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Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
Of the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration
Navdeep Kaur
Registration No. 56324UT18033
Under the supervision of
Sonam Subhadarshini
Trident Academy of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,
This is to certify that the project report entitled is a bonafide work carried out “A
NAVDEEP KAUR, a student of BBA (2017-20) TACT, under my guidance and
direction. Her field work is satisfactory.
Signature of the Principal Signature of HOD
(DR. B.K.Mohanty) (Dr.Nargis Begum)
This is to certify that Miss Navdeep Kaur registration no. 56324UT18033
of the college Trident Academy of Creative Technology has successfully
completed her dissertation work under title for the partial fulfillment of “A
Reference To INFOSYS & TCS)” bachelor in business administration.
Her field work is satisfactory.
Internal examiner External examiner
I do here by declare that this project work entitled submitted by me for
the partial fulfillment “A STUDY ON STRESS MANAGEMENT IN IT
SECTOR (With Special Reference (To INFOSYS & TCS)” the
requirement for the award of Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
is a record of my own research work. The report embodies the finding
based on my study and observation and has not been submitted earlier
for the award of any degree or diploma to any Institute or University.
Date: Name: Navdeep Kaur
A Project usually falls short of its expectation unless guided by the right person at
the right time. Success of a project is an outcome of sincere efforts, channeled in
the right direction, efficient supervision and the most valuable professional
This project would not have been completed without the direct and indirect help and
guidance of such luminaries. They provide me with the necessary resources and
atmosphere conductive for healthy learning and training. At the outset I would like to
take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the very kind and patient guidance I
have received from my project guide Sonam Subhadarshini. Without her critical
evaluation and suggestion at every stage of the project, this report could not have
reached its present form.
Last but not the least I would like to thank my family members and friends for
supporting me as well as helping me to complete my thesis on Compensation and
Name: Navdeep Kaur
Registration No. 56324UT18033
The objective of the project was to study and evaluate present market share
of two leading IT company INFOSYS and TCS.
To complete the project the study has been conducted which based on the
secondary data which is collected through the various books, magazine , journal
and website.
The main purpose of the study to know that how and what manner people
attract towards the company and how they decide which one should be
Finding and recommendation made on the basis of survey most depicts on the
point that insurance plan and policies should be more customer centric , as
many customer are not aware about the policies and plan and are not able
to decide which policies and re not able to decide which policies or plan is
better for them . So that they can give proper knowledge to the customers.
Frequent change of customer’s should not be done on the routes.
 Title Page
 Guide certificate
 Declaration
 Acknowledgements
 Executive Summary
 Contents
 Chapter 1: Introduction
 Chapter 2: Company Profile
o Company Profile of INFOSYS
o Company Profile of TCS
 Chapter 3: Review of literature
 Chapter 4: Research Methodology
 Chapter 5: Analysis And finding
 Chapter 6: Managerial Implications
 Bibliography
 Appendix
The word stress is defined the oxford dictionary as “a state of affair involving
demand on physical or mental energy”. It is a situation which the normal mental and
physical health of an individual can be disturbed.
In medical terms stress is described as, “A physical or psychological stimulus that
can produce mental tension orphysiological reactions that may lead to illness.”
According to Richard S Lazarus “Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when
a person perceives that demandexceed the personal and social resources the
individual is able to mobilize.”
R.S. Schuler defines stress as “A dynamic condition in which a individual is
confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he or she
desires and which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.”
Stress is connected with two elements namely constraints and demand. The
constraints prevent us from doing what we desire. While the demand refers to the
loss of something desired.
Human body tries to adjust to different circumstances or to the changing
environment around him. In this process,the body puts extra work and which results
in causing stress. Stress disturbs the normal functioning of the body.
Stress is not always harmful. It helps the person to work properly in the firm.
Hans Selye defined “Stress is not necessarily something bad-it all depends on how
you take it.”
Thus we can say that stress is simply the body’s non-specific reaction to any
demand made on it. Stress provides achance to express talents and energies and
provide happiness. But it can also cause either physical or psychological exhaustion
or illness. Stress may cause heart attacks and accidents. The important thing is that
certain type of stress is normal and essential.
Indian IT sector has seen an enormous growth in post liberalization era. The IT
companies to achieve their goals try to utilize the man power at their maximum.
This causes psychological problems due to uncontrollable stress. Over 50% of the
IT professional are facing the problems related to stress. The main reasons for the
cause of stress in this sector is the over work load and the over working time.
 The object of this project is to understand the concept of job stress and
its impact on employees.
 To find what are the type of stress that are faced by the IT professional
 To identify the measures to reduce stress, in order to increase the skill
of the employees.
Type of stress:-
Acute stress
Acute stress is the most common form of stress. This type of stress arises
immediately with a change in the daytoday activities of a person. Acute stress is
thrilling and exciting in small cases, but too much of acute stress is
exhausting. Acute stress is the body’s way of getting a person to stand up and take
inventory of what is going on, tomake sure that everything is ok.
Mental stress
Mental stress is the very basic of every stress. Cognitive thinking is affected by
mental stress. A person who is affected by the mental stress cannot think properly
or he cannot gain proper attention towards anything. Mental stress is a disruption
of the logical and accurate way of thinking. Mental stress is sometimes good
because if there is a pressure to do something the work can be done easily or
Emotional stress
Emotional stress is the product of mental tension and mental pressure. When the
mind of a person becomes confused he automatically becomes irritated and shot-
tempered. The person cannot handle this type of situations because both the minds
as well as the feelings are heavy to control.
Physical stress
Mental and the physical stress effects the physical aspects of a person. This type of
stress is affected to the body language of a person. Physical stress relates to the
physical reaction or response of the body to cause of stress and the other
it is a type of short-term stress that provides sudden strength. This type of stress
arises when the physical activities are increased. It is a positive stress arises when
motivation and inspiration is needed.
Job stress
Job stress arises when the requirements of the job does not match the capabilities,
resources, or needs of the workers. Job stress can lead to poor health both mental
and physical stress also. Some of the causes of job stress are as follows:
o High workloads
o Ineffective management
o Poor working relations
o Blame culture
o Insufficient training
o Poor working environment
o Poor information system
Chronic stress
Chronic stress will occur if there is a constant charge of routine for week after week.
Chronic stress affects the body for long period of time. This is the type of stress
experienced by someone who constantly faces moves or job changes.
Hyper stress
Hyper stress occurs when a person does what he/she can handle. Hyper stress is
the result of being overloaded orover worked.
Hypo stress
It is the opposite of the hyper stress. This type of occurs when a person is bored or
Episodic Acute stress
Episodic acute stress is the stress which affects those who suffer from acute stress
more frequently. People that tend suffer from this always seem to be in a rush, they
take too much on and tend not to be able to organize themselves todeal with
demands and pressures.
Episodic Acute stress can affect interpersonal skills and can make sufferers
hostile towards others causing a deterioration of relationships at home and the
workplace. Its symptoms include prolonged over stimulation, persistent tension,
headaches or migraines, hypertension and chest pains. Episodic acute stress
can be helped withcertain lifestyle changes but professional help may also be
needed before any chronic problems develop
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) is the stress associated with frightening or distressing
events. These can be traumatic experiences from someone’s childhood, wars,
poverty, sexual or violent abuse. Sufferers of PTSD tend to feel on edge and can
relive traumatic events through nightmares and flashbacks. They struggle with
concentration and have trouble sleeping.Sufferers can have strong feelings of guilt,
emotional numbness, constant worry and depression.
Symptoms associated with PTSD can often be very severe and have a huge
negative impact on a person’s day to daylife. (Through the depletion of physical and
mental attrition).
There are two major approaches to reduce stress. They are,
• Individual approaches
• Organizational approaches
An employee can take individual responsibility to reduce his/her stress level.
Individual strategies that have proven effective include, implementing time
management techniques, increasing physical exercise, relaxation training, and
expanding the social support network.
 Time management
Many people manage their time very poorly. Some of well-known time management
principles include.
 Making daily list of activities to be accomplished.
 Scheduling activities according to the priorities set.
 Prioritizing activities by importance and urgency.
 Knowing your daily cycle and handling the most demanding parts of your job.
 Physical exercise
Practicing on-competitive physical exercises like aerobics, race walking,
jogging, swimming, and riding a bi-cycle.
 Relaxation training
Relaxation techniques such as meditation, hypnosis and bio-feedback. The objective
is to reach in state of deep relaxation, where one feels physically relaxed, somewhat
from detached from the immediate environment. Fifteen or twenty minutes a day of
deep relaxation releases tension and provides a person with a pronounced sense of
 Social support
Having families, friends or work colleagues to talk provides an outlet, when stress
levels become excessive. So expand your social support network that helps you with
someone to hear your problems.
The Nine Stress Management Tips:
The Nine Stress Management Tips:
1. Know what stresses you most= Not your co-worker, friend, husband, or wife.
YOU!! Get your feelings out. Write them out and describe each situation. Share
all bad feelings with a friend or in a journal. Before you can conquer your
stresses you must know what is stressing you.
2. Say no= Focus on you own goals, not your spouse's or parents'. You must know
yourself, your dreams, and your passions. If asked to chair another group or take on
another responsibility, look at your mission statement or goals for the day. If it is does
not fit it there say thank you but I just cannot. Saying no is one of the hardest things in
life, but will help make you a success in your chosen field.
3. Learn to relax= Work hard but know when to take time off to be with the family, go
to the beach, or read a book. Work all day if you must but when you get home play,
watch cartoons, or tell your child a story. This allows stress tension to go away and
helps you calm the heart's pace and digest food normally, and protect your immune
system. Learn to meditate and take deep breaths to calm down.
4. Eat healthy= Eat less junk food and more fruit and vegetables for an amazing
overall lowering of stress levels. We can actually lower the amount of the bad stress
hormone, Cortisol, by taking vitamins. Take those vitamin pills daily.
5. Keep laughing= Keep a sense of humour. Studies show a good attitude helps
lower cancer rates, makes surgery more effective, and keeps a relationship together
through hard times.
6. Ask yourself why= Why are you doing this? Write down your wants, needs, goals,
hopes, and dreams. Does what you are doing now help you get fulfil any of these
things? What is your motivation? The more you understand why you doing what you
are doing the less stress you will have. If you cannot come up with a good reason,
then stop doing it.
7. Stay active= Exercise is a great way to relive tension and gives you a great break
from exams. A healthy body makes a happy body. Even a three-minute jog is helpful
at taking your mind off your pressures. You'll come back with an acute focus and
renewed energy.
8. Follow your bliss= to know which subjects and type of people you enjoy.
Structure your life around activities that you love. Joseph Campbell, a wise
philosopher, advises you to follow your bliss. The more you do in life that goes with
your own flow, the more passion you'll have for what you do.
9. Organize and Prioritize = Do the worst and hardest tasks first. Keep a to-do list
and calendar with you at all times. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
We generally believe that the stress is caused by the external events and the
dynamics of the environment. But we need to emphasis the fact that the Stress is
caused by our reaction to the external environment. The manner in which we perceive
and understand the changes or the particular event creates same event can bring
happiness and cause stress in two different people depending upon how they react to
it. When students are asked to prepare a presentation, some may take it to the other
students may be perturbed by it for the fear of his weakness. So, Stress is our
reaction to external events and it can be positive or negative depending upon how we
react, it is the general wear and tear of the body machine that takes place due to
extra demands put on it.
Stress is the biggest killer in the Western world and the cause of huge losses
of production in industry. But the techniques to combat stress and
Increase well-being in your daily life are within your reach –if you know how to go
about them.
Definition of stress
• According to the father of stress of research, Hans Selye, “stress is the spice
of life; the absence of stress in death.
• Stress is defined as an adaptive response to an external situation that results
in physical, psychological and behavioural deviations for organizational participants.
• Stress is understood as an individual reaction to a disturbing factor in the
• Ivancevich and matteson define stress simply as “the interaction of the
individual with the environment.
Remember that our main definition of stress is that stress is a condition or feeling
experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social
resources the individual is able to mobilize. With this in mind, we can now look at how
you can manage all of the stresses that your career will bring From our definition, you
can see that there are three major approaches that we can use to manage stress;
• Action-oriented: In which we seek to confront the problem causing the stress,
often changing the environment or the situation;
• Emotionally-oriented: In which we do not have the power to change the
situation, but we can manage stress by changing our interpretation of the situation
and the way we feel about it; and
• Acceptance-oriented: Where something has happened over which we have no
power and no emotional control, and where our focus is on surviving the stress.
Action-oriented approaches – best where you have some control
To be able to take an action-oriented approach, we must have some power in
the situation. If we do, then action-oriented approaches are some of the most
satisfying and rewarding ways of managing stress. These are techniques that we can
use to manage and overcome stressful situations. Changing them to our advantage.
The early selections on the title bar above focus on action-oriented coping.
These selections introduce skills that help you to manage your job actively, work well
with your boss and co-workers, and change your surroundings to eliminate
environmental stress.
Emotionally-oriented approaches-subtle but effective
If you do not have the power of change a situation, then you may be able to
improve things by changing the way you look at it, and feel about it, by using an
emotionally oriented approach. These are often less attractive than action-oriented
approaches in that the stresses can recur time and again; however, they are useful
and effective in their place. The section on Reducing Stress with Rational Thinking
explains powerful techniques for getting another perspective on difficult situations.
Acceptance-oriented approaches-when there’s no valid alternative…
Sometimes, we have so little power in a situation that it is all we can do to
survive it. This is the case, for example, when loved-ones die. In these situations,
often the first stage of coping with the stress is to accept one’s lack of power. The
section on Building Defenceagainst.
Stress looks at building the buffers against stress that helps you through these difficult
periods. Arguably, the section on Useful Relaxation Techniques also fails in to this
These different approaches to stress management address our definition of
stress indifferent ways: the action-oriented techniques help us to manage the
demands upon us and increase the resources we can mobilize; the emotionally
oriented techniques help us to adjustor perceptions of the situation; and the
acceptance-oriented techniques help us survive the situations that we genuinely
cannot change.
Took the relationship between stress and industry very seriously.
Stress: What it is not
Stress is not simply anxiety or nervous tension
Stress need not necessarily be damaging
Stress is not always due to over stimulation
Stress cannot be avoided
Levels of Stress
Eustress: Eustress denotes the presence of optimum level of stress in an individual,
which contributes positively to his performance. This may lead employees to new and
better ways of doing their jobs. In certain jobs such as sales, creativity a mild level of
stress contributes positively to productivity.
Distress: Distress denotes the presence of high level of stress in an individual, which
affects job performance adversely and creates many types of physical, psychological
and behavioural problems.
Symptoms of Stress
As stated earlier Stress is caused by or reaction to the external events and
bring about changes in our response and our general behaviour. The presence of
Stress can be estimated by the analysis of certain symptoms an individual shows.
These symptoms can be divided into three different categories.
They are Feelings, Behaviour and Physiology. When the individual experience Stress,
one or more of the following symptoms can be exhibited.
• The individual becomes anxious become anxious about the outcomes and is
scared. The person feels that he has got something to loose or something wrong will
take place.
• In an anxious state the person does not want to be corrected or interrupted. He
looks out for other areas where he can forget about the stress-causing event for a
while. The person becomes irritable and moody.
• During high level of Stress the individual develops a negative frame of mind
and suffers from low self-esteem. The person lose faith in his capabilities and is afraid
of the failures. The individual does not have a focused approach and is not able to
concentrate and is involved in his own plans and thoughts.
• Physiological and Behavioural Changes
• Speech problems
• Impulsive Behaviour
• Crying for no apparent reason
• Laughing in a high pitch and nervous tone of voice.
• Grinding of teeth
• Increasing smoking and use of drugs and alcohol.
• Being accident-prone
• Perspiration/ sweaty hands
• Increased hear beat
• Trembling
• Nervous ticks
• Tiring easily
• Urinating frequently
• Sleeping problems
• Diarrhoea / indigestion /vomiting /nausea
• Butterflies in stomach
• Headaches
• Premenstrual tension
• Pain in the neck and or lower back
Causes of Stress
Both positive and negative events in one’s life can be stressful. However major life
changes are the greatest contributors of stress for most people.
1. If people have to travel a lot and have to move from place to place, it can
cause stress.
2. Individual can also be under stress if they are about to enter some new
environment. They may be going to new colony. To a new college or they may be
joining a new organization.
3. Some events, which are generally once I a lifetime can also cause stress. The
social institutions of marriage or divorcé can cause stress. Pregnancy can also
generate Stress.
They are:
Time pressure
Financial problems
Three potential sources of stress:
Environmental Factors
Organizational Factors
Individual Factors
Environmental Factors:
Economic uncertainty is created when there is a change in the business cycle.
That is when people become anxious about their security. This uncertainty not only
affects the stress level of the organization but also to design of the organisation. By
the coming up to the new innovations in the field of technology like computers,
robotics, automation etc. It has become a threat to many people, which causes stress.
This type of uncertainty is called Technology Uncertainty.
Organizational Factors:
There is no storage of factors within the organization that can cause stress.
These are categorized into:
Task Demands
Role Demands
Interpersonal demands
Organizational Demands
Organizational Leadership
Organization’s Life Stage
Task Demands: Task demands are factors related to a person’s job. They include the
design of the individual’s job (autonomy, task variety, degree of automation). Working
conditions, and the physical work layout. Working in an overcrowded room or in a
visible location where interruptions are constant can increase anxiety and stress
Interpersonal Demands: Interpersonal demands are pressures created by other
employees. Lack of social support from colleagues and poor interpersonal
relationships can cause considerable stress, especially among employees with a high
social need.
Organizational Structure: Organizational Structure defines the level of differentiation
in the organization, the degree of rules and regulations, and where decisions are
Several of the factors that cause stress particularly task and role demands and
organizations structure are controlled by management. As such they can be modified
or changed. Some of the strategies that management want to consider include
improved personal self-section and job placement, use of realistic goal setting,
redesigning of jobs. Improved organizational communication and establishment of
corporate wellness programmes.
Certain jobs arc more stressful than others. Individual with little experience or an
external lower of control tend to be more proven to stress. Selection and placement
decisions should take these facts into consideration. Goal setting helps to reduce
stress. It also provides motivation. Designing jobs to give employees more
responsibility, more meaningful work, more autonomy, and increased feedback can
reduce stress, because these factors give the employee greater control over work
activities and lessen dependence on others.
Increasingly formal organizational communication with employees reduces uncertainly
by lessency role ambiguity and role conflict. Wellness program, say. Employee
counselling form on the employee's total physical and mental condition. They typically
proud work ships to help people quit smoking, control alcohol usage, cat better and
develop a regular exercise program.
Another remedy for reducing stress is cognitive restructuring. It involves two step
procedures. First irrational or maladaptive thought processes that create stress are
identified. For example Type A individuals may believe that they must be successful
at everything they do. The second step consists of replacing these irrational thoughts
with more rational or reasonable ones.
One important remedy to reduce stress is the maintenance of good sleep. Research
conducted on laboratory specimen to have met with startling discoveries. Sleep
starved rats have developed stress syndrome. The amount of sleep one requires
varies from person to person and is dependent on one's lifestyle. The American
National Sleep Foundation claims that a minimum of eight hours of sleep is essential
for good health. Generally studies shows that young adults can manage with about 7-
8 hours. After the age of 35, six hours of sleep is sufficient whereas people over 65
years may just need three or four hours.
In India, the software boom started somewhere in the late 1990s. Most of the Indian
software companies at that moment offered only limited software services such as the
banking and the engineering software. The business software boom started with the
emergence of Y2K problem, when a large number of skilled personnel were required
to fulfil the mammoth database-correction demand in order to cope up with the advent
of the new millennium.
ITES, Information Technology Enabled Service, is defined as outsourcing of
processes that can be enabled with information technology and covers diverse areas
like finance, MR, administration, health care, telecommunication, manufacturing etc.
Armed with technology and manpower, these services are provided from c-enabled
locations. This radically reduces costs and improves service standards. In short, this
Internet service provider aims in providing B2B c-commerce solutions.
ITES was formally known as IndoNet.
The main objectives of ITES arc:
• Enabling business strategy.
• Achieving an organization's business goals.
The country's strength in the form of low staff costs, a large pool of skilled, English
speaking workforce, conducive policy environment and Government support has
made India a popular choice for customers seeking outsourced services. Indian
Government is making assiduous effort for prompting ITES. The country is well
positioned to derive benefits from the ITES market and become a key hub for ITES
Spotlight On the Domestic IT Services Market Opportunity:
Domestic demand for II in India is witnessing a gradual transformation from being
predominantly hardware driven towards a solutions oriented approach — resulting in
a growing emphasis on services. In fact, revenue growth in the services segment
alone has reported faster growth than that for the overall domestic IT market
(including hardware, software and services) over the past few years.
Growth of IT Spending In India
The liberalization of Indian economic policy, de-regulation of key sectors and
progressive moves towards further integrating India with the global economy has
been a key driver of increased IT adoption in the country. This is best reflected in the
fact that most indigenous players in telecom and banking, two key sectors with
significant multinational corporation (MNC) participation, have significantly upgraded
their levels of IT adoption to offer best-in-class services comparable to those offered
by the global competition and these two sectors together account for approximately
35-40 percent of the domestic spend on IT services.
Similar competitive pressures in other more recently deregulated service sectors such
as airlines and insurance, and the uptake in the manufacturing and industrial sectors;
and the several large c-governance initiatives launched by the government under the
National E-Governance Plan (NEGP) are expected to provide sustained growth in
domestic demand for IT services over the next few years. Over the next five years,
domestic spending on outsourced IT services is projected to more than double, from
INR 103 billion in 2004 to over INR 238 billion in 2009.
The scope of this thesis would be to identify the stress the employees at different
levels face in the organization and how much mentally they are fit to face this kind of
stress. To learn the ways the organization deals to handle the kind of stress the
employees face. To know how the organization gets affected due to the stress faced
by the employees. The study also emphasis on how women get stressed and how
they handle the stress and Stay mentally fit.
Today in this recession period employees are not mentally prepared for the pressure
in the company. So they stress themselves too much and suffer in the organization.
Through my thesis I am going to find out what are causes of stress employee's face
and how far they are mentally fit to face these stress which would enrich my
knowledge and help in my career.
• One of the most important limitations was the time period. The time period
was not sufficient.
• The Other limitation was the non-cooperative nature of the people to give
information and interviews.
• An important limitation was the area of the study which covers only Chennai
wherein market information collected cannot be a final key.
• The employees were not willing to disclose their views openly.
• Sample for the study taken is of only 100 consumers. This can also act as a
constraint in the study.
• The investigator intended to cover only few areas of stress relevant to the
proposed study.
i. To self.
• Knowledge earning.
• Gaining practical exposure to Overcome Stress during work time.
• Gain knowledge to follow tactics to get relief from Stress level during Work
ii. To company-
• This report will be beneficial for companies and Employer too because from
this report they Will get an idea to keep the Employee Satisfaction & motivated by
lowering the stress level.
• From this report they will get the knowledge about required changes in their
strategies and to overcome stress level.
 Company Profile of INFOSYS.
In this study on Stress Management with reference to TATA CONSULTANCY
SERVICES a study has been conducted on the levels, causes and consequences of
stress in relation to age, experience, perception, and environment. Both internal and
external factors causing stress is studied upon and their relationship with work are
established with the use of statistical tool such as Weighted Average Method besides
Graphical and Percentage Analysis. It is found from the study that the employees are
prone to low stress and this serve as eye opener for management to make timely
discussion to prevent its transformation to higher levels of stress. Further this study
was keen in gathering information expected by the employees to cope with stress, as
this project will serve as a source of information to management in taking decision
related to stress. Introduction The present study has been carried out to find out the
potentials and consequences of stress among the executives working in TATA
CONSULTANCY SERVICES. In this changing environment, participation, interaction,
transaction, planning and regulation become key issues, each with its own frustrations
attracted. People feel stress, as they no longer have complete control over what
happens in life. There is no escape from stress in modern life. In today’s context,
stress is a costly business expense that affects both employee health and company
profits, thus it’s becomes very important to understand the causes of stress, its impact
and adopting strategies or minimizing its impact. Stress is a part of day-to-day 1ife.
The present study concentrates on to study potentials and consequences of stress
Ambattur. It is believed that carrying out such a study can be of great use to the
organization in understanding their employees and also becoming aware of facts that
the organization is unaware of. This study can also pinpoints on what area it requires
improvement. Further the study can pave way for further research. Existence of
Stress High demand for performance Health Job Insecurity Technology
Workplace Culture Personal or Family Problems Objectives of the Study • To study
the nature and direction of stress perceived and experienced by the Executives of
Tata Consultancy Services in BB&T Floor. • To find out how much does the
employees feel their life to be stressful. • To find out how environmental,
organizational and individual factors affects potentials for stress and consequences of
stress with regard to age, income, educational qualification and personal life. • To
analyze the interrelationship between the work life and personal life that contributes to
stress. • To study whether employees want the organization to take up measures to
reduce stress or can they handle by themselves. • To find out the effectiveness of
stress management practices in the organization, and to put forth suggestion to cope
with stress. LITERATURE SURVERY According to Richard S Lazarus, “Stress is a
condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the
personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” According to Bernik,
Brazilian psychiatrist, 1997, "Stress designates the aggression itself, leading to
discomfort, or the consequences of it. It is our organism’s response to a challenge, be
it right or wrong.” According to Sauter and Murphy, 1999, Occupational stress can be
defined as the "harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the
requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or need of the
worker". According to T. Cox (1998) and Basingstoke Macmillan, Stress, it is argued,
can only be sensibly defined as a perceptual phenomenon arising from a comparison
between the demand on the person and his or her ability to cope. An imbalance in this
mechanism, when coping is important, gives rise to the experience of stress, and to
the stress response. According to S. Palmer (1989), Stress is the psychological,
physiological and behavioral response by an individual when they perceive a lack of
equilibrium between the demands placed upon them and their ability to meet those
demands, which, over a period of time, leads to ill-health According to Macmillan
Education, Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental
demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used
to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. One
recurrent disagreement among researchers concerns the definition of stress in
humans. According to Psychology, Stress can be defined as a cause: mental,
physical, or social, force or pressure that puts real or perceived demands on the body,
emotions, mind, or spirit, and which, when it exceeds the stress-handling capacity of
the individual lead to a breakdown. As an effect: physiological effect produced in an
organism in its attempts to cope called adaptive response with the demands created
by a stressor. According to Engineering, Load (force) per unit area that tends to
deform the body on which it acts. Compressive stress tends to squeeze a body,
tensile stress to stretch (extend) it, and shear stress to cut it.
Vision & Values
To be amongst the 5 most admired Information Technology Solution Providers
globally with leadership focus in delivery of products, solutions and services which
are globally competitive.
The New Generation Of TCS Technology :
 Delivery of Product and Services which are globally competitive.
 Continuous improvement of our products, processes and people.
 A learning organization of committed and contributing employees who share
the competitive agenda.
 Continuous satisfaction of our customers , shareholders and employees.
 Expansion in our areas of core competency and development of New
Mission Statement of the company
TCS Technology will provide products and services that not only meet but exceed
the expectation of our customers through planned and continuous improvement of
our Services,Products, Processes and People.
The Mission of the Human Resources Department, is to Recruit, Develop and
Retain the High-Caliber Diverse workforce
 Employee centric organization
 Well defined policies and processes
 Premeditated induction/Orientation Programme to suit individual needs
 Long term engagement with multiple project opportunities
 Diversity in verticals/domain focus – Finance, Telecom, Technology,
Shipping, Airlines, Medical….…
 Well carved learning curve with performance management system
 Rewards & Recognition
 Cross training/learning opportunities & redeployment opportunities
 Multiple geographic location project opportunity
 International best practices
 Enhance performance by continuous learning
 Continuous Motivation
 Provide practical feedback for learning
 Glass door policy to address any issue or concern
 Culture of performance
 Lead employees on learning curve
 Rewards & recognition
Building Commitment
 Focus – Employees are given equal opportunities
 Involvement – Marching together towards common goal
 Development – Encourage opportunities for learning and growth
 Gratitude – Recognize performance (formal or informal)
 Accountability – Employees are given freedom to work and outshine.
Infosys Limited is an Indian Information Technology company that provides
global business consulting and information technology services. Infosys helps
clients in 45 countries to create and execute different strategies for their digital
transformation. Infosys helps businesses to renew & improve existing conditions
so that their business can achieve higher efficiencies and stay relevant according
to current times. Infosys has more than 200,000 employees and through their
hard work & dedication, Infosys has grown to become a US $10.9 billion
(revenues FY18) company with a market capitalization of US $39 billion.
Infosys History
Infosys Limited formerly known as Infosys Technologies Limited was
established in the year 1981 by N. R. Narayana Murthy and a team of six other
engineers in Pune, India with an initial capital investment of just US $250.
 In the year 1993 Infosys went public and introduced employee stock
options program.
 In 1994, Infosys moved its corporate office from Pune to Bangalore,
 In the year 1999, Infosys became the first Indian IT company to be listed
in NASDAQ thus making it the costliest share on the market at that time in
India. In the year 1999, Infosys was among the 20 biggest companies by market
value on the NASDAQ.
 In the year 1999 Infosys annual revenue touched US$100 million, US $1
billion in 2004 and US$10 billion in 2017.
Infosys’ Mission Statement
"To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness, honesty, and courtesy
towards our clients, employees, vendors and society"
Infosys’ Vision Statement
"To be a globally respected corporation that provides best-of-breed business
solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people."
Infosys Tagline
“Powered by Intellect, Driven by Values”
Headquarters of the Company
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Infosys Products andServices Offered
Infosys provides software development and its maintenance services to a wide
array of companies from different fields such as insurance, finance,
manufacturing etc. Some of the important work related platforms used in Infosys
 Mana which is now called NIA - Next Generation Integrated AI Platform.
 Edge Verve Systems which includes Finacle, a banking solution with
various modules related to corporate & retail banking.
 Infosys' own analytics platform called as Infosys Information Platform.
 Infosys consulting is a global management consulting service.
Infosys Awards and Recognition
 Infosys won the Platinum Award at the Asset Corporate awards.
 At the 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards 2017, Infosys
won the Responsible Business and the Indo-U.S. Trade Driver of the Year
 Infosys tax team won the “Asia’s best in-house tax team” award for the
year 2017 awarded by Euromoney.
 Infosys won the Golden Peacock Environment Management award for the
year 2017.
 Infosys won the awards for Best CEO, Best CFO and Best Investor
Relations for the year 2017 in All Asia Executive Team Rankings by
Institutional Investor magazine in the field of Technology/IT Services.
 Infosys won the Best Company in India at the 20th Finance Asia
Platinum Awards for the year 2016.
The following stress steps or skills are applied to manage stress in this field:
Meditation, rest, exercise, developing positive Infosys stress management
techniques. Yet, they seldom associate death with stress, on the previous
three nights updating our quick book files. Maintain a healthy diet can also be
used for stress relief. Infosys practice yoga in order to avoid the stress in their
According to Lakshmi a employee at Infosys, they used to meditate daily.
Meditation helps to release stress. In order to manage the stress Infosys
has certain strategies they are as follows:
a) Adopt a healthy life style: The best alternative to a stress is to maintain
the healthy lifestyle. Some of the practices for maintain a good health
are :
o Meditating or practicing yoga
o Exercising
o Long walks with friends
o Avoiding smoking & drinking
o Listening to music
b) Giving proper training to the employees
There are different training centers for Infosys. Thus this avoids to
generate the stress in the employees because proper training have been
given to the employees thus they will be able to know what is the workthat
have to done in the company.
1. Major factor
for the stress
is :Work load
Low physical condition
2. .There are important relation between the workload and emotional feelings.
3. There is no difference in stress variable for stress.
 The company can go for some relaxation activities or programs for
employees in order to reduce the tension of the employees.
 The company should activate programs to increase the skills of the
 Organization should offer welfare programs.
 The organization can reduce the workload by give shifts.
 Company should train their employees in decision making in crucial
Chinese academics‖ (2009). Researcher suggested that, controlling the self-rating
abilities of the participants, the Favorable conceptual changes in teaching―Books
are carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature in
dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill‖.
-Barbara W Tuchman.
1) Kavitha in her research titled ―Role of stress among women employees
forming majority workforce at IT sector in Chennai and Coimbatore‖ (2012),
she has focuses on the organizational role stress for the employees in the IT
sector. She found in her research that, women face more stress than men in
the organization and she viewed to be more specific married women faces
more stress than the unmarried women.5
2) P.S. Swaminathan,& Rajkumar S. in their work on ―Stress levels in
Organizations and their Impact on Employees’ Behaviour‖ (2013). They have
conducted a study that focused on the levels of stress among the age group,
profession, different varieties of jobs, hours of work and the influence of work
environment on the degree of stress faced by employees. Stress in an
employees’ individual in nature. This study indicates that, an optimum level in
which every individual can perform with his full capacity and identified three
conditions responsible for work stress they are 1) Role overload 2) Role self
distance 3) Role stagnation.6
3) Satija S. & Khan W. in their research work titled ―Emotional Intelligence
as Predictor of Occupational Stress among Working Professionals‖ (2013).
According to them Occupational Stress is as same as Job Stress that needs
to be controlled at the workplace otherwise it will negatively affect on
employee’s work attitudes & behavior. This study investigates that, the
relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Occupational Stress. This
study revealed findings that, Emotional Intelligence is a most significant
predictor of Occupational Stress.7
4) Amir Shani and Abraham Pizam(2009) ―Work-Related Depression among
Hotel Employees‖ have conducted a study on the depression of work among
hotel employees in Central Florida. They have found that, incidence of
depression among workers in the hospitality industry by evaluating the
relationship between the occupational stress and work characteristics.8
5) Viljoen and Rothmann, have investigated the relationship between
―occupational stress, ill health and organizational commitment‖ (2009). They
found that organizational stressors contributed significantly to ill health and
low organizational commitment. Stress about job security contributed to both
physical and psychological ill health. Low individual commitment to the
organization was predicted by five stressors, such as Work-life balance,
Overload, Control, Job aspects and Pay.9
6) Schmidt, Denise Rodrigues Costa; and et al, in their work on
―Occupational stress among nursing staff in surgical settings‖. They aimed
at evaluating the presence of occupational stress among nursing
professionals working in surgical settings and investigating the relations
between occupational stress and work characteristics.10
7) Li-fang Zhang have conducted a study on titled ―Occupational stress and
teaching approaches among approach and their role insufficiency predicated
that the conceptual change in teaching strategy is negative.11
8) Kayoko Urakawa and Kazuhito Yokoyam in their work on ―Sense of
Coherence (SOC) may Reduce the Effects of Occupational Stress on Mental
Health Status among Japanese Factory Workers‖ (2009) has found the result
i.e. adverse effects on mental health due to the job demand and job stress
was positively associated with SOC, the mental health status of males in
managerial work was adversely negative, where as it was positive among the
female co-workers. Finally they found that, SOC is an important factor
determining the coping ability over the job stress for both the genders.12
9) J.E. Agolla in his research titled ―Police Officers: The Case of Botswana
Police Service‖, (2009). He has conducted a study in Botswana, among the
police to find out work stress symptoms and coping strategies among the
police service. This study reveals that the police work stressors are; getting
injured while on duty.
Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in
the investigation of matter. The primary purpose for applied research is
discovering, interpretingand the development of methods and systems for
the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific
matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific
method, but need not do so.
Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a
harnessing of curiosity. This research provides information and theories for
the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world around us. It
makes practical applications possible. Scientific research is funded by
public authorities, by charitable organizations and by private groups,
including many companies. Scientific research can be subdivided into
different classifications according to their academic and application
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research
problem. The research methodology in the present study deals with
research design, data collection methods, sampling methods, survey,
analysis and interpretations.
Descriptive approach is one of the most popular approaches these days. In
this approach, a problem is described by the researcher by using
questionnaire. This approach enables a researcher to explore new areas of
A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of
data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure.
 A well-structured questionnaire is framed.
 Data is collected from the employees who work in IT/ITES sector.
 Findings are made and necessary suggestions and
recommendations are given.
There are two types of data collection namely primary data collection and
secondary data collection.
The primary data is defined as the data, which is collected for the first time and
fresh in nature, and happen to be original in character through field survey.
Primary data collection, you collect the data yourself using methods such as
interviews and questionnaires. The key point here is that the data you collect is
unique to you and your research and, until you publish, no one else has access to
There are many methods of collecting primary data and the main methods
 questionnaires
 Interviews
 focus group interviews
The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone
else and have been passed through statistical process. The secondary data for
this study are already available in the firm's internal records, annual report,
broaches, and company's website.
In research, Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people
other than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for
social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records
(Mintel). In sociology primary data is data you have collected yourself and
secondary data is data you have gathered from primary sources to create new
research. In terms of historical research, these two terms have different meanings.
A primary source is a book or set of archival records. A secondary source is a
summary of a book or set of records.
Advantages to the secondary data collection method are l) it saves time that
would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually)
than what would be possible to collect on one’s own However there are
disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so
it's reliability may be questioned.
The following stress steps or skills are applied to manage stress in this field:
Meditation, rest, exercise, developing positive Infosys stress management
techniques. Yet, they seldom associate death with stress, on the previous three
nights updating our quick book files. Maintain a healthy diet can also be used for
stress relief.
Infosys practice yoga in order to avoid the stress in their company. According to
Lakshmi a employee at Infosys, they used to meditate daily. Meditation helps to
release stress.
In order to manage the stress Infosys has certain strategies they are as follows:
a)Adopt a healthy life style: The best alternative to a stress is to maintain the
healthy lifestyle.Some of the practices for maintain a good health are :
o Meditating
o practising yoga or Long walks with friends Avoiding smoking &
drinking Listening to music
Giving proper training to the employees There are different training centers
for Infosys. Thus this avoids to generate the stress in the employees because
proper training have been given to the employees thus they will be able to
know what is the work that have to done in the company.
1. Major factor for the stress is : Work load Low physical condition
2. .There are important relation between the workload and emotional
3. There is no difference in stress variable for stress.
The company can go for some relaxation activities or programs for
employees in order to reduce the tension of the employees. The company
should activate programs to increase the skills of the employees.
Organization should offer welfare programs. The organization can reduce
the workload by give shifts. Company should train their employees in
decision making in crucial situations.
The study on stress in IT sector has revealed that the respondents feel
that they are satisfied with the environment where they are working and
they are happy with the effective team work among the employees. The
employees are happy with the working hours as they are dealing with the
night shift and morning shifts. The company can focus on some stress
relief programs in order to keep the employees more happy and
enthusiastic. And I think that the employees are working with medium
stress that can improve their working styles. The nature of the study was
Descriptive type; the research focuses mainly on defining a problem,
discovering new ideas and providing insights into the problem. Sampling
is a process of gaining information about an entire population by
examining only part of it. For the study, the researcher will be using
census– sampling method, The researcher using questionnaire method to
collect the primary method and Secondary data are collected from various
books and existing data in the company. Secondary data are normally
collected during the initial stages of investigation to see whether the
problem can be partly or wholly solved without collecting costly primary
data. The Sampling method used was census method ,The Sample size
take for the study is 200. Sampling Unit of the study is Employees of
1 21-25 91 45.5
3 31-35 24 12
Inference: From
the above table it
could be inferred
that the 45.5% of respondents belong to the age group of 21 – 25, 40% of
respondents belong to the age group of 26 – 30, 12% of respondents belong tot eh
age group of 31 – 35, 2.5 % of respondents belong to the age group of 36 – 40
majority (55%) of the respondents said that they have moderate level of stress in
their job, 45% of them felt mild level of stress during their job, and only 3% of them
felt severe level of stress. The majority (55%) of the respondents said that they
have moderate level of stress in their job, 45% of them felt mild level of stress
during their job, and only 3% of them felt severe level of stress.
1. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the incentive system of TCS. They
are also satisfied with their job.
2. The study finds out, the fear of job security is the major reason for stress,
followed by Suspension and then transfer.
1. As majority of TCS employees are below the age of 30, they showed adopt
techniques to handle their passion.
2. The organization should take effective steps to increase job security and also
should reduce suspension
4 36-40 5 2.5
5 above 200 100
1. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the incentive system of TCS. They
are also satisfied with their job.
2. The study finds out, the fear of job security is the major reason for stress,
followed by Suspension and then transfer.
1. As majority of TCS employees are below the age of 30, they showed adopt
techniques to handle their passion.
2. The organization should take effective steps to increase job security and also
should reduce suspension and transfer.
After presenting and analysing the data and looking at the findings, the following
suggestions are made.
Find out stressors in the life of the employees.
Work should be properly delegated to the employees to avoid overload of work,
which could cause stress.
Good relationship should be maintained within the employees to make the climate
Proper grievance handling system should be practiced to help the employees to
overcome their problems.
Employees should be motivated by giving rewards for their excellentperformance.
Prioritize the types of stress.
Work on the causes as well as on tackling the symptoms.
Apply current coping strategies.
Changing life style, which is the remedy in the hands of those who are stressed.
Prioritize the needs.
Organizing stress management programme that focuses on different categories of
employee’s at all hierarchical level.
Each Organization should keep a team of panic healer to reduce stress of
Each organization should appoint one person as a counsellor/mentor who will look
after worries, tensions, and stress of employees.
Each organization will organize different entertainment programs to distressthe
employees- working in the enterprise.
After organizing the training of stress management techniques, but first of all the
expanding of awareness to enjoy the present moment, not to think of past, no
Senior management should ensure and make subordinate aware about ethical
practices and proper behaviour in the office premises.
Looking at life objectively as watching a movie without getting emotionally
The research was aimed at identifying the factors that influence the Stress
management of employees working in IT Company.
We, as a group hereby would like to conclude our research by saying that stress
management is not the result of only one or two factor. But it is sourced from
various factors like working environment within which they work, relations with
their colleagues, supervisors, bosses, and rest of the employees, their expectation
when they join the organization and the realization of the same and many more
what we have highlighted in our project.
It’s a result of these factors mentioned above that plays major role in determination
of the stress management. Employee is motivated and get satisfied not because
only what they perceive and what they realize after joining, but it is their belief,
values and the way of working along with their attitude towards organization and
work that we think, put major emphasis in determining the stress management
among software employees. Though it is agreed that a very modern, educated,
youth oriented and sophisticated industry, employees tend to believe what they
think is more rewarding and shining for them, is appropriate and a growth fuelling
for them. We think employees are what they think and believe in, beyond a point.
We here do believe that stress management of employees is going up in this
industry, but challenges remain at the same level.
Organizations and HR team will have to work hard to convert a stressed employee
into a distressed, motivated and a result oriented employee. Stress management
of employees can be increased by taking into account various steps and programs
along with concrete policies, these major problems of this kind, we think, can be
lowered down. Also recommendation of ours can be a great help to this industry.
 www.naukrihub/
1. Do you feel run down and drained of physical or emotional energy?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
2. Do you find you are prone to negative thinking about your job?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
3. Do you find that you are harder and less sympathetic with people than
perhaps they deserve?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
4. Do you find yourself getting easily irritated by small problems, or by your co-
workers and team?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
5. Do you feel misunderstood or unappreciated by your co-workers?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
6. Do you feel that you have no one to talk?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
7. Do you feel you are achieving less than you should?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
8. Do you feel under an unpleasant level of pressure to succeed?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
9. Do you feel that you are not getting what you want out of your job?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
10.Do you feel that you are in the wrong organization or the wrong profession?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
11.Are you becoming frustrated with parts of your job?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
12.Do you feel that organizational politics or bureaucracy frustrate your ability
to do a good job?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes’
o Often
o Very often
13.Do you feel that there is more work to do than you practically have the
ability to do?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
14.Do you feel that you do not have time to do many of the things that are
important to doing a good quality job?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often
15.Do you find that you do not have time to plan as much as you would like to?
o Not at all
o Rarely
o Sometimes
o Often
o Very often

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66324 ut18033 navdeep kaur

  • 1. A STUDY OF STRESS MANAGEMENT IN IT SECTOR (INFOSYS AND TCS) Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements Of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration by Navdeep Kaur Registration No. 56324UT18033 Under the supervision of Sonam Subhadarshini Trident Academy of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TRIDENT ACADEMY OF CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY BHUBANESWAR, ODISHA, INDIA 2021
  • 2. GUIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled is a bonafide work carried out “A STUDY ON STRESS MANAGEMENT IN IT SECTOR (INFOSYS AND TCS)” by NAVDEEP KAUR, a student of BBA (2017-20) TACT, under my guidance and direction. Her field work is satisfactory. Signature of the Principal Signature of HOD
  • 3. (DR. B.K.Mohanty) (Dr.Nargis Begum) EXAMINER CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Miss Navdeep Kaur registration no. 56324UT18033 of the college Trident Academy of Creative Technology has successfully completed her dissertation work under title for the partial fulfillment of “A STUDY ON STRESS MANAGEMENT IN IT SECTOR (With Special Reference To INFOSYS & TCS)” bachelor in business administration. Her field work is satisfactory.
  • 4. Internal examiner External examiner DECLARATION I do here by declare that this project work entitled submitted by me for the partial fulfillment “A STUDY ON STRESS MANAGEMENT IN IT SECTOR (With Special Reference (To INFOSYS & TCS)” the requirement for the award of Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) is a record of my own research work. The report embodies the finding based on my study and observation and has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to any Institute or University.
  • 5. Date: Name: Navdeep Kaur ACKNOWLEDGEM ENT A Project usually falls short of its expectation unless guided by the right person at the right time. Success of a project is an outcome of sincere efforts, channeled in the right direction, efficient supervision and the most valuable professional guidance. This project would not have been completed without the direct and indirect help and guidance of such luminaries. They provide me with the necessary resources and atmosphere conductive for healthy learning and training. At the outset I would like to take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the very kind and patient guidance I have received from my project guide Sonam Subhadarshini. Without her critical evaluation and suggestion at every stage of the project, this report could not have reached its present form. Last but not the least I would like to thank my family members and friends for supporting me as well as helping me to complete my thesis on Compensation and Benefits.
  • 6. Name: Navdeep Kaur Registration No. 56324UT18033 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The objective of the project was to study and evaluate present market share of two leading IT company INFOSYS and TCS. To complete the project the study has been conducted which based on the secondary data which is collected through the various books, magazine , journal and website. The main purpose of the study to know that how and what manner people attract towards the company and how they decide which one should be chosen. Finding and recommendation made on the basis of survey most depicts on the point that insurance plan and policies should be more customer centric , as many customer are not aware about the policies and plan and are not able to decide which policies and re not able to decide which policies or plan is better for them . So that they can give proper knowledge to the customers. Frequent change of customer’s should not be done on the routes.
  • 7. CONTENT  Title Page  Guide certificate  Declaration  Acknowledgements  Executive Summary  Contents  Chapter 1: Introduction  Chapter 2: Company Profile o Company Profile of INFOSYS o Company Profile of TCS  Chapter 3: Review of literature  Chapter 4: Research Methodology  Chapter 5: Analysis And finding  Chapter 6: Managerial Implications  Bibliography  Appendix
  • 8. CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION The word stress is defined the oxford dictionary as “a state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy”. It is a situation which the normal mental and physical health of an individual can be disturbed. In medical terms stress is described as, “A physical or psychological stimulus that can produce mental tension orphysiological reactions that may lead to illness.” According to Richard S Lazarus “Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demandexceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” R.S. Schuler defines stress as “A dynamic condition in which a individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he or she desires and which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.” Stress is connected with two elements namely constraints and demand. The constraints prevent us from doing what we desire. While the demand refers to the loss of something desired. Human body tries to adjust to different circumstances or to the changing environment around him. In this process,the body puts extra work and which results in causing stress. Stress disturbs the normal functioning of the body. Stress is not always harmful. It helps the person to work properly in the firm. Hans Selye defined “Stress is not necessarily something bad-it all depends on how you take it.” Thus we can say that stress is simply the body’s non-specific reaction to any demand made on it. Stress provides achance to express talents and energies and provide happiness. But it can also cause either physical or psychological exhaustion or illness. Stress may cause heart attacks and accidents. The important thing is that certain type of stress is normal and essential. Indian IT sector has seen an enormous growth in post liberalization era. The IT companies to achieve their goals try to utilize the man power at their maximum. This causes psychological problems due to uncontrollable stress. Over 50% of the IT professional are facing the problems related to stress. The main reasons for the cause of stress in this sector is the over work load and the over working time. OBJECTIVES  The object of this project is to understand the concept of job stress and its impact on employees.  To find what are the type of stress that are faced by the IT professional
  • 9.  To identify the measures to reduce stress, in order to increase the skill of the employees. Type of stress:- Acute stress Acute stress is the most common form of stress. This type of stress arises immediately with a change in the daytoday activities of a person. Acute stress is thrilling and exciting in small cases, but too much of acute stress is exhausting. Acute stress is the body’s way of getting a person to stand up and take inventory of what is going on, tomake sure that everything is ok. Mental stress Mental stress is the very basic of every stress. Cognitive thinking is affected by mental stress. A person who is affected by the mental stress cannot think properly or he cannot gain proper attention towards anything. Mental stress is a disruption of the logical and accurate way of thinking. Mental stress is sometimes good because if there is a pressure to do something the work can be done easily or smoothly.
  • 10. Emotional stress Emotional stress is the product of mental tension and mental pressure. When the mind of a person becomes confused he automatically becomes irritated and shot- tempered. The person cannot handle this type of situations because both the minds as well as the feelings are heavy to control. Physical stress Mental and the physical stress effects the physical aspects of a person. This type of stress is affected to the body language of a person. Physical stress relates to the physical reaction or response of the body to cause of stress and the other symptoms. Eustress it is a type of short-term stress that provides sudden strength. This type of stress arises when the physical activities are increased. It is a positive stress arises when motivation and inspiration is needed. Job stress Job stress arises when the requirements of the job does not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the workers. Job stress can lead to poor health both mental and physical stress also. Some of the causes of job stress are as follows: o High workloads o Ineffective management o Poor working relations o Blame culture o Insufficient training o Poor working environment o Poor information system Chronic stress Chronic stress will occur if there is a constant charge of routine for week after week. Chronic stress affects the body for long period of time. This is the type of stress experienced by someone who constantly faces moves or job changes. Hyper stress Hyper stress occurs when a person does what he/she can handle. Hyper stress is
  • 11. the result of being overloaded orover worked. Hypo stress It is the opposite of the hyper stress. This type of occurs when a person is bored or unchallenged. Episodic Acute stress Episodic acute stress is the stress which affects those who suffer from acute stress more frequently. People that tend suffer from this always seem to be in a rush, they take too much on and tend not to be able to organize themselves todeal with demands and pressures. Episodic Acute stress can affect interpersonal skills and can make sufferers hostile towards others causing a deterioration of relationships at home and the workplace. Its symptoms include prolonged over stimulation, persistent tension, headaches or migraines, hypertension and chest pains. Episodic acute stress can be helped withcertain lifestyle changes but professional help may also be needed before any chronic problems develop Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) is the stress associated with frightening or distressing events. These can be traumatic experiences from someone’s childhood, wars, poverty, sexual or violent abuse. Sufferers of PTSD tend to feel on edge and can relive traumatic events through nightmares and flashbacks. They struggle with concentration and have trouble sleeping.Sufferers can have strong feelings of guilt, emotional numbness, constant worry and depression. Symptoms associated with PTSD can often be very severe and have a huge negative impact on a person’s day to daylife. (Through the depletion of physical and mental attrition). REMEDIES TO REDUCE STRESS There are two major approaches to reduce stress. They are, • Individual approaches • Organizational approaches INDIVIDUAL APPROACHES An employee can take individual responsibility to reduce his/her stress level. Individual strategies that have proven effective include, implementing time management techniques, increasing physical exercise, relaxation training, and expanding the social support network.
  • 12.  Time management Many people manage their time very poorly. Some of well-known time management principles include.  Making daily list of activities to be accomplished.  Scheduling activities according to the priorities set.  Prioritizing activities by importance and urgency.  Knowing your daily cycle and handling the most demanding parts of your job.  Physical exercise Practicing on-competitive physical exercises like aerobics, race walking, jogging, swimming, and riding a bi-cycle.  Relaxation training Relaxation techniques such as meditation, hypnosis and bio-feedback. The objective is to reach in state of deep relaxation, where one feels physically relaxed, somewhat from detached from the immediate environment. Fifteen or twenty minutes a day of deep relaxation releases tension and provides a person with a pronounced sense of peacefulness.  Social support Having families, friends or work colleagues to talk provides an outlet, when stress levels become excessive. So expand your social support network that helps you with someone to hear your problems. The Nine Stress Management Tips: The Nine Stress Management Tips:
  • 13. 1. Know what stresses you most= Not your co-worker, friend, husband, or wife. YOU!! Get your feelings out. Write them out and describe each situation. Share all bad feelings with a friend or in a journal. Before you can conquer your stresses you must know what is stressing you. 2. Say no= Focus on you own goals, not your spouse's or parents'. You must know yourself, your dreams, and your passions. If asked to chair another group or take on another responsibility, look at your mission statement or goals for the day. If it is does not fit it there say thank you but I just cannot. Saying no is one of the hardest things in life, but will help make you a success in your chosen field. 3. Learn to relax= Work hard but know when to take time off to be with the family, go to the beach, or read a book. Work all day if you must but when you get home play, watch cartoons, or tell your child a story. This allows stress tension to go away and
  • 14. helps you calm the heart's pace and digest food normally, and protect your immune system. Learn to meditate and take deep breaths to calm down. 4. Eat healthy= Eat less junk food and more fruit and vegetables for an amazing overall lowering of stress levels. We can actually lower the amount of the bad stress hormone, Cortisol, by taking vitamins. Take those vitamin pills daily. 5. Keep laughing= Keep a sense of humour. Studies show a good attitude helps lower cancer rates, makes surgery more effective, and keeps a relationship together through hard times. 6. Ask yourself why= Why are you doing this? Write down your wants, needs, goals, hopes, and dreams. Does what you are doing now help you get fulfil any of these things? What is your motivation? The more you understand why you doing what you are doing the less stress you will have. If you cannot come up with a good reason, then stop doing it. 7. Stay active= Exercise is a great way to relive tension and gives you a great break from exams. A healthy body makes a happy body. Even a three-minute jog is helpful at taking your mind off your pressures. You'll come back with an acute focus and renewed energy. 8. Follow your bliss= to know which subjects and type of people you enjoy. Structure your life around activities that you love. Joseph Campbell, a wise
  • 15. philosopher, advises you to follow your bliss. The more you do in life that goes with your own flow, the more passion you'll have for what you do. 9. Organize and Prioritize = Do the worst and hardest tasks first. Keep a to-do list and calendar with you at all times. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. We generally believe that the stress is caused by the external events and the dynamics of the environment. But we need to emphasis the fact that the Stress is caused by our reaction to the external environment. The manner in which we perceive and understand the changes or the particular event creates same event can bring happiness and cause stress in two different people depending upon how they react to it. When students are asked to prepare a presentation, some may take it to the other students may be perturbed by it for the fear of his weakness. So, Stress is our
  • 16. reaction to external events and it can be positive or negative depending upon how we react, it is the general wear and tear of the body machine that takes place due to extra demands put on it. Stress is the biggest killer in the Western world and the cause of huge losses of production in industry. But the techniques to combat stress and Increase well-being in your daily life are within your reach –if you know how to go about them. Definition of stress • According to the father of stress of research, Hans Selye, “stress is the spice of life; the absence of stress in death. • Stress is defined as an adaptive response to an external situation that results in physical, psychological and behavioural deviations for organizational participants. • Stress is understood as an individual reaction to a disturbing factor in the environment. • Ivancevich and matteson define stress simply as “the interaction of the individual with the environment. Remember that our main definition of stress is that stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize. With this in mind, we can now look at how you can manage all of the stresses that your career will bring From our definition, you can see that there are three major approaches that we can use to manage stress;
  • 17. • Action-oriented: In which we seek to confront the problem causing the stress, often changing the environment or the situation; • Emotionally-oriented: In which we do not have the power to change the situation, but we can manage stress by changing our interpretation of the situation and the way we feel about it; and • Acceptance-oriented: Where something has happened over which we have no power and no emotional control, and where our focus is on surviving the stress. Action-oriented approaches – best where you have some control To be able to take an action-oriented approach, we must have some power in the situation. If we do, then action-oriented approaches are some of the most satisfying and rewarding ways of managing stress. These are techniques that we can use to manage and overcome stressful situations. Changing them to our advantage. The early selections on the title bar above focus on action-oriented coping. These selections introduce skills that help you to manage your job actively, work well with your boss and co-workers, and change your surroundings to eliminate environmental stress. Emotionally-oriented approaches-subtle but effective If you do not have the power of change a situation, then you may be able to improve things by changing the way you look at it, and feel about it, by using an emotionally oriented approach. These are often less attractive than action-oriented approaches in that the stresses can recur time and again; however, they are useful and effective in their place. The section on Reducing Stress with Rational Thinking explains powerful techniques for getting another perspective on difficult situations. Acceptance-oriented approaches-when there’s no valid alternative… Sometimes, we have so little power in a situation that it is all we can do to survive it. This is the case, for example, when loved-ones die. In these situations, often the first stage of coping with the stress is to accept one’s lack of power. The section on Building Defenceagainst. Stress looks at building the buffers against stress that helps you through these difficult periods. Arguably, the section on Useful Relaxation Techniques also fails in to this category. These different approaches to stress management address our definition of stress indifferent ways: the action-oriented techniques help us to manage the demands upon us and increase the resources we can mobilize; the emotionally
  • 18. oriented techniques help us to adjustor perceptions of the situation; and the acceptance-oriented techniques help us survive the situations that we genuinely cannot change. Took the relationship between stress and industry very seriously. Stress: What it is not Stress is not simply anxiety or nervous tension Stress need not necessarily be damaging Stress is not always due to over stimulation Stress cannot be avoided Levels of Stress Eustress: Eustress denotes the presence of optimum level of stress in an individual, which contributes positively to his performance. This may lead employees to new and better ways of doing their jobs. In certain jobs such as sales, creativity a mild level of stress contributes positively to productivity. Distress: Distress denotes the presence of high level of stress in an individual, which affects job performance adversely and creates many types of physical, psychological and behavioural problems. Symptoms of Stress As stated earlier Stress is caused by or reaction to the external events and bring about changes in our response and our general behaviour. The presence of Stress can be estimated by the analysis of certain symptoms an individual shows. These symptoms can be divided into three different categories. They are Feelings, Behaviour and Physiology. When the individual experience Stress, one or more of the following symptoms can be exhibited. Feelings • The individual becomes anxious become anxious about the outcomes and is scared. The person feels that he has got something to loose or something wrong will take place. • In an anxious state the person does not want to be corrected or interrupted. He looks out for other areas where he can forget about the stress-causing event for a while. The person becomes irritable and moody.
  • 19. • During high level of Stress the individual develops a negative frame of mind and suffers from low self-esteem. The person lose faith in his capabilities and is afraid of the failures. The individual does not have a focused approach and is not able to concentrate and is involved in his own plans and thoughts. • Physiological and Behavioural Changes • Speech problems • Impulsive Behaviour • Crying for no apparent reason • Laughing in a high pitch and nervous tone of voice. • Grinding of teeth • Increasing smoking and use of drugs and alcohol. • Being accident-prone • Perspiration/ sweaty hands • Increased hear beat • Trembling • Nervous ticks • Tiring easily • Urinating frequently • Sleeping problems • Diarrhoea / indigestion /vomiting /nausea • Butterflies in stomach • Headaches • Premenstrual tension • Pain in the neck and or lower back Causes of Stress Both positive and negative events in one’s life can be stressful. However major life changes are the greatest contributors of stress for most people. 1. If people have to travel a lot and have to move from place to place, it can cause stress.
  • 20. 2. Individual can also be under stress if they are about to enter some new environment. They may be going to new colony. To a new college or they may be joining a new organization. 3. Some events, which are generally once I a lifetime can also cause stress. The social institutions of marriage or divorcé can cause stress. Pregnancy can also generate Stress. They are: Time pressure Competition Financial problems Noise Disappointments UNDERSTANDING STRESS Three potential sources of stress: Environmental Factors Organizational Factors Individual Factors Environmental Factors: Economic uncertainty is created when there is a change in the business cycle. That is when people become anxious about their security. This uncertainty not only affects the stress level of the organization but also to design of the organisation. By the coming up to the new innovations in the field of technology like computers, robotics, automation etc. It has become a threat to many people, which causes stress. This type of uncertainty is called Technology Uncertainty. Organizational Factors: There is no storage of factors within the organization that can cause stress. These are categorized into: Task Demands Role Demands Interpersonal demands Organizational Demands
  • 21. Organizational Leadership Organization’s Life Stage Task Demands: Task demands are factors related to a person’s job. They include the design of the individual’s job (autonomy, task variety, degree of automation). Working conditions, and the physical work layout. Working in an overcrowded room or in a visible location where interruptions are constant can increase anxiety and stress Interpersonal Demands: Interpersonal demands are pressures created by other employees. Lack of social support from colleagues and poor interpersonal relationships can cause considerable stress, especially among employees with a high social need. Organizational Structure: Organizational Structure defines the level of differentiation in the organization, the degree of rules and regulations, and where decisions are made. 1.2 ORGANIZATIONAL APPROACHES Several of the factors that cause stress particularly task and role demands and organizations structure are controlled by management. As such they can be modified or changed. Some of the strategies that management want to consider include improved personal self-section and job placement, use of realistic goal setting, redesigning of jobs. Improved organizational communication and establishment of corporate wellness programmes. Certain jobs arc more stressful than others. Individual with little experience or an external lower of control tend to be more proven to stress. Selection and placement decisions should take these facts into consideration. Goal setting helps to reduce stress. It also provides motivation. Designing jobs to give employees more responsibility, more meaningful work, more autonomy, and increased feedback can reduce stress, because these factors give the employee greater control over work activities and lessen dependence on others. Increasingly formal organizational communication with employees reduces uncertainly by lessency role ambiguity and role conflict. Wellness program, say. Employee counselling form on the employee's total physical and mental condition. They typically proud work ships to help people quit smoking, control alcohol usage, cat better and develop a regular exercise program. Another remedy for reducing stress is cognitive restructuring. It involves two step procedures. First irrational or maladaptive thought processes that create stress are identified. For example Type A individuals may believe that they must be successful at everything they do. The second step consists of replacing these irrational thoughts with more rational or reasonable ones.
  • 22. One important remedy to reduce stress is the maintenance of good sleep. Research conducted on laboratory specimen to have met with startling discoveries. Sleep starved rats have developed stress syndrome. The amount of sleep one requires varies from person to person and is dependent on one's lifestyle. The American National Sleep Foundation claims that a minimum of eight hours of sleep is essential for good health. Generally studies shows that young adults can manage with about 7- 8 hours. After the age of 35, six hours of sleep is sufficient whereas people over 65 years may just need three or four hours. INDUSTRY PROFILE In India, the software boom started somewhere in the late 1990s. Most of the Indian software companies at that moment offered only limited software services such as the banking and the engineering software. The business software boom started with the emergence of Y2K problem, when a large number of skilled personnel were required to fulfil the mammoth database-correction demand in order to cope up with the advent of the new millennium. ITES, Information Technology Enabled Service, is defined as outsourcing of processes that can be enabled with information technology and covers diverse areas like finance, MR, administration, health care, telecommunication, manufacturing etc. Armed with technology and manpower, these services are provided from c-enabled locations. This radically reduces costs and improves service standards. In short, this Internet service provider aims in providing B2B c-commerce solutions. OBJECTIVE OF ITES ITES was formally known as IndoNet. The main objectives of ITES arc: • Enabling business strategy. • Achieving an organization's business goals. INDIA's POTENTIAL The country's strength in the form of low staff costs, a large pool of skilled, English speaking workforce, conducive policy environment and Government support has made India a popular choice for customers seeking outsourced services. Indian Government is making assiduous effort for prompting ITES. The country is well positioned to derive benefits from the ITES market and become a key hub for ITES service.
  • 23. Spotlight On the Domestic IT Services Market Opportunity: Domestic demand for II in India is witnessing a gradual transformation from being predominantly hardware driven towards a solutions oriented approach — resulting in a growing emphasis on services. In fact, revenue growth in the services segment alone has reported faster growth than that for the overall domestic IT market (including hardware, software and services) over the past few years. Growth of IT Spending In India The liberalization of Indian economic policy, de-regulation of key sectors and progressive moves towards further integrating India with the global economy has been a key driver of increased IT adoption in the country. This is best reflected in the fact that most indigenous players in telecom and banking, two key sectors with significant multinational corporation (MNC) participation, have significantly upgraded their levels of IT adoption to offer best-in-class services comparable to those offered by the global competition and these two sectors together account for approximately 35-40 percent of the domestic spend on IT services. Similar competitive pressures in other more recently deregulated service sectors such as airlines and insurance, and the uptake in the manufacturing and industrial sectors; and the several large c-governance initiatives launched by the government under the National E-Governance Plan (NEGP) are expected to provide sustained growth in domestic demand for IT services over the next few years. Over the next five years, domestic spending on outsourced IT services is projected to more than double, from INR 103 billion in 2004 to over INR 238 billion in 2009. . SCOPE The scope of this thesis would be to identify the stress the employees at different levels face in the organization and how much mentally they are fit to face this kind of stress. To learn the ways the organization deals to handle the kind of stress the employees face. To know how the organization gets affected due to the stress faced by the employees. The study also emphasis on how women get stressed and how they handle the stress and Stay mentally fit. JUSTIFICATION Today in this recession period employees are not mentally prepared for the pressure in the company. So they stress themselves too much and suffer in the organization.
  • 24. Through my thesis I am going to find out what are causes of stress employee's face and how far they are mentally fit to face these stress which would enrich my knowledge and help in my career. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY • One of the most important limitations was the time period. The time period was not sufficient. • The Other limitation was the non-cooperative nature of the people to give information and interviews. • An important limitation was the area of the study which covers only Chennai wherein market information collected cannot be a final key. • The employees were not willing to disclose their views openly. • Sample for the study taken is of only 100 consumers. This can also act as a constraint in the study. • The investigator intended to cover only few areas of stress relevant to the proposed study. BENEFITS TO THE STUDY i. To self. • Knowledge earning. • Gaining practical exposure to Overcome Stress during work time.
  • 25. • Gain knowledge to follow tactics to get relief from Stress level during Work hours. ii. To company- • This report will be beneficial for companies and Employer too because from this report they Will get an idea to keep the Employee Satisfaction & motivated by lowering the stress level. • From this report they will get the knowledge about required changes in their strategies and to overcome stress level. CHAPTER-2  Company profile of TCS (TATA CONSULTANCYSERVICES)
  • 26.  Company Profile of INFOSYS. ABSTRACT: In this study on Stress Management with reference to TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES a study has been conducted on the levels, causes and consequences of stress in relation to age, experience, perception, and environment. Both internal and external factors causing stress is studied upon and their relationship with work are established with the use of statistical tool such as Weighted Average Method besides Graphical and Percentage Analysis. It is found from the study that the employees are prone to low stress and this serve as eye opener for management to make timely discussion to prevent its transformation to higher levels of stress. Further this study was keen in gathering information expected by the employees to cope with stress, as this project will serve as a source of information to management in taking decision related to stress. Introduction The present study has been carried out to find out the
  • 27. potentials and consequences of stress among the executives working in TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES. In this changing environment, participation, interaction, transaction, planning and regulation become key issues, each with its own frustrations attracted. People feel stress, as they no longer have complete control over what happens in life. There is no escape from stress in modern life. In today’s context, stress is a costly business expense that affects both employee health and company profits, thus it’s becomes very important to understand the causes of stress, its impact and adopting strategies or minimizing its impact. Stress is a part of day-to-day 1ife. The present study concentrates on to study potentials and consequences of stress among the EXECUTIVES of “TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES – BB&T Floor”, Ambattur. It is believed that carrying out such a study can be of great use to the organization in understanding their employees and also becoming aware of facts that the organization is unaware of. This study can also pinpoints on what area it requires improvement. Further the study can pave way for further research. Existence of Stress High demand for performance Health Job Insecurity Technology Workplace Culture Personal or Family Problems Objectives of the Study • To study the nature and direction of stress perceived and experienced by the Executives of Tata Consultancy Services in BB&T Floor. • To find out how much does the employees feel their life to be stressful. • To find out how environmental, organizational and individual factors affects potentials for stress and consequences of stress with regard to age, income, educational qualification and personal life. • To analyze the interrelationship between the work life and personal life that contributes to stress. • To study whether employees want the organization to take up measures to reduce stress or can they handle by themselves. • To find out the effectiveness of stress management practices in the organization, and to put forth suggestion to cope with stress. LITERATURE SURVERY According to Richard S Lazarus, “Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” According to Bernik, Brazilian psychiatrist, 1997, "Stress designates the aggression itself, leading to discomfort, or the consequences of it. It is our organism’s response to a challenge, be it right or wrong.” According to Sauter and Murphy, 1999, Occupational stress can be defined as the "harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or need of the worker". According to T. Cox (1998) and Basingstoke Macmillan, Stress, it is argued, can only be sensibly defined as a perceptual phenomenon arising from a comparison between the demand on the person and his or her ability to cope. An imbalance in this mechanism, when coping is important, gives rise to the experience of stress, and to the stress response. According to S. Palmer (1989), Stress is the psychological, physiological and behavioral response by an individual when they perceive a lack of equilibrium between the demands placed upon them and their ability to meet those demands, which, over a period of time, leads to ill-health According to Macmillan Education, Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. One recurrent disagreement among researchers concerns the definition of stress in humans. According to Psychology, Stress can be defined as a cause: mental, physical, or social, force or pressure that puts real or perceived demands on the body,
  • 28. emotions, mind, or spirit, and which, when it exceeds the stress-handling capacity of the individual lead to a breakdown. As an effect: physiological effect produced in an organism in its attempts to cope called adaptive response with the demands created by a stressor. According to Engineering, Load (force) per unit area that tends to deform the body on which it acts. Compressive stress tends to squeeze a body, tensile stress to stretch (extend) it, and shear stress to cut it. Vision & Values To be amongst the 5 most admired Information Technology Solution Providers globally with leadership focus in delivery of products, solutions and services which are globally competitive. The New Generation Of TCS Technology :  Delivery of Product and Services which are globally competitive.  Continuous improvement of our products, processes and people.  A learning organization of committed and contributing employees who share the competitive agenda.  Continuous satisfaction of our customers , shareholders and employees.  Expansion in our areas of core competency and development of New Competencies. Mission Statement of the company Mission TCS Technology will provide products and services that not only meet but exceed the expectation of our customers through planned and continuous improvement of our Services,Products, Processes and People. The Mission of the Human Resources Department, is to Recruit, Develop and Retain the High-Caliber Diverse workforce  Employee centric organization  Well defined policies and processes  Premeditated induction/Orientation Programme to suit individual needs  Long term engagement with multiple project opportunities  Diversity in verticals/domain focus – Finance, Telecom, Technology, Shipping, Airlines, Medical….…  Well carved learning curve with performance management system
  • 29.  Rewards & Recognition  Cross training/learning opportunities & redeployment opportunities  Multiple geographic location project opportunity  International best practices Recognition  Enhance performance by continuous learning  Continuous Motivation  Provide practical feedback for learning  Glass door policy to address any issue or concern  Culture of performance  Lead employees on learning curve  Rewards & recognition Building Commitment  Focus – Employees are given equal opportunities  Involvement – Marching together towards common goal  Development – Encourage opportunities for learning and growth  Gratitude – Recognize performance (formal or informal)  Accountability – Employees are given freedom to work and outshine.
  • 30. Introduction Infosys Limited is an Indian Information Technology company that provides global business consulting and information technology services. Infosys helps clients in 45 countries to create and execute different strategies for their digital transformation. Infosys helps businesses to renew & improve existing conditions so that their business can achieve higher efficiencies and stay relevant according to current times. Infosys has more than 200,000 employees and through their hard work & dedication, Infosys has grown to become a US $10.9 billion (revenues FY18) company with a market capitalization of US $39 billion. Infosys History Infosys Limited formerly known as Infosys Technologies Limited was established in the year 1981 by N. R. Narayana Murthy and a team of six other engineers in Pune, India with an initial capital investment of just US $250.  In the year 1993 Infosys went public and introduced employee stock options program.  In 1994, Infosys moved its corporate office from Pune to Bangalore, India.  In the year 1999, Infosys became the first Indian IT company to be listed in NASDAQ thus making it the costliest share on the market at that time in India. In the year 1999, Infosys was among the 20 biggest companies by market value on the NASDAQ.  In the year 1999 Infosys annual revenue touched US$100 million, US $1 billion in 2004 and US$10 billion in 2017. Infosys’ Mission Statement
  • 31. "To achieve our objectives in an environment of fairness, honesty, and courtesy towards our clients, employees, vendors and society" Infosys’ Vision Statement "To be a globally respected corporation that provides best-of-breed business solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best-in-class people." Infosys Tagline “Powered by Intellect, Driven by Values” Headquarters of the Company Bangalore, Karnataka, India Infosys Products andServices Offered Infosys provides software development and its maintenance services to a wide array of companies from different fields such as insurance, finance, manufacturing etc. Some of the important work related platforms used in Infosys are  Mana which is now called NIA - Next Generation Integrated AI Platform.  Edge Verve Systems which includes Finacle, a banking solution with various modules related to corporate & retail banking.  Infosys' own analytics platform called as Infosys Information Platform.  Infosys consulting is a global management consulting service. Infosys Awards and Recognition  Infosys won the Platinum Award at the Asset Corporate awards.  At the 13th Indo-American Corporate Excellence Awards 2017, Infosys won the Responsible Business and the Indo-U.S. Trade Driver of the Year Awards.  Infosys tax team won the “Asia’s best in-house tax team” award for the year 2017 awarded by Euromoney.
  • 32.  Infosys won the Golden Peacock Environment Management award for the year 2017.  Infosys won the awards for Best CEO, Best CFO and Best Investor Relations for the year 2017 in All Asia Executive Team Rankings by Institutional Investor magazine in the field of Technology/IT Services.  Infosys won the Best Company in India at the 20th Finance Asia Platinum Awards for the year 2016. The following stress steps or skills are applied to manage stress in this field: Meditation, rest, exercise, developing positive Infosys stress management techniques. Yet, they seldom associate death with stress, on the previous three nights updating our quick book files. Maintain a healthy diet can also be used for stress relief. Infosys practice yoga in order to avoid the stress in their company. According to Lakshmi a employee at Infosys, they used to meditate daily. Meditation helps to release stress. In order to manage the stress Infosys has certain strategies they are as follows: a) Adopt a healthy life style: The best alternative to a stress is to maintain the healthy lifestyle. Some of the practices for maintain a good health are : o Meditating or practicing yoga o Exercising o Long walks with friends o Avoiding smoking & drinking o Listening to music b) Giving proper training to the employees There are different training centers for Infosys. Thus this avoids to generate the stress in the employees because proper training have been given to the employees thus they will be able to know what is the workthat have to done in the company. 1. Major factor for the stress
  • 33. is :Work load Low physical condition 2. .There are important relation between the workload and emotional feelings. 3. There is no difference in stress variable for stress.  The company can go for some relaxation activities or programs for employees in order to reduce the tension of the employees.  The company should activate programs to increase the skills of the employees.  Organization should offer welfare programs.  The organization can reduce the workload by give shifts.  Company should train their employees in decision making in crucial situations.
  • 34. CHAPTER 3 Chinese academics‖ (2009). Researcher suggested that, controlling the self-rating abilities of the participants, the Favorable conceptual changes in teaching―Books are carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature in dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill‖. -Barbara W Tuchman. 1) Kavitha in her research titled ―Role of stress among women employees forming majority workforce at IT sector in Chennai and Coimbatore‖ (2012), she has focuses on the organizational role stress for the employees in the IT sector. She found in her research that, women face more stress than men in the organization and she viewed to be more specific married women faces more stress than the unmarried women.5 2) P.S. Swaminathan,& Rajkumar S. in their work on ―Stress levels in Organizations and their Impact on Employees’ Behaviour‖ (2013). They have conducted a study that focused on the levels of stress among the age group, profession, different varieties of jobs, hours of work and the influence of work environment on the degree of stress faced by employees. Stress in an employees’ individual in nature. This study indicates that, an optimum level in which every individual can perform with his full capacity and identified three conditions responsible for work stress they are 1) Role overload 2) Role self distance 3) Role stagnation.6 3) Satija S. & Khan W. in their research work titled ―Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Occupational Stress among Working Professionals‖ (2013). According to them Occupational Stress is as same as Job Stress that needs to be controlled at the workplace otherwise it will negatively affect on employee’s work attitudes & behavior. This study investigates that, the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Occupational Stress. This study revealed findings that, Emotional Intelligence is a most significant predictor of Occupational Stress.7 4) Amir Shani and Abraham Pizam(2009) ―Work-Related Depression among Hotel Employees‖ have conducted a study on the depression of work among hotel employees in Central Florida. They have found that, incidence of depression among workers in the hospitality industry by evaluating the relationship between the occupational stress and work characteristics.8 REVIEW OF LITERATURE
  • 35. 5) Viljoen and Rothmann, have investigated the relationship between ―occupational stress, ill health and organizational commitment‖ (2009). They found that organizational stressors contributed significantly to ill health and low organizational commitment. Stress about job security contributed to both physical and psychological ill health. Low individual commitment to the organization was predicted by five stressors, such as Work-life balance, Overload, Control, Job aspects and Pay.9 6) Schmidt, Denise Rodrigues Costa; and et al, in their work on ―Occupational stress among nursing staff in surgical settings‖. They aimed at evaluating the presence of occupational stress among nursing professionals working in surgical settings and investigating the relations between occupational stress and work characteristics.10 7) Li-fang Zhang have conducted a study on titled ―Occupational stress and teaching approaches among approach and their role insufficiency predicated that the conceptual change in teaching strategy is negative.11 8) Kayoko Urakawa and Kazuhito Yokoyam in their work on ―Sense of Coherence (SOC) may Reduce the Effects of Occupational Stress on Mental Health Status among Japanese Factory Workers‖ (2009) has found the result i.e. adverse effects on mental health due to the job demand and job stress was positively associated with SOC, the mental health status of males in managerial work was adversely negative, where as it was positive among the female co-workers. Finally they found that, SOC is an important factor determining the coping ability over the job stress for both the genders.12 9) J.E. Agolla in his research titled ―Police Officers: The Case of Botswana Police Service‖, (2009). He has conducted a study in Botswana, among the police to find out work stress symptoms and coping strategies among the police service. This study reveals that the police work stressors are; getting injured while on duty.
  • 36. CHAPTER4 Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the investigation of matter. The primary purpose for applied research is discovering, interpretingand the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so. Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a harnessing of curiosity. This research provides information and theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world around us. It makes practical applications possible. Scientific research is funded by public authorities, by charitable organizations and by private groups, including many companies. Scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to their academic and application disciplines. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. The research methodology in the present study deals with research design, data collection methods, sampling methods, survey, analysis and interpretations. APPROACHES TO RESEARCH Descriptive approach is one of the most popular approaches these days. In this approach, a problem is described by the researcher by using questionnaire. This approach enables a researcher to explore new areas of investigation.
  • 37. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.  A well-structured questionnaire is framed.  Data is collected from the employees who work in IT/ITES sector.  Findings are made and necessary suggestions and recommendations are given. DATA SOURCES There are two types of data collection namely primary data collection and secondary data collection. PRIMARY DATA The primary data is defined as the data, which is collected for the first time and fresh in nature, and happen to be original in character through field survey. Primary data collection, you collect the data yourself using methods such as interviews and questionnaires. The key point here is that the data you collect is unique to you and your research and, until you publish, no one else has access to it. There are many methods of collecting primary data and the main methods include:  questionnaires  Interviews  focus group interviews SECONDARY DATA The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and have been passed through statistical process. The secondary data for this study are already available in the firm's internal records, annual report, broaches, and company's website.
  • 38. In research, Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people other than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records (Mintel). In sociology primary data is data you have collected yourself and secondary data is data you have gathered from primary sources to create new research. In terms of historical research, these two terms have different meanings. A primary source is a book or set of archival records. A secondary source is a summary of a book or set of records. Advantages to the secondary data collection method are l) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on one’s own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so it's reliability may be questioned. CHAPTER 5 The following stress steps or skills are applied to manage stress in this field: Meditation, rest, exercise, developing positive Infosys stress management techniques. Yet, they seldom associate death with stress, on the previous three nights updating our quick book files. Maintain a healthy diet can also be used for stress relief. Infosys practice yoga in order to avoid the stress in their company. According to Lakshmi a employee at Infosys, they used to meditate daily. Meditation helps to release stress. In order to manage the stress Infosys has certain strategies they are as follows: a)Adopt a healthy life style: The best alternative to a stress is to maintain the healthy lifestyle.Some of the practices for maintain a good health are : o Meditating
  • 39. o practising yoga or Long walks with friends Avoiding smoking & drinking Listening to music Giving proper training to the employees There are different training centers for Infosys. Thus this avoids to generate the stress in the employees because proper training have been given to the employees thus they will be able to know what is the work that have to done in the company. FINDINGS 1. Major factor for the stress is : Work load Low physical condition 2. .There are important relation between the workload and emotional feelings. 3. There is no difference in stress variable for stress. SUGGESTIONS The company can go for some relaxation activities or programs for employees in order to reduce the tension of the employees. The company should activate programs to increase the skills of the employees. Organization should offer welfare programs. The organization can reduce the workload by give shifts. Company should train their employees in decision making in crucial situations. CONCLUSION The study on stress in IT sector has revealed that the respondents feel that they are satisfied with the environment where they are working and they are happy with the effective team work among the employees. The employees are happy with the working hours as they are dealing with the night shift and morning shifts. The company can focus on some stress relief programs in order to keep the employees more happy and enthusiastic. And I think that the employees are working with medium stress that can improve their working styles. The nature of the study was Descriptive type; the research focuses mainly on defining a problem, discovering new ideas and providing insights into the problem. Sampling is a process of gaining information about an entire population by examining only part of it. For the study, the researcher will be using census– sampling method, The researcher using questionnaire method to collect the primary method and Secondary data are collected from various books and existing data in the company. Secondary data are normally collected during the initial stages of investigation to see whether the problem can be partly or wholly solved without collecting costly primary data. The Sampling method used was census method ,The Sample size take for the study is 200. Sampling Unit of the study is Employees of TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES Age group Respondents % 1 21-25 91 45.5 3 31-35 24 12
  • 40. Inference: From the above table it could be inferred that the 45.5% of respondents belong to the age group of 21 – 25, 40% of respondents belong to the age group of 26 – 30, 12% of respondents belong tot eh age group of 31 – 35, 2.5 % of respondents belong to the age group of 36 – 40 majority (55%) of the respondents said that they have moderate level of stress in their job, 45% of them felt mild level of stress during their job, and only 3% of them felt severe level of stress. The majority (55%) of the respondents said that they have moderate level of stress in their job, 45% of them felt mild level of stress during their job, and only 3% of them felt severe level of stress. Findings: 1. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the incentive system of TCS. They are also satisfied with their job. 2. The study finds out, the fear of job security is the major reason for stress, followed by Suspension and then transfer. Suggestions: 1. As majority of TCS employees are below the age of 30, they showed adopt techniques to handle their passion. 2. The organization should take effective steps to increase job security and also should reduce suspension 4 36-40 5 2.5 5 above 200 100
  • 41. Findings: 1. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the incentive system of TCS. They are also satisfied with their job. 2. The study finds out, the fear of job security is the major reason for stress, followed by Suspension and then transfer. Suggestions: 1. As majority of TCS employees are below the age of 30, they showed adopt techniques to handle their passion. 2. The organization should take effective steps to increase job security and also should reduce suspension and transfer. After presenting and analysing the data and looking at the findings, the following suggestions are made. Find out stressors in the life of the employees. Work should be properly delegated to the employees to avoid overload of work, which could cause stress. Good relationship should be maintained within the employees to make the climate healthy. Proper grievance handling system should be practiced to help the employees to overcome their problems. Employees should be motivated by giving rewards for their excellentperformance. Prioritize the types of stress.
  • 42. Work on the causes as well as on tackling the symptoms. Apply current coping strategies. Changing life style, which is the remedy in the hands of those who are stressed. Prioritize the needs. Organizing stress management programme that focuses on different categories of employee’s at all hierarchical level. Each Organization should keep a team of panic healer to reduce stress of employees. Each organization should appoint one person as a counsellor/mentor who will look after worries, tensions, and stress of employees. Each organization will organize different entertainment programs to distressthe employees- working in the enterprise. After organizing the training of stress management techniques, but first of all the expanding of awareness to enjoy the present moment, not to think of past, no future. Senior management should ensure and make subordinate aware about ethical practices and proper behaviour in the office premises. Looking at life objectively as watching a movie without getting emotionally involved. CHAPTER 6 MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS
  • 43. The research was aimed at identifying the factors that influence the Stress management of employees working in IT Company. We, as a group hereby would like to conclude our research by saying that stress management is not the result of only one or two factor. But it is sourced from various factors like working environment within which they work, relations with their colleagues, supervisors, bosses, and rest of the employees, their expectation when they join the organization and the realization of the same and many more what we have highlighted in our project. It’s a result of these factors mentioned above that plays major role in determination of the stress management. Employee is motivated and get satisfied not because only what they perceive and what they realize after joining, but it is their belief, values and the way of working along with their attitude towards organization and work that we think, put major emphasis in determining the stress management among software employees. Though it is agreed that a very modern, educated, youth oriented and sophisticated industry, employees tend to believe what they think is more rewarding and shining for them, is appropriate and a growth fuelling for them. We think employees are what they think and believe in, beyond a point. We here do believe that stress management of employees is going up in this industry, but challenges remain at the same level. Organizations and HR team will have to work hard to convert a stressed employee into a distressed, motivated and a result oriented employee. Stress management of employees can be increased by taking into account various steps and programs along with concrete policies, these major problems of this kind, we think, can be lowered down. Also recommendation of ours can be a great help to this industry.
  • 44.  www.naukrihub/    B I B L I O G R A P H Y
  • 45. APPENDIX 1. Do you feel run down and drained of physical or emotional energy? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 2. Do you find you are prone to negative thinking about your job? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 3. Do you find that you are harder and less sympathetic with people than perhaps they deserve? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 4. Do you find yourself getting easily irritated by small problems, or by your co- workers and team? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 5. Do you feel misunderstood or unappreciated by your co-workers? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 6. Do you feel that you have no one to talk? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 7. Do you feel you are achieving less than you should? o Not at all
  • 46. o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 8. Do you feel under an unpleasant level of pressure to succeed? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 9. Do you feel that you are not getting what you want out of your job? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 10.Do you feel that you are in the wrong organization or the wrong profession? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 11.Are you becoming frustrated with parts of your job? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 12.Do you feel that organizational politics or bureaucracy frustrate your ability to do a good job? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes’ o Often o Very often 13.Do you feel that there is more work to do than you practically have the ability to do? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often
  • 47. 14.Do you feel that you do not have time to do many of the things that are important to doing a good quality job? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often 15.Do you find that you do not have time to plan as much as you would like to? o Not at all o Rarely o Sometimes o Often o Very often