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Which of the following hereditary skin disorders is associated with the RAS-ERK-MAPK
pathway? Show Explanation
A. Costello syndrome
B. Rothmund-Thompson Syndrome
C. Carney complex
D. Tuberous Sclerosis
E. Griscelli syndrome
Correct Answer: A
Premature aging seen in Cockayne�s syndrome is caused by a mutation in which gene? Show
A. Transglutaminase
B. ATM gene
C. Patched gene
D. NEMO gene
E. DNA helicase gene
Correct Answer: E
A skin biopsy shows numerous fibroblasts with fibrosis and thickening of the dermis. There is sparse
mucin deposition and on low power the biopsy appears square. Which of the following paraproteins
would you expect to find in this patient? Show Explanation
A. IgG lambda
B. IgA
C. IgM
D. IgG kappa
E. IgA gamma
Correct Answer: A
Patients that have been diagnosed with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia have the hair findings of: Show
A. Longitudinal groove on electron microscopy
B. Trichorrhexis nodosum
C. Monilethrix
D. Beaded hair
E. Pili trianguli et canaliculi
Correct Answer: A
Endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended for which Show Explanation
A. Rheumatic heart disease
B. Atrial septal defects
C. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
D. Mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation
E. Previous bacterial endocarditis
Correct Answer: E
The ‘snap test’ is performed prior to surgery at which anatomic location? Show Explanation
A. Hand
B. Ear
C. Mouth
D. Eyelid
E. Neck
Correct Answer: D
The most common location of Merkel cell carcinoma is: Show Explanation
A. Digits
B. Trunk
C. Genitalia
D. Extremities
E. Head and neck
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following is not a hallmark of allergic contact dermatitis? Show Explanation
A. Eosinophils
B. CD4+ Lymphocytes
C. Langerhans cells
D. Neutrophils
E. Vesicles
Correct Answer: D
The classical complement pathway: Show Explanation
A. Can be activated in the absence of antibody
B. Can be activated by IgG4
C. Can be activated by IgM
D. Includes C3 and factor B
E. Does not cause membrane damage
Correct Answer: C
A 16 month-old girl presents with patchy alopecia, whorled erythematous scaly eruption, and asymmetric
limb shortening. What laboratory or radiologic test may aid in diagnosis? Show Explanation
A. Brain MRI
B. Alkaline phosphatase
C. Chest radiograph
D. Bone films
E. Complete blood count
Correct Answer: D
A patient is being treated by a dermatologist. Yellowish changes of his sclera and yellowish discoloration
of his dorsal hands and feet is noted. Which medication is most likely responsible? Show Explanation
A. Quinacrine
B. Minocycline
C. Hydroxychloroquine
D. Terbinafine
E. Prednisone
Correct Answer: A
A Z-plasty is performed to: Show Explanation
A. Decrease tension on a wound
B. Obtain wound eversion
C. Shorten the length of an excision
D. Correct dog-ears
E. Make use of excess tissue
Correct Answer: A
Imiquimod has proven beneficial in the treatment of all of the following lesions except: Show
A. Erythroplasia of Queyrat
B. Superficial basal cell carcinoma
C. Actinic keratoses
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. Extramammary Paget’s disease
Correct Answer: D
All of the following statements regarding Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome are true EXCEPT: Show
A. Associated tumors include medulloblastoma
B. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner
C. Hypertelorism is a feature
D. The affected gene is mutated in 30-40% of sporadic basal cell carcinomas
E. All of these answers are correct
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following medications used in dermatology is known to increase the risk for bone
fractures? Show Explanation
A. Dapsone
B. Isotretinoin
C. Acitretin
D. Prednisone
E. Doxycycline
Correct Answer: D
This HPV strain is responsible for Bushke-Lowenstein tumor and also for anogenital warts: Show
A. HPV 6, 11
B. HPV 1
C. HPV 2, 4
D. HPV 3, 10
E. HPV 7
Correct Answer: A
The nasolabial two stage flap uses depends on which artery for flap survival:Show Explanation
A. Supratrochlear artery
B. Superior labial artery
C. Angular artery
D. Lateral Nasal artery
E. Inferior labial artery
Correct Answer: C
The etiologic agent responsible for White Piedra is: Show Explanation
A. Candida albicans
B. Pityrosporum obiculare
C. Corynebacterium tenuis
D. Piedra hortai
E. Trichosporon ovoides
Correct Answer: E
Patients that are diagnosed with purpura fulminans with hemorrhagic infarction of the skin are infected
with: Show Explanation
A. Group A streptococcus
B. Staphylococcus aureus
C. Francisella tularensis
D. Bacillus anthracis
E. Streptomyces somaliensis
Correct Answer: A
The most common side effect of treatment with interferon-alpha is: Show Explanation
A. Weight loss
B. Nausea
C. Liver toxicity
D. Flu-like symptoms
E. Spastic diplegia
Correct Answer: D
The anti-viral agent used most often for acyclovir-resistent HSV and VZV infections is: Show
A. Valacyclovir
B. Gancyclovir
C. Foscarnet
D. Famcyclovir
E. Pencyclovir
Correct Answer: C
Compared to intact skin, what is the tensile strength of a wound 6 months after surgery? Show
A. 30%
B. 50%
C. 70%
D. 90%
E. 100%
Correct Answer: C
Erysipeloid is an infection that causes a sharply marginated and polygonal patches of bluish erythema.
Patients usually develop a solitary violaceous and tender nodule that vesiculates. The most likely source
of this infection is: Show Explanation
A. Pigs
B. Deer
C. Plants
D. Tress
E. Tics
Correct Answer: A
Which syndrome is characterized by multiple keratoacanthomas beginning in childhood? Show
A. Muir-Torre
B. Ferguson Smith
C. Rombo
D. Grybowski
E. Keratoacanthoma centrifugum marginatum
Correct Answer: B
A 32 year-old woman is 5 weeks pregnant and is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Her doctor gives her a
prescription for on methimazole 10 mg PO tid. Which of the following fetal abnormalities could be
caused by this exposure? Show Explanation
A. Aplasia cutis congenita
B. Meningocele
C. Encephalocele
D. Spina bifida
E. Dermoid cyst
Correct Answer: A
The immunoglobulin most commonly found in mucous secretions is: Show Explanation
A. IgA
B. IgD
C. IgE
D. IgG
E. IgM
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following cosmetic injectables does not illicit an inflammatory response? Show Explanation
A. Radiesse (hydroxyapatite)
B. Artecoll (polymethylmethacrylate)
C. Silicone
D. Zyplast (collagen)
E. Sculptra (poly L-lactic acid)
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following is NOT associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa? Show Explanation
A. Ecthyma gangrenosum
B. Rhinoscleroma
C. Green nail syndrome
D. Hot tub folliculitis
E. External otitis
Correct Answer: B
In which of the following ethnic groups is squamous cell carcinoma the most common type of skin
cancer? Show Explanation
A. Asian Indians
B. Caucasians
C. Hispanics
D. Japanese
E. Chinese
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following is the first symptom of ataxia telangiectasias? Show Explanation
A. Conjunctival telangictases
B. Facial telangiectases
C. Hematologic malgignancy
D. Cerebellar ataxia
E. Breast cancer
Correct Answer: D
The Phidippus fornosus is an aggressive spider with dark body hairs and is the most common biting
spider in the U.S. and is found in the south. The other name for it is: Show Explanation
A. Jumping spider
B. Lynx spider
C. Wolf spider
D. Brown recluse spider
E. Necrotic spider
Correct Answer: A
The T cell surface receptor CD2 binds to what partner on endothelial cells to assist with adhesion? Show
A. LFA-3
B. B7
C. E-cadherin
D. CD40
Correct Answer: A
Methotrexate toxicity with myelosuppression is treated with what agent? Show Explanation
A. Folinic acid
B. Folic acid
C. Oral methylene blue
D. Cimetidine
E. Vitamin E
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following concomitant medications is recommended to decrease the development of anti-
drug antibodies to be used at the same time as a biologic for the treatment of psoriasis? Show Explanation
B. Methotrexate
C. Low dose prednisone
D. Acitretin
E. Mycophenolate mofetil
Correct Answer: B
A 35 year-old woman who works in the animal product industry presents with a painless hemorrhagic
bulla. A diagnosis of anthrax is suspected. Gram stain of the vesicle fluid should reveal which of the
following? Show Explanation
A. Guarnieri bodies
B. Gram-negative cocci
C. Gram-negative bacilli
D. Gram-positive cocci
E. Gram-positive bacilli
Correct Answer: E
Reticulate pigmentation of skin, poikiloderma, alopecia, nail atrophy, premalignant oral leukoplakia, and
a Fanconi-type pancytopenia resulting in early death in addition to posterior fossa malformations is
characteristic of which of the following syndromes. Show Explanation
A. Dyskeratosis congenita
B. Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome
C. Bloom syndrome
D. Cockayne syndrome
E. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Correct Answer: B
You see a patient with dark streaking in the nails, diffuse and oral hyperpigmented macules and
trichomegaly. Which of the following medication are they taking? Show Explanation
A. Imatinib
B. Zidovudine
C. Hydroxyurea
D. Cyclophosphamide
E. Bleomycin
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following vectors transmits Borrelia duttonii? Show Explanation
A. Ixodes pacificus
B. Rhipicephalus sanguineus
C. Ornithodoros moubata
D. Amblyomma americanum
E. none of the above
Correct Answer: C
Merkel cell carcinomas are seen in older patients and present with a skin-colored to erythematous or
violaceous papule in a sun exposed distribution. The cytokeratin 20 is positive in : Show Explanation
A. 90% of cases
B. 70% of cases
C. 50% of cases
D. 30% of cases
E. 20% of cases
Correct Answer: A
What is the treatment of choice for methemoglobinemia? Show Explanation
A. Methylene blue
B. Aspirin
C. Iron
D. Hydration
E. Observation
Correct Answer: A
Weibel-Palade bodies are seen in: Show Explanation
A. Endothelial cells
B. Spitz Nevi
C. Cells infected with MCV
D. Plasmacytoid Cells
E. Malakoplakia
Correct Answer: A
Giant lysosomal granules are seen in which disease? Show Explanation
A. Chediak-Higashi syndrome
B. Griscelli syndrome
C. Piebaldism
D. Incontinentia pigmenti
E. Carney complex
Correct Answer: A
Christ-Siemens-Touraine Syndrome is most commonly linked with defects in which of the following
genes? Show Explanation
B. Ectodysplasin (EDA)
E. None of these options are correct
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following histologic features is seen in aging skin? Show Explanation
A. Thickened dermal-epidermal junction
B. Increased mast cells
C. Increased number of terminal hairs
D. Fewer Langerhans cells
E. Increased sebum production
Correct Answer: D
Naxos syndrome is characterized by a right sided cardiomyopathy, wooly hair, and keratoderma. The
epidermal structure defective in Naxos syndrome is:Show Explanation
A. Desmoglein 1
B. Desmoglein 3
C. Plakoglobin
D. Desmoplakin
E. Keratin 1/10
Correct Answer: C
Which class of medication works by inhibiting DNA gyrase? Show Explanation
A. Quinolones
B. Tetracyclines
C. Aminoglycosides
D. Cephalosporins
E. Carbapenems
Correct Answer: A
One of the main concerns for prescribing azathioprine to a gout patient with a normal level of thiopurine
methyltransferase on chronic allopurinol is: Show Explanation
A. Azathioprine does not work
B. Allopurinol does not work
C. Patient may develp photosensitivity
D. Patient may become pancytopenic
E. No concerns
Correct Answer: D
Spitz nevi can appear during childhood. The risk factors for metastatic Spitz include all of the following
except: Show Explanation
A. Ulceration
B. Increased Breslow thickness
C. Increased mitoses
D. More H-RAS mutations
E. Location on the back
Correct Answer: E
A 20-month old child develops a high fever followed 2 days later by a sudden eruption of rose pink
macules and papules with white halos as the fever subsides. What is the most likely diagnosis? Show
A. Measles
B. Rubella
C. Scarlet fever
D. Exanthem Subitum
E. Erythema infectiosum
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is not associated with calcipotriene? Show Explanation
A. Inactivation by basic pH
B. Increase in interleukin-10
C. Decrease in interleukin-2
D. Potential risk for photosensitivity
E. Inhibition of NF-kB
Correct Answer: A
Multiple spiradenomas are seen in this syndrome: Show Explanation
A. Alagille
B. Brooke-Spiegler
C. Nicolau-Balus’
D. Schopf’s
E. Lhermitte-Duclos
Correct Answer: B
A 15 year old male patient is seen for evaluation of a congenital nevus. As a part of the review of
systems, it is discovered that he has recurrent joint dislocations. Multiple family members have a similar
problem. What is the defective gene in Type 3 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? Show Explanation
A. Tenascin X
B. Collagen 5
C. Lysyl oxidase
D. collagen 2
E. PLOD gene
Correct Answer: A
Which disease process best describes Texier's disease? Show Explanation
A. Neutrophilic dermatosis
B. Deposition disorder
C. Infectious process
D. Panniculitis
E. Granulomatous disease
Correct Answer: D
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) variant is different than classic XP in which of the following way? Show
A. Defective DNA nucleotide excision repair of the global genome
B. Defective post-replication repair
C. Increased chromosomal breakage and sister chromatid exchanges
D. Defective DNA nucleotide excision repair of actively transcribing genes
E. Low IgM
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following sutures is the first to be absorbed? Show Explanation
A. Catgut
B. Polyglycolic acid
C. Polyglactin 910
D. Polydioxanone
E. Polypropylene
Correct Answer: A
A patient with chronic atopic dermatitis is found to have elevated IgE levels. Which cytokine promotes
isotype switching to IgE? Show Explanation
A. IL-4
B. IL-6
C. IL-5
D. Interferon-gamma
E. IL-23
Correct Answer: A
What is the risk of transmission of HSV from active cervical lesions when a C-section is
performed? Show Explanation
A. 1%
B. 8%
C. 17%
D. 31%
E. 43%
Correct Answer: A
All of the following disorders are exacerbated by UV radiation except: Show Explanation
A. Bloom syndrome
B. Hartnup’s disease
C. Refsum syndrome
D. Cockayne syndrome
E. Rothmund-Thomopson syndrome
Correct Answer: C
Which antibody is elevated in the circulation of patients with atopic dermatitis?Show Explanation
A. IgA
B. IgD
C. IgE
D. IgG
E. IgM
Correct Answer: C
A 4 year old girl suffers multiple fractures. She also has thin skin, easy bruising, and blue sclera. An
echocardiogram reveals mitral valve prolapse. What type of osteogenesis imperfecta does she most likely
have? Show Explanation
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV
E. Type V
Correct Answer: A
Sensory innervation of the glabella and mid-forehead is provided by which nerve? Show Explanation
A. infratrochlear nerve
B. supraorbital nerve
C. supratrochlear nerve
D. temporal branch of the facial nerve
E. zygomatic branch of the facial nerve
Correct Answer: C
Which statement is true regarding relaxed skin tension lines (RSTLs)? Show Explanation
A. they occur as a result of increased elastic tone
B. they lie parallel to the underlying muscles
C. the long axis of a wound often lies in the direction of the RSTL
D. incisional scars should be placed perpendicular to RSTLs
E. smiling minimizes the appearance of RSTLs
Correct Answer: C
A patient with multiple deeply pigmented papules has a skin biopsy which reveals an epitheloid blue
nevus. The next appropriate step is: Show Explanation
A. Reassure the patient and follow up as needed
B. Schedule prophylactic excision of the lesion
C. Begin a malignancy work-up
D. Refer to genetics
E. Order an echocardiogram
Correct Answer: E
A patient taking azathioprine for bullous pemphigoid develops a hypersensitivity syndrome characterized
by fever and shock. Approximately how long ago did the patient start this medication? Show Explanation
A. 14 days
B. 24 hours
C. 3-4 days
D. 6 weeks
E. 1 week
Correct Answer: A
Calcium can be seen this stain: Show Explanation
A. Von Kossa
B. Mucicarmine
C. Grocott
D. Warthin Starry
E. Melanin A
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following causes tinea imbricata? Show Explanation
A. Epidermophyton floccosum
B. Trichophyton concentricum
C. Trichophyton rubrum
D. Trichophyton mentagrophytes
E. Trichophyton tonsurans
Correct Answer: B
Ophthalmia nodosa may result following injury by which of the following creatures? Show Explanation
A. Theraphosidae
B. Chironex
C. Lactrodectus
D. Cheyletiella
E. Loxosceles
Correct Answer: A
Herpangina is caused by which of the following? Show Explanation
A. Group A coxsackievirus
B. Epstein Barr Virus
C. Parvovirus B19
D. Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6)
E. Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-7)
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following stains is specific for melanin? Show Explanation
A. S-100
B. HMB-45
C. Fontana-Masson
E. Melan-A
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following is a common location of melanoma in women? Show Explanation
A. Chest
B. Lower legs
C. Genitals
D. Digits
E. Scalp
Correct Answer: B
The most common ocular association with cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenital is: Show
A. Cataracts
B. Glaucoma
C. Retinoblastoma
D. Corneal opacity
E. Angioid streaks
Correct Answer: B
Immunocytomas are: Show Explanation
A. Low grade B-cell lymphomas
B. Aggressive B-cell lymphomas
C. Low grade T-cell lymphomas
D. Aggressive T-cell lymphomas
E. NK cell lymphomas
Correct Answer: A
Which cytokine is chemotactic for neutrophils? Show Explanation
A. IL-2
B. IL-3
C. IL-5
D. IL-6
E. IL-8
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following complications has been reported with infraorbital injections of Botox? Show
A. Nystagmus
B. Blindness
C. Festooning
D. Astigmatism
E. Photophobia
Correct Answer: C
Which cell surface component of T cells is part of the "signal 2" which in addition to T cell receptor
binding leads to T cell activation? Show Explanation
A. CD28
B. B7
C. CD80
D. TNF-alpha receptor
E. CD1a
Correct Answer: A
There are four clinical signs of granuloma inguinale and one can see Donovan bodies on microscopy.
Granuloma inguinale is caused by: Show Explanation
A. Klebsiella granulomatis
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
C. H. ducreyi
D. T. pallidum
E. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Correct Answer: A
Pediculus humanus corporis can transmit: Show Explanation
A. Murine typhus
B. Epidemic typhus
C. Scrub typhus
D. Endemic typhus
E. Oriental typhus
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following is a vasoconstrictor in the absence of epinephrine? Show Explanation
A. lidocaine
B. procaine
C. cocaine
D. bupivacaine
E. prilocaine
Correct Answer: C
Which common contact allergen is detected via the dimethylglyoxime test?Show Explanation
A. Benzocaine
B. Chromates
C. Formaldehyde
D. Nickel
E. Rhus
Correct Answer: D
The Grzybowski type of keratoacanthoma: Show Explanation
A. Is characterized by rapid growth of a single lesion reaching a diameter of 9 cm or more
B. Typically invades underlying cartilage
C. Demonstrates simultaneous central healing
D. Presents in childhood on sun-exposed surfaces
E. Presents with hundreds of disseminated lesions
Correct Answer: E
Which tattoo pigment has most commonly been associated with phototoxic reactions? Show Explanation
A. Titanium dioxide
B. Mercuric sulfide
C. Carbon
D. Iron oxide
E. Cadmium sulfide
Correct Answer: E
A 39 year old male goatherder presents with a necrotic eschar which is found to be caused by cutaneous
anthrax. Bacillus anthracis produces edema factor, which causes gelatinous edema of skin by lesions by
increasing what? Show Explanation
A. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
B. Tumor necrosis factor alpha
C. Interleukin-1 beta
D. Transforming growth factor
E. Endothelial growth factor
Correct Answer: A
A middle-aged woman complains of multiple rough lesions on her trunk. Biopsy reveals connective tissue
nevi. Because other family members have had similar lesions, genetic testing is performed, revealing a
defect in the LEMD3 gene. What is the classic bone finding in patients with a defective LEMD3
gene? Show Explanation
A. Osteopoikilosis
B. Osteopathia striata
C. Tibial bowing
D. Lumbar ankylosis
E. Frequent fractures of the long bones
Correct Answer: A
The main cause of death in patients with dyskeratosis congenita is which of the following? Show
A. Oral basal cell carcinoma
B. Leukemia
C. Renal cell carcinoma
D. Pancytopenia
E. Atherosclerotic heart disease
Correct Answer: D
This is a plakin: Show Explanation
A. BPAg1
B. Plakoglobin
C. Plakophilin
D. Desmocollin
E. Beta-catenin
Correct Answer: A
What is cutaneous larva migrans caused by? Show Explanation
A. Ancylostoma caninum and A. Brazilense
B. Toxoplasma gondii
C. Onchocerca volvulus
D. Shistosoma hematobium, S. japonicum & S. mansoni
E. Strongyloides stercoralis
Correct Answer: A
Which potential complications is seen exclusively with phenol peels? Show Explanation
A. Milia
B. Hypopigmentation
C. Contact dermatitis
D. Prolonged erythema
E. Laryngeal edema
Correct Answer: E
Intermittent sun exposure with painful sunburns is a predisposing factor for the development of: Show
A. Atypical nevi
B. Seborrheic keratosis
C. Malignant melanoma
D. Atypical nevi and Malignant melanoma
E. All of these answers are correct
Correct Answer: D
In a patient with IPEX (immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked) syndrome,
which of the following T-cell lines are affected? Show Explanation
A. Th17
B. Th1
C. Th2
D. Cytotoxic T-cells
E. Regulatory T-cells
Correct Answer: E
A 54-year old woman who is healthy except for chronic osteoarthritis, for which she takes daily naproxen,
with bullae and milia on the dorsal hands. Biopsy is most likely to exhibit which of the following
histologic findings: Show Explanation
A. Asteroid Bodies
B. Caterpillar Bodies
C. Cowdry Type A Bodies
D. Donovan Bodies
E. Dutcher Bodies
Correct Answer: B
Sharp hairs on plants of the Urticaceae family contain which of the following toxins that are released into
the skin causing rapid edema, pruritus, and burning? Show Explanation
A. Histamine
B. Serotonin
C. Acetylcholine
D. All of these answers are correct
E. Histamine and acetylcholine
Correct Answer: D
Which vascular disorder is characterized by facial vascular malformation and ipsilateral intracranial and
retinal arteriovenous malformations(AVMs)? Show Explanation
A. Sturge-Weber syndome
C. Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis
D. Bonnet Dechaune Blanc syndrome
E. Von Lohuizen�s disease
Correct Answer: D
The mechanism action of this cytotoxic agent is via inhibition of IMP dehydrogenase. Show Explanation
A. Azathioprine
B. Methotrexate
C. Hydroxyurea
D. 5-fluorouracil
E. Mycophenolate mofetil
Correct Answer: E
What cutaneous manifestation is associated with familial cerebral cavernomas?Show Explanation
A. Verrucous hemangioms
B. Glomeruloid hemangiomas
C. hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary-venous malformations(HCCVM)
D. segmental facial hemangiomas
E. Tufted angiomas
Correct Answer: C
The cytoplasmic granules seen in granular cell tumor are: Show Explanation
A. Phagolysosomes
B. Ribosomes
C. Mitochondria
D. Intermediate filaments
E. Vacuoles
Correct Answer: A
A patient with Klinefelter Syndrome may be expected to experience which of the following: Show
A. Recurrent pulmonary infections
B. Recurrent leg ulcers
C. Pulmonary valve stenosis
D. Gastroesophageal reflux
E. Scarring alopecia
Correct Answer: B
For which of the following smallpox vaccination complications is the administration of vaccine immune
globulin indicated? Show Explanation
A. Post-vaccinal encephalitis
B. Erythema multiforme
C. Eczema vaccinatum
D. Vaccinia keratitis
E. Mild generalized vaccinia
Correct Answer: C
The causative organism of epidemic typhus is: Show Explanation
A. Francisella tularensis
B. R. prowazekii
C. R. akari
D. R. typhi
E. Salmonella typhi
Correct Answer: B
The most common agent of cutaneous and furuncular myiasis in North America is: Show Explanation
A. Dermatobia hominis
B. Gasterophilus intestinalis
C. Wohlfahrtia magnifica
D. Hypoderma hominis
E. Cuterebra intestinalis
Correct Answer: A
Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoide: Show Explanation
A. Occurs in older patient populations rather than Classical MF
B. Occurs in women more commonly than men
C. Is more likely to occur on the face
D. Does not differ from classic MF in terms of those affected
E. Is more likely to occur in patients with skin types V and VI.
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following causes "black dot ringworm"? Show Explanation
A. M. canis
B. T. violaceum
C. T. verrucosum
D. M. gypseum
E. M. auddouinii
Correct Answer: B
A child presents with fever, cutaneous tenderness and erythema of flexural and periorifacial areas. Within
24 hours the erythema progresses to flaccid blisters and erosions. No organisms are cultured and
Nikolsky's sign is positive. First line therapy includes: Show Explanation
A. IV penicillinase resistant penicillin with clindamycin
B. Aspirin
D. PO tetracylcine
E. PO cephalexin
Correct Answer: A
Which syndrome is characterized by hyperhidrosis, lack of pain sensation, hypersalivation, and absent
fungiform papillae? Show Explanation
A. Turner Syndrome
B. Noonan Syndrome
C. Riley-Day
D. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
E. Cornelia de lange Syndrome
Correct Answer: C
Which anesthetic has the shortest duration of action? Show Explanation
A. Mepivacaine
B. Procaine
C. Bupivacaine
D. Tetracaine
E. Prilocaine
Correct Answer: B
Keratinocytes express what class of major histocompatibility complex under normal conditions? Show
A. MHC Class I
B. MHC Class II
C. MHC Class III
D. MHC Class IV
E. MHC Class V
Correct Answer: A
A 37 year old male with a history of HIV/AIDS presents complaining of the new onset of purplish
nodules of the feet and lower legs. He lost his insurance eight months ago and has been unable to afford
the HAART therapy that he was prescribed. HHV-8 is found in the semen of what percent of men with
this disease? Show Explanation
A. 5%
B. 20%
C. 35%
D. 50%
E. 65%
Correct Answer: B
What is the principal vector of Lyme Disease in the Northeastern U.S.? Show Explanation
A. Ixodes ricinus
B. Soft-bodied ticks (Ornithodoros)
C. Ixodes dammini
D. Ambylomma americanum
E. Dermacentor variabilis
Correct Answer: C
A patient develops herpes zoster in the V1 distribution. A few days after development of the classic
vesicular rash, her family brings her to the emergency room because of new onset seizures. She had been
complaining of confusion, headache, fatigue, and loss of appetite prior to the convulsions. What is the
diagnosis? Show Explanation
A. Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone
B. Ramsay-Hunt syndrome
C. Delayed contralateral hemiparesis
D. Post-zoster neuropathy
E. Intracerebral vasculitis
Correct Answer: A
A 15 year old boy presents with a 4 month history of pigmented bands on several fingernails and toenails.
The most like etiology is: Show Explanation
A. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
B. Chloroquine therapy
C. Minocycline therapy
D. Nevomelanocytic nevi
E. Acral lentiginous melanoma
Correct Answer: C
Anemia, leg ulcers, poikilodermatous skin changes, hepatitis, renal toxicity, and acral erythema are most
commonly associated with what medication? Show Explanation
A. 5-fluorouracil
B. Hydroxyurea
C. Cyclosporine
D. Methotrexate
E. Doxorubicin
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following variants of mycosis fungoides is best diagnosed using a punch biopsy instead of a
broad superficial shave biopsy? Show Explanation
A. Woringer-Kolopp pagetoid reticulosis
B. Syringotropic mycosis fungoides
C. Ketron-Goodman pagetoid reticulosis
D. Poikilodermatous mycosis fungoides
E. Sezary syndrome
Correct Answer: B
A patient with Ref sum syndrome has ocular anomalies such as nystagmus and night blindness has a
deficiency in: Show Explanation
A. Phytanic acid oxidase deficiency
B. Abnormal transglutaminase
C. Abnormal steroid sulfatase
D. Fatty alcohol oxidoreductas deficiency
E. Defects in endoglin
Correct Answer: A
A fungal culture demonstrates a suedelike cream-colored colony of teardrop and balloon-shaped
microconidia which produce a red-brown pigment. Which of the following is true of this organism? Show
A. Causes ectothrix infection
B. Requires partial thiamine for growth
C. Does not have arthroconidia
D. Causes fluorescent hair infection
E. Is not a cause of tinea unguim
Correct Answer: B
A 36 year-old homeless man presents with a tender suppurative nodule on the mandible. "Sulfur granules"
are present on microscopy. The most likely diagnosis is: Show Explanation
A. Actinomycetoma
B. Actinomycosis
C. Anthrax
D. Acne Conglobata
E. Aspergillosis
Correct Answer: B
What is used to reduce bladder toxicity from cyclophosphamide? Show Explanation
A. Mesna
B. Leukovorin
C. Cimetidine
D. Vitamin E
E. Folic acid
Correct Answer: A
A patient is diagnosed with Hay Wells syndrome with wiry, sparse hair and ankyloblepharon. The patient
has partial anhidrosis, cleft lip, palate and dystrophic nails. The mutation is in the: Show Explanation
A. p63
B. TP73L
E. Arylsulfatase
Correct Answer: A
Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa is one of the findings seen in the syndrome caused by which of the
following genes? Show Explanation
Correct Answer: A
The use of EMLA cream is contraindicated in patients with which of the following? Show Explanation
A. Atopic dermatitis
B. Neomycin allergy
C. Sickle cell anemia
D. Methemoglobinemia
E. Peripheral neuropathy
Correct Answer: D
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been found to play an important role in innate immunity. This has been
utilized in the development of medications frequently used in dermatology. The mechanism of what
medication involves activation of TLR7. Show Explanation
A. Clobetasol
B. Tacrolimus
C. Cyclosporine
D. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)
E. Imiquimod
Correct Answer: E

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MCQ August with answers - Dr Ameen Alawadhi

  • 1. 1 Which of the following hereditary skin disorders is associated with the RAS-ERK-MAPK pathway? Show Explanation A. Costello syndrome B. Rothmund-Thompson Syndrome C. Carney complex D. Tuberous Sclerosis E. Griscelli syndrome Correct Answer: A 2 Premature aging seen in Cockayne�s syndrome is caused by a mutation in which gene? Show Explanation A. Transglutaminase B. ATM gene C. Patched gene D. NEMO gene E. DNA helicase gene Correct Answer: E 3 A skin biopsy shows numerous fibroblasts with fibrosis and thickening of the dermis. There is sparse mucin deposition and on low power the biopsy appears square. Which of the following paraproteins would you expect to find in this patient? Show Explanation A. IgG lambda B. IgA C. IgM D. IgG kappa E. IgA gamma Correct Answer: A 4 Patients that have been diagnosed with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia have the hair findings of: Show Explanation A. Longitudinal groove on electron microscopy B. Trichorrhexis nodosum C. Monilethrix D. Beaded hair E. Pili trianguli et canaliculi Correct Answer: A 5 Endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended for which Show Explanation A. Rheumatic heart disease B. Atrial septal defects C. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy D. Mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation E. Previous bacterial endocarditis Correct Answer: E
  • 2. 6 The ‘snap test’ is performed prior to surgery at which anatomic location? Show Explanation A. Hand B. Ear C. Mouth D. Eyelid E. Neck Correct Answer: D 7 The most common location of Merkel cell carcinoma is: Show Explanation A. Digits B. Trunk C. Genitalia D. Extremities E. Head and neck Correct Answer: E 8 Which of the following is not a hallmark of allergic contact dermatitis? Show Explanation A. Eosinophils B. CD4+ Lymphocytes C. Langerhans cells D. Neutrophils E. Vesicles Correct Answer: D 9 The classical complement pathway: Show Explanation A. Can be activated in the absence of antibody B. Can be activated by IgG4 C. Can be activated by IgM D. Includes C3 and factor B E. Does not cause membrane damage Correct Answer: C 10 A 16 month-old girl presents with patchy alopecia, whorled erythematous scaly eruption, and asymmetric limb shortening. What laboratory or radiologic test may aid in diagnosis? Show Explanation A. Brain MRI B. Alkaline phosphatase C. Chest radiograph D. Bone films E. Complete blood count Correct Answer: D 11 A patient is being treated by a dermatologist. Yellowish changes of his sclera and yellowish discoloration of his dorsal hands and feet is noted. Which medication is most likely responsible? Show Explanation A. Quinacrine
  • 3. B. Minocycline C. Hydroxychloroquine D. Terbinafine E. Prednisone Correct Answer: A 12 A Z-plasty is performed to: Show Explanation A. Decrease tension on a wound B. Obtain wound eversion C. Shorten the length of an excision D. Correct dog-ears E. Make use of excess tissue Correct Answer: A 13 Imiquimod has proven beneficial in the treatment of all of the following lesions except: Show Explanation A. Erythroplasia of Queyrat B. Superficial basal cell carcinoma C. Actinic keratoses D. Squamous cell carcinoma E. Extramammary Paget’s disease Correct Answer: D 14 All of the following statements regarding Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome are true EXCEPT: Show Explanation A. Associated tumors include medulloblastoma B. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner C. Hypertelorism is a feature D. The affected gene is mutated in 30-40% of sporadic basal cell carcinomas E. All of these answers are correct Correct Answer: B 16 Which of the following medications used in dermatology is known to increase the risk for bone fractures? Show Explanation A. Dapsone B. Isotretinoin C. Acitretin D. Prednisone E. Doxycycline Correct Answer: D 17 This HPV strain is responsible for Bushke-Lowenstein tumor and also for anogenital warts: Show Explanation A. HPV 6, 11 B. HPV 1
  • 4. C. HPV 2, 4 D. HPV 3, 10 E. HPV 7 Correct Answer: A 18 The nasolabial two stage flap uses depends on which artery for flap survival:Show Explanation A. Supratrochlear artery B. Superior labial artery C. Angular artery D. Lateral Nasal artery E. Inferior labial artery Correct Answer: C 19 The etiologic agent responsible for White Piedra is: Show Explanation A. Candida albicans B. Pityrosporum obiculare C. Corynebacterium tenuis D. Piedra hortai E. Trichosporon ovoides Correct Answer: E 20 Patients that are diagnosed with purpura fulminans with hemorrhagic infarction of the skin are infected with: Show Explanation A. Group A streptococcus B. Staphylococcus aureus C. Francisella tularensis D. Bacillus anthracis E. Streptomyces somaliensis Correct Answer: A 21 The most common side effect of treatment with interferon-alpha is: Show Explanation A. Weight loss B. Nausea C. Liver toxicity D. Flu-like symptoms E. Spastic diplegia Correct Answer: D 22 The anti-viral agent used most often for acyclovir-resistent HSV and VZV infections is: Show Explanation A. Valacyclovir B. Gancyclovir C. Foscarnet D. Famcyclovir E. Pencyclovir Correct Answer: C
  • 5. 23 Compared to intact skin, what is the tensile strength of a wound 6 months after surgery? Show Explanation A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90% E. 100% Correct Answer: C 24 Erysipeloid is an infection that causes a sharply marginated and polygonal patches of bluish erythema. Patients usually develop a solitary violaceous and tender nodule that vesiculates. The most likely source of this infection is: Show Explanation A. Pigs B. Deer C. Plants D. Tress E. Tics Correct Answer: A 25 Which syndrome is characterized by multiple keratoacanthomas beginning in childhood? Show Explanation A. Muir-Torre B. Ferguson Smith C. Rombo D. Grybowski E. Keratoacanthoma centrifugum marginatum Correct Answer: B 26 A 32 year-old woman is 5 weeks pregnant and is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Her doctor gives her a prescription for on methimazole 10 mg PO tid. Which of the following fetal abnormalities could be caused by this exposure? Show Explanation A. Aplasia cutis congenita B. Meningocele C. Encephalocele D. Spina bifida E. Dermoid cyst Correct Answer: A 27 The immunoglobulin most commonly found in mucous secretions is: Show Explanation A. IgA B. IgD C. IgE D. IgG E. IgM Correct Answer: A
  • 6. 28 Which of the following cosmetic injectables does not illicit an inflammatory response? Show Explanation A. Radiesse (hydroxyapatite) B. Artecoll (polymethylmethacrylate) C. Silicone D. Zyplast (collagen) E. Sculptra (poly L-lactic acid) Correct Answer: A 29 Which of the following is NOT associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa? Show Explanation A. Ecthyma gangrenosum B. Rhinoscleroma C. Green nail syndrome D. Hot tub folliculitis E. External otitis Correct Answer: B 30 In which of the following ethnic groups is squamous cell carcinoma the most common type of skin cancer? Show Explanation A. Asian Indians B. Caucasians C. Hispanics D. Japanese E. Chinese Correct Answer: A 31 Which of the following is the first symptom of ataxia telangiectasias? Show Explanation A. Conjunctival telangictases B. Facial telangiectases C. Hematologic malgignancy D. Cerebellar ataxia E. Breast cancer Correct Answer: D 32 The Phidippus fornosus is an aggressive spider with dark body hairs and is the most common biting spider in the U.S. and is found in the south. The other name for it is: Show Explanation A. Jumping spider B. Lynx spider C. Wolf spider D. Brown recluse spider E. Necrotic spider Correct Answer: A 33 The T cell surface receptor CD2 binds to what partner on endothelial cells to assist with adhesion? Show Explanation
  • 7. A. LFA-3 B. B7 C. E-cadherin D. CD40 E. ICAM-1 Correct Answer: A 34 Methotrexate toxicity with myelosuppression is treated with what agent? Show Explanation A. Folinic acid B. Folic acid C. Oral methylene blue D. Cimetidine E. Vitamin E Correct Answer: A 35 Which of the following concomitant medications is recommended to decrease the development of anti- drug antibodies to be used at the same time as a biologic for the treatment of psoriasis? Show Explanation A. NB-UVB B. Methotrexate C. Low dose prednisone D. Acitretin E. Mycophenolate mofetil Correct Answer: B 36 A 35 year-old woman who works in the animal product industry presents with a painless hemorrhagic bulla. A diagnosis of anthrax is suspected. Gram stain of the vesicle fluid should reveal which of the following? Show Explanation A. Guarnieri bodies B. Gram-negative cocci C. Gram-negative bacilli D. Gram-positive cocci E. Gram-positive bacilli Correct Answer: E 37 Reticulate pigmentation of skin, poikiloderma, alopecia, nail atrophy, premalignant oral leukoplakia, and a Fanconi-type pancytopenia resulting in early death in addition to posterior fossa malformations is characteristic of which of the following syndromes. Show Explanation A. Dyskeratosis congenita B. Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome C. Bloom syndrome D. Cockayne syndrome E. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Correct Answer: B 38 You see a patient with dark streaking in the nails, diffuse and oral hyperpigmented macules and trichomegaly. Which of the following medication are they taking? Show Explanation
  • 8. A. Imatinib B. Zidovudine C. Hydroxyurea D. Cyclophosphamide E. Bleomycin Correct Answer: B 39 Which of the following vectors transmits Borrelia duttonii? Show Explanation A. Ixodes pacificus B. Rhipicephalus sanguineus C. Ornithodoros moubata D. Amblyomma americanum E. none of the above Correct Answer: C 40 Merkel cell carcinomas are seen in older patients and present with a skin-colored to erythematous or violaceous papule in a sun exposed distribution. The cytokeratin 20 is positive in : Show Explanation A. 90% of cases B. 70% of cases C. 50% of cases D. 30% of cases E. 20% of cases Correct Answer: A 41 What is the treatment of choice for methemoglobinemia? Show Explanation A. Methylene blue B. Aspirin C. Iron D. Hydration E. Observation Correct Answer: A 42 Weibel-Palade bodies are seen in: Show Explanation A. Endothelial cells B. Spitz Nevi C. Cells infected with MCV D. Plasmacytoid Cells E. Malakoplakia Correct Answer: A 43 Giant lysosomal granules are seen in which disease? Show Explanation A. Chediak-Higashi syndrome B. Griscelli syndrome C. Piebaldism D. Incontinentia pigmenti E. Carney complex
  • 9. Correct Answer: A 44 Christ-Siemens-Touraine Syndrome is most commonly linked with defects in which of the following genes? Show Explanation A. NEMO B. Ectodysplasin (EDA) C. ERCC2 D. ATP7A E. None of these options are correct Correct Answer: B 45 Which of the following histologic features is seen in aging skin? Show Explanation A. Thickened dermal-epidermal junction B. Increased mast cells C. Increased number of terminal hairs D. Fewer Langerhans cells E. Increased sebum production Correct Answer: D 46 Naxos syndrome is characterized by a right sided cardiomyopathy, wooly hair, and keratoderma. The epidermal structure defective in Naxos syndrome is:Show Explanation A. Desmoglein 1 B. Desmoglein 3 C. Plakoglobin D. Desmoplakin E. Keratin 1/10 Correct Answer: C 47 Which class of medication works by inhibiting DNA gyrase? Show Explanation A. Quinolones B. Tetracyclines C. Aminoglycosides D. Cephalosporins E. Carbapenems Correct Answer: A 48 One of the main concerns for prescribing azathioprine to a gout patient with a normal level of thiopurine methyltransferase on chronic allopurinol is: Show Explanation A. Azathioprine does not work B. Allopurinol does not work C. Patient may develp photosensitivity D. Patient may become pancytopenic E. No concerns Correct Answer: D 49
  • 10. Spitz nevi can appear during childhood. The risk factors for metastatic Spitz include all of the following except: Show Explanation A. Ulceration B. Increased Breslow thickness C. Increased mitoses D. More H-RAS mutations E. Location on the back Correct Answer: E 50 A 20-month old child develops a high fever followed 2 days later by a sudden eruption of rose pink macules and papules with white halos as the fever subsides. What is the most likely diagnosis? Show Explanation A. Measles B. Rubella C. Scarlet fever D. Exanthem Subitum E. Erythema infectiosum Correct Answer: D 51 Which of the following is not associated with calcipotriene? Show Explanation A. Inactivation by basic pH B. Increase in interleukin-10 C. Decrease in interleukin-2 D. Potential risk for photosensitivity E. Inhibition of NF-kB Correct Answer: A 52 Multiple spiradenomas are seen in this syndrome: Show Explanation A. Alagille B. Brooke-Spiegler C. Nicolau-Balus’ D. Schopf’s E. Lhermitte-Duclos Correct Answer: B 53 A 15 year old male patient is seen for evaluation of a congenital nevus. As a part of the review of systems, it is discovered that he has recurrent joint dislocations. Multiple family members have a similar problem. What is the defective gene in Type 3 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? Show Explanation A. Tenascin X B. Collagen 5 C. Lysyl oxidase D. collagen 2 E. PLOD gene Correct Answer: A 54 Which disease process best describes Texier's disease? Show Explanation
  • 11. A. Neutrophilic dermatosis B. Deposition disorder C. Infectious process D. Panniculitis E. Granulomatous disease Correct Answer: D 55 Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) variant is different than classic XP in which of the following way? Show Explanation A. Defective DNA nucleotide excision repair of the global genome B. Defective post-replication repair C. Increased chromosomal breakage and sister chromatid exchanges D. Defective DNA nucleotide excision repair of actively transcribing genes E. Low IgM Correct Answer: B 56 Which of the following sutures is the first to be absorbed? Show Explanation A. Catgut B. Polyglycolic acid C. Polyglactin 910 D. Polydioxanone E. Polypropylene Correct Answer: A 57 A patient with chronic atopic dermatitis is found to have elevated IgE levels. Which cytokine promotes isotype switching to IgE? Show Explanation A. IL-4 B. IL-6 C. IL-5 D. Interferon-gamma E. IL-23 Correct Answer: A 58 What is the risk of transmission of HSV from active cervical lesions when a C-section is performed? Show Explanation A. 1% B. 8% C. 17% D. 31% E. 43% Correct Answer: A 59 All of the following disorders are exacerbated by UV radiation except: Show Explanation A. Bloom syndrome B. Hartnup’s disease C. Refsum syndrome
  • 12. D. Cockayne syndrome E. Rothmund-Thomopson syndrome Correct Answer: C 60 Which antibody is elevated in the circulation of patients with atopic dermatitis?Show Explanation A. IgA B. IgD C. IgE D. IgG E. IgM Correct Answer: C 61 A 4 year old girl suffers multiple fractures. She also has thin skin, easy bruising, and blue sclera. An echocardiogram reveals mitral valve prolapse. What type of osteogenesis imperfecta does she most likely have? Show Explanation A. Type I B. Type II C. Type III D. Type IV E. Type V Correct Answer: A 62 Sensory innervation of the glabella and mid-forehead is provided by which nerve? Show Explanation A. infratrochlear nerve B. supraorbital nerve C. supratrochlear nerve D. temporal branch of the facial nerve E. zygomatic branch of the facial nerve Correct Answer: C 63 Which statement is true regarding relaxed skin tension lines (RSTLs)? Show Explanation A. they occur as a result of increased elastic tone B. they lie parallel to the underlying muscles C. the long axis of a wound often lies in the direction of the RSTL D. incisional scars should be placed perpendicular to RSTLs E. smiling minimizes the appearance of RSTLs Correct Answer: C 64 A patient with multiple deeply pigmented papules has a skin biopsy which reveals an epitheloid blue nevus. The next appropriate step is: Show Explanation A. Reassure the patient and follow up as needed B. Schedule prophylactic excision of the lesion C. Begin a malignancy work-up D. Refer to genetics E. Order an echocardiogram Correct Answer: E
  • 13. 65 A patient taking azathioprine for bullous pemphigoid develops a hypersensitivity syndrome characterized by fever and shock. Approximately how long ago did the patient start this medication? Show Explanation A. 14 days B. 24 hours C. 3-4 days D. 6 weeks E. 1 week Correct Answer: A 66 Calcium can be seen this stain: Show Explanation A. Von Kossa B. Mucicarmine C. Grocott D. Warthin Starry E. Melanin A Correct Answer: A 67 Which of the following causes tinea imbricata? Show Explanation A. Epidermophyton floccosum B. Trichophyton concentricum C. Trichophyton rubrum D. Trichophyton mentagrophytes E. Trichophyton tonsurans Correct Answer: B 68 Ophthalmia nodosa may result following injury by which of the following creatures? Show Explanation A. Theraphosidae B. Chironex C. Lactrodectus D. Cheyletiella E. Loxosceles Correct Answer: A 69 Herpangina is caused by which of the following? Show Explanation A. Group A coxsackievirus B. Epstein Barr Virus C. Parvovirus B19 D. Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) E. Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-7) Correct Answer: A 70 Which of the following stains is specific for melanin? Show Explanation A. S-100 B. HMB-45
  • 14. C. Fontana-Masson D. MART-1 E. Melan-A Correct Answer: C 71 Which of the following is a common location of melanoma in women? Show Explanation A. Chest B. Lower legs C. Genitals D. Digits E. Scalp Correct Answer: B 72 The most common ocular association with cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenital is: Show Explanation A. Cataracts B. Glaucoma C. Retinoblastoma D. Corneal opacity E. Angioid streaks Correct Answer: B 73 Immunocytomas are: Show Explanation A. Low grade B-cell lymphomas B. Aggressive B-cell lymphomas C. Low grade T-cell lymphomas D. Aggressive T-cell lymphomas E. NK cell lymphomas Correct Answer: A 74 Which cytokine is chemotactic for neutrophils? Show Explanation A. IL-2 B. IL-3 C. IL-5 D. IL-6 E. IL-8 Correct Answer: E 75 Which of the following complications has been reported with infraorbital injections of Botox? Show Explanation A. Nystagmus B. Blindness C. Festooning D. Astigmatism E. Photophobia Correct Answer: C
  • 15. 76 Which cell surface component of T cells is part of the "signal 2" which in addition to T cell receptor binding leads to T cell activation? Show Explanation A. CD28 B. B7 C. CD80 D. TNF-alpha receptor E. CD1a Correct Answer: A 77 There are four clinical signs of granuloma inguinale and one can see Donovan bodies on microscopy. Granuloma inguinale is caused by: Show Explanation A. Klebsiella granulomatis B. Chlamydia trachomatis C. H. ducreyi D. T. pallidum E. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Correct Answer: A 78 Pediculus humanus corporis can transmit: Show Explanation A. Murine typhus B. Epidemic typhus C. Scrub typhus D. Endemic typhus E. Oriental typhus Correct Answer: B 79 Which of the following is a vasoconstrictor in the absence of epinephrine? Show Explanation A. lidocaine B. procaine C. cocaine D. bupivacaine E. prilocaine Correct Answer: C 80 Which common contact allergen is detected via the dimethylglyoxime test?Show Explanation A. Benzocaine B. Chromates C. Formaldehyde D. Nickel E. Rhus Correct Answer: D 81 The Grzybowski type of keratoacanthoma: Show Explanation A. Is characterized by rapid growth of a single lesion reaching a diameter of 9 cm or more
  • 16. B. Typically invades underlying cartilage C. Demonstrates simultaneous central healing D. Presents in childhood on sun-exposed surfaces E. Presents with hundreds of disseminated lesions Correct Answer: E 82 Which tattoo pigment has most commonly been associated with phototoxic reactions? Show Explanation A. Titanium dioxide B. Mercuric sulfide C. Carbon D. Iron oxide E. Cadmium sulfide Correct Answer: E 83 A 39 year old male goatherder presents with a necrotic eschar which is found to be caused by cutaneous anthrax. Bacillus anthracis produces edema factor, which causes gelatinous edema of skin by lesions by increasing what? Show Explanation A. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate B. Tumor necrosis factor alpha C. Interleukin-1 beta D. Transforming growth factor E. Endothelial growth factor Correct Answer: A 84 A middle-aged woman complains of multiple rough lesions on her trunk. Biopsy reveals connective tissue nevi. Because other family members have had similar lesions, genetic testing is performed, revealing a defect in the LEMD3 gene. What is the classic bone finding in patients with a defective LEMD3 gene? Show Explanation A. Osteopoikilosis B. Osteopathia striata C. Tibial bowing D. Lumbar ankylosis E. Frequent fractures of the long bones Correct Answer: A 85 The main cause of death in patients with dyskeratosis congenita is which of the following? Show Explanation A. Oral basal cell carcinoma B. Leukemia C. Renal cell carcinoma D. Pancytopenia E. Atherosclerotic heart disease Correct Answer: D 86 This is a plakin: Show Explanation A. BPAg1
  • 17. B. Plakoglobin C. Plakophilin D. Desmocollin E. Beta-catenin Correct Answer: A 87 What is cutaneous larva migrans caused by? Show Explanation A. Ancylostoma caninum and A. Brazilense B. Toxoplasma gondii C. Onchocerca volvulus D. Shistosoma hematobium, S. japonicum & S. mansoni E. Strongyloides stercoralis Correct Answer: A 88 Which potential complications is seen exclusively with phenol peels? Show Explanation A. Milia B. Hypopigmentation C. Contact dermatitis D. Prolonged erythema E. Laryngeal edema Correct Answer: E 89 Intermittent sun exposure with painful sunburns is a predisposing factor for the development of: Show Explanation A. Atypical nevi B. Seborrheic keratosis C. Malignant melanoma D. Atypical nevi and Malignant melanoma E. All of these answers are correct Correct Answer: D 90 In a patient with IPEX (immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked) syndrome, which of the following T-cell lines are affected? Show Explanation A. Th17 B. Th1 C. Th2 D. Cytotoxic T-cells E. Regulatory T-cells Correct Answer: E 91 A 54-year old woman who is healthy except for chronic osteoarthritis, for which she takes daily naproxen, with bullae and milia on the dorsal hands. Biopsy is most likely to exhibit which of the following histologic findings: Show Explanation A. Asteroid Bodies B. Caterpillar Bodies C. Cowdry Type A Bodies
  • 18. D. Donovan Bodies E. Dutcher Bodies Correct Answer: B 92 Sharp hairs on plants of the Urticaceae family contain which of the following toxins that are released into the skin causing rapid edema, pruritus, and burning? Show Explanation A. Histamine B. Serotonin C. Acetylcholine D. All of these answers are correct E. Histamine and acetylcholine Correct Answer: D 93 Which vascular disorder is characterized by facial vascular malformation and ipsilateral intracranial and retinal arteriovenous malformations(AVMs)? Show Explanation A. Sturge-Weber syndome B. PHACES C. Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis D. Bonnet Dechaune Blanc syndrome E. Von Lohuizen�s disease Correct Answer: D 94 The mechanism action of this cytotoxic agent is via inhibition of IMP dehydrogenase. Show Explanation A. Azathioprine B. Methotrexate C. Hydroxyurea D. 5-fluorouracil E. Mycophenolate mofetil Correct Answer: E 95 What cutaneous manifestation is associated with familial cerebral cavernomas?Show Explanation A. Verrucous hemangioms B. Glomeruloid hemangiomas C. hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary-venous malformations(HCCVM) D. segmental facial hemangiomas E. Tufted angiomas Correct Answer: C 96 The cytoplasmic granules seen in granular cell tumor are: Show Explanation A. Phagolysosomes B. Ribosomes C. Mitochondria D. Intermediate filaments E. Vacuoles Correct Answer: A
  • 19. 97 A patient with Klinefelter Syndrome may be expected to experience which of the following: Show Explanation A. Recurrent pulmonary infections B. Recurrent leg ulcers C. Pulmonary valve stenosis D. Gastroesophageal reflux E. Scarring alopecia Correct Answer: B 98 For which of the following smallpox vaccination complications is the administration of vaccine immune globulin indicated? Show Explanation A. Post-vaccinal encephalitis B. Erythema multiforme C. Eczema vaccinatum D. Vaccinia keratitis E. Mild generalized vaccinia Correct Answer: C 99 The causative organism of epidemic typhus is: Show Explanation A. Francisella tularensis B. R. prowazekii C. R. akari D. R. typhi E. Salmonella typhi Correct Answer: B 100 The most common agent of cutaneous and furuncular myiasis in North America is: Show Explanation A. Dermatobia hominis B. Gasterophilus intestinalis C. Wohlfahrtia magnifica D. Hypoderma hominis E. Cuterebra intestinalis Correct Answer: A 101 Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoide: Show Explanation A. Occurs in older patient populations rather than Classical MF B. Occurs in women more commonly than men C. Is more likely to occur on the face D. Does not differ from classic MF in terms of those affected E. Is more likely to occur in patients with skin types V and VI. Correct Answer: E 102 Which of the following causes "black dot ringworm"? Show Explanation A. M. canis B. T. violaceum
  • 20. C. T. verrucosum D. M. gypseum E. M. auddouinii Correct Answer: B 103 A child presents with fever, cutaneous tenderness and erythema of flexural and periorifacial areas. Within 24 hours the erythema progresses to flaccid blisters and erosions. No organisms are cultured and Nikolsky's sign is positive. First line therapy includes: Show Explanation A. IV penicillinase resistant penicillin with clindamycin B. Aspirin C. IV IgG D. PO tetracylcine E. PO cephalexin Correct Answer: A 104 Which syndrome is characterized by hyperhidrosis, lack of pain sensation, hypersalivation, and absent fungiform papillae? Show Explanation A. Turner Syndrome B. Noonan Syndrome C. Riley-Day D. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome E. Cornelia de lange Syndrome Correct Answer: C 105 Which anesthetic has the shortest duration of action? Show Explanation A. Mepivacaine B. Procaine C. Bupivacaine D. Tetracaine E. Prilocaine Correct Answer: B 106 Keratinocytes express what class of major histocompatibility complex under normal conditions? Show Explanation A. MHC Class I B. MHC Class II C. MHC Class III D. MHC Class IV E. MHC Class V Correct Answer: A 107 A 37 year old male with a history of HIV/AIDS presents complaining of the new onset of purplish nodules of the feet and lower legs. He lost his insurance eight months ago and has been unable to afford the HAART therapy that he was prescribed. HHV-8 is found in the semen of what percent of men with this disease? Show Explanation A. 5%
  • 21. B. 20% C. 35% D. 50% E. 65% Correct Answer: B 108 What is the principal vector of Lyme Disease in the Northeastern U.S.? Show Explanation A. Ixodes ricinus B. Soft-bodied ticks (Ornithodoros) C. Ixodes dammini D. Ambylomma americanum E. Dermacentor variabilis Correct Answer: C 109 A patient develops herpes zoster in the V1 distribution. A few days after development of the classic vesicular rash, her family brings her to the emergency room because of new onset seizures. She had been complaining of confusion, headache, fatigue, and loss of appetite prior to the convulsions. What is the diagnosis? Show Explanation A. Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone B. Ramsay-Hunt syndrome C. Delayed contralateral hemiparesis D. Post-zoster neuropathy E. Intracerebral vasculitis Correct Answer: A 110 A 15 year old boy presents with a 4 month history of pigmented bands on several fingernails and toenails. The most like etiology is: Show Explanation A. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome B. Chloroquine therapy C. Minocycline therapy D. Nevomelanocytic nevi E. Acral lentiginous melanoma Correct Answer: C 111 Anemia, leg ulcers, poikilodermatous skin changes, hepatitis, renal toxicity, and acral erythema are most commonly associated with what medication? Show Explanation A. 5-fluorouracil B. Hydroxyurea C. Cyclosporine D. Methotrexate E. Doxorubicin Correct Answer: B 112 Which of the following variants of mycosis fungoides is best diagnosed using a punch biopsy instead of a broad superficial shave biopsy? Show Explanation A. Woringer-Kolopp pagetoid reticulosis
  • 22. B. Syringotropic mycosis fungoides C. Ketron-Goodman pagetoid reticulosis D. Poikilodermatous mycosis fungoides E. Sezary syndrome Correct Answer: B 113 A patient with Ref sum syndrome has ocular anomalies such as nystagmus and night blindness has a deficiency in: Show Explanation A. Phytanic acid oxidase deficiency B. Abnormal transglutaminase C. Abnormal steroid sulfatase D. Fatty alcohol oxidoreductas deficiency E. Defects in endoglin Correct Answer: A 114 A fungal culture demonstrates a suedelike cream-colored colony of teardrop and balloon-shaped microconidia which produce a red-brown pigment. Which of the following is true of this organism? Show Explanation A. Causes ectothrix infection B. Requires partial thiamine for growth C. Does not have arthroconidia D. Causes fluorescent hair infection E. Is not a cause of tinea unguim Correct Answer: B 115 A 36 year-old homeless man presents with a tender suppurative nodule on the mandible. "Sulfur granules" are present on microscopy. The most likely diagnosis is: Show Explanation A. Actinomycetoma B. Actinomycosis C. Anthrax D. Acne Conglobata E. Aspergillosis Correct Answer: B 116 What is used to reduce bladder toxicity from cyclophosphamide? Show Explanation A. Mesna B. Leukovorin C. Cimetidine D. Vitamin E E. Folic acid Correct Answer: A 117 A patient is diagnosed with Hay Wells syndrome with wiry, sparse hair and ankyloblepharon. The patient has partial anhidrosis, cleft lip, palate and dystrophic nails. The mutation is in the: Show Explanation A. p63 B. TP73L
  • 23. C. DLX3 D. PORCN E. Arylsulfatase Correct Answer: A 118 Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa is one of the findings seen in the syndrome caused by which of the following genes? Show Explanation A. SPINK5 B. SLURP1 C. GJB2 D. LMX1B E. CYLD Correct Answer: A 119 The use of EMLA cream is contraindicated in patients with which of the following? Show Explanation A. Atopic dermatitis B. Neomycin allergy C. Sickle cell anemia D. Methemoglobinemia E. Peripheral neuropathy Correct Answer: D 120 Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been found to play an important role in innate immunity. This has been utilized in the development of medications frequently used in dermatology. The mechanism of what medication involves activation of TLR7. Show Explanation A. Clobetasol B. Tacrolimus C. Cyclosporine D. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) E. Imiquimod Correct Answer: E