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2 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Welcome + Introduction
April 22, 2015
Brian Smith
Director of Enterprise
A Robust Online Training Library
Content in Business
Leadership, Management, Productivity, Software,
Communication, Career Development, and more.
3,400+ courses
Avg. 20 courses released per week
10,000+ hours of learning
Avg. 5 hours released per day
138,000+ videos
Avg. 750 released per week
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Britt Andreatta
Leadership consultant since 1989
PhD in Education, Leadership + Organizations
Professor and Dean at UC Santa Barbara
and Antioch University, teaching leadership
and success skills Member > Author > Director of Learning + Development
Please view my seven courses on
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning
The ROI Method and Process
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning
The ROI Method and Process
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Peter Drucker
“If you can’t measure it,
you can’t manage it.”
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Donald Kirkpatrick
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Four levels of
Donald Kirkpatrick
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Jack Phillips
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
The Father of ROI
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Did the learners
like the program?
Did the learners
learn the content?
Did the learners deploy
the learning on the job?
Did the learning impact
business results?
Did the learning
investment payoff?
Jack Phillips
The Math
Benefit-cost Ratio (BCR)
Return on Investment (ROI)
Time to payback
Works with any currency
$ ¥ ₹ €, etc.
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Benefit-cost Ratio (BCR)
Program Benefits
Program Costs
Economic indicator of accountability for results.
The benefit (return) of an investment is compared to
the cost; expressed as a ratio.
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
BCR Example
It cost $20,000 to implement new learning program.
The learning resulted in $35,000 savings.
BCR = = 1.75
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
For every $1 spent, you received $1.75 in total benefit.
Return on Investment (ROI)
(Program Benefit
Minus Program Costs)
Program Costs
Economic indicator of accountability for results.
The benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the
cost; expressed as percentage.
X 100
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
ROI Example
It cost ¥20,000 to implement new learning program.
The learning resulted in ¥35,000 savings.
X 100 = .75
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
For every ¥1 spent, you received ¥.75 in net benefit.
Time to Payoff
Payback =
Program Costs
Program Benefits
Economic indicator of accountability for results.
Estimated time in which a program will break even (time
after that is added benefit); expressed in time.
X time unit
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Payoff Example
Payback =
It cost ₹20,000 to implement new learning program.
The learning resulted in ₹35,000 savings.
= .57
6.84 months
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
The program would pay for itself in 6.84 months.
x 12 = 6.84
You only need to build
a compelling case for
your context.
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning
The ROI Method and Process
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Reality Check
Is HR/L+D seen as a trusted and valued
business partner?
Do you have an established record of success?
Are you empowered to take intelligent risks
and make decisions?
Are you justifying an upcoming purchase or
evaluating one you have already implemented?
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Plenty of Options
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Hard Data
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Cost Output Time Quality Energy
Unit costs
Overhead costs
Operating costs
Accident costs
Sales expense
Units produced
Tons manufactured
Items assembled
Reports processes
Students graduated
Grants awarded
Tasks completed
Accounts signed
Cycle time
Response time
Processing time
Supervisory time
Work stoppages
Fossil fuels
Plenty of Options
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Soft Data
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Customer Service Creativity Development Culture
New ideas
Risk taking
Job effectiveness
Requests for
Job satisfaction
Case Study
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
“ access
means there is a constant
learning resource for
employees. Sometimes it
only takes two minutes to
improve their knowledge,
rather than a full day in a
classroom to achieve the
same outcome.”
• Complements live
• Lets employees quickly
find answers to questions
• Provides detailed reports
that inform future training
Denstu Aegis Network helps
clients build relationships with
consumers through content
creation, digital creative
execution, market analysis,
and much more.
23,000 employees in 110
countries on 5 continents
Case Study
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
“I honestly think this
hands-on learning is the
best way to learn
software. I’m glad UCLA
provides to all
students. I think the more
software we know, the
more it prepares us for the
job market once we
• Supports students in
any major
• Provides tools training
outside of class
• Encourages staff and
faculty professional
Founded in 1919, UCLA
offers 125 undergraduate
and graduate degrees in
business, engineering,
medicine and more.
35,000 students + 31,000
full- and part-time faculty and
administrative staff.
Case Study
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
“If we’re struggling to
learn something, or if we’re
frustrated trying to get
something to work,
someone will see if a course exists.
With such a large amount of
content at an affordable
price, was by far
our best bet.”
• Provides convenient
on-demand solution
• Offers cost-effective and
current training
• Teaches wide range of
software, creative, and
business skills
• Helps employees learn at
their own level and pace
Established in 1970, the EPA
enforces federal health and
environmental laws so that all
Americans are safe where
they live, learn and work.
17,000 employees located in
10 regional offices across US
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning
The ROI Method and Process
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Business Cents > Business Sense
What problem are you solving?
How can progress be measured?
Who are the stakeholders?
Who has what expectations?
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Investment Expectation
Estimate cost and
benefit of investment
Align your design, and
estimate cost and benefit
Isolate the effect of
investment and
calculate its value
Demonstrate extent that
expectations were met and
calculate the value
Measuring Success
Identify metrics that matter
Use data you can get
Increasing vs. Decreasing
Activity vs. Results
Learning vs. Performance
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
34 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
35 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Increasing X vs. Decreasing Y
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
From A
To B
by when
From A
To B
by when
Increase productivity or decrease inefficiency?
Increase retention or decrease attrition?
Increase revenue or decrease waste?
Activity vs. Results
Lead and Lag Measures
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
38 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Lead vs. Lag Measures
Lead Measure
Lag Measure
measures goal
predictive of goal
+ influenceable
lose weight/sizediet + exercise
doing this… gets that
39 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Lag Measure
reduce equipment failure
reduce safety incidents
increase accuracy/efficiency
reduce churn
increase retention of talent
Lead Measure
routine maintenance
compliance with safety regs
time spent practicing
touchpoints with clients
coaching provided
40 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Implement Manager Training
Lag Measure
Increase retention of talent
Decrease complaints to HR
Lead Measure
Regular one-on-ones
Provide coaching
Give autonomy
Support growth
Build cohesive teams
41 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
• Perceive program to
be relevant to the job
• Perceive program to
be relevant to job
• Perceive program to
be value added
• Rate the program as
• Would recommend
to others
• Understand the value
of engagement and
their influence
• Use skills and clarity
coaching to develop
• Cultivate team
cohesion and
• Improve personal
Complete action plan
Show improvements in:
• coaching skills
• team management
• personal
Identify barriers and
enablers to application
of knowledge/skills
• Increased
• Increased
• Reduced
complaints to HR
• Reduced
Learning + Performance Outcome
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
• Perceive program to
be relevant to the job
• Perceive program to
be relevant to job
• Perceive program to
be value added
• Rate the program as
• Would recommend
to others
• Understand the value
of engagement and
their influence on it
• Use skills and clarity
coaching to develop
• Cultivate team
cohesion and
• Improve personal
Complete action plan
Show improvements in:
• coaching skills
• team management
• personal
Identify barriers and
enablers to application
of knowledge/skills
• Increased
• Increased
• Reduced
complaints to HR
• Reduced
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning
The ROI Method and Process
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Training + Learning
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Not to scale!
45 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Training < ----------- ---------- > Learning
Specific event or activity Anywhere, any time
Designed from organization’s perspective Designed from learner’s perspective
Develop new skills, so can carry out specific
behavior/process on own (prescriptive)
Absorb and retain information to be used in
non-specific, unexpected future use (creative)
Given to; Organization tells/teaches/directs
Engaged with; Organization partners with
learner to grow, develop, adapt
May have goal for compliance and/or risk
Goal is to enhance potential and performance
of employee in ways that are meaningful
Employee can perceive content to be
irrelevant or boring, so may be disengaged
and unmotivated to pursue further learning
Employee perceives content as immediately
useful and helpful, so active participant and
motivated to pursue further learning
Benefits of Learning
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Active participation
Authentic motivation
Ongoing improvement
Employee engagement
Retention of talent
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
opportunities to be self directed
opportunities to learn and grow
contribute to something meaningful
Growth mindset
Dr. Carol Dweck
49 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Growth Mindset
leads to a desire to learn, so tends to:
Believe that skills can always improve with
hard work
See effort as a path to mastery and
therefore essential
Embrace challenges and see them as
opportunity to grow
See feedback as useful for learning and
Views setbacks as a wake-up call to work
harder next time
Find lessons and inspiration in the success
of others
As a result, they reach ever-higher
levels of potential and performance.
Fixed Mindset
leads to a desire to look good, so tends to:
Believe that most skills are based on traits that
are fixed and cannot change
See effort as unnecessary; something to do
when you’re not good enough
Avoid challenges because could reveal lack
of skill; tends to give up easily
See feedback as personally threatening to
sense of self and gets defensive
View setbacks as discouraging; tends to blame
Feel threatened by the success of others;
may undermine others in effort to look good
As a result, they may plateau early and
achieve less than their full potential.
How much people are
emotionally connected and
committed to their organizations,
and their willingness to go above
and beyond the expectations of
their jobs.
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Measuring Engagement
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
1. I am proud to work for this company.
2. This company motivates me to go beyond what
I would in a similar role elsewhere.
3. I see myself still working here in 3 years.
4. I would recommend this company as a great place to work.
5. I rarely think about looking for a job at another organization.
In the US Around the World
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
% of US Workers
Engaged 30%
Not engaged 52%
Actively disengaged
54 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
The Power of Engagement
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
A disengaged employee costs an organization
approximately $3,400 for every $10,000 of salary (Gallup).
Engaged employees are 127% more likely to be
A performers than C performers (McLean & Company).
Highly engaged organizations have the potential to
decrease employee turnover by 87% (Human Capital Institute).
56 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
From “Making
the Case for
L+D is a key
driver of
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
The Role of L+D
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Have data that show how
L+D is directly related to:
increases in overall
employee engagement
increases in employee
identification with organization’s values
increase in positive organization culture
Retaining Top Talent
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Cost to replace an employee is
50% to 250% of annual salary+benefits!
SHRM’s “Cost of Turnover” Worksheet
• Lost productivity (position + others)
• Offboarding
• Recruiting > hiring > training
• Time to previous employee’s performance
ROI Calculator
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
How to Maximize
the Benefits of
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Cultivate Potential
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Having the capacity to
become or develop into
something in the future.
Unrealized ability.
Performance = Potential + Support
Put Learners First
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
What is their context?
What would make their work life
immediately better or easier?
Design to solve their problems
and maximize their potential.
Be a
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
They will help
you show ROI.
Return on Investment (ROI)
Your Context
Results That Matter
The Amazing Value of Learning
The ROI Method and Process
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
ROI Methodology
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Five Levels of Evaluation
V Model for Business Alignment
Process Model to Analyze Impact
Data Collection
Jack Phillips
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Did the learners
like the program?
Did the learners
learn the content?
Did the learners deploy
the learning on the job?
Did the learning impact
business results?
Did the learning
investment payoff?
68 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
V Model
The ROI Process Methodology
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
70 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Data Options
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Hard/soft data
Focus groups
Performance Records
72 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Isolating Effect of Program
Pre-test, post-test
Control group
Trend analysis
Use of expert studies/data
Estimation of impact by:
• Participants
• Supervisors
• Leadership
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
74 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Learn More About ROI
Learn More About Learning at
Instructional Design Essentials series:
❯ The Neuroscience of Learning with Britt Andreatta
❯ Flipping the Classroom with Aaron Quigley
❯ Models of Instructional Design with Shea Hanson
❯ Needs Analysis with Jeff Toister
Running a Profitable Business with Jim Stice
Finance Fundamentals with Jim and Kay Stice
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
76 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
77 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
Questions + Answers
Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

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Roioflearninglyndacom 150422124107-conversion-gate02

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Welcome + Introduction April 22, 2015 Brian Smith Director of Enterprise Marketing
  • 3. 3 A Robust Online Training Library Content in Business Leadership, Management, Productivity, Software, Communication, Career Development, and more. 3,400+ courses Avg. 20 courses released per week 10,000+ hours of learning Avg. 5 hours released per day 138,000+ videos Avg. 750 released per week Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 4. 4 Britt Andreatta Leadership consultant since 1989 PhD in Education, Leadership + Organizations Professor and Dean at UC Santa Barbara and Antioch University, teaching leadership and success skills Member > Author > Director of Learning + Development Please view my seven courses on Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 5. 5 Agenda Return on Investment (ROI) Your Context Results That Matter The Amazing Value of Learning The ROI Method and Process Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 7. 7 Agenda Return on Investment (ROI) Your Context Results That Matter The Amazing Value of Learning The ROI Method and Process Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 8. 8 History Peter Drucker “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 9. 9 Donald Kirkpatrick Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Four levels of evaluation
  • 10. 10 Donald Kirkpatrick Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Results Behavior Transfer Reaction
  • 11. 11 Jack Phillips Demonstrating the ROI of Learning The Father of ROI
  • 12. 12 ROI Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Did the learners like the program? Did the learners learn the content? Did the learners deploy the learning on the job? Did the learning impact business results? Did the learning investment payoff? Jack Phillips ROI Impact Implementation Learning Reaction/Satisfaction
  • 13. 13 The Math Benefit-cost Ratio (BCR) Return on Investment (ROI) Time to payback Works with any currency $ ¥ ₹ €, etc. Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 14. 14 Benefit-cost Ratio (BCR) BCR = Program Benefits Program Costs Economic indicator of accountability for results. The benefit (return) of an investment is compared to the cost; expressed as a ratio. Demonstrating the ROI of Learning (x:y)
  • 15. 15 BCR Example $35,000 $20,000 It cost $20,000 to implement new learning program. The learning resulted in $35,000 savings. BCR = = 1.75 1.75:1 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning For every $1 spent, you received $1.75 in total benefit.
  • 16. 16 Return on Investment (ROI) ROI = (Program Benefit Minus Program Costs) Program Costs Economic indicator of accountability for results. The benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost; expressed as percentage. X 100 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning %
  • 17. 17 ROI Example ROI = ¥35,000-¥20,000 ¥20,000 It cost ¥20,000 to implement new learning program. The learning resulted in ¥35,000 savings. X 100 = .75 75% Demonstrating the ROI of Learning For every ¥1 spent, you received ¥.75 in net benefit.
  • 18. 18 Time to Payoff Payback = Program Costs Program Benefits Economic indicator of accountability for results. Estimated time in which a program will break even (time after that is added benefit); expressed in time. X time unit Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Time
  • 19. 19 Payoff Example Payback = ₹20,000 ₹35,000 It cost ₹20,000 to implement new learning program. The learning resulted in ₹35,000 savings. = .57 6.84 months Demonstrating the ROI of Learning The program would pay for itself in 6.84 months. x 12 = 6.84
  • 20. 20 Overwhelmed? You only need to build a compelling case for your context. Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 21. 21 Agenda Return on Investment (ROI) Your Context Results That Matter The Amazing Value of Learning The ROI Method and Process Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 22. 22 Reality Check Is HR/L+D seen as a trusted and valued business partner? Do you have an established record of success? Are you empowered to take intelligent risks and make decisions? Are you justifying an upcoming purchase or evaluating one you have already implemented? Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 24. 24 Hard Data Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Cost Output Time Quality Energy Unit costs Overhead costs Operating costs Variances Insurance/legal Penalties/fines Accident costs Sales expense Units produced Tons manufactured Items assembled Reports processes Students graduated Grants awarded Tasks completed Accounts signed Cycle time Response time Downtime Overtime Processing time Supervisory time Work stoppages Errors Waste Rework Rejects Defects Shortages Failures Accidents Water Fossil fuels Food Minerals Land Trees Pollution Waste
  • 25. 25 Plenty of Options Cost Output Time Quality Energy Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Service Creativity Development Culture
  • 26. 26 Soft Data Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Customer Service Creativity Development Culture Impression Service Loyalty Retention Complaints Returns New ideas Innovation Risk taking Suggestions Collaboration Partnership Alliances Job effectiveness Capability Performance Potential Promotions Requests for transfer Turnover Complaints Grievances Absenteeism Tardiness Engagement Job satisfaction Loyalty
  • 27. 27 Case Study Demonstrating the ROI of Learning “ access means there is a constant learning resource for employees. Sometimes it only takes two minutes to improve their knowledge, rather than a full day in a classroom to achieve the same outcome.” BENEFITS • Complements live training • Lets employees quickly find answers to questions • Provides detailed reports that inform future training initiatives ABOUT DENTSU AEGIS Denstu Aegis Network helps clients build relationships with consumers through content creation, digital creative execution, market analysis, and much more. 23,000 employees in 110 countries on 5 continents
  • 28. 28 Case Study Demonstrating the ROI of Learning “I honestly think this hands-on learning is the best way to learn software. I’m glad UCLA provides to all students. I think the more software we know, the more it prepares us for the job market once we graduate.” BENEFITS • Supports students in any major • Provides tools training outside of class • Encourages staff and faculty professional development ABOUT UCLA Founded in 1919, UCLA offers 125 undergraduate and graduate degrees in business, engineering, medicine and more. 35,000 students + 31,000 full- and part-time faculty and administrative staff.
  • 29. 29 Case Study Demonstrating the ROI of Learning “If we’re struggling to learn something, or if we’re frustrated trying to get something to work, someone will see if a course exists. With such a large amount of content at an affordable price, was by far our best bet.” BENEFITS • Provides convenient on-demand solution • Offers cost-effective and current training • Teaches wide range of software, creative, and business skills • Helps employees learn at their own level and pace ABOUT EPA Established in 1970, the EPA enforces federal health and environmental laws so that all Americans are safe where they live, learn and work. 17,000 employees located in 10 regional offices across US
  • 30. 30 Agenda Return on Investment (ROI) Your Context Results That Matter The Amazing Value of Learning The ROI Method and Process Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 31. 31 Business Cents > Business Sense What problem are you solving? How can progress be measured? Who are the stakeholders? Who has what expectations? Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 32. 32 ROI vs. ROE Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Investment Expectation Justification Estimate cost and benefit of investment Align your design, and estimate cost and benefit Evaluation Isolate the effect of investment and calculate its value Demonstrate extent that expectations were met and calculate the value
  • 33. 33 Measuring Success Identify metrics that matter Use data you can get Increasing vs. Decreasing Activity vs. Results Learning vs. Performance Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 34. 34 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 35. 35 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 36. 36 Increasing X vs. Decreasing Y Demonstrating the ROI of Learning From A To B by when Time From A Time To B by when Increase productivity or decrease inefficiency? Increase retention or decrease attrition? Increase revenue or decrease waste?
  • 37. 37 Activity vs. Results Lead and Lag Measures Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 38. 38 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Lead vs. Lag Measures Lead Measure (activity) Lag Measure (results) measures goal predictive of goal + influenceable lose weight/sizediet + exercise doing this… gets that = LEVERAGE
  • 39. 39 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Examples Lag Measure (results) reduce equipment failure reduce safety incidents increase accuracy/efficiency reduce churn increase retention of talent Lead Measure (activity) routine maintenance compliance with safety regs time spent practicing touchpoints with clients coaching provided
  • 40. 40 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Implement Manager Training Lag Measure (results) Increase retention of talent Decrease complaints to HR Lead Measure (activity) Regular one-on-ones Provide coaching Give autonomy Support growth Build cohesive teams
  • 41. 41 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Reaction Objectives Learning Objectives Implementation Objectives Business Impact • Perceive program to be relevant to the job • Perceive program to be relevant to job performance • Perceive program to be value added • Rate the program as effective • Would recommend to others • Understand the value of engagement and their influence • Use skills and clarity coaching to develop employees • Cultivate team cohesion and collaboration • Improve personal effectiveness Complete action plan Show improvements in: • coaching skills • team management • personal effectiveness Identify barriers and enablers to application of knowledge/skills acquired • Increased retention • Increased productivity • Reduced complaints to HR • Reduced absenteeism ROI Impact Implementation Learning Reaction/Satisfaction
  • 42. 42 Learning + Performance Outcome Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Reaction Objectives Learning Objectives Implementation Objectives Business Impact • Perceive program to be relevant to the job • Perceive program to be relevant to job performance • Perceive program to be value added • Rate the program as effective • Would recommend to others • Understand the value of engagement and their influence on it • Use skills and clarity coaching to develop employees • Cultivate team cohesion and collaboration • Improve personal effectiveness Complete action plan Show improvements in: • coaching skills • team management • personal effectiveness Identify barriers and enablers to application of knowledge/skills acquired • Increased retention • Increased productivity • Reduced complaints to HR • Reduced absenteeism
  • 43. 43 Agenda Return on Investment (ROI) Your Context Results That Matter The Amazing Value of Learning The ROI Method and Process Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 44. 44 Training + Learning Demonstrating the ROI of Learning training learning Not to scale!
  • 45. 45 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Training < ----------- ---------- > Learning Specific event or activity Anywhere, any time Designed from organization’s perspective Designed from learner’s perspective Develop new skills, so can carry out specific behavior/process on own (prescriptive) Absorb and retain information to be used in non-specific, unexpected future use (creative) Given to; Organization tells/teaches/directs employee Engaged with; Organization partners with learner to grow, develop, adapt May have goal for compliance and/or risk reduction Goal is to enhance potential and performance of employee in ways that are meaningful Employee can perceive content to be irrelevant or boring, so may be disengaged and unmotivated to pursue further learning Employee perceives content as immediately useful and helpful, so active participant and motivated to pursue further learning
  • 46. 46 Benefits of Learning Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Active participation Authentic motivation Ongoing improvement Employee engagement Retention of talent
  • 47. 47 Motivation Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Autonomy opportunities to be self directed Mastery opportunities to learn and grow Purpose contribute to something meaningful
  • 49. 49 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Growth Mindset leads to a desire to learn, so tends to: Believe that skills can always improve with hard work See effort as a path to mastery and therefore essential Embrace challenges and see them as opportunity to grow See feedback as useful for learning and improving Views setbacks as a wake-up call to work harder next time Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others As a result, they reach ever-higher levels of potential and performance. Fixed Mindset leads to a desire to look good, so tends to: Believe that most skills are based on traits that are fixed and cannot change See effort as unnecessary; something to do when you’re not good enough Avoid challenges because could reveal lack of skill; tends to give up easily See feedback as personally threatening to sense of self and gets defensive View setbacks as discouraging; tends to blame others Feel threatened by the success of others; may undermine others in effort to look good As a result, they may plateau early and achieve less than their full potential.
  • 50. 50 Engagement How much people are emotionally connected and committed to their organizations, and their willingness to go above and beyond the expectations of their jobs. Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 51. 51 Measuring Engagement Demonstrating the ROI of Learning 1. I am proud to work for this company. 2. This company motivates me to go beyond what I would in a similar role elsewhere. 3. I see myself still working here in 3 years. 4. I would recommend this company as a great place to work. 5. I rarely think about looking for a job at another organization.
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 53 In the US Around the World Demonstrating the ROI of Learning % of US Workers Engaged 30% Not engaged 52% Actively disengaged 18%
  • 54. 54 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 55. 55 The Power of Engagement Demonstrating the ROI of Learning A disengaged employee costs an organization approximately $3,400 for every $10,000 of salary (Gallup). Engaged employees are 127% more likely to be A performers than C performers (McLean & Company). Highly engaged organizations have the potential to decrease employee turnover by 87% (Human Capital Institute).
  • 56. 56 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning From “Making the Case for Employee Engagement”
  • 57. 57 L+D is a key driver of employee engagement Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 58. 58 The Role of L+D Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Have data that show how L+D is directly related to: increases in overall employee engagement increases in employee identification with organization’s values increase in positive organization culture
  • 59. 59 Retaining Top Talent Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Cost to replace an employee is 50% to 250% of annual salary+benefits! SHRM’s “Cost of Turnover” Worksheet • Lost productivity (position + others) • Offboarding • Recruiting > hiring > training • Time to previous employee’s performance
  • 61. 61 How to Maximize the Benefits of Learning Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 62. 62 Cultivate Potential Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Having the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. Unrealized ability. Performance = Potential + Support
  • 63. 63 Put Learners First Demonstrating the ROI of Learning What is their context? What would make their work life immediately better or easier? Design to solve their problems and maximize their potential.
  • 64. 64 Be a Learning Guide Demonstrating the ROI of Learning They will help you show ROI.
  • 65. 65 Agenda Return on Investment (ROI) Your Context Results That Matter The Amazing Value of Learning The ROI Method and Process Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 66. 66 ROI Methodology Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Five Levels of Evaluation V Model for Business Alignment Process Model to Analyze Impact Data Collection
  • 67. 67 Jack Phillips ROI Demonstrating the ROI of Learning ROI Impact Implementation Learning Reaction/Satisfaction Did the learners like the program? Did the learners learn the content? Did the learners deploy the learning on the job? Did the learning impact business results? Did the learning investment payoff?
  • 68. 68 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning V Model
  • 69. 69 The ROI Process Methodology Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 70. 70 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 71. 71 Data Options Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Hard/soft data Surveys/questionnaires Tests Observation Interviews Focus groups Performance Records
  • 72. 72 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 73. 73 Isolating Effect of Program Pre-test, post-test Control group Trend analysis Use of expert studies/data Estimation of impact by: • Participants • Supervisors • Leadership Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 74. 74 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning Learn More About ROI
  • 75. 75 Learn More About Learning at Instructional Design Essentials series: ❯ The Neuroscience of Learning with Britt Andreatta ❯ Flipping the Classroom with Aaron Quigley ❯ Models of Instructional Design with Shea Hanson ❯ Needs Analysis with Jeff Toister Running a Profitable Business with Jim Stice Finance Fundamentals with Jim and Kay Stice Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 76. 76 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 77. 77 Demonstrating the ROI of Learning
  • 78. 78 Questions + Answers Demonstrating the ROI of Learning

Editor's Notes

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  16. :10 Japanese Yen
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  18. :11 Indian Ruppees
  19. :12
  20. :12 I’m in a master minds group with L+D folks from hospitals, construction, university, footwear When I called and asked for examples, NONE of them had any! None! ROI means different things to each of us Some have to justify everything Some are trusted Know your context
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  40. :28 Example of a Management Training Program
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  46. :34 Learning does this, training not so much
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  63. :45 Help them achieve their goals. They have to climb a big mountain so I make their job easier I mark the path, I pack the bags, and I give them the tools they need to do it well. Then we send them on their way and take their calls when they get stuck or need a little encouragement
  64. :46
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  72. :50 Wisdom of crowds
  73. :51
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  75. :51
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