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Search Engine Optimization 
Starter Guide | @iboomerang | (937) 387-0655 
Brittany Fullenkamp 
Digital Marketing Specialist 
iBoomerang, Inc.
• Explaining Search Engines 
• Defining Search Engine 
• Benefits of SEO 
• SEO Basics 
• SEO Strategies & Best Practices 
• SEO Tools 
• Resources 
• Takeaways & Review
What is 
Search Engine Optimization? 
Understanding Search Engines 
• What is a search engine? 
• A search engine is a program 
that searches for documents 
about a specific keyword and 
returns a list of matching 
• What does a search engine do? 
• Search engines have two main 
functions – crawling & building 
an index and providing 
answers by calculating 
relevancy & serving results.
5 Understanding Search Engines
6 Understanding Search Engines
7 Understanding Search Engines
8 Understanding Search Engines
9 Understanding Search Engines 
3 2 
10 Understanding SEO
Search Engine Optimization 
• What is search engine optimization? 
• Search engine optimization (SEO) 
is the process of maximizing the 
number of visitors to a particular 
website by ensuring the site 
appears high on the organic list of 
results returned by a search engine. 
• How? 
• SEO-ers consider how search 
engines work, what people search 
for, keywords, and preferred search 
engines of targeted audiences.
12 Understanding SEO 
13 Understanding SEO 
Benefits of 
Search Engine Optimization 
15 SEO Benefits 
Top positions on the search engine result pages 
receive a majority of the impressions and clicks, 
so ranking in these top positions can result in 
significant traffic increases for your website. SEO 
also focuses on creating informative and 
keyword relevant title tags and meta 
descriptions, which show up in the result pages. 
Having optimized tags and descriptions helps to 
increase click through rate, which also promotes 
increases in qualified web traffic. 
With Analytics and reporting tools, you’ll see a 
clear cut increase in traffic. This is a definite way 
to maximize your business efforts. SEO will give 
you results (not immediately but rather quickly) 
and as soon as you start your SEO efforts, traffic 
will increase at a steady rate. Using tools to 
track traffic to your site you can clearly watch as 
more people visit your site and sales go through 
the roof.
16 SEO Benefits 
When you buy 1000 visitors from a paid ad, 2% 
of those visitors might convert into a sale. When 
you get 1000 clicks from SEO, 4% of those 
visitors will convert into a sale, leading to a 
better return on investment. 
SEO provides trackable and quantifiable results, 
regardless of whether you are an ecommerce or 
non-ecommerce site so there are no qualms 
when it comes to ROI. Comprehensive analytics 
also provide the ability to drill down at a 
granular level and see demographic information 
and other engagement metrics for individuals 
who have interacted with your website. For 
Ecommerce sites, you can see which paths users 
take in order to complete a sale, all the way 
down to which keyword they used to search for 
you prior to purchasing. For non-Ecommerce 
sites, you can attribute values to your lead 
conversions, like a 'contact us' form fill-out, and 
calculate the value of your SEO strategy that 
Return on 
17 SEO Benefits 
SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing 
strategies because it targets users who are 
actively looking for your products and services 
online. SEO's inbound nature helps businesses 
save money as opposed to outbound strategies 
like cold-calling. While cold-calling can still be an 
effective strategy, the leads generated cost 61% 
more than leads generated by an inbound 
strategy like SEO. 
Organic listings are essentially free. When you 
are listed at the top, you don’t need to pay per 
click or allocate a budget for advertising, one of 
the main benefits of SEO is that it is the gift that 
keeps on giving. With a little bit of effort, you 
can watch your website get consistent traffic. 
Unlike paid ads, your traffic will not drop to 
nothing when it stops. SEO gets rid of the need 
to have thousands of ads across the web. 
Return on 
18 SEO Benefits 
In an effort to make your website easier to 
navigate for the search engines, SEO 
simultaneously helps to make your website 
more navigable for users as well. SEO consists of 
rearranging the site's architecture and links to 
make pages within the website easier to find 
and navigate. This not only makes it easier for 
search engines to crawl your site and find pages, 
but also makes it easier for users to find 
information on your website as well. 
Return on 
Increased Site 
19 SEO Benefits 
Since top position rankings result in significant 
impressions, having your website in these top 
positions on the result pages translates to more 
exposure for your website. The more your pages 
and content rank in high positions in the search 
engines, the more chances you have for users to 
see your content and associate with your brand. 
Return on 
Increased Site 
20 SEO Benefits 
People trust that the first listing in Google is a 
reputable company. By doing SEO, your website 
becomes THE brand name. You’re the guy the 
competitors want to beat. The further back you 
are in rankings on Google the more people are 
skeptical about your website. If Google has a 
spot dedicated to you at the top especially if it is 
a top tier listing with other subpages listed 
below the main home page it gives your website 
credibility that no ad can top. Ads can often be 
seen as annoying and many people have ad 
blockers installed on their browsers.
21 SEO Benefits 
SEO is a rising field and it is gaining ground. 
More people are starting to realize that the 
benefits of SEO are extremely high. Your 
competitors know this and are starting to take 
advantage of it. If your competitors are using it 
then they will appear before you on Google and 
get all those hits that can lead to sales before 
your website will. Even if your site offers better 
services or prices. Hiring a better SEO company 
or investing in a skilled SEO Staff could be 
exactly what your company needs to rank above 
your competitors in the Google rankings. 
Beat the 
22 SEO Benefits 
SEO can bring it thousands upon thousands of 
visitors to your website a day. This may put your 
company in a position of needing to expand to a 
larger web server to accommodate the traffic 
and sales to your website. Your customers may 
recommend you a product or service that they 
were looking for when they visited your 
website. SEO is a really great investment for 
your company and could be what you need to 
take it to the next level. 
Beat the 
Sales $
23 SEO Benefits 
Unlike advertisements the affects of SEO are 
permanent. They don’t suddenly stop if you stop 
paying for them. Of course you will need a little 
upkeep to maintain that top 1st spot ranking, 
but if you can get that top spot chances are it 
will be quite difficult for it to get taken away. 
Beat the 
24 SEO Benefits 
What data you may ask? You get customer data. 
You can discover new products to expand to by 
looking at keyword data and seeing what people 
are searching the most for. You can use this to 
your advantage and find a high search volume 
keyword with low competitiveness and although 
that may be hard to find it has the potential to 
bring in thousands of sales per month to your 
website. Customer data is extremely valuable in 
this business and is not that hard to come by 
with the right tools. Manipulating it to your 
advantage can be exponentially beneficial for 
your business. 
Beat the 
Access to 
Basics of 
Search Engine Optimization 
Terms to Know 
-Word used by 
the search 
engines to 
determine the 
topic of a web 
page or other 
document on the 
- Word(s) a user 
types in to search 
the internet.
Terms to Know 
SERP (Search Engine Results Page) 
- The listing of web pages returned by a search engine in 
response to a keyword query. 
Organic Search 
- Search results within a 
search engine that come 
about without the help of paid 
Paid Search 
- Search results within a 
search engine that companies 
pay to have appear.
Terms to Know 
Meta Data 
- Description information on 
a web page enabling search 
engines to identify its 
purpose and topic.
Terms to Know 
Meta Data 
- Description information on 
a web page enabling search 
engines to identify its 
purpose and topic. 
Title Tag 
- HTML attribute that 
represents a page’s title.
Terms to Know 
Meta Data 
- Description information on 
a web page enabling search 
engines to identify its 
purpose and topic. 
Title Tag 
- HTML attribute that 
represents a page’s title. 
Alt Tag 
- An HTML attribute typically 
used within an image to 
provide alternate text when 
images cannot be displayed.
31 How People Search 
Search engine usage has evolved 
over the years but the primary 
principles of conducting a search 
remain largely unchanged. Listed 
here are the steps that comprise 
most search processes: 
Experience the need for an 
answer, solution or piece of 
Formulate that need in a string of 
words and phrases, also known 
as “the query.” 
3 Enter the query into a search 
4 Browse through the results for a 
5 Click on a result. 
6 Scan for a solution, or a link to 
that solution. 
If unsatisfied, return to the search 
results and browse for another link 
8 Perform a new search with 
refinements to the query.
Elements of a Great Website 
Attractive Design 
- A good website design/user interface is great for digital marketing efforts. A 
great design will keep users coming back to your website. 
Google doesn’t care what your website looks like. 
Search engines only look at the HTML text on a webpage.
Elements of a Great Website 
Unique, Accurate Page Titles 
- A title tag tells both the users and search engines what the topic of a particular 
page is. 
- The <title> tag should 
be placed within the 
<head> tag of the HTML 
document. Ideally, you 
should create a unique 
title for each page on 
your site. 
- Page title contents are 
displayed in search 
results, at the top of 
your internet browser, 
and on social media 
Elements of a Great Website 
Meta Tags 
- Meta tags were originally intended to provide a proxy for information about a 
website’s content. 
- Multiple Types 
- Description: A short description of a page’s content 
- Meta Robots: Used to control search engine spider activity 
- index/noindex: Tells the engines whether the page should be crawled and kept in the engine’s 
index for retrieval 
- follow/nofollow: Tells the engines whether links on the page should be crawled 
- noarchive: Used to restrict search engines from saving a cached copy of the page 
- nosnippet: Tells engines to refrain from displaying a descriptive block of text next to the page’s title 
and URL in search results 
- noodp/noydir: Tells engines not to grab a descriptive snippet about a page from the Open Directory 
Project or the Yahoo! Directory for display in the search results
Elements of a Great Website 
Meta Tags 
- Meta tags were originally intended to provide a proxy for information about a 
website’s content. 
- Multiple Types 
- Keywords: List of keywords or keyphrases that describe your website 
- Refresh/Revisit-After: Sends the user to a new URL after a certain amount of time. 
- Google Site Verification: Verifies ownership for Webmaster Tools
Elements of a Great Website 
Good Navigation 
- Website structure that lets spiders browse the pathways of the website. 
- Good navigation is important in 
helping visitors find the content they 
- A bad structure includes pages that 
search engines cannot access, thus 
impacting their ability to get listed in 
search results. 
- In this example, a Google spider would reach 
the Homepage and see pages “B” and “E”. 
However, it does not know that pages “C” and “D” 
exist because it cannot find a direct link to them.
Elements of a Great Website 
Crawlable Link Structure 
- Friendly URL addresses for a particular document 
- Display in search results and can 
impact click-through and visibility. Also 
used in ranking documents. 
- Appear in browser’s address bar. Poor 
structure or design can result in 
negative user experience. 
- Used as anchor text
Elements of a Great Website 
Quality Content 
- Creating compelling and useful 
content will likely influence your 
website’s ranking more than any 
of the other factors I discuss. 
- Remember, Google is looking 
for pages that are “relevant” and 
“useful” to the search user’s 
Strategies of 
Search Engine Optimization 
40 SEO Strategy 
41 SEO Strategy 
1 Set Goals 
• Raw Traffic – Getting people to your site 
• E-Commer Sales – Selling a product through 
your website 
• Branding & Building Authority 
• Lead Acquisition & Direct Marketing 
• Ideological Influence – Seeking to sway public 
opinion about a topic
42 SEO Strategy 
2 Develop Channels 
• Define Your Audience and its Interests 
• Define Target Location 
• Keyword Research 
• Competitor Research 
• Make a list of keywords and topics 
• Get a website 
• Build navigation and design with SEO in mind
43 SEO Strategy 
3 Build Audience 
• Let Google do its thing! 
• Set up Google Webmaster Tools and submit 
your sitemap 
• Cross-promote 
• Tell friends and family 
• Add to business cards 
• Send an email campaign 
• Pair with digital advertising
44 SEO Strategy 
4 Create Content 
• About Us 
• Contact Us 
• Product Overviews 
• Blog 
• Newsroom 
• Social Media Links
45 SEO Strategy 
5 Analyze Results 
• Google Analytics 
• Google Webmaster Tools 
• Record Key Metrics 
• Number of Visitors 
• Number of Page Visits 
• Time Spent on Site 
• Conversion Rates
46 SEO Strategy 
Achieved Through: Visibility and Engagement 
What To Do 
Website URL 
47 SEO Strategy 
Achieved Through: Community Engagement 
What To Do 
Product Pages 
Blog Posts 
Lists Guides 
Directories Glossaries
48 SEO Strategy 
Achieved Through: Landing Pages 
What To Do 
Optimized Visuals 
Relevant & Useful
50 SEO Strategy 
Achieved Through: Multiple Strategies 
What To Do 
Use multiple venues to create interest 
in your products… 
…until your LEAD becomes your CUSTOMER! 
51 SEO Strategy 
Achieved Through: Repeat Visibility and Engagement 
What To Do 
Best Practices of 
Search Engine Optimization 
SEO Best Practices 
Attractive Design 
- Include Indexable Content 
- Content written in HTML text format so that it can be listed in 
search engines. 
- Assign “alt attributes” to images 
in gif, jpg, or png formats. 
- Supplement Flash or Java 
content with text on the page. 
- Accompany video and audio with 
transcripts if the words and 
phrases used are meant to be 
indexed by the search engines.
SEO Best Practices 
Unique, Accurate Page Titles 
- Be mindful of the length. Keep it under 75 characters. 
- Place important keywords close to the front. 
- Include your brand every time. 
- Consider readability and emotional impact. 
- Follow optimal format 
Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name 
- Example: NFL Scores – 2014 Week 4 |
SEO Best Practices 
Meta Tags 
- Focus on description and keywords to start 
- Easiest to do and will help you create content 
- Customize these for each page of your website 
- Keep descriptions under 160 characters 
- Create compelling descriptions that include important keywords 
- Include up to 20 keywords 
- Proofread 
- Once you are comfortable with easy 
meta tags, move on to the more 
complex ones
SEO Best Practices 
Good Navigation 
- Create a naturally flowing hierarchy 
- Use mostly text for navigation 
- Ensure more convenience for users by using 
‘breadcrumb lists’
SEO Best Practices 
Good Navigation 
- Put an HTML sitemap page on your site, and use an XML sitemap file 
- A simple map page with links to all of your pages 
- XML Sitemap files help search engines discover new pages on your site
SEO Best Practices 
Good Navigation 
- Useful 404 Page 
- An HTTP status code 
that means the server 
could not find the web 
page requested by the 
internet browser. 
- “Page not found” error 
- Include link back to 
homepage and form for 
user to report the error
SEO Best Practices 
Crawlable Link Structure 
- Employ Empathy 
- Look at the URL and see if you can accurately predict the content on the page 
- Keep it short to make it easy to copy and paste 
- Include keywords 
- Create static links 
-Links that are human readable 
- Example: vs. 
- Use hyphens to separate words
SEO Best Practices 
Quality Content 
- Anticipate the differences in search behavior and account for them while 
writing your content, using a good mix of keyword phrases 
- NLCS | National League Championship Series | baseball playoffs 
- Write easy-to-read text 
- Stay organized around the topic 
- Create fresh, unique content that no 
other site offers 
- Create content primarily for your 
users, not search engines
SEO Best Practices 
White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO 
White Hat SEO Black Hat SEO 
Techniques and tactics that focus on a human 
audience opposed to search engines and 
completely follows search engine rules and 
policies. Also called Ethical SEO. 
Techniques that are used to get higher search 
rankings in an unethical manner. Attempts to 
trick the search engine’s algorithm from its 
intended purpose. 
• Relevant keyword usage and keyword 
• Link building 
• Backlinking 
• Unique content 
• Fresh content 
• Optimizing pages for social media 
• Hidden text 
• Text the same color as the background 
• Sending a user to a different page than 
what was requested 
• Keyword stuffing 
• Buying links 
• Blog comment spam
SEO Best Practices 
Mobile Sites 
- Configure mobile sites so that they can be indexed accurately 
- Verify that your mobile site is indexed by Google 
- Verify that Google can recognize your mobile URLs 
- Redirect mobile users to the correct version of your site
SEO Best Practices 
Make Use of Free Webmaster Tools 
- Google Webmaster Tools helps webmasters better control how Google 
interacts with their websites 
- Google Analytics provides visitor information and activity 
- Google Website Optimizer allows you to run experiments to find on-page 
changes that will produce the best conversion rates 
- Google Trends will give you trending keywords for your 
SEO Best Practices 
Follow Well-Known People in SEO 
- These experts are the key to algorithm changes and best practices. 
Matt Cutts 
Head of webspam team at 
Google. Known for 
enforcing Webmaster 
Guidelines and cutting 
down link spam. 
Bruce Clay 
Professional International 
SEO consultant, speaker, 
instructor, and CEO of 
Bruce Clay, Inc. 
Rand Fishkin 
Started SEOmoz and was 
voted one of 
Businessweek’s Best 
Young Tech 
Danny Sullivan 
Editor-in-Chief at Search 
Engine Land and partner 
and chief content officer 
at Third Door Media. 
Aaron Wall 
Writes the blog SEOBook 
and is a frequent speaker 
at the Search Engine 
Strategies and PubCon 
Al Carl 
Digital marketing 
consultant and mobile 
and e-commerce 
strategist for Procter & 
Tools & Resources for 
Search Engine Optimization 
66 SEO Tools & Resources 
Google Analytics – 
Google Webmaster Tools – 
Google Website Optimizer – 
The Beginners Guide to SEO - 
Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide - 
Wordstream - 
Google Snippet Data - 
Microsoft Free SEO Toolkit -
In Summary… 
68 Takeaways 
• SEO helps you earn a higher 
ranking in search engines. 
• SEO is cost-effective and results in 
more sales. 
• SEO provides important data about 
your customers. 
• You will be penalized for Black Hat 
SEO techniques. 
• Create relevant and useful content 
for your readers. 
• SEO results last for a long time.
69 Review 
• Definition of search engine 
• How search engines and SEO 
• Benefits of SEO 
• How to develop an SEO 
• How your SEO strategy plays 
into your sales funnel 
• Best Practices 
• Tools & Resources

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What is SEO.pptxWhat is SEO.pptx
What is SEO.pptx

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Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide

  • 1. 1 Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide | @iboomerang | (937) 387-0655 with Brittany Fullenkamp Digital Marketing Specialist iBoomerang, Inc.
  • 2. 2 Agenda • Explaining Search Engines • Defining Search Engine Optimization • Benefits of SEO • SEO Basics • SEO Strategies & Best Practices • SEO Tools • Resources • Takeaways & Review
  • 3. What is Search Engine Optimization? 3
  • 4. 4 Understanding Search Engines • What is a search engine? • A search engine is a program that searches for documents about a specific keyword and returns a list of matching results. • What does a search engine do? • Search engines have two main functions – crawling & building an index and providing answers by calculating relevancy & serving results.
  • 9. 9 Understanding Search Engines 1 3 2 4
  • 11. 11 Search Engine Optimization • What is search engine optimization? • Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring the site appears high on the organic list of results returned by a search engine. • How? • SEO-ers consider how search engines work, what people search for, keywords, and preferred search engines of targeted audiences.
  • 14. Benefits of Search Engine Optimization 14
  • 15. 15 SEO Benefits Increased Traffic Top positions on the search engine result pages receive a majority of the impressions and clicks, so ranking in these top positions can result in significant traffic increases for your website. SEO also focuses on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and meta descriptions, which show up in the result pages. Having optimized tags and descriptions helps to increase click through rate, which also promotes increases in qualified web traffic. With Analytics and reporting tools, you’ll see a clear cut increase in traffic. This is a definite way to maximize your business efforts. SEO will give you results (not immediately but rather quickly) and as soon as you start your SEO efforts, traffic will increase at a steady rate. Using tools to track traffic to your site you can clearly watch as more people visit your site and sales go through the roof.
  • 16. 16 SEO Benefits Increased Traffic When you buy 1000 visitors from a paid ad, 2% of those visitors might convert into a sale. When you get 1000 clicks from SEO, 4% of those visitors will convert into a sale, leading to a better return on investment. SEO provides trackable and quantifiable results, regardless of whether you are an ecommerce or non-ecommerce site so there are no qualms when it comes to ROI. Comprehensive analytics also provide the ability to drill down at a granular level and see demographic information and other engagement metrics for individuals who have interacted with your website. For Ecommerce sites, you can see which paths users take in order to complete a sale, all the way down to which keyword they used to search for you prior to purchasing. For non-Ecommerce sites, you can attribute values to your lead conversions, like a 'contact us' form fill-out, and calculate the value of your SEO strategy that way. Return on Investment
  • 17. 17 SEO Benefits Increased Traffic SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies because it targets users who are actively looking for your products and services online. SEO's inbound nature helps businesses save money as opposed to outbound strategies like cold-calling. While cold-calling can still be an effective strategy, the leads generated cost 61% more than leads generated by an inbound strategy like SEO. Organic listings are essentially free. When you are listed at the top, you don’t need to pay per click or allocate a budget for advertising, one of the main benefits of SEO is that it is the gift that keeps on giving. With a little bit of effort, you can watch your website get consistent traffic. Unlike paid ads, your traffic will not drop to nothing when it stops. SEO gets rid of the need to have thousands of ads across the web. Return on Investment Cost Effectiveness
  • 18. 18 SEO Benefits Increased Traffic In an effort to make your website easier to navigate for the search engines, SEO simultaneously helps to make your website more navigable for users as well. SEO consists of rearranging the site's architecture and links to make pages within the website easier to find and navigate. This not only makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site and find pages, but also makes it easier for users to find information on your website as well. Return on Investment Cost Effectiveness Increased Site Usability
  • 19. 19 SEO Benefits Increased Traffic Since top position rankings result in significant impressions, having your website in these top positions on the result pages translates to more exposure for your website. The more your pages and content rank in high positions in the search engines, the more chances you have for users to see your content and associate with your brand. Return on Investment Cost Effectiveness Increased Site Usability Brand Awareness
  • 20. 20 SEO Benefits Brand Credibility People trust that the first listing in Google is a reputable company. By doing SEO, your website becomes THE brand name. You’re the guy the competitors want to beat. The further back you are in rankings on Google the more people are skeptical about your website. If Google has a spot dedicated to you at the top especially if it is a top tier listing with other subpages listed below the main home page it gives your website credibility that no ad can top. Ads can often be seen as annoying and many people have ad blockers installed on their browsers.
  • 21. 21 SEO Benefits Brand Credibility SEO is a rising field and it is gaining ground. More people are starting to realize that the benefits of SEO are extremely high. Your competitors know this and are starting to take advantage of it. If your competitors are using it then they will appear before you on Google and get all those hits that can lead to sales before your website will. Even if your site offers better services or prices. Hiring a better SEO company or investing in a skilled SEO Staff could be exactly what your company needs to rank above your competitors in the Google rankings. Beat the Competition
  • 22. 22 SEO Benefits Brand Credibility SEO can bring it thousands upon thousands of visitors to your website a day. This may put your company in a position of needing to expand to a larger web server to accommodate the traffic and sales to your website. Your customers may recommend you a product or service that they were looking for when they visited your website. SEO is a really great investment for your company and could be what you need to take it to the next level. Beat the Competition Increased Sales $
  • 23. 23 SEO Benefits Brand Credibility Unlike advertisements the affects of SEO are permanent. They don’t suddenly stop if you stop paying for them. Of course you will need a little upkeep to maintain that top 1st spot ranking, but if you can get that top spot chances are it will be quite difficult for it to get taken away. Beat the Competition Increased Sales Permanent Results $
  • 24. 24 SEO Benefits Brand Credibility What data you may ask? You get customer data. You can discover new products to expand to by looking at keyword data and seeing what people are searching the most for. You can use this to your advantage and find a high search volume keyword with low competitiveness and although that may be hard to find it has the potential to bring in thousands of sales per month to your website. Customer data is extremely valuable in this business and is not that hard to come by with the right tools. Manipulating it to your advantage can be exponentially beneficial for your business. Beat the Competition Increased Sales Permanent Results Access to Data $
  • 25. Basics of Search Engine Optimization 25
  • 26. 26 Terms to Know Keyword -Word used by the search engines to determine the topic of a web page or other document on the internet. - Word(s) a user types in to search the internet.
  • 27. 27 Terms to Know SERP (Search Engine Results Page) - The listing of web pages returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query. Organic Search - Search results within a search engine that come about without the help of paid search. Paid Search - Search results within a search engine that companies pay to have appear.
  • 28. 28 Terms to Know Meta Data - Description information on a web page enabling search engines to identify its purpose and topic.
  • 29. 29 Terms to Know Meta Data - Description information on a web page enabling search engines to identify its purpose and topic. Title Tag - HTML attribute that represents a page’s title.
  • 30. 30 Terms to Know Meta Data - Description information on a web page enabling search engines to identify its purpose and topic. Title Tag - HTML attribute that represents a page’s title. Alt Tag - An HTML attribute typically used within an image to provide alternate text when images cannot be displayed.
  • 31. 31 How People Search Search engine usage has evolved over the years but the primary principles of conducting a search remain largely unchanged. Listed here are the steps that comprise most search processes: Experience the need for an 1 answer, solution or piece of information. 2 Formulate that need in a string of words and phrases, also known as “the query.” 3 Enter the query into a search engine. 4 Browse through the results for a match. 5 Click on a result. 6 Scan for a solution, or a link to that solution. If unsatisfied, return to the search 7 results and browse for another link or… 8 Perform a new search with refinements to the query.
  • 32. 32 Elements of a Great Website Attractive Design - A good website design/user interface is great for digital marketing efforts. A great design will keep users coming back to your website. HOWEVER Google doesn’t care what your website looks like. Search engines only look at the HTML text on a webpage.
  • 33. 33 Elements of a Great Website Unique, Accurate Page Titles - A title tag tells both the users and search engines what the topic of a particular page is. - The <title> tag should be placed within the <head> tag of the HTML document. Ideally, you should create a unique title for each page on your site. - Page title contents are displayed in search results, at the top of your internet browser, and on social media posts.
  • 34. 34 Elements of a Great Website Meta Tags - Meta tags were originally intended to provide a proxy for information about a website’s content. - Multiple Types - Description: A short description of a page’s content - Meta Robots: Used to control search engine spider activity - index/noindex: Tells the engines whether the page should be crawled and kept in the engine’s index for retrieval - follow/nofollow: Tells the engines whether links on the page should be crawled - noarchive: Used to restrict search engines from saving a cached copy of the page - nosnippet: Tells engines to refrain from displaying a descriptive block of text next to the page’s title and URL in search results - noodp/noydir: Tells engines not to grab a descriptive snippet about a page from the Open Directory Project or the Yahoo! Directory for display in the search results
  • 35. 35 Elements of a Great Website Meta Tags - Meta tags were originally intended to provide a proxy for information about a website’s content. - Multiple Types - Keywords: List of keywords or keyphrases that describe your website - Refresh/Revisit-After: Sends the user to a new URL after a certain amount of time. - Google Site Verification: Verifies ownership for Webmaster Tools
  • 36. 36 Elements of a Great Website Good Navigation - Website structure that lets spiders browse the pathways of the website. - Good navigation is important in helping visitors find the content they want. - A bad structure includes pages that search engines cannot access, thus impacting their ability to get listed in search results. - In this example, a Google spider would reach the Homepage and see pages “B” and “E”. However, it does not know that pages “C” and “D” exist because it cannot find a direct link to them.
  • 37. 37 Elements of a Great Website Crawlable Link Structure - Friendly URL addresses for a particular document - Display in search results and can impact click-through and visibility. Also used in ranking documents. - Appear in browser’s address bar. Poor structure or design can result in negative user experience. - Used as anchor text
  • 38. 38 Elements of a Great Website Quality Content - Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website’s ranking more than any of the other factors I discuss. - Remember, Google is looking for pages that are “relevant” and “useful” to the search user’s keyword.
  • 39. Strategies of Search Engine Optimization 39
  • 40. 40 SEO Strategy Set Goals Build Audience Develop Channels Create Content Analyze Results
  • 41. 41 SEO Strategy 1 Set Goals • Raw Traffic – Getting people to your site • E-Commer Sales – Selling a product through your website • Branding & Building Authority • Lead Acquisition & Direct Marketing • Ideological Influence – Seeking to sway public opinion about a topic
  • 42. 42 SEO Strategy 2 Develop Channels • Define Your Audience and its Interests • Define Target Location • Keyword Research • Competitor Research • Make a list of keywords and topics • Get a website • Build navigation and design with SEO in mind
  • 43. 43 SEO Strategy 3 Build Audience • Let Google do its thing! • Set up Google Webmaster Tools and submit your sitemap • Cross-promote • Tell friends and family • Add to business cards • Send an email campaign • Pair with digital advertising
  • 44. 44 SEO Strategy 4 Create Content • About Us • Contact Us • Product Overviews • Blog • Newsroom • Social Media Links
  • 45. 45 SEO Strategy 5 Analyze Results • Google Analytics • Google Webmaster Tools • Record Key Metrics • Number of Visitors • Number of Page Visits • Time Spent on Site • Conversion Rates
  • 46. 46 SEO Strategy Awareness Interest Desire Action Advocacy Achieved Through: Visibility and Engagement What To Do Develop Channels Cross-Promote Website URL Research Website Navigation Advertising
  • 47. 47 SEO Strategy Awareness Interest Desire Action Advocacy Achieved Through: Community Engagement What To Do Create Content Articles Product Pages Blog Posts Lists Guides Directories Glossaries
  • 48. 48 SEO Strategy Awareness Interest Desire Action Advocacy Achieved Through: Landing Pages What To Do Create Content Call-to-Action Optimized Visuals Relevant & Useful
  • 49. 49
  • 50. 50 SEO Strategy Achieved Through: Multiple Strategies What To Do SELL, SELL, SELL!!! Use multiple venues to create interest in your products… …until your LEAD becomes your CUSTOMER! Awareness Interest Desire Action Advocacy
  • 51. 51 SEO Strategy Achieved Through: Repeat Visibility and Engagement What To Do Analyze Results Awareness Interest Desire Action Advocacy
  • 52. Best Practices of Search Engine Optimization 52
  • 53. 53 SEO Best Practices Attractive Design - Include Indexable Content - Content written in HTML text format so that it can be listed in search engines. - Assign “alt attributes” to images in gif, jpg, or png formats. - Supplement Flash or Java content with text on the page. - Accompany video and audio with transcripts if the words and phrases used are meant to be indexed by the search engines.
  • 54. 54 SEO Best Practices Unique, Accurate Page Titles - Be mindful of the length. Keep it under 75 characters. - Place important keywords close to the front. - Include your brand every time. - Consider readability and emotional impact. - Follow optimal format Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name - Example: NFL Scores – 2014 Week 4 |
  • 55. 55 SEO Best Practices Meta Tags - Focus on description and keywords to start - Easiest to do and will help you create content - Customize these for each page of your website - Keep descriptions under 160 characters - Create compelling descriptions that include important keywords - Include up to 20 keywords - Proofread - Once you are comfortable with easy meta tags, move on to the more complex ones
  • 56. 56 SEO Best Practices Good Navigation - Create a naturally flowing hierarchy - Use mostly text for navigation - Ensure more convenience for users by using ‘breadcrumb lists’
  • 57. 57 SEO Best Practices Good Navigation - Put an HTML sitemap page on your site, and use an XML sitemap file - A simple map page with links to all of your pages - XML Sitemap files help search engines discover new pages on your site
  • 58. 58 SEO Best Practices Good Navigation - Useful 404 Page - An HTTP status code that means the server could not find the web page requested by the internet browser. - “Page not found” error - Include link back to homepage and form for user to report the error
  • 59. 59 SEO Best Practices Crawlable Link Structure - Employ Empathy - Look at the URL and see if you can accurately predict the content on the page - Keep it short to make it easy to copy and paste - Include keywords - Create static links -Links that are human readable - Example: vs. - Use hyphens to separate words
  • 60. 60 SEO Best Practices Quality Content - Anticipate the differences in search behavior and account for them while writing your content, using a good mix of keyword phrases - NLCS | National League Championship Series | baseball playoffs - Write easy-to-read text - Stay organized around the topic - Create fresh, unique content that no other site offers - Create content primarily for your users, not search engines
  • 61. 61 SEO Best Practices White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO White Hat SEO Black Hat SEO Techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience opposed to search engines and completely follows search engine rules and policies. Also called Ethical SEO. Techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. Attempts to trick the search engine’s algorithm from its intended purpose. • Relevant keyword usage and keyword analysis • Link building • Backlinking • Unique content • Fresh content • Optimizing pages for social media • Hidden text • Text the same color as the background • Sending a user to a different page than what was requested • Keyword stuffing • Buying links • Blog comment spam
  • 62. 62 SEO Best Practices Mobile Sites - Configure mobile sites so that they can be indexed accurately - Verify that your mobile site is indexed by Google - Verify that Google can recognize your mobile URLs - Redirect mobile users to the correct version of your site
  • 63. 63 SEO Best Practices Make Use of Free Webmaster Tools - Google Webmaster Tools helps webmasters better control how Google interacts with their websites - Google Analytics provides visitor information and activity - Google Website Optimizer allows you to run experiments to find on-page changes that will produce the best conversion rates - Google Trends will give you trending keywords for your area
  • 64. 64 SEO Best Practices Follow Well-Known People in SEO - These experts are the key to algorithm changes and best practices. Matt Cutts Head of webspam team at Google. Known for enforcing Webmaster Guidelines and cutting down link spam. Bruce Clay Professional International SEO consultant, speaker, instructor, and CEO of Bruce Clay, Inc. Rand Fishkin Started SEOmoz and was voted one of Businessweek’s Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs. Danny Sullivan Editor-in-Chief at Search Engine Land and partner and chief content officer at Third Door Media. Aaron Wall Writes the blog SEOBook and is a frequent speaker at the Search Engine Strategies and PubCon conferences. Al Carl Digital marketing consultant and mobile and e-commerce strategist for Procter & Gamble
  • 65. Tools & Resources for Search Engine Optimization 65
  • 66. 66 SEO Tools & Resources Google Analytics – Google Webmaster Tools – Google Website Optimizer – The Beginners Guide to SEO - Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide - s/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf Wordstream - Google Snippet Data - Microsoft Free SEO Toolkit -
  • 68. 68 Takeaways • SEO helps you earn a higher ranking in search engines. • SEO is cost-effective and results in more sales. • SEO provides important data about your customers. • You will be penalized for Black Hat SEO techniques. • Create relevant and useful content for your readers. • SEO results last for a long time.
  • 69. 69 Review • Definition of search engine optimization • How search engines and SEO works • Benefits of SEO • How to develop an SEO strategy • How your SEO strategy plays into your sales funnel • Best Practices • Tools & Resources

Editor's Notes

  1. Here’s a look at our agenda for today. I’m going to first go over search engines and how they work. Then I’ll define search engine optimization and the benefits it can have for your business. I’ll go over some SEO basics, strategies, and best practices as well as mention some tool and resources so you can get started optimizing your website.
  2. In our subway situation, this would be like a traveler needing to get to that hotel up there. She would ask the traffic director the best way to navigate the subway system to get where she needs to go. The Traffic Director, in just a couple of seconds, evaluate all possible paths, and finds the ones that are most relevant.
  3. To further drive home how this works, let’s go back to our real-life example. Let’s say the traveler tells the Traffic Director they’re looking for the hotel, but they also want to stop at a Coffee Shop on the way there. Through search engine optimization, the Manager at the subway station currently showing as the second result on the search engine let’s the Traffic Director know they have a coffee shop nearby. The Traffic Director re-evaluates all of this information again, and re-organizes the best results for the traveler.
  4. The most obvious benefit of search engine optimization is increased traffic to your website. People aren’t going to get to your website if they can’t find it. In fact, 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred by search engines, and 90% of search users don’t look past the first 30 results. Additionally, most of that 90% only views the first page of search results and a whopping one-third of people click on the first result. This is why it’s important to master SEO tactics. You want your website to rank in at least the top 3 positions of any search engine.
  5. As you start to see increased traffic to your website, you’re likely to see an increase in sales. Again, if people don’t make it into your store, they can’t buy your product. The same goes for the internet world.
  6. Now let’s talk about the basics of search engine optimization.
  7. The next term you need to know is meta data. This is the information on the back end of a website that tells the search engine spiders what the website is about. This information is also displayed in the search engine results. In the example above, you can see the meta description appears as the description in the search result.
  8. Another piece of HTML code you should be familiar with are ALT tags. These are descriptions for images. When a spider crawls a website, it doesn’t see the images. It only sees the code, so the ALT tag tells the spider what an image is about. This helps with Google Image searches, and it’s an additional place to put more specific keywords.
  9. Next are keywords or keyphrases, which is one area you will focus on. Other important ones are refresh commands, which send the user to a new URL after a certain amount of time and the Google Site Verification which will authorize Google Webmaster Tools, which I’ll talk about later.
  10. Finally, and this is a big one, quality content. You need to create content that people want to read. This is the most important factor. Google’s algorithm takes into consideration not only if the content is relevant to the keyword but also if it’s useful. The more your content is shared and visited, the higher the “usefulness” ranking will be. This in turn, raises your site’s authority and your organic ranking.
  11. Here, once again, is our digital marketing strategy that we will now apply to search engine optimization.
  12. And finally, analyze your results. The best way to get this information is to sign up with Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools. These tools will give you all of the key metrics you need to know to help create content. You’ll also want to keep key figures in a spreadsheet or some sort of report so you can track your progress as you go.
  13. Valuable content is what will move your followers to the Desire or Conversion part of the funnel. This is a critical moment. This is where you want to promote how you can help them solve their problem by offering something special such as a free consultation in exchange for their contact information.
  14. Once you have this contact information, you can officially consider the person a lead and reach out to them. The reader moves further down the funnel into the Action category. This is where you do what you do best – Sell. Schedule that web conference and show them how you can help their situation. Turn this lead into a customer!
  15. I’m going to start with each element I discussed earlier. When it comes to your design, be sure to include the indexable content. If a search crawler cannot read the content, it won’t index your web page. Assign the ALT tags to all of your images. If you’re using Flash or Java elements on your website, supplement that content with text on the page. And finally, if you have video or audio, add a transcript so the crawlers can index that information.
  16. For meta tags, it’s easiest to start with descriptions and keywords. Once you have a good understanding of how to manipulate your code, then move on to the more complex tags that tell the robots what to do. Your description should be under 160 characters, and you should include 20 and under keywords. Also, be sure to proofread.
  17. Another navigation tip is to have a useful 404 page. A 404 Page is the error a visitor gets when they try to go to a page that doesn’t exist. It’s also called a “Page not found” error. Include a link back to your homepage and a form for people to submit the error to your webmaster.
  18. When it comes to content, you want to really think about how people will search to get to it. Use a good mix of keywords throughout your content. For example, I have three ways that someone might search for Major League Baseball’s National League Championship Series. They could use the long form, true fans might use NLCS, and those more unfamiliar with the sport might search for “baseball playoffs.” Make sure you content is easy-to-read and stays on topic. As far as what to write about, try to think of topics that other sites do not have.
  19. Next, make use of the free website/SEO tools. If you do nothing else, get Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools installed on your website. This is how you will get all of your search user data. Google also has other helpful tools like Website Optimizer that allows you to run experiments on your site to increase conversion rates, and Google Trends which will provide trending keywords for various industries broken down by location.
  20. What I want you to take away from today’s session is that SEO helps you earn a higher ranking in search engines, which can result in more sales. You’ll also gain valuable information about your customers. You should follow White Hat SEO practices, which includes creating relevant and useful content. And once you gain that top spot in search engines, it will be hard to lose it.