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 Major glands – parotid, submandibular and
 Minor glands – upper aerodigestive tract
 Development – pharyngeal ectoderm
 Structure –
 It has cells which are arranged into acini and
drained by duct
 Parotid – serous cells, submandibular – serous
+ mucinous cells, sublingual/minor salivary –
mucinous cells
 Para – around, otic – ear/situated in the
surrounding region of EAC lateral to ramus of
 Largest salivary gland (15-25g)
 Shape – inverted 3 sided pyramid
 Well encapsulated
 Uppermost – just below zygoma, lowermost (tail
of parotid) – related to SCM, extend forward to
 Lobes – larger superficial lobe (80%), deep
smaller lobe (20%) divided by buccal branch of
facial nerve, superficial and transverse temporal
arteries. Can be a third accessory lobe
superficial to parotid duct
 Lymph nodes – superficial to gland – 6-8
 Within superficial lobe – 15-20
 Deep lobe – 1-2
 Finally drain into JD ln
 Duct – stensen’s duct (excretory duct), opens
into vestibule of oral cavity opposite upper 2nd
 Facial nerve after exiting stylomastoid foramen
enters parotid gland and is divided into
 Upper temporozygomatic division – temporal
branch and zygomatic branch
 Lower cervicofacial division – cervical branch
and mandibular branch . Buccal br common in
both divisions
 Surgical landmarks for identification of
facial nerve
 Tragal cartilage point – 1-1.5 cm medial and
inferior to it
 Tympano mastoid suture – 6-8 mm deep to it
 Styloid process
 Post belly of digastric
 Mastoid process
 Between stylomastoid foramen and parotid –
ideal location to identify
 Submaxillary salivary gland
 Paired, lie below lateral part of body of
mandible and fills the submandibular (digastric)
 Size of walnut
 Lobes - larger superficial in submandibular
triangle, lie on myelohyoid muscle. Relations –
facial nerve and vein.
 Deep smaller – in floor of mouth, lie on
hyoglossus muscle, closely related to lingual and
hypoglossal nerve, terminates into duct
 Marginal mandibular br of facial n lies near to
lower lobe and at risk during excision
 Encapsulated
 Duct – excretory duct known – wharton’s
duct, emerges from deep lobe of gland,
drains into floor of mouth at sublingual
papillae lateral to frenulum of tongue........
 LN – near gland, within superficial lobe
 Paired
 3-4 g
 Almond/Ovoid shape.............
 Ant part of floor of mouth
 Ducts – 8-20 multiple excretory ducts, opens half
into floor of mouth and remaining half drain into
wharton’s duct
 LN – drain into submental and submandibular ln
 Common disorder - ranula
 450
 Hard palate – 250, soft palate – 100, uvula –
 Others – mucosa of nose, cheeks,
nasopharynx, supraglottis, lips, floor of
mouth, RMT
 Common lesions – mucous retention cysts of
lower lip, hard palate tumours (90%
 Functions
 - Lubricating agent (mucin)- lubrication of
ingested food. Facilitates speech, mastication,
swallowing and articulation
 - Protective – contain Ig A, against hydrolytic and
proteolytic enzymes, against chemical agents
 - Essential for perception of taste sensation
 - Maintains orodental hygiene and protects teeth
 - Regulate body hydration
 - Maintenance of water balance in adults
 1.5 L produced / day / person
 63% submandibular gland, 30% parotid gland, 5%
sublingual and other salivary gland
 Calculus more in submandibular gland (mucinous
 Composition
 Water – 99%
 Inorganic – sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
chloride, iodide, fluoride
 Organic – mucoprotein, enzymes, amylase, lysozyme,
urea, aminoacid, glucose, galactose
 Acute non suppurative enlargement of one or both
parotid gland
 Etiology
 Paramyxovirus (RNA virus) MC
 CoxSackie virus type A and B, Cytomegalo virus
 Spread through droplet inf – saliva, nasal, urinary
 Enters through URT then localises in gland and CNS
 Highly contagious, school age children upto 15 yrs
 Endemic disease with peak in spring
 Incubation period – 2-3 weeks
 C/F
 Involves parotid gland (rarely submandibular)
 Prodromal early symptoms – low grade fever, myalgia,
headache, malaise, arthralgia
 Initially U/L parotid swelling later after 3-5 days becomes
B/L (75% cases)
 Localised pain excaberated on chewing
 Otalgia/trismus/displacement of pinna
 Dysphagia
 Overlying skin stretched with glazed appearance but no
 Congestion of ductal orifice
 Diagnosis
 Viral serology
 Leucocyte count – leucopenia
 Increase serum amylase
 Increase IgM and IgG (recurrent infection)
 Complement fixation test
 Complications
 Orchitis/ U/l profound SNHL/ encephalitis/ aseptic
meningitis/ pancreatitis/ myocarditis/ nephritis/
 Prevention
 Inj MMR after 12 yrs of age (C/I – immunocompromised)
 Treatment
 Isolation/complete bed rest
 Hydration – plenty of fluids
 Oral hygiene – antiseptic gargles/ dental care
 Cold/hot compression of parotid swelling
 Analgesics
 Antipyretics
 Antibiotics (if secondary infection)
 Vitamins
 Steroids (if orchitis)
 MC parotid gland as parotid has only serous secretions
which are deficient in lysozymes, IgA and glycoproteins
 Age gp – elderly 50-60 yrs
 M=F
 Immunocompromised state – malignancy, post op 2 weeks
after major surgery, diabetes, renal failure, severe
 Calculi/strictures
 Route of infection – mouth through stensen’s duct
 Causative organism – staph aureus (MC), streptococcus
pyogenes, pneumococci, haemophilus influenzae,
 C/F
 Rapid onset of pain and swelling over affected gland
(mainly U/L) with local tenderness
 Fever/chills/malaise/bodyache
 Trismus
 Duct inflamed
 On bimanual palpation – suppurative pus from duct
 Complications
 Abscess
 Septicaemia / respiratory obstruction
 Diagnosis
 Leucocytosis, neutrophilia
 Normal serum amylase
 c/s of pus
 USG/CT scan – to rule out abscess if not
 D/D
 Lymphoma
 Dental abscess
 Sebaceous cyst
 Treatment
 IV fluids
 Oral dental hygiene
 External massage
 Local heat
 Analgesics/anti inflammatory
 IV antibiotics – cephalosporins, clindamycin,
vancomycin, metronidazole
 Surgical – drainage if abscess
 Etiology
 Advanced acute suppurative parotitis
 Trauma leading to secondary infection
 Multiple small abscess coalesce to form large abscess
 Common in elderly
 C/F
 Painful swelling over parotid, tenderness,trismus,
 Malaise, fever, headache
 Diagnosis
 CT Scan
 Complications
 Suppuration of spaces of neck, face and mediastinum
 Facial N paralysis
 Septicaemia/resp obstruction
 Rupture through cheek
 Treatment
 Incision and drainage of abscess under cover of IV
antibiotics – external pre auricular incision in
direction of facial nerve
 Iodoform gauze dressing
 2nd MC inflammatory disorder in children
 Boys>girls
 Etiology
 Autoimmune disease
 Calculi/stricture
 Sjogren’s syndrome
 Virus – paramyxovirus, EB virus, HIV
 Bacteria – staphylococcus, streptococcus
 C/F
 Periodic episodes of U/L parotid swelling along with pain,
fever, malaise every 3-4 months and last for days to weeks
 Diagnosis
 Sialography............
 c/s of pus
 Prognosis – resolves spontaneously in late
 Treatment
 IV clindamycin/vancomycin/cephalosporins
 Sialogogues
 Local heat and massage of gland
 hydration
 Recurrent salivary gland enlargement associated with
pain, tenderness, frank pus from duct leading to
parenchymatous degeneration and fibrosis of gland
 MC – Parotid
 Etiology
 Sialolithiasis/stricture duct/ stenosis due to
 Pathology
 Salivary gland obstruction -> salivary stasis ->
infection and inflammation
 C/F
 Firm, mild painful and enlargement of gland (mostly
 Recurrent swelling associated with eating
 Purulent discharge from duct
 Diagnosis
 Sialography
 Treatment
 Conservative – sialogogues, massage of gland, good
hydration , antibiotics
 Surgery
 Surgical resection of gland – superficial
parotidectomy/ submandibular gland
 Irradiation
 Ductal dilatation
 Sialendoscopy
 Treat the cause – calculi, stricture
 Formation of stones in the salivary ductal system
 Etiology
 Age gp 4th – 6th decade
 Males MC
 Submandibular gland - duct (wharton’s duct) MC –
70-80% - longer, large calibre, torturous course, more
thicker viscous mucus secretions with high calcium
and phosphorus concentration
 Parotid gland – parenchyma and hilum – 10-20%
 Sublingual ducts – 1%
 Duct inflammation/injury/salivary stasis/ Gout
 Composition
 Calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate,
glycoproteins, mucopolysaccharides, magnesium,
potassium, ammonia
 C/F
 Recurrent episodes of salivary swelling with colic pain
while swallowing during meals
 h/o recurrent acute suppurative sialadenitis
 Tenderness
 Bimanual palpation – presence of stone
 Purulent material can be squeezed out
 Diagnosis
 X Ray
 Parotid – lateral view. But most (90%) radiolucent
 Submandibular – occlusal view/ occlusive bite
 Identify radio opaque stones - 90% radio opaque in
submandibular gland
 USG – detect stones > 2 mm
 CT Scan – detect radiolucent stones
 Sialography – Digital substraction sialography/ MR
sialography – radiolucent stones
 Treatment
 Non surgical – sialogogues/ local heat/ hydration
 Massaging of gland
 Manual milking out of stone if near duct
 Surgical
 Intra oral – incision of duct (if stones < 2cm away
from duct orifice
 Sialadenectomy – excision of involved gland – for
stones deep inside through trans cervical approach
 Sialendoscopy – rigid endoscopy to visualise and
 Extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy – reduce
stones to small fragments, flushed out by
secretogogues, salivation
 Dryness of mouth due to diminished or arrested
salivary secretions
 Etiology
 Medications – sedatives/ anti depressants/ anti
psychotics/ anti histaminics/ diuretics
 Therapeutic irradiation
 Diabetes
 Cystic fibrosis
 Sjogren’s syndrome
 C/F
 Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, phonation,
 Dental caries
 Chronic auto immune disorder of exocrine glands
affecting salivary and lacrimal glands leading to
b/l enlargement of salivary glands, enlargement
of lacrimal glands, dryness mouth and eyes
 Types
 Primary – MC 80% – confined to exocrine glands –
xerostomia, xerophthalmia (mikulicz syndrome),
recurrent with renal involvement
 Secondary – 20% - xerostomia, keratoconjuctivitis
sicca, rheumatoid arthritis
 Epidemiology – 1-3%, 4th – 5th decade of life,
women (90%)
 Etiology – genetic/ auto immune/ enviromental
 C/F
 Dryness of mouth and eyes
 Salivary gland enlargement (mc – parotid)....
 U/L or B/L
 Recurrent or chronic......
 Difficulty in swallowing, phonation, chewing
 Dental caries
 Intolerance to acidic and spicy food
 Dry and sticky oral mucosa
 Intraoral candidiasis
 Eye – FB sensation, chronic irritation, dilatation of
bulbar conjuctiva
 Systemic – low grade fever, malaise, arthralgia,
 Associated conditions – pneumonitis,
hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
 Diagnosis
 Increased ESR
 Increased Rheumatoid factor
 Positive Anti Nuclear Antibiotics
 Increased SS Antigen A
 Increased SS Antigen B
 Sialography
 Biopsy – minor sublabial gland of lower lip
 Treatment
 Salivary substitutes
 Artificial tears
 Sialogogue – pilocarpine 5 mg TDS, chewing gum,
raw apples, candies
 Fluoride – dental caries
 Treat fungal infection
 Eye lubricants
 Systemic steroids – if severe complications like
glomerulonephritis, necrotizing vasculitis
 Immunosuppressants – methotrexate, cyclosporin
 Auriculotemporal nerve syndrome
 Etiology
 Post parotid surgery (35-60%)
 Due to injury to auriculotemporal nerve
 Leads to aberrant cross innervation between
postganglionic secretomotor ps fibres to parotid
gland and postganglionic sympathetic fibres to
sweat glands and skin
 So ps fibres innervate sweat gland instead of
parotid gland and instead of causing salivation
during mastication cause secretions of sweat
 C/F
 Sweating
 Flushing of preauricular skin and face during
 Treatment
 Reassurance
 Tympanic neurectomy of Jacobson’s nerve
(carries preganglionic ps secretomotor fibres
from inf salivary nucleus
 Inj Botulinum
 3-4% head and neck malignancies
 80% parotid
 Parotid – 80% benign, submandibular 50-60%, minor
salivary 20%
 Classification
 Benign
 Epithelial – pleomorphic adenoma (80%) MC, warthin’s
tumour, oncocytoma
 Mesenchymal – haemangioma, lymphangioma,
lipoma, neurofibroma
 Malignant
 Epithelial – mucoepidermoid ca (2nd MC), adenoid
cystic ca (3rd MC), adeno ca, scc
 Mesenchymal – lymphoma, sarcoma
 Etiology
 Radiation – warthin’s tumour, mucoepidermoid ca
 Viral – EBV, HPV
 Smoking – warthin’s tumour
 Occupational - Exposure to asbestos, silica dust,
nickel, wood industry......
 Hormonal
 Genetic
 Dietary
 Alcohol abuse
 Prophylaxis
 Dark yellow veg – carrot, sweet potato
 Vitamin A and C
 Poly unsaturated fats
 Theories
 Multicellular – each neoplasm arise from a
particular cell
 Acinic cell ca – acinar cells, SCC – excretory
duct cells, warthin’s tumour – striated duct
 Bicellular reserve theory – there are two
types of reserve cells
 1 – intercalated duct – pleomorphic
adenoma, warthin’s tumour, adenoid cystic
 2 – excretory duct – mucoepidermoid ca, SCC
 C/F
 Benign
 Slow growing painless swelling in the region
of gland
 Facial nerve not involved
 Malignant
 Rapid growth/enlargement of swelling.......
 Restricted mobility
 Fixity of overlying skin
 Pain
 Facial nerve paralysis........
 T (primary tumour)
 Tx – cant be assessed
 T0 – no evidence of primary tumour
 T1 – upto 2 cm in greater dimension without
extraparenchymal extension
 T2 - >2 upto 4 cm in greatest dimension without
extraparenchymal extension
 T3 - >4 cm in greatest dimension and/or
extraparenchymal extension
 T4a – involves skin, ear canal, facial n, mandible
 T4b – involves skull base, pterygoid plates,
encasses ICA
 N – Regional lymph node size in greatest
 Nx – cant be assessed
 N0 – no regional ln metastasis
 N1 – single I/L LN upto 3 cm
 N2a – single I/L LN >3 cm upto 6 cm
 N2b – multiple I/L LN upto 6 cm
 N2c – B/L or C/L LN upto 6 cm
 N3 – LN>6 cm
 M – Distant Metastasis – Mx – cant be assessed/
M0 – no distant metastasis/ M1 – distant
 0 – Tis N0 M0
 I – T1 N0 M0
 II – T2 N0 M0
 III – T3 N0 M0/T1-3 N1 M0
 IV a – T4a N0-1 M0/T1-4a N2 M0
 IV b – T4b N0-2 M0/T1-4b N3 M0
 IV c – T1-4 N0-3 M1
 MC
 Benign, Parotid gland (mc)
 Sites – tail of parotid (mc)
 Age gp 30-50yrs
 Females
 C/F
 Painless slow growing swelling
 FB sensation, dysphagia (if deep lobe involved)
 Smooth, firm, lobulated, non tender with normal
skin and facial nerve
 Diagnosis
 FNAC, CT Scan, sialogram
 Pathology
 Mixed tumour – both epithelial and
mesenchymal (myoepithelial) component
 Encapsulated
 Sends pseudopods into surrounding tissues
 Treatment
 Superficial parotidectomy
 If deep lobe involved – Total parotidectomy
 Never enucleate as recurrence due to
 2nd MC benign tumour
 Age 50-70 yrs
 Males, elderly, obese
 Exclusively in parotid gland
 10% B/L, can be multiple
 Site – tail of parotid (mc)
 C/F
 Painless slow growing swelling which can be soft,
cystic, firm
 Facial N – normal
 Pathology
 Rounded encapsulated tumour which can be cystic
with mucoid or brownish fluid
 Has both epithelial and lymphoid elements
 Diagnosis
 Technetium Scan – for hot nodules
 Treatment
 Superficial parotidectomy
 MC malignant (variably malignant) salivary gland
 Parotid MC 50%
 Minor salivary glands (Palate) – more aggressive
 MC – children
 Types
 Low grade tumours
 Common in children,good prognosis, rare
recurrence, 80-90% 5yr survival rate
 C/F – slow growing tumour, rare metastasis
 Treatment – superficial parotidectomy/total
conservative parotidectomy with preservation of
Facial N
 High grade tumours – more aggressive, poor
prognosis, 30% 5yr survival rate
 High recurrence rate 60%, high nodal
metastasis 40%, high distant metastasis 30%,
 Facial N involved
 Treatment
 Total radical parotidectomy with facial nerve
grafting, RND followed by post op RT
 Advanced – Palliative CT-RT
 Diagnosis – CT Scan, Chest X Ray (for
secondaries), Sialogram, FNAC, Technetium
 2nd MC Malignant tumour
 MC in Submandibular gland, Sublingual gland,
Minor Salivary gland
 Perineural spread and lymphatic spread
 C/F
 Slow growing tumour associated with pain
 40% regional metastasis to lymph nodes, 40%
distant metastasis to lung, brain, bone
 Early involvement of Facial N
 Treatment
 Wide excision with normal areas/ Radical
 Post op RT
 Recurrence – high rate as tendency to grow
along nerves
 Common congenital deformity
 1 in 700 births
 Males
 U/L 80%, left 70%
 Etiology – failure of fusion of median nasal
process, maxillary process, alveolar process
 Teratogenic – rubella, methotrexate, retinoic
 Syndromic
 Increase parental age
 C/F
 Difficulty in feeding
 ET dysfunction
 Speech defect
 Hypernasality
 Regurgitation
 Aesthetic – facial disfigurement
 Swallowing difficulty...............
 Submucous cleft – musculature of palate is
deficient with intact mucosal coat
 Treatment
 Conservative
 Feeding assistance with special nipples and bulb
 Counselling of parents
 Palatal prosthesis
 Surgery
 Age of repair 1-2 yrs
 Cleft Lip repair
 Millard’s repair – rotation advancement flap
 Rotation of superiorly displaced medial lip segment
and advancement of lateral lip segment
 Triangular flap repair – single flap from lateral side is
 Cleft Palate
 Oxford method (V Y Push back)
 Two flap technique
 Four flap technique
 Von lagenback’s palatoplasty
 Post operative complications
 Hypernasality (50%)
 Oronasal fistula (10-20%)
 Velopharyngeal incompetence
 Aesthetic problems of lips

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Salivary glands

  • 1.
  • 2.  Major glands – parotid, submandibular and sublingual  Minor glands – upper aerodigestive tract  Development – pharyngeal ectoderm  Structure –  It has cells which are arranged into acini and drained by duct  Parotid – serous cells, submandibular – serous + mucinous cells, sublingual/minor salivary – mucinous cells
  • 3.
  • 4.  Para – around, otic – ear/situated in the surrounding region of EAC lateral to ramus of mandible  Largest salivary gland (15-25g)  Shape – inverted 3 sided pyramid  Well encapsulated  Uppermost – just below zygoma, lowermost (tail of parotid) – related to SCM, extend forward to masseter  Lobes – larger superficial lobe (80%), deep smaller lobe (20%) divided by buccal branch of facial nerve, superficial and transverse temporal arteries. Can be a third accessory lobe superficial to parotid duct
  • 5.
  • 6.  Lymph nodes – superficial to gland – 6-8  Within superficial lobe – 15-20  Deep lobe – 1-2  Finally drain into JD ln  Duct – stensen’s duct (excretory duct), opens into vestibule of oral cavity opposite upper 2nd molar  Facial nerve after exiting stylomastoid foramen enters parotid gland and is divided into  Upper temporozygomatic division – temporal branch and zygomatic branch  Lower cervicofacial division – cervical branch and mandibular branch . Buccal br common in both divisions
  • 7.
  • 8.  Surgical landmarks for identification of facial nerve  Tragal cartilage point – 1-1.5 cm medial and inferior to it  Tympano mastoid suture – 6-8 mm deep to it  Styloid process  Post belly of digastric  Mastoid process  Between stylomastoid foramen and parotid – ideal location to identify
  • 9.  Submaxillary salivary gland  Paired, lie below lateral part of body of mandible and fills the submandibular (digastric) triangle  Size of walnut  Lobes - larger superficial in submandibular triangle, lie on myelohyoid muscle. Relations – facial nerve and vein.  Deep smaller – in floor of mouth, lie on hyoglossus muscle, closely related to lingual and hypoglossal nerve, terminates into duct  Marginal mandibular br of facial n lies near to lower lobe and at risk during excision
  • 10.  Encapsulated  Duct – excretory duct known – wharton’s duct, emerges from deep lobe of gland, drains into floor of mouth at sublingual papillae lateral to frenulum of tongue........  LN – near gland, within superficial lobe
  • 11.
  • 12.  Paired  3-4 g  Almond/Ovoid shape.............  Ant part of floor of mouth  Ducts – 8-20 multiple excretory ducts, opens half into floor of mouth and remaining half drain into wharton’s duct  LN – drain into submental and submandibular ln  Common disorder - ranula
  • 13.  450  Hard palate – 250, soft palate – 100, uvula – 10  Others – mucosa of nose, cheeks, nasopharynx, supraglottis, lips, floor of mouth, RMT  Common lesions – mucous retention cysts of lower lip, hard palate tumours (90% malignant)
  • 14.  Functions  - Lubricating agent (mucin)- lubrication of ingested food. Facilitates speech, mastication, swallowing and articulation  - Protective – contain Ig A, against hydrolytic and proteolytic enzymes, against chemical agents  - Essential for perception of taste sensation  - Maintains orodental hygiene and protects teeth  - Regulate body hydration  - Maintenance of water balance in adults
  • 15.  1.5 L produced / day / person  63% submandibular gland, 30% parotid gland, 5% sublingual and other salivary gland  Calculus more in submandibular gland (mucinous secretions)  Composition  Water – 99%  Inorganic – sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, iodide, fluoride  Organic – mucoprotein, enzymes, amylase, lysozyme, urea, aminoacid, glucose, galactose
  • 16.  Acute non suppurative enlargement of one or both parotid gland  Etiology  Paramyxovirus (RNA virus) MC  CoxSackie virus type A and B, Cytomegalo virus  Spread through droplet inf – saliva, nasal, urinary secretions  Enters through URT then localises in gland and CNS  Highly contagious, school age children upto 15 yrs  Endemic disease with peak in spring  Incubation period – 2-3 weeks
  • 17.  C/F  Involves parotid gland (rarely submandibular)  Prodromal early symptoms – low grade fever, myalgia, headache, malaise, arthralgia  Initially U/L parotid swelling later after 3-5 days becomes B/L (75% cases)  Localised pain excaberated on chewing  Otalgia/trismus/displacement of pinna  Dysphagia  Overlying skin stretched with glazed appearance but no erythema  Congestion of ductal orifice
  • 18.  Diagnosis  Viral serology  Leucocyte count – leucopenia  Increase serum amylase  Increase IgM and IgG (recurrent infection)  Complement fixation test  Complications  Orchitis/ U/l profound SNHL/ encephalitis/ aseptic meningitis/ pancreatitis/ myocarditis/ nephritis/ oophoritis........  Prevention  Inj MMR after 12 yrs of age (C/I – immunocompromised)
  • 19.  Treatment  Isolation/complete bed rest  Hydration – plenty of fluids  Oral hygiene – antiseptic gargles/ dental care  Cold/hot compression of parotid swelling  Analgesics  Antipyretics  Antibiotics (if secondary infection)  Vitamins  Steroids (if orchitis)
  • 20.  MC parotid gland as parotid has only serous secretions which are deficient in lysozymes, IgA and glycoproteins  Age gp – elderly 50-60 yrs  M=F  Immunocompromised state – malignancy, post op 2 weeks after major surgery, diabetes, renal failure, severe haemorrhage  Calculi/strictures  Route of infection – mouth through stensen’s duct  Causative organism – staph aureus (MC), streptococcus pyogenes, pneumococci, haemophilus influenzae, bacteroides
  • 21.  C/F  Rapid onset of pain and swelling over affected gland (mainly U/L) with local tenderness  Fever/chills/malaise/bodyache  Trismus  Duct inflamed  On bimanual palpation – suppurative pus from duct orifice  Complications  Abscess  Septicaemia / respiratory obstruction
  • 22.  Diagnosis  Leucocytosis, neutrophilia  Normal serum amylase  c/s of pus  USG/CT scan – to rule out abscess if not recovering....  D/D  Lymphoma  Dental abscess  Sebaceous cyst
  • 23.  Treatment  IV fluids  Oral dental hygiene  External massage  Local heat  Analgesics/anti inflammatory  IV antibiotics – cephalosporins, clindamycin, vancomycin, metronidazole  Surgical – drainage if abscess
  • 24.  Etiology  Advanced acute suppurative parotitis  Trauma leading to secondary infection  Multiple small abscess coalesce to form large abscess  Common in elderly  C/F  Painful swelling over parotid, tenderness,trismus, odynophagia  Malaise, fever, headache  Diagnosis  USG  CT Scan
  • 25.  Complications  Suppuration of spaces of neck, face and mediastinum  Facial N paralysis  Septicaemia/resp obstruction  Rupture through cheek  Treatment  Incision and drainage of abscess under cover of IV antibiotics – external pre auricular incision in direction of facial nerve  Iodoform gauze dressing
  • 26.  2nd MC inflammatory disorder in children  Boys>girls  Etiology  Autoimmune disease  Calculi/stricture  Sjogren’s syndrome  Virus – paramyxovirus, EB virus, HIV  Bacteria – staphylococcus, streptococcus  C/F  Periodic episodes of U/L parotid swelling along with pain, fever, malaise every 3-4 months and last for days to weeks
  • 27.  Diagnosis  USG  Sialography............  c/s of pus  Prognosis – resolves spontaneously in late adolescence  Treatment  IV clindamycin/vancomycin/cephalosporins  Sialogogues  Local heat and massage of gland  hydration
  • 28.  Recurrent salivary gland enlargement associated with pain, tenderness, frank pus from duct leading to parenchymatous degeneration and fibrosis of gland  MC – Parotid  Etiology  Sialolithiasis/stricture duct/ stenosis due to scar/FB/congenital/tumour  Pathology  Salivary gland obstruction -> salivary stasis -> infection and inflammation
  • 29.  C/F  Firm, mild painful and enlargement of gland (mostly B/L)  Recurrent swelling associated with eating  Purulent discharge from duct  Diagnosis  Sialography  CT/MRI  Treatment  Conservative – sialogogues, massage of gland, good hydration , antibiotics
  • 30.  Surgery  Surgical resection of gland – superficial parotidectomy/ submandibular gland excision  Irradiation  Ductal dilatation  Sialendoscopy  Treat the cause – calculi, stricture
  • 31.  Formation of stones in the salivary ductal system  Etiology  Age gp 4th – 6th decade  Males MC  Submandibular gland - duct (wharton’s duct) MC – 70-80% - longer, large calibre, torturous course, more thicker viscous mucus secretions with high calcium and phosphorus concentration  Parotid gland – parenchyma and hilum – 10-20%  Sublingual ducts – 1%  Duct inflammation/injury/salivary stasis/ Gout
  • 32.  Composition  Calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, glycoproteins, mucopolysaccharides, magnesium, potassium, ammonia  C/F  Recurrent episodes of salivary swelling with colic pain while swallowing during meals  h/o recurrent acute suppurative sialadenitis  Tenderness  Bimanual palpation – presence of stone  Purulent material can be squeezed out
  • 33.  Diagnosis  X Ray  Parotid – lateral view. But most (90%) radiolucent  Submandibular – occlusal view/ occlusive bite  Identify radio opaque stones - 90% radio opaque in submandibular gland  OPG  USG – detect stones > 2 mm  CT Scan – detect radiolucent stones  Sialography – Digital substraction sialography/ MR sialography – radiolucent stones
  • 34.  Treatment  Non surgical – sialogogues/ local heat/ hydration  Massaging of gland  Manual milking out of stone if near duct  Surgical  Intra oral – incision of duct (if stones < 2cm away from duct orifice  Sialadenectomy – excision of involved gland – for stones deep inside through trans cervical approach  Sialendoscopy – rigid endoscopy to visualise and remove  Extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy – reduce stones to small fragments, flushed out by secretogogues, salivation
  • 35.  Dryness of mouth due to diminished or arrested salivary secretions  Etiology  Medications – sedatives/ anti depressants/ anti psychotics/ anti histaminics/ diuretics  Therapeutic irradiation  Diabetes  Cystic fibrosis  Sjogren’s syndrome  C/F  Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, phonation, articulation  Dental caries
  • 36.  Chronic auto immune disorder of exocrine glands affecting salivary and lacrimal glands leading to b/l enlargement of salivary glands, enlargement of lacrimal glands, dryness mouth and eyes  Types  Primary – MC 80% – confined to exocrine glands – xerostomia, xerophthalmia (mikulicz syndrome), recurrent with renal involvement  Secondary – 20% - xerostomia, keratoconjuctivitis sicca, rheumatoid arthritis  Epidemiology – 1-3%, 4th – 5th decade of life, women (90%)  Etiology – genetic/ auto immune/ enviromental
  • 37.  C/F  Dryness of mouth and eyes  Salivary gland enlargement (mc – parotid)....  U/L or B/L  Recurrent or chronic......  Difficulty in swallowing, phonation, chewing  Dental caries  Intolerance to acidic and spicy food  Dry and sticky oral mucosa  Intraoral candidiasis  Eye – FB sensation, chronic irritation, dilatation of bulbar conjuctiva  Systemic – low grade fever, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia
  • 38.  Associated conditions – pneumonitis, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy  Diagnosis  Increased ESR  Increased Rheumatoid factor  Positive Anti Nuclear Antibiotics  Increased SS Antigen A  Increased SS Antigen B  Sialography  Biopsy – minor sublabial gland of lower lip
  • 39.  Treatment  Salivary substitutes  Artificial tears  Sialogogue – pilocarpine 5 mg TDS, chewing gum, raw apples, candies  Fluoride – dental caries  Treat fungal infection  Eye lubricants  Systemic steroids – if severe complications like glomerulonephritis, necrotizing vasculitis  Immunosuppressants – methotrexate, cyclosporin
  • 40.  Auriculotemporal nerve syndrome  Etiology  Post parotid surgery (35-60%)  RND  Due to injury to auriculotemporal nerve  Leads to aberrant cross innervation between postganglionic secretomotor ps fibres to parotid gland and postganglionic sympathetic fibres to sweat glands and skin  So ps fibres innervate sweat gland instead of parotid gland and instead of causing salivation during mastication cause secretions of sweat gland
  • 41.  C/F  Sweating  Flushing of preauricular skin and face during mastication  Treatment  Reassurance  Tympanic neurectomy of Jacobson’s nerve (carries preganglionic ps secretomotor fibres from inf salivary nucleus  Inj Botulinum
  • 42.  3-4% head and neck malignancies  80% parotid  Parotid – 80% benign, submandibular 50-60%, minor salivary 20%  Classification  Benign  Epithelial – pleomorphic adenoma (80%) MC, warthin’s tumour, oncocytoma  Mesenchymal – haemangioma, lymphangioma, lipoma, neurofibroma  Malignant  Epithelial – mucoepidermoid ca (2nd MC), adenoid cystic ca (3rd MC), adeno ca, scc  Mesenchymal – lymphoma, sarcoma
  • 43.  Etiology  Radiation – warthin’s tumour, mucoepidermoid ca  Viral – EBV, HPV  Smoking – warthin’s tumour  Occupational - Exposure to asbestos, silica dust, nickel, wood industry......  Hormonal  Genetic  Dietary  Alcohol abuse  Prophylaxis  Dark yellow veg – carrot, sweet potato  Vitamin A and C  Poly unsaturated fats
  • 44.  Theories  Multicellular – each neoplasm arise from a particular cell  Acinic cell ca – acinar cells, SCC – excretory duct cells, warthin’s tumour – striated duct cells  Bicellular reserve theory – there are two types of reserve cells  1 – intercalated duct – pleomorphic adenoma, warthin’s tumour, adenoid cystic ca  2 – excretory duct – mucoepidermoid ca, SCC
  • 45.  C/F  Benign  Slow growing painless swelling in the region of gland  Facial nerve not involved  Malignant  Rapid growth/enlargement of swelling.......  Restricted mobility  Fixity of overlying skin  Pain  Facial nerve paralysis........
  • 46.  T (primary tumour)  Tx – cant be assessed  T0 – no evidence of primary tumour  T1 – upto 2 cm in greater dimension without extraparenchymal extension  T2 - >2 upto 4 cm in greatest dimension without extraparenchymal extension  T3 - >4 cm in greatest dimension and/or extraparenchymal extension  T4a – involves skin, ear canal, facial n, mandible  T4b – involves skull base, pterygoid plates, encasses ICA
  • 47.  N – Regional lymph node size in greatest diameter  Nx – cant be assessed  N0 – no regional ln metastasis  N1 – single I/L LN upto 3 cm  N2a – single I/L LN >3 cm upto 6 cm  N2b – multiple I/L LN upto 6 cm  N2c – B/L or C/L LN upto 6 cm  N3 – LN>6 cm  M – Distant Metastasis – Mx – cant be assessed/ M0 – no distant metastasis/ M1 – distant metastasis
  • 48.  0 – Tis N0 M0  I – T1 N0 M0  II – T2 N0 M0  III – T3 N0 M0/T1-3 N1 M0  IV a – T4a N0-1 M0/T1-4a N2 M0  IV b – T4b N0-2 M0/T1-4b N3 M0  IV c – T1-4 N0-3 M1
  • 49.  MC  Benign, Parotid gland (mc)  Sites – tail of parotid (mc)  Age gp 30-50yrs  Females  C/F  Painless slow growing swelling  FB sensation, dysphagia (if deep lobe involved)  Smooth, firm, lobulated, non tender with normal skin and facial nerve  Diagnosis  FNAC, CT Scan, sialogram
  • 50.  Pathology  Mixed tumour – both epithelial and mesenchymal (myoepithelial) component  Encapsulated  Sends pseudopods into surrounding tissues  Treatment  Superficial parotidectomy  If deep lobe involved – Total parotidectomy  Never enucleate as recurrence due to pesudopods
  • 51.  2nd MC benign tumour  Age 50-70 yrs  Males, elderly, obese  Exclusively in parotid gland  10% B/L, can be multiple  Site – tail of parotid (mc)  C/F  Painless slow growing swelling which can be soft, cystic, firm  Facial N – normal  Pathology  Rounded encapsulated tumour which can be cystic with mucoid or brownish fluid  Has both epithelial and lymphoid elements
  • 52.  Diagnosis  FNAC  Technetium Scan – for hot nodules  Treatment  Superficial parotidectomy
  • 53.  MC malignant (variably malignant) salivary gland tumour  Parotid MC 50%  Minor salivary glands (Palate) – more aggressive  MC – children  Types  Low grade tumours  Common in children,good prognosis, rare recurrence, 80-90% 5yr survival rate  C/F – slow growing tumour, rare metastasis  Treatment – superficial parotidectomy/total conservative parotidectomy with preservation of Facial N
  • 54.  High grade tumours – more aggressive, poor prognosis, 30% 5yr survival rate  High recurrence rate 60%, high nodal metastasis 40%, high distant metastasis 30%,  Facial N involved  Treatment  Total radical parotidectomy with facial nerve grafting, RND followed by post op RT  Advanced – Palliative CT-RT  Diagnosis – CT Scan, Chest X Ray (for secondaries), Sialogram, FNAC, Technetium Scan
  • 55.  CYLINDROMA  2nd MC Malignant tumour  MC in Submandibular gland, Sublingual gland, Minor Salivary gland  Perineural spread and lymphatic spread  C/F  Slow growing tumour associated with pain  40% regional metastasis to lymph nodes, 40% distant metastasis to lung, brain, bone  Early involvement of Facial N
  • 56.  Treatment  Wide excision with normal areas/ Radical parotidectomy  RND  Post op RT  Recurrence – high rate as tendency to grow along nerves
  • 57.  Common congenital deformity  1 in 700 births  Males  U/L 80%, left 70%  Etiology – failure of fusion of median nasal process, maxillary process, alveolar process  Teratogenic – rubella, methotrexate, retinoic acid  Syndromic  Increase parental age
  • 58.  C/F  Difficulty in feeding  ET dysfunction  CSOM  CHL  Speech defect  Hypernasality  Regurgitation  Aesthetic – facial disfigurement  Swallowing difficulty...............  Submucous cleft – musculature of palate is deficient with intact mucosal coat
  • 59.  Treatment  Conservative  Feeding assistance with special nipples and bulb syringe  Counselling of parents  Palatal prosthesis  Surgery  Age of repair 1-2 yrs  Cleft Lip repair  Millard’s repair – rotation advancement flap  Rotation of superiorly displaced medial lip segment and advancement of lateral lip segment  Triangular flap repair – single flap from lateral side is raised
  • 60.  Cleft Palate  Oxford method (V Y Push back)  Two flap technique  Four flap technique  Von lagenback’s palatoplasty  Post operative complications  Hypernasality (50%)  Oronasal fistula (10-20%)  Velopharyngeal incompetence  Aesthetic problems of lips