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Good Practices Manual – english version -
Projetos da Ação 2 – Parcerias entre Escolas
Programa ERASMUS+
Contrato Financeiro N.º 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024069_5
2016 - 2018
Agrupamento de Escolas de Vieira de Leiria
R.D. Luis Pereira Coutinho
2430-909 Vieira de Leiria
"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does
not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of
the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which
may be made of the information contained therein."
Letizia Foschi (coordinator, Italy)
Cinzia di Giorgio (supervisor, Italy)
Emanuela Onofri (supervisor and lesson plans, Italy)
Cristina di Brandimarte (lesson plans, Italy)
Cinzia di Giorgio (lesson plans, Italy)
Paola Sardella (lesson plans, Italy)
Josefina Fernandez (coordinator and lesson plans, Spain)
Livia Dioșan (coordinator and lesson plans, Romania)
Nicoleta Apostol (supervisor and lesson plans, Romania)
Monica Incze (lesson plans, Romania)
Anca Rancov (lesson plans, Romania)
Vasiu Diana (lesson plans, Romania)
Rodica Olteanu-Moldovan (lesson plans, Romania)
Celina Almășan (lesson plans, Romania)
Andreea Șarlea (lesson plans, Romania)
Georgeta Mărginean (lesson plans, Romania)
Grosu Elena (lesson plans, Romania)
Feraru Stelian (lesson plans, Romania)
Boris Rancov (lesson plans, Romania)
Anamaria Fiț (lesson plans, Romania)
Ioana Brok (lesson plans, Romania)
Păcurar Florin (lesson plans, Romania)
Păcurar Alexandra (lesson plans, Romania)
Jose Soares (coordinator, Portugal)
Rosalia Gomes (lesson plans, Portugal)
Ana Mendes (lesson plans, Portugal)
Hermínia Sapateiro (lesson plans, Portugal)
Katarzyna Wesierska (coordinator, Poland)
Honorata Antosiewicz (lesson plans, Poland)
Malgorzata Jagodzinska (lesson plans, Poland)
Anna Sokolowska (lesson plans, Poland)
Elzbieta Wychucka (lesson plans, Poland)
Malgorzata Gozdziak (lesson plans, Poland)
Malgorzata Witoslawska-Filipek (lesson plans, Poland)
Jolanta Stosio (lesson plans, Poland)
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5
2. Partners in this project:........................................................... Erro! Marcador não definido.
2.1. Comprehensive Institute of Alba Adriatica, Alba Adriatica, Italy (coordinator).. Erro!
Marcador não definido.
2.2. Ceip Gloria Arenillas, Zaragoza, Spain (partner).....................................................8
2.3. Art School"Regina Maria", Alba Iulia, Romania (partner)........... Erro! Marcador não
2.4. Vieira de Leiria Grouping School , Vieira de Leiria, Portugal (partner) Erro! Marcador
não definido.
2.5. Szkola Podstawowa nr. 2 im. Jana Kochanowskiego, Zabki, Poland (partner) .......11
3. General idea of the project ..................................................................................................... 12
4. Project objectives.................................................................................................................... 13
5. Expected impacts .................................................................................................................... 14
6. Educational Requirements and standarts............................................................................... 15
7. Target-groups.......................................................................................................................... 15
8. Transnational character of the project ................................................................................... 15
9. Innovation Project................................................................................................................... 16
10. Learning Methodologies ....................................................................................................... 17
o! Marcador não definido.
10.1.1. ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 17
10.2 PART 2: TEACHING AND LEARNING SCIENCE BY MUSIC.... Erro! Marcador não definido.
10.2.1. ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 48
10.3.1. ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 78
Erro! Marcador não definido.
10.4.1. ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................... 100
10.5.1. ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................... 127
11. Main results and impacts .................................................................................................... 152
1. Introduction
Music is… Life Long Learning
This handbook shows different school subjects teaching-learning methodologies for native
language, science, mathematics and information technology through music. Those methods
were developed, applied, tested and validated over two years in five European schools in Italy,
Spain, Romania, Portugal and Poland. Those methodologies were corroborated by applying
them in groups of students from pre-school, elementary school, middle school and high
school. The classes were prepared and taught by teachers from different levels and also from
different school subjects (science, maths, I.T., history, foreign languages, native languages,
physics, etc.…), from music teachers, and also psychologists and sociologists. In Vieira de Leiria
grouping schools more than 80 teachers and about 600 students were involved in activities
during these two years in the Music is… Life Long Learning project implementation, which final
result was this handbook.
Music is… Life Long Learning is a strategic partnership project between European schools which
have received funding from the Erasmus + project, Key Action 2 project and with the financial
contract number 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024069_5. The Erasmus + program is a European Union
program for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. In Portugal, the
program is coordinated by the National Agency for Erasmus + Education and Training.
Music is ... Life Long Learning is a project which goal is to achieve the key competences in the
field of education established by the European Union in several fields through music. Students
from the 5 countries who took part in this project, between 2016 and 2018, participated in
numerous learning activities using music.
The beneficiaries of this project were schools from different levels of Education (preschool to
High School), students, teachers from different curricular areas, students’ families who were
involved and who participated in these learning events (national and international) and local
school communities that were involved in different and diverse learning moments and in the
diffusion of the activities.
2. Partners in this project
2.1. Comprehensive Institute of Alba Adriatica, Alba Adriatica, Italy
Italian school: Introduction
Comprehensive Institute of Alba Adriatica
The Comprehensive School of Alba Adriatica (Te) is a State school with pupils of Nursery
School, Primary and Secondary of First Instance, for a total of about 1200 units (300 children,
550 primary and 350 secondary). Since 1992 the Institute is on the musical direction that gives
pupils the opportunity to study different instruments: piano, violin, guitar and flute; also for over
twenty years a ceramic laboratory in line with the local tradition Castellana is active.
The context is characterized by an important rate of instability of the population: the
area is a strong migratory process that generates continuous streams from a plurality of
backgrounds, cultures and traditions; register, in fact, during the year new registrations and
transfers to and from other locations. In the current year, the percentage of pupils with non-
Italian citizenship is around 19,23% of the total population. (Albania, Romania, Chinese).
In accordance with the musical Address, all the institute's schools have initiated projects
for two decades to develop the musical sensibility of pupils through instrumental and choral
practice, in continuity between the various orders, participating in various national projects (
"Music 2020 "," DM8 / 11 "," musical Scenes "," Opera Domani 2015 ") and realizing the
expansion of training activities in the artistic and musical field, through interdisciplinary
educational courses in music, theater, dance, as tools for ' education and pupils' well-being. The
Institute also collaborates with centers, organizations and associations operating in the territory,
to strengthen the school inclusion and customization of educational pathways, for which there
are agreements with: local social services, rehabilitation centers and multidisciplinary Unit of
the ASL .
Since 2012 the Institute has initiated the revision of the educational path educational
planning according to the New Directions. Through networks of schools training courses were
activated for skill development that has contributed to the drafting of a vertical curriculum
Different experiences of European character: Comenius Project "Unity in Diversity"
2010-2012, Etwinning with mobility "Online Friends" 2012-2013, Etwinning with mobility
"Actors for a Year" 2013-2014, Etwinning no mobility "Let's be Cooks "2013-2014, Erasmus +"
EU Stress Free Schools "from 2014 to 2016 is currently underway. Through them, the Institute
has broadened the job prospects which have derived benefit teachers, students, families and
the realities in the area.
The Headmaster has a degree in Biological Sciences, was Professor of Science for 30
years in the secondary school of second degree at the Technical Institute of Nereto and high
schools and Giulianova Nereto. While teaching in High School oversaw the coordination of the
teaching of the Joint Educational Project - PEC - "Chemistry versus language: from laboratory
experiments integration between peoples", Socrates Programme, Sub-Action Language E, in
collaboration with Liceo Polycladico of Edessa - Greece, built in 1998; was also Project
Coordinator of the European Educational - PEE - "Living Healthly", Socrates Programme,
Comenius Sub-program, led by the "Robert Haveman Ober Schule" in Berlin, from 1998 to 2001.
The teacher coordinator holds the Diploma of Master diploma, the diploma of technical
and commercial maturity, a Bachelor's degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature and
the Diploma of qualification to the secondary SISS. And 'role teacher in the primary school of
Alba Capital since 2006, teaches English and Mathematics. Expert in L2 English, has participated
in all European projects (Comenius, Etwinning with and without mobility, Erasmus +) which took
part in the school and currently coordinates the participation as a school partner Erasmus +
"Stress Free Schools Eu", makes use of valuable and effective collaboration of the teachers of
the Erasmus + working group, specialized in English language and in music education. Especially
the music team includes: Professor Mariapaola Sardella Professor of Music Education of
Secondary School of First Instance, graduated in DAMS, carrying less piano, specialized on the
support and qualified teacher of music in secondary first and second able; Prof. Alessandro
Ascani teacher musical instrument (violin) music address the secondary level, graduated in Violin
and Viola (old system), Bienno II level to address teaching and Biennium II interpretative level
and composition, of post-graduate diploma "History of music" and advanced diploma "Archives
and music library science", the training course on musical "Stage" for Orchestra Professors; the
teacher Cinzia Di Giorgio, teacher of primary school, graduated in violin with the old system has
a degree of second level in musical disciplines "Disciplinary sector Violin"; the teacher Emanuela
Onofri the kindergarten teacher has a degree in Arts, Conservatory diploma in cello, several
training courses on the teaching of music, including Diambrini, Lameiro, Dalcroze. Numerous
other courses attended by teachers for the teaching of music and instrumental practice. The
Sardella teachers, Di Giorgio and Onofri started a training program called MusicainMovimento
the Dalcroze method.
Precisely for cross-fertilization and verticality of the project are active and integral part
of the working group of the teachers of the various disciplines of primary school and also
experience of kindergarten fields.
2.2. Ceip Gloria Arenillas, Zaragoza, SPAIN (partner)
Spanish School : Introduction
Ceip Gloria Arenillas, Zaragoça
Ceip Gloria Arenillas is a small public school, kindergarten and primary, with 160
students aged 3 to 12 years, with a staff of 14 teachers, among which there are two English
teachers and one music teacher. Most of the students are local, only some of them come from
South America and Africa and are well integrated into the community. The Institute is located in
a working-class neighborhood, the socio-economic level is not very high.
In recent years learning music has reached an important role: there is a large choir of
the school, some students study different instruments and a part of them attended regular
classes at the local conservatory. In addition there are various projects which connect the music
to other areas of learning.
As mentioned earlier, a team of teachers under the direction of music teacher brought
some projects forward using music to facilitate learning in other areas. The desire to deepen this
aspect of teaching has become more and more insistent, and in the consolidated time gradually
more profitable studies.
The music teacher works at the same time as Professor of Music Education at the
University of Zaragoza. He graduated in music pedagogy and music theory and a doctorate in a
program of the theme of development of verbal language and music in pre-school with the
Thesis: The oral language awareness process and wrote music in a class of kindergarten.
The research objective was to create educational environments that facilitate the
process of teaching-learning of the linguistic fact, from an approach in which the language and
the music showed their complementarity and mutual enrichment, in a co-equal approach
between speeches. In this process the song occupies the axis of each unit because it connects
and merges both speeches naturally. It took place in early childhood education with
their generalist teachers, led by the music specialist, who acted as an observer in the classroom.
2.3.Art School"Regina Maria", Alba Iulia, Romania (partner)
Romania School : Introduction
Art School ”Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia is the only educational institution with artistic
specialities from Alba County: specialized music, fine arts and architecture.
The school mission is the promotion of value in the artistic field and transference of the
fondness for beauty for students and community. Within this context, the student feels competent,
connected to others, autonomous and prosperous. Students are the messengers of spirituality and
creativity, always presenting the results of their work at musical and visual events revealing an
outstanding accuracy and bringing joy and rising the cultural standards of the city and the Centre
Art, as an endless process of creation, requires ambition, perseverance and talent. Liceul
de Arte makes the most of students’ artistic potential in order to change their perception of
themselves and of the world, as well as integrating them in a global and diverse society.
The general fields of study are: language and communication (Romanian, English,
French), mathematics and natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology,
information technology), man and society (history, geography, religion, logic, argumentation and
communication, psychology, economy, philosophy, entrepreneurial education, social education,
civics), arts, technologies, sports, counseling and guidance. The structure of the specialised
artistic education is different for each speciality – music, fine and decorative arts, visual arts and
The subjects for the specialities studied are:
1. Music (primary, secondary and high school levels): piano, string instruments (violin, viola,
cello, guitar), woodwind and brass instruments (flute, clarinet, trumpet), vocal music (classic,
jazz, folkloric), theoretical subjects, history of music, theory and solfeggi, harmony, chamber
music, ensembles (choir, orchestra, folkloric), rhythmics.
2. Fine arts (secondary and high school levels) and architecture (high school level): drawing,
painting, sculpture, ceramics, colour, modelling, history of arts, study groups according to the
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria” is one of the most valuable artistic institutions from Alba County
due to the remarkable results obtained throughout the years regarding the confrontation within
the specialized regional, national and international olympiads, contests and festivals, as well as
the presence of our graduates at prestigious institutions of higher education from Romania and
abroad, along with the integration of the students on the working market in their specialized study
fields. Hundreds of prizes and awards are won annually at county, regional, national and
international contests (in the school year 2017-2018 alone, students won more than 200 prizes).
The school sustained the development of community relations by establishing
collaborations with representative institutions of the local community (City Hall, School County
Inspectorate, County Council, Police, Firefighters), with economic agents from the county in
order to arrange the space necessary for the exhibition of students’ works, by carrying out
common programmes with the kindergartens from the city, by signing partnerships with The
Unification Museum, ASTRA Association, “Lucian Blaga” County Library, “1 Decembrie 1918”
University Alba Iulia, Alba Community Foundation, as well as with various schools from Alba
county and other counties too.
Liceul de Arte „Regina Maria” emphasizes the importance of teamwork, self-study and
collaboration took place during the music, the fine arts and the architecture courses, this being
one of the main objectives of the institution. Students are integrated into the atmosphere after art
school and years offer them the opportunity to become familiar with the public art and its
implications for the artist's work. Every day spent in school becomes the page of a novel about
the discovery of the influence of art on the personal and professional growth of the students. The
school provides the following specific areas of education: instrumental music, vocal art, classical
singing, folklore, jazz music.
Students of Liceul de Arte Regina Maria belong to different ethnic groups (Romanians,
Hungarians, Germans, Moldavians, Italians, Espanhards, Gypsies), coming from different social
and economic backgrounds, from both rural and urban areas, many of them being commuters.
Students also belong to different religions: Christian, orthodox, greek-Catholic, Roman Catholic,
Protestant, Pentecostal, Adventist, Baptist etc.
The quality management is based on the entire community of teachers working together towards
achieving the institution's objectives. The school has tools for monitoring, evaluation and
implementation of quality control strategies by teachers in order to improve the teaching and
learning process, whose influence extends to the families and the communities from which
students come.
2.4. Vieira de Leiria Grouping School , Vieira de Leiria, Portugal (partner)
Portuguese School: Introduction
Vieira de Leiria Grouping School
The Agrupamento de Escolas de Vieira de Leiria is located in the west coast in the town
of Marinha Grande. The school is situated within the great Mediterranean scrub forest consists
of the Pinhal de Leiria and is very close to the banks of the River Lis and the mouth of the river
on the Atlantic Ocean. This group is made up of nursery schools, 1st cycle, 2nd cycle, 3rd cycle
and secondary. The students come from the town and surrounding areas, among them some
migrant children from countries of Eastern Europe, China and some Portuguese-speaking
This group of schools is frequented by students from 3 years to 18 years of age. Schools
have different classrooms, one classroom for music education, many with multimedia projector,
various materials for the practice of teaching experiments, a reprographic, notebooks, a school
library, a games room and playgrounds. Schools have different spaces where students can play
including a small recreational park. There are teachers with various specializations. Educators in
kindergarten and 1st cycle teachers are specialized in different areas of teaching such as
literature, mathematics, science, sports and art, the teachers of the second cycle are experts in
literature, mathematics, history, English, music , sports and art. Schools have different operating
assistants and other staff that helps in the cleaning and maintenance of the garden spaces.
The student population is made up of students from different social strata and the vast
majority are children of workers of the glass molds and plastic industries and some services.
There are several needy students and benefiting from social support of the municipality.
The school program is quite varied and beyond the structural curriculum subjects,
students of elementary schools have their curriculum enriched, from the age of six years, with
learning music, physical education, technologies of 'information and communication
technologies (ICT), dance and English.
School performance in national examinations are in line with the average observed at
national level, but the school is working to improve these results and to counter the downward
trend of recent years and is considered very important to involve students, teachers and families
in new projects that enable new approaches to the teaching of science and mathematics. The
importance of education in the different types of art in the development of the curriculum the
student has achieved a greater expression in schools, recognizing gradually, the value of its
interrelationship with other areas of education, such as mathematics, science and literature.
And 'strong awareness that early contact with the different forms of expression, with particular
attention to expression and music education are fundamental contributions to the construction
of active individuals in their learning, educated, a good citizen, with the knowledge and skills to
take over one's life, with a critical spirit of all that surrounds them.
In recent years the school has been involved in different European projects and has been
able to establish partnerships with other institutions. Erasmus + projects have contributed
immensely to improving student learning.
2.5.Szkola Podstawowa nr. 2 im. Jana Kochanowskiego, Zabki, Poland
Poland School: Introduction
Primary School No. 2 in Ząbki (Poland) is a school that welcomes students of nursery and
primary school. The school is located in the suburbs of Warsaw, the country's capital. This results
in a rapid and steady influx of new students, who travel from distant lands. There is also a
significant number of children of foreigners, especially from Ukraine.
Since 1999, the school was the first land to have available qualified teaching staff for the
integration of children with disadvantages or fewer opportunities. All children who need
support, can attend the social therapy lessons for the psychological education, sensory
integration and the Tomatis method. They are carried out by various specialists.
Wide and broad is the range of extracurricular activities, for the development and
support of the students. The children mature their interest to participate in the activities of the
choir, which released a CD with songs performed in various celebrations, and is currently
preparing to record a new CD with songs. The school gives students the opportunity to study
different instruments: piano, violin, guitar and flute. The teachers are proud of numerous
reports and awards in many editions of the Song Festival, as well as the Art of Warsaw Festival
of children and youth "Asteriada". Since 2009 with the idea of teachers and in collaboration with
the municipal cultural center there is a foreign traditional songs Festival aimed at students of all
local schools.
And 'tradition of the Institute hold a benefit concert, during which teachers play, and
the money raised during the presentation is spent for a good cause.
For several years they promote programs to develop the talents of students and foster
their development. And 'it presents a program for children in kindergarten who spend the
morning meeting of artists and familiarize themselves with musical instruments. The first class
of primary students have music classes once a week, and the Class 3 another hour a week.
Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 attending classes in school, at the Philharmonic, in the theater.
Attending the school choir and the instrumental group.
Younger children have music classes integrated into the initial training, which are taught
by teachers with adequate preparation for the proper education to their age group. Music
lessons for older pupils, the choir, the music ensemble were held instead by music teachers.
The music teacher, who has experience working in the project, prepares students in grades 4-6,
manages the activities of after-school and choir.
3. General Idea of the project
The education of music and through music is a global act that engages the child in all
its physical, cognitive, affective and emotional, and in which the different levels of experience,
interact potenziandosi one another. The music is a privileged channel for increasing
motivation, commitment, creativity, the ability to work together, as well as memory and
concentration. Only through a new active pedagogy it is valued the personal contribution of
each, so the music becomes an educational means of understanding and re-reading of reality.
The strong idea of the project comes from the observation of the pupils during the
musical workshop activities in which you take active methodologies (Dalcroze, Orff, Delfrati)
and the detection of attitudes of awareness and participation in the learning process is the
individual pupil that of the class. Thus grew the belief that cognitive processes thus triggered in
this learning environment, can be activated in different areas to encourage the development
of other skills.
It should be emphasized that music is a common and unifying factor for the younger
generation who can find in it the necessary motivation to learn, and whereby the more
disadvantaged pupils the way to achieve essential milestones in the learning process. Finally it
can be an invaluable resource for a quality education from early childhood, which in turn
produces positive long-term results, especially for pupils with more difficulties.
Since the 2006 Recommendation of the Parliament and the European Council, which
introduced the framework of key competences for lifelong learning, the European Schools are
seeking methodologies and teaching strategies that allow young people, with special attention
to those in disadvantaged situations, to develop the eight key competences set out by the
Union. The partner schools have identified in Music a transversal tool for developing them.
4. Project objectives
• Propose, experiment and exchange best practices and musical active teaching
methods, cross to other educational areas of learning;
• Optimizing the achievement of key skills;
• Favor in an optical of inclusion pupils with fewer opportunities;
• Build a challenging and purposeful route from early childhood in an
evolutionary process that respects and enhances the student's nature and
involves the psycho-cognitive sphere as a whole;
• Create a learning environment and research around the best practices;
• Manifest gradually complementarity of practices in a global perspective and
leave tangible results that can also be used by others.
The partner schools are 5, 1400 participants were be involved, of which about 200
people with fewer opportunities, were carried out 80 student mobility (including at least 24
students with fewer opportunities), 68 mobility of teachers and headteachers.
They are all public schools, four of which are generalist schools with children from
kindergarden to secondary, one, the Romanian, is a lyceum with a focus on arts and music that
welcomes children from 6 up to 18 years.
There were 6 Transnational Project Meeting, the first in Italy (kick-off meeting) to start
the project, the next 5 were held concurrently with 5 Short-term Joint Staff Training Events
and 5 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in the following order: Spain, Romania,
Portugal, Poland and Italy again.
The activities are divided into five blocks, each headed by a partner with particular
expertise on the subject and coordinating, from the Transnational Project Meeting that
precedes, the activities that each partner will do in the next quarter and will show in the
Training Events and Mobility at the end of quarter, in the country that led the issue.
The first block is devoted to the competence in the mother tongue and is led by Spain.
The second thematic block is devoted to the scientific competence and is led by
The third block is devoted to the mathematical and digital competences and is led by
The fourth thematic block is on inclusion and the educational needs of students with
fewer opportunities and is led by Poland.
The fifth block is dedicated to the competence of learning to learn and is led by Italy.
The project focused on the idea to develop the key competences of the European
framework through the use of music, it consists in the exchange of good practices already
tested by each of the partners, are studied in deep and tested in all partner schools and the
impact is evaluated on the pupils' skills. It will be edite a Manual of Good Practices in order to
implement the activities in different schools and defined the guidelines.
5. Expected impacts
On students: improvement in the achievement of key skills, starting from early
childhood, in the mother tongue, in science, math, digital competence, learning to learn, in an
inclusive approach with special attention to students with fewer opportunities; increased
motivation; more artistic and musical awareness; Most civic and European spirit.
On teachers: increase their knowledge and teaching skills, focusing to work on skills
with active teaching methods, enrichment of educational and motivational tools to use in
On the participating organizations: increasing the quality of teaching planning,
improvement of the climate and the spirit of the school, acquisition and application of new
methodologies that increase the educational effectiveness, improving student achievement,
reducing the disparity of results, increased motivation, increase of teachers' professionalism,
integration of best practices in the school curriculum, improving the image and attractiveness
of the school.
The potential long-term benefits could be:
• Sensitize other schools to innovation of teaching and to exploit the
opportunities of European projects;
• Share what we expect to be a best practice;
• Improve the spirit and the founding principles of the European Union in their
respective countries;
• Address European policies to a greater appreciation of Music;
• Future more competent citizens, aware and with a greater sense of civic duty
and the European spirit.
6. Educational Requirements and standarts
• Know oneself, in order to meet others in real and authentic way
• Develop positive behaviors, self-discipline, judgment, sense of responsibility,
the ability to cooperate and communicate positively with others
• Motivating commitment towards school, their classmates, the company
• Strengthen interpersonal ties
• Search within yourself the necessary skills to find the resolution of problems in
a internal locus of control
• Make positive decisions, also in terms of physical well-being
• Encouraging respect for oneself and others, valuing individual differences
• Develop conducted study, research logically-transferable operational
processes in different contexts
• Organize their knowledge in a creative, stimulating to better express their
7. Target-groups
• Pupils of the kindergarten, primary and secondary school level, in view of
• Teachers of kindergarten, primary and secondary, with the fundamental
support of music teachers and English language teachers.
• The families of the students involved in the project and the international
mobility, as well as the school community especially during the periods of
8. Transnational character of the project
By the recommendations of 2006 on lifelong learning and key competences, schools
across Europe have had to make an effort, not yet completed, to address the historically
didactic purpose of acquiring knowledge to achievement of competence. Whereas education
for skills is not yet fully mature and applied uniformly in the continent, we believe that the
very transnational framework is the most appropriate to develop and exchange good practices
on it, with a view to greater convergence and consistency of results between countries.
Furthermore, the specificities of the project that involves the use of music as a vehicle
to acquire other skills narrows the field of possible partners, hardly available, with a
comparable level of complementarity, in a domestic context.
9. Innovation Project
The project is innovative in design, implementation and dissemination of its results.In
terms of design it is innovative because it would allow the dissemination of good practices,
which so far have been purely musical scope prerogative, using them as a vehicle to raise the
transverse relevant pupil skills in other areas and disciplines, thus contributing to the
implementation concrete of a vertical and horizontal curriculum.The student, in a context of
increasing complexity pedagogical, being an active part of the learning process, acquires
greater participation and motivation. The latter, as is known, is the lever that maximizes the
commitment and performance of learners.Thanks to the "universal language of music" will
promote more opportunities for integration in the context of multiculturalism. We also noted
that the most disadvantaged pupils, especially those who have difficulty in abstraction and
concentration, on the same property as that of music, are more space and opportunity to
acquire skills and competences.In terms of implementation it is innovative because it involves
the students since their early childhood to the end of basic education, in an educational
verticality logical and comprehensive application of the disciplines, skills and competences.
The assumption is that the more early and persistent is the use of good practices, inclusive and
motivating, the greater the long-term benefits. Furthermore, the ability to compare,
experiment and share experiences, techniques and sensitivity developed in different countries
for the history, culture and tradition, can further enrich the set of effective teaching tools and
successful available to individual participating schools. Verticality, transversality and the
internationality of the project develops and promotes the growth of an educational
community, not just limited to teachers directly involved in the project activities.
In terms of dissemination of results the project is innovative because it aims to share
the best results it will produce not only within the whole school community of the
participating institutions, but with the help of networks of schools primarily with neighboring
regions to partner schools and, via the web, social networks, national and international
specialized portals for teaching, with the greatest possible number of schools, teachers and
10. Learning Methodologies
10.1.1. ARGUMENT
The first block of activities was devoted to the competence in the mother tongue and was
led by Spain. Alguns estudos mostram-nos que o Ensino da música promove:
• Better Phonological Word Recognition (Bolduc and Montesinos-Gelet, 2005).
• Faster development of metalinguistic skills (Friedman, 1959).
• Greater success in reading and writing (Gombert, 1991; Lecoq, 1991).
• Correlation between musical learning and linguistic learning (Gronko, 2005; Bolduc,
Why teaching Mother Tongue through Music? Taking into account some Musical
Pedagogues we highlight: Willems: “Musical development and the development of language
acquisition follow the same steps: live, feel, raise awareness, create”; Kodaly: “The popular
song is the base of the education because it picks up the linguistic and musical characteristics
of the own culture. We have to educate the ear and the voice”; Orff and Wuytack: “ Music,
movement and language go together.
The contents that we wanted interrelate in this project have been:
• Auditory development/ linguistic comprehension/ visual acuity: To improve attention,
recognition, visual and auditory memory to understand, to speak, to read and write in
every language.
• Vocabulary: To expand vocabulary of a Semantic field.
• Language Knowledge: grammar, orthography; for example: circle the adjectives of a
song, looking for adverbs, interjections or articles. Write the accent on the words of
this song that need it.
• Reading fluence and prosodic elements: Interest to read. Students read by singing
applying the intonation, accentuation and rhythm.
• Written expression and creativity: To use different types of texts. Creativity working in
heterogeneous working teams (team buildings) improve significant learning in a
process that start with the experience through the reflection and to be aware until
their own productions. The collaborative action, research between teachers favour
sharing resources and teaching strategies and this always improve all educative
systems: Cooperation and metacognitive development.
• Structure/ Form/ Rhyme: Musicalize poems, riddles, tongue twisters, etc.
• Vocal and Instrumental expression and Communicate feelings, ideas and thoughts.
“Words, song and rhythm are inextricably linked in the Greek Tragedy, producing a unique
feeling in the soul of listeners”. Aristoteles.
The planned activities were:
• Active listening: feelings that produces the music and lyrics of the songs and
relationships between them, vocabulary and semantic field;
• Relation between oral languages (music and verbal discourse): intonation, accent,
syllables, syllables and musical notes, syllables and musical figures, rhymes
• Relation between written languages: fluency and intonation, accent, pauses. poetic
structure: verses, stanzas, rhymes, refrains. Narrative structure.
• Variation between words and / or melody in the song
• Development of new texts or melody of a song, processing of various types of text in
relation to the musical theme of the song;
• Arts: relations with the visual arts, theater, dance and movement, literature
In addition, school partners have applied their own methods in the teaching and learning of
other languages, mainly in English.
Methodology proposed by the school:
Title The blind little hen
Age/level Infant Students. 3 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active listening and Emotional Intelligence.
Time Required 1 session
Resources Voice and small instruments like a triangle.
Description of the activity A girl with blindfolds will go in the direction of the sound
which is made by a classmate. Students make a circle and in
the girl is placed in the middle.
Next they are blindfolded and given three turns, and one of
the girls starts playing an instrument or making sounds and
the girl has to go there.
Evaluation They have liked the activity-game. Playing with closed eyes at
first made them feel a little shy but later it was fun. They have
been attentive and have made it without difficulty.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title The pink cloud 1
Age/level 1st
level of primary. 6, 7 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 6 sessions
Resources Computer to listen relaxing music, paper, digital board
Description of the activity To write our fairy tale: The pink Cloud, students had to choose
the characters for the story. They invented the names (use of
capital letters).
Then they had to describe the characters: physically,
phychologically and clothes.
After that, students had to choose and describe the places
where the story occurred: Countryside, coast-beach, magic
One of the characters was a dog so students had to describe the
main characteristics of an animal, comparing it with the
description of a person.
Through the music that teacher played every day, they worked
in the fairy tale; students had to indentify and describe the
feelings of the different characters.
And finally pupils had to write the dialogues of the characters
with all the orthography rules.
In science class they were studying healthy food so they
invented a very healthy breakfast to the end of the story.
Evaluation The objectives were achieved. It was a very motivated
activity and it join them a lot because they had to respect the
decisions of the most classmate (Democracy).
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title We are storytelling teachers
Age/level 2nd
level of Primary. 7, 8 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 3 sessions
Resources Computer
Description of the activity Read aloud the song "The magic of telling" and understand
the lyrics of the song.
Learn the refrain, declaim verse by verse and sing it. Dance to
✓ Sing the song in different intensities: high, low, normal
volume; different speeds; new gestures, etc.
✓ Sing it expressing different feelings.
✓ Identify silence and create an expressive body posture.
We dance to the rhythm of the song and:
• When the refrain begins, students take a piece of
paper from a tray with the name of a feeling.
They read it when the song ends and nobody can say
anything about it.
• Each one must express himself with gestures and
movement to express the feeling.
• They observe each other and they are joined
according to the way they have identified their
✓ Mime game. The student, chosen by lot, chooses a folded
paper from a tray.
Read the situation that is proposed and express your feelings
about it. The rest must guess it.
Evaluation The proposed objectives have been achieved and a qualitative
improvement has been noted in terms of memorization,
recitation and vocalization, all this has being transferred in
the improvement of reading and in the oral expression.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title We choose Music for a poem
Age/level 2nd
level of Primary. 7, 8 years old
Main Competence
Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 2 sessions
Resources Computer
Description of the activity The activity lies in finding music for a poetry made by the
For this they must choose the melody that they like and that
they will sing with the lyrics of the poetry.
They should pay attention to choose correctly the vocal or
instrumental piece to obtain a good result.
✓ Invent a poetry.
✓ Create a song with the description made by formatting
verse to the text taking into account the rhyme. For example:
Pizza recipe with tarantella music.
Evaluation The proposed objectives have been achieved and a qualitative
improvement has been noted in terms of communicative
intention, paying more attention to listening and empathy
with the rest of the classmates.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title My aunt´s yard
Age/level 2nd
level of Primary. 7, 8 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 4 sessions
Resources Computer
Description of the activity Number of students: 6 approx. in each group.
First, the game is contextualized. Today we visit "The yard of
my aunt" and as if by magic we become animals that wake
up, stretch and say good morning, of course, each with his
Mime is used throughout the development of the game.
1) Let's start, first, with the farm animals.
One by one, they say the onomatopoeia of the animal
they have chosen. In the 2nd round they should
remember the onomatopoeia of the rest of their
● Pets, wild animals, two-legged animals, etc.
2) One emits an onomatopoeia and another identifies
what animal it is.
3) One emits an onomatopoeia and another one
identifies it with its name, example: the cat meows.
4) Song: Croak sang the frog
The children learn the song.
● We sing a verse of each verse the student that the teacher
touches on the head, as a dialogue: question- answer
● We analyze the onomatopoeia "cuckoo".
● We keep on singing Boys and girls alternate stanzas using
the boys deeper tone and the girls sharper.
5) We invented a new song with the onomatopoeias of
other animals.
6) Interpretation of the song:
● Class group, subgroups of 5 students.
● Each table interprets a couplet
● In pairs: each child sings a verse.
● In canon
Evaluation The proposed objectives have been achieved and a qualitative
improvement has been noted in terms of memorization,
recitation and vocalization. It has also been achieved that the
most reticent students in this type of activities get more
inhibit and this gives them more security and interest for the
rest of the school tasks.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title If you are happy
Age/level 4th
level of Primary. 8,10 years old
Main Competence Linguistic (English) Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 3 sessions
Resources Computer
Description of the activity Taking advantage of the fact that we are working on robotics,
the conditioners have made a first viewing of the
aforementioned video to later work the conditionals, the
active listening, since they had to perform the slogans that
appear in the song, the corporal and vocal expression, singing
and making the gestures of the emotions that come out.
Evaluation The results have been very positive.
Students identified the actions when listening to them and
carried out the planned movements.
Then they learned and sang the song
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title Strings of Rhythms
Age/level 5th
level of primary. 10, 11 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 1 session
Resources Students
Description of the activity Placed in a circle, different rhythmic chains are made,
associating a word with each time and body movement (in
this case each student associates a movement with the
pronunciation of his name). Placed in the same way, each
student makes a gesture associated with a feeling and others
must make the gestures of the others and then his until the
end of the chain making the last participant the gestures of all
his classmates and ending with his.
Evaluation After a first moment of lack of control, until understanding
the orders, the activity takes place with great interest and
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title Eco´s game
Age/level 5th
level of primary. 10, 11 years old
Main competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 4 session
Resources Flute and score
Description of the activity Divided into two groups, the students work first the rhythmic
reading of the score to later add the melodic reading. For this
we work in the form of an echo learning to listen to ourselves
and to others; to respect the turn and keep the attention to
play on time.
Evaluation Attitude in the class has been improved; we have
achieved greater silence and attention to be
able to develop the activity properly.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title From the music to the narration
Age/level 5th
level of primary. 10, 11 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 4 sessions
Resources Tablets
Description of the activity The students were grouped four by four.
They received the music of a story in which they had their
images removed.
They downloaded the file and individually listened to the
music and noted the possible situations that suggested them.
Later they shared their impressions to try to write a story
according to the music
Evaluation The activity has been very hard.
Students have tried, without success, to adapt the text to the
given music.
They have collaborated well within the groups.
The final result has moved away from what was programmed
at the beginning but finally they have invented a story and they
have applied a musical background.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title “Bartolo Bartolo”
Age/level 6th
level of primary. 11, 12 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 3 sessions
Resources Students
Description of the activity We did two activities:
1. MUSICAL RHYTHMS with our names: in a circle you
had to follow the rhythm (slap fingers - slap on the
legs) and be attentive when they say our name.
2. BARTOLO-BARTOLO: All in a sitting circle are listed to
all participants, so that the 1st is the president the
2nd is the 2nd
president, the 3rd is the Secretary, and
the rest are listed from 1 to the end.
To the rhythm of two slaps on the knees and two
normal slaps your first number is said and then you
name the person you want.
If this person loses the rhythm or does not hear that
they have appointed him, he will be the last of the
The goal is to become president. A certain time of
game is set.
Evaluation It was an activity that was fun and motivating for the
students. They found it hard to pick up the rhythm of the
game and the "song". It is necessary a concentration and
coordination that 2 students did not get.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title Tell me a Fairy tale
Age/level 6th
level of primary. 11, 12 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 4 sessions
Resources Computer, Spanish song “Cuéntame un cuento” (Celtas
Description of the activity We will work on several objectives through this song.
1. Recognition of emotions
2. Expression of emotions.
3. Word accents.
4. Differences between story, fable, legend and myth.
We listen to the song
We analyze WHAT the song says and the emotions that the
author wants to transmit and we make a list of emotions.
This work has been done in small groups and then we have put
the results in common.
After this and without having said anything the teacher, one
of the students realizes that the song has no accents.
Teacher proposed to put them.
They do it in small groups and so we file the song correctly
After this we consider what characteristics they think a story
should have.
We put some examples of stories to draw small conclusions.
After this they took the tablets and had to complete a
comparative table between FÁBULA, TALE, MYTH AND
Evaluation It was an activity that allowed us to work on many language
contents from this song.
The students had heard it but they did not know it.
From then on they sang it very happy in the corridors.
Positive evaluation of the activity.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title The clans
Age/level 6th
level of primary. 11, 12 years old
Main Competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 5 sessions
Resources Musical instruments, computer
Description of the activity
• Work of the musical rhythm.
• Recognition of emotions.
• Expression of emotions.
• Linguistic contents:
• The description
• The adjectives
• The modes of verbs
• Characteristics of the TALES
• The lyric
• Types of rhyme
• Types of stanza
• Sinalefas
• Types of poems
This has been the central activity of the 6th grade class, which
has been more elaborate and longer in time.
Let's create a musical story called: LOS CLANES
There are five groups in class.
Each group in DRIVE will create the beginning of the story
(COOPERATIVE work) in which they must include the identity
of the group (name), the characteristics of each component,
description also of the place where they live and the functions
within the clan of each of them .
Here the objective to work is the adjectives and the
After this beginning they will begin to create an IDENTITY
RHYMN that characterizes the group.
Then we will put a rhythm.
After successive adventures each of the Clans, for different
reasons, must leave the place where they live.
All the Clans end up meeting in the same place without
knowing each other.
Through the work of emotions and musical rhythm we record
the output of each group of their habitat, to be able to settle
The students created a musical rhythm, which they identified
with the fear and intrigue that caused them to join the other
Clans in a mysterious place.
All the Clans gather in the same place mysteriously.
There they go on adventures all together and at the end we
elaborate a HAKA in the different languages of the project
(Portuguese, Polish, Romanian and Italian) with the aim of
representing the emotion of UNION of all the teams that have
gone through so many adventures.
Story, together with the musical rhythm that a haka must have,
even if it were in another language totally unknown to them.
Evaluation It has been an hard activity to perform for the many tasks that
have been carried out.
The work of the story has come to be in the background,
because we have added choreography, poetry, rhythms,
We have worked more on the language content of poetry, and
everything that surrounds it.
The final result has been good. The students have grown as a
group and the cooperative work has been a success.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Title Songs and Emotions
Age/level 6th
level of primary. 11, 12 years old
Main competence Linguistic Competence
Musical Competence
Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence
Time Required 4 sessions
Resources Paper, crayons, computer to listen to the songs
Description of the activity We have done two different activities, directly working the
• Expression of emotions through drawing.
• Recognition of emotions.
• Modes of the verb.
• Emotional representation
Teacher gives the students a sheet divided into six equal parts.
We will listen to six different types of music and we must draw
something that inspires us the music and write the emotion
that it transmits to us.
Reflection: What emotion do we assign to each of these songs
Does it match that of the group's classmates?
Does it match those of the rest of the class?
The second activity is to investigate how the INDICATIVE,
Then, each of the students, should take a photo in which
physically represent each of these verbal modes.
Evaluation It was difficult for the students to express their emotions. I was
more difficult in the second activity than in the first.
On a paper it is easier, corporally it has cost more.
Teacher value the activity in a positive way because it has been
more motivating for them to learn the ways of the verb.
Visual documents: photos, videos
and links.
Metodologia proposta pela escola:
Title “The story of Little Dart, the fish”
Age/level 1st level
Pupils from Kindergarten – 1st year of Primary school
Cultural macroarea of reference
Competences to be developed:
Listening and comprehension: technical and semantic competences
Time required 2 hours
Resources Scenario and images
Little coloured balls
Orff instruments
Digital devices for photos and videos.
Description of
the activity:
what the teacher
does, what pupils
Active didactic methodologies
Methodological principles inspired by the Dalcroze method.
involvement in the
The teachers take the pupils to the motor area or in
a part of the classroom and asks them to pretend to
be a little fish entering the sea (free movement of
the pupils):
Stimulus question:
what kind of little fish are you?
Bodily warm-up
and plays with the
experimenting body
and voice
individually and in
comparison with
-Free bodily exploration:
the teacher shows, one by one, some images of
some inhabitants living in the sea, s/he puts them
on the board and asks the pupils to move like the
little fish; FOR EXAMPLE: “how does the
jellyfish move?”
_Guided bodily exploration:
The teacher invites pupils to fill the space while
remaining distant and then getting closer to each
other; then only in some places of the room; etc…
- Activity proposed by one pupil and group
the teacher observes the group and when s/he
notices a particular movement, s/he invites the
other pupils to move in the same way; for example,
“Look how Mario is moving; let’s move just like
him”; and similarly with the proposals of other
-Adding sound with the voice of the instruments:
“Let’s try to give a sound to our movement”; “Let’s
listen to the sound Mario is making!”, “Let’s try
to do just like Mario!”; proceed like this for the
other pupils’ proposals.
-Experimenting the movements of the fish with
each part of the body (torso, arms, legs, hands…):
“Let’s move our hand as if it were a seashell”;
“Let’s move our arm as if it were a seashell”; “Let’s
move our torso as if it were a seashell”, and so on…
”Little Dart, the
- Presentation of the object facilitating
The teacher shows the object facilitating movement
to represent the sea: for example, ”Where do fish
live?”… “Here is our sea”…
-The story begins with the presentations of its
main character and its family, by having the little
balls roll over the cloth.
Tell the story until “he started to be happy again”
and add “he started to sing”…
The characters of the story are presented through
the song intonation: the song “Little Dart” comes
before each little fish enters the story (tuned and
expressive interpretation).
The teacher has little balls moving on the cloth and
stimulates the participation of them, who can move
the cloth according to the features of the characters
repeat the song as imitation.
(presentation of the story main theme):
the contrast between courage and fear
The teacher invites pupils to move the cloth with
the distant little fish first and then with the near
ones, thus expressing the contrasting emotions
through the movement of the cloth.
sound addition to
the story read by
the teacher
Sound addition to the story:
The teachers requests pupils to lay the cloth on the
floor and presents them different musical
- Free manipulation of the instruments
- Searching for the sounds which are best suited
to the features of the characters and to the
contrasting emotions appearing in the story.
-Choice of a few instruments for the THREE
PARTS of the story and then pupils are gathered
into as many groups according to as many
instruments have been chosen (one or two
instuments for each scene)
-Creation of the “sound carpet” to accompany
the story of the teacher.
-Filling-in the observational form of the pupils’ behaviour during the
-Check tests and self-assessment questionnaire
for the pupils at the end of the activity
-Filling-in the evaluation forms at the end of the activity
(link to photos,
videos, etc).
Title “Mirtilla and the flowers”
Age/level 2nd Level
Pupils attending the 3rd class Primary school
Focus european competence
Competences to be developed:
Syntactic and pragmatical competences
Time required 5 hours
Resources Headscarf
Track by M. Ravel “Le jardin feerique”
Description of
the activity:
what the teacher
does, what pupils
Active didactic methodologies
Methodological principles inspired by the Dalcroze method.
involvement into the
-Symbolic play
The teacher takes the pupils to the gym and asks
them to pretend to be little butterflies flying in the
widespread field (free movement of pupils0029
getting the group to
-Body exploration:
the teacher asks pupils to move like those little
butterflies would do in a beautiful sunny day.
- Activity proposed by one pupil and group
the teacher observes the group and when s/he
notices a particular movement, s/he invites the
other pupils to move in the same way; for
example, “Look how Mario is moving; let’s move
just like him”; and similarly with the proposals of
other pupils
-Vocal sound added to movement:
“Let’s try to give a sound to our movement”;
“Let’s listen to the sound Mario is making!”,
“Let’s try to do just like Mario!”; proceed like this
for the other pupils’ proposals.
-Movement experimentation withing the
group and sharing of proposals:
pupils are divided into groups of 4 each, then the
teachers invites them to make butterflies
movement in group as if they were having fun in
that beautiful sunny day.
(experimenting movements within the group and
then showing then to others)
The story “Mirtilla
and the flowers”
Animated storytelling:
Presentation of the story and its environment:
The teacher starts the story “Would you like to
know what granma Francesca has told me? A long
time ago, these butterflies, lived in a field with no
flowers. The grass was green, just green”.
-Introduction of the character of the story:
“In that field a little girl, whose name was
Mirtilla, used to spend her morning running all
over the grass”.
- When starting the sentence “look at the
butterflies”, “the headscarf” - the facilitator
object - is introduced.
-Invite pupils to have the headscarf move in
space in a semicircle setting while the story
continues (until “happy”)
- The protagonist sadness:
with the sentence “when there were no
butterflies” the teacher closes the headscarf and
with this s/he invites pupils to close their own
headscarf in their hands assuming a closing
position with their body.
-The story continues until “they disappeared
invite pupils to put the headscarf in a particular
place of the gym and then sit down in circle. The
reading of the story continues.
- Intonation of a simple song to present possible
solutions after the sentence “Mirtilla tried other
ways to make butterflies stay…”-
The song “I cannot be alone” comes before
every attempt Mirtilla tries
(tuned and expressive interpretation).
-Presentation of the shape of Fairy Ghiandona
after the sentence “She fell asleep”
-At this point the teacher acts the dialogue
between Mirtilla and Fairy Ghiandona.
- At the sentence “The Fairy puffed three times”,
invite pupils to blow on the field.
-The story continues till the end and pupils are
shown the headscarves which by magic have
become flowers.
Facilitator object
-Pupils are invited to take the flowers by their
“Let’s take these buds in our hands” and they
simulate the slowly opening of the bud: “How can
I show these flowers opening in the field?” but
then they close again because of too much sun.
-Sound added to the opening and closing
-The teacher invites pupils in pairs to imitate
the opening and closing of the flower with their
body, thinking they have different shapes
(research within the group and sharing with the
-Listening to the track by M. Ravel “Le jardin
feerique” and bodily movement according to the
suggestions of the music
Representation of the
story read by the
- Representation of the story:
The teacher shows the pupils 4 images related to
the story.
-Pupils divided into 4 groups: represent the
story with the movement and the facilitator object
(the headscarf)
-Filling-in the observational form of the pupils’ behaviour during the
-Check tests and self-assessment questionnaire
for the pupils at the end of the activity
-Filling-in the evaluation forms at the end of the activity
(link to photos,
videos, etc).
Title “DJIDI”
Age/level 3rd Level
Pupils attending 4th and 5th year of Primary school
Students attending the 1st year of Secondary school
Focus european competence
Competences to be developed:
Textual and extratestual competences
Time required 6 hours
Resources Images
Digital devices for pictures and videos.
Musical instruments
Interactive whiteboard
Everyday objects
Description of
the activity:
what the teacher
Active didactic methodologies
Methodological principles inspired by the Dalcroze method.
does, what pupils
anticipation of the
atmosphere of the story
through images
-Evocative reading
- Presentation of images
-Free choice of one image and description of
the corresponding emotions aroused: personal
description and comparison with others
-Search of the body movement prompted by
the image: the teacher invites students to
explore the movement prompted by the image
through their bodies
-Vocal sound added to images and creation
of a “sound carpet” through voice: the
teacher invites students to give a sound to the
movement previously created
-Individual proposal and imitation by the
-Sound addition to images with
instruments: free exploration of the
instruments and creation of a “sound carpet”
(also with the voice)
the story
-Handing of the text and silent reading.
-Evocative reading of a single sentence: the
teacher invites them to find a single sentence
linked to the chosen image and then to read it
with the sounds previously pursued (leave
time for personal research)
-Proposals to the group: the one who
proposes shares his/her own sound.
-Expressive reading by the teachers:
the teacher reads the short story “Djidi”
the scenes
-Identification of the scenes: the teacher aks
students to identify the different scenes of the
story (individually or in groups), through the
delivery of five titles.
WORK in small group -Matching of the scenes to different groups:
analysis of the environment, situation and
emotions to put into sound
-Presentation of the research to the whole
different groups
-Sound experimentation:
research of some materials of ordinary use,
making-up of simple musical instruments and
vocal experimentation for the sound addition
to scenes
-Expressive or animated reading of each
scene with the sound carpet.
of the scens and final
reconstruction of the text
-Final revision of the text: sharing of the
different group works
lavoro e suggerimenti
dei ragazzi
-The teacher invites students to reflect on the
work done and on possible modifications or
improvement of the itinerary.
-Filling-in the observational form of the pupils’ behaviour during the
-Check tests and self-assessment questionnaire
for the pupils at the end of the activity
-Filling-in the evaluation forms at the end of the activity
(link to photos,
videos, etc).
Metodologia proposta pela escola:
Title Spring is here: flowers, bees, gardens
Age/ level 8 years / 2nd
Main Competence Reception of oral/written messages in familiar communicative contexts
Secondary Competence ➢ Production of oral/ written messages in various communicative
Time required 6 hours
Resources o Handouts with the lyrics of songs: Spring is here, The Bee and
the flowers, The Gardens are Blooming, Flower Lady
o Musical Scores for all songs
o Antonio Vivaldi: Spring
o Pictures illustrating spring
o Piano, flute, cello
o Handouts with division of words into syllables
Description of the
activity: methodology,
what the teacher does,
what the pupils do
➢ Song interpretations (voice, piano, flute, cello, violin)
➢ Performing various songs according to the scores given
➢ Division of words into syllables using the lyrics of the songs
with piano/violin accompaniment
➢ Solving tasks having in the background A. Vivaldi: Spring
➢ Singing rhyming songs accompanied by the piano, the flute and
the violin and then solving song-related tasks
➢ Performing songs having piano and cello accompaniment
➢ Using rhythmic verses/ words by making hands percussion on
desks and body
➢ Promotion of musical words/ expressions
➢ Singing songs and writing specific words: for each musical
instrument, specific words and expressions were chosen to be
Evaluation methodology ❖ Systematic observation of students
❖ Song interpretation
❖ Associations of learnt words with specific musical instruments
❖ Word meaning identification through music performed by various
instruments (memory anchorage through sounds/music)
❖ Short tasks of division of words into syllables with piano
❖ Dictation starting from the songs listened, while listening to the
❖ Identification of the message of short texts / lyrics, while listening
to the flute
❖ Completion of evaluation worksheets while listening to Spring by
Documentation (link to
photos, videos etc.)
Title Lyric Poetry – traditional folkloric songs
Age/ level 12 years / 6th
Main Competence Reception of written texts of various types through music
Secondary Competence ➢ Participation in communicative interactions through reception
and production of oral texts and musical compositions
➢ Expressing the linguistic identity in (inter)national context
Time required 6 hours
Resources o Musical instruments: piano, cello, clarinet, violin, triangle,
o Handouts with the text of lyric literary compositions
o Books with folkloric literary texts
o Posters, paintings, collage on the topic of ”doina”, ”tarantella”,
”fado”, etc.
o Handouts with text related tasks
o Exhibition of traditional folkloric costumes
Description of the
activity: methodology,
what the teacher does,
what the pupils do
➢ Presentation of ‘doina’/”tarantella”/”fado” etc. using different
instruments: cello, violin, clarinet and voice
➢ Interpretation of the pieces using musical instruments
➢ Group performance accompanied by the piano
➢ Presentation of the text of the folkloric song and identification of
the theme, motifs, figures of speech, versification
➢ Analysis of the connection between the musicality of the written
text and the versification
➢ Performance of the folkloric song in groups/ with the whole
class accompanied by musical instruments
➢ Combining written notes with musical interpretations and oral
Evaluation methodology ❖ Systematic observation of students
❖ Folkloric song interpretations (voice, various instruments)
❖ Associations of musicality of the text and the versification
❖ Analysis of versification and message of the text
❖ Short tasks of definition and classification of lyric poetry
❖ Handouts with tasks related to lyric poetry
❖ Completion of evaluation worksheets
Documentation (link to
photos, videos etc.)
Title Glorious Food
Age/ level 13 years / 7th
Main Competence Expanding the vocabulary connected to food issues through
musical tunes
➢ Gaining phonological awareness of certain linguistic
words/expressions through linguistic musicality
Time required 4 hours
Resources o Musical instruments: piano, blockflute, maracas,
tambourine, percussion instruments
o Handouts with snacks arranged on a musical scale for
rhythmic pronunciation
o Musical scores for the tune composed by the music
teachers for the comparative/superlative
o Pictures with snacks; food advertisements
o Handouts with text related tasks
Description of the
activity: methodology,
what the teacher does,
what the pupils do
➢ Discussion, explanation
➢ Rhythmic pronunciation of the vocabulary using a
tambourine and maracas (Rumba shakers)
➢ Singing short tunes accompanied by the blockflute and the
piano with adjectives to complete in a diagram
➢ Singing Opinion/ Fact accompanied by the piano and
bockflute so as to reflect the meaning of the two words
➢ Singing comparatives and superlatives divided into three
groups (unequal comparative, equal comparative,
superlative) having the same melody but slightly altered
so that it fits the words to be sung
❖ Systematic observation of students
❖ Associations of musicality of the words and their meaning
❖ Analysis of the adjectives used in the advertisements
❖ Distinguishing between facts and opinions through
❖ Creating new rhythmic structures for other words
❖ Completion of comparatives/superlatives by relating to
the given musical tunes
Documentation (link to
photos, videos etc.)
Title Wonderland of Musical Characters
Age/ level 8 years / 2nd
Main Competence Reception of oral messages and musical terms in familiar
communicative contexts
➢ Recognition and production of musical language in play-
related contexts
Time required 6 hours
Resources o Musical games: Listen carefully!, Guess the key!, Darts,
Hot-Cold, Little mouse steals the cheese, Champion
Squirrels, Small orchestra
o Musical notes- character-dolls, houses G and F
o Posters, pictures, stories written by pupils
o Piano, violin, cello, guitar, viola
o Cards for musical notes, for alterations
o Dice, with durations, board games, polystyrene cheese, little
magnet squirrels
Description of the
methodology, what
the teacher does,
what the pupils do
➢ Games of discovery through audition with the pupils’ eyes
➢ Games of consolidating the keyboard, white and black
➢ Games for setting durations and rests: Darts, Little mouse
steals the cheese
➢ Games for setting basic piano knowledge: Hot-Cold
➢ Games for setting the alterations: Champion Squirrels
➢ Small Orchestra: a game of imitating an orchestra while a
pupil is performing a musical piece and the other children
are trying to achieve a rhythm or a melodic line using
another instrument and having a child – conductor in front
who tries to beat the measure.
❖ Systematic observation of pupils
❖ Musical Team competitions involving the games mentioned
and a series of musical instruments: piano, violin, cello,
viola, guitar
❖ The ‘golden coins’ collected by pupils during the games as
they reflect the number of correct answers they gave
❖ “Small Orchestra” – assesses pupils’ musical competences,
their creativity and imagination, their ability to adapt to the
group, their interactive skills in the musical field
❖ Pupils’ work: musical compositions, stories, dolls- musical
notes, pictures, houses G and F, image-word-sound
Documentation (link
to photos, videos etc.)
Methodology proposed by the school:
Title Poem with rhythm (Canone)
Age/level 10 to 12 years/ Levels 4/5/6
Main Competence Mother Tongue and Music Competence
Secondary Competence Establish intertextual relations;
Improve read speed;
Reading and analysis of texts and images;
Understand the concepts of form and musical structure.
Be aware of elementary pulse organizations
Time required 90 minutes x 2
Resources Digital and manufactured textes, maps, informations about the
portuguese colonies, History and Music manuals, internet,
computer, sound speakers.
Description of the
activity: methodology,
what does the teacher,
what do the pupils
In the mother tongue class, the teacher explores with the students
a text of the school manual using the interactive whiteboard.
Students practice reading the text in order to improve reading
speed. With the help of the teacher of music the text is musicalized
keeping in mind the rhythm and the number of words. In groups
students explore different rhythms of reading accompanied by a
few beats. At the end, the groups practice different entrances and
the result is a rhythm canone with different complexity.
Direct observation and observation grid;
Timing of the reading time of the text in two moments;
Completion of a self-assessment form by the students;
Record Grid of the student's commitment and attitude in the
interpretation of the rhythmic canon.
Documentation (link to
photos, videos, etc).
Title Poetic text with music
Age/level 9 to 12 years/ Levels 4/5/6
Main competence Mother Tongue and Music Competence
Understanding the poetic text;
Identify stanza, block, verse and rhymes;
Reading and declamation of the poem;
Understand the different rhythms of music;
Understand the concepts of growing and decreasing.
Understand and apply the concepts of forte and piano in the context
of analysis, creation and musical execution.
Time required 90 minutes x 3
Resources Information about different Portuguese authors and composers
(Almada Negreiros / Fausto); History and Music manuals, internet,
computer, sound speakers, drum, prongs, bells and clubs.
Description of the
activity: methodology,
what does the teacher,
what do the pupils
In the mother tongue class, the teacher explores with the students the
poetic text of the school manual with the use of the interactive
whiteboard. In a group, students read the poem. They count the
words in each verse and identify the rhymes. Each group of students
do a research to find new rhymes. In music class, students explore
different ways of reading the poem: low and high voice; slow and
fast; with suppression of words. (increasing / decreasing / strong /
piano). In a group, students explore the poetic text reading at
different rhythms accompanying with drum, bells, clubs and tools.
Direct observation and observation grid;
Performance of students in individual and group work; Completion
of a self-assessment form by the students;
Record Grid of the student's commitment and attitude in the
interpretation and musical execution.
Documentation (link to
photos, videos, etc).
Title Portuguese Language with Music
Age/level 3 to 10 years/ Levels: Kindergarten and Primary School
Main Competence Mother Tongue and Music Competence
Secondary Competence Improve oral expression;
Explore rhymes and rigmarole
Play rhymes and flicks;
Working the child's expression;
Understand the notion of syllable;
Explore the voice and the body to produce different sounds.
Time required 90 minutes x 3
Resources Syllable Games, Interative board; internet, computer, sound
speakers, drum, prongs, bells and clubs.
Description of the
activity: methodology,
what does the teacher,
what do the pupils
In the mother tongue classes, the students explore different
“rigmarole” and their rhymes. In a group, the students create
gestures and present the language to their classmates. In the
following sessions students explore the words on the interactive
whiteboard and separate the syllables from the words. Using body
beats or instruments students count the syllables of words. Then
different children's songs are explored and students use body
language and voice.
Direct observation and observation grid;
Performance of students in individual and group work; Completion
of a self-assessment form by the students;
Record Grid of the student's commitment and attitude in the
interpretation of children's songs and body language and voice.
Documentation (link to
photos, videos, etc).
Methodology proposed by the school:
Title Mother tongue: Collection of vocabulary around the subject: Winter. Safety during
winter holidays.
Age/level 8 years, 3rd grade
Main Competence Mother tongue
- Music influences the efficiency of the mind, concentrates, and makes the classes more
- Music has a positive influence on learning Polish language.
- Rich vocabulary related to winter
- Shaping the habits of taking care of your own safety during winter play
- Recognizes winter sounds - frosty wind, snow crashes, skiing, sled bells, etc.
- He knows a lot of words related to winter
- Cooperates with students group, listens when others talk
- Cares for safety during winter play
- Improves skater movements
- Sings a song about winter with a dance interpretation
Required time - 1.5 minutes - listening to sounds
- Approx. 10minutes - work in groups – writing words, control of work by reading and
hanging cards on the board
- 2 minutes - midday break
- 2 minutes - singing a song with a dance interpretation
- The whole class lasts 45 minutes.
Resources - sound effects - winter sounds-
- A. Vivaldi's music CD, the Four Seasons series - „Winter” or
- C. Saint-Saens's melody from the animal carnival series - "Swan”-
- A song “Zimowa wyliczanka”– CD or
Description of the
activity: methodology;
What does the teacher
do? What do the
students do?
The teacher formulates and discusses the commands, helps the students and observes
them, and plays the appropriate music.
Students are able to perform the following commands:
They spell winter sounds. Students carefully listen to the sounds and correctly guess them.
In groups, they write words that they associate with winter. Together they create as much
as possible - the team that knows and writes the most "winter words" will win. They work
in groups.
Students mimic the movements of the skater, improvise dance on ice.
Students sing a song about winter sports with dance improvisation.
- Music has positively influenced the students.
- Students well know the winter sounds.
- By listening to Vivaldi's "Winter", they invented a lot of words related to winter. As
they worked in groups, they were focused on work.
- The music positively influenced the students and encouraged them to have fun. Very
well interpreted "ice skating". They will know how to take care of their own safety
while playing on ice.
- The students sang the winter song very beautifully and the singing is accompanying
by the movement by their own interpretation. They know how to play safely in the
Documentation (link to
photos, videos, etc).
Records of my classes:
Title Mother tongue: Onomatopoeia
Age/level Fourth-sixth grade / 10-13 years.
Main Competence Mother tongue
The ability to see the onomatopoeia in the surrounding world.
Secondary School Imitation and recognition of the sounds of the surrounding world, stimulation of
imagination, ability to cooperate in a group, enriching active vocabulary of students.
Required time 45 min.
Resources E-book for fifth grade students - “Piąta strona świata”, subject no. 87- “Do góry
Description of the
methodology; What
does the teacher do?
What do the
students do?
• explains the term "onomatopoeia";
• instructs the students to listen to the sounds of the surrounding world,
• makes students sensitive to perceiving details of everyday life,
• stimulates their imagination,
• encourages them to activity;
• evaluates student work.
• use the "onomatopoeia" term;
• see places where onomatopoeia likes to "live";
• use the sounds surrounding their everyday reality;
• guess who or what sounds like it was presented;
• they talk about the emotions that give rise to the presented sounds;
• enrich active vocabulary by recording auditory impressions;
• overcome their own shyness and embarrassment with public speeches;
• objectively evaluate their own and others work.
Observation of classes, evaluation of student work.
Documentation (link
to photos, videos,
Records of my classes:
Title Mother tongue: Tongue twisters
Age/level Fourth-sixth grade / 10-13 years
Main Competence Mother tongue
Singing of the poetical piece by Małgorzata Strzałkowska, entitled “Cztery
jędze spod Swarzędza” with own melody.
Seconadry Competence Developing the efficiency of beautiful, loud, clear and expressive recitation of
phonetically difficult literary texts, the ability to express the feelings with the
help of words, the enrichment of vocabulary.
Required time 45 min.
Resources Małgorzata Strzałkowska, “Cztery jędze spod Swarzędza" Wiersze, że aż
strach!, Warsaw 2012
Description of the
activity: methodology;
What does the teacher
do? What do the students
• gives the literary texts – poem of Małgorzata Strzałkowska entitled
“Cztery jędze spod Swarzędza”;
• orders to read the poem quietly and reflect on its content;
• suggests musical interpretation of the poem;
• evaluates student work
• get to know the texts, read the poem quietly, together with the
teacher they explain the incomprehensible words and phrases, talk in
their own words about the lyrical situation presented in the poem;
• learn to expressly read literary texts, that is, with the help of words
expressed in the line of feelings and experiences;
• practice phonetically pronunciation of difficult words;
• read the fragments of the song "Cztery jędze ze Swarzędza" in their
chosen way, e.g.: the melody of popular Polish songs, slowly, quickly,
cheerfully, sadly, grimly, sadly, etc.;
• objectively evaluate their own and colleagues works;
• stimulate the imagination
Evaluation methodology Observation of classes, evaluation of student work.
Documentation (link to
photos, videos, etc).
Records of my classes:
10.2.1. ARGUMENT
The second thematic block was devoted to the scientific expertise and was led by
In primary school it can be applied to the natural sciences and in the secondary in
Chemistry and Physics.
The planned activities were:
• Inserting a background of classical music in the classrooms;
• The lesson begins and ends with 5 minutes played by the piano music (or other
instrument) by a larger student or a teacher;
• The algorithm of the problem of Chemistry, Physics and Sciences solution is proposed
in verse of a song (accompanied on the piano or other instrument by pupils or
• it will be allowed to students who serve as Science, Chemistry or Physics to listen to
music with earbuds testing;
• relaxing activities with Science after school according to the principles of meloterapia.
One of the basic effects of using music in teaching sciences is that music is improving
students’ attention and motivation. They can concentrate better, the subject is more
interesting and, therefore, an extrinsic motivation for studying sciences becomes intrinsic
because students find sciences interesting and challenging.
In primary school, with the help of various types of music related to different natural
processes, teachers can help shaping and developing the abilities of exploration and
investigation of reality, as well as develop an interest regarding the living environment. An
effect of exploring and being interested in nature is the raising awareness towards the effects
of human activity in nature. An extended gain of the process of making all science classes with
music will be the knowledge of the natural world and its processes, the understanding of
changes in nature and various developmental phases (water cycle, seasons etc.), as well as the
importance of water, warmness and light for humans, animals, and plants.
For example, making associations between the verses or the rhythms of the songs and
the objects to be analyzed (parts of the body, plants, processes in nature etc.), singing rhyming
songs accompanied by piano, flute, violin or computer music creates memory connections that
will help students recognize and reproduce specific information and solving tasks.
In secondary school, music in science classes such as physics, chemistry, biology etc.,
will lead to an analytical approach to defining scientific questions and, on this ground, students
are more open to a broad-based knowledge acquisition, they are interested and motivated to
create their own scientifically testable hypotheses and then to do their own interpretation and
analysis of data.
A simple example: on a string instrument, it is possible to play harmonics (standing
waves) by creating nodes because these occur when a player touches the string at specific
points very gently with a finger while trying to make a sound normally with the bow; this effect
is only possible when the player’s finger is in exactly the right spot. Similarly, electrons can only
exist in shells. The analogy is even more appropriate when students study electrons and
quantum states in more detail.
For younger students, it is possible to explain the characteristics of sound waves by the
help of musical instruments: frequency, amplitude, length, period and speed. Various types of
sounds are made, for example, with various wind, string and percussion instruments and
intuitively even very young students can understand the characteristics of sound waves. Also,
teachers can initiate discussions on the concept of resonance and application of the concept to
the analysis of musical instruments that involve the vibration of strings and air inside a column.
Using music in classroom, using real instruments help students recognize that waves
are a way for energy to travel, as distinct from the kinetic energy carried by a moving object,
and also understand basic wave properties like amplitude, superposition, and interference, or
for periodic waves, they learn know how frequency, wavelength, and wave velocity are
related, and thus understand how physical systems can be made to vibrate in frequencies that
correspond to the notes of the musical scale.
A specific and simple application of the example above is to take primary as well as
secondary students to a concert: there is plenty of sound in a concert hall where an orchestra
is playing. Each instrument vibrates in its own way, producing the unique sound associated
with it.
Music in the classroom, during science classes is something new, something interesting and
somethings that raises concentration and willingness to know, to understand, to explore, and
to discover. This leads to the development of scientific attitude and scientific thinking, as well
as development of scientific values of inquiry, creativity, perseverance, honesty, tolerance,
accuracy, respect for natural processes and their properties.
Methodology proposed by the school:
Title Plants (Natural Sciences)
Age/ level 8 years / 2nd
Shaping and developing the abilities of exploration and investigation of
reality using specific tools and procedures
➢ Recognition of the main parts of plants and their role
➢ Development of an interest regarding a balanced living environment
➢ Raising awareness regarding the effects of human activity on nature
➢ Recording of their observations regarding some phenomena or
processes of plants
Time required 6 hours
Resources o Handouts with the lyrics of songs: The voice of flowers, Zum, zum,
zum (a song of bees)
o Handouts with drawings of the parts of plants
o Snowdrops, tulips, plants with roots
o Pictures illustrating plants
o Musical instruments: piano, flute, cello
o Science books, colouring handouts, botanical atlas
Description of the
methodology, what
the teacher does,
what the pupils do
➢ Listening to different songs related to the topic of spring flowers (The
Voice of Flowers)
➢ Selecting specific information from songs and then synthesize it in
➢ Making associations between the verses of the songs and the plants to
be analyzed
➢ Performing various songs according to the topic
➢ Singing rhyming songs accompanied by the piano, the flute and the
violin and then solving song-related tasks
➢ Using rhythmic verses/ words by making hands percussion on desks and
➢ Listening and singing Zum, zum, zum (a song about bees) and solve
song related tasks useful in understanding the role played by bees in the
life of plants
➢ Establishing connections between the work of bees and the growth of
plants, as well as the short-term and long-term effects
❖Systematic observation of pupils
❖Song interpretations
❖Associations of plants and musical instruments (the sounds they
❖Identification of similarities and differences between plants with the
help of the music listened to/ performed
❖Presentation of the process of the growth of plants in relation to the
work of bees
❖Completion of evaluation worksheets while listening to certain pieces of
Documentation (link
to photos, videos etc.)
Title Ionic Bond (Chemistry)
Age/ level 13 years / 7th
Competențe principale Analytical approach to defining scientific questions:
Why a metal and a non-metal love each other?
Competențe secundare ➢ Broad-based knowledge acquisition: students know the atomic
structure of metals and non-metals
➢ Creation of scientifically testable hypotheses: could a metal and a
non-metal love each other? Why not?
➢ Interpretation and analysis of data: how does the Ionic bond take
place: use of sweet candies!
Time required 4 hours
Resources o Musical instruments: piano, violin
o Handouts with the Ionic bonding
o Short theatre sequence with actors: story-teller, metal character
and non-metal character
o Sweet candies for electrons
Description of the
activity: methodology,
what the teacher does,
what the pupils do
➢ In front of the class, there is a story teller and 2 other characters:
a metal and a non-metal
➢ Each student has a poster on his/her T-shirt with METAL and
➢ There is also a student playing the piano and a student playing
the violin
➢ While a sad song is played on the violin, the story teller says that
the metal and the non metal are very sad because they have no
stable structure of electrons on their last layer
➢ The metal gives electrons/sweet candies to the non-metal and
therefore it will have a stable structure
➢ The non-metal receives the electrons/sweet candies and will also
have a stable structure
➢ The metal becomes a positive ion and the non-metal becomes a
negative ion: together they create a Ionic bond
➢ Now, a happy play starts at the piano and the metal and the non-
metal are dancing together... happily ever after!
➢ All the students in the class eat sweet candies (not electrons) and
work in pairs to draw various Ionic bonds on their papers
Evaluation methodology ❖ Performance of the short theatrical sequences
❖ Association of the formation of Ionic bonds with musical tunes
Documentation (link to
photos, videos etc.)
Title Covalent Bond (Chemistry)
Age/ level 13 years / 7th
Competențe principale Analytical approach to defining scientific questions: I WONDER
Competențe secundare ➢ Broad-based knowledge acquisition: students know the atomic
structure of non-metals
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Portugues ing

  • 1. Good Practices Manual – english version - Portugal Projetos da Ação 2 – Parcerias entre Escolas Programa ERASMUS+ Contrato Financeiro N.º 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024069_5 2016 - 2018
  • 2. Agrupamento de Escolas de Vieira de Leiria R.D. Luis Pereira Coutinho 2430-909 Vieira de Leiria Portugal "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
  • 3. LIST OF AUTHORS Letizia Foschi (coordinator, Italy) Cinzia di Giorgio (supervisor, Italy) Emanuela Onofri (supervisor and lesson plans, Italy) Cristina di Brandimarte (lesson plans, Italy) Cinzia di Giorgio (lesson plans, Italy) Paola Sardella (lesson plans, Italy) Josefina Fernandez (coordinator and lesson plans, Spain) Livia Dioșan (coordinator and lesson plans, Romania) Nicoleta Apostol (supervisor and lesson plans, Romania) Monica Incze (lesson plans, Romania) Anca Rancov (lesson plans, Romania) Vasiu Diana (lesson plans, Romania) Rodica Olteanu-Moldovan (lesson plans, Romania) Celina Almășan (lesson plans, Romania) Andreea Șarlea (lesson plans, Romania) Georgeta Mărginean (lesson plans, Romania) Grosu Elena (lesson plans, Romania) Feraru Stelian (lesson plans, Romania) Boris Rancov (lesson plans, Romania) Anamaria Fiț (lesson plans, Romania) Ioana Brok (lesson plans, Romania) Păcurar Florin (lesson plans, Romania) Păcurar Alexandra (lesson plans, Romania) Jose Soares (coordinator, Portugal) Rosalia Gomes (lesson plans, Portugal) Ana Mendes (lesson plans, Portugal) Hermínia Sapateiro (lesson plans, Portugal) Katarzyna Wesierska (coordinator, Poland) Honorata Antosiewicz (lesson plans, Poland) Malgorzata Jagodzinska (lesson plans, Poland) Anna Sokolowska (lesson plans, Poland) Elzbieta Wychucka (lesson plans, Poland) Malgorzata Gozdziak (lesson plans, Poland) Malgorzata Witoslawska-Filipek (lesson plans, Poland) Jolanta Stosio (lesson plans, Poland)
  • 4. Índex 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5 2. Partners in this project:........................................................... Erro! Marcador não definido. 2.1. Comprehensive Institute of Alba Adriatica, Alba Adriatica, Italy (coordinator).. Erro! Marcador não definido. 2.2. Ceip Gloria Arenillas, Zaragoza, Spain (partner).....................................................8 2.3. Art School"Regina Maria", Alba Iulia, Romania (partner)........... Erro! Marcador não definido. 2.4. Vieira de Leiria Grouping School , Vieira de Leiria, Portugal (partner) Erro! Marcador não definido. 2.5. Szkola Podstawowa nr. 2 im. Jana Kochanowskiego, Zabki, Poland (partner) .......11 3. General idea of the project ..................................................................................................... 12 4. Project objectives.................................................................................................................... 13 5. Expected impacts .................................................................................................................... 14 6. Educational Requirements and standarts............................................................................... 15 7. Target-groups.......................................................................................................................... 15 8. Transnational character of the project ................................................................................... 15 9. Innovation Project................................................................................................................... 16 10. Learning Methodologies ....................................................................................................... 17 10.1. Part 1: TEACHING AND LEARNING OF NATIVE AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES THROUGH MUSIC ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Err o! Marcador não definido. 10.1.1. ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 17 10.2 PART 2: TEACHING AND LEARNING SCIENCE BY MUSIC.... Erro! Marcador não definido. 10.2.1. ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 48 10.3. PART 3: TEACHING AND LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION THROUGH MUSIC........ Erro! Marcador não definido. 10.3.1. ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 78 10.4. PART 4: AN INCLUSIVE SCHOOL THROUGH MUSIC– CROSS-COMPREHENSIVE SKILLS Erro! Marcador não definido. 10.4.1. ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................... 100 10.5.PART 5: LEARN to LEARN – LEARNING THROUGH MUSIC – CROSS-COMPREHENSIVE SKILLS 127
  • 5. 10.5.1. ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................... 127 11. Main results and impacts .................................................................................................... 152 1. Introduction Music is… Life Long Learning This handbook shows different school subjects teaching-learning methodologies for native language, science, mathematics and information technology through music. Those methods were developed, applied, tested and validated over two years in five European schools in Italy, Spain, Romania, Portugal and Poland. Those methodologies were corroborated by applying them in groups of students from pre-school, elementary school, middle school and high school. The classes were prepared and taught by teachers from different levels and also from different school subjects (science, maths, I.T., history, foreign languages, native languages, physics, etc.…), from music teachers, and also psychologists and sociologists. In Vieira de Leiria grouping schools more than 80 teachers and about 600 students were involved in activities during these two years in the Music is… Life Long Learning project implementation, which final result was this handbook. Music is… Life Long Learning is a strategic partnership project between European schools which have received funding from the Erasmus + project, Key Action 2 project and with the financial contract number 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024069_5. The Erasmus + program is a European Union program for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. In Portugal, the program is coordinated by the National Agency for Erasmus + Education and Training. Music is ... Life Long Learning is a project which goal is to achieve the key competences in the field of education established by the European Union in several fields through music. Students from the 5 countries who took part in this project, between 2016 and 2018, participated in numerous learning activities using music. The beneficiaries of this project were schools from different levels of Education (preschool to High School), students, teachers from different curricular areas, students’ families who were involved and who participated in these learning events (national and international) and local school communities that were involved in different and diverse learning moments and in the diffusion of the activities.
  • 6. 2. Partners in this project 2.1. Comprehensive Institute of Alba Adriatica, Alba Adriatica, Italy (coordinator) Italian school: Introduction Comprehensive Institute of Alba Adriatica The Comprehensive School of Alba Adriatica (Te) is a State school with pupils of Nursery School, Primary and Secondary of First Instance, for a total of about 1200 units (300 children, 550 primary and 350 secondary). Since 1992 the Institute is on the musical direction that gives pupils the opportunity to study different instruments: piano, violin, guitar and flute; also for over twenty years a ceramic laboratory in line with the local tradition Castellana is active. The context is characterized by an important rate of instability of the population: the area is a strong migratory process that generates continuous streams from a plurality of backgrounds, cultures and traditions; register, in fact, during the year new registrations and transfers to and from other locations. In the current year, the percentage of pupils with non- Italian citizenship is around 19,23% of the total population. (Albania, Romania, Chinese). In accordance with the musical Address, all the institute's schools have initiated projects for two decades to develop the musical sensibility of pupils through instrumental and choral practice, in continuity between the various orders, participating in various national projects ( "Music 2020 "," DM8 / 11 "," musical Scenes "," Opera Domani 2015 ") and realizing the expansion of training activities in the artistic and musical field, through interdisciplinary educational courses in music, theater, dance, as tools for ' education and pupils' well-being. The Institute also collaborates with centers, organizations and associations operating in the territory, to strengthen the school inclusion and customization of educational pathways, for which there are agreements with: local social services, rehabilitation centers and multidisciplinary Unit of the ASL . Since 2012 the Institute has initiated the revision of the educational path educational planning according to the New Directions. Through networks of schools training courses were activated for skill development that has contributed to the drafting of a vertical curriculum Institute. Different experiences of European character: Comenius Project "Unity in Diversity" 2010-2012, Etwinning with mobility "Online Friends" 2012-2013, Etwinning with mobility "Actors for a Year" 2013-2014, Etwinning no mobility "Let's be Cooks "2013-2014, Erasmus +" EU Stress Free Schools "from 2014 to 2016 is currently underway. Through them, the Institute has broadened the job prospects which have derived benefit teachers, students, families and the realities in the area. The Headmaster has a degree in Biological Sciences, was Professor of Science for 30 years in the secondary school of second degree at the Technical Institute of Nereto and high schools and Giulianova Nereto. While teaching in High School oversaw the coordination of the teaching of the Joint Educational Project - PEC - "Chemistry versus language: from laboratory
  • 7. experiments integration between peoples", Socrates Programme, Sub-Action Language E, in collaboration with Liceo Polycladico of Edessa - Greece, built in 1998; was also Project Coordinator of the European Educational - PEE - "Living Healthly", Socrates Programme, Comenius Sub-program, led by the "Robert Haveman Ober Schule" in Berlin, from 1998 to 2001. The teacher coordinator holds the Diploma of Master diploma, the diploma of technical and commercial maturity, a Bachelor's degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature and the Diploma of qualification to the secondary SISS. And 'role teacher in the primary school of Alba Capital since 2006, teaches English and Mathematics. Expert in L2 English, has participated in all European projects (Comenius, Etwinning with and without mobility, Erasmus +) which took part in the school and currently coordinates the participation as a school partner Erasmus + "Stress Free Schools Eu", makes use of valuable and effective collaboration of the teachers of the Erasmus + working group, specialized in English language and in music education. Especially the music team includes: Professor Mariapaola Sardella Professor of Music Education of Secondary School of First Instance, graduated in DAMS, carrying less piano, specialized on the support and qualified teacher of music in secondary first and second able; Prof. Alessandro Ascani teacher musical instrument (violin) music address the secondary level, graduated in Violin and Viola (old system), Bienno II level to address teaching and Biennium II interpretative level and composition, of post-graduate diploma "History of music" and advanced diploma "Archives and music library science", the training course on musical "Stage" for Orchestra Professors; the teacher Cinzia Di Giorgio, teacher of primary school, graduated in violin with the old system has a degree of second level in musical disciplines "Disciplinary sector Violin"; the teacher Emanuela Onofri the kindergarten teacher has a degree in Arts, Conservatory diploma in cello, several training courses on the teaching of music, including Diambrini, Lameiro, Dalcroze. Numerous other courses attended by teachers for the teaching of music and instrumental practice. The Sardella teachers, Di Giorgio and Onofri started a training program called MusicainMovimento the Dalcroze method. Precisely for cross-fertilization and verticality of the project are active and integral part of the working group of the teachers of the various disciplines of primary school and also experience of kindergarten fields.
  • 8. 2.2. Ceip Gloria Arenillas, Zaragoza, SPAIN (partner) Spanish School : Introduction Ceip Gloria Arenillas, Zaragoça Ceip Gloria Arenillas is a small public school, kindergarten and primary, with 160 students aged 3 to 12 years, with a staff of 14 teachers, among which there are two English teachers and one music teacher. Most of the students are local, only some of them come from South America and Africa and are well integrated into the community. The Institute is located in a working-class neighborhood, the socio-economic level is not very high. In recent years learning music has reached an important role: there is a large choir of the school, some students study different instruments and a part of them attended regular classes at the local conservatory. In addition there are various projects which connect the music to other areas of learning. As mentioned earlier, a team of teachers under the direction of music teacher brought some projects forward using music to facilitate learning in other areas. The desire to deepen this aspect of teaching has become more and more insistent, and in the consolidated time gradually more profitable studies. The music teacher works at the same time as Professor of Music Education at the University of Zaragoza. He graduated in music pedagogy and music theory and a doctorate in a program of the theme of development of verbal language and music in pre-school with the Thesis: The oral language awareness process and wrote music in a class of kindergarten. The research objective was to create educational environments that facilitate the process of teaching-learning of the linguistic fact, from an approach in which the language and the music showed their complementarity and mutual enrichment, in a co-equal approach between speeches. In this process the song occupies the axis of each unit because it connects and merges both speeches naturally. It took place in early childhood education with their generalist teachers, led by the music specialist, who acted as an observer in the classroom.
  • 9. 2.3.Art School"Regina Maria", Alba Iulia, Romania (partner) Romania School : Introduction Art School ”Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia is the only educational institution with artistic specialities from Alba County: specialized music, fine arts and architecture. The school mission is the promotion of value in the artistic field and transference of the fondness for beauty for students and community. Within this context, the student feels competent, connected to others, autonomous and prosperous. Students are the messengers of spirituality and creativity, always presenting the results of their work at musical and visual events revealing an outstanding accuracy and bringing joy and rising the cultural standards of the city and the Centre region. Art, as an endless process of creation, requires ambition, perseverance and talent. Liceul de Arte makes the most of students’ artistic potential in order to change their perception of themselves and of the world, as well as integrating them in a global and diverse society. The general fields of study are: language and communication (Romanian, English, French), mathematics and natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology), man and society (history, geography, religion, logic, argumentation and communication, psychology, economy, philosophy, entrepreneurial education, social education, civics), arts, technologies, sports, counseling and guidance. The structure of the specialised artistic education is different for each speciality – music, fine and decorative arts, visual arts and architecture. The subjects for the specialities studied are: 1. Music (primary, secondary and high school levels): piano, string instruments (violin, viola, cello, guitar), woodwind and brass instruments (flute, clarinet, trumpet), vocal music (classic, jazz, folkloric), theoretical subjects, history of music, theory and solfeggi, harmony, chamber music, ensembles (choir, orchestra, folkloric), rhythmics.
  • 10. 2. Fine arts (secondary and high school levels) and architecture (high school level): drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, colour, modelling, history of arts, study groups according to the specialities. Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria” is one of the most valuable artistic institutions from Alba County due to the remarkable results obtained throughout the years regarding the confrontation within the specialized regional, national and international olympiads, contests and festivals, as well as the presence of our graduates at prestigious institutions of higher education from Romania and abroad, along with the integration of the students on the working market in their specialized study fields. Hundreds of prizes and awards are won annually at county, regional, national and international contests (in the school year 2017-2018 alone, students won more than 200 prizes). The school sustained the development of community relations by establishing collaborations with representative institutions of the local community (City Hall, School County Inspectorate, County Council, Police, Firefighters), with economic agents from the county in order to arrange the space necessary for the exhibition of students’ works, by carrying out common programmes with the kindergartens from the city, by signing partnerships with The Unification Museum, ASTRA Association, “Lucian Blaga” County Library, “1 Decembrie 1918” University Alba Iulia, Alba Community Foundation, as well as with various schools from Alba county and other counties too. Liceul de Arte „Regina Maria” emphasizes the importance of teamwork, self-study and collaboration took place during the music, the fine arts and the architecture courses, this being one of the main objectives of the institution. Students are integrated into the atmosphere after art school and years offer them the opportunity to become familiar with the public art and its implications for the artist's work. Every day spent in school becomes the page of a novel about the discovery of the influence of art on the personal and professional growth of the students. The school provides the following specific areas of education: instrumental music, vocal art, classical singing, folklore, jazz music. Students of Liceul de Arte Regina Maria belong to different ethnic groups (Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Moldavians, Italians, Espanhards, Gypsies), coming from different social and economic backgrounds, from both rural and urban areas, many of them being commuters. Students also belong to different religions: Christian, orthodox, greek-Catholic, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, Adventist, Baptist etc. The quality management is based on the entire community of teachers working together towards achieving the institution's objectives. The school has tools for monitoring, evaluation and
  • 11. implementation of quality control strategies by teachers in order to improve the teaching and learning process, whose influence extends to the families and the communities from which students come. 2.4. Vieira de Leiria Grouping School , Vieira de Leiria, Portugal (partner) Portuguese School: Introduction Vieira de Leiria Grouping School The Agrupamento de Escolas de Vieira de Leiria is located in the west coast in the town of Marinha Grande. The school is situated within the great Mediterranean scrub forest consists of the Pinhal de Leiria and is very close to the banks of the River Lis and the mouth of the river on the Atlantic Ocean. This group is made up of nursery schools, 1st cycle, 2nd cycle, 3rd cycle and secondary. The students come from the town and surrounding areas, among them some migrant children from countries of Eastern Europe, China and some Portuguese-speaking countries. This group of schools is frequented by students from 3 years to 18 years of age. Schools have different classrooms, one classroom for music education, many with multimedia projector, various materials for the practice of teaching experiments, a reprographic, notebooks, a school library, a games room and playgrounds. Schools have different spaces where students can play including a small recreational park. There are teachers with various specializations. Educators in kindergarten and 1st cycle teachers are specialized in different areas of teaching such as literature, mathematics, science, sports and art, the teachers of the second cycle are experts in literature, mathematics, history, English, music , sports and art. Schools have different operating assistants and other staff that helps in the cleaning and maintenance of the garden spaces. The student population is made up of students from different social strata and the vast majority are children of workers of the glass molds and plastic industries and some services. There are several needy students and benefiting from social support of the municipality. The school program is quite varied and beyond the structural curriculum subjects, students of elementary schools have their curriculum enriched, from the age of six years, with learning music, physical education, technologies of 'information and communication technologies (ICT), dance and English. School performance in national examinations are in line with the average observed at national level, but the school is working to improve these results and to counter the downward trend of recent years and is considered very important to involve students, teachers and families in new projects that enable new approaches to the teaching of science and mathematics. The importance of education in the different types of art in the development of the curriculum the student has achieved a greater expression in schools, recognizing gradually, the value of its interrelationship with other areas of education, such as mathematics, science and literature. And 'strong awareness that early contact with the different forms of expression, with particular attention to expression and music education are fundamental contributions to the construction of active individuals in their learning, educated, a good citizen, with the knowledge and skills to take over one's life, with a critical spirit of all that surrounds them. In recent years the school has been involved in different European projects and has been able to establish partnerships with other institutions. Erasmus + projects have contributed immensely to improving student learning.
  • 12. 2.5.Szkola Podstawowa nr. 2 im. Jana Kochanowskiego, Zabki, Poland (partner) Poland School: Introduction SZKOLA PODSTAWOWA NR 2 IM. JANA KOCHANOWSKIEGO Primary School No. 2 in Ząbki (Poland) is a school that welcomes students of nursery and primary school. The school is located in the suburbs of Warsaw, the country's capital. This results in a rapid and steady influx of new students, who travel from distant lands. There is also a significant number of children of foreigners, especially from Ukraine. Since 1999, the school was the first land to have available qualified teaching staff for the integration of children with disadvantages or fewer opportunities. All children who need support, can attend the social therapy lessons for the psychological education, sensory integration and the Tomatis method. They are carried out by various specialists. Wide and broad is the range of extracurricular activities, for the development and support of the students. The children mature their interest to participate in the activities of the choir, which released a CD with songs performed in various celebrations, and is currently preparing to record a new CD with songs. The school gives students the opportunity to study different instruments: piano, violin, guitar and flute. The teachers are proud of numerous reports and awards in many editions of the Song Festival, as well as the Art of Warsaw Festival of children and youth "Asteriada". Since 2009 with the idea of teachers and in collaboration with the municipal cultural center there is a foreign traditional songs Festival aimed at students of all local schools. And 'tradition of the Institute hold a benefit concert, during which teachers play, and the money raised during the presentation is spent for a good cause. For several years they promote programs to develop the talents of students and foster their development. And 'it presents a program for children in kindergarten who spend the morning meeting of artists and familiarize themselves with musical instruments. The first class of primary students have music classes once a week, and the Class 3 another hour a week. Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 attending classes in school, at the Philharmonic, in the theater. Attending the school choir and the instrumental group. Younger children have music classes integrated into the initial training, which are taught by teachers with adequate preparation for the proper education to their age group. Music lessons for older pupils, the choir, the music ensemble were held instead by music teachers. The music teacher, who has experience working in the project, prepares students in grades 4-6, manages the activities of after-school and choir.
  • 13. 3. General Idea of the project The education of music and through music is a global act that engages the child in all its physical, cognitive, affective and emotional, and in which the different levels of experience, interact potenziandosi one another. The music is a privileged channel for increasing motivation, commitment, creativity, the ability to work together, as well as memory and concentration. Only through a new active pedagogy it is valued the personal contribution of each, so the music becomes an educational means of understanding and re-reading of reality. The strong idea of the project comes from the observation of the pupils during the musical workshop activities in which you take active methodologies (Dalcroze, Orff, Delfrati) and the detection of attitudes of awareness and participation in the learning process is the individual pupil that of the class. Thus grew the belief that cognitive processes thus triggered in this learning environment, can be activated in different areas to encourage the development of other skills. It should be emphasized that music is a common and unifying factor for the younger generation who can find in it the necessary motivation to learn, and whereby the more disadvantaged pupils the way to achieve essential milestones in the learning process. Finally it can be an invaluable resource for a quality education from early childhood, which in turn produces positive long-term results, especially for pupils with more difficulties. Since the 2006 Recommendation of the Parliament and the European Council, which introduced the framework of key competences for lifelong learning, the European Schools are seeking methodologies and teaching strategies that allow young people, with special attention to those in disadvantaged situations, to develop the eight key competences set out by the Union. The partner schools have identified in Music a transversal tool for developing them. 4. Project objectives • Propose, experiment and exchange best practices and musical active teaching methods, cross to other educational areas of learning; • Optimizing the achievement of key skills; • Favor in an optical of inclusion pupils with fewer opportunities; • Build a challenging and purposeful route from early childhood in an evolutionary process that respects and enhances the student's nature and involves the psycho-cognitive sphere as a whole; • Create a learning environment and research around the best practices; • Manifest gradually complementarity of practices in a global perspective and leave tangible results that can also be used by others.
  • 14. The partner schools are 5, 1400 participants were be involved, of which about 200 people with fewer opportunities, were carried out 80 student mobility (including at least 24 students with fewer opportunities), 68 mobility of teachers and headteachers. They are all public schools, four of which are generalist schools with children from kindergarden to secondary, one, the Romanian, is a lyceum with a focus on arts and music that welcomes children from 6 up to 18 years. There were 6 Transnational Project Meeting, the first in Italy (kick-off meeting) to start the project, the next 5 were held concurrently with 5 Short-term Joint Staff Training Events and 5 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in the following order: Spain, Romania, Portugal, Poland and Italy again. The activities are divided into five blocks, each headed by a partner with particular expertise on the subject and coordinating, from the Transnational Project Meeting that precedes, the activities that each partner will do in the next quarter and will show in the Training Events and Mobility at the end of quarter, in the country that led the issue. The first block is devoted to the competence in the mother tongue and is led by Spain. The second thematic block is devoted to the scientific competence and is led by Romania. The third block is devoted to the mathematical and digital competences and is led by Portugal. The fourth thematic block is on inclusion and the educational needs of students with fewer opportunities and is led by Poland. The fifth block is dedicated to the competence of learning to learn and is led by Italy. The project focused on the idea to develop the key competences of the European framework through the use of music, it consists in the exchange of good practices already tested by each of the partners, are studied in deep and tested in all partner schools and the impact is evaluated on the pupils' skills. It will be edite a Manual of Good Practices in order to implement the activities in different schools and defined the guidelines. 5. Expected impacts On students: improvement in the achievement of key skills, starting from early childhood, in the mother tongue, in science, math, digital competence, learning to learn, in an inclusive approach with special attention to students with fewer opportunities; increased motivation; more artistic and musical awareness; Most civic and European spirit. On teachers: increase their knowledge and teaching skills, focusing to work on skills with active teaching methods, enrichment of educational and motivational tools to use in practice.
  • 15. On the participating organizations: increasing the quality of teaching planning, improvement of the climate and the spirit of the school, acquisition and application of new methodologies that increase the educational effectiveness, improving student achievement, reducing the disparity of results, increased motivation, increase of teachers' professionalism, integration of best practices in the school curriculum, improving the image and attractiveness of the school. The potential long-term benefits could be: • Sensitize other schools to innovation of teaching and to exploit the opportunities of European projects; • Share what we expect to be a best practice; • Improve the spirit and the founding principles of the European Union in their respective countries; • Address European policies to a greater appreciation of Music; • Future more competent citizens, aware and with a greater sense of civic duty and the European spirit. 6. Educational Requirements and standarts • Know oneself, in order to meet others in real and authentic way • Develop positive behaviors, self-discipline, judgment, sense of responsibility, the ability to cooperate and communicate positively with others • Motivating commitment towards school, their classmates, the company • Strengthen interpersonal ties • Search within yourself the necessary skills to find the resolution of problems in a internal locus of control • Make positive decisions, also in terms of physical well-being • Encouraging respect for oneself and others, valuing individual differences • Develop conducted study, research logically-transferable operational processes in different contexts • Organize their knowledge in a creative, stimulating to better express their talents. 7. Target-groups • Pupils of the kindergarten, primary and secondary school level, in view of verticality. • Teachers of kindergarten, primary and secondary, with the fundamental support of music teachers and English language teachers. • The families of the students involved in the project and the international mobility, as well as the school community especially during the periods of hospitality.
  • 16. 8. Transnational character of the project By the recommendations of 2006 on lifelong learning and key competences, schools across Europe have had to make an effort, not yet completed, to address the historically didactic purpose of acquiring knowledge to achievement of competence. Whereas education for skills is not yet fully mature and applied uniformly in the continent, we believe that the very transnational framework is the most appropriate to develop and exchange good practices on it, with a view to greater convergence and consistency of results between countries. Furthermore, the specificities of the project that involves the use of music as a vehicle to acquire other skills narrows the field of possible partners, hardly available, with a comparable level of complementarity, in a domestic context. 9. Innovation Project The project is innovative in design, implementation and dissemination of its results.In terms of design it is innovative because it would allow the dissemination of good practices, which so far have been purely musical scope prerogative, using them as a vehicle to raise the transverse relevant pupil skills in other areas and disciplines, thus contributing to the implementation concrete of a vertical and horizontal curriculum.The student, in a context of increasing complexity pedagogical, being an active part of the learning process, acquires greater participation and motivation. The latter, as is known, is the lever that maximizes the commitment and performance of learners.Thanks to the "universal language of music" will promote more opportunities for integration in the context of multiculturalism. We also noted that the most disadvantaged pupils, especially those who have difficulty in abstraction and concentration, on the same property as that of music, are more space and opportunity to acquire skills and competences.In terms of implementation it is innovative because it involves the students since their early childhood to the end of basic education, in an educational verticality logical and comprehensive application of the disciplines, skills and competences. The assumption is that the more early and persistent is the use of good practices, inclusive and motivating, the greater the long-term benefits. Furthermore, the ability to compare, experiment and share experiences, techniques and sensitivity developed in different countries for the history, culture and tradition, can further enrich the set of effective teaching tools and successful available to individual participating schools. Verticality, transversality and the internationality of the project develops and promotes the growth of an educational community, not just limited to teachers directly involved in the project activities. In terms of dissemination of results the project is innovative because it aims to share the best results it will produce not only within the whole school community of the participating institutions, but with the help of networks of schools primarily with neighboring regions to partner schools and, via the web, social networks, national and international specialized portals for teaching, with the greatest possible number of schools, teachers and educators.
  • 17. 10. Learning Methodologies 10.1. Part 1: TEACHING AND LEARNING OF NATIVE AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES THROUGH MUSIC 10.1.1. ARGUMENT The first block of activities was devoted to the competence in the mother tongue and was led by Spain. Alguns estudos mostram-nos que o Ensino da música promove: • Better Phonological Word Recognition (Bolduc and Montesinos-Gelet, 2005). • Faster development of metalinguistic skills (Friedman, 1959). • Greater success in reading and writing (Gombert, 1991; Lecoq, 1991). • Correlation between musical learning and linguistic learning (Gronko, 2005; Bolduc, 2006). Why teaching Mother Tongue through Music? Taking into account some Musical Pedagogues we highlight: Willems: “Musical development and the development of language acquisition follow the same steps: live, feel, raise awareness, create”; Kodaly: “The popular song is the base of the education because it picks up the linguistic and musical characteristics of the own culture. We have to educate the ear and the voice”; Orff and Wuytack: “ Music, movement and language go together. The contents that we wanted interrelate in this project have been: • Auditory development/ linguistic comprehension/ visual acuity: To improve attention, recognition, visual and auditory memory to understand, to speak, to read and write in every language. • Vocabulary: To expand vocabulary of a Semantic field. • Language Knowledge: grammar, orthography; for example: circle the adjectives of a song, looking for adverbs, interjections or articles. Write the accent on the words of this song that need it. • Reading fluence and prosodic elements: Interest to read. Students read by singing applying the intonation, accentuation and rhythm. • Written expression and creativity: To use different types of texts. Creativity working in heterogeneous working teams (team buildings) improve significant learning in a process that start with the experience through the reflection and to be aware until their own productions. The collaborative action, research between teachers favour sharing resources and teaching strategies and this always improve all educative systems: Cooperation and metacognitive development. • Structure/ Form/ Rhyme: Musicalize poems, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. • Vocal and Instrumental expression and Communicate feelings, ideas and thoughts. “Words, song and rhythm are inextricably linked in the Greek Tragedy, producing a unique feeling in the soul of listeners”. Aristoteles.
  • 18. The planned activities were: • Active listening: feelings that produces the music and lyrics of the songs and relationships between them, vocabulary and semantic field; • Relation between oral languages (music and verbal discourse): intonation, accent, syllables, syllables and musical notes, syllables and musical figures, rhymes • Relation between written languages: fluency and intonation, accent, pauses. poetic structure: verses, stanzas, rhymes, refrains. Narrative structure. • Variation between words and / or melody in the song • Development of new texts or melody of a song, processing of various types of text in relation to the musical theme of the song; • Arts: relations with the visual arts, theater, dance and movement, literature In addition, school partners have applied their own methods in the teaching and learning of other languages, mainly in English. Methodology proposed by the school: CEIP GLORIA ARENILLAS, ZARAGOZA, Spain Title The blind little hen Age/level Infant Students. 3 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active listening and Emotional Intelligence. Time Required 1 session Resources Voice and small instruments like a triangle. Description of the activity A girl with blindfolds will go in the direction of the sound which is made by a classmate. Students make a circle and in the girl is placed in the middle. Next they are blindfolded and given three turns, and one of the girls starts playing an instrument or making sounds and the girl has to go there. Evaluation They have liked the activity-game. Playing with closed eyes at first made them feel a little shy but later it was fun. They have been attentive and have made it without difficulty. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 19. Title The pink cloud 1 Age/level 1st level of primary. 6, 7 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 6 sessions Resources Computer to listen relaxing music, paper, digital board Description of the activity To write our fairy tale: The pink Cloud, students had to choose the characters for the story. They invented the names (use of capital letters). Then they had to describe the characters: physically, phychologically and clothes. After that, students had to choose and describe the places where the story occurred: Countryside, coast-beach, magic places. One of the characters was a dog so students had to describe the main characteristics of an animal, comparing it with the description of a person. Through the music that teacher played every day, they worked in the fairy tale; students had to indentify and describe the feelings of the different characters. And finally pupils had to write the dialogues of the characters with all the orthography rules. In science class they were studying healthy food so they invented a very healthy breakfast to the end of the story. Evaluation The objectives were achieved. It was a very motivated activity and it join them a lot because they had to respect the decisions of the most classmate (Democracy). Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 20. Title We are storytelling teachers Age/level 2nd level of Primary. 7, 8 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 3 sessions Resources Computer Description of the activity Read aloud the song "The magic of telling" and understand the lyrics of the song. Learn the refrain, declaim verse by verse and sing it. Dance to tune. Variants: ✓ Sing the song in different intensities: high, low, normal volume; different speeds; new gestures, etc. ✓ Sing it expressing different feelings. ✓ Identify silence and create an expressive body posture. We dance to the rhythm of the song and: • When the refrain begins, students take a piece of paper from a tray with the name of a feeling. They read it when the song ends and nobody can say anything about it. • Each one must express himself with gestures and movement to express the feeling. • They observe each other and they are joined according to the way they have identified their feelings. ✓ Mime game. The student, chosen by lot, chooses a folded paper from a tray. Read the situation that is proposed and express your feelings about it. The rest must guess it. Evaluation The proposed objectives have been achieved and a qualitative improvement has been noted in terms of memorization, recitation and vocalization, all this has being transferred in the improvement of reading and in the oral expression. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 21. Title We choose Music for a poem Age/level 2nd level of Primary. 7, 8 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 2 sessions Resources Computer Description of the activity The activity lies in finding music for a poetry made by the teacher. For this they must choose the melody that they like and that they will sing with the lyrics of the poetry. They should pay attention to choose correctly the vocal or instrumental piece to obtain a good result. Variants: ✓ Invent a poetry. ✓ Create a song with the description made by formatting verse to the text taking into account the rhyme. For example: Pizza recipe with tarantella music. Evaluation The proposed objectives have been achieved and a qualitative improvement has been noted in terms of communicative intention, paying more attention to listening and empathy with the rest of the classmates. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 22. Title My aunt´s yard Age/level 2nd level of Primary. 7, 8 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 4 sessions Resources Computer Description of the activity Number of students: 6 approx. in each group. First, the game is contextualized. Today we visit "The yard of my aunt" and as if by magic we become animals that wake up, stretch and say good morning, of course, each with his onomatopoeia. Mime is used throughout the development of the game. 1) Let's start, first, with the farm animals. One by one, they say the onomatopoeia of the animal they have chosen. In the 2nd round they should remember the onomatopoeia of the rest of their classmates. Variants: ● Pets, wild animals, two-legged animals, etc. 2) One emits an onomatopoeia and another identifies what animal it is. 3) One emits an onomatopoeia and another one identifies it with its name, example: the cat meows. 4) Song: Croak sang the frog The children learn the song. ● We sing a verse of each verse the student that the teacher touches on the head, as a dialogue: question- answer ● We analyze the onomatopoeia "cuckoo". ● We keep on singing Boys and girls alternate stanzas using the boys deeper tone and the girls sharper. 5) We invented a new song with the onomatopoeias of other animals. 6) Interpretation of the song: Variants: ● Class group, subgroups of 5 students. ● Each table interprets a couplet
  • 23. ● In pairs: each child sings a verse. ● In canon Evaluation The proposed objectives have been achieved and a qualitative improvement has been noted in terms of memorization, recitation and vocalization. It has also been achieved that the most reticent students in this type of activities get more inhibit and this gives them more security and interest for the rest of the school tasks. Visual documents: photos, videos and links. Title If you are happy Age/level 4th level of Primary. 8,10 years old Main Competence Linguistic (English) Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 3 sessions Resources Computer Description of the activity Taking advantage of the fact that we are working on robotics, the conditioners have made a first viewing of the aforementioned video to later work the conditionals, the active listening, since they had to perform the slogans that appear in the song, the corporal and vocal expression, singing and making the gestures of the emotions that come out. Evaluation The results have been very positive. Students identified the actions when listening to them and carried out the planned movements. Then they learned and sang the song Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 24. Title Strings of Rhythms Age/level 5th level of primary. 10, 11 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 1 session Resources Students Description of the activity Placed in a circle, different rhythmic chains are made, associating a word with each time and body movement (in this case each student associates a movement with the pronunciation of his name). Placed in the same way, each student makes a gesture associated with a feeling and others must make the gestures of the others and then his until the end of the chain making the last participant the gestures of all his classmates and ending with his. Evaluation After a first moment of lack of control, until understanding the orders, the activity takes place with great interest and participation. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 25. Title Eco´s game Age/level 5th level of primary. 10, 11 years old Main competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 4 session Resources Flute and score Description of the activity Divided into two groups, the students work first the rhythmic reading of the score to later add the melodic reading. For this we work in the form of an echo learning to listen to ourselves and to others; to respect the turn and keep the attention to play on time. Evaluation Attitude in the class has been improved; we have achieved greater silence and attention to be able to develop the activity properly. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 26. Title From the music to the narration Age/level 5th level of primary. 10, 11 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 4 sessions Resources Tablets Description of the activity The students were grouped four by four. They received the music of a story in which they had their images removed. They downloaded the file and individually listened to the music and noted the possible situations that suggested them. Later they shared their impressions to try to write a story according to the music Evaluation The activity has been very hard. Students have tried, without success, to adapt the text to the given music. They have collaborated well within the groups. The final result has moved away from what was programmed at the beginning but finally they have invented a story and they have applied a musical background. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 27. Title “Bartolo Bartolo” Age/level 6th level of primary. 11, 12 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 3 sessions Resources Students Description of the activity We did two activities: 1. MUSICAL RHYTHMS with our names: in a circle you had to follow the rhythm (slap fingers - slap on the legs) and be attentive when they say our name. 2. BARTOLO-BARTOLO: All in a sitting circle are listed to all participants, so that the 1st is the president the 2nd is the 2nd president, the 3rd is the Secretary, and the rest are listed from 1 to the end. To the rhythm of two slaps on the knees and two normal slaps your first number is said and then you name the person you want. If this person loses the rhythm or does not hear that they have appointed him, he will be the last of the group. The goal is to become president. A certain time of game is set. Evaluation It was an activity that was fun and motivating for the students. They found it hard to pick up the rhythm of the game and the "song". It is necessary a concentration and coordination that 2 students did not get. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 28. Title Tell me a Fairy tale Age/level 6th level of primary. 11, 12 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 4 sessions Resources Computer, Spanish song “Cuéntame un cuento” (Celtas Cortos) Description of the activity We will work on several objectives through this song. Goals: 1. Recognition of emotions 2. Expression of emotions. 3. Word accents. 4. Differences between story, fable, legend and myth. We listen to the song We analyze WHAT the song says and the emotions that the author wants to transmit and we make a list of emotions. This work has been done in small groups and then we have put the results in common. After this and without having said anything the teacher, one of the students realizes that the song has no accents. Teacher proposed to put them. They do it in small groups and so we file the song correctly written. After this we consider what characteristics they think a story should have. We put some examples of stories to draw small conclusions. After this they took the tablets and had to complete a comparative table between FÁBULA, TALE, MYTH AND LEGEND. Evaluation It was an activity that allowed us to work on many language contents from this song. The students had heard it but they did not know it. From then on they sang it very happy in the corridors. Positive evaluation of the activity. Visual documents: photos, videos and links.
  • 29. Title The clans Age/level 6th level of primary. 11, 12 years old Main Competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 5 sessions Resources Musical instruments, computer Description of the activity Goals: • Work of the musical rhythm. • Recognition of emotions. • Expression of emotions. • Linguistic contents: • The description • The adjectives • The modes of verbs • Characteristics of the TALES • The lyric • Types of rhyme • Types of stanza • Sinalefas • Types of poems This has been the central activity of the 6th grade class, which has been more elaborate and longer in time. Let's create a musical story called: LOS CLANES There are five groups in class. Each group in DRIVE will create the beginning of the story (COOPERATIVE work) in which they must include the identity of the group (name), the characteristics of each component, description also of the place where they live and the functions within the clan of each of them . Here the objective to work is the adjectives and the description. After this beginning they will begin to create an IDENTITY RHYMN that characterizes the group. Then we will put a rhythm. After successive adventures each of the Clans, for different reasons, must leave the place where they live. All the Clans end up meeting in the same place without knowing each other.
  • 30. Through the work of emotions and musical rhythm we record the output of each group of their habitat, to be able to settle elsewhere. The students created a musical rhythm, which they identified with the fear and intrigue that caused them to join the other Clans in a mysterious place. All the Clans gather in the same place mysteriously. There they go on adventures all together and at the end we elaborate a HAKA in the different languages of the project (Portuguese, Polish, Romanian and Italian) with the aim of representing the emotion of UNION of all the teams that have gone through so many adventures. Story, together with the musical rhythm that a haka must have, even if it were in another language totally unknown to them. Evaluation It has been an hard activity to perform for the many tasks that have been carried out. The work of the story has come to be in the background, because we have added choreography, poetry, rhythms, games. We have worked more on the language content of poetry, and everything that surrounds it. The final result has been good. The students have grown as a group and the cooperative work has been a success. Visual documents: photos, videos and links. Title Songs and Emotions Age/level 6th level of primary. 11, 12 years old Main competence Linguistic Competence Musical Competence Secondary Competence Active Listening. Oral Expression. Emotional Intelligence Time Required 4 sessions Resources Paper, crayons, computer to listen to the songs Description of the activity We have done two different activities, directly working the emotions. Goals: • Expression of emotions through drawing. • Recognition of emotions. • Modes of the verb. • Emotional representation Teacher gives the students a sheet divided into six equal parts.
  • 31. We will listen to six different types of music and we must draw something that inspires us the music and write the emotion that it transmits to us. Reflection: What emotion do we assign to each of these songs individually? Does it match that of the group's classmates? Does it match those of the rest of the class? The second activity is to investigate how the INDICATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE and IMPERATIVE are different. Then, each of the students, should take a photo in which physically represent each of these verbal modes. Evaluation It was difficult for the students to express their emotions. I was more difficult in the second activity than in the first. On a paper it is easier, corporally it has cost more. Teacher value the activity in a positive way because it has been more motivating for them to learn the ways of the verb. Visual documents: photos, videos and links. Metodologia proposta pela escola: ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO DI ALBA ADRIATICA, ITALIA Title “The story of Little Dart, the fish” Age/level 1st level Pupils from Kindergarten – 1st year of Primary school Main Competence Cultural macroarea of reference COMPETENCE IN THE MOTHER TONGUE Secondary Competence Competences to be developed: Listening and comprehension: technical and semantic competences Time required 2 hours Resources Scenario and images Parachute Little coloured balls Orff instruments Digital devices for photos and videos. Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what pupils do Active didactic methodologies Methodological principles inspired by the Dalcroze method. INRODUCTION: Immediate involvement in the lesson The teachers take the pupils to the motor area or in a part of the classroom and asks them to pretend to be a little fish entering the sea (free movement of the pupils): Stimulus question: what kind of little fish are you?
  • 32. WARM-UP/ GETTING THE GROUP TO MOVE: Bodily warm-up and plays with the voice: experimenting body and voice individually and in comparison with others -Free bodily exploration: the teacher shows, one by one, some images of some inhabitants living in the sea, s/he puts them on the board and asks the pupils to move like the little fish; FOR EXAMPLE: “how does the jellyfish move?” _Guided bodily exploration: The teacher invites pupils to fill the space while remaining distant and then getting closer to each other; then only in some places of the room; etc… - Activity proposed by one pupil and group imitation: the teacher observes the group and when s/he notices a particular movement, s/he invites the other pupils to move in the same way; for example, “Look how Mario is moving; let’s move just like him”; and similarly with the proposals of other pupils -Adding sound with the voice of the instruments: “Let’s try to give a sound to our movement”; “Let’s listen to the sound Mario is making!”, “Let’s try to do just like Mario!”; proceed like this for the other pupils’ proposals. -Experimenting the movements of the fish with each part of the body (torso, arms, legs, hands…): “Let’s move our hand as if it were a seashell”; “Let’s move our arm as if it were a seashell”; “Let’s move our torso as if it were a seashell”, and so on… ANIMATED STORY: ”Little Dart, the fish” FIRST PART - Presentation of the object facilitating movement: The teacher shows the object facilitating movement to represent the sea: for example, ”Where do fish live?”… “Here is our sea”… -The story begins with the presentations of its main character and its family, by having the little balls roll over the cloth. Tell the story until “he started to be happy again” and add “he started to sing”… SECOND PART The characters of the story are presented through the song intonation: the song “Little Dart” comes before each little fish enters the story (tuned and expressive interpretation). The teacher has little balls moving on the cloth and stimulates the participation of them, who can move the cloth according to the features of the characters repeat the song as imitation.
  • 33. THIRD PART Conclusion (presentation of the story main theme): the contrast between courage and fear (loneliness/union). The teacher invites pupils to move the cloth with the distant little fish first and then with the near ones, thus expressing the contrasting emotions through the movement of the cloth. FINAL SYNTHESIS: sound addition to the story read by the teacher Sound addition to the story: The teachers requests pupils to lay the cloth on the floor and presents them different musical instruments: - Free manipulation of the instruments - Searching for the sounds which are best suited to the features of the characters and to the contrasting emotions appearing in the story. -Choice of a few instruments for the THREE PARTS of the story and then pupils are gathered into as many groups according to as many instruments have been chosen (one or two instuments for each scene) -Creation of the “sound carpet” to accompany the story of the teacher. Evaluation methodology -Filling-in the observational form of the pupils’ behaviour during the activity -Check tests and self-assessment questionnaire for the pupils at the end of the activity -Filling-in the evaluation forms at the end of the activity Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Title “Mirtilla and the flowers” Age/level 2nd Level Pupils attending the 3rd class Primary school Main Competence Focus european competence COMPETENCE IN THE MOTHERTONGUE Secondary Competence Competences to be developed: TEXT COMPREHENSION AND INTERPRETATION: Syntactic and pragmatical competences
  • 34. Time required 5 hours Resources Headscarf Track by M. Ravel “Le jardin feerique” Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what pupils do Active didactic methodologies Methodological principles inspired by the Dalcroze method. INTRODUCTION: immediate involvement into the lesson -Symbolic play The teacher takes the pupils to the gym and asks them to pretend to be little butterflies flying in the widespread field (free movement of pupils0029 WARM-UP: getting the group to move -Body exploration: the teacher asks pupils to move like those little butterflies would do in a beautiful sunny day. - Activity proposed by one pupil and group imitation: the teacher observes the group and when s/he notices a particular movement, s/he invites the other pupils to move in the same way; for example, “Look how Mario is moving; let’s move just like him”; and similarly with the proposals of other pupils -Vocal sound added to movement: “Let’s try to give a sound to our movement”; “Let’s listen to the sound Mario is making!”, “Let’s try to do just like Mario!”; proceed like this for the other pupils’ proposals. -Movement experimentation withing the group and sharing of proposals: pupils are divided into groups of 4 each, then the teachers invites them to make butterflies movement in group as if they were having fun in that beautiful sunny day. (experimenting movements within the group and then showing then to others) The story “Mirtilla and the flowers” begins Animated storytelling: -FIRST PART Presentation of the story and its environment: The teacher starts the story “Would you like to know what granma Francesca has told me? A long time ago, these butterflies, lived in a field with no flowers. The grass was green, just green”. -Introduction of the character of the story:
  • 35. “In that field a little girl, whose name was Mirtilla, used to spend her morning running all over the grass”. - When starting the sentence “look at the butterflies”, “the headscarf” - the facilitator object - is introduced. -Invite pupils to have the headscarf move in space in a semicircle setting while the story continues (until “happy”) - The protagonist sadness: with the sentence “when there were no butterflies” the teacher closes the headscarf and with this s/he invites pupils to close their own headscarf in their hands assuming a closing position with their body. -The story continues until “they disappeared silently…”: invite pupils to put the headscarf in a particular place of the gym and then sit down in circle. The reading of the story continues. SECOND PART - Intonation of a simple song to present possible solutions after the sentence “Mirtilla tried other ways to make butterflies stay…”- The song “I cannot be alone” comes before every attempt Mirtilla tries (tuned and expressive interpretation). THIRD PART -Presentation of the shape of Fairy Ghiandona after the sentence “She fell asleep” -At this point the teacher acts the dialogue between Mirtilla and Fairy Ghiandona. - At the sentence “The Fairy puffed three times”, invite pupils to blow on the field. FOUR PART Conclusion: -The story continues till the end and pupils are shown the headscarves which by magic have become flowers. EXPLORATION Facilitator object -Pupils are invited to take the flowers by their hands: “Let’s take these buds in our hands” and they simulate the slowly opening of the bud: “How can I show these flowers opening in the field?” but then they close again because of too much sun. -Sound added to the opening and closing movement.
  • 36. -The teacher invites pupils in pairs to imitate the opening and closing of the flower with their body, thinking they have different shapes (research within the group and sharing with the others). -Listening to the track by M. Ravel “Le jardin feerique” and bodily movement according to the suggestions of the music FINAL SYNTESIS: Representation of the story read by the teacher - Representation of the story: The teacher shows the pupils 4 images related to the story. -Pupils divided into 4 groups: represent the story with the movement and the facilitator object (the headscarf) Evaluation methodology -Filling-in the observational form of the pupils’ behaviour during the activity -Check tests and self-assessment questionnaire for the pupils at the end of the activity -Filling-in the evaluation forms at the end of the activity Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Title “DJIDI” Age/level 3rd Level Pupils attending 4th and 5th year of Primary school Students attending the 1st year of Secondary school Main Competence Focus european competence COMPETENCE IN THE MOTHERTONGUE Seconadry competence Competences to be developed: TEXT COMPREHENSION AND INTERPRETATION: Textual and extratestual competences Time required 6 hours Resources Images Digital devices for pictures and videos. Musical instruments Interactive whiteboard Everyday objects Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher Active didactic methodologies Methodological principles inspired by the Dalcroze method.
  • 37. does, what pupils do INTRODUCTION: anticipation of the atmosphere of the story through images -Evocative reading - Presentation of images -Free choice of one image and description of the corresponding emotions aroused: personal description and comparison with others -Search of the body movement prompted by the image: the teacher invites students to explore the movement prompted by the image through their bodies -Vocal sound added to images and creation of a “sound carpet” through voice: the teacher invites students to give a sound to the movement previously created -Individual proposal and imitation by the group -Sound addition to images with instruments: free exploration of the instruments and creation of a “sound carpet” (also with the voice) PRESENTATION of the story -Handing of the text and silent reading. -Evocative reading of a single sentence: the teacher invites them to find a single sentence linked to the chosen image and then to read it with the sounds previously pursued (leave time for personal research) -Proposals to the group: the one who proposes shares his/her own sound. -Expressive reading by the teachers: the teacher reads the short story “Djidi” IDENTIFICATION of the scenes -Identification of the scenes: the teacher aks students to identify the different scenes of the story (individually or in groups), through the delivery of five titles. WORK in small group -Matching of the scenes to different groups: analysis of the environment, situation and emotions to put into sound -Presentation of the research to the whole class HOMEWORK for different groups -Sound experimentation: research of some materials of ordinary use, making-up of simple musical instruments and vocal experimentation for the sound addition to scenes -Expressive or animated reading of each scene with the sound carpet.
  • 38. EXPERIMENTATION of the scens and final reconstruction of the text -Final revision of the text: sharing of the different group works RIFLESSIONE sul lavoro e suggerimenti dei ragazzi -The teacher invites students to reflect on the work done and on possible modifications or improvement of the itinerary. Evaluation methodology -Filling-in the observational form of the pupils’ behaviour during the activity -Check tests and self-assessment questionnaire for the pupils at the end of the activity -Filling-in the evaluation forms at the end of the activity Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Metodologia proposta pela escola: LICEUL DE ARTE ”REGINA MARIA” ALBA IULIA, ROMÂNIA Title Spring is here: flowers, bees, gardens Age/ level 8 years / 2nd grade Main Competence Reception of oral/written messages in familiar communicative contexts Secondary Competence ➢ Production of oral/ written messages in various communicative situations Time required 6 hours Resources o Handouts with the lyrics of songs: Spring is here, The Bee and the flowers, The Gardens are Blooming, Flower Lady o Musical Scores for all songs o Antonio Vivaldi: Spring o Pictures illustrating spring o Piano, flute, cello o Handouts with division of words into syllables Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what the pupils do ➢ Song interpretations (voice, piano, flute, cello, violin) ➢ Performing various songs according to the scores given ➢ Division of words into syllables using the lyrics of the songs with piano/violin accompaniment ➢ Solving tasks having in the background A. Vivaldi: Spring ➢ Singing rhyming songs accompanied by the piano, the flute and the violin and then solving song-related tasks ➢ Performing songs having piano and cello accompaniment ➢ Using rhythmic verses/ words by making hands percussion on desks and body ➢ Promotion of musical words/ expressions
  • 39. ➢ Singing songs and writing specific words: for each musical instrument, specific words and expressions were chosen to be consolidated Evaluation methodology ❖ Systematic observation of students ❖ Song interpretation ❖ Associations of learnt words with specific musical instruments ❖ Word meaning identification through music performed by various instruments (memory anchorage through sounds/music) ❖ Short tasks of division of words into syllables with piano accompaniment ❖ Dictation starting from the songs listened, while listening to the cello ❖ Identification of the message of short texts / lyrics, while listening to the flute ❖ Completion of evaluation worksheets while listening to Spring by Vivaldi Documentation (link to photos, videos etc.) Title Lyric Poetry – traditional folkloric songs Age/ level 12 years / 6th grade Main Competence Reception of written texts of various types through music Secondary Competence ➢ Participation in communicative interactions through reception and production of oral texts and musical compositions ➢ Expressing the linguistic identity in (inter)national context Time required 6 hours Resources o Musical instruments: piano, cello, clarinet, violin, triangle, tambourine o Handouts with the text of lyric literary compositions o Books with folkloric literary texts o Posters, paintings, collage on the topic of ”doina”, ”tarantella”, ”fado”, etc. o Handouts with text related tasks o Exhibition of traditional folkloric costumes Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what the pupils do ➢ Presentation of ‘doina’/”tarantella”/”fado” etc. using different instruments: cello, violin, clarinet and voice ➢ Interpretation of the pieces using musical instruments ➢ Group performance accompanied by the piano ➢ Presentation of the text of the folkloric song and identification of the theme, motifs, figures of speech, versification ➢ Analysis of the connection between the musicality of the written text and the versification ➢ Performance of the folkloric song in groups/ with the whole class accompanied by musical instruments
  • 40. ➢ Combining written notes with musical interpretations and oral presentations Evaluation methodology ❖ Systematic observation of students ❖ Folkloric song interpretations (voice, various instruments) ❖ Associations of musicality of the text and the versification ❖ Analysis of versification and message of the text ❖ Short tasks of definition and classification of lyric poetry ❖ Handouts with tasks related to lyric poetry ❖ Completion of evaluation worksheets Documentation (link to photos, videos etc.) Title Glorious Food Age/ level 13 years / 7th grade Main Competence Expanding the vocabulary connected to food issues through musical tunes Secondary Competence ➢ Gaining phonological awareness of certain linguistic words/expressions through linguistic musicality Time required 4 hours Resources o Musical instruments: piano, blockflute, maracas, tambourine, percussion instruments o Handouts with snacks arranged on a musical scale for rhythmic pronunciation o Musical scores for the tune composed by the music teachers for the comparative/superlative o Pictures with snacks; food advertisements o Handouts with text related tasks Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what the pupils do ➢ Discussion, explanation ➢ Rhythmic pronunciation of the vocabulary using a tambourine and maracas (Rumba shakers) ➢ Singing short tunes accompanied by the blockflute and the piano with adjectives to complete in a diagram ➢ Singing Opinion/ Fact accompanied by the piano and bockflute so as to reflect the meaning of the two words ➢ Singing comparatives and superlatives divided into three groups (unequal comparative, equal comparative, superlative) having the same melody but slightly altered so that it fits the words to be sung Evaluation methodology ❖ Systematic observation of students ❖ Associations of musicality of the words and their meaning ❖ Analysis of the adjectives used in the advertisements ❖ Distinguishing between facts and opinions through singing
  • 41. ❖ Creating new rhythmic structures for other words ❖ Completion of comparatives/superlatives by relating to the given musical tunes Documentation (link to photos, videos etc.) Title Wonderland of Musical Characters Age/ level 8 years / 2nd grade Main Competence Reception of oral messages and musical terms in familiar communicative contexts Secondary Competence ➢ Recognition and production of musical language in play- related contexts Time required 6 hours Resources o Musical games: Listen carefully!, Guess the key!, Darts, Hot-Cold, Little mouse steals the cheese, Champion Squirrels, Small orchestra o Musical notes- character-dolls, houses G and F o Posters, pictures, stories written by pupils o Piano, violin, cello, guitar, viola o Cards for musical notes, for alterations o Dice, with durations, board games, polystyrene cheese, little magnet squirrels Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what the pupils do ➢ Games of discovery through audition with the pupils’ eyes covered ➢ Games of consolidating the keyboard, white and black ➢ Games for setting durations and rests: Darts, Little mouse steals the cheese ➢ Games for setting basic piano knowledge: Hot-Cold ➢ Games for setting the alterations: Champion Squirrels ➢ Small Orchestra: a game of imitating an orchestra while a pupil is performing a musical piece and the other children are trying to achieve a rhythm or a melodic line using another instrument and having a child – conductor in front who tries to beat the measure. Evaluation methodology ❖ Systematic observation of pupils ❖ Musical Team competitions involving the games mentioned and a series of musical instruments: piano, violin, cello, viola, guitar ❖ The ‘golden coins’ collected by pupils during the games as they reflect the number of correct answers they gave ❖ “Small Orchestra” – assesses pupils’ musical competences, their creativity and imagination, their ability to adapt to the group, their interactive skills in the musical field
  • 42. ❖ Pupils’ work: musical compositions, stories, dolls- musical notes, pictures, houses G and F, image-word-sound associations Documentation (link to photos, videos etc.) Methodology proposed by the school: VIEIRA DE LEIRIA School Grouping, PORTUGAL Title Poem with rhythm (Canone) Age/level 10 to 12 years/ Levels 4/5/6 Main Competence Mother Tongue and Music Competence Secondary Competence Establish intertextual relations; Improve read speed; Reading and analysis of texts and images; Understand the concepts of form and musical structure. Be aware of elementary pulse organizations Time required 90 minutes x 2 Resources Digital and manufactured textes, maps, informations about the portuguese colonies, History and Music manuals, internet, computer, sound speakers. Description of the activity: methodology, what does the teacher, what do the pupils In the mother tongue class, the teacher explores with the students a text of the school manual using the interactive whiteboard. Students practice reading the text in order to improve reading speed. With the help of the teacher of music the text is musicalized keeping in mind the rhythm and the number of words. In groups students explore different rhythms of reading accompanied by a few beats. At the end, the groups practice different entrances and the result is a rhythm canone with different complexity. Evaluation methodology Direct observation and observation grid; Timing of the reading time of the text in two moments; Completion of a self-assessment form by the students; Record Grid of the student's commitment and attitude in the interpretation of the rhythmic canon. Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Photos: Video:
  • 43. Title Poetic text with music Age/level 9 to 12 years/ Levels 4/5/6 Main competence Mother Tongue and Music Competence Secondary competence Understanding the poetic text; Identify stanza, block, verse and rhymes; Reading and declamation of the poem; Understand the different rhythms of music; Understand the concepts of growing and decreasing. Understand and apply the concepts of forte and piano in the context of analysis, creation and musical execution. Time required 90 minutes x 3 Resources Information about different Portuguese authors and composers (Almada Negreiros / Fausto); History and Music manuals, internet, computer, sound speakers, drum, prongs, bells and clubs. Description of the activity: methodology, what does the teacher, what do the pupils In the mother tongue class, the teacher explores with the students the poetic text of the school manual with the use of the interactive whiteboard. In a group, students read the poem. They count the words in each verse and identify the rhymes. Each group of students do a research to find new rhymes. In music class, students explore different ways of reading the poem: low and high voice; slow and fast; with suppression of words. (increasing / decreasing / strong / piano). In a group, students explore the poetic text reading at different rhythms accompanying with drum, bells, clubs and tools. Evaluation methodology Direct observation and observation grid; Performance of students in individual and group work; Completion of a self-assessment form by the students; Record Grid of the student's commitment and attitude in the interpretation and musical execution. Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). photos:
  • 44. Title Portuguese Language with Music Age/level 3 to 10 years/ Levels: Kindergarten and Primary School Main Competence Mother Tongue and Music Competence Secondary Competence Improve oral expression; Explore rhymes and rigmarole Play rhymes and flicks; Working the child's expression; Understand the notion of syllable; Explore the voice and the body to produce different sounds. Time required 90 minutes x 3 Resources Syllable Games, Interative board; internet, computer, sound speakers, drum, prongs, bells and clubs. Description of the activity: methodology, what does the teacher, what do the pupils In the mother tongue classes, the students explore different “rigmarole” and their rhymes. In a group, the students create gestures and present the language to their classmates. In the following sessions students explore the words on the interactive whiteboard and separate the syllables from the words. Using body beats or instruments students count the syllables of words. Then different children's songs are explored and students use body language and voice. Evaluation methodology Direct observation and observation grid; Performance of students in individual and group work; Completion of a self-assessment form by the students; Record Grid of the student's commitment and attitude in the interpretation of children's songs and body language and voice. Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Photos:
  • 45. Methodology proposed by the school: SZKOLA PODSTAWOWA NR 2 IM. JANA KOCHANOWSKIEGO, POLAND Title Mother tongue: Collection of vocabulary around the subject: Winter. Safety during winter holidays. Age/level 8 years, 3rd grade Main Competence Mother tongue - Music influences the efficiency of the mind, concentrates, and makes the classes more attractive. - Music has a positive influence on learning Polish language. - Rich vocabulary related to winter - Shaping the habits of taking care of your own safety during winter play Secondary Competence Student: - Recognizes winter sounds - frosty wind, snow crashes, skiing, sled bells, etc. - He knows a lot of words related to winter - Cooperates with students group, listens when others talk - Cares for safety during winter play - Improves skater movements - Sings a song about winter with a dance interpretation Required time - 1.5 minutes - listening to sounds - Approx. 10minutes - work in groups – writing words, control of work by reading and hanging cards on the board - 2 minutes - midday break - 2 minutes - singing a song with a dance interpretation - The whole class lasts 45 minutes. Resources - sound effects - winter sounds- wiatr-skrzypienie-sniegu-dzwonki-san-jazda-na- nartach/?segment=163&cycle=2141 - A. Vivaldi's music CD, the Four Seasons series - „Winter” or - C. Saint-Saens's melody from the animal carnival series - "Swan”- - A song “Zimowa wyliczanka”– CD or
  • 46. Description of the activity: methodology; What does the teacher do? What do the students do? The teacher formulates and discusses the commands, helps the students and observes them, and plays the appropriate music. Students are able to perform the following commands: They spell winter sounds. Students carefully listen to the sounds and correctly guess them. In groups, they write words that they associate with winter. Together they create as much as possible - the team that knows and writes the most "winter words" will win. They work in groups. Students mimic the movements of the skater, improvise dance on ice. Students sing a song about winter sports with dance improvisation. Evaluation methodology - Music has positively influenced the students. - Students well know the winter sounds. - By listening to Vivaldi's "Winter", they invented a lot of words related to winter. As they worked in groups, they were focused on work. - The music positively influenced the students and encouraged them to have fun. Very well interpreted "ice skating". They will know how to take care of their own safety while playing on ice. - The students sang the winter song very beautifully and the singing is accompanying by the movement by their own interpretation. They know how to play safely in the winter. Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Records of my classes: Pictures: Title Mother tongue: Onomatopoeia Age/level Fourth-sixth grade / 10-13 years. Main Competence Mother tongue The ability to see the onomatopoeia in the surrounding world. Secondary School Imitation and recognition of the sounds of the surrounding world, stimulation of imagination, ability to cooperate in a group, enriching active vocabulary of students. Required time 45 min. Resources E-book for fifth grade students - “Piąta strona świata”, subject no. 87- “Do góry nogami”. Description of the activity: methodology; What does the teacher do? What do the students do? Teacher: • explains the term "onomatopoeia"; • instructs the students to listen to the sounds of the surrounding world, • makes students sensitive to perceiving details of everyday life, • stimulates their imagination, • encourages them to activity; • evaluates student work. Students: • use the "onomatopoeia" term; • see places where onomatopoeia likes to "live"; • use the sounds surrounding their everyday reality;
  • 47. • guess who or what sounds like it was presented; • they talk about the emotions that give rise to the presented sounds; • enrich active vocabulary by recording auditory impressions; • overcome their own shyness and embarrassment with public speeches; • objectively evaluate their own and others work. Evaluation methodology Observation of classes, evaluation of student work. Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Records of my classes: Title Mother tongue: Tongue twisters Age/level Fourth-sixth grade / 10-13 years Main Competence Mother tongue Singing of the poetical piece by Małgorzata Strzałkowska, entitled “Cztery jędze spod Swarzędza” with own melody. Seconadry Competence Developing the efficiency of beautiful, loud, clear and expressive recitation of phonetically difficult literary texts, the ability to express the feelings with the help of words, the enrichment of vocabulary. Required time 45 min. Resources Małgorzata Strzałkowska, “Cztery jędze spod Swarzędza" Wiersze, że aż strach!, Warsaw 2012 Description of the activity: methodology; What does the teacher do? What do the students do? Teacher: • gives the literary texts – poem of Małgorzata Strzałkowska entitled “Cztery jędze spod Swarzędza”; • orders to read the poem quietly and reflect on its content; • suggests musical interpretation of the poem; • evaluates student work Students: • get to know the texts, read the poem quietly, together with the teacher they explain the incomprehensible words and phrases, talk in their own words about the lyrical situation presented in the poem; • learn to expressly read literary texts, that is, with the help of words expressed in the line of feelings and experiences; • practice phonetically pronunciation of difficult words; • read the fragments of the song "Cztery jędze ze Swarzędza" in their chosen way, e.g.: the melody of popular Polish songs, slowly, quickly, cheerfully, sadly, grimly, sadly, etc.; • objectively evaluate their own and colleagues works; • stimulate the imagination Evaluation methodology Observation of classes, evaluation of student work. Documentation (link to photos, videos, etc). Records of my classes:
  • 48. 10.2 PART 2: TEACHING AND LEARNING SCIENCE BY MUSIC 10.2.1. ARGUMENT The second thematic block was devoted to the scientific expertise and was led by Romania. In primary school it can be applied to the natural sciences and in the secondary in Chemistry and Physics. The planned activities were: • Inserting a background of classical music in the classrooms; • The lesson begins and ends with 5 minutes played by the piano music (or other instrument) by a larger student or a teacher; • The algorithm of the problem of Chemistry, Physics and Sciences solution is proposed in verse of a song (accompanied on the piano or other instrument by pupils or teachers); • it will be allowed to students who serve as Science, Chemistry or Physics to listen to music with earbuds testing; • relaxing activities with Science after school according to the principles of meloterapia. One of the basic effects of using music in teaching sciences is that music is improving students’ attention and motivation. They can concentrate better, the subject is more interesting and, therefore, an extrinsic motivation for studying sciences becomes intrinsic because students find sciences interesting and challenging. In primary school, with the help of various types of music related to different natural processes, teachers can help shaping and developing the abilities of exploration and investigation of reality, as well as develop an interest regarding the living environment. An effect of exploring and being interested in nature is the raising awareness towards the effects of human activity in nature. An extended gain of the process of making all science classes with music will be the knowledge of the natural world and its processes, the understanding of changes in nature and various developmental phases (water cycle, seasons etc.), as well as the importance of water, warmness and light for humans, animals, and plants. For example, making associations between the verses or the rhythms of the songs and the objects to be analyzed (parts of the body, plants, processes in nature etc.), singing rhyming
  • 49. songs accompanied by piano, flute, violin or computer music creates memory connections that will help students recognize and reproduce specific information and solving tasks. In secondary school, music in science classes such as physics, chemistry, biology etc., will lead to an analytical approach to defining scientific questions and, on this ground, students are more open to a broad-based knowledge acquisition, they are interested and motivated to create their own scientifically testable hypotheses and then to do their own interpretation and analysis of data. A simple example: on a string instrument, it is possible to play harmonics (standing waves) by creating nodes because these occur when a player touches the string at specific points very gently with a finger while trying to make a sound normally with the bow; this effect is only possible when the player’s finger is in exactly the right spot. Similarly, electrons can only exist in shells. The analogy is even more appropriate when students study electrons and quantum states in more detail. For younger students, it is possible to explain the characteristics of sound waves by the help of musical instruments: frequency, amplitude, length, period and speed. Various types of sounds are made, for example, with various wind, string and percussion instruments and intuitively even very young students can understand the characteristics of sound waves. Also, teachers can initiate discussions on the concept of resonance and application of the concept to the analysis of musical instruments that involve the vibration of strings and air inside a column. Using music in classroom, using real instruments help students recognize that waves are a way for energy to travel, as distinct from the kinetic energy carried by a moving object, and also understand basic wave properties like amplitude, superposition, and interference, or for periodic waves, they learn know how frequency, wavelength, and wave velocity are related, and thus understand how physical systems can be made to vibrate in frequencies that correspond to the notes of the musical scale. A specific and simple application of the example above is to take primary as well as secondary students to a concert: there is plenty of sound in a concert hall where an orchestra is playing. Each instrument vibrates in its own way, producing the unique sound associated with it. Music in the classroom, during science classes is something new, something interesting and somethings that raises concentration and willingness to know, to understand, to explore, and to discover. This leads to the development of scientific attitude and scientific thinking, as well as development of scientific values of inquiry, creativity, perseverance, honesty, tolerance, accuracy, respect for natural processes and their properties. Methodology proposed by the school: LICEUL DE ARTE ”REGINA MARIA” ALBA IULIA, ROMÂNIA Title Plants (Natural Sciences) Age/ level 8 years / 2nd grade
  • 50. Competențe principale Shaping and developing the abilities of exploration and investigation of reality using specific tools and procedures Competențe secundare ➢ Recognition of the main parts of plants and their role ➢ Development of an interest regarding a balanced living environment ➢ Raising awareness regarding the effects of human activity on nature ➢ Recording of their observations regarding some phenomena or processes of plants Time required 6 hours Resources o Handouts with the lyrics of songs: The voice of flowers, Zum, zum, zum (a song of bees) o Handouts with drawings of the parts of plants o Snowdrops, tulips, plants with roots o Pictures illustrating plants o Musical instruments: piano, flute, cello o Science books, colouring handouts, botanical atlas Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what the pupils do ➢ Listening to different songs related to the topic of spring flowers (The Voice of Flowers) ➢ Selecting specific information from songs and then synthesize it in drawings ➢ Making associations between the verses of the songs and the plants to be analyzed ➢ Performing various songs according to the topic ➢ Singing rhyming songs accompanied by the piano, the flute and the violin and then solving song-related tasks ➢ Using rhythmic verses/ words by making hands percussion on desks and body ➢ Listening and singing Zum, zum, zum (a song about bees) and solve song related tasks useful in understanding the role played by bees in the life of plants ➢ Establishing connections between the work of bees and the growth of plants, as well as the short-term and long-term effects Evaluation methodology ❖Systematic observation of pupils ❖Song interpretations ❖Associations of plants and musical instruments (the sounds they produce) ❖Identification of similarities and differences between plants with the help of the music listened to/ performed ❖Presentation of the process of the growth of plants in relation to the work of bees ❖Completion of evaluation worksheets while listening to certain pieces of music Documentation (link to photos, videos etc.) Title Ionic Bond (Chemistry) Age/ level 13 years / 7th grade
  • 51. Competențe principale Analytical approach to defining scientific questions: Why a metal and a non-metal love each other? Competențe secundare ➢ Broad-based knowledge acquisition: students know the atomic structure of metals and non-metals ➢ Creation of scientifically testable hypotheses: could a metal and a non-metal love each other? Why not? ➢ Interpretation and analysis of data: how does the Ionic bond take place: use of sweet candies! Time required 4 hours Resources o Musical instruments: piano, violin o Handouts with the Ionic bonding o Short theatre sequence with actors: story-teller, metal character and non-metal character o Sweet candies for electrons Description of the activity: methodology, what the teacher does, what the pupils do ➢ In front of the class, there is a story teller and 2 other characters: a metal and a non-metal ➢ Each student has a poster on his/her T-shirt with METAL and NON-METAL ➢ There is also a student playing the piano and a student playing the violin ➢ While a sad song is played on the violin, the story teller says that the metal and the non metal are very sad because they have no stable structure of electrons on their last layer ➢ The metal gives electrons/sweet candies to the non-metal and therefore it will have a stable structure ➢ The non-metal receives the electrons/sweet candies and will also have a stable structure ➢ The metal becomes a positive ion and the non-metal becomes a negative ion: together they create a Ionic bond ➢ Now, a happy play starts at the piano and the metal and the non- metal are dancing together... happily ever after! ➢ All the students in the class eat sweet candies (not electrons) and work in pairs to draw various Ionic bonds on their papers ➢ METAL AND NON-METAL LOVE EACH OTHER! Evaluation methodology ❖ Performance of the short theatrical sequences ❖ Association of the formation of Ionic bonds with musical tunes Documentation (link to photos, videos etc.) Title Covalent Bond (Chemistry) Age/ level 13 years / 7th grade Competențe principale Analytical approach to defining scientific questions: I WONDER WHETHER NON-METALS LOVE EACH OTHER? Competențe secundare ➢ Broad-based knowledge acquisition: students know the atomic structure of non-metals