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SEO/SEM & Writing
   for the Web
“       [Executives] need to realize that search doesn’t
                      just happen on the major search engines.
                                                            — Jon Wegman, Vice President
                                              of Planning and Innovation, Moxie Interactive

                                                SEO/SEM & Writing
                                                      for the Web

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Search Engine Optimization:
 It’s a Brand New PR Landscape
 By Carolyn Kim

            earch engine optimization (SEO) is cen-         ers will stop coming to use their service. That’s
            tral to the life of any organization. It’s no   why they’ve developed these algorithms to
            longer a matter of simply having a good         measure the value of a Web site in comparison
            Web site or providing easily accessible         to what a user is looking for. The process of
            and relevant content—it’s about being           SEO, then, is one of refining your site to be the
 found when there are literally millions of com-            best possible result for search engines to pro-
 petitors. The result of the massive online growth          vide to anyone who looks for your company,
 over the past few years has led to PR professionals        brand, product or service.
 being tasked with understanding, securing and                People often ask why they should invest in SEO
 building an organization’s online presence.                when they can purchase ads online, contribute
                                                            more to Web site design and online resources.
 An SEO Primer                                              The answer is two-fold.
    Before getting into why SEO is central for
 public relations, it’s important to know exactly           Be Easy to Find
 what SEO will (and won’t) do. SEO is about “or-               First, no matter how good of a Web site you’ve
 ganic” listings in a search engine. An organic             created, if people can’t find it among the millions of
 listing is what you’ll see directly in the middle          other sites, it won’t matter. You won’t be reaching
 of your screen after you type in a phrase to a             your publics online. About 80% of sites are found
 search engine. The listing of sites within an or-          through search engines. Of every 10 people you’re
 ganic section is based on an algorithm of mul-             hoping to reach online, eight will be using a search
 tiple factors (for Google, which is by far the in-         engine to find what they’re looking for.
 dustry leader, there are well over 200 factors at             Without SEO, your site may show up in the list-
 play). The paid advertising, which is purchased            ing…but you could end up on page 5, 10…or may-
 through a bidding system, is seen on the right-            be 500. A brief search of “Public Relations” showed
 hand side and sometimes in a colored box                   that there are over 81 million pages that come up
 above the organic listings.                                for the phrase. But in reality, most users won’t ever
    To do well in SEO, you need to understand               look past the second page…probably not even
 what search engines have as a goal. Search en-             the first. That’s why the top listings (positions one
 gines are in the business of making sure every             through 10) are far more valuable than others.
 user who comes to them finds exactly what                     If you’re not found within the top 20 (or the
 they are searching for. If they don’t deliver, us-         first two pages), it’s almost like you don’t ex-

         The process of SEO, then, is one of refining your site to be the
         best possible result for search engines to provide to anyone who
  looks for your company, brand, product or service.

ist at all. Still not convinced? Consider the last
 time you clicked for “more results” on a search             Make Keywords Work
 beyond the second page. Most people don’t
                                                             To have strong content that helps
 ever do that (unless they’re looking for where
                                                             search engines match your site with us-
 their own site comes up).                                   ers, you’ll need to make sure you have solid
                                                             keywords used throughout. But this begs the
 Building Your Online Credibility                            question, how do you select a keyword?
    Second, SEO is important because it builds online
                                                             To begin with, in SEO, “keywords” doesn’t
 credibility. When your product, name, and service           necessarily mean a single word. In fact, most
 comes up in organic search results, people auto-            “keywords” are 3-5 words because few people
 matically associate that with level of expertise.           search for only one word at a time. You’ll also
    By placing higher in the organic listings, peo-          want to ask the question, “How will people
 ple assume you’re a better fit than sites below             search for us online?” This list will probably
 you. By default, you’re gaining an impression of            include your company name, brands, services
                                                             and products. You should also include the ge-
 being the best match for what they need or are              neric terms for these. If you’re having trouble,
 looking for because they know you “earned” the              ask 5-10 people in your company to make a
 position. You can’t buy it.                                 list of 5 terms they would put into a search en-
    On average, a little less than half of people even       gine if they wanted to find your organization.
 bother to read the purchased adds on the right              Next, pull out a Thesaurus and make your
 hand side of the screen. And only about two or              list longer by finding possible variations for
 three out of every 10 will click on paid advertising.       phrases and words. (If you’re running ana-
 The others will remain in the organic listings. Not         lytics on your site, you can also pull up the
                                                             report that shows what phrases led people to
 only are organic pages more likely to be clicked
                                                             your site previously. Determine if they match
 on, but the higher you are in the organic listings is       your content, and, if so, include those as well).
 also a factor. The closer you are to being the num-
                                                             A final way to build your list is by visiting a
 ber-one result, the more clicks you’ll receive into         search engine and typing in your phrases. Of-
 your site. The lower you are, the more your clicks          ten, they’ll make suggestions on other ways
 will start decreasingly quite measurably.                   to search for content matching your query.
    No one is arguing that you don’t need a strong           You can add those phrases to your list.
 Web site design, or user functionality, or solid and        Over time, you’ll find that not all of these
 compelling content. After all, once users get to your       keywords are ones you’ll want to keep. This is
 site, that’s when all of those come in to play. That’s      a natural part of the process for SEO strategy.
                                                             And taking these steps will give you a great
 why they’ll stay. But before you can get your pub-
                                                             start for your keyword list!
 lics to stay on your Web site, they’ve got to find it.

 You’re Not Done Yet                                      up at the top? When searching for product by
   At this point, you may be thinking that since
                                                          its description and not name, will your brand
 your name is so well known to your publics, it’s
                                                          still show in the top five?
 not really necessary to engage in SEO. After all,
                                                             When you employ SEO strategy, your site
 everyone who needs to find you already knows
                                                          should start showing up not only for your brand
 who you are. This line of thinking leads to missed
                                                          names but generic terms. This makes sure that
 opportunities to engage with new publics.
                                                          you reach your current publics as well as new
   You may find that you come up quite high
                                                          people who are unfamiliar with your organiza-
 in search engines for your company name or
                                                          tion. (If you’re not reaching people on those
 product title. That’s good news. You absolutely
                                                          generic terms, your competition will be.)
 need to rank for those proper nouns. But what
                                                             The best SEO efforts involve collaboration be-
 about generic terms? If you type in the indus-
                                                          tween departments. You’ll need to harmonize your
 try you’re in, does your organization still come		                                                                                               4
online messaging and design with tech-
 nical jargon and specifications. It’s not
 an easy process and usually requires
 people from PR, Marketing, IT and Web
 Development along the way—but it’s
 well worth it. Here are some pillars of
 SEO to keep in mind as you begin opti-
 mizing your site.

 The Pillars of SEO
 1.    Content: Your online content is
       possibly the most important as-
 pect of your entire SEO effort. It’s where
 search engines go to examine text and
 see what your site is all about. And, it’s the place    4.    Technical Aspects: Make sure your server is
                                                                functioning well, which will ensure that
 people will go to get all the details they need (and    your Web site loads quickly for users. Sometimes
 determine if you actually meet what they are look-      people share a server based on their hosting
 ing for). Content needs to be crisp, original and       agreement. If possible, have only your site on the
 engaging to keep people from leaving your site—         server. Also, make sure there are no technical in-
 what’s commonly referred to as bouncing. At the         structions on the server that keep search engines
 same time, you’ll need to ensure that your key-         from visiting your site (you can ask your IT team).
 words are found throughout the text in a natural
 way. Make sure you’re talking about your brand,
 company, product and descriptions.
                                                         5.     Monitor and Analyze: By monitoring your
                                                                SEO results, you’ll be able to refine your
                                                         content, meta tags and links (as well as numerous
 2.    Meta Tags: Meta tags are part of the
       technical side of your site—but they
                                                         other areas within SEO) for higher performance.
                                                         You can also make sure your pages are indexed by
 have a huge impact. You can find them in the            search engines—or submit them for consider-
 code of your Web site. First, check your title          ation if they’re not included at this time.
 tags. Each page needs a unique title (which               As with many niche areas, SEO can be a full-
 also includes Keywords) and makes sense to              time job and involves a plethora of tools and
 people when reading it. You’ll also need an in-         implementation tactics. For the modern PR pro-
 dividual description tag and keyword tag for            fessional, it’s essential to understand what SEO is
 each page. Check with your web developer to             and the value it provides to organizations.
 make sure the tags are in the proper order for            In today’s world where more information is
 the search engines to review.                           being created than ever before, publics are be-
                                                         coming increasingly difficult to reach. Breaking
 3.     Links: Part of being in the online community
        is being part of the “Web” aspect of “World
                                                         through the noise and conveying information
                                                         is a skill that’s constantly evolving. That’s why
 Wide Web.” That means, search engines like to see
                                                         reaching people right when they look for a prod-
 connections between sites: Links. When someone
                                                         uct, service or organization is critical.
 links to you, the search engine sees that as a “vote”
                                                           PR professionals who use SEO set their organi-
 for the value of your site. By creating strong and
                                                         zations above others by being in the place people
 compelling content (Point #1) you’ll be giving peo-
                                                         are looking, at the time people are looking, with
 ple a reason to link to you. Then, you also need to
                                                         the information and service people want. PRN
 selectively choose quality sites to link out to. Make
 sure they are helpful in relations to the content on    Carolyn Kim is an account executive at Ambassador
 the page and worthy sites to be linked to.              Advertising Agency in Orange County, CA.

Web Writing 101: Engage SEO,
 Add SEM for More Online Success
 By PR News Editors

              ommunications executives already          ■	   Have you overlooked any keyword phras-
              know that online content optimiza-             es? In terms of planning an SEM campaign,
              tion involves way more than choos-             Blum offers communications and market-
              ing keywords and embedding                     ing execs a key guideline: “Don’t pay for
              hyperlinks. It is a nuanced process            the top position in paid ads, especially if
 that ties together strategies from public rela-             your budget is limited. The third position
 tions and marketing, and—when done effec-                   is very effective.”
 tively—it embodies true integration of online
 and offline, SEO and SEM and marketing and          ■ Create SEO and SEM strategies that are
 communications.                                     symbiotic, not cannibalistic.
   The best practices below address ways in            SEO strategies, which center on organic
 which communications executives can leverage        search, are customer-centric, developed spe-
 SEO and SEM together to facilitate this ultimate    cifically with users’ search habits in mind. SEM,
 integration and to reap the bottom-line benefits    or paid search, is more marketingminded (see
 as a result.                                        sidebar for more on the differences between
                                                     SEO and SEM).
 ■ Analyze the competition.                            However, both rely on keywords, which are
   Keyword optimization is a critical piece of the   chosen by communications and marketing exec-
 SEO puzzle. The second part of this keyword de-     utives. If these two groups don’t work in tandem
 velopment process is to analyze the competitive     with one another, they could inadvertently com-
 landscape to avoid choosing search terms that       mit keyword cannibalization.
 are already overused.                                 “Keyword cannibalization is when SEO and
   When analyzing SEO competition, Kai Blum,         SEM [strategies] compete against each other,”
 director of search engine marketing at MS&L         says Robb Hecht, senior vice president and
 Digital, recommends asking (and answering)          digital marketing strategist at imc strategy lab.
 the following questions:                            “Ensuring that SEO and SEM work together will
   ■	   Who is top-ranked for your desired 	         help prevent any overlaps and enable the cre-
        keyword phrases?                             ation of synergies that could have otherwise
                                                     been missed.”
   ■	   Did they optimize their site?                  Because SEM costs money—specifically in the
   ■	   How many incoming links to they have?        form of pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns—com-
        (Check to find out.)   petitive strategies can be wasteful. Instead, “Use
   ■	   How difficult would it be to outrank them    PPC to supplement SEO,” Blum says. “Investing in
        for the selected phrase?                     SEO will save you PPC money in the long run.”

   As for analyzing SEM competition:                 ■ Don’t forget to follow through with
   ■	   How many competitors do you have?            evaluations of your conversion rates.
                                                        Conversion refers to whatever goals you estab-
   ■	   What is the potential cost?
                                                     lished for your various Web properties, including:		                                                                                         6
■	   Sales
    ■	   Requests for more information                 Symbiotic Relationship
    ■	   Subscriptions
                                                       Between SEO & SEM
    ■	   Downloads                                     To confuse SEO with SEM would be
                                                       easy—with only a slight difference in their re-
   When deciding how to revise and shape Web           spective acronyms, some people mistakenly
 content, it is important to see which past strate-    use them interchangeably. (Throw in SMM
 gies had the biggest impact on conversions.           and SMO—social media marketing and social
   “Invest in conversion rate optimization to          media optimization—and all bets are off.)
 increase ROI—your excellent search results list-      For communications and marketing execu-
 ings will be worthless if you don’t pay attention     tives, though, the difference should be clear,
                                                       if not obvious; SEO leverages keywords and
 to conversion,” Blum says.
                                                       content development to boost search results
   “Test different versions of your conversion pag-    organically, while SEM relies on paid meth-
 es with tools like Google Web site Optimizer.”        ods, including pay-per-click, to drive traffic. In
                                                       short, the former is PR-driven, and the latter
 ■ Marry online and offline strategies.                mirrors more traditional advertising and
   As always, digital and traditional strategies       marketing models.
 can’t operate independently of one another.           Despite their differences, both models can
 When they are two halves of the respective            be used in conjunction with one another to
 whole, you will end up with a sum that’s greater      collectively enhance search strategies and to
 than its parts—for the better.                        compensate for the others’ weaknesses.
   Keywords—the crux of optimization—are an            For example, SEO tends to be regarded more
 ideal place to start the process of integrating       highly because of its organic nature, but
 your online and offline strategies.                   Robb Hecht, SVP of imc strategy lab, points
                                                       out its disadvantages:
   “Know your keywords and use them online and
 off—in media training, interviews, fact sheets,       	   • Unpredictable
                                                       	   • Takes time to see results
 etc.,” says Sarah Skerik, a vice president of PR
                                                       	   • Complex and dynamic
 Newswire. “Build traction for your brand against      	   • Requires an ongoing investment
 key terms.”                                           	   • Ill-suited for developing awareness rela-
                                                           tive to other channels
 ■ Optimize all social media content.
                                                       “You have to be patient about organic search
    “Social media optimization and SEO are be-
                                                       results—it may take a few months,” says Kai
 coming inextricably linked,” Hecht says. “Develop     Blum, director of search engine marketing at
 tools, applications and properties to activate your   MS&L Digital. “Run pay-per-click ads in the
 brand advocates, allowing users to aggregate,         meantime.”
 tag, rank, share and comment on your content.         SEM is certainly more immediate and control-
 Social input like tagging and ranking guide not       lable, so it can be used early on in an initiative
 only what information search engines present in       while SEO efforts are gaining momentum.
 response to user queries, but also the order and      Plus, insights revealed by SEM metrics can
 rankings of what they present.”                       help shape optimization strategies.
    Whatever you do, Hecht says, don’t make your       “A continual evolution of your search term
 content all about you.                                research is achieved by analysis of all the SEM
    “To affect search results positively, give your    keywords that drive clicks,” Hecht says. “This
 customers tools and a reason to generate posi-        can be used to find the terms that drive the
                                                       highest volume and conversion rates, which
 tive content about your brand,” he says. PRN          can then be applied to your SEO campaign.”

Don’t Play Google Hide & Seek:
 Some Tips to Improve SEO Rankings
 By Devin Davis and Karianne Stinson

              earch engine optimization is a valu-         PR, SEO is smart, effective copywriting. Learning
              able tool that PR professionals can          how to incorporate SEO tactics into PR for greater
              utilize to boost the effectiveness of        visibility should be a key component of success
              their campaigns, and ultimately, drive       for any forward thinking professional.
              greater awareness for their clients. SEO
 is a powerful way to generate awareness because
 it facilitates higher placement in the results on
 search engines like Google. In this article, we will
                                                                         Just like PR, SEO is smart,
 give a basic overview of SEO and offer PR profes-                       effective copywriting.
 sionals easy-to-implement essentials of SEO for
 press releases and Web sites. With these SEO in-
 sights, you can advise your clients on strategies
 to improve their search engine ranking.                   What Search Engines Do
                                                             SEO is not about tricking search engines; it’s about
 Intersection of PR and SEO Explained                      making the main focus of your content (a press re-
    Good SEO practice in PR is quickly becoming            lease or Web page) friendly to search engines and
 an industry standard. SEO is the process of im-           readers alike. The concept is not all that different
 proving the volume or quality of traffic to a Web         from how one would write press materials.
 site or a web page (such as a blog) through opti-           As PR professionals, we want to make our main
 mization of the sites content, text, tags, links and      point clear to the audience. In SEO, it is important
 other elements. SEO drives traffic from search            to clearly state the main point using specific words
 engines via “natural” or unpaid (“organic” or “al-        or phrases that people might enter into a search
 gorithmic”) search results. More traffic means            engine to learn more about your topic. These are
 greater visibility for your clients. This is a piece of   known as keywords and keyword phrases.
 the search engine marketing (SEM) puzzle, which              ■	   Crawl: Search engine spiders are bits of
 also includes paid online advertising like display                computer code that find and analyze con-
 and pay per click (PPC) advertising.                              tent on Web pages. As the spiders crawl, or
    As the concepts of both the traditional news                   go from page to page, the code reads the
 cycle and media continue to evolve, the need                      content to decide the topic. For example,
 to make PR materials widely available via search                  if it is a library Web site, the spider should
 engines is key to reach the appropriate audience                  read content about books. Spiders also fol-
 and extend the life of your news. In addition to                  low links from one page to the next. The
 the traditional media, SEO will help client news                  text around the link, known as anchor
 be discovered by potential customers, bloggers                    text, will give the search engine some idea
 and other key influencers. PR professionals must                  about the new site.
 become proficient with SEO tools and tactics in
 order to succeed in this space. Luckily, many of
                                                              ■	   Index: The spider is not just browsing
 the tools are already in the PR toolbelt. Just like               content, but also storing it in a giant database.
                                                                   Spiders gauge how relevant the content is		                                                                                                     8
against words searchers use (keywords). It             SEO expert, suggests two to four occur-
         also saves all content for future searches.            rences of your keywords in a copy of about
    ■	   Rank: Search engines follow a complex set              500 words. Anything more is seen as “key-
         of rules to deliver the most relevant results          word stuffing” and will hurt the search en-
         to searchers. The formula search engines               gine rankings and readability. If keywords
         use is kept secret to keep the ranking pro-            are used too often, search engines might
         cess fair and effective. However, we know              think the release is spam so it will penalize
         that the content the spiders crawl is ranked           the release in the rankings.
         for a given keyword based on the content          	    Most importantly, the release should be writ-
         the spider reads and the links leading to              ten for readers and not the search engines.
         the page.
                                                           There are a few tools you can use to find the
 SEO for Press Releases—The Basics                       appropriate keywords for your news release:
    An optimized news release is a regular news
 release but with keywords and keyword phras-            wordToolExternal—The Google AdWords tool
 es specifically chosen and sprinkled appropri-          is the easiest to use.
 ately throughout the headline, subhead, lead
 and body to ensure search engines can index it—blog-specific
 easily for the words your audience will search.         and a good way to find trending keywords.
 Press releases optimized with keywords and link-
 ing back to the client’s Web site improves search       niche-finder/—Find keywords targeted to your
 engine rankings and can help secure greater             specific niche audience.
 coverage in the media.
                                                           ■	   Title: Headlines and subheads should
    Keep in mind: SEO efforts in press releases
                                                                include the most popular keywords and
 will be just an enhancement to your client’s SEO
                                                                keyword phrases relevant to the release
 success. Good SEO is an ongoing process that
                                                                as these carry the most weight with
 draws on a broad range of factors including au-
                                                                search engines and potential readers. For
 thority of a domain, links to a particular site and
                                                                example, if your keywords are “new
 how many users click through to a given site. In es-
                                                                homes” your headline might be, “ABC
 sence, the best a press release can do is be a strong
                                                                Builds New Homes in Seattle.” Write like
 linkback for a bevy of important keywords.
                                                                people search and speak.
    ■	   Keywords: Be sure to clearly state the
                                                           ■	   Language: Understand and mirror the
         main point of the release using words
                                                                language used by the intended audience.
         people actually search. These are your
                                                                This will increase click-through rate and
         keywords. A press release should focus on
                                                                the effectiveness of the message.
         one keyword or keyword phrase; too many
         keywords will clutter the copy and make it        ■	   Content: Shorter press releases are always
         harder for search engines to identify the              better for search engines. Keep announce-
         focus. Use keyword tools to determine the              ments between 300 to 500 words if possible.
         best (potentially colloquial) keywords for             Keyword-tagged rich media such as videos
         your announcement. For example, if your                and images can increase the rankings, as
         keywords are “new home” but most people                well. Search engines break out searches for
         search “new homes,” you are missing out                images and videos, so including and tagging
         on the majority of relevant searches.                  these items with your keywords will open
                                                                your release up to these additional searches.
    	 Repeat your keywords a few times, but
                                                           ■	   Links: Make sure to include anchor text
      don’t overuse them. Lee Odden, PR and
                                                                (clickable text in a hyperlink) to impor-

tant keywords and link back to the client’s
  Want to Learn More                                         Web page with a similar SEO strategy. For
  About SEO for PR?                                          example, if anchor text is “accounting soft-
                                                             ware” be sure to link to a page optimized
  Here are some blogs that will give you tips                for the keywords “accounting software”
  and effective strategies for incorporating SEO
  tactics into your PR plan.
                                                             in the page content. So “accounting soft-
                                                             ware” will be in the title and the copy will
  • 	Lee Odden and the TopRank Online Mar-
                                                             be about your accounting software.
     keting Blog—Posts cover search engine
     marketing, social media, and online public         	    Optimize your boilerplate to include links (in-
     relations.                  cluding the http:// of the Web site address)
  • 	Bruce Clay, Inc.—Topics covered include
                                                             and keywords. When you use anchor text,
     Internet marketing, search engine optimi-
     zation, PPC, social media marketing, online             remember to use keywords. Avoid the
     branding and Web analytics. http://www.                 “click here” words that tell search engine                                     spiders nothing about the content.
  • 	Outspoken Media—Discusses news and
     tips in Internet marketing, search engine        Web Page Optimization
     optimization and social media. http://out-         For Web page optimization, consider both                            the quality of content and how the content
  Want to dig deeper into SEO?                        is presented. Smart, effective keyword-rich
  To learn more about search engines and the SEO      copy remains a prime concern. All PR materi-
  industry, here are a few blogs that cover current   als should be written with SEO in mind and
  news and trends in the search engine industry.
                                                      follow best practices to ensure the highest
  • 	Search Engine Land—Content provides              possible search engine ranking. Pay attention
      information about search marketing and          to the following details when advising your
      how search engines work. http://searchen-                                   client on SEO:
  • 	Search Engine Journal—Topics focus on              ■	   Web site Structure: Search engines can’t
      search engine industry news including                  see, access or index improperly posted
      search engine optimization and search
                                                             content; thus crawl-ability is foremost
      engine marketing. http://www.searchen-                                       on this list. This is an important technical
  • 	 SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog—Provides news and                requirement for the Web site. If the site
      tips on search engine optimization and Inter-          can’t be found, the content will languish
      net marketing.              no matter how high quality.
  SEO Experts on Twitter                                ■	   Content: Like with editors and bloggers,
  For quick SEO tips and the latest news about In-
                                                             the quality and relevancy of the content
  ternet marketing, follow these industry leaders.
                                                             attracts interest and compels visitors to
                                                             share the information elsewhere. Inbound
  @dannysullivan                                             links (links directed to your Web site from
  @audette                                                   other Web pages) are a key component
  @andybeal                                                  of Web page success. Quality content will
  @seosmarty                                                 consistently produce the highest link con-
  @greywolf                                                  version rate (the ratio of those who visit to
  @leeodden                                                  those who link after viewing). This increas-
  @randfish                                                  es your audience as well as your search
                                                             engine ranking. The more links that lead
                                                             to your Web site, especially if they use your
                                                             keywords as anchor text, the higher the
                                                             search engine ranking. Be sure to include		                                                                                             10
your keywords in your content, but keep             is good to understand the basics of good,
      the content easy to read and understand.            optimized Web design.
 ■	   Web Page Elements: Getting the keyword          Incorporating effective SEO techniques into
      targeting right in the most important Web     your PR campaign can improve your search
      page elements (titles, URLs and internal      engine rankings and click-through rates. How-
      links) provides a big boost in the poten-     ever, SEO certainly cannot stand alone and con-
      tial ability of a page to perform well. For   tent is still the most important element.
      example, in a press release that mentions       Never underestimate the power of the message
      a product, make sure the key product de-      youcreatetodrivetraffictoaclientsite.Athoughtout
      scriptors are in the title tag, the URL and   and well-executed public relations campaign will
      that your text links to the product.          always attract far more links, and results, than a
 ■	   User Experience: An uncluttered, clean        bunch of well-placed keywords. PRN
      and fast loading site will make it easier
                                                    Devin Davis, senior account executive, Sterling Com-
      for your visitors to find what they want.
                                                    munications, works with technology clients in the
      The easier your Web site is to use and un-
                                                    wireless, silicon and testing spaces. Karianne Stinson,
      derstand, the more likely it is that your     account associate, Sterling Communications, sup-
      visitors will link back to you. While typi-   ports clients in the enterprise software, consumer and
      cally beyond PR professionals’ control, it    B2B Web services markets.

Cut Through the Competition
 Online With Quality PR Content
 By Andrea Walker

                company’s public relations/mar-
                keting plan boils down to a main
                objective: create public awareness,            Content creation is a
                which in turn generates leads to               proactive approach for
                customers/clients. As part of this      your company to build brand
 objective, your company’s marketing team will          recognition and credibility
 probably go buy radio spots, billboards, and
                                                        while being a part of the
 sponsorships and conduct media outreach.
    All these outreach methods are fine as long         communication process.
 as they meet your company’s marketing goals.
 Outbound marketing can still be effective but
 people (not consumers) are also likely to be bet-
 ter leads if they come seek you out. Also, think      erally like the content will then seek out the au-
 about the amount of time it takes to send press       thor to learn more about them or their company.
 releases, follow up with media, secure interviews     Content that provides value will connect with
 while waiting for those phone calls your out-         people and keep your company top of mind.
 bound advertising should be generating.                  To reach people, you have to figure out not
    Content creation is a proactive approach for       only what your content will be, but also how to
 your company to build brand recognition and           distribute it to your audience. Also, think about
 credibility while being a part of the communica-      how your content can provide value and whom
 tion process. Communicators need to understand        it can help. Your content will be ineffective if it
 their marketing message and be active in helping      comes across as self-serving or promotional.
 craft a plan to communicate your message.                Content that is authentic and helpful will
    Content creation should be part of any compa-      build better brand relationships. This can even
 ny’s marketing plan. It is more time-consuming        apply to articles about your company in print
 on the front end to craft various types of con-       media. The more transparent and authentic
 tent. But from a long-term perspective you will       your company is, the easier time you will have
 spend less time searching for business. Instead,      getting people’s attention. This boils down to
 the business will come to you.                        how you want your company‘s message to be
                                                       perceived by the public. All your content has to
 Choosing Your Content                                 reflect back to your company’s brand.
   Before we talk about your company’s different
 types of content creation, we need to figure out      Make Your Content Stand Out
 what kinds of content people would find inter-          What types of content does your company al-
 esting or informative about your company. Basi-       ready produce? Press releases, brochures, e-mails
 cally, people read content that is interesting, in-   or even direct mail? This type of content is more
 formative or entertaining. Your content can have      or less information about your company. This is a
 one or all three of these values. People that gen-    good building block.		                                                                                           12
Our Web content, including words and the as-
 sets our words describe (i.e., images, video, au-         Align Your Web Copy
 dio, ecommerce transactions and downloadable              With Strategic Goals
 material), must strategically support our pur-
 pose, our reason for being, our promise of value.         Is your Web copy communicating your
                                                           brand? A strategic approach to writing Web
 In marketing, our brand is the entire experience
                                                           copy replaces any ambiguity across all prod-
 we convey to our audience(s). It’s what we stand          uct and/or service areas with strategic clarity.
 for, our promise of value. Whether we’re a com-           When planning your site, or when adding
 mercial enterprise, a non-profit organization or          content to an existing site, this checklist will
 even an individual looking for a job, everything          help ensure that your words deliver value
 we say in any communication—including a Web               and align with your brand strategy:
 page—must align with our promise of value.                1. What is the purpose of this site (or page, or
   Our brand promise must live in the words of             new content area), and does it align with my
                                                           promise of value?
 our Web copy and on the pages of our Web site,
 whether it’s in a product or service description,         2. To what audience am I communicating and
                                                           does my message align with that audience’s
 or as a headline for a call to action or online do-
 nation area.
                                                           3. Am I providing my audience something of
   If I’m a manufacturer of PCs and my promise of
                                                           value, something that they can’t get else-
 value is to help every customer succeed through           where?
 technological expertise and innovation, then I
                                                           4. Is the content benefits-driven or features-
 want to make sure that every page of every piece          driven?
 of marketing communications material aligns
                                                           5. What is my call to action? What do I want
 with this promise of value.
                                                           my visitor to do and how does that action
   Similarly, each page of your Web site must com-         align with my promise of value?
 municate, on some level, your promise of value
 and help differentiate your organization from a
 crowded field of competitors—whether you’re a          tion or am I providing, in clear terms, value that
 cause-driven nonprofit or a product- or service-       will engage my audience and prompt action?”
 driven commercial enterprise.                          This important distinction is crucial to delivering
   A strategic approach to Web content, one that        on our brand and promise of value.
 aligns all pages with an overarching brand prom-          We rely on the Web as the ultimate repository of
 ise of value, provides the contextual foundation       information. When we want to learn more about a
 we need to understand the experiential aspects         topic, we visit Wikipedia or “google” it, but informa-
 of our brand and define the organizational per-        tion delivered in a readable format is not enough.
 sona in concrete, unambiguous terms.                   What we write on our Web sites, and the words we
   Ultimately, a Web site and all associated copy and   use to support the assets we provide must serve a
 assets must deliver value and encourage our audi-      singular purpose—to provide a clear and valuable
 ence to take action, whether that action is to pur-    brand experience that encourages action. PRN
 chase, donate, join, agree, read more, etc.
   A strategic approach to our site (or page)           Andrea Walker is CEO/owner of W. Social Marketing, an
 means that when we write, we take a step back          integrated public relations/marketing firm.
 and ask objectively: “Am I presenting informa-

Put Brand Strategy in the Driver’s
 Seat When It Comes to Web Copy
 By Alex S. Kasten

            or anyone venturing into creative Web
            content, one simple Google search will
            unearth hundreds of “top ten tips” articles             In essence, the essay
            on effective Web writing. Most of these
            lists establish two things right off the bat:
                                                                    strategy is not unlike a
    1) Studies of Web use suggest that you have              brand strategy, and an effective
 just a few seconds to capture your reader’s at-             Web content strategy relies on a
 tention, and                                                similar approach.
    2) Web site visitors will read about 20% of
 the content on your page—you need to write
 and organize information accordingly.
    Writing for the Web, we’re told, flies in the face
 of everything we ever learned about composi-               Back to Basics
 tion. On the Web, for example, we’re taught to               Ironically, if we really want to engage our
 repeat, repeat, repeat because repeating key               audiences effectively and deliver real, sus-
 words “optimizes” a search engine’s ability to             tainable value, then I maintain that concep-
 scan and pick up these words. We’re advised to             tualizing and writing for (and more generally,
 eschew formal prose and conventional narrative             providing content for) a Web site is vastly
 in favor of short bites of information driven by           more akin to what we learned in school than
 action-oriented headlines, bullet lists and hooks          not. Let’s turn to the conventional essay. For
 because if you don’t engage your audience in               the essay, we’re taught to pick a topic and
 three to five seconds, you’ll lose them. And this          then decide what we want to accomplish—
 is just the tip of the iceberg.                            our purpose—i.e. to inform or to persuade.
    The common theme throughout all the articles            Then we plan how we’ll go about getting
 we read is how vastly different writing copy for           from point A to point B.
 the Web is from writing for print publication.               To do this, we develop an outline that includes
    Focusing on the tactical details for successful         our thesis, our supporting ideas, our introduc-
 Web copy is certainly important, but if, in the            tion and our conclusion. In short, we develop a
 process, we lose sight of our strategic goals, we          strategy that aligns everything we write with one
 will confuse or, worse yet, lose our audience.             goal. In essence, the essay strategy is not unlike
    Often, when I evaluate corporate or non-profit          a brand strategy, and an effective Web content
 Web sites, I find that they may be easy to read,           strategy relies on a similar approach.
 but fail on a much larger, strategic level. The pag-         Your brand lives in every interaction you have
 es lack consistent messaging, don’t represent              with your audience(s). Much more than a logo
 the brand effectively, don’t deliver value to the          and identity package, your brand is also con-
 reader, and, arguably most critically, don’t com-          veyed in the content you deliver—in sales pre-
 municate a clear and compelling call to action             sentations, marketing material, proposals, and
 that aligns with the organizational goals.                 the words on your Web site.		                                                                                               14
Now, let’s build another value into your com-            scribe your company’s brand. Now, think about
 pany’s content. How can you make your content               how your content can reflect those keywords.
 stand out from competitors or other similar in-               Now that you constructed your content’s val-
 formation? Interesting content can involve po-              ues, evaluate the content you already produce
 sitioning your company as a thought leader in               for your company. In the previous paragraph, I
 your industry, which also helps with brand cred-            mentioned a few examples of typical company
 ibility. Or, you could look at creating content that        content. Are you currently measuring your con-
 shows off how innovative your staff or company              tent’s effectiveness? How many leads or referrals
 is in your industry. If your company is more gen-           have you garnered? To make it a little easier, you
 eral consumer or lifestyle oriented, find an enter-         can start with what you already have and build
 taining angle to your products or services.                 more content ideas from there.
    Sometimes, your own great content can even
 spawn more business ideas for your company.                 Keep Your Site Current
 There are some companies that produce such                    Also, every company has a Web site. Think
 compelling content they are more known for                  about updating your site’s content on a more
 their forward-thinking ideas as well as what the            regular basis with articles, buyer personas, and
 company provides. To get your creative juices               white papers or even embedding your compa-
 flowing, write down unique adjectives that de-              ny’s e-newsletter. This will keep people coming

    Think Like an Online Journalist
    Try following these six tips to create potent        4. Package Your Story
    online PR content:                                   Think about elements you can incorporate to
                                                         bring your story to life and add more depth.
    1. No Waiting Around                                 These include:
    Media is great but it’s not the only way to tell
    your story. Create content you can share with the    	   • 	 Video;
    public as well as distribute through traditional &   	   • 	 Photos;
    online platforms.                                    	   • 	 Graphics; and
                                                         	   • 	 Sidebars—polls, quizzes, contests
    2. What’s Your Story?
    Figure out what kind of story you want to tell       5. Share Your Story
    about your company. Does company news cen-           Send your press release to media contacts, but post
    ter around…                                          a longer press release on your Web site. This also
                                                         helps with the Web site’s search engine optimiza-
    	   • 	 Company accomplishments & milestones?        tion. Also share company news on the following:
    	   • 	 New products?
    	   • 	 Company developments?                        	   • 	 Blogs—keep content conversational;
    	   • 	 Company expertise?                           	   •	 Social networking sites;
                                                         	   •	 Video press release;
    3. Is Your Story Interesting?                        	   • 	 Newswire services;
    	 • 	 Think about your story’s relevance to your     	   • 	 RSS & Subscribe widgets; and
      audience.                                          	   • 	 Web site & project partner sites.
    	 • 	 Does your story provide some kind of value     6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
      to the public? For example, does the story         	 • 	 Ask customers/fans to share content on their
      inform, entertain or both?                           own social networking sites or blogs.
    	 • 	 Know what, when, where & why when craft-       	 • 	 Also, tap into your professional network &
      ing your story.                                      friends for help in sharing your company news.
                                                         	 • 	 Encourage company employees to help

back to your site regularly for fresh content as        line that will keep you focused on your writ-
 well as help with your SEO. Post your media re-         ing and help generate blog ideas. Do some
 lease on the company site, as well. When people         research and find company blogs you like to
 (or even journalists) search for keywords relat-        read. Figure out what your targeted audience
 ed to press release’s content, they will have an        would like to read and start writing.
 easier time coming across the press release and            As far as content distribution, post and link
 your Web site. This is a little easier and less time-   your content to social media sites, newswires,
 consuming than sending out press releases and           your site and other content hosting sites like
 hoping to get a journalist to jump on the story.        Flickr or Slideshare.
   If your company produces a newsletter, include           Have good tracking tools in place to see how
 action items in your newsletter that can be “how-       many people are clicking to your content, length
 to” tips or even personal stories or thoughts from      of time spent consuming content and then sharing
 company staff and CEO. Be creative with this            your content to their networks. Track where your
 approach and create themed content for your             prospects are coming from in terms of how they
 newsletter if it’s published regularly.                 are finding your content. Ultimately, everything
                                                         needs to link back to your Web site so prospects
 Before You Branch Out                                   can take the next step to find out more about
   If you want to venture into other types of            your company and want to talk with you. PRN
 content, make sure it fits into your content
 strategy and whom you want to target. If your           Alex S. Kasten is lead strategist and writer for Kasten Con-
 company is thinking about blogging, have                sulting. Previously, he was director of communications
 some ideas in place on what kind of blog you            for the Building Wellness Institute.
 want to write and then create a content time-		                                                                                                      16
Get Your Company ‘Found’ With
 Robust Content and SEO Strategy
 By Veronica Fielding

           ong gone are the days when link swap-
           ping, paid submissions and link farms
                                                                   Once your team has
           worked towards a site’s search engine
           rankings. Today’s link building—a criti-                devoted the time and
           cal component of real SEO—is both a           resources necessary to build an
 science and an art. It requires a robust content        engaging and user-friendly Web
 strategy that incorporates many aspects of the          site, it’s time to plan a content
 corporate communications spectrum, as well as
                                                         strategy that drives links, site
 a thorough understanding of how to leverage
 social media as a link-building tool.                   visits and, ultimately, more
 Links Aren’t Given, They’re Earned
    Before developing your link building strategy,
 first take a hard look at the Web site you are opti-   tant, as it needs to attract readers. The process
 mizing. If a Web site is aesthetically unattractive    of creating compelling content in many ways
 or the content is largely geared towards “selling,”    mirrors public relations’ challenge of creating
 people will be less inclined to link to it than they   content that results in media pickup. Some
 would a well-designed site filled with interesting     types of content that are likely to generate in-
 and regularly updated content. Once your team          terest include:
 has devoted the time and resources necessary to          ■	   Lists
 build an engaging and user-friendly Web site, it’s
 time to plan a content strategy that drives links,       ■	   Videos
 site visits and, ultimately, more business.              ■	   Case Studies
 Create Compelling Content                                ■	   Reviews
   Follow these three important steps to ensure           ■	   Infographics
 that you’re creating compelling Web content              ■	   Interviews
 that supports your SEO program:
                                                          ■	   Polls/surveys

 1.    Work toward creating both optimized
        and link-worthy content. Content that is
                                                          ■	   Contests

 written to support your link building program
 should always provide some type of value to
                                                        3.    Make it easy to share. To encourage post-
                                                              ing of your content across multiple plat-
 your target audience. That value can be educa-         forms, include a message that says, “If you en-
 tional, entertaining or thought-provoking.             joyed this, please consider sharing it” at the
                                                        bottom of the page. Facilitate social sharing by
 2.    Utilize buzz-worthy formats. The format
       of SEO and link building content is impor-
                                                        including a “Like” or “Share This” button on each
                                                        page piece of content you create.

Keep Your Content Updated                              you are optimizing, and, if applicable, another
   With the launch of Google’s Caffeine indexing        link in your boilerplate, “About the Company” or
 system, Web sites are crawled quicker and more         “About the Author” section. These links should
 frequently than in the past. To make the most of       point to two different pages of your Web site as
 Caffeine, update your Web site content regularly.      research indicates that Google only considers
 The more often the content is refreshed, the more      the anchor text of the first link to a page from
 often Google will visit. In addition, the freshness    a given URL. Instead of having multiple links
 and relevancy of your inbound links is more im-        pointing to a single page of your Web site, it is
 portant than ever as Google is also discovering        better to have multiple links pointing to mul-
 new links at a faster rate. This means that attract-   tiple pages of your Web site.
 ing inbound links should be an ongoing activity,          Also, post relevant links in the profile content
 not a one-time event.                                  of each of your social media properties, and
                                                        include links back to your Web site in your
 Social Media and Link Building                         posts and updates. If you upload product im-
    Think of social media as digital word-of-mouth      ages on Facebook or Flickr, include a link to
 marketing. The original content starts with you,       the product page in the image description.
 and because you’ve created something deemed            When uploading videos to YouTube, include
 “share-worthy,” your content is passed along—          links to related pages of your Web site in the
 links and all—to blogs, Web sites, other social        video description.
 media sites, etc. Sharing content is one of the           Whether the site utilizes the NoFollow attri-
 most popular aspects of social media participa-        bute or not, it’s a good idea to post links with
 tion, making the entire medium a powerful tool         your content. Once you’ve posted content that
 full of potential for gaining valuable links that      someone else finds interesting, entertaining or
 support your optimization efforts.                     valuable, it may be posted on other sites that
    Just relying on posting links within your own       do pass along “link juice.” These links also help
 corporate social media content on other blogs          drive traffic to your Web site, a goal in and of
 and outposts is not enough, since many social          itself, but also a way to capture valuable brand
 media sites apply the NoFollow attribute to links      fans. People who visit your Web site are more
 (see sidebar).                                         likely to link to it from their own Web sites,
 Incorporate Links Into Your Content                    blogs or social media profiles if they like what
    When developing content, embed hyper-               you have to offer.
 links directly on relevant keywords that link          Encourage Online Conversations
 to optimized pages of your Web site. For ex-           Around Your Brand
 ample, a fashion Web site writing about the               Certain types of content inspire people to,
 Emmy Awards might hyperlink the words                  essentially, work for your brand—sharing links
 “Jimmy Choo pumps” in the sentence “Heidi              and launching discussions about your products,
 Klum looked amazing in her Jimmy Choo                  services or Web site within the online commu-
 pumps and Lorraine Schwartz necklace.” The             nities to which they belong. Contests, special
 link in this example would point directly to           offers, interesting/exciting promotions, etc.,
 the page on the fashion Web site about Jim-            are all techniques you can use to build a buzz
 my Choo shoes.                                         around your brand online, encouraging user-
    Search engines give the most value to links         generated content and links that support your
 within content that follow this general format,        link-building program as well as your branding
 as this supports their mission of serving up           and marketing efforts.
 Web sites highly relevant to search queries.
    As a general best practice, aim to embed one        Plan For Multipurpose Content
 link within the first 250 words of the content           Clearly link building and social media are not		                                                                                            18
just activities for the SEO team—these tactics
 should be well integrated into your overall mar-            The No-Follow Attribute
 keting and communications strategy. In fact,
                                                             The No-Follow attribute was cre-
 almost any type of content created by the com-              ated to combat black-hat optimization
 pany can be made to work for link building and              techniques that were designed to trick the
 optimization purposes.                                      search engines into assessing the value of a
   Your marketing, public relations and product              Web site higher based on the mere quantity
 teams should be incorporating optimized an-                 of inbound links it had amassed.
 chor text links into the body of press releases,            It is an HTML attribute that webmasters can
 blog posts, multimedia content descriptions, etc.           assign to links which signals to the search en-
 The key is to keep these teams educated about               gines that credit should not be given to the
                                                             linked site in a way that influences its ranking.
 the target keyword/phrases that are important
 to your brand and ensure they are all supported             Used to prevent blog spam and other spam
                                                             content posted for the sole purpose of gaining
 through everyone’s link building and social me-
                                                             inbound links, the No-Follow attribute is a way
 dia communications.                                         for webmasters to discourage off-topic and
   When looking for publicity opportunities,                 self-promotional content from being posted
 target publications that have a strong Web                  on the site, taking away from the original pur-
 presence. A media outlet that is active online              pose and value of the site for its visitors.
 will have a Web site with a strong link profile             Many social media Web sites utilize the No-
 and social media outposts set up to promote                 Follow attribute for this same reason.
 their articles. These Web-friendly publications             Google also encourages webmasters who are
 understand the value of links within content.               selling ad space on their sites to include the
 They will likely allow you to build strategically           No-Follow attribute for all paid ads, ensuring
                                                             that the advertisers are not “buying” link value.
 placed links into the content you provide them
 in bylined articles and will keep links active in           Sites that utilize the No-Follow attribute include
 your company description when writing about                 Twitter, LinkedIn and most social bookmarking
                                                             sites. Digg has an interesting approach to No-
 your company or interviewing someone em-                    Follow, removing the attribute once a user gets
 ployed there.                                               enough “Diggs” on their content.
   The most important thing to remember when
                                                             While the No-Follow attribute can frustrate
 strategizing for your link-building program is              optimizers, it serves an important purpose and
 that there are no shortcuts. Links are tied directly        does not usually have a negative effect on a
 to quality content. PRN                                     quality optimization and link building program.
                                                             White hat optimizers with a solid content
 Veronica Fielding is the president/CEO of Digital Brand     strategy don’t have to depend on comment
 Expressions, which specializes in findability marketing     links, artificial promotion of links through
 solutions, as well as brand-aligned, integrated SEO, paid   social bookmarking sites, or a steady stream
 search, and social media marketing programs.                of link-filled Twitter posts.

Develop Your Digital Identity
 With a Savvy Online Style Guide
 By Adrienne Lea

              ou did all the requisite research
              before starting a rebranding effort,        Keeping the Focus Tight
              carefully reviewed logo designs and
                                                          Focus your style guide on your
              selected the perfect logo to help           employees and what they need.
              move your organization forward. With
 that behind you, it’s essential that the language        Correspondence, presentations
 in all company material supports the rebranding          and reports:
                                                          • 	Identify the reader and point of view.
 initiative, and that’s hard to do:
                                                          • 	 Know why you are writing; is your most im-
    ■	   The logo change and rebranding may re-               portant point obvious? Don’t bury the lead.
         sult from a merger or acquisition and two        • 	Keep it brief, simple and specific.
         organizations often possess different cul-       • 	Maintain a professional tone.
                                                          • 	Avoid improper or confusing jargon.
         tures and styles.                                • 	Tell the reader what outcome to expect;
    ■	   The current style, and current style guide,          will the reader know what to do next or
         are outdated but pervasive and everyone              what will happen next?
                                                          • 	As the writer, it is your job to make reading
         is comfortable with them.
                                                              easy. Don’t try to impress with flowery writ-
    ■	   A lot of employees produce material for              ing; the more technical or complicated the
         your organization; many of these people              subject, the more plain and understand-
         are content experts, not professional writ-          able the written explanation should be.
                                                              Avoid unnecessary words and syllables.
         ers and style guides bore them.
                                                          • 	Read what you have written out loud and
   Logo and graphic guidelines are usually                    see if it sounds cluttered or pretentious.
 produced by a third party; the style guide should        • 	Is the spelling and punctuation correct?
 be produced internally. That way it will fully           • 	 Are you using the right word, since spell
                                                              check doesn’t know you wrote “kiddy” but
 reflect the philosophy of rebranding, your organi-
                                                              meant “kidney.”
 zation’s culture and the specific needs and skill lev-
                                                          E-Mail messages:
 els of your employees.
                                                          • 	Make e-mail messages easy to read.
 Why Bother?                                              • 	Start with the most important point.
                                                          • 	 Use standard writing conventions: complete
    Do the rules of grammar change? Your style                sentences, correct spelling and grammar.
 guide centers on the basics and still seems useful.      • 	Use a subject line that will help recipients
    The new logo won’t rebrand the company on                 find the e-mail later.
 its own, it just signals a change. The current style     • 	Be careful with your tone; in business e-
 guide doesn’t reflect rebranding, and was prob-              mails stay away from too chatty, abrupt, or
 ably written before the digital age. While some              abrasive.
                                                          • 	Avoid ALL CAPS at all costs.
 specific elements may remain unchanged, creat-           • 	Slow down.
 ing a new one will emphasize that rebranding             • 	Proofread.
 the organization requires full participation of all      • 	Check recipient list before sending.
 staff members, and goes far beyond changing		                                                                                            20
Help Employees Avoid Common Mistakes
    Avoid clichés:                      • 	 In the final analysis              • 	 Continue to remain
    • 	 A heartbeat away                • 	 It is obvious that                 • 	 Each and every
    • 	 Add insult to injury            • 	 It is often the case that          • 	 Exact same
    • 	 Bite off more than you          • 	 In the event that                  • 	 Final completion
        can chew                        •	 In the final analysis               • 	 Final result
    • 	 Easier said than done           • 	 It is often the case that          • 	 First and foremost
    • 	 Handwriting on the wall         • 	 Needless to say                    • 	 Focus in
    • 	 Make a long story short         • 	 Of the opinion that                • 	 Free gift
    • 	 Worth its weight in gold        • 	 Regardless of the fact that        • 	 Permeate throughout
                                        • 	 The fact that                      • 	 Prove conclusively
    Avoid empty expressions:            • 	 Until such time as                 • 	 Repeat again
    • 	 As previously stated in the 	   • 	 Well aware                         • 	 Rarely ever
        introduction                    • 	 Whole new                          • 	 Round in shape
    • 	 As you can see from the above   • 	 With regards to this matter        • 	 Resulting effect
    • 	 By virtue of the fact that      • 	 Eliminate redundancies:            • 	 Revert back
    • 	 Came to the realization that    • 	 Add back to                        • 	 Separate out
    • 	 Concerning the matter of        • 	 Attached together                  • 	 True fact
    • 	 For the purpose of              • 	 Basic fundamentals                 • 	 Yellow in color
    • 	 For the reason that             • 	 Combine together
    • 	 Hopefully                       • 	 Connected together

 logo, typeface and color palette.                           If this describes your organization, your new style
    Most important, whatever drove your organiza-            guide can be more technical since writers and edi-
 tion’s decision to update its brand must drive your         tors are conversant with the rules of grammar and
 organization’s use of language. While the use of            regard language as craft. In some ways that’s easier,
 paper declines, we rely more on the “written” word          you can rely on professional style guides and just
 than ever before: e-mails have replaced many                add the information specific to your company, and
 phone calls and often convey the first image peo-           worry less about the basics.
 ple receive of your organization.                              However, using professionals requires you to
    Promotional material we put online is usually            over-emphasize when the rebranding philosophy
 longer than paper versions, without printing costs          trumps grammar and syntax. If you use freelancers
 driving size. We send broadcast e-mails with ever-          you must include in the style guide information that
 increasing frequency, leading people to “more in-           makes the brand identity clear to people who work
 formation available online.”                                for other organizations. In either case you should
                                                             emphasize two seemingly contradictory goals:
 Think About Your Users
   You’ve researched the interests and percep-                   ■	   Flexibility: this is a transition, and not every
 tions of customers, potential customers, mem-                        effort to reflect the organization’s identity
 bers of your organization, stockholders. And                         will work.
 you’ve conveyed to all employees the purpose                    ■	   Consistency: the material produced for the
 and philosophy of the rebranding initiative. For                     company must convey the organization’s
 the style guide to work, you have to add another                     identity, not the writer’s or editor’s identity.
 layer: your employees. Employees must carry                   Someone in the company who worked closely
 out these philosophical changes daily, and must             with rebranding and understands the philosophi-
 have tools they can use to do the job.                      cal changes should supervise the work of these
   Some larger organizations employ professional             writers and editors to ensure they make the transi-
 writers and editors or use a cadre of freelancers.

tion to the new brand identity. In addition, many          than that. Address the following with specificity:
 professional writers and editors were trained be-             ■	   How to write e-mails that convey your
 fore widespread use of electronic communication;                   company’s image and stay within profes-
 they must adjust their perceptions of the written                  sional bounds;
 word to the electronic age. And you must require
 that they resist the most common fault of writers
                                                               ■	   When not to use e-mail;
 and editors: putting rules ahead of content.                  ■	   How electronic communication is differ-
    Other organizations use staff members to pro-                   ent: your message must hit people imme-
 duce almost all materials. If the majority of your us-             diately, shouldn’t make them scroll down
 ers are not professional writers and editors, make                 the page, and should take into account
 the style guide something that they can digest.                    shorter online attention spans;
 Forget some of the most technical questions of                ■	   How and when to use broadcast e-mails;
 grammar and syntax—including all those ques-
                                                               ■	   Use of graphics online vs. graphics in print;
 tions will bore most employees and prevent them
 opening the style guide a second time.
    Think about the common mistakes staff mem-                 ■	   Online fonts vs print fonts.
 bers make, and include those in the style guide [see
                                                            Guide Not Gospel
 box below]. Think of employees who are awkward
                                                              Finally, you will not bring employees on board
 or inept writers and write the style guide for them.
                                                            by turning into the style police. Make it clear in
    In all cases, professional writers and editors, free-
                                                            the style guide why the changes in language
 lancers, or full-time employees, use before and
                                                            are necessary and important, recognize your
 after examples to make your point [see box be-
                                                            organization’s limitations when rolling out wide-
 low]. This is the easiest and least judgmental way
                                                            spread changes, and emphasize repeatedly that
 to bring everyone on board, to help all employ-
                                                            rebranding is an important and ongoing process
 ees see how much more clearly the new graphic
                                                            dependent on everyone’s support. PRN
 designs and appropriate use of language reflect
 the image of your organization.
                                                            Adrienne Lea is director of communications for the Ameri-
 What’s Online and What’s Not                               can Society of Nephrology. For the past 15 years she has
   This is the digital age. Most style guides give a nod    managed publications and communications for nonprofit
                                                            professional societies in science and medicine.
 to electronic communication but it deserves more

    Provide Before and After Examples
    Instead of:                                                     Before                      After
    “The American Society of Nephrology, in partner-
    ship with the National Kidney Foundation and
    Dialysis Patient Citizens celebrates World Kidney
    Day on Thursday, March 12, 2009.”

    Why not try…
    “ASN will host a Congressional Reception on March
    12 to celebrate World Kidney Day. ASN is educating
    lawmakers on the need for increased research funds
    for studying chronic kidney disease and its known
    causes. The event is being held in partnership with
    the National Kidney Foundation and Dialysis Patient
    Citizens and will feature special guests…”		                                                                                                      22
For Best SEO Results, Think Outside
 The Usual Search Engine Suspects
 By PR News Editors

                ne needn’t look far to identify       recommendations will help them do so effectively.
                the crux of SEO—after all, it’s
                embedded into its very name.          Start by Developing Keyword Strategies
                Search engines’ primary raison          Search may be evolving, but keywords are still
                d’être is to account for all Web      a founding pillar of any optimization effort.
 content and, in turn, provide results perti-           “Keyword phrases are the core of SEO,” says
 nent to specific search queries. These engines,      Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing,
 known more ubiquitously by their names—              outlining the following steps to choosing the
 Google, Yahoo and Bing, to name a few—               best keywords:
 acted as stopover points that delivered users           ■	   Create a keyword glossary: Structure
 to their desired destinations.                               should include categories, primary phras-
   This remains search engines’ main function,                es, derivatives, permutations, popularity,
 but their integration with other social media                relevance and competitiveness.
 platforms has expanded their applications               ■	   Brainstorm phrases.
 exponentially. This in turn requires commu-
                                                         ■	   Use a keyword research tool: Google Key-
 nications professionals to broaden their own
                                                              word Tool, Google Insights & Trends, SEM-
 horizons when shaping and executing SEO
                                                              Rush, WordTracker, Keyword Discovery, etc.
 and SEM strategies.
                                                         ■	   Find popularity and variations.
 Search Is Everywhere
    “[Executives] need to realize that search         Think Links
 doesn’t just happen on the major search                 Keywords are the basis of SEO strategies, but
 engines,” says Jon Wegman, vice president of         links—specially, inbound links—make online
 planning and innovation at Moxie Interac-            content shoot to the top of research results.
 tive. “It happens as consumers look for mov-            “Links electrify content in search,” Odden says,
 ies, books, locations, reviews, options and facts    recommending the following best practices:
 across social networks, technology platforms,           ■	   Earn links with content;
 media and mobile devices.”
                                                         ■	   Promote socially;
    As such, communicators must consider this
 evolving paradigm not just when optimizing              ■	   Link up with partners;
 all online content for search, but also when            ■	   Cross-link internally;
 putting together the best mix of platforms for
                                                         ■	   Embed links in news releases;
 marketing efforts. Plus, they need to equip their
 own Web properties—corporate Web site, on-              ■	   Social bookmark pickup; and
 line newsroom, etc.—with robust search capa-            ■	   Use keywords in link text.
 bilities that connect users with the information
 they want in the click of a mouse.                   Think Beyond Google
    With that in mind, the following strategies and     Keywords and links optimize content for

search of any kind, so why only apply keyword                to break news, respond to questions and
 and link strategies solely to “Google-able”                  engage with the public.
 results, such as news releases? Instead, Weg-
 man says, think more broadly to include news-        Measure, Share Results and Adapt
 room optimization, PR optimization and even           Measuring the outcome of SEO initiatives can
 people optimization.                                 be done by considering a number of available
   He offers the following examples of each:          metrics, including:

   ■	   Newsroom optimization and Target: Tar-
                                                         ■	   Newswire service metrics;
        get has created an easy-to-navigate and          ■	   Google and Yahoo alerts;
        resource-rich destination for consumers          ■	   Rankings;
        and journalists alike. Features include
                                                         ■	   Social media monitoring;
        detailed search functionality, distilled
        content areas, result filters a multimedia       ■	   Inbound links;
        library, deep links and more.                    ■	   Pickups on blogs, publications, Web sites, etc.;
   ■	   PR optimization and Taylor Guitars:              ■	   Web analytics for landing pages;
        United Airlines’ “United Breaks Guitars”
                                                         ■	   Monitoring blog search engines via RSS;
        YouTube fiasco helped increase singer
        Dave Carroll’s visibility, but the incident
        spawned another, more unlikely celeb-            ■	   Press release landing page conversion
        rity: Taylor Guitars, the maker of the in-            tracking.
        strument that careless United baggage
        handlers destroyed.                           Tell the Right People
                                                        Then, Odden says, it’s all about communicat-
   	 The company attached itself to the vi-
                                                      ing that value to the appropriate audiences,
     ral video craze started by Carroll by op-
                                                      be it top management, marketing, etc., to help
     timizing content on its corporate Web
                                                      inform their efforts moving forward.
     site and newsroom to include popular
                                                        Two effective means of making a point to
     search terms like “Dave Carroll,” “video”
                                                      these audiences are demonstrating cost/sav-
     and “United Breaks Guitars.” The result:
                                                      ings, and demonstrating what’s lacking.
     It became the third-highest result on
                                                        “Set keyword ranking goals and estimate the
     Google when a user searched “united
                                                      cost of achieving the same goals with PPC (pay
                                                      per click),” says Odden. “Then demonstrate the
   ■	   People optimization and Whole Foods:          cost of organic search traffic versus PPC traffic.”
        Whole Foods has operationalized their           As for demonstrating what’s lacking, re-
        approach to social media, PR and people       search a keyword glossary and run a ranking
        optimization. Wegman points to the com-       report on those phrases to show the lack of
        pany’s robust portfolio of inter-connected    search visibility. Run a test of a few news items,
        social media platforms. Individual stores     take benchmark measurements and then show
        and categories have dedicated personnel       progress. PRN		                                                                                               24
So, You Think You Know SEO?
 A PR News Pop Quiz
 By PR News Editors

            hough critical to any organization        Tool, WordTracker or WordStream.
            looking to drive online eyeballs and        7. Which types of files are indexed and ranked
            sales, search engine optimization tac-    by search engines?
            tics and terminology can confound           a. Flash
            the smartest PR pros. PR News asked         b. JavaScript
 SEO expert Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online            c. Ajax
 Marketing, to create a quiz that would seriously       d. PDF
 test your SEO acumen. Here goes:                       e. MS Office documents
 True or False                                          f. All of the above
  1. Search engine optimization (SEO) is best           8. Which link-building tactics represent best
 managed by the corporate IT department.              practices for competitive keywords?
   2. Google, Yahoo and Bing each have their own        a. Submit the company Web site to directories
 crawlers and algorithms and should be opti-          and search engines once
 mized separately.                                      b. Publish a blog, interact with other blogs,
                                                      promote content on social sites each week
    3. Google Caffeine is an infrastructure update      c. Perform backlink analysis on sites already rank-
 that involves increasing Google’s ability to index   ing well and solicit links from the same sources
 larger amounts of content more quickly and has         d. Include links in press releases, cross link be-
 little to do with rankings.                          tween pages, microsites and partner sites
   4. The MayDay update on Google was focused           e. Solicit links in media placements, contrib-
 on adding a third column of faceted search op-       uted articles and guest blog posts that use key-
 tions to the left side of Google search results.     words to company content
   5. How fast your Web pages load in a brows-          f. All of the above
 er can affect the ranking of those pages in            9. What are the three most significant influenc-
 search results.                                      es on search engine rankings?
                                                        a. Meta keyword tag
 Multiple Choice                                        b. Meta description tag
   6. What are the two least effective methods of       c. Title tag
 researching keywords?                                  d. Keywords on the page
   a. Use content from advertising and marketing        e. Links using keywords from other relevant
 materials                                            Web sites
   b. Analyze competitor Web sites
                                                        10. Which list represents the top 3 search en-
   c. Use exact matches for proper product and
                                                      gines according to comScore?
 service names
                                                        a. Google, YouTube, Yahoo
   d. Survey customers, sales and customer ser-
                                                        b. Google, Yahoo, Bing
 vice staff
                                                        c. Google, YouTube, Bing
   e. Leverage research tools like Google Keyword

Google has over 65 % of market share and war-
    Writing for the Web:                              rants the most attention. Yahoo and Bing will
    Some Best Practices                               soon blend their technologies, thus reducing the
                                                      major search engines to two. For most sites, best
    According to Jon Wegman, associate di-            practice content optimization and link building
    rector of Moxie Interactive, there are a hand-
                                                      are productive for any major search engine.
    ful of tried-and-true best practices when it
    comes to writing for the Web, and they all           3. True: Google’s ability to find fresh content and
    hinge on the three R’s: recency, responsive-      deliver it in search results has improved greatly and
    ness and relevancy. With that as a backdrop,      will scale as increasing content sources publish on-
    consider his specific recommendations:            line. Caffeine has little to do with sorting or rank-
    • 	Provide open access to assets, resources       ing search results, but may mean your content gets
       and content.                                   into Google search results pages quicker.
    • 	Cross-promote, link and utilize social media      4. False: Google made a significant algorithm up-
       properties to spread news.
                                                      date that occurred in early May 2010 affecting large
    • 	Use automated opt-in feeds to deliver con-
       tent to users on the fly.                      numbers of Web pages containing minimal content
    • 	Provide links across your organization for     that previously ranked well for long-tail keywords
       contact and escalation points.                 (three or more words). The MayDay update rein-
    • 	Provide assets in mixed-media format in a      forces the need for improved Web content quality.
       simple and intuitive way.                      The third column added to the Google search results
    • 	Proactively make contact with journalists
                                                      page design is not related to the algorithm change.
       and influential consumers.
    • 	Allow users to choose the format and cat-         5. True: Google announced in April 2010 the
       egory for the information they want.           addition of Web page load time as a ranking fac-
    • 	Measure and track usage and assets, and        tor. Faster-loading pages equate to a better user
       solicit feedback.                              experience and increase in the number of clicks.
                                                         6. A & C: What companies name products are
                                                      not always what customers or the media will use
 ANSWERS TO THE PR NEWS POP QUIZ                      to search for those products.
   1. False: For most organizations, IT will help        7. A, D & E
 implement technical and on-page SEO changes,            8. F: There are literally hundreds of link-build-
 but a partnership between marketing, PR and IT       ing tactics, and any activity that results in an in-
 should set the direction, strategy and oversight     bound link from another topically relevant Web
 of implementation of keyword research, opti-         site is good for users and for SEO.
 mized copywriting, link building and analysis of        9. C, D & E
 Web site visitor data.                                  10. A
   2. False: While each search engine is different,     PRN		                                                                                             26
Pr news seo_report
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Pr news seo_report

  • 1. Special Report SEO/SEM & Writing for the Web
  • 2. [Executives] need to realize that search doesn’t just happen on the major search engines. — Jon Wegman, Vice President of Planning and Innovation, Moxie Interactive “ SEO/SEM & Writing for the Web © 2011 by Access Intelligence, LLC. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines of up to $100,000 for violations. 2
  • 3. Search Engine Optimization: It’s a Brand New PR Landscape By Carolyn Kim S earch engine optimization (SEO) is cen- ers will stop coming to use their service. That’s tral to the life of any organization. It’s no why they’ve developed these algorithms to longer a matter of simply having a good measure the value of a Web site in comparison Web site or providing easily accessible to what a user is looking for. The process of and relevant content—it’s about being SEO, then, is one of refining your site to be the found when there are literally millions of com- best possible result for search engines to pro- petitors. The result of the massive online growth vide to anyone who looks for your company, over the past few years has led to PR professionals brand, product or service. being tasked with understanding, securing and People often ask why they should invest in SEO building an organization’s online presence. when they can purchase ads online, contribute more to Web site design and online resources. An SEO Primer The answer is two-fold. Before getting into why SEO is central for public relations, it’s important to know exactly Be Easy to Find what SEO will (and won’t) do. SEO is about “or- First, no matter how good of a Web site you’ve ganic” listings in a search engine. An organic created, if people can’t find it among the millions of listing is what you’ll see directly in the middle other sites, it won’t matter. You won’t be reaching of your screen after you type in a phrase to a your publics online. About 80% of sites are found search engine. The listing of sites within an or- through search engines. Of every 10 people you’re ganic section is based on an algorithm of mul- hoping to reach online, eight will be using a search tiple factors (for Google, which is by far the in- engine to find what they’re looking for. dustry leader, there are well over 200 factors at Without SEO, your site may show up in the list- play). The paid advertising, which is purchased ing…but you could end up on page 5, 10…or may- through a bidding system, is seen on the right- be 500. A brief search of “Public Relations” showed hand side and sometimes in a colored box that there are over 81 million pages that come up above the organic listings. for the phrase. But in reality, most users won’t ever To do well in SEO, you need to understand look past the second page…probably not even what search engines have as a goal. Search en- the first. That’s why the top listings (positions one gines are in the business of making sure every through 10) are far more valuable than others. user who comes to them finds exactly what If you’re not found within the top 20 (or the they are searching for. If they don’t deliver, us- first two pages), it’s almost like you don’t ex- The process of SEO, then, is one of refining your site to be the best possible result for search engines to provide to anyone who looks for your company, brand, product or service. 3
  • 4. ist at all. Still not convinced? Consider the last time you clicked for “more results” on a search Make Keywords Work beyond the second page. Most people don’t To have strong content that helps ever do that (unless they’re looking for where search engines match your site with us- their own site comes up). ers, you’ll need to make sure you have solid keywords used throughout. But this begs the Building Your Online Credibility question, how do you select a keyword? Second, SEO is important because it builds online To begin with, in SEO, “keywords” doesn’t credibility. When your product, name, and service necessarily mean a single word. In fact, most comes up in organic search results, people auto- “keywords” are 3-5 words because few people matically associate that with level of expertise. search for only one word at a time. You’ll also By placing higher in the organic listings, peo- want to ask the question, “How will people ple assume you’re a better fit than sites below search for us online?” This list will probably you. By default, you’re gaining an impression of include your company name, brands, services and products. You should also include the ge- being the best match for what they need or are neric terms for these. If you’re having trouble, looking for because they know you “earned” the ask 5-10 people in your company to make a position. You can’t buy it. list of 5 terms they would put into a search en- On average, a little less than half of people even gine if they wanted to find your organization. bother to read the purchased adds on the right Next, pull out a Thesaurus and make your hand side of the screen. And only about two or list longer by finding possible variations for three out of every 10 will click on paid advertising. phrases and words. (If you’re running ana- The others will remain in the organic listings. Not lytics on your site, you can also pull up the report that shows what phrases led people to only are organic pages more likely to be clicked your site previously. Determine if they match on, but the higher you are in the organic listings is your content, and, if so, include those as well). also a factor. The closer you are to being the num- A final way to build your list is by visiting a ber-one result, the more clicks you’ll receive into search engine and typing in your phrases. Of- your site. The lower you are, the more your clicks ten, they’ll make suggestions on other ways will start decreasingly quite measurably. to search for content matching your query. No one is arguing that you don’t need a strong You can add those phrases to your list. Web site design, or user functionality, or solid and Over time, you’ll find that not all of these compelling content. After all, once users get to your keywords are ones you’ll want to keep. This is site, that’s when all of those come in to play. That’s a natural part of the process for SEO strategy. And taking these steps will give you a great why they’ll stay. But before you can get your pub- start for your keyword list! lics to stay on your Web site, they’ve got to find it. You’re Not Done Yet up at the top? When searching for product by At this point, you may be thinking that since its description and not name, will your brand your name is so well known to your publics, it’s still show in the top five? not really necessary to engage in SEO. After all, When you employ SEO strategy, your site everyone who needs to find you already knows should start showing up not only for your brand who you are. This line of thinking leads to missed names but generic terms. This makes sure that opportunities to engage with new publics. you reach your current publics as well as new You may find that you come up quite high people who are unfamiliar with your organiza- in search engines for your company name or tion. (If you’re not reaching people on those product title. That’s good news. You absolutely generic terms, your competition will be.) need to rank for those proper nouns. But what The best SEO efforts involve collaboration be- about generic terms? If you type in the indus- tween departments. You’ll need to harmonize your try you’re in, does your organization still come 4
  • 5. online messaging and design with tech- nical jargon and specifications. It’s not an easy process and usually requires people from PR, Marketing, IT and Web Development along the way—but it’s well worth it. Here are some pillars of SEO to keep in mind as you begin opti- mizing your site. The Pillars of SEO 1. Content: Your online content is possibly the most important as- pect of your entire SEO effort. It’s where search engines go to examine text and see what your site is all about. And, it’s the place 4. Technical Aspects: Make sure your server is functioning well, which will ensure that people will go to get all the details they need (and your Web site loads quickly for users. Sometimes determine if you actually meet what they are look- people share a server based on their hosting ing for). Content needs to be crisp, original and agreement. If possible, have only your site on the engaging to keep people from leaving your site— server. Also, make sure there are no technical in- what’s commonly referred to as bouncing. At the structions on the server that keep search engines same time, you’ll need to ensure that your key- from visiting your site (you can ask your IT team). words are found throughout the text in a natural way. Make sure you’re talking about your brand, company, product and descriptions. 5. Monitor and Analyze: By monitoring your SEO results, you’ll be able to refine your content, meta tags and links (as well as numerous 2. Meta Tags: Meta tags are part of the technical side of your site—but they other areas within SEO) for higher performance. You can also make sure your pages are indexed by have a huge impact. You can find them in the search engines—or submit them for consider- code of your Web site. First, check your title ation if they’re not included at this time. tags. Each page needs a unique title (which As with many niche areas, SEO can be a full- also includes Keywords) and makes sense to time job and involves a plethora of tools and people when reading it. You’ll also need an in- implementation tactics. For the modern PR pro- dividual description tag and keyword tag for fessional, it’s essential to understand what SEO is each page. Check with your web developer to and the value it provides to organizations. make sure the tags are in the proper order for In today’s world where more information is the search engines to review. being created than ever before, publics are be- coming increasingly difficult to reach. Breaking 3. Links: Part of being in the online community is being part of the “Web” aspect of “World through the noise and conveying information is a skill that’s constantly evolving. That’s why Wide Web.” That means, search engines like to see reaching people right when they look for a prod- connections between sites: Links. When someone uct, service or organization is critical. links to you, the search engine sees that as a “vote” PR professionals who use SEO set their organi- for the value of your site. By creating strong and zations above others by being in the place people compelling content (Point #1) you’ll be giving peo- are looking, at the time people are looking, with ple a reason to link to you. Then, you also need to the information and service people want. PRN selectively choose quality sites to link out to. Make sure they are helpful in relations to the content on Carolyn Kim is an account executive at Ambassador the page and worthy sites to be linked to. Advertising Agency in Orange County, CA. 5
  • 6. Web Writing 101: Engage SEO, Add SEM for More Online Success By PR News Editors C ommunications executives already ■ Have you overlooked any keyword phras- know that online content optimiza- es? In terms of planning an SEM campaign, tion involves way more than choos- Blum offers communications and market- ing keywords and embedding ing execs a key guideline: “Don’t pay for hyperlinks. It is a nuanced process the top position in paid ads, especially if that ties together strategies from public rela- your budget is limited. The third position tions and marketing, and—when done effec- is very effective.” tively—it embodies true integration of online and offline, SEO and SEM and marketing and ■ Create SEO and SEM strategies that are communications. symbiotic, not cannibalistic. The best practices below address ways in SEO strategies, which center on organic which communications executives can leverage search, are customer-centric, developed spe- SEO and SEM together to facilitate this ultimate cifically with users’ search habits in mind. SEM, integration and to reap the bottom-line benefits or paid search, is more marketingminded (see as a result. sidebar for more on the differences between SEO and SEM). ■ Analyze the competition. However, both rely on keywords, which are Keyword optimization is a critical piece of the chosen by communications and marketing exec- SEO puzzle. The second part of this keyword de- utives. If these two groups don’t work in tandem velopment process is to analyze the competitive with one another, they could inadvertently com- landscape to avoid choosing search terms that mit keyword cannibalization. are already overused. “Keyword cannibalization is when SEO and When analyzing SEO competition, Kai Blum, SEM [strategies] compete against each other,” director of search engine marketing at MS&L says Robb Hecht, senior vice president and Digital, recommends asking (and answering) digital marketing strategist at imc strategy lab. the following questions: “Ensuring that SEO and SEM work together will ■ Who is top-ranked for your desired help prevent any overlaps and enable the cre- keyword phrases? ation of synergies that could have otherwise been missed.” ■ Did they optimize their site? Because SEM costs money—specifically in the ■ How many incoming links to they have? form of pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns—com- (Check to find out.) petitive strategies can be wasteful. Instead, “Use ■ How difficult would it be to outrank them PPC to supplement SEO,” Blum says. “Investing in for the selected phrase? SEO will save you PPC money in the long run.” As for analyzing SEM competition: ■ Don’t forget to follow through with ■ How many competitors do you have? evaluations of your conversion rates. Conversion refers to whatever goals you estab- ■ What is the potential cost? lished for your various Web properties, including: 6
  • 7. Sales ■ Requests for more information Symbiotic Relationship ■ Subscriptions Between SEO & SEM ■ Downloads To confuse SEO with SEM would be easy—with only a slight difference in their re- When deciding how to revise and shape Web spective acronyms, some people mistakenly content, it is important to see which past strate- use them interchangeably. (Throw in SMM gies had the biggest impact on conversions. and SMO—social media marketing and social “Invest in conversion rate optimization to media optimization—and all bets are off.) increase ROI—your excellent search results list- For communications and marketing execu- ings will be worthless if you don’t pay attention tives, though, the difference should be clear, if not obvious; SEO leverages keywords and to conversion,” Blum says. content development to boost search results “Test different versions of your conversion pag- organically, while SEM relies on paid meth- es with tools like Google Web site Optimizer.” ods, including pay-per-click, to drive traffic. In short, the former is PR-driven, and the latter ■ Marry online and offline strategies. mirrors more traditional advertising and As always, digital and traditional strategies marketing models. can’t operate independently of one another. Despite their differences, both models can When they are two halves of the respective be used in conjunction with one another to whole, you will end up with a sum that’s greater collectively enhance search strategies and to than its parts—for the better. compensate for the others’ weaknesses. Keywords—the crux of optimization—are an For example, SEO tends to be regarded more ideal place to start the process of integrating highly because of its organic nature, but your online and offline strategies. Robb Hecht, SVP of imc strategy lab, points out its disadvantages: “Know your keywords and use them online and off—in media training, interviews, fact sheets, • Unpredictable • Takes time to see results etc.,” says Sarah Skerik, a vice president of PR • Complex and dynamic Newswire. “Build traction for your brand against • Requires an ongoing investment key terms.” • Ill-suited for developing awareness rela- tive to other channels ■ Optimize all social media content. “You have to be patient about organic search “Social media optimization and SEO are be- results—it may take a few months,” says Kai coming inextricably linked,” Hecht says. “Develop Blum, director of search engine marketing at tools, applications and properties to activate your MS&L Digital. “Run pay-per-click ads in the brand advocates, allowing users to aggregate, meantime.” tag, rank, share and comment on your content. SEM is certainly more immediate and control- Social input like tagging and ranking guide not lable, so it can be used early on in an initiative only what information search engines present in while SEO efforts are gaining momentum. response to user queries, but also the order and Plus, insights revealed by SEM metrics can rankings of what they present.” help shape optimization strategies. Whatever you do, Hecht says, don’t make your “A continual evolution of your search term content all about you. research is achieved by analysis of all the SEM “To affect search results positively, give your keywords that drive clicks,” Hecht says. “This customers tools and a reason to generate posi- can be used to find the terms that drive the highest volume and conversion rates, which tive content about your brand,” he says. PRN can then be applied to your SEO campaign.” 7
  • 8. Don’t Play Google Hide & Seek: Some Tips to Improve SEO Rankings By Devin Davis and Karianne Stinson S earch engine optimization is a valu- PR, SEO is smart, effective copywriting. Learning able tool that PR professionals can how to incorporate SEO tactics into PR for greater utilize to boost the effectiveness of visibility should be a key component of success their campaigns, and ultimately, drive for any forward thinking professional. greater awareness for their clients. SEO is a powerful way to generate awareness because it facilitates higher placement in the results on search engines like Google. In this article, we will Just like PR, SEO is smart, give a basic overview of SEO and offer PR profes- effective copywriting. sionals easy-to-implement essentials of SEO for press releases and Web sites. With these SEO in- sights, you can advise your clients on strategies to improve their search engine ranking. What Search Engines Do SEO is not about tricking search engines; it’s about Intersection of PR and SEO Explained making the main focus of your content (a press re- Good SEO practice in PR is quickly becoming lease or Web page) friendly to search engines and an industry standard. SEO is the process of im- readers alike. The concept is not all that different proving the volume or quality of traffic to a Web from how one would write press materials. site or a web page (such as a blog) through opti- As PR professionals, we want to make our main mization of the sites content, text, tags, links and point clear to the audience. In SEO, it is important other elements. SEO drives traffic from search to clearly state the main point using specific words engines via “natural” or unpaid (“organic” or “al- or phrases that people might enter into a search gorithmic”) search results. More traffic means engine to learn more about your topic. These are greater visibility for your clients. This is a piece of known as keywords and keyword phrases. the search engine marketing (SEM) puzzle, which ■ Crawl: Search engine spiders are bits of also includes paid online advertising like display computer code that find and analyze con- and pay per click (PPC) advertising. tent on Web pages. As the spiders crawl, or As the concepts of both the traditional news go from page to page, the code reads the cycle and media continue to evolve, the need content to decide the topic. For example, to make PR materials widely available via search if it is a library Web site, the spider should engines is key to reach the appropriate audience read content about books. Spiders also fol- and extend the life of your news. In addition to low links from one page to the next. The the traditional media, SEO will help client news text around the link, known as anchor be discovered by potential customers, bloggers text, will give the search engine some idea and other key influencers. PR professionals must about the new site. become proficient with SEO tools and tactics in order to succeed in this space. Luckily, many of ■ Index: The spider is not just browsing the tools are already in the PR toolbelt. Just like content, but also storing it in a giant database. Spiders gauge how relevant the content is 8
  • 9. against words searchers use (keywords). It SEO expert, suggests two to four occur- also saves all content for future searches. rences of your keywords in a copy of about ■ Rank: Search engines follow a complex set 500 words. Anything more is seen as “key- of rules to deliver the most relevant results word stuffing” and will hurt the search en- to searchers. The formula search engines gine rankings and readability. If keywords use is kept secret to keep the ranking pro- are used too often, search engines might cess fair and effective. However, we know think the release is spam so it will penalize that the content the spiders crawl is ranked the release in the rankings. for a given keyword based on the content Most importantly, the release should be writ- the spider reads and the links leading to ten for readers and not the search engines. the page. There are a few tools you can use to find the SEO for Press Releases—The Basics appropriate keywords for your news release: An optimized news release is a regular news release but with keywords and keyword phras- wordToolExternal—The Google AdWords tool es specifically chosen and sprinkled appropri- is the easiest to use. ately throughout the headline, subhead, lead and body to ensure search engines can index it—blog-specific easily for the words your audience will search. and a good way to find trending keywords. Press releases optimized with keywords and link- ing back to the client’s Web site improves search niche-finder/—Find keywords targeted to your engine rankings and can help secure greater specific niche audience. coverage in the media. ■ Title: Headlines and subheads should Keep in mind: SEO efforts in press releases include the most popular keywords and will be just an enhancement to your client’s SEO keyword phrases relevant to the release success. Good SEO is an ongoing process that as these carry the most weight with draws on a broad range of factors including au- search engines and potential readers. For thority of a domain, links to a particular site and example, if your keywords are “new how many users click through to a given site. In es- homes” your headline might be, “ABC sence, the best a press release can do is be a strong Builds New Homes in Seattle.” Write like linkback for a bevy of important keywords. people search and speak. ■ Keywords: Be sure to clearly state the ■ Language: Understand and mirror the main point of the release using words language used by the intended audience. people actually search. These are your This will increase click-through rate and keywords. A press release should focus on the effectiveness of the message. one keyword or keyword phrase; too many keywords will clutter the copy and make it ■ Content: Shorter press releases are always harder for search engines to identify the better for search engines. Keep announce- focus. Use keyword tools to determine the ments between 300 to 500 words if possible. best (potentially colloquial) keywords for Keyword-tagged rich media such as videos your announcement. For example, if your and images can increase the rankings, as keywords are “new home” but most people well. Search engines break out searches for search “new homes,” you are missing out images and videos, so including and tagging on the majority of relevant searches. these items with your keywords will open your release up to these additional searches. Repeat your keywords a few times, but ■ Links: Make sure to include anchor text don’t overuse them. Lee Odden, PR and (clickable text in a hyperlink) to impor- 9
  • 10. tant keywords and link back to the client’s Want to Learn More Web page with a similar SEO strategy. For About SEO for PR? example, if anchor text is “accounting soft- ware” be sure to link to a page optimized Here are some blogs that will give you tips for the keywords “accounting software” and effective strategies for incorporating SEO tactics into your PR plan. in the page content. So “accounting soft- ware” will be in the title and the copy will • Lee Odden and the TopRank Online Mar- be about your accounting software. keting Blog—Posts cover search engine marketing, social media, and online public Optimize your boilerplate to include links (in- relations. cluding the http:// of the Web site address) • Bruce Clay, Inc.—Topics covered include and keywords. When you use anchor text, Internet marketing, search engine optimi- zation, PPC, social media marketing, online remember to use keywords. Avoid the branding and Web analytics. http://www. “click here” words that tell search engine spiders nothing about the content. • Outspoken Media—Discusses news and tips in Internet marketing, search engine Web Page Optimization optimization and social media. http://out- For Web page optimization, consider both the quality of content and how the content Want to dig deeper into SEO? is presented. Smart, effective keyword-rich To learn more about search engines and the SEO copy remains a prime concern. All PR materi- industry, here are a few blogs that cover current als should be written with SEO in mind and news and trends in the search engine industry. follow best practices to ensure the highest • Search Engine Land—Content provides possible search engine ranking. Pay attention information about search marketing and to the following details when advising your how search engines work. http://searchen- client on SEO: • Search Engine Journal—Topics focus on ■ Web site Structure: Search engines can’t search engine industry news including see, access or index improperly posted search engine optimization and search content; thus crawl-ability is foremost engine marketing. http://www.searchen- on this list. This is an important technical • SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog—Provides news and requirement for the Web site. If the site tips on search engine optimization and Inter- can’t be found, the content will languish net marketing. no matter how high quality. SEO Experts on Twitter ■ Content: Like with editors and bloggers, For quick SEO tips and the latest news about In- the quality and relevancy of the content ternet marketing, follow these industry leaders. attracts interest and compels visitors to @brentdpayne share the information elsewhere. Inbound @dannysullivan links (links directed to your Web site from @audette other Web pages) are a key component @andybeal of Web page success. Quality content will @seosmarty consistently produce the highest link con- @greywolf version rate (the ratio of those who visit to @leeodden those who link after viewing). This increas- @randfish es your audience as well as your search engine ranking. The more links that lead @ravenseo to your Web site, especially if they use your @katemorris keywords as anchor text, the higher the search engine ranking. Be sure to include 10
  • 11. your keywords in your content, but keep is good to understand the basics of good, the content easy to read and understand. optimized Web design. ■ Web Page Elements: Getting the keyword Incorporating effective SEO techniques into targeting right in the most important Web your PR campaign can improve your search page elements (titles, URLs and internal engine rankings and click-through rates. How- links) provides a big boost in the poten- ever, SEO certainly cannot stand alone and con- tial ability of a page to perform well. For tent is still the most important element. example, in a press release that mentions Never underestimate the power of the message a product, make sure the key product de- youcreatetodrivetraffictoaclientsite.Athoughtout scriptors are in the title tag, the URL and and well-executed public relations campaign will that your text links to the product. always attract far more links, and results, than a ■ User Experience: An uncluttered, clean bunch of well-placed keywords. PRN and fast loading site will make it easier Devin Davis, senior account executive, Sterling Com- for your visitors to find what they want. munications, works with technology clients in the The easier your Web site is to use and un- wireless, silicon and testing spaces. Karianne Stinson, derstand, the more likely it is that your account associate, Sterling Communications, sup- visitors will link back to you. While typi- ports clients in the enterprise software, consumer and cally beyond PR professionals’ control, it B2B Web services markets. 11
  • 12. Cut Through the Competition Online With Quality PR Content By Andrea Walker A company’s public relations/mar- keting plan boils down to a main objective: create public awareness, Content creation is a which in turn generates leads to proactive approach for customers/clients. As part of this your company to build brand objective, your company’s marketing team will recognition and credibility probably go buy radio spots, billboards, and while being a part of the sponsorships and conduct media outreach. All these outreach methods are fine as long communication process. as they meet your company’s marketing goals. Outbound marketing can still be effective but people (not consumers) are also likely to be bet- ter leads if they come seek you out. Also, think erally like the content will then seek out the au- about the amount of time it takes to send press thor to learn more about them or their company. releases, follow up with media, secure interviews Content that provides value will connect with while waiting for those phone calls your out- people and keep your company top of mind. bound advertising should be generating. To reach people, you have to figure out not Content creation is a proactive approach for only what your content will be, but also how to your company to build brand recognition and distribute it to your audience. Also, think about credibility while being a part of the communica- how your content can provide value and whom tion process. Communicators need to understand it can help. Your content will be ineffective if it their marketing message and be active in helping comes across as self-serving or promotional. craft a plan to communicate your message. Content that is authentic and helpful will Content creation should be part of any compa- build better brand relationships. This can even ny’s marketing plan. It is more time-consuming apply to articles about your company in print on the front end to craft various types of con- media. The more transparent and authentic tent. But from a long-term perspective you will your company is, the easier time you will have spend less time searching for business. Instead, getting people’s attention. This boils down to the business will come to you. how you want your company‘s message to be perceived by the public. All your content has to Choosing Your Content reflect back to your company’s brand. Before we talk about your company’s different types of content creation, we need to figure out Make Your Content Stand Out what kinds of content people would find inter- What types of content does your company al- esting or informative about your company. Basi- ready produce? Press releases, brochures, e-mails cally, people read content that is interesting, in- or even direct mail? This type of content is more formative or entertaining. Your content can have or less information about your company. This is a one or all three of these values. People that gen- good building block. 12
  • 13. Our Web content, including words and the as- sets our words describe (i.e., images, video, au- Align Your Web Copy dio, ecommerce transactions and downloadable With Strategic Goals material), must strategically support our pur- pose, our reason for being, our promise of value. Is your Web copy communicating your brand? A strategic approach to writing Web In marketing, our brand is the entire experience copy replaces any ambiguity across all prod- we convey to our audience(s). It’s what we stand uct and/or service areas with strategic clarity. for, our promise of value. Whether we’re a com- When planning your site, or when adding mercial enterprise, a non-profit organization or content to an existing site, this checklist will even an individual looking for a job, everything help ensure that your words deliver value we say in any communication—including a Web and align with your brand strategy: page—must align with our promise of value. 1. What is the purpose of this site (or page, or Our brand promise must live in the words of new content area), and does it align with my promise of value? our Web copy and on the pages of our Web site, whether it’s in a product or service description, 2. To what audience am I communicating and does my message align with that audience’s or as a headline for a call to action or online do- needs? nation area. 3. Am I providing my audience something of If I’m a manufacturer of PCs and my promise of value, something that they can’t get else- value is to help every customer succeed through where? technological expertise and innovation, then I 4. Is the content benefits-driven or features- want to make sure that every page of every piece driven? of marketing communications material aligns 5. What is my call to action? What do I want with this promise of value. my visitor to do and how does that action Similarly, each page of your Web site must com- align with my promise of value? municate, on some level, your promise of value and help differentiate your organization from a crowded field of competitors—whether you’re a tion or am I providing, in clear terms, value that cause-driven nonprofit or a product- or service- will engage my audience and prompt action?” driven commercial enterprise. This important distinction is crucial to delivering A strategic approach to Web content, one that on our brand and promise of value. aligns all pages with an overarching brand prom- We rely on the Web as the ultimate repository of ise of value, provides the contextual foundation information. When we want to learn more about a we need to understand the experiential aspects topic, we visit Wikipedia or “google” it, but informa- of our brand and define the organizational per- tion delivered in a readable format is not enough. sona in concrete, unambiguous terms. What we write on our Web sites, and the words we Ultimately, a Web site and all associated copy and use to support the assets we provide must serve a assets must deliver value and encourage our audi- singular purpose—to provide a clear and valuable ence to take action, whether that action is to pur- brand experience that encourages action. PRN chase, donate, join, agree, read more, etc. A strategic approach to our site (or page) Andrea Walker is CEO/owner of W. Social Marketing, an means that when we write, we take a step back integrated public relations/marketing firm. and ask objectively: “Am I presenting informa- 13
  • 14. Put Brand Strategy in the Driver’s Seat When It Comes to Web Copy By Alex S. Kasten F or anyone venturing into creative Web content, one simple Google search will unearth hundreds of “top ten tips” articles In essence, the essay on effective Web writing. Most of these lists establish two things right off the bat: strategy is not unlike a 1) Studies of Web use suggest that you have brand strategy, and an effective just a few seconds to capture your reader’s at- Web content strategy relies on a tention, and similar approach. 2) Web site visitors will read about 20% of the content on your page—you need to write and organize information accordingly. Writing for the Web, we’re told, flies in the face of everything we ever learned about composi- Back to Basics tion. On the Web, for example, we’re taught to Ironically, if we really want to engage our repeat, repeat, repeat because repeating key audiences effectively and deliver real, sus- words “optimizes” a search engine’s ability to tainable value, then I maintain that concep- scan and pick up these words. We’re advised to tualizing and writing for (and more generally, eschew formal prose and conventional narrative providing content for) a Web site is vastly in favor of short bites of information driven by more akin to what we learned in school than action-oriented headlines, bullet lists and hooks not. Let’s turn to the conventional essay. For because if you don’t engage your audience in the essay, we’re taught to pick a topic and three to five seconds, you’ll lose them. And this then decide what we want to accomplish— is just the tip of the iceberg. our purpose—i.e. to inform or to persuade. The common theme throughout all the articles Then we plan how we’ll go about getting we read is how vastly different writing copy for from point A to point B. the Web is from writing for print publication. To do this, we develop an outline that includes Focusing on the tactical details for successful our thesis, our supporting ideas, our introduc- Web copy is certainly important, but if, in the tion and our conclusion. In short, we develop a process, we lose sight of our strategic goals, we strategy that aligns everything we write with one will confuse or, worse yet, lose our audience. goal. In essence, the essay strategy is not unlike Often, when I evaluate corporate or non-profit a brand strategy, and an effective Web content Web sites, I find that they may be easy to read, strategy relies on a similar approach. but fail on a much larger, strategic level. The pag- Your brand lives in every interaction you have es lack consistent messaging, don’t represent with your audience(s). Much more than a logo the brand effectively, don’t deliver value to the and identity package, your brand is also con- reader, and, arguably most critically, don’t com- veyed in the content you deliver—in sales pre- municate a clear and compelling call to action sentations, marketing material, proposals, and that aligns with the organizational goals. the words on your Web site. 14
  • 15. Now, let’s build another value into your com- scribe your company’s brand. Now, think about pany’s content. How can you make your content how your content can reflect those keywords. stand out from competitors or other similar in- Now that you constructed your content’s val- formation? Interesting content can involve po- ues, evaluate the content you already produce sitioning your company as a thought leader in for your company. In the previous paragraph, I your industry, which also helps with brand cred- mentioned a few examples of typical company ibility. Or, you could look at creating content that content. Are you currently measuring your con- shows off how innovative your staff or company tent’s effectiveness? How many leads or referrals is in your industry. If your company is more gen- have you garnered? To make it a little easier, you eral consumer or lifestyle oriented, find an enter- can start with what you already have and build taining angle to your products or services. more content ideas from there. Sometimes, your own great content can even spawn more business ideas for your company. Keep Your Site Current There are some companies that produce such Also, every company has a Web site. Think compelling content they are more known for about updating your site’s content on a more their forward-thinking ideas as well as what the regular basis with articles, buyer personas, and company provides. To get your creative juices white papers or even embedding your compa- flowing, write down unique adjectives that de- ny’s e-newsletter. This will keep people coming Think Like an Online Journalist Try following these six tips to create potent 4. Package Your Story online PR content: Think about elements you can incorporate to bring your story to life and add more depth. 1. No Waiting Around These include: Media is great but it’s not the only way to tell your story. Create content you can share with the • Video; public as well as distribute through traditional & • Photos; online platforms. • Graphics; and • Sidebars—polls, quizzes, contests 2. What’s Your Story? Figure out what kind of story you want to tell 5. Share Your Story about your company. Does company news cen- Send your press release to media contacts, but post ter around… a longer press release on your Web site. This also helps with the Web site’s search engine optimiza- • Company accomplishments & milestones? tion. Also share company news on the following: • New products? • Company developments? • Blogs—keep content conversational; • Company expertise? • Social networking sites; • Video press release; 3. Is Your Story Interesting? • Newswire services; • Think about your story’s relevance to your • RSS & Subscribe widgets; and audience. • Web site & project partner sites. • Does your story provide some kind of value 6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask to the public? For example, does the story • Ask customers/fans to share content on their inform, entertain or both? own social networking sites or blogs. • Know what, when, where & why when craft- • Also, tap into your professional network & ing your story. friends for help in sharing your company news. • Encourage company employees to help promote. 15
  • 16. back to your site regularly for fresh content as line that will keep you focused on your writ- well as help with your SEO. Post your media re- ing and help generate blog ideas. Do some lease on the company site, as well. When people research and find company blogs you like to (or even journalists) search for keywords relat- read. Figure out what your targeted audience ed to press release’s content, they will have an would like to read and start writing. easier time coming across the press release and As far as content distribution, post and link your Web site. This is a little easier and less time- your content to social media sites, newswires, consuming than sending out press releases and your site and other content hosting sites like hoping to get a journalist to jump on the story. Flickr or Slideshare. If your company produces a newsletter, include Have good tracking tools in place to see how action items in your newsletter that can be “how- many people are clicking to your content, length to” tips or even personal stories or thoughts from of time spent consuming content and then sharing company staff and CEO. Be creative with this your content to their networks. Track where your approach and create themed content for your prospects are coming from in terms of how they newsletter if it’s published regularly. are finding your content. Ultimately, everything needs to link back to your Web site so prospects Before You Branch Out can take the next step to find out more about If you want to venture into other types of your company and want to talk with you. PRN content, make sure it fits into your content strategy and whom you want to target. If your Alex S. Kasten is lead strategist and writer for Kasten Con- company is thinking about blogging, have sulting. Previously, he was director of communications some ideas in place on what kind of blog you for the Building Wellness Institute. want to write and then create a content time- 16
  • 17. Get Your Company ‘Found’ With Robust Content and SEO Strategy By Veronica Fielding L ong gone are the days when link swap- ping, paid submissions and link farms Once your team has worked towards a site’s search engine rankings. Today’s link building—a criti- devoted the time and cal component of real SEO—is both a resources necessary to build an science and an art. It requires a robust content engaging and user-friendly Web strategy that incorporates many aspects of the site, it’s time to plan a content corporate communications spectrum, as well as strategy that drives links, site a thorough understanding of how to leverage social media as a link-building tool. visits and, ultimately, more business. Links Aren’t Given, They’re Earned Before developing your link building strategy, first take a hard look at the Web site you are opti- tant, as it needs to attract readers. The process mizing. If a Web site is aesthetically unattractive of creating compelling content in many ways or the content is largely geared towards “selling,” mirrors public relations’ challenge of creating people will be less inclined to link to it than they content that results in media pickup. Some would a well-designed site filled with interesting types of content that are likely to generate in- and regularly updated content. Once your team terest include: has devoted the time and resources necessary to ■ Lists build an engaging and user-friendly Web site, it’s time to plan a content strategy that drives links, ■ Videos site visits and, ultimately, more business. ■ Case Studies Create Compelling Content ■ Reviews Follow these three important steps to ensure ■ Infographics that you’re creating compelling Web content ■ Interviews that supports your SEO program: ■ Polls/surveys 1. Work toward creating both optimized and link-worthy content. Content that is ■ Contests written to support your link building program should always provide some type of value to 3. Make it easy to share. To encourage post- ing of your content across multiple plat- your target audience. That value can be educa- forms, include a message that says, “If you en- tional, entertaining or thought-provoking. joyed this, please consider sharing it” at the bottom of the page. Facilitate social sharing by 2. Utilize buzz-worthy formats. The format of SEO and link building content is impor- including a “Like” or “Share This” button on each page piece of content you create. 17
  • 18. Keep Your Content Updated you are optimizing, and, if applicable, another With the launch of Google’s Caffeine indexing link in your boilerplate, “About the Company” or system, Web sites are crawled quicker and more “About the Author” section. These links should frequently than in the past. To make the most of point to two different pages of your Web site as Caffeine, update your Web site content regularly. research indicates that Google only considers The more often the content is refreshed, the more the anchor text of the first link to a page from often Google will visit. In addition, the freshness a given URL. Instead of having multiple links and relevancy of your inbound links is more im- pointing to a single page of your Web site, it is portant than ever as Google is also discovering better to have multiple links pointing to mul- new links at a faster rate. This means that attract- tiple pages of your Web site. ing inbound links should be an ongoing activity, Also, post relevant links in the profile content not a one-time event. of each of your social media properties, and include links back to your Web site in your Social Media and Link Building posts and updates. If you upload product im- Think of social media as digital word-of-mouth ages on Facebook or Flickr, include a link to marketing. The original content starts with you, the product page in the image description. and because you’ve created something deemed When uploading videos to YouTube, include “share-worthy,” your content is passed along— links to related pages of your Web site in the links and all—to blogs, Web sites, other social video description. media sites, etc. Sharing content is one of the Whether the site utilizes the NoFollow attri- most popular aspects of social media participa- bute or not, it’s a good idea to post links with tion, making the entire medium a powerful tool your content. Once you’ve posted content that full of potential for gaining valuable links that someone else finds interesting, entertaining or support your optimization efforts. valuable, it may be posted on other sites that Just relying on posting links within your own do pass along “link juice.” These links also help corporate social media content on other blogs drive traffic to your Web site, a goal in and of and outposts is not enough, since many social itself, but also a way to capture valuable brand media sites apply the NoFollow attribute to links fans. People who visit your Web site are more (see sidebar). likely to link to it from their own Web sites, Incorporate Links Into Your Content blogs or social media profiles if they like what When developing content, embed hyper- you have to offer. links directly on relevant keywords that link Encourage Online Conversations to optimized pages of your Web site. For ex- Around Your Brand ample, a fashion Web site writing about the Certain types of content inspire people to, Emmy Awards might hyperlink the words essentially, work for your brand—sharing links “Jimmy Choo pumps” in the sentence “Heidi and launching discussions about your products, Klum looked amazing in her Jimmy Choo services or Web site within the online commu- pumps and Lorraine Schwartz necklace.” The nities to which they belong. Contests, special link in this example would point directly to offers, interesting/exciting promotions, etc., the page on the fashion Web site about Jim- are all techniques you can use to build a buzz my Choo shoes. around your brand online, encouraging user- Search engines give the most value to links generated content and links that support your within content that follow this general format, link-building program as well as your branding as this supports their mission of serving up and marketing efforts. Web sites highly relevant to search queries. As a general best practice, aim to embed one Plan For Multipurpose Content link within the first 250 words of the content Clearly link building and social media are not 18
  • 19. just activities for the SEO team—these tactics should be well integrated into your overall mar- The No-Follow Attribute keting and communications strategy. In fact, The No-Follow attribute was cre- almost any type of content created by the com- ated to combat black-hat optimization pany can be made to work for link building and techniques that were designed to trick the optimization purposes. search engines into assessing the value of a Your marketing, public relations and product Web site higher based on the mere quantity teams should be incorporating optimized an- of inbound links it had amassed. chor text links into the body of press releases, It is an HTML attribute that webmasters can blog posts, multimedia content descriptions, etc. assign to links which signals to the search en- The key is to keep these teams educated about gines that credit should not be given to the linked site in a way that influences its ranking. the target keyword/phrases that are important to your brand and ensure they are all supported Used to prevent blog spam and other spam content posted for the sole purpose of gaining through everyone’s link building and social me- inbound links, the No-Follow attribute is a way dia communications. for webmasters to discourage off-topic and When looking for publicity opportunities, self-promotional content from being posted target publications that have a strong Web on the site, taking away from the original pur- presence. A media outlet that is active online pose and value of the site for its visitors. will have a Web site with a strong link profile Many social media Web sites utilize the No- and social media outposts set up to promote Follow attribute for this same reason. their articles. These Web-friendly publications Google also encourages webmasters who are understand the value of links within content. selling ad space on their sites to include the They will likely allow you to build strategically No-Follow attribute for all paid ads, ensuring that the advertisers are not “buying” link value. placed links into the content you provide them in bylined articles and will keep links active in Sites that utilize the No-Follow attribute include your company description when writing about Twitter, LinkedIn and most social bookmarking sites. Digg has an interesting approach to No- your company or interviewing someone em- Follow, removing the attribute once a user gets ployed there. enough “Diggs” on their content. The most important thing to remember when While the No-Follow attribute can frustrate strategizing for your link-building program is optimizers, it serves an important purpose and that there are no shortcuts. Links are tied directly does not usually have a negative effect on a to quality content. PRN quality optimization and link building program. White hat optimizers with a solid content Veronica Fielding is the president/CEO of Digital Brand strategy don’t have to depend on comment Expressions, which specializes in findability marketing links, artificial promotion of links through solutions, as well as brand-aligned, integrated SEO, paid social bookmarking sites, or a steady stream search, and social media marketing programs. of link-filled Twitter posts. 19
  • 20. Develop Your Digital Identity With a Savvy Online Style Guide By Adrienne Lea Y ou did all the requisite research before starting a rebranding effort, Keeping the Focus Tight carefully reviewed logo designs and Focus your style guide on your selected the perfect logo to help employees and what they need. move your organization forward. With that behind you, it’s essential that the language Correspondence, presentations in all company material supports the rebranding and reports: • Identify the reader and point of view. initiative, and that’s hard to do: • Know why you are writing; is your most im- ■ The logo change and rebranding may re- portant point obvious? Don’t bury the lead. sult from a merger or acquisition and two • Keep it brief, simple and specific. organizations often possess different cul- • Maintain a professional tone. • Avoid improper or confusing jargon. tures and styles. • Tell the reader what outcome to expect; ■ The current style, and current style guide, will the reader know what to do next or are outdated but pervasive and everyone what will happen next? • As the writer, it is your job to make reading is comfortable with them. easy. Don’t try to impress with flowery writ- ■ A lot of employees produce material for ing; the more technical or complicated the your organization; many of these people subject, the more plain and understand- are content experts, not professional writ- able the written explanation should be. Avoid unnecessary words and syllables. ers and style guides bore them. • Read what you have written out loud and Logo and graphic guidelines are usually see if it sounds cluttered or pretentious. produced by a third party; the style guide should • Is the spelling and punctuation correct? be produced internally. That way it will fully • Are you using the right word, since spell check doesn’t know you wrote “kiddy” but reflect the philosophy of rebranding, your organi- meant “kidney.” zation’s culture and the specific needs and skill lev- E-Mail messages: els of your employees. • Make e-mail messages easy to read. Why Bother? • Start with the most important point. • Use standard writing conventions: complete Do the rules of grammar change? Your style sentences, correct spelling and grammar. guide centers on the basics and still seems useful. • Use a subject line that will help recipients The new logo won’t rebrand the company on find the e-mail later. its own, it just signals a change. The current style • Be careful with your tone; in business e- guide doesn’t reflect rebranding, and was prob- mails stay away from too chatty, abrupt, or ably written before the digital age. While some abrasive. • Avoid ALL CAPS at all costs. specific elements may remain unchanged, creat- • Slow down. ing a new one will emphasize that rebranding • Proofread. the organization requires full participation of all • Check recipient list before sending. staff members, and goes far beyond changing 20
  • 21. Help Employees Avoid Common Mistakes Avoid clichés: • In the final analysis • Continue to remain • A heartbeat away • It is obvious that • Each and every • Add insult to injury • It is often the case that • Exact same • Bite off more than you • In the event that • Final completion can chew • In the final analysis • Final result • Easier said than done • It is often the case that • First and foremost • Handwriting on the wall • Needless to say • Focus in • Make a long story short • Of the opinion that • Free gift • Worth its weight in gold • Regardless of the fact that • Permeate throughout • The fact that • Prove conclusively Avoid empty expressions: • Until such time as • Repeat again • As previously stated in the • Well aware • Rarely ever introduction • Whole new • Round in shape • As you can see from the above • With regards to this matter • Resulting effect • By virtue of the fact that • Eliminate redundancies: • Revert back • Came to the realization that • Add back to • Separate out • Concerning the matter of • Attached together • True fact • For the purpose of • Basic fundamentals • Yellow in color • For the reason that • Combine together • Hopefully • Connected together logo, typeface and color palette. If this describes your organization, your new style Most important, whatever drove your organiza- guide can be more technical since writers and edi- tion’s decision to update its brand must drive your tors are conversant with the rules of grammar and organization’s use of language. While the use of regard language as craft. In some ways that’s easier, paper declines, we rely more on the “written” word you can rely on professional style guides and just than ever before: e-mails have replaced many add the information specific to your company, and phone calls and often convey the first image peo- worry less about the basics. ple receive of your organization. However, using professionals requires you to Promotional material we put online is usually over-emphasize when the rebranding philosophy longer than paper versions, without printing costs trumps grammar and syntax. If you use freelancers driving size. We send broadcast e-mails with ever- you must include in the style guide information that increasing frequency, leading people to “more in- makes the brand identity clear to people who work formation available online.” for other organizations. In either case you should emphasize two seemingly contradictory goals: Think About Your Users You’ve researched the interests and percep- ■ Flexibility: this is a transition, and not every tions of customers, potential customers, mem- effort to reflect the organization’s identity bers of your organization, stockholders. And will work. you’ve conveyed to all employees the purpose ■ Consistency: the material produced for the and philosophy of the rebranding initiative. For company must convey the organization’s the style guide to work, you have to add another identity, not the writer’s or editor’s identity. layer: your employees. Employees must carry Someone in the company who worked closely out these philosophical changes daily, and must with rebranding and understands the philosophi- have tools they can use to do the job. cal changes should supervise the work of these Some larger organizations employ professional writers and editors to ensure they make the transi- writers and editors or use a cadre of freelancers. 21
  • 22. tion to the new brand identity. In addition, many than that. Address the following with specificity: professional writers and editors were trained be- ■ How to write e-mails that convey your fore widespread use of electronic communication; company’s image and stay within profes- they must adjust their perceptions of the written sional bounds; word to the electronic age. And you must require that they resist the most common fault of writers ■ When not to use e-mail; and editors: putting rules ahead of content. ■ How electronic communication is differ- Other organizations use staff members to pro- ent: your message must hit people imme- duce almost all materials. If the majority of your us- diately, shouldn’t make them scroll down ers are not professional writers and editors, make the page, and should take into account the style guide something that they can digest. shorter online attention spans; Forget some of the most technical questions of ■ How and when to use broadcast e-mails; grammar and syntax—including all those ques- ■ Use of graphics online vs. graphics in print; tions will bore most employees and prevent them and opening the style guide a second time. Think about the common mistakes staff mem- ■ Online fonts vs print fonts. bers make, and include those in the style guide [see Guide Not Gospel box below]. Think of employees who are awkward Finally, you will not bring employees on board or inept writers and write the style guide for them. by turning into the style police. Make it clear in In all cases, professional writers and editors, free- the style guide why the changes in language lancers, or full-time employees, use before and are necessary and important, recognize your after examples to make your point [see box be- organization’s limitations when rolling out wide- low]. This is the easiest and least judgmental way spread changes, and emphasize repeatedly that to bring everyone on board, to help all employ- rebranding is an important and ongoing process ees see how much more clearly the new graphic dependent on everyone’s support. PRN designs and appropriate use of language reflect the image of your organization. Adrienne Lea is director of communications for the Ameri- What’s Online and What’s Not can Society of Nephrology. For the past 15 years she has This is the digital age. Most style guides give a nod managed publications and communications for nonprofit professional societies in science and medicine. to electronic communication but it deserves more Provide Before and After Examples Instead of: Before After “The American Society of Nephrology, in partner- ship with the National Kidney Foundation and Dialysis Patient Citizens celebrates World Kidney Day on Thursday, March 12, 2009.” Why not try… “ASN will host a Congressional Reception on March 12 to celebrate World Kidney Day. ASN is educating lawmakers on the need for increased research funds for studying chronic kidney disease and its known causes. The event is being held in partnership with the National Kidney Foundation and Dialysis Patient Citizens and will feature special guests…” 22
  • 23. For Best SEO Results, Think Outside The Usual Search Engine Suspects By PR News Editors O ne needn’t look far to identify recommendations will help them do so effectively. the crux of SEO—after all, it’s embedded into its very name. Start by Developing Keyword Strategies Search engines’ primary raison Search may be evolving, but keywords are still d’être is to account for all Web a founding pillar of any optimization effort. content and, in turn, provide results perti- “Keyword phrases are the core of SEO,” says nent to specific search queries. These engines, Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing, known more ubiquitously by their names— outlining the following steps to choosing the Google, Yahoo and Bing, to name a few— best keywords: acted as stopover points that delivered users ■ Create a keyword glossary: Structure to their desired destinations. should include categories, primary phras- This remains search engines’ main function, es, derivatives, permutations, popularity, but their integration with other social media relevance and competitiveness. platforms has expanded their applications ■ Brainstorm phrases. exponentially. This in turn requires commu- ■ Use a keyword research tool: Google Key- nications professionals to broaden their own word Tool, Google Insights & Trends, SEM- horizons when shaping and executing SEO Rush, WordTracker, Keyword Discovery, etc. and SEM strategies. ■ Find popularity and variations. Search Is Everywhere “[Executives] need to realize that search Think Links doesn’t just happen on the major search Keywords are the basis of SEO strategies, but engines,” says Jon Wegman, vice president of links—specially, inbound links—make online planning and innovation at Moxie Interac- content shoot to the top of research results. tive. “It happens as consumers look for mov- “Links electrify content in search,” Odden says, ies, books, locations, reviews, options and facts recommending the following best practices: across social networks, technology platforms, ■ Earn links with content; media and mobile devices.” ■ Promote socially; As such, communicators must consider this evolving paradigm not just when optimizing ■ Link up with partners; all online content for search, but also when ■ Cross-link internally; putting together the best mix of platforms for ■ Embed links in news releases; marketing efforts. Plus, they need to equip their own Web properties—corporate Web site, on- ■ Social bookmark pickup; and line newsroom, etc.—with robust search capa- ■ Use keywords in link text. bilities that connect users with the information they want in the click of a mouse. Think Beyond Google With that in mind, the following strategies and Keywords and links optimize content for 23
  • 24. search of any kind, so why only apply keyword to break news, respond to questions and and link strategies solely to “Google-able” engage with the public. results, such as news releases? Instead, Weg- man says, think more broadly to include news- Measure, Share Results and Adapt room optimization, PR optimization and even Measuring the outcome of SEO initiatives can people optimization. be done by considering a number of available He offers the following examples of each: metrics, including: ■ Newsroom optimization and Target: Tar- ■ Newswire service metrics; get has created an easy-to-navigate and ■ Google and Yahoo alerts; resource-rich destination for consumers ■ Rankings; and journalists alike. Features include ■ Social media monitoring; detailed search functionality, distilled content areas, result filters a multimedia ■ Inbound links; library, deep links and more. ■ Pickups on blogs, publications, Web sites, etc.; ■ PR optimization and Taylor Guitars: ■ Web analytics for landing pages; United Airlines’ “United Breaks Guitars” ■ Monitoring blog search engines via RSS; YouTube fiasco helped increase singer and, Dave Carroll’s visibility, but the incident spawned another, more unlikely celeb- ■ Press release landing page conversion rity: Taylor Guitars, the maker of the in- tracking. strument that careless United baggage handlers destroyed. Tell the Right People Then, Odden says, it’s all about communicat- The company attached itself to the vi- ing that value to the appropriate audiences, ral video craze started by Carroll by op- be it top management, marketing, etc., to help timizing content on its corporate Web inform their efforts moving forward. site and newsroom to include popular Two effective means of making a point to search terms like “Dave Carroll,” “video” these audiences are demonstrating cost/sav- and “United Breaks Guitars.” The result: ings, and demonstrating what’s lacking. It became the third-highest result on “Set keyword ranking goals and estimate the Google when a user searched “united cost of achieving the same goals with PPC (pay airlines.” per click),” says Odden. “Then demonstrate the ■ People optimization and Whole Foods: cost of organic search traffic versus PPC traffic.” Whole Foods has operationalized their As for demonstrating what’s lacking, re- approach to social media, PR and people search a keyword glossary and run a ranking optimization. Wegman points to the com- report on those phrases to show the lack of pany’s robust portfolio of inter-connected search visibility. Run a test of a few news items, social media platforms. Individual stores take benchmark measurements and then show and categories have dedicated personnel progress. PRN 24
  • 25. So, You Think You Know SEO? A PR News Pop Quiz By PR News Editors T hough critical to any organization Tool, WordTracker or WordStream. looking to drive online eyeballs and 7. Which types of files are indexed and ranked sales, search engine optimization tac- by search engines? tics and terminology can confound a. Flash the smartest PR pros. PR News asked b. JavaScript SEO expert Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online c. Ajax Marketing, to create a quiz that would seriously d. PDF test your SEO acumen. Here goes: e. MS Office documents True or False f. All of the above 1. Search engine optimization (SEO) is best 8. Which link-building tactics represent best managed by the corporate IT department. practices for competitive keywords? 2. Google, Yahoo and Bing each have their own a. Submit the company Web site to directories crawlers and algorithms and should be opti- and search engines once mized separately. b. Publish a blog, interact with other blogs, promote content on social sites each week 3. Google Caffeine is an infrastructure update c. Perform backlink analysis on sites already rank- that involves increasing Google’s ability to index ing well and solicit links from the same sources larger amounts of content more quickly and has d. Include links in press releases, cross link be- little to do with rankings. tween pages, microsites and partner sites 4. The MayDay update on Google was focused e. Solicit links in media placements, contrib- on adding a third column of faceted search op- uted articles and guest blog posts that use key- tions to the left side of Google search results. words to company content 5. How fast your Web pages load in a brows- f. All of the above er can affect the ranking of those pages in 9. What are the three most significant influenc- search results. es on search engine rankings? a. Meta keyword tag Multiple Choice b. Meta description tag 6. What are the two least effective methods of c. Title tag researching keywords? d. Keywords on the page a. Use content from advertising and marketing e. Links using keywords from other relevant materials Web sites b. Analyze competitor Web sites 10. Which list represents the top 3 search en- c. Use exact matches for proper product and gines according to comScore? service names a. Google, YouTube, Yahoo d. Survey customers, sales and customer ser- b. Google, Yahoo, Bing vice staff c. Google, YouTube, Bing e. Leverage research tools like Google Keyword 25
  • 26. Google has over 65 % of market share and war- Writing for the Web: rants the most attention. Yahoo and Bing will Some Best Practices soon blend their technologies, thus reducing the major search engines to two. For most sites, best According to Jon Wegman, associate di- practice content optimization and link building rector of Moxie Interactive, there are a hand- are productive for any major search engine. ful of tried-and-true best practices when it comes to writing for the Web, and they all 3. True: Google’s ability to find fresh content and hinge on the three R’s: recency, responsive- deliver it in search results has improved greatly and ness and relevancy. With that as a backdrop, will scale as increasing content sources publish on- consider his specific recommendations: line. Caffeine has little to do with sorting or rank- • Provide open access to assets, resources ing search results, but may mean your content gets and content. into Google search results pages quicker. • Cross-promote, link and utilize social media 4. False: Google made a significant algorithm up- properties to spread news. date that occurred in early May 2010 affecting large • Use automated opt-in feeds to deliver con- tent to users on the fly. numbers of Web pages containing minimal content • Provide links across your organization for that previously ranked well for long-tail keywords contact and escalation points. (three or more words). The MayDay update rein- • Provide assets in mixed-media format in a forces the need for improved Web content quality. simple and intuitive way. The third column added to the Google search results • Proactively make contact with journalists page design is not related to the algorithm change. and influential consumers. • Allow users to choose the format and cat- 5. True: Google announced in April 2010 the egory for the information they want. addition of Web page load time as a ranking fac- • Measure and track usage and assets, and tor. Faster-loading pages equate to a better user solicit feedback. experience and increase in the number of clicks. 6. A & C: What companies name products are not always what customers or the media will use ANSWERS TO THE PR NEWS POP QUIZ to search for those products. 1. False: For most organizations, IT will help 7. A, D & E implement technical and on-page SEO changes, 8. F: There are literally hundreds of link-build- but a partnership between marketing, PR and IT ing tactics, and any activity that results in an in- should set the direction, strategy and oversight bound link from another topically relevant Web of implementation of keyword research, opti- site is good for users and for SEO. mized copywriting, link building and analysis of 9. C, D & E Web site visitor data. 10. A 2. False: While each search engine is different, PRN 26