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A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated)
September 2012
(Detailed Monthly Summary)
Week 1
In our commencing week,we were introduced to the
course with induction tasks to find our feet in media at A2
This included the basics as to how the course is set out and
the requirements for our advanced portfolio.
Week 2
I constructed my online blog for the advanced portfolio.
Using labels for each section it made it easier to identify
Week 3
Research began into ideas for our ancillary 1 project.
This included analysing existing media products from the
internet and writing about them in a word document. The
digi- packs that I looked at gave me inspiration for my own
Week 4
Further research into ideas for my album front, back and
cd designs continued so that we had a fully understanding
of how conventions of real media products work.
Construction began for the ancillary one production. I did
this starting with my album front cover image. I obtained a
preliminary design that was the basis for my digi pack. Also
I decided on a text that would fit the conventions of my
music video.
Week 1
The course was explained fully however I had
questions about the different format required
of our coursework.
Plan for the following week: to construct my
advanced portfolio blog.
Week 2
No problems occurred.
Week 3
Plan for the following week: I came across a
problem as the genre I am looking at is mainly
focused around DJs, the artists to my knowledge
did not have albums therefore I had to do more
in depth research.
Week 4
Ideas for my ancillary 1task were hard to think
of despite the research I did.
Plan for the following week: I plan to have
constructed a basic design and layout.
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
October 2012
(Detailed Monthly Summary) Week 5
Research into my ancillary tasks was complete. I had three
analysed album front and back covers along with CD giving
me knowledge about the conventions of a digi pack.
My ancillary task 1 was constructed with preliminary
images, fonts and house style. This offered a prototype for
my idea.
Week 6
Research commenced into magazine advertisements
within my chosen genre.
Week 7
Further research into real media examples from magazines
and the internet.
Construction of my own product began experimenting with
a range of fonts and layout.
Week 8
Final touches were made to my posters preliminary
designs making it look professional.
Research was complete and all ancillary 2 was uploaded to
my blog.
Week 9
I used YouTube in order to get real examples of music
videos that I could use for inspiration. These videos were in
the same genre so that I could understand the conventions.
Using windows word processor I took screen grabs from my
music video examples and copy and pasted them into
After this I analysed and annotated the screen shots with a
description of what has inspired me. I then put the
research onto my blog.
Week 5
Plan for the following week:
Give finishing touches to my ancillary designs
such as image placing and the size of fonts.
Research into ancillary 2.
Week 6
A problem that occurred was that I could only
find advertisements for live shows.
Plan for the following week: more in depth
research into real media examples
Also the construction of my poster will begin.
Week 7
Plan for the following week: Experimenting with
different looks and styles for my advert.
Finish research into real examples and put it on
my blog.
Week 8
Plan for Week returning to college: 9
Begin research and planning of my main piece.
Week 9
Plan for the following week: Design a
questionnaire that will allow my target audience
to give me their preferences and opinions on a
music video.
Hand out the questionnaire to more women
than men and wait to receive feedback.
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
November 2012
(Detailed Monthly Summary)
Week 10
I came up with 11 questions that would allow me to gain an
insight as to how my target audience see a music video.
After this I handed them out to ten people and waited to
receive the feed back
Week 11
I collected in my feedback that showed me the preferences
of my target audience and thoughts they had when
watching a music video.
This data was then put into pie charts via word processor.
Once I had my visual data I analysed them by talking about
how I would use this information in my own work.
Once the research analysis was done I put it onto my blog.
Week 12
I began to construct an interactive mind map of ideas for
our music video. It involved primary and secondary ideas
that we could use to develop our project. Considering
locations, mise en scene, props, iconography and more we
are able to note down any suggestions that we could use.
We did this on Mind Genius software that made the
process a lot easier and also developed our skills.
Week 13
I wrote a short summary on the interactive mind map that I
created. This is so that all my best preliminary ideas are in
one place and I can use them as a guideline.
After this I posted them both onto my blog.
Week 10
Plan for the following week:Collect results from
my questionnaire and add up the data.
Put the data into pie charts to show results.
Analyse results and talk about them in a word
Put my research onto my blog.
Week 11
When conducting my research, I found it hard
to obtain all of the questionnaires at the same
time. This was because as I gave them to
different people I had to contact them
Plan for the following week:Using mind genius
software I will construct a mind map for the
ideas of my music video.
Week 12
Some of the ideas that we came up with were
not possible with the resources and equipment
available to us therefor we had to improvise.
Plan for the following week: Summarise and
evaluate our ideas for the music video in a word
Post the mind map and summary onto my blog
Week 13
The summary will be used for a basic guideline
as when I come to film my music video.
Plan for the following week: continue planning
of music video by constructing a story board.
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
December 2012
(Detailed Monthly Summary)
Week 14
Using a printed paper story board template given to me by
my teacher, I was able to draw rough sketches of what I
wanted my music video to look like.
Adding the shot duration and the type of camera
movement was so that we can refer to this in filming.
Week 15
Another template for the basis of our script was given to
us by my teacher so that it was organised and easy to read.
Placing the written description on the left and the shot
duration and camera movement on the right, it will be
easy to follow when filming.
Week 16
We had to come up with a list of locations that we could
use for our music video. For shots such as ‘panning across
the bridge’ I had to think of a range of bridges in
Manchester that would look good in this shot.
Week 14
As it was just a rough sketch onto paper, it was
hard to visualise what shots we needed and
what they would look like in real life.
Also we had to think of real life environments
that we could use for the shots.
Plan for the following week:give the story
board some finishing touches and revise certain
shots such as roof top scene.
Commence the music video script so that we
had a written version of the story boards.
Week 15
Plan for the following week:revise places that
we could use in our music video that would
work well with the shots we have chosen.
Week 16
Plan for the following week: Filming would
begin for our music video. I need to obtain a
camera and tripod from college so that I can
take it to Manchester and begin to film.
January 2013
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Week 17
Within this week I filmed the first few scenes of my music
video near where the college is and at my house. I did not
need my partner to do it at my house as I had the tripod to
keep the camera steady. These shots included: Waking up,
eating cereal and the egg and fruit scene. I took each shot
a number of times so that I could use the best one when
coming to editing.
Week 17
As the idea for the video is in reverse, I do not
know if the footage will look good or not
therefore I will have to consider not using it
when coming to editing.
Plan for the following:take the camera and
tripod to Walkden and film the scenes of the
main character walking and getting standing at
the train station.
Upload previous weeks footage onto college
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
Week 18
The footage that we had filmed in the week before is now
uploaded onto the New Volume E drive on a college
computer so that either of us in the group can access it.
Using the same camera and tripod, me and my partner
went to our local train station and captured footage of the
sign saying “Walkden”, an over the shoulder shot of the
character standing at the station and a POV shot of him
running up the stairs.
Week 19
Over the course of the past few days we were able to
acquiremost of the footage we needed for our main body
of the music video. This included footage of the character
walking through various environments and also the flat
Most of the locations we wanted to use worked well with
the planning of our camera shots. We came across
unexpected locations such as the Sumo wrestler street art
that will allow us to use it in a creative way later on in the
production process.
Week 20
This week we made a second trip back to Manchester in
order to capture shots we could not get in the previous
weeks. This was done by filming the city skyline out of a
window instead of on a rooftop. Also the pizza scene was
re-done so that that main character stayed focused on the
camera and he was always visible within the frame.
I came across 2 pieces of street art that can be featured in
my video and also my ancillary tasks 1 and 2 final design.
Week 18
No problems occurred when acquiring this
footage as the weather was good and they were
simple shots.
Plan for following week:Shoot footage of
Manchester and friends flat for the main body
of the music video.
Week 19
Some of the locations that I wanted to use were
not suitable for the camera shots that we
planned for. Originally an Ariel shot was needed
looking down on the character, however the
building we planned to use was off limits.
Plan for the following week:capture the final
bits of footage needed for to finish off the music
Film a better version of the main character
eating a piece of pizza
Take photos for final products of ancillary 1 and
Week 20
Plan for next week:upload remaining footage to
the hard drive ready for renaming
Rename all footage so that it is easy to find on
the computer.
This will also make it easier to choose what clips I
want to edit into the music video.
Import all useful footage into the editing
software ready to construct our main piece.
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
February 2013
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Week 21
All the footage from the week before is now uploaded
onto the computer and has been renamed to fit what
happens within the clip. Doing this makes it easier to
distinguish what it is on the clip.
As there are multiple attempts at a number of shots,
naming the clips “shot 1. Shot 2” enables me to easily
compare them both and see which the best one is.
The filming I have done is now renamed and has been
imported into the Adobe Premier Pro software.
Week 22
I have now completed my final design for the ancillary task
1. The album front and back cover, and CD now have a
new picture that I took when filming. This creates synergy
between my media products. Once this was completed I
then uploaded it onto my blog.
The MP3 file was successfully imported which allowed me
to edit the footage to be synchronous to the sound.
Using the footage I have acquired, I have begun to edit the
opening sequence together.
I firstly compared the clips that I had attempted more than
once so that I would know which one was the best to use.
After this Ideleted the ones I did not need leaving me with
the useful footage.
The opening sequence is now half constructed and
synchronous to the sound.
Week 21
Plan for the following week: divide the clips
into the ones I will find useful and the ones that
are not the best footage.
Begin the process of editing my clips together in
order to construct a first draft for my final piece.
Download the MP3 version of Berlin – the song I
am going to produce a music video for.
Import the MP3 file to Adobe Premier.
Change ancillary 1 to final design using images
taken when filming. When this is finished
upload I will upload it onto my blog.
Week 22
Rendering the footage became problematic as
we shot in 1080P full HD. As the videos were
such high quality, it took the computer a
substantial amount of time for them to process.
Experiment with speeds of footage so that they
fit in and go with the style of the video.
Plan for the following week:complete the
editing for myopening sequence and then
follow on to the middle and end of the video.
Develop my skills on rendering the footage.
Complete final design for ancillary 2 using the
images taken from filming location.
Upload final ancillary task 2 to my blog.
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
March 2013
(Detailed Weekly Summary)
Week 23
Using another image that I took when filming I now have
constructed my final design. However I had to rearrange
some of the text that I had originally planned due to the
content of the image.
Once this was finished I successfully uploaded my
magazine advertisement to my blog.
The opening one minute sequence has now been
completed and is successfully synchronous to the sound.
I have now started to use footage from the outside urban
environments to fully construct the main part of my music
Also I now fully understand rendering as it is clear to me
that you have to select the entire workspace in order to
render all footage.
Week 24
Final touches were made to the main body of my music
video which enabled me to edit and complete the ending.
After this I made adjustments to the entire video, this
Turning up the contrasts within every scene so that the
colours stood out.
Bringing down the brightness in order to give the video
more depth.
Adjusting the RGB colour balances so that the certain
things you see look more vivid such as his jacket and
Week 23
Plan for the following week:Refer back to my
story board in order to stick to the guidelines I
provided for shot durations and the order of
Begin to construct and complete the ending of
my music video and then add overall effects in
with the tools in adobe premier.
Week 24
When making adjustments and adding affects
to my video, it became hard to create an
overall feel that would look good throughout
the video. This is because if I turned the
contrast up to high in some scenes, others
would look too bright.
Plan for the following week:complete overall
affects and export the video into adobe after
Once in after affects, research suitable graffiti
fonts that I can use for the title at the start of
my music video.
When I have chosen, edit the text into large
white writing for the first 3 seconds of the
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
Week 25
Adding more adjustments to the music video such as
giving it a grainy feel and also bringing up the saturation
levels gave me my final overall look.
Once this was done I was able to export the MP4 file to
Adobe after effects.
When it was ready to edit, I researched texts on with a graffiti style. This is so that it fits
in with the conventions of my music video. The font was
then downloaded.
Going back to after affects, I typed the word “BERLIN” in
large letters and then positioned it to the centre of the
screen for duration of 3 seconds. After this the entire
video was rendered and again exported to the hard drive.
The final edit was then uploaded to YouTube.
My evaluation has begun for my advanced portfolio, I
have written 4 scripts for each question so that I am able
to either read them aloud or draw information from them.
Week 26
This week I have completed the first section of my
I did this by producing a thorough and detailed word
document that talks about how my media product uses
and challenges the conventions of my genre. The essay
discusses the use of designs and house styles I have used,
and also analyses technical codes within my music video.
After this I then uploaded it onto my blog.
When the first question was complete, I began
constructing my online power point via the Prezi website.
As this was new to me it took a while to grasp the media
format. However after a few days of working I quickly
music video.
Export the video and upload it onto YouTube.
Begin evaluating my advanced portfolio
answering the 4 questions.
Week 25
As the video was in 1080 full HD, the video took
a substantial amount of time to upload. If I
knew this earlier I would have used my time
better and started my evaluation.
Plan for the following week:
Go into question one with more detail. As this is
my word document form of media, I must
analyse all aspects of the question in great
Also find screen grabs from real media examples
and my coursework to use as evidence in my
For question 2 I need to construct a prezi online
presentation drawing information from the
script and again examples from my own work
and real media examples.
Week 26
Plan for the following week:Film and record
question 3 and 4 in my spare time and then
upload the files to a college computer.
For question 3, import the video file into Adobe
premier and edit in the feedback provided by
my focus group. Also add in clips from my music
video for a very visual example.
Once this is done upload I plan to upload it to
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
learnt how to navigate and use the website.
Using information from my script, along with real images
and screen shots of my own work, I was able to create a
very detailed and visual description of the combination of
my main piece and ancillary products are effective.
Once the presentation was complete I uploaded it onto
my advanced portfolio blog.
Week 27
Using my mobile phone, I was easily able to film and
record myself reading out the scripts I had produced for
questions 3 and 4.
When I got to college I then uploaded the recordings to a
college computer.
Question 3 was then imported into Adobe premier, I then
edited in the comments and criticism that I received from
my focus group as I spoke about the aspects to fit what I
was saying.
Also I added in real examples when the audience refer to
specific parts of my work such as the recognition of the
location names.
With the final edit I then uploaded this to my blog.
Question 4 was slightly different as I had to produce a
slideshow for the voice recording. Using Microsoft power
point I was able to easily copy and paste examples of the
range of technologies both hard ware and software that I
used. This allows for the voice recording to be easy to
follow and represent the different formats of media.
Once this was completed, I uploaded the files to my blog
as one post so that they could be viewed at the same
Sections A, B, C, D, E, and F are all now complete and
my blog.
For question 4, produce a visual PowerPoint
with images of the various technologies I used
within my coursework.
When this is done upload them both as one
item to my blog.
Make final touches to my blog in order for it to
be ready to submit.
A2 Media Studies
Advanced Portfolio
Production Diary
ready for moderation. I have changed headings and labels
to the correct grammar and made it more organised.
My coursework is now waiting to be marked and
Contingency Plans)

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Music video analysis seraphim
Music video analysis seraphimMusic video analysis seraphim
Music video analysis seraphim
Music video analyisis
Music video analyisisMusic video analyisis
Music video analyisis

Production diary final

  • 1. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary Eddie Guy PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK(Including Possible Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated) September 2012 (Detailed Monthly Summary) Week 1 In our commencing week,we were introduced to the course with induction tasks to find our feet in media at A2 level. This included the basics as to how the course is set out and the requirements for our advanced portfolio. Week 2 I constructed my online blog for the advanced portfolio. Using labels for each section it made it easier to identify coursework. Week 3 Research began into ideas for our ancillary 1 project. This included analysing existing media products from the internet and writing about them in a word document. The digi- packs that I looked at gave me inspiration for my own work. Week 4 Further research into ideas for my album front, back and cd designs continued so that we had a fully understanding of how conventions of real media products work. Construction began for the ancillary one production. I did this starting with my album front cover image. I obtained a preliminary design that was the basis for my digi pack. Also I decided on a text that would fit the conventions of my music video. Week 1 The course was explained fully however I had questions about the different format required of our coursework. Plan for the following week: to construct my advanced portfolio blog. Week 2 No problems occurred. Week 3 Plan for the following week: I came across a problem as the genre I am looking at is mainly focused around DJs, the artists to my knowledge did not have albums therefore I had to do more in depth research. Week 4 Ideas for my ancillary 1task were hard to think of despite the research I did. Plan for the following week: I plan to have constructed a basic design and layout.
  • 2. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary October 2012 (Detailed Monthly Summary) Week 5 Research into my ancillary tasks was complete. I had three analysed album front and back covers along with CD giving me knowledge about the conventions of a digi pack. My ancillary task 1 was constructed with preliminary images, fonts and house style. This offered a prototype for my idea. Week 6 Research commenced into magazine advertisements within my chosen genre. Week 7 Further research into real media examples from magazines and the internet. Construction of my own product began experimenting with a range of fonts and layout. Week 8 Final touches were made to my posters preliminary designs making it look professional. Research was complete and all ancillary 2 was uploaded to my blog. Week 9 I used YouTube in order to get real examples of music videos that I could use for inspiration. These videos were in the same genre so that I could understand the conventions. Using windows word processor I took screen grabs from my music video examples and copy and pasted them into word. After this I analysed and annotated the screen shots with a description of what has inspired me. I then put the research onto my blog. Week 5 Plan for the following week: Give finishing touches to my ancillary designs such as image placing and the size of fonts. Research into ancillary 2. Week 6 A problem that occurred was that I could only find advertisements for live shows. Plan for the following week: more in depth research into real media examples Also the construction of my poster will begin. Week 7 Plan for the following week: Experimenting with different looks and styles for my advert. Finish research into real examples and put it on my blog. Week 8 Plan for Week returning to college: 9 Begin research and planning of my main piece. Week 9 Plan for the following week: Design a questionnaire that will allow my target audience to give me their preferences and opinions on a music video. Hand out the questionnaire to more women than men and wait to receive feedback.
  • 3. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary November 2012 (Detailed Monthly Summary) Week 10 I came up with 11 questions that would allow me to gain an insight as to how my target audience see a music video. After this I handed them out to ten people and waited to receive the feed back Week 11 I collected in my feedback that showed me the preferences of my target audience and thoughts they had when watching a music video. This data was then put into pie charts via word processor. Once I had my visual data I analysed them by talking about how I would use this information in my own work. Once the research analysis was done I put it onto my blog. Week 12 I began to construct an interactive mind map of ideas for our music video. It involved primary and secondary ideas that we could use to develop our project. Considering locations, mise en scene, props, iconography and more we are able to note down any suggestions that we could use. We did this on Mind Genius software that made the process a lot easier and also developed our skills. Week 13 I wrote a short summary on the interactive mind map that I created. This is so that all my best preliminary ideas are in one place and I can use them as a guideline. After this I posted them both onto my blog. Week 10 Plan for the following week:Collect results from my questionnaire and add up the data. Put the data into pie charts to show results. Analyse results and talk about them in a word document. Put my research onto my blog. Week 11 When conducting my research, I found it hard to obtain all of the questionnaires at the same time. This was because as I gave them to different people I had to contact them individually. Plan for the following week:Using mind genius software I will construct a mind map for the ideas of my music video. Week 12 Some of the ideas that we came up with were not possible with the resources and equipment available to us therefor we had to improvise. Plan for the following week: Summarise and evaluate our ideas for the music video in a word document. Post the mind map and summary onto my blog Week 13 The summary will be used for a basic guideline as when I come to film my music video. Plan for the following week: continue planning of music video by constructing a story board.
  • 4. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary December 2012 (Detailed Monthly Summary) Week 14 Using a printed paper story board template given to me by my teacher, I was able to draw rough sketches of what I wanted my music video to look like. Adding the shot duration and the type of camera movement was so that we can refer to this in filming. Week 15 Another template for the basis of our script was given to us by my teacher so that it was organised and easy to read. Placing the written description on the left and the shot duration and camera movement on the right, it will be easy to follow when filming. Week 16 We had to come up with a list of locations that we could use for our music video. For shots such as ‘panning across the bridge’ I had to think of a range of bridges in Manchester that would look good in this shot. Week 14 As it was just a rough sketch onto paper, it was hard to visualise what shots we needed and what they would look like in real life. Also we had to think of real life environments that we could use for the shots. Plan for the following week:give the story board some finishing touches and revise certain shots such as roof top scene. Commence the music video script so that we had a written version of the story boards. Week 15 Plan for the following week:revise places that we could use in our music video that would work well with the shots we have chosen. Week 16 Plan for the following week: Filming would begin for our music video. I need to obtain a camera and tripod from college so that I can take it to Manchester and begin to film. January 2013 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Week 17 Within this week I filmed the first few scenes of my music video near where the college is and at my house. I did not need my partner to do it at my house as I had the tripod to keep the camera steady. These shots included: Waking up, eating cereal and the egg and fruit scene. I took each shot a number of times so that I could use the best one when coming to editing. Week 17 As the idea for the video is in reverse, I do not know if the footage will look good or not therefore I will have to consider not using it when coming to editing. Plan for the following:take the camera and tripod to Walkden and film the scenes of the main character walking and getting standing at the train station. Upload previous weeks footage onto college computer
  • 5. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary Week 18 The footage that we had filmed in the week before is now uploaded onto the New Volume E drive on a college computer so that either of us in the group can access it. Using the same camera and tripod, me and my partner went to our local train station and captured footage of the sign saying “Walkden”, an over the shoulder shot of the character standing at the station and a POV shot of him running up the stairs. Week 19 Over the course of the past few days we were able to acquiremost of the footage we needed for our main body of the music video. This included footage of the character walking through various environments and also the flat scene. Most of the locations we wanted to use worked well with the planning of our camera shots. We came across unexpected locations such as the Sumo wrestler street art that will allow us to use it in a creative way later on in the production process. Week 20 This week we made a second trip back to Manchester in order to capture shots we could not get in the previous weeks. This was done by filming the city skyline out of a window instead of on a rooftop. Also the pizza scene was re-done so that that main character stayed focused on the camera and he was always visible within the frame. I came across 2 pieces of street art that can be featured in my video and also my ancillary tasks 1 and 2 final design. Week 18 No problems occurred when acquiring this footage as the weather was good and they were simple shots. Plan for following week:Shoot footage of Manchester and friends flat for the main body of the music video. Week 19 Some of the locations that I wanted to use were not suitable for the camera shots that we planned for. Originally an Ariel shot was needed looking down on the character, however the building we planned to use was off limits. Plan for the following week:capture the final bits of footage needed for to finish off the music video. Film a better version of the main character eating a piece of pizza Take photos for final products of ancillary 1 and 2. Week 20 Plan for next week:upload remaining footage to the hard drive ready for renaming Rename all footage so that it is easy to find on the computer. This will also make it easier to choose what clips I want to edit into the music video. Import all useful footage into the editing software ready to construct our main piece.
  • 6. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary February 2013 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Week 21 All the footage from the week before is now uploaded onto the computer and has been renamed to fit what happens within the clip. Doing this makes it easier to distinguish what it is on the clip. As there are multiple attempts at a number of shots, naming the clips “shot 1. Shot 2” enables me to easily compare them both and see which the best one is. The filming I have done is now renamed and has been imported into the Adobe Premier Pro software. Week 22 I have now completed my final design for the ancillary task 1. The album front and back cover, and CD now have a new picture that I took when filming. This creates synergy between my media products. Once this was completed I then uploaded it onto my blog. The MP3 file was successfully imported which allowed me to edit the footage to be synchronous to the sound. Using the footage I have acquired, I have begun to edit the opening sequence together. I firstly compared the clips that I had attempted more than once so that I would know which one was the best to use. After this Ideleted the ones I did not need leaving me with the useful footage. The opening sequence is now half constructed and synchronous to the sound. Week 21 Plan for the following week: divide the clips into the ones I will find useful and the ones that are not the best footage. Begin the process of editing my clips together in order to construct a first draft for my final piece. Download the MP3 version of Berlin – the song I am going to produce a music video for. Import the MP3 file to Adobe Premier. Change ancillary 1 to final design using images taken when filming. When this is finished upload I will upload it onto my blog. Week 22 Rendering the footage became problematic as we shot in 1080P full HD. As the videos were such high quality, it took the computer a substantial amount of time for them to process. Experiment with speeds of footage so that they fit in and go with the style of the video. Plan for the following week:complete the editing for myopening sequence and then follow on to the middle and end of the video. Develop my skills on rendering the footage. Complete final design for ancillary 2 using the images taken from filming location. Upload final ancillary task 2 to my blog.
  • 7. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary March 2013 (Detailed Weekly Summary) Week 23 Using another image that I took when filming I now have constructed my final design. However I had to rearrange some of the text that I had originally planned due to the content of the image. Once this was finished I successfully uploaded my magazine advertisement to my blog. The opening one minute sequence has now been completed and is successfully synchronous to the sound. I have now started to use footage from the outside urban environments to fully construct the main part of my music video. Also I now fully understand rendering as it is clear to me that you have to select the entire workspace in order to render all footage. Week 24 Final touches were made to the main body of my music video which enabled me to edit and complete the ending. After this I made adjustments to the entire video, this included: Turning up the contrasts within every scene so that the colours stood out. Bringing down the brightness in order to give the video more depth. Adjusting the RGB colour balances so that the certain things you see look more vivid such as his jacket and graffiti. Week 23 Plan for the following week:Refer back to my story board in order to stick to the guidelines I provided for shot durations and the order of shots. Begin to construct and complete the ending of my music video and then add overall effects in with the tools in adobe premier. Week 24 When making adjustments and adding affects to my video, it became hard to create an overall feel that would look good throughout the video. This is because if I turned the contrast up to high in some scenes, others would look too bright. Plan for the following week:complete overall affects and export the video into adobe after effects. Once in after affects, research suitable graffiti fonts that I can use for the title at the start of my music video. When I have chosen, edit the text into large white writing for the first 3 seconds of the
  • 8. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary Week 25 Adding more adjustments to the music video such as giving it a grainy feel and also bringing up the saturation levels gave me my final overall look. Once this was done I was able to export the MP4 file to Adobe after effects. When it was ready to edit, I researched texts on with a graffiti style. This is so that it fits in with the conventions of my music video. The font was then downloaded. Going back to after affects, I typed the word “BERLIN” in large letters and then positioned it to the centre of the screen for duration of 3 seconds. After this the entire video was rendered and again exported to the hard drive. The final edit was then uploaded to YouTube. My evaluation has begun for my advanced portfolio, I have written 4 scripts for each question so that I am able to either read them aloud or draw information from them. Week 26 This week I have completed the first section of my evaluation. I did this by producing a thorough and detailed word document that talks about how my media product uses and challenges the conventions of my genre. The essay discusses the use of designs and house styles I have used, and also analyses technical codes within my music video. After this I then uploaded it onto my blog. When the first question was complete, I began constructing my online power point via the Prezi website. As this was new to me it took a while to grasp the media format. However after a few days of working I quickly music video. Export the video and upload it onto YouTube. Begin evaluating my advanced portfolio answering the 4 questions. Week 25 As the video was in 1080 full HD, the video took a substantial amount of time to upload. If I knew this earlier I would have used my time better and started my evaluation. Plan for the following week: Go into question one with more detail. As this is my word document form of media, I must analyse all aspects of the question in great detail. Also find screen grabs from real media examples and my coursework to use as evidence in my video. For question 2 I need to construct a prezi online presentation drawing information from the script and again examples from my own work and real media examples. Week 26 Plan for the following week:Film and record question 3 and 4 in my spare time and then upload the files to a college computer. For question 3, import the video file into Adobe premier and edit in the feedback provided by my focus group. Also add in clips from my music video for a very visual example. Once this is done upload I plan to upload it to
  • 9. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary learnt how to navigate and use the website. Using information from my script, along with real images and screen shots of my own work, I was able to create a very detailed and visual description of the combination of my main piece and ancillary products are effective. Once the presentation was complete I uploaded it onto my advanced portfolio blog. Week 27 Using my mobile phone, I was easily able to film and record myself reading out the scripts I had produced for questions 3 and 4. When I got to college I then uploaded the recordings to a college computer. Question 3 was then imported into Adobe premier, I then edited in the comments and criticism that I received from my focus group as I spoke about the aspects to fit what I was saying. Also I added in real examples when the audience refer to specific parts of my work such as the recognition of the location names. With the final edit I then uploaded this to my blog. Question 4 was slightly different as I had to produce a slideshow for the voice recording. Using Microsoft power point I was able to easily copy and paste examples of the range of technologies both hard ware and software that I used. This allows for the voice recording to be easy to follow and represent the different formats of media. Once this was completed, I uploaded the files to my blog as one post so that they could be viewed at the same time. Sections A, B, C, D, E, and F are all now complete and my blog. For question 4, produce a visual PowerPoint with images of the various technologies I used within my coursework. When this is done upload them both as one item to my blog. Make final touches to my blog in order for it to be ready to submit.
  • 10. A2 Media Studies Advanced Portfolio Production Diary ready for moderation. I have changed headings and labels to the correct grammar and made it more organised. My coursework is now waiting to be marked and submitted. PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (Including Possible Contingency Plans)