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An Elementary school
Classroom in a Slum
Stephen Spender
This poem “An Elementary School
Classroom in a Slum” was a par t of
“The God that Failed”, 1949.
The poem written by Stephen spender
describes the social inequalities which are
existing in the society. In the poem he
describes the condition of the students of
an elementary school which is situated in a
slum area. The poet wants to draw attention
of everyone towards these kids so that their
life can be improved and they may get
trained to become good citizens rather than
Rhyme scheme of the poem The poem has been written in
free verse. It does not have
rhyme scheme.
Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces.
Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor:
The tall girl with her weighed-down head. The paper
seeming boy, with rat’s eyes. The stunted, unlucky heir
Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease,
His lesson, from his desk. At back of the dim class
One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream,
Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this.
• Gusty - blowing strongly
• Weeds - useless wild plants
• Torn round - scattered around
in disorder
• Weighed down - bent down due to
depression and burden of poverty
• Paper seeming - looking lean and
• Stunted - under developed
• Heir - successor
• Reciting - repeating
• Gnarled - knotty, twisted
• Unnoted - not noticed
• Other than this - other than this
room of the school
Far far from gusty waves these
children’s faces.
Far far – very far away
Gusty waves- strong wind full of energy
The face of the children are very far from
being energetic as they should be
Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor:
• Weeds – unwanted
• Rootless- without any
• Pallor- pale
so these are unwanted
without any binding
without any foundation.
Their faces are pale due
to lack of nutrition.
The tall girl with her weighed-down
head. The paper
seeming boy, with rat’s eyes.
• Tall girl(adj) – older girl in the class
• Weighed-down head- her head is low
due to poverty
• The paper seeming boy(metaphor) –
the boy is like paper i.e.., he is thin
like a paper due to poverty and his
skin is white means he is pale in
seeming boy, with
rat’s eyes.
• Boy, with rat’s eyes(metaphor)- which tells
the expression of the boy’s eye that is
selfish. He just want to get everything
because he is poor.
The stunted, unlucky heir
Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease,
His lesson, from his desk.
Next the poet describing another boy
who could not even stand of poverty.
He is siting in his place and reciting the
lesson. Only the poverty he has
inheritance from his father.
At back of the dim class
One unnoted, sweet and young.
The poet describing one more
boy in the class siting at the
dark end in the classroom, so
he is unnoted in the classroom.
The poet making comparison
between the two boys i.e., the
boy who is sitting in dark end in
the class and rats eye boy
His eyes live in a dream,
Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this.
Poet says this boys eyes are bright as
he is dreaming of escaping from the
class. He is dreaming that he is
playing in the tree room i.e.,. Tree
house. He want to escape from the
dim closed close room to bright tree
house and to play with squirrels.
Stephen Spender shows us that the condition of the children in a
slum school is pathetic. Their world is far from our healthy, fresh
They are like rootless weeds,
unwanted and cast out. Their hairs
are not combed and dirty and their
faces clearly show their existence.
She has a bowed down
head which shows the
burden of the stressed life
she leads. Another boy who
is as thin as a paper too has
the same under nourished
look on his face. He has a
scared expression in his
These unlucky children
have only acquired
diseases and bad luck from
their parents. One of them
is even not able to get up
from his desk to read out
the lesson.
However, the poet says there is one particular boy
who is a little younger than the rest has still his
hopes and dreams with him. He waits for the time
when he can go out in the open to play. The
environment of gloom has not yet engulfed his
dreams and hopes.
On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head,
Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities.
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-handed map
Awarding the world its world. And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future’s painted with a fog,
A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky
Far far from rivers, capes, and stars of words.
• Sour - unpleasant
• Tyrolese valley – valley in Tyrol in
• Sealed in – closed in
• Lead sky – bluish grey sky
(representing sorrow and
• Cape – part of land projecting
into a sea
• Civilized dome – institutions of the
civilized world! Society
• Belled – having bells
• Open handed map – map hung on the
classroom wall representing
important rich and civilized
On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head,
The wall of the class room are
“sour cream wall” means it is dirty
yellow in colour like sour cream.
Next he describes the posters on
the wall which is donated by the
people to the class.
One of them has a picture of
Shakespeare. His head is bald and
like rising sun.
Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities.
Here the poet compares Shakespeare bald head to raising sun. raising
sun spreads it light to all the cities like wise our education also should
be useful for all the lives
Shakespeare is considered as a symbol of culture, education and
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-
handed map
Awarding the world its world.
Second poster is of the Tyrolese Valley –
famous valley in the hilly area of Australia.
This Tyrolese Valley is full of churches and
It symbolize the beauty of creation and nature.
Next picture is of the world map. Map is the
metaphor here. Map is used to signify sharing
its knowledge.
And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
• Poet says all these picture which put in these wall
are meaningless for this children because their
world is different from which is in the picture. Their
world is dim and hopeless, because of poverty.
• These children doesn’t know who is Shakespeare
and where Tyrolese Valley is.
• The world out from these window are only poverty.
Where all their future’s painted with a
Poet says that they were in slum so they
doesn’t know. They don’t know the world
beyond slum. They are trapped in the slum so
their future were dim and hopeless
A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky
Their future is like narrow street i.e.
Sealed in with a lead sky is a
These children future is also sealed
with the grey coloured sky
Grey coloured sky is a dark future
So they are covered with
Far far from rivers, capes, and stars of
• Again the poet used ‘far far’ repletition
means very far away which means they are
very far away from the sea side, they are
very far from happiness
• Then he says about stars. Stars are shining
in the dark sky similarly the light of
education are far away from the children
who were in slum.
In the second stanza, the poet
describes the classroom which
is also dirty and neglected like
its inhabitants. The classroom
too exhibits an atmosphere of
depression and glum. The walls
are cream in colour and on
them the names of the donors
are engraved.
A bust of the great poet
Shakespeare with a background
of a sky is put on. The walls
have pictures of splendid
Tyrolese valley which is a sharp
contrast to the atmosphere of
the classroom.
There are maps on the walls
which show them the harsh
world from their classroom
windows. Their world presents
a future to them which is dark
and cruel. The poet brings out
a harsh reality of these
children. These children are
trapped in a hopeless situation
and their world is far from the
beautiful nature such as rivers,
valleys and seas.
Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example,
With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal—
For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes
From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children
Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel
With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones.
All of their time and space is foggy slum.
So blot their maps with slums as big as doom.
• Slyly - secretly
• Cramped - narrow
• Slag - waste material
• Peeped through -
• Foggy doom - full of
fog/ uncertain hell
• Their maps - maps
with places for the rich
Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example,
• The picture has no meaning for the children
• The postures are bad examples for the children
With ships and sun and love tempting them
to steal__
They are finding bad qualities in
everything so for them Shakespeare is
bad. So there is no use of keeping
Shakespeare picture in the classroom
These picture will force them to do
crimes like stealing instead of giving
love and acceptance
For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes
• Cramped holes- metaphor
• Poet trying to say that their rooms
are like holes that is small room
and there are too many people
living in a small hole
• They adopted themselves to live in
these spaces
From fog to endless night? On their slag heap,
these children
• ‘from fog’ is a alliteration
• Fog is a metaphor used for day
• Endless night(metaphor)- their torture continues every night. The torture will not
• Their life is going towards an endless night.
Wear skins peeped through by
bones and spectacles of steel
The children are
very thin and their
skin looks like a
thin layered of
clothes on them.
Their bones can be
seen through their
skin clothes it
means they are lack
of nutrition
With mended glass, like
bottle bits on stones.
They wear spectacles which are made of steel.
They are cheap and very uncomfortable. Even
the lenses in the spectacles are repaired. The
spectacles look like stones which have been
repaired with pieces of glass sticking out of
them. Here the poet tries to explain that these
kids have to face so many hardships in their
‘like bottle bits on stones.’ similie
All of their time and space is foggy slum.
These lines are metaphor
As these slums are getting bigger, they will
destroy the future of these children
The children life is dark and hopeless
So blot their maps
with slums as big as
The government and the school
are not giving chance to these
children to escape from this slum
it is very difficult for such kids to
escape from them.
Stephen Spender
suddenly attacks
Shakespeare and calls
him ‘wicked.’ He
says so because he
feels Shakespeare has
poisoned the
children’s mind by
misleading them that
their world is beautiful;
it has corrupted the
young minds which in
turn had made them to
steal and escape from
their confinements.
The poet feels
deep rooted
sadness for
the condition
of the slum
children. The
children are so
skinny that
they seem to
The glasses of the spectacles seem to have been mended several
times. The total appearance of the children show their deprivation
and under nourished conditions. The poet feels that the classroom
should have pictures of huge slums instead of those scenic graphics.
Unless, governor, inspector, visitor,
This map becomes their window and these windows
That shut upon their lives like catacombs,
Break O break open till they break the town
And show the children to green fields, and make their world
Run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues
Run naked into books the white and green leaves open
History theirs whose language is the sun.
• This map becomes their windows - the
map of the world becomes their map
and may include places like the little
school in a slum
• Shut up their lives - block their
• Catacombs - burial chambers
(implying the near death existence of
these children)
• Azure - sky-blue
• Gold sands - golden sand on the coast
• Tongues run naked - express
themselves freely
Unless, governor, inspector, visitor,
• The poet says that the government should take notice of the problems being faced by these kids. He
urges them to change the life of these kids and make the world map a reality for them.
This map becomes their window and these windows
• Government should visit
these places and change
their life.
• They should make the
children to realize what is in
the outside of the slum
That shut upon their lives like catacombs,
• There is a need to break the
restrictions which are put on them
due to poverty and lack of
resources. He wants the governor
and public to help these kids in
achieving their dreams
Break O break open till they break the town
• Break o break means alliteration and repetition
means government to help these children to take
out of the slum and make their dream to come
And show the children to green fields, and
make their world
• They should be shown green
field rather than the dim
• As this will take them away
from fog to azure sky, the
poet here wants to say that
in this way the kids can be
taken away from the
darkness of their present to a
bright future.
Run azure on gold sands,
and let their tongues
• Azure is deep blue sky
• The children should take from gray cloud to
the azure sky
• He wants these kids to experience the sands
and the beauty of nature as this will led to a
desire of gaining knowledge.
Run naked into books the white and green
leaves open
White and green leaves is a
White means paper in book
Green means prosperity
They will then go through the
white and green leaves. Here
white leaves depict books and
green leaves depict nature.
History theirs whose language is the sun.
• This will then result in their progress and they will be able to paint a bright future for
• The only people who create history will enjoy the sun!
• Sun signifies the bright future
•Anaphora: Use of repeated words in
two consecutive lines (Run azure. And
Run naked)
In the final stanza of “An
Elementary School Classroom in a
Slum” the poet uses a pacifying
tone and appeals to the governor,
inspector and the visitors to do
something about the condition of
these slum schools.
• The map showing the beautiful world can be their reality
too if a little will and effort are put together. The poet
hopes for a better future of these children. He wants the
authorities to realize their responsibilities and free the
children from such grave-like confinements.
He wants the barriers to be pulled down. The
children must break away from the school
boundaries and enjoy the world beyond. Only
that way they can enjoy the nature- the green
fields and the golden sands. The poet wants
them to sail, explore and discover the world
so that someday their names are found in
history books.
Tone of The Poem
The tone of the poem is
somber and philosophical.
The theme revolves around
the profound problem that
affects our society at large.
The universal gap between
rich and the poor is
highlighted. It also highlights
the irony of the life in the
twenty-first century where
the world has made so many
advancements yet an
atmosphere of gloominess
Theme of the poem
The poem deals with
themes of poverty and
alienation among
children living in a slum.
The poet uses the setting
of an elementary school
classroom located in a
slum to explore these
themes and concludes
with a rallying cry for
improvement in the lives
of the slum children.
Presentation 1
Presentation 1

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Presentation 1

  • 1. An Elementary school Classroom in a Slum BY STEPHEN SPENDER
  • 3. This poem “An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum” was a par t of “The God that Failed”, 1949.
  • 4. The poem written by Stephen spender describes the social inequalities which are existing in the society. In the poem he describes the condition of the students of an elementary school which is situated in a slum area. The poet wants to draw attention of everyone towards these kids so that their life can be improved and they may get trained to become good citizens rather than criminals.
  • 5. Rhyme scheme of the poem The poem has been written in free verse. It does not have rhyme scheme.
  • 6. FIRST STANZA Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces. Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor: The tall girl with her weighed-down head. The paper seeming boy, with rat’s eyes. The stunted, unlucky heir Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease, His lesson, from his desk. At back of the dim class One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream, Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this.
  • 7. • Gusty - blowing strongly • Weeds - useless wild plants • Torn round - scattered around in disorder • Weighed down - bent down due to depression and burden of poverty • Paper seeming - looking lean and thin • Stunted - under developed • Heir - successor • Reciting - repeating • Gnarled - knotty, twisted • Unnoted - not noticed • Other than this - other than this room of the school
  • 8. Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces. Far far – very far away Gusty waves- strong wind full of energy The face of the children are very far from being energetic as they should be
  • 9. Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor: • Weeds – unwanted plant • Rootless- without any foundation • Pallor- pale so these are unwanted without any binding without any foundation. Their faces are pale due to lack of nutrition.
  • 10. The tall girl with her weighed-down head. The paper seeming boy, with rat’s eyes. • Tall girl(adj) – older girl in the class • Weighed-down head- her head is low due to poverty • The paper seeming boy(metaphor) – the boy is like paper i.e.., he is thin like a paper due to poverty and his skin is white means he is pale in colour.
  • 11. seeming boy, with rat’s eyes. • Boy, with rat’s eyes(metaphor)- which tells the expression of the boy’s eye that is selfish. He just want to get everything because he is poor.
  • 12. The stunted, unlucky heir Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease, His lesson, from his desk. Next the poet describing another boy who could not even stand of poverty. He is siting in his place and reciting the lesson. Only the poverty he has inheritance from his father.
  • 13. At back of the dim class One unnoted, sweet and young. The poet describing one more boy in the class siting at the dark end in the classroom, so he is unnoted in the classroom. The poet making comparison between the two boys i.e., the boy who is sitting in dark end in the class and rats eye boy
  • 14. His eyes live in a dream, Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this. Poet says this boys eyes are bright as he is dreaming of escaping from the class. He is dreaming that he is playing in the tree room i.e.,. Tree house. He want to escape from the dim closed close room to bright tree house and to play with squirrels.
  • 15. Stephen Spender shows us that the condition of the children in a slum school is pathetic. Their world is far from our healthy, fresh environment.
  • 16. They are like rootless weeds, unwanted and cast out. Their hairs are not combed and dirty and their faces clearly show their existence.
  • 17. She has a bowed down head which shows the burden of the stressed life she leads. Another boy who is as thin as a paper too has the same under nourished look on his face. He has a scared expression in his eyes.
  • 18. These unlucky children have only acquired diseases and bad luck from their parents. One of them is even not able to get up from his desk to read out the lesson.
  • 19. However, the poet says there is one particular boy who is a little younger than the rest has still his hopes and dreams with him. He waits for the time when he can go out in the open to play. The environment of gloom has not yet engulfed his dreams and hopes.
  • 20.
  • 21. • SECOND STANZA On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head, Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities. Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-handed map Awarding the world its world. And yet, for these Children, these windows, not this map, their world, Where all their future’s painted with a fog, A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky Far far from rivers, capes, and stars of words.
  • 22. • Sour - unpleasant • Tyrolese valley – valley in Tyrol in Austria • Sealed in – closed in • Lead sky – bluish grey sky (representing sorrow and hopeless) • Cape – part of land projecting into a sea • Civilized dome – institutions of the civilized world! Society • Belled – having bells • Open handed map – map hung on the classroom wall representing important rich and civilized people
  • 23. On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head, The wall of the class room are “sour cream wall” means it is dirty yellow in colour like sour cream. Next he describes the posters on the wall which is donated by the people to the class. One of them has a picture of Shakespeare. His head is bald and like rising sun.
  • 24. Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities. Here the poet compares Shakespeare bald head to raising sun. raising sun spreads it light to all the cities like wise our education also should be useful for all the lives Shakespeare is considered as a symbol of culture, education and intelligence.
  • 25. Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open- handed map Awarding the world its world. Second poster is of the Tyrolese Valley – famous valley in the hilly area of Australia. This Tyrolese Valley is full of churches and flowers. It symbolize the beauty of creation and nature. Next picture is of the world map. Map is the metaphor here. Map is used to signify sharing its knowledge.
  • 26. And yet, for these Children, these windows, not this map, their world, • Poet says all these picture which put in these wall are meaningless for this children because their world is different from which is in the picture. Their world is dim and hopeless, because of poverty. • These children doesn’t know who is Shakespeare and where Tyrolese Valley is. • The world out from these window are only poverty.
  • 27. Where all their future’s painted with a fog, Poet says that they were in slum so they doesn’t know. They don’t know the world beyond slum. They are trapped in the slum so their future were dim and hopeless
  • 28. A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky Their future is like narrow street i.e. limited. Sealed in with a lead sky is a metaphor These children future is also sealed with the grey coloured sky Grey coloured sky is a dark future So they are covered with hopelessness
  • 29. Far far from rivers, capes, and stars of words. • Again the poet used ‘far far’ repletition means very far away which means they are very far away from the sea side, they are very far from happiness • Then he says about stars. Stars are shining in the dark sky similarly the light of education are far away from the children who were in slum.
  • 30. In the second stanza, the poet describes the classroom which is also dirty and neglected like its inhabitants. The classroom too exhibits an atmosphere of depression and glum. The walls are cream in colour and on them the names of the donors are engraved.
  • 31. A bust of the great poet Shakespeare with a background of a sky is put on. The walls have pictures of splendid Tyrolese valley which is a sharp contrast to the atmosphere of the classroom.
  • 32. There are maps on the walls which show them the harsh world from their classroom windows. Their world presents a future to them which is dark and cruel. The poet brings out a harsh reality of these children. These children are trapped in a hopeless situation and their world is far from the beautiful nature such as rivers, valleys and seas.
  • 33. THIRD STANZA Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example, With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal— For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones. All of their time and space is foggy slum. So blot their maps with slums as big as doom.
  • 34. • Slyly - secretly • Cramped - narrow • Slag - waste material • Peeped through - emerging • Foggy doom - full of fog/ uncertain hell • Their maps - maps with places for the rich
  • 35. Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example, • The picture has no meaning for the children • The postures are bad examples for the children
  • 36. With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal__ They are finding bad qualities in everything so for them Shakespeare is bad. So there is no use of keeping Shakespeare picture in the classroom These picture will force them to do crimes like stealing instead of giving love and acceptance
  • 37. For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes • Cramped holes- metaphor • Poet trying to say that their rooms are like holes that is small room and there are too many people living in a small hole • They adopted themselves to live in these spaces
  • 38. From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children • ‘from fog’ is a alliteration • Fog is a metaphor used for day • Endless night(metaphor)- their torture continues every night. The torture will not ends. • Their life is going towards an endless night.
  • 39. Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel The children are very thin and their skin looks like a thin layered of clothes on them. Their bones can be seen through their skin clothes it means they are lack of nutrition
  • 40. With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones. They wear spectacles which are made of steel. They are cheap and very uncomfortable. Even the lenses in the spectacles are repaired. The spectacles look like stones which have been repaired with pieces of glass sticking out of them. Here the poet tries to explain that these kids have to face so many hardships in their lives. ‘like bottle bits on stones.’ similie
  • 41. All of their time and space is foggy slum. These lines are metaphor As these slums are getting bigger, they will destroy the future of these children The children life is dark and hopeless
  • 42. So blot their maps with slums as big as doom. The government and the school are not giving chance to these children to escape from this slum it is very difficult for such kids to escape from them.
  • 43. Stephen Spender suddenly attacks Shakespeare and calls him ‘wicked.’ He says so because he feels Shakespeare has poisoned the children’s mind by misleading them that their world is beautiful; it has corrupted the young minds which in turn had made them to steal and escape from their confinements.
  • 44. The poet feels deep rooted sadness for the condition of the slum children. The children are so skinny that they seem to
  • 45. The glasses of the spectacles seem to have been mended several times. The total appearance of the children show their deprivation and under nourished conditions. The poet feels that the classroom should have pictures of huge slums instead of those scenic graphics.
  • 46. FOURTH STANZA Unless, governor, inspector, visitor, This map becomes their window and these windows That shut upon their lives like catacombs, Break O break open till they break the town And show the children to green fields, and make their world Run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues Run naked into books the white and green leaves open History theirs whose language is the sun.
  • 47. • This map becomes their windows - the map of the world becomes their map and may include places like the little school in a slum • Shut up their lives - block their progress • Catacombs - burial chambers (implying the near death existence of these children) • Azure - sky-blue • Gold sands - golden sand on the coast • Tongues run naked - express themselves freely
  • 48. Unless, governor, inspector, visitor, • The poet says that the government should take notice of the problems being faced by these kids. He urges them to change the life of these kids and make the world map a reality for them.
  • 49. This map becomes their window and these windows • Government should visit these places and change their life. • They should make the children to realize what is in the outside of the slum
  • 50. That shut upon their lives like catacombs, • There is a need to break the restrictions which are put on them due to poverty and lack of resources. He wants the governor and public to help these kids in achieving their dreams
  • 51. Break O break open till they break the town • Break o break means alliteration and repetition means government to help these children to take out of the slum and make their dream to come real.
  • 52. And show the children to green fields, and make their world • They should be shown green field rather than the dim slum • As this will take them away from fog to azure sky, the poet here wants to say that in this way the kids can be taken away from the darkness of their present to a bright future.
  • 53. Run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues • Azure is deep blue sky • The children should take from gray cloud to the azure sky • He wants these kids to experience the sands and the beauty of nature as this will led to a desire of gaining knowledge.
  • 54. Run naked into books the white and green leaves open White and green leaves is a metaphor White means paper in book Green means prosperity They will then go through the white and green leaves. Here white leaves depict books and green leaves depict nature.
  • 55. History theirs whose language is the sun. • This will then result in their progress and they will be able to paint a bright future for themselves. • The only people who create history will enjoy the sun! • Sun signifies the bright future
  • 56. •Anaphora: Use of repeated words in two consecutive lines (Run azure. And Run naked)
  • 57. In the final stanza of “An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum” the poet uses a pacifying tone and appeals to the governor, inspector and the visitors to do something about the condition of these slum schools.
  • 58. • The map showing the beautiful world can be their reality too if a little will and effort are put together. The poet hopes for a better future of these children. He wants the authorities to realize their responsibilities and free the children from such grave-like confinements.
  • 59. He wants the barriers to be pulled down. The children must break away from the school boundaries and enjoy the world beyond. Only that way they can enjoy the nature- the green fields and the golden sands. The poet wants them to sail, explore and discover the world so that someday their names are found in history books.
  • 60. Tone of The Poem The tone of the poem is somber and philosophical. The theme revolves around the profound problem that affects our society at large. The universal gap between rich and the poor is highlighted. It also highlights the irony of the life in the twenty-first century where the world has made so many advancements yet an atmosphere of gloominess prevails.
  • 61. Theme of the poem The poem deals with themes of poverty and alienation among children living in a slum. The poet uses the setting of an elementary school classroom located in a slum to explore these themes and concludes with a rallying cry for improvement in the lives of the slum children.