ‘s/./&:/80’ Add a colon after the 80th character. (replace the eightieth occurrence of the pattern with itself and a colon) sed –r ‘s/^(.*) 1/1/' fn Replace duplicate strings sed G in_file Add a blank line after everyline. find . –type f –name Replace all occurrences of TableA with TableB in all my_files.*.sql –exec sed –i my SQL scripts ‘s/TableA/TableB/g’ {} + More oneliners explained-part-one/
  • 33. Additional concepts not covered 33  labels, branching to them  h, H: copy/append patternspace to holdspace  g, G: copy/append holdspace to patternspace  x: exchange the contents of the hold and pattern spaces
  • 34. References 34  sed & awk by Dale Dougherty & Arnold Robins     
  • 35. Q&A 35  
  • 36. Unanswered questions 36  How to simulate tail with sed?  How to substitute the nth to mth occurrences of pat1 with pat2?  How to substitute the last N occurrences or the nth occurrence from the end?  How to identify palindrome of any length?

Editor's Notes

  1. In /pat1/,+3 if pat1 again appears within the next three lines, it will be ignored.