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            OF DOCTORS

              Submitted for the fulfillment
                  For the degree of

             DAVV, INDORE
               (2003 - 2005)

    Guided by : Prof. Anukool M. Hyde [Faculty, HR]

         This is to certify that the Research methodology project entitled

            OF DOCTORS

     Has been accomplished by Mr. Anshuman Jain under my guidance and

  Supervision. This project is being submitted by him in the partial fulfillment of

   requirements for the degree of MBA from DAVV, Indore. To the best of my

 Knowledge and belief this work has not been submitted by him anywhere else for

             The award of any degree or diploma with proper citation.

                             PROJECT GUIDE
                           Prof. Anukool M. Hyde
                                [Faculty, HR]

        First of all I feel indebted and express my sincere thanks to the management of all those
organizations from which I have collected data, for their kind support in the completion of my
project report and the study.

        For the completion of my report I have been helped, assisted and encouraged by many
quarters. This study is based on my Research Methodology Project work as part of my course
curriculum of MBA degree.

        I owe a department of gratitude to Prof. Anukool M. Hyde, my project guide, who gave
the opportunity to work under him. I am also deeply indebted to him for his extra ordinary
insight in all my problems as he is a sunny ray in morning time for all his suggestions, kind
support, and guidance which helped me to reach at the successful end of my project report.

       I am very much thankful to Dr. Ms. Surinder K. Chawla, my faculty in HR, who has
given me invaluable advice and tips, which had contributed to great extent in facilitating the
completion of the project quite successfully. At the same time, I feel indebted to her for kind
cooperation from time to time as and when needed.

        I give my sincere thanks to all those doctors for extending their kind cooperation towards
the gathering of all information and data that has to be required from them to arrive at the
conclusion of this study.

       I am also indebted to the Dr. Rajendra K. Jain ( Head of Department – MBA, Fulltime),
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management (SVIM), Indore

       And at last, I convey my special thanks to almighty GOD, my parents, friends, well
wishers, and all those though I am unable to mention all of them individually but without their
valuable guidance and help this project work was very difficult to be completed.

With regards,

Anshuman Jain

         The healthy work force is required for the survival and prosperity of the organization and
it can be achieved only through the medium of management of human resources and optimum
utilization of available resources by training and proper development of manpower and

        The workforce of an organization cannot perform quite well until it has a mental peace. It
is very important for the individuals, now days, to take decisions on the basis of an equilibrium
analysis of emotions and the practical ground cases. Resultantly the organization may be in
trouble as well as the individual.

       Theoretical knowledge provides foundation stone of the practical and field work
examines and tests the element of truth in theory. Theory without practical knowledge is of little
importance. Knowledge without practical training cannot be perfect.

          This study report is practical work to give insight into both the above points stated earlier.
It is initiated with the aim to find the present level of emotional intelligence and to judge whether
it is a significant factor affecting one’s own capacity to perform the task successfully.

        Not more, but in fact, this study enables me to imbibe my theoretical knowledge with the
practical situation in the organization and the external environment as well.

Anshuman Jain

        Although a person’s feelings cannot be observed directly by others but they can be
inferred from his overt behavior and verbal report of his introspection, as no one can doubt the
reality of emotions as conscious experience. To produce an emotion, a stimulus situation must be
related to past experience and seen as having implications in the future. In an organization when
an employee feels the presence of a threatening situation, he may handle it in either of the two
ways. He may be confident of his ability to handle the situation and may see it as a challenging
opportunity to prove himself or experience fear or dead. Thus our appraisal of situation and
subsequent emotions are strongly influenced by our own estimate of capabilities. The emotions
arouse depends not so much on the events themselves, as on how they are appraised.

         The individual’s capacity to perform a given task according to the instructions sometimes
gets affected by his or her feelings. We can see the persons who believe that they can complete a
particular task very easily but their performance become lower or higher when it is affected by
their inner feelings attached with an individual, situation, or environment in which they are
working. Therefore for the persons to be fully successful in their work life and their personal life,
it is very important to have a justifiable amount of emotions and feelings with them so that their
capacity to perform a particular task in the given situation should not be lowered.

        For today’s managers, it is very important to be more emotionally intelligent so that their
high capacity for performing the task should not get reduced and they can manage their emotions
and feelings in order to produce meaningful results and for better development of the
organizations, society, and of themselves as well. In the present changing environment of
business organizations a managerial executive should be well managed with his or her emotions
so that the decisions taken by him contribute positively for the achievement of goals of the
organizations and by this his or her personal goals too.

         Buck (1985) has defined emotions as the process by which motivational potentials
realized or read out when activated by challenging stimuli. In other words, emotion is seen as a
read out mechanism carrying information about motivational systems. Emotions have long been
considered to be of such depth and power that in Latin, for example, they were described as
motes anima meaning literally the speed that moves us. Contrary to most conventional thinking,
emotions are inherently neither positive nor negative; rather they serve as the single most
powerful source of human energy. In fact each feeling provides us with vital and potentially
profitable information every minute of the day. This feedback ignites creative genius improves
and shapes trusting relationships, provides and inner compass for one’s life and career, guides to
unexpected possibilities and even saves organizations from disaster. To exhibit emotions is very
easy but doing it at the right time, at the right place, with the right person, and to the right degree
is difficult. The management of emotion has given rise to the most talked about term Emotional

        Emotional Intelligence motivates employees to pursue their unique potential and
purpose, and activates innermost potential values and aspirations, transforming them from things
they think about to what they do. Emotional intelligence enables one to learn to acknowledge and
understand feelings in ourselves and in others and that we appropriately respond to them,
effectively applying the information and energy of emotions in our daily life, and work.

       Mayer and Salovey (1997) define Emotional Intelligence as

      “The ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions to discriminate
among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action”

         Emotional Intelligence involves the ability to perceive accurately, appraise, and express
the emotions. The ability to access and / or generate feelings when they facilitate thoughts, the
ability to understand the emotions and emotional knowledge and intellectual growth.


        Intelligence refers to abilities to adjust with the situations. It is a concept that refers to
individual references in the ability to acquire knowledge to think and reason effectively, and to
deal adaptively with the environment. Earlier, it was thought that performance is the outcome of
certain abilities, collectively known as Intelligence. However, increasingly it has been realized
that in addition to intelligence, emotions are equally or more responsible for performance. Hence
the concept of EQ has become popular particularly in management science.

         Emotions are powerful organizers of thought and action and paradoxically indispensable
for reasoning and rationality. EQ comes to the aid of IQ when there is a need to solve important
problems or to make a key decision. It enables to accomplish this in a superior fashion and in a
fraction of the time. For example, instead of the entire day or more of the exhausting nonstop
linear, sequential thinking that might be required to reach the same decision without the aid of
EQ. Moreover, emotions awaken intuition and curiosity, which assist in anticipating and
uncertain future and planning our actions accordingly.

        In fact, Emotional Intelligence is an indispensable activator and enhancer of IQ. IQ and
EQ interrelates with each other and this creates a dynamic tension from one to the other,
stabilizing their respective energies. For people with identical IQs, some outperform others. This
suggests something beyond IQ is at work. That something or a large part of it is EQ. When
emotions are acknowledged and guided constructively, they enhance performance.
Unlike IQ, EQ can be developed and nurtured even in adulthood and can prove beneficial
to one’s health, relationship and performance. Over the years, vigorous debate has surrounded
the issue of whether the nature or nurture primarily determine personality or not? Personality is
defined as the combination of stable, physical, and mental characteristics that due to individual
his or her identity. Emotional Intelligence can be learned and gradually developed unlike IQ,
which after a particular age cannot be developed. EI is developed through experiences.
Competencies keep on growing through experiences; people get better and better in handling
emotions, influencing others and in social adroitness. In fact studies that have tracked people’s
level of EI through the years so that people get better and better in those capabilities as they grow
handling their own emotions and impulses, at motivating themselves and at honing their empathy
and social adroitness.


       It is unrealistic t set aside our emotions and feelings in workplace. Organizational life
requires that we work together side by side for eight to twelve hours a day. We spend more time
with our coworkers then we do with our friends, spouse, or children. Feelings and opinions just
do not go away because we talk into the work place. At work, we can put on work clothes, but
we cannot take off our emotions, so what happens to our emotions at work? They go
underground and become the powerful invisible forces. The term Emotional Intelligence
encompasses the five characteristics and abilities as discussed by Goleman (1995)


         Knowing your emotions, recognizing feelings as they occur and discriminating between
them in being emotionally literate, being able to identify and label specific feelings in yourself
and others; being able to discuss emotions and communicate clearly and directly; The ability to
emphasize with, feel compassion for, validate, motivate, inspire, encourage, and soothe other; the
ability to make intelligent decisions using a healthy balance of emotions and reason; being
neither too emotional nor too rational; The ability to manage and take responsibility for one’s
own emotions, specially the responsibility for self motivation and personal happiness.
Recognizing and naming one’s own emotions, knowledge of the causes of emotions, recognizing
the difference between feelings and actions.


         Handling feelings so that they are relevant to the current situation and you react
appropriately. Frustration tolerance and anger management, eliminating verbal pull downs,
fights, and group disruptions, better able to express anger appropriately without resorting to
violence, fewer suspensions and expulsion, less aggressive or self destructive behavior, more
positive feelings about self, school, and family, better at handling stress.


         “Gathering Up” your feelings and directing yourself towards a goal, despite self doubt,
inertia, and impulsiveness. More responsible, better able to focus on tasks at hand and pay
attention, less impulsive; more self controlled, and improved scores on achievement tests.


        Recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal and nonverbal cues. Better
able to take another person’s perspective, improved empathy and sensitive to others feelings,
better at listening to others. Affiliative persons are friendly, sociable, helpful, and skilful in
dealing with people and open about their feelings. They make good companions because they are
pleasant, and agreeable. Others feel comfortable with them and like them. In other words,
Affiliative persons have superior emotional and social skills in dealing with other, derive
gratification and rewards from their interpersonal contacts, and tends to be source of happiness to


        Handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and negotiations, increased ability
to analyze and understand and relationships, better at resolving conflicts and negotiating
disagreements, better at solving problems in relationships, more assertive and skilled at
communication. More popular and outgoing; friendly and involved with peers, more sought out
by peers, more concerned and considerate, more pro-social and harmonious in groups, more
sharing, cooperation and helpfulness, more democratic in dealing with others.


      The authors came across two measures of Emotional Intelligence. A Four Cornerstone
Model explained by Cooper can understand EQ in business and life. this model assumes
Emotional Intelligence as out of the realm of psychological analysis and philosophical theories
and moves into the realm of direct knowing, exploration, and application.
The First Cornerstone is Emotional Literacy, which builds a locus of self confidence
through emotional honesty, energy, emotional feedback, intuition, responsibility, and correction.

        The Second Cornerstone is Emotional Fitness that strengthens authenticity,
believability, and resilience, expanding circle of trust and capacity for listening, managing
conflicts, and making most of constructive discontent.

       The Third Cornerstone is Emotional Depth that explores ways to align one’s life and
work with his or her unique potential and purpose, and accountability, which in turn increases
influence without authority.

        The Fourth Cornerstone is Emotional Alchemy through which one can extend creative
instincts and capacity t flow with problems and pressures and to complete for the future by
building one’s capacity to sense more readily.

        This study is an effort to find the variations between the level of emotional intelligence
among the doctors of various hospitals (private and government) located in Indore city. The
fulfillment of an assigned task mainly depends upon two factors – first, the one’s belief towards
his or her capacity to perform the task, and second, the ability to take decisions with a clear cut
understanding of emotions and logical reasoning involved and necessary in the concerned task.
During this span, it is also seen as how decisions are taken tactfully when any problem comes to
doctors, or tasks assigned to them, and how they differentiate between emotions and reasons to
make equilibrium in between the two. So the way of problem solving, right decision making and
knowledge of different type of solutions and policies and activities give much importance to the
study though only in this period over all idea can be developed.

       But effort, task, research is unfulfilled if it has no objectives. The objectives provide the
foundation of a systematic work. Apart from all above, the main objectives of the study are:

           o To compare Emotional Intelligence of Doctors working in Private and
             Government Hospitals.

           o To know about the factors which are contributing more as compared to other

           o To know the practicality of research methods in various types of real life
             problems and cases.

           o To get familiar with the various statistical tools to be used in analyzing the data
             and information and to ensure the correct use of tools on appropriate place as and
             when needed.

           o Whatever subjects being taught in the classroom are theoretical and training and
             project work provides us the comparison how the practicalities of an organization
             vary with theory.
o The research area of my project work is the effect of Emotional Intelligence
  among doctors and hence my prime objectives is to know that whether the
  emotional intelligence of an individual affect his or her emotional competence
  and if yes, than in which way, positive, or negative?

o This study is also aimed at to find out the best solutions, behavioral science
  models and other significant ways to increase the level of emotional intelligence
  to justify the degree of its competence among the doctors.

o Lastly, for the partial fulfillment of the MBA program and we have to submit the
  project report on the basis of study so conducted.

       Research refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem,
formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and obtaining certain
conclusions either in the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in certain
generalization for some theoretical formulation.

              All those methods, which are used by researcher during the course of studying his
       research problem, are termed as Research Method. Keeping this in view, research
       methods can be put into the following three groups:

   1. Collection of Data:

               This method is used where the data already available are not sufficient to arrive at
       the required solution. In dealing with any real life problem, it is often found that the data
       in hand are inadequate and hence it becomes necessary to collect data that are
       appropriate. There are several ways to collect appropriate data like primary and
       secondary source.

             “Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey
       whereas secondary data are collected through magazines, journals, newspaper, etc.”

              In this study, I have collected data through Questionnaire method. The
       questionnaire consists of 34 statements or items, which all were close ended questions.

   2. Statistical Techniques:

               These are used for establishing relationship between the data and the unknown.

   3. The Third group consisting of those methods that are used to evaluate the accuracy of the
      results obtained.

      This research study is an exploratory research study, which is aimed at to identify the
emotional intelligence and to achieve new insights concerned.


        Research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims at combining relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. It
constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. It seeks to answer
the following questions:

       What is the study about?

       Why is the study being made?

       What type of data is required?

       What will be the sample design?

        This research design is strictly designed as a pure descriptive as well as diagnostic
research design. Strictly “structured instruments” is used in this study. This is also a probability
sampling design, that is, Simple Random Sampling and also advanced decisions are taken about
its operational procedure.


        The respondents selected should be as representative of total population as possible in
order to produce a miniature cross section. The selected respondents constitute what is
technically called Sample and the selection process is called Sampling Techniques. The survey
so conducted is known as Sample Survey. The researcher must prepare a sample design, that is,
he must plan how a sample should be selected and of what size such a sample would be. The
present study was conducted under the following sample design:

        A clearly defined set of objects to be considered in the research is known as Universe, or
Population. The Universe can be finite or infinite. In finite universe, the number of items is
certain, but in case of an infinite universe, the number of items is infinite, that is, we cannot have
an idea about the number of items to be studied.

      In this study, the population selected was the doctors of various hospitals (private and
government) located within Indore city, and these include doctors of various specializations.


       A decision has to be taken concerning a sample unit before selecting sample . Sampling
Unit may be geographical one or a social unit, or it may be an individual. The researcher will
have to decide one or more of such units that he has to select for his or her study.

        In present study, the sampling units are collected within the geographical region of Indore


         It is also known as Sampling Frame from which sample is to be drawn. It contains the
names of all items of a universe (in case of finite universe only). If source list is not available,
researcher has to prepare it. Such list should be comprehensive, correct, reliable, and appropriate.
It is extremely important for the source list to be as representative of the population as possible.

        In present case, the sampling frame is selected by choosing the professionals from
various organizations and aiming at mainly those who were having a good experience in their
respective fields and also have a satisfactory tenure in the present organization and the job. The
professionals were also selected taking into consideration the reliability of data thus obtained.


        This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute the
sample. This is a major problem before a researcher. The size of sample should neither be
excessively large, nor too small. It should be optimum. An optimum sample is one that fulfills
the requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability, and flexibility. Which deciding the
size of sample, researcher must determine the desired precision as also an acceptable confidence
level for the estimate.
In this study, the samples are drawn from only one population and the size of sample was
of 30 each to find the correlation in between the doctors of private and government hospitals, and
thus the data was collected on a total of 60 sample questionnaires.


        This case is a probability sampling case and the sampling technique, which is used in this
study, is Random Sampling Technique of Probability Sampling.


      In this study, the Summated Scales or Likert-type scales are used. The Likert-type
summated scales are regarded as the most useful scale in a situation wherein it is possible to
compare the respondent’s score with a distribution of scores from some well defined group.

     Here, in present situation, respondents were asked to respond their opinions on all selected
items using a Likert-type 5-point scale ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”.
The strongest favorable response is scored as 5 whereas the strongest unfavorable response as 1.
Thus here the total score can range from 170 for most favorable to 34 for the least favorable
responses, in the case of Emotional Intelligence Questionnaires.


      In dealing with any real life problem, it is often found that the data at hand are inadequate,
and hence it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are several ways of
collecting the appropriate data, which differ considerably in context of money costs, time and
other resources at the disposal of the researcher.


     Generally, in behavioral science study, primary data can be collected by the following

By Observation:

     This method implies the collection of information by way of investigator’s own
observation, without interviewing the respondents. The information obtained relates to what is
currently happening and is not complicated by either the past behavior or future intentions or
attitudes of respondents. This method is no doubt an expensive method and the information
provided by this method is also very limited. As such this method is not suitable in inquiries
where large samples are concerned.

Through Personal Interview:

      The investigator follows a rigid procedure and seeks answers to a set of preconceived
questions through personal interviews. This method of collecting data is usually carried out in a
structured way where output depends upon the ability of the interviewer to a large extent.

By Questionnaire:

      The researcher and the respondents do not come in contact with each other if this method
of survey is adopted. Questionnaires are mailed to the respondents with a request to return after
completing the same. It is the most extensively used in various economic and business surveys.
Questionnaires to be used must be prepared very carefully so that it may prove to be effective in
collecting the relevant information.

     Since it is a survey report study and also related with psychological traits and behavioral
science, hence only a set of structured questionnaire completed collection of data.


     Also in making inference about the concept of the study to be conducted, secondary data
helped and contribute a lot to start with the problem. For this, various magazines, textbooks,
project reports, journals, and websites were used.


      It simply means a mere assumption or some supposition to be proved or disapproved. For a
researcher, hypothesis is a formal question that he intends to resolve. Thus a hypothesis may be
defined as a proposition or a set of propositions set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of
some specified group of phenomenon either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide
some investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts. Quite often a
research hypothesis is a predictive statement, capable of being tested by scientific methods, that
relates an independent variable to some dependent variable.

      If we are to compare method A with method B about its superiority, and if we proceed on
the assumption that both methods are equally good, then this assumption is termed as the Null
Hypothesis. Generally, the Null Hypothesis is symbolically represented as H0.

     In the present study, the Null Hypothesis is as follows:

     “The Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in both the sectors (private and
government hospitals) is same”. That is,

                                     EI (Private) = EI (Government)


      If we may think that the method A is superior or the method B is inferior, we are then
stating what is termed as Alternate Hypothesis. The Alternate Hypothesis is represented as Ha.

     In the present study, the Alternate Hypothesis is as follows:

    “The Emotional Intelligence of the doctors working in Private Hospitals is better than
Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in Government hospitals”. That is,

                                     EI (Private) > EI (Government)


        In this study, the data collected was purely primary data and the data was collected
directly through the questionnaire method.

       In the questionnaire, the questions were related to the analysis of Emotional Intelligence.
The questionnaire consists of 34 statements on a Likert-type summated scale of 5-point rating on
which respondents provide the information.

                     (For detailed Questionnaire, please refer to the Annexure)

In this study, only one sample from a single population of doctors of Indore city was drawn and
the size of the sample were 30 each for private and government hospital’s doctors.


The personal information was collected under six categories as:


Among all these attributes, the tenure (or experience) was considered to be the most important


       Further in this study, the individuals have to give their assessment of Emotional
Intelligence by rating themselves on each statements of the questionnaire using 5-point rating
scale, which is as follows:
1.Strongly Disagree
   5.Strongly Agree

     By adding all the responses of the questions separately, we get the scores.

     The detailed scores for the doctors working in private and government hospitals are listed
in Table A (refer Annexure).


       For our analysis and to get solution of the problem, we use the z-test as the appropriate
statistical tool to measure the Emotional Intelligence of Private and Government doctors.

      Z-test is based on the normal probability distribution and is used for judging the
significance of several statistical measures, particularly the mean. The relevant test statistic, Z, is
worked out and compared with its probable value (to be read from table showing area under
normal curve) at a specified level of significance for judging the significance of the measure
concerned. This is a most frequently used test in research studies.

     The Z-value for the test is computed by the formula:

                                 Z = ( X m – Y m ) / (S * √ ( 1/n1 + 1/n2 ) )


         Xm            Mean of X Series = ∑ Xi / n1
                       (Here, mean for private doctors)

         Ym            Mean of Y Series = ∑ Yi / n2
                       (Here, mean for government doctors)

         S             Standard Deviation, given as

                       S = √ ( ( ∑ (X1 - Xm)2 + ∑ (Yi - Ym)2 ) / ( n1 + n2 – 2 ) )

         n1            Sample Size for X series (Here, n1 = 30)

         n2            Sample Size for Y series (Here, n2 = 30)

         Xi            Individual score for private doctors
Yi              Individual score for government doctors.

       For all details of calculations, performed, please see Table B (refer to the Annexure).


The calculations performed for Z-test has given the following results –

       Mean for the private doctors                                              125.63

       Mean for the government doctors                                           118.70

       Standard Deviation for the private and government doctors                 15.85

After applying Z-test for testing of hypothesis, the result of Z-test for Emotional Intelligence
between private and government doctors is

                                          Z (calculated) = 1.69
                        (Z-test applied at five percent level of significance)

Which, is less than the tabulated value of Z for two-tailed test at five percent level of significance
which is found to be 1.96, that is,

                                          Z (tabulated) = 1.96

Therefore, we have to accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha), that is

Emotional Intelligence for private doctors is better than Emotional Intelligence for government

       On the basis of testing of hypothesis, we can generate our results for the whole
population of doctors working in private and government doctors.


       On the basis of Z-value and the scores obtained for the individual doctors, the following
inferences can be made:

   1. Private Doctors can encourage others to work even when things are not favorable.
2. Government doctors are more inspirational than the private doctors.

3. Government doctors can encourage people to take initiative more as compared to private

4. Private Doctors are able to make intelligent decisions as compared to government

5. Government doctors do not depend more on other’s encouragement to do their work well
   as compared to private doctors.

6. Private Doctors can continue to do what they want they believe in, even under severe
   criticism as compared to government doctors.

7. Private Doctors are better in assessing the situation and then behave accordingly.

8. Private Doctors concentrate more on their task at hand in spite of disturbances as
   compared to government doctors.

9. Government doctors pay more attention to the worries and concerns of others as
   compared to private doctors.

10. Private Doctors listen more to someone without the urge to say something.

11. Private Doctors are perceived as more friendly and outgoing than to government doctors.

12. Private Doctors are clearer about their priorities as compared to government doctors.

13. Private Doctors are better in handling conflicts around them as compared to government

14. Private Doctors do not mix unnecessary emotions with issues at hand as compared to
    government doctors.

15. Private Doctors try more to see the other person’s point of view as compared to
    government doctors.

16. Government doctors stand up more for their beliefs as compared to private doctors.

17. Private Doctors see more to the brighter side of their situation as compared to
    government doctors.

18. Private Doctors are better in believing oneself as compared to government doctors.

19. Private Doctors are more able to stay composed in both good and bad situations as
    compared to government doctors.

20. Private Doctors are more able to stay focused even under severe criticism as compared to
    government doctors.

21. Private Doctors are more able to maintain the standards of honesty and integrity.
22. Government doctors are more able to confront unethical actions of others.

23. Private Doctors are better in meeting commitments and keeping promises as compared to
    government doctors.

24. Private Doctors are better organized and careful in their work.

25. Private Doctors are better in handling multiple demands.

26. Private doctors are more comfortable with and open to novel ideas and new information
    as compared to government doctors.

27. Private Doctors give more priority to pursue goals beyond what is required and expected
    of them as compared to government doctors.

28. Private Doctors are more persistent in pursuing goals despite of obstacles and setbacks.

29. Private Doctors have built better rapport and made and maintained personal friendships
    with work associates.

30. Private Doctors are better in identifying and separating their emotions as compared to
    government doctors.

31. Private Doctors thought more that their feelings should be managed.

32. Private Doctors are more aware of their weaknesses as compared to government doctors.

33. Government doctors feel more than private doctors that they must develop themselves
    even when the job does not demand.

34. Private doctors believe more that happiness is a positive attitude as compared to
    government doctors.

         As we can see that the Z-value (Calculated) is less than the tabulated value of two-tailed
test at 5 percent level of significance.

       Therefore the Null Hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, that

H0 :   Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in private and government hospitals is
       better than that for the government doctors


        Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in private and government doctors is different
in the following factors:


      Doctors working in private hospitals are having more self awareness as compared to
government doctors which means, Government doctors are not aware of their emotions as
compared to private doctors.

       Private Doctors recognize feelings easily as compared to government doctors. Private
Doctors make good intelligent decisions using a healthy balance of emotions and reasons, as
compared to government doctors.


       Private Doctors can manage their anger more effectively as compared to government
doctors. They are better able to express anger appropriately without resorting to violence. They
are more positive about self, family, and organization and better at handling stress.

        Private doctors are more responsible and better able to focus on task at hand and pay
attention towards their patients more as compared to government doctors. Private Doctors are
more self controlled and improved scores on achievement tests.


       Private Doctors are better able to take another person’s perspective. They are sensitive
towards other’s feeling and tune into their verbal and non verbal cues.

      They can make good companions because they are pleasant and agreeable others feel
compatible and like them.


      Private Doctors can handle interpersonal interactions and conflicts better than
government doctors.

        They have increased ability to analyze and understand relationships. They are better at
resolving conflicts and negotiating disagreements. They are better at solving problems in

At end, we can summarize the study by stating that Emotional Intelligence have a good impact
on doctors and to be successful in one’s own life and career, one has to be fairly emotional
intelligent and should develop a high capacity to perform.

   Some Important tips for improvement of Emotional Intelligence are given below:

1. One should concentrate on the tasks in hand without considering any hurdles.

2. Always believe in yourself and not in others.

3. Be humanitarian but not emotionally weak.

4. First listen others carefully and then speak, if necessary.

5. Be innovative and be flexible.

6. Always fulfill your commitments and keep promises.

7. Solve your conflicts at your own, as maximum as possible.

8. First be honest for yourself and then also for others.

9. Try to include happiness in your personality.

10. Be sure about your steps in advance.

1. The size of sample being small will affect the results obtained.

2. The questionnaires thus filled were not properly filled so editing part becomes a major
   part of the analysis.

3. Since it is a self-report study, there is a possibility of social desirability bias.

4. Statistical tools thus applied are tried to be done with perfection but may be affected by
   slight calculative errors.

5. It was a time-bounded project.

6. The respondents were not cooperative well enough to meet the requirements of this

7. There are 34 statements in the questionnaire to be rated in a relative order, which could
   be difficult task and will not help to obtain the results on account of its enormity.

8. The Emotional Intelligence is rather long and complex and hence presented a difficulty
   for the respondent.


       1                97              92
       2                88              94
       3               102             126
       4               113             108
       5                97             110
       6               121             116
       7               104             101
       8               103              97
       9               109             113
      10                98              97
      11               114             102
      12               116             109
      13               105              92
      14               111              97
      15               110             105
      16               111             121
      17               115             102
      18               127             119
      19               106              99
      20               111             107
      21               111             106
      22               101             102
      23               116             116
      24               117             112
      25               104              98
      26               108              94
      27               109             104
      28               111             104
      29               111             104
      30               112             106
      31               111             103
      32               113             113
      33               112             113
      34               128             112

n1     =    n2      =       30

∑ Xi   =    3769

∑ Yi   =    3561

Xm     =    ∑ Xi / n1       =       3769 / 30          =    125.63

Ym     =    ∑ Yi / n2       =       3561 / 30          =    118.70

∑ (Xi – Xm)2 =      8527.26

∑ (Yi – Ym)2 =      6052.30

S      =    √ ( ( ∑ (X1 - Xm)2 + ∑ (Yi - Ym)2 ) / ( n1 + n2 – 2 ) )

       =    √ ( ( 8527.26 + 6052.30 ) / ( 30 + 30 – 2 ) )

       =    15.85

Z      =    ( X m – Y m ) / (S * √ ( 1/n1 + 1/n2 ) )

       =    (125.63 – 118.70) / (15.85 * √ (1/30 + 1/30) )

       =    1.69

       Dear respondent, this research project is a part of curriculum of MBA. Hence, I need your
support in answering the question.

Personal Data

Name (optional):_________________________________
Age: __________________________________________
Sex: __________________________________________
Qualification: ___________________________________
Designation: ____________________________________
Experience: _____________________________________

Please rank the following item using the following hints:

   1.Strongly Disagree
   5.Strongly Agree

NO.                                PARTICULARS                                      RATINGS
  1 I can encourage others to work even when things are not favorable.              1 2 3 4 5
  2 People tell me that I am an inspiration for them.                               1 2 3 4 5
  3 I am able to encourage people to take initiative.                               1 2 3 4 5
    I am able to make intelligent decisions using a healthy balance of emotions
  4                                                                                 1 2 3 4 5
    and reasons
  5 I do not depend on other’s encouragement to do my work well.                    1   2   3   4   5
  6 I can continue to do what I believe in, even under severe criticism.            1   2   3   4   5
  7 I am able to access the situation and then behave.                              1   2   3   4   5
  8 I can concentrate on the task at hand in spite of disturbances.                 1   2   3   4   5
  9 I pay attention to the worries and concerns of others.                          1   2   3   4   5
 10 I can listen to someone without the urge to say something.                      1   2   3   4   5
 11 I am perceived as friendly and outgoing.                                        1   2   3   4   5
 12 I have my priorities clear.                                                     1   2   3   4   5
 13 I can handle conflicts around me.                                               1   2   3   4   5
 14 I do not mix unnecessary emotions with issues at hand.                          1   2   3   4   5
 15 I try to see the other person’s point of view.                                  1   2   3   4   5
 16 I can stand up for my beliefs.                                                  1   2   3   4   5
17    I can see the brighter side of my situation.                             1   2   3   4   5
18    I believe in myself.                                                     1   2   3   4   5
19    I am able to stay composed in both good and bad situations.              1   2   3   4   5
20    I am able to stay focused even under pressure.                           1   2   3   4   5
21    I am able to maintain the standards of honesty and integrity.            1   2   3   4   5
22    I am able to confront unethical actions of others.                       1   2   3   4   5
23    I am able to meet commitments and keep promises.                         1   2   3   4   5
24    I am organized and careful in my work.                                   1   2   3   4   5
25    I am able to handle multiple demands.                                    1   2   3   4   5
26    I am comfortable with and open to novel ideas and new information.       1   2   3   4   5
27    I pursue goals beyond what is required and expected of me.               1   2   3   4   5
28    I am persistent in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks.        1   2   3   4   5
      I have built rapport and made and maintained personal friendships with
29                                                                             1 2 3 4 5
      work associates.
30    I am able to identify and separate my emotions.                          1   2   3   4   5
31    I think that feelings should be managed.                                 1   2   3   4   5
32    I am aware of my weaknesses.                                             1   2   3   4   5
33    I feel that I must develop myself even when my job does not demand it.   1   2   3   4   5
34    I believe that happiness is a positive attitude.                         1   2   3   4   5

Thanks for giving your support.

Bowen, D. E. and Lawler, E. E, III.
Total Quality – oriented human resources management.
Organizational Dynamics, 1992, 20(4), 29 - 41.

Burke, R. J. (1986).
The present and future status of stress research.
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 8, 249 – 267.

Derek Torrington and Laura Stall.
“Personal Management”, HRM in Action
3rd edition, 1987, p. 67.

Gennifer M. George, Gareth R. John
“Understanding and Managing OB”
1996, P. 83 – 84.

Kanter, R. M. (1989).
The New Managerial Work.
Harvard Business Review. 66, 85 – 92

Katz, D. M, Kahn, R. L. (1978)
The Social Psychology of Organizations,
New York: Wiley.

Moorehead and Griffin
“Managing People and Behavior”
1995, P.70, 4th edition.

Kothari, C. R,
Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques
Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi, 2nd edition, 2001.

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Research Methodology Project

  • 2. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Research methodology project entitled COMPARING EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF DOCTORS WORKING IN PRIVATE AND GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS OF INDORE Has been accomplished by Mr. Anshuman Jain under my guidance and Supervision. This project is being submitted by him in the partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of MBA from DAVV, Indore. To the best of my Knowledge and belief this work has not been submitted by him anywhere else for The award of any degree or diploma with proper citation. PROJECT GUIDE Prof. Anukool M. Hyde [Faculty, HR]
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all I feel indebted and express my sincere thanks to the management of all those organizations from which I have collected data, for their kind support in the completion of my project report and the study. For the completion of my report I have been helped, assisted and encouraged by many quarters. This study is based on my Research Methodology Project work as part of my course curriculum of MBA degree. I owe a department of gratitude to Prof. Anukool M. Hyde, my project guide, who gave the opportunity to work under him. I am also deeply indebted to him for his extra ordinary insight in all my problems as he is a sunny ray in morning time for all his suggestions, kind support, and guidance which helped me to reach at the successful end of my project report. I am very much thankful to Dr. Ms. Surinder K. Chawla, my faculty in HR, who has given me invaluable advice and tips, which had contributed to great extent in facilitating the completion of the project quite successfully. At the same time, I feel indebted to her for kind cooperation from time to time as and when needed. I give my sincere thanks to all those doctors for extending their kind cooperation towards the gathering of all information and data that has to be required from them to arrive at the conclusion of this study. I am also indebted to the Dr. Rajendra K. Jain ( Head of Department – MBA, Fulltime), Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management (SVIM), Indore And at last, I convey my special thanks to almighty GOD, my parents, friends, well wishers, and all those though I am unable to mention all of them individually but without their valuable guidance and help this project work was very difficult to be completed. With regards, Anshuman Jain
  • 4. PREFACE The healthy work force is required for the survival and prosperity of the organization and it can be achieved only through the medium of management of human resources and optimum utilization of available resources by training and proper development of manpower and organization. The workforce of an organization cannot perform quite well until it has a mental peace. It is very important for the individuals, now days, to take decisions on the basis of an equilibrium analysis of emotions and the practical ground cases. Resultantly the organization may be in trouble as well as the individual. Theoretical knowledge provides foundation stone of the practical and field work examines and tests the element of truth in theory. Theory without practical knowledge is of little importance. Knowledge without practical training cannot be perfect. This study report is practical work to give insight into both the above points stated earlier. It is initiated with the aim to find the present level of emotional intelligence and to judge whether it is a significant factor affecting one’s own capacity to perform the task successfully. Not more, but in fact, this study enables me to imbibe my theoretical knowledge with the practical situation in the organization and the external environment as well. Anshuman Jain
  • 5. INTRODUCTION Although a person’s feelings cannot be observed directly by others but they can be inferred from his overt behavior and verbal report of his introspection, as no one can doubt the reality of emotions as conscious experience. To produce an emotion, a stimulus situation must be related to past experience and seen as having implications in the future. In an organization when an employee feels the presence of a threatening situation, he may handle it in either of the two ways. He may be confident of his ability to handle the situation and may see it as a challenging opportunity to prove himself or experience fear or dead. Thus our appraisal of situation and subsequent emotions are strongly influenced by our own estimate of capabilities. The emotions arouse depends not so much on the events themselves, as on how they are appraised. The individual’s capacity to perform a given task according to the instructions sometimes gets affected by his or her feelings. We can see the persons who believe that they can complete a particular task very easily but their performance become lower or higher when it is affected by their inner feelings attached with an individual, situation, or environment in which they are working. Therefore for the persons to be fully successful in their work life and their personal life, it is very important to have a justifiable amount of emotions and feelings with them so that their capacity to perform a particular task in the given situation should not be lowered. For today’s managers, it is very important to be more emotionally intelligent so that their high capacity for performing the task should not get reduced and they can manage their emotions and feelings in order to produce meaningful results and for better development of the organizations, society, and of themselves as well. In the present changing environment of business organizations a managerial executive should be well managed with his or her emotions so that the decisions taken by him contribute positively for the achievement of goals of the organizations and by this his or her personal goals too. Buck (1985) has defined emotions as the process by which motivational potentials realized or read out when activated by challenging stimuli. In other words, emotion is seen as a read out mechanism carrying information about motivational systems. Emotions have long been considered to be of such depth and power that in Latin, for example, they were described as motes anima meaning literally the speed that moves us. Contrary to most conventional thinking, emotions are inherently neither positive nor negative; rather they serve as the single most powerful source of human energy. In fact each feeling provides us with vital and potentially profitable information every minute of the day. This feedback ignites creative genius improves and shapes trusting relationships, provides and inner compass for one’s life and career, guides to unexpected possibilities and even saves organizations from disaster. To exhibit emotions is very easy but doing it at the right time, at the right place, with the right person, and to the right degree is difficult. The management of emotion has given rise to the most talked about term Emotional Intelligence.
  • 6. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Emotional Intelligence motivates employees to pursue their unique potential and purpose, and activates innermost potential values and aspirations, transforming them from things they think about to what they do. Emotional intelligence enables one to learn to acknowledge and understand feelings in ourselves and in others and that we appropriately respond to them, effectively applying the information and energy of emotions in our daily life, and work. Mayer and Salovey (1997) define Emotional Intelligence as “The ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action” Emotional Intelligence involves the ability to perceive accurately, appraise, and express the emotions. The ability to access and / or generate feelings when they facilitate thoughts, the ability to understand the emotions and emotional knowledge and intellectual growth. EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT Vs INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT Intelligence refers to abilities to adjust with the situations. It is a concept that refers to individual references in the ability to acquire knowledge to think and reason effectively, and to deal adaptively with the environment. Earlier, it was thought that performance is the outcome of certain abilities, collectively known as Intelligence. However, increasingly it has been realized that in addition to intelligence, emotions are equally or more responsible for performance. Hence the concept of EQ has become popular particularly in management science. Emotions are powerful organizers of thought and action and paradoxically indispensable for reasoning and rationality. EQ comes to the aid of IQ when there is a need to solve important problems or to make a key decision. It enables to accomplish this in a superior fashion and in a fraction of the time. For example, instead of the entire day or more of the exhausting nonstop linear, sequential thinking that might be required to reach the same decision without the aid of EQ. Moreover, emotions awaken intuition and curiosity, which assist in anticipating and uncertain future and planning our actions accordingly. In fact, Emotional Intelligence is an indispensable activator and enhancer of IQ. IQ and EQ interrelates with each other and this creates a dynamic tension from one to the other, stabilizing their respective energies. For people with identical IQs, some outperform others. This suggests something beyond IQ is at work. That something or a large part of it is EQ. When emotions are acknowledged and guided constructively, they enhance performance.
  • 7. Unlike IQ, EQ can be developed and nurtured even in adulthood and can prove beneficial to one’s health, relationship and performance. Over the years, vigorous debate has surrounded the issue of whether the nature or nurture primarily determine personality or not? Personality is defined as the combination of stable, physical, and mental characteristics that due to individual his or her identity. Emotional Intelligence can be learned and gradually developed unlike IQ, which after a particular age cannot be developed. EI is developed through experiences. Competencies keep on growing through experiences; people get better and better in handling emotions, influencing others and in social adroitness. In fact studies that have tracked people’s level of EI through the years so that people get better and better in those capabilities as they grow handling their own emotions and impulses, at motivating themselves and at honing their empathy and social adroitness. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ORGANIZATIONS It is unrealistic t set aside our emotions and feelings in workplace. Organizational life requires that we work together side by side for eight to twelve hours a day. We spend more time with our coworkers then we do with our friends, spouse, or children. Feelings and opinions just do not go away because we talk into the work place. At work, we can put on work clothes, but we cannot take off our emotions, so what happens to our emotions at work? They go underground and become the powerful invisible forces. The term Emotional Intelligence encompasses the five characteristics and abilities as discussed by Goleman (1995) SELF-AWARENESS: Knowing your emotions, recognizing feelings as they occur and discriminating between them in being emotionally literate, being able to identify and label specific feelings in yourself and others; being able to discuss emotions and communicate clearly and directly; The ability to emphasize with, feel compassion for, validate, motivate, inspire, encourage, and soothe other; the ability to make intelligent decisions using a healthy balance of emotions and reason; being neither too emotional nor too rational; The ability to manage and take responsibility for one’s own emotions, specially the responsibility for self motivation and personal happiness. Recognizing and naming one’s own emotions, knowledge of the causes of emotions, recognizing the difference between feelings and actions. MOOD MANAGEMENT: Handling feelings so that they are relevant to the current situation and you react appropriately. Frustration tolerance and anger management, eliminating verbal pull downs, fights, and group disruptions, better able to express anger appropriately without resorting to
  • 8. violence, fewer suspensions and expulsion, less aggressive or self destructive behavior, more positive feelings about self, school, and family, better at handling stress. SELF MOTIVATION: “Gathering Up” your feelings and directing yourself towards a goal, despite self doubt, inertia, and impulsiveness. More responsible, better able to focus on tasks at hand and pay attention, less impulsive; more self controlled, and improved scores on achievement tests. EMPATHY: Recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal and nonverbal cues. Better able to take another person’s perspective, improved empathy and sensitive to others feelings, better at listening to others. Affiliative persons are friendly, sociable, helpful, and skilful in dealing with people and open about their feelings. They make good companions because they are pleasant, and agreeable. Others feel comfortable with them and like them. In other words, Affiliative persons have superior emotional and social skills in dealing with other, derive gratification and rewards from their interpersonal contacts, and tends to be source of happiness to others. MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS: Handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and negotiations, increased ability to analyze and understand and relationships, better at resolving conflicts and negotiating disagreements, better at solving problems in relationships, more assertive and skilled at communication. More popular and outgoing; friendly and involved with peers, more sought out by peers, more concerned and considerate, more pro-social and harmonious in groups, more sharing, cooperation and helpfulness, more democratic in dealing with others. MEASURES OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE The authors came across two measures of Emotional Intelligence. A Four Cornerstone Model explained by Cooper can understand EQ in business and life. this model assumes Emotional Intelligence as out of the realm of psychological analysis and philosophical theories and moves into the realm of direct knowing, exploration, and application.
  • 9. The First Cornerstone is Emotional Literacy, which builds a locus of self confidence through emotional honesty, energy, emotional feedback, intuition, responsibility, and correction. The Second Cornerstone is Emotional Fitness that strengthens authenticity, believability, and resilience, expanding circle of trust and capacity for listening, managing conflicts, and making most of constructive discontent. The Third Cornerstone is Emotional Depth that explores ways to align one’s life and work with his or her unique potential and purpose, and accountability, which in turn increases influence without authority. The Fourth Cornerstone is Emotional Alchemy through which one can extend creative instincts and capacity t flow with problems and pressures and to complete for the future by building one’s capacity to sense more readily.
  • 10. OBJECTIVE This study is an effort to find the variations between the level of emotional intelligence among the doctors of various hospitals (private and government) located in Indore city. The fulfillment of an assigned task mainly depends upon two factors – first, the one’s belief towards his or her capacity to perform the task, and second, the ability to take decisions with a clear cut understanding of emotions and logical reasoning involved and necessary in the concerned task. During this span, it is also seen as how decisions are taken tactfully when any problem comes to doctors, or tasks assigned to them, and how they differentiate between emotions and reasons to make equilibrium in between the two. So the way of problem solving, right decision making and knowledge of different type of solutions and policies and activities give much importance to the study though only in this period over all idea can be developed. But effort, task, research is unfulfilled if it has no objectives. The objectives provide the foundation of a systematic work. Apart from all above, the main objectives of the study are: o To compare Emotional Intelligence of Doctors working in Private and Government Hospitals. o To know about the factors which are contributing more as compared to other factors. o To know the practicality of research methods in various types of real life problems and cases. o To get familiar with the various statistical tools to be used in analyzing the data and information and to ensure the correct use of tools on appropriate place as and when needed. o Whatever subjects being taught in the classroom are theoretical and training and project work provides us the comparison how the practicalities of an organization vary with theory.
  • 11. o The research area of my project work is the effect of Emotional Intelligence among doctors and hence my prime objectives is to know that whether the emotional intelligence of an individual affect his or her emotional competence and if yes, than in which way, positive, or negative? o This study is also aimed at to find out the best solutions, behavioral science models and other significant ways to increase the level of emotional intelligence to justify the degree of its competence among the doctors. o Lastly, for the partial fulfillment of the MBA program and we have to submit the project report on the basis of study so conducted.
  • 12. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and obtaining certain conclusions either in the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in certain generalization for some theoretical formulation. All those methods, which are used by researcher during the course of studying his research problem, are termed as Research Method. Keeping this in view, research methods can be put into the following three groups: 1. Collection of Data: This method is used where the data already available are not sufficient to arrive at the required solution. In dealing with any real life problem, it is often found that the data in hand are inadequate and hence it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are several ways to collect appropriate data like primary and secondary source. “Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey whereas secondary data are collected through magazines, journals, newspaper, etc.” In this study, I have collected data through Questionnaire method. The questionnaire consists of 34 statements or items, which all were close ended questions. 2. Statistical Techniques: These are used for establishing relationship between the data and the unknown. 3. The Third group consisting of those methods that are used to evaluate the accuracy of the results obtained.
  • 13. TYPE OF RESEARCH This research study is an exploratory research study, which is aimed at to identify the emotional intelligence and to achieve new insights concerned. RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims at combining relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. It constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. It seeks to answer the following questions: What is the study about? Why is the study being made? What type of data is required? What will be the sample design? This research design is strictly designed as a pure descriptive as well as diagnostic research design. Strictly “structured instruments” is used in this study. This is also a probability sampling design, that is, Simple Random Sampling and also advanced decisions are taken about its operational procedure. SAMPLING DESIGN The respondents selected should be as representative of total population as possible in order to produce a miniature cross section. The selected respondents constitute what is technically called Sample and the selection process is called Sampling Techniques. The survey so conducted is known as Sample Survey. The researcher must prepare a sample design, that is, he must plan how a sample should be selected and of what size such a sample would be. The present study was conducted under the following sample design:
  • 14. TYPE OF POPULATION A clearly defined set of objects to be considered in the research is known as Universe, or Population. The Universe can be finite or infinite. In finite universe, the number of items is certain, but in case of an infinite universe, the number of items is infinite, that is, we cannot have an idea about the number of items to be studied. In this study, the population selected was the doctors of various hospitals (private and government) located within Indore city, and these include doctors of various specializations. SAMPLING UNIT A decision has to be taken concerning a sample unit before selecting sample . Sampling Unit may be geographical one or a social unit, or it may be an individual. The researcher will have to decide one or more of such units that he has to select for his or her study. In present study, the sampling units are collected within the geographical region of Indore city. SOURCE LIST It is also known as Sampling Frame from which sample is to be drawn. It contains the names of all items of a universe (in case of finite universe only). If source list is not available, researcher has to prepare it. Such list should be comprehensive, correct, reliable, and appropriate. It is extremely important for the source list to be as representative of the population as possible. In present case, the sampling frame is selected by choosing the professionals from various organizations and aiming at mainly those who were having a good experience in their respective fields and also have a satisfactory tenure in the present organization and the job. The professionals were also selected taking into consideration the reliability of data thus obtained. SAMPLE SIZE This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute the sample. This is a major problem before a researcher. The size of sample should neither be excessively large, nor too small. It should be optimum. An optimum sample is one that fulfills the requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability, and flexibility. Which deciding the size of sample, researcher must determine the desired precision as also an acceptable confidence level for the estimate.
  • 15. In this study, the samples are drawn from only one population and the size of sample was of 30 each to find the correlation in between the doctors of private and government hospitals, and thus the data was collected on a total of 60 sample questionnaires. SAMPLE DESIGN / TECHNIQUES This case is a probability sampling case and the sampling technique, which is used in this study, is Random Sampling Technique of Probability Sampling. SCALING TECHNIQUE In this study, the Summated Scales or Likert-type scales are used. The Likert-type summated scales are regarded as the most useful scale in a situation wherein it is possible to compare the respondent’s score with a distribution of scores from some well defined group. Here, in present situation, respondents were asked to respond their opinions on all selected items using a Likert-type 5-point scale ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. The strongest favorable response is scored as 5 whereas the strongest unfavorable response as 1. Thus here the total score can range from 170 for most favorable to 34 for the least favorable responses, in the case of Emotional Intelligence Questionnaires. DATA COLLECTION In dealing with any real life problem, it is often found that the data at hand are inadequate, and hence it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are several ways of collecting the appropriate data, which differ considerably in context of money costs, time and other resources at the disposal of the researcher. FOR PRIMARY DATA: Generally, in behavioral science study, primary data can be collected by the following ways: By Observation: This method implies the collection of information by way of investigator’s own observation, without interviewing the respondents. The information obtained relates to what is
  • 16. currently happening and is not complicated by either the past behavior or future intentions or attitudes of respondents. This method is no doubt an expensive method and the information provided by this method is also very limited. As such this method is not suitable in inquiries where large samples are concerned. Through Personal Interview: The investigator follows a rigid procedure and seeks answers to a set of preconceived questions through personal interviews. This method of collecting data is usually carried out in a structured way where output depends upon the ability of the interviewer to a large extent. By Questionnaire: The researcher and the respondents do not come in contact with each other if this method of survey is adopted. Questionnaires are mailed to the respondents with a request to return after completing the same. It is the most extensively used in various economic and business surveys. Questionnaires to be used must be prepared very carefully so that it may prove to be effective in collecting the relevant information. Since it is a survey report study and also related with psychological traits and behavioral science, hence only a set of structured questionnaire completed collection of data. FOR SECONDARY DATA: Also in making inference about the concept of the study to be conducted, secondary data helped and contribute a lot to start with the problem. For this, various magazines, textbooks, project reports, journals, and websites were used. HYPOTHESIS It simply means a mere assumption or some supposition to be proved or disapproved. For a researcher, hypothesis is a formal question that he intends to resolve. Thus a hypothesis may be defined as a proposition or a set of propositions set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomenon either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide some investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts. Quite often a research hypothesis is a predictive statement, capable of being tested by scientific methods, that relates an independent variable to some dependent variable.
  • 17. NULL HYPOTHESIS If we are to compare method A with method B about its superiority, and if we proceed on the assumption that both methods are equally good, then this assumption is termed as the Null Hypothesis. Generally, the Null Hypothesis is symbolically represented as H0. In the present study, the Null Hypothesis is as follows: “The Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in both the sectors (private and government hospitals) is same”. That is, EI (Private) = EI (Government) ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS If we may think that the method A is superior or the method B is inferior, we are then stating what is termed as Alternate Hypothesis. The Alternate Hypothesis is represented as Ha. In the present study, the Alternate Hypothesis is as follows: “The Emotional Intelligence of the doctors working in Private Hospitals is better than Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in Government hospitals”. That is, EI (Private) > EI (Government)
  • 18. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION TABULATION OF DATA In this study, the data collected was purely primary data and the data was collected directly through the questionnaire method. In the questionnaire, the questions were related to the analysis of Emotional Intelligence. The questionnaire consists of 34 statements on a Likert-type summated scale of 5-point rating on which respondents provide the information. (For detailed Questionnaire, please refer to the Annexure) In this study, only one sample from a single population of doctors of Indore city was drawn and the size of the sample were 30 each for private and government hospital’s doctors. PERSONAL INFORMATION The personal information was collected under six categories as: Name Age Sex Qualification Designation Experience Among all these attributes, the tenure (or experience) was considered to be the most important attribute. SCORING Further in this study, the individuals have to give their assessment of Emotional Intelligence by rating themselves on each statements of the questionnaire using 5-point rating scale, which is as follows:
  • 19. 1.Strongly Disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neutral 4.Agree 5.Strongly Agree By adding all the responses of the questions separately, we get the scores. The detailed scores for the doctors working in private and government hospitals are listed in Table A (refer Annexure). STATISTICS USED For our analysis and to get solution of the problem, we use the z-test as the appropriate statistical tool to measure the Emotional Intelligence of Private and Government doctors. Z-test is based on the normal probability distribution and is used for judging the significance of several statistical measures, particularly the mean. The relevant test statistic, Z, is worked out and compared with its probable value (to be read from table showing area under normal curve) at a specified level of significance for judging the significance of the measure concerned. This is a most frequently used test in research studies. The Z-value for the test is computed by the formula: Z = ( X m – Y m ) / (S * √ ( 1/n1 + 1/n2 ) ) Where, Xm Mean of X Series = ∑ Xi / n1 (Here, mean for private doctors) Ym Mean of Y Series = ∑ Yi / n2 (Here, mean for government doctors) S Standard Deviation, given as S = √ ( ( ∑ (X1 - Xm)2 + ∑ (Yi - Ym)2 ) / ( n1 + n2 – 2 ) ) n1 Sample Size for X series (Here, n1 = 30) n2 Sample Size for Y series (Here, n2 = 30) Xi Individual score for private doctors
  • 20. Yi Individual score for government doctors. For all details of calculations, performed, please see Table B (refer to the Annexure). RESULTS The calculations performed for Z-test has given the following results – Mean for the private doctors 125.63 Mean for the government doctors 118.70 Standard Deviation for the private and government doctors 15.85 After applying Z-test for testing of hypothesis, the result of Z-test for Emotional Intelligence between private and government doctors is Z (calculated) = 1.69 (Z-test applied at five percent level of significance) Which, is less than the tabulated value of Z for two-tailed test at five percent level of significance which is found to be 1.96, that is, Z (tabulated) = 1.96 Therefore, we have to accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha), that is Emotional Intelligence for private doctors is better than Emotional Intelligence for government doctors. On the basis of testing of hypothesis, we can generate our results for the whole population of doctors working in private and government doctors. INTERPRETATION On the basis of Z-value and the scores obtained for the individual doctors, the following inferences can be made: 1. Private Doctors can encourage others to work even when things are not favorable.
  • 21. 2. Government doctors are more inspirational than the private doctors. 3. Government doctors can encourage people to take initiative more as compared to private doctors. 4. Private Doctors are able to make intelligent decisions as compared to government doctors. 5. Government doctors do not depend more on other’s encouragement to do their work well as compared to private doctors. 6. Private Doctors can continue to do what they want they believe in, even under severe criticism as compared to government doctors. 7. Private Doctors are better in assessing the situation and then behave accordingly. 8. Private Doctors concentrate more on their task at hand in spite of disturbances as compared to government doctors. 9. Government doctors pay more attention to the worries and concerns of others as compared to private doctors. 10. Private Doctors listen more to someone without the urge to say something. 11. Private Doctors are perceived as more friendly and outgoing than to government doctors. 12. Private Doctors are clearer about their priorities as compared to government doctors. 13. Private Doctors are better in handling conflicts around them as compared to government doctors. 14. Private Doctors do not mix unnecessary emotions with issues at hand as compared to government doctors. 15. Private Doctors try more to see the other person’s point of view as compared to government doctors. 16. Government doctors stand up more for their beliefs as compared to private doctors. 17. Private Doctors see more to the brighter side of their situation as compared to government doctors. 18. Private Doctors are better in believing oneself as compared to government doctors. 19. Private Doctors are more able to stay composed in both good and bad situations as compared to government doctors. 20. Private Doctors are more able to stay focused even under severe criticism as compared to government doctors. 21. Private Doctors are more able to maintain the standards of honesty and integrity.
  • 22. 22. Government doctors are more able to confront unethical actions of others. 23. Private Doctors are better in meeting commitments and keeping promises as compared to government doctors. 24. Private Doctors are better organized and careful in their work. 25. Private Doctors are better in handling multiple demands. 26. Private doctors are more comfortable with and open to novel ideas and new information as compared to government doctors. 27. Private Doctors give more priority to pursue goals beyond what is required and expected of them as compared to government doctors. 28. Private Doctors are more persistent in pursuing goals despite of obstacles and setbacks. 29. Private Doctors have built better rapport and made and maintained personal friendships with work associates. 30. Private Doctors are better in identifying and separating their emotions as compared to government doctors. 31. Private Doctors thought more that their feelings should be managed. 32. Private Doctors are more aware of their weaknesses as compared to government doctors. 33. Government doctors feel more than private doctors that they must develop themselves even when the job does not demand. 34. Private doctors believe more that happiness is a positive attitude as compared to government doctors.
  • 23. CONCLUSION As we can see that the Z-value (Calculated) is less than the tabulated value of two-tailed test at 5 percent level of significance. Therefore the Null Hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, that is, H0 : Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in private and government hospitals is better than that for the government doctors INFERENCE Emotional Intelligence of doctors working in private and government doctors is different in the following factors: SELF AWARENESS: Doctors working in private hospitals are having more self awareness as compared to government doctors which means, Government doctors are not aware of their emotions as compared to private doctors. Private Doctors recognize feelings easily as compared to government doctors. Private Doctors make good intelligent decisions using a healthy balance of emotions and reasons, as compared to government doctors. MOOD MANAGEMENT: Private Doctors can manage their anger more effectively as compared to government doctors. They are better able to express anger appropriately without resorting to violence. They are more positive about self, family, and organization and better at handling stress.
  • 24. SELF MOTIVATION: Private doctors are more responsible and better able to focus on task at hand and pay attention towards their patients more as compared to government doctors. Private Doctors are more self controlled and improved scores on achievement tests. EMPATHY: Private Doctors are better able to take another person’s perspective. They are sensitive towards other’s feeling and tune into their verbal and non verbal cues. They can make good companions because they are pleasant and agreeable others feel compatible and like them. MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS: Private Doctors can handle interpersonal interactions and conflicts better than government doctors. They have increased ability to analyze and understand relationships. They are better at resolving conflicts and negotiating disagreements. They are better at solving problems in relationships. At end, we can summarize the study by stating that Emotional Intelligence have a good impact on doctors and to be successful in one’s own life and career, one has to be fairly emotional intelligent and should develop a high capacity to perform.
  • 25. RECOMMENDATIONS Some Important tips for improvement of Emotional Intelligence are given below: 1. One should concentrate on the tasks in hand without considering any hurdles. 2. Always believe in yourself and not in others. 3. Be humanitarian but not emotionally weak. 4. First listen others carefully and then speak, if necessary. 5. Be innovative and be flexible. 6. Always fulfill your commitments and keep promises. 7. Solve your conflicts at your own, as maximum as possible. 8. First be honest for yourself and then also for others. 9. Try to include happiness in your personality. 10. Be sure about your steps in advance.
  • 26. LIMITATIONS 1. The size of sample being small will affect the results obtained. 2. The questionnaires thus filled were not properly filled so editing part becomes a major part of the analysis. 3. Since it is a self-report study, there is a possibility of social desirability bias. 4. Statistical tools thus applied are tried to be done with perfection but may be affected by slight calculative errors. 5. It was a time-bounded project. 6. The respondents were not cooperative well enough to meet the requirements of this project. 7. There are 34 statements in the questionnaire to be rated in a relative order, which could be difficult task and will not help to obtain the results on account of its enormity. 8. The Emotional Intelligence is rather long and complex and hence presented a difficulty for the respondent.
  • 27. ANNEXURES SCORE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE BASIS OF RESPONSE GIVEN BY INDIVIDUALS GOVERNEMENT SERIAL NO PRIVATE DOCTORS DOCTORS 1 97 92 2 88 94 3 102 126 4 113 108 5 97 110 6 121 116 7 104 101 8 103 97 9 109 113 10 98 97 11 114 102 12 116 109 13 105 92 14 111 97 15 110 105 16 111 121 17 115 102 18 127 119 19 106 99 20 111 107 21 111 106 22 101 102 23 116 116 24 117 112 25 104 98 26 108 94 27 109 104 28 111 104 29 111 104 30 112 106 31 111 103 32 113 113 33 112 113 34 128 112
  • 28. CALCULATIONS PERFORMED FOR Z-TEST n1 = n2 = 30 ∑ Xi = 3769 ∑ Yi = 3561 Xm = ∑ Xi / n1 = 3769 / 30 = 125.63 Ym = ∑ Yi / n2 = 3561 / 30 = 118.70 ∑ (Xi – Xm)2 = 8527.26 ∑ (Yi – Ym)2 = 6052.30 S = √ ( ( ∑ (X1 - Xm)2 + ∑ (Yi - Ym)2 ) / ( n1 + n2 – 2 ) ) = √ ( ( 8527.26 + 6052.30 ) / ( 30 + 30 – 2 ) ) = 15.85 Z = ( X m – Y m ) / (S * √ ( 1/n1 + 1/n2 ) ) = (125.63 – 118.70) / (15.85 * √ (1/30 + 1/30) ) = 1.69
  • 29. QUESTIONNAIRE Dear respondent, this research project is a part of curriculum of MBA. Hence, I need your support in answering the question. Personal Data Name (optional):_________________________________ Age: __________________________________________ Sex: __________________________________________ Qualification: ___________________________________ Designation: ____________________________________ Experience: _____________________________________ Please rank the following item using the following hints: 1.Strongly Disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neutral 4.Agree 5.Strongly Agree NO. PARTICULARS RATINGS 1 I can encourage others to work even when things are not favorable. 1 2 3 4 5 2 People tell me that I am an inspiration for them. 1 2 3 4 5 3 I am able to encourage people to take initiative. 1 2 3 4 5 I am able to make intelligent decisions using a healthy balance of emotions 4 1 2 3 4 5 and reasons 5 I do not depend on other’s encouragement to do my work well. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I can continue to do what I believe in, even under severe criticism. 1 2 3 4 5 7 I am able to access the situation and then behave. 1 2 3 4 5 8 I can concentrate on the task at hand in spite of disturbances. 1 2 3 4 5 9 I pay attention to the worries and concerns of others. 1 2 3 4 5 10 I can listen to someone without the urge to say something. 1 2 3 4 5 11 I am perceived as friendly and outgoing. 1 2 3 4 5 12 I have my priorities clear. 1 2 3 4 5 13 I can handle conflicts around me. 1 2 3 4 5 14 I do not mix unnecessary emotions with issues at hand. 1 2 3 4 5 15 I try to see the other person’s point of view. 1 2 3 4 5 16 I can stand up for my beliefs. 1 2 3 4 5
  • 30. 17 I can see the brighter side of my situation. 1 2 3 4 5 18 I believe in myself. 1 2 3 4 5 19 I am able to stay composed in both good and bad situations. 1 2 3 4 5 20 I am able to stay focused even under pressure. 1 2 3 4 5 21 I am able to maintain the standards of honesty and integrity. 1 2 3 4 5 22 I am able to confront unethical actions of others. 1 2 3 4 5 23 I am able to meet commitments and keep promises. 1 2 3 4 5 24 I am organized and careful in my work. 1 2 3 4 5 25 I am able to handle multiple demands. 1 2 3 4 5 26 I am comfortable with and open to novel ideas and new information. 1 2 3 4 5 27 I pursue goals beyond what is required and expected of me. 1 2 3 4 5 28 I am persistent in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks. 1 2 3 4 5 I have built rapport and made and maintained personal friendships with 29 1 2 3 4 5 work associates. 30 I am able to identify and separate my emotions. 1 2 3 4 5 31 I think that feelings should be managed. 1 2 3 4 5 32 I am aware of my weaknesses. 1 2 3 4 5 33 I feel that I must develop myself even when my job does not demand it. 1 2 3 4 5 34 I believe that happiness is a positive attitude. 1 2 3 4 5 Thanks for giving your support.
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