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The Digital Side Of Startup
Ecosystem Development
GEC 2018 - Istanbul
#EcoDev - #EcosystemOS - #GEC18IST
part of
Valto Loikkanen
International Serial Entrepreneur
Startup Ecosystem Developer
Digital Finance Innovator
As an Entrepreneur
● 20+ years as international Serial Entrepreneur (US, EU, Asia) &
Portfolio Entrepreneur, with personal hard earned success &
failures (currently 10 companies)
● 17 years experience in developing digital tools to support
various business processes
● 8 years of developing equity crowdfunding and other digital
investment market solutions globally
● 8 years for Startup Ecosystem development combined with
online support tools, platforms & metrics
As a Support Provider
● 10 years of startup mentoring
○ 2000+ one to one mentoring sessions and workshops
○ 1000+ entrepreneurs and hundreds of startups around the
world at various development stages and industries
● 10 years developing Startup Support services, with
entrepreneurial mind and lean methodology
As a Ecosystem Development Enabler
● 6 years of “living lab” development for Startup Ecosystems
● 4 years in European Commission Horizon 2020 Advisory:
○ Access to Risk Finance, Spreading Excellence & Widening
participation, International Cooperation
#EcoDev - #EcosystemOS
8 years
Helsinki, Finland
In past 5 years
24 other ecosystems
“at ground level”
“Developing Ecosystems
As Entrepreneurs”
“digitize and connected startup
ecosystems within and between globally,
with data connecting infrastructure”
“Scale entrepreneurship and innovation by empowering
ecosystem development with global knowledge, frameworks
and digital solutions for data-driven development.”
“Facilitate, develop and license global knowledge, tools and digital
solutions for and between Ecosystem Operators to enable efficiency
and data-flow within and between ecosystems.”
Finnish mindset
Open Source
Entrepreneurial perspective
BIG problems
When committed on a problem for
long enough...
...gain insight into hard to identify
big issues.
“How to scale
and innovation...”
“ help enable
successful startups
in volume?”
Common understanding
By: Bill Gross
Premature Scaling
(on any one area)
#1 Failure factor
Framework For
Supporting Startups
skills & ownership
Team Structure
Market Timing
Too early/lateSmall
Market Opportunity
Business Model / Market FitProduct / Market FitVision / Founders Fit
Levels of validation
Problem / Solution Fit
Minimum Viable
Validate / Iterate
(or pivot)
ambition and/or
potential scalable
product or service idea
for a big enough target
market. Initial idea on
how it would create
value. One person or a
vague team; no
commitment or no
right balance of skills
in the team structure
Defining mission and
vision with initial strategy
and key milestones for
next few years on how to
get there. Two or three
entrepreneurial core
co-founders with
complementary skills and
ownership plan. Maybe
additional team members
for specific roles also with
Committed, skills balanced
co-founding team with shared
vision, values and attitude.
Able to develop the initial
product or service version,
with committed resources, or
already have initial product or
service in place. Co-founders
shareholder agreement (SHA)
signed, including milestones,
with shareholders time &
money commitments, for next
three years with proper
vesting terms.
Iterating and testing
assumptions for validated
solution to demonstrate
initial user growth and/or
revenue. Initial Key
Performance Indicators
(KPI’s) identified. Can start
to attract additional
resources (money or work
equity) via investments or
loans for equity, interest or
revenue share from future
Focus on KPI based
measurable growth in
users, customers and
revenues and/or market
traction & market share in
a big or fast growing
target market. Can and
want to grow fast.
Consider or have attracted
significant funding or
would be able to do so if
wanted. Hiring, improving
quality and implementing
Achieved great growth,
that can be expected to
continue. Easily attract
financial and people
resources. Depending on
vision, mission and
commitments, will
continue to grow and
often tries to culturally
continue “like a startup".
Founders and/or investors
make exit(s) or continue
with the company.
Lean Startup
Startup Development Phases - from idea to business and talent to organization.
Mission > Vision > Strategy
Scale Up
● Idea and co-founder team formation
● What, to whom, why and how?
Establish &
Version 3.6 -
-2 -1 0 1 2 3
Processes &
Idea Validation
Team Validation
Product Validation
Business Validation
Team Commitment Validation
Idea Creation
Team Formation
Product Creation
Business Model Creation
Organization building
Attracting & Inspiring
Public services
& funding
Private service providers
& investors
Money & ConnectionsStartup Knowledge
Startup Ecosystems
Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
Innovation Ecosystem
Startup Ecosystem
Support Focus Areas
Open Services
No Time Fixed Format
“One Off” Services
ie. Service“Buffet”
Focus on
● Basics learning
● inspiration
● exploration
Acceleration Style
For Most Potential Ones
Fixed Time period Format
Dedicated & Planned Services
Focus on
● execution
Best Startups
For Investments
& Inspiration
Focus on
● scaling
-2 -1 30 21
Developing Ecosystems
Maturity Model
Simplified and adapted version of the Capability
Maturity Model (CMM), as administered and
marketed by Carnegie Mellon University.
A maturity assessment can
provide useful information
on an organization’s
to adapt to organizational
and technological changes
and innovation.
Quantitative and
statistical control
techniques are the
foundation for the
completely systematic
implementation of
process, quality and
best practice
improvements as a
basis for continuously
perfecting work and
decision making
procedures in a
targeted manner. The
approach is fully
integrated into the
company's overall
strategic planning.
The organization uses a
fully developed,
structured and
documented approach/
methodology that is
systematically adjusted
on the basis of
experience and
consistently complied
with. The organization
uses quantitative and
statistical techniques to
improve performance,
quality and
predictability. Metrics
ensure a clear
connection with the
business strategy.
The organization uses a
standard, cohesive
that supports business
strategy delivery, is
defined and described
in the form of models/
procedures and is
broadly accepted and
widely complied with.
Experience/learning are
continuously translated
into improvements.
Results and successful
deliverables are clear
Close cooperation to
organize and execute
successful projects.
Simple metrics are used
to underpin project
execution and
employee performance.
Apart from project
planning tools, the
organization uses only a
minimum of
management tools,
techniques and
Ad hoc
The organization does
not work with this issue,
or only in certain cases,
and it has no actual
tools, methods or
practice. The work is
neither formalized nor
broadly coordinated.
Experience is not
systematically collected
to form a basis for
& Manifesto
& Vision
Aligned &
& Iteration
Ecosystem Maturity Levels
Ecosystem Development & Orchestration
Starting to embrace startup
culture, development and
understanding. Early awareness of
startup ecosystem mindset.
Want to fully understand about
global megatrends and changes
taking place in innovation,
entrepreneurship and startup
ecosystem developments.
Assessing proper view on how own
position, activities and focus areas
are aligned with compared to
international peers, local targets
and assumptions.
Seeking strategies, policies and
new support functions & services
at economic development, to grow
business creation via
entrepreneurship and innovative
Developing and embracing
entrepreneurial culture, startup
development and startup
ecosystem knowledge among local
key stakeholders for common
understanding and alignment.
Building a shared vision and
development roadmap for local
Mapped out, visualized and
actively connecting ecosystem
startups, activities, services and
applications from research, events,
innovation services, advisory
networks, funding instruments and
talent pools oriented with startup
development phases.
Good accessibility, transparency
and active effort on reducing
overlaps, removing bottlenecks in
support functions & filling
knowledge gaps.
Increased focus on measuring and
benchmarking ecosystem
performance and development
progress at all levels.
Following annually updated
sustainable long term roadmap &
milestones with growing resources
Fully embracing entrepreneurial
culture & entrepreneurship lead
innovation to maintain and
improve own position in locally
important key areas in global
ecosystem rankings.
Digitally connected locally and
internationally for local real-time
data driven orchestration,
development, benchmarking & to
attract international investments.
Improving in volume, quality,
velocity & ROI.
Ecosystem Maturity Levels
Service A
Service B
Service A
Private Advisory: Multiple advisors
In search of co-founders
SHA Workshop
Group Advisory
Private Advisory: One advisor
Pitch Training & feedback
General networking
In search of team members
Startup Info (stages & service matching)
Company registration, VAT etc. basics advisory
Co-working space and pop up advisory
Pitching events: for advisors, funding, sweat equity & visibility
Recruiting support & advisory
Biz Model Canvas
MVP & metrics workshop
Customer Development
Random events, meetups & presentations in the ecosystem
Media as a Service
Marketing ServicesMarketing Workshop
Subsidised specialist grants (UX, design etc. etc.)
Sales as a Service
Subsidised specialist grants (accounting, legal etc.)
Startup Weekend etc.
Accelerator Bootcamps
Public sector as a customer
(for improving & sharing)
What is the target of the service?
What does participator get?
Service Description
> Formation >
Service Owner
> Validation > > Growth >
To whom is this service targeted for?
New Existing
When is this available?
Where is this available?
How can one find this?
What is this service key measure?
(more KPI’s on the other side)
Key service(s) before this one? Key service(s) after this one?
Startup related KPI’s Service related KPI’s
What is the target of the service?
Action plans
for development objectives
What we want to improve? Easiness
Output / Deliverable:
Actionable Item: (what to do?)
How to do?
How to measure?
> F >
Side impacts:
Where is this happening now?
Where it should happen?
How is it being measured now?
Objective OwnerPriority
> V > > G >
Starting Value: Target Value:
Key challenge(s)
New Existing
Describe a clear objective what needs to be
improved and why in one sentence (you can
further explain what is the
problem/benefit)? If the initiative is too
big/difficult as specified, consider how you
can break it down to smaller
F, V, G
What part of "startup Ecosystem Funnel" is
the primary focus with this action?
Formation (-2 to 0), Validation (0 to 2),
Growth (2+)
Item & Value being improved
To what items in are we targeting and what
values are we looking to improve
"Ecosystem Development Framework" Ie.
"volume of innovation"
Starting value and Target value
What is the measure being used, starting
level of that measure and to what
improvement is aimed for? If the starting
level is unknown but the impact for
improving is high, consider separate
objective for finding out that starting level.
Prefer numeric values. If not relevant,
describe outcome/deliverable (how would
some of the outcome/deliverables look like).
Output / Deliverable
If specific value is not relevant OR in
addition to numeric target value, describe
outcome/deliverable (how would some of
the outcome/deliverables look like).
Actionable Item
What initiative should be done and steps
taken to achieve the above objective?
Who would be most natural party to take
the responsibility from this card? NOTE: this
does not mean necessary to be the one
making it happen operatively, that can be
separate group of people and organizations
or identified later. But someone should be
responsible to follow that this objective
starts to move forward and update the
Impact Score - Estimated level of impact
towards startup ecosystem targets. Rate
1-10 (1 being the highest)
Easiness Score - What is the level of
"easiness" for implementing (considering
cost, time, effort it would take to get done)
? Rate 1-10 (1 being the easiest).
Key Challenges
For items rated high on impact but low on
easiness. Mark here, what is considered to
be the reason for difficulty of
implementation. Ie: Cost, Lack of Skills or
Knowledge, Policy, Other.
Actionable Item
What initiative should be done and steps
taken to achieve the above objective?
Side Impacts
What other items and values in "Ecosystem
Development Framework" this action
contributes to if any Ie. "volume of talent”
High impact towards ecosystem
level targets
No impact towards ecosystem
level targets
Easy to implement Difficult to implement
Prioritizing Objectives
Highest Priority
Listing Priorized Development Actions
Ecosystem Objective Output Priority Impact Effort KPI
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
About those...
“...hard to identify, BIG
impact issues?”
= opportunities!
Ecosystem Segments
Product BusinessIdeas
Founders OrganizationTalents
-2 0 2 3-1 1A
Product build & validation,
Biz model design & testing.
Product scaling &
business model validation
Ideation & product design
Team building, training,
mentoring, seed investor &
experts matching
VC Investors, Corporate &
international partnership
Education, inspiration,
Co-founder matchingB
C ?
-2 2 3-1 0 1
Who’s in charge?
Yes, but...
Shared leadership?
Who’s Driving?
Imagine ecosystem
as more tangible thing... an airport...
How well should it function?
Support Providers
Product build & validation,
Biz model design & testing.
Product scaling &
business model validation
Ideation & product design
Team building, training,
mentoring, seed investor &
experts matching
VC Investors, Corporate &
international partnership
Education, inspiration,
Co-founder matching
Product BusinessIdeas
Founders OrganizationTalents
Ecosystem Orchestration?
Business Creators-2 2 3-1 0 Business Creators
Support Providers
Product build & validation,
Biz model design & testing.
Product scaling &
business model validation
Ideation & product design
Team building, training,
mentoring, seed investor &
experts matching
VC Investors, Corporate &
international partnership
Education, inspiration,
Co-founder matching
Product BusinessIdeas
Founders OrganizationTalents
Ecosystem Orchestration?
Business Creators-2 2 3-1 0 Business Creators
Startup are a about technology,
innovation, disruption.
But... much is technology &
innovation actually utilized within
startup support and ecosystem
development functions...
API Economy
Data Economy
Platform Economy
Digital Transformation
Digital Single Market...
By 2020 the value
of personalized
data will be
1 trillion euros,
almost 8% of the
Global data
economy is
predicted at
3 trillion.
About me, my
records, etc.
What I do, what
is done for me,
my interactions
About service,
target, details,
operator etc.
Process steps,
User A
Service A
About service,
target, details,
operator etc.
Process steps,
Service B
Key aim for GDPR
Enable Data Portability to people
on their terms.
Trends in application development
How it could be...
“In God we trust; all others
bring data.”
― W. Edwards Deming
Orchestration & Digital.
Should be own dedicated and
permanent function with proper team
and resources with clear mandate by
the ecosystem.
Support providers
Ecosystem level
orchestration & digitalization
“Ecosystem Operators”.
bottom up?
top down?
bottom up
top down
quick & short term?
sustainability & long term?
Ecosystem Operator
quick & short term
sustainability & long term
No matter how and where it starts.
As things mature, realistically
sustainable model needs to emerge.
To make things sustainable.
“Those who take care of others,
need to be equipped properly and
taken care as well.”
What's important
● Clear mandate, roles and responsibility in ecosystem
orchestration at different functions and levels
● Vision, Mission & roadmap with strategy & plans
● Neutral actor with capable team, covenanced by key
ecosystem actors
● Information management
○ Ecosystem Actors & Support services
○ Development initiatives
○ Statistics and outcomes
○ Connectivity and data flow; data portability, sharing models etc.
● KPI alignments
● Sustainable resourcing
What's important
● Connectivity for all ecosystem levels/functions
● Best practises & software
● Data Models
● API’s
● Documentation
● Creating Standards
● Data monetization models
● Learnings
● etc.
Items worked together with other operators
Applications &
Software ≠ Data
Software ≠ Data
tool value
Digital Teams
“Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...”
Support Providers
Product build & validation,
Biz model design & testing.
Product scaling &
business model validation
Ideation & product design
Team building, training,
mentoring, seed investor &
experts matching
VC Investors, Corporate &
international partnership
Education, inspiration,
Co-founder matching
Product BusinessIdeas
Founders OrganizationTalents
Ecosystem Developers
“Strategically developing ecosystem as a whole from holistic perspective”
Business Creators-2 2 3-1
A 0 Business Creators
Project mng. Tools
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data Service Data Service Data
Event Systems Canvas & Dev Tools Biz Plan Tool
Online Forums Mentoring Accounting
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Evaluating Tools
Service Data
Service Data
Funding platforms
Customer Data Customer Data Customer DataCustomer Data Customer Data
Digital Teams
“Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...”
Project mng. Tools
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data Service Data Service Data
Event Systems Canvas & Dev Tools Biz Plan Tool
Online Forums Mentoring Accounting
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Evaluating Tools
Service Data
Service Data
Funding platforms
Customer Data Customer Data Customer DataCustomer Data Customer Data
Ecosystem DataCustomer DataCompany Data
Ecosystem PortalCRMCompany Registry
Customer DataProject Data Financial DataFiles Data
CRM AccountingProject Mng.Documents
Digital Teams
“Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...”
User Data
Business Data
Activity Data
Statistical & Benchmarking Data
Information & Analytics Data
Profiling Data
& Sharable
Email Updates
Suggested Training
Knowledge Automation
Social Media Updates
CRM record updates
Business Intell
Analytic alerts
Data flow adjustments
Open Application
Respond to Notification
Development Phase Update
View In App Message
Use Service
Entered Geolocation
Data flows to automated actions
Data is core to feed
ecosystem analytics and benchmarking.
For data-driven policy making, measure
service performance, define funding
decisions, enable matchmaking and more...
Data = power...
“I feel fundamentally uncomfortable sitting
here in California in an office making content
policy decisions for people around the world”
- Mark Zuckerberg
“What I would really like to do is find a way
to get our policies set in a way that reflects
the values of the community, so I am not the
one making those decisions”
- Mark Zuckerberg
"Digital economy can not be
“departmentalized” to be considered as
“something separate”, but something that is
embedded part of all functions and
Digital Transformation
is an iterative process
Service Data
& KPI’s
Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
Starting point
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
0.5% covered
1% DATA Driven
Starting point
7% covered
8% DATA Driven
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Service Data
& KPI’s
Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
Starting point
30% covered
25% DATA Driven
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Service Data
& KPI’s
Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
Starting point
50% covered
65% DATA
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Service Data
& KPI’s
Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
Starting point
75 % Covered
85% DATA
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Service Data
& KPI’s
Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
But it needs to be started
to get there!
Ecosystem Level
KPI Monitoring
not random,
but systematic
only things that
can be measured,
can be improved
Entry per
Drop out %
Total #
Entry per
Drop out %
Total #
Entry per
Drop out %
Total #
Entry per
Drop out %
Total #
Entry per
Drop out %
Total #
& paths
Total #
measuring ecosystem output
measuring ecosystem output
Entry per source
identified paths
Drop out %
Total #
Entry per source
identified paths
Drop out %
Total #
Entry per source
identified paths
Drop out %
Total #
Business Model / Market FitProduct / Market FitVision / Founders FitProblem / Solution Fit
Innovation Talent
Money Support Growth
Volume value value value value value value Total
Quality value value value value value value Total
Velocity value value value value value value Total
ROI value value value value value value Total
Total Total Total Total Total Total Index
Minimum Viable
Validate / Iterate
(or pivot)
Lean StartupMission > Vision > Strategy Scale Up
● Co-founder team formation
● What, to whom? & Why and how?
Grow / Expand / Exit
Monitoring Ecosystem
-2 30 2
should be monitored?
Core purpose of ecosystems is to “produce and attract”
entrepreneurial talent and new ideas in growing
volume to become growing businesses.
Ecosystem is dependent from constant flow of new
people in various roles entering, navigating and
starting to actively take part in it.
Success of the ecosystem is measured by the volume
and quality of great companies and innovations
growing from the ecosystem.
Key KPI categories
“Only things that can be measured can be improved”
A. Follow Startups journeys to measure their progress (flow and
status) as they navigate through ecosystem
B. Measure individual support service processes helping startups in
their journey and match those to KPI index framework
C. Measure development initiatives contributing to improvement of
both, becoming visible in KPI index improvements
D. Aggregate & Measure deployment of KPI’s, Users accounts,
initiatives and services
Application Example
Business Plan Tool
Online service
Possible statistics for insights
● total number of user planning sessions
● total durations of time spent in creating
● time spent in specific segments / topics
● number of iterations per segment
● volume of content per segment and total
● range of values used per field in
● number of plans per business vertical
● time spent on plans per business vertical
● number of plan versions per user
● plan progres: time spent & times planning
since started
● number of customer segments
● key customer segments
● average number of products
● product pricing, cost and profitability
● key products/product types
● highest profitability verticals
● highest funding needs
● planned entity types
● number of founders
● locations of users
● finance calculations based data
○ average establish costs (in detail)
○ planned funding sources
○ profitability levels
○ fixed cost levels (in detail)
○ revenue targets
○ sales targets
○ three year outlooks
Making Ecosystems
Estonian Startup Ecosystem
Estonian Startups
Analogy from
Telecom Industry
● One to one
● No network to connect to
● No operators
● Limited reach
● Need to know who to
connect and how?
● Or call “anybody there?”
6 applications
15 two way connections
5 per each application
With only one
organization and one
application per each...
Service Provider
Data Model Categories
Specific Data Models Specific Data Models Specific Data ModelsSpecific Data Models
People & entities
Ecosystem support
services & activities
Ecosystem develop.
initiatives & projects
KPI’s & Reporting
Startup Commons provide standardized
“Operator Network Infra” and help enable “roaming”
Applications are “Devices” connecting to “Operators Network”
Ecosystem Operators are the “Operators”
“Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...”
Support Providers
Product build & validation,
Biz model design & testing.
Product scaling &
business model validation
Ideation & product design
Team building, training,
mentoring, seed investor &
experts matching
VC Investors, Corporate &
international partnership
Education, inspiration,
Co-founder matching
Product BusinessIdeas
Founders OrganizationTalents
Ecosystem Operators
“Strategically developing ecosystem as a whole from holistic perspective”
Business Creators-2 2 3-1
A 0 Business Creators
Startups (and SME’s) &
People (founders, talent, mentors, investors, coordinators, etc.)
Communities (Funding and Support Organizations)
Local Ecosystems
National Ecosystem
SEA Ecosystem (other similar regions)
Global Ecosystem
Int. Growth
Project mng. Tools
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data Service Data Service Data
Event Systems Canvas & Dev Tools Biz Plan Tool
Online Forums Mentoring Accounting
Service Data
Customer Data
Service Data
Customer Data
Evaluating Tools
Service Data
Service Data
Funding platforms
Ecosystem API’s
Standards and Documentation for Connections, Data Models & Data Sharing principles
Ecosystem DataProject Data KPI DataServices Data
Ecosystem Portal KPI DashboardEco.Dev. ProjectsService Mapping
Automated AutomatedManagedSemi Automated
Circle Pass Accounts & API’s - User Data Ownership, portability and Sharing
Customer Data Customer Data Customer DataCustomer Data Customer Data
Who will become your local.
Ecosystem Operator?.
Timing is aligned!
Needs are
identified & Validated
● Funding Available
● Value of DATA is obvious
● Knowledge Available
● Technology is mature
● Tools are available
● Parallel “industries” way
● GDPR Regulation
● Digital single market
● Reallocation of funding
● Global monopolies,
competition & issues
● Growing citizen
Ecosystem Operator Core Areas
Protect User
Data Rights
Real time
Data & KPI’s
● Focus on key elements from holistic and
neutral ecosystem perspective
○ User Account, related API’s, data & KPI’s
○ Service Function basic data, KPI’s &
related API’s
● Support User Experience at ecosystem level
● Support local business growth via local
connected application and business model
● Maintain sustainability of overall strategy,
processes and resources (funding, knowledge
base and related shorter & longer processes).
"The digital economic development of city,
region or country must be managed by
knowledgeable and capable people under
clear mandate.
- Not in control of foreign government or
freely monopolized by private businesses."
"If digital exists within a "separate silo" it
does not help ecosystem development
adopt a ‘digital by default’ culture. It
doesn’t help the ecosystem make digital as
ubiquitous as electricity."
"Ecosystem development knowledge
combined with digital expertise and close
ongoing operations with ecosystem, is key
to success!"
Creating Standards
But co-create global ecosystem data standards.
Let’s not create new local or national
Software = Shared
Data = Rightful Owners
Business Model?
Services Provided
Creating Data Monetization
for data owners.
% of data monetized
Ecosystem Operators.
Effective, sustainable
and systematic
development and
orchestration with
long term perspective
Digital & Data
Software, API and
Data economy driven,
real-time, globally
competitive and
connected digital
single market.
Ecosystem Operator
Bottom up
Top Down
Design it to have
“best of both worlds”
To make things sustainable.
“Those who take care of others,
need to be equipped properly and
taken care as well.”
Accountable for entrepreneurship
and ecosystem development.
Needs to sustain political and
economic cycles.
Operating Principles.
(like foundations or blockchain smart
Ecosystem Level
Moderator, orchestrator, coordinator,
secretarial functions, information
management & communication...
Enabling data flow
collection, connectivity, distribution,
protection - and creating
monetization opportunities.
Ecosystem Operator
Founding Financiers
& Connectivity
Information Mng &
Budgeting Example
Thank you!
Startup Commons Global + + + +
@startupcommons + +
Part of the
Copyrights © Startup Commons 2018
Valto Loikkanen
+358 400 421 551 (FIN)

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sathyananda prabhu
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4th Digital Finance Forum, Βασίλειος Τουλιάς
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Similar to The Digital Side Of Startup Ecosystem Development GEC 2018 istanbul

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Oscar Ramirez
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Grow VC Group
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Grow VC Group
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Estonian Development Fund
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Grow VC Group
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Leader Networks
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Agility Innovation Specialists
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Onyx Consulting
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Michael Burcham
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Deloitte UK
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The Digital Side Of Startup Ecosystem Development GEC 2018 istanbul

  • 1. The Digital Side Of Startup Ecosystem Development GEC 2018 - Istanbul #EcoDev - #EcosystemOS - #GEC18IST part of
  • 2. @valto Valto Loikkanen International Serial Entrepreneur Startup Ecosystem Developer Digital Finance Innovator As an Entrepreneur ● 20+ years as international Serial Entrepreneur (US, EU, Asia) & Portfolio Entrepreneur, with personal hard earned success & failures (currently 10 companies) ● 17 years experience in developing digital tools to support various business processes ● 8 years of developing equity crowdfunding and other digital investment market solutions globally ● 8 years for Startup Ecosystem development combined with online support tools, platforms & metrics As a Support Provider ● 10 years of startup mentoring ○ 2000+ one to one mentoring sessions and workshops ○ 1000+ entrepreneurs and hundreds of startups around the world at various development stages and industries ● 10 years developing Startup Support services, with entrepreneurial mind and lean methodology As a Ecosystem Development Enabler ● 6 years of “living lab” development for Startup Ecosystems ● 4 years in European Commission Horizon 2020 Advisory: ○ Access to Risk Finance, Spreading Excellence & Widening participation, International Cooperation
  • 5.
  • 6. In past 5 years 24 other ecosystems “at ground level”
  • 8. “digitize and connected startup ecosystems within and between globally, with data connecting infrastructure”
  • 9. “Scale entrepreneurship and innovation by empowering ecosystem development with global knowledge, frameworks and digital solutions for data-driven development.”
  • 10. “Facilitate, develop and license global knowledge, tools and digital solutions for and between Ecosystem Operators to enable efficiency and data-flow within and between ecosystems.”
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  • 18. When committed on a problem for long enough...
  • 19. ...gain insight into hard to identify big issues.
  • 20. we?
  • 22. “ help enable successful startups in volume?”
  • 24.
  • 26. Premature Scaling (on any one area) #1 Failure factor
  • 28. High Low Scalability Balanced skills & ownership Solo Team Structure Low High Growth Ambition Low High Team Commitment Market Timing Good Too early/lateSmall Market Opportunity Big by
  • 29. Business Model / Market FitProduct / Market FitVision / Founders Fit Levels of validation Problem / Solution Fit Minimum Viable Product Validate / Iterate (or pivot) Ideating Entrepreneurial ambition and/or potential scalable product or service idea for a big enough target market. Initial idea on how it would create value. One person or a vague team; no confirmed commitment or no right balance of skills in the team structure yet. Concepting Defining mission and vision with initial strategy and key milestones for next few years on how to get there. Two or three entrepreneurial core co-founders with complementary skills and ownership plan. Maybe additional team members for specific roles also with ownership. Committing Committed, skills balanced co-founding team with shared vision, values and attitude. Able to develop the initial product or service version, with committed resources, or already have initial product or service in place. Co-founders shareholder agreement (SHA) signed, including milestones, with shareholders time & money commitments, for next three years with proper vesting terms. Validating Iterating and testing assumptions for validated solution to demonstrate initial user growth and/or revenue. Initial Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) identified. Can start to attract additional resources (money or work equity) via investments or loans for equity, interest or revenue share from future revenues. Scaling Focus on KPI based measurable growth in users, customers and revenues and/or market traction & market share in a big or fast growing target market. Can and want to grow fast. Consider or have attracted significant funding or would be able to do so if wanted. Hiring, improving quality and implementing processes Establishing Achieved great growth, that can be expected to continue. Easily attract financial and people resources. Depending on vision, mission and commitments, will continue to grow and often tries to culturally continue “like a startup". Founders and/or investors make exit(s) or continue with the company. VALIDATION Lean Startup Startup Development Phases - from idea to business and talent to organization. FORMATION Mission > Vision > Strategy GROWTH Scale Up ● Idea and co-founder team formation ● What, to whom, why and how? Establish & Strengthen Version 3.6 - -2 -1 0 1 2 3 TalentIdea OrganizationBusiness Processes & KPI’s
  • 30. 3210-1-2 ideaTalent BusinessOrganization Idea Validation Team Validation Product Validation Business Validation Team Commitment Validation Idea Creation Team Formation Product Creation Business Model Creation Organization building Attracting & Inspiring
  • 31. Public services & funding Private service providers & investors 3210-1-2 Money & ConnectionsStartup Knowledge
  • 35. ideaTalent BusinessOrganization Support Focus Areas Open Services No Time Fixed Format “One Off” Services ie. Service“Buffet” Focus on ● Basics learning ● inspiration ● exploration Acceleration Style For Most Potential Ones Fixed Time period Format Dedicated & Planned Services Focus on ● execution Showcase Best Startups For Investments & Inspiration Focus on ● scaling -2 -1 30 21
  • 37. Capability Maturity Model Simplified and adapted version of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), as administered and marketed by Carnegie Mellon University. A maturity assessment can provide useful information on an organization’s capabilities to adapt to organizational and technological changes and innovation.
  • 38. Optimized Quantitative and statistical control techniques are the foundation for the completely systematic implementation of process, quality and best practice improvements as a basis for continuously perfecting work and decision making procedures in a targeted manner. The approach is fully integrated into the company's overall strategic planning. Managed The organization uses a fully developed, structured and documented approach/ methodology that is systematically adjusted on the basis of experience and consistently complied with. The organization uses quantitative and statistical techniques to improve performance, quality and predictability. Metrics ensure a clear connection with the business strategy. Defined The organization uses a standard, cohesive approach/methodology that supports business strategy delivery, is defined and described in the form of models/ procedures and is broadly accepted and widely complied with. Experience/learning are continuously translated into improvements. Results and successful deliverables are clear objectives. Intuitive Close cooperation to organize and execute successful projects. Simple metrics are used to underpin project execution and employee performance. Apart from project planning tools, the organization uses only a minimum of management tools, techniques and methods. Ad hoc The organization does not work with this issue, or only in certain cases, and it has no actual tools, methods or practice. The work is neither formalized nor broadly coordinated. Experience is not systematically collected to form a basis for improvement.
  • 39. Awakening & Manifesto Mapped & Vision Aligned & Measured Orchestration & Iteration A B C D Ecosystem Maturity Levels Ecosystem Development & Orchestration
  • 40. Starting to embrace startup culture, development and understanding. Early awareness of startup ecosystem mindset. Want to fully understand about global megatrends and changes taking place in innovation, entrepreneurship and startup ecosystem developments. Assessing proper view on how own position, activities and focus areas are aligned with compared to international peers, local targets and assumptions. Seeking strategies, policies and new support functions & services at economic development, to grow business creation via entrepreneurship and innovative SME’s. Developing and embracing entrepreneurial culture, startup development and startup ecosystem knowledge among local key stakeholders for common understanding and alignment. Building a shared vision and development roadmap for local ecosystem(s). Mapped out, visualized and actively connecting ecosystem startups, activities, services and applications from research, events, innovation services, advisory networks, funding instruments and talent pools oriented with startup development phases. Good accessibility, transparency and active effort on reducing overlaps, removing bottlenecks in support functions & filling knowledge gaps. Increased focus on measuring and benchmarking ecosystem performance and development progress at all levels. Following annually updated sustainable long term roadmap & milestones with growing resources available. Fully embracing entrepreneurial culture & entrepreneurship lead innovation to maintain and improve own position in locally important key areas in global ecosystem rankings. Digitally connected locally and internationally for local real-time data driven orchestration, development, benchmarking & to attract international investments. Improving in volume, quality, velocity & ROI. A B C D Ecosystem Maturity Levels
  • 43. 3210-1-2 Private Advisory: Multiple advisors In search of co-founders SHA Workshop Group Advisory Private Advisory: One advisor Pitch Training & feedback General networking In search of team members Startup Info (stages & service matching) Company registration, VAT etc. basics advisory Co-working space and pop up advisory Pitching events: for advisors, funding, sweat equity & visibility Recruiting support & advisory Biz Model Canvas MVP & metrics workshop Customer Development Random events, meetups & presentations in the ecosystem Media as a Service Marketing ServicesMarketing Workshop Subsidised specialist grants (UX, design etc. etc.) Sales as a Service Subsidised specialist grants (accounting, legal etc.) Startup Weekend etc. Accelerator Bootcamps Public sector as a customer IdeaTalent BusinessOrganization
  • 45. What is the target of the service? What does participator get? Service Description > Formation > Service Owner > Validation > > Growth > To whom is this service targeted for? New Existing When is this available? Where is this available? How can one find this? What is this service key measure? (more KPI’s on the other side) Key service(s) before this one? Key service(s) after this one?
  • 46. Service Startup related KPI’s Service related KPI’s What is the target of the service?
  • 48. What we want to improve? Easiness Impact Output / Deliverable: Actionable Item: (what to do?) How to do? How to measure? > F > Side impacts: (items/values) Where is this happening now? Where it should happen? How is it being measured now? Objective OwnerPriority > V > > G > Item: Value: Starting Value: Target Value: Key challenge(s) New Existing
  • 49. Objective Describe a clear objective what needs to be improved and why in one sentence (you can further explain what is the problem/benefit)? If the initiative is too big/difficult as specified, consider how you can break it down to smaller parts/objectives F, V, G What part of "startup Ecosystem Funnel" is the primary focus with this action? Formation (-2 to 0), Validation (0 to 2), Growth (2+) Item & Value being improved To what items in are we targeting and what values are we looking to improve "Ecosystem Development Framework" Ie. "volume of innovation" Starting value and Target value What is the measure being used, starting level of that measure and to what improvement is aimed for? If the starting level is unknown but the impact for improving is high, consider separate objective for finding out that starting level. Prefer numeric values. If not relevant, describe outcome/deliverable (how would some of the outcome/deliverables look like). Output / Deliverable If specific value is not relevant OR in addition to numeric target value, describe outcome/deliverable (how would some of the outcome/deliverables look like). Actionable Item What initiative should be done and steps taken to achieve the above objective? Owner Who would be most natural party to take the responsibility from this card? NOTE: this does not mean necessary to be the one making it happen operatively, that can be separate group of people and organizations or identified later. But someone should be responsible to follow that this objective starts to move forward and update the progress. Priority Impact Score - Estimated level of impact towards startup ecosystem targets. Rate 1-10 (1 being the highest) Easiness Score - What is the level of "easiness" for implementing (considering cost, time, effort it would take to get done) ? Rate 1-10 (1 being the easiest). Key Challenges For items rated high on impact but low on easiness. Mark here, what is considered to be the reason for difficulty of implementation. Ie: Cost, Lack of Skills or Knowledge, Policy, Other. Actionable Item What initiative should be done and steps taken to achieve the above objective? Side Impacts What other items and values in "Ecosystem Development Framework" this action contributes to if any Ie. "volume of talent”
  • 50. A B C D High impact towards ecosystem level targets No impact towards ecosystem level targets Easy to implement Difficult to implement Improve Idea Improve Implementation method Prioritizing Objectives Highest Priority Ignore
  • 51. Listing Priorized Development Actions Ecosystem Objective Output Priority Impact Effort KPI Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 Action 4 Action 5
  • 52. About those... “...hard to identify, BIG impact issues?” = opportunities!
  • 55. Product build & validation, Biz model design & testing. Product scaling & business model validation Ideation & product design Team building, training, mentoring, seed investor & experts matching VC Investors, Corporate & international partnership Education, inspiration, Co-founder matchingB B
  • 56. C ? -2 2 3-1 0 1 C
  • 62. Imagine ecosystem as more tangible thing... an airport...
  • 63. How well should it function?
  • 64. Support Providers Product build & validation, Biz model design & testing. Product scaling & business model validation Ideation & product design Team building, training, mentoring, seed investor & experts matching VC Investors, Corporate & international partnership Education, inspiration, Co-founder matching Product BusinessIdeas Founders OrganizationTalents Ecosystem Orchestration? Business Creators-2 2 3-1 0 Business Creators IdeaTalent BusinessOrganization
  • 65. Support Providers Product build & validation, Biz model design & testing. Product scaling & business model validation Ideation & product design Team building, training, mentoring, seed investor & experts matching VC Investors, Corporate & international partnership Education, inspiration, Co-founder matching Product BusinessIdeas Founders OrganizationTalents Ecosystem Orchestration? Digital? Business Creators-2 2 3-1 0 Business Creators IdeaTalent BusinessOrganization
  • 67. Startup are a about technology, innovation, disruption. But...
  • 68. much is technology & innovation actually utilized within startup support and ecosystem development functions...
  • 69. AI GDPR API Economy Data Economy Platform Economy Digital Transformation Digital Single Market...
  • 70. By 2020 the value of personalized data will be 1 trillion euros, almost 8% of the EU’s GDP.
  • 73. About me, my profile, documents, records, etc. What I do, what is done for me, my interactions etc. About service, target, details, availability, operator etc. Process steps, interactions, timestamps etc. “Personal” DATA “Transaction” DATA User A DATA Service A DATA About service, target, details, availability, operator etc. Process steps, interactions, timestamps etc. Service B DATA Key aim for GDPR Enable Data Portability to people on their terms.
  • 74. Trends in application development
  • 75. How it could be...
  • 76. “In God we trust; all others bring data.” ― W. Edwards Deming
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  • 83. Ecosystem Orchestration & Digital. Should be own dedicated and permanent function with proper team and resources with clear mandate by the ecosystem.
  • 89. quick & short term? sustainability & long term?
  • 90. Ecosystem Operator quick & short term sustainability & long term
  • 91. No matter how and where it starts. As things mature, realistically sustainable model needs to emerge.
  • 92. To make things sustainable. “Those who take care of others, need to be equipped properly and taken care as well.”
  • 94. ● Clear mandate, roles and responsibility in ecosystem orchestration at different functions and levels ● Vision, Mission & roadmap with strategy & plans ● Neutral actor with capable team, covenanced by key ecosystem actors ● Information management ○ Ecosystem Actors & Support services ○ Development initiatives ○ Statistics and outcomes ○ Connectivity and data flow; data portability, sharing models etc. ● KPI alignments ● Sustainable resourcing What's important
  • 95. ● Connectivity for all ecosystem levels/functions ● Best practises & software ● Data Models ● API’s ● Documentation ● Creating Standards ● Data monetization models ● Learnings ● etc. Items worked together with other operators
  • 99. Digital Teams “Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...” Support Providers Product build & validation, Biz model design & testing. Product scaling & business model validation Ideation & product design Team building, training, mentoring, seed investor & experts matching VC Investors, Corporate & international partnership Education, inspiration, Co-founder matching Product BusinessIdeas Founders OrganizationTalents Ecosystem Developers “Strategically developing ecosystem as a whole from holistic perspective” C D Business Creators-2 2 3-1 B B A 0 Business Creators
  • 100. Project mng. Tools C B B A Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Service Data Service Data Service Data Event Systems Canvas & Dev Tools Biz Plan Tool Online Forums Mentoring Accounting Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Evaluating Tools Service Data Matchmaking Service Data Funding platforms Customer Data Customer Data Customer DataCustomer Data Customer Data Digital Teams “Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...” D
  • 101. Project mng. Tools C B B A Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Service Data Service Data Service Data Event Systems Canvas & Dev Tools Biz Plan Tool Online Forums Mentoring Accounting Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Evaluating Tools Service Data Matchmaking Service Data Funding platforms Customer Data Customer Data Customer DataCustomer Data Customer Data Ecosystem DataCustomer DataCompany Data Ecosystem PortalCRMCompany Registry Customer DataProject Data Financial DataFiles Data CRM AccountingProject Mng.Documents Digital Teams “Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...” D
  • 102. User Data Business Data Activity Data Statistical & Benchmarking Data Information & Analytics Data Profiling Data Public Local Regional Global Private & Sharable
  • 103. Fact No DATA = No AI
  • 104. Email Updates Suggested Training Knowledge Automation Social Media Updates CRM record updates Business Intell Analytic alerts Data flow adjustments Open Application Respond to Notification Development Phase Update View In App Message Inactivity Use Service Entered Geolocation Data flows to automated actions
  • 105. Data is core to feed ecosystem analytics and benchmarking. For data-driven policy making, measure service performance, define funding decisions, enable matchmaking and more...
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  • 110. “I feel fundamentally uncomfortable sitting here in California in an office making content policy decisions for people around the world” - Mark Zuckerberg 21.3.2018
  • 111. “What I would really like to do is find a way to get our policies set in a way that reflects the values of the community, so I am not the one making those decisions” - Mark Zuckerberg 21.3.2018
  • 112. "Digital economy can not be “departmentalized” to be considered as “something separate”, but something that is embedded part of all functions and operations"
  • 113. Digital Transformation is an iterative process
  • 114. Capturing Service Data & KPI’s Ecosystem Coverage Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles Starting point Deployment timeline Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 0.5% covered 1% DATA Driven
  • 115. Starting point Deployment timeline 7% covered 8% DATA Driven Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Capturing Service Data & KPI’s Ecosystem Coverage Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
  • 116. Starting point Deployment timeline 30% covered 25% DATA Driven Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Capturing Service Data & KPI’s Ecosystem Coverage Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
  • 117. Starting point Deployment timeline 50% covered 65% DATA Driven Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Capturing Service Data & KPI’s Ecosystem Coverage Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
  • 118. Starting point Deployment timeline 75 % Covered 85% DATA Driven Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Capturing Service Data & KPI’s Ecosystem Coverage Capturing Talent & Startup Profiles
  • 119. But it needs to be started to get there!
  • 122. only things that can be measured, can be improved
  • 123. 3210-1-2 Applicants Graduates % Entry per source Drop out % Total # Total # Total # Total # Total # Total # Applicants Graduates % Entry per source Drop out % Total # Applicants Graduates % Entry per source Drop out % Total # Applicants Graduates % Entry per source Drop out % Total # Applicants Graduates % Entry per source Drop out % Total # Indentified Source & paths Total # measuring ecosystem output
  • 124. 3210-1-2 measuring ecosystem output Total # Total # Entry per source identified paths Drop out % Total # Entry per source identified paths Drop out % Total # Entry per source identified paths Drop out % Total #
  • 125. Business Model / Market FitProduct / Market FitVision / Founders FitProblem / Solution Fit Innovation Talent Entrepre- neurship Money Support Growth Volume value value value value value value Total Quality value value value value value value Total Velocity value value value value value value Total ROI value value value value value value Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Index Minimum Viable Product Validate / Iterate (or pivot) Lean StartupMission > Vision > Strategy Scale Up ● Co-founder team formation ● What, to whom? & Why and how? Grow / Expand / Exit Monitoring Ecosystem -2 30 2
  • 127. Core purpose of ecosystems is to “produce and attract” entrepreneurial talent and new ideas in growing volume to become growing businesses. Ecosystem is dependent from constant flow of new people in various roles entering, navigating and starting to actively take part in it. Success of the ecosystem is measured by the volume and quality of great companies and innovations growing from the ecosystem.
  • 128. Key KPI categories “Only things that can be measured can be improved” A. Follow Startups journeys to measure their progress (flow and status) as they navigate through ecosystem B. Measure individual support service processes helping startups in their journey and match those to KPI index framework C. Measure development initiatives contributing to improvement of both, becoming visible in KPI index improvements D. Aggregate & Measure deployment of KPI’s, Users accounts, initiatives and services
  • 129. Application Example Business Plan Tool Online service
  • 130.
  • 131. Possible statistics for insights ● total number of user planning sessions ● total durations of time spent in creating plan ● time spent in specific segments / topics ● number of iterations per segment ● volume of content per segment and total plan ● range of values used per field in calculations ● number of plans per business vertical ● time spent on plans per business vertical ● number of plan versions per user ● plan progres: time spent & times planning since started ● number of customer segments ● key customer segments ● average number of products ● product pricing, cost and profitability ● key products/product types ● highest profitability verticals ● highest funding needs ● planned entity types ● number of founders ● locations of users ● finance calculations based data ○ average establish costs (in detail) ○ planned funding sources ○ profitability levels ○ fixed cost levels (in detail) ○ revenue targets ○ sales targets ○ three year outlooks
  • 135.
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  • 138. ?
  • 139. ● One to one ● No network to connect to ● No operators ● Limited reach ● Need to know who to connect and how? ● Or call “anybody there?”
  • 141. Research Organization Higher Education Support Organization Big Company Funding Organization Service Provider EcosystemOS Data Model Categories Specific Data Models Specific Data Models Specific Data ModelsSpecific Data Models People & entities Ecosystem support services & activities Ecosystem develop. initiatives & projects Ecosystem KPI’s & Reporting
  • 142. Startup Commons provide standardized “Operator Network Infra” and help enable “roaming” Applications are “Devices” connecting to “Operators Network” Ecosystem Operators are the “Operators”
  • 143. Digital “Digital tools, eLearning, user data portability & KPI data...” Support Providers Product build & validation, Biz model design & testing. Product scaling & business model validation Ideation & product design Team building, training, mentoring, seed investor & experts matching VC Investors, Corporate & international partnership Education, inspiration, Co-founder matching Product BusinessIdeas Founders OrganizationTalents Ecosystem Operators “Strategically developing ecosystem as a whole from holistic perspective” C D Business Creators-2 2 3-1 B B A 0 Business Creators
  • 144. Startups (and SME’s) & People (founders, talent, mentors, investors, coordinators, etc.) Communities (Funding and Support Organizations) Local Ecosystems National Ecosystem SEA Ecosystem (other similar regions) Global Ecosystem Function Verticals Funding Events Accelerators SmartCity R&D IPR’s Int. Growth etc. Business Vertical Ecosystems Fintech Media Medtech Food etc.
  • 145. Project mng. Tools Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Service Data Service Data Service Data Event Systems Canvas & Dev Tools Biz Plan Tool Online Forums Mentoring Accounting Service Data Customer Data Service Data Customer Data Evaluating Tools Service Data Matchmaking Service Data Funding platforms Ecosystem API’s Standards and Documentation for Connections, Data Models & Data Sharing principles Ecosystem DataProject Data KPI DataServices Data Ecosystem Portal KPI DashboardEco.Dev. ProjectsService Mapping Automated AutomatedManagedSemi Automated Circle Pass Accounts & API’s - User Data Ownership, portability and Sharing Customer Data Customer Data Customer DataCustomer Data Customer Data
  • 146. Who will become your local. Ecosystem Operator?.
  • 149. ● Funding Available ● Value of DATA is obvious ● Knowledge Available ● Technology is mature ● Tools are available ● Parallel “industries” way ahead ● GDPR Regulation ● Digital single market ● Reallocation of funding ● Global monopolies, competition & issues ● Growing citizen expectations
  • 150. Ecosystem Operator Core Areas Ecosystem Framework Digital Connectivity Protect User Data Rights Real time Data & KPI’s ● Focus on key elements from holistic and neutral ecosystem perspective ○ User Account, related API’s, data & KPI’s ○ Service Function basic data, KPI’s & related API’s ● Support User Experience at ecosystem level ● Support local business growth via local connected application and business model development ● Maintain sustainability of overall strategy, processes and resources (funding, knowledge base and related shorter & longer processes).
  • 151. "The digital economic development of city, region or country must be managed by knowledgeable and capable people under clear mandate. - Not in control of foreign government or freely monopolized by private businesses."
  • 152. "If digital exists within a "separate silo" it does not help ecosystem development adopt a ‘digital by default’ culture. It doesn’t help the ecosystem make digital as ubiquitous as electricity."
  • 153. "Ecosystem development knowledge combined with digital expertise and close ongoing operations with ecosystem, is key to success!"
  • 156. But co-create global ecosystem data standards. Let’s not create new local or national Silos
  • 159. Data = Rightful Owners
  • 163. % of data monetized
  • 165. Ecosystem Operators Effective, sustainable and systematic development and orchestration with long term perspective Digital & Data Software, API and Data economy driven, real-time, globally competitive and connected digital single market.
  • 167. Design it to have “best of both worlds”
  • 168. To make things sustainable. “Those who take care of others, need to be equipped properly and taken care as well.”
  • 169. Accountable for entrepreneurship and ecosystem development. Needs to sustain political and economic cycles.
  • 171. Ecosystem Level Moderator, orchestrator, coordinator, secretarial functions, information management & communication...
  • 172. Enabling data flow collection, connectivity, distribution, protection - and creating monetization opportunities.
  • 175.
  • 177. Startup Commons Global + + + + @startupcommons + + Part of the Copyrights © Startup Commons 2018 Valto Loikkanen +358 400 421 551 (FIN) @valto Q&A