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• We are amazingly designed
  o structure relates to function
  o highly organized
  o even the simplest of parts or
   actions is incredibly complex
  o all parts must act together
• We are bilaterally symmetric
  o one line divides us into two
   mirror image halves
• We are bipedal
  o designed to walk upright on
   two legs
• We are complex, even at our
  simplest levels
  o  Cells = basic structural units of
    living things
  o Tissues = groups of cells united to
    perform a certain function
  o Organs = various tissues grouped
    together to carry out a function
  o Systems = organs working together
• Cells
  o Comprised of
     membranes – which hold
      contents in and control
      substances going in/out
     organelles – tiny organ-like
      parts that act like machines,
      doing the processes of the
cytoplasm – jelly-like semi-
fluid environment for the
organelles; allows substances
to be moved around
o   Types of
     Nerve cells = neurons
       cell body
       dendrites – carry impulses
       into the cell
       axon – carries impulse
       away from the cell
Striated (striped) muscle
  Skeletal muscle cells
   • voluntary
  Cardiac (heart) muscle
   • involuntary
Smooth (visceral) muscle
  line the walls of internal
  organs, blood vessels,
  involuntary
   Bone cells (osteocytes)
     minerals (like calcium and
     phosphorus) and salts make
     a matrix that is interwoven
     with a protein called
   Red blood cells
     no nucleus
     biconcave disks
     carry oxygen using a
     substance called
   White blood cells
     formed in bone marrow and
     lymph glands
     form part of body’s defense
     against microorganisms
     phagocytosis = cell-eating
       • devour “enemy” cells
• Tissues
  o Types of
      Connective tissue
        Functions: connects,
        supports, transports,
        Examples: bone, cartilage,
        blood, fat
   Epithelial tissue
     Covers organs and lines
     cavities --
     absorbs, secretes, protects
     skin, lining of digestive
 Muscular tissue
   contracts for movement
 Nervous tissue
   conducts electrochemical
   brain, spinal cord, sensory
• Functions:
  o Gives the body shape & support
  o Helps the body move
  o Protects vital organs
  o Produces blood cells
  o Stores minerals (calcium &
• There are 2 general divisions of
  the skeleton:
   o the axial skeleton includes the
    head, neck, and trunk
   o the appendicular skeleton
    includes the arms, legs,
    shoulders, and hips
• There are a total of 206 bones in
  the average adult skeleton
   o 29 bones in the skull
       the cranium is the name
       given to the group of bones
       that encloses the brain
       the mandible (jawbone) is the
       only moveable bone in the
the nasal bones make up the
“bridge” of the nose
  the remainder of the nose
   is comprised of cartilage
o   26 bones in the vertebral
      7 cervical vertebrae in the
      12 thoracic vertebrae which
      connect to the ribs
      5 lumbar vertebrae of the
      lower back
 the sacral and coccyx
 vertebrae are fused groups of
   the coccyx is sometimes
    called the “tailbone”
 there are 4 curves in the
 vertebral column
   curves increase support
o   25 bones in the thorax
     sternum (breastbone)
     12 pairs of ribs
       7 pairs connect directly to
       sternum by cartilage =
       “true” ribs
o   64 bones in upper limbs
     clavicle (collarbone) and
     scapula (shoulder blade) form
     the “girdle” or support for arm
     humerus = upper arm bone
     two bones of the lower arm –
     ulna on pinky side, radius on
     thumb side
 wrist is made up of 8 bones
 known as the carpals
 metacarpals = bones of the
   1 for each finger
 phalanges = finger bones
   3 in each finger, 2 in thumb
o 62 bones in the lower limbs
   fused bones of the pelvis
   make up the girdle that
   supports the leg
   femur = thigh bone
   two lower leg bones – larger
   bone out front is the tibia,
   behind is the fibula
 the knee joint is protected by
 the patella (kneecap)
 the 7 bones that form the heel
 and part of the ankle are the
 metatarsals = bones of instep
   arched for support
 phalanges = toe bones
• Joints are where two or more
  bones join together
  o some do not allow any
    movement (like in the skull)
  o some allow only slight
    movement (like between
  o many are freely moveable
 ball-and-socket joints = allow
 bones to swing in nearly any
   shoulders, hips
 hinge joints = allow
 movement in just one
   elbow, knee, fingers
 pivot joints = where one bone
 rests and rotates on another
   neck
 gliding joints = when two
 bones that can move
 separately meet
   wrist
• Bones are held together by
  strong bands of tissue called
   o Tendons connect muscle to
• Cartilage is a tissue that acts as a
  cushion between bones and at
  the ends of bones.
• Functions:
  o provides movement
     of skeleton
     of internal materials
  o maintains posture
  o produces heat
• Types of muscles
  o Voluntary (skeletal) = controlled
    by conscious thinking
  o Involuntary (smooth & cardiac)
    = function without conscious
• Muscle terms
  o atrophy = wasting away due to
   a lack of use
     muscular dystrophy – a
     disorder that causes
     irreversible atrophy
  o hypertrophy = muscle growth
   due to excessive use
o muscle ache = feeling of
 tiredness or pain resulting from
 working muscles
o muscle cramp = sudden muscle
 contraction causing severe pain
o muscle spasm = repeated
 involuntary contraction of a
o muscle tone = how in/out of
 shape a muscle is
o reflex = an involuntary
 response to a stimulus
   sneeze, pupil size, blink
• Muscle groups
  o Facial
      masseter = used for chewing
      frontalis = moves eyebrows
  o Torso
      pectorals = chest
      abdominals = 4 sets, protect
      internal organs, “core”
o Neck & back
  sternocleidomastoid = front
  of neck, turns head
  trapezius = back of neck
  latissimus dorsi = large,
  lower back muscle
o   Arms
     deltoid = “caps” arm at
     biceps brachii = front of
     upper arm
     triceps brachii = back of
     upper arm
o   Legs
     quadriceps = four muscles of
     upper thigh (front)
     hamstrings = three muscles
     of upper thigh (back)
     gastronemius = calf muscle
     gluteus maximus = large
     muscle in rear, for walking
• Includes the skin, hair, nails, and
• Functions:
   o protection – against invaders,
    UV radiation, and drying out
   o temperature regulation
   o sensory reception
   o vitamin D production
o Epidermis = outer layer
   composed mainly of
   older/dead skin cells
o Dermis = lower layer
   contains glands, blood
   vessels, and nerves
o Subcutaneous layer
   not part of skin, mostly fat
o Sweat glands – cool the body
 by excreting sweat through
o Oil glands – keep hair and skin
o Hair – protects skin
   shaft = part that is seen
   root = part not seen
• Also called the circulatory system
• Functions:
  o transport to cells
     oxygen, nutrients, chemicals
  o transport from cells
     waste, chemicals
  o defense against disease
• Structures:
  o heart
      just larger than fist-sized
      slightly to left of
      center, between lungs
      double pump
         both left and right sides
         pump blood
• right side pumps
 deoxygenated blood to
• left side pumps
 oxygenated blood to cells
 throughout body
 top chambers, called
 atria, receive blood
 bottom chambers, called
 ventricles, pump
 valves keep blood from
 flowing backwards
    between chambers
    entrance to great vessels
o   vessels
     arteries carry blood away
     from heart
       aorta = largest artery
     veins carry blood to heart
       pulmonary veins carry
       blood from lungs
 capillaries connect arterioles
     (small arteries) and venules
     (small veins) at cells
• Pulse = number of heartbeats per
  o feel recoil of arteries at “pulse
     radial, carotid, temporal
• Functions:
  o controls all the functions of the
  o relays messages back and forth
    to different parts of the body
  o sensory input
• Main organs:
  o brain
     biggest part = cerebrum
       85% of the brain's weight
       the
       thinking, reasoning, remem
       bering part of the brain
       controls voluntary muscles
   two halves
    • right = abstract things
     like music, colors, and
    • left = analytical, helping
     you with math, logic, and
 right half of the cerebrum
   controls the left side of your
   body, and the left half
   controls the right side
 cerebellum
   at the back of the
   brain, below the cerebrum
  controls balance,
   movement, and
 brain stem
   sits beneath the cerebrum
   and in front of the
 connects the rest of the
 brain to the spinal cord
 in charge of all the
 functions your body needs
 to stay alive
   • control your involuntary
    muscles: pumping
    blood, breathing
    air, digesting food, etc.
o spinal cord
   long bundle of nerves within
   the vertebral column
   carries messages between
   brain and spinal nerves
o nerves
   pathway of neurons
transmits messages by
electrochemical impulses
  sensory nerves carry
   impulses to brain
  motor nerves carry
   impulses to muscles
• Functions:
  o allows oxygen in the air to be
    taken into the body
  o enables the body to get rid of
    carbon dioxide from the body
  o filters, warms, and humidifies
    inhaled air
• Path of inhaled air:
  o The two openings of the airway
    (the nasal cavity and the mouth)
    meet at the pharynx, or throat.
  o The epiglottis, a small flap of
    tissue, covers the air-only
    passage when we
    swallow, keeping food and
    liquid from going into our lungs.
o The larynx , or voice box, is the
  uppermost part of the air-only
    contains a pair of vocal
    cords, which vibrate to make
o The trachea, or
  windpipe, extends downward
  from the base of the larynx.
o  The trachea divides into left
  and right air tubes
  called bronchi, which connect
  to the lungs.
o Within the lungs, the bronchi
  branch into smaller bronchi and
  even smaller tubes
  called bronchioles.
o Bronchioles end in tiny air sacs
   called alveoli .
     where the exchange of
     oxygen and carbon dioxide
     takes place
• The lungs also contain elastic tissues
  that allow them to inflate and deflate
  without losing shape and are encased
  by a thin lining called the pleura.
• Functions:
  o Brings in food (ingestion)
  o Breaks food down to usable
   form (digestion)
  o Gets food to circulatory system
   for transport to cells
  o Gets rid of waste (egestion)
• Pathway of food
  o Mouth
     begins process of digestion
     Teeth = make food pieces
       incisors cut, canines tear,
       premolars & molars grind
 Salivary glands = secrete
   3 pairs
   moisten food
   start digestion of starches
 Tongue = prepare food for
   makes a bolus (ball of food)
o Pharynx
o   Esophagus
     lies behind trachea
     peristalsis = involuntary
     muscular movements move food
     to stomach
o   Stomach
     breaks down food into chyme
Accessory organs = produce
substances that are added to
the digestive process
  Liver – secretes bile
   • helps breakdown fats
  Gallbladder – stores bile
  Pancreas – secretes
  digestive juices
o   Small intestine
     most digestion occurs here
     nutrients are absorbed into
     the bloodstream here
     lined with villi & microvilli
        increases surface area
o Large Intestine
     larger in circumference, shorter
     in length than small intestine
     removes excess water from
     undigested food
o   Rectum
     stores waste until exit through
• Functions
  o Removes waste from blood
  o Excretes waste from body
     through sweating
     through expiration
     through elimination
• Organs
  o Kidneys
     remove waste products from
     the blood
  o Ureters
     drain waste from kidneys
  o Urinary bladder
 collects and holds urine until
   it is removed from the body
   can stretch to hold about 1
   qt. of fluid
o Urethra
   tube from bladder that
   carries urine to outside
   Other organs
     lungs = remove CO2 & H2 O
     skin = through perspiration
     gives off water & metabolic
     liver = cleans waste
     particles from the blood
• Functions
  o controls functions within body
  o communicates changes within
  o maintains stability within body
• Facts
  o functions through chemical
   messengers = hormones
o   endocrine glands are ductless
     no tubes
     secrete directly into
       sweat glands have
       tubes, for example and are
       considered EXOcrine
• Organs
  o Pituitary gland
     the “master” gland
     helps regulate activity of
     other glands
     found within brain
     produces growth hormone
o   Thyroid gland
     located in front of the trachea
     and below the larynx
        “bow tie”
     secretes hormones that
     regulate growth and energy
o   Pancreas
     left side of center, near
     secretes insulin, made by the
     Islets of Langerhans
        regulates the amount of
        sugar in the blood
o   Adrenal glands
     located on top of each kidney
     produce adrenaline
        heart rate and force are
        increased, blood pressure
        rises, and blood flow to the
        skeletal and cardiac
        muscles is increased
o   Reproductive glands
     Ovaries in females
       produce estrogen
     Testes in males
       produce testosterone

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Reflection human body-powerpoint

  • 1.
  • 2. • We are amazingly designed o structure relates to function o highly organized o even the simplest of parts or actions is incredibly complex o all parts must act together
  • 3. • We are bilaterally symmetric o one line divides us into two mirror image halves • We are bipedal o designed to walk upright on two legs
  • 4. • We are complex, even at our simplest levels o Cells = basic structural units of living things o Tissues = groups of cells united to perform a certain function o Organs = various tissues grouped together to carry out a function o Systems = organs working together
  • 5. • Cells o Comprised of  membranes – which hold contents in and control substances going in/out  organelles – tiny organ-like parts that act like machines, doing the processes of the cell
  • 6. cytoplasm – jelly-like semi- fluid environment for the organelles; allows substances to be moved around
  • 7. o Types of  Nerve cells = neurons  cell body  dendrites – carry impulses into the cell  axon – carries impulse away from the cell
  • 8. Striated (striped) muscle cells  Skeletal muscle cells • voluntary  Cardiac (heart) muscle cells • involuntary
  • 9. Smooth (visceral) muscle cells  line the walls of internal organs, blood vessels, ducts  involuntary
  • 10. Bone cells (osteocytes)  minerals (like calcium and phosphorus) and salts make a matrix that is interwoven with a protein called collagen
  • 11. Red blood cells  no nucleus  biconcave disks  carry oxygen using a substance called hemoglobin
  • 12. White blood cells  formed in bone marrow and lymph glands  form part of body’s defense against microorganisms  phagocytosis = cell-eating • devour “enemy” cells
  • 13. • Tissues o Types of  Connective tissue  Functions: connects, supports, transports, protects  Examples: bone, cartilage, blood, fat
  • 14. Epithelial tissue  Covers organs and lines cavities -- absorbs, secretes, protects  skin, lining of digestive tract
  • 15.  Muscular tissue  contracts for movement  Nervous tissue  conducts electrochemical impulses  brain, spinal cord, sensory receptors
  • 16. • Functions: o Gives the body shape & support o Helps the body move o Protects vital organs o Produces blood cells o Stores minerals (calcium & phosphorus)
  • 17. • There are 2 general divisions of the skeleton: o the axial skeleton includes the head, neck, and trunk o the appendicular skeleton includes the arms, legs, shoulders, and hips
  • 18. • There are a total of 206 bones in the average adult skeleton o 29 bones in the skull  the cranium is the name given to the group of bones that encloses the brain  the mandible (jawbone) is the only moveable bone in the skull
  • 19. the nasal bones make up the “bridge” of the nose  the remainder of the nose is comprised of cartilage
  • 20. o 26 bones in the vertebral column  7 cervical vertebrae in the neck  12 thoracic vertebrae which connect to the ribs  5 lumbar vertebrae of the lower back
  • 21.  the sacral and coccyx vertebrae are fused groups of vertebrae  the coccyx is sometimes called the “tailbone”  there are 4 curves in the vertebral column  curves increase support
  • 22. o 25 bones in the thorax  sternum (breastbone)  12 pairs of ribs  7 pairs connect directly to sternum by cartilage = “true” ribs
  • 23. o 64 bones in upper limbs  clavicle (collarbone) and scapula (shoulder blade) form the “girdle” or support for arm  humerus = upper arm bone  two bones of the lower arm – ulna on pinky side, radius on thumb side
  • 24.  wrist is made up of 8 bones known as the carpals  metacarpals = bones of the palm  1 for each finger  phalanges = finger bones  3 in each finger, 2 in thumb
  • 25. o 62 bones in the lower limbs  fused bones of the pelvis make up the girdle that supports the leg  femur = thigh bone  two lower leg bones – larger bone out front is the tibia, behind is the fibula
  • 26.  the knee joint is protected by the patella (kneecap)  the 7 bones that form the heel and part of the ankle are the tarsals  metatarsals = bones of instep  arched for support  phalanges = toe bones
  • 27. • Joints are where two or more bones join together o some do not allow any movement (like in the skull) o some allow only slight movement (like between vertebrae) o many are freely moveable
  • 28.  ball-and-socket joints = allow bones to swing in nearly any direction  shoulders, hips  hinge joints = allow movement in just one direction  elbow, knee, fingers
  • 29.  pivot joints = where one bone rests and rotates on another  neck  gliding joints = when two bones that can move separately meet  wrist
  • 30. • Bones are held together by strong bands of tissue called ligaments. o Tendons connect muscle to bone. • Cartilage is a tissue that acts as a cushion between bones and at the ends of bones.
  • 31. • Functions: o provides movement  of skeleton  of internal materials o maintains posture o produces heat
  • 32. • Types of muscles o Voluntary (skeletal) = controlled by conscious thinking o Involuntary (smooth & cardiac) = function without conscious thought
  • 33. • Muscle terms o atrophy = wasting away due to a lack of use  muscular dystrophy – a disorder that causes irreversible atrophy o hypertrophy = muscle growth due to excessive use
  • 34. o muscle ache = feeling of tiredness or pain resulting from working muscles o muscle cramp = sudden muscle contraction causing severe pain o muscle spasm = repeated involuntary contraction of a muscle
  • 35. o muscle tone = how in/out of shape a muscle is o reflex = an involuntary response to a stimulus  sneeze, pupil size, blink
  • 36. • Muscle groups o Facial  masseter = used for chewing  frontalis = moves eyebrows o Torso  pectorals = chest  abdominals = 4 sets, protect internal organs, “core”
  • 37. o Neck & back  sternocleidomastoid = front of neck, turns head  trapezius = back of neck  latissimus dorsi = large, lower back muscle
  • 38. o Arms  deltoid = “caps” arm at shoulder  biceps brachii = front of upper arm  triceps brachii = back of upper arm
  • 39. o Legs  quadriceps = four muscles of upper thigh (front)  hamstrings = three muscles of upper thigh (back)  gastronemius = calf muscle  gluteus maximus = large muscle in rear, for walking
  • 40. • Includes the skin, hair, nails, and glands. • Functions: o protection – against invaders, UV radiation, and drying out o temperature regulation o sensory reception o vitamin D production
  • 41. o Epidermis = outer layer  composed mainly of older/dead skin cells o Dermis = lower layer  contains glands, blood vessels, and nerves o Subcutaneous layer  not part of skin, mostly fat
  • 42. o Sweat glands – cool the body by excreting sweat through pores o Oil glands – keep hair and skin protected o Hair – protects skin  shaft = part that is seen  root = part not seen
  • 43. • Also called the circulatory system • Functions: o transport to cells  oxygen, nutrients, chemicals o transport from cells  waste, chemicals o defense against disease
  • 44. • Structures: o heart  just larger than fist-sized  slightly to left of center, between lungs  double pump  both left and right sides pump blood
  • 45. • right side pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs • left side pumps oxygenated blood to cells throughout body
  • 46.
  • 47.  top chambers, called atria, receive blood  bottom chambers, called ventricles, pump  valves keep blood from flowing backwards  between chambers  entrance to great vessels
  • 48. o vessels  arteries carry blood away from heart  aorta = largest artery  veins carry blood to heart  pulmonary veins carry blood from lungs
  • 49.  capillaries connect arterioles (small arteries) and venules (small veins) at cells • Pulse = number of heartbeats per minute o feel recoil of arteries at “pulse points”  radial, carotid, temporal
  • 50.
  • 51. • Functions: o controls all the functions of the body o relays messages back and forth to different parts of the body o sensory input
  • 52. • Main organs: o brain  biggest part = cerebrum  85% of the brain's weight  the thinking, reasoning, remem bering part of the brain  controls voluntary muscles
  • 53. two halves • right = abstract things like music, colors, and shapes • left = analytical, helping you with math, logic, and speech
  • 54.  right half of the cerebrum controls the left side of your body, and the left half controls the right side  cerebellum  at the back of the brain, below the cerebrum
  • 55.  controls balance, movement, and coordination  brain stem  sits beneath the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum
  • 56.  connects the rest of the brain to the spinal cord  in charge of all the functions your body needs to stay alive • control your involuntary muscles: pumping blood, breathing air, digesting food, etc.
  • 57. o spinal cord  long bundle of nerves within the vertebral column  carries messages between brain and spinal nerves o nerves  pathway of neurons
  • 58. transmits messages by electrochemical impulses  sensory nerves carry impulses to brain  motor nerves carry impulses to muscles
  • 59. • Functions: o allows oxygen in the air to be taken into the body o enables the body to get rid of carbon dioxide from the body o filters, warms, and humidifies inhaled air
  • 60. • Path of inhaled air: o The two openings of the airway (the nasal cavity and the mouth) meet at the pharynx, or throat. o The epiglottis, a small flap of tissue, covers the air-only passage when we swallow, keeping food and liquid from going into our lungs.
  • 61. o The larynx , or voice box, is the uppermost part of the air-only passage.  contains a pair of vocal cords, which vibrate to make sounds o The trachea, or windpipe, extends downward from the base of the larynx.
  • 62. o The trachea divides into left and right air tubes called bronchi, which connect to the lungs. o Within the lungs, the bronchi branch into smaller bronchi and even smaller tubes called bronchioles.
  • 63. o Bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli .  where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place • The lungs also contain elastic tissues that allow them to inflate and deflate without losing shape and are encased by a thin lining called the pleura.
  • 64. • Functions: o Brings in food (ingestion) o Breaks food down to usable form (digestion) o Gets food to circulatory system for transport to cells (absorption) o Gets rid of waste (egestion)
  • 65. • Pathway of food o Mouth  begins process of digestion  Teeth = make food pieces smaller  incisors cut, canines tear, premolars & molars grind
  • 66.  Salivary glands = secrete saliva  3 pairs  moisten food  start digestion of starches  Tongue = prepare food for swallowing  makes a bolus (ball of food)
  • 67. o Pharynx o Esophagus  lies behind trachea  peristalsis = involuntary muscular movements move food to stomach o Stomach  breaks down food into chyme (semi-liquid)
  • 68. Accessory organs = produce substances that are added to the digestive process  Liver – secretes bile • helps breakdown fats  Gallbladder – stores bile  Pancreas – secretes digestive juices
  • 69. o Small intestine  most digestion occurs here  nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream here  lined with villi & microvilli  increases surface area
  • 70. o Large Intestine  larger in circumference, shorter in length than small intestine  removes excess water from undigested food o Rectum  stores waste until exit through anus
  • 71. • Functions o Removes waste from blood o Excretes waste from body  through sweating  through expiration  through elimination
  • 72. • Organs o Kidneys  remove waste products from the blood o Ureters  drain waste from kidneys o Urinary bladder
  • 73.  collects and holds urine until it is removed from the body  can stretch to hold about 1 qt. of fluid o Urethra  tube from bladder that carries urine to outside
  • 74. Other organs  lungs = remove CO2 & H2 O  skin = through perspiration gives off water & metabolic wastes  liver = cleans waste particles from the blood
  • 75. • Functions o controls functions within body o communicates changes within body o maintains stability within body • Facts o functions through chemical messengers = hormones
  • 76. o endocrine glands are ductless  no tubes  secrete directly into bloodstream  sweat glands have tubes, for example and are considered EXOcrine glands
  • 77. • Organs o Pituitary gland  the “master” gland  helps regulate activity of other glands  found within brain  produces growth hormone
  • 78. o Thyroid gland  located in front of the trachea and below the larynx  “bow tie”  secretes hormones that regulate growth and energy usage
  • 79. o Pancreas  left side of center, near stomach  secretes insulin, made by the Islets of Langerhans  regulates the amount of sugar in the blood
  • 80. o Adrenal glands  located on top of each kidney  produce adrenaline (epinephrine)  heart rate and force are increased, blood pressure rises, and blood flow to the skeletal and cardiac muscles is increased
  • 81. o Reproductive glands  Ovaries in females  produce estrogen  Testes in males  produce testosterone