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     Dr charusmita chaudhary
   Infertility is defined as failure to conceive a
    desired pregnancy after 12 month of
    unprotected sexual intercourse
    appprox 10% of couple are infertile
    male and female are equally affected
   Imaging plays a key role in the diagnostic evaluation of women
    for infertility.
    The pelvic causes of female infertility are varied and range from
    tubal and peritubal abnormalities to uterine, cervical, and ovarian
    The imaging work-up begins with hysterosalpingography to
    evaluate fallopian tube patency. Uterine filling defects and
    contour abnormalities may be discovered at
    hysterosalpingography but typically require further
    characterization with hysterographic or pelvic ultrasonography
    (US) or pelvic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging.
    Hysterographic US ; differentiate uterine synechiae,
    endometrial       polyps, submucosal leiomyomas.
    Pelvic US and MR imaging help further differentiate
    among uterine leiomyomas , adenomyosis, and the
    various müllerian duct anomalies, with MR imaging
    being the most sensitive modality for detecting
    The presence of cervical disease may be inferred
    initially on the basis of difficulty or failure of cervical
    cannulation at hysterosalpingography.
   Ovarian abnormalities are usually detected at US.
   A systematic multimodality imaging approach is
    advocated in which initial
    hysterosalpingography is followed by
    hysterographic US, pelvic US, pelvic MR
    imaging, or a combination there of, with the
    selection of modalities depending on the
    findings at hysterosalpingography
    An imaging study to evaluate female infertility and
     uterine anomalies should necessarily exhibit many
1.       noninvasive
2.       low cost
3.       high accuracy
   Uterine causes : congenital anomalies , infections,
    uterine synechae ,focal lesions intrauterine scar,
    cervical stenosis ,reduced uterine perfusion and
    alteration in endometrium thickness and vascularity
   Ovarian causes : follicular and ovulation
    abnormalities , stromal vascularity and
   Tubal causes : infections, obstruction
Diagnostic armamentarium and
            its role
   USG ( TVS, TAS) : it is the first line
    investigation and can be coupled with color
    Doppler and 3D/4D scan
    USG helps in determining morphology
    perfusion ,thickness ,volume, vascularity . It
    detects pathological lesions , tubal lesions
    abnormalities of follicular maturation and
    ovulation .
    Tubal patency can be confirmed by
X ray hysterosalphingography
   Used to visualise uterine cavity and confirm tubal
    patency .
   Hysterosalpingography (HSG) uses fluoroscopic control
     to introduce radiographic contrast material into the
    uterine cavity and fallopian tubes
   Cycle considerations: HSG should not be performed if
    there is a possibility of a normal intrauterine pregnancy.
“10-day rule”
    means the procedure should not be performed if the
    interval of time from the start of the last menses is
    greater than 10–12 days.
    If the patient has cycles that are longer than 28 days
    (menses start usually 14 days after ovulation), the 10-day
    rule can be stretched to 13–15 days.
    If the patient has irregular cycles or absent menses, a
    pregnancy test before performing HSG is recommended
Technical Considerations
   The patient is placed supine with her knees flexed and heels apart
   The cervix is exposed with a speculum. Visualization of the cervix may be
    helped by elevating the patient’s pelvis, particularly in thin women
   The cervix and vagina are copiously swabbed with a cleansing solution such
    as Betadine and the HSG cannula is placed
    Once correct placement of the canella is confirmed, the speculum should be
   Using fluoroscopic guidance, contrast agent at room temperature is slowly
    injected, usually 5–10 ml over 1 min radiographs are obtained
    Injection of contrast agent is halted when adequate free spill into the
    peritoneal cavity is documented
Side Effects and Complications
   Mild discomfort or pain
            Reassurance and rapid and skilful completion of the
    examination are the best approach.
   Mild vaginal bleeding
    vasovagal reactions and hyperventilation
    Pelvic infection is a serious complication of HSG, causing tubal
    An allergic or idiosyncratic reaction
    Radiation exposure It is a concern, because the women being
    examined are of reproductive age
Fallopian Tube Abnormalities
Diagram shows the appropriate steps in an imaging evaluation for fallopian tube
Anatomy and Physiology of
           Fallopian Tubes
   The fallopian tubes connect the peritoneal cavity
    to the extra peritoneal world
    conduction of sperm from the uterine end
    toward the ampulla, conduction of ova in the
    other direction from the fimbriated end to the
    ampulla, and support as well as conduction of
    the early embryo from the ampulla into the
    uterus for implantation
Fallopian Tubes
                                  length from 7–16 cm
                                   (average, 12 cm


  1-2cm                                                      trumpet-shaped

The fallopian tubes have three segments that are visible at
hysterosalpingography: the interstitial portion, which traverses the
myometrium; the isthmic portion, which courses within the broad
ligament; and the ampullary portion, which is adjacent to the ovary
Normal hysterosalpingogram
Pathological Findings
  Diverticula in the isthmic segment
   of the tube are caused by salpingitis
   isthmica nodosa (SIN difficult to
   appreciate by sonography
   irregular benign extensions of the
   tubal epithelium into the
   myosalpinx, associated with
   reactive myohypertrophia and
   sometimes inflammation
 Obstruction of the mid isthmic

portion may be missed by sonography        Multiple tiny diverticula in the right
                                           isthmic portion (arrows) partial tubectomy
                                           on the left side (arrow
A, dilated, obstructed tube on the left
(hydrosalpinx) and obstruction of the right
intramural portion
(b), nondilated obstruction on both sides at the
isthmic/ampullary portion
©huge bilateral dilatation without spill into
the peritoneum–bilateral hydrosalpinx
Endometrial polyps

. A Stalked fi lling defect within the endometrial cavity probably
arising from the cervical canal
B a fi lling defect in the intramural portion of the left tube (arrows)
causing narrowing but no obstruction;normal fi lling of the fallopian tubes
Synechiae. On hysterosalpingogram, irregular borders (arrows) and
narrowing of the cervical canal (arrowhead) depicted (a).
HSG shows synechiae causing partial obstruction of the
endometrial cavity and occlusion of
the right fallopian tube (b). Note: HSG may not rule out
mullerian duct anomaly with certainty in this particular case
Limitations of HSG
 Active vaginal bleeding
 active pelvic infection

 pregnancy, uterine surgery, tubal surgery, or
  uterine curettage
 The major limitations of the procedure are the
  ability to characterize only patent canals and the
  inability to evaluate the external uterine contour
HSG also entails exposure to ionizing Radiation
Sonohysterography and
   used to evaluate uterine pathology because of its
    excellent diagnostic accuracy, minimal patient
    discomfort, low cost, and widespread availability.
   With the addition of transvaginal sonography, colour
    Doppler imaging, and sonohysterography,
    ultrasound has become a sensitive technique for
    detecting endometrial and myometrial pathology.
Cycle Considerations
   during the secretory phase of the menstrual
    cycle, when the endometrial thickness and echo
    complex are better characterized
    for congenital anomaly evaluation, the timing of
    the sonography examination is not critical
            ( sono hsg)
   It involves airless, sterile , saline infusion
    through a soft plastic catheter in the cervix with
    simultaneous endovaginal usg. It allows excellent
    visualization of the endometrial cavity and its
    linings .
   The procedure can also confirms tubal patency
    by demonstrating spillage of saline from a
    distended tube into pelvic cavity.
Normal TVUS

         Clear demarcation of the relatively thick and hyperechoic
         endometrium (arrowheads) during the
         secretory phase (a), minimal fl uid retention during the
         proliferation phase of the cycle (b)
Side Effects and
Complications                   Limitations of Sono-HSG

   most part the same as for       operator dependency
    conventional HSG               LARGE BODY HABITUS
                                    LARGE FIBROID
   It is best for delineating the morphology and
    orientation of pelvic structures .
   Detects pathological lesions, including tubal
    lesions and pituitary adenoma .
Technical Considerations
 best imaged with a phased array MR surface coil.
 for infertility evaluation

  axial, sagittal, and coronal fast spin echo
  sequence images of the uterus, which can be
  supplemented by oblique

   Gd-enhanced MR imaging is important for
    diagnosis of complex adnexal masses and
    distinguishing them from malignant processes
   higher cost,
   limited availability,
   longer scanning time,

     MRimaging is often used as a problem solving
    modality when sonography findings are
Normal MR Anatomy
   in Reproductive-Age

        T2w MR image clearly
        demonstrates uterine zonal
        with high signal intensity of the
        endometrium (E), low signal
        of junction zone (J), and
        intermediate signal of the
Pituatory adenoma
   Prolactin-producing hypophyseal adenoma
   Hyperprolactinemia can be a cause of infertility
    and is associated with diminished gonadotropin
    secretion, secondary amenorrhea, and
Pituatory adenoma
   Mri is the modality of
    choice for detection.
    Microadenoma ( <1cm)
    is usually hypointense to
    the normal pituatory on
    T1W images.                 Pituitary adenoma. Unenhanced (a) and contrast-
                                enhanced (b) T1w MR images show a small right-
   Convex pituatory            sided
                                pituitary prolactinoma (arrow) leading to
    contour and deviation of    hyperprolactinemia
                                with consecutive infertility
    pituatory stalk are
    inditect sign.
   Ovary m/c secondaily involves other pelvic structures .
   Usg ishows a typical endometrioma locate in the ovary cystic
    lesion with low level internal echoes ( chocolate cyst of ovary)
   Mri hyerintense on T1 and hypo on T2 fat suupersed T1w
    images are very useful for detecting peritoneal implants .
   The tubes may be involveed in form of hematosalphinx or with
    peritubal adhesions, a posteriorly displaced uterus , kissing
    ovaries ,angulated small bowel loops , elevated posterior vaginal
    fornices , multilocuilated fluid collections are indirect indicator
    of pelvic adhesions
   Endometriosis is found
    in 25%–50% of infertile
    women, and 30%–50%
    of women with
    endometriosis are
   Laparoscopy is the
    mainstay for diagnosis
                Endometrioma right ovary. Sharply demarcated
                inhomogeneous cystic mass (M) in the right ovary with predominantly
                bright signal intensity on axial T2W (a), intermediate
                signal intensity on axial T1w images
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  Characterised by combination of
 multiple clinical manifestations

    ( hirsutism, anovultory cycle and infertility)
 hormonal imbalance
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
   The diagnosis of polycystic ovarian
    syndrome is based on hormone
    imbalance and laboratory findings
   USG rounded ovaries , normal or
    increased volume . Multiple
    subcentrimetric follicles ( 15) with no
    dominant follicle ( string of pearl
    appearance ) . Thickened walll and
    echogenic and Vascular stroma)
Tubal disease
   Destruction or obstruction and peritubal adhesions
   Hsg is useful for assessing tubal patency. Mri is superior to usg
    in assessing tubal disease
   Dilated tube appear as fluid filled tortuous sausage shaped
    masses adjacent to the uterus with incomplete septae appearing
    as hyperechoic mural nodules ( beads of string sign) and short
    linear projections ( cogwheel appearance)
    the presence of partially effaced longitudional folds inside the
    masses is specific for fallopian tubes on mri.
   The presence of a normally appearing ipsilateral ovary is a clue to
    the presence of tubal masses
Pelvic inflammatory disease
   Common cause on infertility and can manifest as
    pelvic collections , tubo ovarian collections
    uterine or broad ligament infection
   Usg and mri are equally sensitive in detecting tubo
    ovarian collections. The presence of peripheral
    vascualrity of high resistance type on colour
    Doppler USG is suggestive of an infective mass
    other signs of PID include probe tenderness ,
    thickness of tubes ( mural thickness more than
    5mm) and tubo ovarian masses
Disorders of the Fallopian Tubes
   MR imaging aids in
    noninvasive assessment
    of tubal dilatation and
    peritubal disease.
                                       Bilateral hydrosalpinx. Sausage-, C-, or S-shaped
                                       cystic masses in the small pelvis as shown by
                                       these axial (a) and
                                       coronal (b) T2w MR images are clearly
                                       indicative of dilated fallopian tubes (FT

     Tubo-ovarian abscess. T2w (a) and contrast-enhanced (b)
     T1w MR images show a left-sided adnexal mass (M)
     with rim-like enhancement (arrows) on contrast T1WI, which
     proved to be an abscess.
Uterine Disorders
They are considered a anomalies when
    all other causes are excluded
    Multiplanar mri is diagnostic
Müllerian Duct Anomalies
   prevalence of approximately 3%Mullerian duct
    anomalies may be depicted by HSG;
   the complex situation of the various classes of
    anomalies seem to be better defined by sonography or
    MR imaging
   Classification of MDAs according to the system
    adapted by the American Fertility Society can be
    readily achieved based on MR finding
   MR imaging attained 100% accuracy for diagnosis of
    uterine anomalies, as compared with 92% for
    ultrasound and less than 20% for HSG
Class I: Hypoplasia or Agenesis
   Failure of normal development of the mullerian ducts
    causes uterine agenesis or hypoplasia
   5% of mullerian duct anomalies
   Vaginal agenesis is the most common subtype
   Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome congenital
    absence of the uterus and upper vagina The ovaries and
    fallopian tubes are usually normal.
                  Women with acquired uterine hypoplasia due to
                  drugs, pelvic irradiation, or ovarian failure may have
                  a disproportionately small uterine corpus.
                   In these patients, the ratio of the uterine body to the cervix
                  is reduced to less than the normal 2:1, similar to a
                  premenarchal uterus
Class I

Class I. Uterine agenesis. Sagittal
midline sonogram shows normal
vagina, small (curved arrows) cervix
(straight arrow), and absent uterine
Class II: Unicornuate
   one normally developed
    mullerian duct, with the
    contralateral duct either
    hypoplastic (subtypes 2a–c) or
    absent (subtype 2d).
   Types 2a–c comprise
    approximately 90% of cases
   Agenesis of a unilateral mullerian
    duct causes a single banana-
    shaped uterus with a single
    fallopian tube
Class II. Left unicornuate uterus. HSG shows
uterine cavity deviated toward left side with
patent left fallopian
tube (a). Axial T2w MRI in this patient shows
no rudimentary
horn on the right side (b). In another patient,
shows right unicornuate uterus with hydrosalpinx
Class III: Didelphys
   Complete failure of fusion of
    the two mullerian ducts
    results in two complete uteri,
    each with its own cervix a
    sagital vaginal septum is seen
    in ,majority of cases
   uterus didelphys is associated
    with the highest successful
    pregnancy rate,
    Uterus didelphys with an
    obstructed hemivagina is
    termed Wunderlich
Class IV: Bicornuate
   Partial fusion of two mullerian ducts results in a
    bicornuate uterus with one cervix
    HSG of a bicornuate uterus will demonstrate
    separate uterine cavities with an intercornual angle
    that usually exceeds 105°.
    Sonographic diagnosis of a bicornuate uterus is
    made by analysis of both the outer fundal contour
    as well as visualization of a separate endometrial
    stripe in each horn
Class IV.

widely splayed uterine horns with an intercornual angle greater than
100° and with uterine
fundi joined at the lower uterine segment, indicating a bicornis
unicollis subtype
Class V: Septate
   Septate uterus results from failure of resorption of a septum after
    complete fusion of the mullerian ducts
   HSG of a septate uterus demonstrates two narrowly diverging
    cavities, yielding a V-shape configuration with relatively straight
    medial borders
    angle formed by the medial borders of the two uterine hemi-
    cavities is usually greater than 75°. The external uterine contour
    is normally convex, fl at, or minimally indented by less than 1
    cm , in contrast to that of a bicornuate uterus
Class V.

On HSG one cervical opening was missed; only
one uterine cavity was spilled with contrast
media; a unicornuate uterus was assumed
(a). Sonography (b) and coronal T2 w MRI
(c) clearly demonstrate the uterine cavity
divided by a thick septum extending
to the level of the cervix. The angle formed by
the medial borders of the two uterine hemi-
cavities is greater than 75°
Class VI: Arcuate
   Arcuate uterus should be
    considered a normal
    variant and it has no
    effect on fertility.
   HSG of the arcuate
    uterus reveals a broad
    smooth indentation into
    the fundal cavity, which
    causes a saddle-shaped
Class VII: Diethylstilbestrol-
   These anomalies
    comprise sequelae of in
    utero diethylstilbestrol
    (DES) exposu

                          Class VII. Hypoplastic T-shaped deformity of
                          the uterus with fi lling of dilated glands in the
                          cervix in a proven DES uterus
   Reducing uterine and endometrial receptibility
    usg findings diffusely elarged or globular uterus
    , asymmetrical walls ( > 2.5cm) , ill defined areas
    of diffusely altered uterine echogenicity ,
    myometrial or subendometrial cysts , indistinct
    endometrial myometrial interface

Adenomyosis. Multiple high-signal foci
predominantly in the posterior aspect of the
uterus on these axial (a) and
sagittal (b) T2w MR images, indicating a
more focal adenomyosis. Poor delineation of
the junctional zone is shown
   Uterine leiomyoma, especially submucous
    leiomyoma, may be associated with
    pregnancy loss rather than infertility
    causind distorsion of uterine cavity and
   Colour doppler reveals peripheral vascularity
    of mild to moderate resistence which
    differentiate it from adenomyoma with
    central or peripheral vascularity of loew

                         Enlarged uterus with large fi broids (F) in the anterior and
                         posterior aspect of the uterus being of
                         typical low signal intensity on this axial (a) and sagittal (b) T2w MR
                         images. B (urinary bladder), E (endometrial cavity
Cervical Abnormalities
Cervical Factor Infertility         Cervical Stenosis

   postcoital test that does not      cervical narrowing that
    involve imaging.                    prevents the insertion of a
                                        2.5-mm-wide dilator 
Newer modalities
   A newer technique using MR for the visualization of the tubal
    patency, so called 3D MR-HSG, is a promising imaging
    alternative, although still in the development stage, to the
    conventional HSG and avoids exposure of the ovaries to
    ionizing radiation
   Usg is the investigation of first choice in infertile
    females as it is highly accurate in determining
    common causes of infertility . Mri should be
    used as second line tool in patients with
    complex clinical manifestations with normal usg
   The pelvic causes of female infertility include
    tubal, peritoneal, uterine, endometrial, cervical,
    and ovarian abnormalities
   A multimodality imaging approach may be useful for
    determining the cause of infertility and guiding clinical
    management in specific cases
   An imaging evaluation for female infertility typically begins
    with an assessment of tubal patency at
    hysterosalpingography, which may be followed by pelvic US,
    pelvic MR imaging, or both to further characterize any
    additional findings (eg, intrauterine filling defects or uterine
    contour abnormalities).
    Failure to cannulate the cervix at hysterosalpingography is
    suggestive of a cervical abnormality, whereas a normal
    hysterosalpingographic examination may point toward the
    possibility of an ovarian cause of infertility.

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role of Imaging in female infertility

  • 1. IMAGING OF FEMALE FEMALE INFERTILITY Dr charusmita chaudhary
  • 2. Infertility  Infertility is defined as failure to conceive a desired pregnancy after 12 month of unprotected sexual intercourse  appprox 10% of couple are infertile  male and female are equally affected
  • 3. Abstract  Imaging plays a key role in the diagnostic evaluation of women for infertility.  The pelvic causes of female infertility are varied and range from tubal and peritubal abnormalities to uterine, cervical, and ovarian disorders.  The imaging work-up begins with hysterosalpingography to evaluate fallopian tube patency. Uterine filling defects and contour abnormalities may be discovered at hysterosalpingography but typically require further characterization with hysterographic or pelvic ultrasonography (US) or pelvic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. TUBAL OCCLUSION - MOST COMMON CAUSE
  • 4. Hysterographic US ; differentiate uterine synechiae, endometrial polyps, submucosal leiomyomas.  Pelvic US and MR imaging help further differentiate among uterine leiomyomas , adenomyosis, and the various müllerian duct anomalies, with MR imaging being the most sensitive modality for detecting endometriosis.  The presence of cervical disease may be inferred initially on the basis of difficulty or failure of cervical cannulation at hysterosalpingography.  Ovarian abnormalities are usually detected at US.
  • 5. A systematic multimodality imaging approach is advocated in which initial hysterosalpingography is followed by hysterographic US, pelvic US, pelvic MR imaging, or a combination there of, with the selection of modalities depending on the findings at hysterosalpingography
  • 6. An imaging study to evaluate female infertility and uterine anomalies should necessarily exhibit many characteristics 1. noninvasive 2. low cost 3. high accuracy
  • 7. Causes  Uterine causes : congenital anomalies , infections, uterine synechae ,focal lesions intrauterine scar, cervical stenosis ,reduced uterine perfusion and alteration in endometrium thickness and vascularity  Ovarian causes : follicular and ovulation abnormalities , stromal vascularity and endometrosis  Tubal causes : infections, obstruction
  • 8. Diagnostic armamentarium and its role  USG ( TVS, TAS) : it is the first line investigation and can be coupled with color Doppler and 3D/4D scan  USG helps in determining morphology perfusion ,thickness ,volume, vascularity . It detects pathological lesions , tubal lesions abnormalities of follicular maturation and ovulation .  Tubal patency can be confirmed by sonosalphingography.
  • 9. X ray hysterosalphingography  Used to visualise uterine cavity and confirm tubal patency .  Hysterosalpingography (HSG) uses fluoroscopic control to introduce radiographic contrast material into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes  Cycle considerations: HSG should not be performed if there is a possibility of a normal intrauterine pregnancy.
  • 10. “10-day rule” means the procedure should not be performed if the interval of time from the start of the last menses is greater than 10–12 days. If the patient has cycles that are longer than 28 days (menses start usually 14 days after ovulation), the 10-day rule can be stretched to 13–15 days.  If the patient has irregular cycles or absent menses, a pregnancy test before performing HSG is recommended
  • 11. Technical Considerations  The patient is placed supine with her knees flexed and heels apart  The cervix is exposed with a speculum. Visualization of the cervix may be helped by elevating the patient’s pelvis, particularly in thin women  The cervix and vagina are copiously swabbed with a cleansing solution such as Betadine and the HSG cannula is placed  Once correct placement of the canella is confirmed, the speculum should be removed  Using fluoroscopic guidance, contrast agent at room temperature is slowly injected, usually 5–10 ml over 1 min radiographs are obtained  Injection of contrast agent is halted when adequate free spill into the peritoneal cavity is documented
  • 12. Side Effects and Complications  Mild discomfort or pain Reassurance and rapid and skilful completion of the examination are the best approach.  Mild vaginal bleeding  vasovagal reactions and hyperventilation  Pelvic infection is a serious complication of HSG, causing tubal damage  An allergic or idiosyncratic reaction  Radiation exposure It is a concern, because the women being examined are of reproductive age
  • 14. Diagram shows the appropriate steps in an imaging evaluation for fallopian tube abnormalities.
  • 15. Anatomy and Physiology of Fallopian Tubes  The fallopian tubes connect the peritoneal cavity to the extra peritoneal world  conduction of sperm from the uterine end toward the ampulla, conduction of ova in the other direction from the fimbriated end to the ampulla, and support as well as conduction of the early embryo from the ampulla into the uterus for implantation
  • 16. Fallopian Tubes  length from 7–16 cm (average, 12 cm 5- 8cm 2-3cm 1-2cm trumpet-shaped The fallopian tubes have three segments that are visible at hysterosalpingography: the interstitial portion, which traverses the myometrium; the isthmic portion, which courses within the broad ligament; and the ampullary portion, which is adjacent to the ovary
  • 18. Pathological Findings  Diverticula in the isthmic segment of the tube are caused by salpingitis isthmica nodosa (SIN difficult to appreciate by sonography  irregular benign extensions of the tubal epithelium into the myosalpinx, associated with reactive myohypertrophia and sometimes inflammation  Obstruction of the mid isthmic portion may be missed by sonography Multiple tiny diverticula in the right isthmic portion (arrows) partial tubectomy on the left side (arrow head)
  • 19. A, dilated, obstructed tube on the left (hydrosalpinx) and obstruction of the right intramural portion (b), nondilated obstruction on both sides at the isthmic/ampullary portion ©huge bilateral dilatation without spill into the peritoneum–bilateral hydrosalpinx
  • 20. Endometrial polyps . A Stalked fi lling defect within the endometrial cavity probably arising from the cervical canal (arrow). B a fi lling defect in the intramural portion of the left tube (arrows) causing narrowing but no obstruction;normal fi lling of the fallopian tubes
  • 21. Synechiae. On hysterosalpingogram, irregular borders (arrows) and narrowing of the cervical canal (arrowhead) depicted (a). HSG shows synechiae causing partial obstruction of the endometrial cavity and occlusion of the right fallopian tube (b). Note: HSG may not rule out mullerian duct anomaly with certainty in this particular case
  • 22. Limitations of HSG  Active vaginal bleeding  active pelvic infection  pregnancy, uterine surgery, tubal surgery, or uterine curettage  The major limitations of the procedure are the ability to characterize only patent canals and the inability to evaluate the external uterine contour adequately. HSG also entails exposure to ionizing Radiation
  • 23. Sonohysterography and Sonohysterosalpiaphy  used to evaluate uterine pathology because of its excellent diagnostic accuracy, minimal patient discomfort, low cost, and widespread availability.  With the addition of transvaginal sonography, colour Doppler imaging, and sonohysterography, ultrasound has become a sensitive technique for detecting endometrial and myometrial pathology.
  • 24. Cycle Considerations  during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, when the endometrial thickness and echo complex are better characterized  for congenital anomaly evaluation, the timing of the sonography examination is not critical
  • 25. Sonohysterosalphingography ( sono hsg)  It involves airless, sterile , saline infusion through a soft plastic catheter in the cervix with simultaneous endovaginal usg. It allows excellent visualization of the endometrial cavity and its linings .  The procedure can also confirms tubal patency by demonstrating spillage of saline from a distended tube into pelvic cavity.
  • 26. Normal TVUS Clear demarcation of the relatively thick and hyperechoic endometrium (arrowheads) during the secretory phase (a), minimal fl uid retention during the proliferation phase of the cycle (b)
  • 27. Side Effects and Complications Limitations of Sono-HSG  most part the same as for operator dependency conventional HSG  LARGE BODY HABITUS LARGE FIBROID
  • 28. MRI  It is best for delineating the morphology and orientation of pelvic structures .  Detects pathological lesions, including tubal lesions and pituitary adenoma .
  • 29. Technical Considerations  best imaged with a phased array MR surface coil.  for infertility evaluation axial, sagittal, and coronal fast spin echo sequence images of the uterus, which can be supplemented by oblique  Gd-enhanced MR imaging is important for diagnosis of complex adnexal masses and distinguishing them from malignant processes
  • 30. Limitations  higher cost,  limited availability,  longer scanning time, MRimaging is often used as a problem solving modality when sonography findings are inconclusive
  • 31. Normal MR Anatomy  in Reproductive-Age Women Sagittal T2w MR image clearly demonstrates uterine zonal anatomy with high signal intensity of the endometrium (E), low signal of junction zone (J), and intermediate signal of the myometrium (M).
  • 32. Pituatory adenoma  Prolactin-producing hypophyseal adenoma  Hyperprolactinemia can be a cause of infertility and is associated with diminished gonadotropin secretion, secondary amenorrhea, and galactorrhea.
  • 33. Pituatory adenoma  Mri is the modality of choice for detection. Microadenoma ( <1cm) is usually hypointense to the normal pituatory on T1W images. Pituitary adenoma. Unenhanced (a) and contrast- enhanced (b) T1w MR images show a small right-  Convex pituatory sided pituitary prolactinoma (arrow) leading to contour and deviation of hyperprolactinemia with consecutive infertility pituatory stalk are inditect sign.
  • 34. Endometriosis  Ovary m/c secondaily involves other pelvic structures .  Usg ishows a typical endometrioma locate in the ovary cystic lesion with low level internal echoes ( chocolate cyst of ovary)  Mri hyerintense on T1 and hypo on T2 fat suupersed T1w images are very useful for detecting peritoneal implants .  The tubes may be involveed in form of hematosalphinx or with peritubal adhesions, a posteriorly displaced uterus , kissing ovaries ,angulated small bowel loops , elevated posterior vaginal fornices , multilocuilated fluid collections are indirect indicator of pelvic adhesions
  • 35. Endometriosis  Endometriosis is found in 25%–50% of infertile women, and 30%–50% of women with endometriosis are infertile  Laparoscopy is the mainstay for diagnosis Endometrioma right ovary. Sharply demarcated inhomogeneous cystic mass (M) in the right ovary with predominantly bright signal intensity on axial T2W (a), intermediate signal intensity on axial T1w images
  • 36. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Characterised by combination of  multiple clinical manifestations ( hirsutism, anovultory cycle and infertility)  hormonal imbalance
  • 37. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome  The diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome is based on hormone imbalance and laboratory findings  USG rounded ovaries , normal or increased volume . Multiple subcentrimetric follicles ( 15) with no dominant follicle ( string of pearl appearance ) . Thickened walll and echogenic and Vascular stroma)
  • 38. Tubal disease  Destruction or obstruction and peritubal adhesions  Hsg is useful for assessing tubal patency. Mri is superior to usg in assessing tubal disease  Dilated tube appear as fluid filled tortuous sausage shaped masses adjacent to the uterus with incomplete septae appearing as hyperechoic mural nodules ( beads of string sign) and short linear projections ( cogwheel appearance)  the presence of partially effaced longitudional folds inside the masses is specific for fallopian tubes on mri.  The presence of a normally appearing ipsilateral ovary is a clue to the presence of tubal masses
  • 39.
  • 40. Pelvic inflammatory disease  Common cause on infertility and can manifest as pelvic collections , tubo ovarian collections uterine or broad ligament infection  Usg and mri are equally sensitive in detecting tubo ovarian collections. The presence of peripheral vascualrity of high resistance type on colour Doppler USG is suggestive of an infective mass  other signs of PID include probe tenderness , thickness of tubes ( mural thickness more than 5mm) and tubo ovarian masses
  • 41.
  • 42. Disorders of the Fallopian Tubes  MR imaging aids in noninvasive assessment of tubal dilatation and peritubal disease. Bilateral hydrosalpinx. Sausage-, C-, or S-shaped cystic masses in the small pelvis as shown by these axial (a) and coronal (b) T2w MR images are clearly indicative of dilated fallopian tubes (FT Tubo-ovarian abscess. T2w (a) and contrast-enhanced (b) T1w MR images show a left-sided adnexal mass (M) with rim-like enhancement (arrows) on contrast T1WI, which proved to be an abscess.
  • 43. Uterine Disorders They are considered a anomalies when all other causes are excluded Multiplanar mri is diagnostic
  • 44. Müllerian Duct Anomalies  prevalence of approximately 3%Mullerian duct anomalies may be depicted by HSG;  the complex situation of the various classes of anomalies seem to be better defined by sonography or MR imaging  Classification of MDAs according to the system adapted by the American Fertility Society can be readily achieved based on MR finding  MR imaging attained 100% accuracy for diagnosis of uterine anomalies, as compared with 92% for ultrasound and less than 20% for HSG
  • 45. Class I: Hypoplasia or Agenesis  Failure of normal development of the mullerian ducts causes uterine agenesis or hypoplasia  5% of mullerian duct anomalies  Vaginal agenesis is the most common subtype  Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome congenital absence of the uterus and upper vagina The ovaries and fallopian tubes are usually normal. Women with acquired uterine hypoplasia due to drugs, pelvic irradiation, or ovarian failure may have a disproportionately small uterine corpus. In these patients, the ratio of the uterine body to the cervix is reduced to less than the normal 2:1, similar to a premenarchal uterus
  • 46. Class I Class I. Uterine agenesis. Sagittal midline sonogram shows normal vagina, small (curved arrows) cervix (straight arrow), and absent uterine corpus
  • 47. Class II: Unicornuate  one normally developed mullerian duct, with the contralateral duct either hypoplastic (subtypes 2a–c) or absent (subtype 2d).  Types 2a–c comprise approximately 90% of cases  Agenesis of a unilateral mullerian duct causes a single banana- shaped uterus with a single fallopian tube
  • 48. Class II. Left unicornuate uterus. HSG shows uterine cavity deviated toward left side with patent left fallopian tube (a). Axial T2w MRI in this patient shows no rudimentary horn on the right side (b). In another patient, HSG shows right unicornuate uterus with hydrosalpinx
  • 49. Class III: Didelphys  Complete failure of fusion of the two mullerian ducts results in two complete uteri, each with its own cervix a sagital vaginal septum is seen in ,majority of cases  uterus didelphys is associated with the highest successful pregnancy rate,  Uterus didelphys with an obstructed hemivagina is termed Wunderlich syndrome
  • 50. Class IV: Bicornuate  Partial fusion of two mullerian ducts results in a bicornuate uterus with one cervix  HSG of a bicornuate uterus will demonstrate separate uterine cavities with an intercornual angle that usually exceeds 105°.  Sonographic diagnosis of a bicornuate uterus is made by analysis of both the outer fundal contour as well as visualization of a separate endometrial stripe in each horn
  • 51. Class IV. widely splayed uterine horns with an intercornual angle greater than 100° and with uterine fundi joined at the lower uterine segment, indicating a bicornis unicollis subtype
  • 52. Class V: Septate  Septate uterus results from failure of resorption of a septum after complete fusion of the mullerian ducts  HSG of a septate uterus demonstrates two narrowly diverging cavities, yielding a V-shape configuration with relatively straight medial borders  angle formed by the medial borders of the two uterine hemi- cavities is usually greater than 75°. The external uterine contour is normally convex, fl at, or minimally indented by less than 1 cm , in contrast to that of a bicornuate uterus
  • 53. Class V. On HSG one cervical opening was missed; only one uterine cavity was spilled with contrast media; a unicornuate uterus was assumed (a). Sonography (b) and coronal T2 w MRI (c) clearly demonstrate the uterine cavity divided by a thick septum extending to the level of the cervix. The angle formed by the medial borders of the two uterine hemi- cavities is greater than 75°
  • 54. Class VI: Arcuate  Arcuate uterus should be considered a normal variant and it has no effect on fertility.  HSG of the arcuate uterus reveals a broad smooth indentation into the fundal cavity, which causes a saddle-shaped appearance
  • 55. Class VII: Diethylstilbestrol- Related  These anomalies comprise sequelae of in utero diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposu Class VII. Hypoplastic T-shaped deformity of the uterus with fi lling of dilated glands in the cervix in a proven DES uterus
  • 56. Adenomyosis  Reducing uterine and endometrial receptibility  usg findings diffusely elarged or globular uterus , asymmetrical walls ( > 2.5cm) , ill defined areas of diffusely altered uterine echogenicity , myometrial or subendometrial cysts , indistinct endometrial myometrial interface
  • 57. Adenomyosis Adenomyosis. Multiple high-signal foci predominantly in the posterior aspect of the uterus on these axial (a) and sagittal (b) T2w MR images, indicating a more focal adenomyosis. Poor delineation of the junctional zone is shown
  • 58. Leiomyoma  Uterine leiomyoma, especially submucous leiomyoma, may be associated with pregnancy loss rather than infertility  causind distorsion of uterine cavity and contour  Colour doppler reveals peripheral vascularity of mild to moderate resistence which differentiate it from adenomyoma with central or peripheral vascularity of loew resistencec Enlarged uterus with large fi broids (F) in the anterior and posterior aspect of the uterus being of typical low signal intensity on this axial (a) and sagittal (b) T2w MR images. B (urinary bladder), E (endometrial cavity
  • 59. Cervical Abnormalities Cervical Factor Infertility Cervical Stenosis  postcoital test that does not  cervical narrowing that involve imaging. prevents the insertion of a 2.5-mm-wide dilator 
  • 60. Newer modalities  A newer technique using MR for the visualization of the tubal patency, so called 3D MR-HSG, is a promising imaging alternative, although still in the development stage, to the conventional HSG and avoids exposure of the ovaries to ionizing radiation
  • 61. Conclusion  Usg is the investigation of first choice in infertile females as it is highly accurate in determining common causes of infertility . Mri should be used as second line tool in patients with complex clinical manifestations with normal usg  The pelvic causes of female infertility include tubal, peritoneal, uterine, endometrial, cervical, and ovarian abnormalities
  • 62. A multimodality imaging approach may be useful for determining the cause of infertility and guiding clinical management in specific cases  An imaging evaluation for female infertility typically begins with an assessment of tubal patency at hysterosalpingography, which may be followed by pelvic US, pelvic MR imaging, or both to further characterize any additional findings (eg, intrauterine filling defects or uterine contour abnormalities).  Failure to cannulate the cervix at hysterosalpingography is suggestive of a cervical abnormality, whereas a normal hysterosalpingographic examination may point toward the possibility of an ovarian cause of infertility.