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Towards Green Broadband Access Networks
                          Pulak Chowdhury, Massimo Tornatore, Suman Sarkar, and Biswanath Mukherjee
                                           University of California, Davis, CA 95616 USA
                                 Email:{pchowdhury, mtornatore, sumsarkar, bmukherjee}
       Abstract—Energy consumption in next-generation access networks                 networks should be green featuring efficient energy management
    is rapidly increasing with the increase of bandwidth demands. In                  schemes to reduce “carbon footprint.”
    this paper, we devise design techniques aimed to build “green”                       Till now, most of the power management approaches in
    access networks to reduce energy consumption. We apply these
    techniques on a novel access network paradigm named Wireless-                     networking research focus on increasing energy efficiency of
    Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN). We present a Mixed                      equipments. There are two other directions of network energy
    Integer Linear Program (MILP) model to investigate the power                      management – energy-aware network design and energy-aware
    consumption in WOBAN over dynamic traffic profiles. We analyze                      protocol design [3], [7]. In this paper, we develop energy-aware
    the impact of energy-aware design on the performance of WOBAN.                    design techniques and routing protocol for “green” WOBAN.
    Our results indicate that there are large scopes of power savings if
    we incorporate energy-aware design and routing in access networks.                Although these techniques are developed for WOBAN, we believe
                                                                                      that they will be proven to be more general and can be adapted
                                I. I NTRODUCTION                                      to other access network technologies like wireless networks and
                                                                                      different PON variants. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
       Access network is the “last mile” of the communication net-                    first paper to devise energy-consumption reduction techniques in
    work that connects the telecom Central Office (CO) to the resi-                    hybrid wireless-optical access networks.
    dential and business customers. With the proliferation of the In-                    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
    ternet, customer demands for bandwidth-intensive services (such                   Section II, we briefly discuss related work on network energy
    as Video-on-Demand, online Gaming, HDTV, etc.) are rapidly                        management. Section III describes the WOBAN architecture,
    increasing. Therefore, today’s access network should exhibit                      techniques for energy-aware WOBAN design, and energy-aware
    higher transport capacity. There are several access technologies                  WOBAN routing protocol. In Section IV, we present a case
    proposed and deployed in the market – Digital Subscriber Line                     study to illustrate the effectiveness of our energy-aware design
    (xDSL), Cable Modem (CM), Wireless and Cellular networks,                         on WOBAN. Section V includes illustrative numerical examples
    fiber-to-the-x (FTTx), Hybrid Wireless-Optical Broadband Access                    on the case study and gives insights on better power management.
    Network (WOBAN), etc. Access technologies such as xDSL, CM,                       Finally, we conclude in Section VI.
    Wireless, and Cellular networks do not live up to satisfying future
    broadband Internet demands. FTTx technologies can provide                                                    II. R ELATED W ORK
    higher bandwidth but still remain cost-prohibitive. WOBAN –                          Many research efforts in network energy management focus
    a novel hybrid access network paradigm with the combination                       on reducing system-level power consumption. In [8], the authors
    of high-capacity optical backhaul and wireless front-end – can                    advocate for the use of optics to increase router’s scaling capacity
    provide higher bandwidth in a cost-effective manner [1].                          and reduce power consumption. Dynamic power management
       Performance of access technologies is improving over time,                     techniques for system components are presented in [9].
    reducing the cost per byte of traffic and making the broadband                        There has been significant amount of research efforts for power
    Internet affordable to more users. This refuels the tremendous                    management in mobile adhoc networks and sensor networks.
    growth of the Internet and scales up the size of broadband access                 Mobile adhoc networks along with sensor networks are con-
    networks. For example, let us consider FTTx which has different                   strained with limited power capabilities. Hence, these networks
    underlying technologies, such as direct fiber, shared fiber, and                    and their protocol design should emphasize on power manage-
    the most dominant one – Passive Optical Network (PON) (e.g.,                      ment techniques. Reference [10] provides a nice overview of
    EPON, GPON, etc.). Infonetics Research [2] – a leading market                     these techniques at both MAC and network layers. At MAC layer,
    research firm – estimates that the worldwide PON equipment                         some proposed protocols focus on algorithms to put the radios of
    market grew 17% during the second quarter of 2008.                                the idle wireless nodes in coordinated sleeping. Other proposals
       With the increase of size and bandwidth demand in the In-                      include TDM link scheduling, protocols to minimize unnecessary
    ternet, power consumption also increases. An estimation shows                     transmission, etc. [4]. The network layer protocols focus mainly
    that the Internet electricity consumption at US is in billions of                 on selecting routes to minimize network energy consumption.
    dollars [3], and there is significant wastage of electricity (several                 Data centers and server clusters consume a great deal of
    TWh/year) due to inefficient network and system design [4]. A                      electricity power for searching, cooling, and other purposes. A
    good portion of this energy is consumed by idle network elements                  large number of scholarly papers address the power management
    [3]. Therefore, energy can be conserved by reducing the power                     issues of data centers and individual servers (for example, [11]).
    consumption of these idle network elements.                                       Researchers are also arguing to relocate data centers near the
       Access network comprises a large part of the Internet. It is                   renewable energy sources to build “green” grid technology. In
    also a major energy consumer in the Internet due to the presence                  [6], the authors make a proposal for designing “follow-the-sun,
    of huge number of active elements [5]. If we can reduce energy                    follow-the-wind” grids to build green data centers.
    consumption in the access network, it will automatically provide                     Authors of [7] advocate power-aware design and configuration
    a significant reduction of overall Internet power consumption.                     of core networks. They use optimization techniques to find
    Access network power-consumption reduction not only has the                       minimal configuration of the router chassis for supporting differ-
    potential of enormous cost savings, this will also lead us to                     ent traffic loads, thereby reducing network power consumption.
    develop environment-friendly technologies, thereby achieving the                  An initial proposal on the required architectural change of the
    ultimate goal of “green” Internet [6]. Therefore, future access                   network to support selective connectivity, a state where a host
                                                              978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
can choose whether to stay connected or disconnected, is given in                 providing high level of performance. Thanks to the mesh front-
    [12]. Selective connectivity state happens when hosts go to sleep                 end, traffic can be rerouted through alternate paths in case of
    to reduce network power consumption. Methods which enable                         failures such as fiber cut, wireless router or gateway or ONU
    energy consumption reduction of networked desktop computers                       failures. Moreover, there is a capacity mismatch between the
    while these computers are idle are presented in [3]. Authors of [4]               wireless front-end and optical backhaul. The redundant capacity
    suggest how coordinated and uncoordinated sleeping mechanisms                     in the optical backhaul will provide extra reliability during the
    can put the Internet nodes to sleep (energy saving state) with                    failure so that traffic can be rerouted through alternate paths. At a
    some changes in Internet protocols. Despite all these efforts, there              specific instant, it is possible to find several WOBAN topologies
    remain significant challenges to deploy energy-efficient schemes                    that can satisfy the required capacity and reliability objectives.
    over the Internet, especially over the access networks.                           All these are possible due to the densely interconnected wireless
                                                                                      mesh front-end which has many redundant paths to route traffic.
                              III. G REEN WOBAN
                                                                                      The flexibility provided by the wireless front-end of WOBAN can
      In this section, we present the architecture of WOBAN, a                        be exploited to enable energy savings in the optical part.
    mathematical model of energy-aware WOBAN design, and an                              There is another important observation on access network
    energy-aware routing algorithm for WOBAN.                                         traffic profile. The traffic load on access network comes directly
    A. WOBAN Architecture                                                             from customers, and it is well known that there are daily
                                                                                      fluctuations of this load. During WOBAN (as well as other
      Hybrid Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network                                access networks) deployment, the common practice is to deploy
    (WOBAN) is a novel access network architecture with an                            network equipments so that it can support maximum traffic load.
    optimal combination of optical backhaul (e.g., a Passive Optical                  Consequently, during low-load hours, some parts of the network
    Network (PON)) and a wireless front-end (e.g., WiFi and/or                        may be under-utilized.
    WiMAX). Figure 1 presents the architecture of WOBAN.                                 Hence, to design WOBAN topologies with reduced power
    WOBAN optimizes the deployment cost due to less-expensive                         consumption, we need to consider the following points – (a)
    wireless front-end and maximizes the bandwidth performance of                     deployed network has some extra capacity, and (b) traffic load
    a broadband access network [1].                                                   varies during different hours of the day. Thus, we can selectively
                                                                                      put some nodes to a low-power (sleep) state during low-load
                                                                                      hours, thereby reducing network-wide power consumption.
                                                                                         In the wireless front-end of WOBAN, we can adopt coordinated
                                                                                      sleeping techniques [4] from mobile adhoc networks research to
                                                                                      reduce wireless router energy consumption. Therefore, in this
                                                                                      paper, we mainly focus on how to put optical components of
                                                                                      WOBAN into sleep state. We will not consider putting OLT into
                                                                                      sleep state as it connects the WOBAN to the rest-of-the-Internet.
                                                                                      However, for protection purposes, in a PON segment, it is possible
                                                                                      to have several OLTs in a ring setup. In that case, a low-load OLT
                                                                                      can be put into sleep state while rerouting its traffic through other
                                                                                      OLTs. In this paper, we intend to reduce ONU power consumption
                                                                                      in WOBAN by putting low-load ONUs into sleep state.
                                                                                         Now, how can we put an ONU to sleep state? Current IEEE
    Fig. 1.   WOBAN architecture                                                      802.3ah/ 802.3av standards do not define any low power state for
       In WOBAN (Fig. 1), a PON segment starts from the Optical                       ONU [13]. However, proposals have been made to IEEE 802.3av
    Line Terminal (OLT) at the telecom CO and ends at multiple                        task force to include low-power states for ONU so that it can
    Optical Network Units (ONU). Multiple wireless routers form the                   go to sleep during idle periods [14]. Typical power consumption
    front-end of WOBAN. A selected set of these routers are called                    by an ONU during active state is approximately 10 W [15]. It
    gateways. The front-end of WOBAN is essentially a multi-hop                       is also estimated that during sleep state, power consumed by an
    Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) with several wireless routers                         ONU is less than 1 W [14]. Existing ONU boxes in the market
    and a few gateways. These gateways are connected to the PON                       include a T X DISABLE input which disables the transceiver
    backhaul through the ONUs. Each ONU can support several                           of an ONU [15]. Disabling the transceiver can reduce ONU power
    wireless gateways. End users (both mobile and stationary) connect                 consumption several fold.
    to WOBAN through the wireless routers.                                               In WOBAN, OLT can manage a centralized sleeping mecha-
                                                                                      nism to put low-load ONUs into sleep. The mechanism works as
    B. Energy-Aware WOBAN Design                                                      follows. An OLT maintains two watermarks for the traffic load
       WOBAN represents a hierarchical access architecture with                       at ONUs – low and high watermark. At OLT, there are input
    gateways as the initial traffic aggregation points. ONUs are the                   queues for each ONUs connected to it. During different hours of
    next aggregator level in the hierarchy, while OLT is the highest                  the day, OLT will observe the traffic load at different ONUs by
    aggregation point and connects the access network with the                        measuring the length of corresponding input queues. If an ONU
    metro/core network. As gateways are part of the WOBAN front-                      is operating under low watermark, OLT can put that ONU into
    end, they can also collect their nearest end-user traffic.                         sleep. The wireless mesh front-end of WOBAN will reroute the
       There are several important aspects of WOBAN we need                           affected traffic due to ONU shut-down to alternate paths. OLT
    to consider for energy-aware design. Current WOBAN design,                        can put back sleeping ONUs into active state when traffic load
    deployment, and management idealogies provide infrastructure                      increases above high watermark in the currently active ONUs.
    that showcases fault tolerance, reliability, and robustness while                    Now, we aim to find out the optimal number of ONUs needed
                                                              978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
to support a given amount of traffic load. This is a form of multi-                                                                                +Zs,d , u = s
                                                                                             (u,v)   Zs,d γu,v −
                                                                                                                            (v,u)   Zs,d γv,u =
                                                                                                                                                      −Zs,d , u = OLT
    commodity flow problem where each commodity represents the                                                                                                                (3)
                                                                                                                                                      0, otherwise
    traffic flow between a source-destination pair. We can formulate                                                         ∀u ∈ V, ∀(s, d) ∈ T
    the problem as a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). In the                      Wireless Capacity Constraint: A wireless link in WOBAN can
    following, we present the mathematical model in MILP form.                        carry both upstream and downstream traffic. Equation 4 states that
       1) Mathematical Model: Our model takes as input a WOBAN                        the summation of all traffic through a wireless link (u, v) should
                                                                                      not exceed the capacity (Cu,v ) of the link.
    with preassigned link capacities and a traffic matrix based on
    the dynamic daily traffic profile of a service area. The model                                         (Vs,d λs,d + Zs,d γu,v ) ≤ Cu,v ,
                                                                                                                                                           ∀(u, v) ∈ Ew      (4)
    generates output which determines minimum number of ONUs                                     (s,d)
    that need to be kept active to route the given traffic load. The                   Wireless Constraints: The dual-threshold interference model
    other ONUs can be put to sleep state so that network-wide power                   [16] is used to find the set of all interfering links at each
    consumption is minimized. The model also finds the routing path                    wireless node of WOBAN. The wireless interference constraints
                                                                                      are translated to constraints that allocate capacity on each wireless
    for each source-destination (s, d) pair in the traffic matrix. In                  link. A wireless node divides its capacity to all its incoming and
    WOBAN, for the upstream traffic, the destination is always OLT                     outgoing links as it can not transmit and receive at the same
    where the source can be one of the wireless routers, and for the                  time. So, the interference-free radio capacity available (Cu ) at
    downstream traffic, the source is the OLT and the destination is                   each node u is shared between all the outgoing links from u
    one of the wireless routers.                                                      (first term in Eqn. 5) and all the incoming links to u (second
                                                                                      term in Eqn. 5).
       To describe the model, we introduce some notations for the
    parameters and variables as follows.                                                                             Cu,v +          Cv,u ≤ Cu ,       ∀u ∈ Vw               (5)
                                                                                                               v                v
       • WOBAN topology: denoted by a weighted and directed
                                                                                         Equation 6 forms the secondary interference constraint of the
         graph G = {V, E} where V is the set of nodes and E is the                    wireless mesh of WOBAN. This constraint states that a node
         set of links. V has three subsets – Vw is the set of wireless                cannot receive any signal from any other node when an interfering
         nodes, Vonu is the set of ONUs, and OLT represents the                       link is active. The first term of Eqn. 6 is same as Eqn. 5,
         OLT. If nodes u and v have a link, the link is denoted by                    representing the shared capacity among incoming links to node
                                                                                      u. The second term represents all the links which interfere with
         (u, v). E has several subsets – Ew is the set of wireless                    node u (Iu,v ) and which do not have node u as one of their end
         links, EOG is the set of ONU-to-Gateway links, EGO is the                    points.
         set of Gateway-to-ONU links, ET O is the set of OLT-to-
                                                                                                               Cv,u +                    Cp,q ≤ Cu ,           ∀u ∈ Vw       (6)
         ONU links, and EOT is the set of ONU-to-OLT links.
                                                                                                         v                  (p,q)∈Iu,v
       • (s, d):    identifies    source-destination    pair     of   the
                                                                                      Wired Capacity Constraints: Downstream traffic flows are
         upstream/downstream traffic in the traffic matrix.                             limited by the capacity of the ONU-to-GW (Eqn. 7), and OLT-to-
       • Xu : Binary variable denoting ONU state, Xu ∈ {0, 1}. 0                      ONU (Eqn. 8) links. Similarly, upstream traffic flows are limited
         denotes ONU is asleep, and 1 denotes ON U is active.                         by the capacity of the GW-to-ONU (Eqn. 9), and ONU-to-OLT
       • λu,v : Binary variable denoting download flow on link (u, v)                  (Eqn. 10) links.
         for a (s, d) (s is OLT, d denotes routers) pair, λs,d ∈ {0, 1}.
                                                           u,v                                                       Vs,d λs,d ≤ COG ,
                                                                                                                           u,v                ∀(u, v) ∈ EOG                  (7)
       • γu,v : Binary variable denoting upload flow on link (u, v) for                                       (s,d)
         a (s, d) (s denotes routers and d is OLT) pair, γu,v ∈ {0, 1}.
                                                                                                                     Vs,d λs,d ≤ CT O ,
                                                                                                                           u,v                ∀(u, v) ∈ ET O                 (8)
       • Cu,v : Variable expressing the capacity over a wireless link                                        (s,d)
         (u, v). This variable can assume non-integral values.                                                             s,d
                                                                                                                     Zs,d γu,v ≤ CGO ,        ∀(u, v) ∈ EGO                  (9)
       • COG : Capacity of ONU-to-Gateway link.                                                              (s,d)
       • CGO : Capacity of Gateway-to-ONU link.                                                                            s,d
                                                                                                                     Zs,d γu,v ≤ COT ,        ∀(u, v) ∈ EOT                 (10)
       • COT : Capacity of ONU-to-OLT link.                                                                  (s,d)
       • CT O : Capacity of OLT-to-ONU link.                                          Wired Directionality Constraints: These constraints ensure that
       • T : Input traffic matrix with two different types of traffic                   no upstream traffic is flowing in the downstream direction in the
         values - (1) Vs,d : Download traffic between a (s, d) pair                    wired part of WOBAN and vice versa.
         and (2) Zs,d : Upload traffic between a (s, d) pair. For each                                λs,d = 0,
                                                                                                      u,v                  ∀(u, v) ∈ EOT ∪ EGO , ∀(s, d) ∈ T                (11)
         (s, d) pair, we assume the upload traffic is a fraction of                                    s,d
                                               Vd,s                                                  γu,v     = 0,         ∀(u, v) ∈ ET O ∪ EOG , ∀(s, d) ∈ T               (12)
         the download traffic, i.e., Zs,d = ft , ∀s,d where ft is
         a constant value.                                                            ONU State Constraint: This constraint determines the ONU
                                                                                      state. If some traffic (upstream (γu,v ) or downstream (λs,d )) flows
       Now, the objective function can be written as:                                 through an ONU u, it should be active (Xu = 1), otherwise it
                                                                                      should be in sleep state (Xu = 0). This condition can be expressed
                                 minimize               Xu                     (1)    by the following constraint,

       subject to the following constraints:                                                              v        (s,d)   λs,d +
                                                                                                                            u,v        v    (s,d)
                                                                                            Xu ≥                                                           ,    ∀u ∈ Vonu   (13)
    Flow Constraints: Equation 2 captures the fact that, in all nodes                                                          M
    of WOBAN, total outgoing downstream traffic should be equal to                      where M is a very large value used to map the flow variables
    total incoming downstream traffic except for the source (OLT) and
    the destination nodes (wireless routers). Similar argument holds                  into a binary variable (Xu ).
    for upstream traffic (Eqn. 3) except for the source nodes (wireless                Path Length Constraints: These constraints put a limit on path
    routers) and the destination (OLT).                                               length. As Eqns. 14 and 15 shows, each upstream or downstream
                                                                                      (s, d) path should not be longer than H hops.
                                                         −Vs,d , u = d
           (u,v)   Vs,d λs,d −
                         u,v      (v,u)   Vs,d λs,d =
                                                v,u      +Vs,d , u = OLT                                                    λs,d ≤ H,
                                                                                                                             u,v            ∀(s, d) ∈ T                     (14)
                                                         0, otherwise                                                 u,v
                                 ∀u ∈ V, ∀(s, d) ∈ T

                                                               978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
                                  γu,v ≤ H,   ∀(s, d) ∈ T                     (15)                                         B
                            u,v                                                                                    3                               3
       This model turns out to be a MILP formulation as some                                                               7               6
                                                                                                               S                   H                   D
    variables (such as Cu,v ) can take non-integral values. Generally,
    MILP problems are known to be NP-hard, but sophisticated                                                       2
    heuristics can be used to solve the problems in a reasonable                                                       E               F
                                                                                                                               2           2
    amount of time. The number of design variables in this problem
    is not exceptionally large. But for a very large number of nodes,
                                                                                      Fig. 2.   Residual capacity as link weights.
    the problem becomes quite large.
       We try to solve our model with smaller networks to verify
                                                                                         To achieve this, we can modify the LS routing algorithm in
    the correctness of our formulation. For solving the MILP, we
                                                                                      WOBAN so that link weights are assigned to satisfy our energy
    use ILOG CPLEX [17] on a Intel Core 2 Duo machine with 1
                                                                                      objective. So, we use residual capacity as the link weight. Initially,
    Gigabyte RAM and Ubuntu Linux OS. CPLEX uses state-of-the-
                                                                                      each link will have its initial capacity as the weight. When traffic
    art branch-and-cut for solving MILP problems. We use a small
                                                                                      flows through a link, its next link weight will be the capacity left
    43 node WOBAN with 30 wireless routers, 8 gateways, 4 ONUs,
                                                                                      (original capacity minus traffic flow) on that link. To route traffic
    and 1 OLT. Each ONU can drive 2 gateways. In this network, the
                                                                                      from source to destination, we find the lowest residual capacity
    MILP can be solved in a reasonable amount of time depending
                                                                                      path. For example, let us consider the small network in Fig. 2.
    on the size of the traffic matrix. With various combinations of
                                                                                      The links are annotated with their weights (residual capacities).
    the load size and path length constraints, the results show that
                                                                                      To send traffic from S to D, energy-aware routing algorithm will
    we have to keep at least one ONU alive and in the extreme case,
                                                                                      route traffic through the path S-E-F-G-D which has the lowest
    all ONUs are on.
                                                                                      residual capacity (2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7).
       However, for WOBAN with a larger number of nodes and
                                                                                         This approach, however, has its own shortcomings as shown
    more traffic load, we need to build some heuristics to solve this
                                                                                      in Fig. 2. The algorithm selects the path with 4 hops although
    problem. We already have a heuristic on deciding which ONUs
                                                                                      that is not the shortest path while using other metrics (such as
    to shut down “put ONUs with load less than low watermark to
                                                                                      hop length or delay). This will increase the average path length
    sleep.” For routing, we need to find an energy-aware heuristic
                                                                                      and path delay in the network. To deal with this problem, we can
    which is described below.
                                                                                      introduce a term named hop offset – the purpose of this term is
    C. Energy-Aware Routing
                                                                                      to reduce average path length. If we have a hop offset m, we add
       There are several routing protocols proposed for WOBAN-                        m to the path cost for each hop, i.e., for a path of n hops, the
    like architectures. Two of them are – (a) Delay Aware Routing                     cost of the path will be residual capacity of the path +n × m.
    Algorithm (DARA) [18], (b) Capacity and Delay Aware Routing                       For example, as in Fig. 2, for a hop offset 1, the path costs are
    (CaDAR) [18]. These routing algorithms are Link State (LS)                        7 + 4 × 1 = 11, 9 + 3 × 1 = 12, and 13 + 2 × 1 = 15 for paths S-
    protocols where a node periodically transmits its link-state infor-               E-F-G-D, S-B-C-D, and S-H-D respectively, and S-E-F-G-D will
    mation to the network by Link-State Advertisement (LSA). Upon                     be the selected path. But, for a hop offset 3, S-B-C-D will be the
    receiving the LSAs from all the nodes, each node finds a map                       chosen path in our algorithm, and for a hop offset 5, S-H-D will
    of the network and can build a routing table (generally by using                  be the chosen path. Selecting the optimal hop offset depends on
    some variant of Dijkstra’s algorithm) to route traffic to other nodes              how much delay the network connections can tolerate.
    in the network. LS protocols generally vary on how they assign                       There is another important item to consider. We should select
    link weights in the LSA. For example, DARA uses predicted                         hop offset in such a way that average path length does not
    link delay metric to assign link weights. Based on link weight                    increase unproportionately from regular shortest path routing. If
    assignment, these protocols try to achieve several performance                    average path length increases too much, that means more wireless
    objectives. One such objective is load balancing which balances                   hops per path, i.e., more wireless transmissions and receptions.
    the traffic load in all parts of the network [18].                                 Each wireless transmission/reception requires power. So, out of
       Load balancing is a good performance objective as it tries                     proportion average path length may diminish the power savings
    to fairly utilize all parts of the network. But, it may lead to                   that we gain from putting the ONUs to sleep.
    under-utilization of some segments of the network during low-
    load hours. During low-load hours, traffic can be supported                                                 IV. C ASE S TUDY
    using small number of devices in the network. Our routing                            Figure 3 shows a hypothetical WOBAN deployment scenario
    algorithm is an energy-aware LS protocol with the objective                       in Davis, which is a small city in Northern California near
    to reduce network-wide energy consumption by putting under-                       Sacramento. Davis is the home of the University of California,
    utilized nodes (mainly ONUs) of the network into sleep. When                      Davis. The selected part of Davis has three different areas: (a)
    routing traffic, the objective will be “use the already-used paths.”               Downtown, (b) UC Davis Campus, and (c) Part of residential
    The routing algorithm tries to route traffic through the ONUs                      area. These areas are selected as they have a very nice blend of
    which are already used so that probabilities of other ONUs being                  technology-savvy users, and we can showcase how traffic profile
    unused increase. In that way, we can put zero-load ONUs to                        varies across different parts of the network, and also depending of
    sleep. Moreover, we may find some other ONUs with very low                         the traffic profile during different time of the day, how we can put
    load (ONUs with loads under low watermark). By being more                         nodes to sleep. The telecom CO is situated in the downtown area.
    aggressive, we can put these ONUs to sleep and let the wireless                   Total 140 wireless routers, 24 gateways, 12 ONUs, and 1 OLT
    mesh reroute the traffic through these ONUs. When traffic load                      are deployed in this hypothetical deployment. The OLT drives 12
    increases, sleeping ONUs can be activated to carry increased                      ONUs, and 1 ONU drives 2 gateways. Downtown has 41 routers,
    traffic. [Note: Due to space constraints, we only present the logic                8 gateways, and 4 ONUs; Campus area has 37 routers, 6 gateways,
    behind the routing algorithm]                                                     and 3 ONUs; and Residence area has 62 routers, 10 gateways,
                                                              978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
(c) Part of Davis Residential Area     Map Courtesy: Google Maps
                                                                                                                                                                                         Downtown Area
                                                         Legends:                                                                                                                        Campus Area
                                                                                                                                                                                 0.9     Residence Area

                                                                    Telecom CO                                                                                                   0.8

                                                                                                                                      Percentage of Active Routers
                                                                    OLT                                                                                                          0.7


                                                                    Wireless Gateway
                                                                    Wireless Router
                                                                    Optical Fiber                                                                                                0.3

                                                                    CAT-5 Cable                                                                                                  0.2


                                                                                                                                                                                         01−03       2
                                                                                                                                                                                                   04−06       3
                                                                                                                                                                                                             07−09     4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     10−12     5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13−15        6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        16−18     7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                19−21      8

                                                                                                                                                                                                  (a) Percentage of active routers

                                                                                                                                                                                          Downtown Area
                                                                                                                                                                                          Campus Area
                                                                                                                                                                                          Residence Area

                                                                                                                                     Average Load at Active Routers (Mbps)
         (b) UC Davis Campus
                                                                           (a) Davis Downtown

    Fig. 3.   Hypothetical WOBAN deployment in Davis.

    and 5 ONUs deployed. The routers are equipped with one radio

    with a capacity of 54 Mbps (IEEE 802.11g). Capacity allocation
    among wireless links is accomplished by TDM link scheduling.
    The OLT and ONU have capacities of 1 Gbps and 100 Mbps
    respectively. The low watermark is set to 5%, i.e., the OLT puts                                                                                                               0
                                                                                                                                                                                         01−03        2
                                                                                                                                                                                                    04−06      3
                                                                                                                                                                                                             07−09     4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     10−12        5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13−15     6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        16−18     7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                19−21      8

    ONUs with load less than 5% of the total traffic to sleep.                                                                                                                                                            Hours

       The aforementioned MILP model is not able to produce
    optimization results for a large WOBAN like the hypothetical                                                                                                                                 (b) Average load on active routers
    deployment in Davis in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore,
    we use two heuristic approaches in our simulation to achieve                                Fig. 4.                  Traffic profile of Davis Internet users.
    near-optimal solution. They are - (a) put ONUs with load less                                                                                      60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Regular Mode
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Power Save Mode
    then low watermark to sleep, (b) energy-aware routing algorithm.                                                                                                                                                         Energy−Efficient Routing
    A. Traffic Modelling
       To show numerical examples on the performance of energy-
                                                                                                          % of ONUs in Sleep State

    aware WOBAN design, we need to develop a reasonable traffic
    profile of the deployment areas during different hours of the day.
    Access networks deal directly with the user-generated Internet
    traffic. So, the behavior of end users has a significant impact on
    the performance of the access network. Based on different sources                                                                                  20

    [19] and our observations, we develop a traffic profile for each
    of the three different areas of Davis. Each of these areas has                                                                                     10
    different types of Internet users with different behavior patterns
    and different peak usage periods.                                                                                                                                        0
       We divide the 24 hours of a day into 8 periods: (1) Period 1 -                                                                                                                    1
                                                                                                                                                                                       01−03        2
                                                                                                                                                                                                  04−06       3
                                                                                                                                                                                                            07−09      4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     10−12     5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13−15        6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        16−18      7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19−21     8
    (01-03 hours), (2) Period 2 - (04-06 hours), (3) Period 3 - (07-09
    hours), (4) Period 4 - (10-12 hours), (5) Period 5 - (13-15 hours),                         Fig. 5.                  Power savings in energy-aware WOBAN.
    (6) Period 6 - (16-18 hours), (7) Period 7 - (19-21 hours), and
    (8) Period 8 - (22-24 hours). Period 1 begins at 00.01 AM in                                on these active routers. Both of these data together generate the
    the morning. The granularity of these periods can be modified                                traffic profile of these areas. We assume for each active user, the
    as necessary. Figure 4 shows such a traffic profile for downtown,                             upload traffic is approximately 1 of the download traffic.
    campus, and residential areas of Davis. There are two parts of
    the traffic profile – Fig. 4(a) presents the percentage of active                                                                                                              V. I LLUSTRATIVE N UMERICAL E XAMPLES
    routers (which is directly proportional to the active users) in these                         We apply our energy-aware design and routing protocol on the
    areas, and Fig. 4(b) shows the average (poisson distributed) load                           hypothetical WOBAN deployment in Davis (Fig. 3). We collect
                                                                          978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
                                                                                                                          The average path lengths in the energy-aware routing mode are
                                                Regular Mode
                                                Power Save Mode                                                           comparable with the regular mode. Hop Offset tries to reduce the
                                          4.5   Energy−Efficient Routing
                                                                                                                          average path length in energy-aware routing mode. Otherwise,
                                           4                                                                              higher average path length could diminish our power conserving
                                                                                                                          benefits with the extra wireless transmission/reception power
                                                                                                                          consumed. We can see that putting ONUs to sleep does not
               Average Path Length

                                                                                                                          significantly increase the average number of wireless hops, thanks
                                          2.5                                                                             to the availability of various similar-cost paths in the wireless
                                                                                                                          mesh of WOBAN. Hence, the energy usage in the wireless part
                                                                                                                          does not increase significantly when we put ONUs to sleep.
                                                                                                                             Figure 6(b) provides the average transmission delay of the paths
                                           1                                                                              for different setups. Again, the transmission delays are very much
                                                                                                                          comparable in all these setups. Consequently, we can state from
                                                                                                                          the results that we can save a good portion of energy consumption
                                                 01−03      2
                                                          04−06        3
                                                                     07−09     4
                                                                             10−12     5
                                                                                     13−15     6
                                                                                             16−18     7
                                                                                                     19−21     8
                                                                                                             22−24        in WOBAN by careful design and energy-aware routing without
                                                                                Hours                                     compromising the performance.
                                                                                                                                                   VI. C ONCLUSION
                                                                  (a) Average path length
                                                                                                                             In this paper, we showed that energy consumption of WOBAN
                                                                                                                          can be reduced by efficient design and energy-aware routing. We
                                                Regular Mode
                                                                                                                          examined the impact of these energy-aware design decisions on
                                                Power Save Mode
                                                Energy−Efficient Routing
                                                                                                                          the performance of the network. It appears that with suitable
                                                                                                                          design decision parameters, we can achieve comparable perfor-
                                                                                                                          mance (of WOBAN) with the energy-aware mode. The energy-
                                                                                                                          saving in the optical part of WOBAN also does not increase the
              Average Path Delay (msec)


                                          0.6                                                                             energy usage in the wireless part. We conclude that the energy-
                                                                                                                          aware design techniques applied on WOBAN can be generalized
                                                                                                                          so that they are also applicable to other access networks.
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                                                                             10−12     5
                                                                                     13−15     6
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                                                                                                       978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.

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Tranzeo%20 %20 Wireless%20 Isp%20 PrimerTranzeo%20 %20 Wireless%20 Isp%20 Primer
Tranzeo%20 %20 Wireless%20 Isp%20 Primer
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Wireless Reducing Overall Delay In Multi Radio Woban
Wireless Reducing Overall Delay In Multi Radio WobanWireless Reducing Overall Delay In Multi Radio Woban
Wireless Reducing Overall Delay In Multi Radio Woban
S09 S02 P04
S09 S02 P04S09 S02 P04
S09 S02 P04
Cse 2008 7
Cse 2008 7Cse 2008 7
Cse 2008 7
08 01 01
08 01 0108 01 01
08 01 01
Xu Shao Ofc2010
Xu Shao Ofc2010Xu Shao Ofc2010
Xu Shao Ofc2010


  • 1. Towards Green Broadband Access Networks Pulak Chowdhury, Massimo Tornatore, Suman Sarkar, and Biswanath Mukherjee University of California, Davis, CA 95616 USA Email:{pchowdhury, mtornatore, sumsarkar, bmukherjee} Abstract—Energy consumption in next-generation access networks networks should be green featuring efficient energy management is rapidly increasing with the increase of bandwidth demands. In schemes to reduce “carbon footprint.” this paper, we devise design techniques aimed to build “green” Till now, most of the power management approaches in access networks to reduce energy consumption. We apply these techniques on a novel access network paradigm named Wireless- networking research focus on increasing energy efficiency of Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN). We present a Mixed equipments. There are two other directions of network energy Integer Linear Program (MILP) model to investigate the power management – energy-aware network design and energy-aware consumption in WOBAN over dynamic traffic profiles. We analyze protocol design [3], [7]. In this paper, we develop energy-aware the impact of energy-aware design on the performance of WOBAN. design techniques and routing protocol for “green” WOBAN. Our results indicate that there are large scopes of power savings if we incorporate energy-aware design and routing in access networks. Although these techniques are developed for WOBAN, we believe that they will be proven to be more general and can be adapted I. I NTRODUCTION to other access network technologies like wireless networks and different PON variants. To the best of our knowledge, this is the Access network is the “last mile” of the communication net- first paper to devise energy-consumption reduction techniques in work that connects the telecom Central Office (CO) to the resi- hybrid wireless-optical access networks. dential and business customers. With the proliferation of the In- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In ternet, customer demands for bandwidth-intensive services (such Section II, we briefly discuss related work on network energy as Video-on-Demand, online Gaming, HDTV, etc.) are rapidly management. Section III describes the WOBAN architecture, increasing. Therefore, today’s access network should exhibit techniques for energy-aware WOBAN design, and energy-aware higher transport capacity. There are several access technologies WOBAN routing protocol. In Section IV, we present a case proposed and deployed in the market – Digital Subscriber Line study to illustrate the effectiveness of our energy-aware design (xDSL), Cable Modem (CM), Wireless and Cellular networks, on WOBAN. Section V includes illustrative numerical examples fiber-to-the-x (FTTx), Hybrid Wireless-Optical Broadband Access on the case study and gives insights on better power management. Network (WOBAN), etc. Access technologies such as xDSL, CM, Finally, we conclude in Section VI. Wireless, and Cellular networks do not live up to satisfying future broadband Internet demands. FTTx technologies can provide II. R ELATED W ORK higher bandwidth but still remain cost-prohibitive. WOBAN – Many research efforts in network energy management focus a novel hybrid access network paradigm with the combination on reducing system-level power consumption. In [8], the authors of high-capacity optical backhaul and wireless front-end – can advocate for the use of optics to increase router’s scaling capacity provide higher bandwidth in a cost-effective manner [1]. and reduce power consumption. Dynamic power management Performance of access technologies is improving over time, techniques for system components are presented in [9]. reducing the cost per byte of traffic and making the broadband There has been significant amount of research efforts for power Internet affordable to more users. This refuels the tremendous management in mobile adhoc networks and sensor networks. growth of the Internet and scales up the size of broadband access Mobile adhoc networks along with sensor networks are con- networks. For example, let us consider FTTx which has different strained with limited power capabilities. Hence, these networks underlying technologies, such as direct fiber, shared fiber, and and their protocol design should emphasize on power manage- the most dominant one – Passive Optical Network (PON) (e.g., ment techniques. Reference [10] provides a nice overview of EPON, GPON, etc.). Infonetics Research [2] – a leading market these techniques at both MAC and network layers. At MAC layer, research firm – estimates that the worldwide PON equipment some proposed protocols focus on algorithms to put the radios of market grew 17% during the second quarter of 2008. the idle wireless nodes in coordinated sleeping. Other proposals With the increase of size and bandwidth demand in the In- include TDM link scheduling, protocols to minimize unnecessary ternet, power consumption also increases. An estimation shows transmission, etc. [4]. The network layer protocols focus mainly that the Internet electricity consumption at US is in billions of on selecting routes to minimize network energy consumption. dollars [3], and there is significant wastage of electricity (several Data centers and server clusters consume a great deal of TWh/year) due to inefficient network and system design [4]. A electricity power for searching, cooling, and other purposes. A good portion of this energy is consumed by idle network elements large number of scholarly papers address the power management [3]. Therefore, energy can be conserved by reducing the power issues of data centers and individual servers (for example, [11]). consumption of these idle network elements. Researchers are also arguing to relocate data centers near the Access network comprises a large part of the Internet. It is renewable energy sources to build “green” grid technology. In also a major energy consumer in the Internet due to the presence [6], the authors make a proposal for designing “follow-the-sun, of huge number of active elements [5]. If we can reduce energy follow-the-wind” grids to build green data centers. consumption in the access network, it will automatically provide Authors of [7] advocate power-aware design and configuration a significant reduction of overall Internet power consumption. of core networks. They use optimization techniques to find Access network power-consumption reduction not only has the minimal configuration of the router chassis for supporting differ- potential of enormous cost savings, this will also lead us to ent traffic loads, thereby reducing network power consumption. develop environment-friendly technologies, thereby achieving the An initial proposal on the required architectural change of the ultimate goal of “green” Internet [6]. Therefore, future access network to support selective connectivity, a state where a host 978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009 This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
  • 2. can choose whether to stay connected or disconnected, is given in providing high level of performance. Thanks to the mesh front- [12]. Selective connectivity state happens when hosts go to sleep end, traffic can be rerouted through alternate paths in case of to reduce network power consumption. Methods which enable failures such as fiber cut, wireless router or gateway or ONU energy consumption reduction of networked desktop computers failures. Moreover, there is a capacity mismatch between the while these computers are idle are presented in [3]. Authors of [4] wireless front-end and optical backhaul. The redundant capacity suggest how coordinated and uncoordinated sleeping mechanisms in the optical backhaul will provide extra reliability during the can put the Internet nodes to sleep (energy saving state) with failure so that traffic can be rerouted through alternate paths. At a some changes in Internet protocols. Despite all these efforts, there specific instant, it is possible to find several WOBAN topologies remain significant challenges to deploy energy-efficient schemes that can satisfy the required capacity and reliability objectives. over the Internet, especially over the access networks. All these are possible due to the densely interconnected wireless mesh front-end which has many redundant paths to route traffic. III. G REEN WOBAN The flexibility provided by the wireless front-end of WOBAN can In this section, we present the architecture of WOBAN, a be exploited to enable energy savings in the optical part. mathematical model of energy-aware WOBAN design, and an There is another important observation on access network energy-aware routing algorithm for WOBAN. traffic profile. The traffic load on access network comes directly A. WOBAN Architecture from customers, and it is well known that there are daily fluctuations of this load. During WOBAN (as well as other Hybrid Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network access networks) deployment, the common practice is to deploy (WOBAN) is a novel access network architecture with an network equipments so that it can support maximum traffic load. optimal combination of optical backhaul (e.g., a Passive Optical Consequently, during low-load hours, some parts of the network Network (PON)) and a wireless front-end (e.g., WiFi and/or may be under-utilized. WiMAX). Figure 1 presents the architecture of WOBAN. Hence, to design WOBAN topologies with reduced power WOBAN optimizes the deployment cost due to less-expensive consumption, we need to consider the following points – (a) wireless front-end and maximizes the bandwidth performance of deployed network has some extra capacity, and (b) traffic load a broadband access network [1]. varies during different hours of the day. Thus, we can selectively put some nodes to a low-power (sleep) state during low-load hours, thereby reducing network-wide power consumption. In the wireless front-end of WOBAN, we can adopt coordinated sleeping techniques [4] from mobile adhoc networks research to reduce wireless router energy consumption. Therefore, in this paper, we mainly focus on how to put optical components of WOBAN into sleep state. We will not consider putting OLT into sleep state as it connects the WOBAN to the rest-of-the-Internet. However, for protection purposes, in a PON segment, it is possible to have several OLTs in a ring setup. In that case, a low-load OLT can be put into sleep state while rerouting its traffic through other OLTs. In this paper, we intend to reduce ONU power consumption in WOBAN by putting low-load ONUs into sleep state. Now, how can we put an ONU to sleep state? Current IEEE Fig. 1. WOBAN architecture 802.3ah/ 802.3av standards do not define any low power state for In WOBAN (Fig. 1), a PON segment starts from the Optical ONU [13]. However, proposals have been made to IEEE 802.3av Line Terminal (OLT) at the telecom CO and ends at multiple task force to include low-power states for ONU so that it can Optical Network Units (ONU). Multiple wireless routers form the go to sleep during idle periods [14]. Typical power consumption front-end of WOBAN. A selected set of these routers are called by an ONU during active state is approximately 10 W [15]. It gateways. The front-end of WOBAN is essentially a multi-hop is also estimated that during sleep state, power consumed by an Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) with several wireless routers ONU is less than 1 W [14]. Existing ONU boxes in the market and a few gateways. These gateways are connected to the PON include a T X DISABLE input which disables the transceiver backhaul through the ONUs. Each ONU can support several of an ONU [15]. Disabling the transceiver can reduce ONU power wireless gateways. End users (both mobile and stationary) connect consumption several fold. to WOBAN through the wireless routers. In WOBAN, OLT can manage a centralized sleeping mecha- nism to put low-load ONUs into sleep. The mechanism works as B. Energy-Aware WOBAN Design follows. An OLT maintains two watermarks for the traffic load WOBAN represents a hierarchical access architecture with at ONUs – low and high watermark. At OLT, there are input gateways as the initial traffic aggregation points. ONUs are the queues for each ONUs connected to it. During different hours of next aggregator level in the hierarchy, while OLT is the highest the day, OLT will observe the traffic load at different ONUs by aggregation point and connects the access network with the measuring the length of corresponding input queues. If an ONU metro/core network. As gateways are part of the WOBAN front- is operating under low watermark, OLT can put that ONU into end, they can also collect their nearest end-user traffic. sleep. The wireless mesh front-end of WOBAN will reroute the There are several important aspects of WOBAN we need affected traffic due to ONU shut-down to alternate paths. OLT to consider for energy-aware design. Current WOBAN design, can put back sleeping ONUs into active state when traffic load deployment, and management idealogies provide infrastructure increases above high watermark in the currently active ONUs. that showcases fault tolerance, reliability, and robustness while Now, we aim to find out the optimal number of ONUs needed 978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009 This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
  • 3. to support a given amount of traffic load. This is a form of multi- +Zs,d , u = s (u,v) Zs,d γu,v − s,d (v,u) Zs,d γv,u = s,d −Zs,d , u = OLT commodity flow problem where each commodity represents the (3) 0, otherwise traffic flow between a source-destination pair. We can formulate ∀u ∈ V, ∀(s, d) ∈ T the problem as a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). In the Wireless Capacity Constraint: A wireless link in WOBAN can following, we present the mathematical model in MILP form. carry both upstream and downstream traffic. Equation 4 states that 1) Mathematical Model: Our model takes as input a WOBAN the summation of all traffic through a wireless link (u, v) should not exceed the capacity (Cu,v ) of the link. with preassigned link capacities and a traffic matrix based on the dynamic daily traffic profile of a service area. The model (Vs,d λs,d + Zs,d γu,v ) ≤ Cu,v , u,v s,d ∀(u, v) ∈ Ew (4) generates output which determines minimum number of ONUs (s,d) that need to be kept active to route the given traffic load. The Wireless Constraints: The dual-threshold interference model other ONUs can be put to sleep state so that network-wide power [16] is used to find the set of all interfering links at each consumption is minimized. The model also finds the routing path wireless node of WOBAN. The wireless interference constraints are translated to constraints that allocate capacity on each wireless for each source-destination (s, d) pair in the traffic matrix. In link. A wireless node divides its capacity to all its incoming and WOBAN, for the upstream traffic, the destination is always OLT outgoing links as it can not transmit and receive at the same where the source can be one of the wireless routers, and for the time. So, the interference-free radio capacity available (Cu ) at downstream traffic, the source is the OLT and the destination is each node u is shared between all the outgoing links from u one of the wireless routers. (first term in Eqn. 5) and all the incoming links to u (second term in Eqn. 5). To describe the model, we introduce some notations for the parameters and variables as follows. Cu,v + Cv,u ≤ Cu , ∀u ∈ Vw (5) v v • WOBAN topology: denoted by a weighted and directed Equation 6 forms the secondary interference constraint of the graph G = {V, E} where V is the set of nodes and E is the wireless mesh of WOBAN. This constraint states that a node set of links. V has three subsets – Vw is the set of wireless cannot receive any signal from any other node when an interfering nodes, Vonu is the set of ONUs, and OLT represents the link is active. The first term of Eqn. 6 is same as Eqn. 5, OLT. If nodes u and v have a link, the link is denoted by representing the shared capacity among incoming links to node u. The second term represents all the links which interfere with (u, v). E has several subsets – Ew is the set of wireless node u (Iu,v ) and which do not have node u as one of their end links, EOG is the set of ONU-to-Gateway links, EGO is the points. set of Gateway-to-ONU links, ET O is the set of OLT-to- Cv,u + Cp,q ≤ Cu , ∀u ∈ Vw (6) ONU links, and EOT is the set of ONU-to-OLT links. v (p,q)∈Iu,v • (s, d): identifies source-destination pair of the Wired Capacity Constraints: Downstream traffic flows are upstream/downstream traffic in the traffic matrix. limited by the capacity of the ONU-to-GW (Eqn. 7), and OLT-to- • Xu : Binary variable denoting ONU state, Xu ∈ {0, 1}. 0 ONU (Eqn. 8) links. Similarly, upstream traffic flows are limited denotes ONU is asleep, and 1 denotes ON U is active. by the capacity of the GW-to-ONU (Eqn. 9), and ONU-to-OLT s,d • λu,v : Binary variable denoting download flow on link (u, v) (Eqn. 10) links. for a (s, d) (s is OLT, d denotes routers) pair, λs,d ∈ {0, 1}. u,v Vs,d λs,d ≤ COG , u,v ∀(u, v) ∈ EOG (7) s,d • γu,v : Binary variable denoting upload flow on link (u, v) for (s,d) a (s, d) (s denotes routers and d is OLT) pair, γu,v ∈ {0, 1}. s,d Vs,d λs,d ≤ CT O , u,v ∀(u, v) ∈ ET O (8) • Cu,v : Variable expressing the capacity over a wireless link (s,d) (u, v). This variable can assume non-integral values. s,d Zs,d γu,v ≤ CGO , ∀(u, v) ∈ EGO (9) • COG : Capacity of ONU-to-Gateway link. (s,d) • CGO : Capacity of Gateway-to-ONU link. s,d Zs,d γu,v ≤ COT , ∀(u, v) ∈ EOT (10) • COT : Capacity of ONU-to-OLT link. (s,d) • CT O : Capacity of OLT-to-ONU link. Wired Directionality Constraints: These constraints ensure that • T : Input traffic matrix with two different types of traffic no upstream traffic is flowing in the downstream direction in the values - (1) Vs,d : Download traffic between a (s, d) pair wired part of WOBAN and vice versa. and (2) Zs,d : Upload traffic between a (s, d) pair. For each λs,d = 0, u,v ∀(u, v) ∈ EOT ∪ EGO , ∀(s, d) ∈ T (11) (s, d) pair, we assume the upload traffic is a fraction of s,d Vd,s γu,v = 0, ∀(u, v) ∈ ET O ∪ EOG , ∀(s, d) ∈ T (12) the download traffic, i.e., Zs,d = ft , ∀s,d where ft is a constant value. ONU State Constraint: This constraint determines the ONU state. If some traffic (upstream (γu,v ) or downstream (λs,d )) flows s,d u,v Now, the objective function can be written as: through an ONU u, it should be active (Xu = 1), otherwise it should be in sleep state (Xu = 0). This condition can be expressed minimize Xu (1) by the following constraint, u∈Vonu subject to the following constraints: v (s,d) λs,d + u,v v (s,d) s,d γu,v Xu ≥ , ∀u ∈ Vonu (13) Flow Constraints: Equation 2 captures the fact that, in all nodes M of WOBAN, total outgoing downstream traffic should be equal to where M is a very large value used to map the flow variables total incoming downstream traffic except for the source (OLT) and the destination nodes (wireless routers). Similar argument holds into a binary variable (Xu ). for upstream traffic (Eqn. 3) except for the source nodes (wireless Path Length Constraints: These constraints put a limit on path routers) and the destination (OLT). length. As Eqns. 14 and 15 shows, each upstream or downstream (s, d) path should not be longer than H hops. −Vs,d , u = d (u,v) Vs,d λs,d − u,v (v,u) Vs,d λs,d = v,u +Vs,d , u = OLT λs,d ≤ H, u,v ∀(s, d) ∈ T (14) (2) 0, otherwise u,v ∀u ∈ V, ∀(s, d) ∈ T 978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009 This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
  • 4. s,d γu,v ≤ H, ∀(s, d) ∈ T (15) B 3 C u,v 3 3 This model turns out to be a MILP formulation as some 7 6 S H D variables (such as Cu,v ) can take non-integral values. Generally, MILP problems are known to be NP-hard, but sophisticated 2 1 G heuristics can be used to solve the problems in a reasonable E F 2 2 amount of time. The number of design variables in this problem is not exceptionally large. But for a very large number of nodes, Fig. 2. Residual capacity as link weights. the problem becomes quite large. We try to solve our model with smaller networks to verify To achieve this, we can modify the LS routing algorithm in the correctness of our formulation. For solving the MILP, we WOBAN so that link weights are assigned to satisfy our energy use ILOG CPLEX [17] on a Intel Core 2 Duo machine with 1 objective. So, we use residual capacity as the link weight. Initially, Gigabyte RAM and Ubuntu Linux OS. CPLEX uses state-of-the- each link will have its initial capacity as the weight. When traffic art branch-and-cut for solving MILP problems. We use a small flows through a link, its next link weight will be the capacity left 43 node WOBAN with 30 wireless routers, 8 gateways, 4 ONUs, (original capacity minus traffic flow) on that link. To route traffic and 1 OLT. Each ONU can drive 2 gateways. In this network, the from source to destination, we find the lowest residual capacity MILP can be solved in a reasonable amount of time depending path. For example, let us consider the small network in Fig. 2. on the size of the traffic matrix. With various combinations of The links are annotated with their weights (residual capacities). the load size and path length constraints, the results show that To send traffic from S to D, energy-aware routing algorithm will we have to keep at least one ONU alive and in the extreme case, route traffic through the path S-E-F-G-D which has the lowest all ONUs are on. residual capacity (2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7). However, for WOBAN with a larger number of nodes and This approach, however, has its own shortcomings as shown more traffic load, we need to build some heuristics to solve this in Fig. 2. The algorithm selects the path with 4 hops although problem. We already have a heuristic on deciding which ONUs that is not the shortest path while using other metrics (such as to shut down “put ONUs with load less than low watermark to hop length or delay). This will increase the average path length sleep.” For routing, we need to find an energy-aware heuristic and path delay in the network. To deal with this problem, we can which is described below. introduce a term named hop offset – the purpose of this term is C. Energy-Aware Routing to reduce average path length. If we have a hop offset m, we add There are several routing protocols proposed for WOBAN- m to the path cost for each hop, i.e., for a path of n hops, the like architectures. Two of them are – (a) Delay Aware Routing cost of the path will be residual capacity of the path +n × m. Algorithm (DARA) [18], (b) Capacity and Delay Aware Routing For example, as in Fig. 2, for a hop offset 1, the path costs are (CaDAR) [18]. These routing algorithms are Link State (LS) 7 + 4 × 1 = 11, 9 + 3 × 1 = 12, and 13 + 2 × 1 = 15 for paths S- protocols where a node periodically transmits its link-state infor- E-F-G-D, S-B-C-D, and S-H-D respectively, and S-E-F-G-D will mation to the network by Link-State Advertisement (LSA). Upon be the selected path. But, for a hop offset 3, S-B-C-D will be the receiving the LSAs from all the nodes, each node finds a map chosen path in our algorithm, and for a hop offset 5, S-H-D will of the network and can build a routing table (generally by using be the chosen path. Selecting the optimal hop offset depends on some variant of Dijkstra’s algorithm) to route traffic to other nodes how much delay the network connections can tolerate. in the network. LS protocols generally vary on how they assign There is another important item to consider. We should select link weights in the LSA. For example, DARA uses predicted hop offset in such a way that average path length does not link delay metric to assign link weights. Based on link weight increase unproportionately from regular shortest path routing. If assignment, these protocols try to achieve several performance average path length increases too much, that means more wireless objectives. One such objective is load balancing which balances hops per path, i.e., more wireless transmissions and receptions. the traffic load in all parts of the network [18]. Each wireless transmission/reception requires power. So, out of Load balancing is a good performance objective as it tries proportion average path length may diminish the power savings to fairly utilize all parts of the network. But, it may lead to that we gain from putting the ONUs to sleep. under-utilization of some segments of the network during low- load hours. During low-load hours, traffic can be supported IV. C ASE S TUDY using small number of devices in the network. Our routing Figure 3 shows a hypothetical WOBAN deployment scenario algorithm is an energy-aware LS protocol with the objective in Davis, which is a small city in Northern California near to reduce network-wide energy consumption by putting under- Sacramento. Davis is the home of the University of California, utilized nodes (mainly ONUs) of the network into sleep. When Davis. The selected part of Davis has three different areas: (a) routing traffic, the objective will be “use the already-used paths.” Downtown, (b) UC Davis Campus, and (c) Part of residential The routing algorithm tries to route traffic through the ONUs area. These areas are selected as they have a very nice blend of which are already used so that probabilities of other ONUs being technology-savvy users, and we can showcase how traffic profile unused increase. In that way, we can put zero-load ONUs to varies across different parts of the network, and also depending of sleep. Moreover, we may find some other ONUs with very low the traffic profile during different time of the day, how we can put load (ONUs with loads under low watermark). By being more nodes to sleep. The telecom CO is situated in the downtown area. aggressive, we can put these ONUs to sleep and let the wireless Total 140 wireless routers, 24 gateways, 12 ONUs, and 1 OLT mesh reroute the traffic through these ONUs. When traffic load are deployed in this hypothetical deployment. The OLT drives 12 increases, sleeping ONUs can be activated to carry increased ONUs, and 1 ONU drives 2 gateways. Downtown has 41 routers, traffic. [Note: Due to space constraints, we only present the logic 8 gateways, and 4 ONUs; Campus area has 37 routers, 6 gateways, behind the routing algorithm] and 3 ONUs; and Residence area has 62 routers, 10 gateways, 978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009 This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
  • 5. (c) Part of Davis Residential Area Map Courtesy: Google Maps 1 Downtown Area Legends: Campus Area 0.9 Residence Area Telecom CO 0.8 Percentage of Active Routers OLT 0.7 Splitter 0.6 ONU 0.5 Wireless Gateway 0.4 Wireless Router Optical Fiber 0.3 CAT-5 Cable 0.2 0.1 0 1 01−03 2 04−06 3 07−09 4 10−12 5 13−15 6 16−18 7 19−21 8 22−24 Hours (a) Percentage of active routers 3 Downtown Area Campus Area Residence Area 2.5 Average Load at Active Routers (Mbps) (b) UC Davis Campus (a) Davis Downtown 2 1.5 Fig. 3. Hypothetical WOBAN deployment in Davis. and 5 ONUs deployed. The routers are equipped with one radio 1 with a capacity of 54 Mbps (IEEE 802.11g). Capacity allocation 0.5 among wireless links is accomplished by TDM link scheduling. The OLT and ONU have capacities of 1 Gbps and 100 Mbps respectively. The low watermark is set to 5%, i.e., the OLT puts 0 1 01−03 2 04−06 3 07−09 4 10−12 5 13−15 6 16−18 7 19−21 8 22−24 ONUs with load less than 5% of the total traffic to sleep. Hours The aforementioned MILP model is not able to produce optimization results for a large WOBAN like the hypothetical (b) Average load on active routers deployment in Davis in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, we use two heuristic approaches in our simulation to achieve Fig. 4. Traffic profile of Davis Internet users. near-optimal solution. They are - (a) put ONUs with load less 60 Regular Mode Power Save Mode then low watermark to sleep, (b) energy-aware routing algorithm. Energy−Efficient Routing 50 A. Traffic Modelling To show numerical examples on the performance of energy- % of ONUs in Sleep State 40 aware WOBAN design, we need to develop a reasonable traffic profile of the deployment areas during different hours of the day. 30 Access networks deal directly with the user-generated Internet traffic. So, the behavior of end users has a significant impact on the performance of the access network. Based on different sources 20 [19] and our observations, we develop a traffic profile for each of the three different areas of Davis. Each of these areas has 10 different types of Internet users with different behavior patterns and different peak usage periods. 0 We divide the 24 hours of a day into 8 periods: (1) Period 1 - 1 01−03 2 04−06 3 07−09 4 10−12 5 13−15 6 16−18 7 19−21 8 22−24 Hours (01-03 hours), (2) Period 2 - (04-06 hours), (3) Period 3 - (07-09 hours), (4) Period 4 - (10-12 hours), (5) Period 5 - (13-15 hours), Fig. 5. Power savings in energy-aware WOBAN. (6) Period 6 - (16-18 hours), (7) Period 7 - (19-21 hours), and (8) Period 8 - (22-24 hours). Period 1 begins at 00.01 AM in on these active routers. Both of these data together generate the the morning. The granularity of these periods can be modified traffic profile of these areas. We assume for each active user, the as necessary. Figure 4 shows such a traffic profile for downtown, upload traffic is approximately 1 of the download traffic. 4 campus, and residential areas of Davis. There are two parts of the traffic profile – Fig. 4(a) presents the percentage of active V. I LLUSTRATIVE N UMERICAL E XAMPLES routers (which is directly proportional to the active users) in these We apply our energy-aware design and routing protocol on the areas, and Fig. 4(b) shows the average (poisson distributed) load hypothetical WOBAN deployment in Davis (Fig. 3). We collect 978-1-4244-4148-8/09/$25.00 ©2009 This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2009 proceedings.
  • 6. 5 The average path lengths in the energy-aware routing mode are Regular Mode Power Save Mode comparable with the regular mode. Hop Offset tries to reduce the 4.5 Energy−Efficient Routing average path length in energy-aware routing mode. Otherwise, 4 higher average path length could diminish our power conserving 3.5 benefits with the extra wireless transmission/reception power consumed. We can see that putting ONUs to sleep does not Average Path Length 3 significantly increase the average number of wireless hops, thanks 2.5 to the availability of various similar-cost paths in the wireless 2 mesh of WOBAN. Hence, the energy usage in the wireless part does not increase significantly when we put ONUs to sleep. 1.5 Figure 6(b) provides the average transmission delay of the paths 1 for different setups. Again, the transmission delays are very much 0.5 comparable in all these setups. Consequently, we can state from the results that we can save a good portion of energy consumption 0 1 01−03 2 04−06 3 07−09 4 10−12 5 13−15 6 16−18 7 19−21 8 22−24 in WOBAN by careful design and energy-aware routing without Hours compromising the performance. VI. C ONCLUSION (a) Average path length In this paper, we showed that energy consumption of WOBAN can be reduced by efficient design and energy-aware routing. We 1 Regular Mode examined the impact of these energy-aware design decisions on 0.9 Power Save Mode Energy−Efficient Routing the performance of the network. It appears that with suitable design decision parameters, we can achieve comparable perfor- 0.8 mance (of WOBAN) with the energy-aware mode. The energy- saving in the optical part of WOBAN also does not increase the Average Path Delay (msec) 0.7 0.6 energy usage in the wireless part. 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