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You are to produce a case study on
‘Corporate Video Production’
Aimed at informing:
• Corporate and promotional programme production codes
• Conventions
• Styles
• Techniques and purposes
• Including detailed information, Illustration, hyperlinks of research and reference.
Video and audio transitions will be used in order to make the
video run smoothly and flow without obvious jumps. These
transitions come in many different forms, which can be chosen
from in order to suit the style and desired effect of the video as
a whole. Audio transitions can include L-cut and J-cut sound, so
that there’s a clear transition between two different shots.
For the South Australia Tourism video, the video and audio
transitions aren’t necessarily advanced as they just cut from
one to another in a simple jump. This seems boring however it
has been done in time to the beat from the audio, therefore
making it a more aesthetically pleasing sequence all together. In
terms of audio, the soundtrack is the only thing featured within
the video which starts and ends quickly with a blunt cut and no
obvious transition. This works well within the video as it is loud
and keeps the viewer engaged throughout.
A language / script would be produced so that the business is
able to be introduced as well as the product. This is done so
that the audience gets an insight as to what the business does /
product is as if they’ve never heard of it before.
In this corporate the video, a script has clearly been put into
place in order to be used as a voiceover for the graphics within
the video. The script is detailed and starts off by giving an
insight as to what the business is and what they do. It goes
through all of the information by describing it like a journey,
which has been done to make the viewer feel like they have
been involved in that journey overall. The script is highly
detailed and as the video is quite long, this could become
disinteresting for some of the audience as they carry on
watching, potentially why the script has been put together with
detailed graphics and video content which gives some sort of
idea as to what the business creates.
Shooting techniques are one of the most important conventions when
filming a corporate video. How a shot is set up will be beneficial to how
a company is portrayed and will show what kind of environment the
business is set in.
This corporate video for Apple which promotes ‘perspective’ has been
shot in one long, continuous take. This has been done to show that they
aren't based in one set location and that the company is a larger scale,
worldwide thing. It has been created for ‘those who have always seen
things differently’. The video reflects this because as the camera moves
around the warehouse style location, different words / phrases are
revealed in different ways, which aren’t particularly obvious until looked
at from a certain location or angle. This has been done to reflect the
business and their individuality, showing that they do things different to
most other businesses. Due to the shooting technique, following the
camera from a natural angle causes the video to feel a lot more
A voice over is inserted into a video so that the content of the
video is described and explained. It guides the audience
through a narrative and explains what’s going on in more detail.
Non-diegetic sound has been used in the voice over for this
video. It has been done in order to make the video and the
information being delivered more empowering and effective for
the audience. The narrative being used is emphasised by the
imagery being showed alongside it, again making it have more
of an impact. The voice used is strong and clear, using
professional terminology to promote the business and what
they set out to do. It also flows smoothly alongside the imagery
that is shown, reflecting a strong and professional business.
The logo for the company is usually shown both at the beginning and
the end of the video so that the audience will recognise and refer to the
specific company. It will help the company stand out and most likely
help to attract business if the logo stands out.
Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s corporate video is one which displays the logo
from the beginning of the video and keeps it there continuously
throughout the whole thing. At first, it is displayed across the whole of
the screen and enters the shot using a transition. This is done to make
it more exciting and interesting to look at. While the main video is
playing, the logo is displayed in the bottom right hand corner. This is
shown a lot smaller so that the focus is on the imagery however if it was
to be played on TV, the viewer would instantly know what is being
advertised because the logo is there to show this. At the end, the logo is
displayed larger across the full screen again, using the same transitions
that were used at the start, this is again to remind the audience of what
is being advertised as well as making it 100% clear.
Titles are most commonly used when someone is talking on
screen. They are placed to indicate who that particular person is
and what part of the business they are in. Titles are also used to
break up the video and may be used to describe what the
company / product has to offer.
In this case for Emirates, their video uses titles to describe what
the company has to offer in their new First Class Suite. When
showing all the different aspects one by one, titles are displayed
on screen over the top of the imagery to explain what it is in
each shot that they’re aiming to show as a selling point for that
particular service. The sizing of the titles are suitable as they’re
big enough to read at the same time as allowing the image to
remain the biggest focus. The colour of the font used for the
titles also fits with the colours from the video – retaining
Emirates professional and prestigious reputation / overall
The videos promoting either a product or a company will focus
on a USP. This is so that it’ll stand out more and be a stronger
competitor within the market of products that are similar or
The corporate video for the Pub in York, ‘House of Trembling
Madness’ talks about the products they sell and how they have a
large range of products available. This is their unique selling
point along with the location they’re based in and the staff that
work there. In relation to the beer, the video explains that all the
staff enjoy a good beer, which means that they’ll be able to give
advice when buying in the shop or the pub, benefitting
customers. All of these factors will contribute to their USP and
will be persuasive in gaining customers and getting them to
purchase products as they’re an individual company which has
interesting aspects within what they do.
Cutaways are short shots which link to the narrative and are placed
strategically alongside the voice over that is playing over the video at
the same time. It explains visually what is going on, gets information
across more effectively and can be shown through a variety of shots;
eg. Close ups, tracking shots and establishing shots.
This corporate video for Disney nicely shows examples of cutaways. In
relation to the voiceover, the video shows exactly what is being said
actually happening. As the voiceover continues, the video cuts from
one shot to another, adding imagery to the narrative being played. This
is done in a range of ways, including different close ups, detailed
graphics and tracking shots. This is all done to emphasise the message
Disney is trying to portray, which is that magic happens at Disney World
and really sell the holiday to their target customers. The cutaways are
all placed in perfect time along with the narrative which makes it more
exciting as the visuals are revealed at the same time as the narrative
talks about them.
By providing and showing the audience professional opinions means
they’re more likely to want to buy a product due to their improved
knowledge of it and better trust in it. Interviews are also included in
commercial videos so that the audience remains interested in the
product and are more likely to keep watching so that they find out more.
Sony have created this video in order to give their audience and market
more of an insight into what they do through providing this information
from the employees that work there. They all speak about how the Sony
brand enables to bring together different aspects from many lines of
business within the company in order to create products that
customers will enjoy and are satisfied with. Employees talk about the
range of jobs available and the diversity within the brand, which allows
them to bring their own contribution to the business. Each interview
usually begins with J-cut sound over a close up shot of the different
employees talking and between this would be clips that represent the
company and what kind of work goes on there. This is quite interesting
because the viewer is listening to the information from the workers
point of view and therefore this creates a better visual aspect too.
Music is highly important as it sets the tone and is used to bring
the audience in. Music can be louder and used over the video or
if there’s speech or an interview involved, then it is most likely
played quietly so you can hear people talking clearly.
The music and sound within this Siemens video has been
placed to create a certain feel for the subject it’s dealing with.
The video content has been strategically placed to fit perfectly
with the music, making the overall effect of it a lot stronger and
effective upon the audience. The soundtrack used is quite
intense, possibly reflecting the nature of the company and it’s
work, but also puts an emphasis on how effective it is. The
company has chosen their brand to be represented mainly on
visuals which leaves it open for interpretation, the opposite of
what using a script or soundtrack would do.
The graphics are generally used for the main titles in order to
make it eye catching and attract the viewers. They indicate what
the viewer is watching as well as adding more information such
as names of employees and the name of the company.
This video perfectly shows how graphics should be used within
a corporate video. It highlights key facts and figures within the
business and presents them on the screen using large fonts set
over shots of the business location and what happens there.
Useful information that is less important but still relevant is still
presented on screen but in a smaller and different coloured font
that doesn’t stand out as much but is still readable. Aspects
from the workplace that would generally be used manually on a
day to day basis have been digitally placed in and edited to
involve motion in order to ensure the content of the video come
across as more exciting than what it really is. Small features like
this can add to the professionalism of the video.
Analyse two or more different corporate promotional videos in detail and provide in depth:
• Research into current practice in corporate and promotional production eg
proposal, treatment, storyboard
• Identify the message being produced in each type of programme
• Identify the style and techniques of each type of programme (how they address the
audience, equipment used, approx. budget, shots used etc)
• Research into the target audience for the programme
• Identify the current practice in technology used in the production of the programme,
eg SD, HD
• Identify legal and ethical issues that might arise when producing this programme
(privacy; libel; copyright; current law relating to, eg race relations, disability, obscenity)
Ethical issues: representation, eg race, gender, religion.
• Identify key issues to be considered when producing a corporate or promotional
programme, eg scheduling, health and safety
• Production practices: client liaison; ideas development; treatments; proposals;
storyboard; scripts; shooting
“ ‘Music Happens Here’ is a ground breaking partnership between the most hospitable company in the
world (Hilton), the world’s biggest live entertainment company (LiveNation), music’s biggest stage
(GRAMMYs), and the world’s leading music streaming platform (Spotify).”
For this video, the message being produced by the company is that music is everywhere. They have
chosen this as the message so that it reflects their brand (Spotify) which allows you to listen and
stream music anywhere you want through various different devices. It also is set out to inspire travel
to top music destinations around the world, which will help to promote the Hilton brand as a place to
stay. It is also set out with member access to live events, video content and playlists, therefore
promoting LiveNation and the GRAMMYs brands. This video in particular is a trailer for a small series,
in which each short episode looks into a different influential music location and the biggest artists
from there.
In the beginning, the shots used are all quite slow paced and either pan round a particular focus,
zoom in or out, or feature a completely still shot with only one aspect of the frame moving. This
changes halfway through where each individual shot speeds up and some feature a cut out overlay of
an artist playing / making music or the name of the location being shown at that particular time. This
has been done to fit the pace of the music and contrast with the voice over, making the video more
interesting, as well as emphasising how many different styles of music there is available through the
streaming site.
The target audience for Spotify is generally people aged 35 and under however some older people
also use the site a lot too. People of all ages nowadays have a wider acceptance of all music and
therefore this video has included various artists, locations and aspects in order to attract a larger and
wider audience.
The equipment used to make this video is mostly shot using a drone to get the wider shots of
a location or a camera and tripod to get the more focused and still shots. Due to this, the
budget would be expected to be quite low however it would’ve cost a lot to travel to each
individual location so this would cause the budget to become a lot higher. In post-production,
all the colour corrections / changes, graphics and overlays can be done digitally so therefore
the cost for a studio and potentially an editor would apply here.
A voice overlay is used in the video, this is in order to narrate what the video is all about and
really emphasise what their message is. The voice talks slowly and calmly, which contrasts
with, but also fits really well alongside the music used in the background.
When producing this video, one legal and ethical issue will need to be considered will need to
be the copyright of the music that’s used over the top of the video. The producers of the video
will need to have a licence to use the particular soundtrack as well as permission from the
owner of that piece of music. This will help them to avoid any legal problems when the video
is put out and streamed online. Ethically, each location used will need to be portrayed equally
and positively throughout the video so that different cities and neighbourhoods aren’t
discriminated against based on their local culture.
Health and safety measures will need to be taken into consideration, especially when using
the drone and filming on location. Someone who is experienced with drone photography /
filming should be hired so that the risks are lower, especially if filming close to the ground
where people will be around. During the video, short clips from live music events are
included. When filming these, health and safety precautions will have been in place to ensure
the safety of the people within the video.
This video is for Thai Life Insurance. It is presented in the style of a short film which allows them to
put across a message that directly connects with the viewers emotions, rather than in the style of a
general corporate video. When researching this particular video, the company has said that the
message is to try and get the viewers to appreciate the ‘value of life’, which is a core value for the
brand. Comparing to video 1, this video has been created in order to promote the values of the brand
and capture emotions that the audience are able to relate to, rather than promoting the brand(s) as a
The Director for this video is Thanonchai Sornsriwichai (Tor) which is the most awarded production
house globally. They have also produced other videos for the company including ‘Garbage Man’ and
‘Silence of Love’. The creators of this advertisement are Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok, who continue to
use emotion throughout all of their Thai Life Insurance videos.
For the majority of the video, the shots are all medium shots, however some shots in particular have
either been zoomed, slowed or shown with a shallow depth of field in order to put focus on particular
subjects within the frames. During post-production, the video has been colour graded so that it
appears to be sunny and bright, however the overall effect shows the colours as slightly faded. This
will be effective and run alongside the message that the company is trying to put across, implying that
many people are not particularly wealthy. This can give some idea as to who the advertisement is
aimed at, which would be the more middle class, sending them in particular a message saying even
those who don’t have much are able to help the less fortunate than them, because eventually they will
gain happiness from seeing then benefits of what they have done.
The target audience for this brand is all Thai citizens, which is why emotion is the main factor that
they play off when producing the videos, as this is something that will affect everyone in some way or
In the beginning of the video, it features no dialogue, but includes a calm piece of music
and specific sound effects which helps contribute towards the emotional reaction from
the viewer. This has been done so that there are no distractions from the story line and
it is intriguing to the audience as to what the significance of each individual person in
the video is. Because the service being advertised hasn’t been revealed early on in the
video, again it allows the viewer to interpret it how they wish and they can focus on the
narrative being revealed. Slightly further on in the video, the narrator’s voice is
introduced and asks a question which has been placed to make the audience think. The
use of a rhetorical question is to address the audience directly and this then causes
them to think about the actions they take in their everyday life – again, triggering their
When creating this video, the portrayal of the people that the video is aimed to
represent will need to be considered, especially relating to that particular race, similarly
to the locations from video 1, so none of the content is seen as discriminative or
downgrading to those who live there. If someone is discriminated against, then this
could be considered as an ethical issue within the video.
During filming, strict schedules will have needed to be put in place so that all the actors
and locations needed will be available for filming. Due to the locations shown being
public, health and safety measures will need to be considered more than those in video
1, because there may be people who are passing by and interested in what’s going on,
so during filming the film makers will need to be more aware of the surroundings.

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Corporate LO1 / LO2

  • 2. ASSIGNMENT 1: CODES & CONVENTIONS You are to produce a case study on ‘Corporate Video Production’ Aimed at informing: • Corporate and promotional programme production codes • Conventions • Styles • Techniques and purposes • Including detailed information, Illustration, hyperlinks of research and reference.
  • 3. VIDEO AND AUDIO TRANSITIONS Video and audio transitions will be used in order to make the video run smoothly and flow without obvious jumps. These transitions come in many different forms, which can be chosen from in order to suit the style and desired effect of the video as a whole. Audio transitions can include L-cut and J-cut sound, so that there’s a clear transition between two different shots. For the South Australia Tourism video, the video and audio transitions aren’t necessarily advanced as they just cut from one to another in a simple jump. This seems boring however it has been done in time to the beat from the audio, therefore making it a more aesthetically pleasing sequence all together. In terms of audio, the soundtrack is the only thing featured within the video which starts and ends quickly with a blunt cut and no obvious transition. This works well within the video as it is loud and keeps the viewer engaged throughout.
  • 4. LANGUAGE/SCRIPT A language / script would be produced so that the business is able to be introduced as well as the product. This is done so that the audience gets an insight as to what the business does / product is as if they’ve never heard of it before. In this corporate the video, a script has clearly been put into place in order to be used as a voiceover for the graphics within the video. The script is detailed and starts off by giving an insight as to what the business is and what they do. It goes through all of the information by describing it like a journey, which has been done to make the viewer feel like they have been involved in that journey overall. The script is highly detailed and as the video is quite long, this could become disinteresting for some of the audience as they carry on watching, potentially why the script has been put together with detailed graphics and video content which gives some sort of idea as to what the business creates.
  • 5. SHOOTING TECHNIQUES Shooting techniques are one of the most important conventions when filming a corporate video. How a shot is set up will be beneficial to how a company is portrayed and will show what kind of environment the business is set in. This corporate video for Apple which promotes ‘perspective’ has been shot in one long, continuous take. This has been done to show that they aren't based in one set location and that the company is a larger scale, worldwide thing. It has been created for ‘those who have always seen things differently’. The video reflects this because as the camera moves around the warehouse style location, different words / phrases are revealed in different ways, which aren’t particularly obvious until looked at from a certain location or angle. This has been done to reflect the business and their individuality, showing that they do things different to most other businesses. Due to the shooting technique, following the camera from a natural angle causes the video to feel a lot more personal.
  • 6. VOICE OVER A voice over is inserted into a video so that the content of the video is described and explained. It guides the audience through a narrative and explains what’s going on in more detail. Non-diegetic sound has been used in the voice over for this video. It has been done in order to make the video and the information being delivered more empowering and effective for the audience. The narrative being used is emphasised by the imagery being showed alongside it, again making it have more of an impact. The voice used is strong and clear, using professional terminology to promote the business and what they set out to do. It also flows smoothly alongside the imagery that is shown, reflecting a strong and professional business.
  • 7. LOGO The logo for the company is usually shown both at the beginning and the end of the video so that the audience will recognise and refer to the specific company. It will help the company stand out and most likely help to attract business if the logo stands out. Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s corporate video is one which displays the logo from the beginning of the video and keeps it there continuously throughout the whole thing. At first, it is displayed across the whole of the screen and enters the shot using a transition. This is done to make it more exciting and interesting to look at. While the main video is playing, the logo is displayed in the bottom right hand corner. This is shown a lot smaller so that the focus is on the imagery however if it was to be played on TV, the viewer would instantly know what is being advertised because the logo is there to show this. At the end, the logo is displayed larger across the full screen again, using the same transitions that were used at the start, this is again to remind the audience of what is being advertised as well as making it 100% clear.
  • 8. TITLES Titles are most commonly used when someone is talking on screen. They are placed to indicate who that particular person is and what part of the business they are in. Titles are also used to break up the video and may be used to describe what the company / product has to offer. In this case for Emirates, their video uses titles to describe what the company has to offer in their new First Class Suite. When showing all the different aspects one by one, titles are displayed on screen over the top of the imagery to explain what it is in each shot that they’re aiming to show as a selling point for that particular service. The sizing of the titles are suitable as they’re big enough to read at the same time as allowing the image to remain the biggest focus. The colour of the font used for the titles also fits with the colours from the video – retaining Emirates professional and prestigious reputation / overall image.
  • 9. UNIQUE SELLING POINT The videos promoting either a product or a company will focus on a USP. This is so that it’ll stand out more and be a stronger competitor within the market of products that are similar or related. The corporate video for the Pub in York, ‘House of Trembling Madness’ talks about the products they sell and how they have a large range of products available. This is their unique selling point along with the location they’re based in and the staff that work there. In relation to the beer, the video explains that all the staff enjoy a good beer, which means that they’ll be able to give advice when buying in the shop or the pub, benefitting customers. All of these factors will contribute to their USP and will be persuasive in gaining customers and getting them to purchase products as they’re an individual company which has interesting aspects within what they do.
  • 10. CUTAWAYS Cutaways are short shots which link to the narrative and are placed strategically alongside the voice over that is playing over the video at the same time. It explains visually what is going on, gets information across more effectively and can be shown through a variety of shots; eg. Close ups, tracking shots and establishing shots. This corporate video for Disney nicely shows examples of cutaways. In relation to the voiceover, the video shows exactly what is being said actually happening. As the voiceover continues, the video cuts from one shot to another, adding imagery to the narrative being played. This is done in a range of ways, including different close ups, detailed graphics and tracking shots. This is all done to emphasise the message Disney is trying to portray, which is that magic happens at Disney World and really sell the holiday to their target customers. The cutaways are all placed in perfect time along with the narrative which makes it more exciting as the visuals are revealed at the same time as the narrative talks about them.
  • 11. INTERVIEWS By providing and showing the audience professional opinions means they’re more likely to want to buy a product due to their improved knowledge of it and better trust in it. Interviews are also included in commercial videos so that the audience remains interested in the product and are more likely to keep watching so that they find out more. Sony have created this video in order to give their audience and market more of an insight into what they do through providing this information from the employees that work there. They all speak about how the Sony brand enables to bring together different aspects from many lines of business within the company in order to create products that customers will enjoy and are satisfied with. Employees talk about the range of jobs available and the diversity within the brand, which allows them to bring their own contribution to the business. Each interview usually begins with J-cut sound over a close up shot of the different employees talking and between this would be clips that represent the company and what kind of work goes on there. This is quite interesting because the viewer is listening to the information from the workers point of view and therefore this creates a better visual aspect too.
  • 12. MUSIC Music is highly important as it sets the tone and is used to bring the audience in. Music can be louder and used over the video or if there’s speech or an interview involved, then it is most likely played quietly so you can hear people talking clearly. The music and sound within this Siemens video has been placed to create a certain feel for the subject it’s dealing with. The video content has been strategically placed to fit perfectly with the music, making the overall effect of it a lot stronger and effective upon the audience. The soundtrack used is quite intense, possibly reflecting the nature of the company and it’s work, but also puts an emphasis on how effective it is. The company has chosen their brand to be represented mainly on visuals which leaves it open for interpretation, the opposite of what using a script or soundtrack would do.
  • 13. GRAPHICS The graphics are generally used for the main titles in order to make it eye catching and attract the viewers. They indicate what the viewer is watching as well as adding more information such as names of employees and the name of the company. This video perfectly shows how graphics should be used within a corporate video. It highlights key facts and figures within the business and presents them on the screen using large fonts set over shots of the business location and what happens there. Useful information that is less important but still relevant is still presented on screen but in a smaller and different coloured font that doesn’t stand out as much but is still readable. Aspects from the workplace that would generally be used manually on a day to day basis have been digitally placed in and edited to involve motion in order to ensure the content of the video come across as more exciting than what it really is. Small features like this can add to the professionalism of the video.
  • 14. ASSIGNMENT 2: CURRENT PRACTICE Analyse two or more different corporate promotional videos in detail and provide in depth: • Research into current practice in corporate and promotional production eg proposal, treatment, storyboard • Identify the message being produced in each type of programme • Identify the style and techniques of each type of programme (how they address the audience, equipment used, approx. budget, shots used etc) • Research into the target audience for the programme • Identify the current practice in technology used in the production of the programme, eg SD, HD • Identify legal and ethical issues that might arise when producing this programme (privacy; libel; copyright; current law relating to, eg race relations, disability, obscenity) Ethical issues: representation, eg race, gender, religion. • Identify key issues to be considered when producing a corporate or promotional programme, eg scheduling, health and safety • Production practices: client liaison; ideas development; treatments; proposals; storyboard; scripts; shooting
  • 15. VIDEO 1 “ ‘Music Happens Here’ is a ground breaking partnership between the most hospitable company in the world (Hilton), the world’s biggest live entertainment company (LiveNation), music’s biggest stage (GRAMMYs), and the world’s leading music streaming platform (Spotify).” For this video, the message being produced by the company is that music is everywhere. They have chosen this as the message so that it reflects their brand (Spotify) which allows you to listen and stream music anywhere you want through various different devices. It also is set out to inspire travel to top music destinations around the world, which will help to promote the Hilton brand as a place to stay. It is also set out with member access to live events, video content and playlists, therefore promoting LiveNation and the GRAMMYs brands. This video in particular is a trailer for a small series, in which each short episode looks into a different influential music location and the biggest artists from there. In the beginning, the shots used are all quite slow paced and either pan round a particular focus, zoom in or out, or feature a completely still shot with only one aspect of the frame moving. This changes halfway through where each individual shot speeds up and some feature a cut out overlay of an artist playing / making music or the name of the location being shown at that particular time. This has been done to fit the pace of the music and contrast with the voice over, making the video more interesting, as well as emphasising how many different styles of music there is available through the streaming site. The target audience for Spotify is generally people aged 35 and under however some older people also use the site a lot too. People of all ages nowadays have a wider acceptance of all music and therefore this video has included various artists, locations and aspects in order to attract a larger and wider audience. URL: HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=NPO6QLOIXNC
  • 16. VIDEO 1 The equipment used to make this video is mostly shot using a drone to get the wider shots of a location or a camera and tripod to get the more focused and still shots. Due to this, the budget would be expected to be quite low however it would’ve cost a lot to travel to each individual location so this would cause the budget to become a lot higher. In post-production, all the colour corrections / changes, graphics and overlays can be done digitally so therefore the cost for a studio and potentially an editor would apply here. A voice overlay is used in the video, this is in order to narrate what the video is all about and really emphasise what their message is. The voice talks slowly and calmly, which contrasts with, but also fits really well alongside the music used in the background. When producing this video, one legal and ethical issue will need to be considered will need to be the copyright of the music that’s used over the top of the video. The producers of the video will need to have a licence to use the particular soundtrack as well as permission from the owner of that piece of music. This will help them to avoid any legal problems when the video is put out and streamed online. Ethically, each location used will need to be portrayed equally and positively throughout the video so that different cities and neighbourhoods aren’t discriminated against based on their local culture. Health and safety measures will need to be taken into consideration, especially when using the drone and filming on location. Someone who is experienced with drone photography / filming should be hired so that the risks are lower, especially if filming close to the ground where people will be around. During the video, short clips from live music events are included. When filming these, health and safety precautions will have been in place to ensure the safety of the people within the video. URL: HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=NPO6QLOIXNC
  • 17. VIDEO 2 This video is for Thai Life Insurance. It is presented in the style of a short film which allows them to put across a message that directly connects with the viewers emotions, rather than in the style of a general corporate video. When researching this particular video, the company has said that the message is to try and get the viewers to appreciate the ‘value of life’, which is a core value for the brand. Comparing to video 1, this video has been created in order to promote the values of the brand and capture emotions that the audience are able to relate to, rather than promoting the brand(s) as a whole. The Director for this video is Thanonchai Sornsriwichai (Tor) which is the most awarded production house globally. They have also produced other videos for the company including ‘Garbage Man’ and ‘Silence of Love’. The creators of this advertisement are Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok, who continue to use emotion throughout all of their Thai Life Insurance videos. For the majority of the video, the shots are all medium shots, however some shots in particular have either been zoomed, slowed or shown with a shallow depth of field in order to put focus on particular subjects within the frames. During post-production, the video has been colour graded so that it appears to be sunny and bright, however the overall effect shows the colours as slightly faded. This will be effective and run alongside the message that the company is trying to put across, implying that many people are not particularly wealthy. This can give some idea as to who the advertisement is aimed at, which would be the more middle class, sending them in particular a message saying even those who don’t have much are able to help the less fortunate than them, because eventually they will gain happiness from seeing then benefits of what they have done. The target audience for this brand is all Thai citizens, which is why emotion is the main factor that they play off when producing the videos, as this is something that will affect everyone in some way or another. URL: HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=UAWA2GBCNJU
  • 18. VIDEO 2 In the beginning of the video, it features no dialogue, but includes a calm piece of music and specific sound effects which helps contribute towards the emotional reaction from the viewer. This has been done so that there are no distractions from the story line and it is intriguing to the audience as to what the significance of each individual person in the video is. Because the service being advertised hasn’t been revealed early on in the video, again it allows the viewer to interpret it how they wish and they can focus on the narrative being revealed. Slightly further on in the video, the narrator’s voice is introduced and asks a question which has been placed to make the audience think. The use of a rhetorical question is to address the audience directly and this then causes them to think about the actions they take in their everyday life – again, triggering their emotions. When creating this video, the portrayal of the people that the video is aimed to represent will need to be considered, especially relating to that particular race, similarly to the locations from video 1, so none of the content is seen as discriminative or downgrading to those who live there. If someone is discriminated against, then this could be considered as an ethical issue within the video. During filming, strict schedules will have needed to be put in place so that all the actors and locations needed will be available for filming. Due to the locations shown being public, health and safety measures will need to be considered more than those in video 1, because there may be people who are passing by and interested in what’s going on, so during filming the film makers will need to be more aware of the surroundings. URL: HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=UAWA2GBCNJU