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Pointers & References
Ilio Catallo -
• The swap func*on
• Memory & addresses
• Pointers
• References
• Bibliography
The swap func)on
Swapping integers
Assume that we are wri-ng a program in which we o3en need to
swap two integers
│ │
│ ▼
┌───┐ ┌───┐
a:│ 2 │int b:│ 5 │int
└───┘ └───┘
▲ │
│ │
Idea: wri%ng a swap_int func%on
Invoking swap_int
int main() {
int a = 2;
int b = 5;
// expected result: a = 5, b = 2
swap_int(a, b);
How to write the swap_int func.on?
First a(empt
void swap_int(int x, int y) {
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
First a(empt
At swap_int invoca*on:
• The values in a and b get copied into the local variables x and y
• The values in x and y get swapped, but...
• The values in a and b remain untouched
First a(empt
void swap_int(int x, int y) {
int main() {
int a = 2, b = 5;
swap_int(a, b); // x and y are copies of a and b
// hence, a and b remain unchanged
The swap problem
We conclude that it is not possible to write the swap_int
func1on if we pass parameters by value
Memory & addresses
During the execu-on of a program, data are stored in memory
Memory model
In C++, memory is modeled as a sequence of memory cells, where
each cell is of size 1 byte
... │ │ │ │ │ ...
1 byte
Memory model
Each memory cell is associated with a unique memory address
... │ │ │ │ │ ...
Memory model
Memory addresses are nothing more than numbers1
... │ │ │ │ │ ...
The 0x prefix is to say that the numbers are given in hexadecimal nota6on
Memory model
Given a cell, its address is obtained as the address of the previous
one plus one
... │ │ │ │ │ ...
0x7345 0x7346 0x7347
Memory model
This assures that:
• Every memory cell has its own unique address
• Given a cell, it is possible to compute the address of its
Variable iden+fiers
We usually do not care about where values are stored
int a
... │//////│//////│ │ │ ...
0x7345 0x7346 0x7347
Variable iden+fiers
We simply manipulate values by referring to the iden%fier of the
corresponding variable
int a = 3;
a = a + 7; // we do not know where `a` is stored in memory
However, there might be situa2ons in which we would like to refer
to the in-memory loca-on of a value, rather than to the value itself
The ampersand
In order to manipulate the address of a variable, we prefix the
variable iden8fier with the ampersand symbol &
The ampersand
int a = 5;
std::cout << "value of a: " << a
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "address of a: " << &a
<< std::endl;
The address-of operator
When the ampersand symbol & precedes an expression2
, it plays
the role of a unary operator (the address-of operator)
int a = 7;
std::cout << &a; // conceptually: address_of(a);
Note that there exist expressions on which it is not possible to apply the address-of operator
The address-of operator
Note that if a value occupies more than one memory cell, the
address-of operator returns the address of the first memory cell
int a
... │//////│//////│ │ │ ...
0x7345 0x7346 0x7347
A formal defini.on of copy
A copy is a something that is equal to the original but not iden)cal
to it
int a = 7;
int b = a;
a == b; // b is equal to a (they both contain 7)
&a != &b; // b is not a (they live in different memory locations)
Storing addresses
Assume that we now want to store the address of a value. We need
a variable where to keep such an address
Storing addresses
int a = 7;
??? address_of_a = &a
What is the type of address_of_a?
Pointer to int
The data type of a variable storing the address of an int is int*.
Such a data type is called pointer to int
int* address_of_a = &a
Variables that store addresses are called pointers
It is possible to create pointers to any data type3
, for built-in and
user-defined types alike
As long as the data type is at least of size 1 byte
For any data type T, T* is the data type pointer to T
int* a; // pointer to int
char* b; // pointer to char
float* c; // pointer to float
int** d; // pointer to pointer to int
Pointers as type constructors
The * symbol plays the role of a type constructor
A type constructor is a func0on that takes as input some type T
and returns some other type T'
Construc)ng the type "pointer to int"
• Input type: int
• Type constructor: *
• Output type: int*
vector as type constructor
No#ce that also std::vector is a type constructor
vector as type constructor
Indeed, no value can have a type of just std::vector, because
that is not a type per se
Construc)ng the type "vector of double's"
• Input type: double
• Type constructor: std::vector
• Output type: std::vector<double>
Type constructors: a metaphor
Type constructors are like ♭ and ♯ in music
Type constructors: a metaphor
You cannot play ♭ or ♯ alone
Type constructors: a metaphor
You rather apply ♭ or ♯ to a note to obtain a new one
Type constructors: a metaphor
Construc)ng the note A♭
• Input note: A
• Note constructor: ♭
• Output note: A♭
Using pointers
Using pointers
Assume we are storing the address of an integer variable in a
int* ptr = ... // somehow initialized
What opera*ons can I do on pointers?
The dereference operator * makes possible to access the content
pointed to by a pointer4
int* ptr = ...
std::cout << "the value pointed to is: " << *ptr;
The dereference operator is also called the indirec'on operator
The expression *ptr reads "the value pointed to by ptr"
int* ptr = ...
std::cout << "the value pointed to is: " << *ptr;
The dereference operator allows both reading and modifying the
pointed value
int* ptr = ...
*ptr = 7;
int b = 5 + *ptr; // b contains 12
In other words, the expression *ptr may also appear on the le4-
hand side of the assignment operator
int* ptr = ...
*ptr = 7;
int b = 5 + *ptr; // b contains 12
Same symbol, two meanings
// * is a type constructor
int* ptr_a = &a;
// * is an operator
std::cout << "pointed value: " << *ptr_a;
Trivia 1: What's the output?
int a = 7;
int* ptr = &a;
*ptr = 12;
std::cout << *ptr << std::endl;
std::cout << a << std::endl;
Trivia 2: What's the output?
int a = 7;
int* ptr = &a;
std::cout << &ptr << std::endl;
std::cout << &a << std::endl;
Trivia 3: What's the output?
int a = 7;
int* ptr1 = &a;
int* ptr2 = &a;
std::cout << (ptr1 == ptr2) << std::endl;
std::cout << (&ptr1 == &ptr2) << std::endl;
The "box" metaphor
The "box" metaphor
Just as a vector is a container of many elements, we can say that a
pointer is a container of one element5
More formally, the similarity holds because both of them are functors
The "box" metaphor
// we put some values in the container
std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// accessing the 3rd element
// in the container
std::cout << v[2];
The "box" metaphor
// we "put" a value in the container
int* p = &a;
// accessing the only element
// in the container
std::cout << *p;
Geek and Poke
The strange case of null pointers
Unini$alized pointers
As with any local variable, it is not possible to foresee the value of
unini6alized pointers
int* ptr; // uninitialized pointer
Unini$alized pointers
The pointer may hold any value. Such a value will be erroneously
intended as the address of a pointed value
int* ptr; // uninitialized pointer
Unini$alized pointers
There does not exist any way to understand whether a pointer is in
fact poin4ng to a valid value
int* ptr; // uninitialized pointer
Null pointers
We would like to ini#alize pointers even in the absence of a
sensible value
int* ptr = ???;
Null pointers
Pointers can be ini-alized to null in order to indicate that the
pointer is currently not poin-ng to any valid value6
int* ptr = nullptr; // since C++11
int* ptr = NULL; // C++03
In terms of the box metaphor, this amounts to no4fying that the container is empty
Solving the swap problem
Can we use pointers to write a working version of the swap_int
Idea: passing to swap_int the variable addresses (as
opposed to their values)
swap_int with pointers
void swap_int(??? x, ??? y) {
swap_int with pointers
void swap_int(int* x, int* y) {
swap_int with pointers
void swap_int(int* x, int* y) {
int temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
swap_int with pointers
At swap_int invoca*on:
• The addresses of a and b get copied into the pointers x and y
(which are local to swap_int)
• The values pointed to by x and y (i.e., a and b) get swapped
• At the end of swap_int, x and y get destroyed
How to invoke swap_int?
int main() {
int a = 2;
int b = 5;
swap_int(???, ???);
How to invoke swap_int?
int main() {
int a = 2;
int b = 5;
swap_int(&a, &b);
Passing by address
If a func(on receives addresses in place of values, we say that
parameter are passed by address
void swap_int(int* x, int* y);
Passing by address
However, since we pass address copies, passing by address is just a
par6cular case of passing by value
void swap_int(int* x, int* y);
Passing by address
Passing by address allows...
• propaga'ng altera'ons in the callee func'on also in the calling
• rapidly accessing big data, since we copy its address as opposed
to its value
Passing by address
• The code is difficult to read
• We should manage the edge case where we pass nullptr
Passing by address
• We cannot pass constants or temporary data (they do not have
an address)
When declaring a variable, we need to specify its data type and
Both these aspects cannot be modified later on in the program
Iden%fier aliases
However, C++ allows introducing addi5onal iden5fiers (aliases) for
a variables any5me in the code
int a = 5;
int& b = a; // b is a new identifier (alias) for a
Iden%fier aliases
b is an alias for a, and its data type is int&
int a = 5;
int& b = a; // b is a new identifier (alias) for a
In C++, iden*fier aliases are called references7
int a = 5;
int& b = a; // b is a reference to a
Star'ng from C++11, references have been renamed lvalue references
For a data type T, T& is the data type reference to T
int& a = b; // a is an alias for b (where b is of type int)
float& c = d // c is an alias for d (where d is of type float)
int& e = b; // e is an alias for b, hence an alias for a
int*& f = g; // f is an alias for g (where g is of type int*)
Trivia 1: what's the output?
int a = 5;
int& b = a;
b = 7;
std::cout << a;
Trivia 1: what's the output?
int a = 5;
int& b = a; // b is a new name for a
b = 7;
std::cout << a; // the output will be 7
Aliases are indis+nguishable
Once ini'alized, using either the new or the old iden'fier is a
ma7er of indifference
int a = 5;
int& b = a; // b is a new name for a
// using b is the same as using a (and vice-versa)
std::cout << b;
Aliases are indis+nguishable
That is, the reference is the referent8
int a = 5;
int& b = a; // b is a new name for a
// using b is the same as using a (and vice-versa)
std::cout << b;
While holding conceptually, the C++11 specifica8on qualifies the reference and the referent as two different
& as a type constructor
As with *, also & can be intended as a type constructor
& as a type constructor
Construc)ng the type "reference to float"
• Input type: float
• Type constructor: &
• Output type: float&
Same symbol, two meanings
int a = 5;
// & is a type constructor
int& b = a;
// & is an operator
std::cout << &a;
Solving the swap problem
Can we use references to write a working version of the swap_int
Idea: using references as parameters of swap_int
swap_int with references
void swap_int(??? x, ??? y) {
swap_int with references
void swap_int(int& x, int& y) {
swap_int with references
void swap_int(int& x, int& y) {
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
swap_int with references
Note that the func,on body is the same as in our first a5empt
void swap_int(int& x, int& y) {
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
How to invoke swap_int?
int main() {
int a = 2;
int b = 5;
swap_int(???, ???);
How to invoke swap_int?
int main() {
int a = 2;
int b = 5;
swap_int(a, b);
How to invoke swap_int?
Note that we invoke swap_int as any other func3on
int main() {
int a = 2;
int b = 5;
swap_int(a, b);
swap_int with references
References allow us to write swap_int in an easy and safe
• Easy: we do not need to use the dereference operator *
• Safe: the program will not compile if we try to pass nullptr or
temporary values
Passing by reference
If a func(on receives iden%fier aliases in place of values, we say
that parameter are passed by reference
void swap_int(int& x, int& y);
Gotchas with references
Does it work?
int a = 5;
int& b;
b = a;
References are not assignable
References can be ini#alized, but not (re)-assigned
int a = 5;
int& b; // b is an alias for what?
b = a;
Does it work?
void countdown(int& number) {
std::cout << number << std::endl;
if (number != 0)
countdown(number - 1);
The compile-,me error
Here's the error:
error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of
type 'int&' from an rvalue of type 'int'
The compile-,me error
We can safely replace the term rvalue with temporary:
error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of
type 'int&' from a temporary of type 'int'
The compile-,me error
The temporary the error is referring to is number - 1
void countdown(int& number) {
std::cout << number << std::endl;
if (number != 0)
countdown(number - 1);
The correct version reads:
void countdown(int const& number) {
std::cout << number << std::endl;
if (number != 0)
countdown(number - 1);
Only constant references can bind to temporary values
void countdown(int const& number) {
std::cout << number << std::endl;
if (number != 0)
countdown(number - 1);
This is why the input parameter number has to be of type int
const&, rather than int&
void countdown(int const& number) {
std::cout << number << std::endl;
if (number != 0)
countdown(number - 1);
Does it work?
double& add(double x, double y) {
double z = x + y;
return z;
Dangling references
Although it compiles, the add func2on causes an undefined
double& add(double x, double y) {
double z = x + y;
return z;
Dangling references
This is because we are returning an alias for z, which will be
destroyed as soon as we exit the func7on
double& add(double x, double y) {
double z = x + y;
return z;
Dangling references
In other words, the add func0on returns a dangling reference, that
is, a reference for a non-exis0ng object
double& add(double x, double y) {
double z = x + y;
return z;
int main() {
double r = add(5, 3);
std::cout << r;
Dangling references
Although this seems trivial when presented in contrived examples,
this is an easy mistake to make when wri9ng class' ge;ers and
• S. B. Lippman, J. Lajoie, B. E. Moo, C++ Primer (5th Ed.)
• B. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language (4th Ed.)
• R. Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Ed.)
• C++FAQ, SecJon 8

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Pointers & References in C++

  • 1. Pointers & References Ilio Catallo -
  • 2. Outline • The swap func*on • Memory & addresses • Pointers • References • Bibliography
  • 4. Swapping integers Assume that we are wri-ng a program in which we o3en need to swap two integers ┌──────────────────┐ │ │ │ ▼ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ a:│ 2 │int b:│ 5 │int └───┘ └───┘ ▲ │ │ │ └──────────────────┘
  • 5. Idea: wri%ng a swap_int func%on
  • 6. Invoking swap_int int main() { int a = 2; int b = 5; // expected result: a = 5, b = 2 swap_int(a, b); }
  • 7. How to write the swap_int func.on?
  • 8. First a(empt void swap_int(int x, int y) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
  • 9. First a(empt At swap_int invoca*on: • The values in a and b get copied into the local variables x and y • The values in x and y get swapped, but... • The values in a and b remain untouched
  • 10. First a(empt void swap_int(int x, int y) { ... } int main() { int a = 2, b = 5; swap_int(a, b); // x and y are copies of a and b // hence, a and b remain unchanged }
  • 11. The swap problem We conclude that it is not possible to write the swap_int func1on if we pass parameters by value
  • 13. Memory During the execu-on of a program, data are stored in memory
  • 14. Memory model In C++, memory is modeled as a sequence of memory cells, where each cell is of size 1 byte ┌──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┐ ... │ │ │ │ │ ... └──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┘ ◀─────▶ 1 byte
  • 15. Memory model Each memory cell is associated with a unique memory address ┌──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┐ ... │ │ │ │ │ ... └──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┘ 0x7345
  • 16. Memory model Memory addresses are nothing more than numbers1 ┌──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┐ ... │ │ │ │ │ ... └──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┘ 0x7345 1 The 0x prefix is to say that the numbers are given in hexadecimal nota6on
  • 17. Memory model Given a cell, its address is obtained as the address of the previous one plus one ┌──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┐ ... │ │ │ │ │ ... └──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┘ 0x7345 0x7346 0x7347
  • 18. Memory model This assures that: • Every memory cell has its own unique address • Given a cell, it is possible to compute the address of its neighborhood
  • 19. Variable iden+fiers We usually do not care about where values are stored int a ◀───────────▶ ┌──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┐ ... │//////│//////│ │ │ ... └──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┘ 0x7345 0x7346 0x7347
  • 20. Variable iden+fiers We simply manipulate values by referring to the iden%fier of the corresponding variable int a = 3; a = a + 7; // we do not know where `a` is stored in memory
  • 21. Addresses However, there might be situa2ons in which we would like to refer to the in-memory loca-on of a value, rather than to the value itself
  • 22. The ampersand In order to manipulate the address of a variable, we prefix the variable iden8fier with the ampersand symbol &
  • 23. The ampersand int a = 5; std::cout << "value of a: " << a << std::endl; std::cout << "address of a: " << &a << std::endl;
  • 24. The address-of operator When the ampersand symbol & precedes an expression2 , it plays the role of a unary operator (the address-of operator) int a = 7; std::cout << &a; // conceptually: address_of(a); 2 Note that there exist expressions on which it is not possible to apply the address-of operator
  • 25. The address-of operator Note that if a value occupies more than one memory cell, the address-of operator returns the address of the first memory cell int a ◀───────────▶ ┌──────┬──────┬──────┬──────┐ ... │//////│//////│ │ │ ... └──────┴──────┴──────┴──────┘ 0x7345 0x7346 0x7347 ▲ │ │ &a
  • 26. A formal defini.on of copy A copy is a something that is equal to the original but not iden)cal to it int a = 7; int b = a; a == b; // b is equal to a (they both contain 7) &a != &b; // b is not a (they live in different memory locations)
  • 28. Storing addresses Assume that we now want to store the address of a value. We need a variable where to keep such an address
  • 29. Storing addresses int a = 7; ??? address_of_a = &a
  • 30. What is the type of address_of_a?
  • 31. Pointer to int The data type of a variable storing the address of an int is int*. Such a data type is called pointer to int int* address_of_a = &a
  • 32. Pointers Variables that store addresses are called pointers It is possible to create pointers to any data type3 , for built-in and user-defined types alike 3 As long as the data type is at least of size 1 byte
  • 33. For any data type T, T* is the data type pointer to T
  • 34. Examples int* a; // pointer to int char* b; // pointer to char float* c; // pointer to float int** d; // pointer to pointer to int
  • 35. XKCD
  • 36. Pointers as type constructors The * symbol plays the role of a type constructor A type constructor is a func0on that takes as input some type T and returns some other type T'
  • 37. Example Construc)ng the type "pointer to int" • Input type: int • Type constructor: * • Output type: int*
  • 38. vector as type constructor No#ce that also std::vector is a type constructor
  • 39. vector as type constructor Indeed, no value can have a type of just std::vector, because that is not a type per se
  • 40. Example Construc)ng the type "vector of double's" • Input type: double • Type constructor: std::vector • Output type: std::vector<double>
  • 41. Type constructors: a metaphor Type constructors are like ♭ and ♯ in music
  • 42. Type constructors: a metaphor You cannot play ♭ or ♯ alone
  • 43. Type constructors: a metaphor You rather apply ♭ or ♯ to a note to obtain a new one
  • 44. Type constructors: a metaphor Construc)ng the note A♭ • Input note: A • Note constructor: ♭ • Output note: A♭
  • 46. Using pointers Assume we are storing the address of an integer variable in a pointer int* ptr = ... // somehow initialized
  • 47. What opera*ons can I do on pointers?
  • 48. Dereferencing The dereference operator * makes possible to access the content pointed to by a pointer4 int* ptr = ... std::cout << "the value pointed to is: " << *ptr; 4 The dereference operator is also called the indirec'on operator
  • 49. Dereferencing The expression *ptr reads "the value pointed to by ptr" int* ptr = ... std::cout << "the value pointed to is: " << *ptr;
  • 50. Dereferencing The dereference operator allows both reading and modifying the pointed value int* ptr = ... *ptr = 7; int b = 5 + *ptr; // b contains 12
  • 51. Dereferencing In other words, the expression *ptr may also appear on the le4- hand side of the assignment operator int* ptr = ... *ptr = 7; int b = 5 + *ptr; // b contains 12
  • 52. Same symbol, two meanings // * is a type constructor int* ptr_a = &a; // * is an operator std::cout << "pointed value: " << *ptr_a;
  • 53. Trivia 1: What's the output? int a = 7; int* ptr = &a; *ptr = 12; std::cout << *ptr << std::endl; std::cout << a << std::endl;
  • 54. Trivia 2: What's the output? int a = 7; int* ptr = &a; std::cout << &ptr << std::endl; std::cout << &a << std::endl;
  • 55. Trivia 3: What's the output? int a = 7; int* ptr1 = &a; int* ptr2 = &a; std::cout << (ptr1 == ptr2) << std::endl; std::cout << (&ptr1 == &ptr2) << std::endl;
  • 57. The "box" metaphor Just as a vector is a container of many elements, we can say that a pointer is a container of one element5 5 More formally, the similarity holds because both of them are functors
  • 58. The "box" metaphor // we put some values in the container std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // accessing the 3rd element // in the container std::cout << v[2];
  • 59. The "box" metaphor // we "put" a value in the container int* p = &a; // accessing the only element // in the container std::cout << *p;
  • 61. The strange case of null pointers
  • 62. Unini$alized pointers As with any local variable, it is not possible to foresee the value of unini6alized pointers int* ptr; // uninitialized pointer
  • 63. Unini$alized pointers The pointer may hold any value. Such a value will be erroneously intended as the address of a pointed value int* ptr; // uninitialized pointer
  • 64. Unini$alized pointers There does not exist any way to understand whether a pointer is in fact poin4ng to a valid value int* ptr; // uninitialized pointer
  • 65. Null pointers We would like to ini#alize pointers even in the absence of a sensible value int* ptr = ???;
  • 66. Null pointers Pointers can be ini-alized to null in order to indicate that the pointer is currently not poin-ng to any valid value6 int* ptr = nullptr; // since C++11 int* ptr = NULL; // C++03 6 In terms of the box metaphor, this amounts to no4fying that the container is empty
  • 67. Solving the swap problem Can we use pointers to write a working version of the swap_int func4on?
  • 68. Idea: passing to swap_int the variable addresses (as opposed to their values)
  • 69. swap_int with pointers void swap_int(??? x, ??? y) { ... }
  • 70. swap_int with pointers void swap_int(int* x, int* y) { ... }
  • 71. swap_int with pointers void swap_int(int* x, int* y) { int temp = *x; *x = *y; *y = temp; }
  • 72. swap_int with pointers At swap_int invoca*on: • The addresses of a and b get copied into the pointers x and y (which are local to swap_int) • The values pointed to by x and y (i.e., a and b) get swapped • At the end of swap_int, x and y get destroyed
  • 73. How to invoke swap_int? int main() { int a = 2; int b = 5; swap_int(???, ???); }
  • 74. How to invoke swap_int? int main() { int a = 2; int b = 5; swap_int(&a, &b); }
  • 75. Passing by address If a func(on receives addresses in place of values, we say that parameter are passed by address void swap_int(int* x, int* y);
  • 76. Passing by address However, since we pass address copies, passing by address is just a par6cular case of passing by value void swap_int(int* x, int* y);
  • 77. Passing by address Passing by address allows... • propaga'ng altera'ons in the callee func'on also in the calling func'on • rapidly accessing big data, since we copy its address as opposed to its value
  • 78. Passing by address However: • The code is difficult to read • We should manage the edge case where we pass nullptr
  • 79. Passing by address Upsides/downsides: • We cannot pass constants or temporary data (they do not have an address)
  • 81. Iden%fiers When declaring a variable, we need to specify its data type and iden*fier Both these aspects cannot be modified later on in the program
  • 82. Iden%fier aliases However, C++ allows introducing addi5onal iden5fiers (aliases) for a variables any5me in the code int a = 5; int& b = a; // b is a new identifier (alias) for a
  • 83. Iden%fier aliases b is an alias for a, and its data type is int& int a = 5; int& b = a; // b is a new identifier (alias) for a
  • 84. References In C++, iden*fier aliases are called references7 int a = 5; int& b = a; // b is a reference to a 7 Star'ng from C++11, references have been renamed lvalue references
  • 85. For a data type T, T& is the data type reference to T
  • 86. Examples int& a = b; // a is an alias for b (where b is of type int) float& c = d // c is an alias for d (where d is of type float) int& e = b; // e is an alias for b, hence an alias for a int*& f = g; // f is an alias for g (where g is of type int*)
  • 87. Trivia 1: what's the output? int a = 5; int& b = a; b = 7; std::cout << a;
  • 88. Trivia 1: what's the output? int a = 5; int& b = a; // b is a new name for a b = 7; std::cout << a; // the output will be 7
  • 89. Aliases are indis+nguishable Once ini'alized, using either the new or the old iden'fier is a ma7er of indifference int a = 5; int& b = a; // b is a new name for a // using b is the same as using a (and vice-versa) std::cout << b;
  • 90. Aliases are indis+nguishable That is, the reference is the referent8 int a = 5; int& b = a; // b is a new name for a // using b is the same as using a (and vice-versa) std::cout << b; 8 While holding conceptually, the C++11 specifica8on qualifies the reference and the referent as two different en88es
  • 91. & as a type constructor As with *, also & can be intended as a type constructor
  • 92. & as a type constructor Construc)ng the type "reference to float" • Input type: float • Type constructor: & • Output type: float&
  • 93. Same symbol, two meanings int a = 5; // & is a type constructor int& b = a; // & is an operator std::cout << &a;
  • 94. Solving the swap problem Can we use references to write a working version of the swap_int func3on?
  • 95. Idea: using references as parameters of swap_int
  • 96. swap_int with references void swap_int(??? x, ??? y) { ... }
  • 97. swap_int with references void swap_int(int& x, int& y) { ... }
  • 98. swap_int with references void swap_int(int& x, int& y) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
  • 99. swap_int with references Note that the func,on body is the same as in our first a5empt void swap_int(int& x, int& y) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; }
  • 100. How to invoke swap_int? int main() { int a = 2; int b = 5; swap_int(???, ???); }
  • 101. How to invoke swap_int? int main() { int a = 2; int b = 5; swap_int(a, b); }
  • 102. How to invoke swap_int? Note that we invoke swap_int as any other func3on int main() { int a = 2; int b = 5; swap_int(a, b); }
  • 103. swap_int with references References allow us to write swap_int in an easy and safe manner • Easy: we do not need to use the dereference operator * everywhere • Safe: the program will not compile if we try to pass nullptr or temporary values
  • 104. Passing by reference If a func(on receives iden%fier aliases in place of values, we say that parameter are passed by reference void swap_int(int& x, int& y);
  • 106. Does it work? int a = 5; int& b; b = a;
  • 107. References are not assignable References can be ini#alized, but not (re)-assigned int a = 5; int& b; // b is an alias for what? b = a;
  • 108. Does it work? void countdown(int& number) { std::cout << number << std::endl; if (number != 0) countdown(number - 1); }
  • 109. The compile-,me error Here's the error: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'int&' from an rvalue of type 'int'
  • 110. The compile-,me error We can safely replace the term rvalue with temporary: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'int&' from a temporary of type 'int'
  • 111. The compile-,me error The temporary the error is referring to is number - 1 void countdown(int& number) { std::cout << number << std::endl; if (number != 0) countdown(number - 1); }
  • 112. Reference-to-const The correct version reads: void countdown(int const& number) { std::cout << number << std::endl; if (number != 0) countdown(number - 1); }
  • 113. Reference-to-const Only constant references can bind to temporary values void countdown(int const& number) { std::cout << number << std::endl; if (number != 0) countdown(number - 1); }
  • 114. Reference-to-const This is why the input parameter number has to be of type int const&, rather than int& void countdown(int const& number) { std::cout << number << std::endl; if (number != 0) countdown(number - 1); }
  • 115. Does it work? double& add(double x, double y) { double z = x + y; return z; }
  • 116. Dangling references Although it compiles, the add func2on causes an undefined behavior double& add(double x, double y) { double z = x + y; return z; }
  • 117. Dangling references This is because we are returning an alias for z, which will be destroyed as soon as we exit the func7on double& add(double x, double y) { double z = x + y; return z; }
  • 118. Dangling references In other words, the add func0on returns a dangling reference, that is, a reference for a non-exis0ng object double& add(double x, double y) { double z = x + y; return z; } int main() { double r = add(5, 3); std::cout << r; }
  • 119. Dangling references Although this seems trivial when presented in contrived examples, this is an easy mistake to make when wri9ng class' ge;ers and se;ers
  • 121. Bibliography • S. B. Lippman, J. Lajoie, B. E. Moo, C++ Primer (5th Ed.) • B. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language (4th Ed.) • R. Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Ed.) • C++FAQ, SecJon 8