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Personal Space Proxemics
Silence is really being silent or quite but you can say influential important communications.
Personal space proxemics and proxemics talks about space and how everyone uses it. Chronemics
talks about to how we distinguish and use time to describe or explain characters, personalities,
qualities, and interaction. The definition of an artifacts is personal items we utilize to state or reveal
our individualities, custom, culture, and heritage. Haptics is how something feels or the sense of
touch. Kinesics talks about body location or position. Kinetics also refers to and body motions and
gestures. Physical appearance helps with face to face communications or interactions. Like if you
are looking at someone who is tall, thin, short, or fat. Environmental
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Intercultural Comm Final Study Guide
Chapter 4 – Communicating Across Cultures
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following does not constitute a normal interpersonal communication task for
managers? a. coordinate activities b. disseminate information c. motivate employees d. give
speeches at conferences (moderate, page 126)
2. According to communication researchers Samovar, Porter, and Jain, ______________. a. cultural
factors pervade the communication process (difficult, page 126) b. noise is always equally present in
cross–cultural communication c. culture does not influence with whom we choose to speak d.
communication behavior is not largely dependent on culture
3. All of the following are part of a person's life space EXCEPT: ... Show more content on ...
Eastern Europeans b. Arabs c. South Americans d. Northern Europeans (moderate, page 134)
20. Which of the following characteristics is NOT true of people in a high–contact culture? a. prefer
to touch a great deal b. live in warmer climates c. are more individualistic (moderate, page 134) d.
prefer to stand close
21. ______________ and ______________ are elements of paralanguage. a. Rate of speech; kinesic
behavior b. Tone of voice; language c. Vocal inflection; tone of voice (difficult, page 135) d. All of
the above
22. Changing the meaning of words by changing the inflection of your voice is an example of
_______. a. paralanguage (moderate, page 135) b. oculesics c. object language d. proxemics
23. Which of the following is an example of paralanguage? a. widening your eyes b. moving closer
to the listener c. speaking faster (moderate, page 135) d. using a translator
24. Which of the following statements about time systems is true? a. Monochronic time systems are
linear; polychronic systems have a past, present, and future. b. Monochronic time systems have a
past, present, and future; polychronic systems have the simultaneous occurrence of many events.
(difficult, page 135) c. Monochronic time systems are non–linear, polychronic systems have a past,
present, and future. d. Monochronic systems have the simultaneous occurrence of many events;
polychronic systems are
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Is Communication Essential Everyday Life? Essay
Communication is essential in everyday life. Whether the message is brought across fluently can
vary, as well, as how other people are informed. There are many ways of delivering a message in
this ever expanding technological era. Some methods include texting, email, face to face
confrontation, or even the movements of our bodies. Emotions are evoked differently with each
method. Some people will get negative vibes from others that only want to contact through texting
or may get an altered idea of your personality if you only call them on the phone. Understanding
communication is very important in all cases which is why I focused on watching nonverbal
communication. Before doing any research, I was interested in how communication changes through
differing emotions. How can someone who is angry, express themselves without words differently,
than someone you is content. I feel that there will be a clear difference with each emotion that can
be observed through everyday activities. Nonverbal communication can be broken up into varying
categories. For the sake of this paper, I will write about body movements (much of which involving
facial gestures), eye contact, space, touch, voice (including silence), and cultural differences. Each
of these categories will be related to the mood of the people in conversation. The best way to
determine if I knew how to judge feeling accurately based on nonverbal communication was to go
out and watch people speak to each other. I noticed that
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Nonverbal Communication And Non Verbal Communication
The instance when two people look at each other's eyes at the same time is a communication event
that I find particularly mysterious. My fascination lies in that different messages can be
communicated through the eyes alone. Whether we are talking about direct or indirect gaze,
duration, direction or expression, the moment of eye contact between two people can serve to make
a great connection or a disastrous one. This is of particular importance to me personally because I
have tend to have an empathetic interest in people I meet and find that this form of non–verbal
communication can add an additional facet to understanding them. Beyond being mysterious, I also
feel that the more that is known about this form of nonverbal communication, the more effective you
can be in life. This is also an area that I would like to better understand due to the fact that my
personal strengths lie in the area of non–verbal communication, and I think it would be helpful in
my professional life. However, in order to attempt to understand how people communicate through
eye contact, it is imperative to have a good understanding of the communication theory that goes
along with this non–verbal communication event.
While there are those rare occurrences of meeting a strangers eye when you pass in a crowd, most of
the time the transmission and reception of meaning between communicators without the use of
words happens during a one on one or small group interaction. There are many factors that can be
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Freedom Writers Space And Proxemics
When watching the movie Freedom Writers, I noticed much to do with nonverbal communication,
but I thought I would focus on the topic of space or "proxemics." Proxemics is the study of how
close or far away from people or objects we position ourselves (p.88). When the students are outside
of the school before class they segregate themselves into cultural groups. There are large spacial
gaps between these groups which gives you the idea that the groups do not mix. Edward T.Hall has
four zones of Space (p.88). When the groups outside are separated, they are in what Hall refers to as
Public Space, which is 12 feet and beyond. The split follows into the classroom when the students
sit for the first day. Many pull their desks toward and away groups
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Nonverbal Communication And Non Verbal Communication
Non–verbal communication consists mainly of the things people do with their body language. There
are times where words are expressed and non–verbal communication could help emphasize the
message. A few examples of nonverbal communication are hand gestures eye contact, facial
expressions as well as tone and volume. I was given this assignment to observe a situation and take
note of the nonverbal communication that occurred. I also had to observe whether the non–verbals
were able to execute the message and if the behavior was acceptable.
I went to Sprouts, a grocery store, Saturday, August 28th at approximately 6:40 p.m. As I walked
into the grocery store I noticed that it was not very crowded, but the vibe seemed to be very uptight
and sort of stressful. The customers looked tired and they just wanted to get a few items and leave
the store as quickly as possible. Other times, the pace is a lot slower and the people are more willing
to socialize. I walked through the isles a few times, until I saw a father and son. My first assumption
based on the dad's outer appearance was that he is strict and protective. The dad had a serious face
and his son was inside the shopping cart. The dad must be around thirty– five years old. The son
spoke clearly, so I assume he is about four years old. The dad had his back to the shopping cart
because he was scooping chocolate covered fruit into a plastic zip lock bag from the bulk food area.
I look at the child and he is standing up at the
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Three Theories of Nonverbal Communication Essay
"Systematic research on the role of nonverbal behavior in social interaction has been common only
in the past 20 to 25 years."(Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 30).because that statement was
published in 1983, it is apparent that the study of nonverbal behavior has been around for roughly 50
to 55 years. However, that is still a relatively recent amount of time compared to research in other
science fields such as chemistry or biology. Despite the fact that this field is relatively recent there
are many theories about our interaction with others. This paper will discuss the nonverbal
expectancy theory along with two other theories, and describe how these theories can work together.
Before it is possible to compare and contrast the three ... Show more content on ...
(Burgoon and Hale, 1988, p. 58) Another similar theory proposed by Patterson in 1982 deals with
providing information, regulating interaction, and expressing intimacy. "However, Patterson (1982)
also proposed two other functional categories, social control and service–task functions, neither of
which is identified in the earlier classification systems" (Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 31). The
main function, and more readily accepted is social control. Social control, or attempting to change
the behavior of another, is unique because it describes a motivational contrast with the function of
intimacy (Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 31). Intimacy, or the underlying affectionate reaction
towards another, also deals with negative and positive reactions. The positive affect could result in
concern for, liking, love, or interest in another; however, the negative ends results in dislike or hate
(Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p 31). "...The social control function is characterized by independence
of affect and nonverbal some cases the real affect is opposite to the affect represented
behaviorally; for example, when smiling at, gazing at, and standing close to a disliked superior to
win favor with that person"(edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 31). In this case, by standing close,
smiling at and gazing at a disliked superior the person is using intimacy to gain
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Different Aspects Of Nonverbal Communication
Following proxemics, arises kinesics. "Kinesics are gestures, body movements, facial expressions,
and eye contact behaviors" (Jandt, 2016). This type of nonverbal communication is very important
to acknowledge when traveling as people perceive and interpret what is seen much quicker. Kinesics
are globally understood differently. For example, a "thumbs up" or "OK" gesture in the United
States could be a symbol of agreeance or good job and a symbol for money in Japan (Levine &
Adelman, 1993), meanwhile, in Argentina it is considered a sign of crudity. Another example of
kinesics is when one physically hits the left palm with the right fist, which in the United States it is
an action of "rock, paper, scissors," in Argentina is it interpreted as "I don't believe what you are
saying" or "that's stupid" ("How to Use Effectively", 2017). When greeting, it is common for people
of the same gender to have frequent physical contact, that is a hug and kiss on both cheeks. A
handshake or a nod is a sign of respect for others. Also, when speaking about an object or others,
instead of pointing, "use your open hand rather than a finger," as it is considered unpolite (Katz,
2007). When going out to have dinner or lunch at someone's home or at a restaurant, always keep
the hands visible when eating, and do not rest your elbows on the table, which is considered a sign
of no interest (Argentina Guide, n.d.). When one is finished eating, it is expected to place the "knife
and fork across the
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Becoming A New Environment At Dubai ( Uae )
3. Choose a country you have never lived or worked in. Imagine that you have just been selected to
become a new Managing Director in the country that you have selected – a country in which your
company has decided to open a new industrial complex. Neither you nor your company have ever
worked in this country before. What would you do to motivate the employees from the foreign
country to join your company and work hard once employed? Ans. Basically I'm from India and I
have never been before in Dubai (UAE) for just 7 days as tour in vacation. My company has decided
to start new business there and they choose me as Managing Director. Whether you have the desire
to end up a business person or not, everybody ought to join a startup. Most ... Show more content on ...
In this way, all together first to give representatives a mentally safe establishment from which to
work all the more productively. Objective setting and examination: I 'll use objective setting broadly
as I figured out from a few organizations sees, consider it to be valuable. This includes the setting of
individual targets, up close and personal execution exchanges, and week by week to yearly
examinations, contingent upon the organization. External Rewards: In some nations, Managing by
Objectives (MBO) sort frameworks have been generally unsuccessful, especially at the point when,
high performing new–comers to the association may be compensated more very than those of a
higher status in the association. Singular execution motivating forces likewise regularly disregard
the more drawn out term, group focused execution which may be more essential in a collectivist
society, and rather concentrate on the transient execution of people in isolation. So by giving
External rewards like, health care, social benefits, housing, seniority etc. I can
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The Role Of Diversity In A Diverse Classroom
Over the past decade, cultural diversity in classrooms are increasing rapidly. Due to the increase of
international students in higher education classrooms, cultural diversity has presented verbal and
nonverbal challenges. Some challenges that result from diverse communication is: paralanguage, the
study of how people talk; kinesics, the study of gestures, and eye–contact; and proxemics, the study
of space and distance between people. Diverse communication styles can result in a verbal challenge
called paralanguage. This is the way people speak, their change in pitch, and the level of volume
they use. The way people use paralanguage can also result in how they are perceived by others;
therefore, paralanguage could potentially create challenges ... Show more content on ...
As Jandt (2007) studied, North Americans tend to keep space between another person, if there is
adequate space around them. An Arab may stand right next to someone, even if there is no one else
around them. This could become a challenge, as Arabs may feel that North Americans are too
distant; whereas North Americans may feel that Arabs are too intimate with other people.
Furthermore, gender can also affect people's beliefs in proxemics due to their culture. According to
Yang (2015), Saudi women tend to keep their distance from the opposite gender, and does not have
any physical contact with them due to their religious practices. This belief could become a
nonverbal challenge in proxemics, as male teachers and students may try to shake the hands of
Saudi women when meeting them and have a high chance of offending them. The appropriateness of
proxemics across cultures differs dramatically. Without the knowledge, teachers and students could
unknowingly offend another person, creating challenges in the
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Non Verbal Nonverbal Communication Codes
The nonverbal communication codes that I would use to respond to a "space invader" are proxemics,
chronemics and kinesics. Using chronemics, I would rapidly start moving away from the "space
invader". This would also be a use of proxemics since I would be moving from intimate space to
social space in the matter of seconds so the other person is aware of my discomfort. These nonverbal
communicate let's the other person know that I don't feel comfortable since I need to make such
sudden nonverbal actions. Using kinesics such facial expression that show discomfort may also
communicate your thoughts and reaction to another person.
My boyfriend and I sarcastically joke around often. I like to think that's our way of showing
affection. He constantly compares me to "chicken little" since my head is big according to him.
There's time where he'll start acting like a clown and I'll communicate verbally. For example, I'll call
him annoying but my nonverbal communication will say otherwise. My kinesics such as eyeballing
and my facial expression would show a smirk. The vocalics would be in a high pitch frequency
since I'm "complaining" yet also flirting in a sense. Also the nonverbal code such as haptic would be
involved in a love–intimacy touch when I'm telling him he's annoying me. It's considered an
appropriate and ethical to send this mixed message since that's often how couple or love ones use to
communicate. People are often telling their love ones they "hate them" or are "annoyed" by them but
without the use of nonverbal communication we wouldn't be able to decode their message.
Recently realized how often I would send inappropriate mixed verbal/nonverbal message to my
mother when I was a child. As most children I loath taking bath and I would often bicker with my
mother of showering. A few incidents when she would send me to bathe I would respond with okay
but my nonverbal message would often show my annoyance. I would sometimes use kinesics such
as eyeballs or frowning when saying no which would get me in a lot of trouble. Also the vocalics
such the tone and the pitch on how I would say okay would give a very bad impression to my
During my freshman year of high school, I came across this girl who I
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Interpersonal Communication
There are many communication concepts that have been covered in this class. Three concepts that I
have chosen are emotional intelligence, proxemics, and self–disclosure. There are many effects
regarding these concepts based on my relationships with other people and my success I have in my
life. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of our daily life, such as the way we
behave and the way we interact with others. We are able to identify and manage our own emotions
and the emotions of others as well. Generally this concept consists of three skills: emotional
awareness which is to identify our own and others emotions, the ability to harness emotions and
apply them to tasks, and the ability to manage emotions by regulating our own emotions and having
the ability to calm down or cheer up another persons emotions. According to the textbook, Daniel
Goleman defines emotional intelligence as the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and ...
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According to the figure on page 128 in the textbook, you can see the emotional intelligence as a set
of interpersonal communication. Many people make mistakes even if they are intelligent. My
decision–making skills are poor because I have lost access to my emotions. Emotional intelligence
has impacted my life for multiple reasons. One reason is that I can be the shy type. I like to listen
and watch people in situations. I keep quiet when I am unsure what to do about the situation and just
watch. While I do this I can basically get information and learn from just listening. I really feel that
this concept has impacted my life because it wont hurt anyone's feelings or impressions about me
because I am keeping to myself and nobody can hear what I have to say. All I do is listen, no argue.
My understanding of emotional intelligence has improved my
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The Effects Of Tactile Communication On The Human Resource...
One type of nonverbal communication is haptics. Haptics refers to the study of communication by
touch (Anonymous, 2012). According to Anonymous, 2012, "touch is necessary for human social
development, and it can be welcoming, threatening, or persuasive." The meaning of a simple touch
differs between individuals, genders, and cultures. It is important for the Human Resource Manager
(HRM) to recognize these differences in order to improve communication and be effective in the
workplace. Tactile communication can help or hinder business and employee interactions. A firm
handshake might be interpreted as confidence or credibility while other physical touches such as
lingering touch on the shoulder, might be seen as being intimate (Anonymous, 2012). However, a
pat on the shoulder or arm might help initiate interactions and show inclusion and respect. Proper
knowledge of tactile differences among employees have important implications on how interactions
unfold and relationships established.
The implications of tactile communication or touch is important to know not only as a HRM but as
an employee working in a diverse workplace.
Since we communicate a great deal through touch, there are benefits by being knowledgeable about
this type of nonverbal communication and the differences among various ethnic groups. Benefits for
the HRM as well as managers include respect, trust, an effective communicator, and better employee
relationships. Additionally, understanding haptics enables
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Common Verbal Communication : A Coffee Shop On A Bank Of...
Midday on a sunny summer afternoon in a Caribou Coffee shop on a bank of the Mississippi River,
under the guise of writing a document on my laptop, I observed two thirty–somethings enjoy
caffeinated drinks and flaky pastries to identify their non–verbal communication. One was a
professional looking business woman in a sharp, expensive looking, charcoal pantsuit, small
earrings, and straightened hair. The other was in a roomy, floral print blouse, light blue, fitted, knee–
length skirt, large necklace, three large rings, and dark hair tied into a loose bun. They were in a
four–top table on the inner edge of the customer area as far away from the windows and other
customers as possible. They were sitting across from one another at a social distance, both of them
had laptops out and were talking to each other while occasionally going back to their respective
computers to pull up documents or type information. The first, whom I will simply call Suit, was
sitting straight in her chair and used large, gesticulating motions to accent her words. The other,
Blouse, was sitting forward in her booth and leaning on the table, but, by comparison, was taking up
very little room. At one point, Suit pulled up a document and turned the computer so it was facing
perpendicularly between the two of them and was pointing out some information on the screen,
Blouse immediately leaned halfway across the table to get a better view. Also, Blouse was laughing
and giving many non–verbal, active
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Nonverbal Communication Essay
When we communicate with others, we persistently give and get silent signs. Most of our nonverbal
practices–the signals we make, the way we sit, how quick or how uproarious we talk, how close we
stand, how much eye to eye connection we make–send solid messages. These messages don't stop
when you quit talking either. Notwithstanding when you're noiseless, despite everything you're
conveying nonverbally.
In many examples, what leaves your mouth and what you convey through your non–verbal
communications are two entirely unexpected things. At the point when looked with these blended
signs, the audience needs to pick whether to trust your verbal or nonverbal message. Perpetually,
they will pick the nonverbal because it's a characteristic, oblivious dialect that communicates your
actual sentiments and aims.
Outward appearances
The outward appearances for satisfaction, misery, outrage, shock, dread, and nauseate are the same
crosswise over societies. The human face is greatly expressive, ready to express endless feelings
without saying a word. Furthermore, not at all like a few types of nonverbal correspondence,
outward appearances are all inclusive.
Body developments and stance
Consider how your view of individuals are influenced by the way they sit, walk, stand, or hold their
head. The way you move and conduct yourself conveys an abundance of data to the world. This sort
of nonverbal correspondence incorporates your stance, bearing, position, and inconspicuous
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Differences Between Communication And Culture
To study culture is to also study a people's means of communication–it is to investigate a group's
way of life, to consider the thought processes behind the choices they make, and to realize the
reasons and means by which they maintain their relationships. Communication and culture are
inseparable due to the reality that one cannot exist without the other. This concept of acknowledging
the connectedness of culture and communication is iterated in the Handbook of International and
Intercultural Communication when William B. Gudykunst and Bella Mody use this quote by
anthropologist and cross–cultural researcher Edward T. Hall, "Culture is communication and
communication is culture" (Gudykunst & Mody, 2004, p.26). The claim that communication and
culture are invariably connected is supported by the universally understood truth that
communication styles vary around the world due to differences in environmental contexts, the
prevalence of regionally specific issues, and the value of relationships within a cultural group
(Gudykunst & Mody, 2004). Examples of this phenomenon are the differences between the methods
that people of the United States use to communicate with each other and the methods that people of
other countries utilize to fulfill the same task. The discrepancies relating to verbal and nonverbal
communication between different cultures prove that communication is cultural, and culture is built
on communication. I have always lived in the United States, therefore
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Reflection Of A Learning Journal
Learning Journal:
A learning journal (also known as a learning log, thoughtful journal, personal improvement journal,
etc.) is a personal best of our learning. It is an assortment of notes, observations, thoughts and other
relevant resources built‐up over a period of time and perhaps a result of a period of study, learning
and/or working experience. Its purpose is to boost our learning through the process of imprinting
and thinking about our learning experiences. My book learning journal is personal to me and will
reproduce my personality, predilections and capabilities.
A learning journal is an intergalactic that both internments and facilitates a development of learning
from participation. A philosophical journal – often called a ... Show more content on
This response accepts the invitation and cedes the territory.
Another response is the well–known elevator phenomenon, in which people are crowded more
closely than they like, so everyone looks up or down as if to say "I'm not trying to intrude into your
space." A third response is to challenge the invasion–to stand our ground and refuse to yield
Other Influences on Space Communication:
Sex and age
Subject matter
Physical appearance:
Physical appearance includes gender, race, body type and facial features, as well as clothing,
grooming and body decorations.
Environmental factors:
Environmental situations affect the type of interaction which will be obtained.
Lighting conditions, colours, sounds, interior decorations and architectural style can all influence the
outcome of interpersonal communication.
Olfactory and artifactual:
Attraction Colour
Memory Clothing and body
Identification Space
The manner in which we say something rather than what we say.
Vocal (but non–verbal) dimension of speech.
Includes; stress, pitch, rate, volume and rhythm.
Examples: crying, whispering, moaning, yawning and yelling.
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Nonverbal Communication And The Communication
Most people would at first define the word "communication" as the act of speaking, however, in
actuality, communication involves the interactions of multiple people with the act of speaking and
listening. A business consultant and eloquent write Peter Drucker once said that "the most important
thing in communication is hearing what isn't said" and this is nonverbal communication. Nonverbal
communication is the use of other aspects instead of words to communicate. Four significant types
of nonverbal communication are kinesics, artifacts, proxemics and silence. Kinesics is the
interpretation of the body positioning, body motion, and facial expressions. They express a clearer
explanation of our actual feelings and thoughts than our words, because for most people, kinesics
nonverbal communication is not controlled consciously. The way our body is held up can have other
perceiving us a particular way or how our arms are positioned. Once, I was talking with a coworker
about how she was performing a particular task incorrectly and she had her arms folded across her
chest and her body was turned away from me. To me, this expresses her disagreement with my
opinions and that she was not giving my ideas a single thought. Furthermore, her face was
concentrated on an object to my right rather than at me, also conveying an upset facial expression.
Afterwards, I stopped talking to her, because I knew she was not opening up to what I had to say; I
just let the boss deal with her. In
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Communication Is A Multi Channel Process
I See What You Say
In the academic paper "Communication Group Structure and Process", Ray L. Birdwhistell states
that "communication is a multi–channel process." This implies that the auditory channel process is
only part of the deal. Indeed, the importance of the various non–verbal channels is pointed out in
Birdwhistell's belief that "probably no more than 30 to 35% of the social meaning of a conversation
or an interaction is carried by words." A few years earlier, in 1959, Edward T. Hall coined the term
"the silent language" to describe nonverbal communication and direct significant attention toward
the subject. The purpose of this paper is to examine the various types of nonverbal communication
being displayed in the silent classic ... Show more content on ...
It will be established that although arbitrary, ambiguous and abstract, nonverbal communication
possesses undeniable importance and proves advantageous to those who know it (Scroggin).
Physical appearance
Physical appearance – hair, make–up, and clothing – comes to create a meaningful whole
(Scroggin). Large–framed, muscular Burrows dresses up in a hat, vest and pants to exaggerate his
masculine prowess to an extreme and represent the aggressive macho. By contrast, gentle Cheng
Huan seems in various ways feminine. His robe is elaborate and shapeless, the body underneath
appears androgynous in form. Frail Lucy wears a dress to highlight her function as both housekeeper
and daughter. Her hair is untidy, presumably a byproduct of her constant chores; she has no time to
care for her physical looks.
Hall, in The Silent Language, uses the term proxemics to stand for the way people communicate by
their use of space in relation to other people and the structuring and of their territory. Hall identifies
four distances that distinguish the kinds of interactions people have and the relationships they share
during them: intimate distance (up to 18 inches), personal distance (18 inches to 4 feet), social–
consultative distance (4 to 12 feet) and public distance (above 12 feet). The need for physical space
differs depending on the culture, situation, and intimacy of the relationship, and communicates
nonverbal messages as signs of
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Nonverbal Communication
Your nonverbal communication is a very important aspect when making a first impression. That's
the thing with a first impression, you don't get a do–over. You want to be convincing of your
confidence and know how during a job interview; as to why the employer should choose you, over
anyone else. It's important that the messages you send with body sync with the verbal message you
send. If they do not match, then that is where you get confusion and miscommunication between
Below is a list of ten effective nonverbal communication tips. Review them before your interview
and you should do just fine!
1) Eye contact: How interested or involved you are in the conversation is determined by the amount
of eye contact you use. Eye contact is an essential part of someone's nonverbal communications, as
well as their social behavior. The amount of eye contact you use can also be received as respect,
confidence and social communication; which makes it very important to think of that in some
cultures, eye contact can mean different things. In some cultures, maintaining eye contact can be a
form or disrespect, versus in North America, eye contact is a viewed as honesty.
2) Facial Expression: The human face is an essential part when it comes to expressing nonverbal
communication. You face acts as a window into your mind; it expresses countless emotions
throughout the day. Facial expressions are considered to be generic through different cultures. It is
important to remember to keep
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Strengths Of Strengths In Public Speaking
My first strength in public speaking is my organization and preparation skills. I think that I am
particularly skilled in creating and preparing a presentation that is straightforward and
informational. I know how to effectively organize my presentation in such a manner that will appeal
to my audience. In addition, I spend an ample amount of time preparing for my presentation.
However, there is definitely room for improvement. I need a bit more practice in trying to make my
presentations more concise. For example, I used to present to high school students on financial
literacy. Initially my presentations were too long, but as my presentations progressed they were
shorter while still retaining important information. I would like to hone this skill as much as I
possibly can.
My next strength in public speaking is my eye contact. I am able to face my audience and express
positive nonverbal communication by maintaining eye contact and giving my audience my
undivided attention. Interestingly enough, I feel that sometimes my eye contact can be too excessive
in the sense that I look around too much. I was told of this by one of my friends while I did a
presentation on the civil rights movement. I can strive to improve this strength by learning how to
hold eye contact longer with certain individuals as opposed to constantly looking around. This may
be a bit uncomfortable to me, but I intend to challenge myself to attempt it.
Another strength is my voice projection. I believe that I
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Personal Space And Understanding Of Proxemics
The use of personal space and understanding of proxemics is something that humans do not arrive in
the world with at birth and, depending on the culture a child is born into, observance/adherence of
these factors can vary greatly. In the grand scheme of life, behavior in people is learned and with
humans, that often begins with the bond between a child and their caregiver(s). At this point, a sense
of personal space and an understanding of proxemics are non–existent in infants. In an ideal setting,
child–rearing is an intimate interaction and the bond that develops during the formative years of
infancy and adolescence is a key juncture where proxemics begins to take shape. As children move
through these years, they learn about the varying degrees of proxemics through modeled behaviors,
interactions with others, caregiver insight, and personally developed levels of comfort with ones'
self. As the subtle nuances of proxemics are modeled, learned, and replicated by children, violation
valences come into play and eventually form the basis for the many social interactions that define
the world of adults. In this paper, the focus has been placed on individuals of the United States and,
as such, it raises the following questions and attempts to answer them: How are learned rules about
personal space from childhood shaped during adolescence, where are those rules applied to within
cultural proxemic expectations, and why these two factors interact and/or influence violation
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Communication Is Important For All Aspects Of Human...
"The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe." (Berger, 8.) I have a six
year old sister and three year old brother. The distance between us while I am away at school was
daunting to understand at first, since I am accustomed to seeing them every day. By using computer
mediated communication I am able to see the little things that you miss while being away. (Like the
rainbow fish construction my sister did after school, or my brother's new Power Rangers move he's
been perfecting.) Communication is something that is necessary for all aspects of human interaction,
however what happens when you are forced to use different means of communication to represent
what you are trying to say? To be discussed in this essay is: CMC, verbal, and nonverbal
communication and their relation to how we make decisions when we are exposed to new types of
language. Consequently, one can observe how those decisions are based on a lack of language which
directly affects communication. A modern type of language that is predominant in modern society is
computer mediated communication. Which implements the use of abbreviations, emoticons, and
devices which take the physical boundaries of communication away and allow participants to
communicate through said devices. Particularly, the millennial generation relies heavily on
emoticons to represent a certain emotion or symbolize something else. In the case of abbreviations,
words like "LOL", "TBH", "OMW"
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Guess Whose Coming to Dinner
Movie Review and Analysis of Communication Styles of the Characters Guess Who's Coming to
Dinner is a 1967 Academy Award–winning comedy–drama film starring Spencer Tracy, Sidney
Poitier, Katharine Hepburn, and Katharine Houghton. The main characters: Sidney Poitier – Dr.
John Wade Prentice Katharine Houghton – Joanne 'Joey' Drayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Drayton
Katharine Hepburn – Christina Drayton, wife of Matt Drayton Spencer Tracy – Matt Drayton Other
Characters include Monsignor Mike Ryan, family friend of Mr. and Mrs. Drayton, their maid Tillie
and Mr. and Mrs. Prentice, parents of Dr. John Wade Prentice. Plot Summary and Overall Non–
Verbal Indicators The movie concerns Joanna Drayton, a ... Show more content on
Scene Scene between Hillary, Dr. Prentice and Joey at the gallery. Kinesics Initially Hilary
maintains a neutral expression, then one of astonishment and finally becomes a condescending one.
All of these show a closed expression. Oculesics Hillary greets Joey cordially and then she looks
suspiciously at Dr. Prentice with raised eyebrows throughout the conversation. Eye gaze was one of
suspicion and smile was fake. Haptics No handshake , no social warmth in the interaction Proxemics
Within 3ft.  indoor conversation Appearance Hillary is dressed professionally Paralinguistics /
Vocalics Hillary's tone is initially cordial, then overt curiosity and finally disapproving. Her pitch is
of medium intensity. Her words are measured and precise. Conversation is initially smooth and then
terse, uncomfortable and jerky. Positive gestures Hillary has a fake smile as Dr. Prentice and Joey
exit the gallery. Scene Dr. Prentice calls up his parents from Matt's study Kinesics Dr. Prentice has a
very stiff and nervous expression on his face. There is sweat on the forehead of Dr. Prentice during
the crucial moment of the telephonic conversation Oculesics While speaking over the phone , Dr.
Prentice always looks below as if thinking how to send the message across to his father Proxemics
The receiver held tightly over the ears Appearance Dr. Prentice is dressed formally Paralinguistics /
Vocalics The voice of Dr. Prentice is bit quivering. Scene Matt comes home from work
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Nonverbal Communication And Professional And Personal...
Communication is a procedure in which individuals verbally or non–verbally share data and
thoughts. Nonverbal communication can be best characterised as a quiet type of speaking with a
man without utilising any type of discourse to get a crowd of people. Nonverbal communication is
regularly used to make a statement of a however and make your message additionally engaging and
intriguing to whom you are identifying with. There are numerous sorts of nonverbal communication
utilised as a part of expert and individual environment so this segment offers a succinct outline of
the significance of nonverbal communication in professional and personal environment.
Miller (2005) gives a fairly oversimplified perspective of nonverbal communication as ... Show
more content on ...
(Neil and Caswell, 1993), the dominant part is done in a nonverbal way. With regards to nonverbal
communication 55% of their weight to the speaker 's non–verbal communication and another 38%
to the tone and music of their voice (Albert, 1971computer).
Nonverbal communication can be adapted certainly before a kid starts the procedure of verbal
communication (Miller, 1998). The parts of nonverbal activities are to help with the communication
process in ways that basic verbalisation can 't care for words can alone have limits. Trehnolm and
Jenses (2008) note that nonverbal activities can change and refine simultaneous verbal messages and
manage the stream of communication. Likewise, Miller (2005) said that nonverbal communication
incorporates outward appearances, eye contact, touching, manner of speaking, dress stance and
spatial separation. Zoric, Smid et al (2007) the most exhaustive and exploratory has offered the
categorisation of nonverbal communication: kinesics, oculesics, haptics, vocalics and proxemics.
Kinesics originates from the word kinesis which is implied development, which alludes to hand,
arm, body and face look. Some outward appearances are an indication of for the individual
fulfilment with their expert or individual environment (Gukas et al., 2010). Though, a wrinkled
temple means that outrage or disarray (Neill and Caswell, 1993). The automatic reflex of yawning
means that weariness or weakness (Miller, 2005b). These are a percentage of the outward
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Is Nonverbal Communication Important? Essay
Nonverbal communication plays a central role in every conversation. Eye contact, posture, and
proximity determine how verbal communication is interpreted. Every culture has its own form of
nonverbal communication that impacts the way a person is understood outside their homeland. Erin
Meyer, an American writer, misinterpreted her audience in Japan because they were using a form of
nonverbal communication she did not understand. Egypt's nonverbal communication differs from
Australia's because each developed according to its perspective historical background.
Communicating across cultures is complicated by differences in the unique norms of nonverbal
communication found in different countries.
Personal Space Space impacts architecture, music, art and makes up personal space that surrounds
the body within a defendable distance. Personal space in the workplace is typically larger than in an
intimate setting, and use of inappropriately small personal space with colleagues can lead to
discomfort for everyone involved. The size of personal space depends on culture and some physical
conditions. In India the personal space bubble is relatively small, whereas in Europe it tends to me
much more expansive. Holding a long stick will typically expand personal space while carrying a
heavy load will diminish it. If personal space is not an option, in a crowded elevator or subway car,
virtual space will do. Smartphones provide a space that is controlled and uncluttered that
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Non-Verbal Communication and Western Culture
While communication via spoken word constitutes a large part of everyday life, there is another type
of communication that often goes overlooked. This other form of communication, known as
nonverbal communication, is arguably used more frequently on an everyday basis than verbal
communication (Knapp, 2013). Yet, rather than the use of spoken words, nonverbal communication
revolves around displaying body language and other visual cues to communicate efficiently with
others. Nevertheless, it should be noted that while non–verbal communication can be an effective
way of expression, it can also be misinterpreted or go undetected at times. Through an in–depth
analysis of the literature, there is the common belief that gender differences exist in relation to
nonverbal communication (Hall, 1979) In general, this paper touches on the gender differences
witnessed through the sense of touch, the study of proxemics and kinesics, as well as through
encoding and decoding abilities. While there is no definitive reasoning behind these differences, the
research attempts to explain these variations in terms of social power and dominance. Specifically,
the potential cause for these discrepancies may lie in the fact that men tend to perceive themselves
as the dominant members of society, while women in turn accept their inferior status (Briton, 1995).
For within the areas of nonverbal communication mentioned above, men tend to display more
aggressive, territorial behaviors while women are
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Essay on Between the Lines: The Importance of Nonverbal...
Between the Lines: The Importance of Nonverbal Communication
The symbols we use to communicate are the vital fabric that holds human society together. Every
day, billions of people around the globe use a plethora of symbols to relay information, exchange
ideas, and solve problems. When these symbols are used in an effective way, they can change how
someone views life, rouse people to a common cause, or infuse emotions and ideas into those that
can understand. But what kind of symbols am I referring to? Most would think that I speak of
verbal, oral, and textual symbols, and, to a certain extent, they are correct.
But there are other symbols that many do not pay much attention to, symbols that speak between the
lines of normal conversation ... Show more content on ...
When I meet somebody for the very first time, my impression of them before they speak is made
largely on how they look. During that period, questions such as "is he/she well dressed or well
groomed?" or "is his/her apparel appropriate?" usually cross my mind; while I know that my rapid
assessment of a person by appearance is by no means fair, accurate, or thorough, it nonetheless a
powerful factor in first time impressions that gives some insight into a person.
As a result of this, I change my appearance depending on what is deemed appropriate by the social
situation. If I am attending a formal lecture or seminar, for example, I definitely would not throw on
a T–shirt and jeans, as it would be deemed inappropriate by those attending. Rather, I would suit up
for the occasion and wear something more formal. On a similar note, it would be both outrageous
and impractical for me to attend a workshop or activity of some kind that demanded physical
activity; the social circumstance deems it inappropriate and I would be sending a negative symbol.
Another form of nonverbal symbols is proxemics. It is a form of nonverbal symbolism that pertains
to "personal space"; more specifically, it deals with the physical distance between a person and the
individual that he/she is interacting with. That is not to say each individual has but one boundary; on
the contrary, the average person has several, ranging from the
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Essay Nonverbal Communication of the Breakfast Club
Shane Seemann
The Nonverbal Club
The Breakfast Club is such an interesting movie to use with this topic. The wide range of characters
allows for a variety of different interactions. The way we are going to approach this, is to look at
each character and examine the different interactions between.
Let us first start off with some good examples of Physical Appearances and Artifacts, or the personal
objects we use to announce our identities, interests and backgrounds. Our appearance includes
everything from our body type to our hair style to our skin color to eye color to height. (Orbe &
Bruess, 2005) We have five characters, all representing a possible cliques in high school. We have
Andy, the clean cut jock; neat blonde hair, ... Show more content on ...
The fact that he took drugs and a knife to school tells us that he doesn't care about his education or
feel that it is worth his time. Although, Bender giving his sunglasses to Brian really warmed my
heart. It showed that Bender had kind of taken a liking to Brian. Who probably took a lot of
confidence from it as demonstrated by the relaxed and confident demeanor he had after he put them
on. Brian thought that if he could wear glasses like Bender did, that he would become a little more
like him. One last thing about Artifacts, and I hate writing about the end of the movie in the middle
of a paper, but when Allison takes a patch off of Andy's letterman jacket, it warmed my heart a little.
Her taking the patch, meaning that by taking this artifact from him, no matter the social restrictions,
they would always have the bond they created that day.
Now let us discuss Proxemics. Proxemics, or the way we use space to communicate (Orbe &
Bruess, 2005) is shown right away in the film, when Andy sits down next to Claire and away from
the other students. Obviously they are more comfortable sitting next to each other because they are
closer in the social pyramid. About a half an hour into the movie, after the scene where the group
starts whistling, it shows another good example of Proxemics. All of the characters are bundled up
in the front area of the class, all except Allison. She is still sitting in the back of the room. This
speaks to her resistance to
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Importance Of Appearance In Nonverbal Communication
Appearance plays an important role in non–verbal communication:
Appearance assumes an imperative part in non–verbal correspondence. Garments, cosmetics,
adornments, haircut, selection of hues and regalia generally offer signs identifying with individual's
singularity, status, riches, occupation and even engaging quality. Research on shading brain science
has exhibited that distinctive hues can summon diverse states of mind. Appearance can likewise
modify physiological responses, judgments and understandings. Simply think about all the
unpretentious judgments you rapidly make about somebody in light of his or her appearance. These
early introductions are imperative, which is the reason specialists propose that activity searchers
dress properly for interviews with potential bosses.
Individuals we find alluring are seen as more sound, amiable, effective, fascinating, delicate, kind
and well known. In any case you need to recall that framing generalizations in light of other
individuals' physical attributes and engaging quality may prompt false suppositions and
correspondence obstructions.
Now we will discuss how nonverbal communication is effective:
Nonverbal correspondence is extremely viable in the business when pioneers manual for their
colleagues with utilized of nonverbal correspondence. Pioneers are utilized the signal ,eye to eye
connection ,non–verbal communication with the goal that group will be more comprehend the
correct circumstance or different results .
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Intimate Distance: Intimate Distance
Intimate distance (0–18 inches) is the nearest space around our body, it is reserved for an intimate
person like family members, kids, partner in a relationship, etc. This space often come with tender
feelings between two people, because it referred to the feels like love or completely conversely – to
fight with someone and be aggressive. In some cases, people accept the presence of another person
in his/her intimate distance, but on the other hand they can feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed.
The first example is meeting with friends. This relationship is close, we are feeling comfortable and
relaxed, accompanied by well know person. Eye contact is always keeping, we are still looking at
the eyes of our partner and that means there are sympathy and intimacy. The topics of the
conversation between this person are private like our emotions, situations from daily routine,
problems, weakness, etc. They trust each other so the dialogue are outspoken. We must not lack the
touch, which is one of the determinant of the intimate distance. People who keep close can hug,
caress or kiss, this is the signal they strongly like ... Show more content on ...
It is still possible to touch someone or grasp, this "bubble" is similar to the intimate distance, but
rather reserved for the family or friends than to the siblings or partners. The main idea in this case is
"the more you like someone – the closer you'll stand to him"( From:–body––distance.html). You must always remember about the golden mean of the
spacing. For someone some distance between him/her and you can be good, but in some cases can
evoke anger or restraint. Personal space orientation is really important to know their rules, otherwise
at worst you can be seen as a pusher. Mark Knapp wrote also in his book about the territory which is
also referred to the proxemics. He said that people have their own "untouchable space" depend on
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Essay on Nonverbal Communication: A Notion to Motion
A simple smile, a gazing stare, a firm hand shake or just an unpretentious hello are all forms of
communication. While it is essential to the coexistence of the human race, communication is the one
thing that is common amongst people of all cultures. Crapo (2013) explained that communication is
transference of a philosophies and information from one person to another by ones actions, gestures,
and words (Human communication, para.1). Although people use different avenues to express their
thoughts and ideas, intercultural communication can be misconstrued when learning to understand
different customs. For example, in America, it is not unusual to be convinced that a smile represents
happiness. On the other hand, in the Japanese culture, ... Show more content on ...
Needless to say body language plays a large part in communicating. There are seven practices of
nonverbal communication that are used to convey the messages to the person or persons of whom
one is speaking. Crapo (2013) noted that kinesics and haptics are two types of nonverbal
communication that are associated with body movement and touch. Although verbal communication
is understood within one's own social group, the interpretation of body language can be a vitally
imperative when establishing a connection with people of different nationalities. Safadi and
Valentine (1985) described gestures as being "contextually linked, to the situation, and along with
the interplay of body and facial movement and utterance, they together convey the speaker's intent"
(pg.5). However there are some cross cultural hand gestures that can be misinterpreted in different
regions of the world. For instance, to gesture okay in America, one would connect the thumb and the
index finger in a circular shape with the other three fingers extended upwards. Conversely, in
Arabian cultures, the same borrowed symbol can be interpreted as an obscenity referring to the evil
eye. If an Arabic person were to use the okay gesture in another person direction while shaking, it
symbolizes that the person receiving the gesture is being cursed (U.S. Army, 2006). On the
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The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication
I believe nonverbal communication has more meaning then most think. Non–verbal communication
continues to be a significant factor contributing towards the day of our daily lives. In terms of the
workplace as well as style in addition to cultural variations nonverbal communication plays a crucial
role in these areas. It provides the use of the human's subconscious mind to put together some facial
expressions, the hand also gestures the usage of the human's vocal tones which triggers a kind of
excellent communication in the case used at the proper fashion. For instance, when parents work
with nonverbal communication to infant kids that are not even acquainted with spoken dialogue
itself when efficient this may produce a kind of assurance to those infants that might, in turn,
respond to the idea in a significantly good fashion. But there are additional symbols which many
people don't spend attention very much to, symbols which talk in between the lines of regular chat
and imply feelings, ideas, thoughts, and attitudes that remain unspoken. These kinds of symbols,
known as nonverbal symbolic communication, are encountered, and employed by every one of us.
Nevertheless, the most typical ones which others have utilized to speak with me – and the other way
around – are haptics, proxemics, appearance, and body language.
Body language is arguably the most influential type of nonverbal symbolism. For instance, a wild
hand gesture can symbolize euphoria or stress, while a gradual
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Nonverbal Communication
These are ten non–verbal communicators that say a lot about your person and/or develop
positive/negative first impressions. First impressions cannot be taken back so it is important to make
a good one the first time around. These are some tips you can use to make sure your interview ready
and to make sure you give off a good first impression
Clothing – The way you dress says a lot about your character, this is why people say "dress for
success". If you are nicely put together in formal clothing the interviewer is more likely to have a
positive impression and take you more seriously. If someone is dressed unsavory the more likely
they are to give off negative nonverbal communication.
Facial expressions – Make sure your facial expressions match the type of outcome you want to
receive. If you look unimpressed or look like you don't want to be there, your facial expressions will
show this. Try to look positive, optimistic, and like your wanting to be there. This could be as simple
as looking at the employer with a slight smile. Try not to show any negative non–verbals, even if the
next question they ask you throws you off guard.
Gestures – Gestures like nodding or agreeing ques will signal to the employer that you are actively
involved in the conversation and following along. This is important because you want to show that
you are listening to what the employer has to say. However, showing too many hand gestures and
body gestures while
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Nonverbal Messages And Its Effect On Communication Essay
Two people are having a conversation in which one person is talking and asking questions while the
other remains silent or gives her/him the "silent treatment."
Topics covered in scenario; Spatial Messages, Eye messages, Encoding skills, Decoding skills
Script for skit;
Gabe; Alright, so today as a group we are going to demonstrate the nonverbal messages involved in
silence, how it affects communication, and show the proper way to handle a situation in which the
other person is giving the "silent treatment"
(Travion sits and Connor proceeds to try to talk to Travion)
Connor: So, how was your day today?
Travion: (Silence)
Connor: ...Ok, well my day was pretty boring if you want to know. I ended up studying for my finals
and watching Netflix.
Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact)
Connor: Is everything alright? Is there something bothering you?
Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact + arms crossed)
Connor: Ok, what's wrong? Why are you not talking to me all of a sudden?
Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact + arms crossed)
Connor: Did I do something wrong? Talk to me...
Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact + arms crossed)
Alivia; So as you can see by this demonstration, the silent treatment is a very damaging relationship
strategy that hurts both people involved.
– If the silent treatment is taken too far, it can actually be seen as emotional abuse
– Also, silent treatment is known to be one of the most common warning signs of relationship
problems because
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The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication, unlike verbal communication, is often unintentional and easily
misconstrued. Nonverbal communication follows a set of unwritten rules, which vary by culture and
society. Many societies greet one another with a kiss on the cheek or a hug, while in American
society, it's normal to shake one's hand, if that. While some cultures value intimacy, closeness and
personability, American nonverbal "rules" rely greatly upon personal space and privacy. Because of
this, when asked to violate and analyze one of these rules, I selected proxemics, or personal space.
Proxemics are a tricky subject. In most communication, specifically something like personal space,
context is always key. For instance, being within one's "bubble" while waiting in line for the
cafeteria is much more acceptable than being within that range whilst asking for directions to the
nearest bathroom. This can make communication complicated, as some people have less regard for
their space than others. However, it can also clarify certain messages. For instance, if you're on a
date with someone and they stand really close to you, that could be a sign that things are going well.
Personal space, as described by Edward T. Hall, can be broken up into four regions. These regions
consist of: intimate distance (~6–18 inches), personal distance (~1.5–4 feet), social distance (~4–12
feet) and public distance (~12–24 feet). It is most acceptable in our society to remain somewhere in
the ~4–12 foot range
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Description Of The Client : Age Or Sex? Essay
Student: Joseph Bogle Date: 11/21/16 Clinical Instructor: Lorena Fluentes Client's Initials: K.K.
Unit: Locked Current Legal Status (Vol, 5150, 5250, 30 days, T–Con, LPS–Conservatorship): 5150
Psychiatric Diagnosis: 1. Description of the client: Age? Sex? Ethnicity? Marital Status? What
precipitated hospitalization? Number of days in the hospital? Mental Status, etc. Client is an 48y/o
African American male. He was recently divorced, and has been admitted DTS for psychosis and
suicidal ideation. He is oriented x3–4. Displays good insight and sound judgment. Very non–
confrontational attitude and behavior. He was admitted after a suicide attempt by his daughter. He
has been in this facility for three days after being transferred from the ER after He tried to overdose
with pills. When prompted to speak about his family, client became very withdrawn and secretive.
When prompted to speak of his experiences, he gladly shares stories. He loves animals especially
cats, and to occupy his time he enjoys reading books (the bible) and watching movies. Claims to
have no prior history of smoking or substance abuse. 2. Description of environmental setting where
interaction took place. Explain the reasons for a supportive or non–supportive environment. (e.g.
noise, distractions, light, temperature, etc.) The meeting took place in the activity room. While the
environment was rather loud and unfocused, K.K. stated that
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The Seventh Shot Essay
The first shot is a medium shot of the murderer because it captures him from the waist up. This shot
is taken at eye level because the camera seems to be placed at the subject's height. Since the film is
black and white, the lighting is moderate high key and high contrast. The bright colors are not
washed out. The depth of focus is deep because all three planes of focus, foreground, mid ground,
and background, are equal in focus. The film speed is fast stock because there is very little light and
it looks grainy. The camera movement used in this shot is tilt because it seems like the camera
placed at a fixed point looking down. In this shot, the dominant contrast is the face of the murderer.
His face is kind of pale so it immediately draws ... Show more content on ...
The lighting is moderate high key and high contrast. The depth of focus is deep. The film speed is
fast stock. The camera movement used in this shot is dolly because it seems like the camera is
placed parallel to the dominant and it moves sideways. In this shot, the dominant contrast is back of
the murderer. He is at the center of the frame and his coat is slightly darker than his surroundings.
Therefore, he stands out. The subsidiary contrast is the back of the mother because her dark coat
catches your attention. The shot appears to be in open form because the shot looks random and not
staged. He is standing on a sidewalk outside a shop and not posed in a tightly controlled setting. The
density of the shot is loose because there's a lot of open space in the frame and he is free to move
around. The character proxemics is personal. The mother is grabbing her daughter. The murderer is
at a social distance. The characters are placed at different positions. The murderer is placed at three
quarter turn. He turned mostly away from the audience. The mother and the young girl are placed at
full turn. They have their back toward the camera. The composition of the frame is not
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Expectancy Violation Theory (Paper Rough Draft)
Expectancy Violation Theory (Paper Rough Draft) Expectancy Violation Theory, or more commonly
referred to as EVT, is the study of attempting to explain one's reactions to unexpected behavior of
their peers, and the various meanings that people attribute to the violation, or infringement, of their
personal space. Judee Burgoon defines personal space as the invisible, variable volume of space
surrounding an individual that defines that individual's preferred distance from others. I will explain
to you the communication phenomenon of EVT, theories, behaviors and context of EVT, as well as
how to apply them. Expectancy Violations theory was created by Judee Burgoon in 1978. Since that
time, Burgoon and a number of her associates ... Show more content on ...
This area includes behaviors such as observing facial characteristics, embracing, touching, or
whispering. In situations where this space is invaded, such as in an elevator, people usually don't
make eye contact with other, much rather stare at a wall or a ceiling to avoid the awkwardness, or
the invasion of the intimate space. ––––go more in detail here–––– The second stage is the Personal
distance, which is 18 inches to 4 feet, and is generally for good friends and family. This area can be
described as close as holding someone's hand, and out to arms reach of a person. Most relationships
with friends or family are spent within this area. The farther point of the 4 foot area is usually for
those engaged in an interpersonal conversation, but for less personal interactions. ––––go more in
detail here–––– Next is the Social distance, or 4 to 10 feet. This area is considered to be the more of
a formal relationship zone. The closer end of the spectrum is reserved for those in a casual social
gathering. Within the 10 feet, you can still hold a conversation at a normal tone and voice level, but
can have distance. ––––go more in detail here–––– Lastly is Public distance, which is 10 feet and
beyond. The Public distance can be described as the public distance, giving you plenty of space
between the message sender and receiver. In this distance, effective communicators adjust their
nonverbal behavior to conform to the communicative rules of their
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Personal Space Proxemics

  • 1. Personal Space Proxemics Silence is really being silent or quite but you can say influential important communications. Personal space proxemics and proxemics talks about space and how everyone uses it. Chronemics talks about to how we distinguish and use time to describe or explain characters, personalities, qualities, and interaction. The definition of an artifacts is personal items we utilize to state or reveal our individualities, custom, culture, and heritage. Haptics is how something feels or the sense of touch. Kinesics talks about body location or position. Kinetics also refers to and body motions and gestures. Physical appearance helps with face to face communications or interactions. Like if you are looking at someone who is tall, thin, short, or fat. Environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Intercultural Comm Final Study Guide Chapter 4 – Communicating Across Cultures Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following does not constitute a normal interpersonal communication task for managers? a. coordinate activities b. disseminate information c. motivate employees d. give speeches at conferences (moderate, page 126) 2. According to communication researchers Samovar, Porter, and Jain, ______________. a. cultural factors pervade the communication process (difficult, page 126) b. noise is always equally present in cross–cultural communication c. culture does not influence with whom we choose to speak d. communication behavior is not largely dependent on culture 3. All of the following are part of a person's life space EXCEPT: ... Show more content on ... Eastern Europeans b. Arabs c. South Americans d. Northern Europeans (moderate, page 134) 20. Which of the following characteristics is NOT true of people in a high–contact culture? a. prefer to touch a great deal b. live in warmer climates c. are more individualistic (moderate, page 134) d. prefer to stand close 21. ______________ and ______________ are elements of paralanguage. a. Rate of speech; kinesic behavior b. Tone of voice; language c. Vocal inflection; tone of voice (difficult, page 135) d. All of the above 22. Changing the meaning of words by changing the inflection of your voice is an example of _______. a. paralanguage (moderate, page 135) b. oculesics c. object language d. proxemics 23. Which of the following is an example of paralanguage? a. widening your eyes b. moving closer to the listener c. speaking faster (moderate, page 135) d. using a translator 24. Which of the following statements about time systems is true? a. Monochronic time systems are linear; polychronic systems have a past, present, and future. b. Monochronic time systems have a past, present, and future; polychronic systems have the simultaneous occurrence of many events. (difficult, page 135) c. Monochronic time systems are non–linear, polychronic systems have a past,
  • 4. present, and future. d. Monochronic systems have the simultaneous occurrence of many events; polychronic systems are ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Is Communication Essential Everyday Life? Essay Communication is essential in everyday life. Whether the message is brought across fluently can vary, as well, as how other people are informed. There are many ways of delivering a message in this ever expanding technological era. Some methods include texting, email, face to face confrontation, or even the movements of our bodies. Emotions are evoked differently with each method. Some people will get negative vibes from others that only want to contact through texting or may get an altered idea of your personality if you only call them on the phone. Understanding communication is very important in all cases which is why I focused on watching nonverbal communication. Before doing any research, I was interested in how communication changes through differing emotions. How can someone who is angry, express themselves without words differently, than someone you is content. I feel that there will be a clear difference with each emotion that can be observed through everyday activities. Nonverbal communication can be broken up into varying categories. For the sake of this paper, I will write about body movements (much of which involving facial gestures), eye contact, space, touch, voice (including silence), and cultural differences. Each of these categories will be related to the mood of the people in conversation. The best way to determine if I knew how to judge feeling accurately based on nonverbal communication was to go out and watch people speak to each other. I noticed that ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Nonverbal Communication And Non Verbal Communication The instance when two people look at each other's eyes at the same time is a communication event that I find particularly mysterious. My fascination lies in that different messages can be communicated through the eyes alone. Whether we are talking about direct or indirect gaze, duration, direction or expression, the moment of eye contact between two people can serve to make a great connection or a disastrous one. This is of particular importance to me personally because I have tend to have an empathetic interest in people I meet and find that this form of non–verbal communication can add an additional facet to understanding them. Beyond being mysterious, I also feel that the more that is known about this form of nonverbal communication, the more effective you can be in life. This is also an area that I would like to better understand due to the fact that my personal strengths lie in the area of non–verbal communication, and I think it would be helpful in my professional life. However, in order to attempt to understand how people communicate through eye contact, it is imperative to have a good understanding of the communication theory that goes along with this non–verbal communication event. While there are those rare occurrences of meeting a strangers eye when you pass in a crowd, most of the time the transmission and reception of meaning between communicators without the use of words happens during a one on one or small group interaction. There are many factors that can be ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Freedom Writers Space And Proxemics When watching the movie Freedom Writers, I noticed much to do with nonverbal communication, but I thought I would focus on the topic of space or "proxemics." Proxemics is the study of how close or far away from people or objects we position ourselves (p.88). When the students are outside of the school before class they segregate themselves into cultural groups. There are large spacial gaps between these groups which gives you the idea that the groups do not mix. Edward T.Hall has four zones of Space (p.88). When the groups outside are separated, they are in what Hall refers to as Public Space, which is 12 feet and beyond. The split follows into the classroom when the students sit for the first day. Many pull their desks toward and away groups ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Nonverbal Communication And Non Verbal Communication Non–verbal communication consists mainly of the things people do with their body language. There are times where words are expressed and non–verbal communication could help emphasize the message. A few examples of nonverbal communication are hand gestures eye contact, facial expressions as well as tone and volume. I was given this assignment to observe a situation and take note of the nonverbal communication that occurred. I also had to observe whether the non–verbals were able to execute the message and if the behavior was acceptable. I went to Sprouts, a grocery store, Saturday, August 28th at approximately 6:40 p.m. As I walked into the grocery store I noticed that it was not very crowded, but the vibe seemed to be very uptight and sort of stressful. The customers looked tired and they just wanted to get a few items and leave the store as quickly as possible. Other times, the pace is a lot slower and the people are more willing to socialize. I walked through the isles a few times, until I saw a father and son. My first assumption based on the dad's outer appearance was that he is strict and protective. The dad had a serious face and his son was inside the shopping cart. The dad must be around thirty– five years old. The son spoke clearly, so I assume he is about four years old. The dad had his back to the shopping cart because he was scooping chocolate covered fruit into a plastic zip lock bag from the bulk food area. I look at the child and he is standing up at the ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Three Theories of Nonverbal Communication Essay "Systematic research on the role of nonverbal behavior in social interaction has been common only in the past 20 to 25 years."(Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 30).because that statement was published in 1983, it is apparent that the study of nonverbal behavior has been around for roughly 50 to 55 years. However, that is still a relatively recent amount of time compared to research in other science fields such as chemistry or biology. Despite the fact that this field is relatively recent there are many theories about our interaction with others. This paper will discuss the nonverbal expectancy theory along with two other theories, and describe how these theories can work together. Before it is possible to compare and contrast the three ... Show more content on ... (Burgoon and Hale, 1988, p. 58) Another similar theory proposed by Patterson in 1982 deals with providing information, regulating interaction, and expressing intimacy. "However, Patterson (1982) also proposed two other functional categories, social control and service–task functions, neither of which is identified in the earlier classification systems" (Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 31). The main function, and more readily accepted is social control. Social control, or attempting to change the behavior of another, is unique because it describes a motivational contrast with the function of intimacy (Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 31). Intimacy, or the underlying affectionate reaction towards another, also deals with negative and positive reactions. The positive affect could result in concern for, liking, love, or interest in another; however, the negative ends results in dislike or hate (Edinger and Patterson, 1983, p 31). "...The social control function is characterized by independence of affect and nonverbal some cases the real affect is opposite to the affect represented behaviorally; for example, when smiling at, gazing at, and standing close to a disliked superior to win favor with that person"(edinger and Patterson, 1983, p. 31). In this case, by standing close, smiling at and gazing at a disliked superior the person is using intimacy to gain ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Different Aspects Of Nonverbal Communication Following proxemics, arises kinesics. "Kinesics are gestures, body movements, facial expressions, and eye contact behaviors" (Jandt, 2016). This type of nonverbal communication is very important to acknowledge when traveling as people perceive and interpret what is seen much quicker. Kinesics are globally understood differently. For example, a "thumbs up" or "OK" gesture in the United States could be a symbol of agreeance or good job and a symbol for money in Japan (Levine & Adelman, 1993), meanwhile, in Argentina it is considered a sign of crudity. Another example of kinesics is when one physically hits the left palm with the right fist, which in the United States it is an action of "rock, paper, scissors," in Argentina is it interpreted as "I don't believe what you are saying" or "that's stupid" ("How to Use Effectively", 2017). When greeting, it is common for people of the same gender to have frequent physical contact, that is a hug and kiss on both cheeks. A handshake or a nod is a sign of respect for others. Also, when speaking about an object or others, instead of pointing, "use your open hand rather than a finger," as it is considered unpolite (Katz, 2007). When going out to have dinner or lunch at someone's home or at a restaurant, always keep the hands visible when eating, and do not rest your elbows on the table, which is considered a sign of no interest (Argentina Guide, n.d.). When one is finished eating, it is expected to place the "knife and fork across the ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Becoming A New Environment At Dubai ( Uae ) 3. Choose a country you have never lived or worked in. Imagine that you have just been selected to become a new Managing Director in the country that you have selected – a country in which your company has decided to open a new industrial complex. Neither you nor your company have ever worked in this country before. What would you do to motivate the employees from the foreign country to join your company and work hard once employed? Ans. Basically I'm from India and I have never been before in Dubai (UAE) for just 7 days as tour in vacation. My company has decided to start new business there and they choose me as Managing Director. Whether you have the desire to end up a business person or not, everybody ought to join a startup. Most ... Show more content on ... In this way, all together first to give representatives a mentally safe establishment from which to work all the more productively. Objective setting and examination: I 'll use objective setting broadly as I figured out from a few organizations sees, consider it to be valuable. This includes the setting of individual targets, up close and personal execution exchanges, and week by week to yearly examinations, contingent upon the organization. External Rewards: In some nations, Managing by Objectives (MBO) sort frameworks have been generally unsuccessful, especially at the point when, high performing new–comers to the association may be compensated more very than those of a higher status in the association. Singular execution motivating forces likewise regularly disregard the more drawn out term, group focused execution which may be more essential in a collectivist society, and rather concentrate on the transient execution of people in isolation. So by giving External rewards like, health care, social benefits, housing, seniority etc. I can ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The Role Of Diversity In A Diverse Classroom Over the past decade, cultural diversity in classrooms are increasing rapidly. Due to the increase of international students in higher education classrooms, cultural diversity has presented verbal and nonverbal challenges. Some challenges that result from diverse communication is: paralanguage, the study of how people talk; kinesics, the study of gestures, and eye–contact; and proxemics, the study of space and distance between people. Diverse communication styles can result in a verbal challenge called paralanguage. This is the way people speak, their change in pitch, and the level of volume they use. The way people use paralanguage can also result in how they are perceived by others; therefore, paralanguage could potentially create challenges ... Show more content on ... As Jandt (2007) studied, North Americans tend to keep space between another person, if there is adequate space around them. An Arab may stand right next to someone, even if there is no one else around them. This could become a challenge, as Arabs may feel that North Americans are too distant; whereas North Americans may feel that Arabs are too intimate with other people. Furthermore, gender can also affect people's beliefs in proxemics due to their culture. According to Yang (2015), Saudi women tend to keep their distance from the opposite gender, and does not have any physical contact with them due to their religious practices. This belief could become a nonverbal challenge in proxemics, as male teachers and students may try to shake the hands of Saudi women when meeting them and have a high chance of offending them. The appropriateness of proxemics across cultures differs dramatically. Without the knowledge, teachers and students could unknowingly offend another person, creating challenges in the ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Non Verbal Nonverbal Communication Codes The nonverbal communication codes that I would use to respond to a "space invader" are proxemics, chronemics and kinesics. Using chronemics, I would rapidly start moving away from the "space invader". This would also be a use of proxemics since I would be moving from intimate space to social space in the matter of seconds so the other person is aware of my discomfort. These nonverbal communicate let's the other person know that I don't feel comfortable since I need to make such sudden nonverbal actions. Using kinesics such facial expression that show discomfort may also communicate your thoughts and reaction to another person. My boyfriend and I sarcastically joke around often. I like to think that's our way of showing affection. He constantly compares me to "chicken little" since my head is big according to him. There's time where he'll start acting like a clown and I'll communicate verbally. For example, I'll call him annoying but my nonverbal communication will say otherwise. My kinesics such as eyeballing and my facial expression would show a smirk. The vocalics would be in a high pitch frequency since I'm "complaining" yet also flirting in a sense. Also the nonverbal code such as haptic would be involved in a love–intimacy touch when I'm telling him he's annoying me. It's considered an appropriate and ethical to send this mixed message since that's often how couple or love ones use to communicate. People are often telling their love ones they "hate them" or are "annoyed" by them but without the use of nonverbal communication we wouldn't be able to decode their message. Recently realized how often I would send inappropriate mixed verbal/nonverbal message to my mother when I was a child. As most children I loath taking bath and I would often bicker with my mother of showering. A few incidents when she would send me to bathe I would respond with okay but my nonverbal message would often show my annoyance. I would sometimes use kinesics such as eyeballs or frowning when saying no which would get me in a lot of trouble. Also the vocalics such the tone and the pitch on how I would say okay would give a very bad impression to my mother. During my freshman year of high school, I came across this girl who I ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Interpersonal Communication There are many communication concepts that have been covered in this class. Three concepts that I have chosen are emotional intelligence, proxemics, and self–disclosure. There are many effects regarding these concepts based on my relationships with other people and my success I have in my life. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of our daily life, such as the way we behave and the way we interact with others. We are able to identify and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others as well. Generally this concept consists of three skills: emotional awareness which is to identify our own and others emotions, the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks, and the ability to manage emotions by regulating our own emotions and having the ability to calm down or cheer up another persons emotions. According to the textbook, Daniel Goleman defines emotional intelligence as the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and ... Show more content on ... According to the figure on page 128 in the textbook, you can see the emotional intelligence as a set of interpersonal communication. Many people make mistakes even if they are intelligent. My decision–making skills are poor because I have lost access to my emotions. Emotional intelligence has impacted my life for multiple reasons. One reason is that I can be the shy type. I like to listen and watch people in situations. I keep quiet when I am unsure what to do about the situation and just watch. While I do this I can basically get information and learn from just listening. I really feel that this concept has impacted my life because it wont hurt anyone's feelings or impressions about me because I am keeping to myself and nobody can hear what I have to say. All I do is listen, no argue. My understanding of emotional intelligence has improved my ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The Effects Of Tactile Communication On The Human Resource... One type of nonverbal communication is haptics. Haptics refers to the study of communication by touch (Anonymous, 2012). According to Anonymous, 2012, "touch is necessary for human social development, and it can be welcoming, threatening, or persuasive." The meaning of a simple touch differs between individuals, genders, and cultures. It is important for the Human Resource Manager (HRM) to recognize these differences in order to improve communication and be effective in the workplace. Tactile communication can help or hinder business and employee interactions. A firm handshake might be interpreted as confidence or credibility while other physical touches such as lingering touch on the shoulder, might be seen as being intimate (Anonymous, 2012). However, a pat on the shoulder or arm might help initiate interactions and show inclusion and respect. Proper knowledge of tactile differences among employees have important implications on how interactions unfold and relationships established. The implications of tactile communication or touch is important to know not only as a HRM but as an employee working in a diverse workplace. Since we communicate a great deal through touch, there are benefits by being knowledgeable about this type of nonverbal communication and the differences among various ethnic groups. Benefits for the HRM as well as managers include respect, trust, an effective communicator, and better employee relationships. Additionally, understanding haptics enables ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Common Verbal Communication : A Coffee Shop On A Bank Of... Midday on a sunny summer afternoon in a Caribou Coffee shop on a bank of the Mississippi River, under the guise of writing a document on my laptop, I observed two thirty–somethings enjoy caffeinated drinks and flaky pastries to identify their non–verbal communication. One was a professional looking business woman in a sharp, expensive looking, charcoal pantsuit, small earrings, and straightened hair. The other was in a roomy, floral print blouse, light blue, fitted, knee– length skirt, large necklace, three large rings, and dark hair tied into a loose bun. They were in a four–top table on the inner edge of the customer area as far away from the windows and other customers as possible. They were sitting across from one another at a social distance, both of them had laptops out and were talking to each other while occasionally going back to their respective computers to pull up documents or type information. The first, whom I will simply call Suit, was sitting straight in her chair and used large, gesticulating motions to accent her words. The other, Blouse, was sitting forward in her booth and leaning on the table, but, by comparison, was taking up very little room. At one point, Suit pulled up a document and turned the computer so it was facing perpendicularly between the two of them and was pointing out some information on the screen, Blouse immediately leaned halfway across the table to get a better view. Also, Blouse was laughing and giving many non–verbal, active ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Nonverbal Communication Essay When we communicate with others, we persistently give and get silent signs. Most of our nonverbal practices–the signals we make, the way we sit, how quick or how uproarious we talk, how close we stand, how much eye to eye connection we make–send solid messages. These messages don't stop when you quit talking either. Notwithstanding when you're noiseless, despite everything you're conveying nonverbally. In many examples, what leaves your mouth and what you convey through your non–verbal communications are two entirely unexpected things. At the point when looked with these blended signs, the audience needs to pick whether to trust your verbal or nonverbal message. Perpetually, they will pick the nonverbal because it's a characteristic, oblivious dialect that communicates your actual sentiments and aims. Outward appearances The outward appearances for satisfaction, misery, outrage, shock, dread, and nauseate are the same crosswise over societies. The human face is greatly expressive, ready to express endless feelings without saying a word. Furthermore, not at all like a few types of nonverbal correspondence, outward appearances are all inclusive. Body developments and stance Consider how your view of individuals are influenced by the way they sit, walk, stand, or hold their head. The way you move and conduct yourself conveys an abundance of data to the world. This sort of nonverbal correspondence incorporates your stance, bearing, position, and inconspicuous developments. ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Differences Between Communication And Culture To study culture is to also study a people's means of communication–it is to investigate a group's way of life, to consider the thought processes behind the choices they make, and to realize the reasons and means by which they maintain their relationships. Communication and culture are inseparable due to the reality that one cannot exist without the other. This concept of acknowledging the connectedness of culture and communication is iterated in the Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication when William B. Gudykunst and Bella Mody use this quote by anthropologist and cross–cultural researcher Edward T. Hall, "Culture is communication and communication is culture" (Gudykunst & Mody, 2004, p.26). The claim that communication and culture are invariably connected is supported by the universally understood truth that communication styles vary around the world due to differences in environmental contexts, the prevalence of regionally specific issues, and the value of relationships within a cultural group (Gudykunst & Mody, 2004). Examples of this phenomenon are the differences between the methods that people of the United States use to communicate with each other and the methods that people of other countries utilize to fulfill the same task. The discrepancies relating to verbal and nonverbal communication between different cultures prove that communication is cultural, and culture is built on communication. I have always lived in the United States, therefore ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Reflection Of A Learning Journal Learning Journal: A learning journal (also known as a learning log, thoughtful journal, personal improvement journal, etc.) is a personal best of our learning. It is an assortment of notes, observations, thoughts and other relevant resources built‐up over a period of time and perhaps a result of a period of study, learning and/or working experience. Its purpose is to boost our learning through the process of imprinting and thinking about our learning experiences. My book learning journal is personal to me and will reproduce my personality, predilections and capabilities. A learning journal is an intergalactic that both internments and facilitates a development of learning from participation. A philosophical journal – often called a ... Show more content on ... This response accepts the invitation and cedes the territory. Another response is the well–known elevator phenomenon, in which people are crowded more closely than they like, so everyone looks up or down as if to say "I'm not trying to intrude into your space." A third response is to challenge the invasion–to stand our ground and refuse to yield territory. Other Influences on Space Communication: Culture Status Context Sex and age Subject matter Physical appearance: Physical appearance includes gender, race, body type and facial features, as well as clothing, grooming and body decorations. Environmental factors: Environmental situations affect the type of interaction which will be obtained. Lighting conditions, colours, sounds, interior decorations and architectural style can all influence the outcome of interpersonal communication. Olfactory and artifactual: Attraction Colour Memory Clothing and body Identification Space Paralanguage: The manner in which we say something rather than what we say.
  • 35. Vocal (but non–verbal) dimension of speech. Includes; stress, pitch, rate, volume and rhythm. Examples: crying, whispering, moaning, yawning and yelling. Poker ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Nonverbal Communication And The Communication Most people would at first define the word "communication" as the act of speaking, however, in actuality, communication involves the interactions of multiple people with the act of speaking and listening. A business consultant and eloquent write Peter Drucker once said that "the most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said" and this is nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is the use of other aspects instead of words to communicate. Four significant types of nonverbal communication are kinesics, artifacts, proxemics and silence. Kinesics is the interpretation of the body positioning, body motion, and facial expressions. They express a clearer explanation of our actual feelings and thoughts than our words, because for most people, kinesics nonverbal communication is not controlled consciously. The way our body is held up can have other perceiving us a particular way or how our arms are positioned. Once, I was talking with a coworker about how she was performing a particular task incorrectly and she had her arms folded across her chest and her body was turned away from me. To me, this expresses her disagreement with my opinions and that she was not giving my ideas a single thought. Furthermore, her face was concentrated on an object to my right rather than at me, also conveying an upset facial expression. Afterwards, I stopped talking to her, because I knew she was not opening up to what I had to say; I just let the boss deal with her. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Communication Is A Multi Channel Process I See What You Say In the academic paper "Communication Group Structure and Process", Ray L. Birdwhistell states that "communication is a multi–channel process." This implies that the auditory channel process is only part of the deal. Indeed, the importance of the various non–verbal channels is pointed out in Birdwhistell's belief that "probably no more than 30 to 35% of the social meaning of a conversation or an interaction is carried by words." A few years earlier, in 1959, Edward T. Hall coined the term "the silent language" to describe nonverbal communication and direct significant attention toward the subject. The purpose of this paper is to examine the various types of nonverbal communication being displayed in the silent classic ... Show more content on ... It will be established that although arbitrary, ambiguous and abstract, nonverbal communication possesses undeniable importance and proves advantageous to those who know it (Scroggin). Physical appearance Physical appearance – hair, make–up, and clothing – comes to create a meaningful whole (Scroggin). Large–framed, muscular Burrows dresses up in a hat, vest and pants to exaggerate his masculine prowess to an extreme and represent the aggressive macho. By contrast, gentle Cheng Huan seems in various ways feminine. His robe is elaborate and shapeless, the body underneath appears androgynous in form. Frail Lucy wears a dress to highlight her function as both housekeeper and daughter. Her hair is untidy, presumably a byproduct of her constant chores; she has no time to care for her physical looks. Proxemics Hall, in The Silent Language, uses the term proxemics to stand for the way people communicate by their use of space in relation to other people and the structuring and of their territory. Hall identifies four distances that distinguish the kinds of interactions people have and the relationships they share during them: intimate distance (up to 18 inches), personal distance (18 inches to 4 feet), social– consultative distance (4 to 12 feet) and public distance (above 12 feet). The need for physical space differs depending on the culture, situation, and intimacy of the relationship, and communicates nonverbal messages as signs of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Nonverbal Communication Your nonverbal communication is a very important aspect when making a first impression. That's the thing with a first impression, you don't get a do–over. You want to be convincing of your confidence and know how during a job interview; as to why the employer should choose you, over anyone else. It's important that the messages you send with body sync with the verbal message you send. If they do not match, then that is where you get confusion and miscommunication between people. Below is a list of ten effective nonverbal communication tips. Review them before your interview and you should do just fine! 1) Eye contact: How interested or involved you are in the conversation is determined by the amount of eye contact you use. Eye contact is an essential part of someone's nonverbal communications, as well as their social behavior. The amount of eye contact you use can also be received as respect, confidence and social communication; which makes it very important to think of that in some cultures, eye contact can mean different things. In some cultures, maintaining eye contact can be a form or disrespect, versus in North America, eye contact is a viewed as honesty. 2) Facial Expression: The human face is an essential part when it comes to expressing nonverbal communication. You face acts as a window into your mind; it expresses countless emotions throughout the day. Facial expressions are considered to be generic through different cultures. It is important to remember to keep ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Strengths Of Strengths In Public Speaking My first strength in public speaking is my organization and preparation skills. I think that I am particularly skilled in creating and preparing a presentation that is straightforward and informational. I know how to effectively organize my presentation in such a manner that will appeal to my audience. In addition, I spend an ample amount of time preparing for my presentation. However, there is definitely room for improvement. I need a bit more practice in trying to make my presentations more concise. For example, I used to present to high school students on financial literacy. Initially my presentations were too long, but as my presentations progressed they were shorter while still retaining important information. I would like to hone this skill as much as I possibly can. My next strength in public speaking is my eye contact. I am able to face my audience and express positive nonverbal communication by maintaining eye contact and giving my audience my undivided attention. Interestingly enough, I feel that sometimes my eye contact can be too excessive in the sense that I look around too much. I was told of this by one of my friends while I did a presentation on the civil rights movement. I can strive to improve this strength by learning how to hold eye contact longer with certain individuals as opposed to constantly looking around. This may be a bit uncomfortable to me, but I intend to challenge myself to attempt it. Another strength is my voice projection. I believe that I ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Personal Space And Understanding Of Proxemics The use of personal space and understanding of proxemics is something that humans do not arrive in the world with at birth and, depending on the culture a child is born into, observance/adherence of these factors can vary greatly. In the grand scheme of life, behavior in people is learned and with humans, that often begins with the bond between a child and their caregiver(s). At this point, a sense of personal space and an understanding of proxemics are non–existent in infants. In an ideal setting, child–rearing is an intimate interaction and the bond that develops during the formative years of infancy and adolescence is a key juncture where proxemics begins to take shape. As children move through these years, they learn about the varying degrees of proxemics through modeled behaviors, interactions with others, caregiver insight, and personally developed levels of comfort with ones' self. As the subtle nuances of proxemics are modeled, learned, and replicated by children, violation valences come into play and eventually form the basis for the many social interactions that define the world of adults. In this paper, the focus has been placed on individuals of the United States and, as such, it raises the following questions and attempts to answer them: How are learned rules about personal space from childhood shaped during adolescence, where are those rules applied to within cultural proxemic expectations, and why these two factors interact and/or influence violation ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Communication Is Important For All Aspects Of Human... "The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe." (Berger, 8.) I have a six year old sister and three year old brother. The distance between us while I am away at school was daunting to understand at first, since I am accustomed to seeing them every day. By using computer mediated communication I am able to see the little things that you miss while being away. (Like the rainbow fish construction my sister did after school, or my brother's new Power Rangers move he's been perfecting.) Communication is something that is necessary for all aspects of human interaction, however what happens when you are forced to use different means of communication to represent what you are trying to say? To be discussed in this essay is: CMC, verbal, and nonverbal communication and their relation to how we make decisions when we are exposed to new types of language. Consequently, one can observe how those decisions are based on a lack of language which directly affects communication. A modern type of language that is predominant in modern society is computer mediated communication. Which implements the use of abbreviations, emoticons, and devices which take the physical boundaries of communication away and allow participants to communicate through said devices. Particularly, the millennial generation relies heavily on emoticons to represent a certain emotion or symbolize something else. In the case of abbreviations, words like "LOL", "TBH", "OMW" ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Guess Whose Coming to Dinner Movie Review and Analysis of Communication Styles of the Characters Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a 1967 Academy Award–winning comedy–drama film starring Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poitier, Katharine Hepburn, and Katharine Houghton. The main characters: Sidney Poitier – Dr. John Wade Prentice Katharine Houghton – Joanne 'Joey' Drayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Drayton Katharine Hepburn – Christina Drayton, wife of Matt Drayton Spencer Tracy – Matt Drayton Other Characters include Monsignor Mike Ryan, family friend of Mr. and Mrs. Drayton, their maid Tillie and Mr. and Mrs. Prentice, parents of Dr. John Wade Prentice. Plot Summary and Overall Non– Verbal Indicators The movie concerns Joanna Drayton, a ... Show more content on ... Scene Scene between Hillary, Dr. Prentice and Joey at the gallery. Kinesics Initially Hilary maintains a neutral expression, then one of astonishment and finally becomes a condescending one. All of these show a closed expression. Oculesics Hillary greets Joey cordially and then she looks suspiciously at Dr. Prentice with raised eyebrows throughout the conversation. Eye gaze was one of suspicion and smile was fake. Haptics No handshake , no social warmth in the interaction Proxemics Within 3ft.  indoor conversation Appearance Hillary is dressed professionally Paralinguistics / Vocalics Hillary's tone is initially cordial, then overt curiosity and finally disapproving. Her pitch is of medium intensity. Her words are measured and precise. Conversation is initially smooth and then terse, uncomfortable and jerky. Positive gestures Hillary has a fake smile as Dr. Prentice and Joey exit the gallery. Scene Dr. Prentice calls up his parents from Matt's study Kinesics Dr. Prentice has a very stiff and nervous expression on his face. There is sweat on the forehead of Dr. Prentice during the crucial moment of the telephonic conversation Oculesics While speaking over the phone , Dr. Prentice always looks below as if thinking how to send the message across to his father Proxemics The receiver held tightly over the ears Appearance Dr. Prentice is dressed formally Paralinguistics / Vocalics The voice of Dr. Prentice is bit quivering. Scene Matt comes home from work ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Nonverbal Communication And Professional And Personal... Communication is a procedure in which individuals verbally or non–verbally share data and thoughts. Nonverbal communication can be best characterised as a quiet type of speaking with a man without utilising any type of discourse to get a crowd of people. Nonverbal communication is regularly used to make a statement of a however and make your message additionally engaging and intriguing to whom you are identifying with. There are numerous sorts of nonverbal communication utilised as a part of expert and individual environment so this segment offers a succinct outline of the significance of nonverbal communication in professional and personal environment. Miller (2005) gives a fairly oversimplified perspective of nonverbal communication as ... Show more content on ... (Neil and Caswell, 1993), the dominant part is done in a nonverbal way. With regards to nonverbal communication 55% of their weight to the speaker 's non–verbal communication and another 38% to the tone and music of their voice (Albert, 1971computer). Nonverbal communication can be adapted certainly before a kid starts the procedure of verbal communication (Miller, 1998). The parts of nonverbal activities are to help with the communication process in ways that basic verbalisation can 't care for words can alone have limits. Trehnolm and Jenses (2008) note that nonverbal activities can change and refine simultaneous verbal messages and manage the stream of communication. Likewise, Miller (2005) said that nonverbal communication incorporates outward appearances, eye contact, touching, manner of speaking, dress stance and spatial separation. Zoric, Smid et al (2007) the most exhaustive and exploratory has offered the categorisation of nonverbal communication: kinesics, oculesics, haptics, vocalics and proxemics. Kinesics originates from the word kinesis which is implied development, which alludes to hand, arm, body and face look. Some outward appearances are an indication of for the individual fulfilment with their expert or individual environment (Gukas et al., 2010). Though, a wrinkled temple means that outrage or disarray (Neill and Caswell, 1993). The automatic reflex of yawning means that weariness or weakness (Miller, 2005b). These are a percentage of the outward ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Is Nonverbal Communication Important? Essay Introduction Nonverbal communication plays a central role in every conversation. Eye contact, posture, and proximity determine how verbal communication is interpreted. Every culture has its own form of nonverbal communication that impacts the way a person is understood outside their homeland. Erin Meyer, an American writer, misinterpreted her audience in Japan because they were using a form of nonverbal communication she did not understand. Egypt's nonverbal communication differs from Australia's because each developed according to its perspective historical background. Communicating across cultures is complicated by differences in the unique norms of nonverbal communication found in different countries. Personal Space Space impacts architecture, music, art and makes up personal space that surrounds the body within a defendable distance. Personal space in the workplace is typically larger than in an intimate setting, and use of inappropriately small personal space with colleagues can lead to discomfort for everyone involved. The size of personal space depends on culture and some physical conditions. In India the personal space bubble is relatively small, whereas in Europe it tends to me much more expansive. Holding a long stick will typically expand personal space while carrying a heavy load will diminish it. If personal space is not an option, in a crowded elevator or subway car, virtual space will do. Smartphones provide a space that is controlled and uncluttered that ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Non-Verbal Communication and Western Culture While communication via spoken word constitutes a large part of everyday life, there is another type of communication that often goes overlooked. This other form of communication, known as nonverbal communication, is arguably used more frequently on an everyday basis than verbal communication (Knapp, 2013). Yet, rather than the use of spoken words, nonverbal communication revolves around displaying body language and other visual cues to communicate efficiently with others. Nevertheless, it should be noted that while non–verbal communication can be an effective way of expression, it can also be misinterpreted or go undetected at times. Through an in–depth analysis of the literature, there is the common belief that gender differences exist in relation to nonverbal communication (Hall, 1979) In general, this paper touches on the gender differences witnessed through the sense of touch, the study of proxemics and kinesics, as well as through encoding and decoding abilities. While there is no definitive reasoning behind these differences, the research attempts to explain these variations in terms of social power and dominance. Specifically, the potential cause for these discrepancies may lie in the fact that men tend to perceive themselves as the dominant members of society, while women in turn accept their inferior status (Briton, 1995). For within the areas of nonverbal communication mentioned above, men tend to display more aggressive, territorial behaviors while women are ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay on Between the Lines: The Importance of Nonverbal... Between the Lines: The Importance of Nonverbal Communication The symbols we use to communicate are the vital fabric that holds human society together. Every day, billions of people around the globe use a plethora of symbols to relay information, exchange ideas, and solve problems. When these symbols are used in an effective way, they can change how someone views life, rouse people to a common cause, or infuse emotions and ideas into those that can understand. But what kind of symbols am I referring to? Most would think that I speak of verbal, oral, and textual symbols, and, to a certain extent, they are correct. But there are other symbols that many do not pay much attention to, symbols that speak between the lines of normal conversation ... Show more content on ... When I meet somebody for the very first time, my impression of them before they speak is made largely on how they look. During that period, questions such as "is he/she well dressed or well groomed?" or "is his/her apparel appropriate?" usually cross my mind; while I know that my rapid assessment of a person by appearance is by no means fair, accurate, or thorough, it nonetheless a powerful factor in first time impressions that gives some insight into a person. As a result of this, I change my appearance depending on what is deemed appropriate by the social situation. If I am attending a formal lecture or seminar, for example, I definitely would not throw on a T–shirt and jeans, as it would be deemed inappropriate by those attending. Rather, I would suit up for the occasion and wear something more formal. On a similar note, it would be both outrageous and impractical for me to attend a workshop or activity of some kind that demanded physical activity; the social circumstance deems it inappropriate and I would be sending a negative symbol. Another form of nonverbal symbols is proxemics. It is a form of nonverbal symbolism that pertains to "personal space"; more specifically, it deals with the physical distance between a person and the individual that he/she is interacting with. That is not to say each individual has but one boundary; on the contrary, the average person has several, ranging from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Essay Nonverbal Communication of the Breakfast Club Shane Seemann The Nonverbal Club The Breakfast Club is such an interesting movie to use with this topic. The wide range of characters allows for a variety of different interactions. The way we are going to approach this, is to look at each character and examine the different interactions between. Let us first start off with some good examples of Physical Appearances and Artifacts, or the personal objects we use to announce our identities, interests and backgrounds. Our appearance includes everything from our body type to our hair style to our skin color to eye color to height. (Orbe & Bruess, 2005) We have five characters, all representing a possible cliques in high school. We have Andy, the clean cut jock; neat blonde hair, ... Show more content on ... The fact that he took drugs and a knife to school tells us that he doesn't care about his education or feel that it is worth his time. Although, Bender giving his sunglasses to Brian really warmed my heart. It showed that Bender had kind of taken a liking to Brian. Who probably took a lot of confidence from it as demonstrated by the relaxed and confident demeanor he had after he put them on. Brian thought that if he could wear glasses like Bender did, that he would become a little more like him. One last thing about Artifacts, and I hate writing about the end of the movie in the middle of a paper, but when Allison takes a patch off of Andy's letterman jacket, it warmed my heart a little. Her taking the patch, meaning that by taking this artifact from him, no matter the social restrictions, they would always have the bond they created that day. Now let us discuss Proxemics. Proxemics, or the way we use space to communicate (Orbe & Bruess, 2005) is shown right away in the film, when Andy sits down next to Claire and away from the other students. Obviously they are more comfortable sitting next to each other because they are closer in the social pyramid. About a half an hour into the movie, after the scene where the group starts whistling, it shows another good example of Proxemics. All of the characters are bundled up in the front area of the class, all except Allison. She is still sitting in the back of the room. This speaks to her resistance to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Importance Of Appearance In Nonverbal Communication Appearance plays an important role in non–verbal communication: Appearance assumes an imperative part in non–verbal correspondence. Garments, cosmetics, adornments, haircut, selection of hues and regalia generally offer signs identifying with individual's singularity, status, riches, occupation and even engaging quality. Research on shading brain science has exhibited that distinctive hues can summon diverse states of mind. Appearance can likewise modify physiological responses, judgments and understandings. Simply think about all the unpretentious judgments you rapidly make about somebody in light of his or her appearance. These early introductions are imperative, which is the reason specialists propose that activity searchers dress properly for interviews with potential bosses. Individuals we find alluring are seen as more sound, amiable, effective, fascinating, delicate, kind and well known. In any case you need to recall that framing generalizations in light of other individuals' physical attributes and engaging quality may prompt false suppositions and correspondence obstructions. Now we will discuss how nonverbal communication is effective: Nonverbal correspondence is extremely viable in the business when pioneers manual for their colleagues with utilized of nonverbal correspondence. Pioneers are utilized the signal ,eye to eye connection ,non–verbal communication with the goal that group will be more comprehend the correct circumstance or different results . ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Intimate Distance: Intimate Distance Intimate distance (0–18 inches) is the nearest space around our body, it is reserved for an intimate person like family members, kids, partner in a relationship, etc. This space often come with tender feelings between two people, because it referred to the feels like love or completely conversely – to fight with someone and be aggressive. In some cases, people accept the presence of another person in his/her intimate distance, but on the other hand they can feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed. The first example is meeting with friends. This relationship is close, we are feeling comfortable and relaxed, accompanied by well know person. Eye contact is always keeping, we are still looking at the eyes of our partner and that means there are sympathy and intimacy. The topics of the conversation between this person are private like our emotions, situations from daily routine, problems, weakness, etc. They trust each other so the dialogue are outspoken. We must not lack the touch, which is one of the determinant of the intimate distance. People who keep close can hug, caress or kiss, this is the signal they strongly like ... Show more content on ... It is still possible to touch someone or grasp, this "bubble" is similar to the intimate distance, but rather reserved for the family or friends than to the siblings or partners. The main idea in this case is "the more you like someone – the closer you'll stand to him"( From:–body––distance.html). You must always remember about the golden mean of the spacing. For someone some distance between him/her and you can be good, but in some cases can evoke anger or restraint. Personal space orientation is really important to know their rules, otherwise at worst you can be seen as a pusher. Mark Knapp wrote also in his book about the territory which is also referred to the proxemics. He said that people have their own "untouchable space" depend on human ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay on Nonverbal Communication: A Notion to Motion A simple smile, a gazing stare, a firm hand shake or just an unpretentious hello are all forms of communication. While it is essential to the coexistence of the human race, communication is the one thing that is common amongst people of all cultures. Crapo (2013) explained that communication is transference of a philosophies and information from one person to another by ones actions, gestures, and words (Human communication, para.1). Although people use different avenues to express their thoughts and ideas, intercultural communication can be misconstrued when learning to understand different customs. For example, in America, it is not unusual to be convinced that a smile represents happiness. On the other hand, in the Japanese culture, ... Show more content on ... Needless to say body language plays a large part in communicating. There are seven practices of nonverbal communication that are used to convey the messages to the person or persons of whom one is speaking. Crapo (2013) noted that kinesics and haptics are two types of nonverbal communication that are associated with body movement and touch. Although verbal communication is understood within one's own social group, the interpretation of body language can be a vitally imperative when establishing a connection with people of different nationalities. Safadi and Valentine (1985) described gestures as being "contextually linked, to the situation, and along with the interplay of body and facial movement and utterance, they together convey the speaker's intent" (pg.5). However there are some cross cultural hand gestures that can be misinterpreted in different regions of the world. For instance, to gesture okay in America, one would connect the thumb and the index finger in a circular shape with the other three fingers extended upwards. Conversely, in Arabian cultures, the same borrowed symbol can be interpreted as an obscenity referring to the evil eye. If an Arabic person were to use the okay gesture in another person direction while shaking, it symbolizes that the person receiving the gesture is being cursed (U.S. Army, 2006). On the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication I believe nonverbal communication has more meaning then most think. Non–verbal communication continues to be a significant factor contributing towards the day of our daily lives. In terms of the workplace as well as style in addition to cultural variations nonverbal communication plays a crucial role in these areas. It provides the use of the human's subconscious mind to put together some facial expressions, the hand also gestures the usage of the human's vocal tones which triggers a kind of excellent communication in the case used at the proper fashion. For instance, when parents work with nonverbal communication to infant kids that are not even acquainted with spoken dialogue itself when efficient this may produce a kind of assurance to those infants that might, in turn, respond to the idea in a significantly good fashion. But there are additional symbols which many people don't spend attention very much to, symbols which talk in between the lines of regular chat and imply feelings, ideas, thoughts, and attitudes that remain unspoken. These kinds of symbols, known as nonverbal symbolic communication, are encountered, and employed by every one of us. Nevertheless, the most typical ones which others have utilized to speak with me – and the other way around – are haptics, proxemics, appearance, and body language. Body language is arguably the most influential type of nonverbal symbolism. For instance, a wild hand gesture can symbolize euphoria or stress, while a gradual ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Nonverbal Communication NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION JOB INTERVIEW These are ten non–verbal communicators that say a lot about your person and/or develop positive/negative first impressions. First impressions cannot be taken back so it is important to make a good one the first time around. These are some tips you can use to make sure your interview ready and to make sure you give off a good first impression Clothing – The way you dress says a lot about your character, this is why people say "dress for success". If you are nicely put together in formal clothing the interviewer is more likely to have a positive impression and take you more seriously. If someone is dressed unsavory the more likely they are to give off negative nonverbal communication. Facial expressions – Make sure your facial expressions match the type of outcome you want to receive. If you look unimpressed or look like you don't want to be there, your facial expressions will show this. Try to look positive, optimistic, and like your wanting to be there. This could be as simple as looking at the employer with a slight smile. Try not to show any negative non–verbals, even if the next question they ask you throws you off guard. Gestures – Gestures like nodding or agreeing ques will signal to the employer that you are actively involved in the conversation and following along. This is important because you want to show that you are listening to what the employer has to say. However, showing too many hand gestures and body gestures while ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Nonverbal Messages And Its Effect On Communication Essay Two people are having a conversation in which one person is talking and asking questions while the other remains silent or gives her/him the "silent treatment." Topics covered in scenario; Spatial Messages, Eye messages, Encoding skills, Decoding skills Script for skit; Gabe; Alright, so today as a group we are going to demonstrate the nonverbal messages involved in silence, how it affects communication, and show the proper way to handle a situation in which the other person is giving the "silent treatment" (Travion sits and Connor proceeds to try to talk to Travion) Connor: So, how was your day today? Travion: (Silence) Connor: ...Ok, well my day was pretty boring if you want to know. I ended up studying for my finals and watching Netflix. Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact) Connor: Is everything alright? Is there something bothering you? Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact + arms crossed) Connor: Ok, what's wrong? Why are you not talking to me all of a sudden? Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact + arms crossed) Connor: Did I do something wrong? Talk to me... Travion: (Silence + avoiding eye contact + arms crossed) Alivia; So as you can see by this demonstration, the silent treatment is a very damaging relationship strategy that hurts both people involved. – If the silent treatment is taken too far, it can actually be seen as emotional abuse – Also, silent treatment is known to be one of the most common warning signs of relationship problems because ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication, unlike verbal communication, is often unintentional and easily misconstrued. Nonverbal communication follows a set of unwritten rules, which vary by culture and society. Many societies greet one another with a kiss on the cheek or a hug, while in American society, it's normal to shake one's hand, if that. While some cultures value intimacy, closeness and personability, American nonverbal "rules" rely greatly upon personal space and privacy. Because of this, when asked to violate and analyze one of these rules, I selected proxemics, or personal space. Proxemics are a tricky subject. In most communication, specifically something like personal space, context is always key. For instance, being within one's "bubble" while waiting in line for the cafeteria is much more acceptable than being within that range whilst asking for directions to the nearest bathroom. This can make communication complicated, as some people have less regard for their space than others. However, it can also clarify certain messages. For instance, if you're on a date with someone and they stand really close to you, that could be a sign that things are going well. Personal space, as described by Edward T. Hall, can be broken up into four regions. These regions consist of: intimate distance (~6–18 inches), personal distance (~1.5–4 feet), social distance (~4–12 feet) and public distance (~12–24 feet). It is most acceptable in our society to remain somewhere in the ~4–12 foot range ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Description Of The Client : Age Or Sex? Essay Student: Joseph Bogle Date: 11/21/16 Clinical Instructor: Lorena Fluentes Client's Initials: K.K. Unit: Locked Current Legal Status (Vol, 5150, 5250, 30 days, T–Con, LPS–Conservatorship): 5150 Psychiatric Diagnosis: 1. Description of the client: Age? Sex? Ethnicity? Marital Status? What precipitated hospitalization? Number of days in the hospital? Mental Status, etc. Client is an 48y/o African American male. He was recently divorced, and has been admitted DTS for psychosis and suicidal ideation. He is oriented x3–4. Displays good insight and sound judgment. Very non– confrontational attitude and behavior. He was admitted after a suicide attempt by his daughter. He has been in this facility for three days after being transferred from the ER after He tried to overdose with pills. When prompted to speak about his family, client became very withdrawn and secretive. When prompted to speak of his experiences, he gladly shares stories. He loves animals especially cats, and to occupy his time he enjoys reading books (the bible) and watching movies. Claims to have no prior history of smoking or substance abuse. 2. Description of environmental setting where interaction took place. Explain the reasons for a supportive or non–supportive environment. (e.g. noise, distractions, light, temperature, etc.) The meeting took place in the activity room. While the environment was rather loud and unfocused, K.K. stated that ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Seventh Shot Essay The first shot is a medium shot of the murderer because it captures him from the waist up. This shot is taken at eye level because the camera seems to be placed at the subject's height. Since the film is black and white, the lighting is moderate high key and high contrast. The bright colors are not washed out. The depth of focus is deep because all three planes of focus, foreground, mid ground, and background, are equal in focus. The film speed is fast stock because there is very little light and it looks grainy. The camera movement used in this shot is tilt because it seems like the camera placed at a fixed point looking down. In this shot, the dominant contrast is the face of the murderer. His face is kind of pale so it immediately draws ... Show more content on ... The lighting is moderate high key and high contrast. The depth of focus is deep. The film speed is fast stock. The camera movement used in this shot is dolly because it seems like the camera is placed parallel to the dominant and it moves sideways. In this shot, the dominant contrast is back of the murderer. He is at the center of the frame and his coat is slightly darker than his surroundings. Therefore, he stands out. The subsidiary contrast is the back of the mother because her dark coat catches your attention. The shot appears to be in open form because the shot looks random and not staged. He is standing on a sidewalk outside a shop and not posed in a tightly controlled setting. The density of the shot is loose because there's a lot of open space in the frame and he is free to move around. The character proxemics is personal. The mother is grabbing her daughter. The murderer is at a social distance. The characters are placed at different positions. The murderer is placed at three quarter turn. He turned mostly away from the audience. The mother and the young girl are placed at full turn. They have their back toward the camera. The composition of the frame is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Expectancy Violation Theory (Paper Rough Draft) Expectancy Violation Theory (Paper Rough Draft) Expectancy Violation Theory, or more commonly referred to as EVT, is the study of attempting to explain one's reactions to unexpected behavior of their peers, and the various meanings that people attribute to the violation, or infringement, of their personal space. Judee Burgoon defines personal space as the invisible, variable volume of space surrounding an individual that defines that individual's preferred distance from others. I will explain to you the communication phenomenon of EVT, theories, behaviors and context of EVT, as well as how to apply them. Expectancy Violations theory was created by Judee Burgoon in 1978. Since that time, Burgoon and a number of her associates ... Show more content on ... This area includes behaviors such as observing facial characteristics, embracing, touching, or whispering. In situations where this space is invaded, such as in an elevator, people usually don't make eye contact with other, much rather stare at a wall or a ceiling to avoid the awkwardness, or the invasion of the intimate space. ––––go more in detail here–––– The second stage is the Personal distance, which is 18 inches to 4 feet, and is generally for good friends and family. This area can be described as close as holding someone's hand, and out to arms reach of a person. Most relationships with friends or family are spent within this area. The farther point of the 4 foot area is usually for those engaged in an interpersonal conversation, but for less personal interactions. ––––go more in detail here–––– Next is the Social distance, or 4 to 10 feet. This area is considered to be the more of a formal relationship zone. The closer end of the spectrum is reserved for those in a casual social gathering. Within the 10 feet, you can still hold a conversation at a normal tone and voice level, but can have distance. ––––go more in detail here–––– Lastly is Public distance, which is 10 feet and beyond. The Public distance can be described as the public distance, giving you plenty of space between the message sender and receiver. In this distance, effective communicators adjust their nonverbal behavior to conform to the communicative rules of their ... Get more on ...