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William Glasser
                                                • “. . . it is what you choose to do in a
              Reality Therapy                     relationship, not what others choose
                                                  to do, that is the heart of reality
                          Chapter 11              therapy.”
            Dr. Sheila K. Grant

           Biography of                                    Biography of
          William Glasser                                 William Glasser
• Born 1925 & educated at Case Western        • Glasser's path a continuing progression from
  Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio).         private practice to lecturing & writing,
                                                ultimately culminating in publication of 20+
• Initial training in chemical engineering,     books
  then master’s in clinical psychology
                                              • After writing counseling book, Reality Therapy
• Attended UCLA medical school &                (1965), published his first book on education,
  became a board certified psychiatrist in      Schools without Failure (1969), greatly
  1961                                          expanded understanding of motivation &
                                                behavior with Choice Theory (1998), & finally
                                                added, Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous
                                                to Your Mental Health (2003), to help people
                                                improve their mental health and happiness

             Philosophy of                                   Philosophy of
            William Glasser                                 William Glasser
• People should not be labeled with mental      • People choose to be depressing, anxious,
  illness unless they have a true brain           panicky, angering, behaving in a way
  disorder such as Alzheimer’s disease,           that others say they have a psychosis,
  epilepsy, head trauma & brain infections        etc. in order to avoid other more painful
  (they should all be treated by                  experiences or to reach out for help
  neurologists)                                 • They are coping in best way they know
• Otherwise, categories of DSM-IV-TR are          how for given situation, which is usually
  not mental disorders or illness                 caused either by relationship problem or
• Psychologists & psychiatrists should only       a lack of a relationship at all
  use DSM categories to satisfy
  requirements of insurance companies to
  receive payments

Philosophy of                                                   Choice Theory:
                   William Glasser                                             Need for a new Psychology
• The brain reacts to actions & thinking processes                     • Past 100 years, technology has progressed
  of individual, rather than individual reacting as                      drastically, but human progress has been at a
  result of an “imbalance in brain chemistry” as is                      standstill
  popularly thought                                                       – Still wars, divorces, suicides, murder, poor productivity in
                                                                            schools & workplace & unhappy people
• As a result, people do not need psychotropic or
  “brain” drugs such as Prozac                                         • Two groups of people of unhappy people:
                                                                          – Those who try to find their way back to pleasurable
• Rather, they need psychotherapy to help them                              relationships w/happy people
  with their relationships
                                                                          – Those who have given up on relationships & try to feel
• Society should be in a more preventive mode                               good by other means (drugs, alcohol, violence, sex, abusing
  rather than a reactive mode for psychological                               food, etc.)
  behaviors, just as communities are for medical                                • Once this group can find meaningful relationships through AA
                                                                                  or other professional or nonprofessional counselors & teachers,
  illness                                                                         they too can find happiness again

        Choice Theory:                                                             Choice Theory:
   Need for a new Psychology                                                  Need for a new Psychology
• Glasser believes problem is external                                 • Need to change our “7 Deadly Habits of External Control”
  mindset of our society                                                  –   Criticizing
                                                                          –   Blaming
   – “You must do what I want or be the way I                             –   Complaining Nagging
     want you to be!”                                                     –   Threatening
                                                                          –   Punishing
• Rather than letting us both decide what is                              –   Bribing or rewarding to control
  best for us in our relationship & then work                          • To the “7 Caring Habits of Choice Theory)”
  together to make it happen                                              –   Respecting
• Glasser feels that society should move                                  –   Supporting
                                                                          –   Encouraging Listening
  more towards internal locus of control
                                                                          –   Accepting
                                                                          –   Trusting
                                                                          –   Negotiating differences to a Win/Win situation

        Choice Theory:                                                               Choice Theory:
   Need for a new Psychology                                                    Basic Needs and Feelings
                                                                        • Similar idea as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
• Difficult to retrain our thinking & communication                       (Survival,Love/Belonging, Power, Freedom, & Fun)
  because we are so engrained in the external control                         – Different in that only Survival & Love/Belonging are in
  system                                                                        both sets
• Three Beliefs of External Control Psychology:                               – Choice Theory needs are NOT in a hierarchy
   – 1) My behavior is caused by something that occurs outside
     of myself (e.g., “I answer the phone because it rings”)            • Rather they are analogous to the legs of a chair --
   – 2) I can make you do what I want you to do or we can                 if all legs are balanced, the chair functions better
     control each other by what we say or do                            • Glasser believes that we are genetically
   – 3) I know what’s right for you & if you don’t do it, I should &      programmed to satisfy all five basic needs
     must control you because it is the right thing to do
   – Strongly Agree, Agree, Unsure, Disagree, Strongly Disagree         • Negotiation is necessary to balance the needs of
     Where are you on this continuum of beliefs                           both parties of a relationship
     for #1, 2, & 3                                                     • One party may need more of one need than the

Choice Theory:
         Choice Theory:
                                                                        Basic Needs and Feelings
    Basic Needs and Feelings                                        • 1) Survival - Physiological Need
• There may also be an internal conflict to                           – All living creatures struggle to survive & reproduce
                                                                        the species
  satisfy multiple needs at same time
                                                                      – Also, humans look beyond present survival needs &
  – e.g., you want to be responsible & gain                             make an effort to live in ways that lead to longevity
    respect of others but also want freedom &                           (exercise & eating healthy)
    fun                                                               – Survival comes from the “old brain” – base of the
• McNamara (1997) also added intraneed                                  brain        As humans developed, cerebral cortex
                                                                        or “new brain” allows us to have needs beyond
  conflicts (e.g.,                                                      survival
  – “the need for survival can include the                            – If survival was our only need, there would be no
    motivation to be safe & the urge toward                             anorexia or suicide
    growth”)                                                          – Also getting along better with each other would
                                                                        result in more survival & less death

         Choice Theory:
                                                                             Choice Theory:
    Basic Needs and Feelings
• 2) Love & Belonging - Psychological Need                              Basic Needs and Feelings
  – It’s a 2-way street                                             • 3) Power – Psychological Need
     • “I need to receive love, be involved & feel like I belong”     – Distinctive human need
     • “I feel better if I am able to give love & acceptance to
       others”                                                        – Includes feeling of accomplishment, success,
  – Most of psychotherapy in countries where survival needs
                                                                        recognition, respect & being heard
    are primarily met revolve around this need                        – For some, the need is insatiable
  – Either lack of love or deteriorating love are associated          – For others, they are satisfied with the amount they
    with                                                                have
     •   Suicide                                                      – For some, it comes at the expense of their
     •   Mental Illness                                                 relationships with others (greed, external control
     •   Infidelity                                                     over others)
     •   Murder
                                                                      – But for some, it may work for the common good
     •   Feelings of jealousy, abandonment, revenge & despair
                                                                        (saving lives or developing new treatments)
  – External control is used extensively here
                                                                      – We need to strive for the latter rather than the former

         Choice Theory:                                                      Choice Theory:
    Basic Needs and Feelings                                            Basic Needs and Feelings
• 4) Freedom to express ideas, choices & ability                    • 5) Fun – Psychological Need
  to be constructively creativity – Psychological
  Need                                                                – The genetic reward for learning
  – It concerns us most when we perceive that our                     – We play all our lives & as a result we learn all
    freedom is threatened                                               our lives
  – Need balance between “your need to try to force me
    to live my life the way you want & my need to be free             – “Fun is best defined by laughter”
    of that force                                                     – “People who fall in love are learning a lot
  – This balance is best expressed by the golden rule “Do               about each other, & they find themselves
    unto others as you would have others do unto you”
  – External control is the enemy of freedom
                                                                        laughing almost continually”
  – When we loose freedom, we loose a defining human                  – “Laughing & learning are the foundation of
    characteristic (creativity)                                         all successful long-term relationships”

Choice Theory                                                Choice Theory
                (Quality World)                                              (Quality World)
   • As people grow up & interact with                           • It is dynamic as our experiences
     environment, they find some parts of
     world satisfy their needs & make them
     feel good & other parts do not                              • Anytime we feel good, we are
   • They take this information & build into                       choosing to behave so that
     their memory pictures of people, things,                      something or someone in our real
     beliefs or situations which seem to be the
     best ways to satisfy one or more of the                       world comes close to matching the
     basic needs                                                   image in our quality world
   • The conglomerate of these wants is the
     world in which we would like to live & is
     called our Quality World

                Choice Theory                                                Choice Theory
                (Quality World)                                              (Quality World)
   • Everyone has their own unique quality world              • Besides being in conflict with other’s quality world
   • Total objectivity is a myth                                wants, our own quality world wants can be in
   • It could only exist if we all had exactly the same         conflict with each other and/or they can be linked
     quality worlds                                             together
   • It’s just like jury trials – everyone sees things from   • Advertises hope that consumers will put their
     a different perspective                                    product into their quality world & link them to the
   • Only things that are not important to us can be            images the consumers already have in their minds
     seen as they truly are                                     (heroes, beauty, power, wealth, etc.)
   • Luckily, there are enough of these unimportant           • Pictures or wants exist in a priority & often it is the
     things to almost all of us that we can agree that          therapist’s job to help clients to determine priorities
     what is out there is REALITY                               about what is need satisfying in the long term & not
                                                                just for the moment

                Choice Theory                                                 Choice Theory
                (Quality World)                                              (Total Behavior)
• Besides being in conflict with other’s quality world        • Behavior generated to fulfill quality world wants is
  wants, our own quality world wants can be in                  always composed of four elements: actions,
  conflict with each other and/or they can be linked            thinking, feeling, & physiology
                                                              • All behaviors have all 4 components, so it is called
• Advertises hope that consumers will put their
  product into their quality world & link them to the           Total Behavior
  images the consumers already have in their minds            • Other psychotherapy theories emphasize one or two
  (heros, beauty, power, wealth, etc.)                          of these components whereas Reality Therapy
• Pictures or wants exist in a priority & often it is the       emphasizes all four of them
  therapist’s job to help clients to determine priorities     • However, we only have direct control over two of
  about what is need satisfying in the long term & not
  just for the moment                                           them: Actions & Thinking

Reality Therapy
               Reality Therapy                                             (Characteristics)
              (Characteristics)                               • It is important to keep the therapy in the present &
                                                                not dwell on the past
 • Reality therapy focuses on what clients can
                                                              • Glasser admits that we are products of the past &
   control in a relationship, rather than finding
                                                                the therapist can listen to past experiences briefly,
   fault or talking about what they can’t                       but we are not victims of the past unless we
   control                                                      choose to be
 • It is crucial for client to understand they                • Also, it is important not to focus on the symptoms
   can only control their own actions &                         because they are just the body’s way of warning
   behavior, & they can control all of them                     client that behavior they are choosing is not
 • Reality therapists strive to be themselves in                satisfying a basic need
   order to build relationships with client &                 • Glasser believes that if client believes therapist
   teach them how to relate to others                           wants to hear symptoms or past, they will comply
 • Therefore, transference is rejected in this                  & result will be therapy that lasts longer than it
   therapy                                                      needs to

            Reality Therapy                                                  Family Therapy
         (Therapeutic Process)                                        (Application: Therapeutic
                                                                      Techniques & Procedures)
• Basic goal is to help clients learn better ways to
  fulfill all of their basic needs & connect with the        • Practice of reality therapy is conceptualized
  people that they have chosen to put into their
  quality world
                                                               as the “cycle of counseling” consisting of two
• If client has not voluntarily come to therapy, it is key     components:
  for therapist to focus on connecting with client             – 1) Creating the counseling environment
  before doing anything else                                   – 2) Implementing specific procedures that lead to
• Often these clients have not had any positive                  changes
  relationships in past with adults (teachers, parents,
  school counselors, etc.)                                   • Cycle begins by establishing a working
• Therapist’s role is not to judge or evaluate client but      relationship with client & proceeds through an
  act as an advocate to help & support, as a teacher           exploration of client wants, needs &
  or mentor to client & to encourage them that there           perceptions
  is hope

                 Family Therapy
          (Application: Therapeutic
                                                                   Reality Therapy From a
          Techniques & Procedures)                                 Multicultural Perspective
• Clients explore their total behavior & make                 • It is essential that cross-cultural therapists
  their own self-evaluations                                    respect differences between their own
                                                                quality world & that of their clients
• If they decide to try a new behavior, they
  make plans & commit themselves to plan &                    • Counselor can work with client to help
                                                                them develop relationships as they are
  there is a follow-up on how well client is doing
                                                                meaningful to them in their culture
• Reality therapy is an art form, not just                    • In some cultures, the procedures need to
  following procedures                                          be modified such as not asking direct
• Each client is different with different needs                 questions o accepting “I’ll try” when
                                                                asked to make plans with Japanese

Reality Therapy                               Reality Therapy
             (Contributions)                         (Limitations and Criticisms)
• It has a short-term focus                      • Corey believes that for some cultures,
                                                   clients may be reluctant to voice their
• Existentialism exist in the theory as            needs, & that discrimination & racism may
  well as cognitive-behaviorism                    impede clients from obtaining what they
                                                   want in life
• There is no hidden agenda by the
                                                 • The result would be that client may feel
  therapist, it is client focused                  misunderstood
• Client is encouraged to decide if              • Corey also believes that the
  what they are doing is working or                psychoanalytic aspects of counseling
                                                   (unconscious, dreams, transference &
  not                                              past childhood experiences) are not
                                                   given adequate emphasis in influencing
                                                   our behavior

         Reality Therapy                         Reality Therapy in Summary
   (Limitations and Criticisms)
                                                 • Reality therapy is best characterized as a
• Counselors need to ensure that their             form of cognitive behavioral therapy
  own values & need to give advise               • In Reality Therapy:
                                                    –   Therapy is a didactic process
  does not pervert the basic concepts               –   Clients must make commitments
  of choice theory                                  –   Punishment is eliminated
• Many people disagree with Glasser                 –   Therapists do not accept excuses or blaming

  that all psychological disorders are           • Goals:
                                                    – Clients are taught Choice Theory
  behavioral choices & there are no                 – Clients are helped to get connected or
  biochemical or genetic influences                   reconnected with people they have chosen
                                                      to put in their quality world
                                                    – Assist clients in dealing with the present

                                                 Reality Therapy in Summary
Reality Therapy in Summary
                                               • Functions of Reality Therapists:
• Emphasis is on choice & responsibility         – Setting limits in the therapeutic setting
• Therapist establishes involvement with the     – Getting clients to be specific about how they will
  client                                           make desired changes
• Focus is on client’s strengths                 – Confronting clients by not accepting their excuses
                                                 – Helping clients reformulate their plans, if necessary
• Planning & commitment are essential
• Methods of Reality Therapy:                  • Reality Therapists deal with the following:
                                                 – What client is currently doing
  –   Behavior-oriented methods
                                                 – What clients are thinking & feeling, when this relates
  –   Contract method
                                                   to what they are doing
  –   Role-playing
                                                 – A client’s relationships with significant others
  –   Confrontation of client
                                                 – Assisting clients in developing an action plan
                                                   geared for change


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Reality therapy

  • 1. William Glasser • “. . . it is what you choose to do in a Reality Therapy relationship, not what others choose to do, that is the heart of reality Chapter 11 therapy.” Dr. Sheila K. Grant Biography of Biography of William Glasser William Glasser • Born 1925 & educated at Case Western • Glasser's path a continuing progression from Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio). private practice to lecturing & writing, ultimately culminating in publication of 20+ • Initial training in chemical engineering, books then master’s in clinical psychology • After writing counseling book, Reality Therapy • Attended UCLA medical school & (1965), published his first book on education, became a board certified psychiatrist in Schools without Failure (1969), greatly 1961 expanded understanding of motivation & behavior with Choice Theory (1998), & finally added, Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health (2003), to help people improve their mental health and happiness Philosophy of Philosophy of William Glasser William Glasser • People should not be labeled with mental • People choose to be depressing, anxious, illness unless they have a true brain panicky, angering, behaving in a way disorder such as Alzheimer’s disease, that others say they have a psychosis, epilepsy, head trauma & brain infections etc. in order to avoid other more painful (they should all be treated by experiences or to reach out for help neurologists) • They are coping in best way they know • Otherwise, categories of DSM-IV-TR are how for given situation, which is usually not mental disorders or illness caused either by relationship problem or • Psychologists & psychiatrists should only a lack of a relationship at all use DSM categories to satisfy requirements of insurance companies to receive payments 1
  • 2. Philosophy of Choice Theory: William Glasser Need for a new Psychology • The brain reacts to actions & thinking processes • Past 100 years, technology has progressed of individual, rather than individual reacting as drastically, but human progress has been at a result of an “imbalance in brain chemistry” as is standstill popularly thought – Still wars, divorces, suicides, murder, poor productivity in schools & workplace & unhappy people • As a result, people do not need psychotropic or “brain” drugs such as Prozac • Two groups of people of unhappy people: – Those who try to find their way back to pleasurable • Rather, they need psychotherapy to help them relationships w/happy people with their relationships – Those who have given up on relationships & try to feel • Society should be in a more preventive mode good by other means (drugs, alcohol, violence, sex, abusing rather than a reactive mode for psychological food, etc.) behaviors, just as communities are for medical • Once this group can find meaningful relationships through AA or other professional or nonprofessional counselors & teachers, illness they too can find happiness again Choice Theory: Choice Theory: Need for a new Psychology Need for a new Psychology • Glasser believes problem is external • Need to change our “7 Deadly Habits of External Control” mindset of our society – Criticizing – Blaming – “You must do what I want or be the way I – Complaining Nagging want you to be!” – Threatening – Punishing • Rather than letting us both decide what is – Bribing or rewarding to control best for us in our relationship & then work • To the “7 Caring Habits of Choice Theory)” together to make it happen – Respecting • Glasser feels that society should move – Supporting – Encouraging Listening more towards internal locus of control – Accepting – Trusting – Negotiating differences to a Win/Win situation Choice Theory: Choice Theory: Need for a new Psychology Basic Needs and Feelings • Similar idea as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs • Difficult to retrain our thinking & communication (Survival,Love/Belonging, Power, Freedom, & Fun) because we are so engrained in the external control – Different in that only Survival & Love/Belonging are in system both sets • Three Beliefs of External Control Psychology: – Choice Theory needs are NOT in a hierarchy – 1) My behavior is caused by something that occurs outside of myself (e.g., “I answer the phone because it rings”) • Rather they are analogous to the legs of a chair -- – 2) I can make you do what I want you to do or we can if all legs are balanced, the chair functions better control each other by what we say or do • Glasser believes that we are genetically – 3) I know what’s right for you & if you don’t do it, I should & programmed to satisfy all five basic needs must control you because it is the right thing to do – Strongly Agree, Agree, Unsure, Disagree, Strongly Disagree • Negotiation is necessary to balance the needs of Where are you on this continuum of beliefs both parties of a relationship for #1, 2, & 3 • One party may need more of one need than the other 2
  • 3. Choice Theory: Choice Theory: Basic Needs and Feelings Basic Needs and Feelings • 1) Survival - Physiological Need • There may also be an internal conflict to – All living creatures struggle to survive & reproduce the species satisfy multiple needs at same time – Also, humans look beyond present survival needs & – e.g., you want to be responsible & gain make an effort to live in ways that lead to longevity respect of others but also want freedom & (exercise & eating healthy) fun – Survival comes from the “old brain” – base of the • McNamara (1997) also added intraneed brain As humans developed, cerebral cortex or “new brain” allows us to have needs beyond conflicts (e.g., survival – “the need for survival can include the – If survival was our only need, there would be no motivation to be safe & the urge toward anorexia or suicide growth”) – Also getting along better with each other would result in more survival & less death Choice Theory: Choice Theory: Basic Needs and Feelings • 2) Love & Belonging - Psychological Need Basic Needs and Feelings – It’s a 2-way street • 3) Power – Psychological Need • “I need to receive love, be involved & feel like I belong” – Distinctive human need • “I feel better if I am able to give love & acceptance to others” – Includes feeling of accomplishment, success, – Most of psychotherapy in countries where survival needs recognition, respect & being heard are primarily met revolve around this need – For some, the need is insatiable – Either lack of love or deteriorating love are associated – For others, they are satisfied with the amount they with have • Suicide – For some, it comes at the expense of their • Mental Illness relationships with others (greed, external control • Infidelity over others) • Murder – But for some, it may work for the common good • Feelings of jealousy, abandonment, revenge & despair (saving lives or developing new treatments) – External control is used extensively here – We need to strive for the latter rather than the former Choice Theory: Choice Theory: Basic Needs and Feelings Basic Needs and Feelings • 4) Freedom to express ideas, choices & ability • 5) Fun – Psychological Need to be constructively creativity – Psychological Need – The genetic reward for learning – It concerns us most when we perceive that our – We play all our lives & as a result we learn all freedom is threatened our lives – Need balance between “your need to try to force me to live my life the way you want & my need to be free – “Fun is best defined by laughter” of that force – “People who fall in love are learning a lot – This balance is best expressed by the golden rule “Do about each other, & they find themselves unto others as you would have others do unto you” – External control is the enemy of freedom laughing almost continually” – When we loose freedom, we loose a defining human – “Laughing & learning are the foundation of characteristic (creativity) all successful long-term relationships” 3
  • 4. Choice Theory Choice Theory (Quality World) (Quality World) • As people grow up & interact with • It is dynamic as our experiences environment, they find some parts of world satisfy their needs & make them grow feel good & other parts do not • Anytime we feel good, we are • They take this information & build into choosing to behave so that their memory pictures of people, things, something or someone in our real beliefs or situations which seem to be the best ways to satisfy one or more of the world comes close to matching the basic needs image in our quality world • The conglomerate of these wants is the world in which we would like to live & is called our Quality World Choice Theory Choice Theory (Quality World) (Quality World) • Everyone has their own unique quality world • Besides being in conflict with other’s quality world • Total objectivity is a myth wants, our own quality world wants can be in • It could only exist if we all had exactly the same conflict with each other and/or they can be linked quality worlds together • It’s just like jury trials – everyone sees things from • Advertises hope that consumers will put their a different perspective product into their quality world & link them to the • Only things that are not important to us can be images the consumers already have in their minds seen as they truly are (heroes, beauty, power, wealth, etc.) • Luckily, there are enough of these unimportant • Pictures or wants exist in a priority & often it is the things to almost all of us that we can agree that therapist’s job to help clients to determine priorities what is out there is REALITY about what is need satisfying in the long term & not just for the moment Choice Theory Choice Theory (Quality World) (Total Behavior) • Besides being in conflict with other’s quality world • Behavior generated to fulfill quality world wants is wants, our own quality world wants can be in always composed of four elements: actions, conflict with each other and/or they can be linked thinking, feeling, & physiology together • All behaviors have all 4 components, so it is called • Advertises hope that consumers will put their product into their quality world & link them to the Total Behavior images the consumers already have in their minds • Other psychotherapy theories emphasize one or two (heros, beauty, power, wealth, etc.) of these components whereas Reality Therapy • Pictures or wants exist in a priority & often it is the emphasizes all four of them therapist’s job to help clients to determine priorities • However, we only have direct control over two of about what is need satisfying in the long term & not just for the moment them: Actions & Thinking 4
  • 5. Reality Therapy Reality Therapy (Characteristics) (Characteristics) • It is important to keep the therapy in the present & not dwell on the past • Reality therapy focuses on what clients can • Glasser admits that we are products of the past & control in a relationship, rather than finding the therapist can listen to past experiences briefly, fault or talking about what they can’t but we are not victims of the past unless we control choose to be • It is crucial for client to understand they • Also, it is important not to focus on the symptoms can only control their own actions & because they are just the body’s way of warning behavior, & they can control all of them client that behavior they are choosing is not • Reality therapists strive to be themselves in satisfying a basic need order to build relationships with client & • Glasser believes that if client believes therapist teach them how to relate to others wants to hear symptoms or past, they will comply • Therefore, transference is rejected in this & result will be therapy that lasts longer than it therapy needs to Reality Therapy Family Therapy (Therapeutic Process) (Application: Therapeutic Techniques & Procedures) • Basic goal is to help clients learn better ways to fulfill all of their basic needs & connect with the • Practice of reality therapy is conceptualized people that they have chosen to put into their quality world as the “cycle of counseling” consisting of two • If client has not voluntarily come to therapy, it is key components: for therapist to focus on connecting with client – 1) Creating the counseling environment before doing anything else – 2) Implementing specific procedures that lead to • Often these clients have not had any positive changes relationships in past with adults (teachers, parents, school counselors, etc.) • Cycle begins by establishing a working • Therapist’s role is not to judge or evaluate client but relationship with client & proceeds through an act as an advocate to help & support, as a teacher exploration of client wants, needs & or mentor to client & to encourage them that there perceptions is hope Family Therapy (Application: Therapeutic Reality Therapy From a Techniques & Procedures) Multicultural Perspective • Clients explore their total behavior & make • It is essential that cross-cultural therapists their own self-evaluations respect differences between their own quality world & that of their clients • If they decide to try a new behavior, they make plans & commit themselves to plan & • Counselor can work with client to help them develop relationships as they are there is a follow-up on how well client is doing meaningful to them in their culture • Reality therapy is an art form, not just • In some cultures, the procedures need to following procedures be modified such as not asking direct • Each client is different with different needs questions o accepting “I’ll try” when asked to make plans with Japanese clients 5
  • 6. Reality Therapy Reality Therapy (Contributions) (Limitations and Criticisms) • It has a short-term focus • Corey believes that for some cultures, clients may be reluctant to voice their • Existentialism exist in the theory as needs, & that discrimination & racism may well as cognitive-behaviorism impede clients from obtaining what they want in life • There is no hidden agenda by the • The result would be that client may feel therapist, it is client focused misunderstood • Client is encouraged to decide if • Corey also believes that the what they are doing is working or psychoanalytic aspects of counseling (unconscious, dreams, transference & not past childhood experiences) are not given adequate emphasis in influencing our behavior Reality Therapy Reality Therapy in Summary (Limitations and Criticisms) • Reality therapy is best characterized as a • Counselors need to ensure that their form of cognitive behavioral therapy own values & need to give advise • In Reality Therapy: – Therapy is a didactic process does not pervert the basic concepts – Clients must make commitments of choice theory – Punishment is eliminated • Many people disagree with Glasser – Therapists do not accept excuses or blaming that all psychological disorders are • Goals: – Clients are taught Choice Theory behavioral choices & there are no – Clients are helped to get connected or biochemical or genetic influences reconnected with people they have chosen to put in their quality world – Assist clients in dealing with the present Reality Therapy in Summary Reality Therapy in Summary • Functions of Reality Therapists: • Emphasis is on choice & responsibility – Setting limits in the therapeutic setting • Therapist establishes involvement with the – Getting clients to be specific about how they will client make desired changes • Focus is on client’s strengths – Confronting clients by not accepting their excuses – Helping clients reformulate their plans, if necessary • Planning & commitment are essential • Methods of Reality Therapy: • Reality Therapists deal with the following: – What client is currently doing – Behavior-oriented methods – What clients are thinking & feeling, when this relates – Contract method to what they are doing – Role-playing – A client’s relationships with significant others – Confrontation of client – Assisting clients in developing an action plan geared for change 6