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Existing Products
All Things Internet Podcast
The first product that I am going to be researching called ‘All Things Internet Podcast’.
It is a Podcast that consists of, Youtuber, Rachel Ballenger and her mother Gwen
Ballenger. This podcast has a completely relaxed setting and is not done professionally
at all. They look up topics to talk about on the show and talk about them. They don’t
fact check any of the topics they look up. For example, In episode 105, Rachel said,
shocked, “Amazon are working to find a cure for the common cold!”. This podcast is
more for people who would like entertainment rather than the news. This podcast
comes out once a week.
They have a structure for each episode. First, a five second introduction music and
then they introduce themselves. They talk about what holidays are near to the day
that they are doing the podcasts and celebrate them. Then, they talk about the topics
that they have found on the internet. There are usually around three. After, they have
a sponsor. This can range from supermarkets to healthy eating subscription boxes.
These don’t play in an advert with music but are said by the hosts. They normally have
about one sponsor in each episode. After this, they play a game. This usually makes
the audience laugh as they can’t see them play the game but can hear them. Finally,
they play the outro and say goodbye. The outro is the same five second music as the
All Things Internet Podcast
They use sound effects in their podcast. From a fake audience cheer to a “boo!”. They
have most sound effects. These sound effects aren’t made by them but made by
others online. They are freely downloadable from the internet. These episodes are not
recorded to be live. They use the Adobe program, Audition to record their podcasts.
These podcasts appeal to their audience because of the relaxed atmosphere created
by the people, who are talking. You can tell by their voices that they are very laid back.
This pleases their audience as they don’t want to be listening to the boring news all
the time. The excitable introduction gets the audience excited to listening to the
podcast. This is very aurally pleasing to the audience. As they have a conversation
about what information they have found online, they produce the audience with a
roller-coaster of emotion. This is not intended to be serious but sometimes can be.
The audience can be taken on a trip of emotions from being shocked to overjoyed.
This is also aurally pleasing to the audience as they might not hear this information
anywhere else. They, also, upload their podcasts to any platform so that it is easily
accessible to their audience, which, also, pleases their audience.
All Things Internet Podcast
The Oprah Winfrey Show
Another product that is similar is called The Oprah Winfrey Show. This was an American
Television show, that Oprah Winfrey was the host of. She interviewed one person per show.
All the shows had different topics, these tended to be more serious. For example, a show
was named “A Suburban Mothers Nightmare Caught On Tape” and another show was
named “Born In The Wrong Body”. All the 25 seasons of this show tended to be more
serious but in a relaxed atmosphere. It was relaxed because Oprah would sometimes make
a few jokes to the audience to lighten the mood. The show was very much researched, and
fact checked. Oprah makes you (the audience) see the message that is behind every
episode of her show created. This was a live television show, that started in 1986 till 2011.
This had a live audience, which meant there was an audience on television. There was no
ads but on the tv not included on the show.
The show would start with a short theme tune, that changed every two years. When it
changed it would always have the same synth instruments in it, this gives the audience a
more relaxed atmosphere. Then, a voice over of Oprah would introduce the story that the
audience would be watching. After each ad break, Oprah would take us more into depth
with the detail and ask the guest questions and have a conversation with the guest.
The Oprah Winfrey Show
The audience in this show would be appealed to the real emotion that goes into this show.
The audience members get invested in the stories that are told on this show as Oprah talks
to them and brings out lots of detail that we may not have heard anywhere else. Oprah
helps the audience see the bigger picture of the stories that are told and view them from
multiple perspectives. People, who watch this show are millions from all different
backgrounds. It may also appeal to the audience because audience members may relate to
people's stories that are told on this show. Therefore they will be very empathetic towards
that person. Another aurally appealing thing to the audience is the music in the show. The
introductory music adds a relaxed atmosphere to the show. This makes the show enjoyable
to watch, even though there are serious topics.
The aesthetically pleasing thing to the audience is the lighting. The lighting adds to the tone
that Oprah is trying to create. A relaxed atmosphere. The lighting lit towards the subject of
the show, the conversation. This brings the focus on to the conversation. Another
aesthetically pleasing detail is where the furniture is placed. There are two sofas for guests
to sit on and a single chair for Oprah to sit on too. These are placed in the middle of the
stage. Then the audience are sat around the sides and in front of the stage. This also brings
the focus of she show to the conversation between the host and guest.
The Oprah Winfrey Show
The Ellen Show
One product that has similarities to my FMP idea is The Ellen Show. It is an American
television talk show, that is hosted by Ellen DeGeneres. It first aired in 2003 and has
been going on television since then. This talk show produced in a relaxed, style and
includes games, multiple guests and competitions all in one episode. There are lots of
situations that the guests have faced and talked about on her show. These guests
come from all different backgrounds, they can be celebrities or just normal people.
This show makes us (the audience) laugh as Ellen is a comedian and claims “My job is
to make people smile”. That’s exactly what she does best, a guest can be expecting the
unexpected when they come on her show. She scares them. She also has guests
perform on her show in several ways. These include, musically, comically and
The subjects that people talk about on her show can be from shocking to very
excitable. These subjects include “Ellen meets an inspirational piano player” to “Ellen’s
emotional reminder to live life every day.” On the show, audiences can be in for a
roller coaster of emotions.
The audience is a live audience. Ellen interacts with the in-studio audience by giving
them quizzes, competitions and prizes.
The Ellen Show
The audience are appealed to this show because of the fun, relaxed atmosphere that
Ellen creates. It feels good when you (the audience) watch The Ellen Show because
Ellen has a playful attitude and she makes jokes and pranks for the audience to enjoy.
This makes the audience smile. She talks on her show to lots of people, including
Celebrities and audience members. This is, also, what appeals the audience to Ellen’s
show. The in-studio audience enjoy being involved with Ellen’s show. They can be
invited to play games, ask questions and do any thing funny that Ellen wants. Most
things on Ellen’s show aren’t serious. This is what attracts the audience because they
may just want to relax and laugh. When there is talent on the show, People perform
on a stage. This makes the audience even more entertained and they have fun
listening to the talent that comes on to the show. This is aurally pleasing to them
because it adds to the playful vibe of the show.
The aesthetically pleasing qualities of the show is where the lighting and furniture are
placed. The lighting (like the Oprah Winfrey show) is placed all around the room but
more facing the host and guests. These are sat in chairs, centre stage. The DJ, is
placed to the side. The audience is placed all along back of the studio. This would be
an end on stage. This is easily organised so that each audience member can see the
show. This is aesthetically pleasing.
The Ellen Show
Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me
Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me is a podcast that is on the radio station, Talk Radio. This
uk podcast is made by 17-year-old Ruth and her Dad. They talk about current
situations in the world from each of their perspectives. Some issues are from
Ruth’s perspective and some are from her father’s. For example, Ruth is at
university when recording these episodes, so she has different things to talk
about, when on the podcast, to her father. Ruth teaches her father about the
modern world and her father looks back at what the world used to be like, from
his perspective. Also, Ruth tries to explain to her father that his opinions are
wrong. “Ruth tries to explain to her father why his attitudes to everything are
invariably wrong!”( – The website states.)
They start the podcast with a hello to everyone and start having a conversation.
The conversation changes sometimes depending if they get distracted by other
issues in the world. There is no music or sound effects in this podcast.
This podcast is usually around 40 minutes long.
Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me
The audience would find this podcast aurally pleasing to hear as they will be
listening from all different ages and from all different perspectives. This means
that Ruth could not only be teaching her father about the modern world but
teaching all the older people listening. However, younger adults could relate to
Ruth’s teachings because they may have wanted to explain a certain issue to their
families and not knew how. They can learn from her too. This is also helped by the
relaxed atmosphere that they create. It is a casual discussion about situations and
issues that the world may be facing e.g. the coronavirus. There is no shouting or
swearing in this either, which helps.
Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me
This Game Changed My Life
This Game Changed My Life is a podcast by BBC Sounds. Its hosts are called Aoife
Wilson and Julia Hardy. In each episode, they have one - two guests talk about a
video game that has changed their lives forever. For example, a guest on the
show, called Arsenio, talks about himself playing a space game and it inspired him
to now work for NASA. He was always good at physics.
They include sound effects. These set the mood for the audience, the story that
they’re guests are going to tell. They include music. This is an introduction. This
music uses instruments such as the electric drums and synth instruments that
sound pixel-like.
The podcasts are usually around 20 – 30 minutes long.
This Game Changed My Life
The audience will be aurally pleased by this podcast as it might effect everyone. By
everyone, I mean, It will effect us in our everyday lives, technology. Video games are
influencing minds young and old to change their career ideas. This podcast is directed
at anyone, everyone who likes video games or has someone in their families or social
groups. Therefore it is pleasing to listen to as the audience know people, who have
done similar to this podcast. Secondly, the podcast has aurally pleasing qualities
because of the atmosphere that has been created. The relaxed atmosphere is aurally
pleasing to the audience because of the genre. The genre has connotations of being
relaxed. You might play video games to relax yourself. This is very pleasing to the
audience as the genre, atmosphere and sound links up nicely.
Which brings us to the sound. The sound is aurally pleasing because it links to the
genre and atmosphere. The music in the intro uses instruments such as the electric
drum kit and synth instruments to make the music sound pixel-like. This links to the
relaxed atmosphere of playing the genre of video games, as video games sound pixel
like and retro.
This podcast is very pleasing for its audience.
This Game Changed My Life
Short Cuts
Short Cuts is a podcast on BBC Sounds. It is presented by Josie Long. It is a
documentary type podcast. It is about “brief encounters, true stories and radio
adventures” as explained by Josie in the introduction every episode. Each episode is
about a topic e.g. last Tuesday’s episode was called Call Me and was about phone
calls. A podcast episode comes out each week. The topics vary from making the
audience feel Happy to Sad. It takes the audience on an adventure through a podcast.
There is other sounds, than voices in this podcast. These include realistic sound effects
and music. This podcast has music in the introduction. This help to better develop the
intro and helps the audience find the difference between the intro and the rest of the
podcast. There are realistic sound effects throughout each episode of this podcast.
This helps to create a realistic story in people’s mind as they are not viewing this on a
screen, they listen instead.
Short Cuts
The audience are aurally pleased by this podcast as the sounds are realistic and co-
operate with the stories that are being told. This pleases the audience as it helps them
to better create a story of images in their heads as they are not looking at this on a
screen, they listen instead. This satisfies the audience.
The audience are also pleased by this podcast as they might have been in a similar
situation to a person in one of the stories. This would make the person empathetic,
towards the person being described in the podcast. Therefore, they will keep listening
to the podcast.
The relaxed atmosphere adds to a pleasing quality of the podcast. The audience will
be pleased by the atmosphere of the podcast. They want to sit and relax. This will help
them to better develop images for the stories told.
Short Cuts
Research Analysis
The common features that the researched products have include atmosphere, music
and sound effects. These features help the products appeal to audiences.
One common feature of my researched products was the atmosphere created in the
podcasts and television shows. This atmosphere was relaxed. The relaxed atmosphere
in each of my researched products had an impact on the audience as they wanted to
keep listening or watching the products. For example, an audience member has had a
tense and stressed day at work, they want to relax and listen/watch their show. This is
what makes it fun for audiences, to unwind. From Ellen’s fun personality to a podcast
genre of video games, this was what made these products entertaining for audiences.
Another common feature of my research was music. Music was one common feature
as it commonly was placed in introductions and may have been played throughout
products. Five out of six of my products had introduction music. This was a commonly
used by the products as its excited audiences to watch/listen to their shows. This is
also a great way prepare the audiences for the show that’s about to come. To get
them cosy to watch or listen. Most of the products intro music, matched the genre
their piece is. For example, ‘This Game Changed My Life’s’ into uses instruments, such
as the electric drums and synth, to make the music sound pixel like matching the
genre of video games. This is a great technique.
Research Analysis
One common feature of my researched products was sound effects. Sound effects
have been placed in most of my products. This is because they make the podcasts
sound convincing and realistic. This then makes audiences develop images in their
head of the stories or conversations being told to the audiences. Therefore, drawing
audiences into listening to the products again.
The aspects of research that I will be included in my work will be the atmosphere I
want to create, the sound and adverts.
One aspect of research that I will include is the atmosphere. The relaxed atmosphere
that I will be creating has proved successful for drawing audiences into listening to
products. In all the products that I have researched, the atmosphere that was created
was relaxed. The connotations of relaxed are comfortable. When you think of a talk
show, you think of sofas. This makes sense as they are comfortable like the relaxed
atmosphere. I will make my show sound relaxed by adding jokes in to make the show
light-hearted and relaxed. This will make the audience smile.
Research Analysis
Another aspect from my research I will be including is sound. Sound in music and
sound effects. I want to add music in my piece to split it up and make audiences
excited to listen to my piece. While, I use sound effects in the adverts to make them
realistic. This will develop images in the audience's heads and will make them listen in
more to the product created.
The final aspect that I will include, from my research is the adverts themselves. These
appeared in the first product I had researched ‘All Things Internet Podcast’. This
product gets a sponsor in each of its episode, which means audiences must like them.
This will hook the audience in as they will get discounts from listening to my product. I
like this technique.
Questionnaire Analysis
To start, this stage of my research was completed with the help of a basic five
question survey, that had reached five people that I had sent the survey to.
These five people included a larger age range of 17-60, my family and friends.
These questions included asking the audience, how long a radio ad lasts for or
what you would typically go and listen to a radio talk show for? These
questions will give me an incite about what my audience are like and what
they want in my product.
The survey had various results. Here they are...
Audience research
1. Would you rather a talk show start with a summary of what you will be
hearing in the show or go straight to the introduction music?
Three out of five people thought that I should start straight with the
introduction music in my radio talk show. Whilst, Two out of five thought that
starting with a summary first would be a good way to give an incite into what
the audience will be listening to in the show.
This shows that my audience, overall, what to get straight into the juicy gossip
of the detailed stories that they will be listening to. Also, it shows they are
impatient and want to hear to details rather than a non-detailed version, of a
story, first.
Therefore, my product will appeal to the audience by taking the information
provided from my audience observations and making the radio talk show,
starting with the introduction music. This will please the audience because it
is what they wanted to hear.
Audience research
2. How long would you expect a guest to come on to a show for?
Three out of five people said they would expect a guest on the show for five
minutes. Whist, twenty percent of people said they should be on the show for
ten. Another, twenty percent said that the guest should be on the show for
fifteen minutes. Nought percent of people wanted the guest to come on the
show for twenty minutes.
These results show that my audience, overall, would like the details from the
guest to be confined into at least five minutes. This shows that my audience,
want to hear the detailed gossip in little amounts, so that they have time to
take the information and process it how they would like.
Taking in this information about what my audience wants is vital for getting
an aurally pleasing result at the end of producing my product. Therefore, my
product will please my audience because of the timings that guest walk on
and off the stage, reasonably within five minutes.
Audience research
3. Why would you listen to a talk show?
My observations from this question suggest that all my audience would listen
to a talk show as they may be interested in the “information” provided by the
product. Two out of five people stated that they would listen to a talk show
because of a certain “subject” or interest. The audience members responded,
Overall, wanting to be “interested” in a “subject” or for “entertainment”.
This shows my audience would be interested in listening to my talk show
because of the people on it, subject/topics on the show and for
Therefore, my audience would be appealed to my product because I will
include these things in my show. This includes hooking the audience in with
interesting people, jokes and subjects. This will add to the relaxed
atmosphere as I am going to be entertaining my audience with these things.
Audience research
4. Would you expect to hear music (by talented people) in the show?
Eighty percent of my audience would like to hear music by talented people in
my show. Twenty percent of my audience would not.
This shows, overall, that my audience want to be entertained by not only the
guests on the show, but the music to. The audience would like a bit of variety
in the show as it is not all about the guests but about the music too.
My product will appeal to my audience by including aurally pleasing music in
my product as well as other entertainment. This will be sure to interest the
audience and very well entertain them.
Audience research
5. How long would you expect hear a radio advert to last for?
One hundred percent of my audience would expect a radio advertisement to
last for one – two minutes. Nought percent of my audience would want a
radio advert to last for longer than the time range of one – two minutes.
This shows that my audience just want to listen to and be entertained by the
show. The sponsors shouldn’t last longer than this (one – two minutes) as the
observations show that my audience should lose interest when adverts are
too long.
Therefore, my product will appeal to the audience with adverts that are one –
two minutes long. This should keep them interested. If the adverts are longer
than this, I will lose the interest of the audience and they will be put of the
Interview 1
Interviewer: “I am going to be asking you about a radio talk show, is that alright?”
Guest: “Yes.”
Interviewer: “ Would you find it pleasing to have adverts offering money off their
products in a radio talk show?”
Guest: “Yes, it would give me an idea of the price of the product.”
Interviewer: “ What would excite you about a radio talk show?”
Guest: “The music”
Interviewer: “Would you expect the Host(s) of the radio talk show, to introduce their
guests or the guests introduce themselves?”
Guest: “The talk show to introduce the guests.”
Interviewer: “If there was a guest on the show, who is sharing a story about a scary topic,
what would you be feeling, as an audience member?”
Guest: “I would feel upset as I am not good with trauma and scary events.”
Interviewer: “ Finally, What genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk
show, during a break?”
Guest: “I suppose Pop.”
Interviewer: “thank you for chatting with me today...”
Interview 1
1. “Would you find it pleasing to have adverts offering money off of their
products in a radio talk show?”
This audience member answered with “Yes, it would give me an idea of the
price of the product.” They were positive about ads giving offers out to the
talk shows audience and may have been interested in the prices of the
products being advertised too.
This shows that the audience members will be hooked into the radio show
not just for the juicy gossip and music but for the deals on the ads. It might
interest them, depending on the product and whether it appeals to the
audiences needs.
My product will appeal to my audience as they like listening to ads, especially
when there are deals from sponsors on the show. This might bring more
listeners to my show, as they want money off products that they may have an
interest in.
Interview 1
2. “What would excite you about a radio talk show?”
The audience member answered with “The music.” They seemed quite
optimistic about what music was going to be played in the talk show.
This shows that the audience want to be excited by the music to listen to the
radio talk show. This could include the Introduction music, Ending or even the
music sung/performed by a talented person. As long as, it entertains and
excites them.
My product will excite and therefore appeal to my audience as the music
within the radio talk show, such as the intro, mid-sections and ending is
upbeat and excitable. This will not just appeal to them but will interest them
to listen to my talk show too.
Interview 1
3. “Would you expect the Host(s) ,of a radio talk show, to introduce their
guests or have the guests introduce themselves?”
The audience member answered, “The talk show to introduce the guests”.
This shows that the audience member is polite and says that they might have
an interest in other talk shows as they do this technique too.
This says that my audience are polite and caring. The audience only want to
be interested in the details of the guest. Why not be polite because a guest
might not open up to you about their story, if your rude.
This has audience appeal because my product will hook in all good people,
who want good entertainment.
Interview 1
4. “If there was a guest on the show, who was sharing a story about a scary
topic, what would you be feeling as an audience member?”
The audience member answered with “I would feel upset as I am not good
with trauma or scary events.” This shows that the audience member is slightly
sensitive and very empathetic towards other people.
This shows that my audience no matter what backgrounds they have, are
supportive. It may make people feel empathetic if they have been in a similar
situation before.
My product will appeal to my audience because of the stories being told by
the guests. It effects audiences in various ways, but it shows they care by still
Interview 1
5. “what genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk show,
during a break?”
The audience member replied, “I suppose Pop.” They say this as popular
music is common within radios.
This shows that the audience like what is common within radios.
My product will appeal to my audience will like the common aspect of the
radio and be entertained by the music played.
Interview 2
Interviewer: “I am going to be asking you about a radio talk show, is that alright?”
Guest: “Yes, thank you.”
Interviewer: “ Would you find it pleasing to have an adverts offering money off their products
in a radio talk show?”
Guest: “Yes, I think I would, depending on what it is offering.”
Interviewer: “ What would excite you about a radio talk show?”
Guest: “The guests, I think, and local history maybe good.”
Interviewer: “Would you expect the Host(s) of the radio talk show, to introduce their guests or
the guests introduce themselves?”
Guest: “I think that the radio talk show person should introduce their guests.”
Interviewer: “If there was a guest on the show, who is sharing a story about a scary topic, what
would you be feeling?”
Guest: “I could be feeling all different emotions depending on the topic and what situation I am
Interviewer: “ Finally, What genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk show,
during a break?”
Guest: “I suppose you could use a mixture of different music because there are different people
who listen.”
Interviewer: “thank you for chatting with me today...”
Interview 2
1. “Would you find it pleasing to have adverts offering money off of their
products in a radio talk show?”
The audience member replied with “Yes, I think I would, depending on what it
is offering.” They say this with an optimistic tone as they might be interested
in the products available in the ads.
This shows that the audience is open minded about what products can be
available in adverts.
My product appeals to my audience because it will involve offers in ads.
Audiences will listen with an open mind and might be hooked into a product
that has an offer.
Interview 2
2. “What would excite you about a radio talk show?”
The audience member says, “The guests, I think local history maybe good.”
They say this happily.
This says that my audience think that the guests, that tell the stories the
audience listen to, are excitable to the audience.
My product would appeal to my audience because of the guests on the show.
There is a variety of guests on the show, that tell stories of their lives. This
leaves audience members in suspense and makes them excited at what is
going to happen next, as the guest tells the story.
Interview 2
3. “Would you expect the Host(s) ,of a radio talk show, to introduce their
guests or have the guests introduce themselves?”
The guest answered, “I think that the radio talk show person should introduce
their guests.” They say politely.
As with Interview 1, this shows that the audience is polite and caring.
My product will appeal to my audience because of the politeness of its
host(s). It may be rude to tell the guest to introduce themselves because it is
the hosts job. My audience seem to agree.
Interview 2
4. “If there was a guest on the show, who was sharing a story about a scary
topic, what would you be feeling as an audience member?”
The guest answered “I could be feeling different emotions depending on what
subject or situation I am in.” They say this happily.
This shows that the audience are empathetic and could be in the same
situation as the guest on the talk show. It, also, shows that the audience are
could feel a roller-coaster of emotions though out the show with different
guests sharing their stories.
The product appeals to the audience because of the amazing stories that are
told by the guests. They hook the audience in as they might be going though
the same situation and feel empathetic towards a guest.
Interview 2
5. “what genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk show,
during a break?”
The guest says, “I suppose you could use a mixture of different music because
there are different people who listen.” the guest explains fairly.
This shows that the audience like a common ground in music style.
Like Interview 1, the guest wanted a pop song. This is common. I will include
this in my product as I think that pop is common and most people like it. This
will appeal to my audience.
Overall, the common features that I have collected from my audience is that
my audience is empathetic, as I hoped, towards guest’s stories. The audience
would like to listen to Pop a common genre of music on the radio. They want
offers in the ads that will make them want to listen to my talk show.
All these things will help me in my project to improve and make it.
1. All Things Internet Podcast
2. The Ellen Show
3. The Oprah Winfrey Show
4. This Game Changed My Life
5. Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me
6. Short cuts

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Research - FMP

  • 3. All Things Internet Podcast The first product that I am going to be researching called ‘All Things Internet Podcast’. It is a Podcast that consists of, Youtuber, Rachel Ballenger and her mother Gwen Ballenger. This podcast has a completely relaxed setting and is not done professionally at all. They look up topics to talk about on the show and talk about them. They don’t fact check any of the topics they look up. For example, In episode 105, Rachel said, shocked, “Amazon are working to find a cure for the common cold!”. This podcast is more for people who would like entertainment rather than the news. This podcast comes out once a week. They have a structure for each episode. First, a five second introduction music and then they introduce themselves. They talk about what holidays are near to the day that they are doing the podcasts and celebrate them. Then, they talk about the topics that they have found on the internet. There are usually around three. After, they have a sponsor. This can range from supermarkets to healthy eating subscription boxes. These don’t play in an advert with music but are said by the hosts. They normally have about one sponsor in each episode. After this, they play a game. This usually makes the audience laugh as they can’t see them play the game but can hear them. Finally, they play the outro and say goodbye. The outro is the same five second music as the introduction.
  • 4. All Things Internet Podcast They use sound effects in their podcast. From a fake audience cheer to a “boo!”. They have most sound effects. These sound effects aren’t made by them but made by others online. They are freely downloadable from the internet. These episodes are not recorded to be live. They use the Adobe program, Audition to record their podcasts. These podcasts appeal to their audience because of the relaxed atmosphere created by the people, who are talking. You can tell by their voices that they are very laid back. This pleases their audience as they don’t want to be listening to the boring news all the time. The excitable introduction gets the audience excited to listening to the podcast. This is very aurally pleasing to the audience. As they have a conversation about what information they have found online, they produce the audience with a roller-coaster of emotion. This is not intended to be serious but sometimes can be. The audience can be taken on a trip of emotions from being shocked to overjoyed. This is also aurally pleasing to the audience as they might not hear this information anywhere else. They, also, upload their podcasts to any platform so that it is easily accessible to their audience, which, also, pleases their audience.
  • 6. The Oprah Winfrey Show Another product that is similar is called The Oprah Winfrey Show. This was an American Television show, that Oprah Winfrey was the host of. She interviewed one person per show. All the shows had different topics, these tended to be more serious. For example, a show was named “A Suburban Mothers Nightmare Caught On Tape” and another show was named “Born In The Wrong Body”. All the 25 seasons of this show tended to be more serious but in a relaxed atmosphere. It was relaxed because Oprah would sometimes make a few jokes to the audience to lighten the mood. The show was very much researched, and fact checked. Oprah makes you (the audience) see the message that is behind every episode of her show created. This was a live television show, that started in 1986 till 2011. This had a live audience, which meant there was an audience on television. There was no ads but on the tv not included on the show. The show would start with a short theme tune, that changed every two years. When it changed it would always have the same synth instruments in it, this gives the audience a more relaxed atmosphere. Then, a voice over of Oprah would introduce the story that the audience would be watching. After each ad break, Oprah would take us more into depth with the detail and ask the guest questions and have a conversation with the guest.
  • 7. The Oprah Winfrey Show The audience in this show would be appealed to the real emotion that goes into this show. The audience members get invested in the stories that are told on this show as Oprah talks to them and brings out lots of detail that we may not have heard anywhere else. Oprah helps the audience see the bigger picture of the stories that are told and view them from multiple perspectives. People, who watch this show are millions from all different backgrounds. It may also appeal to the audience because audience members may relate to people's stories that are told on this show. Therefore they will be very empathetic towards that person. Another aurally appealing thing to the audience is the music in the show. The introductory music adds a relaxed atmosphere to the show. This makes the show enjoyable to watch, even though there are serious topics. The aesthetically pleasing thing to the audience is the lighting. The lighting adds to the tone that Oprah is trying to create. A relaxed atmosphere. The lighting lit towards the subject of the show, the conversation. This brings the focus on to the conversation. Another aesthetically pleasing detail is where the furniture is placed. There are two sofas for guests to sit on and a single chair for Oprah to sit on too. These are placed in the middle of the stage. Then the audience are sat around the sides and in front of the stage. This also brings the focus of she show to the conversation between the host and guest.
  • 9. The Ellen Show One product that has similarities to my FMP idea is The Ellen Show. It is an American television talk show, that is hosted by Ellen DeGeneres. It first aired in 2003 and has been going on television since then. This talk show produced in a relaxed, style and includes games, multiple guests and competitions all in one episode. There are lots of situations that the guests have faced and talked about on her show. These guests come from all different backgrounds, they can be celebrities or just normal people. This show makes us (the audience) laugh as Ellen is a comedian and claims “My job is to make people smile”. That’s exactly what she does best, a guest can be expecting the unexpected when they come on her show. She scares them. She also has guests perform on her show in several ways. These include, musically, comically and cinematically. The subjects that people talk about on her show can be from shocking to very excitable. These subjects include “Ellen meets an inspirational piano player” to “Ellen’s emotional reminder to live life every day.” On the show, audiences can be in for a roller coaster of emotions. The audience is a live audience. Ellen interacts with the in-studio audience by giving them quizzes, competitions and prizes.
  • 10. The Ellen Show The audience are appealed to this show because of the fun, relaxed atmosphere that Ellen creates. It feels good when you (the audience) watch The Ellen Show because Ellen has a playful attitude and she makes jokes and pranks for the audience to enjoy. This makes the audience smile. She talks on her show to lots of people, including Celebrities and audience members. This is, also, what appeals the audience to Ellen’s show. The in-studio audience enjoy being involved with Ellen’s show. They can be invited to play games, ask questions and do any thing funny that Ellen wants. Most things on Ellen’s show aren’t serious. This is what attracts the audience because they may just want to relax and laugh. When there is talent on the show, People perform on a stage. This makes the audience even more entertained and they have fun listening to the talent that comes on to the show. This is aurally pleasing to them because it adds to the playful vibe of the show. The aesthetically pleasing qualities of the show is where the lighting and furniture are placed. The lighting (like the Oprah Winfrey show) is placed all around the room but more facing the host and guests. These are sat in chairs, centre stage. The DJ, is placed to the side. The audience is placed all along back of the studio. This would be an end on stage. This is easily organised so that each audience member can see the show. This is aesthetically pleasing.
  • 12. Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me is a podcast that is on the radio station, Talk Radio. This uk podcast is made by 17-year-old Ruth and her Dad. They talk about current situations in the world from each of their perspectives. Some issues are from Ruth’s perspective and some are from her father’s. For example, Ruth is at university when recording these episodes, so she has different things to talk about, when on the podcast, to her father. Ruth teaches her father about the modern world and her father looks back at what the world used to be like, from his perspective. Also, Ruth tries to explain to her father that his opinions are wrong. “Ruth tries to explain to her father why his attitudes to everything are invariably wrong!”( – The website states.) They start the podcast with a hello to everyone and start having a conversation. The conversation changes sometimes depending if they get distracted by other issues in the world. There is no music or sound effects in this podcast. This podcast is usually around 40 minutes long.
  • 13. Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me The audience would find this podcast aurally pleasing to hear as they will be listening from all different ages and from all different perspectives. This means that Ruth could not only be teaching her father about the modern world but teaching all the older people listening. However, younger adults could relate to Ruth’s teachings because they may have wanted to explain a certain issue to their families and not knew how. They can learn from her too. This is also helped by the relaxed atmosphere that they create. It is a casual discussion about situations and issues that the world may be facing e.g. the coronavirus. There is no shouting or swearing in this either, which helps.
  • 14. Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me
  • 15. This Game Changed My Life This Game Changed My Life is a podcast by BBC Sounds. Its hosts are called Aoife Wilson and Julia Hardy. In each episode, they have one - two guests talk about a video game that has changed their lives forever. For example, a guest on the show, called Arsenio, talks about himself playing a space game and it inspired him to now work for NASA. He was always good at physics. They include sound effects. These set the mood for the audience, the story that they’re guests are going to tell. They include music. This is an introduction. This music uses instruments such as the electric drums and synth instruments that sound pixel-like. The podcasts are usually around 20 – 30 minutes long.
  • 16. This Game Changed My Life The audience will be aurally pleased by this podcast as it might effect everyone. By everyone, I mean, It will effect us in our everyday lives, technology. Video games are influencing minds young and old to change their career ideas. This podcast is directed at anyone, everyone who likes video games or has someone in their families or social groups. Therefore it is pleasing to listen to as the audience know people, who have done similar to this podcast. Secondly, the podcast has aurally pleasing qualities because of the atmosphere that has been created. The relaxed atmosphere is aurally pleasing to the audience because of the genre. The genre has connotations of being relaxed. You might play video games to relax yourself. This is very pleasing to the audience as the genre, atmosphere and sound links up nicely. Which brings us to the sound. The sound is aurally pleasing because it links to the genre and atmosphere. The music in the intro uses instruments such as the electric drum kit and synth instruments to make the music sound pixel-like. This links to the relaxed atmosphere of playing the genre of video games, as video games sound pixel like and retro. This podcast is very pleasing for its audience.
  • 17. This Game Changed My Life
  • 18. Short Cuts Short Cuts is a podcast on BBC Sounds. It is presented by Josie Long. It is a documentary type podcast. It is about “brief encounters, true stories and radio adventures” as explained by Josie in the introduction every episode. Each episode is about a topic e.g. last Tuesday’s episode was called Call Me and was about phone calls. A podcast episode comes out each week. The topics vary from making the audience feel Happy to Sad. It takes the audience on an adventure through a podcast. There is other sounds, than voices in this podcast. These include realistic sound effects and music. This podcast has music in the introduction. This help to better develop the intro and helps the audience find the difference between the intro and the rest of the podcast. There are realistic sound effects throughout each episode of this podcast. This helps to create a realistic story in people’s mind as they are not viewing this on a screen, they listen instead.
  • 19. Short Cuts The audience are aurally pleased by this podcast as the sounds are realistic and co- operate with the stories that are being told. This pleases the audience as it helps them to better create a story of images in their heads as they are not looking at this on a screen, they listen instead. This satisfies the audience. The audience are also pleased by this podcast as they might have been in a similar situation to a person in one of the stories. This would make the person empathetic, towards the person being described in the podcast. Therefore, they will keep listening to the podcast. The relaxed atmosphere adds to a pleasing quality of the podcast. The audience will be pleased by the atmosphere of the podcast. They want to sit and relax. This will help them to better develop images for the stories told.
  • 21. Research Analysis The common features that the researched products have include atmosphere, music and sound effects. These features help the products appeal to audiences. One common feature of my researched products was the atmosphere created in the podcasts and television shows. This atmosphere was relaxed. The relaxed atmosphere in each of my researched products had an impact on the audience as they wanted to keep listening or watching the products. For example, an audience member has had a tense and stressed day at work, they want to relax and listen/watch their show. This is what makes it fun for audiences, to unwind. From Ellen’s fun personality to a podcast genre of video games, this was what made these products entertaining for audiences. Another common feature of my research was music. Music was one common feature as it commonly was placed in introductions and may have been played throughout products. Five out of six of my products had introduction music. This was a commonly used by the products as its excited audiences to watch/listen to their shows. This is also a great way prepare the audiences for the show that’s about to come. To get them cosy to watch or listen. Most of the products intro music, matched the genre their piece is. For example, ‘This Game Changed My Life’s’ into uses instruments, such as the electric drums and synth, to make the music sound pixel like matching the genre of video games. This is a great technique.
  • 22. Research Analysis One common feature of my researched products was sound effects. Sound effects have been placed in most of my products. This is because they make the podcasts sound convincing and realistic. This then makes audiences develop images in their head of the stories or conversations being told to the audiences. Therefore, drawing audiences into listening to the products again. The aspects of research that I will be included in my work will be the atmosphere I want to create, the sound and adverts. One aspect of research that I will include is the atmosphere. The relaxed atmosphere that I will be creating has proved successful for drawing audiences into listening to products. In all the products that I have researched, the atmosphere that was created was relaxed. The connotations of relaxed are comfortable. When you think of a talk show, you think of sofas. This makes sense as they are comfortable like the relaxed atmosphere. I will make my show sound relaxed by adding jokes in to make the show light-hearted and relaxed. This will make the audience smile.
  • 23. Research Analysis Another aspect from my research I will be including is sound. Sound in music and sound effects. I want to add music in my piece to split it up and make audiences excited to listen to my piece. While, I use sound effects in the adverts to make them realistic. This will develop images in the audience's heads and will make them listen in more to the product created. The final aspect that I will include, from my research is the adverts themselves. These appeared in the first product I had researched ‘All Things Internet Podcast’. This product gets a sponsor in each of its episode, which means audiences must like them. This will hook the audience in as they will get discounts from listening to my product. I like this technique.
  • 25. Survey To start, this stage of my research was completed with the help of a basic five question survey, that had reached five people that I had sent the survey to. These five people included a larger age range of 17-60, my family and friends. These questions included asking the audience, how long a radio ad lasts for or what you would typically go and listen to a radio talk show for? These questions will give me an incite about what my audience are like and what they want in my product. The survey had various results. Here they are...
  • 26.
  • 27. Audience research 1. Would you rather a talk show start with a summary of what you will be hearing in the show or go straight to the introduction music? Three out of five people thought that I should start straight with the introduction music in my radio talk show. Whilst, Two out of five thought that starting with a summary first would be a good way to give an incite into what the audience will be listening to in the show. This shows that my audience, overall, what to get straight into the juicy gossip of the detailed stories that they will be listening to. Also, it shows they are impatient and want to hear to details rather than a non-detailed version, of a story, first. Therefore, my product will appeal to the audience by taking the information provided from my audience observations and making the radio talk show, starting with the introduction music. This will please the audience because it is what they wanted to hear.
  • 28.
  • 29. Audience research 2. How long would you expect a guest to come on to a show for? Three out of five people said they would expect a guest on the show for five minutes. Whist, twenty percent of people said they should be on the show for ten. Another, twenty percent said that the guest should be on the show for fifteen minutes. Nought percent of people wanted the guest to come on the show for twenty minutes. These results show that my audience, overall, would like the details from the guest to be confined into at least five minutes. This shows that my audience, want to hear the detailed gossip in little amounts, so that they have time to take the information and process it how they would like. Taking in this information about what my audience wants is vital for getting an aurally pleasing result at the end of producing my product. Therefore, my product will please my audience because of the timings that guest walk on and off the stage, reasonably within five minutes.
  • 30.
  • 31. Audience research 3. Why would you listen to a talk show? My observations from this question suggest that all my audience would listen to a talk show as they may be interested in the “information” provided by the product. Two out of five people stated that they would listen to a talk show because of a certain “subject” or interest. The audience members responded, Overall, wanting to be “interested” in a “subject” or for “entertainment”. This shows my audience would be interested in listening to my talk show because of the people on it, subject/topics on the show and for entertainment. Therefore, my audience would be appealed to my product because I will include these things in my show. This includes hooking the audience in with interesting people, jokes and subjects. This will add to the relaxed atmosphere as I am going to be entertaining my audience with these things.
  • 32.
  • 33. Audience research 4. Would you expect to hear music (by talented people) in the show? Eighty percent of my audience would like to hear music by talented people in my show. Twenty percent of my audience would not. This shows, overall, that my audience want to be entertained by not only the guests on the show, but the music to. The audience would like a bit of variety in the show as it is not all about the guests but about the music too. My product will appeal to my audience by including aurally pleasing music in my product as well as other entertainment. This will be sure to interest the audience and very well entertain them.
  • 34.
  • 35. Audience research 5. How long would you expect hear a radio advert to last for? One hundred percent of my audience would expect a radio advertisement to last for one – two minutes. Nought percent of my audience would want a radio advert to last for longer than the time range of one – two minutes. This shows that my audience just want to listen to and be entertained by the show. The sponsors shouldn’t last longer than this (one – two minutes) as the observations show that my audience should lose interest when adverts are too long. Therefore, my product will appeal to the audience with adverts that are one – two minutes long. This should keep them interested. If the adverts are longer than this, I will lose the interest of the audience and they will be put of the show.
  • 37. Interview 1 Interviewer: “I am going to be asking you about a radio talk show, is that alright?” Guest: “Yes.” Interviewer: “ Would you find it pleasing to have adverts offering money off their products in a radio talk show?” Guest: “Yes, it would give me an idea of the price of the product.” Interviewer: “ What would excite you about a radio talk show?” Guest: “The music” Interviewer: “Would you expect the Host(s) of the radio talk show, to introduce their guests or the guests introduce themselves?” Guest: “The talk show to introduce the guests.” Interviewer: “If there was a guest on the show, who is sharing a story about a scary topic, what would you be feeling, as an audience member?” Guest: “I would feel upset as I am not good with trauma and scary events.” Interviewer: “ Finally, What genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk show, during a break?” Guest: “I suppose Pop.” Interviewer: “thank you for chatting with me today...”
  • 38. Interview 1 1. “Would you find it pleasing to have adverts offering money off of their products in a radio talk show?” This audience member answered with “Yes, it would give me an idea of the price of the product.” They were positive about ads giving offers out to the talk shows audience and may have been interested in the prices of the products being advertised too. This shows that the audience members will be hooked into the radio show not just for the juicy gossip and music but for the deals on the ads. It might interest them, depending on the product and whether it appeals to the audiences needs. My product will appeal to my audience as they like listening to ads, especially when there are deals from sponsors on the show. This might bring more listeners to my show, as they want money off products that they may have an interest in.
  • 39. Interview 1 2. “What would excite you about a radio talk show?” The audience member answered with “The music.” They seemed quite optimistic about what music was going to be played in the talk show. This shows that the audience want to be excited by the music to listen to the radio talk show. This could include the Introduction music, Ending or even the music sung/performed by a talented person. As long as, it entertains and excites them. My product will excite and therefore appeal to my audience as the music within the radio talk show, such as the intro, mid-sections and ending is upbeat and excitable. This will not just appeal to them but will interest them to listen to my talk show too.
  • 40. Interview 1 3. “Would you expect the Host(s) ,of a radio talk show, to introduce their guests or have the guests introduce themselves?” The audience member answered, “The talk show to introduce the guests”. This shows that the audience member is polite and says that they might have an interest in other talk shows as they do this technique too. This says that my audience are polite and caring. The audience only want to be interested in the details of the guest. Why not be polite because a guest might not open up to you about their story, if your rude. This has audience appeal because my product will hook in all good people, who want good entertainment.
  • 41. Interview 1 4. “If there was a guest on the show, who was sharing a story about a scary topic, what would you be feeling as an audience member?” The audience member answered with “I would feel upset as I am not good with trauma or scary events.” This shows that the audience member is slightly sensitive and very empathetic towards other people. This shows that my audience no matter what backgrounds they have, are supportive. It may make people feel empathetic if they have been in a similar situation before. My product will appeal to my audience because of the stories being told by the guests. It effects audiences in various ways, but it shows they care by still listening.
  • 42. Interview 1 5. “what genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk show, during a break?” The audience member replied, “I suppose Pop.” They say this as popular music is common within radios. This shows that the audience like what is common within radios. My product will appeal to my audience will like the common aspect of the radio and be entertained by the music played.
  • 43. Interview 2 Interviewer: “I am going to be asking you about a radio talk show, is that alright?” Guest: “Yes, thank you.” Interviewer: “ Would you find it pleasing to have an adverts offering money off their products in a radio talk show?” Guest: “Yes, I think I would, depending on what it is offering.” Interviewer: “ What would excite you about a radio talk show?” Guest: “The guests, I think, and local history maybe good.” Interviewer: “Would you expect the Host(s) of the radio talk show, to introduce their guests or the guests introduce themselves?” Guest: “I think that the radio talk show person should introduce their guests.” Interviewer: “If there was a guest on the show, who is sharing a story about a scary topic, what would you be feeling?” Guest: “I could be feeling all different emotions depending on the topic and what situation I am in.” Interviewer: “ Finally, What genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk show, during a break?” Guest: “I suppose you could use a mixture of different music because there are different people who listen.” Interviewer: “thank you for chatting with me today...”
  • 44. Interview 2 1. “Would you find it pleasing to have adverts offering money off of their products in a radio talk show?” The audience member replied with “Yes, I think I would, depending on what it is offering.” They say this with an optimistic tone as they might be interested in the products available in the ads. This shows that the audience is open minded about what products can be available in adverts. My product appeals to my audience because it will involve offers in ads. Audiences will listen with an open mind and might be hooked into a product that has an offer.
  • 45. Interview 2 2. “What would excite you about a radio talk show?” The audience member says, “The guests, I think local history maybe good.” They say this happily. This says that my audience think that the guests, that tell the stories the audience listen to, are excitable to the audience. My product would appeal to my audience because of the guests on the show. There is a variety of guests on the show, that tell stories of their lives. This leaves audience members in suspense and makes them excited at what is going to happen next, as the guest tells the story.
  • 46. Interview 2 3. “Would you expect the Host(s) ,of a radio talk show, to introduce their guests or have the guests introduce themselves?” The guest answered, “I think that the radio talk show person should introduce their guests.” They say politely. As with Interview 1, this shows that the audience is polite and caring. My product will appeal to my audience because of the politeness of its host(s). It may be rude to tell the guest to introduce themselves because it is the hosts job. My audience seem to agree.
  • 47. Interview 2 4. “If there was a guest on the show, who was sharing a story about a scary topic, what would you be feeling as an audience member?” The guest answered “I could be feeling different emotions depending on what subject or situation I am in.” They say this happily. This shows that the audience are empathetic and could be in the same situation as the guest on the talk show. It, also, shows that the audience are could feel a roller-coaster of emotions though out the show with different guests sharing their stories. The product appeals to the audience because of the amazing stories that are told by the guests. They hook the audience in as they might be going though the same situation and feel empathetic towards a guest.
  • 48. Interview 2 5. “what genre of music, would you expect to hear on a radio talk show, during a break?” The guest says, “I suppose you could use a mixture of different music because there are different people who listen.” the guest explains fairly. This shows that the audience like a common ground in music style. Like Interview 1, the guest wanted a pop song. This is common. I will include this in my product as I think that pop is common and most people like it. This will appeal to my audience.
  • 49. Overall Overall, the common features that I have collected from my audience is that my audience is empathetic, as I hoped, towards guest’s stories. The audience would like to listen to Pop a common genre of music on the radio. They want offers in the ads that will make them want to listen to my talk show. All these things will help me in my project to improve and make it.
  • 51. Bibliography 1. All Things Internet Podcast 2. The Ellen Show 3. The Oprah Winfrey Show 4FMmv 4. This Game Changed My Life 5. Ruthie – Uni, Dad and Me 6. Short cuts

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  6. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  7. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  8. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  9. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  10. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  11. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  12. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  13. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  14. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  15. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  16. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  17. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  18. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  19. What common features do the researched products have? What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
  20. What common features do the researched products have? What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
  21. What common features do the researched products have? What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
  22. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  23. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  24. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  25. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  26. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  27. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  28. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  29. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  30. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  31. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  32. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  33. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  34. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  35. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  36. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  37. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  38. The common features within the two interviews that I have collected. What features (from the interviews) I will put into my product to make it appealing to my audience.
  39. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.