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Review Article

Recent advances in extracorporeal therapies

Shamik H. Shah*
ISN Fellow, Department of Nephrology, Apollo Hospitals, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382428, India

article info                                abstract

Article history:                            Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) started as continuous arterio-venous he-
Received 31 December 2012                   modialysis (CAVH)2 in the 1970s. Since then, the last 4 decades have seen numerous im-
Accepted 3 January 2013                     provements in extracorporeal therapies. Some of the notable improvements have been the
Available online 22 January 2013            development of veno-venous therapies, the development of special low resistance filters
                                            with special geometry and fibers and improved machine safety with the use of micro-
Keywords:                                   processors and sensors.
Hemoperfusion                                  Classic extracorporeal therapies have focused on the removal of small solutes for effi-
Polymyxin B                                 cacy. However, it is well known that the characteristics of some solutes make their removal
High cut off (HCO) membranes                difficult. Also, limitations in efficiency of dialysis membranes, advances in hemadsorption
Cytokine binding therapies                  and the development of newer filters have led to the application of extracorporeal ther-
                                            apies in the management of patients with multi-organ failure and sepsis, refractory con-
                                            gestive heart failure, acute neurologic injury, liver failure and patients with various other
                                                            Copyright ª 2013, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.

1.        Introduction                                                     advances in hemadsorption and the development of newer
                                                                           filters have led to the application of extracorporeal therapies in
Dr. Willem Kolff is considered to be the father of extrac-                 the management of patients with multi-organ failure and
orporeal therapies. This young Dutch physician constructed                 sepsis, refractory congestive heart failure, acute neurologic
the first dialyzer in 1943.1                                                injury, liver failure and patients with various other ailments.
   Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) started as                   In this article, we will look at some of the recent advances
continuous arterio-venous hemodialysis (CAVH)2 in the 1970s.               in extracorporeal therapies in the management of such
Since then, the last 4 decades have seen numerous improve-                 patients.
ments in extracorporeal therapies. Some of the notable im-
provements have been the development of veno-venous
therapies, the development of special low resistance filters                2.          Sepsis
with special geometry and fibers and improved machine
safety with the use of microprocessors and sensors.                        Sepsis is responsible for more than 20% of ICU admissions.
   Classic extracorporeal therapies have focused on the                    Despite recent advances in therapy, the mortality remains
removal of small solutes for efficacy. However, it is well known            disappointingly high.3
that the characteristics of some solutes make their removal                   At present, it is believed that the sepsis syndrome reflects
difficult. Also, limitations in efficiency of dialysis membranes,            an imbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators,

 * Tel.: þ91 9924449956.
   E-mail address:
0976-0016/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2013, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
a p o l l o m e d i c i n e 1 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 e6                                         3

resulting in immunodysregulation. Either group of mediators                 have published their experience in myoglobinuric acute kid-
can be present in excess, in different compartments, and at                 ney injury.12 In patients with myoglobinuric acute kidney
different times.4 The abnormal “peak concentrations” of me-                 injury, HCO membranes have been found to reduce serum
diators is believed to be pathogenic. It is this state of systemic          myoglobin levels up to 50%.13
“hyperinflammation” that is injurious to many different or-
gans, including the kidneys. This excessive response by the
                                                                            2.3.        Cytokine binding therapies
body is associated with the production of inflammatory mol-
ecules (“mediators”), which circulate in the blood and cause
                                                                            This therapy is based on biocompatible, highly porous poly-
tissue and organ damage. These molecules are much larger in
                                                                            mer beads that can actively capture and absorb cytokines in
molecular weight (approximately 5e50 kDa) than conven-
                                                                            the À10 to 50 kDa range by pore capture and adsorption. The
tional uremic molecules (e.g., urea, creatinine) and are poorly
                                                                            therapy is flexible as it is compatible with standard hemodi-
removed by standard high-flux membranes.
                                                                            alysis machines. It also aims to reduce cytokines and mitigate
                                                                            cytokine storm that is associated with multiple organ failure
2.1.    Hemoperfusion with polymyxin B
                                                                            and death in critical care illness.
                                                                                These columns, such as CytoSorb, CYT-860-DHP, Lixelle,
Hemoperfusion is a process to remove a toxic substance from
                                                                            CTR-001 and MPCF-X, have excellent adsorption rates for in-
a patient’s blood by pumping the blood over an absorbent
                                                                            flammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6 and
surface. The inside of a column is packed with polystyrene
fibers coated with the antibiotic polymyxin B. This material
                                                                                Various animal models have demonstrated a beneficial
has a high affinity for endotoxin and as blood passes through
                                                                            effect on inflammatory response and survival.15,16
the column, endotoxin is tightly adsorbed onto the polymyxin
                                                                                In addition to sepsis, these columns have been successfully
B coated fibers. This process is known as direct hemoperfu-
                                                                            utilized in treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur-
sion with polymyxin (DHP-PMX) and has been certified for use
                                                                            pura17 and digoxin intoxication18 and dialysis related
in Europe since 1998 and in Japan since 2004.
    Several prospective randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
have been conducted in European countries. The first RCT,
performed in six European academic medical centers in 2005,5                2.4.        Coupled plasma filtration and adsorption (CPFA)
concluded that PMX-DHP is associated with improved hemo-
dynamic status and cardiac function.                                        Coupled plasma filtrationeadsorption (CPFA) is an extrac-
    Subsequently, a meta-analysis of PMX-DHP was presented                  orporeal therapy that uses plasma filtration associated with
in Italy in 2007.6 This systematic review found positive effects            an adsorbent cartridge and hemofiltration in post dilution to
of PMX-DHP on mean arterial pressure and dopamine/dobut-                    remove cytokines and inflammatory mediators associated
amine use, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, endotoxin removal, and mortality.               with septic shock and severe sepsis.
However, like most trials on extracorporeal therapies, none of                 In in-vitro studies conducted by Livigni et al, the resin used
the studies was double-blinded. The EUPHAS study,7 a multi-                 in the CPFA adsorptive cartridge showed higher than 80%
center randomized controlled trial (RCT) performed in ten                   adsorption under both static and dynamic conditions for: IL-
Italian intensive care units in 2009, found that PMX-DHP                    1a, IL-6, IL-8, MIP-1a and MIP-1b, TNFa, MCP, myoglobin.20
improved 28-day survival, blood pressure, vasopressor                          A small randomized trial by Hu et al21 in 14 patients
requirement, and degree of organ failure.                                   showed that CPFA could be superior to high volume hemofil-
    Two more RCTs, the ABDO-MIX and EUPHRATES studies,                      tration (HVHF) in improving the clinical manifestations and
the primary end points of which are 28-day mortality, were                  eliminating inflammatory mediators.
started in Europe and the United States at the end of 2010 and                 In patients with severe acute pancreatitis, 1 group of pa-
will hopefully provide more answers.                                        tients was treated with continuous veno-venous hemofiltra-
                                                                            tion (CVVH). The other group received CPFA with CVVH and
2.2.    High cut off (HCO) membranes                                        was found to be superior in terms of oxygenation index (PaO2/
                                                                            FiO2), mean arterial pressure, serum amylase, blood urea ni-
A new generation of hemodialysis membranes with molecular                   trogen and 28-day mortality.22
weight cut-offs closer to that of the native kidney (65 kDa) has               Fifty-five septic patients were enrolled in an Italian
led to work assessing their potential utility across several                multi-centric study.23 Every patient had four CPFA treat-
different clinical scenarios.                                               ments. The investigators evaluated hemodynamic parame-
    HCO membranes effectively remove cytokines from blood.                  ters, norepinephrine dosage, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, plasma IL-6,
Treatment using HCO membranes has beneficial effects on                      and procalcitonin (PCT). They concluded that CPFA may
immune cell function and increases survival in animal models                improve hemodynamic status and respiratory function by
of sepsis. In-vitro studies have shown that high cut-off hae-               plasma filtration and adsorption of proinflammatory
mofilters achieve high clearances for inflammatory mediators                  mediators.
like IL-6 and TNF-a.8,9 Preliminary clinical studies show that                 Turani et al enrolled 77 patients in a study comparing CPFA
HCO membranes decrease plasma cytokine levels and the                       with continuous veno-venous hemodialysis (CVVHDF). The
need for vasopressor therapy.10                                             authors found that CPFA was more efficient than CVVHDF in
    Clinicians are now using these membranes for the treat-                 removing IL-6 and procalcitonin (PCT) and in improving he-
ment of myeloma kidney11 and rhabdomyolysis. Premru et al                   modynamic status.24
4                                                  a p o l l o m e d i c i n e 1 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 e6

                                                                             treated with ultrafiltration had a more pronounced reduction
3.    Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal                                  in signs and symptoms of HF and a significant decrease in
(ECCO2R)                                                                     plasma aldosterone and NT-proBNP levels than the diuretic
                                                                             group. The ultrafiltration group also showed a significant
Extracorporeal membrane carbon dioxide removal is used to                    improvement in stroke volume index, cardiac index, cardiac
treat respiratory failure in critically ill patients. The aim is to          power output and various other criteria.
remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood. The patient will
still need to receive oxygen by mechanical ventilation. Blood is
drawn from the circulation and passed through a synthetic                    6.          CRRT in acute neurologic injury
membrane, where carbon dioxide is removed, before it is
returned to the circulation.                                                 Little is known about the effects of hemodialysis on the
    Kolobow et al25 first described the use of veno-venous                    injured brain, however; concern exists over the use of inter-
carbon dioxide removal (VVCO2R) in an experimental sheep                     mittent hemodialysis in patients with acute brain injury (ABI)
model. Since then, a number of studies have shown that                       due to its hemodynamic effects and increased intracranial
ECCO2R effectively allows the decoupling of oxygenation from                 pressure (ICP) associated with therapy. Continuous renal
CO2 removal.                                                                 replacement therapy (CRRT) has become the preferred
    In a study by Terragni et al,26 VV-ECCO2R successfully                   method of renal support in these patients.
treated hypercapnic acidosis in all patients and allowed the                     CRRT is an option for the treatment of hypervolemia and in
protective ventilation strategy to continue. The study also                  theory may improve intracranial compliance.
demonstrated a reduction in bronchoalveolar inflammatory                          Fletcher et al35 report a case of traumatic brain injury with
cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1b, IL-Ra) after 72 h of ventilation. In           refractory intracranial hypertension in which continuous
another study,27 the authors reported a reduction in mortality               hemofiltration was found useful because of gentle removal of
in relation to a retrospective comparator group.                             fluid, solutes, and inflammatory cytokines.
    There have been short case series and anecdotal reports of                   Another small case series36 also reports the beneficial ef-
use in diverse clinical scenarios like near-fatal asthma, com-               fects of CRRT in patients with refractory intracranial
bined head and chest injury, as a bridge to transplant and in                hypertension.
facilitating weaning and transfer of patients.

                                                                             7.          Liver failure
4.      Cell binding therapies
                                                                             An accumulation of both water-soluble and water-insoluble,
Researchers have hypothesized that exposing circulating                      protein-bound, metabolic waste products occurs in patients
blood to cells outside the body would add antimicrobial or                   with acute or acute on chronic liver failure. Conventional
inflammation modulating properties. Such bioartificial de-                     extracorporeal blood purification techniques based on dif-
vices may help in critical differentiated transport and improve              fusion and/or convection may only eliminate small molecular
endocrine and metabolic functions of the kidney.28                           weight, water-soluble compounds. In recent years, fractio-
   Altrichter et al have published their experience of a pilot               nated plasma separation and adsorption (FPSA) has been
study of 10 patients with septic shock in which they demon-                  introduced for extracorporeal liver support therapy.
strated reduced need for pressor support and improvements                       Oppert et al37 have published data about 23 patients trea-
in biomarkers of sepsis.29                                                   ted with FPSA with the Prometheus system. In 40 sessions,
                                                                             this therapy significantly reduced bilirubin levels and accor-
                                                                             ded a survival rate of 26%. However, in another randomized
5.      Hemofiltration in congestive heart failure                            study,38 the results were not that encouraging.
                                                                                Huang et al39 conducted a prospective, randomized con-
Extracorporeal ultrafiltration (UF) is found to be useful in pa-              trolled study to evaluate the effects of plasma exchange (PE)
tients with refractory congestive heart failure (rCHF). It has               with molecular adsorbent re-circulating system (MARS) on
been seen that after UF, right atrial pressure and pulmonary                 patients with acute on chronic liver failure and hepatic en-
wedge pressure decrease, pulmonary and peripheral edema                      cephalopathy. They found that PE þ MARS therapy effectively
reduce, mechanical lung function improves and diuretic effi-                  reduces serum bilirubin levels and is more cost effective.
cacy is restored.30e32
   In the UNLOAD33 trial, UF produced greater fluid reduction
and fewer heart failure (HF) rehospitalizations than IV di-                  8.          Conclusion
uretics in 200 hospitalized patients. The authors observed that
despite similar fluid loss with UF and continuous diuretic                    There have been tremendous innovations and developments
infusion, fewer HF rehospitalizations equivalents occurred                   in extracorporeal therapies over the past few decades. Rapid
only with UF. Removal of isotonic fluid by UF compared with                   strides are being made in diverse therapeutic areas. Newer
hypotonic urine by diuretics more effectively reduced total                  developments have made the possibility of multi-organ sup-
body sodium in congested HF patients.                                        port therapy a reality.
   In another trial,34 thirty patients with decompensated HF                     All of these approaches are yet to be proven in a convincing
were randomly assigned to diuretics or ultrafiltration. Patients              manner. To that end, many large trials are under way. In this
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Recent advances in extracorporeal therapies

  • 1. R cn a vne iet croel ea i ee td a csn x aop rat rpe r h s
  • 2. a p o l l o m e d i c i n e 1 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 e6 Available online at journal homepage: Review Article Recent advances in extracorporeal therapies Shamik H. Shah* ISN Fellow, Department of Nephrology, Apollo Hospitals, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382428, India article info abstract Article history: Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) started as continuous arterio-venous he- Received 31 December 2012 modialysis (CAVH)2 in the 1970s. Since then, the last 4 decades have seen numerous im- Accepted 3 January 2013 provements in extracorporeal therapies. Some of the notable improvements have been the Available online 22 January 2013 development of veno-venous therapies, the development of special low resistance filters with special geometry and fibers and improved machine safety with the use of micro- Keywords: processors and sensors. Hemoperfusion Classic extracorporeal therapies have focused on the removal of small solutes for effi- Polymyxin B cacy. However, it is well known that the characteristics of some solutes make their removal High cut off (HCO) membranes difficult. Also, limitations in efficiency of dialysis membranes, advances in hemadsorption Cytokine binding therapies and the development of newer filters have led to the application of extracorporeal ther- apies in the management of patients with multi-organ failure and sepsis, refractory con- gestive heart failure, acute neurologic injury, liver failure and patients with various other ailments. Copyright ª 2013, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction advances in hemadsorption and the development of newer filters have led to the application of extracorporeal therapies in Dr. Willem Kolff is considered to be the father of extrac- the management of patients with multi-organ failure and orporeal therapies. This young Dutch physician constructed sepsis, refractory congestive heart failure, acute neurologic the first dialyzer in 1943.1 injury, liver failure and patients with various other ailments. Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) started as In this article, we will look at some of the recent advances continuous arterio-venous hemodialysis (CAVH)2 in the 1970s. in extracorporeal therapies in the management of such Since then, the last 4 decades have seen numerous improve- patients. ments in extracorporeal therapies. Some of the notable im- provements have been the development of veno-venous therapies, the development of special low resistance filters 2. Sepsis with special geometry and fibers and improved machine safety with the use of microprocessors and sensors. Sepsis is responsible for more than 20% of ICU admissions. Classic extracorporeal therapies have focused on the Despite recent advances in therapy, the mortality remains removal of small solutes for efficacy. However, it is well known disappointingly high.3 that the characteristics of some solutes make their removal At present, it is believed that the sepsis syndrome reflects difficult. Also, limitations in efficiency of dialysis membranes, an imbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators, * Tel.: þ91 9924449956. E-mail address: 0976-0016/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2013, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 3. a p o l l o m e d i c i n e 1 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 e6 3 resulting in immunodysregulation. Either group of mediators have published their experience in myoglobinuric acute kid- can be present in excess, in different compartments, and at ney injury.12 In patients with myoglobinuric acute kidney different times.4 The abnormal “peak concentrations” of me- injury, HCO membranes have been found to reduce serum diators is believed to be pathogenic. It is this state of systemic myoglobin levels up to 50%.13 “hyperinflammation” that is injurious to many different or- gans, including the kidneys. This excessive response by the 2.3. Cytokine binding therapies body is associated with the production of inflammatory mol- ecules (“mediators”), which circulate in the blood and cause This therapy is based on biocompatible, highly porous poly- tissue and organ damage. These molecules are much larger in mer beads that can actively capture and absorb cytokines in molecular weight (approximately 5e50 kDa) than conven- the À10 to 50 kDa range by pore capture and adsorption. The tional uremic molecules (e.g., urea, creatinine) and are poorly therapy is flexible as it is compatible with standard hemodi- removed by standard high-flux membranes. alysis machines. It also aims to reduce cytokines and mitigate cytokine storm that is associated with multiple organ failure 2.1. Hemoperfusion with polymyxin B and death in critical care illness. These columns, such as CytoSorb, CYT-860-DHP, Lixelle, Hemoperfusion is a process to remove a toxic substance from CTR-001 and MPCF-X, have excellent adsorption rates for in- a patient’s blood by pumping the blood over an absorbent flammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6 and surface. The inside of a column is packed with polystyrene IL-8.14 fibers coated with the antibiotic polymyxin B. This material Various animal models have demonstrated a beneficial has a high affinity for endotoxin and as blood passes through effect on inflammatory response and survival.15,16 the column, endotoxin is tightly adsorbed onto the polymyxin In addition to sepsis, these columns have been successfully B coated fibers. This process is known as direct hemoperfu- utilized in treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur- sion with polymyxin (DHP-PMX) and has been certified for use pura17 and digoxin intoxication18 and dialysis related in Europe since 1998 and in Japan since 2004. amyloidosis.19 Several prospective randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been conducted in European countries. The first RCT, performed in six European academic medical centers in 2005,5 2.4. Coupled plasma filtration and adsorption (CPFA) concluded that PMX-DHP is associated with improved hemo- dynamic status and cardiac function. Coupled plasma filtrationeadsorption (CPFA) is an extrac- Subsequently, a meta-analysis of PMX-DHP was presented orporeal therapy that uses plasma filtration associated with in Italy in 2007.6 This systematic review found positive effects an adsorbent cartridge and hemofiltration in post dilution to of PMX-DHP on mean arterial pressure and dopamine/dobut- remove cytokines and inflammatory mediators associated amine use, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, endotoxin removal, and mortality. with septic shock and severe sepsis. However, like most trials on extracorporeal therapies, none of In in-vitro studies conducted by Livigni et al, the resin used the studies was double-blinded. The EUPHAS study,7 a multi- in the CPFA adsorptive cartridge showed higher than 80% center randomized controlled trial (RCT) performed in ten adsorption under both static and dynamic conditions for: IL- Italian intensive care units in 2009, found that PMX-DHP 1a, IL-6, IL-8, MIP-1a and MIP-1b, TNFa, MCP, myoglobin.20 improved 28-day survival, blood pressure, vasopressor A small randomized trial by Hu et al21 in 14 patients requirement, and degree of organ failure. showed that CPFA could be superior to high volume hemofil- Two more RCTs, the ABDO-MIX and EUPHRATES studies, tration (HVHF) in improving the clinical manifestations and the primary end points of which are 28-day mortality, were eliminating inflammatory mediators. started in Europe and the United States at the end of 2010 and In patients with severe acute pancreatitis, 1 group of pa- will hopefully provide more answers. tients was treated with continuous veno-venous hemofiltra- tion (CVVH). The other group received CPFA with CVVH and 2.2. High cut off (HCO) membranes was found to be superior in terms of oxygenation index (PaO2/ FiO2), mean arterial pressure, serum amylase, blood urea ni- A new generation of hemodialysis membranes with molecular trogen and 28-day mortality.22 weight cut-offs closer to that of the native kidney (65 kDa) has Fifty-five septic patients were enrolled in an Italian led to work assessing their potential utility across several multi-centric study.23 Every patient had four CPFA treat- different clinical scenarios. ments. The investigators evaluated hemodynamic parame- HCO membranes effectively remove cytokines from blood. ters, norepinephrine dosage, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, plasma IL-6, Treatment using HCO membranes has beneficial effects on and procalcitonin (PCT). They concluded that CPFA may immune cell function and increases survival in animal models improve hemodynamic status and respiratory function by of sepsis. In-vitro studies have shown that high cut-off hae- plasma filtration and adsorption of proinflammatory mofilters achieve high clearances for inflammatory mediators mediators. like IL-6 and TNF-a.8,9 Preliminary clinical studies show that Turani et al enrolled 77 patients in a study comparing CPFA HCO membranes decrease plasma cytokine levels and the with continuous veno-venous hemodialysis (CVVHDF). The need for vasopressor therapy.10 authors found that CPFA was more efficient than CVVHDF in Clinicians are now using these membranes for the treat- removing IL-6 and procalcitonin (PCT) and in improving he- ment of myeloma kidney11 and rhabdomyolysis. Premru et al modynamic status.24
  • 4. 4 a p o l l o m e d i c i n e 1 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 2 e6 treated with ultrafiltration had a more pronounced reduction 3. Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal in signs and symptoms of HF and a significant decrease in (ECCO2R) plasma aldosterone and NT-proBNP levels than the diuretic group. The ultrafiltration group also showed a significant Extracorporeal membrane carbon dioxide removal is used to improvement in stroke volume index, cardiac index, cardiac treat respiratory failure in critically ill patients. The aim is to power output and various other criteria. remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood. The patient will still need to receive oxygen by mechanical ventilation. Blood is drawn from the circulation and passed through a synthetic 6. CRRT in acute neurologic injury membrane, where carbon dioxide is removed, before it is returned to the circulation. Little is known about the effects of hemodialysis on the Kolobow et al25 first described the use of veno-venous injured brain, however; concern exists over the use of inter- carbon dioxide removal (VVCO2R) in an experimental sheep mittent hemodialysis in patients with acute brain injury (ABI) model. Since then, a number of studies have shown that due to its hemodynamic effects and increased intracranial ECCO2R effectively allows the decoupling of oxygenation from pressure (ICP) associated with therapy. Continuous renal CO2 removal. replacement therapy (CRRT) has become the preferred In a study by Terragni et al,26 VV-ECCO2R successfully method of renal support in these patients. treated hypercapnic acidosis in all patients and allowed the CRRT is an option for the treatment of hypervolemia and in protective ventilation strategy to continue. The study also theory may improve intracranial compliance. demonstrated a reduction in bronchoalveolar inflammatory Fletcher et al35 report a case of traumatic brain injury with cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1b, IL-Ra) after 72 h of ventilation. In refractory intracranial hypertension in which continuous another study,27 the authors reported a reduction in mortality hemofiltration was found useful because of gentle removal of in relation to a retrospective comparator group. fluid, solutes, and inflammatory cytokines. There have been short case series and anecdotal reports of Another small case series36 also reports the beneficial ef- use in diverse clinical scenarios like near-fatal asthma, com- fects of CRRT in patients with refractory intracranial bined head and chest injury, as a bridge to transplant and in hypertension. facilitating weaning and transfer of patients. 7. Liver failure 4. Cell binding therapies An accumulation of both water-soluble and water-insoluble, Researchers have hypothesized that exposing circulating protein-bound, metabolic waste products occurs in patients blood to cells outside the body would add antimicrobial or with acute or acute on chronic liver failure. Conventional inflammation modulating properties. Such bioartificial de- extracorporeal blood purification techniques based on dif- vices may help in critical differentiated transport and improve fusion and/or convection may only eliminate small molecular endocrine and metabolic functions of the kidney.28 weight, water-soluble compounds. In recent years, fractio- Altrichter et al have published their experience of a pilot nated plasma separation and adsorption (FPSA) has been study of 10 patients with septic shock in which they demon- introduced for extracorporeal liver support therapy. strated reduced need for pressor support and improvements Oppert et al37 have published data about 23 patients trea- in biomarkers of sepsis.29 ted with FPSA with the Prometheus system. In 40 sessions, this therapy significantly reduced bilirubin levels and accor- ded a survival rate of 26%. However, in another randomized 5. Hemofiltration in congestive heart failure study,38 the results were not that encouraging. Huang et al39 conducted a prospective, randomized con- Extracorporeal ultrafiltration (UF) is found to be useful in pa- trolled study to evaluate the effects of plasma exchange (PE) tients with refractory congestive heart failure (rCHF). It has with molecular adsorbent re-circulating system (MARS) on been seen that after UF, right atrial pressure and pulmonary patients with acute on chronic liver failure and hepatic en- wedge pressure decrease, pulmonary and peripheral edema cephalopathy. They found that PE þ MARS therapy effectively reduce, mechanical lung function improves and diuretic effi- reduces serum bilirubin levels and is more cost effective. cacy is restored.30e32 In the UNLOAD33 trial, UF produced greater fluid reduction and fewer heart failure (HF) rehospitalizations than IV di- 8. Conclusion uretics in 200 hospitalized patients. The authors observed that despite similar fluid loss with UF and continuous diuretic There have been tremendous innovations and developments infusion, fewer HF rehospitalizations equivalents occurred in extracorporeal therapies over the past few decades. Rapid only with UF. Removal of isotonic fluid by UF compared with strides are being made in diverse therapeutic areas. Newer hypotonic urine by diuretics more effectively reduced total developments have made the possibility of multi-organ sup- body sodium in congested HF patients. port therapy a reality. In another trial,34 thirty patients with decompensated HF All of these approaches are yet to be proven in a convincing were randomly assigned to diuretics or ultrafiltration. Patients manner. To that end, many large trials are under way. In this
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  • 7. A oo op a ht:w wa oo op a . m/ p l h si l t / w . lh si lc l t: p / pl t so T ie:t s/ iecm/op a A oo wt r t :t t ro H si l p l t h p /w t . ts l Yuu eht:w wyuu e o a oo op a i i o tb :t / w . tb . m/p lh si ln a p/ o c l ts d Fcb o :t :w wf e o k o T e p lH si l ae o kht / w .cb o . m/h A oo op a p/ a c l ts Sd sa :t :w wsd sa . t p l_ op a l eh r ht / w .i h rn / oo H si l i e p/ le e e A l ts L kd :t :w wlkd . m/ mp n/p l -op a i e i ht / w . e ic c n n p/ in n o o ay ooh si l a l ts B ght:w wl s l el ./ l :t / w .t a h a hn o p/ e tk t i