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Zeta Potential
     An Introduction in 30 Minutes
Introduction                               deflocculation. Figure 1 schematically               VA = -A/(12 π D )
                                           represents some of these processes.
Zeta potential is a physical property                                                where A is the Hamaker constant and
which is exhibited by any particle in                                                D is the particle separation. The
suspension. It can be used to                                                        repulsive potential VR is a far more
optimize the formulations of                                                         complex function.
suspensions and emulsions.
Knowledge of the zeta potential can                                                         VR = 2 π ε a ζ2 exp(-κD)
reduce the time needed to produce                                                    where a is the particle radius, π is the
trial formulations. It is also an aid in                                             solvent permeability, κ is a function of
predicting long-term stability.
                                                                                     the ionic composition and ζ is the zeta
Colloid Science
Three of the fundamental states of
matter are solids, liquids and gases. If
one of these states is finely dispersed    Figure 1: Schematic diagram
in another then we have a ‘colloidal       showing various mechanisms where
system’. These materials have special      stability may be lost in a colloidal
properties that are of great practical     dispersion
 There are various examples of             Colloidal Stability and
colloidal systems that include             DVLO Theory
aerosols, emulsions, colloidal
suspensions and association colloids.      The scientists Derjaguin, Verwey,
                                           Landau and Overbeek developed a
 In certain circumstances, the             theory in the 1940s which dealt with
particles in a dispersion may adhere                                                Figure 2(a): Schematic diagram of the
                                           the stability of colloidal systems.
to one another and form aggregates                                                  variation of free energy with particle
                                           DVLO theory suggests that the
of successively increasing size, which                                              separation according to DVLO theory.
                                           stability of a particle in solution is
may settle out under the influence of      dependent upon its total potential
gravity. An initially formed aggregate     energy function VT. This theory
is called a floc and the process of its    recognizes that VT is the balance of       DVLO theory suggests that the
formation flocculation. The floc may or    several competing contributions:          stability of a colloidal system is
may not sediment or phase separate.                                                  determined by the sum of these van
If the aggregate changes to a much                   VT = VA + VR + VS               der Waals attractive (VA) and
denser form, it is said to undergo                                                   electrical double layer repulsive (VR)
                                           VS is the potential energy due to the
coagulation. An aggregate usually                                                    forces that exist between particles as
                                           solvent, it usually only makes a
separates out either by sedimentation                                                they approach each other due to the
                                           marginal contribution to the total
(if it is more dense than the medium)                                                Brownian motion they are undergoing.
                                           potential energy over the last few
or by creaming (if it less dense than                                                This theory proposes that an energy
                                           nanometers of separation. Much more
the medium). The terms flocculation                                                  barrier resulting from the repulsive
                                           important is the balance between VA
and coagulation have often been used                                                 force prevents two particles
                                           and VR, these are the attractive and
interchangeably. Usually coagulation                                                 approaching one another and
                                           repulsive contributions. They
is irreversible whereas flocculation                                                 adhering together (figure 2 (a)). But if
                                           potentially are much larger and
can be reversed by the process of                                                    the particles collide with sufficient
                                           operate over a much larger distance
                                                                                     energy to overcome that barrier, the

 1                       Zetasizer Nano series technical note                        MRK654-01
attractive force will pull them into            adsorbs, the thickness of the           Origins of Surface Charge
contact where they adhere strongly              coating is sufficient to keep
and irreversibly together.                      particles separated by steric           Most colloidal dispersions in aqueous
                                                repulsions between the polymer          media carry an electric charge. There
Therefore if the particles have a               layers, and at those separations        are many origins of this surface
sufficiently high repulsion, the                the van der Waals forces are too        charge depending upon the nature of
dispersion will resist flocculation and         weak to cause the particles to          the particle and it’s surrounding
the colloidal system will be stable.            adhere.                                 medium but we will consider the more
However if a repulsion mechanism                                                        important mechanisms.
does not exist then flocculation or         •   Electrostatic or charge
coagulation will eventually take place.         stabilization - this is the effect on   Ionisation of Surface Groups
                                                particle interaction due to the
                                                                                         Dissociation of acidic groups on the
                                                distribution of charged species in
                                                                                        surface of a particle will give rise to a
                                                the system.
                                                                                        negatively charged surface.
                                             Each mechanism has its benefits for        Conversely, a basic surface will take
                                            particular systems. Steric stabilization    on a positive charge (figure 4). In both
                                            is simple, requiring just the addition of   cases, the magnitude of the surface
                                            a suitable polymer. However it can be       charge depends on the acidic or basic
                                            difficult to subsequently flocculate the    strengths of the surface groups and
                                            system if this is required, the polymer     on the pH of the solution. The surface
                                            can be expensive and in some cases          charge can be reduced to zero by
                                            the polymer is undesirable e.g. when        suppressing the surface ionisation by
                                                                                        decreasing the pH in case of
                                                                                        negatively charged particles (figure
Figure 2(b): Schematic diagram of the                                                   4(a)) or by increasing the pH in the
variation of free energy with particle                                                  case of positively charged particles
separation at higher salt concentrations                                                (figure 4(b)).
showing the possibility of a secondary
If the zeta potential is reduced (e.g. in
high salt concentrations), there is a           Figure 3: Steric and electrostatic
possibility of a “secondary minimum”            stabilization mechanisms of
being created, where a much weaker              colloidal dispersions
and potentially reversible adhesion
between particles exists (figure 2 (b)).
These weak flocs are sufficiently           a ceramic slip is cast and sintered, the
stable not to be broken up by               polymer has to be ‘burnt out’. This            Figure 4(a): Origin of surface
Brownian motion, but may disperse           causes shrinkage and can lead to               charge by ionisation of acidic
under an externally applied force such      defects.                                       groups to give a negatively
as vigorous agitation.                                                                     charged surface
                                            Electrostatic or charge stabilization
Therefore to maintain the stability of      has the benefits of stabilizing or
the colloidal system, the repulsive         flocculating a system by simply
forces must be dominant. How can            altering the concentration of ions in
colloidal stability be achieved? There      the system. This is a reversible
are two fundamental mechanisms that         process and is potentially
affect dispersion stability (figure 3):     inexpensive.

•       Steric repulsion - this involves    It has long been recognised that the
        polymers added to the system        zeta potential is a very good index of
                                                                                           Figure 4(b): Origin of surface
        adsorbing onto the particle         the magnitude of the interaction
                                                                                           charge by ionisation of basic
        surface and preventing the          between colloidal particles and
                                                                                           groups to give a positively charged
        particle surfaces coming into       measurements of zeta potential are
        close contact. If enough polymer    commonly used to assess the stability
                                            of colloidal systems.

    2                     Zetasizer Nano series technical note                          MRK654-01
Differential loss of ions from
the crystal lattice
As an example, consider a crystal of
silver iodide placed in water. Solution
of ions occurs. If equal amounts of
Ag+ and I- ions were to dissolve, the
surface would be uncharged. In fact
silver ions dissolve preferentially,          Figure 6(b): Origin of surface
leaving a negatively charged surface          charge by specific adsorption
(figure 5). If Ag+ ions are now added         of an anonic surfactant. R =
the charge falls to zero. Further             hydrocarbon chain
addition leads to a positively charged
surface.                                  The Electrical
                                          Double Layer
                                          The development of a nett charge at
                                          the particle surface affects the
                                          distribution of ions in the surrounding
                                          interfacial region, resulting in an
                                          increased concentration of counter          Figure 7: Schematic representation of
                                          ions, ions of opposite charge to that of    zeta potential
                                          the particle, close to the surface. Thus
                                          an electrical double layer exists round     particles coming together and
Figure 5: Origin of surface charge
                                          each particle.                              flocculating.
by differential solution of silver
ions from a AgI surface
                                          Zeta Potential                              The general dividing line between
                                                                                      stable and unstable suspensions is
Adsorption of charged species             The liquid layer surrounding the            generally taken at either +30 or -30
(ions and ionic surfactants)              particle exists as two parts; an inner      mV. Particles with zeta potentials
                                          region (Stern layer) where the ions
Surfactant ions may be specifically                                                   more positive than +30 mV or more
                                          are strongly bound and an outer
adsorbed on the surface of a particle,                                                negative than -30 mV are normally
                                          (diffuse) region where they are less
leading, in the case of cationic                                                      considered stable. However, if the
                                          firmly associated. Within the diffuse
surfactants, to a positively charged                                                  particles have a density different form
                                          layer there is a notional boundary
surface (figure 6(a)) and, in the case                                                the dispersant, they will eventually
                                          inside which the ions and particles
of anionic surfactants, to a negatively                                               sediment forming a close packed bed
                                          form a stable entity. When a particle
charged surface (figure 6(b)).                                                        (i.e. a hard cake).
                                          moves (e.g. due to gravity), ions
                                          within the boundary move it. Those
                                          ions beyond the boundary stay with          Factors Affecting Zeta Potential
                                          the bulk dispersant. The potential at
                                          this boundary (surface of                   (1) pH
                                          hydrodynamic shear) is the zeta             In aqueous media, the pH of the
                                          potential (figure 7).                       sample is one of the most important
                                          The magnitude of the zeta potential         factors that affects its zeta potential. A
                                          gives an indication of the potential        zeta potential value on its own without
Figure 6(a): Origin of surface                                                        defining the solution conditions is a
charge by specific adsorption             stability of the colloidal system. If all
                                          the particles in suspension have a          virtually meaningless number.
of a cationic surfactant. R =                                                         Imagine a particle in suspension with
hydrocarbon chain                         large negative or positive zeta
                                          potential then they will tend to repel      a negative zeta potential. If more
                                          each other and there will be no             alkali is added to this suspension then
                                          tendency for the particles to come          the particles tend to acquire more
                                          together. However, if the particles         negative charge. If acid is added to
                                          have low zeta potential values then         this suspension then a point will be
                                          there will be no force to prevent the       reached where the charge will be

 3                     Zetasizer Nano series technical note                           MRK654-01
neutralised. Further addition of acid      A trivalent ion such as Al will               Streaming potential: the electric field
will cause a build up of positive          compress the double layer to a                generated when a liquid is forced to
charge. Therefore a zeta potential         greater extent in comparison with a           flow past a stationary charged surface
versus pH curve will be positive at low    monovalent ion such as Na+.
pH and lower or negative at high pH.                                                     Sedimentation potential: the electric
There may be a point where the plot        Inorganic ions can interact with              field generated when charged
passes through zero zeta potential.        charged surfaces in one of two                particles sediment
This point is called the isoelectric       distinct ways (i) non-specific ion
point and is very important from a         adsorption where they have no effect          Electrophoresis
practical consideration. It is normally    on the isoelectric point. (ii) specific ion
                                                                                         When an electric field is applied
the point where the colloidal system is    adsorption, which will lead to a
                                                                                         across an electrolyte, charged
least stable.                              change in the value of the isoelectric
                                                                                         particles suspended in the electrolyte
                                           point. The specific adsorption of ions
                                                                                         are attracted towards the electrode of
A typical plot of zeta potential versus    onto a particle surface, even at low
                                                                                         opposite charge. Viscous forces
pH is shown in figure 8. In this           concentrations, can have a dramatic
                                                                                         acting on the particles tend to oppose
example, the isoelectric point of the      effect on the zeta potential of the
                                                                                         this movement. When equilibrium is
sample is at approximately pH 5.5. In      particle dispersion. In some cases,
                                                                                         reached between these two opposing
addition, the plot can be used to          specific ion adsorption can lead to
                                                                                         forces, the particles move with
predict that the sample should be          charge reversal of the surface.
                                                                                         constant velocity.
stable at pH values less than 4
(sufficient positive charge is present)    3. Concentration of a formulation             The velocity is dependent on the
and greater than pH 7.5 (sufficient        component                                     strength of electric field or voltage
negative charge is present). Problems                                                    gradient, the dielectric constant of the
                                           The effect of the concentration of a
with dispersion stability would be                                                       medium, the viscosity of the medium
                                           formulation component on the zeta
expected at pH values between 4 and                                                      and the zeta potential.
                                           potential can give information to assist
7.5 as the zeta potential values are
                                           in formulating a product to give              The velocity of a particle in a unit
between +30 and -30mV.
                                           maximum stability. The influence of           electric field is referred to as its
                                           known contaminants on the zeta                electrophoretic mobility. Zeta potential
                                           potential of a sample can be a                is related to the electrophoretic
                                           powerful tool in formulating the              mobility by the Henry equation:-
                                           product to resist flocculation for
                                           example.                                                  UE = 2 ε z f(κa)
                                           Electrokinetic Effects
                                                                                         where UE = electrophoretic mobility, z
                                           An important consequence of the               = zeta potential, ε = dielectric
                                           existence of electrical charges on the
                                                                                         constant, η = viscosity and f(κa) =
                                           surface of particles is that they
                                                                                         Henry’s function.
Figure 8: Typical plot of zeta potential   interact with an applied electric field.
versus pH showing the position of the      These effects are collectively defined        The units of κ, termed the Debye
isoelectric point and the pH values        as electrokinetic effects. There are          length, are reciprocal length and κ-1 is
where the dispersion would be              four distinct effects depending on the        often taken as a measure of the
expected to be stable                      way in which the motion is induced.           “thickness” of the electrical double
                                           These are:                                    layer. The parameter ‘a’ refers to the
                                           Electrophoresis: the movement of a            radius of the particle and therefore κa
                                           charged particle relative to the liquid it    measures the ratio of the particle
2. Conductivity                                                                          radius to electrical double layer
                                           is suspended in under the influence of
The thickness of the double layer (κ-1)    an applied electric field                     thickness (figure 9). Electrophoretic
depends upon the concentration of                                                        determinations of zeta potential are
ions in solution and can be calculated     Electroosmosis: the movement of a             most commonly made in aqueous
from the ionic strength of the medium.     liquid relative to a stationary charged       media and moderate electrolyte
The higher the ionic strength, the         surface under the influence of an             concentration. F(κa) in this case is
more compressed the double layer           electric field                                1.5, and this is referred to as the
becomes. The valency of the ions will                                                    Smoluchowski approximation.
also influence double layer thickness.                                                   Therefore calculation of zeta potential

 4                     Zetasizer Nano series technical note                              MRK654-01
from the mobility is straightforward for   electrophoresis in combination with          passed to a digital signal processor 4
systems that fit the Smoluchowski          M3-PALS.                                     and then to a computer 5. The
model, i.e. particles larger than about                                                 Zetasizer Nano software produces a
0.2 microns dispersed in electrolytes      The M3-PALS Technique                        frequency spectrum from which the
containing more that 10-3 molar salt.                                                   electrophoretic mobility and hence
                                           The Zetasizer Nano Series uses a             zeta potential is calculated. The
For small particles in low dielectric      combination of laser Doppler                 intensity of the detected, scattered
constant media (eg non-aqueous             velocimetry and phase analysis light         light must be within a specific range
media), f(κa) becomes 1.0 and allows       scattering (PALS) in a patented              for the detector to successfully
an equally simple calculation. This is     technique called M3-PALS to                  measure it. This is achieved using an
referred to as the Huckel                  measure particle electrophoretic             attenuator 6, which adjusts the
approximation.                             mobility. Implementation of M3-PALS          intensity of the light reaching the
                                           enables even samples of very low             sample and hence the intensity of the
                                           mobility to be analysed and their            scattering. To correct for any
                                           mobility distributions calculated.           differences in the cell wall thickness
                                           PALS can give an increase in                 and dispersant refraction,
                                           performance of greater than 100              compensation optics 7 are installed
                                           times that associated with standard          to maintain optimum alignment.
                                           measurement techniques. This allows
                                           the measurement of high conductivity
                                           samples, plus the ability to accurately
                                           measure samples that have low
                                           particle mobilities, such as samples
Figure 9: Schematic illustrating           dispersed in non-aqueous solvents.
Huckel and Smoluchowski's                  Low applied voltages can now be
approximations used for the                used to avoid any risk of sample
conversion of electrophoretic mobility     effects due to Joule heating.
into zeta potential                        Further information discussing the
                                           techniques of laser Doppler
                                           electrophoresis and M3-PALS can be
Measuring Electrophoretic                  found in various articles available on
Mobility                                   the Malvern Instruments web-site
The essence of a classical micro-
electrophoresis system is a capillary      Optical Configuration of a
cell with electrodes at either end to      Zeta Potential Instrument
which a potential is applied. Particles                                                   Figure 10: Optical configuration of
move towards the electrode, their          A zeta potential measurement system            the Zetasizer Nano series for zeta
velocity is measured and expressed in      comprises of six main components                    potential measurements
unit field strength as their mobility.     (figure 10). Firstly, a laser 1 is used
                                           to provides a light source to illuminate
Early methods involved the process of      the particles within the sample. For
directly observing individual particles    zeta potential measurements, this            References
using ultra-microscope techniques          light source is split to provide an          Derjaguin, B.V. and Landau, L. (1941)
and manually tracking their progress       incident and reference beam. The             Acta Physiochim. URSS, 14, 633.
over a measured distance. This             incident laser beam passes through
procedure, although still being used       the centre of the sample cell 2, and         Verway, E.J.W. and Overbeek, J. Th.
by many groups world wide, suffers         the scattered light at an angle of           G. (1948) Theory of the Stability of
from several disadvantages, not least      about 13o is detected 3. When an             Lyophobic Colloids, Elsevier,
that of the strenuous effort required to   electric field is applied to the cell, any   Amsterdam.
make a measurement, particularly           particles moving through the
with small or poorly scattering            measurement volume will cause the            Hunter, R.J. (1988) Zeta Potential In
particles. The technique used in           intensity of light detected to fluctuate     Colloid Science: Principles And
Malvern’s Zetasizer Nano range of          with a frequency proportional to the         Applications, Academic Press, UK.
instruments is laser Doppler               particle speed and this information is

 5                      Zetasizer Nano series technical note                            MRK654-01
Shaw, D.J. (1992) Introduction To
Colloid And Surface Chemistry,
Butterworth Heinemann, UK.
Everett, D.H. (1994) Basic Principles
Of Colloid Science, The Royal Society
of Chemistry, UK.
Ross, S. and Morrison, I.D. (1988)
Colloidal Systems and Interfaces,
John Wiley and Sons, USA.
Lyklema, J. (2000) Fundamentals of
Interface and Colloid Science: Volume
1 (Fundamentals), Academic Press,
Measuring Zeta Potential: Laser
Doppler Electrophoresis, Technical
Note available from
Measuring Zeta Potential Using
Phase Analysis Light Scattering
(PALS), Technical Note available from
Measuring Zeta Potential: A New
Technique, Technical Note available

Simplifying the Measurement of Zeta
Potential Using M3-PALS, Technical
Note available from

                                     Malvern Instruments Ltd
                                     Enigma Business Park • Grovewood Road • Malvern • Worcestershire • UK • WR14 1XZ
                                     Tel: +44 (0)1684 892456 • Fax: +44 (0)1684 892789

                                     Malvern Instruments Worldwide
                                     Sales and service centers in over 50 countries for details visit

                                     more information at

 6                    Zetasizer Nano series technical note                               MRK654-01

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Potencial zeta em 30 minutos

  • 1. Zeta Potential An Introduction in 30 Minutes 2 Introduction deflocculation. Figure 1 schematically VA = -A/(12 π D ) represents some of these processes. Zeta potential is a physical property where A is the Hamaker constant and which is exhibited by any particle in D is the particle separation. The suspension. It can be used to repulsive potential VR is a far more optimize the formulations of complex function. suspensions and emulsions. Knowledge of the zeta potential can VR = 2 π ε a ζ2 exp(-κD) reduce the time needed to produce where a is the particle radius, π is the trial formulations. It is also an aid in solvent permeability, κ is a function of predicting long-term stability. the ionic composition and ζ is the zeta potential. Colloid Science Three of the fundamental states of matter are solids, liquids and gases. If one of these states is finely dispersed Figure 1: Schematic diagram in another then we have a ‘colloidal showing various mechanisms where system’. These materials have special stability may be lost in a colloidal properties that are of great practical dispersion importance. There are various examples of Colloidal Stability and colloidal systems that include DVLO Theory aerosols, emulsions, colloidal suspensions and association colloids. The scientists Derjaguin, Verwey, Landau and Overbeek developed a In certain circumstances, the theory in the 1940s which dealt with particles in a dispersion may adhere Figure 2(a): Schematic diagram of the the stability of colloidal systems. to one another and form aggregates variation of free energy with particle DVLO theory suggests that the of successively increasing size, which separation according to DVLO theory. stability of a particle in solution is may settle out under the influence of dependent upon its total potential gravity. An initially formed aggregate energy function VT. This theory is called a floc and the process of its recognizes that VT is the balance of DVLO theory suggests that the formation flocculation. The floc may or several competing contributions: stability of a colloidal system is may not sediment or phase separate. determined by the sum of these van If the aggregate changes to a much VT = VA + VR + VS der Waals attractive (VA) and denser form, it is said to undergo electrical double layer repulsive (VR) VS is the potential energy due to the coagulation. An aggregate usually forces that exist between particles as solvent, it usually only makes a separates out either by sedimentation they approach each other due to the marginal contribution to the total (if it is more dense than the medium) Brownian motion they are undergoing. potential energy over the last few or by creaming (if it less dense than This theory proposes that an energy nanometers of separation. Much more the medium). The terms flocculation barrier resulting from the repulsive important is the balance between VA and coagulation have often been used force prevents two particles and VR, these are the attractive and interchangeably. Usually coagulation approaching one another and repulsive contributions. They is irreversible whereas flocculation adhering together (figure 2 (a)). But if potentially are much larger and can be reversed by the process of the particles collide with sufficient operate over a much larger distance energy to overcome that barrier, the 1 Zetasizer Nano series technical note MRK654-01
  • 2. attractive force will pull them into adsorbs, the thickness of the Origins of Surface Charge contact where they adhere strongly coating is sufficient to keep and irreversibly together. particles separated by steric Most colloidal dispersions in aqueous repulsions between the polymer media carry an electric charge. There Therefore if the particles have a layers, and at those separations are many origins of this surface sufficiently high repulsion, the the van der Waals forces are too charge depending upon the nature of dispersion will resist flocculation and weak to cause the particles to the particle and it’s surrounding the colloidal system will be stable. adhere. medium but we will consider the more However if a repulsion mechanism important mechanisms. does not exist then flocculation or • Electrostatic or charge coagulation will eventually take place. stabilization - this is the effect on Ionisation of Surface Groups particle interaction due to the Dissociation of acidic groups on the distribution of charged species in surface of a particle will give rise to a the system. negatively charged surface. Each mechanism has its benefits for Conversely, a basic surface will take particular systems. Steric stabilization on a positive charge (figure 4). In both is simple, requiring just the addition of cases, the magnitude of the surface a suitable polymer. However it can be charge depends on the acidic or basic difficult to subsequently flocculate the strengths of the surface groups and system if this is required, the polymer on the pH of the solution. The surface can be expensive and in some cases charge can be reduced to zero by the polymer is undesirable e.g. when suppressing the surface ionisation by decreasing the pH in case of negatively charged particles (figure Figure 2(b): Schematic diagram of the 4(a)) or by increasing the pH in the variation of free energy with particle case of positively charged particles separation at higher salt concentrations (figure 4(b)). showing the possibility of a secondary minimum. If the zeta potential is reduced (e.g. in high salt concentrations), there is a Figure 3: Steric and electrostatic possibility of a “secondary minimum” stabilization mechanisms of being created, where a much weaker colloidal dispersions and potentially reversible adhesion between particles exists (figure 2 (b)). These weak flocs are sufficiently a ceramic slip is cast and sintered, the stable not to be broken up by polymer has to be ‘burnt out’. This Figure 4(a): Origin of surface Brownian motion, but may disperse causes shrinkage and can lead to charge by ionisation of acidic under an externally applied force such defects. groups to give a negatively as vigorous agitation. charged surface Electrostatic or charge stabilization Therefore to maintain the stability of has the benefits of stabilizing or the colloidal system, the repulsive flocculating a system by simply forces must be dominant. How can altering the concentration of ions in colloidal stability be achieved? There the system. This is a reversible are two fundamental mechanisms that process and is potentially affect dispersion stability (figure 3): inexpensive. • Steric repulsion - this involves It has long been recognised that the polymers added to the system zeta potential is a very good index of Figure 4(b): Origin of surface adsorbing onto the particle the magnitude of the interaction charge by ionisation of basic surface and preventing the between colloidal particles and groups to give a positively charged particle surfaces coming into measurements of zeta potential are surface close contact. If enough polymer commonly used to assess the stability of colloidal systems. 2 Zetasizer Nano series technical note MRK654-01
  • 3. Differential loss of ions from the crystal lattice As an example, consider a crystal of silver iodide placed in water. Solution of ions occurs. If equal amounts of Ag+ and I- ions were to dissolve, the surface would be uncharged. In fact silver ions dissolve preferentially, Figure 6(b): Origin of surface leaving a negatively charged surface charge by specific adsorption (figure 5). If Ag+ ions are now added of an anonic surfactant. R = the charge falls to zero. Further hydrocarbon chain addition leads to a positively charged surface. The Electrical Double Layer The development of a nett charge at the particle surface affects the distribution of ions in the surrounding interfacial region, resulting in an increased concentration of counter Figure 7: Schematic representation of ions, ions of opposite charge to that of zeta potential the particle, close to the surface. Thus an electrical double layer exists round particles coming together and Figure 5: Origin of surface charge each particle. flocculating. by differential solution of silver ions from a AgI surface Zeta Potential The general dividing line between stable and unstable suspensions is Adsorption of charged species The liquid layer surrounding the generally taken at either +30 or -30 (ions and ionic surfactants) particle exists as two parts; an inner mV. Particles with zeta potentials region (Stern layer) where the ions Surfactant ions may be specifically more positive than +30 mV or more are strongly bound and an outer adsorbed on the surface of a particle, negative than -30 mV are normally (diffuse) region where they are less leading, in the case of cationic considered stable. However, if the firmly associated. Within the diffuse surfactants, to a positively charged particles have a density different form layer there is a notional boundary surface (figure 6(a)) and, in the case the dispersant, they will eventually inside which the ions and particles of anionic surfactants, to a negatively sediment forming a close packed bed form a stable entity. When a particle charged surface (figure 6(b)). (i.e. a hard cake). moves (e.g. due to gravity), ions within the boundary move it. Those ions beyond the boundary stay with Factors Affecting Zeta Potential the bulk dispersant. The potential at this boundary (surface of (1) pH hydrodynamic shear) is the zeta In aqueous media, the pH of the potential (figure 7). sample is one of the most important The magnitude of the zeta potential factors that affects its zeta potential. A gives an indication of the potential zeta potential value on its own without Figure 6(a): Origin of surface defining the solution conditions is a charge by specific adsorption stability of the colloidal system. If all the particles in suspension have a virtually meaningless number. of a cationic surfactant. R = Imagine a particle in suspension with hydrocarbon chain large negative or positive zeta potential then they will tend to repel a negative zeta potential. If more each other and there will be no alkali is added to this suspension then tendency for the particles to come the particles tend to acquire more together. However, if the particles negative charge. If acid is added to have low zeta potential values then this suspension then a point will be there will be no force to prevent the reached where the charge will be 3 Zetasizer Nano series technical note MRK654-01
  • 4. 3+ neutralised. Further addition of acid A trivalent ion such as Al will Streaming potential: the electric field will cause a build up of positive compress the double layer to a generated when a liquid is forced to charge. Therefore a zeta potential greater extent in comparison with a flow past a stationary charged surface versus pH curve will be positive at low monovalent ion such as Na+. pH and lower or negative at high pH. Sedimentation potential: the electric There may be a point where the plot Inorganic ions can interact with field generated when charged passes through zero zeta potential. charged surfaces in one of two particles sediment This point is called the isoelectric distinct ways (i) non-specific ion point and is very important from a adsorption where they have no effect Electrophoresis practical consideration. It is normally on the isoelectric point. (ii) specific ion When an electric field is applied the point where the colloidal system is adsorption, which will lead to a across an electrolyte, charged least stable. change in the value of the isoelectric particles suspended in the electrolyte point. The specific adsorption of ions are attracted towards the electrode of A typical plot of zeta potential versus onto a particle surface, even at low opposite charge. Viscous forces pH is shown in figure 8. In this concentrations, can have a dramatic acting on the particles tend to oppose example, the isoelectric point of the effect on the zeta potential of the this movement. When equilibrium is sample is at approximately pH 5.5. In particle dispersion. In some cases, reached between these two opposing addition, the plot can be used to specific ion adsorption can lead to forces, the particles move with predict that the sample should be charge reversal of the surface. constant velocity. stable at pH values less than 4 (sufficient positive charge is present) 3. Concentration of a formulation The velocity is dependent on the and greater than pH 7.5 (sufficient component strength of electric field or voltage negative charge is present). Problems gradient, the dielectric constant of the The effect of the concentration of a with dispersion stability would be medium, the viscosity of the medium formulation component on the zeta expected at pH values between 4 and and the zeta potential. potential can give information to assist 7.5 as the zeta potential values are in formulating a product to give The velocity of a particle in a unit between +30 and -30mV. maximum stability. The influence of electric field is referred to as its known contaminants on the zeta electrophoretic mobility. Zeta potential potential of a sample can be a is related to the electrophoretic powerful tool in formulating the mobility by the Henry equation:- product to resist flocculation for example. UE = 2 ε z f(κa) 3η Electrokinetic Effects where UE = electrophoretic mobility, z An important consequence of the = zeta potential, ε = dielectric existence of electrical charges on the constant, η = viscosity and f(κa) = surface of particles is that they Henry’s function. Figure 8: Typical plot of zeta potential interact with an applied electric field. versus pH showing the position of the These effects are collectively defined The units of κ, termed the Debye isoelectric point and the pH values as electrokinetic effects. There are length, are reciprocal length and κ-1 is where the dispersion would be four distinct effects depending on the often taken as a measure of the expected to be stable way in which the motion is induced. “thickness” of the electrical double These are: layer. The parameter ‘a’ refers to the Electrophoresis: the movement of a radius of the particle and therefore κa charged particle relative to the liquid it measures the ratio of the particle 2. Conductivity radius to electrical double layer is suspended in under the influence of The thickness of the double layer (κ-1) an applied electric field thickness (figure 9). Electrophoretic depends upon the concentration of determinations of zeta potential are ions in solution and can be calculated Electroosmosis: the movement of a most commonly made in aqueous from the ionic strength of the medium. liquid relative to a stationary charged media and moderate electrolyte The higher the ionic strength, the surface under the influence of an concentration. F(κa) in this case is more compressed the double layer electric field 1.5, and this is referred to as the becomes. The valency of the ions will Smoluchowski approximation. also influence double layer thickness. Therefore calculation of zeta potential 4 Zetasizer Nano series technical note MRK654-01
  • 5. from the mobility is straightforward for electrophoresis in combination with passed to a digital signal processor 4 systems that fit the Smoluchowski M3-PALS. and then to a computer 5. The model, i.e. particles larger than about Zetasizer Nano software produces a 0.2 microns dispersed in electrolytes The M3-PALS Technique frequency spectrum from which the containing more that 10-3 molar salt. electrophoretic mobility and hence The Zetasizer Nano Series uses a zeta potential is calculated. The For small particles in low dielectric combination of laser Doppler intensity of the detected, scattered constant media (eg non-aqueous velocimetry and phase analysis light light must be within a specific range media), f(κa) becomes 1.0 and allows scattering (PALS) in a patented for the detector to successfully an equally simple calculation. This is technique called M3-PALS to measure it. This is achieved using an referred to as the Huckel measure particle electrophoretic attenuator 6, which adjusts the approximation. mobility. Implementation of M3-PALS intensity of the light reaching the enables even samples of very low sample and hence the intensity of the mobility to be analysed and their scattering. To correct for any mobility distributions calculated. differences in the cell wall thickness PALS can give an increase in and dispersant refraction, performance of greater than 100 compensation optics 7 are installed times that associated with standard to maintain optimum alignment. measurement techniques. This allows the measurement of high conductivity samples, plus the ability to accurately measure samples that have low particle mobilities, such as samples Figure 9: Schematic illustrating dispersed in non-aqueous solvents. Huckel and Smoluchowski's Low applied voltages can now be approximations used for the used to avoid any risk of sample conversion of electrophoretic mobility effects due to Joule heating. into zeta potential Further information discussing the techniques of laser Doppler electrophoresis and M3-PALS can be Measuring Electrophoretic found in various articles available on Mobility the Malvern Instruments web-site The essence of a classical micro- electrophoresis system is a capillary Optical Configuration of a cell with electrodes at either end to Zeta Potential Instrument which a potential is applied. Particles Figure 10: Optical configuration of move towards the electrode, their A zeta potential measurement system the Zetasizer Nano series for zeta velocity is measured and expressed in comprises of six main components potential measurements unit field strength as their mobility. (figure 10). Firstly, a laser 1 is used to provides a light source to illuminate Early methods involved the process of the particles within the sample. For directly observing individual particles zeta potential measurements, this References using ultra-microscope techniques light source is split to provide an Derjaguin, B.V. and Landau, L. (1941) and manually tracking their progress incident and reference beam. The Acta Physiochim. URSS, 14, 633. over a measured distance. This incident laser beam passes through procedure, although still being used the centre of the sample cell 2, and Verway, E.J.W. and Overbeek, J. Th. by many groups world wide, suffers the scattered light at an angle of G. (1948) Theory of the Stability of from several disadvantages, not least about 13o is detected 3. When an Lyophobic Colloids, Elsevier, that of the strenuous effort required to electric field is applied to the cell, any Amsterdam. make a measurement, particularly particles moving through the with small or poorly scattering measurement volume will cause the Hunter, R.J. (1988) Zeta Potential In particles. The technique used in intensity of light detected to fluctuate Colloid Science: Principles And Malvern’s Zetasizer Nano range of with a frequency proportional to the Applications, Academic Press, UK. instruments is laser Doppler particle speed and this information is 5 Zetasizer Nano series technical note MRK654-01
  • 6. Shaw, D.J. (1992) Introduction To Colloid And Surface Chemistry, Butterworth Heinemann, UK. Everett, D.H. (1994) Basic Principles Of Colloid Science, The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. Ross, S. and Morrison, I.D. (1988) Colloidal Systems and Interfaces, John Wiley and Sons, USA. Lyklema, J. (2000) Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science: Volume 1 (Fundamentals), Academic Press, UK. Measuring Zeta Potential: Laser Doppler Electrophoresis, Technical Note available from Measuring Zeta Potential Using Phase Analysis Light Scattering (PALS), Technical Note available from Measuring Zeta Potential: A New Technique, Technical Note available from Simplifying the Measurement of Zeta Potential Using M3-PALS, Technical Note available from Malvern Instruments Ltd Enigma Business Park • Grovewood Road • Malvern • Worcestershire • UK • WR14 1XZ Tel: +44 (0)1684 892456 • Fax: +44 (0)1684 892789 Malvern Instruments Worldwide Sales and service centers in over 50 countries for details visit more information at 6 Zetasizer Nano series technical note MRK654-01