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Presentation of the case 
Nurse Havva Demircan 
Plastic surgery and reconstruction 
Person in charge of the clinic
 Consisted of the formation of anatomical 
and structural units taken from human 
receiver and includes more than one 
 Provides to become vigorous with the 
unification of the nerves after the 
 To bring in motion and sense by the 
coaptation of the nerves 
 Depends on blood circulation and when 
there is not, the duration of it should be 
very brief
 Possibility of rejection by the recipient and 
the necessity to utilize drugs for the 
immune system, 
Defined as vascularization composite 
allogreft, face, hand, foot, larynx, 
abdominal wall, small intestine,etc., such 
constitutions is the transplantation from 
cadaver to the patient which has one or 
more content tissues.
 The first face transplantion was performed 
on the patient named İ.D. in France, 2005.
The first composite tissue transplantation in 
Turkey, bilateral arm transplantation, was 
performed by Prof. Dr. Ömer Özkan and 
his team at the Akdeniz University Hospital 
in September, 2010. 10 composite tissue 
transplantations were being performed in 
our country and 7 of these occurred in our 
This transplantations: 
 Bilateral arm transplantation 
 Uterus transplantation 
 Bilateral arm and lower extremity 
 Face transplantation (4 total, 1 partial)
 Story of the medical process 
 Nursing care 
 Discharge education
 Name of the patient: T.Ç. 
 Sex: Male 
 Age: 35 
 Educational level: Primary school 
 Job: Gardener 
 Marital status: Single
 When our patient was at his 3.5 age, he fell 
in the oven and burned his whole face, 
frontal hair skin and right ear. The patient 
has been operated five times after the 
treatments with the adjustment of 
reconstruction, but the expected changes 
did not occur in his/her face. 
 This situation made him very sad when 
people were afraid and felt sorry for him 
when they saw his face and they turned 
their faces against him and the children 
moved away by screaming.
 Our patient made some researches about 
face transplantation and collected some 
information from the internet and the 
media. He decided to undergo a 
transplantation when he saw the first face 
transplant news in Turkey.
 He admited to Akdeniz University Hospital 
in February, 2012. preoperative 
administration took three months, when 
the appropriate donor was found, the 
operation of total face transplantation to 
our patient, named as T.Ç, was completed 
on 15 May 2012. 
The transplantation was performed on the 
patient named T.Ç. to his whole skin, 
mimic muscles, eyelids, tear ducts, 
hairskin and right ear.
 Routine anaesthesia revisal 
 Color tone of skin (fitzpatrick classification) 
 X-Ray 
 Transplantation scans(Eliza, HIV, CMV, 
 Blood group assignation 
 Confirmation of Scientific Committee
 Collacating periodical meetings during 3 
months our patient has been prepared for 
face transplantation socially, physically 
and psychologically. Side effects of 
İmmunosuppressive drugs was told and 
confirmation was taken for the operation.
 After fourteen-hour operation patient was 
taken to intensive care unit. 
 After monitarisation, to be able to ensure 
the balance of liquid electrolyte % 0,9+% 5 
dextrose was transfused. Electrolytes 
which have to be put into place were 
By giving semi-fowler position to the 
patient, immobilization of flap was obtained 
 At first half an hour taking vital findings, 
urine volume and IV liqiuds (% 0,45 NaCI) 
were noted. 
 To ensure vasodilatation and to increase 
tissue perfusion light source was flashed 
on to the tranplanted face. 
 Body temperature of patient was held at 
36,5 C˚ 
 Due to order of the doctor 
immunosuppressive therapy was started. .
 48x1 temperature-pulse-breath and SPO2 
have been chased on our patient 
 Given and Taken Fluids Persuasion was 
made per hour. 
 According to the Doctor’s order, these 
were given properly, IV serums, blood ( 5 
unit RBC, 3 units Fresh Frozen Plazma) 
and as cures ( ATG, antibiotics, steroid…).
 On postoperative day 1 he separated 
from T tube and mechanical ventilator 
 On postoperative day 2 his tracheostomy 
tube was removed. 
 On postoperative day 3 he could 
respirate spontaneously , transfered to 
our clinic.
 For the patient, single room has been 
prepared. Cleaning and dysenfection of 
the room has been made. 
 To the room oxygen and aspiration system 
was set up. The monitor was put into the 
 Two light sources have been put into. 
 Medicines and devices to be used for 
patient, was prepared.. 
 Personal blood pressure monitor, 
stethoscope, pulse oximetre device and 
infusion equipment were put into the room.
 One refrigerator and Tv was available in 
the room. 
 In the room there was a nursing care 
dossier, glove mask, shirt, and hand 
 The scrutiny panel was also available in 
the room. The results were being recorded 
by the doctor.
 We paid attention to form a silent and safe 
place for the patient. 
 The security was being kept 24 hour to 
prevent the antries and the exits of the 
 The mirror inside the room was covered 
up to prevent the patient saw his face from 
the mirror
 Preventing the complication and early 
acknowledgement of the session , the 
interference to apply the planning of the 
 Providing of the new face to utilize at the 
most efficient level.
 to maintain the normal limit of the 
hemodynamic situation of the patient 
 Providing of the adaptation to his new face 
and provide psychological support to 
enhance the quality of his life.
 Because of his healthy general situation, 
the patient was transported to our service 
on postoperative day 3. 
 The patient has been taken to the insulated 
 The continuety of the liquids ıv is provided 
after monitorization of the patient. 
 Diagnosis of vital findings , ıntravenous 
fluıds(%0,45 NaCl, AT6, anthibiotic, 
steroid…) amount of the urine were all 
 The flanks of the bed were removed for the 
safety of the patient.
 The vital findigs was being recorded 
hourly. TA:143/87 mmhg, Pulse:96/min, 
left: 24/min, T: 36,8C 
 Intravenous fluıds and urine output was 
recorded hourly. 
 Flap immobilization has been provided to 
the face by given the semi fowler position.
 Anthibiotic and immunesupressive drugs 
was given at the right dose and planning 
with doctor’s permission. 
 Patient’s blood patterns were taken every 
morning ( hemogram, cd3, Tacrolimus 
bun, creatine, electrlits, CRP, down 
 The revision surgery for correction of ptosis 
(falling of the eyelid) was performed on 
postoperative day 22 (Drain was sustained 
which provided the nasolacrimal canal open 
at the time of the operation. 
 The level of the blood glucose rised at the 
postoperative day 68. (glucose: 287mg/dl. 
Consultation was demanded from 
theendocrine department. Follow up were 
held 7x1 a day of the blood glucose. 
 The diet was converted to diabetic food. 
 The patient started to use novonorm tablets. 
His blood glucose turned into normal level in 
one week.
 The daily care of cathetery and foley was 
done with water and soapy water. 
 The catheter and incision lines was 
controlled to to avoid infection everyday. 
 The catheter of the patient was removed by 
the doctor because of the risk of injection. 
 The performing date of IV Catheter was 
recorded on the serum set and was changed 
to new one every 72 hours.
 The patient was being helped with the shower. 
 The treatments was being held with expressing 
what to do to the patient and his relatives and 
provided them to participate. 
 Eye drops were put regularly every day 4x1. 
 Self cure was corresponded. ( shower, shaving, 
oral care was made with sodiumbicarbonat. 
Micostatin drops was used 4x1. 
 The importance of personal cleaning was told to 
the patient and his relatives.
 İmmunesupressives: Prograf caps, Cellcept tb, 
Prednol ampul , Deltacortyl tb, ATG flk . 
 H2 receptor antagonist and bronchodilator: 
Ulcuran amp. Omeprol cps .Asist amp. 
 Antikoagulan: Clexan 0,4 
 Anthibiotics: Antiviral, Antifungal: Tazocin flk, 
Bactrim tb, Meronem flk, Cosmofungin 
flk,Cmevene flk, Valcayt tb. 
 Eye drops: Kemicettin pom. Gentagutt dam. 
Exocin coll, Refrech coll. Siccopos jel. Nevanac 
 Other drugs: Diltizem tb, Parol tb, Novonorm tb
 İmmunesupression: The immunesupressive treatment is 
necessary even if the ideal tissue donors is founded in 
order to prevent organ rejection. 
 Cellcept: Prevents the increasing of the T and B 
Lymphocyte. Leukopenia (%5) possibility of GIS 
bleeding or perforation, rigorous of nausea, and vomit, ( 
The drug was given on an empty stomach to increase 
the absorption) 
 Tacrolimus: to reduce the activity of the patient’s immune 
system and so lower the risk of organ rejection. 
Possibility to observe HT,kidney function failure, KCFT, 
DEFORMİTY, diabetes, hand tremor, sleep disorder.( 
orange juice was given to the patient after diner 2-3 
 The speed and depth of respiration was 
being assessed by giving the semi fowler 
position after the acceptance of the patient 
named T.Ç. 
 He was followed up after the monitorization. 
 The SPO was checked hourly. 
 O2 was given to the patient if it were 
 There was not any respiration failure.
 The nourishment started with liquid food 
after the 7th day of the postoperative. 
(Neutropenic food) 
 The patient passed to solid food at the 14th 
day. There was a cooperation with the dietist 
for enteral nutrition. 
 The nutrition was provided with foods of a 
rich source of protein. 
 The patient was advised about the steroid 
drugs which would increase the desire for 
food.The after effects was being watched of 
the immunesupressive operation upon GİS
 The patient was mobilized to support at the 
10th day of the postoperative. 
 The patient and his relatives were being 
informed about the importance of the 
 The physical therapy was applied to the flap 
on his face on the 20th day of postoperative. 
 The patient got support from the psychiatry 
before meeting his new face and he was 
provided with regular meetings.
 The sleep pattern of the patient was asked at 
his home ( 6-7 hours at night ) 
 The reasons of hindrance of his sleep was 
investigated of the patient. ( to harm the flap 
at his face, the immensity of the operation, 
curiosity on his new face and what will 
happen in his life with his new face..) 
 The patient was allowed to express his self 
and his anxiety.
 Providing the tissue perfusion regularly, 
 The immobilization of the flap was applied to 
the patient after given the semi fowler 
position with the doctor. 
 The colour and heat of the flap were followed 
up hourly. The changes were being informed 
to the doctor. 
 The application of light source was done to 
protect the heat and to increase the flap 
 Liquid and drug treatments were applied 
regularly according to the will of the doctor.
 Anxiety and fears for the future were 
researched of the patient. (fear of rejection of 
what will happen with his new face in his life ) 
 The patient was enough informed about the 
operation and applications before hand. 
 The information given to the patient were 
simple and clear. 
 The patient and his relatives were being 
inspired about asking some questions about 
the disease.
 The patient was provided to Express his 
emotions about what will happen or 
change in his life with his new face. 
 The patient was allowed to express his 
self and his anxiety. The patient and his 
family were supported. 
 He was being informed about how to deal 
with stress. 
 He was also being informed about the 
awareness of his new face and how to 
deal with it.
 The patient was being informed of any risk 
against the rejection of the patient’s 
temperature rising to 37.7 Celsius 
 Gulucose over 100 mg/dl – 130 mg/dl, TA 
over 140 mgHg 
 He was also being informed that he could 
feel pain and burning while urinating 
 The phone numbers were given to the patient 
in any case of feeling any heat at his face, 
fried, or sensitivity. 
 The patient was also being informed to take 
the medicine regularly and at the right time.
 The patient was demanded for protection 
against the risk of infection. 
 Medicine of immunesupressive inhibits the 
immune system 
 The patient was asked to pay attention to his 
nourishment and diet and must avoid food 
which is undercooked. 
 The patient must not hug or kiss anybody 
and he must be avoided by those people who 
can be an infectious disease. 
 The patient was also informed about the 
importance of the mouth hygiene.
 The medicine should be consumed at 
recommended doses and hour, and when 
he forgot to consume it, he need to have a 
reserve medicine. 
 The patient was told not to drink grapefruit 
water because it dissolves the interaction.
 The patient was asked to bring the medicine 
time schedule with his to the controls. 
 During the trip, the patient was informed 
about keeping the medicine with his and 
should not be delivered the medicine box to 
the baggage, and the medicine should be 
well protected from the warmth, cold and the 
 Washing of the raw vegetables and the 
fruits propery. 
 Being fiber-containing diets with high level 
of protein 
 Consuming 2.5 lt. water a day 
 The patient was proposed not to gain 
 The importance of mobilization 
 Avoiding exercises which requires too 
much effort and energy. 
 Jogging was told which is appropriate 3-4 , 
30-40 minutes a week.
 The persons and the numbers are given to 
the patient on any case. 
 The patient was also being informed about 
when to come to the medical 
establishment and his family was also 
being informed about the appointments.
 With the applications of plastic surgery, 
the development of the quality of life is 
provided physically, psychological and 
social dimensions. (which deals with 
humans life)
 Nursing care 
plays an 
important role 
in asserting 
the operation 
process of 
the patient 
and helps the 
patients to 
gain their 
ability of life.
Salon 2 14 kasim 09.30 10.30 havva demi̇rcan-ing
Salon 2 14 kasim 09.30 10.30 havva demi̇rcan-ing

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Salon 2 14 kasim 09.30 10.30 havva demi̇rcan-ing

  • 1. NURSİNG CARE AFTER FACE TRANSPLANTATİON Presentation of the case Nurse Havva Demircan Plastic surgery and reconstruction Person in charge of the clinic
  • 2.  Consisted of the formation of anatomical and structural units taken from human receiver and includes more than one tissue,  Provides to become vigorous with the unification of the nerves after the transplantation
  • 3.  To bring in motion and sense by the coaptation of the nerves  Depends on blood circulation and when there is not, the duration of it should be very brief
  • 4.  Possibility of rejection by the recipient and the necessity to utilize drugs for the immune system, Defined as vascularization composite allogreft, face, hand, foot, larynx, abdominal wall, small intestine,etc., such constitutions is the transplantation from cadaver to the patient which has one or more content tissues.
  • 5.  The first face transplantion was performed on the patient named İ.D. in France, 2005.
  • 6. The first composite tissue transplantation in Turkey, bilateral arm transplantation, was performed by Prof. Dr. Ömer Özkan and his team at the Akdeniz University Hospital in September, 2010. 10 composite tissue transplantations were being performed in our country and 7 of these occurred in our hospital.
  • 7. This transplantations:  Bilateral arm transplantation  Uterus transplantation  Bilateral arm and lower extremity transplantation  Face transplantation (4 total, 1 partial)
  • 8. Content:  Story of the medical process  Nursing care  Discharge education
  • 9.  Name of the patient: T.Ç.  Sex: Male  Age: 35  Educational level: Primary school  Job: Gardener  Marital status: Single
  • 10.  When our patient was at his 3.5 age, he fell in the oven and burned his whole face, frontal hair skin and right ear. The patient has been operated five times after the treatments with the adjustment of reconstruction, but the expected changes did not occur in his/her face.  This situation made him very sad when people were afraid and felt sorry for him when they saw his face and they turned their faces against him and the children moved away by screaming.
  • 11.  Our patient made some researches about face transplantation and collected some information from the internet and the media. He decided to undergo a transplantation when he saw the first face transplant news in Turkey.
  • 12.  He admited to Akdeniz University Hospital in February, 2012. preoperative administration took three months, when the appropriate donor was found, the operation of total face transplantation to our patient, named as T.Ç, was completed on 15 May 2012. The transplantation was performed on the patient named T.Ç. to his whole skin, mimic muscles, eyelids, tear ducts, hairskin and right ear.
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  • 15.  Routine anaesthesia revisal  Color tone of skin (fitzpatrick classification)  X-Ray  Transplantation scans(Eliza, HIV, CMV, HLLA...)  Blood group assignation  Confirmation of Scientific Committee
  • 16.  Collacating periodical meetings during 3 months our patient has been prepared for face transplantation socially, physically and psychologically. Side effects of İmmunosuppressive drugs was told and confirmation was taken for the operation.
  • 17.  After fourteen-hour operation patient was taken to intensive care unit.  After monitarisation, to be able to ensure the balance of liquid electrolyte % 0,9+% 5 dextrose was transfused. Electrolytes which have to be put into place were planned. By giving semi-fowler position to the patient, immobilization of flap was obtained properly.
  • 18.  At first half an hour taking vital findings, urine volume and IV liqiuds (% 0,45 NaCI) were noted.  To ensure vasodilatation and to increase tissue perfusion light source was flashed on to the tranplanted face.  Body temperature of patient was held at 36,5 C˚  Due to order of the doctor immunosuppressive therapy was started. .
  • 19.
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  • 23.  48x1 temperature-pulse-breath and SPO2 have been chased on our patient  Given and Taken Fluids Persuasion was made per hour.   According to the Doctor’s order, these were given properly, IV serums, blood ( 5 unit RBC, 3 units Fresh Frozen Plazma) and as cures ( ATG, antibiotics, steroid…).
  • 24.  On postoperative day 1 he separated from T tube and mechanical ventilator  On postoperative day 2 his tracheostomy tube was removed.  On postoperative day 3 he could respirate spontaneously , transfered to our clinic.
  • 25.  For the patient, single room has been prepared. Cleaning and dysenfection of the room has been made.  To the room oxygen and aspiration system was set up. The monitor was put into the room.  Two light sources have been put into.  Medicines and devices to be used for patient, was prepared..  Personal blood pressure monitor, stethoscope, pulse oximetre device and infusion equipment were put into the room.
  • 26.  One refrigerator and Tv was available in the room.  In the room there was a nursing care dossier, glove mask, shirt, and hand disinfectant.  The scrutiny panel was also available in the room. The results were being recorded by the doctor.
  • 27.  We paid attention to form a silent and safe place for the patient.  The security was being kept 24 hour to prevent the antries and the exits of the room.  The mirror inside the room was covered up to prevent the patient saw his face from the mirror
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  • 31.
  • 32.  Preventing the complication and early acknowledgement of the session , the interference to apply the planning of the treatments.  Providing of the new face to utilize at the most efficient level.
  • 33.  to maintain the normal limit of the hemodynamic situation of the patient  Providing of the adaptation to his new face and provide psychological support to enhance the quality of his life.
  • 34.  Because of his healthy general situation, the patient was transported to our service on postoperative day 3.  The patient has been taken to the insulated room.  The continuety of the liquids ıv is provided after monitorization of the patient.  Diagnosis of vital findings , ıntravenous fluıds(%0,45 NaCl, AT6, anthibiotic, steroid…) amount of the urine were all recorded.  The flanks of the bed were removed for the safety of the patient.
  • 35.  The vital findigs was being recorded hourly. TA:143/87 mmhg, Pulse:96/min, left: 24/min, T: 36,8C  Intravenous fluıds and urine output was recorded hourly.  Flap immobilization has been provided to the face by given the semi fowler position.
  • 36.  Anthibiotic and immunesupressive drugs was given at the right dose and planning with doctor’s permission.  Patient’s blood patterns were taken every morning ( hemogram, cd3, Tacrolimus bun, creatine, electrlits, CRP, down ast,pt,inr) 
  • 37.  The revision surgery for correction of ptosis (falling of the eyelid) was performed on postoperative day 22 (Drain was sustained which provided the nasolacrimal canal open at the time of the operation.  The level of the blood glucose rised at the postoperative day 68. (glucose: 287mg/dl. Consultation was demanded from theendocrine department. Follow up were held 7x1 a day of the blood glucose.  The diet was converted to diabetic food.  The patient started to use novonorm tablets. His blood glucose turned into normal level in one week.
  • 38.  The daily care of cathetery and foley was done with water and soapy water.  The catheter and incision lines was controlled to to avoid infection everyday.  The catheter of the patient was removed by the doctor because of the risk of injection.  The performing date of IV Catheter was recorded on the serum set and was changed to new one every 72 hours.
  • 39.  The patient was being helped with the shower.  The treatments was being held with expressing what to do to the patient and his relatives and provided them to participate.  Eye drops were put regularly every day 4x1.  Self cure was corresponded. ( shower, shaving, oral care was made with sodiumbicarbonat. Micostatin drops was used 4x1.  The importance of personal cleaning was told to the patient and his relatives.
  • 40.  İmmunesupressives: Prograf caps, Cellcept tb, Prednol ampul , Deltacortyl tb, ATG flk .  H2 receptor antagonist and bronchodilator: Ulcuran amp. Omeprol cps .Asist amp.  Antikoagulan: Clexan 0,4  Anthibiotics: Antiviral, Antifungal: Tazocin flk, Bactrim tb, Meronem flk, Cosmofungin flk,Cmevene flk, Valcayt tb.  Eye drops: Kemicettin pom. Gentagutt dam. Exocin coll, Refrech coll. Siccopos jel. Nevanac gutt.  Other drugs: Diltizem tb, Parol tb, Novonorm tb
  • 41.  İmmunesupression: The immunesupressive treatment is necessary even if the ideal tissue donors is founded in order to prevent organ rejection.  Cellcept: Prevents the increasing of the T and B Lymphocyte. Leukopenia (%5) possibility of GIS bleeding or perforation, rigorous of nausea, and vomit, ( The drug was given on an empty stomach to increase the absorption)  Tacrolimus: to reduce the activity of the patient’s immune system and so lower the risk of organ rejection. Possibility to observe HT,kidney function failure, KCFT, DEFORMİTY, diabetes, hand tremor, sleep disorder.( orange juice was given to the patient after diner 2-3 hour.
  • 42.  The speed and depth of respiration was being assessed by giving the semi fowler position after the acceptance of the patient named T.Ç.  He was followed up after the monitorization.  The SPO was checked hourly.  O2 was given to the patient if it were necessary.  There was not any respiration failure.
  • 43.  The nourishment started with liquid food after the 7th day of the postoperative. (Neutropenic food)  The patient passed to solid food at the 14th day. There was a cooperation with the dietist for enteral nutrition.  The nutrition was provided with foods of a rich source of protein.  The patient was advised about the steroid drugs which would increase the desire for food.The after effects was being watched of the immunesupressive operation upon GİS
  • 44.  The patient was mobilized to support at the 10th day of the postoperative.  The patient and his relatives were being informed about the importance of the mobilization.  The physical therapy was applied to the flap on his face on the 20th day of postoperative.  The patient got support from the psychiatry before meeting his new face and he was provided with regular meetings.
  • 45.  The sleep pattern of the patient was asked at his home ( 6-7 hours at night )  The reasons of hindrance of his sleep was investigated of the patient. ( to harm the flap at his face, the immensity of the operation, curiosity on his new face and what will happen in his life with his new face..)  The patient was allowed to express his self and his anxiety.
  • 46.  Providing the tissue perfusion regularly,  The immobilization of the flap was applied to the patient after given the semi fowler position with the doctor.  The colour and heat of the flap were followed up hourly. The changes were being informed to the doctor.  The application of light source was done to protect the heat and to increase the flap perfusion.  Liquid and drug treatments were applied regularly according to the will of the doctor.
  • 47.  Anxiety and fears for the future were researched of the patient. (fear of rejection of what will happen with his new face in his life )  The patient was enough informed about the operation and applications before hand.  The information given to the patient were simple and clear.  The patient and his relatives were being inspired about asking some questions about the disease.
  • 48.
  • 49.  The patient was provided to Express his emotions about what will happen or change in his life with his new face.  The patient was allowed to express his self and his anxiety. The patient and his family were supported.  He was being informed about how to deal with stress.  He was also being informed about the awareness of his new face and how to deal with it.
  • 50.  The patient was being informed of any risk against the rejection of the patient’s temperature rising to 37.7 Celsius  Gulucose over 100 mg/dl – 130 mg/dl, TA over 140 mgHg  He was also being informed that he could feel pain and burning while urinating  The phone numbers were given to the patient in any case of feeling any heat at his face, fried, or sensitivity.  The patient was also being informed to take the medicine regularly and at the right time.
  • 51.  The patient was demanded for protection against the risk of infection.  Medicine of immunesupressive inhibits the immune system  The patient was asked to pay attention to his nourishment and diet and must avoid food which is undercooked.  The patient must not hug or kiss anybody and he must be avoided by those people who can be an infectious disease.  The patient was also informed about the importance of the mouth hygiene.
  • 52.  The medicine should be consumed at recommended doses and hour, and when he forgot to consume it, he need to have a reserve medicine.  The patient was told not to drink grapefruit water because it dissolves the interaction.
  • 53.  The patient was asked to bring the medicine time schedule with his to the controls.  During the trip, the patient was informed about keeping the medicine with his and should not be delivered the medicine box to the baggage, and the medicine should be well protected from the warmth, cold and the sun.
  • 54.  Washing of the raw vegetables and the fruits propery.  Being fiber-containing diets with high level of protein  Consuming 2.5 lt. water a day  The patient was proposed not to gain weight.
  • 55.  The importance of mobilization  Avoiding exercises which requires too much effort and energy.  Jogging was told which is appropriate 3-4 , 30-40 minutes a week.
  • 56.  The persons and the numbers are given to the patient on any case.  The patient was also being informed about when to come to the medical establishment and his family was also being informed about the appointments.
  • 57.  With the applications of plastic surgery, the development of the quality of life is provided physically, psychological and social dimensions. (which deals with humans life)
  • 58.
  • 59.  Nursing care plays an important role in asserting the operation process of the patient and helps the transplanted patients to gain their conducting ability of life.