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Inaugural Event
Digital Catapult Centre, 101 Euston Road, London, 11 March 2015
Executive summary Slide 3
What happened Slides 4-13
What was discussed / produced Slides 14-29
Annex: presentations and notes Slides 30-122
Executive summary
Around 100 experts in the field of personal
data, privacy and trust met at the Digital
Catapult Centre to
• Learn about the purpose and aims of the
• Hear perspectives from industry on the key
• Hear examples of the world-leading research in
this topic that has been conducted in the UK
over the last few years
• Identify the most important priorities for the
network …
• … and make a start on determining how the
network would address them
Priorities identified were:
• How can we share best practice?
• What are the implications of digital social
• How should we deal with (EU) regulation?
• How can consent in pervasive environments
best be managed?
• Who owns the rights to use personal data?
Groups worked to begin to answer these questions:
their work is presented in this document
There was great energy in the room from
participants representing many different types of
organisation, and a clear commitment to work
What happened Slides 4-13
Read the slide headings to get an overview in 30 seconds
Andy and Matt welcomed delegates
Andy Green briefly explained the role of the Catapult and the
centres around the UK (Sunderland, Bradford and Brighton),
and stressed the significance of the personal data and trust
He said there was an opportunity for network members to
gain insight from each other and contribute to greater
Matt Stroud explained the genesis of the network, and its role
in helping to unlock value for multiple parties from personal
He explained how the network drew together members with
multiple perspectives on the issues
What we need is for the
innovators in the room to
come together and
contribute new ways to
think about the issues
There are practical
issues here – but
also ethical issues
See slides 31-37 for more detail
Jon introduced Alex Craven who presented professional
and personal perspectives on personal data and trust
Jon Kingsbury ran through the agenda, and pointed out that the
room contained representative of a world-class research base,
businesses (innovative, data-focused SMEs and larger companies
for whom the issue was becoming more important, and professional
services companies working in this area), policy makers, public-
sector organisations and trade associations in multiple sectors
Alex Craven spoke about how ad agencies increasingly make use of
personal data in their work, and about the potential for measurable
public good in its use.
He spoke about how he believed that there could be a way to give
individuals proper control over the use of their data. His idea is
called “Our Data Mutual”
Privacy is dead …
we must move on
See slides 38-53 for more detail
Rav spoke about his work with banks, and the
approach taken by corporations to data and trust …
Rav spoke about “conduct risk” and compliance
with regulations – including the impact this is
having on systems and processes
He said the issues faced were similar in other
big companies with huge volumes of data, and
said they are pretty good at managing data
He said that big financial services companies
and their consultants don’t have all the bright
ideas, and that he hoped the network would help
build consensus and also a critical mass of
I’m not sure how the market is
turning – it’s like a kids’ football
match … we are all chasing
the ball wherever it goes
See slides 54-55 for more detail
… and Jon led a discussion of the main issues arising
from these presentations
Questions and discussion points range
across many topics:
• Personalised online advertising and mashups
of multiple data sets
• Trust frameworks
• Making sense of ‘big data’
• Examples of the use of personal data for good
• Language used within the network
• Privacy and EU regulations
• Who owns ‘personal’ data?
• The special case of health data in specific
See slides 15-21 for more detail
After a networking lunch, delegates heard about funding
opportunities from Innovate UK competitions …
Jon explained that much public funding was based
around collaboration; he promoted the KTN’s Digital
Business Briefing, and three colleagues spoke briefly
about their competition-based funding programmes:
• Jonny Voon – Protecting data in industry looking at
digital disruption (cyber attacks) – opening 31
March (GBP4 million)
• Tom Fiddian – Enhancing user experience using
personal data opens 16 March; a feasibility design
study (GBP2M)
• Agata Samojlowicz – Enhancing user experience in
retail (up to GBP4M two-stage collaborative R&D)
opens 16 March
… and heard three presentations on personal
data research
Jerome Ma explained the purpose of the
Research Council’s Digital Economy theme, and
introduced thee speakers from the digital
economy research hubs:
• Derek McAuley (Horizon Digital Economy
Research Institute)
• Paul Watson (SiDE Hub)
• Pete Edwards (dot.rural Digital Economy
They gave thought-provoking details of some of
the personal data and trust issues of their
research work
See slides 56-113 for more detail
I can tell if you
didn’t have a
shower this
Sometimes giving people more
control over the use of their data
might increase their personal risk
Rural bus service
planning might result in
individuals being traced
Groups then thought about how they might work together
on specific priority issues …
The initial five priority areas identified were:
1. Sharing best practice
2. Digital social innovation
3. Dealing with (EU) regulation
4. Consent in pervasive environments
5. Who owns the rights to use the data
Groups note down key points from their
See slides 22-29 for more detail
… and briefly fed back their discussions to
all delegates
Sharing best practice
• Objective models of risk; voluntary certification
Digital social innovation
• There is a “pyramid of trust”
Dealing with (EU) regulation
• Let’s make use of it – there are good bits
Consent in pervasive environments
• It’s not informed, and it’s not consent
Who owns the rights to use the data
• It’s complicated!
See slides 22-29 for more detail
Matt explained possible next steps for the network
and thanked participants for their work
Jon said he felt the day had generated some very
interesting debate. He said there were two ways to
take this conversation forward:
• The website
• Sharing personal contact details (delegates would be
emailed to ask if they were happy to share their details)
Jon said he had realised there was a very large
cohort of people that really understand the issues
and the technicalities of the issues
Matt closed by saying where the network might go
from here. He said there were several things that
might happen:
• Future regular meetings – quarterly? And thematic
meetings – around the country; may use the National
Virtual Incubator (teleconferencing facility); he asked if
anyone might like to host a meeting
• Digital presence (website, a quarterly digital journal)
• Community interest groups – vertical or horizontal, e.g.,
a privacy working group (or security or psychology) –
who might want to lead or get involved?, and a PIMS
provider forum
• Grow the membership base – writing papers and
working with the media, as well as spreading the word
within relevant organisations
• Other? Suggestions please
See slides 114-122 for more detail
What was discussed / produced Slides 14-29
Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [1]
Q: Advertising and big data – where is the cutting edge of personal data use?
A: [Alex] It’s personalised advertising online (e.g., mashing online activity data with datasets from Experian for instance).
This sort of thing is diverting advertising revenue from traditional channels
Q: What about IoT? We are all becoming generators of our own data – is this a service provider data gold rush? And what
are the killer apps?
A: It should be a gold rush – but the trust framework needs to be in place first
Q: Fintech Innovation Lab – how many innovations are coming here that are geared around mining personal data?
A: [Rav] I haven’t seen many … but … personal data has always been there – what’s changed is the way the data can be
captured, and quantified. But there’s too much, it’s fractured and siloed. This creates opportunities for arbitrage between
data silos, for the consumer and for organisations. The big game-changer is when companies work out how to use this
data in different ways to create and sell products. One of the biggest issues we have is the capture of social media data;
social media is highly qualitative and you need to interpret it to use it. We need to have a discussion about trust that looks
at this. The next killer apps will be those that make sense of qualitative data (literally “making sense of it”, and making use
of the data – e.g., predictive analytics, statistics)
Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [2]
Q: We run digital service for academics; Alex’s examples are a good example of why consent doesn’t work (installing
cookies … mortgage applications – of course stop sending me information on mortgages when I already have one!) – so
there are some things that should be “never do”; some that are “of course do it”; and some that are in the middle. I have
no problem with finding this in proposed or current European legislation – so what we need to do is identify what things fit
into which category – I like the idea of a “mutual” doing this
Response: Do you think there are organisations or services that get it right?
A: Learning analytics (e.g., can a university improve its education to students by identifying students it could help in a
different way?; or providing federated access management – a service provider doesn’t need to know all the details of a
student to grant access to specific applications in specific ways
Q: I campaign in this area. An appeal: be precise about language. The EU legislation is data protection not privacy
legislation. I am concerned about the way we are talking about privacy – it is a fundamental human right and needs to be
respected. In trying to frame how people can come to trust institutions and companies, a balance of consensual, safe and
transparent things must be arrived at – this varies by context. But all three must be addressed – for control and
understanding what that control actually is. Many of us here are tackling very difficult but not intractable problems. To find
mutual benefit we must recognised that this is inherently wrapped up with “privacy” – though definitions of privacy are
subjective and can’t be easily predicted
Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [3]
Q: You say EU frameworks won’t work – what does this mean? I think it will (EU Directive 95 etc).
A [Alex]: Doing this top down is fundamentally wrong – we need data protection and you can’t have trust if it’s mandated
from the top down; if it’s my data, then I want to say how it’s used. The EU should not say how it can be used. The
principle is wrong and there should be no one-size-fits-all European decision. But there is no alternative being put up
against the EU way
Comment: There is a publication “The Lord of The Things” – when data is “ours”, are we just “stakeholders” in our data?
Q [“Patients Like Me”]: We should think about things at a community level – you can see some really interesting things on
sharing personal data in the health sector. Patients Like Me is one of many similar groups / communities online doing the
“quantified self” – sleep patterns, blood pressure etc …increasingly YouTube channels are created as well “like
embarrassing bodies”! Very useful and informative
A: Lowering the cost and inertia of signing up to things like this is important
Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [4]
Q: Thinking about the Tesco diabetes thing – what is the appetite from banks etc for sharing of data for social good?
A [Rav]: They know about life events. Typically, if you are going to divorce, the party you are divorcing changes spending
patterns a year before it happens. Financial services organisations, if they choose to, can know more about you than
Tesco because they can match more types of data – and they can link family bank accounts etc; Tesco doesn’t do this.
Banks also have many years’ of data (they have to keep it for legal reasons). They can profile customers to a frightening
degree. Most financial services organisations choose not to do this because their customers don’t want them to. There are
strict guidelines about this … but they could do an awful lot more than they do. For the social good of mining this data –
leveraging a small amount of my data – I don’t think it would be a problem, but it must be driven by the customer, banks
can’t do I themselves
Q: I don’t believe there’s no need for regulation – it’s essential. In Europe we have two fundamental rights – privacy and
data protection – you can’t get away from this. But we are thinking only of personal data here. I live in a multi connected
world: there are types of data all over the place that might impact on my privacy – it’s not enough to think about personal
data alone. So how do we deal with privacy in a context-based way? We need to find a way to help people protect their
privacy. There has been work on “meaningful consent” at Southampton University and elsewhere – how do we get the
work out of the lab into peoples’ hands?
Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [5]
Point: I have an app that can track my emotional state using my phone. I can’t see a way beyond individuals being
responsible for their own data and privacy – I don’t trust any privacy network – people click to give consent, but they don’t
know where the data goes – they must know this
Point [Patient Opinion]: The language at today’s meeting has been all consumerist. We are treating trust as a black box,
but it varies a lot (there’s a difference between what trust means as a patient and as a consumer) – having a Mercedes is
different to having a heart attack. When you want something for yourself, that’s one thing; wanting something for the public
good is different – can the network address this aspect, and keep the distinction clear? There’s a danger of skewing
everything to the consumer angle.
A: Yes – it’s your network – we can do this if we want to – there is a whole range of interests represented in the room
included medical
Point: I manage Warwick University’s Hub of All Things – we address some of the issues that have emerged: our project
recognises the need for people to own their own personal data and manage its availability in different contexts, where the
value can be understood (e.g., retailers, healthcare, wholesale etc – to get different types of value). We are creating a tool
– we recognise the opportunities and challenges and we are looking to have 1000s of people collecting their data into a
Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [6]
Q: Loughborough University – speaking as consumer: do we need to be careful in assuming that trust is always good?
Alex’s point about mortgages hit home – anything that improves the process is good. I had to go online, search products,
do some sums, sit with an advisor, and I came out with different, better product. There are benefits of engaging fully like
this – if we trust automated solutions, we might cut out benefits of traditional personal interactions. Do we need a series of
nuanced approaches to trust / scepticism?
A [Alex]: What you describe is horrible – I don’t have time to do what you did. I want to do it quicker online. In my work I
want to do it my way; you can do it your way. There is an opportunity to do something in between too – and turn your trust
up or down
A [Rav]: We are on a journey here – it’s not going to change overnight – and it’s a generational thing
Q: Let’s get the data owner back in the picture. There are billions of data creators facing a handful of big brands. Normally
when you own something, you can sell it for money. How can the individual get a share of the value of their data?
A: Yes – the Data Mutual can only be funded that way – like a Tesco Clubcard
Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [7]
A [Rav]: But what is the currency? Not everything is monetisable. Data is everything to do with you: it’s not just you, it’s the
wider context – so where does the value get created? It’s not just because of your data, it’s because of the context of that
data (that you don’t own)
Point [Governor Technology (Richard Beaumont)]: We have learned how nuanced the decisions are that websites make
when using personal data. Consent and control plays a lot in trust (as does accountability) – it all needs being lined up to
give strong trust and a strong economy, especially if you want it to be fair
A [Rav]: One of the network’s fundamental challenge is about data literacy: generations are coming through that aren’t
aware of what is data, privacy and trust. So let’s go to the grass roots – e.g., cookie caches – there is a whole subset of
society that is completely data-unaware. If we can address this, that would be a big step forward, I suggest
Group 1: Sharing best practice
• Best practice must be user-centric – user control; instead of
common standards, it can involve certification and
• Best practice looks at objective models of risk; risk is very
hard to quantify for individuals, and for people doing risk
assessment, but there are commonalities across
• Common risk models could be identified, with common
mitigations – this can be a good way of sharing best
• Along with this we propose voluntary certification
Group 2: Digital social innovation [1]
• What are the principles you need to operate by to
generate trust? Here’s out trust pyramid: we are
trying to get to being trustworthy (not trusted)
• The building blocks are user empowerment in the
process: transparency, and accountability or
power to remove data – this is a remedy
• There are operational principles that companies
must adhere to: ‘security by design’, ‘privacy by
default’, and other things: open business model
(be clear about how money is going to be made)
and data minimisation (important in the big data
era) …
Group 2: Digital social innovation [2]
• … we know we can’t keep data secure, so we must work to minimise the data that we keep; and be
clear that there is no covert tracking or profiling going on
• The most interesting discussions we had on our trust pyramid were those to do with “remedy” – is
removal of data really empowering? And ultimately how ‘validatable’ is all this?
Group 3: Dealing with (EU) regulation
• The bad stuff in the regulations will hit us anyway, so
how do we make the best of the good stuff?
• Two things are “privacy by design” and “privacy
impact assessments” – they could be positive tools to
encourage people to trust us. We could present these
in citizen-friendly ways
• Also, if you think that consent doesn’t fit your
application, there are five other things allowed
Group 4: Consent in pervasive environments [1]
• Informed consent problems: it’s not informed; and it’s not consent
• The consumer doesn’t know what’s going on or understand risk,
costs or benefits of giving consent
• What we should do is “surprise minimization” – nothing that
happens should surprise the consumer
• You can’t consent if you don’t understand, so you must “empower”
users. It’s a dynamic process. People are willing to be fluid in data
exchange if feedback exists – something needs to support this
dynamic process, such as trust agents
• The main thing is to enable a “supported user” – with
Group 4: Consent in pervasive environments [2]
Group 5: Who owns the rights to use the data [1]
• You own the rights to your data (enshrined by Magna Carta). The
individual is a creator of data, so the individual should own it
• But data must be interpreted in some cases – e.g., by a doctor.
Sometimes you might not trust your GP, and you want access to your
own data not mediated by the GP
• Data is linked to community groups – data is collected within a
context. Using the data is not like consuming it; you need to protect
the access rights – and enforce this
• You must work out how enforcement can be managed – it’s complex.
Content protection? Authorities need rules, and the issues extends to
secondary and tertiary use of data – it’s easy to lose control. How can
you constrain the inheritance of the data and access rights across
multiple users? This could be controlled and enforced through
technology and enshrined in law
Group 5: Who owns the rights to use the data [2]
• You might want “authorised witness” – a notary –
certifying the data as yours. In the medical domain it’s
often a committee that certifies who can do what.
• There are differences of opinion about this, though – the
goals of research are evolving
• There is some more complexity – co-ownership of some
data. For example, consider a delivery driver who might
have stayed for hours at a pub. His car belongs to a fleet.
It might be a Ford (Ford might have rights). The payload
owner has rights / interests in what’s happening to the car
• We talked about taxonomy and ontology and instantiation
(because we are computer scientists)
Annex: Notes from presentations,
slides presented, and plenary discussions Slides 30-122
Notes from Andy Green’s opening talk
Andy Green stressed the significance of the personal data and trust issue – along with security, he said these were the two most
important issues facing the development of the digital economy
He said there was a spectrum of opinion on the issue of personal data and privacy – but the consensus is that only one or two bad
events would change the balance
He said the biggest brands understand the significance of dealing properly with private data – they are extraordinarily careful with this
data – it’s not a legal issue, it’s a consumer moral boundary issue. It’s complex issue, and there has been work on codes of practice –
but what we need is for the innovators in the room to come together and contribute new ideas and new ways to think about the issue.
The other side of the issue is about value - I get great value from people knowing about me; but I can see the importance of
protection too
Andy added that for the long term, the issue will lead to a big evolution of the Internet – we will have to rethink rights management. It’s
not easy – but we need to think about it… and work out some policies for it all
He concluded by saying that this network is a collaborative venture – and the area is important to lots of us here. He hoped that
people would find other to talk to, find customers and so on, and gain insight from each other by talking about, and understanding the
Notes from Matt Stroud’s talk
Matt explained why the network had been set up, by drawing a parallel with the development of the railways in Victorian times – the
real value generated then arose because of its enablement of other services; the Internet was very similar – and the data carried by
the Internet had already generated huge economic benefits
Private data was harder to unlock value from, though, because of the complexity around the different aspects of that data – personal
trust and legal and political, for instance
It was important for people with an interest in this area to get together and work out how we could look at the central challenges
around trust in the use of personal data. There are practical issues here – but also ethical issues (the data affects people)
The network created today draws together the academic community, SMEs and corporate enterprises: all have different, valuable
perspectives. The network is a physical and virtual environment for these groups to work together
Some issues are open innovation and collaboration (useful for corporates); SMEs can meet potential customers and research the
thought leadership from universities; academia can learn what the commercial world’s challenges are and find opportunities to
commercialise their work
He encouraged people to register as a member of the network
Purpose of the network
Dr Matt Stroud
Head of Personal Data & Trust, Digital Catapult
Personal Data and Trust Innovators Network:
The rationale
• The next growth of the Internet is likely to rely on the successful generation
and management of personal data. High levels of trust and confidence in
these data are a pre-requisite for successful new services, which have both
huge economic and social potential.
• The Personal Data and Trust Network, building on world-class research and
business insight, will help organisations to develop the next-generation of
personal data management, giving the UK clear advantages for consumers
and citizens.
Personal Data and Trust Network:
The Community
Universities Corporates
Benefits of membership….
Corporate benefits:
• Access to potential innovation partners
• Supports corporate open innovation programmes
• Gain insight to evolving market trends, capabilities and opportunities
• Visibility of academic research & innovation
SME benefits:
• Opportunity to meet and work with potential customers
• Opportunities to meet other innovation partners to further differentiate your product
• Visibility of and contribution to, cutting edge thinking
• Identification of commercially important problems
Academic benefits:
• Problem definition of commercially important problems
• Build research roadmap
• Partners to commercialise capabilities
Membership of the network is free.
So that we can best organize events, could you register @: or (in the “Get involved” section)
Personal Data and Trust Innovators Network:
Notes from Alex Craven’s presentation [1]
Alex runs an advertising agency and has trust issues – he spoke about his professional and personal issues
His agency uses individuals’ Twitter and other data, from advertisers and elsewhere as part of its work for ITV – there was a huge
amount of data. Twitter was a very large source of useful data – e.g., about the conversation that happens when the X Factor is
broadcast. There is real value and his clients and he makes money from it
Alex is a member of the Open Data Institute, and is thinking about how data can be used for good; for instance, analysis of Tesco
Clubcard data can identify potential diabetes sufferers two years before they present themselves – saving treatment costs worth a
huge mount of health service money; McKinsey reckons big data can save an enormous amount of healthcare money
But as a consumer he is less interested in the technology, and more interested in the trust issue
He sees lots of technology innovation, but where is the trust? He is trying to launch “Our Data Mutual” – and he presented briefly
about it. He made the point that banks protecting you from identity theft is for their own benefit, not yours
Ipsos Mori reported last year on public attitudes to trust (seen this) – Bloom has won a contract to do some research in this area; he
picked out some highlights from the Ipsos Mori report – including where trust was low (large companies) and that people could not
see the benefit of the use of much personal data by companies (or the state, or academia…)
Notes from Alex Craven’s presentation [2]
So how do we get trust into private organisations?
There are contradictions here: He made the point about people’s stated attitudes to trust and privacy, and their practice (e.g., with
how they use social media)
Alex said he felt we are at a crossroads – and this forum today is critical and must arrive at a consensus. Prohibition will not work. We
can’t go back. We can’t do nothing (it’s the wild west, and the only people benefiting are a few corporates) – society can benefit, and
we can do better
Privacy is dead – it never existed. We must move on, and we must do something. We need a trust framework that enables a market
to exist while giving individuals some control over the use of their data
Tesco clubcard can identify type 2 diabetes 2 years before you present
yourself to your doctors with symptoms – the rise of diabetes could bankrupt
the NHS within a generation
50% of global advertising spend is wasted - $250bn
Data can save 8% on US health care - $300bn *McKinsey
Our data opportunity
Keep me private
Don’t care £high
Only for good Don’t care
We can earn you ÂŁ947
Where is the trust?
Version 1 | PublicŠ Ipsos MORI
Version 1 | PUBLIC
Public attitudes to the use and sharing of their
Research for the Royal Statistical Society by Ipsos MORI
July 2014
Royal Statistical Society Ipsos MORI report finds ‘data trust deficit’
‘In particular, there may be big benefits to be had from data
sharing within government, but to get a public mandate
policymakers must be clear about the benefits and show how they
will safeguard individual privacy’
The Problem
Version 1 | PublicŠ Ipsos MORI
University researchers
Government-funded – 50%
Company-funded – 45%
Who provide public services –
For themselves – 36%
Who provide public services –
For themselves
Mentioning controls – 27%
No mention of controls –
A hierarchy of support for data sharing?
By whom For whom
But at this level
controls make no
If we are asked whether we are worried about privacy we are, yet we repeatedly
ignore this in our every day lives.
We want to receive the benefit of our data but we cant really be bothered to do
anything about it.
We assume we are being protected from abuse of our data but actually we are not.
We contradict ourselves
There is no going back – privacy is dead, in fact it never existed, move on..
EU regulation wont work
Wild west abuses the citizen and will eventually ‘eat itself whole’ fuelling the privacy
There is a huge opportunity but we wont realise it until we can establish trust
There is clear evidence for a requirement for new institutions to establish a trusted
Who’s data is it anyway?
Where is the trust?
Any questions? Please
Alex Craven
Notes from Rav Bain’s talk [1]
Rav advises banks on “conduct risk” – helping them conduct themselves better, and to reduce operational risks. Banks must comply
with lots of new regulation – an eyewatering amount. They spend billions on compliance, and there is a lot of data involved. Senior
executives will be held personally responsible for breaches of trust – so they must rely on their companies’ strong policies and
frameworks and systems; they have to trust their colleagues to do the right thing – and measure those colleagues!
There must be microscopic tracking and surveillance of trading-floor activity and branch activity. Rav mentioned MIFID and MIFID 2
regulations (governing the certain types of financial products) and having transparency of a trade before and after it happens. He said
to achieve this you need to rearchitect systems. It is a multi-dimensional prolem for banks
Organisations like the Personal Data and Trust Network will create a body of work that can be used by corporates – and not just
banks; telcos and other corporates that manage personal data or large amounts of data all have similar issues
Rav said that if you are made to do something about this you need to work out what you are going to do? We all agree that there
should be an appropriate level of regulation (and compliance with it)
He gave an example: think about data entering the banking system with a transaction (e.g., applying for a loan). Do you want this
data held forever? So how do you decide how to get rid of data at the right time? He said he was not sure how the market is turning –
it feels like kids’ football – we’re all chasing the ball wherever it goes
Notes from Rav Bain’s talk [2]
In defence of big corporates, Rav said they are pretty good at managing your data (though there are exceptions). A typical UK high
street bank has 8-15m customers – and they look after a lot of data. But we need to crack down on the exceptions. And we should
think in fresh ways about the issues
Big banks and other financial services companies and consultancies don’t have all the bright ideas – there are many ideas “out
there”. A network like this will not just build consensus but will build a critical mass of thinking. If we find Europe is more heavily
regulated on privacy, and we are quicker and more agile, then can we make this work for the UK?
Personal data and trust research
Personal Data and Trust Network Inaugural Event
Digital Catapult, London, Wednesday 11 March 2015
Jerome Ma
RCUK Digital Economy Theme
RCUK Digital Economy Theme
• >£150M since 2008; 400 user partners
• Co-creation approach (users, society, business and/or
• Interdisciplinarity is key
Rapidly realise the transformational impact
of digital technologies on the UK
DE Theme priorities:
2015 onwards
Trust, identity, privacy & security
What are the urgent challenges/questions?
Research roadmap
University Expertise
Aberdeen computational models of norms & trust
Birmingham applied criminology
information security management; cybercrime;
Cambridge systems for privacy preservation
politics and social issues of the creative & digital
City cloud security and trust; identity management
Edinburgh design informatics; big data ethics
defence and security; language-based computer
security and data analytics.
KCL computational models of trust & reputation
privacy; identity management, access control
models; reputation
Leeds digital identity
online trust, privacy, security & surveillance
issues; cyber-ethics.
Loughborough empathy and trust in online communication
user experience; cybersecurity, defence, critical
infrastructure protection
Nottingham personal data in media, services & products
Northumbria identity, trust & security in new social media
Oxford big data ethics; cyber security centre
Queens Belfast
trust, e-commerce; online buying behaviour
Southampton AI; autonomous systems; meaningful consent
Strathclyde internet law
UCL mobile systems; cybersecurity
novel service business models; attitudes
towards data security, trust & privacy
Wolverhampton online behaviour
Newcastle &
Wolverhampton Loughborough
UK PD&T research:
expertise & location
ÂŁ12M each (ÂŁ2M partnership funding)
dot.rural, Aberdeen
SocialInclusionDE, Newcastle &Dundee
Horizon, Nottingham
3 Digital Economy Research Hubs
Notes from Derek McAuley’s presentation [1]
Mac spoke about the work of Horizon, and the lifelong contextual footprint of a person – the digital traces created explicitly and
implicitly. He said there were opportunities and challenges in personal data and Horizon was exploring these through lots of projects
(of 9-12 months each). Topics are refined, but work is done in short bursts. He gave the example of “smart meters”– the data
collected and the privacy implications of knowing, per second, people’s energy usage and the implied knowledge that is created from
this (e.g., “I know you didn’t have a shower this morning …”)
Condition monitoring of domestic appliances would be good (and enabled by smart meters), but the privacy issue raises its head.
What will actually get deployed in the UK? Only once a day reading (or opt out to a minimum frequency of once a month, or opt into
once every half hour). But has the privacy issue been solved? No. And we’ve lost the ability to do some great applications.
In my view this is simple to resolve: it’s small data and it should be processed in isolation. The reason we have lost this great
opportunity is because of the privacy and the lack of value recognition. We need distributed computing to do this properly. Distribute
the code and the computation instead of doing “big data”. There is academic work that proves you can do distributed processing to
extract value without sending personal data to a single point
We also did work to evaluate the simplicity or otherwise of terms and conditions of usage, to examine what counts as “consent”. We
published work in 2013; analysed all the betting sites’ T&Cs and found you have to be 23 years old to understand
the English, let alone the legal position. This work was widely cited
Notes from Derek McAuley’s presentation [2]
Should we come up with T&C templates? Possibly. Government responded positively with the British Standards Institute.
Let’s see where that goes from here.
Final example – we have to teach people how to design these privacy and trust conditions into the products and services
they are designing. Ideation Cards (not a new idea) can be used here. In most design processes, data protection and
privacy isn’t high on the list of priorities – it is usually retrofitted at the end of the process. So we use ideation cards – a
location-based truancy tracker was an example design we thought about. There are lots of murky issues around that
service concept. Using the cards really helps people to think about them
What is “Legitimate Interest” – is it good enough that it’s “it’s legal”? Possibly not. There’s a Catch 22 about having to track
people to check that they don’t want to be tracked, for instance
Derek McAuley
11th March 2015
• What is/has Horizon been doing
• Three examples
– Technology
– Policy
– Design
• Topic de jour
The talk
The lifelong contextual footprint
• The footprint – the digital traces we create explicitly and implicitly as we go about
our everyday lives at home, at work and at leisure.
• The contextual – these digital traces enable personal technologies to infer our
activities and provide appropriate services.
• The lifelong – an inclusive digital society must consider how these digital
footprints are handled throughout our lives, literally from cradle to grave.
The opportunity
Broad range of applications, core topic:
“Lifelong Contextual Footprint”
Eye test - the current projects
Rollout across
UK by 2020
Readings once a
day, or opt in to
30 mins or opt
out to 1 month.
Privacy and smart meters
The way of small data: analyze at edge and then aggregate
• Privacy & performance & scalability
Data on the edge
Mainstream thinking: aggregate into cloud then analyze
Solve for voltages…
DAR [1]
[1] “Teletraffic Science”, ITC12. Elsevier,
Policy impact
May 2013
Luger, E., Moran, S., and Rodden, T. Consent for all: Revealing the
hidden complexity of terms and conditions. Proceedings of ACM
CHI2013: Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2687-2696).
Policy impact
May 2013 uses it
to rank T&Cs for betting sites!
Policy impact
March 2014
Written evidence to Social Media
Inquiry by Select Committee
Policy impact
June 2014
Verbal evidence to
Select Committee
Policy impact
Nov 2014
Report with strong
links to our input
Policy impact
76 Nov 2014
& The University of Nottingham
The design process
• Define/constrain design problems within broader problem space (Golembewski &
Selby, 2010)
• To surface human values (Friedman & Hendry, 2012)
• Support intra/inter-familial communication (Mackay, 2004)
• Encourage thought around security threats (Security Cards, Washington)
• Support use of creative methods within design process (IDEO)
• Support exploration of issues around online privacy (Privacy Game)
Ideation Cards in Use
Tracking Truancy
Truancy is a key problem in
urban deprived areas and is
costly to the state. The
commissioning body (govt
department) wants a
location-based social
'tracking' system that will
allow parents and teachers to'
track' truants. This system
makes use of location data.
Limited Connection
The system should be
able to operate with
Children and
Explicit Consent
Data should only be collected where a user
has been given information about the
nature of collection, and then specifically
and explicitly agreed to it.
The form of that information or how it is to
be delivered is not defined. Highlighting
risks to users and enabling
negotiation/withdrawal with the system
over data collection is a challenge.
Consent is also not a static concept either
(e.g. given once, does not mean forever).
Topic de jour
Notes from Paul Watson’s presentation [1]
We focus in our hub on those who are socially excluded – it could be up to 20% of the population, including the old, those
with disability, those without skills or jobs…
We felt that there was potential for digital technology to make a difference to the socially excluded. We have run many
projects over five years – and many of them have had a security or trust issue. I will pick three examples to show you that
illustrate things I have found:
Digital technologies can give insights as well as solutions: you get a view into people’s lives that you can use to solve
their problems. Trust of older people in technology is lower than it is for younger people, and this is an issue for
government as it moves services online. We explored, using clickstream analysis, how people navigate around websites; it
varies by age. We researched the nature of trust and how it relates to the Web. Older people’s trust is often based on
brand – we were able to test this through research. Eye-tracking technology was used to better design web pages that you
want people to trust. “Certification” of the brand on the web page is really difficult to do; web page design aesthetics were
more important than brand
Target socially excluded people: example of victims of domestic violence are often subject to abusers seeing what they
do online. Deleting search history etc is only partially successful because it arouses suspicion. You need to be much more
subtle than that – routines that selectively clear search history or weblogs etc.
Notes from Paul Watson’s presentation [2]
Design for scalability: this generates security issues. Example of healthcare and wearables; IT systems choice (the
cloud for no risk; internal IT for anything with risk – this inhibits cheap, fast, scalable service development). So partition
applications to make use of cloud resources – e.g., only send anonymous data to the cloud; keep attributed data internally
Create multidisciplinary teams – security, domain and systems experts, coproducing
Paul Watson
Newcastle University
The result of related factors
that prevent individuals or groups
from participating fully in the
economic, social & political life
of society
Social Exclusion
How can
Digital Technologies transform the
lives of excluded people &
Lesson 1: Digital technologies can give insights, as
well as solutions
Ex. Older people’s trust of the Web
Lesson 2. Target socially excluded people &
Ex. Victims of Domestic Violence
Lesson 3: Design for scalability
Ex. Healthcare
Read Patient
Write Results
A. Smith
p = 30%
q = 27.4
r = 34
l IT
Yes No
Read Patient
A. Smith
p = 30%
q = 27.4
r = 34
Or Can we Partition Applications?
Read Patient
Read Patient
Read Patient
Read Patient
New Method Generates secure
Partitioning options:
Lessons we’ve learnt
L1: Digital technologies can give insights, as well as solutions
L2: Target socially excluded people & communities
L3: Design for scalability
L4: Create multidisciplinary teams:
• security, domain & systems experts … and users
Notes from Pete Edward’s presentation [1]
We are focused on rural challenges – not just rural broadband coverage, but much wider. In almost all our projects, there
have been issues that emerged relating to personal data and trust
I will talk about the themes that emerged across our projects that are relevant to this debate. Others were also looking at
specific relevant things (Facebook data, CareData fiasco, selling of personal data by individuals to the highest bidder…)
• Keep it user-centric – attitudes vary by demography, the kind of data, the context of the data usage … so we look at the
issues through an attitudinal lens – trust, risk, transparency and control (I think risk is sometimes forgotten)
• Example of work using smartphone data for rural bus planning – this raises anonymity issues because in rural areas,
individuals could be traced
• Mobile devices and wearables to support people with chronic disease in rural areas – attitudes to personal health data
sharing. We looked at different categories of personal health data (e.g., exercise regime, diet, mood). There is a
massive variation based on age, health etc…. Exercise data is not considered private; mood data is considered very
sensitive. Also looked at who people would be happy to share with – e.g., people don’t trust government, universities,
companies; they do trust their GP
Notes from Pete Edward’s presentation [2]
• “Conducting privacy impact assessments code of practice” (ICO’s office); identifying privacy-related risk – individuals
don’t understand risk, and especially risk in the digital world. This is a huge problem we all face. “Trusted Zone” idea for
personal health data – what about leaking the data outside the zone – even if it’s good and valid to do so; how can we
build a model that is flexible enough to cope with this and what controls need to be in place to mitigate perceived risk?
• Managing inferential risk – people generally don’t think about this. Social networks have data flying around – way
beyond where people expect it to go; also, sharing can result in unexpected risk – e.g., releasing two or three pieces of
data to different people that can be put together
• Control – how to allow users a measure of control over their data. How do you represent controls? Make them simple
and effective and understandable (like informed consent issue). Too much control can introduce new risks – in the event
of an accident, say, do you want your health data shared in a way that’s outside your normal “policy”?
myData with Attitude
Peter Edwards
dot.rural Digital Economy Hub
University of Aberdeen
Personal Data Landscape
Trust Transparency
Influenced by the
foundational principles
of Privacy by Design.
“Keep it User-Centric”
Attitudes to Data Sharing
Your primary mental health
Your adherence and compliance
Your alcohol intake
Your contact information
Your criminal record
Your exercise level
Your medical history
Your medication
Your mood
Your personal characteristics
Your reproductive health
Your specialist mental health
Your substance abuse
Your test results
0 25 50 75 100
% respondents
Not sensitive
Quite sensitive
Highly sensitive
335 NHS users surveyed
Recruited though market
research (Research Now)
Online card-sort exercise to
identify sensitivity attitudes and
sharing preferences of health-
related information
Opinions about sensitivity of
personal data items vary
Attitudes to Data Sharing #2
Trusted Zone
requester recipient
How to protect information
when sharing is desirable,
but policies are incomplete?
Trusted individuals may need
to share our data with
unknown third parties
What’s the perceived risk for A, in allowing B to share with C?
How does A’s trust in B, and the sensitivity of the data, influence this risk
How can controls (such as payments, monitoring or reputation) mitigate
some of this perceived risk?
Identifying privacy related
risks key part of PIA process
Considerable body of
evidence that individuals do
not understand / appreciate
personal data risk
Managing Inferential Risk
What is the probability that users'
data become available to others in a
networked context?
How may data owners manage
unsafe inferences that others may
draw whilst sharing data?
How to assess the benefits of
sharing (utility) vs possible
• Allowing users a degree of control over their data
– helping users specify their wishes
– monitoring behaviour of data accessors
• Controls can mitigate perceived risk of sharing data
– Simple and effective controls? Must be clear to data owners and accessors
– Right level of controls? Too much control may introduce new risk of data being unavailable in
critical situations.
Who controls a device and has
access to the data generated?
For what purpose are the data
Assurance of behaviour?
Making IoT device capabilities and
behaviours (data provenance)
transparent to users.
Acknowledgements: Stanislav Beran, Chris Burnett, Liang Chen,
David Corsar, Paul Gault, Tim Norman, Edoardo Pignotti, Karen Salt
The future of the network
Dr Matt Stroud
Head of Personal Data & Trust, Digital Catapult
Where next? 115
• Future regular meetings
• Build digital presence
• Form community interest groups
• Create research roadmap
• Grow membership base
Future regular meetings 116
• We intend to hold regular (quarterly?) meetings, physically bring together
practitioners and researchers in Personal Data & Trust
• In addition there will be thematic meetings around the country
• We may use the “National Virtual Incubator” teleconferencing system to
make the London accessible from around the country
• Would your institution like to host a physical or virtual gathering?
Build digital presence 117
• Our new website:
• Will be complimented by a quarterly PDTN Review journal
• Covering the Networks activities
• Features on members activities
• Expert articles
Form community interest groups 118
Some will be sector specific “verticals” such as banking and others will be
“horizontal” such as security or psychology. By way of illustration, two early
groups are:
• Privacy Working Group
Working to define a “best practice” privacy standard that companies can be certified against
• PIMS provider forum
Collective challenges and opportunities faced by providers of personal information management services
These are the first of many. If there’s a personal data and trust related topic which
you feel would benefit from an open working group and would like to establish,
please let us know.
Create research roadmap 119
• Bring together Industry and the Research Councils to create a
research roadmap which drives economic and social growth
• Spearheaded by a number of events run by the KTN and the Digital
Economy Hubs around the country
• SME’s and Corporates will be invited to contribute views and work to
identify key challenges
• Output will be fed into the Research Councils and IUK to guide future
research and calls.
Grow membership base 120
• We will grow the network by reaching out to our networks & social media and
working with media brands:
• We are writing white papers and working with the media to drive interest
• We are informing the organisations who have worked with us, IUK, Catapult,
KTN, Research Councils and Digital Economy Hubs
• We are Posting, Blogging & Tweeting
• Your colleagues, customers and collaborators will derive value too...
…let them know!
Your community, be part of it! 121
• Want to do a blog for the web site
• Want to write an article for the PDTN review journal
• Got an idea for a “community interest group”
• Want to join or lead a group
• Want to host an event
• Got an idea for the research roadmap
Then e-mail us:
Thank You
Personal Data & Trust Network

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Personal Data and Trust Network inaugural Event 11 march 2015 - record

  • 1. #PDT 1 #PDT Inaugural Event Digital Catapult Centre, 101 Euston Road, London, 11 March 2015
  • 2. #PDT Executive summary Slide 3 What happened Slides 4-13 What was discussed / produced Slides 14-29 Annex: presentations and notes Slides 30-122
  • 3. #PDT Executive summary Around 100 experts in the field of personal data, privacy and trust met at the Digital Catapult Centre to • Learn about the purpose and aims of the network • Hear perspectives from industry on the key issues • Hear examples of the world-leading research in this topic that has been conducted in the UK over the last few years • Identify the most important priorities for the network … • … and make a start on determining how the network would address them Priorities identified were: • How can we share best practice? • What are the implications of digital social innovation? • How should we deal with (EU) regulation? • How can consent in pervasive environments best be managed? • Who owns the rights to use personal data? Groups worked to begin to answer these questions: their work is presented in this document There was great energy in the room from participants representing many different types of organisation, and a clear commitment to work together 3
  • 4. #PDT What happened Slides 4-13 Read the slide headings to get an overview in 30 seconds
  • 5. #PDT Andy and Matt welcomed delegates Andy Green briefly explained the role of the Catapult and the centres around the UK (Sunderland, Bradford and Brighton), and stressed the significance of the personal data and trust issue He said there was an opportunity for network members to gain insight from each other and contribute to greater understanding Matt Stroud explained the genesis of the network, and its role in helping to unlock value for multiple parties from personal data He explained how the network drew together members with multiple perspectives on the issues 5 What we need is for the innovators in the room to come together and contribute new ways to think about the issues There are practical issues here – but also ethical issues See slides 31-37 for more detail
  • 6. #PDT Jon introduced Alex Craven who presented professional and personal perspectives on personal data and trust Jon Kingsbury ran through the agenda, and pointed out that the room contained representative of a world-class research base, businesses (innovative, data-focused SMEs and larger companies for whom the issue was becoming more important, and professional services companies working in this area), policy makers, public- sector organisations and trade associations in multiple sectors Alex Craven spoke about how ad agencies increasingly make use of personal data in their work, and about the potential for measurable public good in its use. He spoke about how he believed that there could be a way to give individuals proper control over the use of their data. His idea is called “Our Data Mutual” 6 Privacy is dead … we must move on See slides 38-53 for more detail
  • 7. #PDT Rav spoke about his work with banks, and the approach taken by corporations to data and trust … Rav spoke about “conduct risk” and compliance with regulations – including the impact this is having on systems and processes He said the issues faced were similar in other big companies with huge volumes of data, and said they are pretty good at managing data He said that big financial services companies and their consultants don’t have all the bright ideas, and that he hoped the network would help build consensus and also a critical mass of thinking 7 I’m not sure how the market is turning – it’s like a kids’ football match … we are all chasing the ball wherever it goes See slides 54-55 for more detail
  • 8. #PDT … and Jon led a discussion of the main issues arising from these presentations Questions and discussion points range across many topics: • Personalised online advertising and mashups of multiple data sets • Trust frameworks • Making sense of ‘big data’ • Examples of the use of personal data for good • Language used within the network • Privacy and EU regulations • Who owns ‘personal’ data? • The special case of health data in specific contexts 8 See slides 15-21 for more detail
  • 9. #PDT After a networking lunch, delegates heard about funding opportunities from Innovate UK competitions … Jon explained that much public funding was based around collaboration; he promoted the KTN’s Digital Business Briefing, and three colleagues spoke briefly about their competition-based funding programmes: • Jonny Voon – Protecting data in industry looking at digital disruption (cyber attacks) – opening 31 March (GBP4 million) • Tom Fiddian – Enhancing user experience using personal data opens 16 March; a feasibility design study (GBP2M) • Agata Samojlowicz – Enhancing user experience in retail (up to GBP4M two-stage collaborative R&D) opens 16 March 9
  • 10. #PDT … and heard three presentations on personal data research Jerome Ma explained the purpose of the Research Council’s Digital Economy theme, and introduced thee speakers from the digital economy research hubs: • Derek McAuley (Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute) • Paul Watson (SiDE Hub) • Pete Edwards (dot.rural Digital Economy Hub) They gave thought-provoking details of some of the personal data and trust issues of their research work 10 See slides 56-113 for more detail I can tell if you didn’t have a shower this morning Sometimes giving people more control over the use of their data might increase their personal risk Rural bus service planning might result in individuals being traced
  • 11. #PDT Groups then thought about how they might work together on specific priority issues … The initial five priority areas identified were: 1. Sharing best practice 2. Digital social innovation 3. Dealing with (EU) regulation 4. Consent in pervasive environments 5. Who owns the rights to use the data Groups note down key points from their discussions 11 See slides 22-29 for more detail
  • 12. #PDT … and briefly fed back their discussions to all delegates Sharing best practice • Objective models of risk; voluntary certification Digital social innovation • There is a “pyramid of trust” Dealing with (EU) regulation • Let’s make use of it – there are good bits Consent in pervasive environments • It’s not informed, and it’s not consent Who owns the rights to use the data • It’s complicated! 12 See slides 22-29 for more detail
  • 13. #PDT Matt explained possible next steps for the network and thanked participants for their work Jon said he felt the day had generated some very interesting debate. He said there were two ways to take this conversation forward: • The website • Sharing personal contact details (delegates would be emailed to ask if they were happy to share their details) Jon said he had realised there was a very large cohort of people that really understand the issues and the technicalities of the issues Matt closed by saying where the network might go from here. He said there were several things that might happen: • Future regular meetings – quarterly? And thematic meetings – around the country; may use the National Virtual Incubator (teleconferencing facility); he asked if anyone might like to host a meeting • Digital presence (website, a quarterly digital journal) • Community interest groups – vertical or horizontal, e.g., a privacy working group (or security or psychology) – who might want to lead or get involved?, and a PIMS provider forum • Grow the membership base – writing papers and working with the media, as well as spreading the word within relevant organisations • Other? Suggestions please 13 See slides 114-122 for more detail
  • 14. #PDT What was discussed / produced Slides 14-29
  • 15. #PDT Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [1] Q: Advertising and big data – where is the cutting edge of personal data use? A: [Alex] It’s personalised advertising online (e.g., mashing online activity data with datasets from Experian for instance). This sort of thing is diverting advertising revenue from traditional channels Q: What about IoT? We are all becoming generators of our own data – is this a service provider data gold rush? And what are the killer apps? A: It should be a gold rush – but the trust framework needs to be in place first Q: Fintech Innovation Lab – how many innovations are coming here that are geared around mining personal data? A: [Rav] I haven’t seen many … but … personal data has always been there – what’s changed is the way the data can be captured, and quantified. But there’s too much, it’s fractured and siloed. This creates opportunities for arbitrage between data silos, for the consumer and for organisations. The big game-changer is when companies work out how to use this data in different ways to create and sell products. One of the biggest issues we have is the capture of social media data; social media is highly qualitative and you need to interpret it to use it. We need to have a discussion about trust that looks at this. The next killer apps will be those that make sense of qualitative data (literally “making sense of it”, and making use of the data – e.g., predictive analytics, statistics) 15
  • 16. #PDT Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [2] Q: We run digital service for academics; Alex’s examples are a good example of why consent doesn’t work (installing cookies … mortgage applications – of course stop sending me information on mortgages when I already have one!) – so there are some things that should be “never do”; some that are “of course do it”; and some that are in the middle. I have no problem with finding this in proposed or current European legislation – so what we need to do is identify what things fit into which category – I like the idea of a “mutual” doing this Response: Do you think there are organisations or services that get it right? A: Learning analytics (e.g., can a university improve its education to students by identifying students it could help in a different way?; or providing federated access management – a service provider doesn’t need to know all the details of a student to grant access to specific applications in specific ways Q: I campaign in this area. An appeal: be precise about language. The EU legislation is data protection not privacy legislation. I am concerned about the way we are talking about privacy – it is a fundamental human right and needs to be respected. In trying to frame how people can come to trust institutions and companies, a balance of consensual, safe and transparent things must be arrived at – this varies by context. But all three must be addressed – for control and understanding what that control actually is. Many of us here are tackling very difficult but not intractable problems. To find mutual benefit we must recognised that this is inherently wrapped up with “privacy” – though definitions of privacy are subjective and can’t be easily predicted 16
  • 17. #PDT Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [3] Q: You say EU frameworks won’t work – what does this mean? I think it will (EU Directive 95 etc). A [Alex]: Doing this top down is fundamentally wrong – we need data protection and you can’t have trust if it’s mandated from the top down; if it’s my data, then I want to say how it’s used. The EU should not say how it can be used. The principle is wrong and there should be no one-size-fits-all European decision. But there is no alternative being put up against the EU way Comment: There is a publication “The Lord of The Things” – when data is “ours”, are we just “stakeholders” in our data? Q [“Patients Like Me”]: We should think about things at a community level – you can see some really interesting things on sharing personal data in the health sector. Patients Like Me is one of many similar groups / communities online doing the “quantified self” – sleep patterns, blood pressure etc …increasingly YouTube channels are created as well “like embarrassing bodies”! Very useful and informative A: Lowering the cost and inertia of signing up to things like this is important 17
  • 18. #PDT Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [4] Q: Thinking about the Tesco diabetes thing – what is the appetite from banks etc for sharing of data for social good? A [Rav]: They know about life events. Typically, if you are going to divorce, the party you are divorcing changes spending patterns a year before it happens. Financial services organisations, if they choose to, can know more about you than Tesco because they can match more types of data – and they can link family bank accounts etc; Tesco doesn’t do this. Banks also have many years’ of data (they have to keep it for legal reasons). They can profile customers to a frightening degree. Most financial services organisations choose not to do this because their customers don’t want them to. There are strict guidelines about this … but they could do an awful lot more than they do. For the social good of mining this data – leveraging a small amount of my data – I don’t think it would be a problem, but it must be driven by the customer, banks can’t do I themselves Q: I don’t believe there’s no need for regulation – it’s essential. In Europe we have two fundamental rights – privacy and data protection – you can’t get away from this. But we are thinking only of personal data here. I live in a multi connected world: there are types of data all over the place that might impact on my privacy – it’s not enough to think about personal data alone. So how do we deal with privacy in a context-based way? We need to find a way to help people protect their privacy. There has been work on “meaningful consent” at Southampton University and elsewhere – how do we get the work out of the lab into peoples’ hands? 18
  • 19. #PDT Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [5] Point: I have an app that can track my emotional state using my phone. I can’t see a way beyond individuals being responsible for their own data and privacy – I don’t trust any privacy network – people click to give consent, but they don’t know where the data goes – they must know this Point [Patient Opinion]: The language at today’s meeting has been all consumerist. We are treating trust as a black box, but it varies a lot (there’s a difference between what trust means as a patient and as a consumer) – having a Mercedes is different to having a heart attack. When you want something for yourself, that’s one thing; wanting something for the public good is different – can the network address this aspect, and keep the distinction clear? There’s a danger of skewing everything to the consumer angle. A: Yes – it’s your network – we can do this if we want to – there is a whole range of interests represented in the room included medical Point: I manage Warwick University’s Hub of All Things – we address some of the issues that have emerged: our project recognises the need for people to own their own personal data and manage its availability in different contexts, where the value can be understood (e.g., retailers, healthcare, wholesale etc – to get different types of value). We are creating a tool – we recognise the opportunities and challenges and we are looking to have 1000s of people collecting their data into a repository 19
  • 20. #PDT Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [6] Q: Loughborough University – speaking as consumer: do we need to be careful in assuming that trust is always good? Alex’s point about mortgages hit home – anything that improves the process is good. I had to go online, search products, do some sums, sit with an advisor, and I came out with different, better product. There are benefits of engaging fully like this – if we trust automated solutions, we might cut out benefits of traditional personal interactions. Do we need a series of nuanced approaches to trust / scepticism? A [Alex]: What you describe is horrible – I don’t have time to do what you did. I want to do it quicker online. In my work I want to do it my way; you can do it your way. There is an opportunity to do something in between too – and turn your trust up or down A [Rav]: We are on a journey here – it’s not going to change overnight – and it’s a generational thing Q: Let’s get the data owner back in the picture. There are billions of data creators facing a handful of big brands. Normally when you own something, you can sell it for money. How can the individual get a share of the value of their data? A: Yes – the Data Mutual can only be funded that way – like a Tesco Clubcard 20
  • 21. #PDT Notes from the morning plenary Q&A session [7] A [Rav]: But what is the currency? Not everything is monetisable. Data is everything to do with you: it’s not just you, it’s the wider context – so where does the value get created? It’s not just because of your data, it’s because of the context of that data (that you don’t own) Point [Governor Technology (Richard Beaumont)]: We have learned how nuanced the decisions are that websites make when using personal data. Consent and control plays a lot in trust (as does accountability) – it all needs being lined up to give strong trust and a strong economy, especially if you want it to be fair A [Rav]: One of the network’s fundamental challenge is about data literacy: generations are coming through that aren’t aware of what is data, privacy and trust. So let’s go to the grass roots – e.g., cookie caches – there is a whole subset of society that is completely data-unaware. If we can address this, that would be a big step forward, I suggest 21
  • 22. #PDT Group 1: Sharing best practice • Best practice must be user-centric – user control; instead of common standards, it can involve certification and verification • Best practice looks at objective models of risk; risk is very hard to quantify for individuals, and for people doing risk assessment, but there are commonalities across organisations • Common risk models could be identified, with common mitigations – this can be a good way of sharing best practice • Along with this we propose voluntary certification 22
  • 23. #PDT Group 2: Digital social innovation [1] • What are the principles you need to operate by to generate trust? Here’s out trust pyramid: we are trying to get to being trustworthy (not trusted) • The building blocks are user empowerment in the process: transparency, and accountability or power to remove data – this is a remedy • There are operational principles that companies must adhere to: ‘security by design’, ‘privacy by default’, and other things: open business model (be clear about how money is going to be made) and data minimisation (important in the big data era) … 23
  • 24. #PDT Group 2: Digital social innovation [2] • … we know we can’t keep data secure, so we must work to minimise the data that we keep; and be clear that there is no covert tracking or profiling going on • The most interesting discussions we had on our trust pyramid were those to do with “remedy” – is removal of data really empowering? And ultimately how ‘validatable’ is all this? 24
  • 25. #PDT Group 3: Dealing with (EU) regulation • The bad stuff in the regulations will hit us anyway, so how do we make the best of the good stuff? • Two things are “privacy by design” and “privacy impact assessments” – they could be positive tools to encourage people to trust us. We could present these in citizen-friendly ways • Also, if you think that consent doesn’t fit your application, there are five other things allowed 25
  • 26. #PDT Group 4: Consent in pervasive environments [1] • Informed consent problems: it’s not informed; and it’s not consent • The consumer doesn’t know what’s going on or understand risk, costs or benefits of giving consent • What we should do is “surprise minimization” – nothing that happens should surprise the consumer • You can’t consent if you don’t understand, so you must “empower” users. It’s a dynamic process. People are willing to be fluid in data exchange if feedback exists – something needs to support this dynamic process, such as trust agents • The main thing is to enable a “supported user” – with visualisations 26
  • 27. #PDT Group 4: Consent in pervasive environments [2] 27
  • 28. #PDT Group 5: Who owns the rights to use the data [1] • You own the rights to your data (enshrined by Magna Carta). The individual is a creator of data, so the individual should own it • But data must be interpreted in some cases – e.g., by a doctor. Sometimes you might not trust your GP, and you want access to your own data not mediated by the GP • Data is linked to community groups – data is collected within a context. Using the data is not like consuming it; you need to protect the access rights – and enforce this • You must work out how enforcement can be managed – it’s complex. Content protection? Authorities need rules, and the issues extends to secondary and tertiary use of data – it’s easy to lose control. How can you constrain the inheritance of the data and access rights across multiple users? This could be controlled and enforced through technology and enshrined in law 28
  • 29. #PDT Group 5: Who owns the rights to use the data [2] • You might want “authorised witness” – a notary – certifying the data as yours. In the medical domain it’s often a committee that certifies who can do what. • There are differences of opinion about this, though – the goals of research are evolving • There is some more complexity – co-ownership of some data. For example, consider a delivery driver who might have stayed for hours at a pub. His car belongs to a fleet. It might be a Ford (Ford might have rights). The payload owner has rights / interests in what’s happening to the car too • We talked about taxonomy and ontology and instantiation (because we are computer scientists) 29
  • 30. #PDT Annex: Notes from presentations, slides presented, and plenary discussions Slides 30-122
  • 31. #PDT Notes from Andy Green’s opening talk Andy Green stressed the significance of the personal data and trust issue – along with security, he said these were the two most important issues facing the development of the digital economy He said there was a spectrum of opinion on the issue of personal data and privacy – but the consensus is that only one or two bad events would change the balance He said the biggest brands understand the significance of dealing properly with private data – they are extraordinarily careful with this data – it’s not a legal issue, it’s a consumer moral boundary issue. It’s complex issue, and there has been work on codes of practice – but what we need is for the innovators in the room to come together and contribute new ideas and new ways to think about the issue. The other side of the issue is about value - I get great value from people knowing about me; but I can see the importance of protection too Andy added that for the long term, the issue will lead to a big evolution of the Internet – we will have to rethink rights management. It’s not easy – but we need to think about it… and work out some policies for it all He concluded by saying that this network is a collaborative venture – and the area is important to lots of us here. He hoped that people would find other to talk to, find customers and so on, and gain insight from each other by talking about, and understanding the issues 31
  • 32. #PDT Notes from Matt Stroud’s talk Matt explained why the network had been set up, by drawing a parallel with the development of the railways in Victorian times – the real value generated then arose because of its enablement of other services; the Internet was very similar – and the data carried by the Internet had already generated huge economic benefits Private data was harder to unlock value from, though, because of the complexity around the different aspects of that data – personal trust and legal and political, for instance It was important for people with an interest in this area to get together and work out how we could look at the central challenges around trust in the use of personal data. There are practical issues here – but also ethical issues (the data affects people) The network created today draws together the academic community, SMEs and corporate enterprises: all have different, valuable perspectives. The network is a physical and virtual environment for these groups to work together Some issues are open innovation and collaboration (useful for corporates); SMEs can meet potential customers and research the thought leadership from universities; academia can learn what the commercial world’s challenges are and find opportunities to commercialise their work He encouraged people to register as a member of the network 32
  • 33. #PDT 33 #PDT Purpose of the network Dr Matt Stroud Head of Personal Data & Trust, Digital Catapult
  • 34. #PDT Personal Data and Trust Innovators Network: The rationale • The next growth of the Internet is likely to rely on the successful generation and management of personal data. High levels of trust and confidence in these data are a pre-requisite for successful new services, which have both huge economic and social potential. • The Personal Data and Trust Network, building on world-class research and business insight, will help organisations to develop the next-generation of personal data management, giving the UK clear advantages for consumers and citizens.
  • 35. #PDT Personal Data and Trust Network: The Community SME’s Universities Corporates
  • 36. #PDT Benefits of membership…. Corporate benefits: • Access to potential innovation partners • Supports corporate open innovation programmes • Gain insight to evolving market trends, capabilities and opportunities • Visibility of academic research & innovation SME benefits: • Opportunity to meet and work with potential customers • Opportunities to meet other innovation partners to further differentiate your product • Visibility of and contribution to, cutting edge thinking • Identification of commercially important problems Academic benefits: • Problem definition of commercially important problems • Build research roadmap • Partners to commercialise capabilities 36
  • 37. #PDT Membership of the network is free. So that we can best organize events, could you register @: or (in the “Get involved” section) Personal Data and Trust Innovators Network: Registering
  • 38. #PDT Notes from Alex Craven’s presentation [1] Alex runs an advertising agency and has trust issues – he spoke about his professional and personal issues His agency uses individuals’ Twitter and other data, from advertisers and elsewhere as part of its work for ITV – there was a huge amount of data. Twitter was a very large source of useful data – e.g., about the conversation that happens when the X Factor is broadcast. There is real value and his clients and he makes money from it Alex is a member of the Open Data Institute, and is thinking about how data can be used for good; for instance, analysis of Tesco Clubcard data can identify potential diabetes sufferers two years before they present themselves – saving treatment costs worth a huge mount of health service money; McKinsey reckons big data can save an enormous amount of healthcare money But as a consumer he is less interested in the technology, and more interested in the trust issue He sees lots of technology innovation, but where is the trust? He is trying to launch “Our Data Mutual” – and he presented briefly about it. He made the point that banks protecting you from identity theft is for their own benefit, not yours Ipsos Mori reported last year on public attitudes to trust (seen this) – Bloom has won a contract to do some research in this area; he picked out some highlights from the Ipsos Mori report – including where trust was low (large companies) and that people could not see the benefit of the use of much personal data by companies (or the state, or academia…) 38
  • 39. #PDT Notes from Alex Craven’s presentation [2] So how do we get trust into private organisations? There are contradictions here: He made the point about people’s stated attitudes to trust and privacy, and their practice (e.g., with how they use social media) Alex said he felt we are at a crossroads – and this forum today is critical and must arrive at a consensus. Prohibition will not work. We can’t go back. We can’t do nothing (it’s the wild west, and the only people benefiting are a few corporates) – society can benefit, and we can do better Privacy is dead – it never existed. We must move on, and we must do something. We need a trust framework that enables a market to exist while giving individuals some control over the use of their data 39
  • 41.
  • 42. Tesco clubcard can identify type 2 diabetes 2 years before you present yourself to your doctors with symptoms – the rise of diabetes could bankrupt the NHS within a generation 50% of global advertising spend is wasted - $250bn Data can save 8% on US health care - $300bn *McKinsey Our data opportunity
  • 43.
  • 44. Keep me private ÂŁlow Don’t care ÂŁhigh Only for good Don’t care We can earn you ÂŁ947
  • 45. Where is the trust?
  • 46. 46 Version 1 | PublicŠ Ipsos MORI Version 1 | PUBLIC Public attitudes to the use and sharing of their data Research for the Royal Statistical Society by Ipsos MORI July 2014 23/07/14
  • 47. Royal Statistical Society Ipsos MORI report finds ‘data trust deficit’ trust-deficit-with-lessons-for-policymakers ‘In particular, there may be big benefits to be had from data sharing within government, but to get a public mandate policymakers must be clear about the benefits and show how they will safeguard individual privacy’ The Problem
  • 48. 48 Version 1 | PublicŠ Ipsos MORI University researchers Government-funded – 50% Company-funded – 45% Charities Who provide public services – 42% For themselves – 36% Companies Who provide public services – 36% For themselves Mentioning controls – 27% No mention of controls – 26% A hierarchy of support for data sharing? By whom For whom But at this level controls make no difference?
  • 49. If we are asked whether we are worried about privacy we are, yet we repeatedly ignore this in our every day lives. We want to receive the benefit of our data but we cant really be bothered to do anything about it. We assume we are being protected from abuse of our data but actually we are not. We contradict ourselves
  • 51. There is no going back – privacy is dead, in fact it never existed, move on.. EU regulation wont work Wild west abuses the citizen and will eventually ‘eat itself whole’ fuelling the privacy hawks There is a huge opportunity but we wont realise it until we can establish trust There is clear evidence for a requirement for new institutions to establish a trusted environment Who’s data is it anyway?
  • 52. Where is the trust? Any questions? Please contact: Alex Craven @alexcraven @bloomagency
  • 53.
  • 54. #PDT Notes from Rav Bain’s talk [1] Rav advises banks on “conduct risk” – helping them conduct themselves better, and to reduce operational risks. Banks must comply with lots of new regulation – an eyewatering amount. They spend billions on compliance, and there is a lot of data involved. Senior executives will be held personally responsible for breaches of trust – so they must rely on their companies’ strong policies and frameworks and systems; they have to trust their colleagues to do the right thing – and measure those colleagues! There must be microscopic tracking and surveillance of trading-floor activity and branch activity. Rav mentioned MIFID and MIFID 2 regulations (governing the certain types of financial products) and having transparency of a trade before and after it happens. He said to achieve this you need to rearchitect systems. It is a multi-dimensional prolem for banks Organisations like the Personal Data and Trust Network will create a body of work that can be used by corporates – and not just banks; telcos and other corporates that manage personal data or large amounts of data all have similar issues Rav said that if you are made to do something about this you need to work out what you are going to do? We all agree that there should be an appropriate level of regulation (and compliance with it) He gave an example: think about data entering the banking system with a transaction (e.g., applying for a loan). Do you want this data held forever? So how do you decide how to get rid of data at the right time? He said he was not sure how the market is turning – it feels like kids’ football – we’re all chasing the ball wherever it goes 54
  • 55. #PDT Notes from Rav Bain’s talk [2] In defence of big corporates, Rav said they are pretty good at managing your data (though there are exceptions). A typical UK high street bank has 8-15m customers – and they look after a lot of data. But we need to crack down on the exceptions. And we should think in fresh ways about the issues Big banks and other financial services companies and consultancies don’t have all the bright ideas – there are many ideas “out there”. A network like this will not just build consensus but will build a critical mass of thinking. If we find Europe is more heavily regulated on privacy, and we are quicker and more agile, then can we make this work for the UK? 55
  • 56. Personal data and trust research Personal Data and Trust Network Inaugural Event Digital Catapult, London, Wednesday 11 March 2015 Jerome Ma RCUK Digital Economy Theme @RCUK_DE #PDT
  • 57. RCUK Digital Economy Theme • >ÂŁ150M since 2008; 400 user partners • Co-creation approach (users, society, business and/or government) • Interdisciplinarity is key Rapidly realise the transformational impact of digital technologies on the UK
  • 58. DE Theme priorities: 2015 onwards Trust, identity, privacy & security What are the urgent challenges/questions? Research roadmap
  • 59. University Expertise Aberdeen computational models of norms & trust Birmingham applied criminology Buckinghamshire information security management; cybercrime; compliance Cambridge systems for privacy preservation Cardiff politics and social issues of the creative & digital economies City cloud security and trust; identity management Edinburgh design informatics; big data ethics Imperial defence and security; language-based computer security and data analytics. KCL computational models of trust & reputation Lancaster privacy; identity management, access control models; reputation Leeds digital identity Leicester online trust, privacy, security & surveillance issues; cyber-ethics. Loughborough empathy and trust in online communication Newcastle user experience; cybersecurity, defence, critical infrastructure protection Nottingham personal data in media, services & products Northumbria identity, trust & security in new social media Oxford big data ethics; cyber security centre Queens Belfast trust, e-commerce; online buying behaviour Southampton AI; autonomous systems; meaningful consent Strathclyde internet law UCL mobile systems; cybersecurity Warwick novel service business models; attitudes towards data security, trust & privacy Wolverhampton online behaviour Edinburgh Aberdeen Newcastle & Northumbria Southampton Oxford Nottingha m UCL Imperial Birmingham Cardiff Strathclyde Lancaster CambridgeWarwick Wolverhampton Loughborough Leicester Belfast Leeds KCL City UK PD&T research: expertise & location
  • 60. ÂŁ12M each (ÂŁ2M partnership funding) dot.rural, Aberdeen SocialInclusionDE, Newcastle &Dundee Horizon, Nottingham 3 Digital Economy Research Hubs
  • 61. #PDT Notes from Derek McAuley’s presentation [1] Mac spoke about the work of Horizon, and the lifelong contextual footprint of a person – the digital traces created explicitly and implicitly. He said there were opportunities and challenges in personal data and Horizon was exploring these through lots of projects (of 9-12 months each). Topics are refined, but work is done in short bursts. He gave the example of “smart meters”– the data collected and the privacy implications of knowing, per second, people’s energy usage and the implied knowledge that is created from this (e.g., “I know you didn’t have a shower this morning …”) Condition monitoring of domestic appliances would be good (and enabled by smart meters), but the privacy issue raises its head. What will actually get deployed in the UK? Only once a day reading (or opt out to a minimum frequency of once a month, or opt into once every half hour). But has the privacy issue been solved? No. And we’ve lost the ability to do some great applications. In my view this is simple to resolve: it’s small data and it should be processed in isolation. The reason we have lost this great opportunity is because of the privacy and the lack of value recognition. We need distributed computing to do this properly. Distribute the code and the computation instead of doing “big data”. There is academic work that proves you can do distributed processing to extract value without sending personal data to a single point We also did work to evaluate the simplicity or otherwise of terms and conditions of usage, to examine what counts as “consent”. We published work in 2013; analysed all the betting sites’ T&Cs and found you have to be 23 years old to understand the English, let alone the legal position. This work was widely cited 61
  • 62. #PDT Notes from Derek McAuley’s presentation [2] Should we come up with T&C templates? Possibly. Government responded positively with the British Standards Institute. Let’s see where that goes from here. Final example – we have to teach people how to design these privacy and trust conditions into the products and services they are designing. Ideation Cards (not a new idea) can be used here. In most design processes, data protection and privacy isn’t high on the list of priorities – it is usually retrofitted at the end of the process. So we use ideation cards – a location-based truancy tracker was an example design we thought about. There are lots of murky issues around that service concept. Using the cards really helps people to think about them What is “Legitimate Interest” – is it good enough that it’s “it’s legal”? Possibly not. There’s a Catch 22 about having to track people to check that they don’t want to be tracked, for instance 62
  • 64. • What is/has Horizon been doing • Three examples – Technology – Policy – Design • Topic de jour The talk 64
  • 65. The lifelong contextual footprint • The footprint – the digital traces we create explicitly and implicitly as we go about our everyday lives at home, at work and at leisure. • The contextual – these digital traces enable personal technologies to infer our activities and provide appropriate services. • The lifelong – an inclusive digital society must consider how these digital footprints are handled throughout our lives, literally from cradle to grave. The opportunity 65
  • 66. Broad range of applications, core topic: “Lifelong Contextual Footprint” Eye test - the current projects 66
  • 67. Rollout across UK by 2020 ..but… Readings once a day, or opt in to 30 mins or opt out to 1 month. Privacy and smart meters
  • 68. The way of small data: analyze at edge and then aggregate • Privacy & performance & scalability Data on the edge 68 Cloud Edge Analyze Aggregate Mainstream thinking: aggregate into cloud then analyze
  • 69. Solve for voltages… Examples… 69 DAR [1] [1] “Teletraffic Science”, ITC12. Elsevier, 1989.
  • 71. Policy impact 71 May 2013 Luger, E., Moran, S., and Rodden, T. Consent for all: Revealing the hidden complexity of terms and conditions. Proceedings of ACM CHI2013: Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2687-2696). ACM.
  • 72. Policy impact 72 May 2013 uses it to rank T&Cs for betting sites!
  • 73. Policy impact 73 March 2014 Written evidence to Social Media Inquiry by Select Committee
  • 74. Policy impact 74 June 2014 Verbal evidence to Select Committee
  • 75. Policy impact 75 Nov 2014 Report with strong links to our input
  • 76. Policy impact 76 Nov 2014 Widespread coverage
  • 77. & The University of Nottingham The design process
  • 78. • Define/constrain design problems within broader problem space (Golembewski & Selby, 2010) • To surface human values (Friedman & Hendry, 2012) • Support intra/inter-familial communication (Mackay, 2004) • Encourage thought around security threats (Security Cards, Washington) • Support use of creative methods within design process (IDEO) • Support exploration of issues around online privacy (Privacy Game) Ideation Cards in Use
  • 79. Tracking Truancy Truancy is a key problem in urban deprived areas and is costly to the state. The commissioning body (govt department) wants a location-based social 'tracking' system that will allow parents and teachers to' track' truants. This system makes use of location data.
  • 80. Limited Connection The system should be able to operate with limited/sporadic connectivity
  • 82. Explicit Consent Data should only be collected where a user has been given information about the nature of collection, and then specifically and explicitly agreed to it. The form of that information or how it is to be delivered is not defined. Highlighting risks to users and enabling negotiation/withdrawal with the system over data collection is a challenge. Consent is also not a static concept either (e.g. given once, does not mean forever).
  • 85. #PDT Notes from Paul Watson’s presentation [1] We focus in our hub on those who are socially excluded – it could be up to 20% of the population, including the old, those with disability, those without skills or jobs… We felt that there was potential for digital technology to make a difference to the socially excluded. We have run many projects over five years – and many of them have had a security or trust issue. I will pick three examples to show you that illustrate things I have found: Digital technologies can give insights as well as solutions: you get a view into people’s lives that you can use to solve their problems. Trust of older people in technology is lower than it is for younger people, and this is an issue for government as it moves services online. We explored, using clickstream analysis, how people navigate around websites; it varies by age. We researched the nature of trust and how it relates to the Web. Older people’s trust is often based on brand – we were able to test this through research. Eye-tracking technology was used to better design web pages that you want people to trust. “Certification” of the brand on the web page is really difficult to do; web page design aesthetics were more important than brand Target socially excluded people: example of victims of domestic violence are often subject to abusers seeing what they do online. Deleting search history etc is only partially successful because it arouses suspicion. You need to be much more subtle than that – routines that selectively clear search history or weblogs etc. 85
  • 86. #PDT Notes from Paul Watson’s presentation [2] Design for scalability: this generates security issues. Example of healthcare and wearables; IT systems choice (the cloud for no risk; internal IT for anything with risk – this inhibits cheap, fast, scalable service development). So partition applications to make use of cloud resources – e.g., only send anonymous data to the cloud; keep attributed data internally Create multidisciplinary teams – security, domain and systems experts, coproducing 86
  • 88. The result of related factors that prevent individuals or groups from participating fully in the economic, social & political life of society Social Exclusion
  • 89. How can Digital Technologies transform the lives of excluded people & communities?
  • 90. Lesson 1: Digital technologies can give insights, as well as solutions
  • 91. Ex. Older people’s trust of the Web
  • 92.
  • 93. Lesson 2. Target socially excluded people & communities
  • 94. Ex. Victims of Domestic Violence
  • 95. Lesson 3: Design for scalability
  • 99. Read Patient Data (s0) Anonymize (s1) Analyze (s2) Write Results (s3) A. Smith 378456729 p = 30% q = 27.4 r = 34 Public Cloud Private Cloud ? Or Can we Partition Applications?
  • 100. Read Patient Data (s0) Anonymize (s1) Analyze (s2) Write Results (s3) Read Patient Data (s0) Anonymize (s1) Analyze (s2) Write Results (s3) Read Patient Data (s0) Anonymize (s1) Analyze (s2) Write Results (s3) Read Patient Data (s0) Anonymize (s1) Analyze (s2) Write Results (s3) 1 4 2 3 New Method Generates secure Partitioning options:
  • 101. Lessons we’ve learnt L1: Digital technologies can give insights, as well as solutions L2: Target socially excluded people & communities L3: Design for scalability L4: Create multidisciplinary teams: • security, domain & systems experts … and users
  • 102. #PDT Notes from Pete Edward’s presentation [1] We are focused on rural challenges – not just rural broadband coverage, but much wider. In almost all our projects, there have been issues that emerged relating to personal data and trust I will talk about the themes that emerged across our projects that are relevant to this debate. Others were also looking at specific relevant things (Facebook data, CareData fiasco, selling of personal data by individuals to the highest bidder…) • Keep it user-centric – attitudes vary by demography, the kind of data, the context of the data usage … so we look at the issues through an attitudinal lens – trust, risk, transparency and control (I think risk is sometimes forgotten) • Example of work using smartphone data for rural bus planning – this raises anonymity issues because in rural areas, individuals could be traced • Mobile devices and wearables to support people with chronic disease in rural areas – attitudes to personal health data sharing. We looked at different categories of personal health data (e.g., exercise regime, diet, mood). There is a massive variation based on age, health etc…. Exercise data is not considered private; mood data is considered very sensitive. Also looked at who people would be happy to share with – e.g., people don’t trust government, universities, companies; they do trust their GP 102
  • 103. #PDT Notes from Pete Edward’s presentation [2] • “Conducting privacy impact assessments code of practice” (ICO’s office); identifying privacy-related risk – individuals don’t understand risk, and especially risk in the digital world. This is a huge problem we all face. “Trusted Zone” idea for personal health data – what about leaking the data outside the zone – even if it’s good and valid to do so; how can we build a model that is flexible enough to cope with this and what controls need to be in place to mitigate perceived risk? • Managing inferential risk – people generally don’t think about this. Social networks have data flying around – way beyond where people expect it to go; also, sharing can result in unexpected risk – e.g., releasing two or three pieces of data to different people that can be put together • Control – how to allow users a measure of control over their data. How do you represent controls? Make them simple and effective and understandable (like informed consent issue). Too much control can introduce new risks – in the event of an accident, say, do you want your health data shared in a way that’s outside your normal “policy”? 103
  • 104. myData with Attitude Peter Edwards dot.rural Digital Economy Hub University of Aberdeen
  • 105.
  • 106. Personal Data Landscape Trust Transparency Control Risk Influenced by the foundational principles of Privacy by Design. “Keep it User-Centric” Attitudes
  • 107. Attitudes to Data Sharing Your primary mental health Your adherence and compliance Your alcohol intake Your contact information Your criminal record Your exercise level Your medical history Your medication Your mood Your personal characteristics Your reproductive health Your specialist mental health Your substance abuse Your test results 0 25 50 75 100 % respondents Card Sensitivity Not sensitive Quite sensitive Highly sensitive 335 NHS users surveyed Recruited though market research (Research Now) Online card-sort exercise to identify sensitivity attitudes and sharing preferences of health- related information Opinions about sensitivity of personal data items vary dramatically
  • 108. Attitudes to Data Sharing #2
  • 109. Risk Trusted Zone A B C owner requester recipient data How to protect information when sharing is desirable, but policies are incomplete? Trusted individuals may need to share our data with unknown third parties What’s the perceived risk for A, in allowing B to share with C? How does A’s trust in B, and the sensitivity of the data, influence this risk factor? How can controls (such as payments, monitoring or reputation) mitigate some of this perceived risk? Identifying privacy related risks key part of PIA process Considerable body of evidence that individuals do not understand / appreciate personal data risk
  • 110. Managing Inferential Risk What is the probability that users' data become available to others in a networked context? How may data owners manage unsafe inferences that others may draw whilst sharing data? How to assess the benefits of sharing (utility) vs possible risks?
  • 111. Controls • Allowing users a degree of control over their data – helping users specify their wishes – monitoring behaviour of data accessors • Controls can mitigate perceived risk of sharing data – Simple and effective controls? Must be clear to data owners and accessors – Right level of controls? Too much control may introduce new risk of data being unavailable in critical situations.
  • 112. Transparency Who controls a device and has access to the data generated? For what purpose are the data collected? Assurance of behaviour? Making IoT device capabilities and behaviours (data provenance) transparent to users.
  • 113. Thanks Acknowledgements: Stanislav Beran, Chris Burnett, Liang Chen, David Corsar, Paul Gault, Tim Norman, Edoardo Pignotti, Karen Salt …
  • 114. #PDT 114 #PDT The future of the network Dr Matt Stroud Head of Personal Data & Trust, Digital Catapult
  • 115. #PDT Where next? 115 • Future regular meetings • Build digital presence • Form community interest groups • Create research roadmap • Grow membership base
  • 116. #PDT Future regular meetings 116 • We intend to hold regular (quarterly?) meetings, physically bring together practitioners and researchers in Personal Data & Trust • In addition there will be thematic meetings around the country • We may use the “National Virtual Incubator” teleconferencing system to make the London accessible from around the country • Would your institution like to host a physical or virtual gathering?
  • 117. #PDT Build digital presence 117 • Our new website: • Will be complimented by a quarterly PDTN Review journal • Covering the Networks activities • Features on members activities • Expert articles
  • 118. #PDT Form community interest groups 118 Some will be sector specific “verticals” such as banking and others will be “horizontal” such as security or psychology. By way of illustration, two early groups are: • Privacy Working Group Working to define a “best practice” privacy standard that companies can be certified against • PIMS provider forum Collective challenges and opportunities faced by providers of personal information management services These are the first of many. If there’s a personal data and trust related topic which you feel would benefit from an open working group and would like to establish, please let us know.
  • 119. #PDT Create research roadmap 119 • Bring together Industry and the Research Councils to create a research roadmap which drives economic and social growth • Spearheaded by a number of events run by the KTN and the Digital Economy Hubs around the country • SME’s and Corporates will be invited to contribute views and work to identify key challenges • Output will be fed into the Research Councils and IUK to guide future research and calls.
  • 120. #PDT Grow membership base 120 • We will grow the network by reaching out to our networks & social media and working with media brands: • We are writing white papers and working with the media to drive interest • We are informing the organisations who have worked with us, IUK, Catapult, KTN, Research Councils and Digital Economy Hubs • We are Posting, Blogging & Tweeting • Your colleagues, customers and collaborators will derive value too... …let them know!
  • 121. #PDT Your community, be part of it! 121 • Want to do a blog for the web site • Want to write an article for the PDTN review journal • Got an idea for a “community interest group” • Want to join or lead a group • Want to host an event • Got an idea for the research roadmap Then e-mail us:
  • 122. #PDT Thank You Personal Data & Trust Network #PDT