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Wiring the different layers
Ilio Catallo -
• Adding a back-end container
• Wiring the different layers
• References
Adding a back-end container
Web beans
DispatcherServlet ini$alizes its DI container from a single file
named frontcontroller-servlet.xml
| |
| |
| |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | +------------+ | +------------+ |
| | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | |
| +-+ | +-+ beans | |
| +-------------+ +-------------+ |
| |
| |
| |
Spring DI Container
Web beans
Controllers and special beans are the Web-specific components
(Web beans) of our applica9on
| |
| |
| |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | +------------+ | +------------+ |
| | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | |
| +-+ | +-+ beans | |
| +-------------+ +-------------+ |
| |
| |
| |
Spring DI Container
Service and persistence beans
What about all the other applica,on components (beans) that we
will need for our applica6on?
+---------------------------------------------------+ +--------------+
| | | +--------------+
| | | | +---------------+
| | | | | |
| +------------+ +------------+ | +-+ | Service beans |
| | +------------+ | +------------+ | +-+ |
| | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ | +---------------+
| | | | | | | | | |
| +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | | +--------------+
| +-+ | +-+ beans | | | +--------------+
| +-------------+ +-------------+ | | | +---------------+
| | | | | |
| | | | | Persistence |
| | +-+ | beans |
+---------------------------------------------------+ +-| |
Spring DI Container +---------------+
Service and persistence beans
Do we have also to declare service and persistence beans into
+---------------------------------------------------+ +--------------+
| | | +--------------+
| | | | +---------------+
| | | | | |
| +------------+ +------------+ | +-+ | Service beans |
| | +------------+ | +------------+ | +-+ |
| | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ | +---------------+
| | | | | | | | | |
| +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | | +--------------+
| +-+ | +-+ beans | | | +--------------+
| +-------------+ +-------------+ | | | +---------------+
| | | | | |
| | | | | Persistence |
| | +-+ | beans |
+---------------------------------------------------+ +-| |
Spring DI Container +---------------+
Mul$ple configura$on files
Although not strictly required, it is a good idea to organize our
Spring configura8on across mul+ple files
Mul$ple configura$on files
We will add some addi,onal XML configura,on files
• One for the service layer
• One for the persistence layer
• One for data source configura7on
Spli%ng by architectural layers
By doing so, we separate applica&on beans (services and
persistence beans) from Web beans (controllers and special beans)
Spli%ng by architectural layers
That is, the Spring configura3on is broken out by architectural
│ D ││ │
│ o ││ Presentation layer │
│ m ││ │
│ a │└────────────────────────────────┘
│ i │┌────────────────────────────────┐
│ n ││ │
│ ││ Service layer │
│ m ││ │
│ o │└────────────────────────────────┘
│ d │┌────────────────────────────────┐
│ e ││ │
│ l ││ Persistence layer │
│ ││ │
ContextLoaderListener is a Spring's component capable of
loading addi$onal configura6on files
Event listeners
The Java Servlet specifica1on includes the capability to track
events in a Web applica1on through event listeners
We can monitor events related to the Web app lifecycle by means
of a ServletContextListener implementa5on
public interface ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce);
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce);
ServletContextListeners are loaded at Web container
startup, before any servlet
public interface ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce);
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce);
ContextLoaderListener implements the
ServletContextListener interface
public class ContextLoaderListener implements ServletContextListener { ... }
As with any Web component, we need to declare
ContextLoaderListener in web.xml
The loca)ons of the addi)onal configura)on files are specified as a
context parameter named contextConfigLocation1
Note that we are not allowed to specify any other parameter name
The classpath: prefix is used to inform Spring that the files are
located in the CLASSPATH
One configura,on file per layer
Service beans are declared in service-context.xml
classpath:service-context.xml <!-- Service beans -->
One configura,on file per layer
Persistence beans are declared in persistence-context.xml
classpath:persistence-context.xml <!-- Persistence beans -->
One configura,on file per layer
Finally, dataSource-context.xml configures the data source
we would like to use
classpath:dataSource-context.xml <!-- data source config -->
How do the addi+onal configura+on files relate to
Back-end container
The ContextLoaderListener bootstraps an addi$onal
container called the back-end container
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Spring DI back-end container
Separa&ng the different areas
Service and persistence beans will live within the back-end
| |
| |
| +--------------+ |
| | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
| | | +--------------- | +--------------+ |
| | | | + | | +---------------+ |
| +-+ | Service beans | | | | | |
| +-+ | | | | Persistence | |
| +---------------| +-+ | beans | |
| +-+ | |
| +---------------+ |
| |
| |
Spring DI back-end container
Separa&ng the different areas
...whereas Web beans will live in the front-end container created
by DispatcherServlet
| |
| |
| |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | +------------+ | +------------+ |
| | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | |
| +-+ | +-+ beans | |
| +-------------+ +-------------+ |
| |
| |
| |
Spring DI front-end container
Separa&ng the different areas
We are effec(vely separa&ng the applica(on beans from the Web
beans by crea(ng different containers
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
| | | |
| | | |
| <----> |
| | | |
| | | |
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
Front-end container Back-end container
The back-end container is unique
Remember: the back-end container is unique
| |
| |
| +--------------+ |
| | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
| | | +--------------- | +--------------+ |
| | | | + | | +---------------+ |
| +-+ | Service beans | | | | | |
| +-+ | | | | Persistence | |
| +---------------| +-+ | beans | |
| +-+ | |
| +---------------+ |
| |
| |
Spring DI back-end container
The back-end container is unique
In other words, ContextLoaderListener loads the different
configura5on files into the same back-end container
| |
| |
| +--------------+ |
| | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
| | | +--------------- | +--------------+ |
| | | | + | | +---------------+ |
| +-+ | Service beans | | | | | |
| +-+ | | | | Persistence | |
| +---------------| +-+ | beans | |
| +-+ | |
| +---------------+ |
| |
| |
Spring DI back-end container
Parent-child rela.onship
The back-end container serves as a parent for the front-end
| |
| Back-end container |
| |
| Child of...
| |
| Front-end container |
| |
Parent-child rela.onship
That is why the back-end container is also called the root container
| |
| Back-end container |
| |
| Child of...
| |
| Front-end container |
| |
Parent-child rela.onship
A container can only have a single parent, but it can have mul6ple
| |
| Container A |
| |
| |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
| | | |
| Container B | | Container C |
| | | |
+--------------+ +------^-------+
| |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
| | | |
| Container D | | Container E |
| | | |
+--------------+ +--------------+
Parent-child rela.onship
Child containers can access beans defined in the parent container
| |
| Container A |
| |
| |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
| | | |
| Container B | | Container C |
| | | |
+--------------+ +------^-------+
| |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
| | | |
| Container D | | Container E |
| | | |
+--------------+ +--------------+
Parent-child rela.onship
However, parent beans cannot access beans in the child container
| |
| Container A |
| |
| |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
| | | |
| Container B | | Container C |
| | | |
+--------------+ +------^-------+
| |
+------+-------+ +-------+------+
| | | |
| Container D | | Container E |
| | | |
+--------------+ +--------------+
Parent-child rela.onship
Hence, shared beans and infrastructure configura2on are
• Declared in the back-end container
• Consumed in the front-end container by Web components
Wiring the different layers
Discovering beans
Once created, we have to declare which beans are going to be part
of the back-end container
| |
| |
| +--------------+ |
| | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
| | | +--------------- | +--------------+ |
| | | | + | | +---------------+ |
| +-+ | Service beans | | | | | |
| +-+ | | | | Persistence | |
| +---------------| +-+ | beans | |
| +-+ | |
| +---------------+ |
| |
| |
Spring DI back-end container
Discovering beans
We can configure Spring to automa&cally discover beans and
declare them in the back-end container
Stereotype annota+ons
To this end, four stereotype annota+ons are available
• @Component
• @Controller
• @Service
• @Repository
Stereotype annota+ons
Both @Controller, @Service and @Repository are
specializa2on of @Component
Service beans
Service beans should be annotated with the @Service annota/on
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
Service beans
Currently, @Service does not provide any addi1onal behavior
over the @Component annota1on
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
Service beans
However, this annota/on might include service layer specific
func/onality in future Spring releases
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
Service beans
Nevertheless, @Service is s,ll useful, as it helps in clearly
demarca-ng the role of the bean
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
Persistence beans
Persistence beans should be annotated with the @Repository
public class AccountRepositoryImpl implements AccountRepository { ... }
Persistence beans
Like @Service, the @Repository is a specializa/on of the
@Component annota/on
Persistence beans
The @Repository annota)on makes the unchecked excep+ons
thrown by the repository bean eligible for transla)on into Spring's
Auto-discovering beans
With all the @Service and @Repository annota,ons in place,
we are now ready to auto-discover beans
Auto-discovering beans
The auto-discovery mechanism will find all the service and
persistence beans without having to provide XML configura<on
entries for them
Auto-discovering beans
The <context:component-scan> loads into the container
those beans annotated with any @Component specializa4on
Auto-discovering beans
Auto-discovering beans
Auto-discovering beans
No#ce that we already used the auto-discovery mechanism, since
@Controller is also a @Component specializa#on
Auto-discovering beans
Beans injec*on
With the back-end container in place, we are now ready to inject
instances of the service beans into the controllers
Annota&on-based wiring
The most common way of wiring beans is to use annota%ons
public class AccountController {
private AccountService accountService;
public AccountController(AccountService accountService) {
accountService = accountService;
Annota&on-based wiring
It turns out that Spring supports different annota+ons
• The @Autowired annota*on (Spring API)
• The @Inject annota*on (Dependency Injec*on API)
• The @Resource annota*on (Common Annota*ons API)
Annota&on-based wiring
It turns out that Spring supports different annota+ons
• The @Autowired annota)on (Spring API)
• The @Inject annota*on (Dependency Injec*on API)
• The @Resource annota*on (Common Annota*ons API)
When Spring sees something annotated with @Autowired, it will
try to perform wiring by type
@Autowired can be used:
• On fields
• On se*er methods
• On constructor methods
• On methods with arbitrary signature
public class AccountController {
private AccountService accountService;
public AccountController(AccountService accountService) {
accountService = accountService;
Resolving dependencies
If no bean can be wired into the @Autowired-annotated
argument, a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException will be thrown
Resolving dependencies
If more than one bean are suitable for injec1on, @Autowired
cannot determine which one to choose...
Resolving dependencies
...and so a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException will be thrown
Annota&on-based wiring
It turns out that Spring supports different annota2ons:
• The @Autowired annota*on (Spring API)
• The @Inject annota)on (Dependency Injec)on API)
• The @Resource annota*on (Common Annota*ons API)
Dependency Injec+on API
Spring 3 added support for annota1ons coming from the
Dependency Injec+on API (JSR-330)
Dependency Injec+on API
JSR-330 defines some annota1ons contained in the
javax.inject package, such as @Inject and @Named
The centerpiece of JSR-330 is the @Inject annota5on. This
annota5on is an almost complete drop-in replacement for Spring’s
@Autowired annota5on
public class AccountController {
private AccountService accountService;
public AccountController(AccountService accountService) {
accountService = accountService;
Wiring the persistence layer
Of course, we can use @Autowired also to inject persistence
beans into service beans
Wiring the persistence layer
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
private AccountRepository accountRepository;
public AccountServiceImpl(AccountRepository accountRepository) {
this.accountRepository = accountRepository;
• SpringSource, Spring Framework Reference
• SpringSource, ContextLoader Java-doc
• M. Deinum, K. Serneels, Pro Spring MVC: with Web flows,
Apress PublicaIons
• Craig Walls, Spring in AcIon (3rd EdiIon),
Manning PublicaIons
• Willie Wheeler, Spring in PracIce, Manning PublicaIons

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Spring MVC - Wiring the different layers

  • 1. Wiring the different layers Ilio Catallo -
  • 2. Outline • Adding a back-end container • Wiring the different layers • References
  • 3. Adding a back-end container
  • 4. Web beans DispatcherServlet ini$alizes its DI container from a single file named frontcontroller-servlet.xml +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | +------------+ +------------+ | | | +------------+ | +------------+ | | | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | | | +-+ | +-+ beans | | | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Spring DI Container
  • 5. Web beans Controllers and special beans are the Web-specific components (Web beans) of our applica9on +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | +------------+ +------------+ | | | +------------+ | +------------+ | | | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | | | +-+ | +-+ beans | | | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Spring DI Container
  • 6. Service and persistence beans What about all the other applica,on components (beans) that we will need for our applica6on? +---------------------------------------------------+ +--------------+ | | | +--------------+ | | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | +------------+ +------------+ | +-+ | Service beans | | | +------------+ | +------------+ | +-+ | | | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ | +---------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | | +--------------+ | +-+ | +-+ beans | | | +--------------+ | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | Persistence | | | +-+ | beans | +---------------------------------------------------+ +-| | Spring DI Container +---------------+
  • 7. Service and persistence beans Do we have also to declare service and persistence beans into frontcontroller-servlet.xml? +---------------------------------------------------+ +--------------+ | | | +--------------+ | | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | +------------+ +------------+ | +-+ | Service beans | | | +------------+ | +------------+ | +-+ | | | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ | +---------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | | +--------------+ | +-+ | +-+ beans | | | +--------------+ | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | Persistence | | | +-+ | beans | +---------------------------------------------------+ +-| | Spring DI Container +---------------+
  • 8. Mul$ple configura$on files Although not strictly required, it is a good idea to organize our Spring configura8on across mul+ple files
  • 9. Mul$ple configura$on files We will add some addi,onal XML configura,on files • One for the service layer • One for the persistence layer • One for data source configura7on
  • 10. Spli%ng by architectural layers By doing so, we separate applica&on beans (services and persistence beans) from Web beans (controllers and special beans)
  • 11. Spli%ng by architectural layers That is, the Spring configura3on is broken out by architectural layers ┌──────┐┌────────────────────────────────┐ │ D ││ │ │ o ││ Presentation layer │ │ m ││ │ │ a │└────────────────────────────────┘ │ i │┌────────────────────────────────┐ │ n ││ │ │ ││ Service layer │ │ m ││ │ │ o │└────────────────────────────────┘ │ d │┌────────────────────────────────┐ │ e ││ │ │ l ││ Persistence layer │ │ ││ │ └──────┘└────────────────────────────────┘
  • 12. ContextLoaderListener ContextLoaderListener is a Spring's component capable of loading addi$onal configura6on files
  • 13. Event listeners The Java Servlet specifica1on includes the capability to track events in a Web applica1on through event listeners
  • 14. ServletContextListener We can monitor events related to the Web app lifecycle by means of a ServletContextListener implementa5on public interface ServletContextListener { public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce); public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce); }
  • 15. ServletContextListener ServletContextListeners are loaded at Web container startup, before any servlet public interface ServletContextListener { public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce); public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce); }
  • 16. ContextLoaderListener ContextLoaderListener implements the ServletContextListener interface public class ContextLoaderListener implements ServletContextListener { ... }
  • 17. ContextLoaderListener As with any Web component, we need to declare ContextLoaderListener in web.xml <listener> <listener-class> org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener </listener-class> </listener>
  • 18. ContextLoaderListener The loca)ons of the addi)onal configura)on files are specified as a context parameter named contextConfigLocation1 <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> classpath:service-context.xml classpath:persistence-context.xml classpath:dataSource-context.xml </param-value> </context-param> 1 Note that we are not allowed to specify any other parameter name
  • 19. ContextLoaderListener The classpath: prefix is used to inform Spring that the files are located in the CLASSPATH <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> classpath:service-context.xml classpath:persistence-context.xml classpath:dataSource-context.xml </param-value> </context-param>
  • 20. One configura,on file per layer Service beans are declared in service-context.xml <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> classpath:service-context.xml <!-- Service beans --> classpath:persistence-context.xml classpath:dataSource-context.xml </param-value> </context-param>
  • 21. One configura,on file per layer Persistence beans are declared in persistence-context.xml <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> classpath:service-context.xml classpath:persistence-context.xml <!-- Persistence beans --> classpath:dataSource-context.xml </param-value> </context-param>
  • 22. One configura,on file per layer Finally, dataSource-context.xml configures the data source we would like to use <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> classpath:service-context.xml classpath:persistence-context.xml classpath:dataSource-context.xml <!-- data source config --> </param-value> </context-param>
  • 23. How do the addi+onal configura+on files relate to frontcontroller-servlet.xml?
  • 24. Back-end container The ContextLoaderListener bootstraps an addi$onal container called the back-end container +--------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------+ Spring DI back-end container
  • 25. Separa&ng the different areas Service and persistence beans will live within the back-end container... +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | +--------------+ | | | +--------------+ +--------------+ | | | | +--------------- | +--------------+ | | | | | + | | +---------------+ | | +-+ | Service beans | | | | | | | +-+ | | | | Persistence | | | +---------------| +-+ | beans | | | +-+ | | | +---------------+ | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Spring DI back-end container
  • 26. Separa&ng the different areas ...whereas Web beans will live in the front-end container created by DispatcherServlet +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | +------------+ +------------+ | | | +------------+ | +------------+ | | | | +-------------+ | | +-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-+ | Controllers | +-+ | Special | | | +-+ | +-+ beans | | | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Spring DI front-end container
  • 27. Separa&ng the different areas We are effec(vely separa&ng the applica(on beans from the Web beans by crea(ng different containers +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | <----> | | | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ Front-end container Back-end container
  • 28. The back-end container is unique Remember: the back-end container is unique +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | +--------------+ | | | +--------------+ +--------------+ | | | | +--------------- | +--------------+ | | | | | + | | +---------------+ | | +-+ | Service beans | | | | | | | +-+ | | | | Persistence | | | +---------------| +-+ | beans | | | +-+ | | | +---------------+ | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Spring DI back-end container
  • 29. The back-end container is unique In other words, ContextLoaderListener loads the different configura5on files into the same back-end container +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | +--------------+ | | | +--------------+ +--------------+ | | | | +--------------- | +--------------+ | | | | | + | | +---------------+ | | +-+ | Service beans | | | | | | | +-+ | | | | Persistence | | | +---------------| +-+ | beans | | | +-+ | | | +---------------+ | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Spring DI back-end container
  • 30. Parent-child rela.onship The back-end container serves as a parent for the front-end container +----------------------+ | | | Back-end container | | | +----------^-----------+ | | Child of... | +----------+-----------+ | | | Front-end container | | | +----------------------+
  • 31. Parent-child rela.onship That is why the back-end container is also called the root container +----------------------+ | | | Back-end container | | | +----------^-----------+ | | Child of... | +----------+-----------+ | | | Front-end container | | | +----------------------+
  • 32. Parent-child rela.onship A container can only have a single parent, but it can have mul6ple children +--------------+ | | | Container A | | | +------^-------+ | +--------------+-------------+ | | +------+-------+ +-------+------+ | | | | | Container B | | Container C | | | | | +--------------+ +------^-------+ | +--------------+-------------+ | | +------+-------+ +-------+------+ | | | | | Container D | | Container E | | | | | +--------------+ +--------------+
  • 33. Parent-child rela.onship Child containers can access beans defined in the parent container +--------------+ | | | Container A | | | +------^-------+ | +--------------+-------------+ | | +------+-------+ +-------+------+ | | | | | Container B | | Container C | | | | | +--------------+ +------^-------+ | +--------------+-------------+ | | +------+-------+ +-------+------+ | | | | | Container D | | Container E | | | | | +--------------+ +--------------+
  • 34. Parent-child rela.onship However, parent beans cannot access beans in the child container +--------------+ | | | Container A | | | +------^-------+ | +--------------+-------------+ | | +------+-------+ +-------+------+ | | | | | Container B | | Container C | | | | | +--------------+ +------^-------+ | +--------------+-------------+ | | +------+-------+ +-------+------+ | | | | | Container D | | Container E | | | | | +--------------+ +--------------+
  • 35. Parent-child rela.onship Hence, shared beans and infrastructure configura2on are • Declared in the back-end container • Consumed in the front-end container by Web components
  • 37. Discovering beans Once created, we have to declare which beans are going to be part of the back-end container +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | +--------------+ | | | +--------------+ +--------------+ | | | | +--------------- | +--------------+ | | | | | + | | +---------------+ | | +-+ | Service beans | | | | | | | +-+ | | | | Persistence | | | +---------------| +-+ | beans | | | +-+ | | | +---------------+ | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Spring DI back-end container
  • 38. Discovering beans We can configure Spring to automa&cally discover beans and declare them in the back-end container
  • 39. Stereotype annota+ons To this end, four stereotype annota+ons are available • @Component • @Controller • @Service • @Repository
  • 40. Stereotype annota+ons Both @Controller, @Service and @Repository are specializa2on of @Component
  • 41. Service beans Service beans should be annotated with the @Service annota/on @Service public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
  • 42. Service beans Currently, @Service does not provide any addi1onal behavior over the @Component annota1on @Service public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
  • 43. Service beans However, this annota/on might include service layer specific func/onality in future Spring releases @Service public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
  • 44. Service beans Nevertheless, @Service is s,ll useful, as it helps in clearly demarca-ng the role of the bean @Service public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { ... }
  • 45. Persistence beans Persistence beans should be annotated with the @Repository annota/on @Repository public class AccountRepositoryImpl implements AccountRepository { ... }
  • 46. Persistence beans Like @Service, the @Repository is a specializa/on of the @Component annota/on
  • 47. Persistence beans The @Repository annota)on makes the unchecked excep+ons thrown by the repository bean eligible for transla)on into Spring's DataAccessExceptions
  • 48. Auto-discovering beans With all the @Service and @Repository annota,ons in place, we are now ready to auto-discover beans
  • 49. Auto-discovering beans The auto-discovery mechanism will find all the service and persistence beans without having to provide XML configura<on entries for them
  • 50. Auto-discovering beans The <context:component-scan> loads into the container those beans annotated with any @Component specializa4on
  • 53. Auto-discovering beans No#ce that we already used the auto-discovery mechanism, since @Controller is also a @Component specializa#on
  • 55. Beans injec*on With the back-end container in place, we are now ready to inject instances of the service beans into the controllers
  • 56. Annota&on-based wiring The most common way of wiring beans is to use annota%ons @Controller @RequestMapping("/account") public class AccountController { private AccountService accountService; @PleaseInjectHere public AccountController(AccountService accountService) { accountService = accountService; } }
  • 57. Annota&on-based wiring It turns out that Spring supports different annota+ons • The @Autowired annota*on (Spring API) • The @Inject annota*on (Dependency Injec*on API) • The @Resource annota*on (Common Annota*ons API)
  • 58. Annota&on-based wiring It turns out that Spring supports different annota+ons • The @Autowired annota)on (Spring API) • The @Inject annota*on (Dependency Injec*on API) • The @Resource annota*on (Common Annota*ons API)
  • 59. @Autowired When Spring sees something annotated with @Autowired, it will try to perform wiring by type
  • 60. @Autowired @Autowired can be used: • On fields • On se*er methods • On constructor methods • On methods with arbitrary signature
  • 61. @Autowired @Controller @RequestMapping("/account") public class AccountController { private AccountService accountService; @Autowired public AccountController(AccountService accountService) { accountService = accountService; } }
  • 62. Resolving dependencies If no bean can be wired into the @Autowired-annotated argument, a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException will be thrown
  • 63. Resolving dependencies If more than one bean are suitable for injec1on, @Autowired cannot determine which one to choose...
  • 64. Resolving dependencies ...and so a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException will be thrown
  • 65. Annota&on-based wiring It turns out that Spring supports different annota2ons: • The @Autowired annota*on (Spring API) • The @Inject annota)on (Dependency Injec)on API) • The @Resource annota*on (Common Annota*ons API)
  • 66. Dependency Injec+on API Spring 3 added support for annota1ons coming from the Dependency Injec+on API (JSR-330)
  • 67. Dependency Injec+on API JSR-330 defines some annota1ons contained in the javax.inject package, such as @Inject and @Named
  • 68. @Inject The centerpiece of JSR-330 is the @Inject annota5on. This annota5on is an almost complete drop-in replacement for Spring’s @Autowired annota5on
  • 69. @Inject @Controller @RequestMapping("/account") public class AccountController { private AccountService accountService; @Inject public AccountController(AccountService accountService) { accountService = accountService; } }
  • 70. Wiring the persistence layer Of course, we can use @Autowired also to inject persistence beans into service beans
  • 71. Wiring the persistence layer @Service public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService { private AccountRepository accountRepository; @Autowired public AccountServiceImpl(AccountRepository accountRepository) { this.accountRepository = accountRepository; } }
  • 73. References • SpringSource, Spring Framework Reference • SpringSource, ContextLoader Java-doc • M. Deinum, K. Serneels, Pro Spring MVC: with Web flows, Apress PublicaIons • Craig Walls, Spring in AcIon (3rd EdiIon), Manning PublicaIons • Willie Wheeler, Spring in PracIce, Manning PublicaIons