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Persistent, stateful services with docker
clusters, namespaces and docker volume
Michael Neale
Co-founder, CloudBees (that Jenkins
Supercontainers and storage
It’s all files (part 2)
Controlling the host and peer containers
Storage engines
Stateful docker clusters
“off the shelf” cluster scheduling
The solution chosen
Other tools out there
Use-case for stateful services
Docker volumes
Quick namespaces revision
Mounts and Volumes
It’s all files (part 1)
the mount namespace
creating bind mounts
docker volume api (use it!)
The Need for Stateful Services
Basis of this presentation:
.. was learned while building an elastic and scalable
Jenkins based product for multiple cloud environments, on
—Michael Neale
“No containers were hurt as
part of this production.”
My history with docker
Ex Red Hat where I heard about “control groups”
Starting CloudBees, looking at ways to fairly multi tenant
Later would discover (and with much help) use LXC
Saw a video of Solomon demoing docker and didn’t believe it
Still didn’t believe it
For the longest time didn’t believe it
CloudBees & Docker
Actually spoke about this at DockerCon 2014 (the first one!)
cgroups -> LXC -> LXC + ZFS copy-on-write
Like dotCloud - ran a PaaS (as well as CI/CD toolchain)
In 2014 moved to focus on CI/CD (dotCloud focussed on docker)
In 2014 moved to adopt docker over LXC (and ZFS)
Using: Docker Hub (private repos), Private Registry
Many of our customers are commercial users of docker
Docker Jenkins plugins: docker hub, build and publish and many more
Put all the things (OSS and commercial) on docker hub
I started the “official” jenkins image early on
updated now ~weekly (with LTS images also)
A stateless cluster of apps is the dream
But the reality is, many apps still need state, a disk
Databases for example
Hands up who would run Oracle on NFS?
Reality: local disk
Network filesystems are great*
But sometimes you need the data close to the processing
EBS, HDFS, GCP, OpenStack block storage…
BUT: how to balance this need for local state with “ephemeral” servers
Servers come and go, need to restore the data (fast)
Need to backup the data (delta/snapshots - fast)
Alternatives: SANs (reattach volumes to replacement nodes, some
clouds also support this)
Reason for backups: resilience. Volumes can disappear too.
Current product
Years of experience with containers
learn from it to build something new and “turn key” installable,
powered by docker
I accidentally created a cluster scheduler (it happens.. please don’t)
An evolved “pre-docker” system
Aim: a new product
A distributed Jenkins cluster
10000s of “masters”, 100000s of elastic build workers
Utilise “Off The Shelf” expertise based around docker: Mesos, Docker
Swarm, Kubernetes
Work within existing constraints of a lively and evolving open source
(this means accepting local disk state… for now)
Additional Constraints
Only want to depend on docker being present on “worker nodes”
Off the shelf cluster scheduler
Use local disk*
Multiple target clouds to be supported
Multiple storage “engines” to be supported
* Would love to refactor to DB backed
“Storage engines?”
“The thing that backs up and restores local disks”
eg: EBS (snapshots), rsync, NFS, ZFS send …
Same cluster management, same api, different storage tech for different
Ensures volumes are backed up in a consistent state (using LVM
snapshot, xfs_freeze, as needed)
Docker volumes
Docker helpfully lets you bind mount to host
Giving you a choice of ways to get data to the host
Containers can remain ephemeral
However, you need to manage those underlying volumes
Note: you shouldn’t need to do what I did. Use something off the shelf if
you can. If you must, there is an excellent docker plugin api and volume
plugin api.
Solving local disk with docker
client cluster sched. docker host storage
request app
find free slot
ask for data
provide data
Container fully running with data
Using “trickery”
client cluster sched. docker host storage
request app
find free slot
request data
provide data,
bind mount
container starts,
asks for dynamic
bind mount,
With docker volume plugin api
client cluster sched. docker host storage
request app
find free slot
provide data
docker calls
volume plugin
container starts,
launches with
bind mount
However: Docker plugin api did not exist yet!
I had to make do with “trickery”
Other choices like powerstrip existed, but wanted “standard” docker
And you are here for namespace trickery
So lets learn from it…
“Hard work pays off
eventually, but laziness pays
off right now.”
Namespaces - really quick…
Along with cgroups are “foundational tech” for containers
6 types: Mount, UTS, IPC, PID, Network and User
My favourites:
Mount: filesystem stuff (that I used)
PID, Network and the exciting User namespaces!
How do we access these namespaces?
nsenter - command line tool
nsenter allows you to “enter” a namespace and do something in the
context of it
Available out of the box in many linux distros now
Mounts and Volumes
It’s all files in Linux - part 1
Mount namespace
Containers don’t see all mount points, all devices, just their own
Allows dockers “bind mount” to work
A “bind mount” in linux is really an “alternative view of an existing
directory tree”
A docker bind mount takes that “alternative view” and makes it visible
to the container (via its mount name space)
Magic? No. Linux.
It’s all files, part 1
Start any container
Access docker host and run this to get the pid of the whole container:
docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} <container id>
You can then see the 6 namespaces in /proc/<PID>/ns:
ls /proc/7865/ns/
ipc mnt net pid user uts
/proc virtual filesystem and nsenter
/proc is a virtual filesystem (
Run a command inside a given containers namespace:
nsenter --mount=/proc/$PID/ns/mnt --
/usr/bin/command param
“With great nsenter power,
comes great responsibility ”
Creating a bind mount on a running container
( -v /var/foo:/var/bar ) High level steps:
Get the underlying device from the host, into the container
mount the device in the container
bind mount in the container to the “directory you want”
unmount the device in container
remove the initial mount
What you are left with: a bind mount to the volume on the host you
wanted in the first place, and only that path. Not the whole device/volume
on host.
You don’t need to do all this yourself, ever!
# Using a device’s numbers we can create the same device in container
# use nsenter to create a device file IN the container (using its $PID):
nsenter --mount=/proc/$PID/ns/mnt -- mknod --mode 0600 /dev/sda1 b 8
# Now we have the device ALSO in the container!
# We can mount it (normal linux)
# bind mount to the desired directory (also normal linux)!
# all from the host
I told you not to panic!
Now we have a dynamic bind mount
As if we used -v /var/foo:/var/bar on startup
Remember: DON’T DO THIS!
Really: you shouldn’t need to do this yourself.
Use the docker plugin volume api! (if you must)
Docker plugin API
Out of process JSON based api (but running on same host)
plugins are installed by putting a file in a directory, and referred by
name (minutes the extension)
Well defined JSON protocol
Docker volume plugin API
docker run -v volumename:/data --volume-driver=mydriver ..
“volumename” is passed to the registered volume-driver
(which is listening on http)
volume-driver then prepares the data somewhere on the host, returns
where it lives (via json)… docker then bind mounts it in as /data
All happens BEFORE container starts
Docker volume plugin API
Would not require messing with namespaces
Still allow an out of process “volume service” to take care of messy
volume details
However - DOES require you to register the plugin with docker on the
And less terrifying fun than nsenter and namespaces
If you really must
Sample python code that I prototyped this with. Use with care!
and storage engines
Like containers, only more… uh super…
Supercontainers - concept
Term came from Red Hat
You have heard of privileged containers?
docker run --privileged ..
Drops all namespace restrictions
“Super privileged containers” add in more access to the underlying
It’s all files (part 2)
Add in the host root filesystem, docker daemon, and all the rest:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
-v /:/media/host
Brings in docker socket, and root as /media/host
/media/host then contains ALL devices, virtual files, /proc etc
It’s all files (part 2)
We can do everything we did with nsenter before but from WITHIN a
“peer container”
It’s all files (part 2)
We can do everything we did with nsenter before but from WITHIN a
“peer container”
Remember requirements: vanilla docker, only docker installed on host
Use super-container as a “agent” container, do all the automation you
could want
No need for extra bits on the host box
Allows using “off the shelf” cluster scheduling (only docker need be
Controlling the host
Host can be accessed from super-container via nsenter
PID of host is 1!
eg, from super-container, get all mounts:
nsenter --mount=/media/host/proc/1/ns/mnt -- cat
Run a command, from container, on the host (stuff after “--")
/media/host lets us get to the host. Even devices.
Controlling the host
Host can be accessed from super-container via nsenter
Do all the steps as before, but with “nsenter —
mount=/media/host/proc/1/ns/mnt” prefixed
Controlling peer containers from supercontainer
Peers are other “ordinary” containers on the same host as the super
Peers can be accessed from super-container also via nsenter
Just like before, we use nsenter, with the peer containers $PID
But prefix it with the hosts filesystem:
nsenter --mount=/proc/$PID/ns/mnt -- ..
nsenter --mount=/media/host/proc/$PID/ns/mnt -- ..
Controlling peer containers
Once again, use he super-container as the controlling agent on a host
Less bits to install on the host
Storage engines
My requirement: multiple implementations for different clouds
Different clouds have different storage engines
Super container great place to host volume service
Different implementations on service depending on what is on offer
EBS, NFS, openstack rsync and more
This “volume service super-container” is responsible for
Storage engines - eg an AWS region
zone-1 zone-2
serverA serverBserverA serverB
vol-1 vol-2
vol-1vol-1 vol-1vol-2
request backup
Snapshots a cheap and quick
Zone resilience
Volumes (ie: disks) are not as durable as snapshots/backups
Similar in other platforms: GCP, OpenStack, Azure.
Google compute persistent disks: does allow volumes read-only extra
mounts across instances for redundancy of compute nodes
In our case: failing over is “restoring from backup” - always test your
Supercontainers - summary
A useful tool for low level control
No need to install bits on the host
Can control peers directly
Could be a great place to host a docker volume plugin implementation
(not currently recommended in Docker plugin api docs)
Stateful clusters
Everyone wants to be stateless…
What we built…
.. an elastic and scalable Jenkins based product for
multiple cloud environments, on docker
Cluster schedulers/managers
Remember: I have build schedulers before, would rather not again
Docker Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, Kubernetes etc
Some have concepts of volumes
All can schedule “plain” docker containers
Super containers can give you a way to get lower level access
What we settled on
Super containers to implement volume service
Support for multiple storage engines for different clouds
Scheduled via mesos+marathon
Only docker (+ mesos in this case) required on the hosts
Why mesos: practical choice for us but not a tight coupling
(could mesos be in a super container? probably)
Using containers for all the things: elastic search nodes, builds, even
For us, 5 minute or event based backups/snapshots are fine
Running supercontainers
Eg. marathon: schedule a super container to run on each host
Constraint on volume service: one per host, size: number of servers in
cluster (3 in this case):
vol service vol servicevol service
master master
elastic search
Working with EBS (an example)
client container volume service EBS api
requests backup
freeze for snapshot
initiate snapshot
unfreeze backup delta,
copy to s3
optimisation: use LVM snapshot instead of freeze
Backups, backups
Servers are ephemeral
Servers come and go
Disks are fallible (even if cloud platforms call them “volumes”)
Workload moves around
Restore data when workload is moved to a new location
Delta backups are used to avoid full copies each time
Cluster schedulers/managers
Storage awareness is being built in increasingly
(Kubernetes volumes, mesos storage awareness)
Ideal world: your cluster manager will do all this for you.
If you live in that world: congrats.
Make yourself a cocktail:
My recipe for no-sugar old fashioned:
“off the shelf” stateful volume tools
Rexray: use volume plugin api for Amazon EBS, Rackspace and more
Flocker from ClusterHQ
Kubernetes volume support
Apache “Mysos”: MySQL service backed up to HDFS on mesos
Tutum from Docker! has support for persistent volumes
Watch this space… (changing constantly)
Stateful volumes summary
It is possible with docker
Avoid doing it yourself is someone else already has
Using local filesystem directly does feel a bit like “legacy”
But it is a reality for some apps (especially database services)
Lovely to port everything to be stateless, database backed, blobstore
backed, but it takes time
Lean on the capabilities of the underlying platform where you can
Jérôme Petazzoni (@jpetazzo) - years of inspirational blog posts, hacks on
linux/docker/volumes. And great hair. -
BTW Jerome - it works for real!
Red Hat for Super Container concepts: Daniel Walsh:
Trevor Jay from Red Hat for some final namespace tips
I really just mashed up the above concepts:
@jpetazzo’s hair - imminent singularity?
2012 2013 2014 2015
Region 1
Thank you!
Michael Neale

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DockerCon EU 2015: Persistent, stateful services with docker cluster, namespaces and docker volume magic.

  • 1. Persistent, stateful services with docker clusters, namespaces and docker volume magic Michael Neale Co-founder, CloudBees (that Jenkins company)
  • 2. Agenda Supercontainers and storage Privileges It’s all files (part 2) Controlling the host and peer containers Storage engines Stateful docker clusters “off the shelf” cluster scheduling The solution chosen Other tools out there Credits… Background Use-case for stateful services Docker volumes Quick namespaces revision nsenter Mounts and Volumes It’s all files (part 1) the mount namespace creating bind mounts docker volume api (use it!)
  • 3. Background The Need for Stateful Services
  • 4. Basis of this presentation: .. was learned while building an elastic and scalable Jenkins based product for multiple cloud environments, on docker
  • 5. —Michael Neale “No containers were hurt as part of this production.” 5
  • 6. My history with docker 6 Ex Red Hat where I heard about “control groups” Starting CloudBees, looking at ways to fairly multi tenant Later would discover (and with much help) use LXC Saw a video of Solomon demoing docker and didn’t believe it Still didn’t believe it For the longest time didn’t believe it
  • 7. CloudBees & Docker 7 Actually spoke about this at DockerCon 2014 (the first one!) cgroups -> LXC -> LXC + ZFS copy-on-write Like dotCloud - ran a PaaS (as well as CI/CD toolchain) In 2014 moved to focus on CI/CD (dotCloud focussed on docker) In 2014 moved to adopt docker over LXC (and ZFS) Using: Docker Hub (private repos), Private Registry Many of our customers are commercial users of docker Docker Jenkins plugins: docker hub, build and publish and many more
  • 8. 8 Put all the things (OSS and commercial) on docker hub
  • 9. 9 I started the “official” jenkins image early on updated now ~weekly (with LTS images also)
  • 11. A stateless cluster of apps is the dream 11 But the reality is, many apps still need state, a disk Databases for example Hands up who would run Oracle on NFS?
  • 12. Reality: local disk Network filesystems are great* But sometimes you need the data close to the processing EBS, HDFS, GCP, OpenStack block storage… BUT: how to balance this need for local state with “ephemeral” servers Servers come and go, need to restore the data (fast) Need to backup the data (delta/snapshots - fast) Alternatives: SANs (reattach volumes to replacement nodes, some clouds also support this) Reason for backups: resilience. Volumes can disappear too.
  • 13. Current product 13 Years of experience with containers EC2, ZFS, EBS, LXC learn from it to build something new and “turn key” installable, powered by docker I accidentally created a cluster scheduler (it happens.. please don’t) An evolved “pre-docker” system
  • 14. Aim: a new product 14 A distributed Jenkins cluster 10000s of “masters”, 100000s of elastic build workers Utilise “Off The Shelf” expertise based around docker: Mesos, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes Work within existing constraints of a lively and evolving open source project (this means accepting local disk state… for now)
  • 15. Additional Constraints Only want to depend on docker being present on “worker nodes” Off the shelf cluster scheduler Use local disk* Multiple target clouds to be supported Multiple storage “engines” to be supported * Would love to refactor to DB backed
  • 16. “Storage engines?” “The thing that backs up and restores local disks” eg: EBS (snapshots), rsync, NFS, ZFS send … Same cluster management, same api, different storage tech for different clouds/needs. Ensures volumes are backed up in a consistent state (using LVM snapshot, xfs_freeze, as needed)
  • 17. Docker volumes 17 Docker helpfully lets you bind mount to host Giving you a choice of ways to get data to the host Containers can remain ephemeral However, you need to manage those underlying volumes Note: you shouldn’t need to do what I did. Use something off the shelf if you can. If you must, there is an excellent docker plugin api and volume plugin api.
  • 18. Solving local disk with docker client cluster sched. docker host storage r u n n request app find free slot ask for data provide data Container fully running with data
  • 19. Using “trickery” client cluster sched. docker host storage r u n n request app find free slot request data provide data, bind mount container starts, asks for dynamic bind mount, waits
  • 20. With docker volume plugin api client cluster sched. docker host storage r u n n request app find free slot json provide data docker calls volume plugin BEFORE container starts, launches with bind mount
  • 21. However: Docker plugin api did not exist yet! 21 I had to make do with “trickery” Other choices like powerstrip existed, but wanted “standard” docker And you are here for namespace trickery So lets learn from it…
  • 22. —Unknown “Hard work pays off eventually, but laziness pays off right now.” 22
  • 23. Namespaces - really quick… 23 Along with cgroups are “foundational tech” for containers 6 types: Mount, UTS, IPC, PID, Network and User My favourites: Mount: filesystem stuff (that I used) PID, Network and the exciting User namespaces!
  • 24. How do we access these namespaces? 24 nsenter - command line tool nsenter allows you to “enter” a namespace and do something in the context of it Available out of the box in many linux distros now
  • 25. Mounts and Volumes It’s all files in Linux - part 1
  • 26. Mount namespace 26 Containers don’t see all mount points, all devices, just their own Allows dockers “bind mount” to work A “bind mount” in linux is really an “alternative view of an existing directory tree” A docker bind mount takes that “alternative view” and makes it visible to the container (via its mount name space) Magic? No. Linux.
  • 27. It’s all files, part 1 27 Start any container Access docker host and run this to get the pid of the whole container: docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} <container id> You can then see the 6 namespaces in /proc/<PID>/ns: ls /proc/7865/ns/ ipc mnt net pid user uts
  • 28. /proc virtual filesystem and nsenter 28 /proc is a virtual filesystem ( Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/proc.html) Run a command inside a given containers namespace: nsenter --mount=/proc/$PID/ns/mnt -- /usr/bin/command param RUN A COMMAND FROM HOST AS IF YOU ARE IN THAT CONTAINER
  • 29. —SpidermansUncle “With great nsenter power, comes great responsibility ” 29
  • 30. Creating a bind mount on a running container 30 ( -v /var/foo:/var/bar ) High level steps: Get the underlying device from the host, into the container mount the device in the container bind mount in the container to the “directory you want” unmount the device in container remove the initial mount What you are left with: a bind mount to the volume on the host you wanted in the first place, and only that path. Not the whole device/volume on host.
  • 31. You don’t need to do all this yourself, ever! 31
  • 32. 32 # Using a device’s numbers we can create the same device in container # use nsenter to create a device file IN the container (using its $PID): nsenter --mount=/proc/$PID/ns/mnt -- mknod --mode 0600 /dev/sda1 b 8 0 # Now we have the device ALSO in the container! # We can mount it (normal linux) # bind mount to the desired directory (also normal linux)! # all from the host
  • 33. I told you not to panic! 33
  • 34. Now we have a dynamic bind mount 34 As if we used -v /var/foo:/var/bar on startup Remember: DON’T DO THIS! Really: you shouldn’t need to do this yourself. Use the docker plugin volume api! (if you must)
  • 35. Docker plugin API 35 Out of process JSON based api (but running on same host) plugins are installed by putting a file in a directory, and referred by name (minutes the extension) Well defined JSON protocol
  • 36. Docker volume plugin API 36 docker run -v volumename:/data --volume-driver=mydriver .. “volumename” is passed to the registered volume-driver (which is listening on http) volume-driver then prepares the data somewhere on the host, returns where it lives (via json)… docker then bind mounts it in as /data All happens BEFORE container starts
  • 37. Docker volume plugin API 37 Would not require messing with namespaces Still allow an out of process “volume service” to take care of messy volume details However - DOES require you to register the plugin with docker on the host And less terrifying fun than nsenter and namespaces
  • 38. If you really must 38 Sample python code that I prototyped this with. Use with care!
  • 39. Supercontainers and storage engines Like containers, only more… uh super…
  • 40. Supercontainers - concept 40 Term came from Red Hat privileged-container-concept/ You have heard of privileged containers? docker run --privileged .. Drops all namespace restrictions “Super privileged containers” add in more access to the underlying host…
  • 41. It’s all files (part 2) 41 Add in the host root filesystem, docker daemon, and all the rest: docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock —privileged -v /:/media/host my-super-container Brings in docker socket, and root as /media/host /media/host then contains ALL devices, virtual files, /proc etc
  • 42. It’s all files (part 2) 42 Why? We can do everything we did with nsenter before but from WITHIN a “peer container”
  • 43. 43
  • 44. It’s all files (part 2) 44 We can do everything we did with nsenter before but from WITHIN a “peer container” Remember requirements: vanilla docker, only docker installed on host Use super-container as a “agent” container, do all the automation you could want No need for extra bits on the host box Allows using “off the shelf” cluster scheduling (only docker need be installed)
  • 45. Controlling the host 45 Host can be accessed from super-container via nsenter PID of host is 1! eg, from super-container, get all mounts: nsenter --mount=/media/host/proc/1/ns/mnt -- cat /proc/mounts Run a command, from container, on the host (stuff after “--") /media/host lets us get to the host. Even devices.
  • 46. Controlling the host 46 Host can be accessed from super-container via nsenter Do all the steps as before, but with “nsenter — mount=/media/host/proc/1/ns/mnt” prefixed
  • 47. Controlling peer containers from supercontainer 47 Peers are other “ordinary” containers on the same host as the super container Peers can be accessed from super-container also via nsenter Just like before, we use nsenter, with the peer containers $PID But prefix it with the hosts filesystem: nsenter --mount=/proc/$PID/ns/mnt -- .. becomes: nsenter --mount=/media/host/proc/$PID/ns/mnt -- ..
  • 48. Controlling peer containers 48 Why? Once again, use he super-container as the controlling agent on a host Less bits to install on the host
  • 49. Storage engines 49 My requirement: multiple implementations for different clouds Different clouds have different storage engines Super container great place to host volume service Different implementations on service depending on what is on offer EBS, NFS, openstack rsync and more This “volume service super-container” is responsible for backup/restore
  • 50. Storage engines - eg an AWS region 50 zone-1 zone-2 serverA serverBserverA serverB vol-1 vol-2 vol-1vol-1 vol-1vol-2 snapshots request backup
  • 51. Snapshots/backups 51 Snapshots a cheap and quick Zone resilience Volumes (ie: disks) are not as durable as snapshots/backups Similar in other platforms: GCP, OpenStack, Azure. Google compute persistent disks: does allow volumes read-only extra mounts across instances for redundancy of compute nodes In our case: failing over is “restoring from backup” - always test your backups!
  • 52. Supercontainers - summary 52 A useful tool for low level control No need to install bits on the host Can control peers directly Could be a great place to host a docker volume plugin implementation (not currently recommended in Docker plugin api docs)
  • 53. Stateful clusters Everyone wants to be stateless…
  • 54. What we built… .. an elastic and scalable Jenkins based product for multiple cloud environments, on docker
  • 55. Cluster schedulers/managers 55 Remember: I have build schedulers before, would rather not again Docker Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, Kubernetes etc Some have concepts of volumes All can schedule “plain” docker containers Super containers can give you a way to get lower level access
  • 56. What we settled on 56 Super containers to implement volume service Support for multiple storage engines for different clouds Scheduled via mesos+marathon Only docker (+ mesos in this case) required on the hosts Why mesos: practical choice for us but not a tight coupling (could mesos be in a super container? probably) Using containers for all the things: elastic search nodes, builds, even haproxy For us, 5 minute or event based backups/snapshots are fine
  • 57. Running supercontainers 57 Eg. marathon: schedule a super container to run on each host Constraint on volume service: one per host, size: number of servers in cluster (3 in this case): vol service vol servicevol service master master elastic search haproxy (free)
  • 58. Working with EBS (an example) client container volume service EBS api requests backup freeze for snapshot initiate snapshot unfreeze backup delta, copy to s3 optimisation: use LVM snapshot instead of freeze
  • 59. Backups, backups 59 Servers are ephemeral Servers come and go Disks are fallible (even if cloud platforms call them “volumes”) Workload moves around Restore data when workload is moved to a new location Delta backups are used to avoid full copies each time
  • 60. Cluster schedulers/managers 60 Storage awareness is being built in increasingly (Kubernetes volumes, mesos storage awareness) Ideal world: your cluster manager will do all this for you. If you live in that world: congrats. Make yourself a cocktail:
  • 61. My recipe for no-sugar old fashioned: 45 61
  • 62. “off the shelf” stateful volume tools 62 Rexray: use volume plugin api for Amazon EBS, Rackspace and more Flocker from ClusterHQ Kubernetes volume support Apache “Mysos”: MySQL service backed up to HDFS on mesos Tutum from Docker! has support for persistent volumes Watch this space… (changing constantly)
  • 63. Stateful volumes summary 63 It is possible with docker Avoid doing it yourself is someone else already has Using local filesystem directly does feel a bit like “legacy” But it is a reality for some apps (especially database services) Lovely to port everything to be stateless, database backed, blobstore backed, but it takes time Lean on the capabilities of the underlying platform where you can
  • 64. Credits 64 Jérôme Petazzoni (@jpetazzo) - years of inspirational blog posts, hacks on linux/docker/volumes. And great hair. - BTW Jerome - it works for real! Red Hat for Super Container concepts: Daniel Walsh: container-concept/ Trevor Jay from Red Hat for some final namespace tips I really just mashed up the above concepts: from-super.html
  • 65. @jpetazzo’s hair - imminent singularity? 0 45 90 135 180 225 2012 2013 2014 2015 Region 1 65

Editor's Notes

  1. picture credit:
  2. picture credit:
  3. The official images have a “app store” like approval process, but get good usage! The docker stamp of approval
  4. picture credit:
  5. picture credit:
  6. Device numbers are kernel internal representation of the device file - the real thing
  7. AWS zones are independent data centers (actually more than just one DC per zone). Snapshots live in s3, across zones. You can migrate between zones by creating a new volume from a snapshot in the required zone. Keeping fresh snapshots allows you to move on failure easily. Cost of snapshots is small, as only a delta is taken.