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Executive Leadership Training ....................................................................................................................... 1
Executive Growth Series ................................................................................................................................................. 2
The Essential Leadership Programme ......................................................................................................................... 3
High Impact Leadership Programme ........................................................................................................................... 4
Executive Programme For Women Leaders ............................................................................................................. 5
Senior Executive Leadership Programme ................................................................................................................. 6
Communication Skills ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Public Speaking Programme ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Skilled Negotiators Programme .................................................................................................................................... 9
Powerful Presentation Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 10
The Art of Pitching Perfectly ..........................................................................................................................................11
Personal Development Series ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Personal Leadership Impact............................................................................................................................................ 13
Making A Persuasive Argument ....................................................................................................................................14
Effective Interview Skills ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Strategic & Critical Thinking ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Team Leadership Series ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Conflict Resolution and Mediation ..............................................................................................................................18
Leading High Performance Teams ............................................................................................................................... 19
Customised Leadership Training Programmes ................................................................................ .. 20
What is our Customised Programmes? ...................................................................................................................... 21
Designing Your Programme .................................................................................................................................. 22 - 25
Executive Leadership Training
Executive Growth Series
The Essential Leadership Programme
High Impact Leadership Programme
Executive Programme For Women Leaders
Senior Executive Leadership Programme
The Essential Leadership
Our highly innovative flagship programme will equip
you with a unique arsenal of skills that can be
deployed to produce outstanding results in any field
and in any role.
Who Should Attend
Whether in a senior or junior position, the techniques
you learn will help transform your effectiveness as a
leader. This programme is designed for anyone in a
leadership role in any industry.
Programme Objectives
In our five-day programme you will learn to use
closing speech techniques to effectively address
leadership challenges and help businesses thrive;
cross-examination techniques to convince managers,
team members, and competitors to accept your
position; and direct examination techniques to get to
the heart of issues and make better decisions.
Key Benefits:
· Define a ‘case theory’ or case that you want to
convince others of;
· Focus sharply on the objectives being pursued
and the target audience;
· Plan and structure the content of your message
· Evaluate facts that need to be established to
support your case and deal with negative facts;
· Understand the benefits and pitfalls of using
leading and non-leading questions;
· Develop clusters of goal-oriented, questions to
establish points that support the case theory;
· Develop effective listening skills to ensure your
questioning is seamless;
· Learn to control the person being questioned and
the quality of information adduced;
· Connect with the audience and create a
compelling and memorable message;
· Learn to think on your feet and deal with
unexpected or unfavourable responses.
High Impact Leadership
Every organisation needs a solid core of leaders that
act as a conduit between senior leaders and front line
members. You are responsible for turning the senior
leaders’ vision for the organisation into reality and are
key to successfully executing the business strategy.
Exceptional communication skills are vital so that they
can clearly and effectively communicate both up and
down in the organisation. Rapid decision making-skills
are essential. Leading highly productive teams and
managing talent can transform the level of success
enjoyed by your organisation.
Programme Objective
This five-day programme will equip you with the tools
and strategies needed to maximise the effectiveness
and productivity of your team.
Who Should Attend
An experienced senior or a newly appointed general
manager, team leader or a high potential individual
looking to develop your leadership skills.
Key Benefits
· Develop leadership communication techniques for
implementing organisational change and driving
business value;
· Catalyse success by using effective communication
skills to handle any situation from delivering bad
news, pitching to board members to increasing
team motivation;
· Use skilful negotiation techniques in daily
transactions with peers, managers, subordinates,
customers and other stakeholders to maximum
· Transform your team into a cohesive, goal-focused
unit by creating a climate of inclusion and
partnership; develop influential and productive
relationships with colleagues;
· Increase the productivity of your team by nurtur-
ing talent; encourage open dialogue with team
members where ideas, opinions and feedback can
be exchanged;
· Learn rapid decision-making skills to accelerate
the decision-making process; make quality
decisions in fast-paced environments with limited
time and information.
Executive Programme For Women
Learn to overcome hurdles faced as a woman leader
and optimise your potential.
Women leaders often struggle to develop their own
leadership styles and to effectively enhance their
power and status within their organisation. The
under-utilising of their talents and skills in a work
culture underpinned by male standards means that
women are often unable to fulfil their personal and
professional potential. As a woman in a leadership
position, learn to overcome hurdles you face,
optimise your potential, and turn business
challenges into career-building opportunities.
Programme Objective
This intensive five-day programme aims to empower
participants to optimise individual performance as
well as organisational impact. They will learn
practical strategies to build visibility, confidence and
influence as a woman in a leadership role, to
navigate their way through the complex challenges
they face; and to transform negative situations into
opportunities for positive gain.
Who Should Attend
Women who are 8-12 years into their careers and
are in leadership roles or looking to get into such
Key Benefits
· Overcome your leadership challenges and develop
your authentic strategy and style;
· Increase leadership impact by utilising excellent
communication skills with management peers, team
members, subordinates, clients, and public
· Capture real value through skilful and effective
negotiations within and outside the organisation;
· Optimise team effectiveness through fostering
internal dialogue; balancing advocacy with
openness to others’ ideas; and resolving issues;
· Use techniques to influence individuals and
groups; and manage meetings involving many indi-
viduals with different goals and agendas;
· Formulate and implement organisational
change/new strategies through the building of
strong alliances and team cohesion; encourage a
collaborative atmosphere; and sustain results
focused change.
Senior Executive Leadership
Learn a range of high-order skills to motivate, inspire,
guide your workforce and to influence competitors.
Leading with vision, championing change, navigating
your organisation through difficult times, creating
high performance teams and building powerful
networks – these are some of the formidable
challenges of effective leadership. Finely tuned
leadership skills confer a tremendous competitive
Who Should Attend
A CEO, Senior Vice President or VP, Director, Senior
Executive, or a General Manager, looking to develop
your leadership skills.
Programme Objective
This five-day programme will equip you with the
ability to realise your ideas, plans and visions. By
employing effective tools and strategies, you will be
able to motivate, guide and inspire your workforce
into action.
Programme Outcomes
· Strategic Thinking: recognise opportunities,
hurdles, contentious issues, and constraints; weigh
risks against the potential rewards;
· Decision Making: evaluate the present situation,
think about the long term implications, and
anticipate the future; make better decisions;
· Authentic Leadership: Understand your leadership
style and skills; how influential are you and why;
what prevents you from being more effective; the
importance of authentic leadership;
· Core Leadership Skills: Learn careful questioning
and ‘closing speech’ techniques to fully scrutinise
situations; convince and persuade the most difficult
of audiences; and inspire audiences to think and
work in new ways;
· Advanced Communication: Skilfully navigate your
way through any transactions using techniques of
diplomacy and negotiation; deliver compelling
public speeches, and presentations;
· Leading high performance teams: goal setting and
performance monitoring; creating a culture of
accountability, inclusion, creativity, and open
dialogue; recognise and nurture talent.
· Networking: Develop strong networks internally
and externally to become a powerful leader.
Communication Skills
Public Speaking Programme
Skilled Negotiators Programme
Powerful Presentation Skills
The Art of Pitching Perfectly
Public Speaking Programme
Become a highly confident and skilful public
speaker, and win over any audience.
The ability to influence and win over any
audience marks out those individuals who
achieve their professional and personal goals.
Whether you are delivering a keynote speech to a
large audience at a business conference or
addressing an intimate gathering at a social
event, speaking with confidence and clarity is
Programme Objective
Our one-day intensive programme will help you
develop key public speaking skills. It is designed
to ensure that you grow in confidence and feel
comfortable addressing a broad spectrum of
audiences. And, that you are able to deliver the
message in a clear and compelling manner.
Key Benefits
By the end of the programme, you will:
· Become a focused, effective and confident
· Understand the importance of vocal delivery
and body language for maximum impact;
· Deploy techniques to overcome fears of public
· Realise the importance of clarity of message;
· Structure information flow to convey your
message powerfully;
· Adapt and edit content to meet the needs of
different audiences;
· Effectively use language, anecdotes and humour
for memorable impact;
· Persuade and influence the audience through
building a rapport with them.
Skilled Negotiators Programme
Learn to effectively negotiate and influence, a
highly-sought after skill that can propel you to
success both personally and professionally.
Whether engaging in a ‘hostile’ transaction with a
competitor, negotiating with team members, or
bartering with a street vendor, we engage in
negotiations in a wide range of contexts daily.
Programme Objective
In our one-day intensive and interactive
programme, we will dissect, evaluate and develop
your style of negotiation. Whether you are a
novice or an experienced negotiator, this
programme will give you the chance to explore
different approaches to negotiation. We will help
you to develop flexibility so that you can deploy a
range of skills, approaches and strategies that will
give you the best result for a particular
Key Benefits
We will enable you to:
· Plan and prepare for negotiations using the
available information;
· Develop and control the negotiation agenda;
· Implement the most appropriate strategy;
· Deploy a range of techniques to manage the
· Create and maintain the right environment and
balance of power;
· Manage own and other party’s expectations;
· Manage conflicts and deadlocks;
· Effectively use questioning and listening skills to
uncover the interest of the other party;
· Develop and present creative proposals to
attain better outcomes.
Powerful Presentation Skills
Win over any audience through powerful, engaging
and compelling presentations.
This is a sought-after skill in any profession and adds
real value to any individual or organisation. Unlike
public speaking, where the message is delivered
uninterrupted to an audience, presenting requires
additional skills. The extra dynamics of using visual
aids and interacting with the audience impacts upon
how you structure and deliver your presentation.
Programme Objective
Our one-day course will equip you with strategies
and techniques to help you flourish as a skilled
presenter. Whether you are delivering a
presentation on the international stage or simply to
team members in a daily business meeting, we will
ensure that you are ready to meet any challenges
head-on. By the end of this programme, you will be
able to deliver your presentations at a new level of
Key Benefits
You will acquire skills in how to:
· Deliver your message with confidence;
· Plan and prepare a persuasive presentation;
· Select appropriate content and structure
material in a compelling manner;
· Create and effectively use visual aids;
· Effectively deliver information from the screen
to your audience;
· Build a rapport with, and engage, the audience;
· Think on your feet and handle tough questions.
The Art of Pitching Perfectly
Influence investment buying decisions in your
products, services or business.
Excellent communications skills are essential
when making a pitch to new customers, potential
investors or maintaining and building upon
existing relationships. The skills needed for
pitching are very different to those required in
public speaking or presenting. When pitching,
you are looking for a very specific outcome.
Programme Objective
The Art of Pitching is a one-day training
programme aimed at enhancing your ability to
sell ideas, products, services or business to any
Key Benefits
You will be able to:
· Understand the essential criteria for a
successful client pitch;
· Learn how to build the crucial element of trust
with the audience;
· Make a ‘lean’, clear and unambiguous pitch by
cutting out any unnecessary information;
· Understand the importance of non-technical,
easily understandable communication;
· Appreciate the use of specific information
rather than general statements;
· Learn techniques to interact with the audience;
Effectively deal with client objections and/or
difficult questions.
Personal Leadership Impact
Making A Persuasive Argument
Effective Interview Skills
Strategic & Critical Thinking
Personal Development
Personal Leadership Impact
Inspire and instil confidence in your leadership
abilities by making a great personal impact.
What impact do you have on others? Do you find that
no one listens to you or that you are easily forgotten?
Do you adopt an aggressive style to make sure you
are heard? Being able to make a great personal
impact is an important asset for those wishing to
purse leadership roles.
Whether on a one-to-one basis, small group meeting,
or a large audience, making and maintaining a good
impression is the foundation of any successful
relationship. The way you enter a room, come across,
shake hands, dress or express yourself can
significantly affect how you influence others. Learn
how to inspire and instil confidence in your abilities.
Programme Objective
This one-day Programme will show you how a few
simple changes in your personal leadership style can
increase your impact.
Key Benefits
During the Programme, you will learn how to:
· Assess the effect of your appearance;
· Increase personal impact and presence through
the use of your voice and body language; project
confidence and competence;
· Be assertive without being forceful, speak your
mind without offending;
· Become a situational sensor by ‘listening’ to
non-verbal signs from your team;
· Use effective questioning techniques for maximum
· Use effective influencing techniques in daily
· Learn the art of powerful networking.
Making A Persuasive Argument
Learn how to develop and structure a convincing
Do you have to believe the arguments you are making
to convince your audience or can you persuade them
irrespective of your beliefs? Can you persuade only
when there is strong evidence to support your case?
Can you persuade even if the evidence is weak? Learn
the art of argument—communication that seeks to
persuade others through reasoned judgment.
Programme Objective
This intensive one-day programme will equip you
with the knowledge base and skills to argue, thereby
enabling you to enter into arguments more
confidently and with a greater prospect of success.
Key Benefits
· Analyse Arguments: to understand the difference
between argument and rhetoric; develop the ability
to identify errors in arguments.
· Develop Arguments: how to balance principled and
practical arguments; how to use evidence and
practical examples to illustrate arguments
· Listening and Response: how to select relevant
information from the presentations of others, and
how to respond to this information succinctly and
· Structuring the Argument: how to organise
material effectively by headlining and signposting;
how to prioritise the material;
· Persuasion: how to present sound argument with
persuasive force; how to present weak argument
with equally persuasive force.
Effective Interview Skills
Demonstrate your skills and talent, under intense
scrutiny, and in a highly pressurised environment.
Whether you are re-entering the workforce, moving
up the career ladder, or seeking a change in
direction, demonstrating that you have the right
skill-set is crucial in successfully attaining a
leadership position.
Programme Objective
This one-day Programme aims to equip you with the
skills you need to secure that sought-after position
and to ensure that your career path is meeting both
your professional and personal objectives.
Key Benefits
· Develop and market a personal brand that enables
you to communicate who you are and what you have
to offer; leverage your interests, motivations, skills
and talent to achieve your career goals;
· Fine-tune your interview technique to ensure that
you get your message across and are able to
distinguish yourself from your competitors;
effectively demonstrate that you are a high
potential individual that can bring real value to any
· Demonstrate effective leadership, management,
negotiation, and presentation skills; show the ability
to handle the multiple daily challenges you will face;
· Learn how to expand your professional network
and build career opportunity connections;
understand the importance of strategic networking
to accelerate and sustain personal and
organisational growth.
Strategic & Critical Thinking
Strategic thinking is an essential tool that brings
success to any project you undertake in your
personal, academic or professional life. This course
will transform the way you deal with the challenges of
the future.
Programme Objective
This one-day Programme will teach how to analyse
any situation from a strategic perspective: how to
recognise opportunities, hurdles, contentious issues,
and constraints. You’ll learn how to create an
effective strategic plan and execution strategy to
ensure positive results.
Key Benefits
· Challenge conventional thinking through critical
and lateral thinking;
· Evaluate the present situation, think about the
long term implications, and anticipate the future;
· Understand the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and vulnerabilities of any situation;
· Weigh risks against the potential rewards, make
savvier decisions, anticipate the unexpected, and
avoid negative situations;
· Create a blueprint for action, articulate your
strategies so everyone understands.
Team Leadership
Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Leading High Performance Teams
Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Learn techniques on how to deal with conflict at
your workplace and to create a healthy, productive
Building a constructive rapport between those at
your workplace and conflict management are two
potential challenges faced by any organisation.
Highly practical communication techniques are
needed to ensure that these challenges are met
Programme Objective
This two-day programme is designed to enable
participants to understand the importance of having
in place mechanisms to promote constructive
rapport. We aim to ensure that your organisation is
properly equipped to do so and, consequently, to
avoid conflict. In circumstances where conflicts
emerge, we will equip you with skills to resolve
matters in a constructive and meaningful way by
using the principles of mediation.
Key Benefits
· Use voice, body language, linguistic tools and
effective listening skills to build rapport with others;
· Understand the causes of conflict in the work-
· Use strategies, structures and techniques for
preventing conflicts from arising;
· Employ strategies, tools and techniques for
effectively resolving conflict situations;
· Encourage collaborative problem solving and
gaining consensus;
· Deal with ‘difficult’ people in difficult situations.
Leading High Performance Teams
Build, manage and drive your team to ensure that
they function at optimum levels.
Organisations strongly rely on dynamic teams to
enhance company performance and success.
Consequently, building and sustaining high
performance teams is an essential business
imperative. Effective leaders are needed to drive and
manage these team to ensure that they function at
optimum levels. Whilst managing a team of
individuals with a diverse mix of personalities, skills,
and motivations can be an exasperating experience, a
good leader knows how to deal with these issues and
turn them around. When managed well, teams can be
efficient, innovative, creative, and more adaptive to
market forces.
Programme Objective
This three-day programme will give you an insight
into strategies for building high-performing teams
and eliminating obstacles to effective team work. You
will learn to lead your team in a manner that creates a
productive work environment, delivers high
performance, and fosters creativity and innovation.
Key Benefits
· Importance of having a vision for the team in line
with overall organisational aims and objectives;
· Designing a blueprint of action and navigating the
team accordingly;
· Creating a powerful team: Choosing the right
people; promoting diversity within the team;
structuring the group and clearly defining roles;
· Managing performance: Setting individual and
team goals; monitoring performance and creating a
culture of accountability for performance;
· Managing group dynamics: Outlining decision
making processes and structures; dealing with
power relations; and managing conflict;
· Facilitating: Enabling effective group interaction
and information sharing; encouraging inclusivity;
and fostering creativity and innovation;
· Effective communication skills: ‘negotiating’ and
‘mediating’; listening and asking questions; building
trust and energy within the group.
Customised Leadership
Training Programmes
What is our Customised Programmes?
Our customised programmes will ensure that your organisation operates at optimum levels. The
effects are transformative and long lasting. Invest in your workforce and you will reap the long
term benefits to your organisation.
Our customised programmes are developed to enhance leadership and communications abilities
and to deepen participants understanding of the crucial skills they need to succeed in their role.
Our programmes are tailored to the specific needs of each organisation. Each one offers a unique
learning experience which centres on identifying underlying challenges and composing solutions
that deliver results.
Designing Your Programme
Key Benefits
Whether your organisation is preparing for major change or looking to build individual or
organisational competency in a particular area, your leaders will gain the required skills. We can
train your management personnel to:
· Direct, guide and inspire your workforce to realise the goals of your organisation;
· Maximise productivity and contribute to the smooth, internal running of your organisation;
· Deal successfully with business partners, competitors, influential actors and agencies;
· Manage every member of your personnel so that your organisation operates as a cohesive unit;
· Assist others in maximising their productivity and potential;
· Contribute to your organisation being able to deliver a clear, consistent message to those with
whom it works.
All our programmes are developed on a highly practical, skills-based framework. By the time
participants complete the programme, they will have the tools and confidence they need to
succeed in their role. We empower those we train to return to the organisation with the mindset,
skills, and strategies needed to contribute more broadly as leaders.
The first step of developing a customised programme for you is to carry out an assessment of
individual as well as organisational needs, and to identify underlying issues and challenges.
Once we have carried out an analysis of the factors limiting success, together with you, aims &
objectives are agreed and goals are set. Ongoing collaboration helps us to produce a programme
that meets your desired outcomes.
The curriculum and learning materials are developed to meet identified needs. We design the
programme in the most appropriate format, with each aspect designed in a manner that optimises
the learning experience. Our training sessions range from on-site intensive sessions;
one-to-coaching; masterclasses and workshops concentrating on particular skills; residential
programmes; to a more prolonged and on-going blended programme.
We create a stimulating and engaging environment in which to deliver our programmes. Our
programmes are designed to develop deep personal insight, build a high-level skill set, and to
increase leadership capabilities through a variety of mechanisms.
Learning By Doing
The best way to learn leadership and communication skills is by doing. You are immediately thrown
into the water and forced to swim! Once you have had a chance to test out your own techniques, and
observe the techniques of others, we will begin your training in that particular area. This method
allows you the opportunity to reflect on your technique, before and after, and understand how to
Demonstrations & Performance
Whilst we will teach you concepts and techniques through demonstration, the only way you can
truly learn and improve is to practice. And, we will provide you with ample opportunity to do so. By
the end of the Programme, you will build up a personal repertoire of effective techniques to deploy
in appropriate situations.
Continuous Assessment
We use a process of mutual, continuous assessment to ensure that participants are get the most out
of our programmes. We assess you to ensure you are learning, retaining, and building upon the skills
taught. Detailed feedback from you allows us to examine, evaluate, refresh and fine-tune our
programmes objectives, content and methodologies.
Post Programme Support
We continue to provide on-going support after the Programme ends, should you want it. We are
committed to ensuring that our programmes contributes to you and your organisations long term
Phone: +44 (0)207 406 7495
Address: 5 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1LG, UK.
Osbourne Mckenna Ltd trading as Counsel for Leadership
Registered in England and Wales: 8389989

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Programmes 20:11:15 SF

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  • 3. Contents Executive Leadership Training ....................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Growth Series ................................................................................................................................................. 2 The Essential Leadership Programme ......................................................................................................................... 3 High Impact Leadership Programme ........................................................................................................................... 4 Executive Programme For Women Leaders ............................................................................................................. 5 Senior Executive Leadership Programme ................................................................................................................. 6 Communication Skills ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Public Speaking Programme ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Skilled Negotiators Programme .................................................................................................................................... 9 Powerful Presentation Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 10 The Art of Pitching Perfectly ..........................................................................................................................................11 Personal Development Series ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Personal Leadership Impact............................................................................................................................................ 13 Making A Persuasive Argument ....................................................................................................................................14 Effective Interview Skills ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Strategic & Critical Thinking ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Team Leadership Series ................................................................................................................................................... 17 Conflict Resolution and Mediation ..............................................................................................................................18 Leading High Performance Teams ............................................................................................................................... 19 Customised Leadership Training Programmes ................................................................................ .. 20 What is our Customised Programmes? ...................................................................................................................... 21 Designing Your Programme .................................................................................................................................. 22 - 25
  • 5. Executive Growth Series The Essential Leadership Programme High Impact Leadership Programme Executive Programme For Women Leaders Senior Executive Leadership Programme
  • 6. The Essential Leadership Programme Our highly innovative flagship programme will equip you with a unique arsenal of skills that can be deployed to produce outstanding results in any field and in any role. Who Should Attend Whether in a senior or junior position, the techniques you learn will help transform your effectiveness as a leader. This programme is designed for anyone in a leadership role in any industry. Programme Objectives In our five-day programme you will learn to use closing speech techniques to effectively address leadership challenges and help businesses thrive; cross-examination techniques to convince managers, team members, and competitors to accept your position; and direct examination techniques to get to the heart of issues and make better decisions. Key Benefits: · Define a ‘case theory’ or case that you want to convince others of; · Focus sharply on the objectives being pursued and the target audience; · Plan and structure the content of your message accordingly; · Evaluate facts that need to be established to support your case and deal with negative facts; · Understand the benefits and pitfalls of using leading and non-leading questions; · Develop clusters of goal-oriented, questions to establish points that support the case theory; · Develop effective listening skills to ensure your questioning is seamless; · Learn to control the person being questioned and the quality of information adduced; · Connect with the audience and create a compelling and memorable message; · Learn to think on your feet and deal with unexpected or unfavourable responses.
  • 7. High Impact Leadership Programme Every organisation needs a solid core of leaders that act as a conduit between senior leaders and front line members. You are responsible for turning the senior leaders’ vision for the organisation into reality and are key to successfully executing the business strategy. Exceptional communication skills are vital so that they can clearly and effectively communicate both up and down in the organisation. Rapid decision making-skills are essential. Leading highly productive teams and managing talent can transform the level of success enjoyed by your organisation. Programme Objective This five-day programme will equip you with the tools and strategies needed to maximise the effectiveness and productivity of your team. Who Should Attend An experienced senior or a newly appointed general manager, team leader or a high potential individual looking to develop your leadership skills. Key Benefits · Develop leadership communication techniques for implementing organisational change and driving business value; · Catalyse success by using effective communication skills to handle any situation from delivering bad news, pitching to board members to increasing team motivation; · Use skilful negotiation techniques in daily transactions with peers, managers, subordinates, customers and other stakeholders to maximum effect; · Transform your team into a cohesive, goal-focused unit by creating a climate of inclusion and partnership; develop influential and productive relationships with colleagues; · Increase the productivity of your team by nurtur- ing talent; encourage open dialogue with team members where ideas, opinions and feedback can be exchanged; · Learn rapid decision-making skills to accelerate the decision-making process; make quality decisions in fast-paced environments with limited time and information.
  • 8. Executive Programme For Women Leaders Learn to overcome hurdles faced as a woman leader and optimise your potential. Women leaders often struggle to develop their own leadership styles and to effectively enhance their power and status within their organisation. The under-utilising of their talents and skills in a work culture underpinned by male standards means that women are often unable to fulfil their personal and professional potential. As a woman in a leadership position, learn to overcome hurdles you face, optimise your potential, and turn business challenges into career-building opportunities. Programme Objective This intensive five-day programme aims to empower participants to optimise individual performance as well as organisational impact. They will learn practical strategies to build visibility, confidence and influence as a woman in a leadership role, to navigate their way through the complex challenges they face; and to transform negative situations into opportunities for positive gain. Who Should Attend Women who are 8-12 years into their careers and are in leadership roles or looking to get into such roles. Key Benefits · Overcome your leadership challenges and develop your authentic strategy and style; · Increase leadership impact by utilising excellent communication skills with management peers, team members, subordinates, clients, and public constituents; · Capture real value through skilful and effective negotiations within and outside the organisation; · Optimise team effectiveness through fostering internal dialogue; balancing advocacy with openness to others’ ideas; and resolving issues; · Use techniques to influence individuals and groups; and manage meetings involving many indi- viduals with different goals and agendas; · Formulate and implement organisational change/new strategies through the building of strong alliances and team cohesion; encourage a collaborative atmosphere; and sustain results focused change.
  • 9. Senior Executive Leadership Programme Learn a range of high-order skills to motivate, inspire, guide your workforce and to influence competitors. Leading with vision, championing change, navigating your organisation through difficult times, creating high performance teams and building powerful networks – these are some of the formidable challenges of effective leadership. Finely tuned leadership skills confer a tremendous competitive advantage. Who Should Attend A CEO, Senior Vice President or VP, Director, Senior Executive, or a General Manager, looking to develop your leadership skills. Programme Objective This five-day programme will equip you with the ability to realise your ideas, plans and visions. By employing effective tools and strategies, you will be able to motivate, guide and inspire your workforce into action. Programme Outcomes · Strategic Thinking: recognise opportunities, hurdles, contentious issues, and constraints; weigh risks against the potential rewards; · Decision Making: evaluate the present situation, think about the long term implications, and anticipate the future; make better decisions; · Authentic Leadership: Understand your leadership style and skills; how influential are you and why; what prevents you from being more effective; the importance of authentic leadership; · Core Leadership Skills: Learn careful questioning and ‘closing speech’ techniques to fully scrutinise situations; convince and persuade the most difficult of audiences; and inspire audiences to think and work in new ways; · Advanced Communication: Skilfully navigate your way through any transactions using techniques of diplomacy and negotiation; deliver compelling public speeches, and presentations; · Leading high performance teams: goal setting and performance monitoring; creating a culture of accountability, inclusion, creativity, and open dialogue; recognise and nurture talent. · Networking: Develop strong networks internally and externally to become a powerful leader.
  • 10. Communication Skills Series Public Speaking Programme Skilled Negotiators Programme Powerful Presentation Skills The Art of Pitching Perfectly
  • 11. Public Speaking Programme Become a highly confident and skilful public speaker, and win over any audience. The ability to influence and win over any audience marks out those individuals who achieve their professional and personal goals. Whether you are delivering a keynote speech to a large audience at a business conference or addressing an intimate gathering at a social event, speaking with confidence and clarity is essential. Programme Objective Our one-day intensive programme will help you develop key public speaking skills. It is designed to ensure that you grow in confidence and feel comfortable addressing a broad spectrum of audiences. And, that you are able to deliver the message in a clear and compelling manner. Key Benefits By the end of the programme, you will: · Become a focused, effective and confident communicator; · Understand the importance of vocal delivery and body language for maximum impact; · Deploy techniques to overcome fears of public speaking; · Realise the importance of clarity of message; · Structure information flow to convey your message powerfully; · Adapt and edit content to meet the needs of different audiences; · Effectively use language, anecdotes and humour for memorable impact; · Persuade and influence the audience through building a rapport with them.
  • 12. Skilled Negotiators Programme Learn to effectively negotiate and influence, a highly-sought after skill that can propel you to success both personally and professionally. Whether engaging in a ‘hostile’ transaction with a competitor, negotiating with team members, or bartering with a street vendor, we engage in negotiations in a wide range of contexts daily. Programme Objective In our one-day intensive and interactive programme, we will dissect, evaluate and develop your style of negotiation. Whether you are a novice or an experienced negotiator, this programme will give you the chance to explore different approaches to negotiation. We will help you to develop flexibility so that you can deploy a range of skills, approaches and strategies that will give you the best result for a particular negotiation. Key Benefits We will enable you to: · Plan and prepare for negotiations using the available information; · Develop and control the negotiation agenda; · Implement the most appropriate strategy; · Deploy a range of techniques to manage the negotiation; · Create and maintain the right environment and balance of power; · Manage own and other party’s expectations; · Manage conflicts and deadlocks; · Effectively use questioning and listening skills to uncover the interest of the other party; · Develop and present creative proposals to attain better outcomes.
  • 13. Powerful Presentation Skills Win over any audience through powerful, engaging and compelling presentations. This is a sought-after skill in any profession and adds real value to any individual or organisation. Unlike public speaking, where the message is delivered uninterrupted to an audience, presenting requires additional skills. The extra dynamics of using visual aids and interacting with the audience impacts upon how you structure and deliver your presentation. Programme Objective Our one-day course will equip you with strategies and techniques to help you flourish as a skilled presenter. Whether you are delivering a presentation on the international stage or simply to team members in a daily business meeting, we will ensure that you are ready to meet any challenges head-on. By the end of this programme, you will be able to deliver your presentations at a new level of excellence. Key Benefits You will acquire skills in how to: · Deliver your message with confidence; · Plan and prepare a persuasive presentation; · Select appropriate content and structure material in a compelling manner; · Create and effectively use visual aids; · Effectively deliver information from the screen to your audience; · Build a rapport with, and engage, the audience; · Think on your feet and handle tough questions.
  • 14. The Art of Pitching Perfectly Influence investment buying decisions in your products, services or business. Excellent communications skills are essential when making a pitch to new customers, potential investors or maintaining and building upon existing relationships. The skills needed for pitching are very different to those required in public speaking or presenting. When pitching, you are looking for a very specific outcome. Programme Objective The Art of Pitching is a one-day training programme aimed at enhancing your ability to sell ideas, products, services or business to any auduence. Key Benefits You will be able to: · Understand the essential criteria for a successful client pitch; · Learn how to build the crucial element of trust with the audience; · Make a ‘lean’, clear and unambiguous pitch by cutting out any unnecessary information; · Understand the importance of non-technical, easily understandable communication; · Appreciate the use of specific information rather than general statements; · Learn techniques to interact with the audience; Effectively deal with client objections and/or difficult questions.
  • 15. Personal Leadership Impact Making A Persuasive Argument Effective Interview Skills Strategic & Critical Thinking Personal Development Series
  • 16. Personal Leadership Impact Inspire and instil confidence in your leadership abilities by making a great personal impact. What impact do you have on others? Do you find that no one listens to you or that you are easily forgotten? Do you adopt an aggressive style to make sure you are heard? Being able to make a great personal impact is an important asset for those wishing to purse leadership roles. Whether on a one-to-one basis, small group meeting, or a large audience, making and maintaining a good impression is the foundation of any successful relationship. The way you enter a room, come across, shake hands, dress or express yourself can significantly affect how you influence others. Learn how to inspire and instil confidence in your abilities. Programme Objective This one-day Programme will show you how a few simple changes in your personal leadership style can increase your impact. Key Benefits During the Programme, you will learn how to: · Assess the effect of your appearance; · Increase personal impact and presence through the use of your voice and body language; project confidence and competence; · Be assertive without being forceful, speak your mind without offending; · Become a situational sensor by ‘listening’ to non-verbal signs from your team; · Use effective questioning techniques for maximum impact; · Use effective influencing techniques in daily interactions; · Learn the art of powerful networking.
  • 17. Making A Persuasive Argument Learn how to develop and structure a convincing argument. Do you have to believe the arguments you are making to convince your audience or can you persuade them irrespective of your beliefs? Can you persuade only when there is strong evidence to support your case? Can you persuade even if the evidence is weak? Learn the art of argument—communication that seeks to persuade others through reasoned judgment. Programme Objective This intensive one-day programme will equip you with the knowledge base and skills to argue, thereby enabling you to enter into arguments more confidently and with a greater prospect of success. Key Benefits · Analyse Arguments: to understand the difference between argument and rhetoric; develop the ability to identify errors in arguments. · Develop Arguments: how to balance principled and practical arguments; how to use evidence and practical examples to illustrate arguments effectively. · Listening and Response: how to select relevant information from the presentations of others, and how to respond to this information succinctly and effectively. · Structuring the Argument: how to organise material effectively by headlining and signposting; how to prioritise the material; · Persuasion: how to present sound argument with persuasive force; how to present weak argument with equally persuasive force.
  • 18. Effective Interview Skills Demonstrate your skills and talent, under intense scrutiny, and in a highly pressurised environment. Whether you are re-entering the workforce, moving up the career ladder, or seeking a change in direction, demonstrating that you have the right skill-set is crucial in successfully attaining a leadership position. Programme Objective This one-day Programme aims to equip you with the skills you need to secure that sought-after position and to ensure that your career path is meeting both your professional and personal objectives. Key Benefits · Develop and market a personal brand that enables you to communicate who you are and what you have to offer; leverage your interests, motivations, skills and talent to achieve your career goals; · Fine-tune your interview technique to ensure that you get your message across and are able to distinguish yourself from your competitors; effectively demonstrate that you are a high potential individual that can bring real value to any organisation; · Demonstrate effective leadership, management, negotiation, and presentation skills; show the ability to handle the multiple daily challenges you will face; · Learn how to expand your professional network and build career opportunity connections; understand the importance of strategic networking to accelerate and sustain personal and organisational growth.
  • 19. Strategic & Critical Thinking Strategic thinking is an essential tool that brings success to any project you undertake in your personal, academic or professional life. This course will transform the way you deal with the challenges of the future. Programme Objective This one-day Programme will teach how to analyse any situation from a strategic perspective: how to recognise opportunities, hurdles, contentious issues, and constraints. You’ll learn how to create an effective strategic plan and execution strategy to ensure positive results. Key Benefits · Challenge conventional thinking through critical and lateral thinking; · Evaluate the present situation, think about the long term implications, and anticipate the future; · Understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and vulnerabilities of any situation; · Weigh risks against the potential rewards, make savvier decisions, anticipate the unexpected, and avoid negative situations; · Create a blueprint for action, articulate your strategies so everyone understands.
  • 20. Team Leadership Series Conflict Resolution and Mediation Leading High Performance Teams
  • 21. Conflict Resolution and Mediation Learn techniques on how to deal with conflict at your workplace and to create a healthy, productive environment. Building a constructive rapport between those at your workplace and conflict management are two potential challenges faced by any organisation. Highly practical communication techniques are needed to ensure that these challenges are met successfully. Programme Objective This two-day programme is designed to enable participants to understand the importance of having in place mechanisms to promote constructive rapport. We aim to ensure that your organisation is properly equipped to do so and, consequently, to avoid conflict. In circumstances where conflicts emerge, we will equip you with skills to resolve matters in a constructive and meaningful way by using the principles of mediation. Key Benefits · Use voice, body language, linguistic tools and effective listening skills to build rapport with others; · Understand the causes of conflict in the work- place; · Use strategies, structures and techniques for preventing conflicts from arising; · Employ strategies, tools and techniques for effectively resolving conflict situations; · Encourage collaborative problem solving and gaining consensus; · Deal with ‘difficult’ people in difficult situations.
  • 22. Leading High Performance Teams Build, manage and drive your team to ensure that they function at optimum levels. Organisations strongly rely on dynamic teams to enhance company performance and success. Consequently, building and sustaining high performance teams is an essential business imperative. Effective leaders are needed to drive and manage these team to ensure that they function at optimum levels. Whilst managing a team of individuals with a diverse mix of personalities, skills, and motivations can be an exasperating experience, a good leader knows how to deal with these issues and turn them around. When managed well, teams can be efficient, innovative, creative, and more adaptive to market forces. Programme Objective This three-day programme will give you an insight into strategies for building high-performing teams and eliminating obstacles to effective team work. You will learn to lead your team in a manner that creates a productive work environment, delivers high performance, and fosters creativity and innovation. Key Benefits · Importance of having a vision for the team in line with overall organisational aims and objectives; · Designing a blueprint of action and navigating the team accordingly; · Creating a powerful team: Choosing the right people; promoting diversity within the team; structuring the group and clearly defining roles; · Managing performance: Setting individual and team goals; monitoring performance and creating a culture of accountability for performance; · Managing group dynamics: Outlining decision making processes and structures; dealing with power relations; and managing conflict; · Facilitating: Enabling effective group interaction and information sharing; encouraging inclusivity; and fostering creativity and innovation; · Effective communication skills: ‘negotiating’ and ‘mediating’; listening and asking questions; building trust and energy within the group.
  • 24. What is our Customised Programmes? Our customised programmes will ensure that your organisation operates at optimum levels. The effects are transformative and long lasting. Invest in your workforce and you will reap the long term benefits to your organisation. Our customised programmes are developed to enhance leadership and communications abilities and to deepen participants understanding of the crucial skills they need to succeed in their role. Our programmes are tailored to the specific needs of each organisation. Each one offers a unique learning experience which centres on identifying underlying challenges and composing solutions that deliver results.
  • 26. Key Benefits Whether your organisation is preparing for major change or looking to build individual or organisational competency in a particular area, your leaders will gain the required skills. We can train your management personnel to: · Direct, guide and inspire your workforce to realise the goals of your organisation; · Maximise productivity and contribute to the smooth, internal running of your organisation; · Deal successfully with business partners, competitors, influential actors and agencies; · Manage every member of your personnel so that your organisation operates as a cohesive unit; · Assist others in maximising their productivity and potential; · Contribute to your organisation being able to deliver a clear, consistent message to those with whom it works. All our programmes are developed on a highly practical, skills-based framework. By the time participants complete the programme, they will have the tools and confidence they need to succeed in their role. We empower those we train to return to the organisation with the mindset, skills, and strategies needed to contribute more broadly as leaders.
  • 27. Assessment The first step of developing a customised programme for you is to carry out an assessment of individual as well as organisational needs, and to identify underlying issues and challenges. Analysis Once we have carried out an analysis of the factors limiting success, together with you, aims & objectives are agreed and goals are set. Ongoing collaboration helps us to produce a programme that meets your desired outcomes. Design The curriculum and learning materials are developed to meet identified needs. We design the programme in the most appropriate format, with each aspect designed in a manner that optimises the learning experience. Our training sessions range from on-site intensive sessions; one-to-coaching; masterclasses and workshops concentrating on particular skills; residential programmes; to a more prolonged and on-going blended programme. Deliver We create a stimulating and engaging environment in which to deliver our programmes. Our programmes are designed to develop deep personal insight, build a high-level skill set, and to increase leadership capabilities through a variety of mechanisms.
  • 28. Learning By Doing The best way to learn leadership and communication skills is by doing. You are immediately thrown into the water and forced to swim! Once you have had a chance to test out your own techniques, and observe the techniques of others, we will begin your training in that particular area. This method allows you the opportunity to reflect on your technique, before and after, and understand how to improve. Demonstrations & Performance Whilst we will teach you concepts and techniques through demonstration, the only way you can truly learn and improve is to practice. And, we will provide you with ample opportunity to do so. By the end of the Programme, you will build up a personal repertoire of effective techniques to deploy in appropriate situations. Continuous Assessment We use a process of mutual, continuous assessment to ensure that participants are get the most out of our programmes. We assess you to ensure you are learning, retaining, and building upon the skills taught. Detailed feedback from you allows us to examine, evaluate, refresh and fine-tune our programmes objectives, content and methodologies. Post Programme Support We continue to provide on-going support after the Programme ends, should you want it. We are committed to ensuring that our programmes contributes to you and your organisations long term success.
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  • 30. Phone: +44 (0)207 406 7495 Email: Address: 5 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1LG, UK. Osbourne Mckenna Ltd trading as Counsel for Leadership Registered in England and Wales: 8389989