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Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other 
Speech due to be made by John F Kennedy, 22 November 1963
Creating leaders. If an organisation wants to achieve 
its aims, it needs committed and inspired leaders. No 
other assets will produce such a sustainable competitive 
advantage. Equally, never have expectations of leaders 
been higher; those that disappoint are quickly blamed for 
an organisation’s failure. With over 40 years’ experience 
of observing good, great and indifferent leadership, 
Coverdale offers a leadership development programme 
second to none. With confidence, it will help you create 
your Leaders of the Future. 
Tailored to the needs of your organisation and rooted in 
the principles of experiential learning pioneered by our 
founder Ralph Coverdale, Leaders of the Future is typically 
delivered in several modules over the period of a year. 
The programme acknowledges that leadership development should 
meet the needs of both individuals and their organisation. 
Programme aims for the organisation 
• To give your enterprise a critical competitive advantage through the 
quality of its leadership, thereby enabling exceptional business results 
and sustainable long term success 
• To ensure that your future leaders will be equipped to lead change, 
in keeping with your organisation’s vision and values 
• To enable your organisation to act on its succession planning and 
offer those individuals on whom your future rests the motivation 
to stay for the ride. 
Programme aims for the individual 
• To equip talented individuals to develop their leadership skills and 
put these into practice during the course of the programme 
• To provide a forum in which attitudes to leadership can be tested and 
challenged, stretching the individual through the taking of non-physical 
personal risk but without risking the business 
• To bond with a selected peer group and develop a shared commitment 
to your organisation’s future that will give work a new sense of purpose. 
This brochure describes how we do it.
Our leadership philosophy. We believe that different 
forms of leadership exist on a continuum, with 
tactical leadership at one end and strategic leadership 
at the other. What underlies the continuum is the 
balance of time that a leader devotes to thinking in 
the present, as opposed to envisioning the future. 
Early on in their careers, people often experience the opportunity to 
give tactical leadership; only some are later called to provide strategic 
leadership. Tactical leadership is often task- or project-oriented with a more 
narrowly defined scope, clear purpose, limited risks and shorter timescale. 
At the other end of the continuum, a strategic leader will bring clarity of 
direction into the future, have a grasp of the external as well as the internal 
environment while focusing the organisation on the opportunities that 
either may present — and be willing to take on the risks required to achieve 
the organisation’s goals. 
Wherever they are on the continuum, all leaders need to be able to draw 
on a range of core skills, tools, techniques and behaviours that they use 
selectively to help them lead in a manner appropriate to the circumstance 
and to meet the goals they want to achieve. Our observation is that two 
factors define the most effective strategic leaders: first, the ability to select 
and deploy these skills, tools, techniques, and behaviours as required by 
any situation; secondly, the ability to travel the continuum from tactical to 
strategic leadership — and still apply the core skills to creating the future. 
Leaders of the Future is a programme designed to help promising 
individuals not only to discover for themselves the universal characteristics 
of successful leadership but also to understand the continuum that they 
will need to travel, wherever they are on that continuum today, to be the 
strategic leaders of tomorrow.
Our approach to your programme. Each programme 
is tailored to the needs of your organisation, as every 
organisation has its own needs. We work with you 
to devise your programme’s content so that it will 
deliver the core leadership competencies that you 
have defined for your organisation. If you do not 
have a set of competencies, we will help you develop 
these. Your own competency framework will help 
your future leaders visualise success – and act as one 
means of measuring it. 
The programme is founded on a number of elements set out below: 
• Research shows that the most sustained learning comes from discovery 
borne of experience, rather than the learning by rote of theory or case 
studies. The programme includes a high element of experiential 
learning, developed through Coverdale’s long experience of pioneering 
such techniques. 
• Successful leaders typically demonstrate heightened levels of 
self-awareness. So we apply recognised psychometric tools to assist 
participants to build up a clear picture of their own character and 
preferred working styles. 
• The programme is typically delivered through five modules of between 
two and five days each, scheduled over a 12-month period. This allows 
participants to put the learning from each module into practice and to 
come to the next module equipped with rich stories of application. 
• Each programme can accommodate up to 16 participants. If your 
organisation’s size cannot support this number, we are sometimes able 
to bring together two smaller organisations with similar leadership 
needs to share one programme. 
• As part of the programme, the group is required to apply its new 
skills to a strategic work- or community-related project and, at the 
end of the programme, to report back to the project’s sponsors. The 
project introduces an external dimension to the programme, raising 
risk and extending comfort zones. It also ensures that your programme 
is grounded in your business or local community and, additionally, 
offering real benefit to one or the other. 
• The programme can be adapted to suit groups at different levels in 
their careers.
Me and teams of teams 
Me and my team 
Me and the organisation 
The Coverdale leadership model. The model shows the dynamics of 
leadership on two axes: first that of scale and scope, moving from the 
core to the outer circles, whereby the demands on leadership skills grow 
as the leader moves from tactical leadership of a small team to strategic 
Successful change is driven by strategic 
leadership which provides a vision of the future, 
understands and defines the culture, clearly 
outlines the journey and aligns and engages 
people with the vision in an inspirational 
way. Tactical leadership ensures that effective 
planning, implementation and review takes 
place. The model shows the skills and behaviours 
required for tactical leadership and the change 
in emphasis that enables a tactical leader to 
become a strategic one. 
leadership of a whole organisation; and secondly, that of time and stage, 
travelling around the circles, whereby leaders need to identify where they are 
in the cycle of leadership. A different application of skills – or competencies 
– is typically required at each stage. 
The Leaders of the Future programme aims 
to explore all the skills, tools, techniques and 
behaviours shown in the concentric circles, as 
well as helping participants to consider the 
importance of stakeholders in their success. 
It is the concept of these concentric circles 
that inspired the design of the Coverdale 
An example programme could look like… 
• A five-module programme undertaken over 12 months (number of 
module days shown below are illustrative) 
• Tailored to support your organisation’s leadership competency framework 
Module 1 (five days) 
The Aims 
• So that participants understand 
themselves and the implications 
for their leadership style 
• To enhance their core leadership 
• To explore ways of leading teams 
that consistently deliver 
high-quality results 
• To establish “reviewing to 
improve” as a practice for 
accelerating personal learning 
• A more profound understanding 
of themselves as people and 
as leaders, gained through 
360° feedback from the people 
they work with (undertaken prior 
to the course) and Myers Briggs 
personality type analysis 
• A professional development plan 
• Increased confidence in personal 
leadership abilities and potential 
• Increased ability to lead teams 
• A range of useful thinking tools 
and techniques 
• A plan to apply personal learning 
back at work, including a back at 
work task 
• A peer coaching relationship 
• 16 participants per programme (can be shared between two organisations) 
• Supported by ongoing review, mentoring and coaching during and between 
modules (peer to peer as well as by a consultant) 
Module 2 (four days) Module 3 (four days) Module 4 (two days) Module 5 (two days) 
The Aims 
• To review the application of 
personal learning from Module 1 
and its effect on business results 
• To explore their leadership in an 
organisational context 
• To enhance their strategic 
leadership skills 
• So that they take an holistic 
view of the organisation 
• To enable alignment within 
teams and between teams 
so that organisation aims are 
• An updated professional 
development plan 
• Further thinking tools, 
techniques and models 
• An enhanced understanding of 
organisations and leadership in 
them and of them 
• Increased capability in leading 
• A plan to apply their learning 
The Aims 
• To review the application of 
personal learning from Modules 
1 and 2 and its effect on 
business results 
• To explore leadership in the 
context of change 
• So that they take a holistic 
view of the organisation and the 
environment in which it operates 
• To increase the participant’s 
ability to envisage and lead 
successful change 
• An updated professional 
development plan 
• Further thinking tools, 
techniques and models 
• An enhanced understanding of 
the systemic nature of change 
• An increased capability to lead 
change and to predict and 
monitor return on the 
• A plan for continuing review and 
maybe coaching support (peer to 
peer and/or Coverdale) 
• The launch of the group’s 
strategic project 
The Aims 
• To equip participants to release 
and develop the skills of their 
• To practise coaching others in 
order to improve their 
• To enhance participants’ skills of 
coaching as a leader 
• An updated professional 
development plan 
• Enhanced capability at coaching 
as a leader 
• Coaching tools/techniques, 
including Coverdale’s unique 
INSPIRE™ coaching model 
• Personal plans to apply their 
• Continuing peer to peer 
• A plan to repeat the 360° 
feedback back at work before 
Module 5, so that performance 
improvement can be assessed 
The Aims 
• To review and consolidate 
the learning from the whole 
• To prepare/polish/rehearse the 
presentation of 
- the strategic project results 
- the personal learning and its 
• So the organisation can see 
return on the investment in 
• The group’s strategic project 
results (or interim results) 
• Presentation of these results to 
the project’s sponsor 
• A plan for the participant to 
debrief with their line manager 
• Overall programme sponsors 
will have strong evidence of its 
Leadership in the context 
of the individual 
Leadership in the context 
of the organisation 
Leadership of change Leader as coach Leader delivers results
Q: What is different about this 
programme and how will it 
develop my people better than 
other programmes in the market? 
A: Five aspects make our programme 
• Our programmes are first and 
foremost practical. We cover the 
theory but our participants learn 
by doing rather than just knowing 
about it. 
• All our programmes are based 
on the core Coverdale learning 
principle of experiential 
development and our clear 
leadership philosophy, which 
informs the style and content of 
the learning. 
• We incorporate project work of 
real value to your business or the 
community (sometimes with third 
party stakeholders). The projects 
themselves enhance the learning 
• Participants benefit from a 
powerful combination of working 
in groups and one-to-one 
development through Coverdale 
and peer coaching. 
• The programme involves the 
participant’s line manager in the 
preparation of the participant 
before the programme begins, his 
or her development during the 
programme and their debriefing 
Q: What level of manager is the 
programme aimed at? 
A: The programme is suitable for 
managers across a wide range of 
experience and responsibility. To 
ensure relevance, each programme 
is carefully pitched to suit the level 
of the group selected. 
Q: What does the programme 
A: Our example programme shown 
on the previous page would have a 
fee cost in the region of £7,000 per 
Q What does this include and 
not include? 
A: Included 
• Diagnostic work and tailoring 
of the programme to your 
organisation and your people, 
including working towards your 
organisational aims and 
leadership competencies 
• Delivery of the overall 
programme and the modules 
contained therein by experienced 
• Personal coaching of the 
• Programme materials 
• Regular programme reviews 
with you 
Not included 
• Travel and accommodation costs 
for participants 
• Consultant travel and 
accommodation costs 
• Consulting time if you require 
us to develop a set of leadership 
competencies with you before 
the programme begins. 
Q: How will you tailor 
the programme for my 
A: Built into the cost is an initial 
diagnostic phase when we will 
work with you and your people 
to understand the vision, values 
and goals of your organisation. 
This will allow us to align the 
programme with these, with your 
leadership competencies and your 
leadership model if you have one. 
If you do not have a set of 
leadership competencies, we can 
help you develop these. We are 
also able to tailor our leadership 
model to the needs of your 
Q: How will you give me 
confidence that you understand 
our organisation, the business 
we are in and our leadership 
development needs? 
A: We ensure that we understand 
your business and your needs from 
the programme by re-stating your 
needs in writing to you before we 
bespoke your programme. We 
will ask the key sponsors and 
stakeholders of the programme for 
their agreement to that document. 
Should your needs evolve during 
the programme, we will document 
any changes. 
Q: What are Coverdale’s 
credentials in leadership 
A: Coverdale has over 40 years’ 
experience in running leadership 
development programmes. 
Current clients include AMEC in 
the UK, Carnegie Bosch Institute in 
the USA and Daimler in Germany. 
Our proprietary tools include 
the Coverdale leadership model, 
our model of change, our 
Systematic Approach to Getting 
Things Done and our INSPIRE™ 
coaching model. 
Some questions answered. Why entrust The Coverdale 
Organisation with this critical development of leadership 
capability in your organisation? Here we have answered 
the questions about the programme most often put to us 
by our clients. 
Q: Who will deliver the 
programme and what is their 
A: You will have a single key 
contact in Coverdale who will 
be responsible for devising the 
programme with you and keeping 
you informed as the programme 
progresses. Your key contact will 
assemble a team of Coverdale 
consultants to help them 
deliver the programme, with the 
appropriate background, skills and 
experience. All our consultants 
have worked at senior levels in 
Q: May I observe them in action 
before I buy? 
A: We offer all clients the 
opportunity to observe our 
consultants in action, subject to 
the agreement of the client they 
are currently working for.
United Kingdom 
The Coverdale Organisation Ltd 
Plestowes Barn, Hareway Lane 
Barford, Warwick CV35 8DD 
T +44 (0)1926 625757 
F +44 (0)1926 625758 
Coverdale Managementberatungs-und 
trainings Ges.mbH 
Gonzagagasse 11/17 
1010 Wien 
T +43 (0)1 5334427 
F +43 (0)1 5354578 - 15 
Coverdale Management 
Consulting Co Ltd 
Third Zhiye (Dong Yu) Building 
Room B-2303 # A1Shuguang 
Xili Sanyuan Bridge 
Chaoyang District 
Beijing 100028 
T +86 (0) 10-58220691 
F +86 (0) 10-58220692 
Czech Republic  Slovakia 
Coverdale CS s.r.o. 
Polní 293 
252 45 Zvole 
T +42 (0) 257 760 107 
F +42 (0) 257 760 106 
Coverdale Team Management 
Deutschland GmbH 
Boosstraße 3 
81541 München 
T +49 (0) 89 – 65 14 007 
F +49 (0) 89 – 66 86 85 
Coverdale JSC 
Prospekt Kosygina 28-1-321 
195298, St. Petersburg 
T +7 (812) 715-72-06 
F +7 (812) 715-72-06 
Coverdale GmbH 
Dufourstrasse 25 
CH- 4010 Basel 
T +41 (0)61 – 205 19 40 
F +41 (0)61 – 205 19 45 
Coverdale North America 
80 Morristown Road 
PMB 338, Bernardsville 
New Jersey 07924 
T +1 866 293 1985 
F +1 866 293 1985 
Founded in 1965, Coverdale helps to provide organisations and their 
people with the vision, creativity, commitment and leadership skill 
necessary to bring about sustainable change, performance improvements 
and enhanced bottom line results. 
We do this through ensuring clarity of aims, focus of resources, effort and 
energy in order to achieve these aims and alignment of people, so that 
they have the motivation and capability to deliver. 
Coverdale’s consultants are recruited from business and industry and are 
chosen for their first-hand experience of the challenges faced by leaders 
of organisations. 
There are currently Coverdale offices at the following international 
Organisations have a choice. You can recruit leaders or 
you can grow your own. In the event that the externally-recruited 
leader fails, the costs of their recruitment, failure 
and the associated disruption can be immense. However, 
growing your own can seem equally risky, if you leave 
your people to pick up what leadership skills they can as 
they go along. 
The alternative, of putting in place your own Leaders of 
the Future programme, will give you the peace of mind 
that this crucial element of organisational development 
is properly in hand. The awareness in your future leaders 
of the transition they may need to make from tactical to 
strategic leadership, together with the skills and habits 
they will acquire, will give them a surer footing on that 
journey. It will also increase their commitment to your 
organisation, so that you do not lose your best people 
just when you need them most. 
We hope this booklet has given you a helpful introduction 
to Coverdale’s leadership development programme and 
we look forward to discussing with you how we can meet 
your organisation’s particular needs.
Coverdale Leadership Brochure

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Coverdale Leadership Brochure

  • 1. Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other Speech due to be made by John F Kennedy, 22 November 1963
  • 2. Creating leaders. If an organisation wants to achieve its aims, it needs committed and inspired leaders. No other assets will produce such a sustainable competitive advantage. Equally, never have expectations of leaders been higher; those that disappoint are quickly blamed for an organisation’s failure. With over 40 years’ experience of observing good, great and indifferent leadership, Coverdale offers a leadership development programme second to none. With confidence, it will help you create your Leaders of the Future. Tailored to the needs of your organisation and rooted in the principles of experiential learning pioneered by our founder Ralph Coverdale, Leaders of the Future is typically delivered in several modules over the period of a year. The programme acknowledges that leadership development should meet the needs of both individuals and their organisation. Programme aims for the organisation • To give your enterprise a critical competitive advantage through the quality of its leadership, thereby enabling exceptional business results and sustainable long term success • To ensure that your future leaders will be equipped to lead change, in keeping with your organisation’s vision and values • To enable your organisation to act on its succession planning and offer those individuals on whom your future rests the motivation to stay for the ride. Programme aims for the individual • To equip talented individuals to develop their leadership skills and put these into practice during the course of the programme • To provide a forum in which attitudes to leadership can be tested and challenged, stretching the individual through the taking of non-physical personal risk but without risking the business • To bond with a selected peer group and develop a shared commitment to your organisation’s future that will give work a new sense of purpose. This brochure describes how we do it.
  • 3. Our leadership philosophy. We believe that different forms of leadership exist on a continuum, with tactical leadership at one end and strategic leadership at the other. What underlies the continuum is the balance of time that a leader devotes to thinking in the present, as opposed to envisioning the future. Early on in their careers, people often experience the opportunity to give tactical leadership; only some are later called to provide strategic leadership. Tactical leadership is often task- or project-oriented with a more narrowly defined scope, clear purpose, limited risks and shorter timescale. At the other end of the continuum, a strategic leader will bring clarity of direction into the future, have a grasp of the external as well as the internal environment while focusing the organisation on the opportunities that either may present — and be willing to take on the risks required to achieve the organisation’s goals. Wherever they are on the continuum, all leaders need to be able to draw on a range of core skills, tools, techniques and behaviours that they use selectively to help them lead in a manner appropriate to the circumstance and to meet the goals they want to achieve. Our observation is that two factors define the most effective strategic leaders: first, the ability to select and deploy these skills, tools, techniques, and behaviours as required by any situation; secondly, the ability to travel the continuum from tactical to strategic leadership — and still apply the core skills to creating the future. Leaders of the Future is a programme designed to help promising individuals not only to discover for themselves the universal characteristics of successful leadership but also to understand the continuum that they will need to travel, wherever they are on that continuum today, to be the strategic leaders of tomorrow.
  • 4. Our approach to your programme. Each programme is tailored to the needs of your organisation, as every organisation has its own needs. We work with you to devise your programme’s content so that it will deliver the core leadership competencies that you have defined for your organisation. If you do not have a set of competencies, we will help you develop these. Your own competency framework will help your future leaders visualise success – and act as one means of measuring it. The programme is founded on a number of elements set out below: • Research shows that the most sustained learning comes from discovery borne of experience, rather than the learning by rote of theory or case studies. The programme includes a high element of experiential learning, developed through Coverdale’s long experience of pioneering such techniques. • Successful leaders typically demonstrate heightened levels of self-awareness. So we apply recognised psychometric tools to assist participants to build up a clear picture of their own character and preferred working styles. • The programme is typically delivered through five modules of between two and five days each, scheduled over a 12-month period. This allows participants to put the learning from each module into practice and to come to the next module equipped with rich stories of application. • Each programme can accommodate up to 16 participants. If your organisation’s size cannot support this number, we are sometimes able to bring together two smaller organisations with similar leadership needs to share one programme. • As part of the programme, the group is required to apply its new skills to a strategic work- or community-related project and, at the end of the programme, to report back to the project’s sponsors. The project introduces an external dimension to the programme, raising risk and extending comfort zones. It also ensures that your programme is grounded in your business or local community and, additionally, offering real benefit to one or the other. • The programme can be adapted to suit groups at different levels in their careers.
  • 5. JWa_d]j^[eh]Wd_iWj_ed hecl_i_edjeh[Wb_jo Ced_jeh_d] j^[Yh_j_YWb ikYY[iiWYjehi 9^Wbb[d][eh f[hehcWdY[ B[WZ_d]fhe`[YjiWdZ ced_jeh_d]fhe]h[ii jemWhZi]eWbi WdZekjYec[i KdZ[hijWdZ_d] j^[fej[dj_Wb ecWdo Ykbjkh[i :[l[bef_d] l_i_edWdZ ijhWj[]o JWa_d] WYYekdje j^[[nj[hdWb [dl_hedc[dj If[dZ_d] ceh[j_c[ j^_da_d] WXekjj^[ bed][hj[hc 7b_]d_d]f[efb[ _dj^[eh]Wd_iWj_ed jej^[jWiai%fhe`[Yji d[[Z[ZjeWY^_[l[ j^[l_i_ed%]eWbi I[jj_d]Yb[Wh]eWbi WdZjWh][ji ;dWXb_d]f[efb[je Xko_djej^[jWiaieh fhe`[Yjid[[Z[Zjehkd j^[Xki_d[ii%WY^_[l[ j^[l_i_ed _]^b[l[b fbWdd_d]je ceX_b_i[f[efb[ iej^Wjj^[ l_i_edm_bbX[ WY^_[l[ZWdZ Z_b[ccWi h[iebl[Z 9h[Wj_d]Wd [dl_hedc[djm^[h[ f[efb[YWdbekh_i^ WdZ[cfem[hc[dj^Wff[di I[jj_d]Wd[nWcfb[ I[b# WmWh[d[ii0 444:;B?L;H?D=H;IKBJI444 444;IJ78B?I?D=:?H;9J?ED444 2227B?=D?D=J;EH=7D?I7J?ED222 222CE8?B?I?D=J;EH=7D?I7J?ED222 šLWbk[i š8[b_[i š;j^_Yi TACTICAL LEADERSHIP STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP TACTICAL LEADERSHIP Fh[i[dj_d] WYecf[bb_d] YWi[m_j^ fh[i[dY[ fWii_ed Z[c[Wdekh ijob[ l_i_ed Yh_j_YWb ikYY[iiWYjehi Ekjb_d_d]j^[ `ekhd[o KdZ[hijWdZ_d] WbbijWa[^ebZ[hi _dj[hdWbWdZ[nj[hdWb$ 7mWh[eieY_e#feb_j_YWb WdZ[Yedec_YWYjehi š9ecckd_YWj_d] š?dif_h_d] šCej_lWj_d] š;d[h]_i_d]š;cfWj^_i_d] š?dj[]hWj_d]d[mf[efb[ šB_ij[d_d]šJ[Wcmeha_d] šIkffehj_l[ Z[l[befc[dje_Z[Wi š9e#ef[hWj_ed 7_c_d]š ?ddelWj_edš I[jj_d]c[Wikh[iš :[Y_i_l[d[iiš 9ekhW][š 9^Wbb[d]_d]š L_i_edWhoš 9ecckd_YWj_d]š Fh[i[djWj_edia_bbiš FheY[iiFbWdd_d]š 9kbjkhWbWmWh[d[iiš IjWa[^ebZ[hcWdW][c[djš H_iaWdWboi_iš D[]ej_Wj_d]%š _dbk[dY_d]% f[hikWZ_d] Fh[i[dY[š šIkffehj_d] š9eWY^_d] šebZ_d]jeWYYekdj šEXi[hlWj_edWdZ[[ZXWYa š:[b[]Wj_d] šWY_b_jWj_d] šCed_jeh_d]%h[l_[m_d] šB[WZ[hi^_fefhe`[Yji C[ C[WdZcoj[Wc Me and teams of teams C[WdZj[Wciej[Wci C[WdZj^[eh]Wd_iWj_ed Me Me and my team Me and the organisation The Coverdale leadership model. The model shows the dynamics of leadership on two axes: first that of scale and scope, moving from the core to the outer circles, whereby the demands on leadership skills grow as the leader moves from tactical leadership of a small team to strategic Successful change is driven by strategic leadership which provides a vision of the future, understands and defines the culture, clearly outlines the journey and aligns and engages people with the vision in an inspirational way. Tactical leadership ensures that effective planning, implementation and review takes place. The model shows the skills and behaviours required for tactical leadership and the change in emphasis that enables a tactical leader to become a strategic one. leadership of a whole organisation; and secondly, that of time and stage, travelling around the circles, whereby leaders need to identify where they are in the cycle of leadership. A different application of skills – or competencies – is typically required at each stage. The Leaders of the Future programme aims to explore all the skills, tools, techniques and behaviours shown in the concentric circles, as well as helping participants to consider the importance of stakeholders in their success. It is the concept of these concentric circles that inspired the design of the Coverdale logo.
  • 6. An example programme could look like… • A five-module programme undertaken over 12 months (number of module days shown below are illustrative) • Tailored to support your organisation’s leadership competency framework Module 1 (five days) The Aims • So that participants understand themselves and the implications for their leadership style • To enhance their core leadership skills • To explore ways of leading teams that consistently deliver high-quality results • To establish “reviewing to improve” as a practice for accelerating personal learning Outcomes • A more profound understanding of themselves as people and as leaders, gained through 360° feedback from the people they work with (undertaken prior to the course) and Myers Briggs personality type analysis • A professional development plan • Increased confidence in personal leadership abilities and potential • Increased ability to lead teams • A range of useful thinking tools and techniques • A plan to apply personal learning back at work, including a back at work task • A peer coaching relationship established • 16 participants per programme (can be shared between two organisations) • Supported by ongoing review, mentoring and coaching during and between modules (peer to peer as well as by a consultant) Module 2 (four days) Module 3 (four days) Module 4 (two days) Module 5 (two days) The Aims • To review the application of personal learning from Module 1 and its effect on business results • To explore their leadership in an organisational context • To enhance their strategic leadership skills • So that they take an holistic view of the organisation • To enable alignment within teams and between teams so that organisation aims are delivered. Outcomes • An updated professional development plan • Further thinking tools, techniques and models • An enhanced understanding of organisations and leadership in them and of them • Increased capability in leading strategically • A plan to apply their learning The Aims • To review the application of personal learning from Modules 1 and 2 and its effect on business results • To explore leadership in the context of change • So that they take a holistic view of the organisation and the environment in which it operates • To increase the participant’s ability to envisage and lead successful change Outcomes • An updated professional development plan • Further thinking tools, techniques and models • An enhanced understanding of the systemic nature of change • An increased capability to lead change and to predict and monitor return on the investment • A plan for continuing review and maybe coaching support (peer to peer and/or Coverdale) • The launch of the group’s strategic project The Aims • To equip participants to release and develop the skills of their people • To practise coaching others in order to improve their performance • To enhance participants’ skills of coaching as a leader Outcomes • An updated professional development plan • Enhanced capability at coaching as a leader • Coaching tools/techniques, including Coverdale’s unique INSPIRE™ coaching model • Personal plans to apply their learning • Continuing peer to peer coaching • A plan to repeat the 360° feedback back at work before Module 5, so that performance improvement can be assessed The Aims • To review and consolidate the learning from the whole programme • To prepare/polish/rehearse the presentation of - the strategic project results - the personal learning and its impact • So the organisation can see return on the investment in learning Outcomes • The group’s strategic project results (or interim results) • Presentation of these results to the project’s sponsor • A plan for the participant to debrief with their line manager • Overall programme sponsors will have strong evidence of its effectiveness Leadership in the context of the individual Leadership in the context of the organisation Leadership of change Leader as coach Leader delivers results
  • 7. Q: What is different about this programme and how will it develop my people better than other programmes in the market? A: Five aspects make our programme different: • Our programmes are first and foremost practical. We cover the theory but our participants learn by doing rather than just knowing about it. • All our programmes are based on the core Coverdale learning principle of experiential development and our clear leadership philosophy, which informs the style and content of the learning. • We incorporate project work of real value to your business or the community (sometimes with third party stakeholders). The projects themselves enhance the learning experience. • Participants benefit from a powerful combination of working in groups and one-to-one development through Coverdale and peer coaching. • The programme involves the participant’s line manager in the preparation of the participant before the programme begins, his or her development during the programme and their debriefing afterwards. Q: What level of manager is the programme aimed at? A: The programme is suitable for managers across a wide range of experience and responsibility. To ensure relevance, each programme is carefully pitched to suit the level of the group selected. Q: What does the programme cost? A: Our example programme shown on the previous page would have a fee cost in the region of £7,000 per participant. Q What does this include and not include? A: Included • Diagnostic work and tailoring of the programme to your organisation and your people, including working towards your organisational aims and leadership competencies • Delivery of the overall programme and the modules contained therein by experienced consultants • Personal coaching of the participants • Programme materials • Regular programme reviews with you Not included • Travel and accommodation costs for participants • Consultant travel and accommodation costs • Consulting time if you require us to develop a set of leadership competencies with you before the programme begins. Q: How will you tailor the programme for my organisation? A: Built into the cost is an initial diagnostic phase when we will work with you and your people to understand the vision, values and goals of your organisation. This will allow us to align the programme with these, with your leadership competencies and your leadership model if you have one. If you do not have a set of leadership competencies, we can help you develop these. We are also able to tailor our leadership model to the needs of your organisation. Q: How will you give me confidence that you understand our organisation, the business we are in and our leadership development needs? A: We ensure that we understand your business and your needs from the programme by re-stating your needs in writing to you before we bespoke your programme. We will ask the key sponsors and stakeholders of the programme for their agreement to that document. Should your needs evolve during the programme, we will document any changes. Q: What are Coverdale’s credentials in leadership development? A: Coverdale has over 40 years’ experience in running leadership development programmes. Current clients include AMEC in the UK, Carnegie Bosch Institute in the USA and Daimler in Germany. Our proprietary tools include the Coverdale leadership model, our model of change, our Systematic Approach to Getting Things Done and our INSPIRE™ coaching model. Some questions answered. Why entrust The Coverdale Organisation with this critical development of leadership capability in your organisation? Here we have answered the questions about the programme most often put to us by our clients. Q: Who will deliver the programme and what is their experience? A: You will have a single key contact in Coverdale who will be responsible for devising the programme with you and keeping you informed as the programme progresses. Your key contact will assemble a team of Coverdale consultants to help them deliver the programme, with the appropriate background, skills and experience. All our consultants have worked at senior levels in organisations. Q: May I observe them in action before I buy? A: We offer all clients the opportunity to observe our consultants in action, subject to the agreement of the client they are currently working for.
  • 8. United Kingdom The Coverdale Organisation Ltd Plestowes Barn, Hareway Lane Barford, Warwick CV35 8DD T +44 (0)1926 625757 F +44 (0)1926 625758 E W Austria Coverdale Managementberatungs-und trainings Ges.mbH Gonzagagasse 11/17 1010 Wien T +43 (0)1 5334427 F +43 (0)1 5354578 - 15 E W China Coverdale Management Consulting Co Ltd Third Zhiye (Dong Yu) Building Room B-2303 # A1Shuguang Xili Sanyuan Bridge Chaoyang District Beijing 100028 T +86 (0) 10-58220691 F +86 (0) 10-58220692 E W Czech Republic Slovakia Coverdale CS s.r.o. Polní 293 252 45 Zvole T +42 (0) 257 760 107 F +42 (0) 257 760 106 E W Germany Coverdale Team Management Deutschland GmbH Boosstraße 3 81541 München T +49 (0) 89 – 65 14 007 F +49 (0) 89 – 66 86 85 E W Russia Coverdale JSC Prospekt Kosygina 28-1-321 195298, St. Petersburg T +7 (812) 715-72-06 F +7 (812) 715-72-06 E W Switzerland Coverdale GmbH Dufourstrasse 25 CH- 4010 Basel T +41 (0)61 – 205 19 40 F +41 (0)61 – 205 19 45 E W USA Coverdale North America 80 Morristown Road PMB 338, Bernardsville New Jersey 07924 T +1 866 293 1985 F +1 866 293 1985 E W Founded in 1965, Coverdale helps to provide organisations and their people with the vision, creativity, commitment and leadership skill necessary to bring about sustainable change, performance improvements and enhanced bottom line results. We do this through ensuring clarity of aims, focus of resources, effort and energy in order to achieve these aims and alignment of people, so that they have the motivation and capability to deliver. Coverdale’s consultants are recruited from business and industry and are chosen for their first-hand experience of the challenges faced by leaders of organisations. There are currently Coverdale offices at the following international locations: Organisations have a choice. You can recruit leaders or you can grow your own. In the event that the externally-recruited leader fails, the costs of their recruitment, failure and the associated disruption can be immense. However, growing your own can seem equally risky, if you leave your people to pick up what leadership skills they can as they go along. The alternative, of putting in place your own Leaders of the Future programme, will give you the peace of mind that this crucial element of organisational development is properly in hand. The awareness in your future leaders of the transition they may need to make from tactical to strategic leadership, together with the skills and habits they will acquire, will give them a surer footing on that journey. It will also increase their commitment to your organisation, so that you do not lose your best people just when you need them most. We hope this booklet has given you a helpful introduction to Coverdale’s leadership development programme and we look forward to discussing with you how we can meet your organisation’s particular needs.