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ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้

     วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา     ฉบับ
 Saeng Dhamma                                       วันวิสาขบูชา
ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๓๓ ประจำาเดือนพฤษภาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๔
         Vol.36 No.433 May 2011                        ๒๕๕๔
สื่อส่องทาง	สว่างอ�าไพ
                                                    ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา		พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้
      ปีที่	36		ฉบับที่	433		ประจ�าเดือนพฤษภาคม			พ.ศ.	2554			Vol.36		No.433			May,		2011

		Objectives	:
 �To	promote	Buddhist	activities.                                                  สารบัญ
 �To	foster	Thai	culture	and	tradition.
 �To	inform	the	public	of	the	temple’s	activities.
 �To	promide	a	public	relations	center	for	
  	 Buddhists	living	in	the	United	States.             		The		Buddha’s	Words..............................................	1
                                                       		Emptiness		By	Ven.	Buddhadasa.......................................	2
		เจ้าของ	:	วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.                 		About	Being	Careful		By	Ven.	Ajanh	Chah.................7
	 ที่ปรึกษา	:	พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี                        			TOMORROW	MAN			By	Ven.	Laung	Ta	Chi.................................	12
	 กองบรรณาธิการ	:                                      		VISAKHA		PUJA		DAY			by	Ven.	Thanat	....................15
	 ดร.พระมหาถนัด		อตฺถจารี                              		อนุโมทนาพิเศษ	/	Special	Thanks..............................18
	 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ	ปภากโร                              		สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก	...................................	20
	 พระจรินทร์		อาภสฺสโร                                 		รายรับ-รายจ่ายวัด	JULY 1, 2010 - MARCH 31, 2011.. 21
	 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์		สมิทฺธิญาโณ
	 พระสุริยา		เตชวโร                                    		ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนพฤษภาคม............................	22
	 พระมหาสราวุธ		สราวุโธ                                		เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย........................หลวงตาชี					23
	 พระมหาประดู่ชัย		ภทฺทธมฺโม                           		ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมเดือนเมษายน........................	30
	 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์		อตฺตทีโป                            		เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี	......................................	32
	 พระมหาค�าตัล		พุทฺธงฺกุโร                            		ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา	๒,๓๐๐	ปี	ดร.พระมหาถนัด	 44
	 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์		พุทฺธรกฺขิโต                       		Thai	Temple’s	News...............โดย	ดร.แฮนดี้					46
	 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	        		รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนเมษายน			Ven.Pradoochai			48
	 SAENG	DHAMMA	Magazine                                		รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล	/	Lunch............................54
	 is	published	monthly	by                              	ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันวิสาขบูชา	...................................62
	 Wat	Thai	Washington,	D.C.	Temple
	 At	13440	Layhill	Rd.,
	 Silver	Spring,	MD	20906
	 Tel.	(301)	871-8660,	871-8661                                                Photos	taken	by	
	 Fax	:	301-871-5007                                                    Ven.	Pradoochai,	Ven.	Khumtan
	 E-mail	:                                        Ven.	Ananphiwat,	Ven.Srisuporn	
	 Homepage	:                                                Mr.	Kevin	&	Mr.	Sam	
	 Radio	Network	:                                          Bank	&	Ms.	Golf	
	 2,500	Copies
	 	                            		          	      แสงธรรมส่องปัญญา	 	               ให้คุณค่าส่องอ�าไพ
	                                    	 	          สันติสงบใจ	 	              	      โลกสดใสได้ร่มเงา	
	                                     เทศกาลวิ ส าขบู ช าปี นี้	 ร� ำ ลึ ก พระบรมศำสดำสั ม มำสั ม พุ ท ธเจ้ ำ คื อ
                                        ครบ ๒๕๕๔ แห่งกำรดับขันธปรินิพพำน ณ กุสินำรำ, ครบ ๒๕๙๙ ปี
                                          แห่งกำรตรัสรู้ ณ พุทธคยำ และครบ ๒๖๓๔ ปี แห่งกำรประสูติ ณ
                                          ลุมพินีวัน จึงนับว่าเป็นโอกาสพุทธชยันตีเฉลิมฉลองที่ยิ่งใหญ่ของ
                                          พุทธศาสนิกชนหลายประเทศ	 	 อนึ่ง	 เมื่อมีการประกาศรับรองว่า	 วัน
                                          วิสาขบูชา	เป็นวันส�าคัญขององค์การสหประชาชาติแล้ว		พระนามของ
                                        พระบรมศาสดาสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้า	 ยิ่งได้รับการขนานนามว่าเป็นบรมครู
	                               ยิ่งในภาวะปัจจุบันเกิดวิกฤติหลายด้านทั่วโลก	 ทั้งจากความเปลี่ยนแปลงทาง
ธรรมชาติ	ฤดู             หนาว	ร้อน	ฝน	เกิดอย่างฉับไวในหนึ่งวัน	ร่างกายธาตุขันธ์ของมนุษย์ปรับเปลี่ยนแทบ
ไม่ทัน	จึงเกิดการเจ็บไข้ได้ป่วยทางกายบ้าง	ทางใจบ้าง		นอกจากนี้ปัญหาเศรษฐกิจ	ราคาน�้ามันแพง	ค่าใช้จ่าย
ต่าง	ๆ	ก็สูงขึ้น	แต่รายได้คงเดิม		จึงท�าให้เกิดความเครียด	อันก่อให้เกิดโรคทางจิตวิญญาณมาครอบง�า		
	        ดังนัน	เพือขับเคลือนชีวตนีให้กาวต่อไป	โดยการประคองตนอย่างมีสติปญญา		จึงควรน้อมน�าธรรมะของ
              ้ ่          ่    ิ ้ ้                                             ั
พระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้ามาปฏิบัติ		ให้เห็นความจริงอันประเสริฐ		เกิดอริยสัจจ์		ท�าลายทุกข์ทั้งปวง		ด้วยการลงมือ
ใคร่ครวญพิจารณา	ปฏิบัติตามหลักทุกข์		สมุทัย	นิโรธ	มรรค		ที่พระพุทธองค์ตรัสสอนไว้แล้ว		ปัญหาทุกปัญหา
สามารถแก้ไขได้		หากเรามีความตั้งใจ	และใช้วิธีการที่ถูกต้อง
	        แสงธรรม	ฉบับเดือนพฤษภาคมนี้		ร่วมเฉลิมฉลองพุทธชยันตี		ขอเชิญชวนชาวพุทธทั้งหลาย	น้อมน�าค�า
สั่งสอนของพระพุทธองค์		มาฝึกฝนอบรมตนให้พบความสะอาด	สว่าง	สงบใจ		ด้วยการใช้หลักธรรมที่น�าเสนอ
เป็นธรรมะภาคภาษาอังกฤษ		ส�าหรับภาคภาษาไทย	บทความเสียงธรรมจากหลวงตาชี	 และครูสีหลวงตาสอน	                           	
	        คณะผู้จัดท�า		ขออภัยสมาชิกแสงธรรมทุกท่าน	มา	ณ		โอกาสนี้	 หากท่านได้รับวารสารแสงธรรมฉบับ
เดือนเมษายน	ที่ไม่สมบูรณ์	เพราะการผลิตที่ผิดพลาดท�าให้หน้าสลับกัน		และต้องการหนังสือเล่มใหม่		หรือมี
ข้อเสนอแนะที่เป็นประโยชน์	กรุณาแจ้งมายังวัดไทยฯ	ดี.ซี.	ขออนุโมทนาสาธุการ

แสงธรรม 1   Saeng Dhamma

                  The Buddha’s Words
         โย สาสนํ อรหตํ                  อริยานํ ธมฺมชีวินํ
         ปฏิกฺโกสติ ทุมฺเมโธ             ทิฏฺฐึ นิสฺสาย ปาปิกํ
         ผลานิ กณฺฏกสฺเสว                อตฺตฆญฺญาย ผลฺลติ. (๑๖๔)
    คนทรามปัญญา มีความเห็นผิด ติเตียนคําสอนของเหล่าพระอริยะผูอรหันต์
    ผูมชวตอยูโดยธรรม เขาย่อมเกิดมาเพือฆ่าตัวเขาเอง เหมือนขุยไผ่ฆาต้นไผ่ฉะนัน
      ้ ีีิ ่                        ่                          ่          ้
    Whoso on account of false views scorns the teaching of the Noble Ones,
    the Worthy and Righteous Ones, he, the foolish man, destroys himself like
    the bamboo, seeding finds its end.
แสงธรรม 2          Saeng Dhamma

                                                    by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

	I   n	 the	 previous	 talk	 I	 spoke	 of	 emptiness	
     as	being	an	important	subject	but	the	oc-
casion	 didn’t	 permit	 me	 to	 give	 it	 the	 special	
                                                            mind,	 be	 it	 pleasant	 or	 unpleasant.	 Only	 one	
                                                            familiar	with	the	observation	of	mind	can	really	
                                                            understand	 Dhamma.	 One	 who	 merely	 reads	
attention	necessary	for	a	thorough	understand-              books	cannot	understand	and	what’s	more	may	
ing.	So	as	some	aspects	of	this	subject	of	empti-           even	go	astray.	But	one	who	tries	to	observe	the	
ness	remain	obscure,	today	I	have	come	to	talk	             things	 going	 on	 in	 the	 mind	 and	 always	 takes	
about	it	specially.                                         that	which	is	true	in	his	or	her	own	mind	as	a	
	 Emptiness	is	the	most	difficult	to	understand	            standard	has	no	way	to	get,	muddled.	Such	a	
of	all	the	Buddhist	Teachings	because	it	is	their	          person	will	be	able	to	comprehend	Dukkha	and	
innermost	heart.	Being	called	a	heart	it	must	ob-           the	cessation	of	Dukkha	and	ultimately	will	un-
viously	be	something	subtle	and	profound.	Its	              derstand	Dhamma.	Then	if	books	are	read	they	
understanding	does	not	lie	within	the	scope	of	             will	be	understood	well.
mere	conjecture	or	the	sort	of	pondering	that	              	 From	 the	 moment	 of	 birth	 to	 the	 time	 of	
ordinary	people	are	accustomed	to.	It	can	only	             death	we	must	train	ourselves	in	this	way,	ex-
be	understood	by	determined	study.                          amining	the	contact	of	the	mind	with	the	ob-
	 The	 most	 essential	 meaning	 of	 the	 word	             jects	that	surround	it	and	the	nature	of	the	re-
‘study’	is	of	the	unceasing,	dedicated	observa-             sults	of	that	contact,	for	in	that	natural	process	
tion	and	investigation	of	whatever	arises	in	the	           there	will	inevitably	be	both	pleasure	and	pain
แสงธรรม 3     Saeng Dhamma
and	observing	them	will	make	‘the	mind	wiser	            also	the	freedom	from	disease.	There	is	nothing	
and	more	resilient.	To	keep	observing	the	na-            beyond	emptiness.	
ture	of	our	thoughts	generates	a	mind	emptied	           	 The	medicine	which	cures	the	disease	is	the	
of	Dukkha,	and	so,	is	the	very	best	knowledge	           knowledge	and	practice	that	gives	birth	to	emp-
there	is.	Through	it	we	gain	familiarity	with	the	       tiness.	When	emptiness	has	appeared	it	will	be	
realization	or	awareness	of	emptiness.                   the	cure	of	the	disease	and	alter	recovery	from	
	 Please	think	back	to	the	point	made	in	the	            the	 disease	 there	 will	 be	 nothing	 save	 empti-
last	talk	that	the	Commentators	all	called	the	          ness,	the	state	void	of	Dukkha	and.	void	of	the	
Buddha	the	‘Spiritual	Doctor’	and	divided	dis-           mental	defilements	that	are	the	cause	of	Dukkha	
ease	into	two	kinds:	that	of	the	body/mind	and	          This	emptiness,	which	has	that	wide	breadth	of	
that	of	the	spirit.	Both	diseases	of	the	body	and	       meaning,	is	self-existent:	nothing	can	come	to	
those	of	the	mind	such	as	are	treated	in	men-            touch	it,	develop	it,	improve	it,	or	do	anything	
tal	 hospitals	 were	 considered	 to	 be	 Physical	      to	it.	Thus	it	is	a	timeless	state,	for	it	mows	nei-
Disease.	Spiritual	Disease,	or	Mental	Disease	as	        ther	birth	nor	death.	Its	‘being’	is	not	the	same	
they	called	it,	refers	to	the	disease	that	must	be	      as	the	being	of	things	which	are	born	and	die	
treated	with	Dhamma.	So	I	would	like	to	make	            but	 since	 we	 have	 no	 other	 word	 to	 use,	 we	
the	point	that	if	you	are	really	to	understand	dis-      say	that	it	has	being	characterized	by	immutable	
ease	you	must	make	this	division:	take	diseases	         emptiness.
of	the	body	and	of	the	mind	(the	mental	body)	           	 If	anyone	realizes,	that	is	to	say	if	anyone’s	
as	being	both	physical	disease.	As	for	spiritual	        mind	realizes	this	thing,	then	it	will	be	the	medi-
disease	it	is	not	a	disease	of	the	brain	or	nervous	     cine	that	cures	the	disease	and	the	immediate	
system	but	is	an	illness	affecting	truth¬	discern-       recovery	from	disease,	a	state	time¬lessly	emp-
ing	awareness	(satipanna),	that	which	knows	our	         ty.	It	is	true	health.	
life	and	the	world	as	they	truly	are.	So	it	refers	      Please	keep	trying	to	grasp	the	meaning	of	this	
to	 Ignorance	 or	 the	 wrong	 understanding	 that	      word	emptiness,	or	sunnata	as	it	is	in	Pali,	as	I	
springs	from	ignorance	and	causes	the	wrong	ac-          explain	it	point	by	point.	
tions	that	lead	to	Dukkha:,	even	if	physically	and	      	 Firstly,	 consider	 the	 point	 that	 the	 Buddha	
.mentally	we	are	quite	healthy.	                         declared	that	every	word	that	he,	the	Tathagata	
	 When	we	are	suffering	from	Spiritual	Disease	          [14],	 spoke	 referred	 to	 the	 subject	 of	 empti-
with	 what	 must	 we	 treat	 it?	 We	 must	 treat	 it	   ness.	 He	 spoke	 of	 no	 other	 matter,	 either	 di-
with	emptiness.	What’s	more,	emptiness	(sun-             rectly	or	indirectly.	Any	talk	unconnected	with	
nata)	is	not	only	the	cure	of	the	disease	but	is	        the	subject	of	empti¬ness	is	not	the	speech	of
แสงธรรม 4       Saeng Dhamma
the	 Tathagata	 but	 of	 disciples	 of	 a	 later	 time	   the	highest	thing.	Anyone	who	wants	to	be	with-
who	liked	to	speak	at	great	length	to	show	how	           out	 problems	 concerning	 Dukkha	 and	 death,	
clever	and	articulate	they	were.		                        should	 look	 on	 the	 world,	 i.e.	 “on	 all	 things,	
	 One	can,	if	one	wants	to,	add	much	more,	for	           as	they	truly	are	namely	as	empty,	neither	‘I’	
example:	that	emptiness	is	the	absence	of	self	           nor	‘mine’.	The	statements	of	the	Buddha	that	
or	what	belongs	to	self,	for	the	word	emptiness	          follow	on	from	show	the	benefits:	‘Nibbanam	
has	a	whole	host	of	applications.	Although	the	           paramam	sunnam	and	‘Nibbanam	paramam	su-
characteristic	 of	 emptiness	 remains	 constant,	        kham’,	 which	 translate	 as	 ‘Nibbana	 is	 the	 su-
its	expressions	are	innumerable.	That	being	so,	          preme	emptiness’	and	‘Nibbana	is	the	supreme	
we	will	aim	to	examine	emptiness	only	as	ab-              happiness’.	You	must	understand	that	Nibbana	
sence	of	Dukkha	and	the	de-                                                  is	 the	 remainderless	 extinc-
filements	that	are	the	cause	of	                                             tion	 of	 Dukkha,	 means	 the	
Dukkha	and	as	the	absence	of	                                                same	 as	 supreme	 emptiness,	
the	feeling	that	there	is	a	self	                                            and	that	it	is	possible	to	know	
or	that	there	are	things	which	                                              and	realize	an	emptiness	that	
are	the	possessions	of	a	self.	                                              is	not	supreme,	an	emptiness	
This	is	emptiness	as	it	relates	                                             that	is	 in	some	way	deficient	
to	our	practice	of	Dhamma.                                                   or	 false.	 The	 truth-discerning	
	 If	we	enquire	which	of	the	                                                awareness	must	be	so	impec-
Buddha’s	 utterances	 dealing	                                               cably	 clear	 that	 one	 has	 not	
with	this	matter	can	be	taken	                                               the	 slightest	 feeling	 of	 ‘self’	
as	authoritative	statements	we	                                              or	‘belonging	to	self’	for	it	to	
will	 find	 that	 in	 many	 places	                                          be	 called	 paramam	 sunnam,	
the	Buddha	taught	us	to	know	how	to	look	on	              supreme	emptiness.	Supreme	emptiness	is	Nib-
the	 world	 as	 being	 empty,	 as	 in	 the	 phrase	 if	
                                                      	   bana	 because	 it	 completely	 extinguishes	 the	
‘Sunnato	 lokam	 avekkhassu	 mogharaja	 sada	             things	that	are	on	fire,	the	stream	or	whirlpool	
sato’	 which	 means	 “You	 should	 look	 on	 the	         of	flowing	and	changing	phenomena.	Thus	the	
world	 as	 being	 empty.	 If	 you	 can	 be	 always	       supreme	emptiness	and	the	supreme	extinction	
aware	of	the	emptiness	of	the	world,	death	will	          are	one	and	the	same	thing.
not	find	you.”	                                           	 As	for	the	saying	that	Nibbana	is	the	supreme	
	 These	words	of	the	Buddha	enjoining	us	to	              happiness,	it	is	an	expression	in	the	language	of	
see	 the	 world	 as	 being	 empty	 show	 that	 it	 is	    relative	truth,	a	sort	of	enticing	propaganda	in
แสงธรรม 5      Saeng Dhamma
the	language	of	the	common	man	used	because	 happiness	 of	 Nibbana	 that	 is	 emptiness.	 So	 in	
in	general	people	are	infatuated	with	happiness,	 hearing	 the	 phrase	 ‘Nibbana	 is	 the	 supreme	
they	want	nothing	else.	So	it	is	necessary	to	tell	 happiness’	don’t	go	jumping	to	the	conclusion	
them	that	Nibbana	is	happiness	and	what’s	more	 that	Nibbana	is	exactly	what	you’re	looking	for	
it’s	the	supreme	happiness.	But	truly	speaking	 and	start	dreaming	about	it	without	taking	into	
Nibbana	is	greater	than	happiness,	beyond	it.	It	 consideration	that	it	is	also	supreme	emptiness.	
is	empti¬ness.	It	can’t	be	said	to	be	either	happi- 	 The	saying	of	the	Buddha	which	deals	with	
ness	or	suffering	because	it	lies	beyond	both	the	 the	practice	in	regard	to	emptiness	is	the	one	
suffering	and	the	happiness	known	by	the	com- that	 is	 the	 heart	 of	 the	 Budd¬hist	 Teachings:	
mon	man.	But	when	one	speaks	like	this,	peo- ‘Sabbe	 dhamma	 nalam	 abhinivesaya’	 which	
ple	don’t	understand	and	so	it’s	said	instead,	 translates	literally	as	‘No	dhamma	whatsoever	
in	the	language	of	        เจ้าภาพดอกไม้วันสงกรานต์ กลุ่มพลังบุญ                       should	be	grasped	
the	 worldly,	 that	                                                                   at	 or	 clung	 to’.	 If	
it	 is	 ultimate	 hap-                                                                 one	 amplifies	 the	
piness.	 This	 being	                                                                  meaning	 a	 little	 it	
so,	when	using	the	                                                                    may	 be	 rendered	
word	 happiness	                                                                       as	‘no	one	should	
you	must	be	care-                                                                      grasp	 or	 cling	 to	
ful	 to	 use	 it	 in	 its	                                                             anything	as	being	I	
proper	 sense.	 It	 is	                                                                or	mine’.	‘No	one’	
not	 the	 happiness	                                                                   means	 that	 there	
that	 people	 generally	 see	 or	 aspire	 to.	 It	 is	 a	 are	no	exceptions;	‘should	grasp	or	cling’	means	
different	sort	of	happiness	it	is	the	state	empty	 to	 give	 rise	 to	 ego-consciousness;	 ‘as	 being	 I’:	
of	every	single	thing	that	proliferates,	flows,	and	 refers	to	the	feeling	called	ahamkara,	the	grasp-
changes.	Thus	it	is	truly	lovely,	truly	refreshing	 ing	at	a	(non-existent)	soul	or	abiding	ego-enti-
and	truly	desirable.	For	if	there	is	still	flowing	 ty;	‘as	being	mine’	refers	to	the	feeling	called	
and	changing,	a	constant	swaying	and	rocking,	 mamamkara,	 ,the	 grasping	 at	 phenomena	 as	
how	can	there	be	happiness?	                              being	connected	to	ego.	So	don’t	have	aham-
	 Thus	the	feelings	of	pleasure	arising	from	con- kara	or	mamamkara	with	regard	to	anything	at	
tact	with	the	various	sense-objects	are	illusory,	 all	starting	from	a	worthless	speck	of	dust	up	to	
they	are	not	the	ultimate	happiness.	The	hap- valuable	objects	such	as	diamonds,	sapphires,	
piness	of	the	common	man	is	not	the	supreme	 gems	and	the	objects	of	sensual	desire,	and	on
แสงธรรม 6         Saeng Dhamma
to	things	higher	than	that	-	Dhamma,	its	theory,	         ferring	to	was	this	principle	of	not	grasping	at	or	
practice	and	attainment,	the	Path	-	Realizations,	        clinging	to	anything	as	being	self	or	as	belonging	
their	 Fruits	 and	 Nibbana.	 Nothing	 whatsoever	        to	self.	
should	be	grasped	at	or	clung	to	as	being	‘I’	or	         	 To	have	heard	this	phrase	is	to	have	heard	
‘mine’.	This	is	the	heart	of	the	Buddhist	Teach-          every	phrase	because	all	subjects	are	condensed	
ings	and	was	affirmed	to	be	so	by	the	Buddha	             within	it.	Of	all	the	things	that	the	Buddha	taught	
himself.	                                                 there	wasn’t	one	that	didn’t	deal	with	.Dukkha	
	 He	said	that	to	have	heard	the	phrase	sabbe	            and	 the	 elimination	 of	 Dukkha.	 Grasping	 and	
dhamma	nalam	abhinivesaya,	is	to	have	heard	              clinging	are	the	cause	of	Dukkha.	When	there	is	
every	 phrase	 of	 the	 Teachings,	 to	 have	 put	 it	    grasping	and	clinging	there	is	Dukkha.	The	prac-
into	practice	is	to	have	done	every	practice	and	         tice	is	to	make	the	non-	arising	of	grasping	and	
to	have	reaped	the	fruits	of	that	practice	is	to	         clinging	final	and	permanent,	so	that	the	mind	is	
have	reaped	every	fruit	of	the	Buddhist	Teach-            unceasingly	empty.	Just	that	is	enough.	There	is	
ings.	So	we	don’t	need	to	be	afraid	that	there	is	        nothing	else	to	do.	
too	much	to	understand.	The	Buddha	made	the	              	 ‘This	practice	is	every	practice’.	Try	to	think	if	
comparison	that	the	things	that	he	had	realized	          there’s	anything	that	remains	to	be	practised,	At	
were	as	many	as	all	the	leaves	in	the	forest	but	         any	moment	that	any	person,	whether	it’s	Mr.	
those	which	he	had	brought	out	to	teach	were	             Smith	or	Mrs.	Jones	or	anyone	at	all,	has	a	mind	
a	single	handful.	The	‘single	handful’	he	was	re-                          To be continued

        คุณวิชต-คุณวนิดา-คุณวารี หิรัญกิจ
               ิ                                              คุณสมร-คุณทิพสร-น้องฌอนฌอน นามสวัสดิ์
   ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อวงศ์ หิรัญกิจ ซึ่งจากไปครบ 2 ปี    ทำาบุญอุทิศแด่บุพการีชน ถวายปัจจัยเข้าวัด ทั้งสิ้น $450
แสงธรรม 7     Saeng Dhamma

                                                  About Being
                                  A Dhammatalk By Ajahn Chah

  ...Continued from last issue...
                                                        well,	 practicing	 correctly.	 Supatipanno	 means	
About being careful                                     those	 who	 practice	 well.	 Ujupatipanno	 means	
	 ‘’Giving	up	all	evil,	practicing	what	is	good,	       those	 who	 practice	 directly.	 Ñāyapatipanno	
purifying	the	mind.’’	Giving	up	wrongdoing	first,	      means	 those	 who	 practice	 for	 the	 realization	
we	then	start	to	develop	the	good.	What	is	the	         of	path,	fruition	and	Nibbāna.	Sāmīcipatipanno	
good	and	meritorious?	Where	is	it?	It’s	like	fish	      are	those	who	practice	inclined	towards	truth.	
in	the	water.	If	we	scoop	all	the	water	out,	we’ll	     It	 could	 be	 anyone.	 These	 are	 the	 Sangha	 of	
get	the	fish	-	that’s	a	simple	way	to	put	it.	If	       true	disciples	(sāvaka)	of	the	Lord	Buddha.	Lay-
we	scoop	out	and	pour	back	in,	the	fish	remain	         women	living	at	home	can	be	sāvaka.	Laymen	
in	the	barrel.	If	we	don’t	remove	all	forms	of	         can	be	sāvaka.	Bringing	these	qualities	to	fulfill-
wrongdoing,	we	won’t	see	merit	and	we	won’t	            ment	is	what	makes	one	a	sāvaka.	One	can	be	a	
see	 what	 is	 true	 and	 right.	 Scooping	 out	 and	   true	disciple	of	the	Buddha	and	realize	enlight-
pouring	 back,	 scooping	 out	 and	 pouring	 back,	     enment.	
we	only	remain	as	we	are.	Going	back	and	forth	         	 Most	of	us	in	the	Buddhist	fold	don’t	have	
like	this,	we	only	waste	our	time	and	whatever	         such	 complete	 understanding.	 Our	 knowledge	
we	do	is	meaningless.	Listening	to	teachings	is	        doesn’t	 go	 this	 far.	 We	 do	 our	 various	 activi-
meaningless.	Making	offerings	is	meaningless.	All	      ties	thinking	that	we	will	get	some	kind	of	merit	
our	efforts	to	practice	are	in	vain.	We	don’t	un-       from	them.	We	think	that	listening	to	teachings	
derstand	the	principles	of	the	Buddha’s	way,	so	        or	making	offerings	is	meritorious.	That’s	what	
our	actions	don’t	bear	the	desired	fruit.	              we’re	told.	But	someone	who	gives	offerings	to	
	 When	 the	 Buddha	 taught	 about	 practice,	          ‘get’	merit	is	making	bad	kamma.	
he	wasn’t	only	talking	about	something	for	or-          	 You	 can’t	 quite	 understand	 this.	 Someone	
dained	people.	He	was	talking	about	practicing	         who	gives	in	order	to	get	merit	has	instantly	ac-
แสงธรรม 8       Saeng Dhamma
cumulated	bad	kamma.	If	you	give	in	order	to	             the	other	person	says	that	if	we	drop	it,	then	we	
let	go	and	free	the	mind,	that	brings	you	merit.	         can	get	something	better.	The	two	have	a	hard	
If	you	do	it	to	get	something,	that’s	bad	kamma.	         time	communicating.	
Listening	to	teachings	to	really	understand	the	          	 If	we	make	offerings	and	practice	good	deeds	
Buddha’s	 way	 is	 difficult.	 The	 Dhamma	 be-           in	order	to	get	something,	it	doesn’t	work	out.	
comes	 hard	 to	 understand	 when	 the	 practice	         What	 we	 get	 is	 becoming	 and	 birth.	 It	 isn’t	 a	
that	 people	 do	 -	 keeping	 precepts,	 sitting	 in	     cause	for	realizing	Nibbāna.	Nibbāna	is	giving	up	
meditation,	giving	-	is	for	getting	something	in	re-      and	letting	go.	If	we	are	trying	to	get,	to	hold	
turn.	We	want	merit,	we	want	something.	Well,	if	         on,	to	give	meaning	to	things,	that	isn’t	a	cause	
something	can	be	gotten,	then	who	gets	it?	We	            for	realizing	Nibbāna.	The	Buddha	wanted	us	to	
get	it.	When	that	is	lost,	whose	thing	is	it	that’s	      look	here,	at	this	empty	place	of	letting	go.	This	
lost?	The	person	who	doesn’t	have	something	              is	merit.	This	is	skillfulness.	
doesn’t	lose	anything.	And	when	it’s	lost,	who	           	 When	we	practice	any	sort	of	merit	and	vir-
suffers	over	it?	                                         tue,	once	we	have	done	that,	we	should	feel	
	 Don’t	 you	 think	 that	 living	 your	 life	 to	 get	   that	our	part	is	done.	We	shouldn’t	carry	it	any	
things	brings	you	suffering?	Otherwise	you	can	           further.	We	do	it	for	the	purpose	of	giving	up	
just	go	on	as	before	trying	to	get	everything.	And	       defilements	and	craving.	We	don’t	do	it	for	the	
yet,	if	we	make	the	mind	empty,	then	we	gain	             purpose	of	creating	defilements,	craving	and	at-
everything.	Higher	realms,	Nibbāna	and	all	their	         tachment.	Then	where	will	we	go?	We	don’t	go	
accomplishments	-	we	gain	all	of	it.	In	making	           anywhere.	Our	practice	is	correct	and	true.	
offerings,	we	don’t	have	any	attachment	or	aim;	          Most	 of	 us	 Buddhists,	 though	 we	 follow	 the	
the	mind	is	empty	and	relaxed.	We	can	let	go	             forms	of	practice	and	learning,	have	a	hard	time	
and	put	down.	It’s	like	carrying	a	log	and	com-           understanding	 this	 kind	 of	 talk.	 It’s	 because	
plaining	it’s	heavy.	If	someone	tells	you	to	put	         Māra,	meaning	ignorance,	meaning	craving	-	the	
it	down,	you’ll	say,	‘’If	I	put	it	down,	I	won’t	         desire	to	get,	to	have,	and	to	be	-	enshrouds	
have	anything.’’	Well,	now	you	do	have	some-              the	 mind.	 We	 only	 find	 temporary	 happiness.	
thing	-	you	have	heaviness.	But	you	don’t	have	           For	 example,	 when	 we	 are	 filled	 with	 hatred	
lightness.	So	do	you	want	lightness,	or	do	you	           towards	someone	it	takes	over	our	minds	and	
want	to	keep	carrying?	One	person	says	to	put	it	         gives	us	no	peace.	We	think	about	the	person	all	
down,	the	other	says	he’s	afraid	he	won’t	have	           the	time,	thinking	what	we	can	do	to	strike	out	
anything.	They’re	talking	past	each	other.	               at	him.	The	thinking	never	stops.	Then	maybe	
	 We	want	happiness,	we	want	ease,	we	want	               one	 day	 we	 get	 a	 chance	 to	 go	 to	 his	 house	
tranquility	and	peace.	It	means	we	want	light-            and	 curse	 him	 and	 tell	 him	 off.	 That	 gives	 us	
ness.	We	carry	the	log,	and	then	someone	sees	            some	 release.	 Does	 that	 make	 an	 end	 of	 our	
us	doing	this	and	tells	us	to	drop	it.	We	say	we	         defilements?	We	found	a	way	to	let	off	steam	
can’t	because	what	would	we	have	then?	But	               and	we	feel	better	for	it.	But	we	haven’t	gotten
แสงธรรม 9     Saeng Dhamma
rid	of	the	affliction	of	anger,	have	we?	There	is	       it’s	 the	 happiness	 of	 fools.	 It’s	 the	 way	 that	
some	happiness	in	defilement	and	craving,	but	           fools	 stop	 their	 suffering.	 There’s	 no	 wisdom	
it’s	like	this.	We’re	still	storing	the	defilement	      here.	 These	 different	 confused	 conditions	 are	
inside	and	when	the	conditions	are	right,	it	will	       mixed	 in	 the	 heart	 that	 has	 a	 feeling	 of	 well-
flare	up	again	even	worse	than	before.	Then	we	          being.	If	the	mind	is	allowed	to	follow	its	moods	
will	want	to	find	some	temporary	release	again.	         and	tendencies	it	feels	some	happiness.	But	this	
Do	the	defilements	ever	get	finished	in	this	way?	       happiness	is	always	storing	unhappiness	within	
It’s	similar	when	someone’s	spouse	or	children	          it.	Each	time	it	erupts	our	suffering	and	despair	
die,	 or	 when	 people	 suffer	 big	 financial	 loss.	   will	 be	 worse.	 It’s	 like	 having	 a	 wound.	 If	 we	
They	drink	to	relieve	their	sorrow.	They	go	to	a	        treat	it	on	the	surface	but	inside	it’s	still	infect-
movie	to	relieve	their	sorrow.	Does	it	really	re-        ed,	it’s	not	cured.	It	looks	okay	for	a	while,	but	
lieve	the	sorrow?	The	sorrow	actually	grows;	but	        when	the	infection	spreads	we	have	to	start	cut-
for	the	time	being	they	can	forget	about	what	           ting.	If	the	inner	infection	is	never	cured	we	can	
happened	so	they	call	it	a	way	to	cure	their	mis-        be	operating	on	the	surface	again	and	again	with	
ery.	It’s	like	if	you	have	a	cut	on	the	bottom	of	       no	end	in	sight.	What	can	be	seen	from	the	out-
your	foot	that	makes	walking	painful.	Anything	          side	may	look	fine	for	a	while,	but	inside	it’s	the	
that	 contacts	 it	 hurts	 and	 so	 you	 limp	 along	    same	as	before.	
complaining	of	the	discomfort.	But	if	you	see	a	         	 The	 way	 of	 the	 world	 is	 like	 this.	 Worldly	
tiger	coming	your	way,	you’ll	take	off	and	start	        matters	are	never	finished.	So	the	laws	of	the	
running	without	any	thought	of	your	cut.	Fear	of	        world	in	the	various	societies	are	constantly	re-
the	tiger	is	much	more	powerful	than	the	pain	in	        solving	 issues.	 New	 laws	 are	 always	 being	 es-
your	foot,	so	it’s	as	if	the	pain	is	gone.	The	fear	     tablished	 to	 deal	 with	 different	 situations	 and	
made	it	something	small.	                                problems.	Something	is	dealt	with	for	a	while,	
	 You	might	experience	problems	at	work	or	              but	there’s	always	a	need	for	further	laws	and	
at	home	that	seem	so	big.	Then	you	get	drunk	            solutions.	There’s	never	the	internal	resolution,	
and	in	that	drunken	state	of	more	powerful	de-           only	 surface	 improvement.	 The	 infection	 still	
lusion,	 those	 problems	 no	 longer	 trouble	 you	      exists	within,	so	there’s	always	need	for	more	
so	much.	You	think	it	solved	your	problems	and	          cutting.	People	are	only	good	on	the	surface,	in	
relieved	your	unhappiness.	But	when	you	sober	           their	words	and	their	appearance.	Their	words	
up	 the	 old	 problems	 are	 back.	 So	 what	 hap-       are	 good	 and	 their	 faces	 look	 kind,	 but	 their	
pened	to	your	solution?	You	keep	suppressing	            minds	aren’t	so	good.	
the	problems	with	drink	and	they	keep	on	com-            	 When	we	get	on	a	train	and	see	some	ac-
ing	back.	You	might	end	up	with	cirrhosis	of	the	        quaintance	there	we	say,	‘’Oh,	how	good	to	see	
liver,	but	you	don’t	get	rid	of	the	problems;	and	       you!	I’ve	been	thinking	about	you	a	lot	lately!	
then	one	day	you	are	dead.	                              I’ve	 been	 planning	 to	 visit	 you!’’	 But	 it’s	 just	
	 There	is	some	comfort	and	happiness	here;	             talk.	We	don’t	really	mean	it.	We’re	being	good
แสงธรรม 10     Saeng Dhamma
on	the	surface,	but	we’re	not	so	good	inside.	We	        knowing	the	world	clearly.	Then	samudaya,	the	
say	the	words,	but	then	as	soon	as	we’ve	had	            cause	of	suffering,	is	not	created,	and	tanhā	is	
a	smoke	and	taken	a	cup	of	coffee	with	him,	             not	born.	There	is	vijjā,	knowledge	of	things	as	
we	split.	Then	if	we	run	into	him	one	day	in	the	        they	really	are,	and	it	illumines	the	world.	It	il-
future,	we’ll	say	the	same	things	again:	‘’Hey,	         lumines	praise	and	blame.	It	illumines	gain	and	
good	to	see	you!	How	have	you	been?	I’ve	been	           loss.	 It	 illumines	 rank	 and	 disrepute.	 It	 clearly	
meaning	to	go	visit	you,	but	I	just	haven’t	had	         illumines	birth,	aging,	illness,	and	death	in	the	
the	time.’’	That’s	the	way	it	is.	People	are	su-         mind	of	the	practitioner.	
perficially	good,	but	they’re	usually	not	so	good	       That	is	someone	who	has	reached	the	Dhamma.	
inside.	                                                 Such	people	no	longer	struggle	with	life	and	are	
	 The	 great	 teacher	 taught	 Dhamma	 and	 Vi-          no	longer	constantly	in	search	of	solutions.	They	
naya.	It	is	complete	and	comprehensive.	Nothing	         resolve	what	can	be	resolved,	acting	as	is	appro-
surpasses	it	and	nothing	in	it	need	be	changed	          priate.	That	is	how	the	Buddha	taught:	he	taught	
or	adjusted,	because	it	is	the	ultimate.	It’s	com-       those	 individuals	 who	 could	 be	 taught.	 Those	
plete,	so	this	is	where	we	can	stop.	There’s	noth-       who	could	not	be	taught	he	discarded	and	let	
ing	to	add	or	subtract,	because	it	is	something	of	      go	 of.	 Even	 had	 he	 not	 discarded	 them,	 they	
the	nature	not	to	be	increased	or	decreased.	It	         were	still	discarding	themselves	-	so	he	dropped	
is	just	right.	It	is	true.	                              them.	You	might	get	the	idea	from	this	that	the	
	 So	 we	 Buddhists	 come	 to	 hear	 Dhamma	             Buddha	must	have	been	lacking	in	mettā	to	dis-
teachings	 and	 study	 to	 learn	 these	 truths.	 If	    card	people.	Hey!	If	you	toss	out	a	rotten	mango	
we	know	them	then	our	minds	will	enter	the	              are	you	lacking	in	metta?	You	can’t	make	any	
Dhamma;	 the	 Dhamma	 will	 enter	 our	 minds.	          use	 of	 it,	 that’s	 all.	 There	 was	 no	 way	 to	 get	
Whenever	a	person’s	mind	enters	the	Dhamma	              through	to	such	people.	The	Buddha	is	praised	
then	the	person	has	wellbeing,	the	person	has	           as	one	with	supreme	wisdom.	He	didn’t	merely	
a	mind	at	peace.	The	mind	then	has	a	way	to	             gather	 everyone	 and	 everything	 together	 in	 a	
resolve	difficulties,	but	has	no	way	to	degener-         confused	mess.	He	was	possessed	of	the	divine	
ate.	When	pain	and	illness	afflict	the	body,	the	        eye	and	could	clearly	see	all	things	as	they	re-
mind	has	many	ways	to	resolve	the	suffering.	It	         ally	are.	He	was	the	knower	of	the	world.	
can	 resolve	 it	 naturally,	 understanding	 this	 as	   As	the	knower	of	the	world	he	saw	danger	in	
natural	and	not	falling	into	depression	or	fear	         the	round	of	samsāra.	For	us	who	are	his	follow-
over	it.	Gaining	something,	we	don’t	get	lost	in	        ers	it’s	the	same.	If	we	know	all	things	as	they	
delight.	Losing	it,	we	don’t	get	excessively	up-         are,	that	will	bring	us	well-being.	Where	exactly	
set,	but	rather	we	understand	that	the	nature	           are	those	things	that	cause	us	to	have	happi-
of	all	things	is	that	having	appeared	they	then	         ness	and	suffering?	Think	about	it	well.	They	are	
decline	and	disappear.	With	such	an	attitude	we	         only	things	that	we	create	ourselves.	Whenever	
can	make	our	way	in	the	world.	We	are	lokavidū,	         we	create	the	idea	that	something	is	us	or	ours,
แสงธรรม 11     Saeng Dhamma
that	is	when	we	suffer.	Things	can	bring	us	harm	          our	families	where	we	have	to	pay	attention.	Or	
or	benefit,	depending	on	our	understanding.	So	            what	do	you	think?	These	days,	where	do	you	
the	Buddha	taught	us	to	pay	attention	to	our-              experience	 suffering?	 Where	 are	 you	 involved	
selves,	to	our	own	actions	and	to	the	creations	           in	love,	hate	and	fear?	Control	yourselves,	take	
of	our	minds.	Whenever	we	have	extreme	love	               care	 of	 yourselves.	 Watch	 out	 you	 don’t	 get	
or	aversion	to	anyone	or	anything,	whenever	we	            bitten.	If	they	don’t	bite	they	might	kick.	Don’t	
are	 particularly	 anxious,	 that	 will	 lead	 us	 into	   think	that	these	things	won’t	bite	or	kick.	If	you	
great	suffering.	This	is	important,	so	take	a	good	        do	 get	 bitten,	 make	 sure	 it’s	 only	 a	 little	 bit.	
look	 at	 it.	 Investigate	 these	 feelings	 of	 strong	   Don’t	get	kicked	and	bitten	to	pieces.	Don’t	try	
love	or	aversion,	and	then	take	a	step	back.	If	           to	 tell	 yourselves	 there’s	 no	 danger.	 Posses-
you	get	too	close,	they’ll	bite.	Do	you	hear	this?	        sions,	wealth,	fame,	loved	ones,	all	these	can	
If	you	grab	at	and	caress	these	things,	they	bite	         kick	and	bite	if	you’re	not	mindful.	If	you	are	
and	they	kick.	When	you	feed	grass	to	your	buf-            mindful	you’ll	be	at	ease.	Be	cautious	and	re-
falo,	 you	 have	 to	 be	 careful.	 If	 you’re	 careful	   strained.	When	the	mind	starts	grasping	at	things	
when	it	kicks	out,	it	won’t	kick	you.	You	have	            and	making	a	big	deal	out	of	them,	you	have	to	
to	feed	it	and	take	care	of	it,	but	you	should	be	         stop	it.	It	will	argue	with	you,	but	you	have	to	
smart	enough	to	do	that	without	getting	bitten.	           put	your	foot	down.	Stay	in	the	middle	as	the	
Love	for	children,	relatives,	wealth	and	posses-           mind	comes	and	goes.	Put	sensual	indulgence	
sions	will	bite.	Do	you	understand	this?	When	             away	on	one	side.	Put	self-torment	away	on	the	
you	feed	it,	don’t	get	too	close.	When	you	give	           other	side.	Love	to	one	side,	hate	to	the	other	
it	water,	don’t	get	too	close.	Pull	on	the	rope	           side.	Happiness	to	one	side,	suffering	to	the	oth-
when	you	need	to.	This	is	the	way	of	Dhamma,	              er	side.	Remain	in	the	middle	without	letting	the	
recognizing	 impermanence,	 unsatisfactoriness	            mind	go	in	either	direction.	
and	lack	of	self,	recognizing	the	danger	and	em-                            To be continued
ploying	caution	and	restraint	in	a	mindful	way.
Ajahn	Tongrat	didn’t	teach	a	lot;	he	always	told	
us,	‘’Be	really	careful!	Be	really	careful!’’	That’s	
how	he	taught.	‘’Be	really	careful!	If	you’re	not	
really	careful,	you’ll	catch	it	on	the	chin!’’	This	
is	really	how	it	is.	Even	if	he	didn’t	say	it,	it’s	
still	how	it	is.	If	you’re	not	really	careful	you’ll	
catch	 it	 on	 the	 chin.	 Please	 understand	 this.	
It’s	not	someone	else’s	concern.	The	problem	
isn’t	other	people	loving	or	hating	us.	Others	far	
away	somewhere	don’t	make	us	create	kamma	
and	suffering.	It’s	our	possessions,	our	homes,	             ทำ�บุญวันเกิดคุณสร�ยุทธ ฤทธิ์ถ�วร 23 เม.ย. 54
แสงธรรม 12       Saeng Dhamma

      Essays On The Dhamma
         By Luang Ta Chi
     Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart

   ...Continued from last issue...                           					Meditation	to	achieve	concentration	is	a	way	
                                                             of	filtering	and	clearing	the	mind	to	be	able	to	
   IV. Supraman one wha Who Has                              see	 the	 truth.	 	 The	 great	 obstacles	 to	 concen-
wisdom                                                       tration	that	leads	to	peace	of	mind	are	the	five	

	M         ind	 that	 lacks	 concentration	 is	 influ-
           enced	 by	 things	 in	 the	 world.	 	 When	
things	 outside	 contact	 the	 senses—eyes,	 ears,	
                                                             	 1.	Kāma-chanda—satisfaction	in	loving,	want-
                                                             ing,	and	deep	longing.		This	burns	in	the	mind	and	
                                                             causes	constant	unrest	like	a	rabid	dog.
nose,	tongue,	and	body—the	mind	is	moved	by	                 	 2.	Vyāpāda—dissatisfaction	with	everything.		It	
these	things.		These	create	the	feelings	of	love,	           leads	to	restlessness,	constantly	burning	and	suf-
anger,	 confusion,	 and	 addiction.	 	 The	 one	 who	        fering	mind	like	a	sharp	weapon	stuck	into	your	
lacks	concentration	has	great	obstacles	prevent-             heart.
ing	him	from	undergoing	scientific	experiment	on	            	 3.	 Thīna-middha—sloth	 and	 torpor,	 caused	
the	mind.		It	is	necessary	to	practice	concentra-            by	 delusion.	 	 It	 makes	 the	 mind	 	 indifferent	 to	
tion	so	that	the	mind	can	be	stable,	pure,	and	              everything,	tired,	and	constantly	sleepy.
suitable	 for	 the	 scientific	 mental	 experiment	 to	      	 4.	 Uddhacca-kukkucca—distractedness	 and	
recognize	things	as	they	are.                                worry.	 	 Worrying	 about	 events	 in	 the	 past	 and	
	 Just	as	a	person	will	not	see	the	oyster,	the	             events	yet	to	come,	and	complaining	that	draws	
abalone,	 the	 sand,	 and	 the	 fish	 in	 the	 	 muddy	      the	mind	away	from	the	present.		As	in	the	rainy	
water,	So	too	will	the	person	be	unable	to	see	              season	 the	 clouds	 come	 from	 all	 directions	 to	
the	reality	of	things	when	the	mind	is	clouded.              block	the	sunlight,	causing	darkness.
	 Just	as	a	person	can	see	the	oyster,	the	aba-              		 5.	 Vicikicchā—hesitation	 and	 doubt	 which	
lone,	 the	 sand,	 and	 the	 fish	 in	 clear	 water,	 So,	   block	 the	 arising	 of	 wisdom.	 There	 is	 always	
too,	can	a	person	with	a	clear	mind	see	the	truth.	      	   doubt	as	to	whether	the	path	to	Enlightenment
แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma
and	Nibbāna	(Nirvāna)		truly	exists.		There	is	ques-      the	part	of	the	mind	that	pertains	to		the	sense	of	
tioning	 of	 the	 meaning	 of	 physical	 and	 mental	 	   the	beautiful.		They	create	beautiful	images	such	
phenomena	and	the	cessation	of	suffering.		This	          as	colorful	flowers,	golden	pagodas,	devas,	and	
is	similar	to	the	traveler	who	comes	to	a	fork	in	        heavenly	abodes	which	fill	the	mind	with	bliss.	       	
the	road	and,	not	knowing	which	way	to	go,	sits	          Whoever	 is	 attached	 to	 these	 is	 caught	 in	 the	
there	forever,		wondering	which	road	to	take.	To	         wheel	of	samsāra,	just	like	a	bird	caught	in	the	
overcome	the	five	hindrances,	we	need	the	three	          hunter’s	net.		These	images	will	disappear	when	
instruments	mentioned	before:                             awareness	reveals		things	as	they	are.
	 1.	Atāpī—the	strong	effort	to	overcome	de-              	 3.	Images	that	are	frightening.		Wild	animals	
filements,	or	to	die	trying.                              like	 a	 charging	 elephant,	 a	 tiger	 about	 to	 claw	
	 2.	 Sampajañña—universal	 knowledge;	 per-              you,	a	snake	about	to	strike,	a	dog	trying	to	bite	
forming	 moment	 to	 moment	 with	 universal	             you,	or	a	skeleton,		or	a	rotting	corpse—all	terrify-
knowledge	of	the	truth	of	existence	so	as	not	to	         ing	images.		To	rid	ourselves	of	these	images,	we	     	
be	led	astray	by	defilements.                             must	be	aware	of	the	present	moment.
	 3.	Satimā—to	be	in	constant	awareness,	ob-              	 4.	Images	that	are	purposely	created.		When	
serving	the	mind	at	all	times;	never	letting	mind	        we	think	of	something,	it	appears	to	us.		We	think	
think	by	itself;	paying	constant	attention	to	what	       of	the	moon,	and	it	appears;	we	imagine	objects	
arises	in	mind.		We	watch	moods	and	thoughts	             to	be	larger	or	smaller,	and		they	become	so.		We	
arising	and	disappearing	and	know	how	they	af-            think	of	heaven	and	hell,	and	they	appear.		When	
fect	the	mind.                                            we	think	of	the	enlightened	ones	or	the	Buddha,	
	 When	we	use	these	three	instruments,	the	five	          their	images	appear.	Whatever	we	think	of	auto-
defilements	will	disappear	from	our	minds.		The	          matically	appears.		These	are	all	just	created	im-
mind	will	be	at	peace	and	keep	up	concentra-              ages,	 not	 natural	 conditions.	 	 Having	 awareness	
tion.	Too	much	concentration,	however,	without	           will	make	them	disappear.
awareness	can	lead	to	mental	images,	of	which	            	 5.	Images	that	implore.		These	arise	from	lack	
there	are	five	types:                                     of	 awareness.	 	 They	 can	 be	 souls	 experiencing	
	 1.	Images	that	copy	oneself.		These	are	reflec-         great	mental	pain	and	asking	for	merit.		Or	they	
tions	of	ourselves	seen	by	the	mind.		The	image	          can	be	corrupted,	misguided	spirits	that	keep	vis-
does	 what	 you	 do:	 stand,	 walk,	 sit,	 bend	 over,	   iting	us	with	frightening	images	and	scary	howls.	     	
stretch,	or	move.		If	you	ask	it	to	do	something,	it	     Loving-kindness	together	with	awareness	will	mi-
will	do	as	you	wish.		To	make	this	go	away,	you	      	   raculously	make	these	images	disappear.
have	to	use	your	awareness.		When	awareness	is	           	 Once	 the	 five	 hindrances	 have	 been	 over-
as	strong	as	concentration,	these	images	will	dis-        come	 and	 the	 five	 types	 of	 mental	 images	 de-
appear	because	they	are	not	real.                         stroyed,	the	obstacles	that	are	preventing	us	from	
	 2.	Images	that	are	blissful.		These	come	from	          entering	the	“supramundane	state”	are	removed.
แสงธรรม 14      Saeng Dhamma
From	 here	 the	 mind	 can	 establish	 concentra-           	 One	should	certainly	do	one’s	job	today.	Who	
tion	to	attain	peace,	purity,	and	clarity.		Thus	we	        knows,	tomorrow	death	could	come.	Absolutely	
can	proceed	in	our	scientific	experiment	on	the	            no	way	can	one	come	to	an	agreement		with	the	
mental	phenomena	to	discover	the	truth	of	all	              mighty	Lord	of	Death.
things.		We	can	test	the	truth	in	this	body	that	           										Past	is	past,	do	not	desire	for	it	to	turn	back.		
is	 six	 feet	 long,	 one	 hand	 thick,	 and	 a	 forearm	   What	hasn’t	come,	do	not	treat	in	an	indifferent	
wide.		So	we	can	look	at	ourselves,	talk	to	our-            manner,	it’ll	come.	Yesterday	will	never	take	the	
selves,	and	use	ourselves	to	test	and	prove	the	            same	road	again.
truth	of	anicca	(impermanence,	always	changing),	           										“Tomorrow	will	have	yet	to	arrive.”
dukkha	 (unsatisfactoriness),	 and	 anattā	 (no-self,	      	 Thus	one	should	seriously	perform	one’s	duty	
not	under	anyone’s	control).		These	are	the	true	           today.	Who	would	know	we	will	live	tomorrow?	
characteristics	of	all	that	exists	in	nature.		When	        Impossibly	can	a	person	come	to	an	agreement	
the	mind	has	grasped	the	true	nature	of	things	as	          with	or	influence	Powerful	Death	to	allow	him	or	
explained	here,	it	will	be	free	of	all	attachments	         her	to	stay.
and	enter	the	path	toward	Enlightenment	leading	            	 There	are	in	a	year	365	days	or	12	months,	
to	Nibbāna.		One	is	no	longer	under	the	power	of	           December	being	the	last	one	of	the	year.		It	is	
the	defilements	and	craving.		The	mind	is	free	of	          the	custom	for	most	of	us	to	consider	the	pass-
all	attachments	and	enters	the	“supramundane	               ing	year	to	be	the	“old”	year	and	call	the	com-
state,”	and	thus	one	has	become	truly	“supra-               ing	year,	beginning	with	January,	the	“new”	year.	         	
human.”		                                                   “Old”	and	“new”	are	only	ideas	that	we	make	
					From	the	point	of	view	of	the	Dhamma,	one	             up	for	having	easy	communication;	otherwise	we	
becomes	a	“supra-human”	because	he	or	she	is	               would	hardly	understand	each	other.		No	forces	
“above”	all	worldly	influences.		Even	while	living	         can	stop	their	motion.		They	constantly	and	du-
in	the	world,	the	mind	is	no	longer	a	slave	to	de-          tifully	 move	 as	 they	 do;	 they	 never	 stand	 still.	  	
filements	and	craving,	and	one	lives	in	freedom—            Thus	 it	 is	 “life”	 that	 loses	 its	 hold	 to	 time,	 as	
complete	freedom	from	suffering.		And	thus	this	            shown	in	one	of	the	Buddhist	proverbs:
person	has	earned	the	title	“supraman.”						               							Kalo	khasati	bhutani	sabbaneva	sahattana
                                                            	 Time	eats	up,	together	with	its	own	self,	the	
V. Tomorrow Man                                             lives	of	all	beings.
                                                                               To be continued
										Ajjeva	kiccamatappam
										Ko	janna	maranam	suve
										Na	hi	no	sangharantena
										Mahasenena	maccuna
แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma

    The Birth of the Buddha,
    Peacemaker for the World

The Significance of Visakha Puja Day
    By Phramaha Thanat Inthisan, Ph.D.

The	Significance	of	Visakha	Puja	Day                        to	celebrate	Vesak.		It	was	the	same	Dharmapala,	
						On	behalf	of	The	Council	of	Thai	Bhikkhus	in	         however,	who	in	May	of	1897,	following	the	World	
the	U.S.A.,	as	the	Secretary	of	the	Council,	I	would	       Parliament	of	Religions	four	years	earlier,	presided	
like	to	join	in	this	year’s	Visakha	Puja	celebration.	  	   over	the	first	Vesaka	Puja	celebration	in	America	
This	year	Vesak	is	especially	significant	because	it	is	    in	San	Francisco.		Then	in	1999,	sixty-six	years	af-
the	commemoration	of	the	2600th	anniversary	of	             ter	the	death	of	the	great	Buddhist	preacher,	Vi-
the	Enlightenment	of	the	Buddha.		Under	the	aus-            sakha	Puja	received	the	worldwide	recognition	it	
pices	of	the	Mission	of	the	Republic	of	Sri	Lanka	to	       deserves.		On	December	15	of	that	year	at	the	
the	United	Nations	and	of	the	United	Nations	Gen-           behest	of	the	country	of	Sri	Lanka,	Dharmapala’s	
eral	Assembly,	special	events	have	been	planned	            homeland,	 the	 fifty-fourth	 United	 Nations	 Gen-
in	New	York	to	celebrate	this	auspicious	occasion.			       eral	Assembly	declared	Vesak	Day,	the	full-moon	
	 Today	Vesakha	Puja	is	recognized	as	an	inter-             day	in	May,	an	International	Day.		Buddhism	was	
national	day	of	celebration	of	the	life	of	the	Bud-         recognized	as	one	of	the	oldest	religions	in	the	
dha.		This	May,	2011,	we	have	the	Vesak	ceremony	           world,	 a	 religion	 that	 should	 be	 praised	 for	 its	
in	all	the	Buddhist	countries,	Thailand,	Vietnam,	          concerns	about	the	welfare	of	human	beings.
Laos,	 Cambodia,	 Sri	 Lanka,	 Japan,	 Korea,	 China,	      					Visakha	Puja	commemorates	three	important	
and	 others.	 	 In	 fact,	 Visakha	 Puja	 is	 celebrated	   events	in	the	life	of	the	Buddha,	all	occurring	in	
across	the	globe.		                                         different	years	on	the	full-moon	day	of	May:	his	
	 It	 was	 not	 always	 this	 way.	 	 When	 Anaga-          birth,	 his	 Enlightenment,	 and	 his	 passing	 away.	  	
rika	Dharmapala,	arguably	the	greatest	preacher	            These	events	can	serve	as	lessons	for	us	today.				
of	Buddhism	in	modern	times,	was	a	boy	in	the	              	 I	 would	 like	 to	 begin	 with	 the	 event	 of	 his	
1870s	in	his	native	Sri	Lanka,	then	the	British	col-        birth.		After	the	Buddha	was	born,	he	walked	sev-
ony	of	Ceylon,	he	was	caned	by	the	headmaster	              en	steps	and	said,	“I	am	chief	in	the	world,	I	am	
of	the	Christian	school	he	attended	for	taking	off	         best	in	the	world,	I	am	first	in	the	world.	This	is
แสงธรรม 16      Saeng Dhamma
my	last	birth.	There	will	be	no	further	rebirth.”	    	    					The	message	of	Visakha	Puja	Day	is	a	message	of	
This	statement	expresses	the	Buddha’s	aim	in	his	          loving-kindness	and	compassion	that	bring	peace.	           	
life.	His	words	are	not	just	the	silly	boasting	of	a	      We	celebrate	Vesak	day,	or	the	Buddha’s	day,	be-
child.		Rather,	they	signify	that	we	are	all	individu-     cause	of	his	great	loving-kindness	and	compassion	
ally	responsible	for	what	we	make	of	our	lives.	       	   not	only	to	the	Buddhist	people	but	also	to	all	the	
Think	about	that.	Do	you	take	this	responsibility	         people	of	the	world.	The	Buddha	was	a	great	man	
seriously?		If	you	do	not,	you	should	reflect	on	          who	walked	on	the	earth	and	preached	to	the	peo-
this	matter	today.	                                        ple	2,500	years	ago	about	how	to	live	happily	and	
					Let	us	talk	about	the	second	event	commem-            peacefully.		After	he	realized	the	truth,	he	did	not	
orated	on	Vesak.		After	the	Buddha	achieved	En-            keep	it	to	himself;	he	spread	the	truth	for	forty-five	
lightenment,	he	said	to	himself,	“Through	the	                  years	of	his	life.		That	is	why	we	gather	together	
round	of	uncountable	births,	I	wandered	                              and	celebrate	on	this	day.	
without	finding	the	house	builder	I	was	                                  					Visakha	Puja	Day	commemorates	
seeking.		Rebirth	again	and	again	is	                                        the	birthday	of	the	Buddha	as	the	
painful.	 House	 builder;	 you	 are	                                           arising	 of	 the	 Buddha	 to	 bring	
seen!	 	 You	 will	 no	 longer	 build	                                          peace.	 	 The	 Buddha-to-be	 was	
my	 house.	 	 All	 your	 rafters	 are	                                           born	 into	 the	 Brahmin	 tradi-
broken.	 	 The	 ridge	 pole	 is	 de-                                              tion,	 but	 he	 left	 this	 tradition	
stroyed.	 	 Mind	 attains	 the	 un-                                               behind.		He	tried	to	get	rid	of	
conditioned.		Mind	achieves	the	                                                 all	 unwholesome	 things	 inside	
end	of	craving.”		The	Buddha	rec-                                                and	 outside	 people,	 for	 exam-
ognized	what	causes	problems	for	                                               ple,	the	castes	in	the	society	of	
us.	We	should	also	recognize	that	                                            his	time.		He	traveled	throughout	
the	 problems	 we	 encounter	 come	                                        the	Middle	Area	for	forty-five	years	
from	 inside	 the	 mind.	 	 The	 problems	                              teaching	people,	and	then	he	passed	
start	there—with	our	thoughts.                                     away	in	final	Enlightenment.		He	visited	the	
	 The	third	event	recalled	on	Vesakha	Puja	Day	            poor,	 his	 enemies	 (for	 instance,	 Devidatta),	 and	
is	the	Buddha’s	passing	away.		Before	he	passed	           kings	 because	 of	 his	 great	 compassion	 and	 be-
away,	he	told	his	disciples,	“All	component	things	        cause	of	his	wisdom.							
are	subject	to	decay	and	destruction,	work	out	the	        					The	message	of	Visakha	Puja	Day	is	also	that	of	
real	freedom	with	earnestness.”		These	were	the	           overcoming	egoism.		The	Buddha	worked	without	
last	words	of	the	Buddha.		We	should	work	hard	to	         egoism,	giving	people	the	opportunity	to	light	the	
understand	that	nothing	in	life	is	permanent,	that	        inner	light	in	their	hearts	and	reach	their	final	goal.	    	
nothing	can	be	counted	on,	so	that	was	can	free	           He	found	truth	and	liberation	and	destroyed	ego-
our	 minds	 from	 greed,	 hatred,	 and	 delusion	 and	     ism.		He	destroyed	all	the	defilements	in	his	mind	
thereby	attain	peace	and	freedom.	                         and	found	freedom	from	the	self.		As	a	result,	he
แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma
can	help	society	today	find	its	freedom	and	can	          that	he	woke	up.		The	word	Buddha	means	to	
teach	society	liberation	from	the	self.		He	can	en-       wake	 up	 and	 to	 know.	 	 Last	 month	 a	 husband	
able	society	to	find	peace.				                           and	wife	took	their	children	to	the	temple.		When	
					At	Visakha	Puja	the	birth	of	the	Buddha	is	cel-      they	saw	the	monks,	they	paid	respect	and	told	
ebrated	in	two	senses:	the	Buddha-to-be’s	being	          their	children	to	pay	respect,	but	they	called	the	
born	from	the	womb	of	his	mother,	and	the	Bud-            monk,	“my	Buddha.”		I	did	not	have	a	chance	
dha’s	 being	 born	 as	 the	 Awakened	 One,	 having	      to	explain	to	them	that	they	should	not	call	the	
destroyed	the	defilements,	especially	egoism,	atta.	  	   monk	“Buddha.”		The	more	I	think	about	what	
The	Buddha	has	the	answer	to	the	question	of	how	         they	said,	however,	the	more	I	realize	that	they	
the	people	of	the	world	can	attain	inner	peace.							    were	expressing	a	great	truth.		They	are	reminding	
					In	Buddhism,	we	have	two	ways	of	worship	            us	to	be	the	Buddha,	that	is,	the	Awakened	One,	
and	celebration.		The	first	one	we	call	material	         insofar	 as	 we	 wake	 up	 from	 the	 sleep	 of	 igno-
worship,	the	worship	that	uses	candles,	flowers,	         rance,	greed,	hatred,	and	delusion.
                                                          					There	is	a	story	about	the	Buddha	after	he	
                                                          achieved	Enlightenment.		
                                                          					He	decided	to	go	teach	at	Varanasi.		On	the	
                                                          way	 to	 Varanasi,	 one	 Brahmin	 asked	 him,	 “Are	
                                                          you	a	god?”		“No,”	said	the	Buddha.
                                                          					“An	angel?”		“No.”
                                                          					“A	saint?”					“No.”
                                                          					“Then	what	are	you?”
                                                          					The	Buddha	answered,	“I	am	awake.”
                                                          					The	Buddha	defined	himself	as	the	one	who	
                                                          had	woken	up.			
                                                          					As	we	celebrate	this	Visakha	Puja	Day,	then,	
                                                          we	do	not	forget	the	Buddha,	but	we	follow	his	
incense—material	things.	 	The	 second	 is	practi-        advice	as	his	disciples.		Learning	something	from	
cal	worship,	the	way	that	we	apply	the	Buddha’s	          our	great	teacher,	we	build	the	Buddha	within	our	
teachings	to	our	lives,	that	we	put	the	teachings	        minds.		It	is	never	too	late	to	change	our	ways	of	
into	action.		The	worship	or	celebration	that	the	        thinking,	speaking,	and	behaving,	ways	that	cause	
Buddha	admires	more	is	practical	worship.		               us	problems.		
	 Practical	 worship	 is	 truly	 the	 way	 in	 which	     	 Let	 us	 spread	 loving-kindness	 and	 compas-
egoism	is	overcome.		The	Buddha	wants	us	so	to	           sion.	 	 Let	 us	 overcome	 egoism	 and	 wake	 up.	    	
practice	so	that	we	can	benefit	from	his	teachings	       These	are	the	ways	to	find	the	Buddha’s	peace.
and	free	ourselves	from	suffering.	
	 The	 Buddha’s	 overcoming	 of	 egoism	 means
แสงธรรม 18           Saeng Dhamma
          อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks
  	 คณะสงฆ์และคณะกรรมการวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ขออนุโมทนาแด่สาธุชนทุกๆ ท่าน ที่มีจิตศรัทธาถวาย
 ภัตตาหารเช้า-เพล บริจาคสิงของ เสียสละแรงกาย แรงใจ ก�าลังสติปญญา และความสามารถเท่าทีโ่ อกาสจะอ�านวย
                            ่                                  ั
 ช่วยเหลือกิจกรรมของวัดด้วยดีเสมอมา ท�าให้วัดของเรามีความเจริญรุ่งเรืองก้าวหน้ามาโดยล�าดับ โดยเฉพาะทุก
 ท่านที่มีส่วนร่วมในงานวันส�าคัญต่าง ๆ ของทางวัด จึงประกาศอนุโมทนากับทุก ๆ ท่านมา ณ โอกาสนี้
�		คุณศิรินทิพย์ โค้ว ถวายน�้าดื่ม 2 เคส
� คุณยรรยง - ด.ช. ณรงค์ฤทธิ์ ดุลย์แสง - คุณสุภาภรณ์ วาฤทธิ์ ท�าบุญวันเกิดให้คุณจุฑาลักษณ์ (กระต่าย) ดุลย์แสง
   ถวายสไปรท์ 1 แพ็ค, โค้ก 1 แพ็ค, คอฟฟี่เมท 1 ขวด, กาแฟ 1 ขวด, coffee drink 30 ซอง, Listerine 4 ขวด,
   cold cups 600 ใบ
�		คุณทวน-คุณดลวรรณ -น้องทีนา เหวียน ท�าบุญวันเกิดให้นองแอนตัน เหวียน ถวายปากกา Big 72 ด้าม, ดินสอ 1 กล่อง,
                                 ่                    ้        ้
   ช้อน 600 คัน, Glad Clingwrap, Foam Cups, Foam Plate, Foam Bowl, Sugar เป็นต้น
�		คุณวนิดา สุนทรพิทกษ์ ถวายน�าดืม 1 แพ็ค
                      ั            ้ ่
�		คุณธนิดา สิชฌวัฒน์ - คุณณัฐพล เปมจิต จนท.ทูตเกษตร ถวายเปเป้อร์ทาวน์ 10 ม้วน, ทิซซู่ 12 กล่อง
�		คุณเล็ก - คุณสุกานต์ ซือตรง ถวายแก้วน�าดืม
                          ่              ้ ่

    ขอเรียนเชิญญาติสนิทมิตรสหายทุกท่านร่วมทําบุญบังสุกุล                    ร้�นศิษย์วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.
 รวมญาติ ถวายภัตตาหารเพลที่วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ปัจจัยสมทบทุนสร้าง              โดยคุณกัญญ� สว่�งโรจน์
  หน้าต่าง “อาคาร 80 ปี หลวงตาชี” 14 พฤษภาคม 2554                     ขอขอบคุณผู้ให้การสนับสนุนทุนทุกท่าน
             ----------------------------------                      ในงานประเพณีสงกรานต์ ประจำาปี 2554
เจ้าภาพโดย..	     1.	คุณชูชัย-คุณพวงทิพย์	อิถรัชด์               รายได้ทั้งหมดถวายวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.จำานวน $5,575
	       	         2.	คุณศุภฤกษ์-คุณอุทิศ	เภกะนันท์
	       	         3.	คุณเดชา-คุณรัตนา	วิริยะ                                  ขออนุโมทน�พิเศษแด่
	       	         4.	คุณสุพัฒน์-คุณจิราภรณ์		สิริวิชา             คณะผู้ปกครองนักเรียนทุกท่�นที่บริจ�คเงิน
	       	         5.	คุณกลวิทย์-คุณรัชนี	รพีพันธ์ุ
	       	         6.	คุณบุญดี	มานะดี                              ซื้อชุดรำ�ไทย เพื่อให้เด็กนักเรียนวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.
	       	         7.	คุณปรียา		พัวตระกูล                           ใช้แสดงศิลปวัฒนธรรมไทย ม� ณ โอก�สนี้

                     เจ้าภาพน้ำาดื่มถังใหญ่ ถวายประจำาทุกเดือน
           คุณแม่สงวน เกิดมี คุณจารุณี พิทโยทัย คุณประยูรศรี วรเลิศ
    คุณทัฬห์ อัตวุฒิ คุณบุณณ์ภัสสร คุณศรสวรรค์ พงศ์วรินทร์ คุณสุพรรณี สัตตวัตรกุล
  คุณละม้าย คุณประมวล ทวีโชติ คุณทองพูน คุณสุนันทา เฮนเซ้น น.พ. อรุณ คุณสุมนา สวนศิลป์พงศ์
      คุณยายเสริมศรี เชื้อวงศ์ คุณยายป้อม สุวรรณเตมีย์ คุณบุญเลิง วิสีปัตย์
แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma

 ขอเชิญร่วมงานธรรมสมโภชอายุวัฒนมงคล ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี
                                    พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (สุรศักดิ์ ชีวานนฺโท)
                                        ๑๐ - ๑๒ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๔
                                        ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
                     กลุ่มรวมน้ำาใจใฝ่ธรรม เมืองไมอามี่ รัฐฟลอริดา
  จึงขอเชิญศิษยานุศิษย์ที่เคารพรัก ร่วมแสดงมุทิตาสักการะโดยพร้อมเพรียงกัน
                          1st and 3rd Saturday of every month.
                 �Based on 2,500-year-old tradition �FREE! We never charge for lessons
                 �Taught by Thai monk with decades of experience �All levels welcome
                                              09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.
                    Wat Thai Buddhist Temple 13440 Layhill Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel: 301-871-8661
                 , E-mail:
                                   Contact Alistair Bell 202 527 1050 /

 พุทธศาสนิกชนทุกคณะทุกฝ่ายที่ร่วมแรงร่วมใจ เสียสละกำาลังกาย กำาลังทรัพย์ กำาลังสติปัญญา จัดงาน
                                  “วันสงกรานต์ ประจำาปี ๒๕๕๔”
และขอขอบคุณท่านผูมเี กียรติทกท่าน ทีให้การสนับสนุนการจัดงานในครังนีเ้ ป็นอย่างสูงยิง ทำาให้งานสำาเร็จลง
                    ้       ุ        ่                           ้                ่
อย่างงดงาม และหวังเป็นอย่างยิงว่า จะได้รบความร่วมมือร่วมใจจากทุกท่านในงานครังต่อไปเหมือนเช่นเคย
                              ่         ั                                     ้
        ขออำานาจบุญบารมีหลวงพ่อพระพุทธมงคลวิมลดีซี หลวงพ่อองค์ดำา ประทานพรให้ทุกท่าน ได้
ประสบสิริสวัสดิ์พิพัฒนมงคล สมบูรณ์พูนผลด้วยลาภ ยศ สุข สรรเสริญ มีความเจริญรุ่งเรืองอยู่ภายใต้
แสงธรรม 20       Saeng Dhamma

  พระไตรปิฎก สําหรับผูเ้ ริมศึกษา เล่มที่ ๑๐ หน้า ๑๑๒ พระสุตตันตปิฎก มัชฌิมนิกาย อุปริปณณาสก์ สุญญตวรรค
                           ่                                                           ั

คนพำลกลับมำเกิดเป็นมนุษย์ก็เป็นมนุษย์ต�่ำต้อย                  มากมาย)
	 แม้คนพาลพ้นจากวินบาตแล้ว		เมือกลับมาเกิดเป็น
                               ิ            ่                  	 นักการพนัน(อกฺขธุตโต	–	a	gambler)	ก็จดเป็นคน
                                                                                         ฺ                  ั
มนุษย์ซึ่งมีโอกาสเป็นไปได้ยากดังกล่าวแล้ว	 	 ก็จะได้           พาลประเภทหนึ่ง	พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่า
ชาติก�าเนิดที่ต�่าต้อยอยู่นั่นเอง		ตรัสในเรื่องนี้ว่า          	 “ภิกษุทงหลาย		เช่นเดียวกับนักการพนันทีตองเสีย
                                                                            ั้                                ่้
	 “ภิกษุทั้งหลาย	 คนพาลนั่นเอง	 	 ถ้าในเวลาอัน                 ลูกบ้าง	เสียเมียบ้าง	เสียสมบัติทุกอย่างบ้าง		มากกว่า
                                         ็่                    นันไปอีก		ทีตองถูกจองจ�าก็เพราะเคราะห์รายเบืองต้น
                                                                 ้          ่้                            ้ ้
ต�่า		คือสกุลคนจัณฑาล	สกุลพรานเนื้อ	สกุลคนจักสาน	              เท่านั้น	(ปฐเมเนว	กลิคฺคเหน)		เคราะห์ร้ายของนักการ
สกุลช่างรถ	หรือสกุลคนเก็บขยะในที่สุด		ซึ่งเป็นสกุล             พนันที่ต้องสูญเสียไปอย่างนั้น		เพียงเล็กน้อย		แท้จริง
คนยากจน	 	 ขัดสนข้าวน�้าและอาหารการกิน	 	 ชีวิต                แล้วเคราะห์ร้ายอันใหญ่หลวงกว่านั้นคือเคราะห์ร้ายที่
ล�าเค็ญ		ฝืดเคืองในเรื่องอาหารและเครื่องนุ่งห่ม		และ           คนพาลนันประพฤติกายทุจริต	วจีทจริต	มโนทุจริตแล้ว
                                                                         ้                         ุ
เขาจะมีผวพรรณทราม	น่ารังเกียจ		ค่อมเตีย	ขีโรค	เป็น
           ิ                                    ้ ้            ตายไปเกิดในอบาย		ทุคติ	วินิบาต	นรก	ต่างหาก”
คนตาบอดบ้าง	เป็นคนง่อยบ้าง	เป็นคนพิกลพิการ(ขญฺโช	              	 (ข้อนี้ก็ท�าให้เข้าใจได้ว่า		ความเป็นนักการพนันนั้น	
–	คนกระจอก)	บ้าง	เป็นคนเปลีย	(ปกฺขหโต	–	คนไม่มี
                                      ้                        เมือกลายเป็นเหตุให้ทาความชัวทางกาย	วาจา	หรือทาง
                                                                   ่                   �       ่
เรี่ยวแรง)	บ้าง	ขาดแคลนทั้งข้าว	น�้า	ผัก	ปลา	ดอกไม้	           ใจแล้ว		ผลร้ายที่จะเกิดตามมา		ไม่ใช้เพียงทุกข์โทษใน
ของหอมเครืองลูบไล้	ทีหลับนอน	ทีอยูอาศัย	และเครือง
             ่            ่             ่ ่             ่      ชาติปัจจุบันเท่านั้น	 	 แต่ยังพาให้ตกสู่อบาย	 ทุคติ	
ประทีป(ไต้,ตะเกียง)		ซึงจะเป็นเหตุให้เขาประพฤติกาย
                            ่                                  วินิบาต	นรก	ได้	 	และเป็นทุกข์โทษที่สาหัสยิ่งกว่าอีก
ทุจริต	วจีทุจริต	มโนทุจริต		และเมื่อตายไปก็จะเกิดใน            ด้วย		นั่นก็เท่ากับว่า	การพนันเป็นบ่อเกิดแห่งกรรมชั่ว
อบาย	ทุคติ	วินิบาต	นรก”                                        ทางหนึ่ง)
	 (โปรดสังเกตว่า	คนต�่าต้อยที่ตรัสถึงนี้	 	เป็นมนุษย์          	 ทั้งหมดนี้	 พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่า	เป็นคนพาล	(พาล
ที่เกิดมาอาภัพแล้วยังฝักใฝ่แต่ในทางชั่วด้วย	 ไม่ควร            ภูมิ)	อันครบถ้วนทุกประการ
สรุปว่า	 คนยากไร้ต้อยต�่าพิกลพิการทุกคนจะเป็นคน
พาลไปเสียทั้งหมด	 เพราะความเป็นคนยากไร้ต้อยต�่า
พิ ก ลพิ ก ารยั ง มี ท างที่ จ ะอธิ บ ายในเชิ ง กรรมไว้ อี ก
แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma
FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2010 - MARCH 31, 2011	 	                   	        	      	         	             	        	
Income:		         	         	          	       	        		       	   	        	      Sub-total		             	Total	
	   	    	        Donations-General	Support		           	        		  271,118			      	         	
	   	    	        Donations-80th	LT’s	Building	Funds	            	   	66,562			      	         	
	   	    	        Donations-Education	         	        		       	   10,826		 	      	         	             	
	   	    	        Total	Donations	 	           	        	        		  	        	      348,506			
	   Investment:	 Dividends	            	       		       	        	   829		    	      	         	
	   	    	        Interest	 	          		      	        	        	   1,628		 	       	2,457		 	
	   Total	Income		          	          	       	        	        	   		       	      	         	             $350,963	
	   Utilities:	   Electricity	         	       		       	        	   29,642		 	      	         	
	   	    	        Oil	&	Propane	Gas	           	        		       	   2,998		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Solid	Waste	&	Refuse	Collection	 	             		  4,331		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Water	 	             		      	        	        	   6,182		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Total	Utilities	 	           	        	        		  	        	      43,153		 	
	   Printing	&	Distribution:		Equipment	Leasing	and	Repairment	      6,141		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Postage	 	           		      	        	        	   8,634		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Printing	Services		          		       	        	   28,071		 	      	         	
	   	    	        Supplies		           		      	        	        	   2,028		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Total	Printing	&	Distribution	        	        	   	        	      44,874		 	
	   Insurance:	 Automomile	            	       		       	        	   1,267		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Health	Insurance	 	          		       	        	   27,626		 	      	         	
	   	    	        Property	and	Liability	      	        		       	   4,137		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Total	Insurance	 	           	        	        		  	        	      33,030		 	
	   Equipment	Expenses:	Equipment	Purchases	            	        		  360		    	      	         	
	   	    	        Equipment	Rental	            	        		       	   2,093		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Maintenance	Contracts	&	Repairment	            	   8,620		 	       	         	
	   	    	        Total	Equipment	Expenses		            	        	   		       	      11,073		 	
	   Automobile	 	           	          	       	        		       	   	        	      2,679		 	
	   Bank	Charges	           	          	       	        	        		  	        	      120		     	
	   Building	and	Ground	 	             	       	        	        		  	        	      366		     	
	   Contributions/Hospitality	&	Gifts	         	        	        	   	        	      1,965		 	
	   Dilivery	&	Cargo	       	          	       	        	        		  	        	      1,854		 	
	   Food	&	Grocery	         	          	       	        	        		  	        	      1,655		 	
	   Fund	raising	 	         	          	       	        		       	   	        	      8,595		 	
	   Medical-Monks	          	          	       	        	        		  	        	      5,354		 	
	   Miscellaneous	          	          	       	        	        		  	        	      1,804		 	
	   Office	Expenses	        	          	       	        	        		  	        	      2,411		 	
	   Security	Services	      	          	       	        	        		  	        	      946		     	
	   School	Expenses	        	          	       	        	        		  	        	      5,580		 	
	   Telephone	and	Internet	            	       	        	        	   	        	      2,413		 	
	   Travel	       	         	          	       	        		       	   	        	      5,421		 	
	   Total	Expenses	         	          	       	        	        	   	        		     	         	             $173,293	
	   Net	Income	and	Expenses	           	       	        	        	   	        	      		        	             		177,670	
	   Less	Cash	Provided	for:			-Operating	Expenses	(Accounts	Payable)		        	      		        	             		(14,849)
	   	    	        	         						-80th	Luangta	Chi’s	Year	Building	 	        	      	         													(55,979.0)
	   Net	Cash	Flows	         	          	       	        	        	   	        		     	         	             $106,842	
	   	    	        	         Pachara	Tuangsethevut	 	             	   Phramaha	Thanat	Inthisan			             	        	   	
	   	    	        	         Treasurer	         	        	        		  President
แสงธรรม 22    Saeng Dhamma
                    ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.

                    Those	who	are	interested	in	Thai	Theravada	Buddhism	and	mem-
                    bers	of	the	general	public	are	cordially	invited	to	Wat	Thai,	D.C.,	
                    Temple	to	pay	their	respect	to	or	simply	view	the	Buddha	relics	on	
                    display	in	the	chanting	hall.

 ปฏิบ ัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือน พฤษภำคม
ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. 14 พฤษภาคม 2554
           � สาธยายพระไตรปิฎก ภาษาบาลี
           � ฟังบรรยายธรรม - ธรรมสากัจฉา
           � เจริญจิตตภาวนา - แผ่เมตตา
           ขององค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าโดยพร้อมกัน เวลา 9.00 A.M.
แสงธรรม 23      Saeng Dhamma

                                           เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย
                                                             พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี)

                ร่าเริงอะไรหรือ?		ชื่นใจอะไรกัน?
	                    เดี๋ยวก็โศก							            เดี๋ยวก็สุข							 เดี๋ยวทุกข์หนัก
	                    เดี๋ยวก็รัก							            เดี๋ยวพะวง						 เดี๋ยวหลงใหล
	                    เดี๋ยวก็โกรธ				              เดี๋ยวก็เกลียด				 เดี๋ยวเสียดใจ
	                    เดี๋ยวอาลัย					              เดี๋ยวก็ชัง									 ไม่ยั่งยืน

	 ยิ่งมองก็ยิ่งมืด ยิ่งเพ่งก็ยิ่งไกล ... ไงเป็นอย่างนั้นก็
                                                      จริงซิน่ะ! พวกเรามัวแต่จ้องโลกภายนอกกันมา
ไม่รู้ ...? ก็มัวไปหลงมองแต่โลกภายนอกไม่มองโลก ตั้งแต่เกิดจนแก่ แต่ก็มืดแปดด้าน ไม่พบแสงสว่างเท่า
ภายในนี่จ๊ะ .. ปล่อยให้ไฟกิเลสมันลุกโพลง ควันโขมง ที่ควร มองผิดที่เสียแล้วล่ะ เลิกกันทีการมองโลก
มืดไปหมด แล้วอย่างนี้ .. จะไปเห็นอะไรกัน ควันมัน ภายนอก ยิ่งมองยิ่งถูกหลอกให้ถล�าลึกลงไปในความ
บังเสียหมด..                                      มืด เฮ้อ! น่าเวียนหัว
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"ศิษยานุศิษย์น้อมจิตคารวะ ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี"
"ศิษยานุศิษย์น้อมจิตคารวะ ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี""ศิษยานุศิษย์น้อมจิตคารวะ ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี"
"ศิษยานุศิษย์น้อมจิตคารวะ ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี"
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010

Seang Dhamma Vol. 36 No. 433 May, 2011

  • 1. ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ แสงธรรม วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา ฉบับ Saeng Dhamma วันวิสาขบูชา ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๓๓ ประจำาเดือนพฤษภาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๔ Vol.36 No.433 May 2011 ๒๕๕๔
  • 2. สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ แสงธรรม ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา ปีที่ 36 ฉบับที่ 433 ประจ�าเดือนพฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554 Vol.36 No.433 May, 2011 Objectives : �To promote Buddhist activities. สารบัญ �To foster Thai culture and tradition. �To inform the public of the temple’s activities. Contents �To promide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. The Buddha’s Words.............................................. 1 Emptiness By Ven. Buddhadasa....................................... 2 เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. About Being Careful By Ven. Ajanh Chah.................7 ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี TOMORROW MAN By Ven. Laung Ta Chi................................. 12 กองบรรณาธิการ : VISAKHA PUJA DAY by Ven. Thanat ....................15 ดร.พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks..............................18 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ ปภากโร สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก ................................... 20 พระจรินทร์ อาภสฺสโร รายรับ-รายจ่ายวัด JULY 1, 2010 - MARCH 31, 2011.. 21 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์ สมิทฺธิญาโณ พระสุริยา เตชวโร ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนพฤษภาคม............................ 22 พระมหาสราวุธ สราวุโธ เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย........................หลวงตาชี 23 พระมหาประดู่ชัย ภทฺทธมฺโม ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมเดือนเมษายน........................ 30 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์ อตฺตทีโป เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ...................................... 32 พระมหาค�าตัล พุทฺธงฺกุโร ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา ๒,๓๐๐ ปี ดร.พระมหาถนัด 44 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์ พุทฺธรกฺขิโต Thai Temple’s News...............โดย ดร.แฮนดี้ 46 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนเมษายน Ven.Pradoochai 48 รายนามผู้บริจาคออมบุญประจ�าปีและเจ้าภาพภัตตาหารเช้า..53 SAENG DHAMMA Magazine รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล / Lunch............................54 is published monthly by ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันวิสาขบูชา ...................................62 Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple At 13440 Layhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel. (301) 871-8660, 871-8661 Photos taken by Fax : 301-871-5007 Ven. Pradoochai, Ven. Khumtan E-mail : Ven. Ananphiwat, Ven.Srisuporn Homepage : Mr. Kevin & Mr. Sam Radio Network : Bank & Ms. Golf 2,500 Copies
  • 3. ถ้อยแถลง แสงธรรมส่องปัญญา ให้คุณค่าส่องอ�าไพ สันติสงบใจ โลกสดใสได้ร่มเงา เทศกาลวิ ส าขบู ช าปี นี้ ร� ำ ลึ ก พระบรมศำสดำสั ม มำสั ม พุ ท ธเจ้ ำ คื อ ครบ ๒๕๕๔ แห่งกำรดับขันธปรินิพพำน ณ กุสินำรำ, ครบ ๒๕๙๙ ปี แห่งกำรตรัสรู้ ณ พุทธคยำ และครบ ๒๖๓๔ ปี แห่งกำรประสูติ ณ ลุมพินีวัน จึงนับว่าเป็นโอกาสพุทธชยันตีเฉลิมฉลองที่ยิ่งใหญ่ของ พุทธศาสนิกชนหลายประเทศ อนึ่ง เมื่อมีการประกาศรับรองว่า วัน วิสาขบูชา เป็นวันส�าคัญขององค์การสหประชาชาติแล้ว พระนามของ พระบรมศาสดาสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้า ยิ่งได้รับการขนานนามว่าเป็นบรมครู ผู้น�าสัจธรรมมาเปิดเผยแสดงให้ชาวโลกได้พบความสันติสุขร่มเย็นอย่าง แท้จริง ยิ่งในภาวะปัจจุบันเกิดวิกฤติหลายด้านทั่วโลก ทั้งจากความเปลี่ยนแปลงทาง ธรรมชาติ ฤดู หนาว ร้อน ฝน เกิดอย่างฉับไวในหนึ่งวัน ร่างกายธาตุขันธ์ของมนุษย์ปรับเปลี่ยนแทบ ไม่ทัน จึงเกิดการเจ็บไข้ได้ป่วยทางกายบ้าง ทางใจบ้าง นอกจากนี้ปัญหาเศรษฐกิจ ราคาน�้ามันแพง ค่าใช้จ่าย ต่าง ๆ ก็สูงขึ้น แต่รายได้คงเดิม จึงท�าให้เกิดความเครียด อันก่อให้เกิดโรคทางจิตวิญญาณมาครอบง�า ดังนัน เพือขับเคลือนชีวตนีให้กาวต่อไป โดยการประคองตนอย่างมีสติปญญา จึงควรน้อมน�าธรรมะของ ้ ่ ่ ิ ้ ้ ั พระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้ามาปฏิบัติ ให้เห็นความจริงอันประเสริฐ เกิดอริยสัจจ์ ท�าลายทุกข์ทั้งปวง ด้วยการลงมือ ใคร่ครวญพิจารณา ปฏิบัติตามหลักทุกข์ สมุทัย นิโรธ มรรค ที่พระพุทธองค์ตรัสสอนไว้แล้ว ปัญหาทุกปัญหา สามารถแก้ไขได้ หากเรามีความตั้งใจ และใช้วิธีการที่ถูกต้อง แสงธรรม ฉบับเดือนพฤษภาคมนี้ ร่วมเฉลิมฉลองพุทธชยันตี ขอเชิญชวนชาวพุทธทั้งหลาย น้อมน�าค�า สั่งสอนของพระพุทธองค์ มาฝึกฝนอบรมตนให้พบความสะอาด สว่าง สงบใจ ด้วยการใช้หลักธรรมที่น�าเสนอ เป็นธรรมะภาคภาษาอังกฤษ ส�าหรับภาคภาษาไทย บทความเสียงธรรมจากหลวงตาชี และครูสีหลวงตาสอน ก็ยังให้ธรรมะข้อคิดสาระชีวิตควรพิจารณาเช่นเดิม คณะผู้จัดท�า ขออภัยสมาชิกแสงธรรมทุกท่าน มา ณ โอกาสนี้ หากท่านได้รับวารสารแสงธรรมฉบับ เดือนเมษายน ที่ไม่สมบูรณ์ เพราะการผลิตที่ผิดพลาดท�าให้หน้าสลับกัน และต้องการหนังสือเล่มใหม่ หรือมี ข้อเสนอแนะที่เป็นประโยชน์ กรุณาแจ้งมายังวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ขออนุโมทนาสาธุการ คณะผู้จัดท�า
  • 4. แสงธรรม 1 Saeng Dhamma The Buddha’s Words พุทธสุภาษิต โย สาสนํ อรหตํ อริยานํ ธมฺมชีวินํ ปฏิกฺโกสติ ทุมฺเมโธ ทิฏฺฐึ นิสฺสาย ปาปิกํ ผลานิ กณฺฏกสฺเสว อตฺตฆญฺญาย ผลฺลติ. (๑๖๔) คนทรามปัญญา มีความเห็นผิด ติเตียนคําสอนของเหล่าพระอริยะผูอรหันต์ ้ ผูมชวตอยูโดยธรรม เขาย่อมเกิดมาเพือฆ่าตัวเขาเอง เหมือนขุยไผ่ฆาต้นไผ่ฉะนัน ้ ีีิ ่ ่ ่ ้ Whoso on account of false views scorns the teaching of the Noble Ones, the Worthy and Righteous Ones, he, the foolish man, destroys himself like the bamboo, seeding finds its end.
  • 5. แสงธรรม 2 Saeng Dhamma EMPTINESS by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu I n the previous talk I spoke of emptiness as being an important subject but the oc- casion didn’t permit me to give it the special mind, be it pleasant or unpleasant. Only one familiar with the observation of mind can really understand Dhamma. One who merely reads attention necessary for a thorough understand- books cannot understand and what’s more may ing. So as some aspects of this subject of empti- even go astray. But one who tries to observe the ness remain obscure, today I have come to talk things going on in the mind and always takes about it specially. that which is true in his or her own mind as a Emptiness is the most difficult to understand standard has no way to get, muddled. Such a of all the Buddhist Teachings because it is their person will be able to comprehend Dukkha and innermost heart. Being called a heart it must ob- the cessation of Dukkha and ultimately will un- viously be something subtle and profound. Its derstand Dhamma. Then if books are read they understanding does not lie within the scope of will be understood well. mere conjecture or the sort of pondering that From the moment of birth to the time of ordinary people are accustomed to. It can only death we must train ourselves in this way, ex- be understood by determined study. amining the contact of the mind with the ob- The most essential meaning of the word jects that surround it and the nature of the re- ‘study’ is of the unceasing, dedicated observa- sults of that contact, for in that natural process tion and investigation of whatever arises in the there will inevitably be both pleasure and pain
  • 6. แสงธรรม 3 Saeng Dhamma and observing them will make ‘the mind wiser also the freedom from disease. There is nothing and more resilient. To keep observing the na- beyond emptiness. ture of our thoughts generates a mind emptied The medicine which cures the disease is the of Dukkha, and so, is the very best knowledge knowledge and practice that gives birth to emp- there is. Through it we gain familiarity with the tiness. When emptiness has appeared it will be realization or awareness of emptiness. the cure of the disease and alter recovery from Please think back to the point made in the the disease there will be nothing save empti- last talk that the Commentators all called the ness, the state void of Dukkha and. void of the Buddha the ‘Spiritual Doctor’ and divided dis- mental defilements that are the cause of Dukkha ease into two kinds: that of the body/mind and This emptiness, which has that wide breadth of that of the spirit. Both diseases of the body and meaning, is self-existent: nothing can come to those of the mind such as are treated in men- touch it, develop it, improve it, or do anything tal hospitals were considered to be Physical to it. Thus it is a timeless state, for it mows nei- Disease. Spiritual Disease, or Mental Disease as ther birth nor death. Its ‘being’ is not the same they called it, refers to the disease that must be as the being of things which are born and die treated with Dhamma. So I would like to make but since we have no other word to use, we the point that if you are really to understand dis- say that it has being characterized by immutable ease you must make this division: take diseases emptiness. of the body and of the mind (the mental body) If anyone realizes, that is to say if anyone’s as being both physical disease. As for spiritual mind realizes this thing, then it will be the medi- disease it is not a disease of the brain or nervous cine that cures the disease and the immediate system but is an illness affecting truth¬ discern- recovery from disease, a state time¬lessly emp- ing awareness (satipanna), that which knows our ty. It is true health. life and the world as they truly are. So it refers Please keep trying to grasp the meaning of this to Ignorance or the wrong understanding that word emptiness, or sunnata as it is in Pali, as I springs from ignorance and causes the wrong ac- explain it point by point. tions that lead to Dukkha:, even if physically and Firstly, consider the point that the Buddha .mentally we are quite healthy. declared that every word that he, the Tathagata When we are suffering from Spiritual Disease [14], spoke referred to the subject of empti- with what must we treat it? We must treat it ness. He spoke of no other matter, either di- with emptiness. What’s more, emptiness (sun- rectly or indirectly. Any talk unconnected with nata) is not only the cure of the disease but is the subject of empti¬ness is not the speech of
  • 7. แสงธรรม 4 Saeng Dhamma the Tathagata but of disciples of a later time the highest thing. Anyone who wants to be with- who liked to speak at great length to show how out problems concerning Dukkha and death, clever and articulate they were. should look on the world, i.e. “on all things, One can, if one wants to, add much more, for as they truly are namely as empty, neither ‘I’ example: that emptiness is the absence of self nor ‘mine’. The statements of the Buddha that or what belongs to self, for the word emptiness follow on from show the benefits: ‘Nibbanam has a whole host of applications. Although the paramam sunnam and ‘Nibbanam paramam su- characteristic of emptiness remains constant, kham’, which translate as ‘Nibbana is the su- its expressions are innumerable. That being so, preme emptiness’ and ‘Nibbana is the supreme we will aim to examine emptiness only as ab- happiness’. You must understand that Nibbana sence of Dukkha and the de- is the remainderless extinc- filements that are the cause of tion of Dukkha, means the Dukkha and as the absence of same as supreme emptiness, the feeling that there is a self and that it is possible to know or that there are things which and realize an emptiness that are the possessions of a self. is not supreme, an emptiness This is emptiness as it relates that is in some way deficient to our practice of Dhamma. or false. The truth-discerning If we enquire which of the awareness must be so impec- Buddha’s utterances dealing cably clear that one has not with this matter can be taken the slightest feeling of ‘self’ as authoritative statements we or ‘belonging to self’ for it to will find that in many places be called paramam sunnam, the Buddha taught us to know how to look on supreme emptiness. Supreme emptiness is Nib- the world as being empty, as in the phrase if bana because it completely extinguishes the ‘Sunnato lokam avekkhassu mogharaja sada things that are on fire, the stream or whirlpool sato’ which means “You should look on the of flowing and changing phenomena. Thus the world as being empty. If you can be always supreme emptiness and the supreme extinction aware of the emptiness of the world, death will are one and the same thing. not find you.” As for the saying that Nibbana is the supreme These words of the Buddha enjoining us to happiness, it is an expression in the language of see the world as being empty show that it is relative truth, a sort of enticing propaganda in
  • 8. แสงธรรม 5 Saeng Dhamma the language of the common man used because happiness of Nibbana that is emptiness. So in in general people are infatuated with happiness, hearing the phrase ‘Nibbana is the supreme they want nothing else. So it is necessary to tell happiness’ don’t go jumping to the conclusion them that Nibbana is happiness and what’s more that Nibbana is exactly what you’re looking for it’s the supreme happiness. But truly speaking and start dreaming about it without taking into Nibbana is greater than happiness, beyond it. It consideration that it is also supreme emptiness. is empti¬ness. It can’t be said to be either happi- The saying of the Buddha which deals with ness or suffering because it lies beyond both the the practice in regard to emptiness is the one suffering and the happiness known by the com- that is the heart of the Budd¬hist Teachings: mon man. But when one speaks like this, peo- ‘Sabbe dhamma nalam abhinivesaya’ which ple don’t understand and so it’s said instead, translates literally as ‘No dhamma whatsoever in the language of เจ้าภาพดอกไม้วันสงกรานต์ กลุ่มพลังบุญ should be grasped the worldly, that at or clung to’. If it is ultimate hap- one amplifies the piness. This being meaning a little it so, when using the may be rendered word happiness as ‘no one should you must be care- grasp or cling to ful to use it in its anything as being I proper sense. It is or mine’. ‘No one’ not the happiness means that there that people generally see or aspire to. It is a are no exceptions; ‘should grasp or cling’ means different sort of happiness it is the state empty to give rise to ego-consciousness; ‘as being I’: of every single thing that proliferates, flows, and refers to the feeling called ahamkara, the grasp- changes. Thus it is truly lovely, truly refreshing ing at a (non-existent) soul or abiding ego-enti- and truly desirable. For if there is still flowing ty; ‘as being mine’ refers to the feeling called and changing, a constant swaying and rocking, mamamkara, ,the grasping at phenomena as how can there be happiness? being connected to ego. So don’t have aham- Thus the feelings of pleasure arising from con- kara or mamamkara with regard to anything at tact with the various sense-objects are illusory, all starting from a worthless speck of dust up to they are not the ultimate happiness. The hap- valuable objects such as diamonds, sapphires, piness of the common man is not the supreme gems and the objects of sensual desire, and on
  • 9. แสงธรรม 6 Saeng Dhamma to things higher than that - Dhamma, its theory, ferring to was this principle of not grasping at or practice and attainment, the Path - Realizations, clinging to anything as being self or as belonging their Fruits and Nibbana. Nothing whatsoever to self. should be grasped at or clung to as being ‘I’ or To have heard this phrase is to have heard ‘mine’. This is the heart of the Buddhist Teach- every phrase because all subjects are condensed ings and was affirmed to be so by the Buddha within it. Of all the things that the Buddha taught himself. there wasn’t one that didn’t deal with .Dukkha He said that to have heard the phrase sabbe and the elimination of Dukkha. Grasping and dhamma nalam abhinivesaya, is to have heard clinging are the cause of Dukkha. When there is every phrase of the Teachings, to have put it grasping and clinging there is Dukkha. The prac- into practice is to have done every practice and tice is to make the non- arising of grasping and to have reaped the fruits of that practice is to clinging final and permanent, so that the mind is have reaped every fruit of the Buddhist Teach- unceasingly empty. Just that is enough. There is ings. So we don’t need to be afraid that there is nothing else to do. too much to understand. The Buddha made the ‘This practice is every practice’. Try to think if comparison that the things that he had realized there’s anything that remains to be practised, At were as many as all the leaves in the forest but any moment that any person, whether it’s Mr. those which he had brought out to teach were Smith or Mrs. Jones or anyone at all, has a mind a single handful. The ‘single handful’ he was re- To be continued คุณวิชต-คุณวนิดา-คุณวารี หิรัญกิจ ิ คุณสมร-คุณทิพสร-น้องฌอนฌอน นามสวัสดิ์ ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อวงศ์ หิรัญกิจ ซึ่งจากไปครบ 2 ปี ทำาบุญอุทิศแด่บุพการีชน ถวายปัจจัยเข้าวัด ทั้งสิ้น $450
  • 10. แสงธรรม 7 Saeng Dhamma About Being CAREFUL A Dhammatalk By Ajahn Chah ...Continued from last issue... well, practicing correctly. Supatipanno means About being careful those who practice well. Ujupatipanno means ‘’Giving up all evil, practicing what is good, those who practice directly. Ñāyapatipanno purifying the mind.’’ Giving up wrongdoing first, means those who practice for the realization we then start to develop the good. What is the of path, fruition and Nibbāna. Sāmīcipatipanno good and meritorious? Where is it? It’s like fish are those who practice inclined towards truth. in the water. If we scoop all the water out, we’ll It could be anyone. These are the Sangha of get the fish - that’s a simple way to put it. If true disciples (sāvaka) of the Lord Buddha. Lay- we scoop out and pour back in, the fish remain women living at home can be sāvaka. Laymen in the barrel. If we don’t remove all forms of can be sāvaka. Bringing these qualities to fulfill- wrongdoing, we won’t see merit and we won’t ment is what makes one a sāvaka. One can be a see what is true and right. Scooping out and true disciple of the Buddha and realize enlight- pouring back, scooping out and pouring back, enment. we only remain as we are. Going back and forth Most of us in the Buddhist fold don’t have like this, we only waste our time and whatever such complete understanding. Our knowledge we do is meaningless. Listening to teachings is doesn’t go this far. We do our various activi- meaningless. Making offerings is meaningless. All ties thinking that we will get some kind of merit our efforts to practice are in vain. We don’t un- from them. We think that listening to teachings derstand the principles of the Buddha’s way, so or making offerings is meritorious. That’s what our actions don’t bear the desired fruit. we’re told. But someone who gives offerings to When the Buddha taught about practice, ‘get’ merit is making bad kamma. he wasn’t only talking about something for or- You can’t quite understand this. Someone dained people. He was talking about practicing who gives in order to get merit has instantly ac-
  • 11. แสงธรรม 8 Saeng Dhamma cumulated bad kamma. If you give in order to the other person says that if we drop it, then we let go and free the mind, that brings you merit. can get something better. The two have a hard If you do it to get something, that’s bad kamma. time communicating. Listening to teachings to really understand the If we make offerings and practice good deeds Buddha’s way is difficult. The Dhamma be- in order to get something, it doesn’t work out. comes hard to understand when the practice What we get is becoming and birth. It isn’t a that people do - keeping precepts, sitting in cause for realizing Nibbāna. Nibbāna is giving up meditation, giving - is for getting something in re- and letting go. If we are trying to get, to hold turn. We want merit, we want something. Well, if on, to give meaning to things, that isn’t a cause something can be gotten, then who gets it? We for realizing Nibbāna. The Buddha wanted us to get it. When that is lost, whose thing is it that’s look here, at this empty place of letting go. This lost? The person who doesn’t have something is merit. This is skillfulness. doesn’t lose anything. And when it’s lost, who When we practice any sort of merit and vir- suffers over it? tue, once we have done that, we should feel Don’t you think that living your life to get that our part is done. We shouldn’t carry it any things brings you suffering? Otherwise you can further. We do it for the purpose of giving up just go on as before trying to get everything. And defilements and craving. We don’t do it for the yet, if we make the mind empty, then we gain purpose of creating defilements, craving and at- everything. Higher realms, Nibbāna and all their tachment. Then where will we go? We don’t go accomplishments - we gain all of it. In making anywhere. Our practice is correct and true. offerings, we don’t have any attachment or aim; Most of us Buddhists, though we follow the the mind is empty and relaxed. We can let go forms of practice and learning, have a hard time and put down. It’s like carrying a log and com- understanding this kind of talk. It’s because plaining it’s heavy. If someone tells you to put Māra, meaning ignorance, meaning craving - the it down, you’ll say, ‘’If I put it down, I won’t desire to get, to have, and to be - enshrouds have anything.’’ Well, now you do have some- the mind. We only find temporary happiness. thing - you have heaviness. But you don’t have For example, when we are filled with hatred lightness. So do you want lightness, or do you towards someone it takes over our minds and want to keep carrying? One person says to put it gives us no peace. We think about the person all down, the other says he’s afraid he won’t have the time, thinking what we can do to strike out anything. They’re talking past each other. at him. The thinking never stops. Then maybe We want happiness, we want ease, we want one day we get a chance to go to his house tranquility and peace. It means we want light- and curse him and tell him off. That gives us ness. We carry the log, and then someone sees some release. Does that make an end of our us doing this and tells us to drop it. We say we defilements? We found a way to let off steam can’t because what would we have then? But and we feel better for it. But we haven’t gotten
  • 12. แสงธรรม 9 Saeng Dhamma rid of the affliction of anger, have we? There is it’s the happiness of fools. It’s the way that some happiness in defilement and craving, but fools stop their suffering. There’s no wisdom it’s like this. We’re still storing the defilement here. These different confused conditions are inside and when the conditions are right, it will mixed in the heart that has a feeling of well- flare up again even worse than before. Then we being. If the mind is allowed to follow its moods will want to find some temporary release again. and tendencies it feels some happiness. But this Do the defilements ever get finished in this way? happiness is always storing unhappiness within It’s similar when someone’s spouse or children it. Each time it erupts our suffering and despair die, or when people suffer big financial loss. will be worse. It’s like having a wound. If we They drink to relieve their sorrow. They go to a treat it on the surface but inside it’s still infect- movie to relieve their sorrow. Does it really re- ed, it’s not cured. It looks okay for a while, but lieve the sorrow? The sorrow actually grows; but when the infection spreads we have to start cut- for the time being they can forget about what ting. If the inner infection is never cured we can happened so they call it a way to cure their mis- be operating on the surface again and again with ery. It’s like if you have a cut on the bottom of no end in sight. What can be seen from the out- your foot that makes walking painful. Anything side may look fine for a while, but inside it’s the that contacts it hurts and so you limp along same as before. complaining of the discomfort. But if you see a The way of the world is like this. Worldly tiger coming your way, you’ll take off and start matters are never finished. So the laws of the running without any thought of your cut. Fear of world in the various societies are constantly re- the tiger is much more powerful than the pain in solving issues. New laws are always being es- your foot, so it’s as if the pain is gone. The fear tablished to deal with different situations and made it something small. problems. Something is dealt with for a while, You might experience problems at work or but there’s always a need for further laws and at home that seem so big. Then you get drunk solutions. There’s never the internal resolution, and in that drunken state of more powerful de- only surface improvement. The infection still lusion, those problems no longer trouble you exists within, so there’s always need for more so much. You think it solved your problems and cutting. People are only good on the surface, in relieved your unhappiness. But when you sober their words and their appearance. Their words up the old problems are back. So what hap- are good and their faces look kind, but their pened to your solution? You keep suppressing minds aren’t so good. the problems with drink and they keep on com- When we get on a train and see some ac- ing back. You might end up with cirrhosis of the quaintance there we say, ‘’Oh, how good to see liver, but you don’t get rid of the problems; and you! I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately! then one day you are dead. I’ve been planning to visit you!’’ But it’s just There is some comfort and happiness here; talk. We don’t really mean it. We’re being good
  • 13. แสงธรรม 10 Saeng Dhamma on the surface, but we’re not so good inside. We knowing the world clearly. Then samudaya, the say the words, but then as soon as we’ve had cause of suffering, is not created, and tanhā is a smoke and taken a cup of coffee with him, not born. There is vijjā, knowledge of things as we split. Then if we run into him one day in the they really are, and it illumines the world. It il- future, we’ll say the same things again: ‘’Hey, lumines praise and blame. It illumines gain and good to see you! How have you been? I’ve been loss. It illumines rank and disrepute. It clearly meaning to go visit you, but I just haven’t had illumines birth, aging, illness, and death in the the time.’’ That’s the way it is. People are su- mind of the practitioner. perficially good, but they’re usually not so good That is someone who has reached the Dhamma. inside. Such people no longer struggle with life and are The great teacher taught Dhamma and Vi- no longer constantly in search of solutions. They naya. It is complete and comprehensive. Nothing resolve what can be resolved, acting as is appro- surpasses it and nothing in it need be changed priate. That is how the Buddha taught: he taught or adjusted, because it is the ultimate. It’s com- those individuals who could be taught. Those plete, so this is where we can stop. There’s noth- who could not be taught he discarded and let ing to add or subtract, because it is something of go of. Even had he not discarded them, they the nature not to be increased or decreased. It were still discarding themselves - so he dropped is just right. It is true. them. You might get the idea from this that the So we Buddhists come to hear Dhamma Buddha must have been lacking in mettā to dis- teachings and study to learn these truths. If card people. Hey! If you toss out a rotten mango we know them then our minds will enter the are you lacking in metta? You can’t make any Dhamma; the Dhamma will enter our minds. use of it, that’s all. There was no way to get Whenever a person’s mind enters the Dhamma through to such people. The Buddha is praised then the person has wellbeing, the person has as one with supreme wisdom. He didn’t merely a mind at peace. The mind then has a way to gather everyone and everything together in a resolve difficulties, but has no way to degener- confused mess. He was possessed of the divine ate. When pain and illness afflict the body, the eye and could clearly see all things as they re- mind has many ways to resolve the suffering. It ally are. He was the knower of the world. can resolve it naturally, understanding this as As the knower of the world he saw danger in natural and not falling into depression or fear the round of samsāra. For us who are his follow- over it. Gaining something, we don’t get lost in ers it’s the same. If we know all things as they delight. Losing it, we don’t get excessively up- are, that will bring us well-being. Where exactly set, but rather we understand that the nature are those things that cause us to have happi- of all things is that having appeared they then ness and suffering? Think about it well. They are decline and disappear. With such an attitude we only things that we create ourselves. Whenever can make our way in the world. We are lokavidū, we create the idea that something is us or ours,
  • 14. แสงธรรม 11 Saeng Dhamma that is when we suffer. Things can bring us harm our families where we have to pay attention. Or or benefit, depending on our understanding. So what do you think? These days, where do you the Buddha taught us to pay attention to our- experience suffering? Where are you involved selves, to our own actions and to the creations in love, hate and fear? Control yourselves, take of our minds. Whenever we have extreme love care of yourselves. Watch out you don’t get or aversion to anyone or anything, whenever we bitten. If they don’t bite they might kick. Don’t are particularly anxious, that will lead us into think that these things won’t bite or kick. If you great suffering. This is important, so take a good do get bitten, make sure it’s only a little bit. look at it. Investigate these feelings of strong Don’t get kicked and bitten to pieces. Don’t try love or aversion, and then take a step back. If to tell yourselves there’s no danger. Posses- you get too close, they’ll bite. Do you hear this? sions, wealth, fame, loved ones, all these can If you grab at and caress these things, they bite kick and bite if you’re not mindful. If you are and they kick. When you feed grass to your buf- mindful you’ll be at ease. Be cautious and re- falo, you have to be careful. If you’re careful strained. When the mind starts grasping at things when it kicks out, it won’t kick you. You have and making a big deal out of them, you have to to feed it and take care of it, but you should be stop it. It will argue with you, but you have to smart enough to do that without getting bitten. put your foot down. Stay in the middle as the Love for children, relatives, wealth and posses- mind comes and goes. Put sensual indulgence sions will bite. Do you understand this? When away on one side. Put self-torment away on the you feed it, don’t get too close. When you give other side. Love to one side, hate to the other it water, don’t get too close. Pull on the rope side. Happiness to one side, suffering to the oth- when you need to. This is the way of Dhamma, er side. Remain in the middle without letting the recognizing impermanence, unsatisfactoriness mind go in either direction. and lack of self, recognizing the danger and em- To be continued ploying caution and restraint in a mindful way. Ajahn Tongrat didn’t teach a lot; he always told us, ‘’Be really careful! Be really careful!’’ That’s how he taught. ‘’Be really careful! If you’re not really careful, you’ll catch it on the chin!’’ This is really how it is. Even if he didn’t say it, it’s still how it is. If you’re not really careful you’ll catch it on the chin. Please understand this. It’s not someone else’s concern. The problem isn’t other people loving or hating us. Others far away somewhere don’t make us create kamma and suffering. It’s our possessions, our homes, ทำ�บุญวันเกิดคุณสร�ยุทธ ฤทธิ์ถ�วร 23 เม.ย. 54
  • 15. แสงธรรม 12 Saeng Dhamma Tomorrow Man Essays On The Dhamma By Luang Ta Chi Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart ...Continued from last issue... Meditation to achieve concentration is a way of filtering and clearing the mind to be able to IV. Supraman one wha Who Has see the truth. The great obstacles to concen- wisdom tration that leads to peace of mind are the five hindrances: M ind that lacks concentration is influ- enced by things in the world. When things outside contact the senses—eyes, ears, 1. Kāma-chanda—satisfaction in loving, want- ing, and deep longing. This burns in the mind and causes constant unrest like a rabid dog. nose, tongue, and body—the mind is moved by 2. Vyāpāda—dissatisfaction with everything. It these things. These create the feelings of love, leads to restlessness, constantly burning and suf- anger, confusion, and addiction. The one who fering mind like a sharp weapon stuck into your lacks concentration has great obstacles prevent- heart. ing him from undergoing scientific experiment on 3. Thīna-middha—sloth and torpor, caused the mind. It is necessary to practice concentra- by delusion. It makes the mind indifferent to tion so that the mind can be stable, pure, and everything, tired, and constantly sleepy. suitable for the scientific mental experiment to 4. Uddhacca-kukkucca—distractedness and recognize things as they are. worry. Worrying about events in the past and Just as a person will not see the oyster, the events yet to come, and complaining that draws abalone, the sand, and the fish in the muddy the mind away from the present. As in the rainy water, So too will the person be unable to see season the clouds come from all directions to the reality of things when the mind is clouded. block the sunlight, causing darkness. Just as a person can see the oyster, the aba- 5. Vicikicchā—hesitation and doubt which lone, the sand, and the fish in clear water, So, block the arising of wisdom. There is always too, can a person with a clear mind see the truth. doubt as to whether the path to Enlightenment
  • 16. แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma and Nibbāna (Nirvāna) truly exists. There is ques- the part of the mind that pertains to the sense of tioning of the meaning of physical and mental the beautiful. They create beautiful images such phenomena and the cessation of suffering. This as colorful flowers, golden pagodas, devas, and is similar to the traveler who comes to a fork in heavenly abodes which fill the mind with bliss. the road and, not knowing which way to go, sits Whoever is attached to these is caught in the there forever, wondering which road to take. To wheel of samsāra, just like a bird caught in the overcome the five hindrances, we need the three hunter’s net. These images will disappear when instruments mentioned before: awareness reveals things as they are. 1. Atāpī—the strong effort to overcome de- 3. Images that are frightening. Wild animals filements, or to die trying. like a charging elephant, a tiger about to claw 2. Sampajañña—universal knowledge; per- you, a snake about to strike, a dog trying to bite forming moment to moment with universal you, or a skeleton, or a rotting corpse—all terrify- knowledge of the truth of existence so as not to ing images. To rid ourselves of these images, we be led astray by defilements. must be aware of the present moment. 3. Satimā—to be in constant awareness, ob- 4. Images that are purposely created. When serving the mind at all times; never letting mind we think of something, it appears to us. We think think by itself; paying constant attention to what of the moon, and it appears; we imagine objects arises in mind. We watch moods and thoughts to be larger or smaller, and they become so. We arising and disappearing and know how they af- think of heaven and hell, and they appear. When fect the mind. we think of the enlightened ones or the Buddha, When we use these three instruments, the five their images appear. Whatever we think of auto- defilements will disappear from our minds. The matically appears. These are all just created im- mind will be at peace and keep up concentra- ages, not natural conditions. Having awareness tion. Too much concentration, however, without will make them disappear. awareness can lead to mental images, of which 5. Images that implore. These arise from lack there are five types: of awareness. They can be souls experiencing 1. Images that copy oneself. These are reflec- great mental pain and asking for merit. Or they tions of ourselves seen by the mind. The image can be corrupted, misguided spirits that keep vis- does what you do: stand, walk, sit, bend over, iting us with frightening images and scary howls. stretch, or move. If you ask it to do something, it Loving-kindness together with awareness will mi- will do as you wish. To make this go away, you raculously make these images disappear. have to use your awareness. When awareness is Once the five hindrances have been over- as strong as concentration, these images will dis- come and the five types of mental images de- appear because they are not real. stroyed, the obstacles that are preventing us from 2. Images that are blissful. These come from entering the “supramundane state” are removed.
  • 17. แสงธรรม 14 Saeng Dhamma From here the mind can establish concentra- One should certainly do one’s job today. Who tion to attain peace, purity, and clarity. Thus we knows, tomorrow death could come. Absolutely can proceed in our scientific experiment on the no way can one come to an agreement with the mental phenomena to discover the truth of all mighty Lord of Death. things. We can test the truth in this body that Past is past, do not desire for it to turn back. is six feet long, one hand thick, and a forearm What hasn’t come, do not treat in an indifferent wide. So we can look at ourselves, talk to our- manner, it’ll come. Yesterday will never take the selves, and use ourselves to test and prove the same road again. truth of anicca (impermanence, always changing), “Tomorrow will have yet to arrive.” dukkha (unsatisfactoriness), and anattā (no-self, Thus one should seriously perform one’s duty not under anyone’s control). These are the true today. Who would know we will live tomorrow? characteristics of all that exists in nature. When Impossibly can a person come to an agreement the mind has grasped the true nature of things as with or influence Powerful Death to allow him or explained here, it will be free of all attachments her to stay. and enter the path toward Enlightenment leading There are in a year 365 days or 12 months, to Nibbāna. One is no longer under the power of December being the last one of the year. It is the defilements and craving. The mind is free of the custom for most of us to consider the pass- all attachments and enters the “supramundane ing year to be the “old” year and call the com- state,” and thus one has become truly “supra- ing year, beginning with January, the “new” year. human.” “Old” and “new” are only ideas that we make From the point of view of the Dhamma, one up for having easy communication; otherwise we becomes a “supra-human” because he or she is would hardly understand each other. No forces “above” all worldly influences. Even while living can stop their motion. They constantly and du- in the world, the mind is no longer a slave to de- tifully move as they do; they never stand still. filements and craving, and one lives in freedom— Thus it is “life” that loses its hold to time, as complete freedom from suffering. And thus this shown in one of the Buddhist proverbs: person has earned the title “supraman.” Kalo khasati bhutani sabbaneva sahattana Time eats up, together with its own self, the V. Tomorrow Man lives of all beings. To be continued Ajjeva kiccamatappam Ko janna maranam suve Na hi no sangharantena Mahasenena maccuna
  • 18. แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma VISAKHA PUJA DAY The Birth of the Buddha, Peacemaker for the World The Significance of Visakha Puja Day By Phramaha Thanat Inthisan, Ph.D. The Significance of Visakha Puja Day to celebrate Vesak. It was the same Dharmapala, On behalf of The Council of Thai Bhikkhus in however, who in May of 1897, following the World the U.S.A., as the Secretary of the Council, I would Parliament of Religions four years earlier, presided like to join in this year’s Visakha Puja celebration. over the first Vesaka Puja celebration in America This year Vesak is especially significant because it is in San Francisco. Then in 1999, sixty-six years af- the commemoration of the 2600th anniversary of ter the death of the great Buddhist preacher, Vi- the Enlightenment of the Buddha. Under the aus- sakha Puja received the worldwide recognition it pices of the Mission of the Republic of Sri Lanka to deserves. On December 15 of that year at the the United Nations and of the United Nations Gen- behest of the country of Sri Lanka, Dharmapala’s eral Assembly, special events have been planned homeland, the fifty-fourth United Nations Gen- in New York to celebrate this auspicious occasion. eral Assembly declared Vesak Day, the full-moon Today Vesakha Puja is recognized as an inter- day in May, an International Day. Buddhism was national day of celebration of the life of the Bud- recognized as one of the oldest religions in the dha. This May, 2011, we have the Vesak ceremony world, a religion that should be praised for its in all the Buddhist countries, Thailand, Vietnam, concerns about the welfare of human beings. Laos, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Japan, Korea, China, Visakha Puja commemorates three important and others. In fact, Visakha Puja is celebrated events in the life of the Buddha, all occurring in across the globe. different years on the full-moon day of May: his It was not always this way. When Anaga- birth, his Enlightenment, and his passing away. rika Dharmapala, arguably the greatest preacher These events can serve as lessons for us today. of Buddhism in modern times, was a boy in the I would like to begin with the event of his 1870s in his native Sri Lanka, then the British col- birth. After the Buddha was born, he walked sev- ony of Ceylon, he was caned by the headmaster en steps and said, “I am chief in the world, I am of the Christian school he attended for taking off best in the world, I am first in the world. This is
  • 19. แสงธรรม 16 Saeng Dhamma my last birth. There will be no further rebirth.” The message of Visakha Puja Day is a message of This statement expresses the Buddha’s aim in his loving-kindness and compassion that bring peace. life. His words are not just the silly boasting of a We celebrate Vesak day, or the Buddha’s day, be- child. Rather, they signify that we are all individu- cause of his great loving-kindness and compassion ally responsible for what we make of our lives. not only to the Buddhist people but also to all the Think about that. Do you take this responsibility people of the world. The Buddha was a great man seriously? If you do not, you should reflect on who walked on the earth and preached to the peo- this matter today. ple 2,500 years ago about how to live happily and Let us talk about the second event commem- peacefully. After he realized the truth, he did not orated on Vesak. After the Buddha achieved En- keep it to himself; he spread the truth for forty-five lightenment, he said to himself, “Through the years of his life. That is why we gather together round of uncountable births, I wandered and celebrate on this day. without finding the house builder I was Visakha Puja Day commemorates seeking. Rebirth again and again is the birthday of the Buddha as the painful. House builder; you are arising of the Buddha to bring seen! You will no longer build peace. The Buddha-to-be was my house. All your rafters are born into the Brahmin tradi- broken. The ridge pole is de- tion, but he left this tradition stroyed. Mind attains the un- behind. He tried to get rid of conditioned. Mind achieves the all unwholesome things inside end of craving.” The Buddha rec- and outside people, for exam- ognized what causes problems for ple, the castes in the society of us. We should also recognize that his time. He traveled throughout the problems we encounter come the Middle Area for forty-five years from inside the mind. The problems teaching people, and then he passed start there—with our thoughts. away in final Enlightenment. He visited the The third event recalled on Vesakha Puja Day poor, his enemies (for instance, Devidatta), and is the Buddha’s passing away. Before he passed kings because of his great compassion and be- away, he told his disciples, “All component things cause of his wisdom. are subject to decay and destruction, work out the The message of Visakha Puja Day is also that of real freedom with earnestness.” These were the overcoming egoism. The Buddha worked without last words of the Buddha. We should work hard to egoism, giving people the opportunity to light the understand that nothing in life is permanent, that inner light in their hearts and reach their final goal. nothing can be counted on, so that was can free He found truth and liberation and destroyed ego- our minds from greed, hatred, and delusion and ism. He destroyed all the defilements in his mind thereby attain peace and freedom. and found freedom from the self. As a result, he
  • 20. แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma can help society today find its freedom and can that he woke up. The word Buddha means to teach society liberation from the self. He can en- wake up and to know. Last month a husband able society to find peace. and wife took their children to the temple. When At Visakha Puja the birth of the Buddha is cel- they saw the monks, they paid respect and told ebrated in two senses: the Buddha-to-be’s being their children to pay respect, but they called the born from the womb of his mother, and the Bud- monk, “my Buddha.” I did not have a chance dha’s being born as the Awakened One, having to explain to them that they should not call the destroyed the defilements, especially egoism, atta. monk “Buddha.” The more I think about what The Buddha has the answer to the question of how they said, however, the more I realize that they the people of the world can attain inner peace. were expressing a great truth. They are reminding In Buddhism, we have two ways of worship us to be the Buddha, that is, the Awakened One, and celebration. The first one we call material insofar as we wake up from the sleep of igno- worship, the worship that uses candles, flowers, rance, greed, hatred, and delusion. There is a story about the Buddha after he achieved Enlightenment. He decided to go teach at Varanasi. On the way to Varanasi, one Brahmin asked him, “Are you a god?” “No,” said the Buddha. “An angel?” “No.” “A saint?” “No.” “Then what are you?” The Buddha answered, “I am awake.” The Buddha defined himself as the one who had woken up. As we celebrate this Visakha Puja Day, then, we do not forget the Buddha, but we follow his incense—material things. The second is practi- advice as his disciples. Learning something from cal worship, the way that we apply the Buddha’s our great teacher, we build the Buddha within our teachings to our lives, that we put the teachings minds. It is never too late to change our ways of into action. The worship or celebration that the thinking, speaking, and behaving, ways that cause Buddha admires more is practical worship. us problems. Practical worship is truly the way in which Let us spread loving-kindness and compas- egoism is overcome. The Buddha wants us so to sion. Let us overcome egoism and wake up. practice so that we can benefit from his teachings These are the ways to find the Buddha’s peace. and free ourselves from suffering. The Buddha’s overcoming of egoism means
  • 21. แสงธรรม 18 Saeng Dhamma อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks คณะสงฆ์และคณะกรรมการวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ขออนุโมทนาแด่สาธุชนทุกๆ ท่าน ที่มีจิตศรัทธาถวาย ภัตตาหารเช้า-เพล บริจาคสิงของ เสียสละแรงกาย แรงใจ ก�าลังสติปญญา และความสามารถเท่าทีโ่ อกาสจะอ�านวย ่ ั ช่วยเหลือกิจกรรมของวัดด้วยดีเสมอมา ท�าให้วัดของเรามีความเจริญรุ่งเรืองก้าวหน้ามาโดยล�าดับ โดยเฉพาะทุก ท่านที่มีส่วนร่วมในงานวันส�าคัญต่าง ๆ ของทางวัด จึงประกาศอนุโมทนากับทุก ๆ ท่านมา ณ โอกาสนี้ � คุณศิรินทิพย์ โค้ว ถวายน�้าดื่ม 2 เคส � คุณยรรยง - ด.ช. ณรงค์ฤทธิ์ ดุลย์แสง - คุณสุภาภรณ์ วาฤทธิ์ ท�าบุญวันเกิดให้คุณจุฑาลักษณ์ (กระต่าย) ดุลย์แสง ถวายสไปรท์ 1 แพ็ค, โค้ก 1 แพ็ค, คอฟฟี่เมท 1 ขวด, กาแฟ 1 ขวด, coffee drink 30 ซอง, Listerine 4 ขวด, cold cups 600 ใบ � คุณทวน-คุณดลวรรณ -น้องทีนา เหวียน ท�าบุญวันเกิดให้นองแอนตัน เหวียน ถวายปากกา Big 72 ด้าม, ดินสอ 1 กล่อง, ่ ้ ้ ช้อน 600 คัน, Glad Clingwrap, Foam Cups, Foam Plate, Foam Bowl, Sugar เป็นต้น � คุณวนิดา สุนทรพิทกษ์ ถวายน�าดืม 1 แพ็ค ั ้ ่ � คุณธนิดา สิชฌวัฒน์ - คุณณัฐพล เปมจิต จนท.ทูตเกษตร ถวายเปเป้อร์ทาวน์ 10 ม้วน, ทิซซู่ 12 กล่อง � คุณเล็ก - คุณสุกานต์ ซือตรง ถวายแก้วน�าดืม ่ ้ ่ ขอเรียนเชิญญาติสนิทมิตรสหายทุกท่านร่วมทําบุญบังสุกุล ร้�นศิษย์วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. รวมญาติ ถวายภัตตาหารเพลที่วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ปัจจัยสมทบทุนสร้าง โดยคุณกัญญ� สว่�งโรจน์ หน้าต่าง “อาคาร 80 ปี หลวงตาชี” 14 พฤษภาคม 2554 ขอขอบคุณผู้ให้การสนับสนุนทุนทุกท่าน ---------------------------------- ในงานประเพณีสงกรานต์ ประจำาปี 2554 เจ้าภาพโดย.. 1. คุณชูชัย-คุณพวงทิพย์ อิถรัชด์ รายได้ทั้งหมดถวายวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.จำานวน $5,575 2. คุณศุภฤกษ์-คุณอุทิศ เภกะนันท์ 3. คุณเดชา-คุณรัตนา วิริยะ ขออนุโมทน�พิเศษแด่ 4. คุณสุพัฒน์-คุณจิราภรณ์ สิริวิชา คณะผู้ปกครองนักเรียนทุกท่�นที่บริจ�คเงิน 5. คุณกลวิทย์-คุณรัชนี รพีพันธ์ุ 6. คุณบุญดี มานะดี ซื้อชุดรำ�ไทย เพื่อให้เด็กนักเรียนวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. 7. คุณปรียา พัวตระกูล ใช้แสดงศิลปวัฒนธรรมไทย ม� ณ โอก�สนี้ เจ้าภาพน้ำาดื่มถังใหญ่ ถวายประจำาทุกเดือน คุณแม่สงวน เกิดมี คุณจารุณี พิทโยทัย คุณประยูรศรี วรเลิศ คุณทัฬห์ อัตวุฒิ คุณบุณณ์ภัสสร คุณศรสวรรค์ พงศ์วรินทร์ คุณสุพรรณี สัตตวัตรกุล คุณละม้าย คุณประมวล ทวีโชติ คุณทองพูน คุณสุนันทา เฮนเซ้น น.พ. อรุณ คุณสุมนา สวนศิลป์พงศ์ คุณยายเสริมศรี เชื้อวงศ์ คุณยายป้อม สุวรรณเตมีย์ คุณบุญเลิง วิสีปัตย์
  • 22. แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma ขอเชิญร่วมงานธรรมสมโภชอายุวัฒนมงคล ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (สุรศักดิ์ ชีวานนฺโท) ๑๐ - ๑๒ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๔ ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ประธานจัดงานโดย กลุ่มรวมน้ำาใจใฝ่ธรรม เมืองไมอามี่ รัฐฟลอริดา จึงขอเชิญศิษยานุศิษย์ที่เคารพรัก ร่วมแสดงมุทิตาสักการะโดยพร้อมเพรียงกัน WELCOME TO JOIN THE MEDITATION WORKSHOP 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. �Based on 2,500-year-old tradition �FREE! We never charge for lessons �Taught by Thai monk with decades of experience �All levels welcome 09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Wat Thai Buddhist Temple 13440 Layhill Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel: 301-871-8661, E-mail: Contact Alistair Bell 202 527 1050 / ขออนุโมทนาพิเศษแด่ พุทธศาสนิกชนทุกคณะทุกฝ่ายที่ร่วมแรงร่วมใจ เสียสละกำาลังกาย กำาลังทรัพย์ กำาลังสติปัญญา จัดงาน “วันสงกรานต์ ประจำาปี ๒๕๕๔” และขอขอบคุณท่านผูมเี กียรติทกท่าน ทีให้การสนับสนุนการจัดงานในครังนีเ้ ป็นอย่างสูงยิง ทำาให้งานสำาเร็จลง ้ ุ ่ ้ ่ อย่างงดงาม และหวังเป็นอย่างยิงว่า จะได้รบความร่วมมือร่วมใจจากทุกท่านในงานครังต่อไปเหมือนเช่นเคย ่ ั ้ ขออำานาจบุญบารมีหลวงพ่อพระพุทธมงคลวิมลดีซี หลวงพ่อองค์ดำา ประทานพรให้ทุกท่าน ได้ ประสบสิริสวัสดิ์พิพัฒนมงคล สมบูรณ์พูนผลด้วยลาภ ยศ สุข สรรเสริญ มีความเจริญรุ่งเรืองอยู่ภายใต้ ร่มโพธิ์ทองของพระพุทธศาสนาโดยทั่วหน้ากันเทอญ
  • 23. แสงธรรม 20 Saeng Dhamma สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก พระไตรปิฎก สําหรับผูเ้ ริมศึกษา เล่มที่ ๑๐ หน้า ๑๑๒ พระสุตตันตปิฎก มัชฌิมนิกาย อุปริปณณาสก์ สุญญตวรรค ่ ั คนพำลกลับมำเกิดเป็นมนุษย์ก็เป็นมนุษย์ต�่ำต้อย มากมาย) เคราะห์กรรมของนักการพนันไม่ใช่สิ้นสุดเพียงชาตินี้ แม้คนพาลพ้นจากวินบาตแล้ว เมือกลับมาเกิดเป็น ิ ่ นักการพนัน(อกฺขธุตโต – a gambler) ก็จดเป็นคน ฺ ั มนุษย์ซึ่งมีโอกาสเป็นไปได้ยากดังกล่าวแล้ว ก็จะได้ พาลประเภทหนึ่ง พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่า ชาติก�าเนิดที่ต�่าต้อยอยู่นั่นเอง ตรัสในเรื่องนี้ว่า “ภิกษุทงหลาย เช่นเดียวกับนักการพนันทีตองเสีย ั้ ่้ “ภิกษุทั้งหลาย คนพาลนั่นเอง ถ้าในเวลาอัน ลูกบ้าง เสียเมียบ้าง เสียสมบัติทุกอย่างบ้าง มากกว่า ยาวนานมีโอกาสมาเกิดเป็นมนุษย์กยอมจะเกิดในสกุล ็่ นันไปอีก ทีตองถูกจองจ�าก็เพราะเคราะห์รายเบืองต้น ้ ่้ ้ ้ ต�่า คือสกุลคนจัณฑาล สกุลพรานเนื้อ สกุลคนจักสาน เท่านั้น (ปฐเมเนว กลิคฺคเหน) เคราะห์ร้ายของนักการ สกุลช่างรถ หรือสกุลคนเก็บขยะในที่สุด ซึ่งเป็นสกุล พนันที่ต้องสูญเสียไปอย่างนั้น เพียงเล็กน้อย แท้จริง คนยากจน ขัดสนข้าวน�้าและอาหารการกิน ชีวิต แล้วเคราะห์ร้ายอันใหญ่หลวงกว่านั้นคือเคราะห์ร้ายที่ ล�าเค็ญ ฝืดเคืองในเรื่องอาหารและเครื่องนุ่งห่ม และ คนพาลนันประพฤติกายทุจริต วจีทจริต มโนทุจริตแล้ว ้ ุ เขาจะมีผวพรรณทราม น่ารังเกียจ ค่อมเตีย ขีโรค เป็น ิ ้ ้ ตายไปเกิดในอบาย ทุคติ วินิบาต นรก ต่างหาก” คนตาบอดบ้าง เป็นคนง่อยบ้าง เป็นคนพิกลพิการ(ขญฺโช (ข้อนี้ก็ท�าให้เข้าใจได้ว่า ความเป็นนักการพนันนั้น – คนกระจอก) บ้าง เป็นคนเปลีย (ปกฺขหโต – คนไม่มี ้ เมือกลายเป็นเหตุให้ทาความชัวทางกาย วาจา หรือทาง ่ � ่ เรี่ยวแรง) บ้าง ขาดแคลนทั้งข้าว น�้า ผัก ปลา ดอกไม้ ใจแล้ว ผลร้ายที่จะเกิดตามมา ไม่ใช้เพียงทุกข์โทษใน ของหอมเครืองลูบไล้ ทีหลับนอน ทีอยูอาศัย และเครือง ่ ่ ่ ่ ่ ชาติปัจจุบันเท่านั้น แต่ยังพาให้ตกสู่อบาย ทุคติ ประทีป(ไต้,ตะเกียง) ซึงจะเป็นเหตุให้เขาประพฤติกาย ่ วินิบาต นรก ได้ และเป็นทุกข์โทษที่สาหัสยิ่งกว่าอีก ทุจริต วจีทุจริต มโนทุจริต และเมื่อตายไปก็จะเกิดใน ด้วย นั่นก็เท่ากับว่า การพนันเป็นบ่อเกิดแห่งกรรมชั่ว อบาย ทุคติ วินิบาต นรก” ทางหนึ่ง) (โปรดสังเกตว่า คนต�่าต้อยที่ตรัสถึงนี้ เป็นมนุษย์ ทั้งหมดนี้ พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่า เป็นคนพาล (พาล ที่เกิดมาอาภัพแล้วยังฝักใฝ่แต่ในทางชั่วด้วย ไม่ควร ภูมิ) อันครบถ้วนทุกประการ สรุปว่า คนยากไร้ต้อยต�่าพิกลพิการทุกคนจะเป็นคน พาลไปเสียทั้งหมด เพราะความเป็นคนยากไร้ต้อยต�่า พิ ก ลพิ ก ารยั ง มี ท างที่ จ ะอธิ บ ายในเชิ ง กรรมไว้ อี ก
  • 24. แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma WAT THAI WASHINGTON D.C. STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND NET CASH FLOWS FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2010 - MARCH 31, 2011 Income: Sub-total Total Donations: Donations-General Support 271,118 Donations-80th LT’s Building Funds 66,562 Donations-Education 10,826 Total Donations 348,506 Investment: Dividends 829 Interest 1,628 2,457 Total Income $350,963 Expenses: Utilities: Electricity 29,642 Oil & Propane Gas 2,998 Solid Waste & Refuse Collection 4,331 Water 6,182 Total Utilities 43,153 Printing & Distribution: Equipment Leasing and Repairment 6,141 Postage 8,634 Printing Services 28,071 Supplies 2,028 Total Printing & Distribution 44,874 Insurance: Automomile 1,267 Health Insurance 27,626 Property and Liability 4,137 Total Insurance 33,030 Equipment Expenses: Equipment Purchases 360 Equipment Rental 2,093 Maintenance Contracts & Repairment 8,620 Total Equipment Expenses 11,073 Automobile 2,679 Bank Charges 120 Building and Ground 366 Contributions/Hospitality & Gifts 1,965 Dilivery & Cargo 1,854 Food & Grocery 1,655 Fund raising 8,595 Medical-Monks 5,354 Miscellaneous 1,804 Office Expenses 2,411 Security Services 946 School Expenses 5,580 Telephone and Internet 2,413 Travel 5,421 Total Expenses $173,293 Net Income and Expenses 177,670 Less Cash Provided for: -Operating Expenses (Accounts Payable) (14,849) -80th Luangta Chi’s Year Building (55,979.0) Net Cash Flows $106,842 Pachara Tuangsethevut Phramaha Thanat Inthisan Treasurer President
  • 25. แสงธรรม 22 Saeng Dhamma ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ิ Those who are interested in Thai Theravada Buddhism and mem- bers of the general public are cordially invited to Wat Thai, D.C., Temple to pay their respect to or simply view the Buddha relics on display in the chanting hall. ปฏิบ ัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือน พฤษภำคม ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. 14 พฤษภาคม 2554 ศึกษาและปฏิบัติธรรมตามแนวพระไตรปิฎก � สาธยายพระไตรปิฎก ภาษาบาลี � ฟังบรรยายธรรม - ธรรมสากัจฉา � เจริญจิตตภาวนา - แผ่เมตตา ขอเชิญพุทธศาสนิกชนร่วมดับร้อนผ่อนคลายทุกข์ด้วยธรรมโอสถ ขององค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าโดยพร้อมกัน เวลา 9.00 A.M.
  • 26. แสงธรรม 23 Saeng Dhamma เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) มองโลกภายใน ร่าเริงอะไรหรือ? ชื่นใจอะไรกัน? ในเมื่อโลกลุกเป็นไฟอยู่เนืองนิตย์ ท่านทั้งหลายถูกความมืดห่อหุ้มปกคลุมแล้ว ท�าไมไม่แสวงหาประทีปเป็นเครื่องส่องทางกันเล่า? เดี๋ยวก็โศก เดี๋ยวก็สุข เดี๋ยวทุกข์หนัก เดี๋ยวก็รัก เดี๋ยวพะวง เดี๋ยวหลงใหล เดี๋ยวก็โกรธ เดี๋ยวก็เกลียด เดี๋ยวเสียดใจ เดี๋ยวอาลัย เดี๋ยวก็ชัง ไม่ยั่งยืน ยิ่งมองก็ยิ่งมืด ยิ่งเพ่งก็ยิ่งไกล ... ไงเป็นอย่างนั้นก็ จริงซิน่ะ! พวกเรามัวแต่จ้องโลกภายนอกกันมา ไม่รู้ ...? ก็มัวไปหลงมองแต่โลกภายนอกไม่มองโลก ตั้งแต่เกิดจนแก่ แต่ก็มืดแปดด้าน ไม่พบแสงสว่างเท่า ภายในนี่จ๊ะ .. ปล่อยให้ไฟกิเลสมันลุกโพลง ควันโขมง ที่ควร มองผิดที่เสียแล้วล่ะ เลิกกันทีการมองโลก มืดไปหมด แล้วอย่างนี้ .. จะไปเห็นอะไรกัน ควันมัน ภายนอก ยิ่งมองยิ่งถูกหลอกให้ถล�าลึกลงไปในความ บังเสียหมด.. มืด เฮ้อ! น่าเวียนหัว