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The eyeball
The crystalline lens
The fluid system of the eye
 Layers of the Eye
◦ Outer fibrous layer
 Sclera
 Dense fibrous connective tissue
 Protective
 Attachement to extra-ocular muscles
 Cornea
 Transparent
 Light entrance
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
◦ Middle vascular layer:
 Iris
 Boundary between anterior and posterior chambers
 Central hole (pupil)
 Ciliary body
 Ciliary muscle and ciliary process
 Attachment of suspensory ligaments
 Choroid
 Highly vascular
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
 Functions of the Vascular layer
◦ Provide a route for blood vessels
◦ Control amount of light entering eye
 Adjust diameter of pupil
◦ Secrete and absorb aqueous humor
◦ Adjust lens shape for focusing
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
 Inner nervous layer (Retina)
 Outer pigmented part
 Absorbs stray light
 Inner neural part
 Detects light
 Processes image
 Communicates with brain
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
 Retina:
◦ Acts like the film in a camera to
create an image
◦ Consists of a specialized layer of
◦ Converts light signals into nerve
signal then send these signals to
the optic nerve
 Optic nerve carries the signals to the
 The brain helps process the image
◦ Rods- low light situations
◦ Cones- allows you to see color
◦ A bundle of 1 million nerve
◦ Responsible for transmitting
nerve signals from the eye to
the brain
◦ The optic disc is the front
surface of the optic nerve
 The optic disc is visible on the
• Transparent
• Biconvex
• Lies behind iris
• Largely composed
of lens fibers
• Elastic
• Held in place by
suspensory ligaments
of ciliary body
Ciliary process
Ciliary muscles
Cornea Anterior chamber
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
 Compartments of the Eye
 Two compartments
 Anterior compartment
 Anterior Chamber
 Between cornea and iris
 Posterior Chamber
 Between iris and lens
 Posterior compartment
 Vitreous body
 Ciliary body, lens between the two
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
◦ Located behind the lens &
in front of the retina
◦ Filled with a gel-like fluid
called the vitreous humor
◦ The vitreous humor is
help maintain the shape of
the eye
Aqueous humor
Vitreous humor
Ciliary process
Ciliary muscles
Scleral venous sinus
)canal of Schlemm(
 Ciliary processes in posterior chamber secrete aqueous
fluid. It flows between the ligament of the lens and then
through the pupil into the anterior chamber of the eye.
Then fluid passes into the angle between the cornea and
the iris. Through the meshwork of trabeculli aqueous
humor enters the channel of Slemm, which empties into
extraoccular veins.
 Functions of aqueous humor: 1) maintains intraoccular
pressure; 2) maintains shape of eyeball; 3) acts as
refractory medium; 4) supplies nutrition; 5) drains
metabolic end products.
Active Na transport by
Na /K pump.
Passive Cl & HCO3
Passive H2o
 Anterior Chamber Angle
◦ Located where the cornea
meets the iris
◦ Trabecular Meshwork
 Site where aqueous humor
drains out of eye
 If AH cannot properly drain out
 Pressure build up inside eye
 Causes optic nerve damage &
evetually vision loss = glaucoma
 the tissue pressure of the ocular contents
 about 15 mm Hg but diurenally fluctuate (15.5 +/-
 normal range of pressures: 12 – 20
Diurnal variation — IOP generally higher in the morning
vs afternoon; normal fluctuation 2–5 mm Hg
Posture — higher in supine vs sitting position. Highest in
head down position
Exercise — aerobic exercise generally lowers IOP, while
isometric exercise can increase IOP
Canadian Ophthalmological Society evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines for the management of glaucoma in the adult
eye. Can J Ophthalmol 2009;44(Suppl 1):S1−S93.
◦2.Sitting - going from
a sitting to a lying
position results in an
increase in IOP which
is even greater in
glaucoma patients
◦3.Total Body
Inversion - causes an
increase in IOP by as
much as 15 mm Hg
 B. Tonometry
◦ 1. Indentation
 a. the older of the 2 methods to measure IOP in humans
 b. involves measuring the indentation of the cornea resulting
from a given weight
 c. the Schiotz tonometer is an indentation tonometer
 d. the weight of the tonometer displaces fluid in the eye and
thus affects the IOP measurement
Canadian Ophthalmological Society evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines for the management of glaucoma in the adult
eye. Can J Ophthalmol 2009;44(Suppl 1):S1−S93.
Figure 1—Excess corneal applanation
(IOP lower than tonometer reading(
Copyright © 2008 SEAGIG, Sydney. Reproduced with permission
from Asia Pacific Glaucoma Guidelines, 2nd ed. Hong Kong:
Scientific Communications, 208:1-117.
Canadian Ophthalmological Society evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines for the management of glaucoma in the adult
eye. Can J Ophthalmol 2009;44(Suppl 1):S1−S93.
Figures 2 and 3—Insufficient corneal applanation
(IOP higher than tonometer reading(
Copyright © 2008 SEAGIG, Sydney. Reproduced with
permission from Asia Pacific Glaucoma Guidelines, 2nd ed.
Hong Kong: Scientific Communications, 208:1-117.
 Definition
 Causes
 Effects:
 Blindness
 Mydriasis
 Sever eye pain
Figure 9-12(b(
 Decrease formation : diamox
 Increase drainage
 Medical :pilocarpine surgical
 Refraction of light.
- 2/3 of the of the
refractive power of
the eye
- 43 diopters
 Protection:
germs, dusts and UV
 Eyelids
 Precorneal film of tears
 Protective
 Nutritive
 lubrication
 Corneal reflex
 Pathway
 function
 Pathway
 Functions:
 Protection
 Testing the integrity of 5th
and 7th
 Stage of anaesthesia
 Regular arrangement
 The cornea does not have blood vessels.
 It gets oxygen directly through the air.
 It receives nutrients via :
-diffusion from the tear fluid and the aqueous humour.
 Unmyelinated nerve endings.
 relative dehydration: If the corneal tissue becomes
hydrated the tissue becomes opaque.
 metabolic pump
 Osmotic pump
 Irregular connective tissue lamellae.
 Function
 Protection
 Gives attachment to E.O.M
Accommodation is adjustment of eye lens for
various distances. Relaxation of ciliary muscle
cause decrease of refractive power of eye lens
and provides clear vision for long distance.
Decrease of parasympathetic influence to ciliary
muscle controls it. In case of parasympathetic
stimulation of ciliary muscle, it contracts, lens
ligament relax, lens get more spherical,
refractive power increases and eye can see
clear near objects.
Fibrous tunic of eyeball is composed by avascular
connective tissue, which gives shape to eyeball and
protect structures inside eyeball.
Functional defensive mechanisms are presented by
cornea reflexes. Irritation of cornea receptors gives
impulses to parasympathetic center in medulla
oblongata (Edinger-Westfal nucleus) and than in
hypothalamus, which permits tears secretion.
Limbic system also controls tear secretion. Blinking
reflex is controlled by n. trigeminus and n. facialis, which
innervate m. orbicularis oculi.
When light pass into eye, pupil contracts. In darkness
pupil dilates. This is pupillary light reflex, which helps to
adaptation to light conditions. Reflex arc: light receptors -
optic nerve- optic tract - pretectal area - Edinger-Westfal
nucleus - parasympathetic fibers of n. oculomotorius
(from n. trigeminus) - n. ciliaris - m. sphincter pupillae -
decrease of pupillary diameter.
Consensual pupillary light reflex: reaction of eye pupil to
light irritation of opposite eye. It is possible due to
diverging of nerve fibers from one pretectal nucleus to
both Edinger-Westfal nuclei.
In old age lens of eye loose elasticity. So this
condition, when lens become non-
accommodating, called pressbiopia. It should be
corrected by bifocal glasses with upper segment
focused for far-seeing and lower segment
focusing for near-seeing.
In newborn anatomical axis of eyeball is shorter,
comparing to adults.
Small fraction of electromagnetic spectrum
 Speed of light in air 300,000 km/sec.
 Light speed decreases when it passes through a
transparent substance.
 The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of
light in air to the speed of light in the substance.
 e.g., speed of light in substance = 200,000 km/sec,
R.I. = 300,000/200,000 = 1.5.
 Bending of light rays by an angulated interface with
different refractive indices.
 Refractive index =
velocity of light in air
velocity of light in that substance
 The degree of refraction increases as
 the difference in R.I. increases
 the angle of incidence increases.
The features of the eye have different R.I. and cause light
rays to bend.
Less dense
Less dense
 Convex lens focuses light rays
 Concave lens diverges light rays.
 power of a lens α 1/f
 Diopter is a measure of the
power of a lens
1 diopter is the ability to
focus parallel light rays at a
distance of 1 meter
 Cornea allows light to enter the eyeball.
 Aqueous humor fills anterior and posterior
chambers in front of lens.
 Crystalline lens is a transparent elastic and
biconcave lens, which refracts light and focuses
it on retina.
 Vitreous body is a transparent gel enclosed by
vitreous membrane, which fills eyeball behind
Most of the refractive power of the
eye results from the surface of the
 If all refractive surfaces of the eye are added together and
considered to be one single lens and shape of eyeball is
perfectly spherical, eye may be simplified. This is model,
which shows refraction in eyeball – “reduced eye”.
Since the refractive index of air is 1,the greatest light
refraction occurs at the cornea.
Lens formula
1 1 1
Object distance (m)+ image distance (m)=focal distance=power of the lens
the retina is considered to be 15 mm behind the refractive center of
the eye
1 1 1
∞ + 0.015 = zero + 0.015 = 67 diopters
therefore, the eye has a total refractive power of 67 diopters
Size of object distance of object from lens (in meters)
Size of image distance of image from lens (in meters)
Older individuals
Failure to
• Transparent
• Biconvex
• Lies behind iris
• Largely composed of
lens fibers
• Elastic
• Held in place by
suspensory ligaments of
ciliary body
 Loss of lens transparency
 Decreased glutathione
 Coagulation of lens proteins
 Treatment : surgical
 Refractive power of the lens is 20 diopters.
 Refractive power can be increased to 34 diopters by
changing shape of the lens
 This is called accommodation.
 Accommodation is necessary to focus the image on
the retina.
Figure 9-15(e(
Figure 9-15(d(
 A relaxed lens is almost spherical in shape.
 Lens is held in place by suspensory ligament
which under normal resting conditions causes the
lens to be almost flat.
 Contraction of an eye muscle attached to the
ligament pulls the ligament forward and causes
the lens to become fatter which increases the
refractive power of the lens.
 Under control of the parasympathetic nervous
 The changes in lens curvature during
accomodation affects mainly the anterior surface
of lens:
 depth of AC
 Purkinjii sanson image
 Near point
 Far point
 Power of accomodation
 Range of accomodation
 The Inability to Accommodate
 Caused by progressive denaturation of the proteins
of the lens.
 Makes the lens less elastic.
 Begins about 40-50 years of age.
 ttt :by bifocal lenses
 Accommodation, convergence, and pupil
constriction (miosis) occur at the same time
 Increase depth of focus
 Prevent spherical &chromatic aberrations
)Miosis( )Mydriasis(
Smaller aperture 
all light rays pass through
center of lens
centralmost rays always in f
greater depth of focus
Increase depth of focus
 spherical aberration
 light rays pass through peripheral
 parts of the eye lens and are not
 focused sharply. This is because
 of more refractive power in central part of lens. Due to this effect object loose
clear contour.
chromatic aberration:
 Unequal deviation of light rays
 of different wavelengths. This I
 s focusing of different colors at
 different distances behind lens.
 Due to this object get rainbow
 contour.
Superior colliculus
 Normal
 Parallel light rays from distant objects form
sharp focus on retina with ciliary muscle
completely relaxed
Figure 9-17(b(
Figure 9-17(d(
 Astigmatism
◦ unequal focusing of light rays due to an oblong shape of
the cornea
Spherical convex lens
Cylindrical convex lens
Indicated in
 high myopia
 Irregular astigmatism
 cosmetic
 Iris
 Boundary between anterior and posterior chambers
 Central hole (pupil)
 Ciliary body
 Ciliary muscle
 ciliary processes
 Attachment of suspensory ligaments
 Choroid
 Highly vascular
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Provide a route for blood vessels
 Melanin pigment prevent reflection of light rays in the
 Support retina
 Ciliary muscle accomodation
 Give attachement to suspensory ligaments.
 Ciliary processes secrete aqueous humor.
 Boundary between anterior and posterior chambers
 Central hole (pupil)
 Regulates amount of light entering the eye to
stimulate retina
 Protect retina against ultraviolet rays.
 Decreases chromatic &spherical aberrations.
• Smaller pupil diametergreater depth of focus.
• Pupillary reflexes are of clinical importance
Smaller aperture 
all light rays pass through
center of lens
centralmost rays always in f
greater depth of focus
 Controlled by two muscles of the iris
◦ Sphincter muscle (pupil constriction)
 Innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system
◦ Dilator muscle (pupil dilation)
 Innervated by the sympathetic nervous system
The Pupillary Muscles
Figure 9-11
 The pupil size is mainly determined by the
contraction or relaxation of the sphincter muscle
 The sphincter muscle responds to signals coming
from the short ciliary nerve and constricts the pupil
 It is innervated by parasympathetic fibers
Parasympathetic pathway for pupil constriction
EW nucleus (output) → Cranial nerve III↓
Ciliary body Ciliary ganglion
↓ ↓ ↖
Iris sphincter muscle ← Short ciliary nerve
 The pupil size is
secondarily determined
by the contraction or
relaxation of the dilator
 The dilator muscle
responds to signals
coming from the long
ciliary nerve and dilates
the pupil
 It is innervated by
sympathetic fibers
 Sympathetic pathway for pupil
 Hypothalamus → Spinal cord
Superior cervical ganglion
Cranial nerve V → Eyelid muscles
Long ciliary nerve → Dilator pupillae
 Sensory pathway for pupil constriction
Axons from retinal ganglion cells (input)
Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract
Edinger-Westphal ← Pretectal nucleus
 Parasympathetic pathway for pupil constriction
EW nucleus (output) → Cranial nerve III
Accommodation fibers ↗ ↓ ↓
Ciliary body Ciliary ganglion
↖ ↓ ↓
Iris sphincter muscle ← Short ciliary nerve
 The signal is passed to both sides of the midbrain
so that light information given to one eye is
passed on to both pupils equally
 Direct light reflex
◦ The constriction of the ipsilateral pupil to the light
 Consensual light reflex
◦ The constriction of the contralateral pupil to the light
 Total blindness due to bilateral cortical lesion does
not affect the light reflex
 Total blindness in one eye due to retinal or
optic nerve problem
 Shine light in normal eye – have direct and consensual
 Shine light in blind eye – no direct or consensual
Loss of vision due to corneal, lenticular,
vitreous, refractive, or emotional causes will
not produce loss of pupillary light reflex.
 In normal patients, the amplitude of the pupil response to
light is equal to the amplitude of the pupil response to
 Light-near dissociation (i.e., near response is greater
than light response)
 It may be associated with afferent defects (blind eye),
midbrain defects (Argyll Robertson pupil)
 Possible causes: neurosyphilis (lesion around the
Edinger-Westphal nucleus), long-term diabetes, or
 Presumed neurosyphilis until proven otherwise
 Both pupils are small and respond poorly or not at
all to light (no direct and consensual response)
 Swift response to near (light-near dissociation)
Reverse of Argyll Robertson pupil
miosis mydriasis
Reflexes light Exposure to light Withdrawal of light
Near response Near vision Far vision
Adaptation Light adaptation Dark adaptation
Autonomic physiological
Parasympathetic stimlation
eg sleep
Horner syndrome
sympathetic stimlation
Oculomotor nerve lesion
Morphine poisoning
Sudden drop in IOP
Pontine hge
e.g.atropine homatropine
 Pupillodilator dysfunction
 Damage to the sympathetic pathway
 Common cause: lung cancer
 Signs: ptosis (droopy eyelid), miosis, facial
anhydrosis (sweat gland denervation), iris
heterochromia (congenital Horner’s)
 Pupil reacts normally to light and near
stage 2nd
stage 3rd
stage 4th
Size of pupil dilated dilated constricted dilated
present present absent absent
Corneal reflex present present absent absent
present present absent absent
Beginning of
No No yes No
 the Retina
◦ Photoreceptor layer
◦ Bipolar cells
◦ Amacrine, horizontal cells modify signals
◦ Ganglion cells
◦ Optic nerve (CN II)
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Back of
 Fovea is designed for
maximum resolution
◦ High spatial density of
photoreceptors (cones)
◦ Virtually no signal convergence
 1 photoreceptor → ~1 ganglion cell
 Outside fovea: high signal
 100 photoreceptors → 1 ganglion cell
 Foveal information maps to >50%
of the visual cortex
 Blind spot - place where optic
nerve leaves the eye
◦ We don’t see it because:
 one eye covers the blind spot
of the other.
 it is located at edge of the
visual field.
 the brain “fills in” the spot.
Figure 3.18 Viewing conditions for a dark adaptation experiment. The image of the fixation point falls on the
fovea, and the image of the test light falls in the peripheral retina.
 Photoreceptor Anatomy
◦ Outer segment
 Discs with visual pigments
 Light absorption by
 Opsin + retinal
◦ Inner segment
 Synapse with bipolar cell
 Control of neurotransmitter
 Effect on bipolar cells
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
The Structure of Rods and Cones
Figure 9-19
Rod and Cone
Photoreceptor Figure
 Named for rod-shaped outer
 120 million per eye
 Peripheral vision
◦ Wide distribution
 None in fovea
 Monochromatic vision
◦ Single visual pigment
 Rhodopsin
 Scotopic vision (low light
◦ “Night” vision
◦ High Sensitivity
 Often respond to single photon
 Slow response – stimuli added
 Require 0.1% of light required by
cones to function
 Low spatial acuity (resolution)
◦ High convergence of visual
 1 rod → >100 ganglion cells
 Named for conical-shaped
outer segments
 6 million per eye
 Abndant centrally,fovea
contains cones only
 Chromatic vision
◦ 3 visual pigments
 Blue cones,Green cones& Red
 Photopic vision (high light
◦ Low sensitivity
 1000x less than rods
 Detail vision
◦ High spatial acuity (resolution)
 High density in fovea
 Little to no convergence of
information: 1 cone → 1 ganglion
cell in fovea
◦ Fast response to stimuli
Figure 3.28 Neural circuits for the rods (left) and the cones (right). The receptors are being stimulated by
two spots of light.
 Absorption spectrum: proportion of light absorbed at a
given wavelength.
 Three different types of cone pigments, each with own
◦ Short (419 nm), medium (532 nm), and long (558 nm) wavelengths
◦ Fewer short wavelength receptors. Absorption of all cones = 560nm
in the spectral sensitivity curve
of Vision
Photochemical changes
 Rods and cones contain chemicals that decompose on
exposure to light.
 This excites the nerve fibers leading from the eye.
 The membranes of the outer-segment of the rods contain
rhodopsin or visual purple.
 Rhodopsin is a combination of a protein called scotopsin
and a pigment, retinal.
 The retinal is in the cis configuration.
 Only the cis configuration can bind with scotopsin to form
 When light is absorbed by rhodopsin it immediately
begins to decompose.
 Decomposition is the result of photoactivation of electrons
in the retinal portion of rhodopsin which leads to a change
from the cis form of the retinal to the trans form of the
◦ Trans retinal has the same chemical structure but is a
straight molecule rather than an angulated molecule.
◦ This configuration does not fit with the binding site on
the scotopsin and the retinal begins to split away.
◦ In the process of splitting away a number of
intermediary compounds are formed.
 Vitamin A is the precursor of all-trans-retinal, the
pigment portion of rhodopsin.
 Lack of vitamin A causes a decrease in retinal.
 This results in a decreased production of rhodopsin
and a lower sensitivity of the retina to light or night
 Normally about -40 mV
 Normally the outer segment of
the rod is very permeable to
 In the dark an inward current
(the dark current) carried by
the Na+
ions flows into the outer
segment of the rod.
 The current flows out of the
cell, through the efflux of Na+
ions out of the inner segment of
the rod.
 When rhodopsin decomposes it causes a
hyperpolarization of the rod by decreasing Na+
permeability of the outer segment.
 The Na+
pump in the inner segment keeps
pumping Na+
out of the cell causing the membrane
potential to become more negative
 The greater the amount of light the greater the
electronegativity(Weber –Fechner law)
(G-Protein) Dark Current
Plasma membrane
Disk Membrane
 On light exposure:
 cGMP is responsible for keeping Na+
channel in the outer
segment of the rods open.
 Light activated rhodopsin (metarhodopsin II) activates a G-
protein, transducin.
 Transducin activates cGMP phosphodiesterase which destroys
 On dark expopsure:
 Rhodopsin kinase deactivates the activated rhodopsin (which
began the cascade) and cGMP is regenerated re-opening the Na+
Light activates rhodopsin
activates the G-protein Transducin
activates a phosphodiesterase enzyme (PDE)
converts cGMP → GMP
↓ cGMP closes ion channel, (the dark current channel)
Hyperpolarizes the photoreceptor
In the Dark
Steady release of
Inhibitory synapse
With Light
release is reduced
Inhibition is relieved
Bipolar cell
Ganglion cell
To Optic Nerve →
Excitatory synapse
↓ transmitter release ↑ transmitter release
↓APs ↑APs
 Spontaneously active with continuous action
 Visual signals are superimposed on this
 Many excited by changes in light intensity
 Respond to contrast borders, this is the way the
pattern of the scene is transmitted to the brain
 Transmission of signals in the retina is by
electrotonic conduction.
 Allows graded response proportional to light
 The only cells that have action potentials are
ganglion cells.
◦ send signals all the way to the brain
 In light conditions most of the rhodopsin has been
reduced to retinal so the level of photosensitive
chemicals is low.
 In dark conditions retinal is converted back to
 Therefore, the sensitivity of the retinal
automatically adjusts to the light level.
 Opening and closing of the pupil also contributes to
adaptation because it can adjust the amount entering
the eye.
Dark adaptation Light adaptation
Retinal sensitivity increased decreased
Mechanism Regeneration of
duration 1:30min 1sec:5min
changes Mydriasis
Regeneration of
Increased Retinal
Decreased retinal
signal discharge in
retinal nerons
decreased Retinal
increased retinal signal
discharge in retinal
Visual acuity poor high
Color vision absent present
Adaptation happens when the eye
grows more or less sensitive to light
Modeled after a PPT slide created by Dr. Kevin Richardson in 1998 and available through the American Psychological Society.
Time in Dark in Minutes
5 10 15 20 25 30
 It is the ability of the retina to discriminate different
= the cones in your eyes pick these colors
up by seeing blue, green, and red
Characters of colour
 a. hue :– the actual ‘color’ determined by the
dominant wavelength in a mixture of light
striking the eye.
 b. saturation :– purity of a color – a color is
more saturated and more pure if one
wavelength is relatively more intense than other
wavelenghts. pastel colors are ‘desaturated’ by
 c. Brightness(lminosity) :– the overall intensity
of all the wavelengths of incoming light.
 Complementary colours:-mixed together
sensation of white
 The color Circle
- complementary colors = colors
across from each other on the color
* mixing these colors results in white
* light, not pigments, makes white
I. Young Helmholtz theory (trichromatic theory):
 Color vision is the result of activation of cones.
 3 types of cones:
◦ blue cone
◦ green cone
◦ red cone
 The pigment portion of the photosensitive
molecule is the same as in the rods, the protein
portion is different for the pigment molecule in
each of the cones.
 Makes each cone receptive to a particular
wavelength of light
◦ There are three cone pigments:
◦ Blue sensitive pigment
 Short wavelength sensitive (peak wave length at 445nm)
 Blue cones
◦ green sensitive pigment (peak wave length at 535nm)
 medium wavelength sensitive
 Green cones
◦ red sensitive pigment (peak wave length at 565nm)
 Long wavelength sensitive
 Red cones
Helmholtz 1852
Three types of coneThree types of cone
receptors are sensitive toreceptors are sensitive to
different wavelengths of lightdifferent wavelengths of light.
Short Medium Long
People see colors because theirPeople see colors because their
eyes do mixing by adjustingeyes do mixing by adjusting
the ratio of stimulus inputthe ratio of stimulus input
from these three types of conesfrom these three types of cones..
Modeled after a PPT slide created by Kevin Richardson in 1998 and made available through the American Psychological Society
Eye contains 3Eye contains 3
that producethat produce
responses toresponses to
three pairsthree pairs
of colorsof colors..
Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2004
 Combined action of neural activity at the retina
and cerebral cortex.
 Lack of a particular type of cone
 Genetic disorder passed along on the X
 Occurs almost exclusively in males
 About 8% of women are color blindness carriers
 Colour anomaly (Colour weakness)
 protanomaly: weakness of a red cone
• deuteranomaly. weakness of a green cone
• Tritanomaly: weakness of a blue cone
 Colour anopia:
 Dichromates:
 protanopia: absence of a red cone
• deuteranopia. absence of a green cone
• Tritanopia: absence of a blue cone
 Colour matching test
 Ishihara chart test
 Edinger green lantern test
 Visual sensations felt after removal of the visual
 Types :
 Positive afterimage
 Negative after image
Visual pathway
Visual pathway (new system)
 Fibers of the optic tract synapse in:
 Sprachiasmatic nucleus
 Pretectal nucleus
 Superior colliculus
 Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus:body behavioral
Size of object distance of object from lens (in meters)
Size of image distance of image from lens (in meters)
slightly greater
than width of
1foveal cone (1.5um)
 6/6
◦ ability to see letters of a given size at 6 meters
 6/12
◦ what a normal person can see at 12 meters, this person
must be at 6 meters to see.
 6/60
◦ what a normal person can see at 60 meters, this person
must be at 6 meters to see.
 Illumination &contrast
 Central(macula) &peripheral vision
 Pupil size
 Errors of refraction
 Eye diseases
 Def.
 Normal field
 Measurments
 importance
 Binocular vision provides detection of distance
and three-dimensional appearance of object in
front of eyes.
 This is due to central analysis of fields of vision
from both eyes.
 Final visual image is formed in visual cortex.
Optic tract
Fibers from
nasal (medial) half
of each retina
crossing over
Visual cortex of
occipital lobe
body of
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
 Perceive depth through:
- monocular cues
- binocular cues
Illusions of depth on a one dimensional piece of
paper or figure
Only need one eye to see the illusion
 Cues for depth are caused by retinal disparity and
 Need 2 eyes to see the illusion
 Retinal Disparity = how the eye perceives an object as
it moves closer or farther away
 Convergence = associated with feelings of tension in
the eye muscles
Size Constancy
Color Constancy
Brightness Constancy
Shape Constancy
Tendency to perceive an object as being of one
size no matter how far away the object is, even
though the size on the retina varies w/ distance
Tendency to perceive objects as keeping their
color even though different light might change the
 Horizontal cells connect laterally between the rods
and cones and the bipolar cells
 Output of horizontal cells is always inhibitory
 Prevents the lateral spread of light excitation on
the retina
 Have an excitatory center and an inhibitory
 Essential for transmitting contrast borders in the
visual image
Lateral inhibition, the
function of horizontal
 About 30 different types
 Some involved in the direct pathway from rods to
bipolar to amacrine to ganglion cells
 Some amacrine cells respond strongly to the onset
of the visual signal, some to the extinguishment of
the signal
 Some respond to movement of the light signal
across the retina
 Amacrine cells are a type of interneuron that
Aid in the beginning of visual signal analysis.
 Each retina has 100 million rods and 3 million
cones and 1.6 million ganglion cells.
 60 rods and 2 cones for each ganglion cell
 At the central fovea there are no rods and the ratio
of cones to ganglion cells is 1:1.
 May explain the high degree of visual acuity in
the central retina
 W cells (40%) receive most of their excitation from
rod cells.
◦ sensitive to directional movement in the visual
 X cells (55%) small receptive field, discrete retinal
locations, may be responsible for the transmission
of the visual image itself, always receives input
from at least one cone, may be responsible for color
 Y cells (5%) large receptive field respond to
instantaneous changes in the visual field.
Visual field of
left eye
Visual field of
right eye
Left eye
Left eye and its pathways
Primary visual area of cerebral
cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe
Lateral geniculate nucleus
of the thalamus
Right eye
Right eye and its pathways
Nasal retina
1 1
Visual field of
left eye
Visual field of
right eye
Left eye
Left eye and its pathways
Primary visual area of cerebral
cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe
Lateral geniculate nucleus
of the thalamus
Right eye
Right eye and its pathways
Nasal retina
1 1
Visual field of
left eye
Visual field of
right eye
Left eye
Left eye and its pathways
Primary visual area of cerebral
cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe
Lateral geniculate nucleus
of the thalamus
Right eye
Right eye and its pathways
Nasal retina
1 1
Visual field of
left eye
Visual field of
right eye
Left eye
Left eye and its pathways
Primary visual area of cerebral
cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe
Lateral geniculate nucleus
of the thalamus
Right eye
Right eye and its pathways
Nasal retina
1 1
Visual field of
left eye
Visual field of
right eye
Left eye
Left eye and its pathways
Primary visual area of cerebral
cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe
Lateral geniculate nucleus
of the thalamus
Right eye
Right eye and its pathways
Nasal retina
1 1
5 5
Visual field of
left eye
Visual field of
right eye
Left eye
Left eye and its pathways
Primary visual area of cerebral
cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe
Lateral geniculate nucleus
of the thalamus
Right eye
Right eye and its pathways
Nasal retina
1 1
5 5
Conversion of electromagnetic radiation into
electrical signals
◦Absorption of electromagnetic radiation
◦Triggering of a signaling cascade
◦Change in electrical properties of the cell
◦)aldehyde derivative of Vitamin A(
Aka retinaldehyde
◦Absorption in near ultraviolet (330-365 nm(
Induces photoisomerization
hν = energy required to promote retinal to an excited state
Rotation around the double bond more energetically favored
11-cis retinal all-trans retinal
 Choroid
◦ A layer of tissue that is:
 Located under the retina
 Separates retina & sclera
◦ Mostly made up of blood
◦ Helps nourish the retina by
carrying the blood supply to
the eye’s internal structures
•Changing of lens shape to view objects
Lens thick
Lens thin
Ciliary muscle
fibers contracted
ligaments relaxed
Ciliary muscle
fibers relaxed
ligaments taut
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
•Convex lenses cause
light waves to converge
•Concave lenses cause
light waves to diverge
)a( )b(
light waves
light waves
Focal Point, Focal
Distance, and Visual
Figure 9-15(a(
Focal Point, Focal
Distance, and Visual
Figure 9-15(b(
Focal Point, Focal
Distance, and Visual
Figure 9-15(c(
•As light enters eye, it is refracted by:
•Convex surface of cornea
•Convex surface of lens
•Image focused on retina is upside down and reversed from left to right
Light waves
Visual image in one plane focuses at a different
distance from that of the plane at right angles
Too great curvature of cornea in one of its
Image Formation
Figure 9-16(a(
Image Formation
Figure 9-16(b(
Refraction Disorders
•Concave lens corrects
•Convex lens corrects farsightedness
Light waves
Light waves
Light waves
)a( Eye too long )myopia(
)b( Normal eye
)c( Eye too short )hyperopia(
of focus
of focus
of focus
Light waves
Concave lens
Convex lens
point of focus
point of focus
point of focus
point of focus
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Visual Abnormalities
Figure 9-17(e(
•Long, thin projections
•Contain light sensitive pigment
called rhodopsin
•Hundred times more sensitive to
light than cones
•Provide vision in dim light
•Produce colorless vision
•Produce outlines of objects
•Short, blunt projections
•Contain light sensitive pigments
called erythrolabe, chlorolabe,
and cyanolabe
•Provide vision in bright light
•Produce sharp images
•Produce color vision
Visual Physiology
◦Photoreceptors—Cells specialized to respond to
photons, packets of light energy
◦Two types of photoreceptors
Highly sensitive, non-color vision
In peripheral retina
Less sensitive, color vision
Mostly in fovea, center of macula lutea
Site of sharpest vision
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
The Structure of Rods and Cones
Figure 9-19
Many sensory
nerve fibers
Single sensory
nerve fiber
Retinal pigment
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
c: © Frank S. Werblin, PhD.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 9-20
1of 7
Retinal and
opsin are
to form
Retinal changes shape
Opsin Opsin
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 9-20
2of 7
Retinal and
opsin are
to form
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 9-20
3of 7
Retinal and
opsin are
to form
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 9-20
4of 7
Retinal and
opsin are
to form
Retinal changes shape
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 9-20
5of 7
Retinal and
opsin are
to form
Retinal changes shape
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Figure 9-20
6of 7
Retinal and
opsin are
to form
Retinal changes shape
Opsin Opsin
Absence of visual pigment components
◦Retinal → complete vision deficiency
◦Opsins → color vision deficiency
Lack 2 or all 3 cone pigments
Lack one cone pigment
Anomalous trichromacy
Altered spectral sensitivity of one cone pigment
Most common
Light → electrical signal
Retinal undergoes a photoisomerization
◦Single photon required
◦Converts 11-cis retinal to all-trans retinal
Induces a conformational change in the opsin
Triggers an intracellular signal transduction
Closes ion channels
Changes the electrical state of the cell
•Provides perception of distance and depth
•Results from formation of two slightly different retinal images
Right eyeLeft eye
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Determination of distance of object from the
By means of
◦Size of retinal images of known objects
◦Moving paralax (relative distances(
◦Stereopsis (Binocular vision(
–Familiar size, size perspective,
occlusion, linear perspective
–Moving paralax
)relative distances(
Binocular horizontal disparity of retinal images
(stim. Diff parts of retina of each eye(
The Visual Pathway
Figure 9-21
Layers of retina from outside to inside:
pigmented layer;
layer of rods and cones;
outer limiting membrane;
outer nuclear layer;
outer plexiform layer;
inner nuclear layer;
inner plexiform layer;
ganglionic layer;
layer of optic nerve fibers;
inner limiting membrane.
Light falls on retina on inner side i.e. on inner
limiting membrane. It is a minute area of 1 mm in
center of retina. It provides acute and detail
Central portion of macula called fovea centralis.
This is composed entirely of cones.
Pigmented layer of retina contains black pigment,
i.e. melanin. It prevents light reflection through the
globe of eyeball and stores vitamin A.
Outer segment of photoreceptors contain
photochemicals. Inner segment contains nucleus,
synaptic body and other organelles. Photochemicals are
light-sensitive chemicals that decompose on exposure to
light and excite nerve fibers leading from eye to central
nervous system.
Rhodopsin is present in rods. Scotopsin and 11-cis-
retinal compose it. Iodopsin is photochemical pigment of
cones. Photopsin and 11-cis-retinal compose it.
Rhodopsin cycle: rhodopsin under the influence of light
converts to prelumirhodopsin – lumirhodopsin –
metaphodopsin I - metaphodopsin II – opsin – rhodopsin.
Metarhodopsin II converts also to all-transretinal (vitamin
A) – (isomerase’s action) – II cis-retinal – rhodopsin.
Impulses from retina pass to optic nerve – optic
chiasm (fibers from nasal halves of retina cross to
opposite side) – optic tracts – synapse in lateral
genicular body – geniculocalcarine fibers – pass
through optic radiation or geniculocalcarine tract –
primary visual cortex in calcarine fissure or medial
aspect of occipital lobe.
In addition to lateral genicular body, fibers from optic
tract also pass to:
-suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus for
controlling circadian rhythms;
-pretectal nuclei – for control of fixation of eyes on
objects of importance and for pupillary light reflex;
-superior colliculus – for control of bilateral simultaneous
movements of two eyes;
-pulvinar – forms secondary visual pathway.
Corpus callosum causes exchange of visual information
between right and left hemispheres.
.If a person remains in bright light for a long time,
photochamicals in rods and cones reduce to all-
transretinal and opsins. Most all-transretinal converts
to all-transretinol (vitamin A). So, sensitivity of eye to
light gets decreased. This is light adaptation.
If a person remains in dark for a long time, all vitamin
A convert to 11-cis retinal and than to
photochemicals. Sensitivity of eye to light gets
increased. This is dark adaptation.
According to Jung-Helmgolc theory there are
three types of cones for three fundamental
colors: cones for red color contain erythrolab;
cones for green color contain chlorolab; cones
for blue color contain cyanolab.
According to Gering theory there are couples of
opponent colors: green – red; yellow – blue;
white – black. Subcortical neurons percept it due
to on- and off- centers mechanism.
.There are three fundamental colors: red, which is
marked “protos”; green – “dateros”; blue – “tritos”. So
normal color perception is called normal trichromasia.
If a person has abnormal perception of some
fundamental color, this is prot-, daiter- or tritanomalia.
If a person percept only some two fundamental colors,
this is dichromasia.
If a person differentiates only one fundamental color
this is monochromasia. In case of black and white
vision a person has color blindness.
Ability of human eye to discriminate between point
sources of light is called visual acuity.
Normally a person with vision acuity 1,0 can
differentiate two point objects, which lay under the
angle 1 minute from distance 5 m.
Field of vision is area that is seeing by an eye at
a given instant. It has nasal and temporal
Determination of extent of peripheral visual field
and thereby diagnosis of blindness in specific
portions of retina, is called perimetry.
Optic disc produces physiological scotoma in 15
degrees lateral to central point of vision in
perimetry chart.
Extrinsic Eye Muscles
◦Move the eye
◦Six muscles cooperate to control gaze
Superior and inferior rectus
Lateral and medial rectus
Superior and inferior oblique
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
 Extraocular Muscles
◦ 6 extraocular muscles that
are attached to each eye
◦ Help move the eye left, right,
up, down and diagonally
◦ These 6 muscles are:
 Superior rectus
 Inferior rectus
 Medial rectus
 Lateral rectus
 Inferior oblique
 Superior oblique
The Extrinsic
Eye Muscles
Figure 9-9(a(
The Extrinsic
Eye Muscles
Figure 9-9(b(

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physiology of vision

  • 1. The eyeball The crystalline lens The fluid system of the eye
  • 3.  Layers of the Eye ◦ Outer fibrous layer  Sclera  Dense fibrous connective tissue  Protective  Attachement to extra-ocular muscles  Cornea  Transparent  Light entrance Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 4. ◦ Middle vascular layer:  Iris  Boundary between anterior and posterior chambers  Central hole (pupil)  Ciliary body  Ciliary muscle and ciliary process  Attachment of suspensory ligaments  Choroid  Highly vascular Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 5.  Functions of the Vascular layer ◦ Provide a route for blood vessels ◦ Control amount of light entering eye  Adjust diameter of pupil ◦ Secrete and absorb aqueous humor ◦ Adjust lens shape for focusing Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 6.  Inner nervous layer (Retina)  Outer pigmented part  Absorbs stray light  Inner neural part  Detects light  Processes image  Communicates with brain Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 7.  Retina: ◦ Acts like the film in a camera to create an image ◦ Consists of a specialized layer of cells ◦ Converts light signals into nerve signal then send these signals to the optic nerve  Optic nerve carries the signals to the brain  The brain helps process the image ◦ Rods- low light situations ◦ Cones- allows you to see color h
  • 8. ◦ A bundle of 1 million nerve fibers ◦ Responsible for transmitting nerve signals from the eye to the brain ◦ The optic disc is the front surface of the optic nerve  The optic disc is visible on the retina health.html
  • 9. 9 • Transparent • Biconvex • Lies behind iris • Largely composed of lens fibers • Elastic • Held in place by suspensory ligaments of ciliary body Conjunctiva Iris Lens Ciliary process Ciliary muscles Sclera Cornea Anterior chamber Vitreous humor Suspensory ligaments Posterior chamber Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Ciliary body
  • 10. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 11.  Compartments of the Eye  Two compartments  Anterior compartment  Anterior Chamber  Between cornea and iris  Posterior Chamber  Between iris and lens  Posterior compartment  Vitreous body  Ciliary body, lens between the two Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 12. ◦ Located behind the lens & in front of the retina ◦ Filled with a gel-like fluid called the vitreous humor ◦ The vitreous humor is transparent,avascular& help maintain the shape of the eye
  • 13. 13 Sclera Iris Lens Aqueous humor Cornea Vitreous humor Ciliary process Ciliary muscles Posterior chamber Ciliary body Scleral venous sinus )canal of Schlemm( Anterior chamber
  • 14.  Ciliary processes in posterior chamber secrete aqueous fluid. It flows between the ligament of the lens and then through the pupil into the anterior chamber of the eye. Then fluid passes into the angle between the cornea and the iris. Through the meshwork of trabeculli aqueous humor enters the channel of Slemm, which empties into extraoccular veins.  Functions of aqueous humor: 1) maintains intraoccular pressure; 2) maintains shape of eyeball; 3) acts as refractory medium; 4) supplies nutrition; 5) drains metabolic end products.
  • 15. Active Na transport by Na /K pump. Passive Cl & HCO3 Passive H2o
  • 16.  Anterior Chamber Angle ◦ Located where the cornea meets the iris ◦ Trabecular Meshwork  Site where aqueous humor drains out of eye  If AH cannot properly drain out  Pressure build up inside eye  Causes optic nerve damage & evetually vision loss = glaucoma
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.  the tissue pressure of the ocular contents  about 15 mm Hg but diurenally fluctuate (15.5 +/- 2.57)  normal range of pressures: 12 – 20
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. General Diurnal variation — IOP generally higher in the morning vs afternoon; normal fluctuation 2–5 mm Hg Posture — higher in supine vs sitting position. Highest in head down position Exercise — aerobic exercise generally lowers IOP, while isometric exercise can increase IOP Canadian Ophthalmological Society evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the management of glaucoma in the adult eye. Can J Ophthalmol 2009;44(Suppl 1):S1−S93.
  • 23. ◦2.Sitting - going from a sitting to a lying position results in an increase in IOP which is even greater in glaucoma patients ◦3.Total Body Inversion - causes an increase in IOP by as much as 15 mm Hg
  • 24.  B. Tonometry ◦ 1. Indentation  a. the older of the 2 methods to measure IOP in humans  b. involves measuring the indentation of the cornea resulting from a given weight  c. the Schiotz tonometer is an indentation tonometer  d. the weight of the tonometer displaces fluid in the eye and thus affects the IOP measurement
  • 25.
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  • 28.
  • 29. Canadian Ophthalmological Society evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the management of glaucoma in the adult eye. Can J Ophthalmol 2009;44(Suppl 1):S1−S93. Figure 1—Excess corneal applanation (IOP lower than tonometer reading( Copyright © 2008 SEAGIG, Sydney. Reproduced with permission from Asia Pacific Glaucoma Guidelines, 2nd ed. Hong Kong: Scientific Communications, 208:1-117.
  • 30. Canadian Ophthalmological Society evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the management of glaucoma in the adult eye. Can J Ophthalmol 2009;44(Suppl 1):S1−S93. Figures 2 and 3—Insufficient corneal applanation (IOP higher than tonometer reading( Copyright © 2008 SEAGIG, Sydney. Reproduced with permission from Asia Pacific Glaucoma Guidelines, 2nd ed. Hong Kong: Scientific Communications, 208:1-117.
  • 31.
  • 32.  Definition  Causes  Effects:  Blindness  Mydriasis  Sever eye pain
  • 34.
  • 35.  Decrease formation : diamox  Increase drainage  Medical :pilocarpine surgical
  • 36.
  • 37.  Refraction of light. - 2/3 of the of the refractive power of the eye - 43 diopters  Protection: germs, dusts and UV light.
  • 38.  Eyelids  Precorneal film of tears  Protective  Nutritive  lubrication  Corneal reflex  Pathway  function
  • 39.  Pathway  Functions:  Protection  Testing the integrity of 5th and 7th nerves.  Stage of anaesthesia
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.  Regular arrangement  The cornea does not have blood vessels.  It gets oxygen directly through the air.  It receives nutrients via : -diffusion from the tear fluid and the aqueous humour.  Unmyelinated nerve endings.  relative dehydration: If the corneal tissue becomes hydrated the tissue becomes opaque.  metabolic pump  Osmotic pump
  • 43.  Irregular connective tissue lamellae.  Function  Protection  Gives attachment to E.O.M
  • 44. Accommodation is adjustment of eye lens for various distances. Relaxation of ciliary muscle cause decrease of refractive power of eye lens and provides clear vision for long distance. Decrease of parasympathetic influence to ciliary muscle controls it. In case of parasympathetic stimulation of ciliary muscle, it contracts, lens ligament relax, lens get more spherical, refractive power increases and eye can see clear near objects.
  • 45.
  • 46. Fibrous tunic of eyeball is composed by avascular connective tissue, which gives shape to eyeball and protect structures inside eyeball. Functional defensive mechanisms are presented by cornea reflexes. Irritation of cornea receptors gives impulses to parasympathetic center in medulla oblongata (Edinger-Westfal nucleus) and than in hypothalamus, which permits tears secretion. Limbic system also controls tear secretion. Blinking reflex is controlled by n. trigeminus and n. facialis, which innervate m. orbicularis oculi.
  • 47. When light pass into eye, pupil contracts. In darkness pupil dilates. This is pupillary light reflex, which helps to adaptation to light conditions. Reflex arc: light receptors - optic nerve- optic tract - pretectal area - Edinger-Westfal nucleus - parasympathetic fibers of n. oculomotorius (from n. trigeminus) - n. ciliaris - m. sphincter pupillae - decrease of pupillary diameter. Consensual pupillary light reflex: reaction of eye pupil to light irritation of opposite eye. It is possible due to diverging of nerve fibers from one pretectal nucleus to both Edinger-Westfal nuclei.
  • 48. In old age lens of eye loose elasticity. So this condition, when lens become non- accommodating, called pressbiopia. It should be corrected by bifocal glasses with upper segment focused for far-seeing and lower segment focusing for near-seeing. In newborn anatomical axis of eyeball is shorter, comparing to adults.
  • 49. Small fraction of electromagnetic spectrum
  • 50.
  • 51.  Speed of light in air 300,000 km/sec.  Light speed decreases when it passes through a transparent substance.  The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in air to the speed of light in the substance.  e.g., speed of light in substance = 200,000 km/sec, R.I. = 300,000/200,000 = 1.5.
  • 52.  Bending of light rays by an angulated interface with different refractive indices.  Refractive index = velocity of light in air velocity of light in that substance  The degree of refraction increases as  the difference in R.I. increases  the angle of incidence increases. The features of the eye have different R.I. and cause light rays to bend. .
  • 54.  Convex lens focuses light rays
  • 55.  Concave lens diverges light rays.
  • 56.  power of a lens α 1/f )f(  Diopter is a measure of the power of a lens 1 diopter is the ability to focus parallel light rays at a distance of 1 meter
  • 57.
  • 58.  Cornea allows light to enter the eyeball.  Aqueous humor fills anterior and posterior chambers in front of lens.  Crystalline lens is a transparent elastic and biconcave lens, which refracts light and focuses it on retina.  Vitreous body is a transparent gel enclosed by vitreous membrane, which fills eyeball behind lens.
  • 59. TOTAL REFRACTIVEPOWER OF THE EYE ~~67DIOPTERS Most of the refractive power of the eye results from the surface of the cornea.
  • 60.  If all refractive surfaces of the eye are added together and considered to be one single lens and shape of eyeball is perfectly spherical, eye may be simplified. This is model, which shows refraction in eyeball – “reduced eye”. Since the refractive index of air is 1,the greatest light refraction occurs at the cornea.
  • 61. Lens formula 1 1 1 Object distance (m)+ image distance (m)=focal distance=power of the lens the retina is considered to be 15 mm behind the refractive center of the eye 1 1 1 ∞ + 0.015 = zero + 0.015 = 67 diopters therefore, the eye has a total refractive power of 67 diopters
  • 62. Size of object distance of object from lens (in meters) = Size of image distance of image from lens (in meters)
  • 64. • Transparent • Biconvex • Lies behind iris • Largely composed of lens fibers • Elastic • Held in place by suspensory ligaments of ciliary body
  • 65.
  • 66.  Loss of lens transparency  Decreased glutathione  Coagulation of lens proteins  Treatment : surgical
  • 67.  Refractive power of the lens is 20 diopters.  Refractive power can be increased to 34 diopters by changing shape of the lens  This is called accommodation.  Accommodation is necessary to focus the image on the retina.
  • 70.  A relaxed lens is almost spherical in shape.  Lens is held in place by suspensory ligament which under normal resting conditions causes the lens to be almost flat.  Contraction of an eye muscle attached to the ligament pulls the ligament forward and causes the lens to become fatter which increases the refractive power of the lens.  Under control of the parasympathetic nervous system.
  • 71.  The changes in lens curvature during accomodation affects mainly the anterior surface of lens:  depth of AC  Purkinjii sanson image
  • 72.  Near point  Far point  Power of accomodation  Range of accomodation
  • 73.  The Inability to Accommodate  Caused by progressive denaturation of the proteins of the lens.  Makes the lens less elastic.  Begins about 40-50 years of age.  ttt :by bifocal lenses
  • 74.
  • 75.  Accommodation, convergence, and pupil constriction (miosis) occur at the same time
  • 76.
  • 77.  Increase depth of focus  Prevent spherical &chromatic aberrations
  • 79. Smaller aperture  all light rays pass through center of lens centralmost rays always in f greater depth of focus Increase depth of focus
  • 80.  spherical aberration  light rays pass through peripheral  parts of the eye lens and are not  focused sharply. This is because  of more refractive power in central part of lens. Due to this effect object loose clear contour.  chromatic aberration:  Unequal deviation of light rays  of different wavelengths. This I  s focusing of different colors at  different distances behind lens.  Due to this object get rainbow  contour.
  • 81.
  • 83.
  • 84.  Normal  Parallel light rays from distant objects form sharp focus on retina with ciliary muscle completely relaxed
  • 86.
  • 88.
  • 89.  Astigmatism ◦ unequal focusing of light rays due to an oblong shape of the cornea
  • 92. Spherical convex lens Cylindrical convex lens FOCAL POINT FOCAL LINE
  • 93. Indicated in  high myopia  Irregular astigmatism  cosmetic
  • 94.  Iris  Boundary between anterior and posterior chambers  Central hole (pupil)  Ciliary body  Ciliary muscle  ciliary processes  Attachment of suspensory ligaments  Choroid  Highly vascular Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 95. Function: • Provide a route for blood vessels  Melanin pigment prevent reflection of light rays in the eye.  Support retina
  • 96. Function:  Ciliary muscle accomodation  Give attachement to suspensory ligaments.  Ciliary processes secrete aqueous humor.
  • 97.  Boundary between anterior and posterior chambers  Central hole (pupil)
  • 98.  Regulates amount of light entering the eye to stimulate retina  Protect retina against ultraviolet rays.  Decreases chromatic &spherical aberrations. • Smaller pupil diametergreater depth of focus. • Pupillary reflexes are of clinical importance
  • 99. Smaller aperture  all light rays pass through center of lens centralmost rays always in f greater depth of focus
  • 100.  Controlled by two muscles of the iris ◦ Sphincter muscle (pupil constriction)  Innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system ◦ Dilator muscle (pupil dilation)  Innervated by the sympathetic nervous system
  • 102.  The pupil size is mainly determined by the contraction or relaxation of the sphincter muscle  The sphincter muscle responds to signals coming from the short ciliary nerve and constricts the pupil  It is innervated by parasympathetic fibers
  • 103. Parasympathetic pathway for pupil constriction EW nucleus (output) → Cranial nerve III↓ ↓ Ciliary body Ciliary ganglion ↓ ↓ ↖ Iris sphincter muscle ← Short ciliary nerve
  • 104.  The pupil size is secondarily determined by the contraction or relaxation of the dilator muscle  The dilator muscle responds to signals coming from the long ciliary nerve and dilates the pupil  It is innervated by sympathetic fibers
  • 105.  Sympathetic pathway for pupil dilation  Hypothalamus → Spinal cord ↘ Superior cervical ganglion ↙ Cranial nerve V → Eyelid muscles ↓ Long ciliary nerve → Dilator pupillae muscle
  • 106.
  • 107.  Sensory pathway for pupil constriction Axons from retinal ganglion cells (input) ↓ Optic nerve → Optic chiasm → Optic tract ↙ Edinger-Westphal ← Pretectal nucleus nucleus
  • 108.  Parasympathetic pathway for pupil constriction EW nucleus (output) → Cranial nerve III Accommodation fibers ↗ ↓ ↓ Ciliary body Ciliary ganglion ↖ ↓ ↓ Iris sphincter muscle ← Short ciliary nerve
  • 109.  The signal is passed to both sides of the midbrain so that light information given to one eye is passed on to both pupils equally
  • 110.  Direct light reflex ◦ The constriction of the ipsilateral pupil to the light stimulus
  • 111.  Consensual light reflex ◦ The constriction of the contralateral pupil to the light stimulus
  • 112.  Total blindness due to bilateral cortical lesion does not affect the light reflex
  • 113.  Total blindness in one eye due to retinal or optic nerve problem  Shine light in normal eye – have direct and consensual response  Shine light in blind eye – no direct or consensual response Loss of vision due to corneal, lenticular, vitreous, refractive, or emotional causes will not produce loss of pupillary light reflex.
  • 114.  In normal patients, the amplitude of the pupil response to light is equal to the amplitude of the pupil response to near  Light-near dissociation (i.e., near response is greater than light response)  It may be associated with afferent defects (blind eye), midbrain defects (Argyll Robertson pupil)  Possible causes: neurosyphilis (lesion around the Edinger-Westphal nucleus), long-term diabetes, or alcoholism  Presumed neurosyphilis until proven otherwise
  • 115.
  • 116.  Both pupils are small and respond poorly or not at all to light (no direct and consensual response)  Swift response to near (light-near dissociation)
  • 117. Reverse of Argyll Robertson pupil
  • 118. miosis mydriasis Reflexes light Exposure to light Withdrawal of light Near response Near vision Far vision Adaptation Light adaptation Dark adaptation Autonomic physiological Lesion Parasympathetic stimlation eg sleep Horner syndrome sympathetic stimlation eg.fear Oculomotor nerve lesion Drugs Addiction Anaesthesia I.O.P. Parasympathomimetic e.g.eserine&pilocarpine Morphine poisoning 3rd stage Sudden drop in IOP Pontine hge sympathomimetic e.g.adrenaline Parasympatholytic e.g.atropine homatropine Cocaine 2nd &4th stage glaucoma
  • 119.  Pupillodilator dysfunction  Damage to the sympathetic pathway  Common cause: lung cancer  Signs: ptosis (droopy eyelid), miosis, facial anhydrosis (sweat gland denervation), iris heterochromia (congenital Horner’s)  Pupil reacts normally to light and near
  • 120.
  • 121. 1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage Size of pupil dilated dilated constricted dilated Pupillary reflex present present absent absent Corneal reflex present present absent absent Eye movement present present absent absent Beginning of operation No No yes No
  • 122.  the Retina ◦ Photoreceptor layer ◦ Bipolar cells ◦ Amacrine, horizontal cells modify signals ◦ Ganglion cells ◦ Optic nerve (CN II) Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 125.
  • 127.  Fovea is designed for maximum resolution ◦ High spatial density of photoreceptors (cones) ◦ Virtually no signal convergence  1 photoreceptor → ~1 ganglion cell  Outside fovea: high signal convergence  100 photoreceptors → 1 ganglion cell  Foveal information maps to >50% of the visual cortex eswv/fovmoswv.jpeg
  • 128.  Blind spot - place where optic nerve leaves the eye ◦ We don’t see it because:  one eye covers the blind spot of the other.  it is located at edge of the visual field.  the brain “fills in” the spot.
  • 129. Figure 3.18 Viewing conditions for a dark adaptation experiment. The image of the fixation point falls on the fovea, and the image of the test light falls in the peripheral retina.
  • 130.  Photoreceptor Anatomy ◦ Outer segment  Discs with visual pigments  Light absorption by rhodopsin  Opsin + retinal ◦ Inner segment  Synapse with bipolar cell  Control of neurotransmitter release  Effect on bipolar cells Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 131. The Structure of Rods and Cones Figure 9-19
  • 133. Rods  Named for rod-shaped outer segments  120 million per eye  Peripheral vision ◦ Wide distribution  None in fovea  Monochromatic vision ◦ Single visual pigment  Rhodopsin  Scotopic vision (low light conditions) ◦ “Night” vision ◦ High Sensitivity  Often respond to single photon  Slow response – stimuli added  Require 0.1% of light required by cones to function  Low spatial acuity (resolution) ◦ High convergence of visual information  1 rod → >100 ganglion cells Cones  Named for conical-shaped outer segments  6 million per eye  Abndant centrally,fovea contains cones only  Chromatic vision ◦ 3 visual pigments  Blue cones,Green cones& Red cones  Photopic vision (high light conditions) ◦ Low sensitivity  1000x less than rods  Detail vision ◦ High spatial acuity (resolution)  High density in fovea  Little to no convergence of information: 1 cone → 1 ganglion cell in fovea ◦ Fast response to stimuli
  • 134. Figure 3.28 Neural circuits for the rods (left) and the cones (right). The receptors are being stimulated by two spots of light.
  • 135.  Absorption spectrum: proportion of light absorbed at a given wavelength.  Three different types of cone pigments, each with own receptor. ◦ Short (419 nm), medium (532 nm), and long (558 nm) wavelengths ◦ Fewer short wavelength receptors. Absorption of all cones = 560nm in the spectral sensitivity curve
  • 138.
  • 139.  Rods and cones contain chemicals that decompose on exposure to light.  This excites the nerve fibers leading from the eye.  The membranes of the outer-segment of the rods contain rhodopsin or visual purple.  Rhodopsin is a combination of a protein called scotopsin and a pigment, retinal.  The retinal is in the cis configuration.  Only the cis configuration can bind with scotopsin to form rhodopsin.
  • 140.  When light is absorbed by rhodopsin it immediately begins to decompose.  Decomposition is the result of photoactivation of electrons in the retinal portion of rhodopsin which leads to a change from the cis form of the retinal to the trans form of the molecule. ◦ Trans retinal has the same chemical structure but is a straight molecule rather than an angulated molecule. ◦ This configuration does not fit with the binding site on the scotopsin and the retinal begins to split away. ◦ In the process of splitting away a number of intermediary compounds are formed.
  • 141.  Vitamin A is the precursor of all-trans-retinal, the pigment portion of rhodopsin.  Lack of vitamin A causes a decrease in retinal.  This results in a decreased production of rhodopsin and a lower sensitivity of the retina to light or night blindness.
  • 142.  Normally about -40 mV  Normally the outer segment of the rod is very permeable to Na+ ions.  In the dark an inward current (the dark current) carried by the Na+ ions flows into the outer segment of the rod.  The current flows out of the cell, through the efflux of Na+ ions out of the inner segment of the rod.
  • 143.  When rhodopsin decomposes it causes a hyperpolarization of the rod by decreasing Na+ permeability of the outer segment.  The Na+ pump in the inner segment keeps pumping Na+ out of the cell causing the membrane potential to become more negative (hyperpolarization).  The greater the amount of light the greater the electronegativity(Weber –Fechner law)
  • 144.
  • 145. PDE Rhodopsin Transducin (G-Protein) Dark Current Channel Light Plasma membrane Disk Membrane Na+ cGMP GMP phosphodiesterase
  • 146.  On light exposure:  cGMP is responsible for keeping Na+ channel in the outer segment of the rods open.  Light activated rhodopsin (metarhodopsin II) activates a G- protein, transducin.  Transducin activates cGMP phosphodiesterase which destroys cGMP.  On dark expopsure:  Rhodopsin kinase deactivates the activated rhodopsin (which began the cascade) and cGMP is regenerated re-opening the Na+ channels.
  • 147. Light activates rhodopsin activates the G-protein Transducin activates a phosphodiesterase enzyme (PDE) converts cGMP → GMP ↓ cGMP closes ion channel, (the dark current channel) Hyperpolarizes the photoreceptor
  • 148. In the Dark Steady release of of neurotransmitter Inhibitory synapse Hyperpolarized With Light Neurotransmitter release is reduced Inhibition is relieved Depolarizes Bipolar cell Ganglion cell To Optic Nerve → Excitatory synapse ↓ transmitter release ↑ transmitter release Photoreceptor ↓APs ↑APs Depolarized Hyperpolarized
  • 149.  Spontaneously active with continuous action potentials  Visual signals are superimposed on this background  Many excited by changes in light intensity  Respond to contrast borders, this is the way the pattern of the scene is transmitted to the brain
  • 150.  Transmission of signals in the retina is by electrotonic conduction.  Allows graded response proportional to light intensity.  The only cells that have action potentials are ganglion cells. ◦ send signals all the way to the brain
  • 151.  In light conditions most of the rhodopsin has been reduced to retinal so the level of photosensitive chemicals is low.  In dark conditions retinal is converted back to rhodopsin.  Therefore, the sensitivity of the retinal automatically adjusts to the light level.  Opening and closing of the pupil also contributes to adaptation because it can adjust the amount entering the eye.
  • 152. Dark adaptation Light adaptation Definition Retinal sensitivity increased decreased Mechanism Regeneration of photopigment breakdownof photopigment duration 1:30min 1sec:5min changes Mydriasis Regeneration of photopigment Increased Retinal sensitivity Decreased retinal signal discharge in retinal nerons Miosis breakdownof photopigment decreased Retinal sensitivity increased retinal signal discharge in retinal nerons Visual acuity poor high Color vision absent present
  • 153. Adaptation happens when the eye grows more or less sensitive to light Modeled after a PPT slide created by Dr. Kevin Richardson in 1998 and available through the American Psychological Society. Time in Dark in Minutes LogThresholdin Microlamberts 8 7 6 5 4 3 5 10 15 20 25 30
  • 154.  It is the ability of the retina to discriminate different wavelenghts. = the cones in your eyes pick these colors up by seeing blue, green, and red
  • 155. Characters of colour  a. hue :– the actual ‘color’ determined by the dominant wavelength in a mixture of light striking the eye.  b. saturation :– purity of a color – a color is more saturated and more pure if one wavelength is relatively more intense than other wavelenghts. pastel colors are ‘desaturated’ by white  c. Brightness(lminosity) :– the overall intensity of all the wavelengths of incoming light.  Complementary colours:-mixed together sensation of white
  • 156.  The color Circle - complementary colors = colors across from each other on the color circle * mixing these colors results in white * light, not pigments, makes white
  • 157. I. Young Helmholtz theory (trichromatic theory):  Color vision is the result of activation of cones.  3 types of cones: ◦ blue cone ◦ green cone ◦ red cone  The pigment portion of the photosensitive molecule is the same as in the rods, the protein portion is different for the pigment molecule in each of the cones.  Makes each cone receptive to a particular wavelength of light
  • 158. ◦ There are three cone pigments: ◦ Blue sensitive pigment  Short wavelength sensitive (peak wave length at 445nm)  Blue cones ◦ green sensitive pigment (peak wave length at 535nm)  medium wavelength sensitive  Green cones ◦ red sensitive pigment (peak wave length at 565nm)  Long wavelength sensitive  Red cones
  • 159. Helmholtz 1852 Three types of coneThree types of cone receptors are sensitive toreceptors are sensitive to different wavelengths of lightdifferent wavelengths of light. Short Medium Long People see colors because theirPeople see colors because their eyes do mixing by adjustingeyes do mixing by adjusting the ratio of stimulus inputthe ratio of stimulus input from these three types of conesfrom these three types of cones.. Modeled after a PPT slide created by Kevin Richardson in 1998 and made available through the American Psychological Society
  • 160. R G B Y B W Eye contains 3Eye contains 3 mechanismsmechanisms that producethat produce antagonisticantagonistic responses toresponses to three pairsthree pairs of colorsof colors.. WhyWhy?? AfterimagesAfterimages Arranged by Dr. Gordon Vessels 2004
  • 161.
  • 162.  Combined action of neural activity at the retina and cerebral cortex.
  • 163.  Lack of a particular type of cone  Genetic disorder passed along on the X chromosome  Occurs almost exclusively in males  About 8% of women are color blindness carriers
  • 164.  Colour anomaly (Colour weakness)  protanomaly: weakness of a red cone • deuteranomaly. weakness of a green cone • Tritanomaly: weakness of a blue cone  Colour anopia:  Dichromates:  protanopia: absence of a red cone • deuteranopia. absence of a green cone • Tritanopia: absence of a blue cone Monochromates
  • 165.  Colour matching test  Ishihara chart test  Edinger green lantern test
  • 166.  Visual sensations felt after removal of the visual stimulus.  Types :  Positive afterimage  Negative after image
  • 167.
  • 170.  Fibers of the optic tract synapse in:  Sprachiasmatic nucleus  Pretectal nucleus  Superior colliculus  Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus:body behavioral functions
  • 171.
  • 172.
  • 173. Size of object distance of object from lens (in meters) = Size of image distance of image from lens (in meters)
  • 174. slightly greater than width of 1foveal cone (1.5um)
  • 175.
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  • 177.
  • 178.  6/6 ◦ ability to see letters of a given size at 6 meters  6/12 ◦ what a normal person can see at 12 meters, this person must be at 6 meters to see.  6/60 ◦ what a normal person can see at 60 meters, this person must be at 6 meters to see.
  • 179.  Illumination &contrast  Central(macula) &peripheral vision  Pupil size  Errors of refraction  Eye diseases
  • 180.
  • 181.
  • 182.  Def.  Normal field  Measurments  importance
  • 183.
  • 184.  Binocular vision provides detection of distance and three-dimensional appearance of object in front of eyes.  This is due to central analysis of fields of vision from both eyes.  Final visual image is formed in visual cortex.
  • 185. 203 Optic tract Eye Fibers from nasal (medial) half of each retina crossing over Visual cortex of occipital lobe Lateral geniculate body of thalamus Optic chiasma Optic nerve Optic radiations Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
  • 186.  Perceive depth through: - monocular cues - binocular cues
  • 187. Illusions of depth on a one dimensional piece of paper or figure Only need one eye to see the illusion
  • 188.  Cues for depth are caused by retinal disparity and convergence  Need 2 eyes to see the illusion  Retinal Disparity = how the eye perceives an object as it moves closer or farther away  Convergence = associated with feelings of tension in the eye muscles
  • 189.
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  • 192.
  • 193.
  • 194. Size Constancy Color Constancy Brightness Constancy Shape Constancy
  • 195. Tendency to perceive an object as being of one size no matter how far away the object is, even though the size on the retina varies w/ distance
  • 196. Tendency to perceive objects as keeping their color even though different light might change the appearance
  • 197.  Horizontal cells connect laterally between the rods and cones and the bipolar cells  Output of horizontal cells is always inhibitory  Prevents the lateral spread of light excitation on the retina  Have an excitatory center and an inhibitory surround  Essential for transmitting contrast borders in the visual image
  • 198. Lateral inhibition, the function of horizontal cells
  • 199.  About 30 different types  Some involved in the direct pathway from rods to bipolar to amacrine to ganglion cells  Some amacrine cells respond strongly to the onset of the visual signal, some to the extinguishment of the signal  Some respond to movement of the light signal across the retina  Amacrine cells are a type of interneuron that Aid in the beginning of visual signal analysis.
  • 200.  Each retina has 100 million rods and 3 million cones and 1.6 million ganglion cells.  60 rods and 2 cones for each ganglion cell  At the central fovea there are no rods and the ratio of cones to ganglion cells is 1:1.  May explain the high degree of visual acuity in the central retina
  • 201.  W cells (40%) receive most of their excitation from rod cells. ◦ sensitive to directional movement in the visual field  X cells (55%) small receptive field, discrete retinal locations, may be responsible for the transmission of the visual image itself, always receives input from at least one cone, may be responsible for color transmission.  Y cells (5%) large receptive field respond to instantaneous changes in the visual field.
  • 202. Visual field of left eye Temporal half Visual field of right eye Temporal half Nasal half Midbrain Left eye Temporal retina Optic radiations Left eye and its pathways Primary visual area of cerebral cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus Optic radiations Midbrain Temporal retina Nasal retina Right eye Right eye and its pathways Nasal half Nasal retina 1 1 Visual field of left eye Temporal half Visual field of right eye Temporal half Nasal half Midbrain Left eye Temporal retina Optic radiations Left eye and its pathways Primary visual area of cerebral cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus Optic radiations Midbrain Temporal retina Nasal retina Right eye Right eye and its pathways Nasal half Nasal retina 1 1 22 Visual field of left eye Temporal half Visual field of right eye Temporal half Nasal half Midbrain Left eye Temporal retina Optic radiations Left eye and its pathways Primary visual area of cerebral cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus Optic radiations Midbrain Temporal retina Nasal retina Right eye Right eye and its pathways Nasal half Nasal retina 1 1 22 3 3 Visual field of left eye Temporal half Visual field of right eye Temporal half Nasal half Midbrain Left eye Temporal retina Optic radiations Left eye and its pathways Optic tract Primary visual area of cerebral cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus Optic radiations Midbrain Temporal retina Nasal retina Right eye Right eye and its pathways Nasal half Nasal retina 1 1 22 44 3 3 Visual field of left eye Temporal half Visual field of right eye Temporal half Nasal half Midbrain Left eye Temporal retina Optic radiations Left eye and its pathways Optic tract Primary visual area of cerebral cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus Optic radiations Midbrain Temporal retina Nasal retina Right eye Right eye and its pathways Nasal half Nasal retina 1 1 22 44 5 5 3 3 Visual field of left eye Temporal half Visual field of right eye Temporal half Nasal half Midbrain Left eye Temporal retina Optic radiations Left eye and its pathways Optic tract Primary visual area of cerebral cortex (area 17) in occipital lobe Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus Optic radiations Midbrain Temporal retina Nasal retina Right eye Right eye and its pathways Nasal half Nasal retina 1 1 2 3 2 4 3 4 5 5 6 6
  • 204. Conversion of electromagnetic radiation into electrical signals ◦Absorption of electromagnetic radiation ◦Triggering of a signaling cascade ◦Change in electrical properties of the cell
  • 205. Retinal ◦)aldehyde derivative of Vitamin A( Aka retinaldehyde ◦Absorption in near ultraviolet (330-365 nm( Induces photoisomerization hν = energy required to promote retinal to an excited state Rotation around the double bond more energetically favored 11-cis retinal all-trans retinal +hν*
  • 206.  Choroid ◦ A layer of tissue that is:  Located under the retina  Separates retina & sclera ◦ Mostly made up of blood vessels ◦ Helps nourish the retina by carrying the blood supply to the eye’s internal structures
  • 207. 228 •Changing of lens shape to view objects )a( Lens thick Lens thin )b( Ciliary muscle fibers contracted Suspensory ligaments relaxed Ciliary muscle fibers relaxed Suspensory ligaments taut Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
  • 208. 229 •Convex lenses cause light waves to converge •Concave lenses cause light waves to diverge Air Glass )a( )b( Diverging light waves Convex surface Light wave Converging light waves Concave surface
  • 209. Focal Point, Focal Distance, and Visual Accommodation Figure 9-15(a(
  • 210. Focal Point, Focal Distance, and Visual Accommodation Figure 9-15(b(
  • 211. Focal Point, Focal Distance, and Visual Accommodation Figure 9-15(c(
  • 212. 233 •As light enters eye, it is refracted by: •Convex surface of cornea •Convex surface of lens •Image focused on retina is upside down and reversed from left to right Light waves Object Cornea Image Retina
  • 213. Visual image in one plane focuses at a different distance from that of the plane at right angles Too great curvature of cornea in one of its planes
  • 216. 237 Refraction Disorders •Concave lens corrects nearsightedness •Convex lens corrects farsightedness Light waves Light waves Light waves Cornea Lens Retina )a( Eye too long )myopia( )b( Normal eye )c( Eye too short )hyperopia( Point of focus Point of focus Point of focus Light waves Concave lens Convex lens )a( )b( Uncorrected point of focus Corrected point of focus Uncorrected point of focus Corrected point of focus Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
  • 218. 239 •Rods •Long, thin projections •Contain light sensitive pigment called rhodopsin •Hundred times more sensitive to light than cones •Provide vision in dim light •Produce colorless vision •Produce outlines of objects •Cones •Short, blunt projections •Contain light sensitive pigments called erythrolabe, chlorolabe, and cyanolabe •Provide vision in bright light •Produce sharp images •Produce color vision
  • 219. Visual Physiology ◦Photoreceptors—Cells specialized to respond to photons, packets of light energy ◦Two types of photoreceptors Rods Highly sensitive, non-color vision In peripheral retina Cones Less sensitive, color vision Mostly in fovea, center of macula lutea Site of sharpest vision Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 220. The Structure of Rods and Cones Figure 9-19
  • 221. 242 ConesRods Rod Cone )c( Many sensory nerve fibers )b( Single sensory nerve fiber )a( Retinal pigment epithelium Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. c: © Frank S. Werblin, PhD.
  • 222. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 9-20 1of 7 Retinal and opsin are reassembled to form rhodopsin Photon Retinal changes shape Bleaching )separation(enzyme ADP ATP Opsin Opsin Opsin inactivated Regeneration Retinal restored
  • 223. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 9-20 2of 7 Retinal and opsin are reassembled to form rhodopsin
  • 224. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 9-20 3of 7 Retinal and opsin are reassembled to form rhodopsin Photon
  • 225. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 9-20 4of 7 Retinal and opsin are reassembled to form rhodopsin Photon Retinal changes shape
  • 226. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 9-20 5of 7 Retinal and opsin are reassembled to form rhodopsin Photon Retinal changes shape Bleaching )separation(enzyme ADP ATP Retinal restored
  • 227. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 9-20 6of 7 Retinal and opsin are reassembled to form rhodopsin Photon Retinal changes shape Bleaching )separation(enzyme ADP ATP Opsin Opsin Opsin inactivated Retinal restored
  • 228. Absence of visual pigment components ◦Retinal → complete vision deficiency ◦Opsins → color vision deficiency Monochromacy Lack 2 or all 3 cone pigments Dichromacy Lack one cone pigment Anomalous trichromacy Altered spectral sensitivity of one cone pigment Most common
  • 229. Light → electrical signal
  • 230. Retinal undergoes a photoisomerization ◦Single photon required ◦Converts 11-cis retinal to all-trans retinal Induces a conformational change in the opsin molecule Triggers an intracellular signal transduction cascade Closes ion channels Changes the electrical state of the cell
  • 232. 253 •Provides perception of distance and depth •Results from formation of two slightly different retinal images Light waves Right eyeLeft eye Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
  • 233. Determination of distance of object from the eye By means of ◦Size of retinal images of known objects ◦Moving paralax (relative distances( ◦Stereopsis (Binocular vision(
  • 234. –Familiar size, size perspective, occlusion, linear perspective –Moving paralax )relative distances(
  • 235. Binocular horizontal disparity of retinal images (stim. Diff parts of retina of each eye(
  • 237. Layers of retina from outside to inside: pigmented layer; layer of rods and cones; outer limiting membrane; outer nuclear layer; outer plexiform layer; inner nuclear layer; inner plexiform layer; ganglionic layer; layer of optic nerve fibers; inner limiting membrane.
  • 238. Light falls on retina on inner side i.e. on inner limiting membrane. It is a minute area of 1 mm in center of retina. It provides acute and detail vision. Central portion of macula called fovea centralis. This is composed entirely of cones. Pigmented layer of retina contains black pigment, i.e. melanin. It prevents light reflection through the globe of eyeball and stores vitamin A.
  • 239. Outer segment of photoreceptors contain photochemicals. Inner segment contains nucleus, synaptic body and other organelles. Photochemicals are light-sensitive chemicals that decompose on exposure to light and excite nerve fibers leading from eye to central nervous system. Rhodopsin is present in rods. Scotopsin and 11-cis- retinal compose it. Iodopsin is photochemical pigment of cones. Photopsin and 11-cis-retinal compose it. Rhodopsin cycle: rhodopsin under the influence of light converts to prelumirhodopsin – lumirhodopsin – metaphodopsin I - metaphodopsin II – opsin – rhodopsin. Metarhodopsin II converts also to all-transretinal (vitamin A) – (isomerase’s action) – II cis-retinal – rhodopsin.
  • 240. Impulses from retina pass to optic nerve – optic chiasm (fibers from nasal halves of retina cross to opposite side) – optic tracts – synapse in lateral genicular body – geniculocalcarine fibers – pass through optic radiation or geniculocalcarine tract – primary visual cortex in calcarine fissure or medial aspect of occipital lobe.
  • 241. In addition to lateral genicular body, fibers from optic tract also pass to: -suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus for controlling circadian rhythms; -pretectal nuclei – for control of fixation of eyes on objects of importance and for pupillary light reflex; -superior colliculus – for control of bilateral simultaneous movements of two eyes; -pulvinar – forms secondary visual pathway. Corpus callosum causes exchange of visual information between right and left hemispheres.
  • 242. .If a person remains in bright light for a long time, photochamicals in rods and cones reduce to all- transretinal and opsins. Most all-transretinal converts to all-transretinol (vitamin A). So, sensitivity of eye to light gets decreased. This is light adaptation. If a person remains in dark for a long time, all vitamin A convert to 11-cis retinal and than to photochemicals. Sensitivity of eye to light gets increased. This is dark adaptation.
  • 243. According to Jung-Helmgolc theory there are three types of cones for three fundamental colors: cones for red color contain erythrolab; cones for green color contain chlorolab; cones for blue color contain cyanolab. According to Gering theory there are couples of opponent colors: green – red; yellow – blue; white – black. Subcortical neurons percept it due to on- and off- centers mechanism.
  • 244. .There are three fundamental colors: red, which is marked “protos”; green – “dateros”; blue – “tritos”. So normal color perception is called normal trichromasia. If a person has abnormal perception of some fundamental color, this is prot-, daiter- or tritanomalia. If a person percept only some two fundamental colors, this is dichromasia. If a person differentiates only one fundamental color this is monochromasia. In case of black and white vision a person has color blindness.
  • 245. Ability of human eye to discriminate between point sources of light is called visual acuity. Normally a person with vision acuity 1,0 can differentiate two point objects, which lay under the angle 1 minute from distance 5 m.
  • 246. Field of vision is area that is seeing by an eye at a given instant. It has nasal and temporal division. Determination of extent of peripheral visual field and thereby diagnosis of blindness in specific portions of retina, is called perimetry. Optic disc produces physiological scotoma in 15 degrees lateral to central point of vision in perimetry chart.
  • 247. Extrinsic Eye Muscles ◦Move the eye ◦Six muscles cooperate to control gaze Superior and inferior rectus Lateral and medial rectus Superior and inferior oblique Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
  • 248.  Extraocular Muscles ◦ 6 extraocular muscles that are attached to each eye ◦ Help move the eye left, right, up, down and diagonally ◦ These 6 muscles are:  Superior rectus  Inferior rectus  Medial rectus  Lateral rectus  Inferior oblique  Superior oblique

Editor's Notes

  2. Acronym IOP = intraocular pressure
  3. Describe the 7 major classes of retinal cell types (6 neurons and one glial cell type) and each of their functions. Not all cell types are photo-sensitive (respond to light). Two types are photosensitive: a small subset of Retinal Ganglion cells (intrinsically photosensitive RGCs, ipRGCs) and all photoreceptor cells
  4. ~200-300 um
  5. Rods and Cones differ in their structure. Named according to conical versus rod-like shapes of outer segments. Cone structure improves visual acuity
  6. Fovea = central region of retina, area of sharpest vision Blind spot = location where the optic nerve (composed of ganglion cell axons/nerve fibers) leaves the eye
  7. .
  8. Figure 10.10 Interconnection of three cone types to provide four color responses and complementary colors The connecting cells between the receptors and ganglion cells are not shown, to keep the illustration simple. + indicates excitation; – indicates inhibition.
  9. Vitamin A = half a beta-carotene (get from carrots, leafy vegetables, liver, melons, pumpkins, papayas, etc) Sufficient energy provided by the photon to promote retinal to an excited state in which rotation around the bond is more energetically favored then relaxes to stay in this conformation Specifically electrons of conjugated pi cloud electrons excited to create an antibonding orbital near the 11-12 double bond
  10. 11-cis retinal must be replenished. This is accomplished by enzymes found in the RPE.