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+Transitioning to the
 common core using
   PBL and SBE to
     prepare our
   students for life
  after high school.

 Maggie Ford and Tim Spencer
 Alternative Education Academy
                                                            Strand: Physical Science
                                             Measurement Topic: Structure and Properties of Matter (.08)
                     Score 4.0   In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught such as…
                                  Investigating the properties of gravity

Strand                                                                                                                                                   Measurement
Broad category of                Score 3.5         In addition to Score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success.

                     Score 3.0   While engaged in tasks structure and properties of matter, the student...                                            More specific category
                                  Compares and contrasts mass and weight
                                 The student exhibits no major errors or omissions.                                                                      of learning within
Performance                      Score 2.5         No major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and process and partial knowledge of the more
                                                   complex ideas and processes.
Level                Score 2.0   While engaged in tasks structure and properties of matter, the student...
                                  Identifies that mass is determined by the amount of matter in an object
                                  Identifies that weight is determined by the amount of gravitational pull on an object
                                  Relates specific terminology...
                                                                                                                                            Score 3.0
Learning                                   o      mass                                                                            The content or skills
Targets                                    o      matter
                                                                                                                                       that are explicitly
                                           o      weight
The Score 3.0 bullet is                    o      volume                                                                                          taught
designated the                             o      density
                                 However, the student exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes.
Learning Target. The
LT defines
                                 Score 1.5         Partial knowledge of the simpler details and processes but major errors or omissions regarding the more
                                                   complex ideas and procedures.                                                                                Score 2.0
                     Score 1.0   With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complexSimpler
                                                                                                                                             ideas and         or foundational
                                                                                                                                                           skills or knowledge
                                 Score 0.5          With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes but not the more complex
                                                    ideas and processes.                                                                                              at a lower
                     Score 0.0   Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.                                                                       taxonomic level
    The Scale

    4   In addition to exhibiting level-3 performance, in depth inferences and
        applications that go BEYOND what was taught in class

    3   No major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and/or
        processes (SIMPLE or COMPLEX) that were explicitly taught

    2   No major errors or omissions regarding the SIMPLER details and
        processes BUT major errors or omissions regarding the more complex
        ideas and processes

    1   With HELP, a partial knowledge of some of the simpler and complex
        details and processes

    0   Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated
Learning Goals vs. Learning Tasks
   Score 3.0 Learning Targets are written in the form of learning
    goals, not learning tasks or activities

   Learning goals specify the content or skills that the student is
    expected to know or do

   Learning tasks or activities are the classroom activities that a
    student does in order to accomplish or be assessed on the
    learning goal.
                    Goal                        Task of activity
     The student demonstrates           The student creates a map showing
     knowledge of the division of the   the states that formed the
     country during the Civil War       Confederacy and those that stayed
                                        in the United States

   3.0 Learning Targets must be measurable

   Measurable:
     Observable or Quantifiable

           Makes predictions about reading
               The teacher can observe a student doing this
           Performs 10 push-ups with proper form
               The teacher can count the number of pushup and observe proper form
       Not Measurable
           The student enjoys independent reading
    Limit the number of 3.0 Learning

       Research suggest that there should be no more than 3-4
        Learning Targets per topic

       Why? More than 3 or 4 become impossible to assess and assess
        well at the same time

       Teachers can only keep records of 3-4 things at any given time

              Note: A Scoring Guide will be developed for each Learning Target
Specificity of Learning Targets

   Learning targets must be written so that a teacher, unfamiliar with the process
    and unfamiliar with the curriculum, can assess a student

   Avoid terms that can’t be easily defined or allow for subjective interpretation

   Terms can be defined within the learning target

   Examples can also be used to provide specificity

             Non-Specific                                  Specific
Monitors own reading for                 Employs self-monitoring strategies while
comprehension                            reading (e.g., predicting, confirming,
    Taxonomic Foundations
   Score 2.0’s generally fall into
       Level 1 - Retrieval

   Score 3.0’s generally fall into
       Level 2 - Comprehension
       Level 3 - Analysis

   Score 4.0’s generally fall into
       Level 3 – Analysis
       Level 4 – Knowledge Utilization

   These ARE NOT hard fast rules!
       All of this depends on the skill and knowledge being assessed; and the grade
        level of the student!
    Taxonomic Foundations of 3.0
   3.0’s are typically written in the Comprehension
    and Analysis taxonomic level

   The lowest grade levels may have retrieval level
+                                   Operation     Definition         Example
Level 2 -
Comprehension                       Symbolizing   Depicting        Diagram the
                                                  the critical     structure of the
                                                  aspects of       3 branches of
Symbolizing                                       knowledge        the U.S.
o   Construct symbolic                            in a pictorial   government
    representation of information                 or symbolic

                                    Integrating   Identifying  Summarize the
o   Identify basic structure of                   the critical main causes of
                                                  or essential the Civil War
                                                  elements of
+                                   Process                Possible Verbs

Level 2 -
                                                  •Symbolize        •Show
Comprehension                       Symbolizing
                                                  •Depict           •Use models
                                                  •Represent        •Diagram
                                                  •Illustrate       •Chart
o   Construct symbolic
    representation of information
                                    Integrating   • Describe how or • Explain ways in
                                                    why               which
                                                  • Describe the    • Paraphrase
Integrating                                         key parts of    • Summarize
o   Identify basic structure of                   • Describe the
    information                                     effects
                                                  • Describe the
    Procedural Knowledge

   Macroprocedures
       Highly complex procedures, with many subcomponents
   Tactics
       Complex procedures, with fewer subcomponents
   Algorithms
       Procedures with very specific steps and very specific
   Single rules
       One step procedure, one IF-THEN rule
    Declarative Knowledge

   Generalizations
       Statements for which examples can be provided

   Principles
       Specific generalizations that deal with relationships between ideas

   Time Sequences
       Events happened between points in time

   Facts
       Information about specific persons, places, things

   Vocabulary Terms
       Understanding the general meaning of a word
    Declarative Knowledge

    Declarative knowledge has a hierarchy
       Organizing Ideas

           Generalizations

           Principles

       Details

           Time Sequences
           Facts
           Vocabulary Terms
    Procedural Knowledge

    Procedural knowledge has a hierarchy
       Processes
           Macroprocedures

       Skills
           Tactics
           Algorithms
           Single Rules
    Writing 2.0’s

       2.0’s are derived from the 3.0’s

       They are simpler details and processes
        associated with the Score 3.0 learning targets

       2.0’s either identify necessary components of
        the 3.0 or simpler versions of the 3.0
    Writing 2.0’s

       2.0’s use the following stem:
        “There are no major errors or omissions
        regarding the simpler details and processes as
        the student:
           recognizes or recalls basic terminology such as:
           performs basic processes such as:”

       At this step, define the basic vocabulary that
        the student needs to know

       Complete the Scoring Guide by listing the
        vocabulary appropriate to understand the
        Score 3.0 content

       Not every Scoring Guide has to have
    Basic Processes

       2 types of knowledge
           Procedural
               Knowing how to do something
           Declarative
               Knowing something

       If the Score 3.0 is procedural, than the 2.0 should
        be as well
       If the Score 3.0 is declarative, then the Score 2.0
        is declarative
    Procedural 2.0

   When you write procedural 2.0’s, you will move
    down the hierarchy from the procedural 3.0
     If   the 3.0 involves a macroprocedure:
       For   example: Write a short constructed response
     You may move to a lower complexity procedure, like an
       For   example: complete a graphic organizer of a short
           constructed response
    Declarative Knowledge
Declarative knowledge has a hierarchy
   Organizing Ideas
       Generalizations
       Principles

   Details
       Time Sequences
       Facts
       Vocabulary Terms
    Declarative Knowledge

   Generalizations
       Statements for which examples can be provided

   Principles
       Specific generalizations that deal with relationships between ideas

   Time Sequences
       Events happened between points in time

   Facts
       Information about specific persons, places, things

   Vocabulary Terms
       Understanding the general meaning of a word
           Declarative 2.0
   When you write declarative 2.0’s. you will move
    down the hierarchy from your declarative 3.0
     If   the 3.0 involves a generalization,
       For     example: Reproduction is a characteristic of all
           living organisms
     Then     the 2.0 will ask for details about that generalization
       For   example: Recognize or recall accurate information
           about reproduction in living organisms (e.g. provide
           examples here to keep the statement specific!)
    Taxonomic Foundations of 2.0

       Generally, Score 2.0 items will fall into the
        Retrieval level

       However, it depends on the grade level and
        skills or knowledge being assessed

       The rule is that the 2.0 is a simpler level or
        process than the 3.0
                                  Operation       Definition           Example activity

                                Executing     The student can        Provide the next
                                              perform procedures     number in the
                                              without significant    sequence:
Level 1 -Retrieval                            errors                 7,11,14,18,21,___?

o   Perform procedures          Recalling     The student can     Label the diagram of
                                              produce information the cell
Recalling                                     on demand
o   Produce info on demand

Recognizing                     Recognizing   The student can        Which of the following
                                              determine whether      did not land on the
o   Determine whether info is
                                              provided               moon?
    accurate, inaccurate or                   information is         A. Neil Armstrong
    unknown                                   accurate, inaccurate   B. Buzz Aldrin
                                              or unknown             C. Michael Collins
        Level 1 -
        Retrieval                  Student can perform simple
                                       Math algorithms
Executing                              Editing tasks
o   Perform procedures                 Lab procedures
Recalling                              Steps to a dance
o   Produce info on demand
                                   But, they do not have a
Recognizing                         deeper understanding of why
o   Determine whether info is       they are doing it, only that
    accurate, inaccurate or         the steps they are
    unknown                         performing are correct
+                               Recalling
Level 1 -                          The student can produce information on
Retrieval                           demand

                                   The student can Recall correct
                                    answers when put into context – they
Executing                           can “fill in the blank”
o   Perform procedures
                                   Usually assessed by short answer
Recalling                           questions like:
o   Produce info on demand             List
Recognizing                            Label
o   Determine whether info is          Name
    accurate, inaccurate or            Fill in the blank
    The New Taxonomy
+The New Taxonomy
(Marzano and Kendall 2008)

   Level 6 – Self-System Thinking
   Level 5 – Metacognition

   Level 4 – Knowledge Utilization
   Level 3 – Analysis
   Level 2 – Comprehension
   Level 1 – Retrieval
       Only Levels 1-4 are used in the Scoring Guide
    Taxonomic Foundations
   Score 2.0’s generally fall into
       Level 1 - Retrieval

   Score 3.0’s generally fall into
       Level 2 - Comprehension
       Level 3 - Analysis

   Score 4.0’s generally fall into
       Level 3 – Analysis
       Level 4 – Knowledge Utilization

   These ARE NOT hard fast rules!
       All of this depends on the skill and knowledge being assessed; and
        the grade level of the student!
+                               Operation      Definition         Example
Level 1 -                       Executing     The student      Provide the next
Retrieval                                     can perform      number in the
                                              procedures       sequence:
                                              without          7,11,14,18,21,___
                                              significant      ?
Executing                                     errors
o   Perform procedures          Recalling     The student      Label the diagram
Recalling                                     can produce      of
                                              information on   the cell
o   Produce info on demand                    demand
Recognizing                     Recognizing   The student      Which of the
                                              can determine    following
o   Determine whether info is                 whether          did not land on the
    accurate, inaccurate or                   provided         moon?
    unknown                                   information is   A. Neil Armstrong
                                              accurate,        B. Buzz Aldrin
                                              inaccurate or    C. Michael Collins
+   Level 1 -                       Recognizing
    Retrieval                          The student can determine whether
                                        information is accurate, inaccurate or
    Executing                           unknown
    o   Perform procedures
                                       When they see it, they know that it is
    Recalling                           right
    o   Produce info on demand
                                       The correct answer is present, and
    Recognizing                         the student can Recognize the
    o   Determine whether info is       answer
        accurate, inaccurate or
        unknown                        Usually assessed by traditional
                                        forced choice tests (e.g. multiple
                                        choice, true/false, matching)
+                        Process              Possible Verbs

Level 1 -
                         Executing    •Use               •Make
Retrieval                             •Demonstrate       •Complete
                                      •Show              •Draft
Executing                                                •Create
o   Perform procedures

Recalling                Recalling    • Exemplify        • Describe
o   Produce info on                   • Name             • Who
    demand                            • List             • What
                                      • Label            • Where
Recognizing                           • State            • When
o   Determine whether
    info is accurate,
    inaccurate or        Recognizin   • Recognize        • Determine if
    unknown              g            • Select (from a     true/false
                                      • Identify (from
                                        a list)
          Level 2 -Comprehension
    Operation Definition               Example           Symbolizing
                                                         o   Construct symbolic
    Symbolizing Depicting the       Diagram the              representation of
                critical aspects    structure of the 3
                of knowledge        branches of the
                in a pictorial or   U.S. government
                symbolic form

    Integrating   Identifying the   Summarize the        o   Identify basic structure of
                  critical or       main causes of           information
                  essential         the Civil War
                  elements of
    Level 2 -Comprehension
    Process                   Possible Verbs               Symbolizing
    Symbolizing •Symbolize             •Show               o   Construct symbolic
                •Depict                •Use models
                                                               representation of
                •Represent             •Diagram
                •Illustrate            •Chart

    Integrating   • Describe how or    • Explain ways in
                    why                  which
                  • Describe the key   • Paraphrase
                    parts of           • Summarize         o   Identify basic
                  • Describe the                               structure of
                    effects                                    information
                  • Describe the
+                                        Operation          Definition                  Example

Level 4 –                               Investigating     Generate a hypothesis
                                                                                   Research what might
                                                                                   happen to the polar ice

                                                          use the assertions and   caps if the temperature of
                                                          opinions of others to    the earth rose 5 degrees
                                                          test the hypothesis
o   Testing hypothesis using the        Experimenting     Generating and testing   Generate and test a
    assertions and opinions of others                     a hypothesis by          hypothesis about the growth
                                                          conducting an            of plants in
Experimenting                                             experiment and           various medium
                                                          collecting data
o   Testing hypothesis using data
    collected by the student

Problem Solving
                                        Problem Solving   Accomplishing a goal     Determine the best
o   Using information to accomplish                       for which obstacles      strategy for accomplishing
    a goal for which obstacles or                         exist                    peace in the world
    limiting conditions exist

Decision Making
                                        Decision Making   Selecting among          Choose the best site for a
o   Using information to make a                           alternatives that        new airport from 3
    decision                                              initially appear to be   alternatives. Explain
                                                          equal                    your decision.
+ 4–

                                  Investigating   
                                                             Possible Verbs

                                                    Investigate        What are the differing
                                                                        features of
Knowledge                                          Research

                                                   Find out about     How/Why did this

Utilization                                        Take a position
                                                    on                 What would have

Investigating                                                           happened if
o   Testing hypothesis using      Experimenting    Experiment         How would you test that
    the assertions and                             Generate and       How would you
    opinions of others                              test                determine if
                                                   Test the idea      How can this be
                                                    that                explained
o   Testing hypothesis using
                                                   What would         Based on the
    data collected by the
    student                                         happen if           experiment, what can
                                                                        be predicted
Problem Solving                   Problem          Solve              Figure out a way to
o   Using information to          Solving          Adapt              How would you

    accomplish a goal for                          Develop a           overcome
    which obstacles or limiting                     strategy to        How will you reach your
    conditions exist                                                    goal to

Decision Making                   Decision         Decide             Which of these is most
                                  Making           Select the best     suitable
o   Using information to make
                                                    among              What is the best way
    a decision
+ Level 5 - Metacognition
   Monitoring Accuracy
       The student is able to determine how accurate they are

   Monitoring Clarity
       The student is able to determine how clear their understanding is

   Process Monitoring
       The student is able to monitor their own progress toward a specific goal

   Specifying Goals
       The student is able to specify learning goals and develop a plan to
        achieve it
Level 6 – Self-System Thinking
    Examining motivation
        The students identifies his or her own level of motivation towards learning

    Examining Emotional Response
        The student identifies his or her own emotional response to the learning

    Examining Efficacy
        The student identifies beliefs about his or her ability to improve
         competence or understanding

    Examining Importance
        The student identifies how important the learning is and the reasons
         behind this belief
      The Purpose of Writing Sample

    Sample tasks:

     Further   specify the expectations of each Learning

     Provide   instructional guidance to the teacher

     Suggest   ways to assess a Learning Target

     Can   be used to design formative assessment

     Canbe used to construct a common assessment item
    Writing Sample Tasks

 Ask   yourself some basic questions:
     How can a student demonstrate success for this Learning
     What kinds of learning activities or tasks would assess
     success in this Learning Target?
     What taxonomic operation would be appropriate for this
     task at this grade level?
Adams County School District 50 Typical Progression Guide – End of Year Levels

   Grade Level                PK               K            1                 2             3                4               5               6               7             8                   9             10                    11           12
                                    Math                Math             Math            Math            Math               Math          Math              Math                          AlGeo-1          AlGeo 2                AlGeo 3       Math
     Math                          LR + L1               L2               L3              L4            L5 + L6              L7          L8 + L9             L10
                                                                                                                                                                                            L12              L13                    L14         L15
                                                                                                                                                                                                            World             American          English
                            Literacy     Literacy      Literacy         Literacy        Literacy       Literacy         Literacy        Literacy        Literacy        Literacy           Literacy      Literature/         Literature/      Language/
   Literacy                 LR + L1         L2            L3               L4              L5             L6               L7              L8              L9              L10                L11       Composition         Composition      Composition
                                                                                                                                                                                                             L12                 L13           L14 + L15
                                                                                                                                                                                         Chemistry/                                    Biology
                                   Science             Science          Science         Science                   Science               Science         Science         Science           Biology                                     Chemistry
    Science                           LR                  L1               L2              L3                     L4 + L5               L6 + L7         L8 + L9        L10 + L11         Structures
                                                                                                                                                                                            L12                                          L14
     Social                                             Social           Social          Social         Social           Social           Social         Social          Social                                                       Government/
                               Social Studies                                                                                                                                           Geography/       US History
                                                       Studies          Studies         Studies        Studies          Studies          Studies        Studies         Studies                                                          Civics
    Studies                          LR                                                                                                                                                 World History       L13
                                                         L1               L2              L3             L4               L5             L6 + L7        L8 + L9        L10 + L11                                                          L14

                                               Technology                      Technology                        Technology             Technolo       Technolo
Technology                                         L1                            L2 + L3                             L4                   gy L5          gy L6
                                                                                                                                                                                Technology L7

                                 Visual Arts                    Visual Arts                     Visual Art             Visual Art                      Visual Art                                                  Visual Arts
 Visual Arts                         LR                             L1                              L2                     L3                              L4                                                      L5 + L6 + L7

   Physical                        Phys Ed             Phys Ed          Phys Ed                  Phys Ed                           Phys Ed              Phys Ed                      Phys Ed               Phys Ed
  Education                          LR                  L1               L2                       L3                              L4 + L5                L6                           L7                    L8

   Personal                                                                   Personal Social                                                        Personal Social
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Personal Social
    Social                                                                          L1                                                                     L2
                                                       Performi        Performi                                        Performi           Band/           Band/           Band/              Band/           Band/               Band/
 Performing                   Performing Arts                                             Performing Arts                               Orchestra/      Orchestra/      Orchestra/         Orchestra/      Orchestra/          Orchestra/
                                                        ng Arts         ng Arts                                         ng Arts        Choir/Drama     Choir/Drama     Choir/Drama        Choir/Drama     Choir/Drama         Choir/Drama
    Arts                            LR                                                          L3
                                                          L1              L2                                              L4                 L5              L6            L7                  L8             L9                   L10

    World                                                                                                                                         French                             French                French                 French       French
                                                                                                                                                  Spanish                            Spanish               Spanish                Spanish      Spanish
  Language                                                                                                                                          L1                               L2 + L3                 L4                     L5           L6


Clarification 1   –   This progression chart is meant to provide an approximate correlation between student developmental abilities, estimated time to complete levels, and the number of years students have been enrolled in school.
Clarification 2   –   Math, Literacy, and Science are correlated to the skills required for success on the CSAP and Standards-based Assessments.
Clarification 3   –   Alignment in remaining content areas are meant to provide waypoints for pacing, not necessarily as indicators of the degree to which a student is functioning at an appropriate developmental level.
Clarification 4   –   Post-secondary Performance Levels 15 and 16 are offered in Math, Literacy, Science, and Social Studies for accelerated students.
                  –   boxes indicate minimum proficiency levels for graduation in all content areas.

                                                                                                                                                                                Last Updated by Learning Services: September 9, 2011
+   Project Design

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  • 3. +
  • 4. + ZVCjfWf8
  • 5. + Strand: Physical Science Measurement Topic: Structure and Properties of Matter (.08) SC. Score 4.0 In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught such as… Investigating the properties of gravity Strand Measurement Broad category of Score 3.5 In addition to Score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success. learning Topic Score 3.0 While engaged in tasks structure and properties of matter, the student... More specific category Compares and contrasts mass and weight The student exhibits no major errors or omissions. of learning within strand Performance Score 2.5 No major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and process and partial knowledge of the more complex ideas and processes. Level Score 2.0 While engaged in tasks structure and properties of matter, the student... Identifies that mass is determined by the amount of matter in an object Identifies that weight is determined by the amount of gravitational pull on an object Relates specific terminology... Score 3.0 Learning o mass The content or skills Targets o matter that are explicitly o weight The Score 3.0 bullet is o volume taught designated the o density However, the student exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes. Learning Target. The LT defines proficiency. Score 1.5 Partial knowledge of the simpler details and processes but major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and procedures. Score 2.0 Score 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complexSimpler ideas and or foundational processes. skills or knowledge Score 0.5 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes but not the more complex ideas and processes. at a lower Score 0.0 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated. taxonomic level
  • 6. + The Scale 4 In addition to exhibiting level-3 performance, in depth inferences and applications that go BEYOND what was taught in class 3 No major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and/or processes (SIMPLE or COMPLEX) that were explicitly taught 2 No major errors or omissions regarding the SIMPLER details and processes BUT major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes 1 With HELP, a partial knowledge of some of the simpler and complex details and processes 0 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated
  • 7. Learning Goals vs. Learning Tasks  Score 3.0 Learning Targets are written in the form of learning goals, not learning tasks or activities  Learning goals specify the content or skills that the student is expected to know or do  Learning tasks or activities are the classroom activities that a student does in order to accomplish or be assessed on the learning goal. Examples Goal Task of activity The student demonstrates The student creates a map showing knowledge of the division of the the states that formed the country during the Civil War Confederacy and those that stayed in the United States
  • 8. + Measurability  3.0 Learning Targets must be measurable  Measurable:  Observable or Quantifiable  Makes predictions about reading  The teacher can observe a student doing this  Performs 10 push-ups with proper form  The teacher can count the number of pushup and observe proper form  Not Measurable  The student enjoys independent reading
  • 9. + Limit the number of 3.0 Learning Targets!  Research suggest that there should be no more than 3-4 Learning Targets per topic  Why? More than 3 or 4 become impossible to assess and assess well at the same time  Teachers can only keep records of 3-4 things at any given time Note: A Scoring Guide will be developed for each Learning Target
  • 10. Specificity of Learning Targets  Learning targets must be written so that a teacher, unfamiliar with the process and unfamiliar with the curriculum, can assess a student  Avoid terms that can’t be easily defined or allow for subjective interpretation  Terms can be defined within the learning target  Examples can also be used to provide specificity Example Non-Specific Specific Monitors own reading for Employs self-monitoring strategies while comprehension reading (e.g., predicting, confirming, rereading)
  • 11. + Taxonomic Foundations  Score 2.0’s generally fall into  Level 1 - Retrieval  Score 3.0’s generally fall into  Level 2 - Comprehension  Level 3 - Analysis  Score 4.0’s generally fall into  Level 3 – Analysis  Level 4 – Knowledge Utilization  These ARE NOT hard fast rules!  All of this depends on the skill and knowledge being assessed; and the grade level of the student!
  • 12. + Taxonomic Foundations of 3.0  3.0’s are typically written in the Comprehension and Analysis taxonomic level  The lowest grade levels may have retrieval level elements
  • 13. + Operation Definition Example activity Level 2 - Comprehension Symbolizing Depicting Diagram the the critical structure of the aspects of 3 branches of Symbolizing knowledge the U.S. o Construct symbolic in a pictorial government representation of information or symbolic form Integrating Integrating Identifying Summarize the o Identify basic structure of the critical main causes of information or essential the Civil War elements of knowledge
  • 14. + Process Possible Verbs Level 2 - •Symbolize •Show Comprehension Symbolizing •Depict •Use models •Represent •Diagram •Illustrate •Chart •Draw Symbolizing o Construct symbolic representation of information Integrating • Describe how or • Explain ways in why which • Describe the • Paraphrase Integrating key parts of • Summarize o Identify basic structure of • Describe the information effects • Describe the relationship between
  • 15. + Procedural Knowledge  Macroprocedures  Highly complex procedures, with many subcomponents  Tactics  Complex procedures, with fewer subcomponents  Algorithms  Procedures with very specific steps and very specific outcomes  Single rules  One step procedure, one IF-THEN rule
  • 16. + Declarative Knowledge  Generalizations  Statements for which examples can be provided  Principles  Specific generalizations that deal with relationships between ideas  Time Sequences  Events happened between points in time  Facts  Information about specific persons, places, things  Vocabulary Terms  Understanding the general meaning of a word
  • 17. + Declarative Knowledge Declarative knowledge has a hierarchy  Organizing Ideas  Generalizations Complexity  Principles  Details  Time Sequences  Facts  Vocabulary Terms
  • 18. + Procedural Knowledge Procedural knowledge has a hierarchy  Processes  Macroprocedures Complexity  Skills  Tactics  Algorithms  Single Rules
  • 19. + Writing 2.0’s  2.0’s are derived from the 3.0’s  They are simpler details and processes associated with the Score 3.0 learning targets  2.0’s either identify necessary components of the 3.0 or simpler versions of the 3.0
  • 20. + Writing 2.0’s  2.0’s use the following stem: “There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes as the student:  recognizes or recalls basic terminology such as:  performs basic processes such as:”
  • 21. + Terminology  At this step, define the basic vocabulary that the student needs to know  Complete the Scoring Guide by listing the vocabulary appropriate to understand the Score 3.0 content  Not every Scoring Guide has to have vocabulary
  • 22. + Basic Processes  2 types of knowledge  Procedural  Knowing how to do something  Declarative  Knowing something  If the Score 3.0 is procedural, than the 2.0 should be as well  If the Score 3.0 is declarative, then the Score 2.0 is declarative
  • 23. + Procedural 2.0  When you write procedural 2.0’s, you will move down the hierarchy from the procedural 3.0  If the 3.0 involves a macroprocedure:  For example: Write a short constructed response  You may move to a lower complexity procedure, like an algorithm  For example: complete a graphic organizer of a short constructed response
  • 24. + Declarative Knowledge Declarative knowledge has a hierarchy  Organizing Ideas  Generalizations  Principles Complexity  Details  Time Sequences  Facts  Vocabulary Terms
  • 25. + Declarative Knowledge  Generalizations  Statements for which examples can be provided  Principles  Specific generalizations that deal with relationships between ideas  Time Sequences  Events happened between points in time  Facts  Information about specific persons, places, things  Vocabulary Terms  Understanding the general meaning of a word
  • 26. + Declarative 2.0  When you write declarative 2.0’s. you will move down the hierarchy from your declarative 3.0  If the 3.0 involves a generalization,  For example: Reproduction is a characteristic of all living organisms  Then the 2.0 will ask for details about that generalization  For example: Recognize or recall accurate information about reproduction in living organisms (e.g. provide examples here to keep the statement specific!)
  • 27. + Taxonomic Foundations of 2.0  Generally, Score 2.0 items will fall into the Retrieval level  However, it depends on the grade level and skills or knowledge being assessed  The rule is that the 2.0 is a simpler level or process than the 3.0
  • 28. + Operation Definition Example activity Executing The student can Provide the next perform procedures number in the without significant sequence: Level 1 -Retrieval errors 7,11,14,18,21,___? Executing o Perform procedures Recalling The student can Label the diagram of produce information the cell Recalling on demand o Produce info on demand Recognizing Recognizing The student can Which of the following determine whether did not land on the o Determine whether info is provided moon? accurate, inaccurate or information is A. Neil Armstrong unknown accurate, inaccurate B. Buzz Aldrin or unknown C. Michael Collins
  • 29. + Level 1 - Executing Retrieval  Student can perform simple processes  Math algorithms Executing  Editing tasks o Perform procedures  Lab procedures Recalling  Steps to a dance o Produce info on demand  But, they do not have a Recognizing deeper understanding of why o Determine whether info is they are doing it, only that accurate, inaccurate or the steps they are unknown performing are correct
  • 30. + Recalling Level 1 -  The student can produce information on Retrieval demand  The student can Recall correct answers when put into context – they Executing can “fill in the blank” o Perform procedures  Usually assessed by short answer Recalling questions like: o Produce info on demand  List Recognizing  Label o Determine whether info is  Name accurate, inaccurate or  Fill in the blank unknown
  • 31. + The New Taxonomy
  • 32. +The New Taxonomy (Marzano and Kendall 2008)  Level 6 – Self-System Thinking  Level 5 – Metacognition Complexity  Level 4 – Knowledge Utilization  Level 3 – Analysis  Level 2 – Comprehension  Level 1 – Retrieval Only Levels 1-4 are used in the Scoring Guide
  • 33. + Taxonomic Foundations  Score 2.0’s generally fall into  Level 1 - Retrieval  Score 3.0’s generally fall into  Level 2 - Comprehension  Level 3 - Analysis  Score 4.0’s generally fall into  Level 3 – Analysis  Level 4 – Knowledge Utilization  These ARE NOT hard fast rules!  All of this depends on the skill and knowledge being assessed; and the grade level of the student!
  • 34. + Operation Definition Example activity Level 1 - Executing The student Provide the next Retrieval can perform number in the procedures sequence: without 7,11,14,18,21,___ significant ? Executing errors o Perform procedures Recalling The student Label the diagram Recalling can produce of information on the cell o Produce info on demand demand Recognizing Recognizing The student Which of the can determine following o Determine whether info is whether did not land on the accurate, inaccurate or provided moon? unknown information is A. Neil Armstrong accurate, B. Buzz Aldrin inaccurate or C. Michael Collins unknown
  • 35. + Level 1 - Recognizing Retrieval  The student can determine whether information is accurate, inaccurate or Executing unknown o Perform procedures  When they see it, they know that it is Recalling right o Produce info on demand  The correct answer is present, and Recognizing the student can Recognize the o Determine whether info is answer accurate, inaccurate or unknown  Usually assessed by traditional forced choice tests (e.g. multiple choice, true/false, matching)
  • 36. + Process Possible Verbs Level 1 - Executing •Use •Make Retrieval •Demonstrate •Complete •Show •Draft Executing •Create o Perform procedures Recalling Recalling • Exemplify • Describe o Produce info on • Name • Who demand • List • What • Label • Where Recognizing • State • When o Determine whether info is accurate, inaccurate or Recognizin • Recognize • Determine if unknown g • Select (from a true/false list) • Identify (from a list)
  • 37. + Level 2 -Comprehension Operation Definition Example Symbolizing activity o Construct symbolic Symbolizing Depicting the Diagram the representation of critical aspects structure of the 3 information of knowledge branches of the in a pictorial or U.S. government symbolic form Integrating Integrating Identifying the Summarize the o Identify basic structure of critical or main causes of information essential the Civil War elements of knowledge
  • 38. + Level 2 -Comprehension Process Possible Verbs Symbolizing Symbolizing •Symbolize •Show o Construct symbolic •Depict •Use models representation of •Represent •Diagram information •Illustrate •Chart •Draw Integrating • Describe how or • Explain ways in why which Integrating • Describe the key • Paraphrase parts of • Summarize o Identify basic • Describe the structure of effects information • Describe the relationship between
  • 39. + Operation Definition Example activity Level 4 – Investigating Generate a hypothesis and Research what might happen to the polar ice Knowledge use the assertions and caps if the temperature of opinions of others to the earth rose 5 degrees test the hypothesis Utilization Investigating o Testing hypothesis using the Experimenting Generating and testing Generate and test a assertions and opinions of others a hypothesis by hypothesis about the growth conducting an of plants in Experimenting experiment and various medium collecting data o Testing hypothesis using data collected by the student Problem Solving Problem Solving Accomplishing a goal Determine the best o Using information to accomplish for which obstacles strategy for accomplishing a goal for which obstacles or exist peace in the world limiting conditions exist Decision Making Decision Making Selecting among Choose the best site for a o Using information to make a alternatives that new airport from 3 decision initially appear to be alternatives. Explain equal your decision.
  • 40. + 4– Level Process Investigating  Possible Verbs Investigate  What are the differing features of Knowledge  Research  Find out about  How/Why did this Utilization  Take a position happen on  What would have Investigating happened if o Testing hypothesis using Experimenting  Experiment  How would you test that the assertions and  Generate and  How would you opinions of others test determine if  Test the idea  How can this be Experimenting that explained o Testing hypothesis using  What would  Based on the data collected by the student happen if experiment, what can be predicted Problem Solving Problem  Solve  Figure out a way to o Using information to Solving  Adapt  How would you accomplish a goal for  Develop a overcome which obstacles or limiting strategy to  How will you reach your conditions exist goal to Decision Making Decision  Decide  Which of these is most Making  Select the best suitable o Using information to make among  What is the best way a decision alternatives
  • 41. + Level 5 - Metacognition  Monitoring Accuracy  The student is able to determine how accurate they are  Monitoring Clarity  The student is able to determine how clear their understanding is  Process Monitoring  The student is able to monitor their own progress toward a specific goal  Specifying Goals  The student is able to specify learning goals and develop a plan to achieve it
  • 42. + Level 6 – Self-System Thinking  Examining motivation  The students identifies his or her own level of motivation towards learning  Examining Emotional Response  The student identifies his or her own emotional response to the learning  Examining Efficacy  The student identifies beliefs about his or her ability to improve competence or understanding  Examining Importance  The student identifies how important the learning is and the reasons behind this belief
  • 43. + The Purpose of Writing Sample Tasks Sample tasks:  Further specify the expectations of each Learning Target  Provide instructional guidance to the teacher  Suggest ways to assess a Learning Target  Can be used to design formative assessment  Canbe used to construct a common assessment item bank
  • 44. + Writing Sample Tasks  Ask yourself some basic questions:  How can a student demonstrate success for this Learning Target?  What kinds of learning activities or tasks would assess success in this Learning Target?  What taxonomic operation would be appropriate for this task at this grade level?
  • 45. Adams County School District 50 Typical Progression Guide – End of Year Levels + Traditional Grade Level PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AlGeo Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math AlGeo-1 AlGeo 2 AlGeo 3 Math Math LR + L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 + L6 L7 L8 + L9 L10 Concepts L12 L13 L14 L15 L11 World American English Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literature/ Literature/ Language/ Literacy LR + L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 Composition Composition Composition L12 L13 L14 + L15 Chemistry/ Biology Environmental Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Biology Chemistry Science LR L1 L2 L3 L4 + L5 L6 + L7 L8 + L9 L10 + L11 Structures Science Physics L13 L12 L14 World Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Social Government/ Social Studies Geography/ US History Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies Civics Studies LR World History L13 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 + L7 L8 + L9 L10 + L11 L14 L12 Technology Technology Technology Technolo Technolo Technology L1 L2 + L3 L4 gy L5 gy L6 Technology L7 Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Art Visual Art Visual Art Visual Arts Visual Arts LR L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 + L6 + L7 Physical Phys Ed Phys Ed Phys Ed Phys Ed Phys Ed Phys Ed Phys Ed Phys Ed Education LR L1 L2 L3 L4 + L5 L6 L7 L8 Personal Personal Social Personal Social Personal Social Social L1 L2 L3 Performi Performi Performi Band/ Band/ Band/ Band/ Band/ Band/ Performing Performing Arts Performing Arts Orchestra/ Orchestra/ Orchestra/ Orchestra/ Orchestra/ Orchestra/ ng Arts ng Arts ng Arts Choir/Drama Choir/Drama Choir/Drama Choir/Drama Choir/Drama Choir/Drama Arts LR L3 L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 World French French French French French Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Language L1 L2 + L3 L4 L5 L6 Electives Clarification 1 – This progression chart is meant to provide an approximate correlation between student developmental abilities, estimated time to complete levels, and the number of years students have been enrolled in school. Clarification 2 – Math, Literacy, and Science are correlated to the skills required for success on the CSAP and Standards-based Assessments. Clarification 3 – Alignment in remaining content areas are meant to provide waypoints for pacing, not necessarily as indicators of the degree to which a student is functioning at an appropriate developmental level. Clarification 4 – Post-secondary Performance Levels 15 and 16 are offered in Math, Literacy, Science, and Social Studies for accelerated students. – boxes indicate minimum proficiency levels for graduation in all content areas. Last Updated by Learning Services: September 9, 2011
  • 46. + Project Design