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論   文 寫
論            文    寫      作
 (一 )
黃 聰 亮           教授
國立臺北教育大學資訊科學系暨研究所        系主任暨所長
美國財務金融管理學院 (AAFM)        院     士
中華民國國際學術交流學會 (CIAI)      理  事  長

國立臺灣大學電機系 (NTUEE)    電機博士
國立臺灣大學電機系 (NTUEE)    電機碩士
國立臺灣大學電機系 (NTUEE)    電機學士
NEUST 州立大學企管系        企管博士
NEUST 州立大學教育系        教育博士
國立摩納哥皇家大學 (I.U.M.)   財管碩士

December 2007
●   封面 (Cover Page)
●   摘要 (Abstract)
●   前言 (Introduction)
●   方法 (Methods)
●   結果 (Results)
●   討論 (Discussion)
●   結論 (Conclusions)
●   謝詞 (Acknowledgements)
●   參考資料 (Reference)
●   附錄 (Appendix)
十 個 要 素 分 解

封面         所屬機構名

           ( 投稿著作才需
             要 , 可以寫
標      題 (Title)
   標題是論文的門面 , 必需用
● 標題中除了冠詞 (article) 、連接詞
  (conjunction) 、和介係詞 (preposition)
   的所有字 , 都是以大寫開頭。
●Decoupled-Level   Optimal Output States
  Feedback Controller Design
● A Chart for Estimating the Distance
  Attenuation of Flanking Sound though
  Open Windows
● Simulation Model for Pedestrian Movement
  in Way-Finding and Queuing for
  Architectural Design Theory
(1) 盡可能簡短
(2) 指定內容
(3) 不要使用略語等用語
(4) 吸引人而實用
(1) 盡可能簡短

● 一般來說 ,10~15 個字以下是比較容

● 無論如何都無法讓句子簡短時 , 要
   冒號隔開 , 並於其後加上副標題
A Chart for Estimating the
Distance Attenuation of
Flanking Sound Passing though
Open Windows in the Exterior
Wall of Adjoining Rooms and Its
Experimental Verification
(25 個字 )

A Chart for Estimating the
Distance Attenuation of Flanking
Sound though Open Windows
(13 個字 )
( 估測通過通風窗口之左右兩邊聲
音的距離衰減圖表 )
Assessment of Two Laser
Doppler Velocity Measuring
System by Measuring Acoustic
Particle Velocities in Enclosed
Sound Field
( 標題太長 ,17 個字 , 但為表達
論文內容似乎均無法減少 ) ---
Measurement of Acoustic
Particle Velocity in
Enclosed Sound Field :
Assessment of Two Laser
Doppler Velocity
Measuring System
A Study of ---
Studies of ---
An Investigation of ---
Investigations of ---
An Observation on ---
Observations on ---
A Study of Simulation
Model for Pedestrian
Movement in Way-
finding and Queuing for
Architectural Design
Simulation Model for
Pedestrian Movement in
Way-finding and Queuing
for Architectural Design
Studies of Instructional
Methods for Values in
Environmental Education
in the United States of
Instructional Methods for
Values in Environmental
Education in the United
States of America
(2) 指 定 內 容
, 要讓人光看標題就

Modeling Room Acoustics
  ( 室內音響的造型化 )
 Modeling Room Acoustics in
Non-Concert Hall Settings
( 在非音樂廳環境中室內音響
 的造型化 )
(3) 不要使用略語等用語
A New Type of Battery
Conforming to the Standard of
( 符合美國電池製造者學會標準
之新型電池 )
AABM 為 Association of
American Battery
A New Type of Battery
Conforming to the
Standard of Association
of American Battery
(4) 吸引人而實用
The Decoupled-Level
System States Feedback
Controller Design Via Time
Varying Tuning Estimator
Decoupled- Level
Optimal Output
States Feedback
Controller Design
封 面 樣 版 ( 學位論文
   國 立 臺 北 教 育 大 學

       碩 士 論 文

      指導教授 : 黃聰亮 教授



       研究生 : 陳一鳴

    中華民國九十六年六月十 日
封 面 樣 版 ( 投稿論文
  Decoupled- Level Optimal Output States Feedback Controller Design

                               T.L. Huang             T.Y. Hwang

      Department of Computer Science National Taipei University of Education
  ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the design of decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal
 reduced order model whose state variables are all output states. The reduced-order model retains their
 physical meaning and is used to design a decoupled-level linear feedback controller that takes into account
 the realities and constraints of the large systems. The decoupled-level control strategy is used and a global
 control signal is generated from the output variables to minimize the effect of interactions. Effectiveness of
 this controller is evaluated and example is given to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method.
 Responses of the system with decoupled-level scheme and optimal reduced order scheme are included for
 comparative analyses.
1. Introduction
   The design of large system , can be formulated as an optimal linear regulator control problem whose
 solution is a complete state control scheme [1]. Thus, the implementation requires the design of state
 estimators [2]. These increase the hardware cost and reduce the reliability of the control system. These are
 the reasons that a control scheme uses only some desired state variables such as output states. Upon this, a
 scheme referred to as suboptimal control is obtained but only some state variables are used in the
 implemented control scheme while the others are omitted for convenience [3].
作者名 (Author’s
姓名的寫法有好幾種 , 若投稿
Tsong-Liang Huang
T.L. Huang
Huang, Tsong-Liang
所屬機構 (Affiliates)
不同時 , 要分別書寫
出來 ; 並對照各作者
Deutero-Eigenstructure Assignment
     Output Feedback Stabilizer Design

            T.Y. HWANG1      C.W. Liu2

Depertment of computer science National Taipei University of

  134, Sec. 2, Hoping E. Road, Taipei City, 106 Taiwan, R.O.C.
  Department of Electrical Engineering Tamkang University
    151, Ying-Chuan Road, Taipei County 251 Taiwan, R.O.C.
目的 ( 重點 )
         方法 ( 重點 )
    摘要   結果 ( 重點 )
         結論 ( 重點 )
         建議事項 ( 重點
摘要 (Abstract) 的寫法
● 摘要的長度最好不要超過 300 個字,摘要的意
  關鍵字 :
  目的 : The purpose of this paper is -----
  方法 : using ----- 或 --- are employed to ----
  結果 : As a result, ---- 或 Consequently, -----
  結論 : In conclusion --- 或 We conclude that--
  建議事項 : It is recommended that ---- 或
           It is suggested that ----
摘 要 樣 板 ( 中文 )
      摘   要
分離式設計 ; 控制器設計的方法是利用最佳降
階模型並採用輸出狀態回授法 , 分層式控制策
響的效應。本控制器設計的結果顯示 , 最佳降
授即可解離及控制系統特性 ; 其結論可大幅
減少控制器之硬體投資並增加系統可靠度 , 本
系統響應的比較 , 本法將可利用至超大型系統
摘 要 樣 板 ( 英文 )
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to address the design of
decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal reduced order
model whose state variables are all output states. The reduced-order model
retains their physical meaning and is used to design a decoupled-level linear
feedback controller that takes into account the realities and constraints of
the large systems. The decoupled-level control strategy is used and a global
control signal is generated from the output variables to minimize the effect
of interactions. As a result ,the effectiveness of this controller is evaluated
and considerable savings in computer memory are achieved. In conclusion,
the controllers determined at the subsystem level depend only on local
information operating to the particular machine. Example is given to
illustrate the advantages of the proposed method. Responses of the system
with decoupled-level scheme and optimal reduced order scheme are
included for comparative analyses. It is recommended that the proposed
method can be applied to supper large system
(1) 研究主題
     (2) 研究主題的必要性、重要性
     (3) 研究回顧
     (4) 歷年研究中未解決之點
前言   (5) 目的 ( 重點 )
     (6) 方法 ( 重點 )
     (7) 結果 ( 重點 )
     (8) 結論 ( 重點 )
     (9) 論文的構成順序
前言 (Introduction) 的寫法

(1) 研究主題
     (Research theme)

關鍵字 :
The work presented
here is to -------
1. Introduction
       The work presented here is
 to address the design of
 decoupled-level large system
 controllers using an optimal
 reduced order model whose state
 variables are all output states.
(2) 研究主題的必要性、
(Need/Importance of research theme)
  究主題到目前為止 , 已進
Recent   interest in -----
In recent years -----
-----is well known -----
----- have gained considerable
 attention in -----
----- has been recognized as
1. Introduction
       The work presented here is to address the
  design of decoupled-level large system
  controllers using an optimal reduced order
  model whose state variables are all output
  states. Recent interest in designing the
  stabilizer of large system , can be formulated as
  an optimal linear regulator control problem
  whose solution is a complete state control
  scheme [1].
(3) 研究回顧
(Conventional research details)
已實行過的研究 , 也就是
其他的研究者 ( 也包含作
者本身 ), 過去在同樣的研
究領域裡 , 所進行過的研
 It is well known that -----
 ----- some papers [3 and 4] have
  discussed -----
 Recent studies have suggested ----
 Various methods ----have been examined
  by other researchers [6,7,8,9,and 10].
 A number of strategies have been
  developed in recent years to ------
1. Introduction
        The work presented here is to address the design of
   decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal
   reduced order model whose state variables are all output
   states. Recent interest in designing the stabilizer of large
   system , can be formulated as an optimal linear regulator
   control problem whose solution is a complete state control
   scheme [1]. Thus, the implementation requires the design of
   state estimators [2]. These increase the hardware cost and
   reduce the reliability of the control system. These are the
   reasons that a control scheme uses only some desired state
   variables such as output states. It is well known that a
   scheme referred to as suboptimal control is obtained but only
   some state variables are used in the implemented control
   scheme while the others are omitted for convenience [3].
(4) 歷年來研究未解決之
  點 (Unresolved points in conventional
● However, ----

● Unlike the studies made extensively
   on ----,very little attention was given

  to ----
● To the best of the authors’
   knowledge, no research has yet
   been carried out to ----

● In contract, there is little data
   available concerning ----
 It is well known that a scheme referred to as
suboptimal control is obtained but only some state
variables are used in the implemented control
scheme while the others are omitted for
convenience [3]. Obviously, this approach is
arbitrary and cannot be accepted on faith.
Performance degradation is not evaluated for
general system sunder different conditions. The
recent approach using optimal reduced order model
is obtained [4] [5].However, the optimal control
strategy is also used for the reduced order model of
the large system, the computation of an optimal
controller becomes extremely difficult and time
consuming as the order of the system increases.
(5) 目的 ( 重點 )
 (purpose  main point)

目的 ( 重點 ) 是敘述
● The purpose (goal) of the study is
   to ----
● In this study, ----have been
   evaluated in comparison with ----
● This paper presents (discusses,
   suggests, deals with) ----
 However, the optimal control strategy is also
used for the reduced order model of the large
system, the computation of an optimal
controller becomes extremely difficult and time
consuming as the order of the system
increases. This paper presents the method
that the overall system is decomposed
into separate subsystems, each
subsystem comprising one machine.
(6) 方法 ( 重點 )
 (Method  main points)

寫出為了實現目的 , 本
● by employing methods
   such as ----
● by using ----
● by incorporating ---
This paper presents the method that the
overall system is decomposed into
separate subsystems, each subsystem
comprising one machine. By using the
optimal reduced order model method at
the subsystem level, an optimal
feedback controller is derived by output
feedback of each machine.
(7) 結果 ( 重點 )
(Results  main points)

● As a result, ----- the proposed
   method is much better than
   before .
● As a result, ----- shows good
   agreement with -----
● It is found that -----
By using the optimal reduced order model
method at the subsystem level, an optimal
feedback controller is derived by output
feedback of each machine. The order of this
model is obviously lower than that of the
overall system and the method proposed in ref
[6]. Thus, considerable savings in computer
memory are achieved. It is found that the
controllers thus determined at the subsystem level
depend only on local information operating to the
particular machine.
(8) 結論 ( 重點 )
(Conclusions main points)

● From our results, we conclude
   that ----
● We, thus, conclude that ----
● The results indicate that ----
● Experimental results indicate
   that ----
● In Conclusion, ----

● In summary, these investigations
   suggest that ----

● It is concluded from the simulation
   that ----
In conclusion, the attractive features of the
two-level optimal output feedback stabilizers
design are as follows:
 (1) The output state variables are some
desired or available variables, thus, the state
variables of the reduced order model retain
their physical meaning.
(9) 論文的構成順序
(Order of configuration of paper)

● In the following, ---- is explained
   in Chapter 4; ---- is explained in
   Chapter 5; ----
● In Section 1 we recall ----.
   In Section 2 and 3 we derive ----.
   Section 4 and 5 deal with ----.
   In Section 6 and 7 ---- are discussed.
   Finally, we comment on ---
 As a matter of fact this paper is an extension of
optimal reduced order method proposed by Ali
Feliachi et. a1 [4][5] and the two-level optimal
stabilization method proposed by Y.L. Abdel-Magid
and Gama1 M. Aly [6]. In Section 1 we recall the
background of optimal reduced order model. In
Section 2 and 3 we derive the control strategy
and control structure. Section 4 and 5 deal
with system study . In Section 6 and 7
simulation and computation results are
discussed. Finally, we comment on overall
control structure and effectiveness of the
前 言 樣 板 ( 英文 )
  1. Introduction
     The work presented here is to address the design of
decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal
reduced order model whose state variables are all output
states. Recent interest in designing the stabilizer of large
system , can be formulated as an optimal linear regulator
control problem whose solution is a complete state control
scheme [1]. Thus, the implementation requires the design of
state estimators [2]. These increase the hardware cost and
reduce the reliability of the control system. These are the
reasons that a control scheme uses only some desired state
variables such as output states. It is well known that a scheme
referred to as suboptimal control is obtained but only some
state variables are used in the implemented control scheme
while the others are omitted for convenience [3].
Obviously, this approach is arbitrary and
cannot be accepted on faith. Performance
degradation is not evaluated for general system
sunder different conditions. The recent
approach using optimal reduced order model is
obtained [4] [5].However, the optimal control
strategy is also used for the reduced order
model of the large system, the computation of
an optimal controller becomes extremely
difficult and time consuming as the order of the
system increases.
For an nth-order system it is necessary
to solve an n(n+1)/2 Riccati equations in
order to calculate the controller gain. And
the problem formulation itself is not straight
forward as it is complex to determine the
design parameters in the performance
criterion as the order of the system
increases. To overcome these difficulties,
the former paper concerned with the
development of multi-level optimal
stabilization of interconnected power
system in ref. [6] is applied to the proposed
This paper presents the method that
the overall system is decomposed into
separate subsystems, each subsystem
comprising one machine. By using the
optimal reduced order model method at
the subsystem level, an optimal feedback
controller is derived by output feedback of
each machine. The order of this model is
obviously lower than that of the overall
system and the method proposed in ref
[6]. Thus, considerable savings in
computer memory are achieved.
It is found that the controllers thus determined at
the subsystem level depend only on local information
operating to the particular machine. And, since only
the output feedback is used via optimal reduced order
model, the control strategy can be implemented
easily. In order to take into account the interaction
between the different subsystems, a global controller
is designed at a higher level [7]. At this level, all
subsystems will transfer the necessary information to
achieve the global objectives. In this paper, the global
gain is obtained from the optimal reduced order model
of the whole system by using only output feedback.
The evaluation of the global gain is much
easier than the overall system optimal state
feedback gains because the optimal reduced
order model is used. The control strategy
proposed here is applied to a, two-machine
system. The effectiveness of the two-level
optimal output feedback controller are
presented. A comparison between the
performance of the proposed controller and
that of the optimal reduced order method
and the two-level control strategy is also
In conclusion, the attractive features of
the two-level optimal output feedback
stabilizers design are as follows:
 (1) The output state variables are some
desired or available variables, thus, the
state variables of the reduced order model
retain their physical meaning.
(2) Local controllers determined depend
only on local output information pertaining
to the subsystem and a considerable
savings in computation effort at the (machine)
subsystem level is achieved and no estimator
is needed.
 (3) Interaction between the different
subsystem is minimized by the use of the
global controller gain at a higher level using
the output state variables of the overall system
via optimal reduced order model. The
evaluation process is much easier than the
optimal control strategy and the transient
response is much better also.
As a matter of fact this paper is an extension of
optimal reduced order method proposed by Ali
Feliachi et. a1 [4][5] and the two-level optimal
stabilization method proposed by Y.L. Abdel-
Magid and Gama1 M. Aly [6]. In Section 1 we
recall the background of optimal reduced
order model. In Section 2 and 3 we derive
the control strategy and control structure.
Section 4 and 5 deal with system study .
In Section 6 and 7 simulation and
computation results are discussed. Finally,
we comment on overall control structure
and effectiveness of the controller.
論文寫作~ Sci與ei國際期刊總編輯黃聰亮教授演講投影片

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論文寫作~ Sci與ei國際期刊總編輯黃聰亮教授演講投影片

  • 1. 文 寫 作
  • 2. 文 寫 作 (一 ) 黃 聰 亮 教授 國立臺北教育大學資訊科學系暨研究所 系主任暨所長 美國財務金融管理學院 (AAFM) 院 士 中華民國國際學術交流學會 (CIAI) 理 事 長 國立臺灣大學電機系 (NTUEE) 電機博士 國立臺灣大學電機系 (NTUEE) 電機碩士 國立臺灣大學電機系 (NTUEE) 電機學士 NEUST 州立大學企管系 企管博士 NEUST 州立大學教育系 教育博士 國立摩納哥皇家大學 (I.U.M.) 財管碩士 December 2007
  • 3. 論文的十個基本構成要素 ● 封面 (Cover Page) ● 摘要 (Abstract) ● 前言 (Introduction) ● 方法 (Methods) ● 結果 (Results) ● 討論 (Discussion) ● 結論 (Conclusions) ● 謝詞 (Acknowledgements) ● 參考資料 (Reference) ● 附錄 (Appendix)
  • 4. 十 個 要 素 分 解 標題 封面 所屬機構名 作者名 所屬機構所在地 ( 投稿著作才需 要 , 可以寫 Email)
  • 5. 題 (Title) 標題是論文的門面 , 必需用 適切的單字來簡潔歸納 ● 標題中除了冠詞 (article) 、連接詞 (conjunction) 、和介係詞 (preposition) 外 的所有字 , 都是以大寫開頭。
  • 6. 標題範例 ●Decoupled-Level Optimal Output States Feedback Controller Design ● A Chart for Estimating the Distance Attenuation of Flanking Sound though Open Windows ● Simulation Model for Pedestrian Movement in Way-Finding and Queuing for Architectural Design Theory
  • 7. 標題的寫法 (1) 盡可能簡短 (2) 指定內容 (3) 不要使用略語等用語 (4) 吸引人而實用
  • 8. (1) 盡可能簡短 ● 一般來說 ,10~15 個字以下是比較容 易閱讀的字數 ● 無論如何都無法讓句子簡短時 , 要 用 冒號隔開 , 並於其後加上副標題
  • 9. 不良範例 A Chart for Estimating the Distance Attenuation of Flanking Sound Passing though Open Windows in the Exterior Wall of Adjoining Rooms and Its Experimental Verification (25 個字 )
  • 10. 改良後範例 A Chart for Estimating the Distance Attenuation of Flanking Sound though Open Windows (13 個字 ) ( 估測通過通風窗口之左右兩邊聲 音的距離衰減圖表 )
  • 11. 不良範例 Assessment of Two Laser Doppler Velocity Measuring System by Measuring Acoustic Particle Velocities in Enclosed Sound Field ( 標題太長 ,17 個字 , 但為表達 論文內容似乎均無法減少 ) --- 
  • 12. 副標題範例 Measurement of Acoustic Particle Velocity in Enclosed Sound Field : Assessment of Two Laser Doppler Velocity Measuring System
  • 13. 標題避免使用之用語 A Study of --- Studies of --- An Investigation of --- Investigations of --- An Observation on --- Observations on ---
  • 14. 不良範例 A Study of Simulation Model for Pedestrian Movement in Way- finding and Queuing for Architectural Design Theory
  • 15. 改良後範例 Simulation Model for Pedestrian Movement in Way-finding and Queuing for Architectural Design Theory
  • 16. 不良範例 Studies of Instructional Methods for Values in Environmental Education in the United States of America
  • 17. 改良後範例 Instructional Methods for Values in Environmental Education in the United States of America
  • 18. (2) 指 定 內 容 應具體呈現論文內容 , 要讓人光看標題就 能預測出論文的內容 為何。
  • 19. 不良範例 Modeling Room Acoustics ( 室內音響的造型化 )
  • 20. 改良後範例 Modeling Room Acoustics in Non-Concert Hall Settings ( 在非音樂廳環境中室內音響 的造型化 )
  • 21. (3) 不要使用略語等用語 A New Type of Battery Conforming to the Standard of AABM ( 符合美國電池製造者學會標準 之新型電池 ) AABM 為 Association of American Battery
  • 22. 改良後之範例 A New Type of Battery Conforming to the Standard of Association of American Battery Manufacturers
  • 23. (4) 吸引人而實用 不良範例 The Decoupled-Level System States Feedback Controller Design Via Time Varying Tuning Estimator
  • 25. 封 面 樣 版 ( 學位論文 ) 國 立 臺 北 教 育 大 學 資訊科學系碩士班 碩 士 論 文 指導教授 : 黃聰亮 教授 論文題目 利用糢糊基因法則之指紋辨識晶片設計 研究生 : 陳一鳴 中華民國九十六年六月十 日
  • 26. 封 面 樣 版 ( 投稿論文 ) Decoupled- Level Optimal Output States Feedback Controller Design T.L. Huang T.Y. Hwang Department of Computer Science National Taipei University of Education Email: ABSTRACT: This paper addresses the design of decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal reduced order model whose state variables are all output states. The reduced-order model retains their physical meaning and is used to design a decoupled-level linear feedback controller that takes into account the realities and constraints of the large systems. The decoupled-level control strategy is used and a global control signal is generated from the output variables to minimize the effect of interactions. Effectiveness of this controller is evaluated and example is given to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method. Responses of the system with decoupled-level scheme and optimal reduced order scheme are included for comparative analyses. 1. Introduction The design of large system , can be formulated as an optimal linear regulator control problem whose solution is a complete state control scheme [1]. Thus, the implementation requires the design of state estimators [2]. These increase the hardware cost and reduce the reliability of the control system. These are the reasons that a control scheme uses only some desired state variables such as output states. Upon this, a scheme referred to as suboptimal control is obtained but only some state variables are used in the implemented control scheme while the others are omitted for convenience [3].
  • 27. 作者名 (Author’s names) 姓名的寫法有好幾種 , 若投稿 處有規定就按照其規定書寫 黃聰亮 Tsong-Liang Huang T.L. Huang Huang, Tsong-Liang
  • 28. 所屬機構 (Affiliates) 若作者所屬機構各有 不同時 , 要分別書寫 出來 ; 並對照各作者 右上方的號碼
  • 29. Deutero-Eigenstructure Assignment Output Feedback Stabilizer Design T.Y. HWANG1 C.W. Liu2 Depertment of computer science National Taipei University of 1 Education 134, Sec. 2, Hoping E. Road, Taipei City, 106 Taiwan, R.O.C. 2 Department of Electrical Engineering Tamkang University 151, Ying-Chuan Road, Taipei County 251 Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • 30. 目的 ( 重點 ) 方法 ( 重點 ) 摘要 結果 ( 重點 ) 結論 ( 重點 ) 建議事項 ( 重點 )
  • 31. 摘要 (Abstract) 的寫法 ● 摘要的長度最好不要超過 300 個字,摘要的意 義是即使不閱讀文章整體也能夠掌握理解全文 的內容。 關鍵字 : 目的 : The purpose of this paper is ----- 方法 : using ----- 或 --- are employed to ---- 結果 : As a result, ---- 或 Consequently, ----- 結論 : In conclusion --- 或 We conclude that-- 建議事項 : It is recommended that ---- 或 It is suggested that ----
  • 32. 摘 要 樣 板 ( 中文 ) 摘 要 本論文的目的乃對大型系統控制器之分層 分離式設計 ; 控制器設計的方法是利用最佳降 階模型並採用輸出狀態回授法 , 分層式控制策 略則利用整體回授增益以解離子系統間相互影 響的效應。本控制器設計的結果顯示 , 最佳降 階法可在保有系統物理特性下利用輸出狀態回 授即可解離及控制系統特性 ; 其結論可大幅 減少控制器之硬體投資並增加系統可靠度 , 本 文亦對所設計之控制器與傳統控制器之效能做 系統響應的比較 , 本法將可利用至超大型系統
  • 33. 摘 要 樣 板 ( 英文 ) ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to address the design of decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal reduced order model whose state variables are all output states. The reduced-order model retains their physical meaning and is used to design a decoupled-level linear feedback controller that takes into account the realities and constraints of the large systems. The decoupled-level control strategy is used and a global control signal is generated from the output variables to minimize the effect of interactions. As a result ,the effectiveness of this controller is evaluated and considerable savings in computer memory are achieved. In conclusion, the controllers determined at the subsystem level depend only on local information operating to the particular machine. Example is given to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method. Responses of the system with decoupled-level scheme and optimal reduced order scheme are included for comparative analyses. It is recommended that the proposed method can be applied to supper large system
  • 34. (1) 研究主題 (2) 研究主題的必要性、重要性 (3) 研究回顧 (4) 歷年研究中未解決之點 前言 (5) 目的 ( 重點 ) (6) 方法 ( 重點 ) (7) 結果 ( 重點 ) (8) 結論 ( 重點 ) (9) 論文的構成順序
  • 36. (1) 研究主題 (Research theme) 關鍵字 : The work presented here is to -------
  • 37. 範例 1. Introduction The work presented here is to address the design of decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal reduced order model whose state variables are all output states.
  • 38. (2) 研究主題的必要性、 重要性 (Need/Importance of research theme) 敘述是什麼理由選擇此 研究主題、以及關於此研 究主題到目前為止 , 已進 行過的研究歷史等等。
  • 39. 關鍵語 Recent interest in ----- In recent years ----- -----is well known ----- ----- have gained considerable attention in ----- ----- has been recognized as -----
  • 40. 範例 1. Introduction The work presented here is to address the design of decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal reduced order model whose state variables are all output states. Recent interest in designing the stabilizer of large system , can be formulated as an optimal linear regulator control problem whose solution is a complete state control scheme [1].
  • 41. (3) 研究回顧 (Conventional research details) 介紹並討論在研究範圍中 已實行過的研究 , 也就是 其他的研究者 ( 也包含作 者本身 ), 過去在同樣的研 究領域裡 , 所進行過的研 究內容。
  • 42. 關鍵語  It is well known that -----  ----- some papers [3 and 4] have discussed -----  Recent studies have suggested ----  Various methods ----have been examined by other researchers [6,7,8,9,and 10].  A number of strategies have been developed in recent years to ------
  • 43. 範例 1. Introduction The work presented here is to address the design of decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal reduced order model whose state variables are all output states. Recent interest in designing the stabilizer of large system , can be formulated as an optimal linear regulator control problem whose solution is a complete state control scheme [1]. Thus, the implementation requires the design of state estimators [2]. These increase the hardware cost and reduce the reliability of the control system. These are the reasons that a control scheme uses only some desired state variables such as output states. It is well known that a scheme referred to as suboptimal control is obtained but only some state variables are used in the implemented control scheme while the others are omitted for convenience [3].
  • 44. (4) 歷年來研究未解決之 點 (Unresolved points in conventional research) 關鍵語 ● However, ---- ● Unlike the studies made extensively on ----,very little attention was given to ----
  • 45. ● To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no research has yet been carried out to ---- ● In contract, there is little data available concerning ----
  • 46. 範例 It is well known that a scheme referred to as suboptimal control is obtained but only some state variables are used in the implemented control scheme while the others are omitted for convenience [3]. Obviously, this approach is arbitrary and cannot be accepted on faith. Performance degradation is not evaluated for general system sunder different conditions. The recent approach using optimal reduced order model is obtained [4] [5].However, the optimal control strategy is also used for the reduced order model of the large system, the computation of an optimal controller becomes extremely difficult and time consuming as the order of the system increases.
  • 47. (5) 目的 ( 重點 ) (purpose  main point) 目的 ( 重點 ) 是敘述 為了解決歷年來研究中 尚未解決之點而在本文 中想要達成的研究目的 。
  • 48. 關鍵語 ● The purpose (goal) of the study is to ---- ● In this study, ----have been evaluated in comparison with ---- ● This paper presents (discusses, suggests, deals with) ----
  • 49. 範例 However, the optimal control strategy is also used for the reduced order model of the large system, the computation of an optimal controller becomes extremely difficult and time consuming as the order of the system increases. This paper presents the method that the overall system is decomposed into separate subsystems, each subsystem comprising one machine.
  • 50. (6) 方法 ( 重點 ) (Method  main points) 寫出為了實現目的 , 本 論文所使用的方法之重 點
  • 51. 關鍵語 ● by employing methods such as ---- ● by using ---- ● by incorporating ---
  • 52. 範例 This paper presents the method that the overall system is decomposed into separate subsystems, each subsystem comprising one machine. By using the optimal reduced order model method at the subsystem level, an optimal feedback controller is derived by output feedback of each machine.
  • 53. (7) 結果 ( 重點 ) (Results  main points) 簡潔寫出本研究所得 到資料或事實
  • 54. 關鍵語 ● As a result, ----- the proposed method is much better than before . ● As a result, ----- shows good agreement with ----- ● It is found that -----
  • 55. 範例 By using the optimal reduced order model method at the subsystem level, an optimal feedback controller is derived by output feedback of each machine. The order of this model is obviously lower than that of the overall system and the method proposed in ref [6]. Thus, considerable savings in computer memory are achieved. It is found that the controllers thus determined at the subsystem level depend only on local information operating to the particular machine.
  • 56. (8) 結論 ( 重點 ) (Conclusions main points) 簡潔寫出邏輯性分析資 料後所得到的結論
  • 57. 關鍵語 ● From our results, we conclude that ---- ● We, thus, conclude that ---- ● The results indicate that ---- ● Experimental results indicate that ----
  • 58. ● In Conclusion, ---- ● In summary, these investigations suggest that ---- ● It is concluded from the simulation that ----
  • 59. 範例 In conclusion, the attractive features of the two-level optimal output feedback stabilizers design are as follows: (1) The output state variables are some desired or available variables, thus, the state variables of the reduced order model retain their physical meaning.
  • 60. (9) 論文的構成順序 (Order of configuration of paper) 寫出是按照什麼樣的構 成順序來完成論文
  • 61. ● In the following, ---- is explained in Chapter 4; ---- is explained in Chapter 5; ---- ● In Section 1 we recall ----. In Section 2 and 3 we derive ----. Section 4 and 5 deal with ----. In Section 6 and 7 ---- are discussed. Finally, we comment on ---
  • 62. 範例 As a matter of fact this paper is an extension of optimal reduced order method proposed by Ali Feliachi et. a1 [4][5] and the two-level optimal stabilization method proposed by Y.L. Abdel-Magid and Gama1 M. Aly [6]. In Section 1 we recall the background of optimal reduced order model. In Section 2 and 3 we derive the control strategy and control structure. Section 4 and 5 deal with system study . In Section 6 and 7 simulation and computation results are discussed. Finally, we comment on overall control structure and effectiveness of the controller.
  • 63. 前 言 樣 板 ( 英文 ) 1. Introduction The work presented here is to address the design of decoupled-level large system controllers using an optimal reduced order model whose state variables are all output states. Recent interest in designing the stabilizer of large system , can be formulated as an optimal linear regulator control problem whose solution is a complete state control scheme [1]. Thus, the implementation requires the design of state estimators [2]. These increase the hardware cost and reduce the reliability of the control system. These are the reasons that a control scheme uses only some desired state variables such as output states. It is well known that a scheme referred to as suboptimal control is obtained but only some state variables are used in the implemented control scheme while the others are omitted for convenience [3].
  • 64. Obviously, this approach is arbitrary and cannot be accepted on faith. Performance degradation is not evaluated for general system sunder different conditions. The recent approach using optimal reduced order model is obtained [4] [5].However, the optimal control strategy is also used for the reduced order model of the large system, the computation of an optimal controller becomes extremely difficult and time consuming as the order of the system increases.
  • 65. For an nth-order system it is necessary to solve an n(n+1)/2 Riccati equations in order to calculate the controller gain. And the problem formulation itself is not straight forward as it is complex to determine the design parameters in the performance criterion as the order of the system increases. To overcome these difficulties, the former paper concerned with the development of multi-level optimal stabilization of interconnected power system in ref. [6] is applied to the proposed approach.
  • 66. This paper presents the method that the overall system is decomposed into separate subsystems, each subsystem comprising one machine. By using the optimal reduced order model method at the subsystem level, an optimal feedback controller is derived by output feedback of each machine. The order of this model is obviously lower than that of the overall system and the method proposed in ref [6]. Thus, considerable savings in computer memory are achieved.
  • 67. It is found that the controllers thus determined at the subsystem level depend only on local information operating to the particular machine. And, since only the output feedback is used via optimal reduced order model, the control strategy can be implemented easily. In order to take into account the interaction between the different subsystems, a global controller is designed at a higher level [7]. At this level, all subsystems will transfer the necessary information to achieve the global objectives. In this paper, the global gain is obtained from the optimal reduced order model of the whole system by using only output feedback.
  • 68. The evaluation of the global gain is much easier than the overall system optimal state feedback gains because the optimal reduced order model is used. The control strategy proposed here is applied to a, two-machine system. The effectiveness of the two-level optimal output feedback controller are presented. A comparison between the performance of the proposed controller and that of the optimal reduced order method and the two-level control strategy is also included.
  • 69. In conclusion, the attractive features of the two-level optimal output feedback stabilizers design are as follows: (1) The output state variables are some desired or available variables, thus, the state variables of the reduced order model retain their physical meaning. (2) Local controllers determined depend only on local output information pertaining to the subsystem and a considerable
  • 70. savings in computation effort at the (machine) subsystem level is achieved and no estimator is needed. (3) Interaction between the different subsystem is minimized by the use of the global controller gain at a higher level using the output state variables of the overall system via optimal reduced order model. The evaluation process is much easier than the optimal control strategy and the transient response is much better also.
  • 71. As a matter of fact this paper is an extension of optimal reduced order method proposed by Ali Feliachi et. a1 [4][5] and the two-level optimal stabilization method proposed by Y.L. Abdel- Magid and Gama1 M. Aly [6]. In Section 1 we recall the background of optimal reduced order model. In Section 2 and 3 we derive the control strategy and control structure. Section 4 and 5 deal with system study . In Section 6 and 7 simulation and computation results are discussed. Finally, we comment on overall control structure and effectiveness of the controller.