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  To Pharmacokinetics

Pharmacokinetics A Mathematical Tool

           Anas Bahnassi PhD RPh
Lecture Objectives
After completing this lecture, the student will be able
1. Given patient data of the following types, the student will be able to
properly construct a graph and compute the slope using linear
regression: response (R) vs. concentration (C), response (R) vs. time
(T), concentration (C) vs. time (T)
2. Given any two of the above data sets, the student will be able to
compute the slope of the third by linear regression.
3. Give response vs. time and response versus concentration data, the
student will be able to compute the terminal (elimination) rate
constant and half life of the drug.
What is Pharmacokinetics?

      The mathematical description
of drug behavior inside the human body
    It is the study of factors affecting
       the absorption, distribution,
    metabolism and excretion of drug
 As well as the quantitative description
    of how these processes affect the
 time course and intensity of response.
What is Pharmacokinetics?
This powerful mathematical tool is used
to study the drug’s
• Fate in normal and
   pathophysiological conditions
• Distribution / location /penetration
• Clearance / organs
• Conc vs. response
• Bioavailability
• It compares dosage forms and
   different drug brands
• It quantitatively evaluate the
   magnitude of drug interactions
• It provides the basics to make clinical
What is Biopharmaceutics?

       How the pharmaceutical formulation
variables affect drug availability and performance
                       in vivo
  The use of these information helps optimizing
      therapeutic outcomes of drug products


•   IV                       Medication
•   PO                           in
•   IM
•   MDI          Dosage
  Route of

                                                          • Pharmacological
                                                          • Adverse

                           The Pharmacokinetic Process
The Pharmacological Response
                                               Drug must get into
The occupation theory                                blood
The intensity of a pharmacological              and blood is in
response (E) is proportional to the                 contact
concentration of a reversible drug-              with receptor.
        receptor complex

                                    where E is the intensity of the
        ������ ������������������������             pharmacological response, Emax is the
   ������ =                       maximum attainable value of , [D] is the
          ������������ ������              molar concentration of free drug at the
                              active complex and KR is the dissociation
                               constant of the drug-receptor complex.
m:slope               Response vs. Drug
                       X:dose = C.V   V:volume
The Relationship Between The Administered
    Dose and The Amount of the Drug in The Body
    • The Fraction of the drug reaches the systemic
      circulation is the amount available to elicit
      pharmacologic effect.
    • For iv administration, the amount of drug
      reaches the general circulation is equal to the
      dose administered.
        ������������������������ = ������0 = (������������������)0 ������������
(AUC)∞0 is the area under curve of plasma drug concentration versus time (AUC) from
                                time zero to time infinity
                     K is the first-order elimination rate constant
                    V (or Vd) is the drug’s volume of distribution.           9
Volume of Distribution
“The apparent volume into which a given mass
of drug would need to be diluted in order to give
the observed concentration.”

                                         ������ =

    Basic Pharmacokinetics: S. Jambhekar , Phillip Breen 2009
                                         Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011   10
The Relationship Between The
Administered Dose and The Amount of the
Drug in The Body
For the extravascular route, the amount of
drug that reaches general circulation is the
product of the bioavailable fraction (F) and
the dose administered.

  ������. ������������������������ = ������������0 =         (������������������)0 ������������

                 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011           11
Min. Toxic Conc.

                                                 Min. Effective Conc.

Previous equations suggest that we must know or determine
all the parameters (i.e. AUC, 0 , K, V, F) for a given drug;
therefore, it is important to know the concentration of a drug
in blood (plasma or serum) and/or the amount (mass) of drug
removed in urine (excretion data).
                        Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                   12
Onset of Action:
The time at which the administered drug reaches the therapeutic range
                    and begins to produce effect.

                       Therapeutic Range:
 The plasma or serum concentration range within which the drug is
         likely to produce the therapeutic activity or effect

                       Duration of Action:
    The time span from the beginning of the onset of action up to
                      termination of action

                     Termination of Action:
  The time at which the drug concentration in plasma falls below the
                  minimum effective concentration

                          Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                    13
Amount of Drug in the Urine

           Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011   14
Sites of Drug Administration
                                          1. There is no absorption
                           Intra-           2. There is immediate
Intravascular              venous               onset of action.
                                         3. The entire administered
   Routes                                     dose is available to
                           Intra-        produce pharmacological
                          arterial                  effects.
                                         4. This route is used more
                                           often in life-threatening
                                          5. Adverse reactions are
                                            difficult to reverse or
                                             control; accuracy in
                                               calculations and
                                           administration of drug
                Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011    dose, therefore, are very

Sites of Drug Administration

                 vascular                Sub-
Rectal                                 cutaneous

         Trans-               Sub-
         dermal             lingual
              Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011               16
Important Features of
                             Extravascular Routes

                   1. An absorption phase is present.
2. The onset of action is determined by factors such as formulation and
 type of dosage form, route of administration, physicochemical properties
                of drugs and other physiological variables.
  3. The entire administered dose of a drug may not always reach the
              general circulation (i.e. incomplete absorption).
                          Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                   17
Review of the ADME Process
               • The process by which a drug proceeds from
Absorption       the site of administration to the site of

               • the process of reversible transfer of drug to
Distribution     and from the site of measurement

               • the process of a conversion of one chemical
Metabolism       species to another chemical species

               • The irreversible loss of drug from the site of
Elimination      measurement. It may occur by metabolism
                 or excretion.
                 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                           18
Excretion                                  Disposition
The irreversible loss of          Once a drug is in the systemic,
a drug in a chemically            it is distributed simultaneously
unchanged or unaltered            to all tissues including the organ
form.                             responsible for its elimination.

                   Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                       19
Pharmacokinetic Models

The change in drug’s concentration after administration can be described
using certain equations mostly exponential. This suggests that ADME
processes follow a first order process and therefore drug transport is
mediated through passive diffusion mechanism. This means that there is a
direct relationship between the plasma concentration of the drug and the
amount eliminated in the urine and the original administered dose. This
identifies the term Linear Pharmacokinetics.
                           Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                 20
Compartment Concept in PK

• It is necessary to describe the pharmacokinetic
  parameters adequately and accurately.
• The selection of the compartment model
  depends solely on the distribution
  characteristics of the drug administered.
• The corresponding equation depends on the
  compartment model and the route of

                  Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011        21
The model selection process is highly
        dependent upon the following factors.
1.    The frequency at which plasma samples are collected. It is
      highly recommended that plasma samples are collected as
      early as possible, particularly for first couple of hours,
      following the administration of the dose of a drug.
2.    The sensitivity of the procedure employed to analyze drug
      concentration in plasma samples. (Since inflections of the
      plasma concentration versus time curve in the low
      concentration regions may not be detected when using assays
      with poor sensitivity, the use of a more sensitive analytical
      procedure will increase the probability of choosing the correct
      compartment model.)
3.    The physicochemical properties (e.g. the lipophilicity)of a

     Basic Pharmacokinetics: S. Jambhekar , Phillip Breen 2009
                                          Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011   22

Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011            23
IV Bolus Dose - One
Considering the body to
behave      as     a    single
compartment. In order to
simplify the mathematics it
is often possible to assume
that a drug given by rapid
intravenous injection, a
bolus, is rapidly mixed. This
figure      represents     the
uniformly mixed drug very
shortly after administration.

   Niazi, S. 1979 Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, p142
                                            Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                                                24
IV Bolus Dose - One

            ������ = ������0 ������ −������������ = ������������ −������������ 1

        ������������������ = ������������������ − ������������ (2)

    ������ − ������ ������0 − ������
           =         ������������ (3)
       ������      ������

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 99.4.25 3-4 1996-1999 Michael C. Makoid
          Niazi, S. 1979 Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, p142
                                                   Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                                                25
IV Bolus Two
                                                     Compartment Model
Often a one compartment model is not sufficient to represent the
pharmacokinetics of a drug. A two compartment model often has
wider application. Here we consider the body is a central
compartment with rapid mixing and a peripheral compartment
with slower distribution.
The central compartment
is uniformly mixed very
shortly     after    drug
administration, whereas
it takes some time for the
peripheral compartment
to reach a pseudo
Niazi, S. 1979 Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and
 Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Appleton-Century-
            Crofts, New York, p175l.;l
                                            Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011   26
Semi-log Graph

Rapid Distribution                       Slow Distribution

                     Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                  27
Absorption and Elimination

One Compartment with                            Two Compartment with
  absorption phase      Semi-log Graph            absorption phase

                       Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011
Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011   29
A basic model for absorption and
  The model is based on mass
     balance considerations:
                                                 At any time t, for the
  1. The amount (e.g. mg) of
                                                  extravascular route:
         unchanged drug and/or
                                            F(Dose) = absorbable amount at
   metabolite(s) can be measured in
                                           the absorption site + amount in the
                                               body + cumulative amount
2. Drug and metabolite(s) in the
                                           metabolized + cumulative amount
    body (blood, plasma or serum)
                                                   excreted unchanged
     are measured in concentration
          units (e.g. μgmL-1).
                                              For the intravascular route:
3. Direct measurement of drug at
                                              Dose = amount in the body +
      the site of administration is
                                            amount metabolized + cumulative
    impractical; however, it can be
                                              amount excreted unchanged:
           assessed indirectly.

                          Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                         30
Characteristics of One
                             Compartment Model
   1. Equilibrium between drug concentrations in
      different tissues or organs is obtained rapidly
    (virtually instantaneously), following drug input.
    Therefore, a distinction between distribution and
            elimination phases is not possible.
2. The amount (mass) of drug distributed in different
                  tissues may be different.
3. Following equilibrium, changes in drug concentra-
      tion in blood (which can be sampled) reflect
    changes in concentration of drug in other tissues
                (which cannot be sampled).
                      Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011         31
Drug Concentration versus Time

From a graph such as this we can see the relationship between drug
  concentration and drug effect. If a drug has to reach an effective
 concentration at a receptor site this will be reflected as a required
                        blood concentration.
      Barr, W.H. 1968 Principles of        Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011   32
biopharmaceutics, Amer. J. Pharm. Ed., 32,
Drug Product Performance
                                                                     The figure shows
                                                                     some of the bio-
                                                                       which can be
                                                                     used to measure
                                                                       drug product
                                                                        Later in the
                                                                     semester we will
                                                                       use the trap-
                                                                      ezoidal method
Dittert, L.W. and DiSanto, A.R. 1973 The bioavailability of drug
                                                                       of calculating
         products, J. Amer. Pharm. Assoc., NS13, 421-432                   AUC.
                                            Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011              33
Rate Processes

 After administration, the drug
    is subject to a number of
processes (ADME) whose rates
  control the concentration of
    drug in the elusive region
   known as ‘‘site of action.’’
These processes affect the onset
of action, as well as the duration
         and intensity of
   pharmacological response.
                      Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011             34
Zero-order Process
                                              Applications of zero-
                                             order processes include
                                               administration of a
                                             drug as an intravenous
                                              infusion, formulation
                                             and administration of a
                                                  drug through
                                                controlled release
                                                dosage forms and
                                             administration of drugs
                                              through trans-dermal
                                             drug delivery systems.

                    Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                    35
Rectilinear Paper
First-order Process

                         Rectilinear Paper

Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                  36
First-order Process

                          -dX/dt xX-1 =K,
                          where units are
                            mgh-1 x mg-1
                          K has unit is: h-1.

                         Rectilinear Paper
Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                   37
First-order Process

                         Rectilinear Paper
Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                  38
First-order Process

Rectilinear Paper                      Semilogarithmic

              Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                39
Comparison of Zero & First order

Term       Zero order                     First order
-dx/dt     = K0 Rate remains              KX Rate changes over time
Rate       =K0                            =K
constant   unit = mgh-1                   unit=h-1
X          X=X0-Kt                        lnX=lnX0-Kt or

                          Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011                      40

Anas Bahnassi PhD RPh


              attribution – non-commercial – share alike

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Pharmacokinetics: Lecture One

  • 1. Introduction To Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics A Mathematical Tool Anas Bahnassi PhD RPh
  • 2. Lecture Objectives After completing this lecture, the student will be able to: 1. Given patient data of the following types, the student will be able to properly construct a graph and compute the slope using linear regression: response (R) vs. concentration (C), response (R) vs. time (T), concentration (C) vs. time (T) 2. Given any two of the above data sets, the student will be able to compute the slope of the third by linear regression. 3. Give response vs. time and response versus concentration data, the student will be able to compute the terminal (elimination) rate constant and half life of the drug.
  • 3. What is Pharmacokinetics? The mathematical description of drug behavior inside the human body It is the study of factors affecting the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drug As well as the quantitative description of how these processes affect the time course and intensity of response.
  • 4. What is Pharmacokinetics? This powerful mathematical tool is used to study the drug’s • Fate in normal and pathophysiological conditions • Distribution / location /penetration • Clearance / organs • Conc vs. response • Bioavailability • It compares dosage forms and different drug brands • It quantitatively evaluate the magnitude of drug interactions • It provides the basics to make clinical predictions
  • 5. What is Biopharmaceutics? How the pharmaceutical formulation variables affect drug availability and performance (absorption) in vivo The use of these information helps optimizing therapeutic outcomes of drug products
  • 6. Distribution Elimination Metabolites • IV Medication • PO in Circulation • IM • MDI Dosage Regimen Concentration Response Route of Administration • Pharmacological • Adverse Effect The Pharmacokinetic Process
  • 7. The Pharmacological Response Drug must get into The occupation theory blood The intensity of a pharmacological and blood is in response (E) is proportional to the contact concentration of a reversible drug- with receptor. receptor complex where E is the intensity of the ������ ������������������������ pharmacological response, Emax is the ������ = maximum attainable value of , [D] is the ������������ ������ molar concentration of free drug at the active complex and KR is the dissociation constant of the drug-receptor complex.
  • 8. m:slope Response vs. Drug E=m.lnX+b Concentration X:dose = C.V V:volume of Emax distribution
  • 9. The Relationship Between The Administered Dose and The Amount of the Drug in The Body • The Fraction of the drug reaches the systemic circulation is the amount available to elicit pharmacologic effect. • For iv administration, the amount of drug reaches the general circulation is equal to the dose administered. ∞ ������������������������ = ������0 = (������������������)0 ������������ (AUC)∞0 is the area under curve of plasma drug concentration versus time (AUC) from time zero to time infinity K is the first-order elimination rate constant V (or Vd) is the drug’s volume of distribution. 9
  • 10. Volume of Distribution “The apparent volume into which a given mass of drug would need to be diluted in order to give the observed concentration.” ������ ������ = ������ Basic Pharmacokinetics: S. Jambhekar , Phillip Breen 2009 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 10
  • 11. The Relationship Between The Administered Dose and The Amount of the Drug in The Body For the extravascular route, the amount of drug that reaches general circulation is the product of the bioavailable fraction (F) and the dose administered. ∞ ������. ������������������������ = ������������0 = (������������������)0 ������������ Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 11
  • 12. Min. Toxic Conc. Min. Effective Conc. Previous equations suggest that we must know or determine all the parameters (i.e. AUC, 0 , K, V, F) for a given drug; therefore, it is important to know the concentration of a drug in blood (plasma or serum) and/or the amount (mass) of drug removed in urine (excretion data). Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 12
  • 13. Onset of Action: The time at which the administered drug reaches the therapeutic range and begins to produce effect. Therapeutic Range: The plasma or serum concentration range within which the drug is likely to produce the therapeutic activity or effect Duration of Action: The time span from the beginning of the onset of action up to termination of action Termination of Action: The time at which the drug concentration in plasma falls below the minimum effective concentration Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 13
  • 14. Amount of Drug in the Urine Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 14
  • 15. Sites of Drug Administration 1. There is no absorption phase. Intra- 2. There is immediate Intravascular venous onset of action. 3. The entire administered Routes dose is available to Intra- produce pharmacological arterial effects. 4. This route is used more often in life-threatening situations. 5. Adverse reactions are difficult to reverse or control; accuracy in calculations and administration of drug Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 dose, therefore, are very 15 critical.
  • 16. Sites of Drug Administration Oral Inhalation Intra- mascular Extra- vascular Sub- Rectal cutaneous Trans- Sub- dermal lingual Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 16
  • 17. Important Features of Extravascular Routes 1. An absorption phase is present. 2. The onset of action is determined by factors such as formulation and type of dosage form, route of administration, physicochemical properties of drugs and other physiological variables. 3. The entire administered dose of a drug may not always reach the general circulation (i.e. incomplete absorption). Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 17
  • 18. Review of the ADME Process • The process by which a drug proceeds from Absorption the site of administration to the site of measurement • the process of reversible transfer of drug to Distribution and from the site of measurement • the process of a conversion of one chemical Metabolism species to another chemical species • The irreversible loss of drug from the site of Elimination measurement. It may occur by metabolism or excretion. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 18
  • 19. Excretion Disposition The irreversible loss of Once a drug is in the systemic, a drug in a chemically it is distributed simultaneously unchanged or unaltered to all tissues including the organ form. responsible for its elimination. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 19
  • 20. Pharmacokinetic Models The change in drug’s concentration after administration can be described using certain equations mostly exponential. This suggests that ADME processes follow a first order process and therefore drug transport is mediated through passive diffusion mechanism. This means that there is a direct relationship between the plasma concentration of the drug and the amount eliminated in the urine and the original administered dose. This identifies the term Linear Pharmacokinetics. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 20
  • 21. Compartment Concept in PK • It is necessary to describe the pharmacokinetic parameters adequately and accurately. • The selection of the compartment model depends solely on the distribution characteristics of the drug administered. • The corresponding equation depends on the compartment model and the route of administration. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 21
  • 22. The model selection process is highly dependent upon the following factors. 1. The frequency at which plasma samples are collected. It is highly recommended that plasma samples are collected as early as possible, particularly for first couple of hours, following the administration of the dose of a drug. 2. The sensitivity of the procedure employed to analyze drug concentration in plasma samples. (Since inflections of the plasma concentration versus time curve in the low concentration regions may not be detected when using assays with poor sensitivity, the use of a more sensitive analytical procedure will increase the probability of choosing the correct compartment model.) 3. The physicochemical properties (e.g. the lipophilicity)of a drug. Basic Pharmacokinetics: S. Jambhekar , Phillip Breen 2009 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 22
  • 23. Pharmacokinetic Models Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 23
  • 24. IV Bolus Dose - One Compartment Considering the body to behave as a single compartment. In order to simplify the mathematics it is often possible to assume that a drug given by rapid intravenous injection, a bolus, is rapidly mixed. This figure represents the uniformly mixed drug very shortly after administration. Niazi, S. 1979 Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, p142 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 24
  • 25. IV Bolus Dose - One Compartment ������ = ������0 ������ −������������ = ������������ −������������ 1 ������������������ = ������������������ − ������������ (2) E=m.lnX+b ������ − ������ ������0 − ������ = ������������ (3) ������ ������ E=E0-Rt Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 99.4.25 3-4 1996-1999 Michael C. Makoid Niazi, S. 1979 Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, p142 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 25
  • 26. IV Bolus Two Compartment Model Often a one compartment model is not sufficient to represent the pharmacokinetics of a drug. A two compartment model often has wider application. Here we consider the body is a central compartment with rapid mixing and a peripheral compartment with slower distribution. The central compartment is uniformly mixed very shortly after drug administration, whereas it takes some time for the peripheral compartment to reach a pseudo equilibrium. Niazi, S. 1979 Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Appleton-Century- Crofts, New York, p175l.;l Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 26
  • 27. Semi-log Graph Rapid Distribution Slow Distribution Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 27
  • 28. Absorption and Elimination One Compartment with Two Compartment with absorption phase Semi-log Graph absorption phase 28 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011
  • 29. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 29
  • 30. A basic model for absorption and Disposition The model is based on mass balance considerations: At any time t, for the 1. The amount (e.g. mg) of extravascular route: unchanged drug and/or F(Dose) = absorbable amount at metabolite(s) can be measured in the absorption site + amount in the urine. body + cumulative amount 2. Drug and metabolite(s) in the metabolized + cumulative amount body (blood, plasma or serum) excreted unchanged are measured in concentration units (e.g. μgmL-1). For the intravascular route: 3. Direct measurement of drug at Dose = amount in the body + the site of administration is amount metabolized + cumulative impractical; however, it can be amount excreted unchanged: assessed indirectly. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 30
  • 31. Characteristics of One Compartment Model 1. Equilibrium between drug concentrations in different tissues or organs is obtained rapidly (virtually instantaneously), following drug input. Therefore, a distinction between distribution and elimination phases is not possible. 2. The amount (mass) of drug distributed in different tissues may be different. 3. Following equilibrium, changes in drug concentra- tion in blood (which can be sampled) reflect changes in concentration of drug in other tissues (which cannot be sampled). Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 31
  • 32. Drug Concentration versus Time From a graph such as this we can see the relationship between drug concentration and drug effect. If a drug has to reach an effective concentration at a receptor site this will be reflected as a required blood concentration. Barr, W.H. 1968 Principles of Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 32 biopharmaceutics, Amer. J. Pharm. Ed., 32, 958
  • 33. Drug Product Performance Parameters The figure shows some of the bio- pharmaceutic parameters which can be used to measure drug product performance. Later in the semester we will use the trap- ezoidal method Dittert, L.W. and DiSanto, A.R. 1973 The bioavailability of drug of calculating products, J. Amer. Pharm. Assoc., NS13, 421-432 AUC. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 33
  • 34. Rate Processes After administration, the drug is subject to a number of processes (ADME) whose rates control the concentration of drug in the elusive region known as ‘‘site of action.’’ These processes affect the onset of action, as well as the duration and intensity of pharmacological response. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 34
  • 35. Zero-order Process Applications of zero- order processes include administration of a drug as an intravenous infusion, formulation and administration of a drug through controlled release dosage forms and administration of drugs through trans-dermal drug delivery systems. Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 35 Rectilinear Paper
  • 36. First-order Process Rectilinear Paper Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 36
  • 37. First-order Process -dX/dt xX-1 =K, where units are mgh-1 x mg-1  K has unit is: h-1. Rectilinear Paper Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 37
  • 38. First-order Process Rectilinear Paper Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 38
  • 39. First-order Process Rectilinear Paper Semilogarithmic Paper Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 39
  • 40. Comparison of Zero & First order processes Term Zero order First order -dx/dt = K0 Rate remains KX Rate changes over time constant Rate =K0 =K constant unit = mgh-1 unit=h-1 X X=X0-Kt lnX=lnX0-Kt or logX=logX0-kt/2.303 Anas Bahnassi PhD 2011 40
  • 41. Pharmacokinetics Anas Bahnassi PhD RPh attribution – non-commercial – share alike