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A 5 year old male child has multiple hyperprigmented macules over the trunk. On rubbing
the lesion with the rounded end of a pen, he developed urticarial wheal, confined to the
border of the lesion. The most likely diagnosis is:
A: Lichen planus
B: Fixed drug eruption
C: Urticaria pigmentosa
D: Urticarial vasculitis
Correct Ans:C
Patient is showing features of urticaria pigmentosa. It is a condition caused by an increase
in the number of dermal mast cells. Children presents with brownish dermal papules and
plaques distributed over the body. On rubbing, these plaques become urticated (Darier’s
sign). Symptoms are due to the release of histamines.
Ref: Color Handbook of Dermatology By R. Rycrof, Pages 33, 34; Field guide to clinical
dermatology By David H. Frankel, 2nd Edition, Page 59
3. A Practical Guide to Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Caring for Children By N. Ewen
Amieva-Wang, Page 135
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Pseudo-isomorphic phenomenon is seen in:
A: Psoriasis
B: Lichen planus
C: Vitiligo
D: Plane warts
Correct Ans:D
Pseudo-isomorphic phenomenon is seen in infections like plane warts, molluscum contagiosum and
eczematous lesions. Whereas, psoriasis, lichen planus and vitiligo are all associated with Isomorphic
phenomenon instead, and not with pseudoisomorphic phenomenon.
Ref: Pocket atlas of dermatology, By Gerd Klaus Steigleder, Howard I. Maibach, Page 171.
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Which of the following is a secondary cutaneous diseases?
A: Ichthyosis
C: Lichen planus
D: Reiter's disease
Correct Ans:D
The skin involvement is secondary in Reiter’s disease which is primarily characterised by
arthritis, urethritis and uveitis. While psoriasis, lichen planus and icthyosis exhibit
dermatological manifestations as their primary clinical features.
Ref: Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition, Page 2174; Inherited Metabolic
Diseases: A Clinical Approach By Georg F. Hoffmann, Johannes Zschocke, William L. Nyhan,
Pages 204-205; Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: An Integrated Approach By Kenneth B.
Gordon, Eric M. Ruderman, Pages 23-26, 67-72
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Physical examination on a 65-year-old man with mild congestive heart failure reveals
varicose veins, ankle edema, and inflammation of much of the skin near the ankles of both
legs. The affected skin exhibits edema, erythema, mild scaling, and brown discoloration.
The edges of skin involvement are poorly defined. On one ankle, a one centimeter diameter
ulcerated area is seen within the erythematous area. The patient says that his leg lesions
look much worse than they feel. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A: Atopic dermatitis
B: Lichen simplex chronicus
C: Stasis dermatitis
D: Seborrheic dermatitis
Correct Ans:C
This is stasis dermatitis, which is a common complication of chronic lower leg edema,
typically due to either congestive heart failure, venous incompetence, or both. The
condition may be neglected by both the patient and the physician because of its relative
lack of symptoms. However, it should be taken seriously because once skin breakdown
occurs, the resulting ulcer may be very difficult to treat successfully. Helpful measures in
the treatment of stasis dermatitis include elevating the ankles above the heart, properly
fitted support hose, and tap water compresses. Ulcers are treated with compresses and
bland dressings. Oral antibiotics are used when an ulcer becomes infected.
Atopic dermatitis is an itchy inflammation of the skin that appears to have an allergic basis.
Lichen simplex chronicus can also involve the ankles, but the lesion is very itchy, tends to
be relatively localized, and is not typically accompanied by ankle edema.
Seborrheic dermatitis causes diffuse scaling (dandruff) of the scalp.
Ref: Suurmond D. (2009). Section 16. Skin Signs of Vascular Insufficiency. In D. Suurmond
(Ed), Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology , 6e.
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Koebner's phenomenon is seen in all of the following conditions, EXCEPT:
A: Lichen planus
C: Psoriasis
D: Pemphigus
Correct Ans:B
Koebner’s phenomenon refers to development of morphologically identical lesions in the
traumatized uninvolved skin of the patients who have cutaneous diseases. It is also known
as isomorphic phenomenon.
Conditions associated with Koebner’s phenomenon are:
 Warts
 Molluscum contagiosum
 Autoimmune (vitiligo)
 Psoriasis
 Pemphigus
 Lichen planus
Ref: An Aid to the MRCP: Essential Lists, Facts and Mnemonics By Nicholas Boeckx, page
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Which of the following condition is associated with the development of photosensitive rash?
A: Acute intermittent porphyria
B: Erythropoietic protoporphyria
C: Leprosy
D: Lichen planus
Correct Ans:B
Erythropoietic porphyria is the most common childhood porphyria. Children with this
condition after brief sun exposure presents with acute discomfort, burning sensation, and
red painful photosensitive rash. This is an autosomal dominant condition resulting in
reduced ferrochelatase activity in peripheral blood, liver, bone marrow and skin.
Acute intermittent porphyria is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by deficiency
of porphobilinogen deaminase. Patients often presents with abdominal pain, anorexia,
vomiting and constipation 70% of patients develops polyneuropathy and is more often
motor than sensory.
Ref: Medicine and Surgery: An integrated textbook With STUDENT CONSULT online access
By Eric KS Lim
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A 36-year-old factory worker developed itchy, annular scaly plaques in both groins.
Application of a corticosteroid ointment led to temporary relief but the plaques continued to
extend at the periphery. The most likely diagnosis is:
A: Erythema annulare centrifugum
C: Annular lichen planus
D: Tinea cruris
Correct Ans:D
Tinea cruris is dermatophytic infection of groin. Presence of bilateral annular scaly plaques
in the groin, itching and unresponsiveness to steroids and peripheral extension leads to
diagnosis of Tinea cruris.
Ref: Anthony Du Vivier, Phillip H. McKee, Chapter 15, “Superficial Fungal Infections”, In the
book, “Atlas of Clinical Dermatology”, Elsivier Publication, 2002, 3rd Edition, Spain, Page
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A 30 year old male presents with a creamy white patch on the tongue. The most probable
diagnosis is:
A: Candidiasis
B: Histoplasmosis
C: Lichen Planus
D: Aspergillosis
Correct Ans:A
Candidal stomatitis or oral thrush is the presence of a curdy white pseudomembrane on the
buccal, labial, tongue, gingival or palatal mucosa in otherwise healthy individuals.
Ref: Skin Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infection, Uday Khopkar, 6th Eidition, Page 61;
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition, Page 183, 188.
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Which of the following is a Tuberculid infection that is characterized by involvement of the
sweat glands and hair follicles by causing non caseating epitheloid granulomas?
A: Lupus Vulgaris
B: Papulonecrotic Type
C: Miliary Tuberculosis
D: Lichen Scrofulosorum
Correct Ans:D
In the above given condition, the presence of non-caseating epethelioid granulomas which
are localized around the hair follicles and sweat ducts, definitely points the diagnosis
towards “Lichen Scrofulosorum”. Lichen Scrofulosorum is the most common form of
tuberculid infection. Papulonecrotic tuberculid infection often presents with central necrosis
but are not typically localized to the hair follicles and sweat ducts.
Miliary tuberculosis and Lupus vulgaris are not Tuberculid infections.
Ref: Skin Pathology By Weedon and Strutton, 2nd Edition, Page 627; Mycobacterial Skin
Diseases By Harahap, 1989, Pages 26-27; Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine By
Néstor P. Sánchez, 1st Edition, Pages 23-26
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The lichenoid eruption known as 'Tuberculids' are seen in which of the skin conditions?
A: Lupus vulgaris
C: Lichen scrofulosorum
D: Tuberculosis Cutis Orificialis
Correct Ans:C
Lichen scrofulosorum (also known as "Tuberculosis cutis lichenoides") is a rare tuberculid
that presents as a lichenoid eruption of minute skin-colored to reddish-brown papules,
often perifollicular and are mainly found on the abdomen, chest, back, and proximal parts of
the limbs. The eruption is usually associated with a strongly positive tuberculin reaction.
Ref: Lee's Dermatology 12th Edition, Page 592; Mycobacterial Skin Diseases By Marwali
Harahap, 1989, Page 27
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Which of the following drugs is used in generalised lichen planus?
A: Systemic steroids
C: Both Dapsone & Systemic steroids
D: Methotrexate
Correct Ans:C
A combination therapy with steroids and Dapsone gives a better result than 1 drug used alone.
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Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes
A 5 year old male child has multiple hyperprigmented macules over the trunk. On rubbing
the lesion with the rounded end of a pen, he developed urticarial wheal, confined to the
border of the lesion. The most likely diagnosis is:
A: Lichen planus
B: Fixed drug eruption
C: Urticaria pigmentosa
D: Urticarial vasculitis
Correct Ans:C
Patient is showing features of urticaria pigmentosa. It is a condition caused by an increase
in the number of dermal mast cells. Children presents with brownish dermal papules and
plaques distributed over the body. On rubbing, these plaques become urticated (Darier’s
sign). Symptoms are due to the release of histamines.
Ref: Color Handbook of Dermatology By R. Rycrof, Pages 33, 34; Field guide to clinical
dermatology By David H. Frankel, 2nd Edition, Page 59
3. A Practical Guide to Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Caring for Children By N. Ewen
Amieva-Wang, Page 135
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A 25 year old male presents with multiple erythematous annular plaques with peripheral
collarette of scales arranged predominantly over trunk. What is the most probable
A: Pityriasis versicolor
B: Pityriasis rubra pilaris
C: Pityriasis rosea
D: Pityriasis lichenoides chonica
Correct Ans:C
Pityriasis Rosea is a self limiting papulosquamous dermatoses of unknown aetiology characterised by
Herald patch, annular plaque with peripheral collarette of scales on the trunk and secondary lesions
arranged in Christmas tree/fir tree appearance. Treatment is usually symptomatic. It resolves in about
8-10 weeks.
Ref: Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and STD’s By Neena Khanna, Pages 50-51
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Wickham's striae are seen in:
A: Lichen nitidus
B: Lichenoid eruption
C: Lichen striatus
Correct Ans:D
Lichen planus is a self limiting condition in which flat topped violaceous papules are seen
on the flexor aspect of the body. Wickham's striae are white streaks seen on the lesions
especially when viewed with magnifying lens.
Ref: Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and STD’s By Neena Khanna, Page 55
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Which of the following disorders is associated with pterygium of nails?
A: Psoriasis
B: Lichen planus
C: Tinea unguium
D: Alopecia areata
Correct Ans:B
When Lichen planus affects the nails, it causes scarring of the nail bed with early nail
ridging and splitting later leading to pterygium formation. Pterygium of nail is scarring from
the base of the nail outward in a V formation, which leads to loss of nail.
Nail changes in psoriasis includes presence of irregular pits, oil spots, separation of nail
plate from its bed, thickening and crumbling of nail plate. People with alopecia areata
people have regular nail pits that form a pattern.
Ref: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition, Chapter 52; The Merck Manual
Home Health Handbook By Merck; The Landscape Makeover Book By Sara Jane Von Trapp,
Page 122.
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A young lady presents with white lacy lesions in oral cavity and her proximal nail fold has
extended onto the nail bed. What is the likely diagnosis?
A: Candidiasis
C: Geographic tongue
D: Lichen planus
Correct Ans:D
Presence of lacy lesions in the oral cavity and nails with pterygium suggests a diagnosis of
Lichen Planus in this patient.
It commonly affects young adults. The characteristic skin lesion is pruritic,plane topped,
polygonal, purplish papule covered with scanty scales. Buccal mucosa, lips and genitalia are
commonly involved. Treatment includes antihistaminics for pruritus and topical steroids for
localised lesions. Systemic steroids may be given for widespread disease after ruling out
Ref: Skin Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infection, Uday Khopkar, 6th Edition, Pages
124, 119, 58; Clinical Outline of Oral Pathology : Diagnosis and Treatment By Lewis R.
Eversole, Page 56
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All of the following have non-scarring alopcia, EXCEPT:
A: T. capitis
B: Androgenic alopecia
C: Alopecia areata
D: Lichen planus
Correct Ans:D
Lichen planus - Lichen Planus is a muco-cutaneous disease of immunological origin. It leads
to a characteristic pruritic, papular, violaceous eruption of polygonal shape and is often
covered with fine scales. Lichen planus most commonly leads to thick patchy rough, scaly
skinthat develops on the flexor surfaces of the upper extremities, around the ankles, in the
genital region genitalia, and on the mucous membranes and is itchy in nature. It causes
scarring alopecia leading permanent hair damage.
Taenia capitis - It is a fungal dermatophyte infection of the scalp and hair caused especially
by the Trichophyton and Microsporum. It causes contagious non-scarring alopecia. It
causes inflammatory lesions such as pustules, scaling and itching. The hallmark of
diagnosis is patches of hair loss with a “black-dot” pattern on examination. The clinical
diagnosis is confirmed by mycological examination.
Androgenic alopecia - It is an autosomal dominant disorder which is the most common
cause of alopecia in both men and women. It causes miniaturisation of the hair follicles
which is androgen dependent and caused by scalp dihydrotestosterone. There is a typical
shortening of the hair cycle leading to increased numbers of anagen hairs entering the
telogen phase and thus leading to premature hair fall. It leads to scarring alopecia.
Alopecia areata - It is a inflammatory non-scarring alopecia of auto-immune origin. There is
a inappropriate immune response due to the hair follicle associated antigens. The patient
presents with well - demarcated patches of reversible hair loss. Histologically there is a
typical peribulbar lymphocyte infiltration. The disturbance of hair shaft growth leads to
characteristic exclamation point hairs which is the hallmark for diagnosis.
Ref: Textbook of Cosmetic Dermatology By Robert Baran, 3rd Edition, Page 561; The Manual
of Dermatology By Jennifer A. Cafardi, Page 15-64; Aging Hair By Ralph M. Trüeb, Desmond
J. Tobin, Pages 201-202; Evidence-Based Dermatology By Hywel Williams, Pages 386-387
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Peripheral 'Collarette of scales' is a feature of:
A: P. rosea
B: P.veriscolor
C: Lichen planus
D: Pityriasis rubra pilaris
Correct Ans:A
Clinical features of Pityriasis rosea is the rash which consists of circular or oval pink macules with a
‘collarette of scale’ and is more prominent on the trunk than on the limbs.
Ref: Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine by Parveen June Kumar, Michael L. Clark, Elsevier Saunders,
2005, Page 1335; Thieme Clinical Companions Dermatology By Wolfram Sterry, Walter Burgdorf, Ralf
Paus, 2006, Pages 279-280
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Itching associated with linear IgA deposition in dermal papillae is a feature of:
A: Bullous disease of childhood
Lichenoid bullous
C: Dermatitis herpetiformis
D: Pemphigus vulgaris
Correct Ans:C
The cutaneous lesions of Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) in childhood resemble those in adult and are
severely pruritic papulovesicles. DH is associated with granular deposition of IgA antibody within the
dermal papillae.
Ref: Cambridge Textbook of Accident and Emergency Medicine edited by David V. Skinner, Andrew
Swain, Colin Robertson, J. W. Rodney Peyton, 1997, Page 1051
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A young male presented with scaly truncal lesions. O/E genital lesions along with oral 'lace-
like' lesions are seen. The most likely diagnosis is:
A: Lichen planus
C: Secondary syphilis
D: Behcet's disease
Correct Ans:A
In oral lichen planus, the characteristic lesions are white striae or papules forming a reticular lace like
pattern on the buccal mucosa or lateral margins of the tongue, often with a bilaterally symmetrical
Ref: Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine edited by M.S. John Pathy, Alan J. Sinclair, John E.
Morley, 2006, Page 265
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Scenario: Maliya was diagnosed with Lichen Planus after suffering with flat topped
polygonal papules which retains the skin lines.
Assertion: Wickham’s striae are white lines which traverse the surface of the papules.
Reason: A focal decrease in thickness of the granular layer and infiltrate corresponds to the presence
of Wickham’s striae.
A: Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is not the
correct explanation for Assertion
C: Assertion is true, but Reason is false
D: Assertion is false, but Reason is true
Correct Ans:C
LP is characterized by shiny, violaceous, flat-topped polygonal papules which retain the
skin lines. Wickham’s striae are white lines which traverse the surface of the papules. A
focal increase in thickness of the granular layer and infiltrate corresponds to the presence
of Wickham’s striae.
Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology, 8th Edition
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Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes
All of the following conditions are a differential diagnosis for Koebner Phenomenon,
A: Lichen planus
C: Pyoderma gangrenosum
D: Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Correct Ans:C
Heinrich Koebner in the late nineteenth century, first described the Koebner phenomenon in
patients with Psoiriasis. It refers to the development of skin lesions after minor traumatic
insult. Koebnerization involves the development of lesions characteristic to an underlying
Koebner phenomenon occurs in 25% of patients with psoriasis, often resulting from mild
trauma such as a sunburn or scratch.
Lichen planus, vitiligo, and leukocytoclastic vasculitis also demonstrate the Koebner
Note: The lesions that appear after a trauma in Pyoderma gangrenosum are Pathergy, not
Ref: Tan J.K., Vleugels R.A. (2012). Chapter 147. Dermatologic Findings in Systemic
Disease. In S.C. McKean, J.J. Ross, D.D. Dressler, D.J. Brotman, J.S. Ginsberg (Eds),
Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine.
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Which of the following skin conditions is treated with PUVA therapy?
A: Psoriasis
B: Tinea versicolor
C: Lichen planus
D: Porphyria cutanea tarda
Correct Ans:A
PUVA is used to treat extensive psoriasis and psoriasis that has not responded to other
therapies. PUVA stands for psoralens plus UVA. Psoralens are used orally followed by
exposure of lesions to measured amount of a type of ultraviolet light-UVA.
Short term side effects of PUVA therapy include tanning, pruritus, nausea, headache and
dizziness. Long term side effects include cataracts, lentigines, photoaging, squamous cell
carcinoma and melanoma.
Ref: Step by Step® Psoriasis Management By Khanna Neena, page 283. Manual of
Dermatologic Therapeutics By Kenneth A. Arndt page 262.
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A woman presents to a dermatologist because she has lost almost all the hair on her body,
including scalp hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpit and groin hair, and the fine hairs on her
body and extremities. She most likely has a variant of which of the following?
A: Alopecia areata
B: Androgenic alopecia
C: Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus
D: Lichen planopilaris
Correct Ans:A
Alopecia areata is caused by an autoimmune attack on hair follicles. It has a wide range of
clinical severity, with most cases involving a localized patch of hair (which regrows within 1
year in half of the patients). The hair that does regrow may be gray or depigmented. More
severe cases can involve the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or, as in this patient, the entire
body surface (alopecia universalis). These more severe cases are less likely to resolve
adequately. Treatment of alopecia areata is often unsuccessful, but topical steroids are
typically tried.
Androgenic alopecia is common male pattern baldness.
Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus can produce localized baldness. Lichen
planopilaris can produce localized baldness.
Ref: Landthaler M., Bäumler W., Hohenleutner U. (2012). Chapter 239. Lasers and
Flashlamps in Dermatology. In K. Wolff (Ed), Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine,
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A patient presents with scarring Alopecia, thinned nails, hypopigmented macular lesions
over trunk and oral mucosa. The diagnosis is :
A: Psoriasis
C: Lichen planus
D: Pemphigus
Correct Ans:C
Lichen planus (LP) is a papulosquamous disorder that may affect the skin, scalp, nails, and
mucous membranes. The primary cutaneous lesions are pruritic, polygonal, flat-topped,
violaceous papules. Close examination of the surface of these papules often reveals a
network of gray lines (Wickham's striae). The skin lesions may occur anywhere but have a
predilection for the wrists, shins, lower back, and genitalia. Involvement of the scalp, lichen
planopilaris, may lead to scarring alopecia, and nail involvement may lead to permanent
deformity or loss of fingernails and toenails. LP commonly involves mucous membranes,
particularly the buccal mucosa, where it can present a spectrum of disease from a mild,
white, reticulate eruption of the mucosa, to a severe, erosive stomatitis. Erosive stomatitis
may persist for years and may be linked to an increased risk of oral squamous cell
Ref: Harrison's Internal Medicine;Part 2. Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of
Diseases ;Section 9. Alterations in the Skin ;Chapter 53. Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous
Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin Disorders-Eczema and Dermatitis
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Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes
A patient presents with scarring Alopecia, thinned nails, hypopigmented macular lesions
over trunk and oral mucosa. The diagnosis is:
A: Psoriasis
C: Lichen planus
D: Pemphigus
Correct Ans:C
Lichen planus (LP) is a papulosquamous disorder that may affect the skin, scalp, nails, and
mucous membranes. The primary cutaneous lesions are pruritic, polygonal, flat-topped,
violaceous papules. Close examination of the surface of these papules often reveals a
network of gray lines (Wickham's striae). The skin lesions may occur anywhere but have a
predilection for the wrists, shins, lower back, and genitalia. Involvement of the scalp, lichen
planopilaris, may lead to scarring alopecia, and nail involvement may lead to permanent
deformity or loss of fingernails and toenails. LP commonly involves mucous membranes,
particularly the buccal mucosa, where it can present a spectrum of disease from a mild,
white, reticulate eruption of the mucosa, to a severe, erosive stomatitis. Erosive stomatitis
may persist for years and may be linked to an increased risk of oral squamous cell
Ref: Harrison's Internal Medicine;Part 2. Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of
Diseases ;Section 9. Alterations in the Skin ;Chapter 53. Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous
Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin Disorders-Eczema and Dermatitis.
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Photochemotherapy is useful in :
A: Pityriasis rosea
C: Lichen planus
D: Ichthyosis vulgaris
Correct Ans:B
Photochemotherapy is useful in Psoriasis.Phototherapy and photochemotherapy are
treatment methods in which UV or visible radiation is used to induce a therapeutic response
either alone or in the presence of a photosensitizing drug. Orally administered 8-
methoxypsoralen followed by UVA (PUVA) is FDA approved for the treatment of vitiligo and
Ref :Burkhart C., Morrell D., Goldsmith L. (2011). Chapter 65. Dermatological
Pharmacology. In B.C. Knollmann (Ed), Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics, 12e.
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All are SLE associated rashes, EXCEPT:
A: Recurring urticaria
B: Lichen planus–like dermatitis
C: Llupus profundus
D: Lichen plannus pigmentosus
Correct Ans:D
Lupus dermatitis can be classified as
1. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE),
2. Systemic rash
3. Subacutecutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE)
Discoid skin lesions
Circular with slightly raised, scaly hyperpigmented erythematous rims and depigmented
with atrophic centers.
Disfiguring, particularly on the face and scalp.
Treatment -topical or locally injected glucocorticoids and systemic antimalarials.
The most common SLE rash is a photosensitive, slightly raised erythema, scaly, on the face,
ears, chin, V region of the neck and chest, upper back, and extensor surfaces of the arms.
Other SLE rashes are:
Recurring urticaria,
Lichen planus–like dermatitis
Llupus profundus
Ref: Harrison, E-18, P-2734.
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All are causes which predisposes to S.aureus infection, EXCEPT:
A: Eczema
B: Insect bite
C: Lichen planus
D: Injections especially insulin
Correct Ans:C
S. aureus Skin infections:
Factors predisposing to S. aureus cutaneous infection include chronic skin conditions
 Eczema
 Skin damage e.g., insect bites, minor trauma
 Injections (e.g., in diabetes, injection drug use)
 Poor personal hygiene.
Folliculitis is a superficial infection involving the hair follicle, with a central area of
purulence surrounded by induration and erythema.
Furuncles are extensive, painful lesions that tend to occur in hairy, moist regions of the
body to become a true abscess with an area of central purulence.
Carbuncles are often located in the lower neck and are more severe and painful, resulting
from the coalescence of other lesions that extend to a deeper layer of the subcutaneous
Mastitis develops in 1–3% of nursing mothers. It generally presents within 2–3 weeks after
delivery, It range from cellulitis to abscess formation.
Other cutaneous S. aureus infections are impetigo, cellulitis, and hidradenitis suppurativa .
Ref: Harrison, Edition-18, Page-1163.
Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year
Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes

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Previous year question on lichen planus based on neet pg, usmle, plab and fmge or mci screening exams

  • 1. A 5 year old male child has multiple hyperprigmented macules over the trunk. On rubbing the lesion with the rounded end of a pen, he developed urticarial wheal, confined to the border of the lesion. The most likely diagnosis is: A: Lichen planus B: Fixed drug eruption C: Urticaria pigmentosa D: Urticarial vasculitis Correct Ans:C Explanation Patient is showing features of urticaria pigmentosa. It is a condition caused by an increase in the number of dermal mast cells. Children presents with brownish dermal papules and plaques distributed over the body. On rubbing, these plaques become urticated (Darier’s sign). Symptoms are due to the release of histamines. Ref: Color Handbook of Dermatology By R. Rycrof, Pages 33, 34; Field guide to clinical dermatology By David H. Frankel, 2nd Edition, Page 59 3. A Practical Guide to Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Caring for Children By N. Ewen Amieva-Wang, Page 135 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Pseudo-isomorphic phenomenon is seen in: A: Psoriasis B: Lichen planus C: Vitiligo D: Plane warts Correct Ans:D Explanation Pseudo-isomorphic phenomenon is seen in infections like plane warts, molluscum contagiosum and eczematous lesions. Whereas, psoriasis, lichen planus and vitiligo are all associated with Isomorphic phenomenon instead, and not with pseudoisomorphic phenomenon. Ref: Pocket atlas of dermatology, By Gerd Klaus Steigleder, Howard I. Maibach, Page 171.
  • 2. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Which of the following is a secondary cutaneous diseases? A: Ichthyosis B: Psoriasi s C: Lichen planus D: Reiter's disease Correct Ans:D Explanation The skin involvement is secondary in Reiter’s disease which is primarily characterised by arthritis, urethritis and uveitis. While psoriasis, lichen planus and icthyosis exhibit dermatological manifestations as their primary clinical features. Ref: Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition, Page 2174; Inherited Metabolic Diseases: A Clinical Approach By Georg F. Hoffmann, Johannes Zschocke, William L. Nyhan, Pages 204-205; Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: An Integrated Approach By Kenneth B. Gordon, Eric M. Ruderman, Pages 23-26, 67-72 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Physical examination on a 65-year-old man with mild congestive heart failure reveals varicose veins, ankle edema, and inflammation of much of the skin near the ankles of both legs. The affected skin exhibits edema, erythema, mild scaling, and brown discoloration. The edges of skin involvement are poorly defined. On one ankle, a one centimeter diameter ulcerated area is seen within the erythematous area. The patient says that his leg lesions look much worse than they feel. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A: Atopic dermatitis B: Lichen simplex chronicus C: Stasis dermatitis D: Seborrheic dermatitis Correct Ans:C Explanation
  • 3. This is stasis dermatitis, which is a common complication of chronic lower leg edema, typically due to either congestive heart failure, venous incompetence, or both. The condition may be neglected by both the patient and the physician because of its relative lack of symptoms. However, it should be taken seriously because once skin breakdown occurs, the resulting ulcer may be very difficult to treat successfully. Helpful measures in the treatment of stasis dermatitis include elevating the ankles above the heart, properly fitted support hose, and tap water compresses. Ulcers are treated with compresses and bland dressings. Oral antibiotics are used when an ulcer becomes infected. Atopic dermatitis is an itchy inflammation of the skin that appears to have an allergic basis. Lichen simplex chronicus can also involve the ankles, but the lesion is very itchy, tends to be relatively localized, and is not typically accompanied by ankle edema. Seborrheic dermatitis causes diffuse scaling (dandruff) of the scalp. Ref: Suurmond D. (2009). Section 16. Skin Signs of Vascular Insufficiency. In D. Suurmond (Ed), Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology , 6e. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Koebner's phenomenon is seen in all of the following conditions, EXCEPT: A: Lichen planus B: Ichthyosi s C: Psoriasis D: Pemphigus Correct Ans:B Explanation Koebner’s phenomenon refers to development of morphologically identical lesions in the traumatized uninvolved skin of the patients who have cutaneous diseases. It is also known as isomorphic phenomenon. Conditions associated with Koebner’s phenomenon are:  Warts  Molluscum contagiosum  Autoimmune (vitiligo)  Psoriasis  Pemphigus  Lichen planus Ref: An Aid to the MRCP: Essential Lists, Facts and Mnemonics By Nicholas Boeckx, page 184.
  • 4. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Which of the following condition is associated with the development of photosensitive rash? A: Acute intermittent porphyria B: Erythropoietic protoporphyria C: Leprosy D: Lichen planus Correct Ans:B Explanation Erythropoietic porphyria is the most common childhood porphyria. Children with this condition after brief sun exposure presents with acute discomfort, burning sensation, and red painful photosensitive rash. This is an autosomal dominant condition resulting in reduced ferrochelatase activity in peripheral blood, liver, bone marrow and skin. Acute intermittent porphyria is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by deficiency of porphobilinogen deaminase. Patients often presents with abdominal pain, anorexia, vomiting and constipation 70% of patients develops polyneuropathy and is more often motor than sensory. Ref: Medicine and Surgery: An integrated textbook With STUDENT CONSULT online access By Eric KS Lim Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A 36-year-old factory worker developed itchy, annular scaly plaques in both groins. Application of a corticosteroid ointment led to temporary relief but the plaques continued to extend at the periphery. The most likely diagnosis is: A: Erythema annulare centrifugum B: Granuloma annulare C: Annular lichen planus D: Tinea cruris Correct Ans:D Explanation Tinea cruris is dermatophytic infection of groin. Presence of bilateral annular scaly plaques in the groin, itching and unresponsiveness to steroids and peripheral extension leads to
  • 5. diagnosis of Tinea cruris. Ref: Anthony Du Vivier, Phillip H. McKee, Chapter 15, “Superficial Fungal Infections”, In the book, “Atlas of Clinical Dermatology”, Elsivier Publication, 2002, 3rd Edition, Spain, Page 320 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A 30 year old male presents with a creamy white patch on the tongue. The most probable diagnosis is: A: Candidiasis B: Histoplasmosis C: Lichen Planus D: Aspergillosis Correct Ans:A Explanation Candidal stomatitis or oral thrush is the presence of a curdy white pseudomembrane on the buccal, labial, tongue, gingival or palatal mucosa in otherwise healthy individuals. Ref: Skin Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infection, Uday Khopkar, 6th Eidition, Page 61; Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition, Page 183, 188. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Which of the following is a Tuberculid infection that is characterized by involvement of the sweat glands and hair follicles by causing non caseating epitheloid granulomas? A: Lupus Vulgaris B: Papulonecrotic Type C: Miliary Tuberculosis D: Lichen Scrofulosorum Correct Ans:D Explanation
  • 6. In the above given condition, the presence of non-caseating epethelioid granulomas which are localized around the hair follicles and sweat ducts, definitely points the diagnosis towards “Lichen Scrofulosorum”. Lichen Scrofulosorum is the most common form of tuberculid infection. Papulonecrotic tuberculid infection often presents with central necrosis but are not typically localized to the hair follicles and sweat ducts. Miliary tuberculosis and Lupus vulgaris are not Tuberculid infections. Ref: Skin Pathology By Weedon and Strutton, 2nd Edition, Page 627; Mycobacterial Skin Diseases By Harahap, 1989, Pages 26-27; Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine By Néstor P. Sánchez, 1st Edition, Pages 23-26 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes The lichenoid eruption known as 'Tuberculids' are seen in which of the skin conditions? A: Lupus vulgaris B: Scrofuloderm a C: Lichen scrofulosorum D: Tuberculosis Cutis Orificialis Correct Ans:C Explanation Lichen scrofulosorum (also known as "Tuberculosis cutis lichenoides") is a rare tuberculid that presents as a lichenoid eruption of minute skin-colored to reddish-brown papules, often perifollicular and are mainly found on the abdomen, chest, back, and proximal parts of the limbs. The eruption is usually associated with a strongly positive tuberculin reaction. Ref: Lee's Dermatology 12th Edition, Page 592; Mycobacterial Skin Diseases By Marwali Harahap, 1989, Page 27 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Which of the following drugs is used in generalised lichen planus? A: Systemic steroids B: Dapson e C: Both Dapsone & Systemic steroids
  • 7. D: Methotrexate Correct Ans:C Explanation A combination therapy with steroids and Dapsone gives a better result than 1 drug used alone. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A 5 year old male child has multiple hyperprigmented macules over the trunk. On rubbing the lesion with the rounded end of a pen, he developed urticarial wheal, confined to the border of the lesion. The most likely diagnosis is: A: Lichen planus B: Fixed drug eruption C: Urticaria pigmentosa D: Urticarial vasculitis Correct Ans:C Explanation Patient is showing features of urticaria pigmentosa. It is a condition caused by an increase in the number of dermal mast cells. Children presents with brownish dermal papules and plaques distributed over the body. On rubbing, these plaques become urticated (Darier’s sign). Symptoms are due to the release of histamines. Ref: Color Handbook of Dermatology By R. Rycrof, Pages 33, 34; Field guide to clinical dermatology By David H. Frankel, 2nd Edition, Page 59 3. A Practical Guide to Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Caring for Children By N. Ewen Amieva-Wang, Page 135 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A 25 year old male presents with multiple erythematous annular plaques with peripheral collarette of scales arranged predominantly over trunk. What is the most probable diagnosis? A: Pityriasis versicolor B: Pityriasis rubra pilaris
  • 8. C: Pityriasis rosea D: Pityriasis lichenoides chonica Correct Ans:C Explanation Pityriasis Rosea is a self limiting papulosquamous dermatoses of unknown aetiology characterised by Herald patch, annular plaque with peripheral collarette of scales on the trunk and secondary lesions arranged in Christmas tree/fir tree appearance. Treatment is usually symptomatic. It resolves in about 8-10 weeks. Ref: Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and STD’s By Neena Khanna, Pages 50-51 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Wickham's striae are seen in: A: Lichen nitidus B: Lichenoid eruption C: Lichen striatus D: Lichen planus Correct Ans:D Explanation Lichen planus is a self limiting condition in which flat topped violaceous papules are seen on the flexor aspect of the body. Wickham's striae are white streaks seen on the lesions especially when viewed with magnifying lens. Ref: Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and STD’s By Neena Khanna, Page 55 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Which of the following disorders is associated with pterygium of nails? A: Psoriasis
  • 9. B: Lichen planus C: Tinea unguium D: Alopecia areata Correct Ans:B Explanation When Lichen planus affects the nails, it causes scarring of the nail bed with early nail ridging and splitting later leading to pterygium formation. Pterygium of nail is scarring from the base of the nail outward in a V formation, which leads to loss of nail. Nail changes in psoriasis includes presence of irregular pits, oil spots, separation of nail plate from its bed, thickening and crumbling of nail plate. People with alopecia areata people have regular nail pits that form a pattern. Ref: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition, Chapter 52; The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook By Merck; The Landscape Makeover Book By Sara Jane Von Trapp, Page 122. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A young lady presents with white lacy lesions in oral cavity and her proximal nail fold has extended onto the nail bed. What is the likely diagnosis? A: Candidiasis B: Psoriasi s C: Geographic tongue D: Lichen planus Correct Ans:D Explanation Presence of lacy lesions in the oral cavity and nails with pterygium suggests a diagnosis of Lichen Planus in this patient. It commonly affects young adults. The characteristic skin lesion is pruritic,plane topped, polygonal, purplish papule covered with scanty scales. Buccal mucosa, lips and genitalia are commonly involved. Treatment includes antihistaminics for pruritus and topical steroids for localised lesions. Systemic steroids may be given for widespread disease after ruling out contraindications. Ref: Skin Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infection, Uday Khopkar, 6th Edition, Pages 124, 119, 58; Clinical Outline of Oral Pathology : Diagnosis and Treatment By Lewis R. Eversole, Page 56
  • 10. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes All of the following have non-scarring alopcia, EXCEPT: A: T. capitis B: Androgenic alopecia C: Alopecia areata D: Lichen planus Correct Ans:D Explanation Lichen planus - Lichen Planus is a muco-cutaneous disease of immunological origin. It leads to a characteristic pruritic, papular, violaceous eruption of polygonal shape and is often covered with fine scales. Lichen planus most commonly leads to thick patchy rough, scaly skinthat develops on the flexor surfaces of the upper extremities, around the ankles, in the genital region genitalia, and on the mucous membranes and is itchy in nature. It causes scarring alopecia leading permanent hair damage. Taenia capitis - It is a fungal dermatophyte infection of the scalp and hair caused especially by the Trichophyton and Microsporum. It causes contagious non-scarring alopecia. It causes inflammatory lesions such as pustules, scaling and itching. The hallmark of diagnosis is patches of hair loss with a “black-dot” pattern on examination. The clinical diagnosis is confirmed by mycological examination. Androgenic alopecia - It is an autosomal dominant disorder which is the most common cause of alopecia in both men and women. It causes miniaturisation of the hair follicles which is androgen dependent and caused by scalp dihydrotestosterone. There is a typical shortening of the hair cycle leading to increased numbers of anagen hairs entering the telogen phase and thus leading to premature hair fall. It leads to scarring alopecia. Alopecia areata - It is a inflammatory non-scarring alopecia of auto-immune origin. There is a inappropriate immune response due to the hair follicle associated antigens. The patient presents with well - demarcated patches of reversible hair loss. Histologically there is a typical peribulbar lymphocyte infiltration. The disturbance of hair shaft growth leads to characteristic exclamation point hairs which is the hallmark for diagnosis. Ref: Textbook of Cosmetic Dermatology By Robert Baran, 3rd Edition, Page 561; The Manual of Dermatology By Jennifer A. Cafardi, Page 15-64; Aging Hair By Ralph M. Trüeb, Desmond J. Tobin, Pages 201-202; Evidence-Based Dermatology By Hywel Williams, Pages 386-387 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes
  • 11. Peripheral 'Collarette of scales' is a feature of: A: P. rosea B: P.veriscolor C: Lichen planus D: Pityriasis rubra pilaris Correct Ans:A Explanation Clinical features of Pityriasis rosea is the rash which consists of circular or oval pink macules with a ‘collarette of scale’ and is more prominent on the trunk than on the limbs. Ref: Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine by Parveen June Kumar, Michael L. Clark, Elsevier Saunders, 2005, Page 1335; Thieme Clinical Companions Dermatology By Wolfram Sterry, Walter Burgdorf, Ralf Paus, 2006, Pages 279-280 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Itching associated with linear IgA deposition in dermal papillae is a feature of: A: Bullous disease of childhood B: Lichenoid bullous disease C: Dermatitis herpetiformis D: Pemphigus vulgaris Correct Ans:C Explanation The cutaneous lesions of Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) in childhood resemble those in adult and are severely pruritic papulovesicles. DH is associated with granular deposition of IgA antibody within the dermal papillae. Ref: Cambridge Textbook of Accident and Emergency Medicine edited by David V. Skinner, Andrew Swain, Colin Robertson, J. W. Rodney Peyton, 1997, Page 1051 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes
  • 12. A young male presented with scaly truncal lesions. O/E genital lesions along with oral 'lace- like' lesions are seen. The most likely diagnosis is: A: Lichen planus B: Psoriasi s C: Secondary syphilis D: Behcet's disease Correct Ans:A Explanation In oral lichen planus, the characteristic lesions are white striae or papules forming a reticular lace like pattern on the buccal mucosa or lateral margins of the tongue, often with a bilaterally symmetrical distribution. Ref: Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine edited by M.S. John Pathy, Alan J. Sinclair, John E. Morley, 2006, Page 265 Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Scenario: Maliya was diagnosed with Lichen Planus after suffering with flat topped polygonal papules which retains the skin lines. Assertion: Wickham’s striae are white lines which traverse the surface of the papules. Reason: A focal decrease in thickness of the granular layer and infiltrate corresponds to the presence of Wickham’s striae. A: Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion B: Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion C: Assertion is true, but Reason is false D: Assertion is false, but Reason is true Correct Ans:C Explanation LP is characterized by shiny, violaceous, flat-topped polygonal papules which retain the skin lines. Wickham’s striae are white lines which traverse the surface of the papules. A focal increase in thickness of the granular layer and infiltrate corresponds to the presence of Wickham’s striae.
  • 13. Reference: Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology, 8th Edition Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes All of the following conditions are a differential diagnosis for Koebner Phenomenon, EXCEPT: A: Lichen planus B: Vitilig o C: Pyoderma gangrenosum D: Leukocytoclastic vasculitis Correct Ans:C Explanation Heinrich Koebner in the late nineteenth century, first described the Koebner phenomenon in patients with Psoiriasis. It refers to the development of skin lesions after minor traumatic insult. Koebnerization involves the development of lesions characteristic to an underlying disorder. Koebner phenomenon occurs in 25% of patients with psoriasis, often resulting from mild trauma such as a sunburn or scratch. Lichen planus, vitiligo, and leukocytoclastic vasculitis also demonstrate the Koebner phenomenon. Note: The lesions that appear after a trauma in Pyoderma gangrenosum are Pathergy, not Koebner. Ref: Tan J.K., Vleugels R.A. (2012). Chapter 147. Dermatologic Findings in Systemic Disease. In S.C. McKean, J.J. Ross, D.D. Dressler, D.J. Brotman, J.S. Ginsberg (Eds), Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes
  • 14. Which of the following skin conditions is treated with PUVA therapy? A: Psoriasis B: Tinea versicolor C: Lichen planus D: Porphyria cutanea tarda Correct Ans:A Explanation PUVA is used to treat extensive psoriasis and psoriasis that has not responded to other therapies. PUVA stands for psoralens plus UVA. Psoralens are used orally followed by exposure of lesions to measured amount of a type of ultraviolet light-UVA. Short term side effects of PUVA therapy include tanning, pruritus, nausea, headache and dizziness. Long term side effects include cataracts, lentigines, photoaging, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Ref: Step by Step® Psoriasis Management By Khanna Neena, page 283. Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics By Kenneth A. Arndt page 262. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A woman presents to a dermatologist because she has lost almost all the hair on her body, including scalp hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpit and groin hair, and the fine hairs on her body and extremities. She most likely has a variant of which of the following? A: Alopecia areata B: Androgenic alopecia C: Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus D: Lichen planopilaris Correct Ans:A Explanation Alopecia areata is caused by an autoimmune attack on hair follicles. It has a wide range of clinical severity, with most cases involving a localized patch of hair (which regrows within 1 year in half of the patients). The hair that does regrow may be gray or depigmented. More severe cases can involve the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or, as in this patient, the entire body surface (alopecia universalis). These more severe cases are less likely to resolve adequately. Treatment of alopecia areata is often unsuccessful, but topical steroids are typically tried. Androgenic alopecia is common male pattern baldness.
  • 15. Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus can produce localized baldness. Lichen planopilaris can produce localized baldness. Ref: Landthaler M., Bäumler W., Hohenleutner U. (2012). Chapter 239. Lasers and Flashlamps in Dermatology. In K. Wolff (Ed), Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 8e. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A patient presents with scarring Alopecia, thinned nails, hypopigmented macular lesions over trunk and oral mucosa. The diagnosis is : A: Psoriasis B: Lepros y C: Lichen planus D: Pemphigus Correct Ans:C Explanation Lichen planus (LP) is a papulosquamous disorder that may affect the skin, scalp, nails, and mucous membranes. The primary cutaneous lesions are pruritic, polygonal, flat-topped, violaceous papules. Close examination of the surface of these papules often reveals a network of gray lines (Wickham's striae). The skin lesions may occur anywhere but have a predilection for the wrists, shins, lower back, and genitalia. Involvement of the scalp, lichen planopilaris, may lead to scarring alopecia, and nail involvement may lead to permanent deformity or loss of fingernails and toenails. LP commonly involves mucous membranes, particularly the buccal mucosa, where it can present a spectrum of disease from a mild, white, reticulate eruption of the mucosa, to a severe, erosive stomatitis. Erosive stomatitis may persist for years and may be linked to an increased risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Ref: Harrison's Internal Medicine;Part 2. Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases ;Section 9. Alterations in the Skin ;Chapter 53. Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin Disorders-Eczema and Dermatitis Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes A patient presents with scarring Alopecia, thinned nails, hypopigmented macular lesions over trunk and oral mucosa. The diagnosis is:
  • 16. A: Psoriasis B: Lepros y C: Lichen planus D: Pemphigus Correct Ans:C Explanation Lichen planus (LP) is a papulosquamous disorder that may affect the skin, scalp, nails, and mucous membranes. The primary cutaneous lesions are pruritic, polygonal, flat-topped, violaceous papules. Close examination of the surface of these papules often reveals a network of gray lines (Wickham's striae). The skin lesions may occur anywhere but have a predilection for the wrists, shins, lower back, and genitalia. Involvement of the scalp, lichen planopilaris, may lead to scarring alopecia, and nail involvement may lead to permanent deformity or loss of fingernails and toenails. LP commonly involves mucous membranes, particularly the buccal mucosa, where it can present a spectrum of disease from a mild, white, reticulate eruption of the mucosa, to a severe, erosive stomatitis. Erosive stomatitis may persist for years and may be linked to an increased risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Ref: Harrison's Internal Medicine;Part 2. Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases ;Section 9. Alterations in the Skin ;Chapter 53. Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin Disorders-Eczema and Dermatitis. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes Photochemotherapy is useful in : A: Pityriasis rosea B: Psoriasi s C: Lichen planus D: Ichthyosis vulgaris Correct Ans:B Explanation Photochemotherapy is useful in Psoriasis.Phototherapy and photochemotherapy are treatment methods in which UV or visible radiation is used to induce a therapeutic response either alone or in the presence of a photosensitizing drug. Orally administered 8- methoxypsoralen followed by UVA (PUVA) is FDA approved for the treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis.
  • 17. Ref :Burkhart C., Morrell D., Goldsmith L. (2011). Chapter 65. Dermatological Pharmacology. In B.C. Knollmann (Ed), Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12e. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes All are SLE associated rashes, EXCEPT: A: Recurring urticaria B: Lichen planus–like dermatitis C: Llupus profundus D: Lichen plannus pigmentosus Correct Ans:D Explanation Lupus dermatitis can be classified as 1. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), 2. Systemic rash 3. Subacutecutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) Discoid skin lesions Circular with slightly raised, scaly hyperpigmented erythematous rims and depigmented with atrophic centers. Disfiguring, particularly on the face and scalp. Treatment -topical or locally injected glucocorticoids and systemic antimalarials. The most common SLE rash is a photosensitive, slightly raised erythema, scaly, on the face, ears, chin, V region of the neck and chest, upper back, and extensor surfaces of the arms. Other SLE rashes are: Recurring urticaria, Lichen planus–like dermatitis Bullae Llupus profundus Ref: Harrison, E-18, P-2734. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes All are causes which predisposes to S.aureus infection, EXCEPT:
  • 18. A: Eczema B: Insect bite C: Lichen planus D: Injections especially insulin Correct Ans:C Explanation S. aureus Skin infections: Factors predisposing to S. aureus cutaneous infection include chronic skin conditions  Eczema  Skin damage e.g., insect bites, minor trauma  Injections (e.g., in diabetes, injection drug use)  Poor personal hygiene. MUST KNOW: Folliculitis is a superficial infection involving the hair follicle, with a central area of purulence surrounded by induration and erythema. Furuncles are extensive, painful lesions that tend to occur in hairy, moist regions of the body to become a true abscess with an area of central purulence. Carbuncles are often located in the lower neck and are more severe and painful, resulting from the coalescence of other lesions that extend to a deeper layer of the subcutaneous tissue. Mastitis develops in 1–3% of nursing mothers. It generally presents within 2–3 weeks after delivery, It range from cellulitis to abscess formation. ALSO KNOW: Other cutaneous S. aureus infections are impetigo, cellulitis, and hidradenitis suppurativa . Ref: Harrison, Edition-18, Page-1163. Sample Previous Year Question on Lichen Planus based on previous Year Questions of NEET PG, USMLE,PLAB,FMGE (MCI Screening). Please visit for more such Quizzes