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Personality Theories And Trait Theories
The entire notion of 'Personality ' rests upon a number of assumptions: 1) that traits and types exist
2) that traits and types are stable over time 3) that these traits and types are consistent across
different situations. At least two of these assumptions are so problematic that they challenge the very
existence of Personality. Critically evaluate this statement. Personality, a word first coined in the
C14th, has so broad a meaning that its definition varies significantly depending on which theoretical
approach or method of classification it is being used for. To the average individual, their personality
is simply what guides and forms their emotions, cognitions and behavioural acts, yet psychologists
have no universal definition and loosely apply it as an overall heading, whilst focusing on its role in
personality theories. In order to write this essay it is important to establish the differences between
Type Theories and Trait Theories. A personality type is a group of key qualities an individual
possesses, that when established, may allow a rough prediction of human behaviour. Types are
discrete and mutually exclusive– you are either Type X or Type Y. These types, and indeed traits, are
thought to be constant as said by Tieger and Barron–Tieger in their book "Do what you are" –"The
Type to which you are born will be the one you take to your grave." Trait theories conversely
identify qualities that people possess on a spectrum that can form part of a prediction as to
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Personality Theory And Personality Theories
Introduction Personality can be defined in many ways due to the individual and unique aspects of
personality, and there is yet to be a definitive answer for what personality is and how it comes into
being. Generally personality can be defined as the relatively constant, individual and unique
characteristics and traits which present themselves to others in different circumstances. Due to the
many unknown factors of personality psychologists have suggested many ways in which personality
is created, these psychologists pose reasons as to what personality is and how it manifests, these are
known as personality theories (Carter & Grivas, 2014). The main two ideas being that of genetically
influenced personality and personality which is influenced by the environment one lives and grows
up in (Carter & Grivas, 2014). These two theories are known as Nature (Genetics) and Nurture
(Environment). Many modern psychologists pose that both nature and nurture work in conjunction
with each other (Coon, 1995). Twin/Adoption Through the use of twins, researchers can determine
the affect of environment and genetics on personality. This can be done as some twins, known as
monozygotic twins (identical twins) have identical genetics and as such any similarity can be
presumed to be based on genetics while any difference can be based on environment. Through
adoption studies researches can determine if identical twins that were separated at birth are similar
and if they are more similar to their
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Carl Rogers’ Theory of Personality
Personality Theory Paper
Personality Theory Paper
From the theories of Sigmund Freud to humanistic theories of personality, how one views others
greatly influences how one sees the world and vice versa. Because the theories are so different–
some suggesting that human nature is ill, evil, or bad, while others believe it is intrinsically good–it
is easy to see why people's views of others and the world are so different. However, each person has
a single theory or belief that influences the way they others. For me, that theory is Carl Rogers'
theory of personality, and this theory greatly impacts how I view others in society and in the
workplace, in addition to my own role in society and the ... Show more content on
My role in society is different from how they perceive theirs. According to Rogers (n.d.), Carl
Rogers strove to empower others to be the best that they could be through therapy, including therapy
that involved giving of one's personal self through relevant self–disclosure and through really
listening to a person's problems ("Personality Synopsis, 2004). This is how I see my role in society. I
see it as my responsibility to be the best I can
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The Theory Of Personality Psychology
Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the differences between people's
behaviors in terms of patterns, cognitions, and emotion. Personality psychology has been around for
centuries, since Hippocrates' Four Humors. Personality psychology has taken on many forms and
has continued to develop throughout the centuries. Personality psychology is also developed with
and from other fields of psychology like child development, behavioral, cognitive, and few others.
Personality psychology started its development from Hippocrates' Four Humors, although it did not
truly become it's own field of psychology until Sigmund Freud developed his theory of personality.
Freud practiced what he called the psychoanalytical ... Show more content on ...
Freud claimed that personality is developed by age five. He further stated that each stage of
development was defined as an erogenous zone of the body (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and
Genital) (Schultz, 2013). Although Freud had many followers, few of them agreed with every one of
Freud's developed theories. These followers take the neo–psychoanalytical approach. One of the
most well known neo–psychoanalysts was Carl Jung. Jung studied under Freud and Freud treated
him like a son. Jung's first major point that differed from Freud was that Jung believed that Freud
focused far too much on sexuality. Jung expanded some of Freud's definitions to limit the role of
sexuality. Further, Jung believed that although the past does play a role in the development of
personality, a person is equally shaped by their future goals and aspirations. Finally, Jung felt that
Freud minimized the role of the unconscious (Schultz, 2013). Another Neo–psychoanalytical
psychologist is Alfred Adler. In addition to Jung's disagreement with Freud in terms of sexuality
being a defining role in his theory, Adler also disagreed with the role that the unconscious played in
developing personality. Also, he disagreed with the biological and genetic approach that both Jung
and Freud agreed upon. Adler theorized that human beings were innately social beings that were
individually different from other people (Schultz, 2013). Finally, Karen Horney is the final
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Two Theories Of Personality
Define Personality
"A personality is a unique collection of attitudes, emotions, thoughts, habits, impulses and behaviors
that define how a person typically behaves across situations."
Explain in detail at least two theories of personality
Trait Theories: focus more on the biological aspects of personality. Traits are ways in which
individuals behave or react in most situations. Raymond Cattell proposed that there were 16 primary
traits. Individuals differ in the degree of possession which they have in a trait. There are five core
traits, most commonly known as the 'big five' or OCEAN: Openness, Conscientiousness,
Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Openness is being thoughtful and rational,
Conscientiousness is the attention to detail, Extraversion is the outwardly directed energy,
Agreeableness is how well an individual gets along with others and Neuroticism is emotional
instability. Hans Eysenck suggested that there were only three traits: Psychoticism, Extroversion and
Humanistic Theories: ... Show more content on ...
Internal traits are stable across a lifespan and differ depending on the individual or particular trait or
both. The five factor trait theory allows persons to develop and be able to function properly.
Genetics affect personality development as some aspects of a personality may be inherited. This
includes adopted children being more closely linked to their adopted parents that their biological
parents and identical twins that are raised apart have similar personality traits. Most personality
traits are consistent and stable over time and little changes occur after the age of thirty as most
persons experiment during their childhood and teenage years. Age, culture and gender are major
factors to consider when discussing stability and change as it differs for each
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Personality Theory And Personality Theories
It is important for psychologists to understand the factors of personality to understand cognitive,
emotional and behavioural characteristics required when treating clients. Personality is described as
a range of characteristic that controls the way a person thinks, feels and acts that deliver coherence
and direction in one's life. A group of theorists once said, "each of us is in a certain respect like all
other people, like some other people and like no other person who has lived in the past or will exist
in the future" (Kluchohn & Murray, 1953). It has also been established that a person will behave
slightly consistently over time in different situations. Additionally, modest stability is established
from childhood personality to adult ... Show more content on ...
There are four main trait theories that look at individual's personality. The first trait theory is Gordon
Allport's theory, Gordon Allport sourced 4000 words from the English dictionary in which he used
to describe personality traits one may hold (Hay, 1985). Gordon Allport didn't explain personality in
terms of the fundamental traits rather he describes a person characteristic behaviour and conscious
motions. Another trait theory is Raymond Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire. Cattell
used a statistical technique called 'factor analysis' to arrive at 16 personality factors (Cattell, 1950).
The questionnaire is used to identify patterns of behaviour in a variety of life circumstances. Due to
the fact the questionnaire is very comprehensive the results can be wide in a variety of settings. The
third theory is from psychologist Hans Eysenck, he used 'factor analysis' similar to Cattell to arrive
at 2 main personality dimensions, first being neuroticism vs stability and extroversion vs
introversion. Although these two were the most popular Eysenck brought about a less widely
accepted dimension, Psychoticism vs impulse control (Eysenck HJ,1960). Lastly a very well
accepted modern assessment of personality is based on a five–factor structure of personality. It is
referred to as 'The big
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Personality Theory
Personality Theory Paper
Bonnie Garcia
University of Phoenix/PSYCH 504
Dr. Melissa Venezia
April 19, 2010
In this paper I have chosen Abraham Maslow to explain how his theory has influenced my
understanding of the personalities and behaviors of people in society and in the workplace.
Furthermore, I will explain how Maslow's theory has influenced my position in society and in the
workplace, along with my interactions with others. Abraham Maslow brought a bright outlook to the
world of psychology with his idea of "hierarchy of human needs." His idea of an "authentic self"
that core part of an individual who strives towards growth, is then measured one of the foundation
stones of the Humanistic ... Show more content on ...
According to Maslow, esteem needs becomes increasingly important. These include the need for
factors that reflect on self–esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment. Because
of the fact that I have not moved forward in Maslow's Hierarchy of social need this level is
extremely difficult. I have accomplished many events in life to know satisfaction. After completing
my Bachelor's degree, I had no emotional sense of gratitude. I was asked numerous times by people
"how I felt," "did I feel different" or "what was I going to do now," and because of my unfortunate
low self–esteem, I cannot find the importance of esteem needs. Self–esteem is essential in
personality. I carry myself around others in society and in the workforce as if I am a strong person
with self–esteem. I am hungry to belong. At home and in my personal time I am most content being
alone. I find calmness in spending time alone, watching a moving or just sitting out back by the pool
reading a book. According to Maslow, Self–actualizing is the last step; people are self–aware,
concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others and interested fulfilling
their potential. I am nowhere close to this step, although, I am developing a better understanding of
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I look forward toward working through all of the levels to achieve
self–awareness regarding who I am as a person developing and achieving a healthier
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Psychoanalytic And Psychodynamic Theory Of Personality
Psychoanalytic/ Psychodynamic: The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the role of the
unconscious mind in the development of personality. Freud believed that the personality develops in
a series of five stages that develop the three divisions of personality. In the oral stage, the fixation is
in the mouth, and would be the cause of his introverted nature; likewise, in the anal stage, Roberto
would discover his reserved nature, while the phallic stage, he would further refine his reserved
nature as a sense of humility in his actions, also defining his mild mannered portion of his
personality. In the latency stage, his social skills would refined and he would become introverted.
Freud would think that Roberto's mild–mannered, reserved, and invertedness is caused by intense
suppressing of the id by the ego, having Roberto adopt the personality that he does; however, Karen
Horney would classify Roberto's personality in respect to her theory of neurotic personalities–
personalities typified by maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships– with moving away from
people by withdrawing from personal relationships. Behaviorism: The behaviorist perspective of
personality focuses on the effect of the environment on behavior. Based on the theories of Skinner
and Pavlov, Roberto has his personality because of his past experiences in a social environment. B.F.
Skinner would relate operant conditioning to Roberto's personality. Through many punishments and
reinforcements by his
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Examples Of Implicit Personality Theory
Implicit Personality Theory
Dunning (2007) says that implicit personality theory is the idea that if a person displays one
characteristic, they are likely to have other characteristics associated with the displayed
characteristic. Two types of implicit personality theory Dunning (2007) focused on were the halo
effect; if someone exhibits positive attributes, additional positive attributes will be attributed to them
by the perceiver and vice versa, and attractive people are ascribed more positive attributes by others,
regardless of behavior. It is a heuristic used by people to make impulsive decisions. Unfortunately, it
frequently leads to the wrong impression and it allows other people to use it to influence decision
making through impression ... Show more content on ...
Proctor & Gamble was one of the first fortune 500 companies to begin reporting how they were
trying to clean up the environment, co–founding in 1981 the Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry (Proctor & Gamble, 2017). In 2016, more than 82% of the S&P 500 companies
published corporate sustainability reports (Governance & Accountability Institute, 2017). This is
where responsible impression management by one company in 1981, has pressured 410 companies
to look at how they do business to ensure environmental and social sustainability /
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Theories Of Personality
The subject of personality is one that is extremely complex and dynamic. Personality has been
defined as the ingrained pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings consistent across situations and
time. It consists of a mixture of characteristics and qualities that form an individual's distinctive
character. The configuration of an individual's personality is quite unique because trying to uncover
what prompts us or inspires us to accumulate the different behaviors and thought processes has yet
to be discovered over the past centuries of time. Personality is something an individual can examine
in another and determine if they have any similar qualities or traits in common and from there
conclusions can be drawn that exhibits compatibility or incompatibility to the given circumstance,
situation, or person. Nevertheless, the question that still remains is what determines a personality
and enables an individual to have the character and qualities that they may have? Many theories of
personality have been formulated in an attempt to give a valid, reliable, and thorough explanation
concerning the influences on a personality and the variety of personalities that are known. All of
these theories that will be mentioned all hold pertinent information worth stating and hold
interesting views and approaches, however, some may be out–dated, yet useful and others may have
been accepted and later rejected due to new discoveries. Among all the theories regarding
personality, four
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Carl Rogers’ Theory Of Personality. Personality Theories
Carl Rogers' Theory of Personality
Personality theories suggest explanations for behaviors and how to change them. Multiple
personality theories exist however one of the most interesting is the theory of personality by Carl
Rogers. Rogers writes, "the core of man's nature is essentially positive" (1961, p.73). "Carl Ransom
Rogers (January 8,1902– February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist who, along
with Abraham Maslow founded the humanistic approach to psychology" ("Carl," 2017, para. 1).
Carl Rogers was an instrumental humanistic psychologist who received many awards including the
first APA award for Distinguished Contributions to Applied Psychology in 1972 ("Carl," 2017). Carl
Rogers' made many contributions to therapy ... Show more content on ...
McLeod (2014) explains that self–concept has three parts which are self–esteem, self–image, and
ideal self. He says Rogers believed self–esteem developed from how our parents interacted with us
(McLeod, 2014). Simply, "self–image is how we see ourselves" (McLeod, 2014). McLeod (2014)
mentions that "Self–image influences how a person thinks, feels and behaves in the world.
According to McLeod (2014), our ideal self is who we desire to be. Basically, the closer a persons'
self–image and ideal self are to each other the higher one's self esteem becomes. Rogers developed
Person–centered therapy. "Rogers' basic tenet was that if unconditional positive regard (Respect),
genuineness and honesty (Congruence), and empathic understanding (Empathy) were present in a
relationship, growth and psychological healing would occur" ("Carl," 2017). McLeod(2014) suggest
that incongruence exist when a person's self–concept does not match reality. For example, a student
who makes good grades on test might think they are a great student, when in reality they never come
to class and lie to the teacher with excuses. According to McLeod(2014) Conditional positive regard
is when the person is loved depending on correct and acceptable behaviors (McLeod, 2014). Lastly,
unconditional positive regard is where the person is loved and supported no matter what the person
does (McLeod, 2014). Orlov & Coleman (1992) state, "to achieve the conditions for
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Personality theory
Extraversion is one of the five core personality traits described in the big five theory of personality.
This trait is characterized by sociability, assertiveness, emotional expressiveness and excitability.
People who are high in this trait are often described as being outgoing ad talkative, while those low
in this trait are described as quiet and reserved. An extroverted disposition ; concern with what is
outside the self rather what is inside.
Introversion is one of the major personality traits identified in many theories of personality. People
who are introverted tend to be inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings and
moods rather than seeking out external stimulation. Introversion is genereally viewed as ... Show
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Individuals who score low on neuroticism partially those who are also high on extraversion
generally report more happiness and satisfaction with their lives.
When it comes to neuroticism, Felicia to me seems to be in the middle of it. I wouldn 't say she
scores a high level because her case study doesn 't show signs of anxiety, moodiness, worry, envy or
jealousy. Although Felicia doesn 't show none of those signs she is very self – conscious and she
also seems to be shy. The reason I say Felicia is shy is because in the case study it states that she
sees waitressing as a means of practicing acting and she will often try out different roles and
characters while working. The typical roles she will play at work are loud, very gregarious, and at
times flamboyant which is the opposite of her personality, as most of her friends would describe her
as shy and reserved.
During auditions Felicia is noted to also be very out going and full of energy. She can easily project
a full range of emotions. This statement shows me that Felicia has traits of a high neuroticism level
but not enough to say she is on that level plus there are things that are present in a low neuroticism
level like being calm and in her case study it says she will go along with things with no complaining
and shows no sign of being depressed, she seems happy with things besides
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Carl Jung; Theories of Personality
Final Paper – Jung
Theories of Personality
In this paper I will show some of Jung's back ground, his theory, and speak of his contribution to the
world of psychology. His contribution was a great one, and it was said that many of his theories
were more complicated than many of the other psychologists of his time. As I read about him, I
began to appreciate his passion for this subject.
There were a few reasons that I chose him. First, I think it's amazing his contribution to figuring out,
"personality types." Second, I find it interesting that he was spiritual, and incorporated some of that
spirituality to his theories. He was one of the theorists that took an approach to the ... Show more
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Personality Psychology helps an individual to define their human nature, and how that nature is
different from other people, but in various similar situations. For example, based on
Jung's theory of personality, an introvert may be shy, compared to an extrovert, when placed in a
social setting. Personality Psychology also might help a person to have a strong sense of oneself,
may assist them in understanding why they cope certain ways, or react to particular things that
happen. A therapist knowing this psychology can also shed light to their clients when helping them
to cope with life. According to Jung's theory, we all have some introversion, and some extroversion,
but are primarily one or the other. This is where people are similar. Human beings are like each
other because of our ability to have set backs, fears, failure, and have emotions that come from
within, when we experience hardship in life. Whether we react in an introverted way (inward
thought), versus extroverted (outward thought), is imperative and shows our similarity as well. That
we must all go through some form of process mentally, as a coping mechanism, when things happen
to us, or around us. Jung's theory on the Persona, anima, animus, shadow, and the self(Ashford,
2011), can differentiate us as human beings.
Upon reading about the Shadow, it reminded me of the darker side of us. The part of people that is
mysterious, or thinks bad
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Personality Theories Of Personality Disorders
There are many different theories of personality which scientists have developed in order to help
explain how people think, feel, and behave. The trait theory of personality is one that attempts to
explain personality by identifying patterns of behavior that include relatively stable characteristics
which in turn causes individuals to consistently behave in particular ways (Funder, 2015). While
personality may change due to different situations or states, the trait theory proposes that overall
personality characteristics are relatively constant and result in a person reliably acting a certain way.
These characteristics, or traits, which remain relatively constant throughout one's life are essential
components of one's personality (McLeod, ... Show more content on ...
There are key differences in each of the clusters of personality disorders. Cluster A has common
features of social awkwardness and socially withdrawing from people, leaving them to often times
spend time alone. People diagnosed with these disorders often have distorted thinking which in turn
leads them to have a hard time trusting others leading to social detachment and discomfort in
settings that require them to be social. Cluster B has common features relating to issues with
controlling impulses and regulating emotions. People diagnosed with these disorders often act
impulsively putting themselves at risk for harm and have trouble regulating their emotions and often
don't feel and remorse for their actions. Cluster C has common features in relation to increased
levels of anxiety. Anxiety in this category can relate to social anxiety, fear of losing others, and
anxiety related to orderliness and following rules.
Personality disorders differ from other mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and
bipolar disorders because of the defining features. Disorders like major depressive disorder, bipolar
disorder, and schizophrenia are mood disorders relating to how an individual thinks and feels,
whereas disorders like borderline, paranoid, and narcissistic personality disorder are personality
disorders relating to a person's personality and how they act. Individuals with mood disorders have
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Psychodynamic Personality Theories
Personality is something every living, and mentally functioning human member of society has. Our
personalities are made up of our behaviours and the way in which we think, feel and act – no two
people are exactly alike in personality. (Fletcher and Garton, 2015).
Personality plays a major role in psychology as it is constantly being talked about in terms of
developing it, measuring it and how it can influence the way we interact with others.
Theorists have identified different traits and characteristics as a way to categorise different
personality types. Within psychology there is three theories relating to Personality; humanistic,
psychodynamic and trait. These perspectives were developed by different psychological theorists, in
which this presentation we'll attempt to draw further into. In particular, this presentation will focus
on humanistic and psychodynamic personality perspectives. (Fletcher and Garton, 2015)
Theory 1: Freud's Psychodynamic View
Psychodynamics is one of the three major personality perspectives and leads people to believe that
human thoughts, feelings and actions are caused by a relationship between three elements of the
mind – the id, the ego and the super ego. Our minds are divided into three levels, conscious
awareness, preconscious awareness and unconscious awareness. It ... Show more content on ...
As stated in (McLeod, 2013) "Freud was one of the most influential people of the 20th century."
Freud was responsible for the use of psychoanalysis, a way in which mental illnesses are often
treated and patients were encouraged to talk freely about whatever was on their mind. This is
typically where the idea of laying on couch and talking to a psychologist about one's mental health
comes from – Freud's famous couch and his use of analysing behaviour. Freud is one of the leading
theorists of psychodynamics and had one of the major inputs into the ideas it was based on.
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The Four Psychological Theories Of Personality
Personality is one of the concepts that often be used by social scientists.According to Schultz
(2009), "Personality can be defined as the unique, relatively enduring internal and external aspects
of a person's character that influence behaviour in different situations". In general, personality
theories can be classified based on four major approaches which are psychoanalytic theory, trait
theory, social learning theory, and humanistic theory (Refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). In
personality concepts, Freudian theory was a well–known theory and widely been used. Stevens
(1994) stated that this psychoanalytic perspective was originated from Viennese students, Sigmund
Freud who was born in 1856. There are three levels of consciousness: conscious, ... Show more
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According to (Schultz, 2009) basically, learning can occur through observation as a basis of learning
that can influence the behaviour of other people based on Bandura's basic idea is called
observational learning that important in learning process on new responses by imitate the behaviours
other people of direct reinforcement as a way to influence behaviour that can be learned or changed.
(Schultz, 2009) further explains that social learning theory is determined through modelling which is
a behaviour modification technique that involves observing the behaviour of others and participating
in performing the desired behaviour. For instance, learning skill also influence behaviour based on
two important aspects of the self–reinforcement and self–efficacy that determined of human
personality. According to (Cherry, 2015) argued that "Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not
to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them
what to do," Bandura explained (Bandura,
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The Theory Of Personality Traits
The study of personality is very important in the field of psychology because it aims to provide an
account for individuality of human beings (Pervin and John, 1999). There are many psychological
definitions which attempt to explain personality in terms of characteristics or typical qualities of an
individual. Gordon Allport, defined it as "a dynamic organization, inside the person, of
psychophysical systems that create the person's characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts and
feelings' (Allport, 1961, p. 11). Throughout the existence of this idea, psychologists have attempted
to find ways to assess personality, creating different tests and theories, for example the Big Five
Model of personality traits. This model, also known as the Five Factor Model (FFM), included five
main personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
The FFM was developed by Costa and McCrae (1985; 1989; 1992; 1997), who are argued to be the
most distinguished psychologists in the area of personality.
One of the main criticisms of this model is that it isn't universal across all cultures and that it is not
the right approach to assessing personality among different cultures of the world. Culture is very
important in the area of psychology and there have been many definitions of it throughout the
centuries. Edward Burnett Tyler (1871/1996), a British anthropologist, is believed to have offered
the first definition of culture in his field of study. He
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The Theory Of Personality Theories
The personality theories available, as a collective whole, allow for the complete analysis of the
developing personality of an individual. The emphasis of this specific paper focuses on the
development of the author, Bryan Barker's personality. The theories that will be discussed in the
relation to the development of personality are the Big Five trait theory, with emphasis on
neuroticism, a phenomenological approach, and finally the learning and cognitive approaches. A
synthesis of the approaches on past and predicted behavior and events will help to create a
comprehensive documentation of the personality of today. To allow of the analysis of personality, a
description of the important decisions myself, the author, experienced or large family events that as
a result had a potential impact on personality development, will be discussed followed by multiple
theory analysis of that event. The first and most important aspect to know is the frequency in which
my family moved, roughly once every four years until I graduated eight grade. The moves were not
across towns but to different states; Michigan, Indiana, North Carolina, New Jersey, and have since
settled in California for ten years. This cannot be called a trauma, although the move from North
Carolina to New Jersey was exceedingly difficult to handle. The loss of "best friends" at the age of
six, then required to make new friends in a relatively short amount of time, was stressful, and
reflecting back, a task full of
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Freud's Theory Of Personality Theory
Personality Theory – Freud's theory
K.Arockia Maraichelvi
1. INTRODUCTION We human beings are the same in certain ways by having human bodies,
human minds, human thoughts and human feelings. But in many other ways every one of us are
different from others and possesses certain unique qualities. This is where the term personality sets
in. The term gains significance somewhere in between the common qualities and the unique features
of the human community as a whole and as an individual.
Personality does not have one final definition, but can be thought of as the combination of
behaviour, emotion, motivation and thought patterns that define an individual. The field of
personality psychology attempts to study similarities and differences among these ... Show more
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Type theories– this theory is limited to the personality type of an individual with only biological
connotation and the types of limited.
b. Trait theories – Various theories based on viewed personality as an end product of different
internal characteristic with the biological foundation
c. Psychodynamic theories – This theory has got major significance in the overall development of an
individual and is the most accepted one. Two major contributes for their type of theory are Sigmand
Freud and Erile Erikson.
d. Behavioural theories – are the theories thet talk about the in fluence of environment on an
individual with least consideration to the internal thought and feelings of that individual.
e. Humanist theories – focus just on the role of free will and the exposure of an individual in
developing his/her parents Looking into the pros and cons of all these theories, it was considered to
dwell into the psychological aspect of personality, because this type of theory has got major
implications on the personality development theory of young children. Let us look into Sigmand
freud's personality theory in this module and Erik Erikson's theory in the forthcoming module.
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Personality Traits And Theories Of Personality
The term personality has been defined several times in different ways throughout the history of
psychology. A definition that captures much of what is meant by personality was described as "more
or less stable, internal factors that make one person's behaviour consistent from one time to another,
and different from the behaviour other people would manifest in comparable situations" by Child
(1968) (Eysenck, 1994). This definition is very broad and it includes personality traits as well as
intelligence that are considered as aspects of personality. There is a difference between moods or
emotions and personality. According to many psychologists personality is stable and does not
change dramatically over the time, whereas moods and emotions may change over shortish periods,
because those can be collated with external behaviour, on the other hand if personality determined
behaviour then everyone would behave in identical pattern to different situations. That's why there
are individual differences. It is assumed that there are such individual differences that are revealed
by different ways of behaving in different situations. That means that for example introverted people
would be shyer in a social group or in the comparison extraverted people will talk more. This leads
us to personality traits. There are many theories of personality traits such as: they are habitual
patterns of behaviour, thought and emotion (Kassin, 2004), which means that there are different
patterns in
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An Analysis of Personality Theory
An Analysis of Personality Theory by for Everyone has a personality, of course, but until fairly
recently, there were no personality theories available to help understand what factors contribute to
its development. In recent years, though, personality theories such as McCrae and Costa's Big Five
and Schwartz's theory of basic values have been advanced for these purposes. To gain some deeper
insights into these issues, this paper presents a review of the relevant peer–reviewed and scholarly
literature to provide a definition of personality and an examination of theoretical approaches to
studying personality. Finally, an analysis of those factors that may influence an individual's
personality development is followed by a summary of the research and important findings
concerning personality theory in the conclusion. Review and Analysis Definition of Personality An
individual's personality is comprised of several factors, some of which may be more prominent at
some times than others. The dictionary entry personality defines it as, "the complex of
characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or group; especially the totality of an
individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics" (Merriam–Webster, 2001, p. 1687). In this
regard, Barrick and Mount (1999) advise that, "Personality may to advantage be broadly analyzed
into five distinguishable but separate factors, namely intellect, character, temperament, disposition
and temper" (p. 2). Examination of
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Personality Theory : Personality Theories
Personality Theories Personality Theories: Of the many varieties of personality theory on offer, do
you think any offer distinct advantages over the others, and if so, why? The personality of the man
has been under study since the existence of man himself. It has been hard to understand the human
personality due to the fact that one man is different from another. There are different aspects of life
that have made the study of the human personality to be a challenge. Such factors include culture,
economic status, and the environment amongst numerous other factors. These challenges have been
the main reason that scholars over the years have studied human personality and came up with
different theories that tried to define the man and his personality. Some of these theories were
criticized, and others were rendered ineffective or lacked enough rationale for personality. (Bender,
2007) The purpose of this paper is to provide an in depth analysis of the personality theories. In
addition, the paper will look at the different advantages that one personality theory has over others
by looking at their strengths and weaknesses. However, before discussing the personality theories, it
is vital to define the different terms. (Ellis, Abrams and Abrams, 2009) Personality has been a term
that has been hard to define differently depending on the culture or the background of the scholar.
Generally, personality has always been referred to as the public image of an individual. The term
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Personality Theory Of Steve Mcgarrett
Steve McGarrett is a police officer and main character in the TV show Hawaii Five–0. While some
of his behaviors on the show can seem very strange and even dangerous, they can all be easily
explained using the four perspectives on personality. McGarrett grew up in Hawaii with his two
parents and sister, but his mom "died" when he was 13, she faked her death because she was a CIA
agent, and he was sent to a military boarding school on the US mainland. Steve, in a way, used
repression to cope with his mother's death by never consciously thinking about her until he found
out she was actually still alive. While he didn't have a true father figure at his military academy to
replicate, he was taught how to be the perfect man by the Navy. This is somewhat related to the
identification process how a child begins to replicate their parents values. Steve still follows many
of the same routines as he did during the Navy and also follows many similar behavioral ideals.
Steve was taught that true men never show any emotion, so therefore Steve had a never strong
superego and rarely got flustered or upset. He is always able to keeps his emotions in check and
never lashes out in anger for any reason. On the other hand, he is also very stubborn and makes
many very dangerous choices without much of a second thought, showing how his id is also very
prominent. All of these personality theories can be related back to Freud, and McGarrett is a perfect
example for how they all
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Personality Theory Research Paper
Another part of creating a personality theory is the debate between uniqueness versus commonality
which I have briefly discussed. I believe that every person is unique because no two people have
gone through identical life experiences, nor have they been influenced in the exact same way by
their environments and people around them. With that being said, I also believe that human beings
have many things in common like how they deal with and react to certain situations. We are also
alike in our need for a place in the world and acceptance from others. Because I believe that humans
are both unique and common, I believe that both idiographic and nomothetic research are important
in learning how humans behave and who they will become. A lot of ... Show more content on ...
Another theory that is very reminiscent of behaviorism is the mechanistic theory in which humans
do not engage in cognition, but rather respond automatically to stimuli in their environment. The
animalistic theory also does not give humans enough credit, which would be the exact opposite of
humanistic psychology. It states that we as humans act in the same ways as animals, namely
primates, and while we do share some behaviors and some amount of intelligence, I do not think
that there are enough commonalities to completely say that we are the same. Another theory of
human nature is the evolutionary psychological theory which states that we have inherent behaviors
that have been passed down through the generations since the inception of humankind. I think that
the theory of evolutionary psychology does have some grounds because humans as a species have
adapted and we are born with certain knowledge and gut instincts about the world, but I do not think
that this theory can completely encapsulate human nature. I do not agree with the humanistic theory
of human nature because I do not believe that humans are born good, but instead mostly neutral and
that we engage in whatever practices or behaviors that we have decided to engage
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Essay on Theories of Personality
Introversion has the greatest chance of negatively affecting SLA. Students that are afraid of
embarrassing themselves by speaking incorrectly or by not being able to speak at all may try to
avoid opportunities that would otherwise aid their learning (Zhang, 2008). Since 1960, personality
has emerged as major field of specialization among doctoral candidates (Vance & Macphail, 1964).
Many investigations have been accomplished followed by literature on a variety of theories of
personality. The importance on individual differences and distinctiveness of the individual are the
most frequent features of the study of personality. There is a guarantee that each person's profile is
different from that of another person and thus, each person ... Show more content on
The study can merely be called systematic and scientific when it concerned unbiased observations
that are quantified so that systematic analyses can be performed (Allen, 1990). Dworkin and
Kihlstrom (1978) underlined that the prediction of behavior will be improved by the use of
personality tests. In line with this, many personality inventories with certain extent of reliability and
validity have been developed to aid in the study of personality.
There are essentially two forms of personality tests that can be found in the literature. One of it is
named projective test, allowing an extensive variety of freedom in making response, whereby the
test items are more unstructured, vague or open–ended. Example of this is the Rorscharch Technique
(1951). In the meantime another form of test is called the objective test. Objective tests are
extremely structured paper and pencil questionnaires such as true/false or multiple choices, each of
which can be scored with a key. Sidek personality Inventory is one case of an objective test. As
objective tests are highly structured and scientific, they are higher in validity and reliability
compared to projective tests.
Allport (1936) was the first one who considered the conception of traits as the origin of his theory of
personality. Nevertheless, different psychologists have developed different list of essential traits and
different measurement
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Personality Theories
Personality Theories
Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we
realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what
personality psychologists do. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and
behavior that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories in psychology are devoted to
the subject of personality.
Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we
realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what
personality psychologists do.
While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, ... Show more
content on ...
The psychoanalytic view holds that there are inner forces outside of your awareness that are
directing your behavior. For example, a psychoanalyst might say that James misspoke due to
unresolved feelings for his ex or perhaps because of misgivings about his new relationship.
The founder of psychoanalytic theory was Sigmund Freud. While his theories were considered
shocking at the time and continue to create debate and controversy, his work had a profound
influence on a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, literature, and
The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freud's work and research, including
Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his theories. Freud relied heavily
upon his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed his theory of personality
Before we can understand Freud 's theory of personality, we must first understand his view of how
the mind is organized.
According to Freud, the mind can be divided into two main parts:
1. The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental
processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is
not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our
awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious.
2. The unconscious mind
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The Theory Of Personality Psychology
1. "We are influenced by our own internal forces, forces of which we are unaware, have feelings
towards, or urges we do not quite understand "(Freidman, 2012, p. 17). This is the struggle that
personality psychology tries to understand, how and to what extent the unconscious forces plays a
role in human behavior. It is believed that people are responsible for their own actions. There is a
continuous struggle with personality psychology and the comprehension of and to what extent
unconscious forces play in human behavior. "Meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two
chemical substances; if there is any reaction both are transformed" (Carl Jung 1993, p.57). There are
various questions that are asked about the issues in personality psychology such as, "How important
are social influences on the self, such as parental deprivation or excessive praise? Is the sense of self
merely an inconsequential epiphenomenon or secondary perception arising from other forces that
really matter? What is the core of who we are? A second core issue with the studies of personality
studies is does each person require a unique approach? "Gordon Allport argued that a key aspect of
the study of personality must focus on the individual and thus be idiographic" (p.18). To generalize
an individual is a complication in itself because the personality of each person is complex in its own
way so how can we generalize? Obtaining an answer to that question is still a dilemma. Allport
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Theories Of Personality And Social Psychology
Student: Nisaa Kirtman
THEORIES OF PERSONALITY Signature assignment: Explore future directions for personality
theory and research in social psychology
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Future directions for personality theory and research in social psychology
Introduction and overview of personality in social psychology Social psychology and personality
psychology both came into fruition around the same time – the 1920's and 1930's. Needless ... Show
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The current paper will explore the history and future of personality in social psychology, and how
the integration of these fields show more similarities than differences.
Personality Psychology Funder (2006) defines personality as a person's pattern of thought, emotion,
and behavior, with psychological mechanisms and underpinnings. Studying personality within the
field of social psychology makes logical senses. While the study of personality psychology seeks to
determine the various ways that people differ from one another, and figure out individuals from the
inside out, personality within social psychology seeks to figure out individuals from the inside out in
varying contexts. Personality psychologists deal with one main challenge – there are so many facets
to one's personality that it is hard to view one's personality within one single lens. Therefore, before
exploring personality within the context of social realms, it is important to view the many facets and
approaches to examining personality and its variations.
Psychanalysis is perhaps one of the most individualist lenses to viewing personality, and has to do
with understanding one's hidden, unconscious, and more dark urges as the means to conceptualizing
one's personality. Further, psychoanalysis examines a more abstract look into what factors make us
who we are, such as the unconscious, dreams, defense mechanisms, our egos, attachment, and
sexual urges
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Personality Theory
personality theories, types and tests personality types, behavioural styles theories, personality and
testing systems – for self–awareness, self–development, motivation, management, and recruitment
Motivation, management, communications, relationships – focused on yourself or others – are a lot
more effective when you understand yourself, and the people you seek to motivate or manage or
develop or help.
Understanding personality is also the key to unlocking elusive human qualities, for example
leadership, motivation, and empathy, whether your purpose is self–development, helping others, or
any other field relating to people and how we behave.
The personality theories that underpin personality tests and personality quizzes are ... Show more
content on ...
Understanding personality – of your self and others – is central to motivation. Different people have
different strengths and needs. You do too.
The more you understand about personality, the better able you are to judge what motivates people –
and yourself.
The more you understand about your own personality and that of other people, the better able you
are to realise how others perceive you, and how they react to your own personality and style.
Knowing how to adapt the way you work with others, how you communicate, provide information
and learning, how you identify and agree tasks, are the main factors enabling successfully managing
and motivating others – and yourself.
Importantly you do not necessarily need to use a psychometrics instrument in order to understand
the theory and the basic model which underpins it. Obviously using good psychometrics instruments
can be extremely useful and beneficial, (and enjoyable too if properly positioned and administered),
but the long–standing benefit from working with these models is actually in understanding the logic
and theory which underpin the behavioural models or personality testing systems concerned. Each
theory helps you to understand more about yourself and others.
In terms of 'motivating others' you cannot sustainably 'impose' motivation on another person. You
can inspire them perhaps, which lasts as long as
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Theories Of Personality Theory
Theories of Personality–Dispositional and Evolutionary or Biological Personality Your Name
Institution Theories of Personality– Dispositional and Evolutionary or Biological Personality
Scientists believe that personality is often a huge factor that determines the choices that we make in
daily lives. Personality is not unique to humans, animals also have distinct personalities; any pet
owner will agree. The question that we are first inclined to ask is "what is personality? Why do we
need it?" The answer to the first question is fairly simple; according to Feist & Rosenberg (2009), "
personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both
consistency and individuality to a person's behaviour". There are two approaches as far as
personality theories are concerned, viz. dispositional theory and biological or trait–based theories.
These theories are constitute of many other smaller theories. The primary theorists discussed in the
following sections are Eysenck, Alloport, Tupes, Goldberg and Christal. Dispositional Personality
theory Dispositional personality theory is a combination of theories with a central theme; all of them
attribute personality to innate attributes of an individual. According to the dispositional ... Show
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in his book "Dimensions of Personality" Eysenck (1947) proposed a three factor personality model.
Other proponents of the trait based model of personality was Allport, (1961) who divided
personality into cardinal traits, central traits and secondary traits. According to Allport, the cardinal
traits are most important as an individual's main life choices are determined by these traits. The
Central traits determine the rules for daily interactions and most people have five to ten central
traits. Finally, the secondary traits are occasional attributes that are displayed only under special
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Psychological Theories Of Personality
Personality is a topic that we have been discussing this past week in lecture. We have discussed
personality types and how different personalities may develop. When looking at all the information
that has been provided, it will be very interesting to apply it to my personal life. With this
assignment, I will not only be describing my own personality but also relating it to the topics
covered in lecture and determining what psychological theory is best for me. When looking at my
own personality, I would say that I am a mix of many things. I feel like I am a mix of introverted
and extroverted and an individual that relies more on feeling than reasoning. I often do not mind
being around people or in large crowds but at the same time, I am ... Show more content on ...
It is not saying that I do not get along with others, because I have a large circle of friends. It is only
saying that when it comes to opening up mentally and emotionally, there are only certain people I
can do that with. Outside of that, I am a very thoughtful and caring individual and will always put
others before myself. I enjoy laughing and caring for others. My parents always raised me to be a
humble person and to value my character and have good morals. I do not have a quick temper and
am usually an easy going. I just want to make everybody around me proud and that is what
motivates me to this day. If a person is not in my family or inner circle, there is not much that can be
done to alter my mood or mindset. I am just my own person that does not worry about what others
say or think about my character, values, or morals. As stated previously, we have been discussing
personality in depth in lab and lecture. We have learned about the five major perspectives of
personality. These include trait, biological, psychodynamic, humanistic, and learning/social–
cognitive. I feel like each one of these can explain how my personality has developed and how it
still changes to this day. The trait perspective says that we receive certain characteristics that are
influences from genetic predispositions. In simpler terms, we get our personality and certain
characteristics from our parents. When examining my personality, this
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Personality Theories
personality theories, types and tests personality types, behavioural styles theories, personality and
testing systems – for self–awareness, self–development, motivation, management, and recruitment
Motivation, management, communications, relationships – focused on yourself or others – are a lot
more effective when you understand yourself, and the people you seek to motivate or manage or
develop or help. Understanding personality is also the key to unlocking elusive human qualities, for
example leadership, motivation, and empathy, whether your purpose is self–development, helping
others, or any other field relating to people and how we behave. The personality theories that
underpin personality tests and personality quizzes are ... Show more content on ...
Which implies that you need to discover, and at times help the other person to discover, what truly
motivates them – especially their strengths, passions, and personal aims – for some the pursuit of
personal destiny – to achieve their own unique potential. Being able to explain personality, and to
guide people towards resources that will help them understand more about themselves, is all part of
the process. Help others to help you understand what they need – for work and for whole life
development, and you will have an important key to motivating, helping and working with people.
Each of the different theories and models of personality and human motivation is a different
perspective on the hugely complex area of personality, motivation and behaviour. It follows that for
any complex subject, the more perspectives you have, then the better your overall understanding
will be. Each summary featured below is just that – a summary: a starting point from which you can
pursue the detail and workings of any of these models that you find particularly interesting and
relevant. Explore the many other models and theories not featured on this site too – the examples
below are a just small sample of the wide range of models and systems that have been developed.
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Personality Theory Of Personality Development
Many personality theorists offered different explanations for human behaviors as well as established
specific stages of personality development. However, person centered theory does not have a theory
of personality structure, rather believes that it is essential to follow certain principles in order to
develop the self–concept. Rogers's theory of personality is based on the notion that all individuals
have the innate ability to reach actualizing tendency and establish a self–concept, which is
congruent with his whole experience (Warner, 2009). Rogers defined the actualizing tendency as the
inborn motivating force of the self, which move towards fulfilling and enhancing ones true potential.
The actualizing tendency applies to all living organism, however, in human this tendency is referred
as self–actualization. According to Rogers (1980) actualizing tendency can be suppressed, though, it
can never be destroyed, without destroying the organism itself. This phenomenon is the motivating
force in the theory, which includes all motivations such as need, drive, or anxiety reduction. It also
encompasses, growth motivations for instance, the desire to be more creative and seeking of
pleasurable tensions. It is Rogers' belief that all organisms including, humans strive to become
his/her full potential even under difficult circumstances. However, when individuals are lacking
empathy and unconditional positive regard in their society and in interpersonal relationship, then
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Personality Theories And Internet Testing
Personality Theories
Why has personality theories and internet testing created so much interest in the hiring process? Can
you judge a person 's ability to perform the work just by giving them a personality assessment? Not
always, but in the process of hiring many organizations can rely on personality theories and testing,
which helps the process of pre–selection. Personality theories help measure, cognitive ability,
knowledge, and personality of potential candidates. Employers today use pre–assessment as part of
the selection process for multiple reasons. Personality theories and Internet testing is saves them
time, money and filter the candidates in the pre–employment using personality traits.
Personality theories and Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) are both effective methods. With the
over–flowing job applications, personality theories and CAT helps reducing the overall time of the
hiring process. Time is a very important factor for any company. Personality theories and computer
adaptive testing are meaningful in the process of hiring because it saves time, saves money and is
meaningful if it is evaluated for reliability, validity and acceptability. Many tests are written
specifically for business settings and are likely to be deemed acceptable by job applicants. Most
scholars now agree that personality is determined by a combination of both genetics and
environment, and that neither is solely responsible for personality.
Computer adaptive testing (CAT) is a major
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Theories Of Personality Psychology
Personality psychology is a broad branch of psychology that looks at various different personality
disorders. In addition to that, they also look at what a person does and how that relates to their own
personality. In this assignment, I took an article that looks at mate poaching and how it varies in
various cultures. With this article, I related it to what we are learning from Chapter two of our
Personality Psychology book, research and research theories.
In Chapter two of the ¬¬Cervone and Pervin book, the topics of research styles and structures are
brought forward. These topics are very important in the field of psychology. Research is the
forefront of Psychology being used to prove theories. Since the research is vastly important, it ...
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Every month on the cover of magazines, there are always stories about cheating among celebrities.
After reading this study and learning about personality psychology, I found that this may be due to
insecurities among the ones poaching. In addition, I found that this is not the sort of thing that only
happens around the United States and amongst celebrities, it is a common thing that happens in
various cultures. With the data gathered, namely being S data, we know that the data is not
necessarily 100% accurate, but is as accurate as the participants wish to be on the survey. Aside
from that though we get a good representation of world data with 53 various nations, so the
researchers are able to make justifications based on cultural
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Personality Theory Of Drug Abuse
Personality theory helps to tease out the relationship between individual personality and their drug
use pattern. The theory posits that people have something wrong in the emotional or psychic life that
makes drugs attractive to them. One personality theorist believed that euphoria derived from drugs
is an easy way out for immature individuals who lack responsibility, a sense of independence, and
the capacity to postpone self–indulgent gratification for the sake of attaining long term goals
(Ausbel, 1980, pp.4–5). To another personality psychologist drug abuse is a defence mechanism for
eliminating feelings of inferiority or inadequacies in some individuals. Low self esteem can initiate
drug abuse and causes of low self esteem vary from individuals to individuals however common
causes include parental neglect, physical or social deformity, peer rejection and finally poor coping
abilities or mechanism that are either socially disvalued or self–defeating (Kaplan, 1975, p. 129).
Hans eyesenck suggested and believed that people tend to seek out ways to modify their
temperament and bring themselves to an even and stable state. For example he reasoned that
introverts, whose brains are over excited and always gnawing at ... Show more content on ...
This theory can provide an explanation for substance use or misuse, in that individuals choose
certain behaviour because of its perceived favourable outcome which in the case of drug abusers
could be a feeling of pleasure, mental escape, or recognition and acceptance by a preferred group. If
the behaviour results in the desired outcome or meets up to the expectation strengthening or increase
in that behaviour will then occur. It is important to note that the expectation can be maladaptive in
nature as with case of drug
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Personality Theory
Character Personality Analysis Elizabeth F. Psych 504 February 4, 2013 Character Personality
Analysis Introduction Leigh Anne Touhy is the fictional representation of the real life Leigh Anne,
famed adoptive mother of Michael Oher from the 2009 film The Blind Side. Leigh Anne is a white
interior designer, living in the south with her husband and two children. The family is considered to
be part of the upper class, and made their money from owning a string of fast food chains. Leigh
Anne and her family take in a black homeless boy, Michael, and throughout the film experience a
growing love and bond. They eventually adopt Michael and the Leigh Anne becomes a fiercely
protective mother. Very little is revealed about her upbringing ... Show more content on ...
People high in agreeableness tend to be trusting, friendly and cooperative. (27) Is about average.
Factor III conscientiousness, this trait reflects how organized and persistent we are in pursuing our
goals. High scorers are methodical, well organized and dutiful. (45) Is relatively high. Factor IV
neuroticism, this trait reflects the tendency to experience negative thoughts and feelings. High
scorers are prone to insecurity and emotional distress. Low scorers tend to be more relaxed, less
emotional and less prone to distress. (14) Is relatively low. Factor V openness, this trait reflects
'open–mindedness' and interest in culture. Low scorers are more down–to–earth, less interested in
art and more practical in nature. (16) Is relatively low. Explanation of Personality The movie falls
short on any real background information about Leigh Anne Touhy. There is little to no discussion
of life outside of the time period represented in the film. Attempting to explain where and why the
personality development happened would be simply a guess, and have no real basis. What can be
said is that the high level of extraversion and conscientiousness could be linked to the culture in
which she lives. It is a huge stereotype, but most southern women are viewed as loud, life of the
party caregivers, and this generalization does seem to align with Leigh Anne's overall persona. This
speaks to the influence of environment and culture on
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Theories Of Personality Paper
Theories of personality, among many other theories in the field of psychology, must use some sort of
scientific basis in order for the theory or research to be looked upon by others as credible.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, therefore it should be crucial for
theories of personality to be evaluated according to scientific criteria. Forming a hypothesis, testing
it out, observing, racking up data –– it should all be used during research. There needs to always be
a theory in conjunction with research (Cloninger, S. 2013). Scientific criteria gives psychologists or
reseachers a firm base to follow, which makes it easier to validate theories. Evaluating a theory
based on personality without using scientific criteria
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Personality And Theory Of Personality Essay
Personality Examined
Personality is deeply complexing subject that cannot be easily summed up. There is no concrete
right answer, or only one way to evaluate any given subject, as every aspect of personality has more
than one view point or angle. Famous psychologists such as Freud, Adler, Jung, Erickson, Eysenck,
and Skinner all shaped and conducted the research that would come together and be taught to
generations as the foundations of personality and the theory of personality. To better understand the
idea of personality, we are going to examine the six different cornerstones of personality. They
consist of Nature versus Nurture, The Unconscious, You of the Self, Development, Motivation and
Maturation. In this, no one theory is more valid than the other, and no one research has more validity
than the other. In this paper each cornerstone will be examined using scholarly research.
Foundations of Personality
Nature Versus Nurture Before the concept of nature versus nurture can be broken down and
examined, first there must be a proper understanding of both terms. In context of nature versus
nurture, "nature" refers to a person's biological factors, such as the hereditary factors passed down
from the genes of their birth parents. Whereas "nurture" refers to an individual's personal experience
and environment that shapes them into who they are, and gave them a form of identity. Montag et al
(2016), work suggests that while in some cases nurture can be an influence on
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Personality Theories And Trait Theories

  • 1. Personality Theories And Trait Theories The entire notion of 'Personality ' rests upon a number of assumptions: 1) that traits and types exist 2) that traits and types are stable over time 3) that these traits and types are consistent across different situations. At least two of these assumptions are so problematic that they challenge the very existence of Personality. Critically evaluate this statement. Personality, a word first coined in the C14th, has so broad a meaning that its definition varies significantly depending on which theoretical approach or method of classification it is being used for. To the average individual, their personality is simply what guides and forms their emotions, cognitions and behavioural acts, yet psychologists have no universal definition and loosely apply it as an overall heading, whilst focusing on its role in personality theories. In order to write this essay it is important to establish the differences between Type Theories and Trait Theories. A personality type is a group of key qualities an individual possesses, that when established, may allow a rough prediction of human behaviour. Types are discrete and mutually exclusive– you are either Type X or Type Y. These types, and indeed traits, are thought to be constant as said by Tieger and Barron–Tieger in their book "Do what you are" –"The Type to which you are born will be the one you take to your grave." Trait theories conversely identify qualities that people possess on a spectrum that can form part of a prediction as to ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Personality Theory And Personality Theories Introduction Personality can be defined in many ways due to the individual and unique aspects of personality, and there is yet to be a definitive answer for what personality is and how it comes into being. Generally personality can be defined as the relatively constant, individual and unique characteristics and traits which present themselves to others in different circumstances. Due to the many unknown factors of personality psychologists have suggested many ways in which personality is created, these psychologists pose reasons as to what personality is and how it manifests, these are known as personality theories (Carter & Grivas, 2014). The main two ideas being that of genetically influenced personality and personality which is influenced by the environment one lives and grows up in (Carter & Grivas, 2014). These two theories are known as Nature (Genetics) and Nurture (Environment). Many modern psychologists pose that both nature and nurture work in conjunction with each other (Coon, 1995). Twin/Adoption Through the use of twins, researchers can determine the affect of environment and genetics on personality. This can be done as some twins, known as monozygotic twins (identical twins) have identical genetics and as such any similarity can be presumed to be based on genetics while any difference can be based on environment. Through adoption studies researches can determine if identical twins that were separated at birth are similar and if they are more similar to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Carl Rogers’ Theory of Personality Running head: PERSONALITY THEORY PAPER Personality Theory Paper Personality Theory Paper From the theories of Sigmund Freud to humanistic theories of personality, how one views others greatly influences how one sees the world and vice versa. Because the theories are so different– some suggesting that human nature is ill, evil, or bad, while others believe it is intrinsically good–it is easy to see why people's views of others and the world are so different. However, each person has a single theory or belief that influences the way they others. For me, that theory is Carl Rogers' theory of personality, and this theory greatly impacts how I view others in society and in the workplace, in addition to my own role in society and the ... Show more content on ... My role in society is different from how they perceive theirs. According to Rogers (n.d.), Carl Rogers strove to empower others to be the best that they could be through therapy, including therapy that involved giving of one's personal self through relevant self–disclosure and through really listening to a person's problems ("Personality Synopsis, 2004). This is how I see my role in society. I see it as my responsibility to be the best I can ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Theory Of Personality Psychology Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the differences between people's behaviors in terms of patterns, cognitions, and emotion. Personality psychology has been around for centuries, since Hippocrates' Four Humors. Personality psychology has taken on many forms and has continued to develop throughout the centuries. Personality psychology is also developed with and from other fields of psychology like child development, behavioral, cognitive, and few others. Personality psychology started its development from Hippocrates' Four Humors, although it did not truly become it's own field of psychology until Sigmund Freud developed his theory of personality. Freud practiced what he called the psychoanalytical ... Show more content on ... Freud claimed that personality is developed by age five. He further stated that each stage of development was defined as an erogenous zone of the body (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital) (Schultz, 2013). Although Freud had many followers, few of them agreed with every one of Freud's developed theories. These followers take the neo–psychoanalytical approach. One of the most well known neo–psychoanalysts was Carl Jung. Jung studied under Freud and Freud treated him like a son. Jung's first major point that differed from Freud was that Jung believed that Freud focused far too much on sexuality. Jung expanded some of Freud's definitions to limit the role of sexuality. Further, Jung believed that although the past does play a role in the development of personality, a person is equally shaped by their future goals and aspirations. Finally, Jung felt that Freud minimized the role of the unconscious (Schultz, 2013). Another Neo–psychoanalytical psychologist is Alfred Adler. In addition to Jung's disagreement with Freud in terms of sexuality being a defining role in his theory, Adler also disagreed with the role that the unconscious played in developing personality. Also, he disagreed with the biological and genetic approach that both Jung and Freud agreed upon. Adler theorized that human beings were innately social beings that were individually different from other people (Schultz, 2013). Finally, Karen Horney is the final ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Two Theories Of Personality Define Personality "A personality is a unique collection of attitudes, emotions, thoughts, habits, impulses and behaviors that define how a person typically behaves across situations." Explain in detail at least two theories of personality Trait Theories: focus more on the biological aspects of personality. Traits are ways in which individuals behave or react in most situations. Raymond Cattell proposed that there were 16 primary traits. Individuals differ in the degree of possession which they have in a trait. There are five core traits, most commonly known as the 'big five' or OCEAN: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Openness is being thoughtful and rational, Conscientiousness is the attention to detail, Extraversion is the outwardly directed energy, Agreeableness is how well an individual gets along with others and Neuroticism is emotional instability. Hans Eysenck suggested that there were only three traits: Psychoticism, Extroversion and Neuroticism. Humanistic Theories: ... Show more content on ... Internal traits are stable across a lifespan and differ depending on the individual or particular trait or both. The five factor trait theory allows persons to develop and be able to function properly. Genetics affect personality development as some aspects of a personality may be inherited. This includes adopted children being more closely linked to their adopted parents that their biological parents and identical twins that are raised apart have similar personality traits. Most personality traits are consistent and stable over time and little changes occur after the age of thirty as most persons experiment during their childhood and teenage years. Age, culture and gender are major factors to consider when discussing stability and change as it differs for each ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Personality Theory And Personality Theories It is important for psychologists to understand the factors of personality to understand cognitive, emotional and behavioural characteristics required when treating clients. Personality is described as a range of characteristic that controls the way a person thinks, feels and acts that deliver coherence and direction in one's life. A group of theorists once said, "each of us is in a certain respect like all other people, like some other people and like no other person who has lived in the past or will exist in the future" (Kluchohn & Murray, 1953). It has also been established that a person will behave slightly consistently over time in different situations. Additionally, modest stability is established from childhood personality to adult ... Show more content on ... There are four main trait theories that look at individual's personality. The first trait theory is Gordon Allport's theory, Gordon Allport sourced 4000 words from the English dictionary in which he used to describe personality traits one may hold (Hay, 1985). Gordon Allport didn't explain personality in terms of the fundamental traits rather he describes a person characteristic behaviour and conscious motions. Another trait theory is Raymond Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire. Cattell used a statistical technique called 'factor analysis' to arrive at 16 personality factors (Cattell, 1950). The questionnaire is used to identify patterns of behaviour in a variety of life circumstances. Due to the fact the questionnaire is very comprehensive the results can be wide in a variety of settings. The third theory is from psychologist Hans Eysenck, he used 'factor analysis' similar to Cattell to arrive at 2 main personality dimensions, first being neuroticism vs stability and extroversion vs introversion. Although these two were the most popular Eysenck brought about a less widely accepted dimension, Psychoticism vs impulse control (Eysenck HJ,1960). Lastly a very well accepted modern assessment of personality is based on a five–factor structure of personality. It is referred to as 'The big ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Personality Theory Running head: PERSONALITY THEORY Personality Theory Paper Bonnie Garcia University of Phoenix/PSYCH 504 Dr. Melissa Venezia April 19, 2010 In this paper I have chosen Abraham Maslow to explain how his theory has influenced my understanding of the personalities and behaviors of people in society and in the workplace. Furthermore, I will explain how Maslow's theory has influenced my position in society and in the workplace, along with my interactions with others. Abraham Maslow brought a bright outlook to the world of psychology with his idea of "hierarchy of human needs." His idea of an "authentic self" that core part of an individual who strives towards growth, is then measured one of the foundation stones of the Humanistic ... Show more content on ... According to Maslow, esteem needs becomes increasingly important. These include the need for factors that reflect on self–esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment. Because of the fact that I have not moved forward in Maslow's Hierarchy of social need this level is extremely difficult. I have accomplished many events in life to know satisfaction. After completing my Bachelor's degree, I had no emotional sense of gratitude. I was asked numerous times by people "how I felt," "did I feel different" or "what was I going to do now," and because of my unfortunate low self–esteem, I cannot find the importance of esteem needs. Self–esteem is essential in personality. I carry myself around others in society and in the workforce as if I am a strong person with self–esteem. I am hungry to belong. At home and in my personal time I am most content being alone. I find calmness in spending time alone, watching a moving or just sitting out back by the pool reading a book. According to Maslow, Self–actualizing is the last step; people are self–aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others and interested fulfilling their potential. I am nowhere close to this step, although, I am developing a better understanding of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I look forward toward working through all of the levels to achieve self–awareness regarding who I am as a person developing and achieving a healthier ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Psychoanalytic And Psychodynamic Theory Of Personality Psychoanalytic/ Psychodynamic: The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality. Freud believed that the personality develops in a series of five stages that develop the three divisions of personality. In the oral stage, the fixation is in the mouth, and would be the cause of his introverted nature; likewise, in the anal stage, Roberto would discover his reserved nature, while the phallic stage, he would further refine his reserved nature as a sense of humility in his actions, also defining his mild mannered portion of his personality. In the latency stage, his social skills would refined and he would become introverted. Freud would think that Roberto's mild–mannered, reserved, and invertedness is caused by intense suppressing of the id by the ego, having Roberto adopt the personality that he does; however, Karen Horney would classify Roberto's personality in respect to her theory of neurotic personalities– personalities typified by maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships– with moving away from people by withdrawing from personal relationships. Behaviorism: The behaviorist perspective of personality focuses on the effect of the environment on behavior. Based on the theories of Skinner and Pavlov, Roberto has his personality because of his past experiences in a social environment. B.F. Skinner would relate operant conditioning to Roberto's personality. Through many punishments and reinforcements by his ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Examples Of Implicit Personality Theory Implicit Personality Theory Dunning (2007) says that implicit personality theory is the idea that if a person displays one characteristic, they are likely to have other characteristics associated with the displayed characteristic. Two types of implicit personality theory Dunning (2007) focused on were the halo effect; if someone exhibits positive attributes, additional positive attributes will be attributed to them by the perceiver and vice versa, and attractive people are ascribed more positive attributes by others, regardless of behavior. It is a heuristic used by people to make impulsive decisions. Unfortunately, it frequently leads to the wrong impression and it allows other people to use it to influence decision making through impression ... Show more content on ... Proctor & Gamble was one of the first fortune 500 companies to begin reporting how they were trying to clean up the environment, co–founding in 1981 the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Proctor & Gamble, 2017). In 2016, more than 82% of the S&P 500 companies published corporate sustainability reports (Governance & Accountability Institute, 2017). This is where responsible impression management by one company in 1981, has pressured 410 companies to look at how they do business to ensure environmental and social sustainability / ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Theories Of Personality The subject of personality is one that is extremely complex and dynamic. Personality has been defined as the ingrained pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings consistent across situations and time. It consists of a mixture of characteristics and qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. The configuration of an individual's personality is quite unique because trying to uncover what prompts us or inspires us to accumulate the different behaviors and thought processes has yet to be discovered over the past centuries of time. Personality is something an individual can examine in another and determine if they have any similar qualities or traits in common and from there conclusions can be drawn that exhibits compatibility or incompatibility to the given circumstance, situation, or person. Nevertheless, the question that still remains is what determines a personality and enables an individual to have the character and qualities that they may have? Many theories of personality have been formulated in an attempt to give a valid, reliable, and thorough explanation concerning the influences on a personality and the variety of personalities that are known. All of these theories that will be mentioned all hold pertinent information worth stating and hold interesting views and approaches, however, some may be out–dated, yet useful and others may have been accepted and later rejected due to new discoveries. Among all the theories regarding personality, four ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Carl Rogers’ Theory Of Personality. Personality Theories Carl Rogers' Theory of Personality Personality theories suggest explanations for behaviors and how to change them. Multiple personality theories exist however one of the most interesting is the theory of personality by Carl Rogers. Rogers writes, "the core of man's nature is essentially positive" (1961, p.73). "Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8,1902– February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist who, along with Abraham Maslow founded the humanistic approach to psychology" ("Carl," 2017, para. 1). Carl Rogers was an instrumental humanistic psychologist who received many awards including the first APA award for Distinguished Contributions to Applied Psychology in 1972 ("Carl," 2017). Carl Rogers' made many contributions to therapy ... Show more content on ... McLeod (2014) explains that self–concept has three parts which are self–esteem, self–image, and ideal self. He says Rogers believed self–esteem developed from how our parents interacted with us (McLeod, 2014). Simply, "self–image is how we see ourselves" (McLeod, 2014). McLeod (2014) mentions that "Self–image influences how a person thinks, feels and behaves in the world. According to McLeod (2014), our ideal self is who we desire to be. Basically, the closer a persons' self–image and ideal self are to each other the higher one's self esteem becomes. Rogers developed Person–centered therapy. "Rogers' basic tenet was that if unconditional positive regard (Respect), genuineness and honesty (Congruence), and empathic understanding (Empathy) were present in a relationship, growth and psychological healing would occur" ("Carl," 2017). McLeod(2014) suggest that incongruence exist when a person's self–concept does not match reality. For example, a student who makes good grades on test might think they are a great student, when in reality they never come to class and lie to the teacher with excuses. According to McLeod(2014) Conditional positive regard is when the person is loved depending on correct and acceptable behaviors (McLeod, 2014). Lastly, unconditional positive regard is where the person is loved and supported no matter what the person does (McLeod, 2014). Orlov & Coleman (1992) state, "to achieve the conditions for ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Personality theory Extraversion is one of the five core personality traits described in the big five theory of personality. This trait is characterized by sociability, assertiveness, emotional expressiveness and excitability. People who are high in this trait are often described as being outgoing ad talkative, while those low in this trait are described as quiet and reserved. An extroverted disposition ; concern with what is outside the self rather what is inside. Introversion is one of the major personality traits identified in many theories of personality. People who are introverted tend to be inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation. Introversion is genereally viewed as ... Show more content on ... Individuals who score low on neuroticism partially those who are also high on extraversion generally report more happiness and satisfaction with their lives. When it comes to neuroticism, Felicia to me seems to be in the middle of it. I wouldn 't say she scores a high level because her case study doesn 't show signs of anxiety, moodiness, worry, envy or jealousy. Although Felicia doesn 't show none of those signs she is very self – conscious and she also seems to be shy. The reason I say Felicia is shy is because in the case study it states that she sees waitressing as a means of practicing acting and she will often try out different roles and characters while working. The typical roles she will play at work are loud, very gregarious, and at times flamboyant which is the opposite of her personality, as most of her friends would describe her as shy and reserved. During auditions Felicia is noted to also be very out going and full of energy. She can easily project a full range of emotions. This statement shows me that Felicia has traits of a high neuroticism level but not enough to say she is on that level plus there are things that are present in a low neuroticism level like being calm and in her case study it says she will go along with things with no complaining and shows no sign of being depressed, she seems happy with things besides ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Carl Jung; Theories of Personality Final Paper – Jung Theories of Personality In this paper I will show some of Jung's back ground, his theory, and speak of his contribution to the world of psychology. His contribution was a great one, and it was said that many of his theories were more complicated than many of the other psychologists of his time. As I read about him, I began to appreciate his passion for this subject. There were a few reasons that I chose him. First, I think it's amazing his contribution to figuring out, "personality types." Second, I find it interesting that he was spiritual, and incorporated some of that spirituality to his theories. He was one of the theorists that took an approach to the ... Show more content on ... Personality Psychology helps an individual to define their human nature, and how that nature is different from other people, but in various similar situations. For example, based on Jung's theory of personality, an introvert may be shy, compared to an extrovert, when placed in a social setting. Personality Psychology also might help a person to have a strong sense of oneself, may assist them in understanding why they cope certain ways, or react to particular things that happen. A therapist knowing this psychology can also shed light to their clients when helping them to cope with life. According to Jung's theory, we all have some introversion, and some extroversion, but are primarily one or the other. This is where people are similar. Human beings are like each other because of our ability to have set backs, fears, failure, and have emotions that come from within, when we experience hardship in life. Whether we react in an introverted way (inward thought), versus extroverted (outward thought), is imperative and shows our similarity as well. That we must all go through some form of process mentally, as a coping mechanism, when things happen to us, or around us. Jung's theory on the Persona, anima, animus, shadow, and the self(Ashford, 2011), can differentiate us as human beings. Upon reading about the Shadow, it reminded me of the darker side of us. The part of people that is mysterious, or thinks bad ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Personality Theories Of Personality Disorders There are many different theories of personality which scientists have developed in order to help explain how people think, feel, and behave. The trait theory of personality is one that attempts to explain personality by identifying patterns of behavior that include relatively stable characteristics which in turn causes individuals to consistently behave in particular ways (Funder, 2015). While personality may change due to different situations or states, the trait theory proposes that overall personality characteristics are relatively constant and result in a person reliably acting a certain way. These characteristics, or traits, which remain relatively constant throughout one's life are essential components of one's personality (McLeod, ... Show more content on ... There are key differences in each of the clusters of personality disorders. Cluster A has common features of social awkwardness and socially withdrawing from people, leaving them to often times spend time alone. People diagnosed with these disorders often have distorted thinking which in turn leads them to have a hard time trusting others leading to social detachment and discomfort in settings that require them to be social. Cluster B has common features relating to issues with controlling impulses and regulating emotions. People diagnosed with these disorders often act impulsively putting themselves at risk for harm and have trouble regulating their emotions and often don't feel and remorse for their actions. Cluster C has common features in relation to increased levels of anxiety. Anxiety in this category can relate to social anxiety, fear of losing others, and anxiety related to orderliness and following rules. Personality disorders differ from other mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders because of the defining features. Disorders like major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are mood disorders relating to how an individual thinks and feels, whereas disorders like borderline, paranoid, and narcissistic personality disorder are personality disorders relating to a person's personality and how they act. Individuals with mood disorders have extremes ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Psychodynamic Personality Theories Introduction: Personality is something every living, and mentally functioning human member of society has. Our personalities are made up of our behaviours and the way in which we think, feel and act – no two people are exactly alike in personality. (Fletcher and Garton, 2015). Personality plays a major role in psychology as it is constantly being talked about in terms of developing it, measuring it and how it can influence the way we interact with others. Theorists have identified different traits and characteristics as a way to categorise different personality types. Within psychology there is three theories relating to Personality; humanistic, psychodynamic and trait. These perspectives were developed by different psychological theorists, in which this presentation we'll attempt to draw further into. In particular, this presentation will focus on humanistic and psychodynamic personality perspectives. (Fletcher and Garton, 2015) Theory 1: Freud's Psychodynamic View Psychodynamics is one of the three major personality perspectives and leads people to believe that human thoughts, feelings and actions are caused by a relationship between three elements of the mind – the id, the ego and the super ego. Our minds are divided into three levels, conscious awareness, preconscious awareness and unconscious awareness. It ... Show more content on ... As stated in (McLeod, 2013) "Freud was one of the most influential people of the 20th century." Freud was responsible for the use of psychoanalysis, a way in which mental illnesses are often treated and patients were encouraged to talk freely about whatever was on their mind. This is typically where the idea of laying on couch and talking to a psychologist about one's mental health comes from – Freud's famous couch and his use of analysing behaviour. Freud is one of the leading theorists of psychodynamics and had one of the major inputs into the ideas it was based on. (McLeod, ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Four Psychological Theories Of Personality Personality is one of the concepts that often be used by social scientists.According to Schultz (2009), "Personality can be defined as the unique, relatively enduring internal and external aspects of a person's character that influence behaviour in different situations". In general, personality theories can be classified based on four major approaches which are psychoanalytic theory, trait theory, social learning theory, and humanistic theory (Refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). In personality concepts, Freudian theory was a well–known theory and widely been used. Stevens (1994) stated that this psychoanalytic perspective was originated from Viennese students, Sigmund Freud who was born in 1856. There are three levels of consciousness: conscious, ... Show more content on ... According to (Schultz, 2009) basically, learning can occur through observation as a basis of learning that can influence the behaviour of other people based on Bandura's basic idea is called observational learning that important in learning process on new responses by imitate the behaviours other people of direct reinforcement as a way to influence behaviour that can be learned or changed. (Schultz, 2009) further explains that social learning theory is determined through modelling which is a behaviour modification technique that involves observing the behaviour of others and participating in performing the desired behaviour. For instance, learning skill also influence behaviour based on two important aspects of the self–reinforcement and self–efficacy that determined of human personality. According to (Cherry, 2015) argued that "Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do," Bandura explained (Bandura, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Theory Of Personality Traits The study of personality is very important in the field of psychology because it aims to provide an account for individuality of human beings (Pervin and John, 1999). There are many psychological definitions which attempt to explain personality in terms of characteristics or typical qualities of an individual. Gordon Allport, defined it as "a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems that create the person's characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts and feelings' (Allport, 1961, p. 11). Throughout the existence of this idea, psychologists have attempted to find ways to assess personality, creating different tests and theories, for example the Big Five Model of personality traits. This model, also known as the Five Factor Model (FFM), included five main personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The FFM was developed by Costa and McCrae (1985; 1989; 1992; 1997), who are argued to be the most distinguished psychologists in the area of personality. One of the main criticisms of this model is that it isn't universal across all cultures and that it is not the right approach to assessing personality among different cultures of the world. Culture is very important in the area of psychology and there have been many definitions of it throughout the centuries. Edward Burnett Tyler (1871/1996), a British anthropologist, is believed to have offered the first definition of culture in his field of study. He ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Theory Of Personality Theories The personality theories available, as a collective whole, allow for the complete analysis of the developing personality of an individual. The emphasis of this specific paper focuses on the development of the author, Bryan Barker's personality. The theories that will be discussed in the relation to the development of personality are the Big Five trait theory, with emphasis on neuroticism, a phenomenological approach, and finally the learning and cognitive approaches. A synthesis of the approaches on past and predicted behavior and events will help to create a comprehensive documentation of the personality of today. To allow of the analysis of personality, a description of the important decisions myself, the author, experienced or large family events that as a result had a potential impact on personality development, will be discussed followed by multiple theory analysis of that event. The first and most important aspect to know is the frequency in which my family moved, roughly once every four years until I graduated eight grade. The moves were not across towns but to different states; Michigan, Indiana, North Carolina, New Jersey, and have since settled in California for ten years. This cannot be called a trauma, although the move from North Carolina to New Jersey was exceedingly difficult to handle. The loss of "best friends" at the age of six, then required to make new friends in a relatively short amount of time, was stressful, and reflecting back, a task full of ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Freud's Theory Of Personality Theory Personality Theory – Freud's theory K.Arockia Maraichelvi 1. INTRODUCTION We human beings are the same in certain ways by having human bodies, human minds, human thoughts and human feelings. But in many other ways every one of us are different from others and possesses certain unique qualities. This is where the term personality sets in. The term gains significance somewhere in between the common qualities and the unique features of the human community as a whole and as an individual. Personality does not have one final definition, but can be thought of as the combination of behaviour, emotion, motivation and thought patterns that define an individual. The field of personality psychology attempts to study similarities and differences among these ... Show more content on ... Type theories– this theory is limited to the personality type of an individual with only biological connotation and the types of limited. b. Trait theories – Various theories based on viewed personality as an end product of different internal characteristic with the biological foundation c. Psychodynamic theories – This theory has got major significance in the overall development of an individual and is the most accepted one. Two major contributes for their type of theory are Sigmand Freud and Erile Erikson. d. Behavioural theories – are the theories thet talk about the in fluence of environment on an individual with least consideration to the internal thought and feelings of that individual. e. Humanist theories – focus just on the role of free will and the exposure of an individual in developing his/her parents Looking into the pros and cons of all these theories, it was considered to dwell into the psychological aspect of personality, because this type of theory has got major implications on the personality development theory of young children. Let us look into Sigmand freud's personality theory in this module and Erik Erikson's theory in the forthcoming module. 5. FREUD'S PSYCHO ANALYTIC ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Personality Traits And Theories Of Personality The term personality has been defined several times in different ways throughout the history of psychology. A definition that captures much of what is meant by personality was described as "more or less stable, internal factors that make one person's behaviour consistent from one time to another, and different from the behaviour other people would manifest in comparable situations" by Child (1968) (Eysenck, 1994). This definition is very broad and it includes personality traits as well as intelligence that are considered as aspects of personality. There is a difference between moods or emotions and personality. According to many psychologists personality is stable and does not change dramatically over the time, whereas moods and emotions may change over shortish periods, because those can be collated with external behaviour, on the other hand if personality determined behaviour then everyone would behave in identical pattern to different situations. That's why there are individual differences. It is assumed that there are such individual differences that are revealed by different ways of behaving in different situations. That means that for example introverted people would be shyer in a social group or in the comparison extraverted people will talk more. This leads us to personality traits. There are many theories of personality traits such as: they are habitual patterns of behaviour, thought and emotion (Kassin, 2004), which means that there are different patterns in ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. An Analysis of Personality Theory An Analysis of Personality Theory by for Everyone has a personality, of course, but until fairly recently, there were no personality theories available to help understand what factors contribute to its development. In recent years, though, personality theories such as McCrae and Costa's Big Five and Schwartz's theory of basic values have been advanced for these purposes. To gain some deeper insights into these issues, this paper presents a review of the relevant peer–reviewed and scholarly literature to provide a definition of personality and an examination of theoretical approaches to studying personality. Finally, an analysis of those factors that may influence an individual's personality development is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning personality theory in the conclusion. Review and Analysis Definition of Personality An individual's personality is comprised of several factors, some of which may be more prominent at some times than others. The dictionary entry personality defines it as, "the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or group; especially the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics" (Merriam–Webster, 2001, p. 1687). In this regard, Barrick and Mount (1999) advise that, "Personality may to advantage be broadly analyzed into five distinguishable but separate factors, namely intellect, character, temperament, disposition and temper" (p. 2). Examination of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Personality Theory : Personality Theories Personality Theories Personality Theories: Of the many varieties of personality theory on offer, do you think any offer distinct advantages over the others, and if so, why? The personality of the man has been under study since the existence of man himself. It has been hard to understand the human personality due to the fact that one man is different from another. There are different aspects of life that have made the study of the human personality to be a challenge. Such factors include culture, economic status, and the environment amongst numerous other factors. These challenges have been the main reason that scholars over the years have studied human personality and came up with different theories that tried to define the man and his personality. Some of these theories were criticized, and others were rendered ineffective or lacked enough rationale for personality. (Bender, 2007) The purpose of this paper is to provide an in depth analysis of the personality theories. In addition, the paper will look at the different advantages that one personality theory has over others by looking at their strengths and weaknesses. However, before discussing the personality theories, it is vital to define the different terms. (Ellis, Abrams and Abrams, 2009) Personality has been a term that has been hard to define differently depending on the culture or the background of the scholar. Generally, personality has always been referred to as the public image of an individual. The term ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Personality Theory Of Steve Mcgarrett Steve McGarrett is a police officer and main character in the TV show Hawaii Five–0. While some of his behaviors on the show can seem very strange and even dangerous, they can all be easily explained using the four perspectives on personality. McGarrett grew up in Hawaii with his two parents and sister, but his mom "died" when he was 13, she faked her death because she was a CIA agent, and he was sent to a military boarding school on the US mainland. Steve, in a way, used repression to cope with his mother's death by never consciously thinking about her until he found out she was actually still alive. While he didn't have a true father figure at his military academy to replicate, he was taught how to be the perfect man by the Navy. This is somewhat related to the identification process how a child begins to replicate their parents values. Steve still follows many of the same routines as he did during the Navy and also follows many similar behavioral ideals. Steve was taught that true men never show any emotion, so therefore Steve had a never strong superego and rarely got flustered or upset. He is always able to keeps his emotions in check and never lashes out in anger for any reason. On the other hand, he is also very stubborn and makes many very dangerous choices without much of a second thought, showing how his id is also very prominent. All of these personality theories can be related back to Freud, and McGarrett is a perfect example for how they all ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Personality Theory Research Paper Another part of creating a personality theory is the debate between uniqueness versus commonality which I have briefly discussed. I believe that every person is unique because no two people have gone through identical life experiences, nor have they been influenced in the exact same way by their environments and people around them. With that being said, I also believe that human beings have many things in common like how they deal with and react to certain situations. We are also alike in our need for a place in the world and acceptance from others. Because I believe that humans are both unique and common, I believe that both idiographic and nomothetic research are important in learning how humans behave and who they will become. A lot of ... Show more content on ... Another theory that is very reminiscent of behaviorism is the mechanistic theory in which humans do not engage in cognition, but rather respond automatically to stimuli in their environment. The animalistic theory also does not give humans enough credit, which would be the exact opposite of humanistic psychology. It states that we as humans act in the same ways as animals, namely primates, and while we do share some behaviors and some amount of intelligence, I do not think that there are enough commonalities to completely say that we are the same. Another theory of human nature is the evolutionary psychological theory which states that we have inherent behaviors that have been passed down through the generations since the inception of humankind. I think that the theory of evolutionary psychology does have some grounds because humans as a species have adapted and we are born with certain knowledge and gut instincts about the world, but I do not think that this theory can completely encapsulate human nature. I do not agree with the humanistic theory of human nature because I do not believe that humans are born good, but instead mostly neutral and that we engage in whatever practices or behaviors that we have decided to engage ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Essay on Theories of Personality Introversion has the greatest chance of negatively affecting SLA. Students that are afraid of embarrassing themselves by speaking incorrectly or by not being able to speak at all may try to avoid opportunities that would otherwise aid their learning (Zhang, 2008). Since 1960, personality has emerged as major field of specialization among doctoral candidates (Vance & Macphail, 1964). Many investigations have been accomplished followed by literature on a variety of theories of personality. The importance on individual differences and distinctiveness of the individual are the most frequent features of the study of personality. There is a guarantee that each person's profile is different from that of another person and thus, each person ... Show more content on ... The study can merely be called systematic and scientific when it concerned unbiased observations that are quantified so that systematic analyses can be performed (Allen, 1990). Dworkin and Kihlstrom (1978) underlined that the prediction of behavior will be improved by the use of personality tests. In line with this, many personality inventories with certain extent of reliability and validity have been developed to aid in the study of personality. There are essentially two forms of personality tests that can be found in the literature. One of it is named projective test, allowing an extensive variety of freedom in making response, whereby the test items are more unstructured, vague or open–ended. Example of this is the Rorscharch Technique (1951). In the meantime another form of test is called the objective test. Objective tests are extremely structured paper and pencil questionnaires such as true/false or multiple choices, each of which can be scored with a key. Sidek personality Inventory is one case of an objective test. As objective tests are highly structured and scientific, they are higher in validity and reliability compared to projective tests. Allport (1936) was the first one who considered the conception of traits as the origin of his theory of personality. Nevertheless, different psychologists have developed different list of essential traits and different measurement ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Personality Theories Personality Theories Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories in psychology are devoted to the subject of personality. Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do. While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, ... Show more content on ... The psychoanalytic view holds that there are inner forces outside of your awareness that are directing your behavior. For example, a psychoanalyst might say that James misspoke due to unresolved feelings for his ex or perhaps because of misgivings about his new relationship. The founder of psychoanalytic theory was Sigmund Freud. While his theories were considered shocking at the time and continue to create debate and controversy, his work had a profound influence on a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, literature, and art. The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freud's work and research, including Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his theories. Freud relied heavily upon his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed his theory of personality development. Before we can understand Freud 's theory of personality, we must first understand his view of how the mind is organized. According to Freud, the mind can be divided into two main parts: 1. The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious. 2. The unconscious mind ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Theory Of Personality Psychology 1. "We are influenced by our own internal forces, forces of which we are unaware, have feelings towards, or urges we do not quite understand "(Freidman, 2012, p. 17). This is the struggle that personality psychology tries to understand, how and to what extent the unconscious forces plays a role in human behavior. It is believed that people are responsible for their own actions. There is a continuous struggle with personality psychology and the comprehension of and to what extent unconscious forces play in human behavior. "Meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction both are transformed" (Carl Jung 1993, p.57). There are various questions that are asked about the issues in personality psychology such as, "How important are social influences on the self, such as parental deprivation or excessive praise? Is the sense of self merely an inconsequential epiphenomenon or secondary perception arising from other forces that really matter? What is the core of who we are? A second core issue with the studies of personality studies is does each person require a unique approach? "Gordon Allport argued that a key aspect of the study of personality must focus on the individual and thus be idiographic" (p.18). To generalize an individual is a complication in itself because the personality of each person is complex in its own way so how can we generalize? Obtaining an answer to that question is still a dilemma. Allport complained ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Theories Of Personality And Social Psychology 2 KirtmanNPSY800–12 NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Student: Nisaa Kirtman PSY8100 CLIFFORD THEORIES OF PERSONALITY Signature assignment: Explore future directions for personality theory and research in social psychology Apologies it is slightly late. I've been trying to upload this and even attach as an email. I've had to use an entirely different computer to do this. Faculty Use Only Future directions for personality theory and research in social psychology Introduction and overview of personality in social psychology Social psychology and personality psychology both came into fruition around the same time – the 1920's and 1930's. Needless ... Show more content on ... The current paper will explore the history and future of personality in social psychology, and how the integration of these fields show more similarities than differences. Personality Psychology Funder (2006) defines personality as a person's pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior, with psychological mechanisms and underpinnings. Studying personality within the field of social psychology makes logical senses. While the study of personality psychology seeks to determine the various ways that people differ from one another, and figure out individuals from the inside out, personality within social psychology seeks to figure out individuals from the inside out in varying contexts. Personality psychologists deal with one main challenge – there are so many facets to one's personality that it is hard to view one's personality within one single lens. Therefore, before exploring personality within the context of social realms, it is important to view the many facets and approaches to examining personality and its variations.
  • 56. Psychanalysis is perhaps one of the most individualist lenses to viewing personality, and has to do with understanding one's hidden, unconscious, and more dark urges as the means to conceptualizing one's personality. Further, psychoanalysis examines a more abstract look into what factors make us who we are, such as the unconscious, dreams, defense mechanisms, our egos, attachment, and sexual urges ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Personality Theory personality theories, types and tests personality types, behavioural styles theories, personality and testing systems – for self–awareness, self–development, motivation, management, and recruitment Motivation, management, communications, relationships – focused on yourself or others – are a lot more effective when you understand yourself, and the people you seek to motivate or manage or develop or help. Understanding personality is also the key to unlocking elusive human qualities, for example leadership, motivation, and empathy, whether your purpose is self–development, helping others, or any other field relating to people and how we behave. The personality theories that underpin personality tests and personality quizzes are ... Show more content on ... Understanding personality – of your self and others – is central to motivation. Different people have different strengths and needs. You do too. The more you understand about personality, the better able you are to judge what motivates people – and yourself. The more you understand about your own personality and that of other people, the better able you are to realise how others perceive you, and how they react to your own personality and style. Knowing how to adapt the way you work with others, how you communicate, provide information and learning, how you identify and agree tasks, are the main factors enabling successfully managing and motivating others – and yourself. Importantly you do not necessarily need to use a psychometrics instrument in order to understand the theory and the basic model which underpins it. Obviously using good psychometrics instruments can be extremely useful and beneficial, (and enjoyable too if properly positioned and administered), but the long–standing benefit from working with these models is actually in understanding the logic and theory which underpin the behavioural models or personality testing systems concerned. Each theory helps you to understand more about yourself and others. In terms of 'motivating others' you cannot sustainably 'impose' motivation on another person. You can inspire them perhaps, which lasts as long as ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Theories Of Personality Theory Theories of Personality–Dispositional and Evolutionary or Biological Personality Your Name Institution Theories of Personality– Dispositional and Evolutionary or Biological Personality Scientists believe that personality is often a huge factor that determines the choices that we make in daily lives. Personality is not unique to humans, animals also have distinct personalities; any pet owner will agree. The question that we are first inclined to ask is "what is personality? Why do we need it?" The answer to the first question is fairly simple; according to Feist & Rosenberg (2009), " personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person's behaviour". There are two approaches as far as personality theories are concerned, viz. dispositional theory and biological or trait–based theories. These theories are constitute of many other smaller theories. The primary theorists discussed in the following sections are Eysenck, Alloport, Tupes, Goldberg and Christal. Dispositional Personality theory Dispositional personality theory is a combination of theories with a central theme; all of them attribute personality to innate attributes of an individual. According to the dispositional ... Show more content on ... in his book "Dimensions of Personality" Eysenck (1947) proposed a three factor personality model. Other proponents of the trait based model of personality was Allport, (1961) who divided personality into cardinal traits, central traits and secondary traits. According to Allport, the cardinal traits are most important as an individual's main life choices are determined by these traits. The Central traits determine the rules for daily interactions and most people have five to ten central traits. Finally, the secondary traits are occasional attributes that are displayed only under special ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Psychological Theories Of Personality Personality is a topic that we have been discussing this past week in lecture. We have discussed personality types and how different personalities may develop. When looking at all the information that has been provided, it will be very interesting to apply it to my personal life. With this assignment, I will not only be describing my own personality but also relating it to the topics covered in lecture and determining what psychological theory is best for me. When looking at my own personality, I would say that I am a mix of many things. I feel like I am a mix of introverted and extroverted and an individual that relies more on feeling than reasoning. I often do not mind being around people or in large crowds but at the same time, I am ... Show more content on ... It is not saying that I do not get along with others, because I have a large circle of friends. It is only saying that when it comes to opening up mentally and emotionally, there are only certain people I can do that with. Outside of that, I am a very thoughtful and caring individual and will always put others before myself. I enjoy laughing and caring for others. My parents always raised me to be a humble person and to value my character and have good morals. I do not have a quick temper and am usually an easy going. I just want to make everybody around me proud and that is what motivates me to this day. If a person is not in my family or inner circle, there is not much that can be done to alter my mood or mindset. I am just my own person that does not worry about what others say or think about my character, values, or morals. As stated previously, we have been discussing personality in depth in lab and lecture. We have learned about the five major perspectives of personality. These include trait, biological, psychodynamic, humanistic, and learning/social– cognitive. I feel like each one of these can explain how my personality has developed and how it still changes to this day. The trait perspective says that we receive certain characteristics that are influences from genetic predispositions. In simpler terms, we get our personality and certain characteristics from our parents. When examining my personality, this ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Personality Theories personality theories, types and tests personality types, behavioural styles theories, personality and testing systems – for self–awareness, self–development, motivation, management, and recruitment Motivation, management, communications, relationships – focused on yourself or others – are a lot more effective when you understand yourself, and the people you seek to motivate or manage or develop or help. Understanding personality is also the key to unlocking elusive human qualities, for example leadership, motivation, and empathy, whether your purpose is self–development, helping others, or any other field relating to people and how we behave. The personality theories that underpin personality tests and personality quizzes are ... Show more content on ... Which implies that you need to discover, and at times help the other person to discover, what truly motivates them – especially their strengths, passions, and personal aims – for some the pursuit of personal destiny – to achieve their own unique potential. Being able to explain personality, and to guide people towards resources that will help them understand more about themselves, is all part of the process. Help others to help you understand what they need – for work and for whole life development, and you will have an important key to motivating, helping and working with people. Each of the different theories and models of personality and human motivation is a different perspective on the hugely complex area of personality, motivation and behaviour. It follows that for any complex subject, the more perspectives you have, then the better your overall understanding will be. Each summary featured below is just that – a summary: a starting point from which you can pursue the detail and workings of any of these models that you find particularly interesting and relevant. Explore the many other models and theories not featured on this site too – the examples below are a just small sample of the wide range of models and systems that have been developed. ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Personality Theory Of Personality Development Many personality theorists offered different explanations for human behaviors as well as established specific stages of personality development. However, person centered theory does not have a theory of personality structure, rather believes that it is essential to follow certain principles in order to develop the self–concept. Rogers's theory of personality is based on the notion that all individuals have the innate ability to reach actualizing tendency and establish a self–concept, which is congruent with his whole experience (Warner, 2009). Rogers defined the actualizing tendency as the inborn motivating force of the self, which move towards fulfilling and enhancing ones true potential. The actualizing tendency applies to all living organism, however, in human this tendency is referred as self–actualization. According to Rogers (1980) actualizing tendency can be suppressed, though, it can never be destroyed, without destroying the organism itself. This phenomenon is the motivating force in the theory, which includes all motivations such as need, drive, or anxiety reduction. It also encompasses, growth motivations for instance, the desire to be more creative and seeking of pleasurable tensions. It is Rogers' belief that all organisms including, humans strive to become his/her full potential even under difficult circumstances. However, when individuals are lacking empathy and unconditional positive regard in their society and in interpersonal relationship, then ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Personality Theories And Internet Testing Personality Theories Why has personality theories and internet testing created so much interest in the hiring process? Can you judge a person 's ability to perform the work just by giving them a personality assessment? Not always, but in the process of hiring many organizations can rely on personality theories and testing, which helps the process of pre–selection. Personality theories help measure, cognitive ability, knowledge, and personality of potential candidates. Employers today use pre–assessment as part of the selection process for multiple reasons. Personality theories and Internet testing is saves them time, money and filter the candidates in the pre–employment using personality traits. Personality theories and Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) are both effective methods. With the over–flowing job applications, personality theories and CAT helps reducing the overall time of the hiring process. Time is a very important factor for any company. Personality theories and computer adaptive testing are meaningful in the process of hiring because it saves time, saves money and is meaningful if it is evaluated for reliability, validity and acceptability. Many tests are written specifically for business settings and are likely to be deemed acceptable by job applicants. Most scholars now agree that personality is determined by a combination of both genetics and environment, and that neither is solely responsible for personality. Computer adaptive testing (CAT) is a major ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Theories Of Personality Psychology Personality psychology is a broad branch of psychology that looks at various different personality disorders. In addition to that, they also look at what a person does and how that relates to their own personality. In this assignment, I took an article that looks at mate poaching and how it varies in various cultures. With this article, I related it to what we are learning from Chapter two of our Personality Psychology book, research and research theories. In Chapter two of the ¬¬Cervone and Pervin book, the topics of research styles and structures are brought forward. These topics are very important in the field of psychology. Research is the forefront of Psychology being used to prove theories. Since the research is vastly important, it ... Show more content on ... Every month on the cover of magazines, there are always stories about cheating among celebrities. After reading this study and learning about personality psychology, I found that this may be due to insecurities among the ones poaching. In addition, I found that this is not the sort of thing that only happens around the United States and amongst celebrities, it is a common thing that happens in various cultures. With the data gathered, namely being S data, we know that the data is not necessarily 100% accurate, but is as accurate as the participants wish to be on the survey. Aside from that though we get a good representation of world data with 53 various nations, so the researchers are able to make justifications based on cultural ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Personality Theory Of Drug Abuse Personality theory helps to tease out the relationship between individual personality and their drug use pattern. The theory posits that people have something wrong in the emotional or psychic life that makes drugs attractive to them. One personality theorist believed that euphoria derived from drugs is an easy way out for immature individuals who lack responsibility, a sense of independence, and the capacity to postpone self–indulgent gratification for the sake of attaining long term goals (Ausbel, 1980, pp.4–5). To another personality psychologist drug abuse is a defence mechanism for eliminating feelings of inferiority or inadequacies in some individuals. Low self esteem can initiate drug abuse and causes of low self esteem vary from individuals to individuals however common causes include parental neglect, physical or social deformity, peer rejection and finally poor coping abilities or mechanism that are either socially disvalued or self–defeating (Kaplan, 1975, p. 129). Hans eyesenck suggested and believed that people tend to seek out ways to modify their temperament and bring themselves to an even and stable state. For example he reasoned that introverts, whose brains are over excited and always gnawing at ... Show more content on ... This theory can provide an explanation for substance use or misuse, in that individuals choose certain behaviour because of its perceived favourable outcome which in the case of drug abusers could be a feeling of pleasure, mental escape, or recognition and acceptance by a preferred group. If the behaviour results in the desired outcome or meets up to the expectation strengthening or increase in that behaviour will then occur. It is important to note that the expectation can be maladaptive in nature as with case of drug ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Personality Theory Character Personality Analysis Elizabeth F. Psych 504 February 4, 2013 Character Personality Analysis Introduction Leigh Anne Touhy is the fictional representation of the real life Leigh Anne, famed adoptive mother of Michael Oher from the 2009 film The Blind Side. Leigh Anne is a white interior designer, living in the south with her husband and two children. The family is considered to be part of the upper class, and made their money from owning a string of fast food chains. Leigh Anne and her family take in a black homeless boy, Michael, and throughout the film experience a growing love and bond. They eventually adopt Michael and the Leigh Anne becomes a fiercely protective mother. Very little is revealed about her upbringing ... Show more content on ... People high in agreeableness tend to be trusting, friendly and cooperative. (27) Is about average. Factor III conscientiousness, this trait reflects how organized and persistent we are in pursuing our goals. High scorers are methodical, well organized and dutiful. (45) Is relatively high. Factor IV neuroticism, this trait reflects the tendency to experience negative thoughts and feelings. High scorers are prone to insecurity and emotional distress. Low scorers tend to be more relaxed, less emotional and less prone to distress. (14) Is relatively low. Factor V openness, this trait reflects 'open–mindedness' and interest in culture. Low scorers are more down–to–earth, less interested in art and more practical in nature. (16) Is relatively low. Explanation of Personality The movie falls short on any real background information about Leigh Anne Touhy. There is little to no discussion of life outside of the time period represented in the film. Attempting to explain where and why the personality development happened would be simply a guess, and have no real basis. What can be said is that the high level of extraversion and conscientiousness could be linked to the culture in which she lives. It is a huge stereotype, but most southern women are viewed as loud, life of the party caregivers, and this generalization does seem to align with Leigh Anne's overall persona. This speaks to the influence of environment and culture on ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Theories Of Personality Paper Theories of personality, among many other theories in the field of psychology, must use some sort of scientific basis in order for the theory or research to be looked upon by others as credible. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, therefore it should be crucial for theories of personality to be evaluated according to scientific criteria. Forming a hypothesis, testing it out, observing, racking up data –– it should all be used during research. There needs to always be a theory in conjunction with research (Cloninger, S. 2013). Scientific criteria gives psychologists or reseachers a firm base to follow, which makes it easier to validate theories. Evaluating a theory based on personality without using scientific criteria ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Personality And Theory Of Personality Essay Personality Examined Personality is deeply complexing subject that cannot be easily summed up. There is no concrete right answer, or only one way to evaluate any given subject, as every aspect of personality has more than one view point or angle. Famous psychologists such as Freud, Adler, Jung, Erickson, Eysenck, and Skinner all shaped and conducted the research that would come together and be taught to generations as the foundations of personality and the theory of personality. To better understand the idea of personality, we are going to examine the six different cornerstones of personality. They consist of Nature versus Nurture, The Unconscious, You of the Self, Development, Motivation and Maturation. In this, no one theory is more valid than the other, and no one research has more validity than the other. In this paper each cornerstone will be examined using scholarly research. Foundations of Personality Nature Versus Nurture Before the concept of nature versus nurture can be broken down and examined, first there must be a proper understanding of both terms. In context of nature versus nurture, "nature" refers to a person's biological factors, such as the hereditary factors passed down from the genes of their birth parents. Whereas "nurture" refers to an individual's personal experience and environment that shapes them into who they are, and gave them a form of identity. Montag et al (2016), work suggests that while in some cases nurture can be an influence on ... Get more on ...