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A Report In Partnership With
Protecting Your Customers
In An Omni-Channel Marketplace
A new range of services are simplifying the
authentication process by allowing users to
rely on physical identifiers to replace their
traditional passwords.
On-Hand Identifiers Mobile and other personal
technologies used alongside payments, logins and
other behaviors are helping streamline multistage
authentication processes.
Person As Password A new range of services are
monitoring biometric indicators such as a person’s
natural gestures, behaviors or even heartbeat to verify
and safeguard personal data.
New technologies are leveraging data that
dynamically changes and self-destructs to
provide a new level of security and protection for
consumers in the physical and digital world.
Ephemeral Information Applications are recognizing the
danger of lingering data and are developing new, secure
services that allow sensitive information to exist only for as
long as it is needed, after which it is securely deleted.
Evolving Encryption Given enough time and effort
hackers can usually find a way to bypass static password
and other identifiers no matter how complicated they may
be. In response, companies are developing new ways to
verify payments and access to other sensitive data using
authenticators that evolve, change, and update over time.
Crowdsourced Security Companies are now discovering
new ways to harness the power of the crowd, with initiatives
that leverage the ingenuity of users around the world to
discover potential design flaws and security risks before they
become larger issues.
AUTHENTICATION A new range of services are seeking to improve
consumer experience by leveraging the latest
technology to provide in-the-moment support to
customers whenever they need it.
Privacy Dashboards In an effort to be more transparent,
companies are developing an intuitive set of tools that
grant consumers greater control over their personal
privacy and security.
Always-On Assistance A new slate of services are
supplementing consumer decision-making by offering
contextual reminders and advice, helping them understand
spending habits, make smarter financial plans and avoid
potential risks.
Behavioral Nudging New technologies are being leveraged
to demonstrate the importance of data security, as well as
teach users how to make smarter decisions about their own
privacy and how they manage their payments.
Emotional Safeguards New technologies are going beyond
traditional user inputs, and reading into more complex
indicators such as emotion to deliver a more relevant and
secure user experience.
What Is Safety &
Security Today?
What Is Safety & Security Today? 1
2The Safety Of Securty Today
As more of our lives are predicated on the ability to quickly and seamlessly exchange digital
information, the issue of security has never been more crucial. It has become increasingly
important to manage our multiple identities: both how we are presented in the physical
world, and how we exist in the digital space. As more services are transitioned to the digital
and online space, it is becoming vital for consumers to understand how to effectively
manage their multiple personas, along with their resulting interactions and transactions.
As the importance of digital life grows, so too does the risk of having personal
data breached, mismanaged or stolen. This is particularly important in the payments
space, where forward thinking companies are developing new ways to protect the safety,
security, and privacy of their consumers, and offering greater controls and transparency
around personal information to foster trust in both the digital and physical world.
This report was created by PSFK Labs in partnership with MasterCard in
an effort to explore the key issues consumers are facing in the world of digital
safety and security. The goal is to provide consumers with a look at important
developing trends in this space, and to provide actionable ideas people can take to
stay one step ahead of the curve.
MasterCard has a longstanding reputation as a trusted provider and innovator in the
payments sector. Because of this, customers rely on the brand to safely process and manage
a wide range of transactions. While technology is being developed to arm consumers with
greater safety and security, it is important to provide new services and technologies that
help them safely navigate the everyday realities of online safety and security.
The State Of Security Today
Objective WHAT’S
What’s In This Document
8 Core Consumer Needs
How To Build A Safe &
Secure Future
Streamlined Authentication
Dynamic Protection
Personalized Support
On-Hand Identifiers
Person As Password
Quantifying The Payment Process
Ephemeral Information
Living Like A Local In Europe
Evolving Encryption
Crowdsourced Security
Seamless Online Security
Privacy Dashboards
Always-On Assistance
Night Out With Friends
Behavioral Nudging
Emotional Safeguard
Financial Safety Net
Experts To Follow / Methodology
About PSFK & MasterCard
What’s In This Document 2
PSFK Labs leverages the research skills and editorial reach of to offer innovation
and thought leadership services to the world’s most future forward companies.
If you are interested in seeing a presentation of this report or would like to understand
how PSFK can help your team ideate new possibilities for your brand, contact us at
Free download available on
Consumers desire greater
oversight and supervision of their
personal security and tools to manage
their privacy more effectively.
Privacy Dashboards,
Emotional Safeguards
Consumers develop a
deeper relationship with
providers who demonstrate that
they value and are willing to reward
their long-term customers.
Privacy Dashboards,
Always-On Assistance
Consumers who can build
a trusted foundation of privacy and
security with a provider will open
themselves up to a more diverse
range of products and services.
Crowdsourced Security,
Always-On Assistance
Consumers want a safe and
secure experience, without being
bogged down in a process that is
overly complicated or takes too long
to accomplish.
On-Hand Identifiers,
Person As Password,
Evolving Encryption,
Ephemeral Information
Customers expect providers
to have their security and privacy
interests in mind, and build a safe
and protected experience both
online and offline.
Crowdsourced Security,
Evolving Encryption,
Ephemeral Information,
Privacy Dashboards
Consumers are looking for
tools that offer freedom and
mobility by fitting into their lives
rather than requiring them to
change their behaviors.
On-Hand Identifiers,
Person As Password,
Always-On Assistance
Consumers gravitate toward
products that dynamically react to
their individual needs and open the
door to experiences that are
tailored to them.
Behavioral Nudging,
Emotional Safeguards
Consumers want to receive
ongoing assistance and support
throughout the lifetime of their
relationship with a provider and get
an optimized experience for their
individual needs.
Always-On Assistance,
Behavioral Nudging
Our research identified eight overarching needs that are at the root of success for any
company developing a new product. These represent fundamental values that every
person relates to when they interact with a service or technology, and it is crucial for
any provider to understand the importance of these fundamental needs. By ensuring
that one or more of these needs is met by features, policies and practices, the financial
institutions that serve us can provide a better overall experience to each and every
one of their consumers.
8 Core Needs In Digital Safety
8 Core Needs In Digital Safety
With steady increase in digital connectivity, both consumers and merchants are poised for big changes
ahead. As part of this, there are a growing set of expectations as to how companies should implement safety
measures to enhance and protect the privacy of their customers. The financial service sector must evolve its
offerings to meet these new desires and push new innovation in consumer security.
Given the confusion that already exists around logins, passwords and the countless
other loopholes that customers must contend with, companies must challenge
themselves to design elegant solutions that streamline steps without loosening
security. Leveraging natural inputs alongside automated systems can make a multi-
step authentication experience feel effortless for consumers while simultaneously
ensuring that all information and transaction remains protected.
Needs Seamlessness, Flexibility, Protection
As automated security systems become more prevalent, it’s important that the end
user remain at the center of that design equation to ensure that their needs are being
met and they still feel they have agency over and understanding of these interactions.
While user input might not be required, keeping them in the information loop will
ensure greater comfort and satisfaction.
Needs Control, Seamlessness, Trust, Personalization
While providing a baseline of security is now table stakes, companies can offer
additional value by arming consumers with the right tools and information to protect
themselves online. These additional measures allow those customers with greater
concerns to take a more active role in managing their individual safety or acting on
behalf of the broader community.
Needs Control, Flexibility, Support, Pesonalization
In the new marketplace, consumers expect to get something in return for their
continued business, looking to brands to deliver added value through products and
services that bring assistance, support and utility to daily life. By expanding beyond
their core offerings to solve for evolving customer needs, companies can take
advantage of emerging opportunities, reach broader audiences and drive loyalty.
Needs Loyalty, Trust, Support, Personalization
At a time when consumers are increasingly concerned about personal privacy,
companies can lead through openness. In instances where breaches may have
occurred, clear communications around what steps are being taken and how
individuals can protect themselves can help mitigate potentially difficult situations.
At the same time, being upfront about who has access to sensitive data and how
it’s being used, or even instituting policies to never share information can engender
greater loyalty from customers.
Needs Loyalty, Trust, Support
In a rapidly changing marketplace, it’s important for businesses to strive to be
adaptive and flexible to stay ahead of the needs of their customers and outpace their
competition. Creating a culture where discovery, rapid experimentation and outside
collaborations are encouraged contribute to a broader innovation pipeline. This not
only has the potential to drive the company from a product and service standpoint,
but also position it as a leader in the eyes of consumers.
Needs Loyalty, Seamlessness, Protection
1 4
How To Build A Safe & Secure Future
How To Build A Safe & Secure Future +
A new range of services are simplifying the authentication process by
allowing users to rely on physical identifiers to replace their traditional
passwords. Building upon tools such as biometric identifiers or wearable
technology, these tools are streamlining the authentication process and
providing a quick and secure way for users to verify their identity.
A new range of services are simplifying the authentication process
by allowing users to rely on physical identifiers to replace their
traditional passwords. Building upon tools such as biometric
identifiers or wearable technology, these tools are streamlining the
authentication process and providing a quick and secure way for
users to verify their identity.
FLEXIBILITY Consumers are looking for tools that offer freedom
and mobility by fitting into their lives rather than requiring them
to change their behaviors.
SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience,
without being bogged down in a process that is overly
complicated or takes too long to accomplish.
Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist
“A simple example, like Apple Touch to do Apple Pay
where now, instead of having to carry a wallet with a
credit card in it, I can just pay with my phone and put my
thumb print on it. That seems magical.”
89% of people expect stores they shop
at to keep up-to-date with the latest in
financial safety technologies.
77% of consumers believe new
technologies in the payments sector
are having an overall positive impact
on personal security.
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
Integrate Provide consumers with more intuitive ways to process transactions,
leading to more secure and seamless checkouts.
Sync Match wearables with an accompanying mobile app to give consumers greater
control over their personal information.
Bracelet Measures Heartbeat As
An Unique Biometric Authenticator
Wristband Replaces The Need
For Keys And Passwords
Bracelet Measures Heartbeat As
An Unique Biometric Authenticator
Service Uses Social Media Accounts As
A Secondary Identifier
Everykey is a wristband that securely stores digital keys and
passwords and allows users to unlock devices automatically
when they are within range. It also manages a password keychain
for online accounts that will unlock websites when the bracelet
is in range and relock them when the bracelet is out of range.
The information broadcasted is encrypted and will only work
with paired devices. If the device is ever lost or stolen, it can be
deactivated remotely.
Keybase is a website and open source command line program
that lets any security software be powered by usernames
instead of the offline key exchanges typically used in most
encryption methods. In simple cryptography, the public key is
a value provided by a designated authority as an encryption
key. When the public key is combined with a private key (that is
derived from the public key) it can be used to efficiently encrypt
messages. Keybase matches an individual’s social networks to a
public key in order to verify their identity and ensure that they
are in fact who they claim to be. Keybase is ultimately creating
a simple way to look up and trust public keys based on known
public identities.
The Nymi wristband is a wearable device that identifies a
wearer by their unique cardiac rhythm as an alternative to using
passwords or PIN codes for devices. Created by biometric
technology company Bionym, Nymi functions on a 3-factor
security system, which includes the wristband, the wearer’s
unique heartbeat and a smartphone or device registered with the
Nymi app. When the Nymi is clasped around a wrist it powers on,
and by placing a finger on the topside sensor while the wrist is in
contact with the bottom sensor, an electrical circuit is completed.
After feeling a vibration and seeing the LEDs illuminate to
indicate the authentication process is complete, the wristband
wearer can securely unlock any Nymi-paired device.
Neil Costigan. CEO. Behaviosec
Tim Hwang. Designer. Security Writer
“We build up a model of a typical user’s behavior,
and in real time monitor what they’re doing to
make sure it’s consistent with their previous
behavior. Through this we can generate behavioral
authentication in real time.”
“We are seeing an increase in passive security
options such as biometrics and wearables, which
are safer because we’ve designed solutions
that are natural for consumers to adopt. When
adoption is seamless, it is going to lead to
generally better security outcomes.”
Streamlined Authentication On-Hand Identifiers
See How To Biometrics Can Streamline
Checkout And Track Your Spending Habits
See page. 10-11
A new range of services are monitoring biometric indicators such as
a person’s natural gestures, behaviors or even heartbeat to verify and
safeguard personal data. By directly tying passwords to a person’s
unique inputs, these solutions make hacking far more difficult, which
can help eliminate remote fraudulent activity, while also delivering
greater efficiencies at payment and other access points.
FLEXIBILITY Consumers are looking for tools that offer freedom
and mobility by fitting into their lives rather than requiring them
to change their behaviors.
SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience,
without being bogged down in a process that is overly
complicated or takes too long to accomplish.
Ajay Bhalla. President of Enterprise Security Solutions. MasterCard
“All of us want a payment experience that is safe as
well as simple, not one or the other. We want to identify
people for who they are, not what they remember. We
have too many passwords to remember and this creates
extra problems for consumers and businesses.”
86% of consumers would invest more
time or energy into adopting new
payment technologies if they promised
greater security.
95% of consumers expect their bank to
have the latest technologies to keep their
financial information safe and secure.
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
Streamline A more intuitive biometric login process means customers are more likely
to use new services and interact with them in a more secure manner.
Exchange Biometric tools can replace a wide range of existing technology such as ID
cards that consumers have to carry around, making payments a more fluid process.
Facial Payment Software Verifies Purchases
With A Selfie
Voice Recognition Password Logs
Customers Into Their Accounts
Facial Payment Software Verifies Purchases
With A Selfie
Authenticator Analyzes Unique Behavioral
Biometrics Like Speed, Temperature And Rhythm
To Verify User IdentityIndia’s ICICI Bank has introduced a new initiative to make banking
as simple as possible for its customers by enabling them to
use voice recognition technology to verify their identity. ICICI
customers can access their accounts and make transactions
using only their voice, which is registered and recognized as a
password. Customers register a ‘voice print’ which is stored on
the bank’s database. Each sample has over 100 characteristics,
including voice modulation, accent, pronunciation and speed,
making it impossible to imitate. When the customer telephones
the bank from their registered number, the bank uses voice
recognition to determine if the voice is a match. The customer’s
unique voice therefore functions as their new password, replacing
other authentication methods such as card numbers, personal
addresses or security questions.
MasterCard is taking mobile payment security one step further
by launching a feature that can verify a user’s identity through a
picture of their face. Instead of merely using your fingerprint to
authorize a transaction like Apple Pay, MasterCard is letting users
take a selfie. Buy a drink using a MasterCard, and the app will
send a notification to snap a picture of your face to confirm your
identity. As an added security measure, users have to blink when
taking the selfie so that someone wouldn’t be able to just hold
up a photo to trick the app. MasterCard’s app will also support
fingerprint scanning for authorizing purchases. The goal is to
target younger users who already use their phones multiple times
a day with apps like Snapchat, who will be most likely to adopt
the service.
Chris McWilton. President of North American Markets.
Greg Mitchell. President. Chief Executive Officer.
First Tech Federal Credit Union
“While progress is being made with the move
to EMV and mobile payments...we are [making
investments] to protect the payments system for
cardholders, merchants and issuers. That’s at the
heart of what our cardholders expect when they
see our brand mark.”
“The MasterCard cybersecurity concept
is innovative, and a big step towards this
commitment. We look forward to helping
MasterCard bring this new technology to our
member cardholders throughout America,”
Swedish startup Behaviosec has invented a new type of
personalized authentication that serves as an alternative to
passwords. Instead, the service works to identify users by their
unique biometric fingerprint, which includes a combination
of ways in which users interact with their device, such as the
force with which they hit a key, the angle they use to swipe a
touchscreen, or their typing speed. This type of identification
frees users from the burden of memorizing complex passwords,
and simply allows them to interact with their device as they
normally would to confirm their identity.
Streamlined Authentication Person As Password
See How To Biometrics Can Streamline
Checkout And Track Your Spending Habits
See page. 10-11
Raul is 32 and lives in San Francisco. He is a devoted runner, and likes to track many
aspects of his daily life. He has recently been issued a new card from his bank powered
by MasterCard, which he has linked to his new fitness wristband. Since he always wears
a wristband that acts as a biometric identifier and payment system, he rarely carries a
bulky wallet and can easily do errands when he goes on a run.
Person As Password p.8-9
Privacy Dashboards p.24-25
Emotional Safeguards p.32-33
2. Later at the store,
Raul brings his items up
to the cash register. With
a simple tap of his band on
an NFC reader, his identity
is verified using his unique
1. Leaving his house
on Saturday morning,
Raul wants to go for a run
and also pick up some
groceries on his way back. He
leaves the house wearing his
running gear and wristband
ready for the day.
3. John is given
several payment options,
including his card and even
the points he’s earned from
his fitness activity.
Streamlined Authentication Quantifying The Payment Process
Quantifying The Payment Process
Using Biometrics To Streamline Checkout And Track Spending Habits
4. After making
a selection, Raul is able
to complete the entire
transaction without having
to carry around his wallet
or phone.
5. Since his band is
already tracking his heartbeat,
Raul is able to gain insight
into the emotional state behind
each purchase, and how it
differs on days when he runs
and those that he doesn’t.
6. On his home computer,
Raul can view a personalized
dashboard of all this information,
syncing data from a number of
different platforms and services,
and managing access.
7. Through a number of
partnerships, Raul can even
choose to exchange this data
with different companies
for various rewards and
personalized services.
Streamlined Authentication Quantifying The Payment Process
Quantifying The Payment Process
Using Biometrics To Streamline Checkout And Track Spending Habits
Person As Password p.8-9
Privacy Dashboards p.24-25
Emotional Safeguards p.32-33
New technologies are working to provide a new level of security and
protection for consumers in the physical and digital world. By leveraging
data that dynamically changes and self-destructs, or calling upon the
power of the crowd to better test the security of products, retailers and
payment providers can better ensure the safety of their customers at
every stage in the purchase path.
Applications are recognizing the danger of lingering data and are
developing new secure services that allow sensitive information to exist
for only for as long as it is needed, after which it is securely deleted. In
some instances these services are allowing users to dictate how long
a message or transaction can be viewed, creating an added layer of
control over potentially sensitive information.
SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience,
without being bogged down in a process that is overly
complicated or takes too long to accomplish.
PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security
and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected
experience both online and offline.
Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist
“The interesting thing there is that there’s an expectation
of security, but there hasn’t yet been that counterbalance
around expectation of stewardship around data.”
88% of consumers trust that their
payment network is arming them with
new, secure technologies that protect
them from fraud.
83% of people say they are excited for
the emergence of new technologies
that will help secure and protect their
financial information.
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
Secure ‘Self-destructing’ financial information gives consumers a way to securely
transact in P2P marketplaces when established third parties are not available.
Control By adding an additional layer of control over where their information might
end up, consumers will be more likely to engage with and use new financial services.
Service Lets Workers Control Who Can
View Sensitive Documents
Self-Destructing Emails Let People Securely Share
Service Lets Workers Control Who Can
View Sensitive Documents
Encrypted Messaging App Deletes Data After
It Has Been ReadPluto Mail is a service developed by two students at Harvard
Law School, which lets people automatically delete the emails
they send after they have been read. The service integrates with
existing platforms such as Gmail, and allows writers to set when
they want the message to expire, such as one day after they are
sent or five minutes after they are opened. Pluto also displays
message content as an image, so it’s difficult to copy or save.
An email sent through Pluto can be recalled anytime and it can
be edited after the user has hit the send button if the recipient
hasn’t opened it yet, giving the sender greater control over their
digital privacy.
Wickr is a secure messaging app designed to create a
completely secure and encrypted line of communication
between two users. To achieve this, every message is given
a lifespan, which a user can choose, and the message is
automatically deleted when the time is up. Unlike other apps,
Wickr does not upload the user’s contact book to their servers
and private information never leaves their device. The app
allows users to protect their private information and provide a
secure means to transmit data to their friends.
Dstrux is a cloud-based service that allows workers to share
spreadsheets or other sensitive business documents over the
web, but retain control over the file. These documents can’t be
printed, saved, copied or screen captured and senders can track
every recipient who viewed or forwarded files. Simple controls
allow senders to designate which recipients may view it and
for how long. After the time limit has expired, the document
vaporizes, leaving no digital footprint behind.
Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy,
Center for Democracy & Technology
Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven
“When you’re getting that sensitive data you’re a
steward for it. Assuring the consumers that your
interests are aligned, that you’re working for them,
not against them, I think, is a really key idea.”
“The way that our data is used will continue to feel
invisible to the consumer, and security and privacy
will be a default activity.”
Dynamic Protection Ephemeral Information
See How Leveraging Social Reviews
And Secure Payment Tools Can
Help You Travel More Freely
See page. 15-16
Alex is a 27-year old living in the States, who is planning a backpacking trip around
Europe for his spring vacation. Alex prefers to use P2P services as much as possible for
accommodation, meals and other needs, and he doesn’t want payments to stand in the
way of a having a great experience.
On-Hand Identifier p.6-7
Person As Password p.8-9
Ephemeral Information p.13-14
2. At the end of the meal,
he uses secure messaging
service to share his credit
card details for payment.
1. On his first night
in Berlin, Alex schedules
a meal at the home of a
local artist using EatWith.
3. Once the transaction
has processed, the
information will securely
self-destruct, ensuring a
one-time only payment.
Dynamic Protection Living Like A Local In Europe
Living Like A Local In Europe
Leveraging Social Reviews And Secure Payment Tools To Freely Travel
4. On his way back to
his Airbnb, Alex stops by
a shop to pick up some water
and snacks. He hasn’t had
a chance to get any Euros
yet, so he pulls out to
his credit card to make
the purchase. 5. Because his credit
card powered by MasterCard
is linked to his Android Wear,
he’s automatically recognized
for payments, without
worrying that he’ll set off
any fraud alerts.
6. Back at his room,
he pulls out his phone to
order tickets for a graffiti tour
of the city the next day.
A one-click payment feature
verifies his identity with
a scan of his iris.
Dynamic Protection Living Like A Local In Europe
Living Like A Local In Europe
Leveraging Social Reviews And Secure Payment Tools To Freely Travel
On-Hand Identifier p.6-7
Person As Password p.8-9
Ephemeral Information p.13-14
SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience,
without being bogged down in a process that is overly
complicated or takes too long to accomplish.
PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security
and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected
experience both online and offline.
Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup
“In an ideal world, technology enables the consumer to bear
responsibility in a way that doesn’t necessarily cause them to
increase their effort.”
77% of consumers believe that new
technologies in the payments sector
are having an overall positive impact on
personal security, with more secure ways
to pay today than ever before.
55% of consumers believe that the risk
of financial information being stolen or
compromised is going to increase within
the next three years.
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
Evolve Passwords that automatically update improve customers’ security and lead to
more safe practices such as two-step authentication.
Facilitate More advanced and evolving security improves interactions at the enterprise
level, allowing teams to safely pass important documents between each other.
Card Standard Creates Dynamic Authentication
For Each And Every Transaction
Given enough time and effort hackers can usually find a way to bypass
static passwords and other identifiers no matter how complicated they
may be. In response, companies are developing new ways to verify
payments and access to other sensitive data using authenticators that
evolve, change, and update over time. Technologies like EMV are capable
of generating unique information that is specific to each transaction,
meaning that even if information is captured, it can’t be successfully
reused. The dynamic nature of these measures adds an extra layer of
security without requiring more effort on the part of consumers.
‘Mutant Font’ Constantly Changes To
Throw Off Data Stealers
A Standard For Dynamic Authentication
For Each And Every Transaction
Login Process Does Away With Static Passwords
In Favor Of Single-Use Alternatives
Brazilian design agency Africa has developed a new font for
Amnesty International, dubbed the “mutant font,” designed
to ward off anyone trying to scan and use people’s private
data. Online trackers seek out text online through the shape of
characters or the source font. So Mutant Font’s design includes
small graphic interventions that will block machines from viewing
its shapes. It comprises seven different fonts that generate
thousands of codes to confuse tracking, and the algorithm is
also shuffled every 24 hours to impede automatic scanning. The
constantly shifting nature of the font should grant users greater
security in their online dealings.
MasterCard has developed a new EMV standard which serves
as the backbone for future payment technologies by enabling
safer, smarter and more secure transactions across cards,
contactless, mobile and remote payment channels. Today’s
tech-savvy consumers are quickly adapting to digital devices,
turning them into powerful payment vehicles. At the same time,
the safety and security of these transactions is paramount. EMV
is a new standard for globally interoperable, secure payments.
The key element of EMV involves including dynamic digital data
in every transaction, which makes every transactions secure
and reduces the risk of fraud. When a consumer uses an EMV-
enabled device to pay at an EMV terminal, it can be instantly
identified as an authentic, approved payment belonging to that
consumer through dynamic authentication. The EMV standard
has already been adopted by more than 80 countries where it
has significantly reduced counterfeit card fraud, saving hundreds
of millions of dollars.
Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven
Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer
“There are many challenges with encryption
and authentication, and there’s a constant race
between the development of technology security
and the incentive for technology breaches.”
“The most popular password is still “password.”
We have to find ways to build-in passive security
tools as the default, where consumers don’t need
to think about it but you are just more secure as
a result.”
Yahoo has launched a new login process that does away
with static passwords in favor of single-use versions sent to
smartphones on the fly. The new approach, which is similar
to two-factor authentication, is designed to boost ease and
security for users. Instead of relying on a fixed password, Yahoo’s
system sends a temporary access word or code on demand to
a smartphone. This should bypass the use of easily guessable
passwords or hard-to-memorize character combinations. The on-
demand passwords are also disposable; once they’re used, they
won’t work again. The system is designed to be a more secure
and reliable alternative to traditional passwords.
Dynamic Protection Evolving Encryption
See How Multi-Channel Online Security
Can Make Your Shopping More Seamless
See page. 21-22
TRUST Consumers who can build a trusted foundation of privacy
and security with a provider will open themselves up to a more
diverse range of products and services.
PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security
and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected
experience both online and offline.
Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup
“The development community should be responsible for
providing new technology or solutions that allow consumers
to do what they need to do without exerting a ton of effort to
maintain safety and security.”
The annual survey of more than 9,700
security, IT, and business executives found
that the total number of security incidents
detected by respondents climbed to
42.8 million this year, an increase of 48%
over 2013. That’s the equivalent of 117,339
incoming attacks per day, every day.
Key Findings From The Global State Of
Information Security Survey. 2015
Test Crowd-based security affords a wider range of real-world testing for new
services, and gives consumers a greater sense of ownership over the security of the
applications they use.
Launch Companies can leverage crowdsourced security alternatives to more effectively
launch new services verify the safety of new platforms at a lower cost of testing.
Hackathon Brings Together Creative Minds
To Solve Problems
Crowdsourcing has grown rapidly in popularity, particularly with inventors
and developers looking to bring new products to the market. Companies
are now discovering new ways to harness the power of the crowd, with
initiatives that leverage the ingenuity of users across the world to discover
potential design flaws and security risks before they become larger issues.
Tech Giant Crowdsources Researchers
To Find Bugs In New Browser
Hackathon Brings Together Creative Minds
To Solve Problems
Online Service Lets Developers Test The Security Of
Their Apps With The Crowd Before General Release
Technology companies regularly pay security researchers
to discover critical software bugs, however Microsoft is now
crowdsourcing this research out and paying up to $15,000 for
finding critical software vulnerabilities in Project Spartan, the
company’s new web browser that will ship with Windows 10 later
this year. Researchers can be as young as 14-years-old to receive
payment and the program will run for several months. The hope
is that by crowdsourcing the project, Microsoft will open up the
program to a wider range of users and potentially be able to
discover additional vulnerabilities before launch.
The MasterCard Masters of Code Competition is an initiative to
traverse the globe and engage the very best coders through
an intense series of hackathons. Each regional hackathon has
developers, designers and entrepreneurs using the MasterCard
APIs to create new prototypes that demonstrate artful coding
and design skills, while articulating clear business cases. The
goal is to draw upon the innovative talents of a wide range of
coders and makers, and create a unique ideas for new security
projects. Regional winners compete against each other as well as
a MasterCard elite team of coders in a final round deciding the
winner of the $100,000 prize along with many other perks.
Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven Robert R. Ackerman Jr. Founder and Managing
Director, Allegis Capital
“What we are working towards is a different kind
of data ownership than almost everybody on the
web. We’re distributing ownership of data to the
individuals within a social network, and giving them
tools to manage the ownership of their data.”
“Rather than operating in isolated silos, the
sourcing from the crowd enables a collective
defense that, though not tipping the balance totally
in favor of the good guys, certainly improves the
potential for a more powerful defense.”
Crowdcurity is an online service that lets developers
crowdsource the security of their apps with dedicated testers
ahead of launch. To achieve this, Crowdcurity connects
companies that have software to debug with a community of
around 250 software testers, which it has found via security
forums. Customers can create a reward program with the site,
setting rules and amounts for bug programs. The challenge is
then sent to the testing community, which works on reporting
vulnerabilities. The customer validates the bugs in conjunction
with Crowdcurity, and payouts are awarded based on bug
severity. The company hopes to standardize the bug bounty
concept by outsourcing the process.
Dynamic Protection Crowdsourced Security
See How Multi-Channel Online Security
Can Make Your Shopping More Seamless
See page. 21-22
Lin is an 18-year old digital native, who is honing her coding skills and has been using
computers for as long as she can remember. Because of this, she also understands the
risks that are present online. When getting her first credit card, she therefore gravitates
towards a company that actively plays a role in protecting her personal information. With
her new credit card powered by MasterCard with built-in security features, she can make
purchases anywhere with added confidence and trust.
Behavioral Nudging p. 30-31
Crowdsourced Security p.19-20
Evolving Encryption p.17-18
Privacy Dashboards p.24-25
2. A corresponding
notification from her bank’s
app pops up on her phone
and reminds her for what
signs to look for from a site
set up for phishing.
1. Lin logs into a new
shopping site that she
has never visited before
and is prompted to enter
her personal and payment
3. As Lin continues to
shop other sites, she
occasionally comes across a
‘MasterCard Security Seal.’
This initiative leverages the
community to verify the safety
and trustworthiness of partner
retailers and brands to make
online shopping easier.
Dynamic Protection Seamless Online Security
Seamless Online Security
Enabling Safe And Convenient Omni-Channel Shopping
2222Dynamic Protection Seamless Online Security
Seamless Online Security
Enabling Safe And Convenient Omni-Channel Shopping
4. Despite these assurances,
Lin opts for two-step
authentication when making
purchases. This process
sends a new and unique
password to her phone each
time she logs in.
5. When her shopping
session is over, Lin logs on to
her account app to review her
privacy settings to understand
which companies are capturing
her personal data, how much
he is sharing and where
it is going.
6. Through this
dashboard, she has
the ability to opt-out
of certain types of
information sharing.
Behavioral Nudging p. 30-31
Crowdsourced Security p.19-20
Evolving Encryption p.17-18
Privacy Dashboards p.24-25
A new range of services are seeking to improve consumer experience by
leveraging the latest technology to provide in-the-moment to customers
whenever they need it. By giving consumers more insight into how their
data is being used and providing tools to guide them towards safer
behavior, users are given strong support at every step throughout their day.
In an effort to be more transparent, companies are developing an intuitive
set of tools that grant consumers greater control over their personal
privacy and security. Using visual interfaces and straightforward opt-in/
opt-out settings, customers can more easily see who has access and what
information is being shared. These dashboards also give consumers the
ability to openly exchange their personal and financial data with third
parties to benefit from value-added services and insights.
CONTROL Consumers desire greater oversight and supervision of their personal
security and tools to manage their privacy more effectively.
LOYALTY Consumers develop a deeper relationship with providers who
demonstrate that they value and are willing to reward their long-term customers.
PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security and privacy
interests in mind, and build a safe and protected experience both online and offline.
Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer
“One of the key actions a company can take to demonstrate
they are interested in the privacy of their users is to provide
them with good information, such as transparency reports
and strong privacy controls. These demonstrate a good
reciprocal trade for the data that they’re receiving.”
54% of survey respondents say they have
established security standards for external
partners, suppliers, and vendors.
93% of people think it’s important
to control access to their personal
information, and 90% care about the type
of information that’s collected about them.
Global State of Information Security Survey.
PwC. 2015
Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and
Surveillance. Pew Research Center. 2015
Manage Tools Provide consumers with the correct tools to manage their private
information, leading to more informed privacy and security decisions overall.
Visualize Mobile phones are a secure and comprehensive channel for customers to
understand and manage their financial goals.
MasterPass Give Customers Their Own
Connected Digital Wallet
Credit Card Allows Members To Assign Individual
Numbers To Every Merchant
MasterPass Gives Customers
Their Own Connected Digital Wallet
Providing Easily Accessible Privacy and Security
Information And Options
Final is a credit card, app and online portal that allows users
to assign a unique credit card number to every merchant they
transact with, or a disposable number for one-off purchases.
Users can limit each merchant or subscription to a monthly
amount so that if a merchant attempts to go over that limit, or a
breach happens, they’ll receive a push notification. From there,
simple controls let consumers easily cancel the card number
to disable further charges. Additional dashboard features give
members a clear view of their spending habits and budgeting
tools for both on and offline transactions.
In an effort to improve privacy and security tools, Google recently
announced a new hub for managing settings called “My Account”
and a new site,, to answer important privacy
and security questions. “My Account” provides quick access to
settings and tools that allow individuals to protect their privacy
and decide what information they would prefer Google to
incorporate into its service. Through “My Account” individuals
can take a privacy and security check up, manage information
from searches, maps and YouTube and control which apps are
linked to their Google account. Through,
Google candidly answers questions on personal information, ad
targeting and more.
MasterPass is a simple, convenient, trusted digital wallet for faster
safe shopping at thousands of online merchants. MasterPass
enables consumers to pay for the things they want with the
security they demand, online or in app, using any device. Now
accepted in 25 countries and at 250,000 merchants globally,
the platform securely stores payment and shipping information,
which is readily accessible when a consumer checks out using
the, “Buy with MasterPass” button and logs into their account.
With MasterPass, consumers can go online, place their order and
pay with just one click—the hassle and time to enter delivery and
billing information is eliminated. The wallet is open, which means
that in addition to MasterCard cards, consumers can store other
credit, debit, prepaid and loyalty cards in one place.
Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup
Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven
“Anytime you have someone who is the chief
stakeholder of an asset, the market is best
served by that person deploying their asset as
they see fit. We’re trying to build a platform
that will enable that to happen.”
“Data ownership is not just about rights, but
also responsibilities for the use of that data by
the individual.”
Personalized Support Privacy Dashboards
See How Greater Control Can Prevent
Your Financial Information From Being Stolen
See page. 28-29
FLEXIBILITY Consumers are looking for tools that offer freedom and mobility by
fitting into their lives rather than requiring them to change their behaviors.
LOYALTY Consumers develop a deeper relationship with providers who demonstrate
that they value and are willing to reward their long-term customers.
TRUST Consumers who can build a trusted foundation of privacy and security with a
provider will open themselves up to a more diverse range of products and services.
SUPPORT Consumers want to receive ongoing assistance and support throughout
the lifetime of their relationship with a provider and get an optimized experience for
their individual needs services.
Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology
“With things like the iCloud celebrity hack and also the Sony emails that got
hacked, people are also starting to be aware that it’s not just my credit card
that can be misappropriated. It’s all the stuff that I keep in the cloud.”
82% of people prefer to use their credit
or debit card instead of cash when
trusting the retailer/merchant.
48% of consumers believe they are
personally responsible for protecting their
own financial information from being
stolen or compromised.
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
Learn Human-led services can intuitively learn from and fill in consumers’ recurring needs, such
as password management or securing personal details, without having to prompt the user.
Human Touch With services becoming automated, customers appreciate a heightened level of
service that provides assistance and a more human touch.
Identity Theft Alerts Work With Customers
To Keep Online Information Safe
A new slate of services are supplementing consumer decision-making
by offering contextual reminders and advice, helping them understand
spending habits, make smarter financial plans and avoid potential risks. With
a specific focus on mobile and wearable devices, these initiatives ensure that
people receive timely support at key moments in their days, allowing them
to manage their finances more effectively.
Web And Mobile Based Personal Financial
Management Tool
Identity Theft Alerts Work With Customers
To Keep Online Information Safe
Chrome Users Can Download Their Search
History To Understand How Much Of Their
Data Is Being is a web and mobile application that curates an
individual’s financial information into one place, providing them
with a complete picture of their financial wellbeing. Individuals
can sync bank accounts, credit cards and investment accounts to
track spending, saving and set personal budgets. If an individual
is approaching their budget for the month or has a low balance,
Mint will send a notification reminder in over 20 types of
situations via email or through push notifications to their mobile
device. Mint also analyzes thousands of financial instruments and
can provide personalized recommendations for the best products
to match each individual’s lifestyle and goals.
Identity Theft Alerts is a free service only offered by MasterCard
to detect if a customer’s personal information (such as their
credit or debit card, social security number or driver’s license) is
being bought or sold online. If any fraud has been detected on a
customer’s account an Identity Theft Specialist can be assigned
to work with the customer to help check for any potential
identity theft and offer expert guidance to help keep online
information safe. The goal is to provide a safer ecosystem for
customers to make payments, and engage with new payments
technologies in a more secure way.
Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist
Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven
“What’s really interesting are the things you can
do for identification and authentication, simply by
observing me going about my everyday life.”
“The winning scenario is the company that figures
out how to make security invisible and seamless so
consumers don’t have to worry about it. That’s the
only way you can win because at the end of the day,
the default efficiency is always the winner.”
Google has given Chrome users a new feature that allows them
to download their entire search history, and gain insight into
the kind of data Google is collecting about its users. There are
many things Google can do with search history information,
from personalizing advertisements to combining many search
histories to find patterns. It even tries to predict who its users are
based on their search history, and can make guesses about their
desires and habits. Being able to download the raw output that
gets fed into Google’s analytics gives users a more active role in
interpreting and understanding the data that is collected from
their everyday online behavior.
Personalized Support Always-On Assistance
See How Greater Control Can Prevent
Your Financial Information From Being Stolen
See page. 28-29
Astrid is a 24-year old young professional living and working in New York City. She
recently applied for a new credit card through her bank powered by MasterCard, and has
installed her bank’s app to easily manage her card and account using her mobile phone.
As a heavy mobile user, she prefers to have the control and ease of access of a mobile
app as opposed to using a computer or making a phone call.
Privacy Dashboards p.24-25
Always-On Assistance p.26-27
Behavioral Nudging p.30-31
2. After hitting up a few
different bars, she discovers
that her card has gone
missing, and can’t seem to
find it anywhere.
1. Astrid meets up
with friends on a Friday
night after work to go out
for dinner and a few drinks.
Knowing she will not need
to carry cash, all she brings
is her phone and card.
3. She pulls up her bank’s
app on her phone and is able to
quickly monitor any activity, and
see if it has been used. While
there haven’t been any fraudulent
charges, she’s able to easily
put the card on hold until
it is located.
Personalized Support Night Out With Friends
Night Out With Friends
Providing Control To Prevent Account Theft
4. Once the app is
notified the card is missing,
MasterCard is able to pause any
transactions and she is presented
with a checklist of actions to
follow to help locate her card
or request a new one.
5. Astrid is able to pull up
a map within the app that
pinpoints where the last
purchases were made and
directions on how
to get there.
6. Retracing her steps,
she finds the card at the
previous bar and is able to
seamlessly re-activate it.
After this, she is able to
continue her night without
missing a step.
Personalized Support Night Out With Friends
Night Out With Friends
Providing Control To Prevent Account Theft
Privacy Dashboards p.24-25
Always-On Assistance p.26-27
Behavioral Nudging p.30-31
PERSONALIZATION Consumers gravitate toward products that
dynamically react to their individual needs and open the door to
experiences that are tailored to them.
SUPPORT Consumers want to receive ongoing assistance and
support throughout the lifetime of their relationship with a provider
and get an optimized experience for their individual needs.
Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven
“Recently, one of the biggest changes around online security
is awareness. Consumers, especially in the United States, are
generally much more aware that their online information is
valuable, and that it can be compromised.”
Educate As users share increased amounts of intimate information, companies must educate
their consumers about secure behavior, as well as provide passive tools for protection.
Follow-Up Ping consumers with relevant follow up information to improve their ownership
experience and remind when they need to complete an action.
Financial Education Program Gives
Users Management Tips
New technologies are being leveraged to not only demonstrate the
importance of data security, but to teach users how to make smarter
decisions about their own privacy and how they manage their payments.
By identifying behaviors in the moment and providing feedback around
where consumers can improve, these applications are helping break
harmful habits and coach people toward positive directions.
76% of consumers agree that It would
take years to bounce back from having
important financial information lost or
60% of people feel that protecting their
financial information can be ‘as complex
as learning rocket science,’ with 57%
saying they feel helpless on the matter.
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
Program Nudges Users Towards More Secure
Posting Habits On Social Media
Financial Education Program Gives
Users Management Tips
Identifying Provocative And
Embarrassing Search Results
Borrowing a page from learnings in economics, researchers at
Carnegie Mellon are experimenting with a new program that
pushes users towards adopting safer behaviors when browsing
online. One tool focuses on avoiding regret and helps social
media users make better choices about their posts. As users are
typing, the tool randomly selects five people from the writer’s list
of contacts who are about to see the post and shows their profile
pictures on the screen. The idea is to build an application that
regularly reminds users of the potential consequences of sharing
information, and slowly guide them toward better behavior on
social media or when making a purchase.
‘Your Money Smarter’ is a four-week SMS text-based financial
inclusion and education program from MasterCard that is
designed to deliver relevant financial tips that are customized
to users’ money management styles, preferences and financial
attitudes. Offered in both English and Spanish, it’s a unique
method of teaching customers about basic budgeting, spending
and saving strategies. Smart financial management is the
results of many small decisions, which are part of a person’s
larger behavior. The ‘Your Money Smarter’ platform is designed
to gently guide users towards smarter financial behavior and
budgeting through timely, regular nudges.
The New York band, Big Data, known for examining the
Internet’s impact on the human experience recently released
its latest project and app entitled Nice2HackYou. The app
will (with permission) “hack” into an individual’s browser
history and through using a unique algorithm, find provocative
searches related to porn, relationships, medical diagnostics and
other generally embarrassing topics. Real prizes will be given
out to individuals if they share Nice2HackYou’s findings from
their search history. The application and prizes are being used
to promote Big Data’s new album titled “2.0”.
Personalized Support Behavioral Nudging
Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist
“The vast majority of consumers would have never
thought twice about security until something bad
happens to them.”
Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy,
Center for Democracy & Technology
“Consumers, just in common password practices, are
really lazy about this sort of thing. I don’t mean lazy
in a pejorative way. Consumers have a lot on their
mind, enough things to do with having to develop a
new, brilliant password every time they do something
to exercise self help to do advanced modeling for
what might happen to their information.”
See How A Strong Digital Support Network
Can Help You Better Plan For Your Future
See page. 34-35
CONTROL Consumers desire greater oversight and supervision of their
personal security and tools to manage their privacy more effectively.
PERSONALIZATION Consumers gravitate toward products that
dynamically react to their individual needs and open the door to
experiences that are tailored to them.
Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology
“People are going to start being tracked by real name all the
time now, in ways they don’t necessarily find comfortable.”
Integrate Emotional nudges can be woven into existing behaviors, preferences and specific
contexts, providing information that feels welcome and relevant to consumers.
Secure Emotional cues can be leveraged as a safety mechanism around usage behaviors
such as communication and financial decisions.
Glassses Can Detect And React To
Their Wearer’s Emotions
New technologies are going beyond traditional user inputs, and reading
into more complex indicators such as emotion to deliver a more relevant
and secure user experience. These technologies can be leveraged
to guide consumers towards a more rational understanding of their
spending behaviors and guard them from bad decisions.
In the wake of increased incidents and heightened
regulations, corporations and government agencies are
scrambling to safeguard their data and networks—a push
that is catalyzing growth in the market for cybersecurity
solutions and technologies.”
Global State of Information Security Survey. PwC. 2015
82% of people prefer to use their credit/
debit card instead of cash when trusting
the retailer or merchant, though 76% deem
trust a non-issue as they almost always use
their credit/debit cards to pay for things.
MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015
Sensor Deduces Early Signs Of Depression
By Monitoring Phone Behavior
Glasses Can Detect And React To
Their Wearer’s Emotions
Bracelet Tracks Mood And Diet To
Recommend Lifestyle Changes
Ginger IO is an app that can predict signs of depression up to
two days before outward symptoms manifest. The app works
by utilizing the phone as a tool for recording everyday behavior,
which allows it to pick up on patterns and early warning signs.
Ginger IO focuses in particular on people with diabetes, a
condition that has a very high correlation with depression.
The app taps into the built-in sensors of every smartphone to
transform it from an everyday object into a powerful first line of
defense in personal health.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted
Microsoft a patent for a pair of glasses that can detect a wearer’s
emotional response to what they’re looking at. For example,
if the wearer is watching TV and suddenly soccer comes on,
their posture may change and they may smile, and the system
will be able to identify a change in their emotional state. Once
the database determines the emotional response, various kinds
of corresponding content can be pushed into the user’s view.
It can work the other way, too. If the wearer is looking at a
person through the glasses, the emotional state of that person
can be detected, either by their posture or facial expression.
This technology could be leveraged to help consumers better
understand their behavior or act in a safer or more secure way.
The EmoPulse Smile Bracelet is a phone that can be worn as
a bracelet and features sensors that pick up on the wearer’s
stress, mood, diet and overall well-being. The smartphone’s
twin displays are made of a flexible material, allowing it to
wrap around the wrist. The Smile Bracelet runs an algorithm-
based, custom Linux AI operating system and uses biosensors
embedded in the device to gather information about its wearer,
using the data to help prompt certain actions within the user’s
day. After watching a few movies or listening to streamed music,
for example, the system will recommend more content based on
personal tastes and/or emotional responses, and the accuracy of
the predictions will increase over time with continued use.
Personalized Support Emotional Safeguards
Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist
“You know that this cell phone is min by the way
it’s held in my hand, the way that I’m walking, and
the gait that I have, and the other things I’m doing.
All the other information is part of the larger user
Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer
“Customers are used to systems the way they
are and for things to behave in a certain way. The
biggest challenge is going to be how companies
shift these norms that have been set really deeply
for a long time.”
See How A Strong Digital Support Network
Can Help You Better Plan For Your Future
See page. 34-35
Raj and Nadine are a young couple living in NYC who are recently married with their first
child on the way. Between fixing up the nursery and paying off their wedding there are a
lot of extra expenses that they need to juggle. With so many adjustments in their lives, they
don’t want their finances to be an additional worry. They want payment tools that allow them
to purchase the things they need, while ensuring that they’re staying within their budget.
On-Hand Identifiers p.6-7
Always-On Assistance p.26-27
Privacy Dashboards 24-25
2. Raj is trying to make
a large purchase of paint and
other supplies, but has forgotten
his wallet in the car. A mobile
payment option is available, but
because it’s an unusual purchase,
the platform still requires an
additional level of
1. On their way home from
visiting Nadine’s parents in
Delaware, the couple decide to
take advantage of being out of
town to get some errands done.
Nadine drops Raj at the hardware
store, while she heads to the
supermarket to get some
shopping done.
3. Because Raj and Nadine
are joint cardholders, she
receives a mobile alert asking
to verify the purchase. With
a simple text, she can enable
the payment from anywhere.
Personalized Support Financial Safety Net
Financial Safety Net
Using A Digital Support Network To Confidently Spend For The Future
4. The transaction is
instantly logged and
analyzed against typical
monthly spending habits to
create an updated view
of their budget for
the month.
5. When the couple logs
onto the account associated
with their card, they can see
simple visualizations of
their spending habits and
upcoming payments to better
understand how to
manage their money.
6. A personal assistant
feature offers the couple
guidance on how to reach
their financial goals so they
can confidently plan for their
family’s future.
Personalized Support Financial Safety Net
Financial Safety Net
Using A Digital Support Network To Confidently Spend For The Future
On-Hand Identifiers p.6-7
Always-On Assistance p.26-27
Privacy Dashboards 24-25
Experts To Follow
Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology
Justin Brookman is the Director of Consumer Privacy at the Center for
Democracy & Technology. The mission of CDT is to champion global online
civil liberties and human rights, and drive policy outcomes that keep the
Internet open, innovative, and free. his work focuses on using the internet as
a tool to improve individual privacies, facilitate entrepreneurial endeavors,
provide access to new markets and opportunities, and create a platform for
free speech. | @JustinBrookman
Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer
Tim Hwang is a computer science expert, designer, and writer, whose work
focuses on how people’s identities shift in digital spaces, and how behavior
changes online. With safety and security as a focus, Tim’s projects explore
larger social privacy topics such as Wikileaks from the viewpoint of an
individual online user. | @timhwang
Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven
Stan Stalnaker is the Founding Director of Hub Culture, a social collaboration
network that merges online and physical places. Hub Culture is one of the
world’s most influential private networks, with a news content system geared
around micropayments, collaboration tools that merge physical locations
with the web, and collaborative access to some of the world’s most influential
people. The platform is tied to the cryptocurrency, Ven, and strives to create a
secure online community which promotes the use of digital currencies. | @stanstalnaker
Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup
Matt Hogan is the founder of Datacoup, a startup that is giving shoppers
greater awareness of their personal data by offering to pay them monthly
for access to their social media meta-data. The service is aimed at making
consumers more aware of how and when their personal data is being used,
and empowering them to take greater ownership of that information. | @matthewphogan
Neil Costigan. CEO, Behaviosec
Neil Costigan is the CEO of Behaviosec, a service that works to identify users
by their unique biometric fingerprint, which includes
a combination of ways in which users interact with their device, such as the
force with which they hit a key, the angle they use to swipe a touchscreen, or
their typing speed. This type of identification frees users from the burden of
memorizing complex passwords, and simply allows them to interact with their
device as they normally would to confirm their identity. | @BehavioSec
PSFK Labs employed a research methodology called Grounded Theory
Analysis to gather emerging ideas from the marketplace, which were
later used to identify trends featured in this document. Grounded Theory
analysis is a systematic methodology in the social sciences that takes a
bottom-up, data-driven approach to generating assertions about larger
ideas, trends and movements based on research collected around a
directional brief.
At the end of the research process, the team compiled over 600 data
points that we observed helping everyone from consumers to organizations
employ better safety and security online. PSFK Labs’ analysts conducted
pattern recognition, where they identified clusters of similar ideas
appearing within the marketplace. Clusters with several supporting
examples were defined as Trends. After the trend analysis process, we
looked at how these trends could be successfully applied to the field of
digital safety and security, and provided actionable suggestions on how
these trends are relevant to consumers.
Meg Nakamura. Founder, Shift Payments
Meg is the Co-Founder of Shift Payments, a new all-in-one credit
card-sized device that allows users to pay with their traditional bank
accounts, loyalty points, and even virtual currencies. By storing a wide
range of digital payment information on a single card, from bitcoin to
credit cards, the device helps consumers consolidate their payment
information onto a single secure interface. | @megnakamura
Drew Conway. Head of Data, Project Florida
Drew Conway is a leading expert in the application of computational
methods to social and behavioral problems at large-scale. Drew is the
Head of Data at Project Florida, and has been writing and speaking
about the role of data and data security in industry, government and
academia for several years. | @drewconway
Each day we share better ways to live, work, and play through PSFK.
com and social platforms. We publish new ideas across areas such as
design, retail, technology and travel and hit 10 million impressions per
month across our channels.				
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PSFK Presents the Future of Digital Safety & Security

  • 1. LABS A Report In Partnership With THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL SAFETY & SECURITY Protecting Your Customers In An Omni-Channel Marketplace
  • 2. A new range of services are simplifying the authentication process by allowing users to rely on physical identifiers to replace their traditional passwords. On-Hand Identifiers Mobile and other personal technologies used alongside payments, logins and other behaviors are helping streamline multistage authentication processes. Person As Password A new range of services are monitoring biometric indicators such as a person’s natural gestures, behaviors or even heartbeat to verify and safeguard personal data. New technologies are leveraging data that dynamically changes and self-destructs to provide a new level of security and protection for consumers in the physical and digital world. Ephemeral Information Applications are recognizing the danger of lingering data and are developing new, secure services that allow sensitive information to exist only for as long as it is needed, after which it is securely deleted. Evolving Encryption Given enough time and effort hackers can usually find a way to bypass static password and other identifiers no matter how complicated they may be. In response, companies are developing new ways to verify payments and access to other sensitive data using authenticators that evolve, change, and update over time. Crowdsourced Security Companies are now discovering new ways to harness the power of the crowd, with initiatives that leverage the ingenuity of users around the world to discover potential design flaws and security risks before they become larger issues. PERSONALIZED SUPPORT DYNAMIC PROTECTION STREAMLINED AUTHENTICATION A new range of services are seeking to improve consumer experience by leveraging the latest technology to provide in-the-moment support to customers whenever they need it. Privacy Dashboards In an effort to be more transparent, companies are developing an intuitive set of tools that grant consumers greater control over their personal privacy and security. Always-On Assistance A new slate of services are supplementing consumer decision-making by offering contextual reminders and advice, helping them understand spending habits, make smarter financial plans and avoid potential risks. Behavioral Nudging New technologies are being leveraged to demonstrate the importance of data security, as well as teach users how to make smarter decisions about their own privacy and how they manage their payments. Emotional Safeguards New technologies are going beyond traditional user inputs, and reading into more complex indicators such as emotion to deliver a more relevant and secure user experience. What Is Safety & Security Today? 1 2 3 + LABS What Is Safety & Security Today? 1
  • 3. 2The Safety Of Securty Today As more of our lives are predicated on the ability to quickly and seamlessly exchange digital information, the issue of security has never been more crucial. It has become increasingly important to manage our multiple identities: both how we are presented in the physical world, and how we exist in the digital space. As more services are transitioned to the digital and online space, it is becoming vital for consumers to understand how to effectively manage their multiple personas, along with their resulting interactions and transactions. As the importance of digital life grows, so too does the risk of having personal data breached, mismanaged or stolen. This is particularly important in the payments space, where forward thinking companies are developing new ways to protect the safety, security, and privacy of their consumers, and offering greater controls and transparency around personal information to foster trust in both the digital and physical world. This report was created by PSFK Labs in partnership with MasterCard in an effort to explore the key issues consumers are facing in the world of digital safety and security. The goal is to provide consumers with a look at important developing trends in this space, and to provide actionable ideas people can take to stay one step ahead of the curve. MasterCard has a longstanding reputation as a trusted provider and innovator in the payments sector. Because of this, customers rely on the brand to safely process and manage a wide range of transactions. While technology is being developed to arm consumers with greater safety and security, it is important to provide new services and technologies that help them safely navigate the everyday realities of online safety and security. The State Of Security Today Objective WHAT’S IN THIS DOCUMENT Introduction What’s In This Document 8 Core Consumer Needs How To Build A Safe & Secure Future Streamlined Authentication Dynamic Protection Personalized Support Appendix 1 2 3 4 5 12 23 36 On-Hand Identifiers Person As Password Quantifying The Payment Process 6 8 10 Ephemeral Information Living Like A Local In Europe Evolving Encryption Crowdsourced Security Seamless Online Security 13 15 17 19 21 24 26 28 30 32 34 Privacy Dashboards Always-On Assistance Night Out With Friends Behavioral Nudging Emotional Safeguard Financial Safety Net Experts To Follow / Methodology About PSFK & MasterCard 37 38 What’s In This Document 2 + LABS PSFK Labs leverages the research skills and editorial reach of to offer innovation and thought leadership services to the world’s most future forward companies. If you are interested in seeing a presentation of this report or would like to understand how PSFK can help your team ideate new possibilities for your brand, contact us at Free download available on
  • 4. 3 CONTROL Consumers desire greater oversight and supervision of their personal security and tools to manage their privacy more effectively. Privacy Dashboards, Emotional Safeguards LOYALTY Consumers develop a deeper relationship with providers who demonstrate that they value and are willing to reward their long-term customers. Privacy Dashboards, Always-On Assistance TRUST Consumers who can build a trusted foundation of privacy and security with a provider will open themselves up to a more diverse range of products and services. Crowdsourced Security, Always-On Assistance SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience, without being bogged down in a process that is overly complicated or takes too long to accomplish. On-Hand Identifiers, Person As Password, Evolving Encryption, Ephemeral Information PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected experience both online and offline. Crowdsourced Security, Evolving Encryption, Ephemeral Information, Privacy Dashboards FLEXIBILITY Consumers are looking for tools that offer freedom and mobility by fitting into their lives rather than requiring them to change their behaviors. On-Hand Identifiers, Person As Password, Always-On Assistance PERSONALIZATION Consumers gravitate toward products that dynamically react to their individual needs and open the door to experiences that are tailored to them. Behavioral Nudging, Emotional Safeguards SUPPORT Consumers want to receive ongoing assistance and support throughout the lifetime of their relationship with a provider and get an optimized experience for their individual needs. Always-On Assistance, Behavioral Nudging Our research identified eight overarching needs that are at the root of success for any company developing a new product. These represent fundamental values that every person relates to when they interact with a service or technology, and it is crucial for any provider to understand the importance of these fundamental needs. By ensuring that one or more of these needs is met by features, policies and practices, the financial institutions that serve us can provide a better overall experience to each and every one of their consumers. 8 Core Needs In Digital Safety CORE NEEDS 8 8 Core Needs In Digital Safety + LABS
  • 5. 4 With steady increase in digital connectivity, both consumers and merchants are poised for big changes ahead. As part of this, there are a growing set of expectations as to how companies should implement safety measures to enhance and protect the privacy of their customers. The financial service sector must evolve its offerings to meet these new desires and push new innovation in consumer security. MAKE THE COMPLEX SIMPLE Given the confusion that already exists around logins, passwords and the countless other loopholes that customers must contend with, companies must challenge themselves to design elegant solutions that streamline steps without loosening security. Leveraging natural inputs alongside automated systems can make a multi- step authentication experience feel effortless for consumers while simultaneously ensuring that all information and transaction remains protected. Needs Seamlessness, Flexibility, Protection DESIGN CUSTOMER FIRST SYSTEMS As automated security systems become more prevalent, it’s important that the end user remain at the center of that design equation to ensure that their needs are being met and they still feel they have agency over and understanding of these interactions. While user input might not be required, keeping them in the information loop will ensure greater comfort and satisfaction. Needs Control, Seamlessness, Trust, Personalization EMPOWER CONSUMERS TO ACT While providing a baseline of security is now table stakes, companies can offer additional value by arming consumers with the right tools and information to protect themselves online. These additional measures allow those customers with greater concerns to take a more active role in managing their individual safety or acting on behalf of the broader community. Needs Control, Flexibility, Support, Pesonalization BUILD RECIPROCAL RELATIONSHIPS In the new marketplace, consumers expect to get something in return for their continued business, looking to brands to deliver added value through products and services that bring assistance, support and utility to daily life. By expanding beyond their core offerings to solve for evolving customer needs, companies can take advantage of emerging opportunities, reach broader audiences and drive loyalty. Needs Loyalty, Trust, Support, Personalization BE TRANSPARENT TO GET AHEAD At a time when consumers are increasingly concerned about personal privacy, companies can lead through openness. In instances where breaches may have occurred, clear communications around what steps are being taken and how individuals can protect themselves can help mitigate potentially difficult situations. At the same time, being upfront about who has access to sensitive data and how it’s being used, or even instituting policies to never share information can engender greater loyalty from customers. Needs Loyalty, Trust, Support ITERATE TO INNOVATE In a rapidly changing marketplace, it’s important for businesses to strive to be adaptive and flexible to stay ahead of the needs of their customers and outpace their competition. Creating a culture where discovery, rapid experimentation and outside collaborations are encouraged contribute to a broader innovation pipeline. This not only has the potential to drive the company from a product and service standpoint, but also position it as a leader in the eyes of consumers. Needs Loyalty, Seamlessness, Protection 1 4 5 2 3 6 How To Build A Safe & Secure Future How To Build A Safe & Secure Future + LABS
  • 6. STREAMLINED AUTHENTICATION A new range of services are simplifying the authentication process by allowing users to rely on physical identifiers to replace their traditional passwords. Building upon tools such as biometric identifiers or wearable technology, these tools are streamlining the authentication process and providing a quick and secure way for users to verify their identity.
  • 7. 6 + LABS A new range of services are simplifying the authentication process by allowing users to rely on physical identifiers to replace their traditional passwords. Building upon tools such as biometric identifiers or wearable technology, these tools are streamlining the authentication process and providing a quick and secure way for users to verify their identity. TREND : ON-HAND IDENTIFIERS STREAMLINED AUTHENTICATION FLEXIBILITY Consumers are looking for tools that offer freedom and mobility by fitting into their lives rather than requiring them to change their behaviors. SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience, without being bogged down in a process that is overly complicated or takes too long to accomplish. Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist “A simple example, like Apple Touch to do Apple Pay where now, instead of having to carry a wallet with a credit card in it, I can just pay with my phone and put my thumb print on it. That seems magical.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU 89% of people expect stores they shop at to keep up-to-date with the latest in financial safety technologies. 77% of consumers believe new technologies in the payments sector are having an overall positive impact on personal security. MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 89% THE NYMI HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Integrate Provide consumers with more intuitive ways to process transactions, leading to more secure and seamless checkouts. Sync Match wearables with an accompanying mobile app to give consumers greater control over their personal information. Bracelet Measures Heartbeat As An Unique Biometric Authenticator 77%
  • 8. 7 EVERYKEY Wristband Replaces The Need For Keys And Passwords NYMI Bracelet Measures Heartbeat As An Unique Biometric Authenticator KEYBASE Service Uses Social Media Accounts As A Secondary Identifier Everykey is a wristband that securely stores digital keys and passwords and allows users to unlock devices automatically when they are within range. It also manages a password keychain for online accounts that will unlock websites when the bracelet is in range and relock them when the bracelet is out of range. The information broadcasted is encrypted and will only work with paired devices. If the device is ever lost or stolen, it can be deactivated remotely. Keybase is a website and open source command line program that lets any security software be powered by usernames instead of the offline key exchanges typically used in most encryption methods. In simple cryptography, the public key is a value provided by a designated authority as an encryption key. When the public key is combined with a private key (that is derived from the public key) it can be used to efficiently encrypt messages. Keybase matches an individual’s social networks to a public key in order to verify their identity and ensure that they are in fact who they claim to be. Keybase is ultimately creating a simple way to look up and trust public keys based on known public identities. The Nymi wristband is a wearable device that identifies a wearer by their unique cardiac rhythm as an alternative to using passwords or PIN codes for devices. Created by biometric technology company Bionym, Nymi functions on a 3-factor security system, which includes the wristband, the wearer’s unique heartbeat and a smartphone or device registered with the Nymi app. When the Nymi is clasped around a wrist it powers on, and by placing a finger on the topside sensor while the wrist is in contact with the bottom sensor, an electrical circuit is completed. After feeling a vibration and seeing the LEDs illuminate to indicate the authentication process is complete, the wristband wearer can securely unlock any Nymi-paired device. Neil Costigan. CEO. Behaviosec Tim Hwang. Designer. Security Writer “We build up a model of a typical user’s behavior, and in real time monitor what they’re doing to make sure it’s consistent with their previous behavior. Through this we can generate behavioral authentication in real time.” “We are seeing an increase in passive security options such as biometrics and wearables, which are safer because we’ve designed solutions that are natural for consumers to adopt. When adoption is seamless, it is going to lead to generally better security outcomes.” Streamlined Authentication On-Hand Identifiers See How To Biometrics Can Streamline Checkout And Track Your Spending Habits See page. 10-11 + LABS
  • 9. 8 + LABS A new range of services are monitoring biometric indicators such as a person’s natural gestures, behaviors or even heartbeat to verify and safeguard personal data. By directly tying passwords to a person’s unique inputs, these solutions make hacking far more difficult, which can help eliminate remote fraudulent activity, while also delivering greater efficiencies at payment and other access points. TREND : PERSON AS PASSWORD STREAMLINED AUTHENTICATION FLEXIBILITY Consumers are looking for tools that offer freedom and mobility by fitting into their lives rather than requiring them to change their behaviors. SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience, without being bogged down in a process that is overly complicated or takes too long to accomplish. Ajay Bhalla. President of Enterprise Security Solutions. MasterCard “All of us want a payment experience that is safe as well as simple, not one or the other. We want to identify people for who they are, not what they remember. We have too many passwords to remember and this creates extra problems for consumers and businesses.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU 86% of consumers would invest more time or energy into adopting new payment technologies if they promised greater security. 95% of consumers expect their bank to have the latest technologies to keep their financial information safe and secure. MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MASTERCARD HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Streamline A more intuitive biometric login process means customers are more likely to use new services and interact with them in a more secure manner. Exchange Biometric tools can replace a wide range of existing technology such as ID cards that consumers have to carry around, making payments a more fluid process. Facial Payment Software Verifies Purchases With A Selfie 86% 95%
  • 10. 9 ICICI BANK Voice Recognition Password Logs Customers Into Their Accounts MASTERCARD Facial Payment Software Verifies Purchases With A Selfie BEHAVIOSEC Authenticator Analyzes Unique Behavioral Biometrics Like Speed, Temperature And Rhythm To Verify User IdentityIndia’s ICICI Bank has introduced a new initiative to make banking as simple as possible for its customers by enabling them to use voice recognition technology to verify their identity. ICICI customers can access their accounts and make transactions using only their voice, which is registered and recognized as a password. Customers register a ‘voice print’ which is stored on the bank’s database. Each sample has over 100 characteristics, including voice modulation, accent, pronunciation and speed, making it impossible to imitate. When the customer telephones the bank from their registered number, the bank uses voice recognition to determine if the voice is a match. The customer’s unique voice therefore functions as their new password, replacing other authentication methods such as card numbers, personal addresses or security questions. MasterCard is taking mobile payment security one step further by launching a feature that can verify a user’s identity through a picture of their face. Instead of merely using your fingerprint to authorize a transaction like Apple Pay, MasterCard is letting users take a selfie. Buy a drink using a MasterCard, and the app will send a notification to snap a picture of your face to confirm your identity. As an added security measure, users have to blink when taking the selfie so that someone wouldn’t be able to just hold up a photo to trick the app. MasterCard’s app will also support fingerprint scanning for authorizing purchases. The goal is to target younger users who already use their phones multiple times a day with apps like Snapchat, who will be most likely to adopt the service. selfies/ Chris McWilton. President of North American Markets. MasterCard Greg Mitchell. President. Chief Executive Officer. First Tech Federal Credit Union “While progress is being made with the move to EMV and mobile payments...we are [making investments] to protect the payments system for cardholders, merchants and issuers. That’s at the heart of what our cardholders expect when they see our brand mark.” “The MasterCard cybersecurity concept is innovative, and a big step towards this commitment. We look forward to helping MasterCard bring this new technology to our member cardholders throughout America,” Swedish startup Behaviosec has invented a new type of personalized authentication that serves as an alternative to passwords. Instead, the service works to identify users by their unique biometric fingerprint, which includes a combination of ways in which users interact with their device, such as the force with which they hit a key, the angle they use to swipe a touchscreen, or their typing speed. This type of identification frees users from the burden of memorizing complex passwords, and simply allows them to interact with their device as they normally would to confirm their identity. Streamlined Authentication Person As Password See How To Biometrics Can Streamline Checkout And Track Your Spending Habits See page. 10-11 + LABS
  • 11. 10 + LABS Raul is 32 and lives in San Francisco. He is a devoted runner, and likes to track many aspects of his daily life. He has recently been issued a new card from his bank powered by MasterCard, which he has linked to his new fitness wristband. Since he always wears a wristband that acts as a biometric identifier and payment system, he rarely carries a bulky wallet and can easily do errands when he goes on a run. RELATED TRENDS Person As Password p.8-9 Privacy Dashboards p.24-25 Emotional Safeguards p.32-33 2. Later at the store, Raul brings his items up to the cash register. With a simple tap of his band on an NFC reader, his identity is verified using his unique heartbeat. 1. Leaving his house on Saturday morning, Raul wants to go for a run and also pick up some groceries on his way back. He leaves the house wearing his running gear and wristband ready for the day. 3. John is given several payment options, including his card and even the points he’s earned from his fitness activity. Streamlined Authentication Quantifying The Payment Process Quantifying The Payment Process Using Biometrics To Streamline Checkout And Track Spending Habits
  • 12. 11 4. After making a selection, Raul is able to complete the entire transaction without having to carry around his wallet or phone. 5. Since his band is already tracking his heartbeat, Raul is able to gain insight into the emotional state behind each purchase, and how it differs on days when he runs and those that he doesn’t. 6. On his home computer, Raul can view a personalized dashboard of all this information, syncing data from a number of different platforms and services, and managing access. 7. Through a number of partnerships, Raul can even choose to exchange this data with different companies for various rewards and personalized services. Streamlined Authentication Quantifying The Payment Process Quantifying The Payment Process Using Biometrics To Streamline Checkout And Track Spending Habits RELATED TRENDS Person As Password p.8-9 Privacy Dashboards p.24-25 Emotional Safeguards p.32-33 + LABS
  • 13. DYNAMIC PROTECTION New technologies are working to provide a new level of security and protection for consumers in the physical and digital world. By leveraging data that dynamically changes and self-destructs, or calling upon the power of the crowd to better test the security of products, retailers and payment providers can better ensure the safety of their customers at every stage in the purchase path.
  • 14. 13 + LABS Applications are recognizing the danger of lingering data and are developing new secure services that allow sensitive information to exist for only for as long as it is needed, after which it is securely deleted. In some instances these services are allowing users to dictate how long a message or transaction can be viewed, creating an added layer of control over potentially sensitive information. TREND : EPHEMERAL INFORMATION DYNAMIC PROTECTION SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience, without being bogged down in a process that is overly complicated or takes too long to accomplish. PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected experience both online and offline. Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist “The interesting thing there is that there’s an expectation of security, but there hasn’t yet been that counterbalance around expectation of stewardship around data.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU 88% of consumers trust that their payment network is arming them with new, secure technologies that protect them from fraud. 83% of people say they are excited for the emergence of new technologies that will help secure and protect their financial information. MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 88% DSTRUX HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Secure ‘Self-destructing’ financial information gives consumers a way to securely transact in P2P marketplaces when established third parties are not available. Control By adding an additional layer of control over where their information might end up, consumers will be more likely to engage with and use new financial services. Service Lets Workers Control Who Can View Sensitive Documents 83%
  • 15. 14 PLUTO MAIL Self-Destructing Emails Let People Securely Share DSTRUX Service Lets Workers Control Who Can View Sensitive Documents WICKR Encrypted Messaging App Deletes Data After It Has Been ReadPluto Mail is a service developed by two students at Harvard Law School, which lets people automatically delete the emails they send after they have been read. The service integrates with existing platforms such as Gmail, and allows writers to set when they want the message to expire, such as one day after they are sent or five minutes after they are opened. Pluto also displays message content as an image, so it’s difficult to copy or save. An email sent through Pluto can be recalled anytime and it can be edited after the user has hit the send button if the recipient hasn’t opened it yet, giving the sender greater control over their digital privacy. Wickr is a secure messaging app designed to create a completely secure and encrypted line of communication between two users. To achieve this, every message is given a lifespan, which a user can choose, and the message is automatically deleted when the time is up. Unlike other apps, Wickr does not upload the user’s contact book to their servers and private information never leaves their device. The app allows users to protect their private information and provide a secure means to transmit data to their friends. Dstrux is a cloud-based service that allows workers to share spreadsheets or other sensitive business documents over the web, but retain control over the file. These documents can’t be printed, saved, copied or screen captured and senders can track every recipient who viewed or forwarded files. Simple controls allow senders to designate which recipients may view it and for how long. After the time limit has expired, the document vaporizes, leaving no digital footprint behind. Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven “When you’re getting that sensitive data you’re a steward for it. Assuring the consumers that your interests are aligned, that you’re working for them, not against them, I think, is a really key idea.” “The way that our data is used will continue to feel invisible to the consumer, and security and privacy will be a default activity.” Dynamic Protection Ephemeral Information See How Leveraging Social Reviews And Secure Payment Tools Can Help You Travel More Freely See page. 15-16 + LABS
  • 16. 15 + LABS Alex is a 27-year old living in the States, who is planning a backpacking trip around Europe for his spring vacation. Alex prefers to use P2P services as much as possible for accommodation, meals and other needs, and he doesn’t want payments to stand in the way of a having a great experience. RELATED TRENDS On-Hand Identifier p.6-7 Person As Password p.8-9 Ephemeral Information p.13-14 2. At the end of the meal, he uses secure messaging service to share his credit card details for payment. 1. On his first night in Berlin, Alex schedules a meal at the home of a local artist using EatWith. 3. Once the transaction has processed, the information will securely self-destruct, ensuring a one-time only payment. Dynamic Protection Living Like A Local In Europe Living Like A Local In Europe Leveraging Social Reviews And Secure Payment Tools To Freely Travel
  • 17. 16 4. On his way back to his Airbnb, Alex stops by a shop to pick up some water and snacks. He hasn’t had a chance to get any Euros yet, so he pulls out to his credit card to make the purchase. 5. Because his credit card powered by MasterCard is linked to his Android Wear, he’s automatically recognized for payments, without worrying that he’ll set off any fraud alerts. 6. Back at his room, he pulls out his phone to order tickets for a graffiti tour of the city the next day. A one-click payment feature verifies his identity with a scan of his iris. Dynamic Protection Living Like A Local In Europe Living Like A Local In Europe Leveraging Social Reviews And Secure Payment Tools To Freely Travel RELATED TRENDS On-Hand Identifier p.6-7 Person As Password p.8-9 Ephemeral Information p.13-14 + LABS
  • 18. 17 + LABS SEAMLESSNESS Consumers want a safe and secure experience, without being bogged down in a process that is overly complicated or takes too long to accomplish. PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected experience both online and offline. Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup “In an ideal world, technology enables the consumer to bear responsibility in a way that doesn’t necessarily cause them to increase their effort.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU 77% of consumers believe that new technologies in the payments sector are having an overall positive impact on personal security, with more secure ways to pay today than ever before. 55% of consumers believe that the risk of financial information being stolen or compromised is going to increase within the next three years. MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MASTERCARD EMV HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Evolve Passwords that automatically update improve customers’ security and lead to more safe practices such as two-step authentication. Facilitate More advanced and evolving security improves interactions at the enterprise level, allowing teams to safely pass important documents between each other. Card Standard Creates Dynamic Authentication For Each And Every Transaction 77% 55% Given enough time and effort hackers can usually find a way to bypass static passwords and other identifiers no matter how complicated they may be. In response, companies are developing new ways to verify payments and access to other sensitive data using authenticators that evolve, change, and update over time. Technologies like EMV are capable of generating unique information that is specific to each transaction, meaning that even if information is captured, it can’t be successfully reused. The dynamic nature of these measures adds an extra layer of security without requiring more effort on the part of consumers. TREND : EVOLVING ENCRYPTION DYNAMIC PROTECTION
  • 19. 18 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ‘Mutant Font’ Constantly Changes To Throw Off Data Stealers MASTERCARD EMV A Standard For Dynamic Authentication For Each And Every Transaction YAHOO Login Process Does Away With Static Passwords In Favor Of Single-Use Alternatives Brazilian design agency Africa has developed a new font for Amnesty International, dubbed the “mutant font,” designed to ward off anyone trying to scan and use people’s private data. Online trackers seek out text online through the shape of characters or the source font. So Mutant Font’s design includes small graphic interventions that will block machines from viewing its shapes. It comprises seven different fonts that generate thousands of codes to confuse tracking, and the algorithm is also shuffled every 24 hours to impede automatic scanning. The constantly shifting nature of the font should grant users greater security in their online dealings. MasterCard has developed a new EMV standard which serves as the backbone for future payment technologies by enabling safer, smarter and more secure transactions across cards, contactless, mobile and remote payment channels. Today’s tech-savvy consumers are quickly adapting to digital devices, turning them into powerful payment vehicles. At the same time, the safety and security of these transactions is paramount. EMV is a new standard for globally interoperable, secure payments. The key element of EMV involves including dynamic digital data in every transaction, which makes every transactions secure and reduces the risk of fraud. When a consumer uses an EMV- enabled device to pay at an EMV terminal, it can be instantly identified as an authentic, approved payment belonging to that consumer through dynamic authentication. The EMV standard has already been adopted by more than 80 countries where it has significantly reduced counterfeit card fraud, saving hundreds of millions of dollars. Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer “There are many challenges with encryption and authentication, and there’s a constant race between the development of technology security and the incentive for technology breaches.” “The most popular password is still “password.” We have to find ways to build-in passive security tools as the default, where consumers don’t need to think about it but you are just more secure as a result.” Yahoo has launched a new login process that does away with static passwords in favor of single-use versions sent to smartphones on the fly. The new approach, which is similar to two-factor authentication, is designed to boost ease and security for users. Instead of relying on a fixed password, Yahoo’s system sends a temporary access word or code on demand to a smartphone. This should bypass the use of easily guessable passwords or hard-to-memorize character combinations. The on- demand passwords are also disposable; once they’re used, they won’t work again. The system is designed to be a more secure and reliable alternative to traditional passwords. Dynamic Protection Evolving Encryption See How Multi-Channel Online Security Can Make Your Shopping More Seamless See page. 21-22 + LABS
  • 20. 19 + LABS TRUST Consumers who can build a trusted foundation of privacy and security with a provider will open themselves up to a more diverse range of products and services. PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected experience both online and offline. Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup “The development community should be responsible for providing new technology or solutions that allow consumers to do what they need to do without exerting a ton of effort to maintain safety and security.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU The annual survey of more than 9,700 security, IT, and business executives found that the total number of security incidents detected by respondents climbed to 42.8 million this year, an increase of 48% over 2013. That’s the equivalent of 117,339 incoming attacks per day, every day. Key Findings From The Global State Of Information Security Survey. 2015 MASTERS OF CODE HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Test Crowd-based security affords a wider range of real-world testing for new services, and gives consumers a greater sense of ownership over the security of the applications they use. Launch Companies can leverage crowdsourced security alternatives to more effectively launch new services verify the safety of new platforms at a lower cost of testing. Hackathon Brings Together Creative Minds To Solve Problems 48% Crowdsourcing has grown rapidly in popularity, particularly with inventors and developers looking to bring new products to the market. Companies are now discovering new ways to harness the power of the crowd, with initiatives that leverage the ingenuity of users across the world to discover potential design flaws and security risks before they become larger issues. TREND : CROWDSOURCED SECURITY DYNAMIC PROTECTION
  • 21. 20 MICROSOFT Tech Giant Crowdsources Researchers To Find Bugs In New Browser MASTERS OF CODE Hackathon Brings Together Creative Minds To Solve Problems CROWDCURITY Online Service Lets Developers Test The Security Of Their Apps With The Crowd Before General Release Technology companies regularly pay security researchers to discover critical software bugs, however Microsoft is now crowdsourcing this research out and paying up to $15,000 for finding critical software vulnerabilities in Project Spartan, the company’s new web browser that will ship with Windows 10 later this year. Researchers can be as young as 14-years-old to receive payment and the program will run for several months. The hope is that by crowdsourcing the project, Microsoft will open up the program to a wider range of users and potentially be able to discover additional vulnerabilities before launch. The MasterCard Masters of Code Competition is an initiative to traverse the globe and engage the very best coders through an intense series of hackathons. Each regional hackathon has developers, designers and entrepreneurs using the MasterCard APIs to create new prototypes that demonstrate artful coding and design skills, while articulating clear business cases. The goal is to draw upon the innovative talents of a wide range of coders and makers, and create a unique ideas for new security projects. Regional winners compete against each other as well as a MasterCard elite team of coders in a final round deciding the winner of the $100,000 prize along with many other perks. Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven Robert R. Ackerman Jr. Founder and Managing Director, Allegis Capital “What we are working towards is a different kind of data ownership than almost everybody on the web. We’re distributing ownership of data to the individuals within a social network, and giving them tools to manage the ownership of their data.” “Rather than operating in isolated silos, the sourcing from the crowd enables a collective defense that, though not tipping the balance totally in favor of the good guys, certainly improves the potential for a more powerful defense.” Crowdcurity is an online service that lets developers crowdsource the security of their apps with dedicated testers ahead of launch. To achieve this, Crowdcurity connects companies that have software to debug with a community of around 250 software testers, which it has found via security forums. Customers can create a reward program with the site, setting rules and amounts for bug programs. The challenge is then sent to the testing community, which works on reporting vulnerabilities. The customer validates the bugs in conjunction with Crowdcurity, and payouts are awarded based on bug severity. The company hopes to standardize the bug bounty concept by outsourcing the process. Dynamic Protection Crowdsourced Security See How Multi-Channel Online Security Can Make Your Shopping More Seamless See page. 21-22 + LABS
  • 22. 21 Lin is an 18-year old digital native, who is honing her coding skills and has been using computers for as long as she can remember. Because of this, she also understands the risks that are present online. When getting her first credit card, she therefore gravitates towards a company that actively plays a role in protecting her personal information. With her new credit card powered by MasterCard with built-in security features, she can make purchases anywhere with added confidence and trust. RELATED TRENDS Behavioral Nudging p. 30-31 Crowdsourced Security p.19-20 Evolving Encryption p.17-18 Privacy Dashboards p.24-25 2. A corresponding notification from her bank’s app pops up on her phone and reminds her for what signs to look for from a site set up for phishing. 1. Lin logs into a new shopping site that she has never visited before and is prompted to enter her personal and payment information. 1. 3. As Lin continues to shop other sites, she occasionally comes across a ‘MasterCard Security Seal.’ This initiative leverages the community to verify the safety and trustworthiness of partner retailers and brands to make online shopping easier. + LABS Dynamic Protection Seamless Online Security Seamless Online Security Enabling Safe And Convenient Omni-Channel Shopping
  • 23. 2222Dynamic Protection Seamless Online Security Seamless Online Security Enabling Safe And Convenient Omni-Channel Shopping 4. Despite these assurances, Lin opts for two-step authentication when making purchases. This process sends a new and unique password to her phone each time she logs in. 5. When her shopping session is over, Lin logs on to her account app to review her privacy settings to understand which companies are capturing her personal data, how much he is sharing and where it is going. 6. Through this dashboard, she has the ability to opt-out of certain types of information sharing. RELATED TRENDS Behavioral Nudging p. 30-31 Crowdsourced Security p.19-20 Evolving Encryption p.17-18 Privacy Dashboards p.24-25 + LABS
  • 24. PERSONALIZED SUPPORT A new range of services are seeking to improve consumer experience by leveraging the latest technology to provide in-the-moment to customers whenever they need it. By giving consumers more insight into how their data is being used and providing tools to guide them towards safer behavior, users are given strong support at every step throughout their day.
  • 25. 24 + LABS In an effort to be more transparent, companies are developing an intuitive set of tools that grant consumers greater control over their personal privacy and security. Using visual interfaces and straightforward opt-in/ opt-out settings, customers can more easily see who has access and what information is being shared. These dashboards also give consumers the ability to openly exchange their personal and financial data with third parties to benefit from value-added services and insights. TREND : PRIVACY DASHBOARDS PERSONALIZED SUPPORT CONTROL Consumers desire greater oversight and supervision of their personal security and tools to manage their privacy more effectively. LOYALTY Consumers develop a deeper relationship with providers who demonstrate that they value and are willing to reward their long-term customers. PROTECTION Customers expect providers to have their security and privacy interests in mind, and build a safe and protected experience both online and offline. Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer “One of the key actions a company can take to demonstrate they are interested in the privacy of their users is to provide them with good information, such as transparency reports and strong privacy controls. These demonstrate a good reciprocal trade for the data that they’re receiving.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU 54% of survey respondents say they have established security standards for external partners, suppliers, and vendors. 93% of people think it’s important to control access to their personal information, and 90% care about the type of information that’s collected about them. Global State of Information Security Survey. PwC. 2015 Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and Surveillance. Pew Research Center. 2015 54% MASTERCARD HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Manage Tools Provide consumers with the correct tools to manage their private information, leading to more informed privacy and security decisions overall. Visualize Mobile phones are a secure and comprehensive channel for customers to understand and manage their financial goals. MasterPass Give Customers Their Own Connected Digital Wallet 93%
  • 26. 25 FINAL Credit Card Allows Members To Assign Individual Numbers To Every Merchant MASTERCARD MasterPass Gives Customers Their Own Connected Digital Wallet GOOGLE Providing Easily Accessible Privacy and Security Information And Options Final is a credit card, app and online portal that allows users to assign a unique credit card number to every merchant they transact with, or a disposable number for one-off purchases. Users can limit each merchant or subscription to a monthly amount so that if a merchant attempts to go over that limit, or a breach happens, they’ll receive a push notification. From there, simple controls let consumers easily cancel the card number to disable further charges. Additional dashboard features give members a clear view of their spending habits and budgeting tools for both on and offline transactions. In an effort to improve privacy and security tools, Google recently announced a new hub for managing settings called “My Account” and a new site,, to answer important privacy and security questions. “My Account” provides quick access to settings and tools that allow individuals to protect their privacy and decide what information they would prefer Google to incorporate into its service. Through “My Account” individuals can take a privacy and security check up, manage information from searches, maps and YouTube and control which apps are linked to their Google account. Through, Google candidly answers questions on personal information, ad targeting and more. MasterPass is a simple, convenient, trusted digital wallet for faster safe shopping at thousands of online merchants. MasterPass enables consumers to pay for the things they want with the security they demand, online or in app, using any device. Now accepted in 25 countries and at 250,000 merchants globally, the platform securely stores payment and shipping information, which is readily accessible when a consumer checks out using the, “Buy with MasterPass” button and logs into their account. With MasterPass, consumers can go online, place their order and pay with just one click—the hassle and time to enter delivery and billing information is eliminated. The wallet is open, which means that in addition to MasterCard cards, consumers can store other credit, debit, prepaid and loyalty cards in one place. Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven “Anytime you have someone who is the chief stakeholder of an asset, the market is best served by that person deploying their asset as they see fit. We’re trying to build a platform that will enable that to happen.” “Data ownership is not just about rights, but also responsibilities for the use of that data by the individual.” Personalized Support Privacy Dashboards See How Greater Control Can Prevent Your Financial Information From Being Stolen See page. 28-29 + LABS
  • 27. 26 + LABS FLEXIBILITY Consumers are looking for tools that offer freedom and mobility by fitting into their lives rather than requiring them to change their behaviors. LOYALTY Consumers develop a deeper relationship with providers who demonstrate that they value and are willing to reward their long-term customers. TRUST Consumers who can build a trusted foundation of privacy and security with a provider will open themselves up to a more diverse range of products and services. SUPPORT Consumers want to receive ongoing assistance and support throughout the lifetime of their relationship with a provider and get an optimized experience for their individual needs services. Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology “With things like the iCloud celebrity hack and also the Sony emails that got hacked, people are also starting to be aware that it’s not just my credit card that can be misappropriated. It’s all the stuff that I keep in the cloud.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU 82% of people prefer to use their credit or debit card instead of cash when trusting the retailer/merchant. 48% of consumers believe they are personally responsible for protecting their own financial information from being stolen or compromised. MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MASTERCARD HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Learn Human-led services can intuitively learn from and fill in consumers’ recurring needs, such as password management or securing personal details, without having to prompt the user. Human Touch With services becoming automated, customers appreciate a heightened level of service that provides assistance and a more human touch. Identity Theft Alerts Work With Customers To Keep Online Information Safe 48% A new slate of services are supplementing consumer decision-making by offering contextual reminders and advice, helping them understand spending habits, make smarter financial plans and avoid potential risks. With a specific focus on mobile and wearable devices, these initiatives ensure that people receive timely support at key moments in their days, allowing them to manage their finances more effectively. TREND : ALWAYS-ON ASSISTANCE PERSONALIZED SUPPORT 82%
  • 28. 27 MINT.COM Web And Mobile Based Personal Financial Management Tool MASTERCARD Identity Theft Alerts Work With Customers To Keep Online Information Safe GOOGLE Chrome Users Can Download Their Search History To Understand How Much Of Their Data Is Being is a web and mobile application that curates an individual’s financial information into one place, providing them with a complete picture of their financial wellbeing. Individuals can sync bank accounts, credit cards and investment accounts to track spending, saving and set personal budgets. If an individual is approaching their budget for the month or has a low balance, Mint will send a notification reminder in over 20 types of situations via email or through push notifications to their mobile device. Mint also analyzes thousands of financial instruments and can provide personalized recommendations for the best products to match each individual’s lifestyle and goals. Identity Theft Alerts is a free service only offered by MasterCard to detect if a customer’s personal information (such as their credit or debit card, social security number or driver’s license) is being bought or sold online. If any fraud has been detected on a customer’s account an Identity Theft Specialist can be assigned to work with the customer to help check for any potential identity theft and offer expert guidance to help keep online information safe. The goal is to provide a safer ecosystem for customers to make payments, and engage with new payments technologies in a more secure way. Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven “What’s really interesting are the things you can do for identification and authentication, simply by observing me going about my everyday life.” “The winning scenario is the company that figures out how to make security invisible and seamless so consumers don’t have to worry about it. That’s the only way you can win because at the end of the day, the default efficiency is always the winner.” Google has given Chrome users a new feature that allows them to download their entire search history, and gain insight into the kind of data Google is collecting about its users. There are many things Google can do with search history information, from personalizing advertisements to combining many search histories to find patterns. It even tries to predict who its users are based on their search history, and can make guesses about their desires and habits. Being able to download the raw output that gets fed into Google’s analytics gives users a more active role in interpreting and understanding the data that is collected from their everyday online behavior. what-google-knows-about-you Personalized Support Always-On Assistance See How Greater Control Can Prevent Your Financial Information From Being Stolen See page. 28-29 + LABS
  • 29. 28 + LABS Astrid is a 24-year old young professional living and working in New York City. She recently applied for a new credit card through her bank powered by MasterCard, and has installed her bank’s app to easily manage her card and account using her mobile phone. As a heavy mobile user, she prefers to have the control and ease of access of a mobile app as opposed to using a computer or making a phone call. RELATED TRENDS Privacy Dashboards p.24-25 Always-On Assistance p.26-27 Behavioral Nudging p.30-31 2. After hitting up a few different bars, she discovers that her card has gone missing, and can’t seem to find it anywhere. 1. Astrid meets up with friends on a Friday night after work to go out for dinner and a few drinks. Knowing she will not need to carry cash, all she brings is her phone and card. 3. She pulls up her bank’s app on her phone and is able to quickly monitor any activity, and see if it has been used. While there haven’t been any fraudulent charges, she’s able to easily put the card on hold until it is located. Personalized Support Night Out With Friends Night Out With Friends Providing Control To Prevent Account Theft
  • 30. 29 4. Once the app is notified the card is missing, MasterCard is able to pause any transactions and she is presented with a checklist of actions to follow to help locate her card or request a new one. 5. Astrid is able to pull up a map within the app that pinpoints where the last purchases were made and directions on how to get there. 6. Retracing her steps, she finds the card at the previous bar and is able to seamlessly re-activate it. After this, she is able to continue her night without missing a step. Personalized Support Night Out With Friends Night Out With Friends Providing Control To Prevent Account Theft RELATED TRENDS Privacy Dashboards p.24-25 Always-On Assistance p.26-27 Behavioral Nudging p.30-31 + LABS
  • 31. 30 + LABS PERSONALIZATION Consumers gravitate toward products that dynamically react to their individual needs and open the door to experiences that are tailored to them. SUPPORT Consumers want to receive ongoing assistance and support throughout the lifetime of their relationship with a provider and get an optimized experience for their individual needs. Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven “Recently, one of the biggest changes around online security is awareness. Consumers, especially in the United States, are generally much more aware that their online information is valuable, and that it can be compromised.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU MASTERCARD HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Educate As users share increased amounts of intimate information, companies must educate their consumers about secure behavior, as well as provide passive tools for protection. Follow-Up Ping consumers with relevant follow up information to improve their ownership experience and remind when they need to complete an action. Financial Education Program Gives Users Management Tips New technologies are being leveraged to not only demonstrate the importance of data security, but to teach users how to make smarter decisions about their own privacy and how they manage their payments. By identifying behaviors in the moment and providing feedback around where consumers can improve, these applications are helping break harmful habits and coach people toward positive directions. TREND : BEHAVIORAL NUDGING PERSONALIZED SUPPORT 76% of consumers agree that It would take years to bounce back from having important financial information lost or compromised. 60% of people feel that protecting their financial information can be ‘as complex as learning rocket science,’ with 57% saying they feel helpless on the matter. MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 76% 60%
  • 32. 31 CARNEGIE MELLON Program Nudges Users Towards More Secure Posting Habits On Social Media MASTERCARD Financial Education Program Gives Users Management Tips NICE2HACKYOU Identifying Provocative And Embarrassing Search Results Borrowing a page from learnings in economics, researchers at Carnegie Mellon are experimenting with a new program that pushes users towards adopting safer behaviors when browsing online. One tool focuses on avoiding regret and helps social media users make better choices about their posts. As users are typing, the tool randomly selects five people from the writer’s list of contacts who are about to see the post and shows their profile pictures on the screen. The idea is to build an application that regularly reminds users of the potential consequences of sharing information, and slowly guide them toward better behavior on social media or when making a purchase. ‘Your Money Smarter’ is a four-week SMS text-based financial inclusion and education program from MasterCard that is designed to deliver relevant financial tips that are customized to users’ money management styles, preferences and financial attitudes. Offered in both English and Spanish, it’s a unique method of teaching customers about basic budgeting, spending and saving strategies. Smart financial management is the results of many small decisions, which are part of a person’s larger behavior. The ‘Your Money Smarter’ platform is designed to gently guide users towards smarter financial behavior and budgeting through timely, regular nudges. The New York band, Big Data, known for examining the Internet’s impact on the human experience recently released its latest project and app entitled Nice2HackYou. The app will (with permission) “hack” into an individual’s browser history and through using a unique algorithm, find provocative searches related to porn, relationships, medical diagnostics and other generally embarrassing topics. Real prizes will be given out to individuals if they share Nice2HackYou’s findings from their search history. The application and prizes are being used to promote Big Data’s new album titled “2.0”. Personalized Support Behavioral Nudging Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist “The vast majority of consumers would have never thought twice about security until something bad happens to them.” Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology “Consumers, just in common password practices, are really lazy about this sort of thing. I don’t mean lazy in a pejorative way. Consumers have a lot on their mind, enough things to do with having to develop a new, brilliant password every time they do something to exercise self help to do advanced modeling for what might happen to their information.” See How A Strong Digital Support Network Can Help You Better Plan For Your Future See page. 34-35 + LABS
  • 33. 32 + LABS CONTROL Consumers desire greater oversight and supervision of their personal security and tools to manage their privacy more effectively. PERSONALIZATION Consumers gravitate toward products that dynamically react to their individual needs and open the door to experiences that are tailored to them. Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology “People are going to start being tracked by real name all the time now, in ways they don’t necessarily find comfortable.” WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU MICROSOFT HOW BUSINESSES CAN ADAPT Integrate Emotional nudges can be woven into existing behaviors, preferences and specific contexts, providing information that feels welcome and relevant to consumers. Secure Emotional cues can be leveraged as a safety mechanism around usage behaviors such as communication and financial decisions. Glassses Can Detect And React To Their Wearer’s Emotions New technologies are going beyond traditional user inputs, and reading into more complex indicators such as emotion to deliver a more relevant and secure user experience. These technologies can be leveraged to guide consumers towards a more rational understanding of their spending behaviors and guard them from bad decisions. TREND : EMOTIONAL SAFEGUARDS PERSONALIZED SUPPORT In the wake of increased incidents and heightened regulations, corporations and government agencies are scrambling to safeguard their data and networks—a push that is catalyzing growth in the market for cybersecurity solutions and technologies.” Global State of Information Security Survey. PwC. 2015 82% of people prefer to use their credit/ debit card instead of cash when trusting the retailer or merchant, though 76% deem trust a non-issue as they almost always use their credit/debit cards to pay for things. MasterCard Safety and Security Survey. 2015 82%
  • 34. 33 GINGER IO Sensor Deduces Early Signs Of Depression By Monitoring Phone Behavior MICROSOFT Glasses Can Detect And React To Their Wearer’s Emotions EMOPULSE Bracelet Tracks Mood And Diet To Recommend Lifestyle Changes Ginger IO is an app that can predict signs of depression up to two days before outward symptoms manifest. The app works by utilizing the phone as a tool for recording everyday behavior, which allows it to pick up on patterns and early warning signs. Ginger IO focuses in particular on people with diabetes, a condition that has a very high correlation with depression. The app taps into the built-in sensors of every smartphone to transform it from an everyday object into a powerful first line of defense in personal health. The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted Microsoft a patent for a pair of glasses that can detect a wearer’s emotional response to what they’re looking at. For example, if the wearer is watching TV and suddenly soccer comes on, their posture may change and they may smile, and the system will be able to identify a change in their emotional state. Once the database determines the emotional response, various kinds of corresponding content can be pushed into the user’s view. It can work the other way, too. If the wearer is looking at a person through the glasses, the emotional state of that person can be detected, either by their posture or facial expression. This technology could be leveraged to help consumers better understand their behavior or act in a safer or more secure way. The EmoPulse Smile Bracelet is a phone that can be worn as a bracelet and features sensors that pick up on the wearer’s stress, mood, diet and overall well-being. The smartphone’s twin displays are made of a flexible material, allowing it to wrap around the wrist. The Smile Bracelet runs an algorithm- based, custom Linux AI operating system and uses biosensors embedded in the device to gather information about its wearer, using the data to help prompt certain actions within the user’s day. After watching a few movies or listening to streamed music, for example, the system will recommend more content based on personal tastes and/or emotional responses, and the accuracy of the predictions will increase over time with continued use. Personalized Support Emotional Safeguards Drew Conway. Data and Behavioral Security Specialist “You know that this cell phone is min by the way it’s held in my hand, the way that I’m walking, and the gait that I have, and the other things I’m doing. All the other information is part of the larger user identification.” Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer “Customers are used to systems the way they are and for things to behave in a certain way. The biggest challenge is going to be how companies shift these norms that have been set really deeply for a long time.” See How A Strong Digital Support Network Can Help You Better Plan For Your Future See page. 34-35 + LABS
  • 35. 34 + LABS Raj and Nadine are a young couple living in NYC who are recently married with their first child on the way. Between fixing up the nursery and paying off their wedding there are a lot of extra expenses that they need to juggle. With so many adjustments in their lives, they don’t want their finances to be an additional worry. They want payment tools that allow them to purchase the things they need, while ensuring that they’re staying within their budget. RELATED TRENDS On-Hand Identifiers p.6-7 Always-On Assistance p.26-27 Privacy Dashboards 24-25 2. Raj is trying to make a large purchase of paint and other supplies, but has forgotten his wallet in the car. A mobile payment option is available, but because it’s an unusual purchase, the platform still requires an additional level of authentication. 1. On their way home from visiting Nadine’s parents in Delaware, the couple decide to take advantage of being out of town to get some errands done. Nadine drops Raj at the hardware store, while she heads to the supermarket to get some shopping done. 3. Because Raj and Nadine are joint cardholders, she receives a mobile alert asking to verify the purchase. With a simple text, she can enable the payment from anywhere. Personalized Support Financial Safety Net Financial Safety Net Using A Digital Support Network To Confidently Spend For The Future
  • 36. 35 4. The transaction is instantly logged and analyzed against typical monthly spending habits to create an updated view of their budget for the month. 5. When the couple logs onto the account associated with their card, they can see simple visualizations of their spending habits and upcoming payments to better understand how to manage their money. 6. A personal assistant feature offers the couple guidance on how to reach their financial goals so they can confidently plan for their family’s future. Personalized Support Financial Safety Net Financial Safety Net Using A Digital Support Network To Confidently Spend For The Future RELATED TRENDS On-Hand Identifiers p.6-7 Always-On Assistance p.26-27 Privacy Dashboards 24-25 + LABS
  • 38. 37 Experts To Follow Methodology Justin Brookman. Director of Consumer Privacy, Center for Democracy & Technology Justin Brookman is the Director of Consumer Privacy at the Center for Democracy & Technology. The mission of CDT is to champion global online civil liberties and human rights, and drive policy outcomes that keep the Internet open, innovative, and free. his work focuses on using the internet as a tool to improve individual privacies, facilitate entrepreneurial endeavors, provide access to new markets and opportunities, and create a platform for free speech. | @JustinBrookman Tim Hwang. Designer, Security Writer Tim Hwang is a computer science expert, designer, and writer, whose work focuses on how people’s identities shift in digital spaces, and how behavior changes online. With safety and security as a focus, Tim’s projects explore larger social privacy topics such as Wikileaks from the viewpoint of an individual online user. | @timhwang Stan Stalnaker. Founder, Hub Culture & Ven Stan Stalnaker is the Founding Director of Hub Culture, a social collaboration network that merges online and physical places. Hub Culture is one of the world’s most influential private networks, with a news content system geared around micropayments, collaboration tools that merge physical locations with the web, and collaborative access to some of the world’s most influential people. The platform is tied to the cryptocurrency, Ven, and strives to create a secure online community which promotes the use of digital currencies. | @stanstalnaker Matt Hogan. Founder, Datacoup Matt Hogan is the founder of Datacoup, a startup that is giving shoppers greater awareness of their personal data by offering to pay them monthly for access to their social media meta-data. The service is aimed at making consumers more aware of how and when their personal data is being used, and empowering them to take greater ownership of that information. | @matthewphogan Neil Costigan. CEO, Behaviosec Neil Costigan is the CEO of Behaviosec, a service that works to identify users by their unique biometric fingerprint, which includes a combination of ways in which users interact with their device, such as the force with which they hit a key, the angle they use to swipe a touchscreen, or their typing speed. This type of identification frees users from the burden of memorizing complex passwords, and simply allows them to interact with their device as they normally would to confirm their identity. | @BehavioSec PSFK Labs employed a research methodology called Grounded Theory Analysis to gather emerging ideas from the marketplace, which were later used to identify trends featured in this document. Grounded Theory analysis is a systematic methodology in the social sciences that takes a bottom-up, data-driven approach to generating assertions about larger ideas, trends and movements based on research collected around a directional brief. At the end of the research process, the team compiled over 600 data points that we observed helping everyone from consumers to organizations employ better safety and security online. PSFK Labs’ analysts conducted pattern recognition, where they identified clusters of similar ideas appearing within the marketplace. Clusters with several supporting examples were defined as Trends. After the trend analysis process, we looked at how these trends could be successfully applied to the field of digital safety and security, and provided actionable suggestions on how these trends are relevant to consumers. Meg Nakamura. Founder, Shift Payments Meg is the Co-Founder of Shift Payments, a new all-in-one credit card-sized device that allows users to pay with their traditional bank accounts, loyalty points, and even virtual currencies. By storing a wide range of digital payment information on a single card, from bitcoin to credit cards, the device helps consumers consolidate their payment information onto a single secure interface. | @megnakamura Drew Conway. Head of Data, Project Florida Drew Conway is a leading expert in the application of computational methods to social and behavioral problems at large-scale. Drew is the Head of Data at Project Florida, and has been writing and speaking about the role of data and data security in industry, government and academia for several years. | @drewconway + LABS
  • 39. 38 Each day we share better ways to live, work, and play through PSFK. com and social platforms. We publish new ideas across areas such as design, retail, technology and travel and hit 10 million impressions per month across our channels. Our thought leadership reports are written by our PSFK Labs innovation consultants – a group of researchers who study trends in the market places and advise brands like Apple, BMW, Google and Samsung, helping them develop new products, services, and ways to interact with their consumers. | | @psfk PSFK Labs 42 Bond Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10012 USA TEAM Project Lead Andrew Vaterlaus-Staby Design Sarah Lee Lance Green Research Tim Ryan Michelle Hum Charlotte Hellichius About PSFK LABS MasterCard is a technology company in the global payments industry. They operate the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities – such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances – easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. | @MasterCard | @MasterCardNews MASTERCARD INVENTIONS TO CHECK OUT FacePay : Facial Payment Software Verifies Purchases With A Selfie EMV : A Standard For Dynamic Authentication For Each And Every Transaction Master of Code : Hackathon Brings Together Creative Minds To Solve Problems MasterPass : Giving Customers Their Own Connected Digital Wallet Identity Theft Alerts : Working With Customers To Keep Online Information Safe Your Money Smarter : Financial Education Program Gives Users Management Tips PIERS FAWKES Founder & Editor-In-Chief +1 646.520.4672 SCOTT LACHUT President of Research & Strategy +1 646.520.4672 About MasterCard + LABS Version 2.0 | Published October 2015 All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of PSFK Labs.
  • 40. For more recent PSFK Lab reports, visit LABS A Report In Partnership With Version 2.0 | Published October 2015 #FutureofDigitalSafety