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(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
1. Show up.
Don’t just be physically present — be mentally and emotionally present as
well. Being present probably means taking control over your daily schedule
and ensuring you have proper rest and nutrition.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
2. Follow up.
Follow up relentlessly and professionally — or as we tell our students, use “fast
and furious lead follow-up.” Remember, when it comes to follow-up, the faster
you respond to incoming inquiries, the more likely you are to get the sale.
That’s just a fact.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
3. Be versatile.
Be able to say yes in a variety of situations, while working with a variety of
people, not just those who you “hit it off with.” You can learn more about this by
studying personality types and working on your scripts and objection-handlers
to be able to deal with how different personality styles communicate.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
4. Be creative in your solutions.
Don’t ever give up. Rigidity costs you money, so learn to be a master of the art
of the deal.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
5. Recognize that repetitious boredom pays off.
Keep in mind that it rarely pays off on the schedule that you want it to, but
if you’re taking the right actions in the proper order, then you’re putting
money in the bank for future success. So stick with it.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
6. Never practice “self-agency.”
The more people you help, the wealthier you will become. Stick to your
mindset of service, and always stay focused on how you can be of the
most service at the highest level to others.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
7. Be the best at what matters.
Make the commitment to be the best at the things that make you money in real
estate: lead generation, lead follow-up, presenting, negotiating and closing.
Get great at those things and the rest falls into place.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
8. Don’t accept mediocrity from yourself, your assistant, your team
or your office.
Always strive to perform at your best, and always challenge yourself and your
team to perform at the highest level possible.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
10. Adopt best practices versus reinventing the wheel.
There’s always a lot of change, new ideas and emerging technologies in
real estate, but the fundamentals of our sales profession haven’t changed in
a very long time. Seek out models of success and emulate them where you
can. In real estate, they abound, and from experience we can tell you that
today’s top producers all employ lessons from yesterday’s pioneers.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
11. ABC — always be closing
Closing for the appointment, the sale, the contract, etc. The fact that
someone has given you their attention is a good indicator of interest. Now
follow that up with decision and action.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
12. Focus: Follow one path until successful.
Yes, you’ll need to refine your skills over time. But don’t just change focus
all the time, or you’ll never have given any of your strategies enough time
and effort to determine whether it’s working for you
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
13. Be committed to your practice, don’t have one foot in and one
As long as you’re holding back, then you’ll never be entirely investing your
time, effort or energy into truly being successful. There is no “try” in real
estate, only “do or do not.” (Yoda-like, right?)
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
14. Answer the phone.
Be ready and available to serve your customers when they reach out to
you, not hiding from their calls or always unavailable. If everyone who
attempts to reach you always gets your voice mail, they’re going to think
you’re not interested or simply too busy to help them. That’s a recipe for
disaster, so learn how to pick up when somebody calls.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
15. Don’t be a secret agent.
Don’t be ashamed of being a real estate agent — proudly tell others what you do,
how you help people and how you can help them. Use your profession as a
conversation starter — you’ll be surprised at how many deals appear naturally
from conversations as you learn to share confidently with others why you love
helping them with real estate sales.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
Don’t give a hot prospect time to cool down, You never know what can change in
someone’s situation. Job change, new baby, divorce, credit score change, buys
new car, finds another agent1??! It is up to you to create a sense of urgency.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
17. Do what you don’t want to do ESPECIALLY when you don’t want to!
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
18. HAVE FUN! Don’t take yourself or anything so seriously that you cannot enjoy
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(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 You must close 22 deals this year
 You must get 7 appointments every month
 You MUST make 10 contacts each day!!
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
The Most Important thing
you can do in business is
create a daily, productivity-
centered schedule.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
8:15-9:15 Call Expireds
9:15-9:30 Break
9:30-10:30 Call FSBO
10:30-11:30 Follow Up
11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads
12:00-1:00 Prepare For Open House
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
8:15-9:15 Call Expireds
9:15-9:30 Break
9:30-10:30 Call SOI
10:30-11:30 Follow Up
11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads
12:00-1:00 Visit Builder
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
8:15-9:15 Call Expireds
9:15-9:30 Break
9:30-10:30 Call Just Listed
10:30-11:30 Follow Up
11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads
12:00-1:00 Prepare For Open House
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
8:15-9:15 Call Expireds
9:15-9:30 Break
9:30-10:30 Call FSBO
10:30-11:30 Follow Up
11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads
12:00-1:00 Lunch with SOI
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
8:15-9:15 Call Expireds
9:15-9:30 Break
9:30-10:30 Call Apartment Tenants
10:30-11:30 Follow Up
11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads
12:00-1:00 Prepare For Open House
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
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(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(You are calling people you know!)
Hi, this is _____. How are you? I have a question for you…do
you have a minute?
I am just calling to let yow know that I am now officially a
real estate agent with Century 21 and I need your help.
Who do you know that needs to buy or sell real estate ?
Can you think of anyone in your (church group, family,
neighborhood, and office) … that may need my services
at this time?
Would you mind if I gave them a call?
By the way … when do you plan on moving?
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(You are calling people you know!)
Hi, this is _____. How are you? I have a question for you…do
you have a minute?
I am just calling to let yow know that I am now officially a
real estate agent with Century 21 and I need your help.
I am updating my database and I realized I do not have
your home address. Can I get that from you? Thanks!
By the way… If you were buying or selling real estate or
knew someone who was, am I the agent you would refer
them to?
Do you know anyone right now?
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
YouTube channel
Linked-In –Business Network
Facebook - Dinner Party Theory
Twitter—Link to Your FB, use
Pinterest—focus on driving traffic
Instagram—Choose a niche
SnapChat—Create story and share
Real Satsified
ios Profile Profile Profile
Google Business
Automatic Follow up: MLS
Every Inquiry->Search->Criteria->Add New Client->Save
Email Manager ZAP, FACEBOOK
Slydial site, # or app
Facebook—Send IMs, Post and Boost
TWITTER—Search term “moving to
San Antonio”
FB MESSENGER – Send msgs “ Do
you know anyone needing to buy or
sell real estate?”
I have clients that are looking to
purchase a new home but we have
not found anything yet. My clients
need to close in less than 30 days! If
you or someone you know are
considering selling, please let me
know ASAP! I may be able to sell
your home without it even going on
the market. Comment below, email
me at ____or call/text me at (your
cell #) right away. I look forward to
hearing from you!
Compile List of 100 name and phone
Set Short Term and Long Terms
Use Cheat Sheet to Create Online
Create a Daily Schedule
Memorize Prospecting Scripts
Start Creating Craigslist Ads"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
a. Friends of Friends
b. Networking
c. Business Contacts
d. Incoming Leads
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Prepare a list of 100 friends and
acquaintances with addresses and phone
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
Handwrite or Type a list of
EVERYONE you know or
May know you!!
This must be completed tonight!
No fail! No excuses!!
“Do or do not… there is no try!”
- Yoda, Jedi Master
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(You are calling people you know!)
Hi, this is _____. How are you? I have a question for you…do you have a minute?
I am updating my database and I realized I do not have your home address.
Can I get that from you? Thanks!
By the way… If you were buying or selling real estate or knew someone who
was, am I the agent you would refer them to?
Do you know anyone right now?
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Hello. My name is ________________with Century 21 NORTHSIDE . How are you?
The reason I’m calling is that I noticed your listing expired today and I would like to
apply for the job of getting it sold for you. 
(You may get some objections here. If so, acknowledge and empathize then move on
to the rest)
There are only 3 reasons a home will sit on the market this long and not sell. If it is
priced right and good condition, it must be that it needs better marketing.
I have a SUPER-AGGRESSIVE marketing plan that I would like to share with you at
your convenience.
Of course I’m sure you are going to want to get your home back on the market as
soon as possible so I can arrange to meet with you this afternoon or later this
evening….whichever works better for you.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
1.    Download the REDX numbers early– Sort by phone #
2.    Call every lead before 10AM
3.    Make notes on each expired that was not reached
a.    If voice mail  - Call back later
b.    If no answer – Make plans to visit the home
c.    If disconnected - Make plans to visit the home
d.    Place unreached leads with phone #s in a stack to be called later
4.    Hand pick 10 expireds you would like to list according to price and location
a.    Hand address 10 envelopes  
b.    Mail expired letters (for less than a Starbucks latte per day, you can mail 10 leads)
5.    Pick 5 expireds to visit based on price, location and proximity to each other
a.    Visit each of the 5 between 6pm and 7pm
b.    Go to the door, knock and speak to the seller
c.    Offer to be the solution to the problem
6.    Gather all unreached leads with phone numbers and call them before 9pm
a.    Place all unreached leads with phone numbers to call with new leads tomorrow.
7.    This is the consistent success cycle:  Calls -> Letters ->Visits-> Calls
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
My name is Rick Tankersley and I am Century 21 Northside. I have noticed that your house
was recently taken off the market so I am writing to see if you still have an interest in
I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to go over your Real Estate needs and
update you on current market conditions in San Antonio. Together we can devise a plan
will get your home sold.
In this more competitive market you need a Realtor experienced in your area who will
get your home sold for full market value in a reasonable amount of time.
I will offer you my 20 years of experience selling homes in San Antonio and an
unconditional 45 day listing agreement that you can cancel at any time with no fees to
I get paid when you get paid…at closing.
I promise to talk to you personally during the listing period at least twice a week with
I promise to answer my phone when you call or return your call within 30 minutes Mon-
Sun 8am-8pm. Try it! 210-788-9690.
Folks, if you are serious about selling your home then give me a call today and start
packing! I look forward to hearing from you.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 90 Percent of all FSBOs will end up listing with an agent
 5% of the agent population say the work FSBOS
 When you think of a FSBO, think of someone testing you to see how
aggressive you are. Most FSBO’s eventually list with an agent, usually the
agent who worked the hardest to get the listing.  You may have to go back
to the FSBO 5-6 times before you get a contract signed; keep in mind that
most agents stop after 1-2 contacts, hang in there, be the most persistent.
Follow up is critical, don’t give up!
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
May I speak with the owner of the home for sale please?
 This is the owner.
This is ________ with Century 21. Tell me - have you sold your home yet?
No, we haven’t sold it yet, and we are not listing with an agent.
I understand that. Let me ask you this, are you cooperating with real estate agents -by that I
mean if an agent brought you a qualified buyer at a price acceptable to you, would you being
willing to pay at least a partial commission?
Well, we might pay a couple percent.
 Great. My office is currently working with a lot of qualified buyers, and over the years we have
sold a lot of for sale by owner homes on a partial commission basis. What I need to do is stop by
your home to take a quick look to see if it matches up with the needs of any of our current
buyers. It will only take 10 or 15 minutes, and I will not be trying to pressure you to list or anything
like that. 
In fact, I have a new special report called How to sell your home yourself, for the highest possible
price, without paying a big commission. It is very informative and I will bring a free copy to leave
with you when I stop by. I can stop by this afternoon or tomorrow morning, which is best for your
The Special Report Referenced in the Script
can be found by
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
FSBO SUCCESS is in the Follow Up!
1.Put them in 1-31
2.Call Every Week
3.Drop By with Items of Value
4.CLICK HERE for Befriend a FSBO Materials
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Hello, is this _____________________________This is _______________________________ at Century 21. How are you today? 
The reason I’m calling is, we just listed a property at ____________________________ a couple of streets over from your home.
As a result of our marketing we’ve generated a lot of interest in the neighborhood and need other homes to sell.
So, tell me have you considered selling your home? (No!!)
Well, would you happen to know of anyone else thinking of selling? 
Would you mind sharing their name and phone number?? (F A N T A S T I C) 
Would it be OK if I told them you referred me? (T H A N K S)
I’ll be sure to get back in touch to let you know how things went!!
(H A V E A G R E A T E V E N I NG)
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Hi There, My name is _____________ with Century 21 Northside.
I’m not sure if you noticed but we just sold a home around the
corner at 123 Happy Hollow. That house ended up going for
$19,000 over the list price and we had five offers!
What that means to you, is that there now are 4 qualified buyers
who are without a home! Since this house went for so much more
than the seller thought it would, we now have a lot of neighbors
wanting to know how much their home is worth! Did you want in
on that list??
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
2.  Click on DATABASES
3. Scroll through the directory for REFERNCE USA
4. Enter your name and library card #
5. Under ‘Active Databases” choose U.S. Standard White Pages
6. Choose “Custom Search
7. Choose Geography and then Radius
Enter Street Address and .5 in the “number of miles” field
 You will the see a list of everyone within a half mile of your listing. (be sure to
comply with all “do not call” regulations)
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
7 steps to getting every listing
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 Prequalification script
 Cma
 Marketing plan
 Listing Agreement
 Seller’s Disclosure
 Before going on the appointment, call the prospect and use the
"Pre-qualifying the Listing Script.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Before I come out … there are a number of questions I need to ask you … OK?
1.If what I say makes sense … and you feel comfortable and confident that I can … sell your
home … are you planning to list your home with me when I come out on __________?
2.Are you planning to interview more than one agent for the job of selling your home?
3.Tell me again … where are you moving to?
4.How soon do you have to be there?
5.When I see you … how much do you want to list your home for? As a professional real estate
agent, I study homes and prices every day, therefore I assume you’ll list with me … at a price
that will cause your home to sell … correct? So … what price won’t you go below?
6.How much do you owe on the property?
7.Have you ever thought about selling it yourself?
8.Will you help finance the home for the buyer … or do you want your cash out?
9.Would you please describe your home for me?
10. I’ll be sending over a package of information … will you take a few moments and review it?
11. Do you have any questions before I arrive? 12. So you know … our meeting should only take
between five and twenty-five minutes … is that OK? I’ll look forward to seeing you on _________
at ____________.
 Use the pre-listing presentation feature on ToolkitCMA and
email it to the prospect. 
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 When you arrive at the home, ask for a tour and take notes
about the good, bad and ugly features of the home.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 Find a place in the home (preferably the kitchen table) where
there is a place to  sit at a table with no distractions.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 Remember FBT (Feature/Benefit/Tie-Down) Get 5 yes's and go
for the close "So here's what happens next..."
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 Go over the CMA and NET SHEET with seller and agree on a
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 Nothing left to do but sign the contract.
 Overcome any lingering objections.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Use the Criss-Cross to
Call Renters in Apartment Complexes
Hi! My name is Rick with Century 21. I am calling
Because studies show that most renters would rather be
homeowners. They are tired of wasting their money and
making the land lord rich. If you could rent a bigger home for
the same or less than you pay in rent, wouldn’t you?
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
 Eyecatching Headline with a good hook
 Ie School District, Unique Feature, Bargain. HUD, foreclosure,
low payment, etc
 A few good pictures (no more than 4)
 Short Description
 Call to action and phone #
Use for our listings
Try for more homes
Use for new construction homes
Post 2 ads at noon and 2 at 7pm
Make sure to include your name and broker.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Be Prepared
Use Script
Get the Appointment
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
Thank you for calling Century 21. How may I help you?     (I am calling about a home at 123 Happy St)
Oh yes! That must be a great home… we have gotten a lot of calls on it today. 
When would you like to see it?           (I just have a question about it.)
Ok. Let me pull it up on the computer. Can I get your name and number in case we are cut off? Thanks!
I am pulling the info up now…
How long have you been looking for a home?
How many homes have you looked at?
What methods are you using to find the homes.
Are you working with a realtor?
Are you renting or buying your home?
Alright! I have the info pulled up. It really is a great looking house!! What would you like to know?  (How much is it?)
It’s _____... is that in your price range?  (yes) 
Great! We should go see it before it is gone!! I can arrange my schedule to meet with you today around 3 or 4. Which one is better for you?
(4 is best)
Awesome! I will schedule this one and a couple of more in the neighborhood like it. 
I will call you back once I confirm the showings.
No Problem! I will get someone to call you and take care of that before 4pm.
I will call you back with the scheduling info. 
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
Call 6 TIMES
TEXT “I just got your information from Zillow. Can you talk?” – MINUTE 1, HOUR ONE, HOUR TWO
“I just got your information from Zillow. Is now a good time to speak?” – Send  MINUTE 30, HOUR ONE, 
HOUR THREE - “The home you’re inquiring about is fantastic! When would you like to see it?”
DAY TWO:  Subject Line: Checking In   - Message: I was just checking in to see if you needed anything from 
me today.
 Place in CRM/ZAP and set up auto follow up. 
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
My goal is to help you find the home of your dreams. I want to make sure that I only show you homes that meet your specific criteria. I call these 
Of Course, I also want to make that I DO NOT show you anything you don’t want to see. So if there are features that you want to specifically 
avoid, DEAL BREAKERS, please let me know about these and I will avoid them at all costs. 
 So let’s start with the basics:  (DIG DEEP! Find the Pain!!)
Tell me about why you are moving and what you want in a home. 
 Area of town that is a MUST!
Is it important that we are in a specific school district? Which one and why?
Do you want to be close to work? Where is that?
Just to be clear, we want ____ school district and not too far away from your job at ____, correct?
What do you ABSOLUTELY have to have in a home?
 I am sure you have had experiences with your past homes that you would like to avoid. What would you say are DEAL BREAKERS or things we 
should stay away from when looking for your home? 
 What is the VERY MOST you are willing to pay per month on the home of your dreams?
Please keep in mind that I will do my best to avoid the deal breakers and I will NEVER show you home that is more than you wish you wish to 
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
Buyers will look at 100 homes before they buy... if you let them. This is a HUGE decision for them
and there are just SO MANY HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM. They are afraid that they will "settle" if
they don't see everything available. As a real estate agent, you must know how to handle this
concern. You will waste countless hours and dollars in gas if you do not CONTROL THE SALE.
Allowing the clients browse on their own, agents miss buying signs, body language, opportunity to
ask "tie down" questions such as "does this feel like home?" or "can you see yourself living here?"
A buyer's fear will kick in and, even though this home may be perfect, they will want to see more
because they are frightened. The buyer may something like "I don't think we have seen enough 
homes yet." This is not a true objection, it is a stall. Here is how you can handle this:
“John, Mary, I feel that you’re a little apprehensive because we found a great home so quickly. I
don’t blame you for that. I hope you realize, though, in scouring the area for homes, I used your
idea of the perfect home to narrow down the search. Rather than show you all of the homes
available, I decided to show you only those homes that meet your wants, needs and budget. In
watching you preview this property, I could see you were envisioning your family living here. That’s
why I’d like you to consider placing an offer on this particular property rather than wasting your time
searching and maybe lose this home that you really like."
They want the home. They don’t want to lose this home to someone else. It is just that their
emotions are jumbled up. As a good sales person, you will help your client make a choice that they
want to make. You are the trusted professional. Your advice can calm them down so they can make
the right decision.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
1. Find a home, submit offer, negotiate price, offer is accepted
2. When both parties sign and contract is executed, deliver contract and earnest money 
check to title company to be receipted.
3. Send copies of receipted copies to your buyer, listing agent, mortgage company
4. Send list of inspectors to buyer
5. Insist to schedule inspection immediately as to determine if any repairs to be down 
within option period (If buyer refuses to have home inspection, they must sign form 
stating they declined)
6. Compile list of desired repairs and complete an Amendment to the Contract (TAR 1903)
7. Write  desired  repairs  in  section  labeled  “In  addition  to  any  repairs  and  treatments 
otherwise  required  by  the  contract,  Seller,  at  Seller's  expense,  shall  complete  the 
following  repairs  and  treatments”  (Use  space  provided.  If  more  needed,  refer  to 
attachment to the amendment.)
8.    If  amendment  is  accepted  and  signed  by  seller,  property  will  go  into  Pending  status 
If sellers refuse to complete repairs, buyers may choose to exercise their option, or right to 
terminate. In which case, complete NOTICE OF BUYER'S TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 
(TAR  1902)  and  Release  of  Earnest  Money  (TAR  1904).  Have  buyers  sign  and  then 
deliver to listing agent immediately.
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Inspections, repair negotiation and cancellation must
be completed with the option period. Do not procrastinate.
10. When option period is over and repair negotiations are settled, property will 
be in Pending status
11. Check in with Loan officer frequently to ensure you are on track to close on 
time or early. 
Speak with closer at the title company to make sure everything is in order.
12 Wait for closing
13.  The  day  of  or  before  closing,  go  with  buyer  and  conduct  a  BUYER  WALK-
THROUGH to make sure the home is in acceptable shape. Have the buyers sign the 
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
Most widely done (and done wrong) activity in real estate
We hold open houses for ONE REASON ONLY: TO GENERATE LEADS!
STOP trying to sell the house and start trying to CONVERT attendees 
Most agents do not like open houses because they are getting poor 
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
1. 2 Hours of pre-work for every 1 hour of Open House
2. Choose the right property 
a. Easy to Find
b. Accessible
c. Great Curb Appeal
d. Newest on the Market
3. Make it EASY TO FIND
a. 2 Directionals = not enough!! The More Signs the Better!
b. Invest a little bit of money into your signs
c. Use balloons, streamers or banners to draw attention to each directional
a. Put a sign out in advance with times of the open house
b. Post ads on Craigslist and FB in advance
c. Fliers to Neighborhood stores
d. Invite the neighbors (maybe an hour earlier for “exclusive” viewing)
e. Invite your entire database
f. Post in 21online,, mls, etc
g. Door knock the neighbors a week in advance “Hi. I was just visiting your neighbor. We are doing an open house this Saturday from 1-4. However, from 1-2 is exclusively 
for neighbors. Do you think you could make it?” (Ask Rick about the rest of the script)
a. 94% of visitors will have no interest in the property (6% will)
b. Find the TOP 5 HOTTEST BUYS in the Market Area
c. By asking for emails to send more properties.. you are losing them
a. Know the house
b. Know where you will start and finish with each person
c. 40% of visitors will have a home to sell. (Sellers not Buyers)
d. Have your GIVE AWAY in place
e. Make Sure Your entry cards are ready and accessible
f. Fliers ready to go
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
b. Give your name to get a name
c. Give them a flier (not mls sheet) Use this line on flier:  “Hi I’m Rick Tankersley. Thank you for coming to my open house. If you would 
like to know how easy it would be to own this home, be sure to ask me.”
(This will tell us if we need to demo this home or switch them)
9.        LET THEM LOOK
a. Show them the highlights of the home
b. Stay within ear shot of them
c. Answer questions as they come up
a. Not based on if you pleased the seller
b. Success is based on how many LEADS you generated
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
I. MLS SAVED SEARCHESa. Every Prospective
a. Seasonal Cards
b. Newsletter
c. Hot Buyer/Seller Campaign
a. Friend Everyone
b. Engage in posts daily (“like” is sufficient)
a. Handwritten
b. Who, When and What
V. POP-Bys
a. Dropping by with small gift or info
VI. 1-31 File
a. Simplicity is Key to Follow Up
b. Materials Needed
i. Dividers labeled 1-31
ii. Lead Sheets
iii. 2” Binderc. 
Use Religiously EVERY DAY
Thank you notes:
Should be Handwritten
Use the Owner’s Name
Insert Business Card
Use a Stamp, not Metered
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Schedule Your Day and Stick To It!
Bottom line is that if you do not prioritize and schedule money
making activities, you will be distracted by everything else.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Kiss a lot of Frogs!
You will find that a large number of leads you generate, no matter the
source, will not be ready ready to do anything immediately (or in
some cases – never). However, you must keep talking to people,
placing ads, taking phone duty, holding open houses, etc.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Follow Up – Relentlessly
70% of all closings are a result of follow up. Once you are in the swing
of making contacts and generating leads, you will tend to focus only
on the ones that look like “instant money.” Other good leads will fall
through the cracks and disappear because they were placed on the
back burner and forgotten. Deliberate and consistent follow up with
all leads and referral sources will result in more closings!
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Track your results
Track how many contacts, leads, appointment and contracts you have
each week. By doing so will see where you are strongest and where
you need to improve. Tracking your numbers is the only way to know
for sure you are on the right track. Allow someone else to hold you
accountable for your results. Share your numbers with them weekly.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Join coaching group
Being involved in a coaching will provide you with the
accountability and business advice needed to
propel your business to above average levels.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Ask a lot of questions!
Many times agents bog down because they are stuck
in a process. A simple answer or conversation will
allow you to quickly and easily move forward. Ask
an agent, manager or staff member to help get you
over the hurdles
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Act before you think!
Many agents have been caught in the trap of over-thinking.
Worrying about the “what-ifs” will build roadblocks you do not
need. Trust your knowledge, training and instincts and GO
FOR IT! When in doubt, refer to the previous step and reach
out for help and guidance.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc
Don’t get discouraged and
Never, Ever Give Up!
There is no doubt that this is a tough business. There are times in
the beginning when you will be wondering what in the world
you were thinking by getting into the real estate business. We
will be disappointed by bad leads, mean people, flaky
prospects, and deals that do not close. Keep moving forward!
Ask for help, coaching, guidance from your office staff,
management and fellow agents. We have all been exactly
where you are! We will help you and everyone will tell you that
it always gets better.
"I am Totally Committed to my Success"
(c) Tankersley Training Inc

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Real estate sales basics

  • 2. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 3. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 1. Show up. Don’t just be physically present — be mentally and emotionally present as well. Being present probably means taking control over your daily schedule and ensuring you have proper rest and nutrition. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 4. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 2. Follow up. Follow up relentlessly and professionally — or as we tell our students, use “fast and furious lead follow-up.” Remember, when it comes to follow-up, the faster you respond to incoming inquiries, the more likely you are to get the sale. That’s just a fact. (c) Tankersley Training Inc (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 5. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 3. Be versatile. Be able to say yes in a variety of situations, while working with a variety of people, not just those who you “hit it off with.” You can learn more about this by studying personality types and working on your scripts and objection-handlers to be able to deal with how different personality styles communicate.
  • 6. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 4. Be creative in your solutions. Don’t ever give up. Rigidity costs you money, so learn to be a master of the art of the deal. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 7. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 5. Recognize that repetitious boredom pays off. Keep in mind that it rarely pays off on the schedule that you want it to, but if you’re taking the right actions in the proper order, then you’re putting money in the bank for future success. So stick with it. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 8. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 6. Never practice “self-agency.” The more people you help, the wealthier you will become. Stick to your mindset of service, and always stay focused on how you can be of the most service at the highest level to others. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 9. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 7. Be the best at what matters. Make the commitment to be the best at the things that make you money in real estate: lead generation, lead follow-up, presenting, negotiating and closing. Get great at those things and the rest falls into place. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 10. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 8. Don’t accept mediocrity from yourself, your assistant, your team or your office. Always strive to perform at your best, and always challenge yourself and your team to perform at the highest level possible. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 11. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 10. Adopt best practices versus reinventing the wheel. There’s always a lot of change, new ideas and emerging technologies in real estate, but the fundamentals of our sales profession haven’t changed in a very long time. Seek out models of success and emulate them where you can. In real estate, they abound, and from experience we can tell you that today’s top producers all employ lessons from yesterday’s pioneers. (c) Tankersley Training Inc (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 12. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 11. ABC — always be closing Closing for the appointment, the sale, the contract, etc. The fact that someone has given you their attention is a good indicator of interest. Now follow that up with decision and action. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 13. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 12. Focus: Follow one path until successful. Yes, you’ll need to refine your skills over time. But don’t just change focus all the time, or you’ll never have given any of your strategies enough time and effort to determine whether it’s working for you (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 14. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 13. Be committed to your practice, don’t have one foot in and one out. As long as you’re holding back, then you’ll never be entirely investing your time, effort or energy into truly being successful. There is no “try” in real estate, only “do or do not.” (Yoda-like, right?) (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 15. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 14. Answer the phone. Be ready and available to serve your customers when they reach out to you, not hiding from their calls or always unavailable. If everyone who attempts to reach you always gets your voice mail, they’re going to think you’re not interested or simply too busy to help them. That’s a recipe for disaster, so learn how to pick up when somebody calls. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 16. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 15. Don’t be a secret agent. Don’t be ashamed of being a real estate agent — proudly tell others what you do, how you help people and how you can help them. Use your profession as a conversation starter — you’ll be surprised at how many deals appear naturally from conversations as you learn to share confidently with others why you love helping them with real estate sales. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 17. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 16. TIME KILLS DEALS Don’t give a hot prospect time to cool down, You never know what can change in someone’s situation. Job change, new baby, divorce, credit score change, buys new car, finds another agent1??! It is up to you to create a sense of urgency. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 18. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 17. Do what you don’t want to do ESPECIALLY when you don’t want to! (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 19. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 18. HAVE FUN! Don’t take yourself or anything so seriously that you cannot enjoy yourself. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 26.  You must close 22 deals this year  You must get 7 appointments every month  You MUST make 10 contacts each day!! (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 27. The Most Important thing you can do in business is create a daily, productivity- centered schedule. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 28. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 29. 8:15-9:15 Call Expireds 9:15-9:30 Break 9:30-10:30 Call FSBO 10:30-11:30 Follow Up 11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads 12:00-1:00 Prepare For Open House "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 30. 8:15-9:15 Call Expireds 9:15-9:30 Break 9:30-10:30 Call SOI 10:30-11:30 Follow Up 11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads 12:00-1:00 Visit Builder "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 31. 8:15-9:15 Call Expireds 9:15-9:30 Break 9:30-10:30 Call Just Listed 10:30-11:30 Follow Up 11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads 12:00-1:00 Prepare For Open House "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 32. 8:15-9:15 Call Expireds 9:15-9:30 Break 9:30-10:30 Call FSBO 10:30-11:30 Follow Up 11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads 12:00-1:00 Lunch with SOI "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 33. 8:15-9:15 Call Expireds 9:15-9:30 Break 9:30-10:30 Call Apartment Tenants 10:30-11:30 Follow Up 11:30-12:00 Post 5 Craigslist Ads 12:00-1:00 Prepare For Open House "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 34. (c) Tankersley Training Inc (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 35. CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO MAKE YOURSELF A PROMISE (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 39. (You are calling people you know!) Hi, this is _____. How are you? I have a question for you…do you have a minute? I am just calling to let yow know that I am now officially a real estate agent with Century 21 and I need your help. Who do you know that needs to buy or sell real estate ? Can you think of anyone in your (church group, family, neighborhood, and office) … that may need my services at this time? Would you mind if I gave them a call? By the way … when do you plan on moving? "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 40. (You are calling people you know!) Hi, this is _____. How are you? I have a question for you…do you have a minute? I am just calling to let yow know that I am now officially a real estate agent with Century 21 and I need your help. I am updating my database and I realized I do not have your home address. Can I get that from you? Thanks! By the way… If you were buying or selling real estate or knew someone who was, am I the agent you would refer them to? Do you know anyone right now? "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 41. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" YouTube channel Linked-In –Business Network Facebook - Dinner Party Theory Twitter—Link to Your FB, use hashtags Pinterest—focus on driving traffic Instagram—Choose a niche SnapChat—Create story and share Real Satsified ios Profile Profile Profile Google Business Automatic Follow up: MLS Every Inquiry->Search->Criteria->Add New Client->Save Search Email Manager ZAP, FACEBOOK Slydial site, # or app Facebook—Send IMs, Post and Boost Ads TWITTER—Search term “moving to San Antonio” FB MESSENGER – Send msgs “ Do you know anyone needing to buy or sell real estate?” STATUS POST: I have clients that are looking to purchase a new home but we have not found anything yet. My clients need to close in less than 30 days! If you or someone you know are considering selling, please let me know ASAP! I may be able to sell your home without it even going on the market. Comment below, email me at ____or call/text me at (your cell #) right away. I look forward to hearing from you!
  • 42. Compile List of 100 name and phone #’s Set Short Term and Long Terms Goals Use Cheat Sheet to Create Online Presence Create a Daily Schedule Memorize Prospecting Scripts Start Creating Craigslist Ads"I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 43. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 45.  SOI / REFERRAL  EXPIREDS  FOR SALE BY OWNER  JUST LISTED  JUST SOLD (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 46. CREATE A LIST 1. EVERYONE YOU KNOW 2. ANYONE YOU WOULD YOU BY NAME 3. ADD TO THE LIST DAILY a. Friends of Friends b. Networking c. Business Contacts d. Incoming Leads (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 47. GETTING STARTED Prepare a list of 100 friends and acquaintances with addresses and phone numbers. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" Handwrite or Type a list of EVERYONE you know or May know you!! This must be completed tonight! No fail! No excuses!! “Do or do not… there is no try!” - Yoda, Jedi Master (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 50. (You are calling people you know!) Hi, this is _____. How are you? I have a question for you…do you have a minute? I am updating my database and I realized I do not have your home address. Can I get that from you? Thanks! By the way… If you were buying or selling real estate or knew someone who was, am I the agent you would refer them to? Do you know anyone right now? (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 53. (c) Tankersley Training Inc Hello. My name is ________________with Century 21 NORTHSIDE . How are you?   The reason I’m calling is that I noticed your listing expired today and I would like to apply for the job of getting it sold for you.    (You may get some objections here. If so, acknowledge and empathize then move on to the rest)   There are only 3 reasons a home will sit on the market this long and not sell. If it is priced right and good condition, it must be that it needs better marketing.   I have a SUPER-AGGRESSIVE marketing plan that I would like to share with you at your convenience.   Of course I’m sure you are going to want to get your home back on the market as soon as possible so I can arrange to meet with you this afternoon or later this evening….whichever works better for you.   (SILENCE UNTIL THEY SPEAK)
  • 55. A PLAN TO AGGRESSIVELY MARKET EXPIRED LISTINGS EVERY DAY! 1.    Download the REDX numbers early– Sort by phone # 2.    Call every lead before 10AM 3.    Make notes on each expired that was not reached a.    If voice mail  - Call back later b.    If no answer – Make plans to visit the home c.    If disconnected - Make plans to visit the home d.    Place unreached leads with phone #s in a stack to be called later 4.    Hand pick 10 expireds you would like to list according to price and location a.    Hand address 10 envelopes   b.    Mail expired letters (for less than a Starbucks latte per day, you can mail 10 leads) 5.    Pick 5 expireds to visit based on price, location and proximity to each other a.    Visit each of the 5 between 6pm and 7pm b.    Go to the door, knock and speak to the seller c.    Offer to be the solution to the problem 6.    Gather all unreached leads with phone numbers and call them before 9pm a.    Place all unreached leads with phone numbers to call with new leads tomorrow. 7.    This is the consistent success cycle:  Calls -> Letters ->Visits-> Calls (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 56. Greetings! IF YOU ARE READING THIS LETTER THEN YOUR REALTOR HAS NOT SOLD YOUR HOME. My name is Rick Tankersley and I am Century 21 Northside. I have noticed that your house was recently taken off the market so I am writing to see if you still have an interest in selling. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to go over your Real Estate needs and update you on current market conditions in San Antonio. Together we can devise a plan that will get your home sold. In this more competitive market you need a Realtor experienced in your area who will get your home sold for full market value in a reasonable amount of time. I will offer you my 20 years of experience selling homes in San Antonio and an unconditional 45 day listing agreement that you can cancel at any time with no fees to you. I get paid when you get paid…at closing. I promise to talk to you personally during the listing period at least twice a week with updates. I promise to answer my phone when you call or return your call within 30 minutes Mon- Sun 8am-8pm. Try it! 210-788-9690. Folks, if you are serious about selling your home then give me a call today and start packing! I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, (c) Tankersley Training Inc FOR A COMPLETE EXPLANATION OF THE LETTER GO TO THIS BLOG POST: CLICK HERE
  • 57. (c) Tankersley Training Inc  90 Percent of all FSBOs will end up listing with an agent  5% of the agent population say the work FSBOS  REALLY GOOD ODDS!!  When you think of a FSBO, think of someone testing you to see how aggressive you are. Most FSBO’s eventually list with an agent, usually the agent who worked the hardest to get the listing.  You may have to go back to the FSBO 5-6 times before you get a contract signed; keep in mind that most agents stop after 1-2 contacts, hang in there, be the most persistent. Follow up is critical, don’t give up!
  • 58. (c) Tankersley Training Inc May I speak with the owner of the home for sale please?  This is the owner. This is ________ with Century 21. Tell me - have you sold your home yet? No, we haven’t sold it yet, and we are not listing with an agent. I understand that. Let me ask you this, are you cooperating with real estate agents -by that I mean if an agent brought you a qualified buyer at a price acceptable to you, would you being willing to pay at least a partial commission? Well, we might pay a couple percent.  Great. My office is currently working with a lot of qualified buyers, and over the years we have sold a lot of for sale by owner homes on a partial commission basis. What I need to do is stop by your home to take a quick look to see if it matches up with the needs of any of our current buyers. It will only take 10 or 15 minutes, and I will not be trying to pressure you to list or anything like that.  In fact, I have a new special report called How to sell your home yourself, for the highest possible price, without paying a big commission. It is very informative and I will bring a free copy to leave with you when I stop by. I can stop by this afternoon or tomorrow morning, which is best for your schedule?  
  • 59. The Special Report Referenced in the Script can be found by CLICKING HERE (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 60. FSBO SUCCESS is in the Follow Up! 1.Put them in 1-31 2.Call Every Week 3.Drop By with Items of Value 4.CLICK HERE for Befriend a FSBO Materials (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 61. Hello, is this _____________________________This is _______________________________ at Century 21. How are you today?  The reason I’m calling is, we just listed a property at ____________________________ a couple of streets over from your home. As a result of our marketing we’ve generated a lot of interest in the neighborhood and need other homes to sell.   So, tell me have you considered selling your home? (No!!) Well, would you happen to know of anyone else thinking of selling?  IF PROSPECT KNOWS SOMEONE ELSE THINKING OF SELLING Would you mind sharing their name and phone number?? (F A N T A S T I C)  Would it be OK if I told them you referred me? (T H A N K S) I’ll be sure to get back in touch to let you know how things went!! (H A V E A G R E A T E V E N I NG) (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 62. Hi There, My name is _____________ with Century 21 Northside. I’m not sure if you noticed but we just sold a home around the corner at 123 Happy Hollow. That house ended up going for $19,000 over the list price and we had five offers! What that means to you, is that there now are 4 qualified buyers who are without a home! Since this house went for so much more than the seller thought it would, we now have a lot of neighbors wanting to know how much their home is worth! Did you want in on that list?? (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 63. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 1. 2.  Click on DATABASES 3. Scroll through the directory for REFERNCE USA 4. Enter your name and library card # 5. Under ‘Active Databases” choose U.S. Standard White Pages 6. Choose “Custom Search 7. Choose Geography and then Radius Enter Street Address and .5 in the “number of miles” field  You will the see a list of everyone within a half mile of your listing. (be sure to comply with all “do not call” regulations)  CALL THEM!! (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 65. 7 steps to getting every listing (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 66.  Prequalification script  Cma  Marketing plan  Listing Agreement  Seller’s Disclosure
  • 67.  Before going on the appointment, call the prospect and use the "Pre-qualifying the Listing Script. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 68. (c) Tankersley Training Inc Before I come out … there are a number of questions I need to ask you … OK? 1.If what I say makes sense … and you feel comfortable and confident that I can … sell your home … are you planning to list your home with me when I come out on __________? 2.Are you planning to interview more than one agent for the job of selling your home? 3.Tell me again … where are you moving to? 4.How soon do you have to be there? 5.When I see you … how much do you want to list your home for? As a professional real estate agent, I study homes and prices every day, therefore I assume you’ll list with me … at a price that will cause your home to sell … correct? So … what price won’t you go below? 6.How much do you owe on the property? 7.Have you ever thought about selling it yourself? 8.Will you help finance the home for the buyer … or do you want your cash out? 9.Would you please describe your home for me? 10. I’ll be sending over a package of information … will you take a few moments and review it? 11. Do you have any questions before I arrive? 12. So you know … our meeting should only take between five and twenty-five minutes … is that OK? I’ll look forward to seeing you on _________ at ____________.
  • 69.  Use the pre-listing presentation feature on ToolkitCMA and email it to the prospect.  (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 70.  When you arrive at the home, ask for a tour and take notes about the good, bad and ugly features of the home. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 71.  Find a place in the home (preferably the kitchen table) where there is a place to  sit at a table with no distractions. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 72.  Remember FBT (Feature/Benefit/Tie-Down) Get 5 yes's and go for the close "So here's what happens next..." (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 73.  Go over the CMA and NET SHEET with seller and agree on a price. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 74.  Nothing left to do but sign the contract.  Overcome any lingering objections. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 75. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 76. APARTMENT TENANTS Use the Criss-Cross to Call Renters in Apartment Complexes YOUR SCRIPT Hi! My name is Rick with Century 21. I am calling Because studies show that most renters would rather be homeowners. They are tired of wasting their money and making the land lord rich. If you could rent a bigger home for the same or less than you pay in rent, wouldn’t you? "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 77.  Eyecatching Headline with a good hook  Ie School District, Unique Feature, Bargain. HUD, foreclosure, low payment, etc  A few good pictures (no more than 4)  Short Description  Call to action and phone # Use for our listings Try for more homes Use for new construction homes Post 2 ads at noon and 2 at 7pm Make sure to include your name and broker. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 78. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 79. FLOOR DUTY…PHONE TIME…OPPORTUNITY TIME Be Prepared Use Script Get the Appointment "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 80. "I am Totally Committed to my Success"   Thank you for calling Century 21. How may I help you?     (I am calling about a home at 123 Happy St) Oh yes! That must be a great home… we have gotten a lot of calls on it today.  When would you like to see it?           (I just have a question about it.) Ok. Let me pull it up on the computer. Can I get your name and number in case we are cut off? Thanks! I am pulling the info up now… How long have you been looking for a home? How many homes have you looked at? What methods are you using to find the homes. Are you working with a realtor? Are you renting or buying your home? Alright! I have the info pulled up. It really is a great looking house!! What would you like to know?  (How much is it?) It’s _____... is that in your price range?  (yes)  Great! We should go see it before it is gone!! I can arrange my schedule to meet with you today around 3 or 4. Which one is better for you? (4 is best) Awesome! I will schedule this one and a couple of more in the neighborhood like it.  I will call you back once I confirm the showings. BY THE WAY… are you PAYING CASH or will you NEED FINANCING? (Financing) No Problem! I will get someone to call you and take care of that before 4pm. I will call you back with the scheduling info.  (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 81. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" SPEED + TENACITY + SCRIPT = HIGHEST CONVERSION RATE POSSIBLE ____________________________________________________________________________   Contact IMMEDIATELY!!! SET APPOINTMENT!! Call 6 TIMES Call on MINUTE ONE, MINUTE 10, MINUTE 30 , HOUR ONE, HOUR TWO, DAY TWO TEXT “I just got your information from Zillow. Can you talk?” – MINUTE 1, HOUR ONE, HOUR TWO If EMAIL ONLY  - “I just got your information from Zillow. Is now a good time to speak?” – Send  MINUTE 30, HOUR ONE,  HOUR TWO. HOUR THREE - “The home you’re inquiring about is fantastic! When would you like to see it?” DAY TWO:  Subject Line: Checking In   - Message: I was just checking in to see if you needed anything from  me today.  Place in CRM/ZAP and set up auto follow up.  (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 82. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 83. "I am Totally Committed to my Success"   My goal is to help you find the home of your dreams. I want to make sure that I only show you homes that meet your specific criteria. I call these  the “DREAM MAKERS.” Of Course, I also want to make that I DO NOT show you anything you don’t want to see. So if there are features that you want to specifically  avoid, DEAL BREAKERS, please let me know about these and I will avoid them at all costs.   So let’s start with the basics:  (DIG DEEP! Find the Pain!!) Tell me about why you are moving and what you want in a home.       Area of town that is a MUST! Is it important that we are in a specific school district? Which one and why? Do you want to be close to work? Where is that?   Just to be clear, we want ____ school district and not too far away from your job at ____, correct? What do you ABSOLUTELY have to have in a home?    I am sure you have had experiences with your past homes that you would like to avoid. What would you say are DEAL BREAKERS or things we  should stay away from when looking for your home?     What is the VERY MOST you are willing to pay per month on the home of your dreams?   Please keep in mind that I will do my best to avoid the deal breakers and I will NEVER show you home that is more than you wish you wish to  pay.   (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 84. "I am Totally Committed to my Success"   Buyers will look at 100 homes before they buy... if you let them. This is a HUGE decision for them and there are just SO MANY HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM. They are afraid that they will "settle" if they don't see everything available. As a real estate agent, you must know how to handle this concern. You will waste countless hours and dollars in gas if you do not CONTROL THE SALE. Allowing the clients browse on their own, agents miss buying signs, body language, opportunity to ask "tie down" questions such as "does this feel like home?" or "can you see yourself living here?" A buyer's fear will kick in and, even though this home may be perfect, they will want to see more because they are frightened. The buyer may something like "I don't think we have seen enough  homes yet." This is not a true objection, it is a stall. Here is how you can handle this: “John, Mary, I feel that you’re a little apprehensive because we found a great home so quickly. I don’t blame you for that. I hope you realize, though, in scouring the area for homes, I used your idea of the perfect home to narrow down the search. Rather than show you all of the homes available, I decided to show you only those homes that meet your wants, needs and budget. In watching you preview this property, I could see you were envisioning your family living here. That’s why I’d like you to consider placing an offer on this particular property rather than wasting your time searching and maybe lose this home that you really like." They want the home. They don’t want to lose this home to someone else. It is just that their emotions are jumbled up. As a good sales person, you will help your client make a choice that they want to make. You are the trusted professional. Your advice can calm them down so they can make the right decision.   (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 85. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 1. Find a home, submit offer, negotiate price, offer is accepted 2. When both parties sign and contract is executed, deliver contract and earnest money  check to title company to be receipted. 3. Send copies of receipted copies to your buyer, listing agent, mortgage company 4. Send list of inspectors to buyer 5. Insist to schedule inspection immediately as to determine if any repairs to be down  within option period (If buyer refuses to have home inspection, they must sign form  stating they declined) 6. Compile list of desired repairs and complete an Amendment to the Contract (TAR 1903) 7. Write  desired  repairs  in  section  labeled  “In  addition  to  any  repairs  and  treatments  otherwise  required  by  the  contract,  Seller,  at  Seller's  expense,  shall  complete  the  following  repairs  and  treatments”  (Use  space  provided.  If  more  needed,  refer  to  attachment to the amendment.)   8.    If  amendment  is  accepted  and  signed  by  seller,  property  will  go  into  Pending  status  (PND) If sellers refuse to complete repairs, buyers may choose to exercise their option, or right to  terminate. In which case, complete NOTICE OF BUYER'S TERMINATION OF CONTRACT  (TAR  1902)  and  Release  of  Earnest  Money  (TAR  1904).  Have  buyers  sign  and  then  deliver to listing agent immediately. (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 86. "I am Totally Committed to my Success"   TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Inspections, repair negotiation and cancellation must be completed with the option period. Do not procrastinate.   10. When option period is over and repair negotiations are settled, property will  be in Pending status   11. Check in with Loan officer frequently to ensure you are on track to close on  time or early.  Speak with closer at the title company to make sure everything is in order.   12 Wait for closing   13.  The  day  of  or  before  closing,  go  with  buyer  and  conduct  a  BUYER  WALK- THROUGH to make sure the home is in acceptable shape. Have the buyers sign the  BUYER WALK-THROUGH form.   (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 94. HOW TO HOLD AN OPEN HOUSE "I am Totally Committed to my Success" Most widely done (and done wrong) activity in real estate We hold open houses for ONE REASON ONLY: TO GENERATE LEADS! STOP trying to sell the house and start trying to CONVERT attendees  into APPOINTMENTS Most agents do not like open houses because they are getting poor  results YOUR OBJECTIVE IS TO NOT JUST GET NAMES AND NUMBERS BUT TO  SCHEDULE APPOINTMENTS (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 95. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 1. 2 Hours of pre-work for every 1 hour of Open House 2. Choose the right property  a. Easy to Find b. Accessible c. Great Curb Appeal d. Newest on the Market 3. Make it EASY TO FIND a. 2 Directionals = not enough!! The More Signs the Better! b. Invest a little bit of money into your signs c. Use balloons, streamers or banners to draw attention to each directional 4. PRE SELL THE EVENT a. Put a sign out in advance with times of the open house b. Post ads on Craigslist and FB in advance c. Fliers to Neighborhood stores d. Invite the neighbors (maybe an hour earlier for “exclusive” viewing) e. Invite your entire database f. Post in 21online,, mls, etc g. Door knock the neighbors a week in advance “Hi. I was just visiting your neighbor. We are doing an open house this Saturday from 1-4. However, from 1-2 is exclusively  for neighbors. Do you think you could make it?” (Ask Rick about the rest of the script) h. MAKE SURE FSBOS AND EXPIREDS GET AN INVITATION!!! 5. LOCATE SWITCH PROPERTIES a. 94% of visitors will have no interest in the property (6% will) b. Find the TOP 5 HOTTEST BUYS in the Market Area c. By asking for emails to send more properties.. you are losing them 6. ARRIVE EARLY a. Know the house b. Know where you will start and finish with each person c. 40% of visitors will have a home to sell. (Sellers not Buyers) d. Have your GIVE AWAY in place e. Make Sure Your entry cards are ready and accessible f. Fliers ready to go (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 96. HOW TO HOLD AN OPEN HOUSE "I am Totally Committed to my Success" 7.       GREAT GREETING IS IMPORTANT a. SMILE b. Give your name to get a name c. Give them a flier (not mls sheet) Use this line on flier:  “Hi I’m Rick Tankersley. Thank you for coming to my open house. If you would  like to know how easy it would be to own this home, be sure to ask me.” 8.       ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS a. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME FOR YOURSELF?? b. DO YOU HAVE A PROPERTY YOU NEED TO SELL BEFORE YOU CAN BUY? c. CAN YOU TELL ME A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IN A HOME? (This will tell us if we need to demo this home or switch them) 9.        LET THEM LOOK a. Show them the highlights of the home b. Stay within ear shot of them c. Answer questions as they come up 10.      DEPARTING COMMENTS a. CAN YOU GIVE ME A LITTLE FEEDBACK I CAN SHARE WITH THE SELLER? b. IS THIS A HOME YOU WOULD BUY? c. I HAVE 5 MORE OF THE “HOTTEST BUYS” IN THE AREA d. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THEM TODAY AROUND 4PM? 11.       MEASURE YOUR SUCCESS a. Not based on if you pleased the seller b. Success is based on how many LEADS you generated c. FOLLOW UP WITHIN 48 HOURS (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 97. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" I. MLS SAVED SEARCHESa. Every Prospective Buyer II. ZAP and BUSINESS BUILDER DRIP CAMPAIGNS a. Seasonal Cards b. Newsletter c. Hot Buyer/Seller Campaign III. SOCIAL MEDIA a. Friend Everyone b. Engage in posts daily (“like” is sufficient) IV. PERSONAL NOTES a. Handwritten b. Who, When and What V. POP-Bys a. Dropping by with small gift or info VI. 1-31 File a. Simplicity is Key to Follow Up b. Materials Needed i. Dividers labeled 1-31 ii. Lead Sheets iii. 2” Binderc.  Use Religiously EVERY DAY
  • 98. SEND THANK YOU NOTES TO EVERY PERSON YOU MEET Thank you notes: Should be Handwritten Use the Owner’s Name Insert Business Card Use a Stamp, not Metered "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 99. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Schedule Your Day and Stick To It! Bottom line is that if you do not prioritize and schedule money making activities, you will be distracted by everything else. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 100. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Kiss a lot of Frogs! You will find that a large number of leads you generate, no matter the source, will not be ready ready to do anything immediately (or in some cases – never). However, you must keep talking to people, placing ads, taking phone duty, holding open houses, etc. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 101. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Follow Up – Relentlessly 70% of all closings are a result of follow up. Once you are in the swing of making contacts and generating leads, you will tend to focus only on the ones that look like “instant money.” Other good leads will fall through the cracks and disappear because they were placed on the back burner and forgotten. Deliberate and consistent follow up with all leads and referral sources will result in more closings! "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 102. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Track your results Track how many contacts, leads, appointment and contracts you have each week. By doing so will see where you are strongest and where you need to improve. Tracking your numbers is the only way to know for sure you are on the right track. Allow someone else to hold you accountable for your results. Share your numbers with them weekly. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 103. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Join coaching group Being involved in a coaching will provide you with the accountability and business advice needed to propel your business to above average levels. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 104. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Ask a lot of questions! Many times agents bog down because they are stuck in a process. A simple answer or conversation will allow you to quickly and easily move forward. Ask an agent, manager or staff member to help get you over the hurdles "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 105. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Act before you think! Many agents have been caught in the trap of over-thinking. Worrying about the “what-ifs” will build roadblocks you do not need. Trust your knowledge, training and instincts and GO FOR IT! When in doubt, refer to the previous step and reach out for help and guidance. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc
  • 106. SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Don’t get discouraged and Never, Ever Give Up! There is no doubt that this is a tough business. There are times in the beginning when you will be wondering what in the world you were thinking by getting into the real estate business. We will be disappointed by bad leads, mean people, flaky prospects, and deals that do not close. Keep moving forward! Ask for help, coaching, guidance from your office staff, management and fellow agents. We have all been exactly where you are! We will help you and everyone will tell you that it always gets better. "I am Totally Committed to my Success" (c) Tankersley Training Inc

Editor's Notes

  1. Notes: -This is your calendar for only day 1. -Just do it!
  2. Notes: -You will be sending announcement cards to everyone you know. Be sure to include your business card in the envelope.
  3. Notes: -Cold call people living in apartments and ask, “has anyone talked with you about buying a home?” -Ask the apartment manager if you can leave marketing materials in the office.
  4. Notes: -Agents on property time and answering the phone get any and all prospects who call in to inquire. -Always sound happy when talking on the phone and the agent should stay in control of the call.
  5. Notes: -Agents are very happy for you to hold one of their listings open. -Choose a house near a busy street for good exposure. -Your goal is to get prospects!
  6. Notes: -Your company has note cards. -You must write at least 5 each day to people you have talked to. -For example, your golfing partner, PTO committee person, Doctor, Property time prospect, Open house prospect, FSBO, etc...
  7. Notes: -Real estate is not just looking at houses. -Do your written goals. -Have a business plan. -Work the plan. -Do what is in this book.
  8. Notes: -So, how many ways have we learned to prospect? -FSBO’s -FRBO’s -Expireds -Go to lunch with a friend -Just listed cards -Just sold cards -Thank you notes -Daily newspaper -Clubs -Open house -Phone time
  9. Notes: -Your job during the day is to “see people.” -At night your job is to practice your cold call conversations, write offers, and estimate closing costs so you are prepared tomorrow.
  10. Notes: -When you are helping people, you get business. That’s fun! -When you get to write an offer, that’s fun! -So, meet at least 20 people per day and ask “do you know of anyone who needs to buy or sell real estate” and you will have lots of fun!
  11. Notes: -When you have completed the first 30 days in this book, go back to day 1 and finish your first 60 days. -Continue this process until you have all the business you desire!
  12. Notes: -When you have completed the first 30 days in this book, go back to day 1 and finish your first 60 days. -Continue this process until you have all the business you desire!
  13. Notes: -When you have completed the first 30 days in this book, go back to day 1 and finish your first 60 days. -Continue this process until you have all the business you desire!
  14. Notes: -When you have completed the first 30 days in this book, go back to day 1 and finish your first 60 days. -Continue this process until you have all the business you desire!