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ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้
ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๒๙ ประจำาเดือนมกราคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๔
 Saeng Dhamma
      Vol.36 No.429 January 2011
สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ
                                                    ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหำ		พระพุทธศำสนำมีทำงแก้
        ปีที่	36	ฉบับที่	429	ประจ�ำเดือนมกรำคม	พ.ศ.	2554			Vol.36	No.429		January,	2011

  Objectives :
 �To	promote	Buddhist	activities.                                                สำรบัญ
 �To	foster	Thai	culture	and	tradition.
 �To	inform	the	public	of	the	temple’s	activities.
 �To	promide	a	public	relations	center	for	
  	 Buddhists	living	in	the	United	States.             		The		Buddha’s	Words..............................................	1
                                                       		พรธรรมน�ำสุขใจปีใหม่	๒๕๕๔......................................	2
  เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.                   สำรจำกประธำนอ�ำนวยกำรวัดไทยฯ	ดี.ซี.	........................	4
  ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี                        		Emancipation	From	the	World	Ven.	Buddhadasa.........	5
  กองบรรณาธิการ :                                      		Listening	Beyond	Words	Ven.	Ajanh	Chah...............10
	 ดร.พระมหำถนัด		อตฺถจำรี                              		Those	Who	Fear	Death	Ven.	Laung	Ta	Chi	...................	15
	 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ	ปภำกโร                                The	Hot	News	Of	World	Buddhism	.........................17
	 พระจรินทร์		อำภสฺสโร                                 		เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี		23
	 พระมหำเรืองฤทธิ์		สมิทฺธิญำโณ
	 พระสุริยำ		เตชวโร                                    		ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนธันวาคม.............	30
	 พระมหำสรำวุธ		สรำวุโธ                                		เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ......................................	32
	 พระมหำประดู่ชัย		ภทฺทธมฺโม                           		ท่องแดนพระพุทธศำสนำ	๒,๓๐๐	ปี	ดร.พระมหำถนัด	 39
	 พระมหำศรีสุพรณ์		อตฺตทีโป                            		อนุโมทนำพิเศษ	/	Special	Thanks..........................	43
	 พระมหำค�ำตัล		พุทฺธงฺกุโร                            		Thai Temple’s News....................โดย	Handy				44
	 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์		พุทฺธรกฺขิโต                       		สำระธรรมจำก...พระไตรปิฎก	...................................	46
	 และอุบำสก-อุบำสิกำวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	        		ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนมกรำคม	..............................	47
                                                       		รำยนำมผู้บริจำคเดือนธันวำคม	Ven.Pradoochai				49
  SAENG DHAMMA	Magazine                                		รำยนำมผู้บริจำคออมบุญประจ�ำปีและเจ้ำภำพภัตตำหำรเช้ำ..52
	 is	published	monthly	by                              		รำยนำมเจ้ำภำพถวำยเพล	/	Lunch............................53
  Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple                     		ก�ำหนดกำรท�ำบุญวันมำฆบูชำ	.....................................	62
	 At	13440	Layhill	Rd.,
	 Silver	Spring,	MD	20906
  Tel.	(301)	871-8660,	871-8661                                              Photos taken by
  Fax :	301-871-5007                                                         Ven.	Pradoochai,
  E-mail :                                      Ven.	Ananphiwat,	Ven.Srisuporn	
  Homepage :                                              Mr.	Kevin	&	Mr.	Sam	
  Radio Network :                                        Bank	&	Ms.	Golf	
  2,500 Copies
                                                               ฺ                ปสฺเส เจ วิปล� สุข�
                                                  จเช มตฺตาสุข� ธีโร             สมฺปสฺส� วิปล� สุข� ฯ ๒๙๐ ฯ
                               ถ้าเห็นว่า จะได้สขอันยิงใหญ่ ด้วยการสละสุขเล็กๆ น้อยๆ นักปราชญ์กควรสละสุขเล็กน้อย
                                                ุ     ่                                              ็
                                  ่         ุ     ่

	 ปีใหม่มำถึงแล้วจึงขอยกเอำพุทธพจน์มำฝำกเป็นของขวัญปีใหม่แก่ผอำนเพือฉลองปีใหม่ป	๒๕๕๔	“ควำมสุข”	เป็นควำมต้องกำรของ   ู้ ่ ่                         ี
คนทุกคนในทุกยำม	โดยเฉพำะยำมปีใหม่	ทีเ่ รียกกันว่ำ	“เทศกำลส่งควำมสุข”	แจกควำมสุขแก่คนคุนเคย	นอกจำกนันยังมีกำรมอบของ                                             ้                             ้
ขวัญ	แลกของขวัญแก่กนและกัน	ก็เป็นส่วนหนึงของกำรให้ควำมสุขแบบมีลนตำมแบบทีคนส่วนใหญ่ชอบ	กำรลุน	กำรเสียงดวง	เลยมี
                                                  ั                                      ่                                  ุ้            ่                                          ้                   ่
กิจกรรมกำรเล่นทีมกำรลุน	กำรเสียงอย่ำงกำรพนันทุกประเภททังพนันบอล	ไพ่	ไฮโล	ชนโค	ชนไก่	ปลำกัด	หรือ	บ่อนคำสิโน	หวยบนดิน	
                                            ่ี ้                   ่                                       ้
ใต้ดน	เป็นต้น	เมือคนเรำต้องกำรควำมสุข	จึงต้องแสวงหำเองไม่วำสุขเล็กๆ	แบบฆรำวำสทัวๆ	ไป	ทีเ่ ป็นสุขแบบไหม้เกรียม	(สุกกรอบ)	หรือ
            ิ                      ่                                                                     ่                             ่
สุขทียงใหญ่ขน	(เป็นสุข)	ในทำงพุทธศำสนำท่ำนว่ำให้เสียสละสุขอันเล็กน้อยเพือสุขอันยิงใหญ่	ควำมหมำยโดยในลึกก็คงมีควำมหมำยถึง
              ่ ิ่            ึ้                                                                                               ่     ่
นิพพำนอันเป็นสุขอย่ำงยิงทีคนเรำจ�ำต้องยอมสละ	มองข้ำมสุขเล็กๆ	อย่ำงอืนเพือให้ได้มำของนิพพำน	
                                                    ่ ่                                                                    ่ ่
	 ส�ำหรับคืนส่งท้ำยปีเก่ำ๕๓	เพือรับปีใหม่	๕๔	กำรเฉลิมฉลองมีอยูหลำยหลำยรูปแบบแบบโลกๆ	ทีไปร่วมตัวกันท่ำมกลำงควำมหนำว
                                                                     ่                                         ่                                                 ่
เย็น	มีมหกรรมกำรแสดง	ผูคนมำกมำย	เมือถึงเวลำก็มพลุสวยๆ	ดืมไวท์	เหล้ำเบียร์	หรือกำรเลียงฉลองเป็นกลุมๆ	ก็ตำมแต่มกนดำษดืน
                                                      ้                            ่           ี             ่                                         ้                         ่                             ีั       ่
ทัวไป	แต่มกำรฉลองแบบเงียบๆ	เต็มไปด้วยสติ	มีกำรสวดมนต์	สนทนำธรรม	เจริญภำวนำ	ซึงนับวันมีกำรขยำยตัวมำกขึนเรือยๆ	และใน
    ่                 ี                                                                                                                          ่                                             ้ ่
เมืองไทยมีกำรรณรงค์	“สวดมนต์ขามปี เริมต้นดี ชีวตดีในปีใหม่”	นับเป็นเป็นกำรเปิดวัดให้เป็นพืนทีทำงเลือกแก่ผคนในวงกว้ำงมำกขึน
                                                                         ้       ่           ิ                                                             ้ ่                            ู้                              ้
	 ส�ำหรับวัดไทย	ดี.ซี.	มีเช่นเคยโดยเริมตังแต่	๑๘.๐๐	น.	เริมท�ำวัตร	เจริญพระพุทธมนต์	เพือแจกแก่ศำสนิกชนในโอกำสปีใหม่	....(เติม
                                                                            ่ ้                        ่                                             ่
กิจกรรมด้วยนะครับ)	ส่วนวันที	่ ๑	มกรำคม	มีงำนบุญปีใหม่	 ร่วมท�ำบุญตักบำตร	ฟังธรรมในโอกำสปีใหม่	 ประมำณว่ำเริมปีใหม่ดวยบุญ	                                                                        ่               ้
ด้วยควำมดี	ชีวตดีตลอดปี          ิ
	 ส�ำหรับ	“๑๐๐ ปี ๑๐๐ เรืองหลวงพ่อเล่า (ปัญญานันทะ)”	ขอน�ำเรืองนีฉลองปีใหม่	คือ	...เคยไปเยียมคนป่วยคนหนึงทีศรรำช	แก
                                                           ่                                                            ่ ้                                           ่                                 ่ ่ิิ
เป็นพนักงำนรถไฟ	แล้วก็เกิดอุบตเิ หตุขำต้องตัดไปเลย	เหลือขำข้ำงเดียว	เมือเหลือขำข้ำงเดียวก็ไปนอนป่วยอยูทโรงพยำบำล		ไปเยียมตึก
                                                             ั                                                           ่                                                      ่ ี่                                  ่
นันมีแต่คนป่วยผ่ำตัดทังนัน	บำงคนก็นอนคุยกับเพือนกับฝูงหัวเรำะให้กนตำมประสำคนป่วย	เข้ำไปนัง	คนนันแกอยูในห้องมันปิดบังมิดชิด
      ้                                        ้ ้                                         ่                     ั                                           ่            ้            ่
หน่อย	เป็นห้องพิเศษหน่อย	แต่กอยูตกชันเดียวกัน	ก็ถำมว่ำ	“เป็นอย่ำงไรมำนอนป่วยอยูทโรงพยำบำล	รูสกอย่ำงไร”		แกบอกว่ำ		“มัน
                                                                  ็ ่ึ ้                                                                 ่ ี่                         ้ึ
กลุมใจมำก		มองขำทีไรแล้วก็กลุมใจ	ว่ำเรำเคยมีสองขำแล้วนีมนมีอยูขำเดียว	แล้วนึกว่ำจะเดินอย่ำงไรขำข้ำงเดียว	แล้วเรำก็ทำงำนรถไฟ
          ้                                                    ้                                       ่ั ่                                                                                                    �
เสียด้วย	มันต้องขึนๆ	ลงๆ	กระโดดโลดเต้นตำมสถำนี		ตัวขำเดียวจะเดินอย่ำงไร”	นึกไปอย่ำงนัน	แล้วก็กลุมใจนอนไม่สบำยใจ	“พอลุก
                                          ้                                                                                                              ้                  ้
ขึนได้แผลพอดีขนหน่อย	แล้วก็เปิดประตูไว้แล้วมองไปข้ำงนอก	มองไปในห้องคนป่วยนอนเป็นแถว	แกมองไปดูคนเหล่ำนันมีอำกำรป่วย
  ้                                  ึ้                                                                                                                                                             ้
ไม่เหมือนกัน	แล้วบำงคนนอนคว�ำอยูตงสำมเดือน	ยังไม่ได้นอนหงำยกับเขำเลย	เพรำะว่ำไปผ่ำตัดกระดูกสันหลัง	บำงคนก็ตดตรงนัน	บำง
                                                                 ่ ่ ั้                                                                                                                               ั             ้
คนก็ตดตรงนี	้ เมือดูคนเหล่ำนันก็รสกว่ำเขำยิมหัวกันอยู	่ คุยข้ำมเตียงกันเสียด้วยซ�ำไป	อยูเ่ ตียงนีคยกับโน้น	เตียงโน้น	เล่ำเรืองอะไรเฮฮำ
                   ั                    ่                 ้ ู้ ึ                     ้                                             ้                     ุ้                                                ่
กันไปตำมเรือง	สนุกสนำนกันไป	ไม่เห็นใครนังกลุมใจ	ไม่เห็นใครนอนกลุมใจ	แต่วำมีควำมสบำยใจ	แกก็นกว่ำเรำนีมำนังกลุมอยูคนเดียว	
                          ่                                                            ่ ้                            ้          ่                                      ึ                ่ ่ ้ ่
แต่คนป่วยอืนๆ		ตังมำกมำยไม่เห็นใครกลุม		เลยนึกตังปัญหำถำมตัวเองว่ำ	ท�ำไมเขำไม่กลุม	มันเกิดควำมคิด	ว่ำท�ำไมคนอืนเขำไม่กลุม	
                            ่                ้                                 ้                 ้                                            ้                                                              ่              ้
ท�ำไมเรำนังกลุมอยูคนเดียว	คิดไปๆ	ก็คดได้วำ	ทีเ่ ขำไม่กลุม	เขำคงคิดว่ำ	ไม่ใช่เรำคนเดียวทีเ่ ป็นอย่ำงนี	้ มีคนอืนเป็นกันตังหลำยคน	ไม่ใช่
                     ่ ้ ่                                                 ิ ่                       ้                                                                        ่                 ้
เรำคนเดียว	เรำไม่ได้อยูโดดเดียวในโลกของคนเจ็บ	ไม่ได้เป็นอย่ำงทีเ่ รียกว่ำรุนแรงกว่ำใครๆ	เพรำะมีใครทีรนแรงกว่ำตัวมีอยู	่ คนเรามักจะ
                                                ่       ่                                                                                                            ุ่
คิดในแง่นเี้ หมือนกัน คิดว่า ฉันเป็นคนทีมทกข์ทสดในโลก เจ็บป่วยทีสดในโลก ล�าบากทีสดในโลก เอาอะไรมาวัดว่าตนมันหนักกว่า
                                                                             ่ ี ุ ี่ ุ                            ุ่                           ุ่
เพือน คนอืนเขาก็หนักเหมือนกัน”	(มองในแง่ด	ี 	วันอำทิตย์ท	ี่ ๓๐	เมษำยน	๒๕๒๑)
        ่               ่
												สุดท้ำยขออ�ำนวยพรให้ทกท่ำนได้รอดตำย	ไร้ปวย	รวยทรัพย์	ซึมซับควำมคิดดี	พูดดี	ท�ำดี	สติปญญำดี	ตลอดปี	๕๔	เทอญ
                                                                       ุ                           ่                                                               ั
แสงธรรม 1   Saeng Dhamma

	   	     	     	     The Buddha’s Words
	             อตฺตา หิ อตฺตโน นาโถ       โก หิ นาโถ ปโร สิยา
              อตฺตนา หิ สุทนฺเตน         นาถํ ลภติ ทุลฺลภํ ฯ (๑๖๐)

        เราต้องพึงตัวเราเอง คนอืนใครเล่าจะเป็นทีพงได้ บุคคลผูฝกตนดีแล้ว
                  ่             ่               ่ ่ึ         ้ ึ
                ่ี ่ึ ่

        Oneself indeed is master of oneself, who else could other master be?
        with oneself perfectly trained, one obtains a refuge hard to gain.
แสงธรรม 2    Saeng Dhamma

พรธรรมนำ�สุขใจ ปีใหม่ ๒๕๕๔

                           “ ขอให้เราทั้งหลาย ได้ตั้งจิตอธิษฐานว่า
                   ให้เกิดเป็นความสุขสวัสดีแก่ชีวิตของเราทุกผู้ทุกคน ขอ
                    ให้ทุกคนได้มีความเจริญรุ่งเรืองก้าวหน้า ปรารถนาสิ่ง
                    ใดที่ชอบ ขอให้ความปรารถนานั้นจงพลันสำาเร็จ แก่
                               ท่านทั้งหลาย โดยทั่วกันเทอญ ”

                       จุดหมายชีวิตขั้นตาเห็น หรือ ประโยชน์ปัจจุบัน

                   � มีสุขภาพดี ร่างกายแข็งแรง ไร้โรค งามสง่า อายุยืน
                   � มีเงินมีงาน มีอาชีพสุจริต พึ่งตนได้ทางเศรษฐกิจ
                   � มีสถานภาพดี เป็นที่ยอมรับนับถือในสังคม
                   � มีครอบครัวผาสุก ทำาวงศ์ตระกูลให้เป็นที่นับถือ

                           พระพรหมคุณาภรณ์ ป.อ. ปยุตฺโต
                       เจ้าอาวาสวัดญาณเวศกวัน จ.นครปฐม
แสงธรรม 3   Saeng Dhamma

                        �      ปีใหม่มี สำ�หรับดี กว่�ปีเก่�
                              พืชมีเหง้� ครบปี ทวีหัว
                      ทั้งขน�ด และจำำ�นวน ล้วนเกินตัว
                       แต่คนชั่ว กลับถอยถด ดีลดลง
                      � คือปีหน้� เลวลงกว่� ในปีนี้
                         ไม่กี่ปี จะหมดดี เพร�ะมีหลง
                         รู้สึกตัว ละชั่ว, เพร�ะเห็นตรง
                          ดีจะคง ดีขึ้นไป ชื่นใจ เอยฯ
                                                พุทธทาส อินฺทปญฺโญ


                                ปี ๒๕๕๔ เป็ น ปี เ ถาะ
                           ฟั ง เสนาะเพราะดี ป ี ก ระต่ า ย
                        ตามตำานานคนโบราณท่ า นกล่ า วไว้
                           ปี ก ระต่ า ยชมจั น ทร์ น ั ้ น โชคดี
                         พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี)
                     วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. สหรัฐอเมริกา
แสงธรรม 4      Saeng Dhamma

                   สารจากประธานอ�านวยการวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
	        ในวาระดิถีขึ้นปีใหม่		๒๕๕๔		นี้		ในนามของคณะกรรมการอ�านวยการ		ขออวยพรให้ทุกท่านที่เป็น
สมาชิกของวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.		และพุทธศาสนิกชนทุกหมู่เหล่า		จงประสบแต่ความสุขความเจริญ	มี
ความมุ่งมาดปรารถนาสิ่งใดๆ	ที่ไม่ขัดต่อศีลธรรมประเพณีอันดีงาม		ขอให้ความปรารถนานั้นๆ		จงส�าเร็จดัง
	        ขออนุโมทนาขอบคุณทุกๆ	ท่าน	ที่เสียสละก�าลังกาย		ก�าลังทรัพย์		และก�าลังสติปัญญา		ในการช่วย
เหลืองานพระศาสนา		ดูแลเอาใจใส่พระสงฆ์ที่ปฏิบัติศาสนกิจในวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.
	        ในรอบปีที่ผ่านมา		งานทุกส่วนก�าลังด�าเนินไปด้วยดี	 	ไม่ว่าจะเป็นด้านการศึกษา	และปฏิบัติธรรม	
ในปีที่ผ่านมา	 	 มีผู้สนใจเข้าปฏิบัติธรรมเป็นจ�านวนมาก	 	 มีญาติโยมมาร่วมสวดมนต์นั่งสมาธิ-สนทนาธรรม
บ่ายวันเสาร์มากขึน	ซึงมีการสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก	เป็นการส่งเสริมศรัทธาและช่วยให้ผศกษามีความมันใจยิง
                       ้ ่                                                        ู้ ึ          ่ ่
ขึน		การท�าบุญตักบาตรทุกเช้าวันอาทิตย์		เป็นการเพิมพูนบุญกุศลตลอดปีทงในพรรษาและนอกพรรษา		การ
  ้                                                 ่                    ั้
ถวายภัตตาหารเช้า	–	เพล		มีความอุดมสมบูรณ์พรั่งพร้อมด้วยสายธารศรัทธาของญาติโยมไม่ขาดสาย
	        ในด้านการก่อสร้าง			หลังจากขึนปีใหม่		๒๕๕๔		แล้ว		คงจะได้รบข่าวดีในการอนุญาตก่อสร้างอาคาร
                                        ้                             ั
เอนกประสงค์		๘๐		ปี		หลวงตาชี		ซึงอยูในขันตอนขอใบอนุญาตจากทางเคาน์ต	ี้ 	จึงขอแจ้งข่าวบอกบุญญาติโยม
                                    ่ ่ ้
ล่วงหน้า	 	 ขอให้รวมแรงร่วมใจในการบริจาคทรัพย์สมทบทุนในการก่อสร้างในครังนี	้ 	 ให้สาเร็จลุลวงไปตาม
                     ่                                                         ้       �      ่
วัตถุประสงค์	 	เพือเป็นการบูชาคุณของพระเดชพระคุณพระวิเทศธรรมรังษี	 (หลวงตาชี)			ผูซงเสียสละทุมเท
                   ่                                                                     ้ ึ่    ่
ก�าลังกาย		ก�าลังใจ	มาเป็นเสาหลักในการเผยแผ่พระพุทธศาสนาในดินแดนส่วนนีนานกว่า		๓๕		ปี
	        ในนามของคณะสงฆ์พระธรรมทูต		ขออ�านวยพรให้ทุกๆ	ท่าน		ที่เป็นสมาชิกหนังสือ	“แสงธรรม”	         	
และพุทธศาสนิกชนทั่วไป		ท่านผู้ใดมีทุกข์ จงสิ้นทุกข์ ท่านผู้ใดมีโศก จงสร่างโศก ท่านผู้ใดมีโรค โรค
จงหาย ท่านผูใดมีภย จงปลอดภัย แล้วบรรลุถงความสุขเกษมส�าราญในบวรพระพุทธศาสนา ทุกทิพา
                ้        ั                        ึ
ราตรีกาล เทอญ	

                                 (ดร. พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี)
                           ประธานอ�านวยการวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
แสงธรรม 5      Saeng Dhamma

                                                   FROM THE WORLD
                                               by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

   ...Continued from last issue...                           dation	morality	and	concentration.	What	do	we	
                                                             examine?	The	answer	is:	We	examine	all	things,	
INSIGHT, BY ORGANIZED TRAINING                               or	to	use	other	terms,	the	world,	or	phenom-

	T      his	 perfect	 intuitive	 insight,	 or	 Purity	 of	
        Knowledge	and	Vision,	the	seventh	Puri-
fication,	is	the	insight	that	arises	out	of	the	per-
                                                             enal	existence,	or	conditioned	things,	or	the	five	
                                                             aggregates,	since	all	phenomenal	existence	con-
                                                             sists	of	nothing	apart	from	the	five	aggregates.	
fected	Path.	It	is	the	goal,	the	Fruit	of	vipassana	         What	 do	 we	 aim	 at	 seeing	 as	 a	 result	 of	 this	
practice.	This	insight	that	arises	out	of	the	per-           scrutiny?	We	aim	at	seeing	the	transience,	the	
fected	Path	is	the	fifth	and	final	stage	in	vipas-           unsatisfactoriness,	the	non-selfhood	inherent	in	
sana.	In	between	the	state	of	readiness	to	per-              all	things	in	the	world.	We	observe	them	arising,	
ceive	the	Noble	Truths	and	this	perfect	intuitive	           persisting	and	ceasing	until	we	come	to	perceive	
insight	comes	“qualifying”	knowledge	(Gotrabhu	              them	 as	 absolutely	 fearsome	 and	 disenchant-
-	nana),	which	marks	the	point	of	transition	from	           ing,	 and	 realize	 that	 nothing	 is	 worth	 getting	
the	ordinary	defiled	individual	to	the	Aryian.	But	          or	 being.	 These	 are	 the	 conditions	 that	 ought	
this	qualifying	knowledge	lasts	only	an	instant.	It	         to	arise	in	vipassana	practice.	What	is	the	 ob-
is	the	culmination	of	the	progressive	perfection	            jective	 of	 vipassana?	 The	 immediate	 objective	
of	knowledge	and	is	still	at	the	level	of	good	              of	vipassana	is	to	reduce	delusion,	the	mean-
karma,	still	in	the	sensual	realm.                           ing	of	“vipassana”	being	“clear	vision.”	What	is	
	 To	sum	up,	then,	vipassana	has	as	its	foun-                the	fruit	of	vipassana?	The	fruit	is	the	arising	of
แสงธรรม 6       Saeng Dhamma
clear	intuitive	insight,	clear	and	enduring	insight	      certify	them	as	noble	ones	(Ariyapuggala),	mod-
into	 the	 nature	 of	 all	 things,	 which	 ultimately	   ern	style,	all	of	which	is	most	despicable	and	
will	 reduce	 the	 defilements	 to	 nothing.	 With	       regrettable.	
the	 defilements	 gone,	 there	 is	 just	 perfection,	
enlightenment,	peace.	Nothing	remains	to	bind	            EMANCIPATION FROM THE WORLD
the	mind	to	any	worldly	condition.	As	a	result,	
there	 comes	 about	 a	 slipping	 free	 from	 the	
world,	 this	 place	 of	 slavery	 to	 sensuality.	 The	
                                                          	V       ipassana	 meditation	 is	 mental	 training	
                                                                   aimed	at	raising	the	mind	to	such	a	lev-
                                                          el	that	it	is	no	longer	subject	to	suffering.	The	
mind	is	freed	of	suffering	because	it’s	freed	for	        mind	breaks	free	from	suffering	by	virtue	of	the	
good	of	all	craving	or	desire.	The	Buddha	called	         clear	knowledge	that	nothing	is	worth	grasping	
this	the	attainment	of	the	cessation	of	suffering,	       at	or	clinging	to.	This	knowledge	deprives	world-
the	attainment	of	the	Fruit	of	the	Path,	Nirvana.	        ly	things	of	their	ability	to	lead	the	mind	into	
To	have	achieved	this	is	to	have	carried	out	to	          further	thoughtless	liking	or	disliking.	Having	this	
completion	the	task	Buddhism	has	set	for	us.              knowledge,	 the	 mind	 transcends	 the	 worldly	
This	shows	us	the	path	of	insight	that	has	to	be	         condition	 and	 attains	 the	 level	 known	 as	 the	
walked.	 There	 are	 seven	 stages	 of	 Purification	     Supramundane	Plane	(Lokuttara-bhumi).
which	must	be	integrated	in	this	way,	and	nine	           	 In	 order	 to	 comprehend	 clearly	 the	 supra-
steps	in	the	process	of	developing	knowledge	of	          mundane	 plane,	 we	 have	 to	 know	 first	 about	
the	world.	These	taken	together	are	known	as	             its	opposite,	the	mundane	plane	(Lokiyabhumi).	
vipassana.	In	the	Texts	it	is	set	out	as	an	ordered	      The	mundane	plane	comprises	those	levels	at	
system.	 The	 finer	 details	 can	 be	 found	 in	 the	    which	the	things	of	the	world	have	control	over	
books	written	by	later	teachers.	There	is	one	im-         the	 mind.	 Very	 briefly,	 three	 levels	 are	 recog-
portant	thing	that	must	be	realized,	however,	in	         nized	in	the	mundane	plane,	namely:	the	sen-
order	to	avoid	misunderstanding.	It	so	happens	           sual	level	(Kamavacara-bhumi),	or	the	level	of	a	
that	even	in	the	field	of	Dhamma	practice,	the	           mind	still	content	with	pleasures	of	every	kind;	
highest	aspect	of	Buddhism,	there	are	misguided	          the	level	of	forms	(Rupavacara-bhumi),	the	con-
people.	At	the	present	time	there	are	many	who	           dition	of	a	mind	uninterested	in	sensual	objects,	
have	got	hold	of	things	that	are	not	vipassana	           but	finding	satisfaction	in	the	various	stages	of	
at	all	and	are	presenting	them	as	being	the	real	         concentration	 on	 forms	 as	 objects;	 and	 lastly	
thing.	They	have	made	vipassana	practice	their	           the	 formless	 level	 (Arupavacara-bhumi),	 the	
means	of	livelihood.	They	win	people	over	in	             yet	 higher	 level	 of	 a	 mind	 finding	 satisfaction	
order	to	get	classes	together,	then	proceed	to	           in	the	bliss	and	peace	of	concentration	on	ob-
แสงธรรม 7     Saeng Dhamma
jects	other	than	forms.	These	three	levels	in	the	 possible	 for	 the	 ordinary	 man	 to	 attain	 these	
worldly	plane	are	the	mental	levels	of	beings	in	 levels.	If	someone	in	this	world	is	in	the	process	
general.	Regardless	of	whether	we	presume	to	 of	experiencing	the	bliss	of	full	concentration	on	
call	them	human	beings,	celestial	beings,	gods,	 a	form,	then	for	him	“the	world”	consists	of	just	
beasts,	or	denizens	of	hell,	they	are	all	included	 that	form,	because	he	is	aware	of	nothing	else.	
within	the	three	worldly	levels.	The	mind	of	a	 At	that	time	and	for	that	person,	“the	world”	
worldling	can	at	any	particular	time	exist	in	any	 is	 equivalent	 to	 just	 that	 one	 form,	 and	 it	 re-
one	of	these	three.	It	is	not	impossible.	It	is	quite	 mains	so	until	such	time	as	his	mental	condition	
normal.	 As	 a	 rule,	 though,	 it	 will	 tend	 to	 fall	 changes.
back	 naturally	 to	 the	 unconcentrated	 sensual	 	 Even	though	a	person	dwelling	in	any	of	these	
level;	the	human	mind	normally	falls	under	the	 three	levels	may	have	gained	such	bliss	and	calm	
influence	 of	 the	 de-                                                         tranquillity	that	he	has	
lightful	 in	 colors	 and	 “ดอกไม้สวยด้วยมือพวกเรา” อนุ โมทนาสาธุ!! come	 to	 resemble	 a	
shapes,	sounds,	odors,	                                                         rock,	a	lump	of	earth,	
tastes	 and	 tactile	 ob-                                                       or	a	log	of	wood,	yet	
jects.	 Only	 on	 certain	                                                      grasping	 and	 clinging	
occasions	is	it	able	to	                                                        to	 selfhood	 are	 still	
escape	from	the	influ-                                                          present.	 Also	 present	
ence	 of	 these	 seduc-                                                         are	 various	 kinds	 of	
tive	 things	 and	 expe-                                                        desire,	 albeit	 of	 the	
rience	 the	 tranquillity	                                                      finest	and	most	tenu-
and	bliss	which	comes	from	practicing	concen- ous	sort,	such	as	dissatisfaction	with	the	state	in	
tration	on	forms	or	other	objects.	It	all	depends	 which	he	finds	himself,	which	prompts	him	to	go	
on	concentration.	At	certain	times,	then,	a	per- in	search	of	a	new	state.	That	desire	for	change	
son’s	mind	may	be	located	in	any	of	these	lev- constitutes	karma,	so	such	a	person	has	not	yet	
els	of	concentration.	In	India	at	the	time	of	the	 transcended	the	worldly	state.	He	is	not	yet	in	
Buddha	 this	 must	 have	 been	 fairly	 common,	 the	 supramundane	 plane.	 A	 mind	 dwelling	 in	
because	people	who	had	gone	in	search	of	the	 the	supramundane	plane	has	transcended	the	
tranquillity	and	bliss	associated	with	the	various	 world.	It	views	the	worldly	state	as	 devoid	of	
levels	of	concentration	were	to	be	found	living	 essence,	self,	or	substance,	and	will	have	noth-
in	forests	all	over	the	country.	At	the	present	 ing	of	it.	Dwellers	in	this	supramundane	plane	
time	such	people	are	few,	but	it	is	nevertheless	 can	be	further	classified	into	grades.	There	are
แสงธรรม 8       Saeng Dhamma
four	levels	of	Path	and	Fruit,	namely	the	levels	 comes	 completely	 free,	 transcends	 the	 world	
of	the	Stream	-	enterer	(Sotapanna),	the	Once	 for	 good	 and	 comes	 to	 dwell	 permanently	 in	
-	returner(Skidagami),	the	Never	-	returner	(An- the	supramundane	plane.
agami),	and	the	completely	Perfected	individual	 	 Of	these	ten	kinds	of	subtle	mental	impurities	
or	 Arahant.	 The	 condition	 of	 these	 four	 kinds	 that	bind	us,	the	first	is	the	Self	belief	(Sakkaya-
of	 noble	 individuals	 or	 Aryians	 is	 the	 supra- ditthi),	the	view	that	the	body	and	mind	is	“my	
mundane	 condition.	 “Supramundane”	 means	 self.”	It	is	a	misunderstanding	or	misconception	
“above	the	world,”	and	refers	to	the	mind,	not	 based	on	clinging	to	the	idea	“I	am.”	Because	
the	body.	The	body	can	be	anywhere	at	all	as	 the	average	person	is	not	aware	of	the	true	na-
long	as	living	conditions	are	adequate.	“Supra- ture	of	the	body	and	the	mind,	he	unthinkingly	
mundane”	 simply	 describes	 a	 mind	 dwelling	 regards	these	two	as	his	“self.”	He	assumes	that	
above	 the	 world.	 As	                                                           body	 and	 mind	 is	 his	
for	 the	 nether	 worlds	                                                         “self,”	 his	 “I.”	 This	
such	 as	 hell,	 purga-                                                           instinctive	 idea	 that	
tory,	 or	 the	 places	 of	                                                       there	 is	 an	 “I”	 and	 a	
suffering,	torment	and	                                                           “mine”	is	so	firmly	in-
bondage,	 these	 are	                                                             grained	 that	 normally	
out	of	the	question	for	                                                          nobody	 ever	 doubts	
the	Aryians.                                                                      their	 existence.	 True,	
                              “ร่วมแรงแข็งขัน แบ่งปั นบุญจัดตะกร้าใส่บาตร”
The	 criteria	 for	 recog-                                                        the	self	instinct	is	what	
nizing	 these	 four	 lev-                                                         makes	 life	 possible,	
els	in	the	supramundane	plane	are	the	various	 being	the	basis	of	self	preservation,	the	search	
mental	impurities	which	are	in	the	course	of	be- for	food	and	propagation	of	the	species,	but	in	
ing	eliminated.	The	Buddha	divided	the	impuri- this	case,	what	we	are	calling	the	self	belief	is	to	
ties	in	this	group	into	ten	kinds.	He	called	them	 be	taken	only	in	its	most	basic	sense	as	the	root	
the	Fetters	(Samyojana).	These	ten	fetters	bind	 cause	of	selfishness.	This	is	considered	to	be	the	
man	and	all	beings	to	the	world,	keeping	people	 first	of	the	fetters,	to	be	done	away	with	before	
in	the	mundane	plane.	If	a	person	starts	to	cut	 anything	else.
through	these	fetters	and	break	loose,	his	mind	 	 The	 second	 fetter	 is	 Doubt	 (Vicikiccha),	 the	
gradually	and	progressively	becomes	freed	from	 cause	of	wavering	and	uncertainty.	Most	impor-
the	 worldly	 condition;	 and	 when	 he	 manages	 tantly	it	is	doubt	concerning	the	practice	leading	
to	cut	through	them	completely,	his	mind	be- to	liberation	from	suffering-doubt	due	to	inade-
แสงธรรม 9     Saeng Dhamma
quate	knowledge,	doubt	as	to	what	this	subject	        one	 speaks	 of	 transcending	 sensuality,	 tran-
is	really	all	about,	doubt	as	to	whether	this	prac-    scending	the	world,	we	can’t	under	stand.	And	
tice	for	breaking	free	from	suffering	is	really	the	   that	which	we	can	understand	to	some	extent	
right	thing	for	one,	whether	one	is	really	capable	    we	are	hesitant	about.	It	is	natural	for	us	to	think	
of	carrying	it	through,	whether	it	is	really	better	   on	this	lower	level;	to	think	on	the	high	level	
than	other	things,	whether	or	not	it	really	does	      produces	a	new	picture.	The	conflict	between	
any	good,	whether	the	Buddha	really	did	attain	        the	high	level	thinking	and	the	low	level	thinking	
enlightenment,	 whether	 he	 really	 did	 achieve	     is	what	constitutes	wavering.	If	mental	energy	is	
liberation	from	suffering,	whether	the	Buddha’s	       insufficient,	the	low	level	thinking	will	triumph.	
teaching	and	the	practical	method	based	on	his	        Doubt	and	wavering	with	regard	to	goodness	is	
teaching	really	do	lead	to	liberation	from	suffer-     something	chronically	present	in	everyone	right	
ing,	whether	it	is	really	possible	for	a	bhikkhu	in	   from	birth.	In	a	person	who	has	been	brought	up	
the	Sangha	to	attain	liberation	from	suffering.        wrongly,	it	may	be	a	very	common	complaint.	
The	root	cause	of	hesitancy	is	ignorance.	A	fish	      We	have	to	introspect	and	note	the	bad	con-
that	has	always	lived	in	the	water,	if	told	about	     sequences	of	this	wavering,	which	is	present	to	
life	on	dry	land,	would	be	sure	to	believe	none	       such	an	extent	in	our	work	and	our	everyday	liv-
of	it,	or	at	most	only	half	of	it.	We,	immersed	as	    ing	that	we	become	skeptical	about	goodness,	
we	are	in	sensuality,	are	as	habituated	to	sensu-      truth	and	liberation	from	suffering.
ality	as	is	the	fish	to	water,	so	that	when	some-                      To be continued

     คุณทัศนีย์ เลิศบุญ พร้อมญาติสนิทมิตรสหาย ท�าบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อเนรมิต เพชรไกร
  ซึ่งเสียชีวิตไปครบ 100 วัน ขอขอบคุณแขกผู้มีเกียรติทุกท่านที่ได้มาร่วมอุทิศบุญในครั้งนี้
แสงธรรม 10       Saeng Dhamma

                                              Beyond Words
                                                By Ajahn Chah

  ...Continued from last issue...                            tions	or	anything	else.	We	just	look	at	our	minds,	
                                                             look	at	these	matters.	
Knowing the world                                            	 Don’t	make	your	practice	confusing.	Don’t	cre-

	P        ractitioners	of	the	Dhamma	shouldn’t	be	
          like	that.	He	didn’t	see	himself	at	all.	He	
was	only	looking	outside	and	seeing	external	ob-
                                                             ate	a	bunch	of	doubts	for	yourself.	When	you	do	
                                                             have	doubt,	control	it	by	seeing	it	as	merely	what	it	
                                                             is,	and	let	go.	Really,	there	is	nothing.	We	create	the	
jects	made	of	stone	and	cement.	He	didn’t	see	               sense	 that	 there	 is	 something,	 but	 really	 there’s	
the	intentions	and	movements	in	his	own	mind	                nothing	-	there	is	anattā.	Our	doubtful	minds	think	
in	the	present	moment.	When	our	meditation	is	               there	 is	 something,	 and	 then	 there’s	 attā.	 Then	
looking	 there,	 then	 we	 won’t	 have	 doubts.	 So	         meditation	becomes	difficult	because	we	think	we	
the	way	I	see	it,	our	practice	may	be	good,	but	             have	to	get	something	and	become	something.	Are	
there’s	no	one	who	can	vouch	for	us.	Like	this	              you	going	to	practise	meditation	to	get	or	be	some-
chapel	we	are	sitting	in.	It	was	built	by	someone	           thing?	Is	that	the	correct	way?	It’s	only	tanhā	that	
with	a	fourth-grade	education.	He	did	a	great	job,	          gets	involved	in	having	and	becoming.	There’s	no	
but	he	has	no	brand	name.	He	can’t	provide	the	              end	in	sight	if	you	practise	like	that.	
guarantee	or	vouch	for	himself,	showing	qualifica-           	 Here,	 we	 are	 talking	 about	 cessation,	 extin-
tions	 like	 an	 architect	 who	 has	 the	 full	 training	   guishing.	Everything	extinguished,	ceasing	because	
and	education,	but	still	he	does	it	well.	The	sac-           of	knowledge,	not	in	a	state	of	indifferent	igno-
cadhamma	is	like	this.	Even	though	we	haven’t	               rance.	If	we	can	practise	like	this	and	vouch	for	
studied	much	and	don’t	know	the	detailed	ex-                 our	own	experience,	then	never	mind	what	any-
planations,	 we	 can	 recognize	 suffering,	 we	 can	        one	else	says.	
recognize	what	brings	suffering,	and	we	can	let	go	          	 So	please	don’t	get	lost	in	doubts	about	the	
of	it.	We	don’t	need	to	investigate	the	explana-             practice.	Don’t	get	attached	to	your	own	views.
แสงธรรม 11     Saeng Dhamma
Don’t	get	attached	to	others’	views.	Staying	in	this	      derer	asked	all	day	and	all	night,	there	was	noth-
middle	place,	wisdom	can	be	born,	correctly	and	           ing	about	it	he	could	understand.	The	enlightened	
to	full	measure.	I’ve	often	made	the	simple	anal-          mind	is	unmoving	and	thus	cannot	be	recognized.	
ogy	of	comparing	grasping	to	the	place	we	live.	           We	can	develop	wisdom	and	remove	our	doubts	
For	 example,	 there	 are	 the	 roof	 and	 the	 floor,	    only	through	practice,	nothing	else.	
the	 upper	 and	 lower	 stories.	 If	 someone	 goes	       	 So	should	we	not	listen	to	the	Dhamma?	We	
upstairs,	he	knows	he	is	up	there5.	If	he	comes	           should,	but	then	we	should	put	the	knowledge	
downstairs,	he	knows	he	is	downstairs,	standing	           we	gain	into	practice.	But	this	doesn’t	mean	that	
on	the	floor.	This	is	all	we	can	recognize.	We	can	        we’re	following	a	person	who	teaches	us;	we	fol-
sense	where	we	are,	either	upstairs	or	downstairs.	        low	the	experience	and	awareness	that	arise	as	
But	the	space	in	the	middle	we	aren’t	aware	of,	           we	put	the	teaching	into	practice.	For	instance,	
because	there’s	no	way	to	identify	or	measure	it	          we	feel,	‘’I	really	like	this	thing.	I	like	doing	things	
-	it’s	just	space.	We	don’t	comprehend	the	space	          this	way!’’	But	the	Dhamma	doesn’t	allow	such	
in	between.	But	it	remains	as	it	is,	whether	or	not	       liking	and	attachment.	If	we	are	really	committed	
anyone	descends	from	upstairs	or	not.	The	sac-             to	 the	 Dhamma,	 then	 we	 let	 go	 of	 that	 object	
cadhamma	is	like	that,	not	going	anywhere,	not	            of	attraction	when	we	see	that	it	is	contrary	to	
changing.	When	we	say	‘’no	becoming,’’	that	is	            Dhamma.	This	is	what	the	knowledge	is	for.	
the	 middle	 space,	 not	 marked	 or	 identified	 by	      	 A	lot	of	talk	-	you’re	probably	tired	by	now.	
anything.	It	can’t	be	described.	                          Do	you	have	any	questions?	Well,	you	probably	
	 For	example,	these	days,	the	youngsters	who	             do....	 You	 should	 have	 awareness	 in	 letting	 go.	
are	interested	in	Dhamma	want	to	know	about	               Things	flow	by	and	you	let	them	go,	but	not	in	
Nibbāna.	What’s	it	like?	But	if	we	tell	them	about	        a	 dull,	 indifferent	 manner,	 without	 seeing	 what	
a	place	without	becoming,	they	don’t	want	to	go.	          is	 happening.	 There	 has	 to	 be	 mindfulness.	 All	
They	back	off.	It’s	cessation,	it’s	peace,	but	they	       the	things	I’ve	been	saying	are	pointing	to	having	
want	to	know	how	they	will	live,	what	they	will	           mindfulness	protecting	you	at	all	times.	It	means	
eat	and	enjoy	there.	So	there’s	no	end	to	it.	The	         practising	with	wisdom,	not	with	delusion.	Then	
real	questions	for	those	who	want	to	know	the	             we	will	gain	true	knowledge	as	wisdom	becomes	
truth	are	questions	about	how	to	practise.	                bold	and	keeps	increasing.	
	 There	was	an	ājīvaka	who	met	the	Buddha.	He	
asked,	 ‘’Who	 is	 your	 teacher?’’	 The	 Buddha	 re-      LISTENING BEYOND WORDS
plied,	‘’I	was	enlightened	through	my	own	efforts.	
I	have	no	teacher.’’	But	his	reply	was	incompre-
hensible	to	that	wanderer.	It	was	too	direct.	Their	
                                                           	R        eally,	 the	 teachings	 of	 the	 Buddha	 all	
                                                                     make	sense.	Things	you	wouldn’t	imagine	
                                                           really	are	so.	It’s	strange.	At	first	I	didn’t	have	any	
minds	 were	 in	 different	 places.	 Even	 if	 the	 wan-   faith	in	sitting	in	meditation.	I	thought,	what	value
แสงธรรม 12      Saeng Dhamma
could	that	possibly	have?	Then	there	was	walking	           awareness	at	all	times	and	in	all	postures.	When	
meditation	-	I	walked	from	one	tree	to	another,	            the	mind	feels	attraction,	when	it	feels	aversion,	
back	and	forth,	back	and	forth,	and	I	got	tired	of	         you	 don’t	 lose	 the	 path,	 but	 you	 know	 these	
it	and	thought,	‘’What	am	I	walking	for?	Just	walk-         conditions	for	what	they	are.	Your	awareness	is	
ing	back	and	forth	doesn’t	have	any	purpose.’’	             steady	 and	 continuous,	 and	 you	 are	 letting	 go	
That’s	how	I	thought.	But	in	fact	walking	medita-           steadily	and	continuously.	You	are	not	fooled	by	
tion	has	a	lot	of	value.	Sitting	to	practice	samādhi	       good	conditions.	You	aren’t	fooled	by	bad	condi-
has	a	lot	of	value.	But	the	temperaments	of	some	           tions.	You	remain	on	the	straight	path.	This	can	be	
people	make	them	confused	about	walking	or	sit-             called	‘making	the	postures	even.’	It	refers	to	the	
ting	meditation.	                                           internal,	not	the	external;	it	is	talking	about	mind.	
	 We	can’t	meditate	in	only	one	posture.	There	             	 If	 we	 do	 make	 the	 postures	 even	 with	 the	
are	four	postures	for	humans:	standing,	walking,	           mind,	then	when	we	are	praised,	it	is	just	so	much.	
sitting	and	lying	down.	The	teachings	speak	about	          If	we	are	slandered,	it	is	just	so	much.	We	don’t	
making	 the	 postures	 consistent	 and	 equal.	 You	        go	up	or	down	with	them	but	remain	steady.	Why	
might	 get	 the	 idea	 from	 this	 that	 it	 means	 you	    is	this?	Because	we	see	the	danger	in	these	things.	
should	stand,	walk,	sit	and	lie	down	for	the	same	          We	see	equal	danger	in	praise	and	in	criticism;	this	
number	of	hours	in	each	posture.	When	you	hear	             is	called	making	the	postures	even.	We	have	this	
such	a	teaching,	you	can’t	figure	out	what	it	really	       inner	awareness,	whether	we	are	looking	at	inter-
means,	because	it’s	talking	in	the	way	of	Dham-             nal	or	external	phenomena.	
ma,	not	in	the	ordinary	sense.	‘’OK,	I’ll	sit	for	two	      	 In	 the	 ordinary	 way	 of	 experiencing	 things,	
hours,	stand	for	two	hours	and	then	lie	down	for	           when	something	good	appears,	we	have	a	posi-
two	hours’’	You	probably	think	like	this.	That’s	           tive	reaction,	and	when	something	bad	appears,	
what	I	did.	I	tried	to	practice	in	this	way,	but	it	        we	have	a	negative	reaction.	
didn’t	work	out.	                                           	 Like	 this,	 the	 postures	 are	 not	 even.	 If	 they	
	 It’s	because	of	not	listening	in	the	right	way,	          are	 even,	 we	 always	 have	 awareness.	 We	 will	
merely	listening	to	the	words.	‘Making	the	pos-             know	when	we	are	grasping	at	good	and	grasp-
tures	 even’	 refers	 to	 the	 mind,	 nothing	 else.	 It	   ing	at	bad	-	this	is	better.	Even	though	we	can’t	
means	making	the	mind	bright	and	clear	so	that	             yet	let	go,	we	are	aware	of	these	states	continu-
wisdom	arises,	so	that	there	is	knowledge	of	what-          ously.	Being	continuously	aware	of	ourselves	and	
ever	is	happening	in	all	postures	and	situations.	          our	attachments,	we	will	come	to	see	that	such	
Whatever	the	posture,	you	know	phenomena	and	               grasping	is	not	the	path.	We	know	but	can’t	let	
states	of	mind	for	what	they	are,	meaning	that	             go:	that’s	50	percent.	Though	we	can’t	let	go,	we	
they	 are	 impermanent,	 unsatisfactory	 and	 not	          do	understand	that	letting	go	of	these	things	will	
your	 self.	 The	 mind	 remains	 established	 in	 this	     bring	peace.	We	see	the	danger	in	the	things	we
แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma
like and dislike. We see the danger in praise and        So at first we are grasping hold of things and with
blame. This awareness is continuous.                     awareness seeing the fault in that. How is that?
     So whether we are being praised or criticized,      It’s because we grasp tightly and experience suf-
we are continuously aware. For worldly people,           fering. Then we will start to seek a way to let go
when they are criticized and slandered, they can’t       and be free. ‘’What should I do to be free?’’ we
bear it; it hurts their hearts. When they are praised,   ponder.
they are pleased and excited. This is what is natu-           Buddhist teaching says not to have grasp-
ral in the world. But for those who are practicing,      ing attachment, not to hold tightly to things. We
when there is praise, they know there is danger.         don’t understand this fully. The point is to hold,
When there is blame, they know the danger. They          but not tightly. For example, I see this object in
know that being attached to either of these brings       front of me. I am curious to know what it is, so
ill results. They are all harmful if we grasp at them    I pick it up and look: it’s a flashlight. Now I can
and give them meaning.                                   put it down. That’s holding but not tightly. If we
When we have this kind of awareness, we know             are told not to hold to anything at all, then what
phenomena as they occur. We know that if we              can we do? We will think we shouldn’t practice
form attachments to phenomena, there really              sitting or walking meditation. So at first we have
will be suffering. If we are not aware, then grasp-      to hold without tight attachment. You can say this
ing at what we conceive of as good or bad, suf-          is tanhā, but it will become pāramī. For instance,
fering is born. When we pay attention, we see            you came here to Wat Pah Pong; before you did
this grasping; we see how we catch hold of the           that, you had to have the desire to come. With
good and the bad and how this causes suffering.          no desire, you wouldn’t have come. We can say

   คุณนิ่มนวล มาแตง และญาติพี่น้อง ทำาบุญอุทิศให้สามี Mr. Rigo Berto Ramos และครอบครัว
   WASMUTH พร้อมเพื่อนๆ ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณวันทนีย์ WASMUTH วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 ธ.ค. 2554
แสงธรรม 14      Saeng Dhamma
you came with desire; it’s like holding. Then you         say, ‘’This is bad,’’ but we let go. We know good
will return; that’s like not grasping. Just like having   and evil. Someone who doesn’t know good and
some uncertainty about what this object is, then          evil attaches to good and evil and suffers as a re-
picking it up, seeing it’s a flashlight and putting it    sult. Someone with knowledge doesn’t have this
down. This is holding but not grasping, or to speak       attachment.
more simply, knowing and letting go. Picking up to            Let’s consider: For what purpose are we liv-
look, knowing and letting go - knowing and putting        ing? What do we want from our work? We are liv-
down. Things may be said to be good or bad, but           ing in this world; for what purpose are we living?
you merely know them and let them go. You are             We do our work; what do we want to get from
aware of all good and bad phenomena and you               our work? In the worldly way, people do their
are letting go of them. You don’t grasp them with         work because they want certain things and this
ignorance. You grasp them with wisdom and put             is what they consider logical. But the Buddha’s
them down.                                                teaching goes a step beyond this. It says, do your
    In this way the postures can be even and con-         work without desiring anything. In the world, you
sistent. It means the mind is able. The mind has          do this to get that; you do that to get this; you are
awareness and wisdom is born. When the mind               always doing something in order to get something
has wisdom, then what could there be beyond               as a result. That’s the way of worldly folk. The
that? It picks things up but there is no harm. It is      Buddha says, work for the sake of work without
not grasping tightly, but knowing and letting go.         wanting anything.
Hearing a sound, we will know, ‘’The world says               Whenever we work with the desire for some-
this is good,’’ and we let go of it. The world may        thing, we suffer. Check this out.

 คุณทวน-คุณดลวรรณ เหวียน พร้อมลูกๆ และญาติมิตร ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อศุกรี กัมปนานนท์ ที่จากไปครบ 1 ปี
    คุณแม่กาญจนา-คุณพิณทอง-คุณโกษา-คุณสุนิภา เกาฏีระ และหลาน ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อสมจิตต์ เกาฏีระ
แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma

     Those Who Fear Death                                    Essaye On The Dhamma
                                                                   By Luang Ta Chi
                                                               Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart

	I.	Those Who Fear Death                                are	the	laws	of	nature.		Even	with	this	knowledge,	
                                                        all	living	things	still	fear	death.		When	small	ani-
										Sabbe	tasanti	dandhassa
                                                        mals	are	hunted,	they	try	to	the	greatest	degree	
										Sabbe	bāyanti	maccuno
										Attanam	upamam	katvā                          possible	to	escape.		All	living	things	by	nature	try	
										Na	haneyya	na	ghātaye                         to	survive	and	avoid	death.		Therefore,	the	Bud-
                                                        dha	taught,	“Just	as	we	fear	death,	other	animals	
										All	living	things	are	afraid	of               fear	death.		Therefore,	we	should	not	kill	or	allow	
										punishment.		All	living	things	are	afraid     others	to	kill	for	us.”
										of	death.		Make	an	example	of	yourself        					Non-human	fear	of	death	will	not	be	discussed	
										and	avoid	killing	others	and	being	killed.
	                                                       here.		We	will	consider	humans’	fear	of	death	and	
	 Fear	 of	 punishment	 is	 a	 normal	 instinct	 of	    how	to	overcome	this	fear.		There	is	a	custom	of	
all	living	things,	be	they	human	or	non-human.	     	   “making	merit	to	prolong	life.”		Such	a	ceremony	
When	someone	has	done	an	unlawful	act,	there	           is	performed	and	is	popular	because	we	want	to	
is	an	immediate	attempt	to	flee	into	the	forest,	to	    prolong	this	life,	forever	if	possible.		But	in	truth,	
another	town,	to	go	into	hiding	or	even	abroad.	    	   those	with	any	wisdom	know	that	to	live	longer	
When	such	a	person	is	captured,	he	hires	the	best	      is	like	carrying	a	heavy	burden:	it	is	not	all	full	of	
attorney	he	can	afford	for	his	defense.		This	is	the	   joy.	 	 However,	 we	 prefer	 living	 longer	 to	 facing	
normal,	natural	reaction	to	fear	of	punishment.	        death.		There	is	peace	of	mind	after	such	a	cer-
					Fear	of	death	is	another	common	instinct	of	all	   emony	is	performed.		
living	things.		No	one	wants	to	die.		We	avoid	harm	    					An	old	folk	story	told	of	a	deva	named	Sup-
and	use	all	possible	things	to	prolong	life.		So	far	   atithita,	 who	 feared	 death	 after	 seeing	 the	 sign	
no	one	has	been	able	to	avoid	death.		Death	and	        of	 death	 standing	 in	 front	 of	 him.	 	 He	 became	
birth	unavoidably	exist	together.		Death	and	birth	     covered	with	sweat,	and	his	“flower	of	life”	start-
แสงธรรม 16     Saeng Dhamma
ed	to	dry	up.		Great	fear	seized	his	heart,	and	he	      	 The	 Dhamma	 frees	 you	 from	 punishment	 by	
sought	out	others	wiser	and	of	higher	rank	than	his	     humans,	trouble	from	nonhumans,	from	danger	of	
for	advice.		But	even	the	highest	of	all	the	devas	      forest	fires,	tigers,	snakes,	poisons,	and	evil	spirits.
could	not	calm	his	fear	and	advised	him	to	seek	         										Sabbasmā	maranā	mutto
the	 Buddha.	 	 The	 deva	 approached	 the	 Buddha	      										Thapetvā	kālamāritam
and	was	given	a	discourse	called	Unahissavichai.
					After	hearing	the	discourse,	the	deva	had	pu-       	 Untimely	death	is	thus	avoided.		Only	timely	
rity	in	his	heart	and	lacked	worry	about	and	fear	       death	will	occur.		
of	death.		Those	who	heard	about	this	discourse	         										Tasseva	ānubhāvena
took	it	to	mean	that	it	prevented	death,	and	it	         										Hotu	devo	sukhī	sadā
became	 popular	 in	 the	 North	 and	 Northeast	 of	
Thailand	as	a	blessing	to	prolong	life.		                	 The	power	of	the	Dhamma	will	allow	the	de-
					We	should	consider	what	the	discourse	means.	   	   vas	to	remain	in	a	blissful	state.
Does	it	prevent	death?		It	does	not	prevent	ulti-        										Suddhasīlam	samādayā
mate	 death	 but	 prevents	 untimely	 death.	 	 The	     										Dhammam	sucaritam	care
discourse	has	no	promise	of	eternal	life,	but	the	
                                                         	 Live	strictly	according	to	the	precepts;	apply	
generations	since	do	not	understand	and	actually	
                                                         the	Dhamma	honestly.
wish	for	its	mysterious	power.		When	the	exact	
words	of	the	discourse	are	analyzed	and	under-           										Tasseva	ānubhāvena
stood,	there	is	no	magical	spell.		It	speaks	of	cause	   										Hotu	devo	sukhī sadā
and	effect	and	is	the	true	teaching	of	the	Buddha:
	                                                        	 The	power	of	the	Dhamma	will	allow	the	de-
										Atthi	unahissavijayo                           vas	to	remain	in	a	blissful	state.	
										Dhammo	loke	anuttaro                         										Likkhitam	cintitam	pūjam
										Sabbasattahitatthāya                         										Dhāranam	vācānam	garum
										Tam	tvam	ganhāhi	devate
		                                                     										Paresam	desanam	sutvā
	 Listen	to	my	word,	deva!		Such	pure	Dhamma	as	 										Tassa	āyu	pavaddhatīti
the	Unahissavichai	is	beneficial	and	uplifting	to	all	 	 Having	heard	the	Dhamma,	written	it,	thought	
living	things	in	this	world.		You	should,	therefore,	 it,	worshipped	it,	kept	it	in	mind,		discussed	it,	and	
embrace	this	Dhamma.                                   having	firm	respect	for	that	Dhamma,	you	will	live	
										Parivijje	rājatande                            well	your	expected	lifetime.
										Amanussehi	pāvake
										Bayagghe	nāgevisebhūte                                           To be continued
										Akālamaranena	vā
แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma

 The Hot News of World Buddhism
►How and why this Buddhist celebrates Christ- the	winter	solstice	and	the	church	wanted	to	stop	
    mas.	December	22,		2010	                                those	darn	pagans	from	celebrating	the	rebirth	of	
	 JUDITH SAINSBURY, GUELPH MERCURY COMMUNITY the	sun,	so	it	changed	it	to	celebrate	the	birth	of	the	
EDITORIAL BOARD                                             son.	It	was	unsuccessful	at	wiping	out	all	the	pagan	

	I    ’ve	been	a	practising	Buddhist	for	almost	30	 traditions	such	as	Christmas	trees	and	the	various	
      years	now,	and	I	often	get	asked	if	I	celebrate	 incarnations	of	Santa	Claus,	although	it	tried	pretty	
Christmas.	 I	 do.	 I	 love	 Christmas.I	 just	 don’t	 cel- hard	with	the	inquisitions	and	witch	burnings.	But	
ebrate	it	the	same	way	a	devout	Christian	would.	I	 the	traditions	around	the	winter	solstice	prevailed.	
was	raised	Christian,	and	there	are	some	traditions	I	 It	is	these	traditions	that	I	am	most	attached	to	and	
just	won’t	give	up	and	Christmas	is	one	of	them.	So	 I’ve	also	created	my	own	traditions.
how	does	a	previous	Christian	and	now	Buddhist	 	 Every	Christmas	Eve	I	cuddle	up	with	my	chil-
celebrate	Christmas?	First	of	all,	let	me	get	some	 dren	and	watch	A	Christmas	Carol:	the	original,	with	
things	straight.	Buddhism	is	not	a	religion	that	be- Alastair	Sim.	I	have	never	liked	any	of	the	remakes.	
lieves	in	a	God.	Buddha	is	not	regarded	as	a	God	or	 They	 just	 don’t	 measure	 up	 to	 Alastair	 Sim’s	 in-
a	deity.	Buddha	was	a	human	being,	so	there	is	no	 credible	 performance	 as	 Scrooge.	 We	 can	 now	
theistic	God	belief	in	Buddhism.	Which	means	that	 pretty	much	quote	the	movie	word	for	word.	But	
I	am	an	atheist	as	well	as	a	Buddhist.	                     nothing	puts	me	in	the	Christmas	spirit	more	than	
	 So,	how	do	I	reconcile	Christmas	which	cele- this	 movie.	 It’s	 a	 story	 about	 human	 transforma-
brates	the	birth	of	the	son	of	God?	Dec.	25th	was	 tion.	 It	 is	 the	 scene	 where	 Jacob	 Marley’s	 ghost	
chosen	as	the	birth	date	of	Christ	because	it	is	near	 appears	before	Scrooge	that	affects	me	the	most.
แสงธรรม 18      Saeng Dhamma
	 There	he	is,	with	his	long	chain	of	bad	causes	          hope,	and	humanity	will	become	the	life	tendency	
which	he	has	forged	in	life.	He	says	“I	made	it	link	by	   of	society.
link	and	yard	by	yard;	I	girded	it	of	my	own	free	will,	   	 I	 will	 always	 celebrate	 Christmas	 or	 solstice	
and	of	my	own	free	will	I	wore	it,”	and	he	warns	          even	though	I’m	not	a	Christian.	It	brings	out	the	
Scrooge	that	his	chain	is	longer.	Scrooge	replies	that	    best	in	people,	and	for	me	as	a	Buddhist,	is	reason	
they	were	only	being	good	men	of	business,	Marley	         to	celebrate.
passionately	screams:	“Mankind	was	my	business.	           Blessings,	everyone!	
Their	 common	 welfare	 was	 my	 business;	 charity,	
mercy,	forbearance,	and	benevolence,	were	all	my	          ► Jesus the Christ and Siddhartha Gautama
business.”	He	then	points	Scrooge	in	the	direction	          the Buddha.
of	the	window	where	there	are	a	number	of	spirits	         	 By JULIA CORBETT-HEMEYER, The Star Press, De-
with	huge	chains	similar	to	Marley’s	surrounding	a	        cember 23, 2010
homeless	women	and	her	baby	on	the	street	be-
low.	They	are	screaming	and	moaning	and	Scrooge	
asks	why	they	lament.	Marley	replies	they	lament	
                                                           	Y       orktown,	Indiana	(USA)	--	The	figure	of	Jesus	
                                                                    as	it’s	presented	in	the	sacred	writings	of	
                                                           Christianity	and	developed	over	centuries	of	Chris-
because	they	have	lost	the	power	to	do	anything;	          tian	 tradition	 differs	 in	 several	 significant	 aspects	
now	that	they	are	merely	spirits.	When	I	was	a	child	      from	that	of	the	Buddha,	Siddhartha	Gautama,	as	
this	scene	horrified	me,	now	as	a	Buddhist	it	has	         his	story	is	told	in	the	Buddhist	sacred	scriptures	
significant	meaning.	                                      and	elaborated	over	the	centuries.
	 We	all	forge	chains	of	causation	good	and	bad.	          	 To	note	just	two:	Most	Christians	believe	that	
What	matters	is	what	we	do	while	we	are	living.	           Jesus	is	the	single,	unique	incarnation	of	the	one	
Whatever	belief	system	one	may	have,	I	think	we	           holy	 God.	 The	 Buddha	 is	 believed	 by	 Buddhists	
can	agree	it	is	our	behaviour	as	humans	that	is	the	       one	of	untold	numbers	of	manifestations	of	Bud-
most	important	thing.	Scrooge’s	transformation	as	         dha	 nature.	 And	 for	 most	 Christians,	 Jesus	 is	 the	
he	realizes	he	can	change	is	a	scene	of	a	man	full	        savior	of	humankind,	sent	by	God	to	rescue	wom-
of	joy.	He	actually	says	he	doesn’t	deserve	to	be	         en	and	men	from	the	inevitable	effects	of	human	
this	happy.	Realizing	he	can	now	work	to	do	good	          sinfulness.	While	some	Buddhist	teachings	present	
transforms	his	life.	Humanity	becomes	his	life	ten-        the	 Buddha	 as	 something	 like	 a	 savior,	 most	 do	
dency.	Christmas	is	one	of	those	holidays	that	em-         not.	I	don’t	want	to	gloss	over	these	differences	
bodies	this	potential	and	acts	as	a	reminder	for	me,	      because	they	are	important	and	have	given	rise	to	
that	there	is	hope	for	the	world.	Some	of	us	may	          very	distinctive	religious	perspectives.
not	need	to	be	reminded	of	this,	and	many	of	us	           	 However,	there	are	also	striking	similarities	be-
struggle	to	feel	hopeful.	But	if	we	can	hang	on	to	        tween	these	two	great	religious	founders,	similari-
that	feeling	and	do	just	one	good	thing	the	chain	         ties	 that	 have	 to	 do	 with	 their	 both	 being	 mani-
reaction	 is	 tremendous.	 We	 can	 forge	 a	 chain	 of	   festations	of	a	wide-spread	mythic	figure	known	as
แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma
the	hero.	First,	however,	we	need	to	be	clear	what	        man	 intervention.	 Siddhartha	 Gautama	 was	 born	
I	mean	by	“myth”	here,	because	a	lot	of	misunder-          from	his	mother’s	side,	according	to	one	account,	
standing	surrounds	the	use	of	the	word.                    without	 causing	 her	 any	 pain	 or	 discomfort,	 hav-
	 As	I	use	the	term,	a	“myth”	is	not	an	untrue	            ing	been	conceived	by	supernatural	means	as	well.	
story.	Myths	are	not	the	same	as	fables,	folktales,	       Although	Queen	Maya	and	King	Suddhodana	were	
fairy	tales,	anecdotes	or	simple	fiction.	Myths	are	       married	 and	 no	 mention	 is	 made	 of	 her	 being	 a	
accounts	 which	 convey	 symbolic	 truths	 of	 great	      virgin,	Queen	Maya’s	moral	purity	is	spelled	out	in	
meaning	 and	 value	 for	 those	 who	 accept	 them.	       detail	in	the	birth	narratives	of	the	future	Buddha.
They	often	form	the	bedrock	of	cultures	and	reli-          	 An	 angel	 appeared	 to	 Joseph	 in	 a	 dream	 to	
gions.	There	are	striking	similarities	in	certain	types	   announce	that	Jesus	would	save	his	people	from	
of	 myths	 across	 many	                                                                 their	sins.	Hindu	priests	
cultures.	 If	 the	 story	                                                               told	Siddhartha’s	father	
of	Jesus	is	the	defining	                                                                that	 if	 the	 baby	 to	 be	
one	 for	 our	 faith,	 or	 if	                                                           born	 were	 to	 remain	
the	Buddha	is	our	guide	                                                                 in	the	household	of	his	
on	 the	 spiritual	 path,	                                                               birth	he	would	become	
our	 understanding	 can	                                                                 a	 world	 conqueror.	
be	enriched	by	a	wider	                                                                  However,	if	he	were	to	
acquaintance	 with	 the	                                                                 leave	 the	 household,	
hero	 myth	 as	 a	 type,	                                                                he	 would	 become	 a	
and	with	the	variations	on	that	theme	represented	         Buddha.	(There	is	also	a	notable	difference	here:	
by	these	two	great	religious	founders.	                    While	 Jesus’	 birth	 is	 recorded	 as	 being	 humble,	
	 My	understanding	of	the	hero	myth	and	its	sig-           attended	by	the	animals	surrounding	the	manger,	
nificance	is	informed	by	Joseph	Campbell’s	work	           Siddhartha	was	born	in	a	palace	and	his	childhood	
in	The	Hero	with	a	Thousand	Faces	and	by	Otto	             was	spent	in	luxury.)
Rank’s	The	Myth	of	the	Birth	of	the	Hero.	Campbell	        	 As	the	story	of	Jesus	unfolds,	we	learn	that	his	
identifies	a	three-part	sequence	in	this	myth:	sepa-       life	 was	 threatened	 by	 King	 Herod,	 and	 an	 angel	
ration,	initiation	and	return.	But	prior	to	that,	there	   appeared	to	Joseph	to	warn	him	to	flee	with	the	
are	the	birth	narratives.                                  child	into	Egypt.	While	there	is	no	parallel	threat	in	
	 The	accounts	of	heroes’	births	are	marked	by	            the	Buddhist	tradition,	 Siddhartha’s	 childhood	 was	
their	unusual	features,	their	miraculous	character.	       marred	 by	 the	 death	 of	 his	 mother	 a	 week	 after	
They	 serve	 to	 set	 the	 hero	 apart	 from	 more	 or-    his	birth.	In	light	of	the	seer’s	prediction,	King	Sud-
dinary	 people	 right	 from	 the	 beginning.	 To	 note	    dhodana	struggled,	unsuccessfully	as	it	turned	out,	
just	a	few	examples:	According	to	tradition,	Jesus	        to	prevent	anything	happening	to	his	son	that	might	
was	born	to	a	virgin,	conceived	by	God	without	hu-         lead	him	to	abandon	the	life	into	which	he	had	been
แสงธรรม 20     Saeng Dhamma
born	and	thus	become	a	Buddha.                           		 He	said:	“Meditation has been shown to lower
	 As	noted	above,	the	birth	narratives	of	mythic	        blood pressure and reduce stress levels - it’s a
heroes	set	them	apart	from	the	time	of	their	birth	      very good thing to do irrespective of the religious
and	often,	before	it.	The	hero	is	one	whose	life	is sharpens powers of concentration.”
marked	by	trials	and	challenges,	often	great	dan-        	 Richard	decided	to	make	the	step	of	taking	on	
ger.	The	culminating	point	of	the	story	of	the	hero	     Buddhism	in	an	official	capacity	following	his	step-
comes	at	the	end	of	the	cycle:	Heroes	successfully	      daughter’s	move	to	the	faith	and,	along	with	his	
navigate	the	challenges	presented,	and	return	with	      wife,	began	practising	a	Japanese	derivation	of	the	
great	gifts	for	humankind.	Jesus	became	known	as	        religion.
a	savior	of	humankind.	The	Buddha	became	known	          	 He	explained	when	they	converted	to	Buddhism	
as	one	who	showed	people	the	way	to	enlighten-           they	took	part	in	“taking	refuge”	which		involves	
ment.	Both	founded	religions	that	have	helped	to	        accepting	“the	Buddha	as	your	teacher,	the	Dhar-
make	life	meaningful	and	good	for	untold	numbers	        ma	as	his	teaching	and	the		Sangha	as	the	commu-
of	people	since	their	births	so	long	ago.                nity	of	Buddhists”.
                                                         	 Richard	 said	 	 Buddhists	 	 have	 	 “a	 	 profound	
► Becoming a Buddhist in Guernsey                        respect	for	all	sincere	religious	practice”.	Using	the	
	 by Richard Moorman, BBC, Dec 20, 2010                  example	of	Christmas	he	said	they	respected	Chris-

	G        uernsey,	UK	--	Guernseyman	Richard	Moor-
          man	became	a	Buddhist	in	1997	but	said	
he	had	been	“flirting	with	the	idea”	since	1971.
                                                         tians	and	their	celebration	of	Jesus’	birth.
                                                         	 Richard	said	as	he	lives	in	a	Christian	culture	he	
                                                         still	celebrated	the	event:	“It’s	not	a	religious	fes-
	 He	 explained	 that	 in	 that	 time	 he	 had	 re-      tival	for	me	but	its	certainly	a	time	to	enjoy	being	
searched	 the	 faith	 and	 had	 been	 practising	 ele-   with	family.”
ments	of	it	before	his	official	conversion.              	 He	said	the	main	teaching	of	Buddhism	is:	“We	
	 He	said	the	Guernsey	Buddhist	Group	held	meet-         don’t	exist	in	isolation	to	everything	else,	we	are	
ings	open	to	anyone	from	any	branch	of	Buddhism	         one	with	everything	and	everything	is	one	with	us...	
or	any	faith.                                            once	that	becomes	a	profound	insight,	it	produces	
	 Richard	said:	“We’ve	had	Zen	and	Tibetan	Bud-          great	happiness.”	
dhists	and	people	of	other	religions	come	to	our	
meetings.”                                               ► New Year Merit making buddhist tradition in
	 He	 explained:	 “They	 enjoy	 the	 chanting,	 the	
meditating	and	the	things	we	do.”
                                                         	 Thailand Business News, December 23, 2010

	 Even	though	meditation	is	a	central	part	of	Bud-
dhist	practice	Richard	said	it	had	its	origins	in	the	            angkok,	Thailand	--	Whether	it’s	the	inter-
pre-Buddhist	religions	of	northern	India	and	today	               national	New	Year,	the	Chinese	lunar	New	
was	practised	by	many	people	both	as	a	religious	        Year	or	the	Thai	solar	New	Year,	the	transition	from	
activity	and	in	secular	life.                            one	year	to	another	offers	an	opportunity	for	Bud-
แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma
                                      แสงธรรม    Saeng Dhamma
dhists	in	Thailand	to	make	merit	by	visiting	sacred	        ones	or	other	individuals	we	care	about,	including	
places.                                                     those	 who	 may	 have	 passed	 on.	 Such	 a	 sharing	
	 In	fact,	it’s	not	unusual	for	some	individuals	to	        of	merit,	which	reflects	the	Thai	spirit	of	generos-
take	advantage	of	all	three	occasions	to	pay	visits	        ity	and	family	loyalty,	can	be	officially	requested	
to	the	hallowed	grounds	of	auspicious	temples	and	          when	donating	to	monks	and	monasteries,	or	pri-
stupas	throughout	the	kingdom.                              vately	declared	when	one	performs	merit-making	
Wat Phra Keaw
	 Such	 New-Year	 pilgrimages,	
whether	 they	 involve	 a	 single	
site	or	multiple	sites,	entail	the	
presentation	of	offerings	to	pay	
homage	 to	 the	 Lord	 Buddha,	
dhamma	 and	 sangha	 —	 Bud-
dhism’s	 master,	 teachings	 and	
community.	 Visitors	 may	 arrive	
early	 in	 the	 morning	 to	 offer	
food	to	resident	monks,	or	they	
may	arrive	any	time	of	day	and	
offer	other	alms,	including	can-
dles,	flowers	and	incense	at	al-
                                                            	 Bangkok’s Sacred Nine temples
tars	located	in	the	wihan	(main	Buddha	sanctuary)	or	
                                                            	 Nine	 of	 the	 capital’s	 more	 than	 400	 temples	
at	the	base	of	a	revered	stupa.	Cash	donations	to	the	
                                                            are	 considered	 particularly	 sacred	 Buddhist	 sites.	
temple	may	also	be	a	part	of	the	ceremonial	offer-          Many	Thais	will	visit	all	nine	during	a	round	of	mer-
ings.	Some	templegoers	will	perform	volunteer	work	         it-making	at	New	Year.	This	is	partly	because	the	
in	order	to	make	merit	at	New	Year.                         number	 nine	 itself	 is	 an	 auspicious	 number,	 ow-
	 The	New	Year	is	seen	as	a	time	to	establish	a	            ing	to	the	fact	that	it	represents	three	times	three,	
new	chapter	in	one’s	karmic	ledger,	so	to	speak,	           and	 three	 refers	 to	 Buddhism’s	 Triple	 Gems	 (Bud-
and	 hence	 it	 is	 an	 especially	 auspicious	 time	 to	   dha,	dhamma,	sangha),	making	it	a	triply	auspicious	
make	merit.	The	accumulation	of	merit	—	bun	in	             number.	Furthermore,	the	Thai	word	for	nine	–	kao	
Thai,	from	the	Pali	term	puñña	—	is	believed	to	            –	sounds	similar	to	the	word	for	advance,	or	step	for-
exert	a	powerful	influence	on	one’s	future	life	and,	       ward,	(kaao),	and	hence	it	is	thought	that	the	number	
indeed,	future	rebirths,	when	properly	dedicated.           represents	progress,	both	spiritual	and	material.
	 Earned	merit	can	also	be	transferred	to	loved	            	 All	 nine	 temples	 are	 historic	 sites	 bestowed
แสงธรรม 22      Saeng Dhamma
with	royal	rank,	and	led	by	abbots	from	the	high-           it	is	important	that	they	visit	the	temple	associated	
est	 ranking	 clergy	 in	 the	 sangha	 —	 the	 Buddhist	    with	their	birth	sign	at	least	once	in	their	lives,	or	
community.	All	contain	at	least	one	Buddha	image	           better	yet,	on	the	anniversary	of	each	12-year	cycle	
reputed	to	be	of	great	power.	For	these	reasons	            (at	age	12,	24,	36,	48,	60,	72,	84,	96	and	so	on).
donations	and	meditation	undertaken	at	any	or	all	          	 Stupas	 represent	 both	 a	 commemoration	 of	
nine	is	considered	to	be	particularly	meritorious.          the	 Lord	 Buddha’s	 life	 and	 the	 encapsulation	 of	
	 The	nine	temples	are	Wat	Phra	Si	Rattanasasa-             his	teachings.	According	to	the	Thupavamsa	(Stupa	
daram	(Wat	Phra	Kaeo	—	Temple	of	the	Emerald	               Chronicle),	King	Ajatasattu	of	Magadha	and	a	Brah-
Buddha),	Wat	Phra	Chetuphon	Wimonmangkhalar-                min	priest	named	Drona	took	custody	of	the	Bud-
am	(Wat	Pho),	Wat	Arunratchawararam	Ratchawo-               dha’s	remains	after	his	cremation	circa	543	BC.	The	
ramahawihan	(Wat	Arun	—	Temple	of	Dawn),	Wat	               relics,	according	to	legend,	were	divided	into	eight	
Suthat	 Thepwararam	 Ratchaworamahawihan,	 Wat	             equal	portions	to	be	enshrined	in	stupas	in	eight	
Saket	Ratchaworamahawihan,	Wat	Bowonniwet	Vi-               different	locations	in	what	are	today	northern	In-
hara,	Wat	Chanasongkhram	Ratchaworamahawihan,	              dia	 and	 southern	 Nepal.	 The	 verifiable	 history	 of	
Wat	Rakhangkhositaram	Woramahawihan,	and	Wat	               the	Buddhist	stupa	commenced	during	the	reign	of	
Kanlayanamit	Woramahawihan.                                 King	Ashoka	(circa	269-232	BC),	the	greatest	mon-
	 Wat	Phra	Kaeo	is	well	known	to	Thais	and	for-             arch	 of	 northern	 India’s	 Maurya	 dynasty	 and	 the	
eign	 visitors	 alike	 as	 the	 Temple	 of	 the	 Emerald	   first	Buddhist	king	in	recorded	history.
Buddha,	and	houses	the	most	highly	revered	Bud-             	 Legend	says	that	Ashoka	had	the	eight	original	
dha	 image	 in	 the	 kingdom.	 Sculpted	 from	 green	       reliquaries	unsealed	so	that	he	could	subdivide	the	
jasper	(not	emerald)	in	exquisite	Lanna	style,	the	         contents	 and	 inter	 the	 relics	 in	 84,000	 stupas	 (to	
66-cm	 tall	 image	 is	 believed	 to	 have	 talismanic	     honour	the	84,000	discrete	constituents	of	dharma	
powers	that	protect	the	kingdom’s	sovereignty.              (dhamma)	throughout	South	and	Southeast	Asia.	Al-
Wat	 Pho,	 one	 of	 the	 oldest	 temples	 in	 Bangkok,	     though	this	number	may	be	apocryphal,	Thailand’s	
covers	an	area	of	80,000	square	metres	and	houses	          12	most	sacred	stupas	ultimately	owe	their	inspira-
more	 than	 a	 thousand	 Buddha	 images,	 including	        tion	to	King	Ashoka’s	historic	stupa-building	era.
the	highly	venerated,	46-metre	Reclining	Buddha,	
one	of	the	largest	Buddha	images	in	Asia.
   Pilgrimages to Sacred Stupas
	 Outside	 Bangkok,	 a	 more	 widespread	 pilgrim-                           อนุโมทนาพิเศษแด่...
age	route	links	a	dozen	stupas	(phra	that	in	Thai),	         ผู้ถวายน้ำาเพื่อทำาน้ำาพุทธมนต์วันขึ้นปีใหม่ 2554
each	associated	with	a	different	animal	in	the	sip-
                                                                  คุณจันทร์ตา ชุ่มใจ - คุณจันทร์จิรา นุ่มมีศรี
song	rasee,	the	12-year	astrological	cycle	shared	by	
                                                                    คุณนิภาพร สตอมเบลอร์ - คุณไพร คลาก
most	Tai	and	Chinese	cultures.	Many	Thais	believe
แสงธรรม 23          Saeng Dhamma

                                                   เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย  พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี)

                                  ผู ้ น� ำ วิ ป ริ ต
           	 “..เมือฝูงโคข้ามฟากไปอยู่ ถ้าโคผูนาฝูงไปคด โคทังหลายก็ไปคดด้วย เพราะ
                   ่                          ้ �           ้
           ผูนาไปคดฉันใด ในหมูมนุษย์กเหมือนกัน ผูใดได้รบสมมติให้เป็นผูนา ประพฤติ
            ้ �                 ่       ็           ้     ั           ้ �
           อธรรมความไม่ดี ประชาชนนอกนีกยอมประพฤติไม่ดดวย บ้านเมืองประชาชน
                                            ้ ็่              ี ้
           ก็ประสบกับความทุกข์ยาก ถ้าหากผู้น�าไม่ตั้งอยู่ในธรรม...”

	 ผู ้ น� ำ ตามหลั ก ธรรมทางพระพุ ท ธศาสนา	                              ได้รับแต่ควำมร่มเย็นเป็นเพรำะผู้น�ำตั้งอยู่ในธรรม
พระพุทธเจ้าทรงแสดงไว้ว่า                                                 	 สังคมมนุษย์ทุกยุคทุกสมัยตั้งแต่สังคมส่วนย่อย	
	 เมื่อฝูงโคข้ำมฟำกไปอยู่ ถ้ำโคผู้น�ำฝูงไปคด โค                          ภายในครอบครัว	ตลอดสังคมส่วนรวม	สังคมประเทศ
ทั้งหลำยก็ไปคดด้วย เพรำะผู้น�ำไปคดฉันใด ในหมู่                           ชาติและสังคมโลก	จ�าเป็นต้องมีผนา	ขาดผูนาไม่ได้	ผูนา
                                                                                                         ู้ �    ้ �      ้ �
มนุ ษ ย์ ก็ เ หมื อ นกั น ผู ้ ใ ดได้ รั บ สมมติ ใ ห้ เ ป็ น ผู ้ น� ำ   เป็นหัวใจอันส�าคัญของสังคมมนุษย์	 พระพุทธเจ้าของ
ประพฤติอธรรมควำมไม่ดี ประชำชนนอกนี้ก็ย่อม                                เรา	พระองค์ทรงมองปัญหาเรืองนีอย่างแจ่มชัด	จึงทรง
                                                                                                     ่ ้
ประพฤติไม่ดีด้วย บ้ำนเมืองประชำชนก็ประสบกับ                              วางหลักปฏิบัติแห่งการอยู่ร่วมกันในสังคมด้วยการยึด
ควำมทุกข์ยำก ถ้ำหำกผู้น�ำไม่ตั้งอยู่ในธรรม                               หลักธรรมเป็นใหญ่	 (ธรรมาธิปไตย)	กำรปกครองด้วย
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        ่                                   ้ �                          ระบอบธรรมำธิปไตย เป็นกำรปกครองที่ปลอดภัย
นั้นก็ย่อมไปตรงด้วย เพรำะผู้น�ำไปตรงฉันใด ในหมู่                         ที่สุด ส�ำหรับสังคมมนุษย์ที่อยู่ร่วมกัน ด้วยกำรยึด
มนุ ษ ย์ ก็ เ หมื อ นกั น ผู ้ ใ ดได้ รั บ สมมติ ใ ห้ เ ป็ น ผู ้ น� ำ   หลักธรรม คือควำมดี ควำมถูกต้อง และควำมสัตย์
ประพฤติธรรมควำมดี ประชำชนนอกนี้ก็ประพฤติ                                 จริง ซึงเรียกว่ำถือธรรมเป็นใหญ่ เป็น (ธรรมำธิปไตย)
ธรรมควำมดีเหมือนผูนำ ท�ำให้บำนเมืองเจริญรุงเรือง
                          ้ �             ้                 ่            กำรปกครองด้ ว ยระบบธรรมำธิ ป ไตยเป็ น กำร
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Saengdhamma Januaryr2011

  • 1. ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา ฉบับ แสงธรรม ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๒๙ ประจำาเดือนมกราคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๔ Saeng Dhamma Vol.36 No.429 January 2011 สวัสดีปีใหม่ ๒๕๕๔
  • 2. สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ แสงธรรม ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหำ พระพุทธศำสนำมีทำงแก้ วำรสำรธรรมะรำยเดือนที่เก่ำแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกำ ปีที่ 36 ฉบับที่ 429 ประจ�ำเดือนมกรำคม พ.ศ. 2554 Vol.36 No.429 January, 2011 Objectives : �To promote Buddhist activities. สำรบัญ �To foster Thai culture and tradition. �To inform the public of the temple’s activities. Contents �To promide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. The Buddha’s Words.............................................. 1 พรธรรมน�ำสุขใจปีใหม่ ๒๕๕๔...................................... 2 เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. สำรจำกประธำนอ�ำนวยกำรวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ........................ 4 ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี Emancipation From the World Ven. Buddhadasa......... 5 กองบรรณาธิการ : Listening Beyond Words Ven. Ajanh Chah...............10 ดร.พระมหำถนัด อตฺถจำรี Those Who Fear Death Ven. Laung Ta Chi ................... 15 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ ปภำกโร The Hot News Of World Buddhism .........................17 พระจรินทร์ อำภสฺสโร เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี 23 พระมหำเรืองฤทธิ์ สมิทฺธิญำโณ พระสุริยำ เตชวโร ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนธันวาคม............. 30 พระมหำสรำวุธ สรำวุโธ เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ...................................... 32 พระมหำประดู่ชัย ภทฺทธมฺโม ท่องแดนพระพุทธศำสนำ ๒,๓๐๐ ปี ดร.พระมหำถนัด 39 พระมหำศรีสุพรณ์ อตฺตทีโป อนุโมทนำพิเศษ / Special Thanks.......................... 43 พระมหำค�ำตัล พุทฺธงฺกุโร Thai Temple’s News....................โดย Handy 44 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์ พุทฺธรกฺขิโต สำระธรรมจำก...พระไตรปิฎก ................................... 46 และอุบำสก-อุบำสิกำวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนมกรำคม .............................. 47 รำยนำมผู้บริจำคเดือนธันวำคม Ven.Pradoochai 49 SAENG DHAMMA Magazine รำยนำมผู้บริจำคออมบุญประจ�ำปีและเจ้ำภำพภัตตำหำรเช้ำ..52 is published monthly by รำยนำมเจ้ำภำพถวำยเพล / Lunch............................53 Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple ก�ำหนดกำรท�ำบุญวันมำฆบูชำ ..................................... 62 At 13440 Layhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel. (301) 871-8660, 871-8661 Photos taken by Fax : 301-871-5007 Ven. Pradoochai, E-mail : Ven. Ananphiwat, Ven.Srisuporn Homepage : Mr. Kevin & Mr. Sam Radio Network : Bank & Ms. Golf 2,500 Copies
  • 3. ถ้อยแถลง มตฺตาสุขปริจจาคา ฺ ปสฺเส เจ วิปล� สุข� ุ จเช มตฺตาสุข� ธีโร สมฺปสฺส� วิปล� สุข� ฯ ๒๙๐ ฯ ุ ถ้าเห็นว่า จะได้สขอันยิงใหญ่ ด้วยการสละสุขเล็กๆ น้อยๆ นักปราชญ์กควรสละสุขเล็กน้อย ุ ่ ็ เพือเห็นแก่สขอันยิงใหญ่ ่ ุ ่ ปีใหม่มำถึงแล้วจึงขอยกเอำพุทธพจน์มำฝำกเป็นของขวัญปีใหม่แก่ผอำนเพือฉลองปีใหม่ป ๒๕๕๔ “ควำมสุข” เป็นควำมต้องกำรของ ู้ ่ ่ ี คนทุกคนในทุกยำม โดยเฉพำะยำมปีใหม่ ทีเ่ รียกกันว่ำ “เทศกำลส่งควำมสุข” แจกควำมสุขแก่คนคุนเคย นอกจำกนันยังมีกำรมอบของ ้ ้ ขวัญ แลกของขวัญแก่กนและกัน ก็เป็นส่วนหนึงของกำรให้ควำมสุขแบบมีลนตำมแบบทีคนส่วนใหญ่ชอบ กำรลุน กำรเสียงดวง เลยมี ั ่ ุ้ ่ ้ ่ กิจกรรมกำรเล่นทีมกำรลุน กำรเสียงอย่ำงกำรพนันทุกประเภททังพนันบอล ไพ่ ไฮโล ชนโค ชนไก่ ปลำกัด หรือ บ่อนคำสิโน หวยบนดิน ่ี ้ ่ ้ ใต้ดน เป็นต้น เมือคนเรำต้องกำรควำมสุข จึงต้องแสวงหำเองไม่วำสุขเล็กๆ แบบฆรำวำสทัวๆ ไป ทีเ่ ป็นสุขแบบไหม้เกรียม (สุกกรอบ) หรือ ิ ่ ่ ่ สุขทียงใหญ่ขน (เป็นสุข) ในทำงพุทธศำสนำท่ำนว่ำให้เสียสละสุขอันเล็กน้อยเพือสุขอันยิงใหญ่ ควำมหมำยโดยในลึกก็คงมีควำมหมำยถึง ่ ิ่ ึ้ ่ ่ นิพพำนอันเป็นสุขอย่ำงยิงทีคนเรำจ�ำต้องยอมสละ มองข้ำมสุขเล็กๆ อย่ำงอืนเพือให้ได้มำของนิพพำน ่ ่ ่ ่ ส�ำหรับคืนส่งท้ำยปีเก่ำ๕๓ เพือรับปีใหม่ ๕๔ กำรเฉลิมฉลองมีอยูหลำยหลำยรูปแบบแบบโลกๆ ทีไปร่วมตัวกันท่ำมกลำงควำมหนำว ่ ่ ่ เย็น มีมหกรรมกำรแสดง ผูคนมำกมำย เมือถึงเวลำก็มพลุสวยๆ ดืมไวท์ เหล้ำเบียร์ หรือกำรเลียงฉลองเป็นกลุมๆ ก็ตำมแต่มกนดำษดืน ้ ่ ี ่ ้ ่ ีั ่ ทัวไป แต่มกำรฉลองแบบเงียบๆ เต็มไปด้วยสติ มีกำรสวดมนต์ สนทนำธรรม เจริญภำวนำ ซึงนับวันมีกำรขยำยตัวมำกขึนเรือยๆ และใน ่ ี ่ ้ ่ เมืองไทยมีกำรรณรงค์ “สวดมนต์ขามปี เริมต้นดี ชีวตดีในปีใหม่” นับเป็นเป็นกำรเปิดวัดให้เป็นพืนทีทำงเลือกแก่ผคนในวงกว้ำงมำกขึน ้ ่ ิ ้ ่ ู้ ้ ส�ำหรับวัดไทย ดี.ซี. มีเช่นเคยโดยเริมตังแต่ ๑๘.๐๐ น. เริมท�ำวัตร เจริญพระพุทธมนต์ เพือแจกแก่ศำสนิกชนในโอกำสปีใหม่ ....(เติม ่ ้ ่ ่ กิจกรรมด้วยนะครับ) ส่วนวันที ่ ๑ มกรำคม มีงำนบุญปีใหม่ ร่วมท�ำบุญตักบำตร ฟังธรรมในโอกำสปีใหม่ ประมำณว่ำเริมปีใหม่ดวยบุญ ่ ้ ด้วยควำมดี ชีวตดีตลอดปี ิ ส�ำหรับ “๑๐๐ ปี ๑๐๐ เรืองหลวงพ่อเล่า (ปัญญานันทะ)” ขอน�ำเรืองนีฉลองปีใหม่ คือ ...เคยไปเยียมคนป่วยคนหนึงทีศรรำช แก ่ ่ ้ ่ ่ ่ิิ เป็นพนักงำนรถไฟ แล้วก็เกิดอุบตเิ หตุขำต้องตัดไปเลย เหลือขำข้ำงเดียว เมือเหลือขำข้ำงเดียวก็ไปนอนป่วยอยูทโรงพยำบำล ไปเยียมตึก ั ่ ่ ี่ ่ นันมีแต่คนป่วยผ่ำตัดทังนัน บำงคนก็นอนคุยกับเพือนกับฝูงหัวเรำะให้กนตำมประสำคนป่วย เข้ำไปนัง คนนันแกอยูในห้องมันปิดบังมิดชิด ้ ้ ้ ่ ั ่ ้ ่ หน่อย เป็นห้องพิเศษหน่อย แต่กอยูตกชันเดียวกัน ก็ถำมว่ำ “เป็นอย่ำงไรมำนอนป่วยอยูทโรงพยำบำล รูสกอย่ำงไร” แกบอกว่ำ “มัน ็ ่ึ ้ ่ ี่ ้ึ กลุมใจมำก มองขำทีไรแล้วก็กลุมใจ ว่ำเรำเคยมีสองขำแล้วนีมนมีอยูขำเดียว แล้วนึกว่ำจะเดินอย่ำงไรขำข้ำงเดียว แล้วเรำก็ทำงำนรถไฟ ้ ้ ่ั ่ � เสียด้วย มันต้องขึนๆ ลงๆ กระโดดโลดเต้นตำมสถำนี ตัวขำเดียวจะเดินอย่ำงไร” นึกไปอย่ำงนัน แล้วก็กลุมใจนอนไม่สบำยใจ “พอลุก ้ ้ ้ ขึนได้แผลพอดีขนหน่อย แล้วก็เปิดประตูไว้แล้วมองไปข้ำงนอก มองไปในห้องคนป่วยนอนเป็นแถว แกมองไปดูคนเหล่ำนันมีอำกำรป่วย ้ ึ้ ้ ไม่เหมือนกัน แล้วบำงคนนอนคว�ำอยูตงสำมเดือน ยังไม่ได้นอนหงำยกับเขำเลย เพรำะว่ำไปผ่ำตัดกระดูกสันหลัง บำงคนก็ตดตรงนัน บำง ่ ่ ั้ ั ้ คนก็ตดตรงนี ้ เมือดูคนเหล่ำนันก็รสกว่ำเขำยิมหัวกันอยู ่ คุยข้ำมเตียงกันเสียด้วยซ�ำไป อยูเ่ ตียงนีคยกับโน้น เตียงโน้น เล่ำเรืองอะไรเฮฮำ ั ่ ้ ู้ ึ ้ ้ ุ้ ่ กันไปตำมเรือง สนุกสนำนกันไป ไม่เห็นใครนังกลุมใจ ไม่เห็นใครนอนกลุมใจ แต่วำมีควำมสบำยใจ แกก็นกว่ำเรำนีมำนังกลุมอยูคนเดียว ่ ่ ้ ้ ่ ึ ่ ่ ้ ่ แต่คนป่วยอืนๆ ตังมำกมำยไม่เห็นใครกลุม เลยนึกตังปัญหำถำมตัวเองว่ำ ท�ำไมเขำไม่กลุม มันเกิดควำมคิด ว่ำท�ำไมคนอืนเขำไม่กลุม ่ ้ ้ ้ ้ ่ ้ ท�ำไมเรำนังกลุมอยูคนเดียว คิดไปๆ ก็คดได้วำ ทีเ่ ขำไม่กลุม เขำคงคิดว่ำ ไม่ใช่เรำคนเดียวทีเ่ ป็นอย่ำงนี ้ มีคนอืนเป็นกันตังหลำยคน ไม่ใช่ ่ ้ ่ ิ ่ ้ ่ ้ เรำคนเดียว เรำไม่ได้อยูโดดเดียวในโลกของคนเจ็บ ไม่ได้เป็นอย่ำงทีเ่ รียกว่ำรุนแรงกว่ำใครๆ เพรำะมีใครทีรนแรงกว่ำตัวมีอยู ่ คนเรามักจะ ่ ่ ุ่ คิดในแง่นเี้ หมือนกัน คิดว่า ฉันเป็นคนทีมทกข์ทสดในโลก เจ็บป่วยทีสดในโลก ล�าบากทีสดในโลก เอาอะไรมาวัดว่าตนมันหนักกว่า ่ ี ุ ี่ ุ ุ่ ุ่ เพือน คนอืนเขาก็หนักเหมือนกัน” (มองในแง่ด ี วันอำทิตย์ท ี่ ๓๐ เมษำยน ๒๕๒๑) ่ ่ สุดท้ำยขออ�ำนวยพรให้ทกท่ำนได้รอดตำย ไร้ปวย รวยทรัพย์ ซึมซับควำมคิดดี พูดดี ท�ำดี สติปญญำดี ตลอดปี ๕๔ เทอญ ุ ่ ั คณะผู้จัดท�า
  • 4. แสงธรรม 1 Saeng Dhamma The Buddha’s Words พุทธสุภาษิต อตฺตา หิ อตฺตโน นาโถ โก หิ นาโถ ปโร สิยา อตฺตนา หิ สุทนฺเตน นาถํ ลภติ ทุลฺลภํ ฯ (๑๖๐) เราต้องพึงตัวเราเอง คนอืนใครเล่าจะเป็นทีพงได้ บุคคลผูฝกตนดีแล้ว ่ ่ ่ ่ึ ้ ึ ย่อมได้ทพงทีได้แสนยาก ่ี ่ึ ่ Oneself indeed is master of oneself, who else could other master be? with oneself perfectly trained, one obtains a refuge hard to gain.
  • 5. แสงธรรม 2 Saeng Dhamma พรธรรมนำ�สุขใจ ปีใหม่ ๒๕๕๔ สมเด็จพระพุฒาจารย์ ประธานคณะผู้ปฏิบัติหน้าที่สมเด็จพระสังฆราช “ ขอให้เราทั้งหลาย ได้ตั้งจิตอธิษฐานว่า ให้เกิดเป็นความสุขสวัสดีแก่ชีวิตของเราทุกผู้ทุกคน ขอ ให้ทุกคนได้มีความเจริญรุ่งเรืองก้าวหน้า ปรารถนาสิ่ง ใดที่ชอบ ขอให้ความปรารถนานั้นจงพลันสำาเร็จ แก่ ท่านทั้งหลาย โดยทั่วกันเทอญ ” จุดหมายชีวิตขั้นตาเห็น หรือ ประโยชน์ปัจจุบัน � มีสุขภาพดี ร่างกายแข็งแรง ไร้โรค งามสง่า อายุยืน � มีเงินมีงาน มีอาชีพสุจริต พึ่งตนได้ทางเศรษฐกิจ � มีสถานภาพดี เป็นที่ยอมรับนับถือในสังคม � มีครอบครัวผาสุก ทำาวงศ์ตระกูลให้เป็นที่นับถือ พระพรหมคุณาภรณ์ ป.อ. ปยุตฺโต เจ้าอาวาสวัดญาณเวศกวัน จ.นครปฐม
  • 6. แสงธรรม 3 Saeng Dhamma สุขสันต์วันขึ้นปีใหม่ใต้ร่มธรรม ส.ค.ส. � ปีใหม่มี สำ�หรับดี กว่�ปีเก่� พืชมีเหง้� ครบปี ทวีหัว ทั้งขน�ด และจำำ�นวน ล้วนเกินตัว แต่คนชั่ว กลับถอยถด ดีลดลง � คือปีหน้� เลวลงกว่� ในปีนี้ ไม่กี่ปี จะหมดดี เพร�ะมีหลง รู้สึกตัว ละชั่ว, เพร�ะเห็นตรง ดีจะคง ดีขึ้นไป ชื่นใจ เอยฯ พุทธทาส อินฺทปญฺโญ โชคดีปีกระต่าย..โพธิสัตว์ “ ปี ๒๕๕๔ เป็ น ปี เ ถาะ ฟั ง เสนาะเพราะดี ป ี ก ระต่ า ย ตามตำานานคนโบราณท่ า นกล่ า วไว้ ปี ก ระต่ า ยชมจั น ทร์ น ั ้ น โชคดี ” พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. สหรัฐอเมริกา
  • 7. แสงธรรม 4 Saeng Dhamma ส�รส่งคว�มสุขวันปีใหม่ สารจากประธานอ�านวยการวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ในวาระดิถีขึ้นปีใหม่ ๒๕๕๔ นี้ ในนามของคณะกรรมการอ�านวยการ ขออวยพรให้ทุกท่านที่เป็น สมาชิกของวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. และพุทธศาสนิกชนทุกหมู่เหล่า จงประสบแต่ความสุขความเจริญ มี ความมุ่งมาดปรารถนาสิ่งใดๆ ที่ไม่ขัดต่อศีลธรรมประเพณีอันดีงาม ขอให้ความปรารถนานั้นๆ จงส�าเร็จดัง มโนปณิธานทุกประการ ขออนุโมทนาขอบคุณทุกๆ ท่าน ที่เสียสละก�าลังกาย ก�าลังทรัพย์ และก�าลังสติปัญญา ในการช่วย เหลืองานพระศาสนา ดูแลเอาใจใส่พระสงฆ์ที่ปฏิบัติศาสนกิจในวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ในรอบปีที่ผ่านมา งานทุกส่วนก�าลังด�าเนินไปด้วยดี ไม่ว่าจะเป็นด้านการศึกษา และปฏิบัติธรรม ในปีที่ผ่านมา มีผู้สนใจเข้าปฏิบัติธรรมเป็นจ�านวนมาก มีญาติโยมมาร่วมสวดมนต์นั่งสมาธิ-สนทนาธรรม บ่ายวันเสาร์มากขึน ซึงมีการสาธยายพระไตรปิฎก เป็นการส่งเสริมศรัทธาและช่วยให้ผศกษามีความมันใจยิง ้ ่ ู้ ึ ่ ่ ขึน การท�าบุญตักบาตรทุกเช้าวันอาทิตย์ เป็นการเพิมพูนบุญกุศลตลอดปีทงในพรรษาและนอกพรรษา การ ้ ่ ั้ ถวายภัตตาหารเช้า – เพล มีความอุดมสมบูรณ์พรั่งพร้อมด้วยสายธารศรัทธาของญาติโยมไม่ขาดสาย ในด้านการก่อสร้าง หลังจากขึนปีใหม่ ๒๕๕๔ แล้ว คงจะได้รบข่าวดีในการอนุญาตก่อสร้างอาคาร ้ ั เอนกประสงค์ ๘๐ ปี หลวงตาชี ซึงอยูในขันตอนขอใบอนุญาตจากทางเคาน์ต ี้ จึงขอแจ้งข่าวบอกบุญญาติโยม ่ ่ ้ ล่วงหน้า ขอให้รวมแรงร่วมใจในการบริจาคทรัพย์สมทบทุนในการก่อสร้างในครังนี ้ ให้สาเร็จลุลวงไปตาม ่ ้ � ่ วัตถุประสงค์ เพือเป็นการบูชาคุณของพระเดชพระคุณพระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) ผูซงเสียสละทุมเท ่ ้ ึ่ ่ ก�าลังกาย ก�าลังใจ มาเป็นเสาหลักในการเผยแผ่พระพุทธศาสนาในดินแดนส่วนนีนานกว่า ๓๕ ปี ้ ในนามของคณะสงฆ์พระธรรมทูต ขออ�านวยพรให้ทุกๆ ท่าน ที่เป็นสมาชิกหนังสือ “แสงธรรม” และพุทธศาสนิกชนทั่วไป ท่านผู้ใดมีทุกข์ จงสิ้นทุกข์ ท่านผู้ใดมีโศก จงสร่างโศก ท่านผู้ใดมีโรค โรค จงหาย ท่านผูใดมีภย จงปลอดภัย แล้วบรรลุถงความสุขเกษมส�าราญในบวรพระพุทธศาสนา ทุกทิพา ้ ั ึ ราตรีกาล เทอญ ด้วยเมตตาธรรม (ดร. พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี) ประธานอ�านวยการวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
  • 8. แสงธรรม 5 Saeng Dhamma EMANCIPATION FROM THE WORLD by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu ...Continued from last issue... dation morality and concentration. What do we examine? The answer is: We examine all things, INSIGHT, BY ORGANIZED TRAINING or to use other terms, the world, or phenom- T his perfect intuitive insight, or Purity of Knowledge and Vision, the seventh Puri- fication, is the insight that arises out of the per- enal existence, or conditioned things, or the five aggregates, since all phenomenal existence con- sists of nothing apart from the five aggregates. fected Path. It is the goal, the Fruit of vipassana What do we aim at seeing as a result of this practice. This insight that arises out of the per- scrutiny? We aim at seeing the transience, the fected Path is the fifth and final stage in vipas- unsatisfactoriness, the non-selfhood inherent in sana. In between the state of readiness to per- all things in the world. We observe them arising, ceive the Noble Truths and this perfect intuitive persisting and ceasing until we come to perceive insight comes “qualifying” knowledge (Gotrabhu them as absolutely fearsome and disenchant- - nana), which marks the point of transition from ing, and realize that nothing is worth getting the ordinary defiled individual to the Aryian. But or being. These are the conditions that ought this qualifying knowledge lasts only an instant. It to arise in vipassana practice. What is the ob- is the culmination of the progressive perfection jective of vipassana? The immediate objective of knowledge and is still at the level of good of vipassana is to reduce delusion, the mean- karma, still in the sensual realm. ing of “vipassana” being “clear vision.” What is To sum up, then, vipassana has as its foun- the fruit of vipassana? The fruit is the arising of
  • 9. แสงธรรม 6 Saeng Dhamma clear intuitive insight, clear and enduring insight certify them as noble ones (Ariyapuggala), mod- into the nature of all things, which ultimately ern style, all of which is most despicable and will reduce the defilements to nothing. With regrettable. the defilements gone, there is just perfection, enlightenment, peace. Nothing remains to bind EMANCIPATION FROM THE WORLD the mind to any worldly condition. As a result, there comes about a slipping free from the world, this place of slavery to sensuality. The V ipassana meditation is mental training aimed at raising the mind to such a lev- el that it is no longer subject to suffering. The mind is freed of suffering because it’s freed for mind breaks free from suffering by virtue of the good of all craving or desire. The Buddha called clear knowledge that nothing is worth grasping this the attainment of the cessation of suffering, at or clinging to. This knowledge deprives world- the attainment of the Fruit of the Path, Nirvana. ly things of their ability to lead the mind into To have achieved this is to have carried out to further thoughtless liking or disliking. Having this completion the task Buddhism has set for us. knowledge, the mind transcends the worldly This shows us the path of insight that has to be condition and attains the level known as the walked. There are seven stages of Purification Supramundane Plane (Lokuttara-bhumi). which must be integrated in this way, and nine In order to comprehend clearly the supra- steps in the process of developing knowledge of mundane plane, we have to know first about the world. These taken together are known as its opposite, the mundane plane (Lokiyabhumi). vipassana. In the Texts it is set out as an ordered The mundane plane comprises those levels at system. The finer details can be found in the which the things of the world have control over books written by later teachers. There is one im- the mind. Very briefly, three levels are recog- portant thing that must be realized, however, in nized in the mundane plane, namely: the sen- order to avoid misunderstanding. It so happens sual level (Kamavacara-bhumi), or the level of a that even in the field of Dhamma practice, the mind still content with pleasures of every kind; highest aspect of Buddhism, there are misguided the level of forms (Rupavacara-bhumi), the con- people. At the present time there are many who dition of a mind uninterested in sensual objects, have got hold of things that are not vipassana but finding satisfaction in the various stages of at all and are presenting them as being the real concentration on forms as objects; and lastly thing. They have made vipassana practice their the formless level (Arupavacara-bhumi), the means of livelihood. They win people over in yet higher level of a mind finding satisfaction order to get classes together, then proceed to in the bliss and peace of concentration on ob-
  • 10. แสงธรรม 7 Saeng Dhamma jects other than forms. These three levels in the possible for the ordinary man to attain these worldly plane are the mental levels of beings in levels. If someone in this world is in the process general. Regardless of whether we presume to of experiencing the bliss of full concentration on call them human beings, celestial beings, gods, a form, then for him “the world” consists of just beasts, or denizens of hell, they are all included that form, because he is aware of nothing else. within the three worldly levels. The mind of a At that time and for that person, “the world” worldling can at any particular time exist in any is equivalent to just that one form, and it re- one of these three. It is not impossible. It is quite mains so until such time as his mental condition normal. As a rule, though, it will tend to fall changes. back naturally to the unconcentrated sensual Even though a person dwelling in any of these level; the human mind normally falls under the three levels may have gained such bliss and calm influence of the de- tranquillity that he has lightful in colors and “ดอกไม้สวยด้วยมือพวกเรา” อนุ โมทนาสาธุ!! come to resemble a shapes, sounds, odors, rock, a lump of earth, tastes and tactile ob- or a log of wood, yet jects. Only on certain grasping and clinging occasions is it able to to selfhood are still escape from the influ- present. Also present ence of these seduc- are various kinds of tive things and expe- desire, albeit of the rience the tranquillity finest and most tenu- and bliss which comes from practicing concen- ous sort, such as dissatisfaction with the state in tration on forms or other objects. It all depends which he finds himself, which prompts him to go on concentration. At certain times, then, a per- in search of a new state. That desire for change son’s mind may be located in any of these lev- constitutes karma, so such a person has not yet els of concentration. In India at the time of the transcended the worldly state. He is not yet in Buddha this must have been fairly common, the supramundane plane. A mind dwelling in because people who had gone in search of the the supramundane plane has transcended the tranquillity and bliss associated with the various world. It views the worldly state as devoid of levels of concentration were to be found living essence, self, or substance, and will have noth- in forests all over the country. At the present ing of it. Dwellers in this supramundane plane time such people are few, but it is nevertheless can be further classified into grades. There are
  • 11. แสงธรรม 8 Saeng Dhamma four levels of Path and Fruit, namely the levels comes completely free, transcends the world of the Stream - enterer (Sotapanna), the Once for good and comes to dwell permanently in - returner(Skidagami), the Never - returner (An- the supramundane plane. agami), and the completely Perfected individual Of these ten kinds of subtle mental impurities or Arahant. The condition of these four kinds that bind us, the first is the Self belief (Sakkaya- of noble individuals or Aryians is the supra- ditthi), the view that the body and mind is “my mundane condition. “Supramundane” means self.” It is a misunderstanding or misconception “above the world,” and refers to the mind, not based on clinging to the idea “I am.” Because the body. The body can be anywhere at all as the average person is not aware of the true na- long as living conditions are adequate. “Supra- ture of the body and the mind, he unthinkingly mundane” simply describes a mind dwelling regards these two as his “self.” He assumes that above the world. As body and mind is his for the nether worlds “self,” his “I.” This such as hell, purga- instinctive idea that tory, or the places of there is an “I” and a suffering, torment and “mine” is so firmly in- bondage, these are grained that normally out of the question for nobody ever doubts the Aryians. their existence. True, “ร่วมแรงแข็งขัน แบ่งปั นบุญจัดตะกร้าใส่บาตร” The criteria for recog- the self instinct is what nizing these four lev- makes life possible, els in the supramundane plane are the various being the basis of self preservation, the search mental impurities which are in the course of be- for food and propagation of the species, but in ing eliminated. The Buddha divided the impuri- this case, what we are calling the self belief is to ties in this group into ten kinds. He called them be taken only in its most basic sense as the root the Fetters (Samyojana). These ten fetters bind cause of selfishness. This is considered to be the man and all beings to the world, keeping people first of the fetters, to be done away with before in the mundane plane. If a person starts to cut anything else. through these fetters and break loose, his mind The second fetter is Doubt (Vicikiccha), the gradually and progressively becomes freed from cause of wavering and uncertainty. Most impor- the worldly condition; and when he manages tantly it is doubt concerning the practice leading to cut through them completely, his mind be- to liberation from suffering-doubt due to inade-
  • 12. แสงธรรม 9 Saeng Dhamma quate knowledge, doubt as to what this subject one speaks of transcending sensuality, tran- is really all about, doubt as to whether this prac- scending the world, we can’t under stand. And tice for breaking free from suffering is really the that which we can understand to some extent right thing for one, whether one is really capable we are hesitant about. It is natural for us to think of carrying it through, whether it is really better on this lower level; to think on the high level than other things, whether or not it really does produces a new picture. The conflict between any good, whether the Buddha really did attain the high level thinking and the low level thinking enlightenment, whether he really did achieve is what constitutes wavering. If mental energy is liberation from suffering, whether the Buddha’s insufficient, the low level thinking will triumph. teaching and the practical method based on his Doubt and wavering with regard to goodness is teaching really do lead to liberation from suffer- something chronically present in everyone right ing, whether it is really possible for a bhikkhu in from birth. In a person who has been brought up the Sangha to attain liberation from suffering. wrongly, it may be a very common complaint. The root cause of hesitancy is ignorance. A fish We have to introspect and note the bad con- that has always lived in the water, if told about sequences of this wavering, which is present to life on dry land, would be sure to believe none such an extent in our work and our everyday liv- of it, or at most only half of it. We, immersed as ing that we become skeptical about goodness, we are in sensuality, are as habituated to sensu- truth and liberation from suffering. ality as is the fish to water, so that when some- To be continued คุณทัศนีย์ เลิศบุญ พร้อมญาติสนิทมิตรสหาย ท�าบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อเนรมิต เพชรไกร ซึ่งเสียชีวิตไปครบ 100 วัน ขอขอบคุณแขกผู้มีเกียรติทุกท่านที่ได้มาร่วมอุทิศบุญในครั้งนี้
  • 13. แสงธรรม 10 Saeng Dhamma Listening Beyond Words By Ajahn Chah ...Continued from last issue... tions or anything else. We just look at our minds, look at these matters. Knowing the world Don’t make your practice confusing. Don’t cre- P ractitioners of the Dhamma shouldn’t be like that. He didn’t see himself at all. He was only looking outside and seeing external ob- ate a bunch of doubts for yourself. When you do have doubt, control it by seeing it as merely what it is, and let go. Really, there is nothing. We create the jects made of stone and cement. He didn’t see sense that there is something, but really there’s the intentions and movements in his own mind nothing - there is anattā. Our doubtful minds think in the present moment. When our meditation is there is something, and then there’s attā. Then looking there, then we won’t have doubts. So meditation becomes difficult because we think we the way I see it, our practice may be good, but have to get something and become something. Are there’s no one who can vouch for us. Like this you going to practise meditation to get or be some- chapel we are sitting in. It was built by someone thing? Is that the correct way? It’s only tanhā that with a fourth-grade education. He did a great job, gets involved in having and becoming. There’s no but he has no brand name. He can’t provide the end in sight if you practise like that. guarantee or vouch for himself, showing qualifica- Here, we are talking about cessation, extin- tions like an architect who has the full training guishing. Everything extinguished, ceasing because and education, but still he does it well. The sac- of knowledge, not in a state of indifferent igno- cadhamma is like this. Even though we haven’t rance. If we can practise like this and vouch for studied much and don’t know the detailed ex- our own experience, then never mind what any- planations, we can recognize suffering, we can one else says. recognize what brings suffering, and we can let go So please don’t get lost in doubts about the of it. We don’t need to investigate the explana- practice. Don’t get attached to your own views.
  • 14. แสงธรรม 11 Saeng Dhamma Don’t get attached to others’ views. Staying in this derer asked all day and all night, there was noth- middle place, wisdom can be born, correctly and ing about it he could understand. The enlightened to full measure. I’ve often made the simple anal- mind is unmoving and thus cannot be recognized. ogy of comparing grasping to the place we live. We can develop wisdom and remove our doubts For example, there are the roof and the floor, only through practice, nothing else. the upper and lower stories. If someone goes So should we not listen to the Dhamma? We upstairs, he knows he is up there5. If he comes should, but then we should put the knowledge downstairs, he knows he is downstairs, standing we gain into practice. But this doesn’t mean that on the floor. This is all we can recognize. We can we’re following a person who teaches us; we fol- sense where we are, either upstairs or downstairs. low the experience and awareness that arise as But the space in the middle we aren’t aware of, we put the teaching into practice. For instance, because there’s no way to identify or measure it we feel, ‘’I really like this thing. I like doing things - it’s just space. We don’t comprehend the space this way!’’ But the Dhamma doesn’t allow such in between. But it remains as it is, whether or not liking and attachment. If we are really committed anyone descends from upstairs or not. The sac- to the Dhamma, then we let go of that object cadhamma is like that, not going anywhere, not of attraction when we see that it is contrary to changing. When we say ‘’no becoming,’’ that is Dhamma. This is what the knowledge is for. the middle space, not marked or identified by A lot of talk - you’re probably tired by now. anything. It can’t be described. Do you have any questions? Well, you probably For example, these days, the youngsters who do.... You should have awareness in letting go. are interested in Dhamma want to know about Things flow by and you let them go, but not in Nibbāna. What’s it like? But if we tell them about a dull, indifferent manner, without seeing what a place without becoming, they don’t want to go. is happening. There has to be mindfulness. All They back off. It’s cessation, it’s peace, but they the things I’ve been saying are pointing to having want to know how they will live, what they will mindfulness protecting you at all times. It means eat and enjoy there. So there’s no end to it. The practising with wisdom, not with delusion. Then real questions for those who want to know the we will gain true knowledge as wisdom becomes truth are questions about how to practise. bold and keeps increasing. There was an ājīvaka who met the Buddha. He asked, ‘’Who is your teacher?’’ The Buddha re- LISTENING BEYOND WORDS plied, ‘’I was enlightened through my own efforts. I have no teacher.’’ But his reply was incompre- hensible to that wanderer. It was too direct. Their R eally, the teachings of the Buddha all make sense. Things you wouldn’t imagine really are so. It’s strange. At first I didn’t have any minds were in different places. Even if the wan- faith in sitting in meditation. I thought, what value
  • 15. แสงธรรม 12 Saeng Dhamma could that possibly have? Then there was walking awareness at all times and in all postures. When meditation - I walked from one tree to another, the mind feels attraction, when it feels aversion, back and forth, back and forth, and I got tired of you don’t lose the path, but you know these it and thought, ‘’What am I walking for? Just walk- conditions for what they are. Your awareness is ing back and forth doesn’t have any purpose.’’ steady and continuous, and you are letting go That’s how I thought. But in fact walking medita- steadily and continuously. You are not fooled by tion has a lot of value. Sitting to practice samādhi good conditions. You aren’t fooled by bad condi- has a lot of value. But the temperaments of some tions. You remain on the straight path. This can be people make them confused about walking or sit- called ‘making the postures even.’ It refers to the ting meditation. internal, not the external; it is talking about mind. We can’t meditate in only one posture. There If we do make the postures even with the are four postures for humans: standing, walking, mind, then when we are praised, it is just so much. sitting and lying down. The teachings speak about If we are slandered, it is just so much. We don’t making the postures consistent and equal. You go up or down with them but remain steady. Why might get the idea from this that it means you is this? Because we see the danger in these things. should stand, walk, sit and lie down for the same We see equal danger in praise and in criticism; this number of hours in each posture. When you hear is called making the postures even. We have this such a teaching, you can’t figure out what it really inner awareness, whether we are looking at inter- means, because it’s talking in the way of Dham- nal or external phenomena. ma, not in the ordinary sense. ‘’OK, I’ll sit for two In the ordinary way of experiencing things, hours, stand for two hours and then lie down for when something good appears, we have a posi- two hours’’ You probably think like this. That’s tive reaction, and when something bad appears, what I did. I tried to practice in this way, but it we have a negative reaction. didn’t work out. Like this, the postures are not even. If they It’s because of not listening in the right way, are even, we always have awareness. We will merely listening to the words. ‘Making the pos- know when we are grasping at good and grasp- tures even’ refers to the mind, nothing else. It ing at bad - this is better. Even though we can’t means making the mind bright and clear so that yet let go, we are aware of these states continu- wisdom arises, so that there is knowledge of what- ously. Being continuously aware of ourselves and ever is happening in all postures and situations. our attachments, we will come to see that such Whatever the posture, you know phenomena and grasping is not the path. We know but can’t let states of mind for what they are, meaning that go: that’s 50 percent. Though we can’t let go, we they are impermanent, unsatisfactory and not do understand that letting go of these things will your self. The mind remains established in this bring peace. We see the danger in the things we
  • 16. แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma like and dislike. We see the danger in praise and So at first we are grasping hold of things and with blame. This awareness is continuous. awareness seeing the fault in that. How is that? So whether we are being praised or criticized, It’s because we grasp tightly and experience suf- we are continuously aware. For worldly people, fering. Then we will start to seek a way to let go when they are criticized and slandered, they can’t and be free. ‘’What should I do to be free?’’ we bear it; it hurts their hearts. When they are praised, ponder. they are pleased and excited. This is what is natu- Buddhist teaching says not to have grasp- ral in the world. But for those who are practicing, ing attachment, not to hold tightly to things. We when there is praise, they know there is danger. don’t understand this fully. The point is to hold, When there is blame, they know the danger. They but not tightly. For example, I see this object in know that being attached to either of these brings front of me. I am curious to know what it is, so ill results. They are all harmful if we grasp at them I pick it up and look: it’s a flashlight. Now I can and give them meaning. put it down. That’s holding but not tightly. If we When we have this kind of awareness, we know are told not to hold to anything at all, then what phenomena as they occur. We know that if we can we do? We will think we shouldn’t practice form attachments to phenomena, there really sitting or walking meditation. So at first we have will be suffering. If we are not aware, then grasp- to hold without tight attachment. You can say this ing at what we conceive of as good or bad, suf- is tanhā, but it will become pāramī. For instance, fering is born. When we pay attention, we see you came here to Wat Pah Pong; before you did this grasping; we see how we catch hold of the that, you had to have the desire to come. With good and the bad and how this causes suffering. no desire, you wouldn’t have come. We can say คุณนิ่มนวล มาแตง และญาติพี่น้อง ทำาบุญอุทิศให้สามี Mr. Rigo Berto Ramos และครอบครัว WASMUTH พร้อมเพื่อนๆ ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณวันทนีย์ WASMUTH วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 ธ.ค. 2554
  • 17. แสงธรรม 14 Saeng Dhamma you came with desire; it’s like holding. Then you say, ‘’This is bad,’’ but we let go. We know good will return; that’s like not grasping. Just like having and evil. Someone who doesn’t know good and some uncertainty about what this object is, then evil attaches to good and evil and suffers as a re- picking it up, seeing it’s a flashlight and putting it sult. Someone with knowledge doesn’t have this down. This is holding but not grasping, or to speak attachment. more simply, knowing and letting go. Picking up to Let’s consider: For what purpose are we liv- look, knowing and letting go - knowing and putting ing? What do we want from our work? We are liv- down. Things may be said to be good or bad, but ing in this world; for what purpose are we living? you merely know them and let them go. You are We do our work; what do we want to get from aware of all good and bad phenomena and you our work? In the worldly way, people do their are letting go of them. You don’t grasp them with work because they want certain things and this ignorance. You grasp them with wisdom and put is what they consider logical. But the Buddha’s them down. teaching goes a step beyond this. It says, do your In this way the postures can be even and con- work without desiring anything. In the world, you sistent. It means the mind is able. The mind has do this to get that; you do that to get this; you are awareness and wisdom is born. When the mind always doing something in order to get something has wisdom, then what could there be beyond as a result. That’s the way of worldly folk. The that? It picks things up but there is no harm. It is Buddha says, work for the sake of work without not grasping tightly, but knowing and letting go. wanting anything. Hearing a sound, we will know, ‘’The world says Whenever we work with the desire for some- this is good,’’ and we let go of it. The world may thing, we suffer. Check this out. คุณทวน-คุณดลวรรณ เหวียน พร้อมลูกๆ และญาติมิตร ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อศุกรี กัมปนานนท์ ที่จากไปครบ 1 ปี คุณแม่กาญจนา-คุณพิณทอง-คุณโกษา-คุณสุนิภา เกาฏีระ และหลาน ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณพ่อสมจิตต์ เกาฏีระ
  • 18. แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma Those Who Fear Death Essaye On The Dhamma By Luang Ta Chi Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart I. Those Who Fear Death are the laws of nature. Even with this knowledge, all living things still fear death. When small ani- Sabbe tasanti dandhassa mals are hunted, they try to the greatest degree Sabbe bāyanti maccuno Attanam upamam katvā possible to escape. All living things by nature try Na haneyya na ghātaye to survive and avoid death. Therefore, the Bud- dha taught, “Just as we fear death, other animals All living things are afraid of fear death. Therefore, we should not kill or allow punishment. All living things are afraid others to kill for us.” of death. Make an example of yourself Non-human fear of death will not be discussed and avoid killing others and being killed. here. We will consider humans’ fear of death and Fear of punishment is a normal instinct of how to overcome this fear. There is a custom of all living things, be they human or non-human. “making merit to prolong life.” Such a ceremony When someone has done an unlawful act, there is performed and is popular because we want to is an immediate attempt to flee into the forest, to prolong this life, forever if possible. But in truth, another town, to go into hiding or even abroad. those with any wisdom know that to live longer When such a person is captured, he hires the best is like carrying a heavy burden: it is not all full of attorney he can afford for his defense. This is the joy. However, we prefer living longer to facing normal, natural reaction to fear of punishment. death. There is peace of mind after such a cer- Fear of death is another common instinct of all emony is performed. living things. No one wants to die. We avoid harm An old folk story told of a deva named Sup- and use all possible things to prolong life. So far atithita, who feared death after seeing the sign no one has been able to avoid death. Death and of death standing in front of him. He became birth unavoidably exist together. Death and birth covered with sweat, and his “flower of life” start-
  • 19. แสงธรรม 16 Saeng Dhamma ed to dry up. Great fear seized his heart, and he The Dhamma frees you from punishment by sought out others wiser and of higher rank than his humans, trouble from nonhumans, from danger of for advice. But even the highest of all the devas forest fires, tigers, snakes, poisons, and evil spirits. could not calm his fear and advised him to seek Sabbasmā maranā mutto the Buddha. The deva approached the Buddha Thapetvā kālamāritam and was given a discourse called Unahissavichai. After hearing the discourse, the deva had pu- Untimely death is thus avoided. Only timely rity in his heart and lacked worry about and fear death will occur. of death. Those who heard about this discourse Tasseva ānubhāvena took it to mean that it prevented death, and it Hotu devo sukhī sadā became popular in the North and Northeast of Thailand as a blessing to prolong life. The power of the Dhamma will allow the de- We should consider what the discourse means. vas to remain in a blissful state. Does it prevent death? It does not prevent ulti- Suddhasīlam samādayā mate death but prevents untimely death. The Dhammam sucaritam care discourse has no promise of eternal life, but the Live strictly according to the precepts; apply generations since do not understand and actually the Dhamma honestly. wish for its mysterious power. When the exact words of the discourse are analyzed and under- Tasseva ānubhāvena stood, there is no magical spell. It speaks of cause Hotu devo sukhī sadā and effect and is the true teaching of the Buddha: The power of the Dhamma will allow the de- Atthi unahissavijayo vas to remain in a blissful state. Dhammo loke anuttaro Likkhitam cintitam pūjam Sabbasattahitatthāya Dhāranam vācānam garum Tam tvam ganhāhi devate Paresam desanam sutvā Listen to my word, deva! Such pure Dhamma as Tassa āyu pavaddhatīti the Unahissavichai is beneficial and uplifting to all Having heard the Dhamma, written it, thought living things in this world. You should, therefore, it, worshipped it, kept it in mind, discussed it, and embrace this Dhamma. having firm respect for that Dhamma, you will live Parivijje rājatande well your expected lifetime. Amanussehi pāvake Bayagghe nāgevisebhūte To be continued Akālamaranena vā
  • 20. แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma The Hot News of World Buddhism ►How and why this Buddhist celebrates Christ- the winter solstice and the church wanted to stop mas. December 22, 2010 those darn pagans from celebrating the rebirth of JUDITH SAINSBURY, GUELPH MERCURY COMMUNITY the sun, so it changed it to celebrate the birth of the EDITORIAL BOARD son. It was unsuccessful at wiping out all the pagan I ’ve been a practising Buddhist for almost 30 traditions such as Christmas trees and the various years now, and I often get asked if I celebrate incarnations of Santa Claus, although it tried pretty Christmas. I do. I love Christmas.I just don’t cel- hard with the inquisitions and witch burnings. But ebrate it the same way a devout Christian would. I the traditions around the winter solstice prevailed. was raised Christian, and there are some traditions I It is these traditions that I am most attached to and just won’t give up and Christmas is one of them. So I’ve also created my own traditions. how does a previous Christian and now Buddhist Every Christmas Eve I cuddle up with my chil- celebrate Christmas? First of all, let me get some dren and watch A Christmas Carol: the original, with things straight. Buddhism is not a religion that be- Alastair Sim. I have never liked any of the remakes. lieves in a God. Buddha is not regarded as a God or They just don’t measure up to Alastair Sim’s in- a deity. Buddha was a human being, so there is no credible performance as Scrooge. We can now theistic God belief in Buddhism. Which means that pretty much quote the movie word for word. But I am an atheist as well as a Buddhist. nothing puts me in the Christmas spirit more than So, how do I reconcile Christmas which cele- this movie. It’s a story about human transforma- brates the birth of the son of God? Dec. 25th was tion. It is the scene where Jacob Marley’s ghost chosen as the birth date of Christ because it is near appears before Scrooge that affects me the most.
  • 21. แสงธรรม 18 Saeng Dhamma There he is, with his long chain of bad causes hope, and humanity will become the life tendency which he has forged in life. He says “I made it link by of society. link and yard by yard; I girded it of my own free will, I will always celebrate Christmas or solstice and of my own free will I wore it,” and he warns even though I’m not a Christian. It brings out the Scrooge that his chain is longer. Scrooge replies that best in people, and for me as a Buddhist, is reason they were only being good men of business, Marley to celebrate. passionately screams: “Mankind was my business. Blessings, everyone! Their common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were all my ► Jesus the Christ and Siddhartha Gautama business.” He then points Scrooge in the direction the Buddha. of the window where there are a number of spirits By JULIA CORBETT-HEMEYER, The Star Press, De- with huge chains similar to Marley’s surrounding a cember 23, 2010 homeless women and her baby on the street be- low. They are screaming and moaning and Scrooge asks why they lament. Marley replies they lament Y orktown, Indiana (USA) -- The figure of Jesus as it’s presented in the sacred writings of Christianity and developed over centuries of Chris- because they have lost the power to do anything; tian tradition differs in several significant aspects now that they are merely spirits. When I was a child from that of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, as this scene horrified me, now as a Buddhist it has his story is told in the Buddhist sacred scriptures significant meaning. and elaborated over the centuries. We all forge chains of causation good and bad. To note just two: Most Christians believe that What matters is what we do while we are living. Jesus is the single, unique incarnation of the one Whatever belief system one may have, I think we holy God. The Buddha is believed by Buddhists can agree it is our behaviour as humans that is the one of untold numbers of manifestations of Bud- most important thing. Scrooge’s transformation as dha nature. And for most Christians, Jesus is the he realizes he can change is a scene of a man full savior of humankind, sent by God to rescue wom- of joy. He actually says he doesn’t deserve to be en and men from the inevitable effects of human this happy. Realizing he can now work to do good sinfulness. While some Buddhist teachings present transforms his life. Humanity becomes his life ten- the Buddha as something like a savior, most do dency. Christmas is one of those holidays that em- not. I don’t want to gloss over these differences bodies this potential and acts as a reminder for me, because they are important and have given rise to that there is hope for the world. Some of us may very distinctive religious perspectives. not need to be reminded of this, and many of us However, there are also striking similarities be- struggle to feel hopeful. But if we can hang on to tween these two great religious founders, similari- that feeling and do just one good thing the chain ties that have to do with their both being mani- reaction is tremendous. We can forge a chain of festations of a wide-spread mythic figure known as
  • 22. แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma the hero. First, however, we need to be clear what man intervention. Siddhartha Gautama was born I mean by “myth” here, because a lot of misunder- from his mother’s side, according to one account, standing surrounds the use of the word. without causing her any pain or discomfort, hav- As I use the term, a “myth” is not an untrue ing been conceived by supernatural means as well. story. Myths are not the same as fables, folktales, Although Queen Maya and King Suddhodana were fairy tales, anecdotes or simple fiction. Myths are married and no mention is made of her being a accounts which convey symbolic truths of great virgin, Queen Maya’s moral purity is spelled out in meaning and value for those who accept them. detail in the birth narratives of the future Buddha. They often form the bedrock of cultures and reli- An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream to gions. There are striking similarities in certain types announce that Jesus would save his people from of myths across many their sins. Hindu priests cultures. If the story told Siddhartha’s father of Jesus is the defining that if the baby to be one for our faith, or if born were to remain the Buddha is our guide in the household of his on the spiritual path, birth he would become our understanding can a world conqueror. be enriched by a wider However, if he were to acquaintance with the leave the household, hero myth as a type, he would become a and with the variations on that theme represented Buddha. (There is also a notable difference here: by these two great religious founders. While Jesus’ birth is recorded as being humble, My understanding of the hero myth and its sig- attended by the animals surrounding the manger, nificance is informed by Joseph Campbell’s work Siddhartha was born in a palace and his childhood in The Hero with a Thousand Faces and by Otto was spent in luxury.) Rank’s The Myth of the Birth of the Hero. Campbell As the story of Jesus unfolds, we learn that his identifies a three-part sequence in this myth: sepa- life was threatened by King Herod, and an angel ration, initiation and return. But prior to that, there appeared to Joseph to warn him to flee with the are the birth narratives. child into Egypt. While there is no parallel threat in The accounts of heroes’ births are marked by the Buddhist tradition, Siddhartha’s childhood was their unusual features, their miraculous character. marred by the death of his mother a week after They serve to set the hero apart from more or- his birth. In light of the seer’s prediction, King Sud- dinary people right from the beginning. To note dhodana struggled, unsuccessfully as it turned out, just a few examples: According to tradition, Jesus to prevent anything happening to his son that might was born to a virgin, conceived by God without hu- lead him to abandon the life into which he had been
  • 23. แสงธรรม 20 Saeng Dhamma born and thus become a Buddha. He said: “Meditation has been shown to lower As noted above, the birth narratives of mythic blood pressure and reduce stress levels - it’s a heroes set them apart from the time of their birth very good thing to do irrespective of the religious and often, before it. The hero is one whose life is sharpens powers of concentration.” marked by trials and challenges, often great dan- Richard decided to make the step of taking on ger. The culminating point of the story of the hero Buddhism in an official capacity following his step- comes at the end of the cycle: Heroes successfully daughter’s move to the faith and, along with his navigate the challenges presented, and return with wife, began practising a Japanese derivation of the great gifts for humankind. Jesus became known as religion. a savior of humankind. The Buddha became known He explained when they converted to Buddhism as one who showed people the way to enlighten- they took part in “taking refuge” which involves ment. Both founded religions that have helped to accepting “the Buddha as your teacher, the Dhar- make life meaningful and good for untold numbers ma as his teaching and the Sangha as the commu- of people since their births so long ago. nity of Buddhists”. Richard said Buddhists have “a profound ► Becoming a Buddhist in Guernsey respect for all sincere religious practice”. Using the by Richard Moorman, BBC, Dec 20, 2010 example of Christmas he said they respected Chris- G uernsey, UK -- Guernseyman Richard Moor- man became a Buddhist in 1997 but said he had been “flirting with the idea” since 1971. tians and their celebration of Jesus’ birth. Richard said as he lives in a Christian culture he still celebrated the event: “It’s not a religious fes- He explained that in that time he had re- tival for me but its certainly a time to enjoy being searched the faith and had been practising ele- with family.” ments of it before his official conversion. He said the main teaching of Buddhism is: “We He said the Guernsey Buddhist Group held meet- don’t exist in isolation to everything else, we are ings open to anyone from any branch of Buddhism one with everything and everything is one with us... or any faith. once that becomes a profound insight, it produces Richard said: “We’ve had Zen and Tibetan Bud- great happiness.” dhists and people of other religions come to our meetings.” ► New Year Merit making buddhist tradition in He explained: “They enjoy the chanting, the Thailand meditating and the things we do.” Thailand Business News, December 23, 2010 B Even though meditation is a central part of Bud- dhist practice Richard said it had its origins in the angkok, Thailand -- Whether it’s the inter- pre-Buddhist religions of northern India and today national New Year, the Chinese lunar New was practised by many people both as a religious Year or the Thai solar New Year, the transition from activity and in secular life. one year to another offers an opportunity for Bud-
  • 24. แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma แสงธรรม Saeng Dhamma dhists in Thailand to make merit by visiting sacred ones or other individuals we care about, including places. those who may have passed on. Such a sharing In fact, it’s not unusual for some individuals to of merit, which reflects the Thai spirit of generos- take advantage of all three occasions to pay visits ity and family loyalty, can be officially requested to the hallowed grounds of auspicious temples and when donating to monks and monasteries, or pri- stupas throughout the kingdom. vately declared when one performs merit-making acts. Wat Phra Keaw Such New-Year pilgrimages, whether they involve a single site or multiple sites, entail the presentation of offerings to pay homage to the Lord Buddha, dhamma and sangha — Bud- dhism’s master, teachings and community. Visitors may arrive early in the morning to offer food to resident monks, or they may arrive any time of day and offer other alms, including can- dles, flowers and incense at al- Bangkok’s Sacred Nine temples tars located in the wihan (main Buddha sanctuary) or Nine of the capital’s more than 400 temples at the base of a revered stupa. Cash donations to the are considered particularly sacred Buddhist sites. temple may also be a part of the ceremonial offer- Many Thais will visit all nine during a round of mer- ings. Some templegoers will perform volunteer work it-making at New Year. This is partly because the in order to make merit at New Year. number nine itself is an auspicious number, ow- The New Year is seen as a time to establish a ing to the fact that it represents three times three, new chapter in one’s karmic ledger, so to speak, and three refers to Buddhism’s Triple Gems (Bud- and hence it is an especially auspicious time to dha, dhamma, sangha), making it a triply auspicious make merit. The accumulation of merit — bun in number. Furthermore, the Thai word for nine – kao Thai, from the Pali term puñña — is believed to – sounds similar to the word for advance, or step for- exert a powerful influence on one’s future life and, ward, (kaao), and hence it is thought that the number indeed, future rebirths, when properly dedicated. represents progress, both spiritual and material. Earned merit can also be transferred to loved All nine temples are historic sites bestowed
  • 25. แสงธรรม 22 Saeng Dhamma with royal rank, and led by abbots from the high- it is important that they visit the temple associated est ranking clergy in the sangha — the Buddhist with their birth sign at least once in their lives, or community. All contain at least one Buddha image better yet, on the anniversary of each 12-year cycle reputed to be of great power. For these reasons (at age 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and so on). donations and meditation undertaken at any or all Stupas represent both a commemoration of nine is considered to be particularly meritorious. the Lord Buddha’s life and the encapsulation of The nine temples are Wat Phra Si Rattanasasa- his teachings. According to the Thupavamsa (Stupa daram (Wat Phra Kaeo — Temple of the Emerald Chronicle), King Ajatasattu of Magadha and a Brah- Buddha), Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimonmangkhalar- min priest named Drona took custody of the Bud- am (Wat Pho), Wat Arunratchawararam Ratchawo- dha’s remains after his cremation circa 543 BC. The ramahawihan (Wat Arun — Temple of Dawn), Wat relics, according to legend, were divided into eight Suthat Thepwararam Ratchaworamahawihan, Wat equal portions to be enshrined in stupas in eight Saket Ratchaworamahawihan, Wat Bowonniwet Vi- different locations in what are today northern In- hara, Wat Chanasongkhram Ratchaworamahawihan, dia and southern Nepal. The verifiable history of Wat Rakhangkhositaram Woramahawihan, and Wat the Buddhist stupa commenced during the reign of Kanlayanamit Woramahawihan. King Ashoka (circa 269-232 BC), the greatest mon- Wat Phra Kaeo is well known to Thais and for- arch of northern India’s Maurya dynasty and the eign visitors alike as the Temple of the Emerald first Buddhist king in recorded history. Buddha, and houses the most highly revered Bud- Legend says that Ashoka had the eight original dha image in the kingdom. Sculpted from green reliquaries unsealed so that he could subdivide the jasper (not emerald) in exquisite Lanna style, the contents and inter the relics in 84,000 stupas (to 66-cm tall image is believed to have talismanic honour the 84,000 discrete constituents of dharma powers that protect the kingdom’s sovereignty. (dhamma) throughout South and Southeast Asia. Al- Wat Pho, one of the oldest temples in Bangkok, though this number may be apocryphal, Thailand’s covers an area of 80,000 square metres and houses 12 most sacred stupas ultimately owe their inspira- more than a thousand Buddha images, including tion to King Ashoka’s historic stupa-building era. the highly venerated, 46-metre Reclining Buddha, one of the largest Buddha images in Asia. Pilgrimages to Sacred Stupas Outside Bangkok, a more widespread pilgrim- อนุโมทนาพิเศษแด่... age route links a dozen stupas (phra that in Thai), ผู้ถวายน้ำาเพื่อทำาน้ำาพุทธมนต์วันขึ้นปีใหม่ 2554 each associated with a different animal in the sip- คุณจันทร์ตา ชุ่มใจ - คุณจันทร์จิรา นุ่มมีศรี song rasee, the 12-year astrological cycle shared by คุณนิภาพร สตอมเบลอร์ - คุณไพร คลาก most Tai and Chinese cultures. Many Thais believe
  • 26. แสงธรรม 23 Saeng Dhamma เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) ผู ้ น� ำ วิ ป ริ ต “..เมือฝูงโคข้ามฟากไปอยู่ ถ้าโคผูนาฝูงไปคด โคทังหลายก็ไปคดด้วย เพราะ ่ ้ � ้ ผูนาไปคดฉันใด ในหมูมนุษย์กเหมือนกัน ผูใดได้รบสมมติให้เป็นผูนา ประพฤติ ้ � ่ ็ ้ ั ้ � อธรรมความไม่ดี ประชาชนนอกนีกยอมประพฤติไม่ดดวย บ้านเมืองประชาชน ้ ็่ ี ้ ก็ประสบกับความทุกข์ยาก ถ้าหากผู้น�าไม่ตั้งอยู่ในธรรม...” ผู ้ น� ำ ตามหลั ก ธรรมทางพระพุ ท ธศาสนา ได้รับแต่ควำมร่มเย็นเป็นเพรำะผู้น�ำตั้งอยู่ในธรรม พระพุทธเจ้าทรงแสดงไว้ว่า สังคมมนุษย์ทุกยุคทุกสมัยตั้งแต่สังคมส่วนย่อย เมื่อฝูงโคข้ำมฟำกไปอยู่ ถ้ำโคผู้น�ำฝูงไปคด โค ภายในครอบครัว ตลอดสังคมส่วนรวม สังคมประเทศ ทั้งหลำยก็ไปคดด้วย เพรำะผู้น�ำไปคดฉันใด ในหมู่ ชาติและสังคมโลก จ�าเป็นต้องมีผนา ขาดผูนาไม่ได้ ผูนา ู้ � ้ � ้ � มนุ ษ ย์ ก็ เ หมื อ นกั น ผู ้ ใ ดได้ รั บ สมมติ ใ ห้ เ ป็ น ผู ้ น� ำ เป็นหัวใจอันส�าคัญของสังคมมนุษย์ พระพุทธเจ้าของ ประพฤติอธรรมควำมไม่ดี ประชำชนนอกนี้ก็ย่อม เรา พระองค์ทรงมองปัญหาเรืองนีอย่างแจ่มชัด จึงทรง ่ ้ ประพฤติไม่ดีด้วย บ้ำนเมืองประชำชนก็ประสบกับ วางหลักปฏิบัติแห่งการอยู่ร่วมกันในสังคมด้วยการยึด ควำมทุกข์ยำก ถ้ำหำกผู้น�ำไม่ตั้งอยู่ในธรรม หลักธรรมเป็นใหญ่ (ธรรมาธิปไตย) กำรปกครองด้วย เมือฝูงโคข้ำมฟำกไปอยู่ ถ้ำโคผูนำไปตรง โคเหล่ำ ่ ้ � ระบอบธรรมำธิปไตย เป็นกำรปกครองที่ปลอดภัย นั้นก็ย่อมไปตรงด้วย เพรำะผู้น�ำไปตรงฉันใด ในหมู่ ที่สุด ส�ำหรับสังคมมนุษย์ที่อยู่ร่วมกัน ด้วยกำรยึด มนุ ษ ย์ ก็ เ หมื อ นกั น ผู ้ ใ ดได้ รั บ สมมติ ใ ห้ เ ป็ น ผู ้ น� ำ หลักธรรม คือควำมดี ควำมถูกต้อง และควำมสัตย์ ประพฤติธรรมควำมดี ประชำชนนอกนี้ก็ประพฤติ จริง ซึงเรียกว่ำถือธรรมเป็นใหญ่ เป็น (ธรรมำธิปไตย) ่ ธรรมควำมดีเหมือนผูนำ ท�ำให้บำนเมืองเจริญรุงเรือง ้ � ้ ่ กำรปกครองด้ ว ยระบบธรรมำธิ ป ไตยเป็ น กำร