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Traditional vs. Fan Culture Audiences
 How Social Media Research Connects Communities
                  Prepared by:
Alterian Social Media Engagement Solutions

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Defining the Audience

• Traditional Audience
   – Any customer using Peeps for: eating, cooking, present or
     mentioned them as part of Easter

• Fan Culture Audience
   – Any customer using Peeps for purposes other than Traditional
     audience usually as a means of artistic/creative expression
Traditional Audience

        “Most people have a love-hate relationship
        with Peeps. I think they were more special
        before the company started making
        marshmallow confections for every single
        holiday and/or greeting card holiday ever

Daily Volume : Traditional Audience

  Main causes for increase in                                                             1730
  - People buying Peeps for their
  families on Easter day update on                                        1310

  Twitter                                                         1158

  - Release new flavor: Chocolate                          956
  covered Peeps
  - Link to pages showing Peeps                                                                   733             727
                               489    462    470
          378    395    399

  22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar   1-Apr   2-Apr   3-Apr   4-Apr   5-Apr   6-Apr

  Traditional conversations increased                 Total results:      13,306
  significantly in volume at second half              Date range:         Mar 22 – April 6
  period of examining date range. The                 Top domain:
  increasing trend shows a tied relation
  between Peeps candy and Easter
  season in traditional consumers’ minds
Traditional Audience: Where Are They?

    Traditional Conversations Share of Voice

           Conversations about buying Peeps candies for Easter season
           Traditional consumers are more text driven on social media
                          1627     1581      1362       509       24
Traditional Discussions
                                                             “Peeps are amazing...
                                                             and as bill said, stale ones are very good too!
                                                             They're great if you put 'em in the microwave
                                                             for like 15 seconds and let them get soft and
                                                             big, then eat them!”

                                                 Ways                                           <Bobby >
                                                                               (I Hate Peeps! - Facebook)
                                             audience eat
                                                Peeps              Peeps’
            To traditional
            audience, is                                          favorite
             Peeps only                                          colors and
             for Easter ?                                         shapes

  “My opinion on peeps varies. I used                                   “@JenOgden *handing you a
  to loved them - stale - now not so
                                              Traditional               pink, chick PEEP* Enjoy &
  much. But I love them                         Peeps                   Happy Easter!!! (I like the
                                                                        purple bunny Peeps) teehee”
  toasted/roasted. Mmmm! Perfection.
  I don't know if I'll be eating any this    conversations
  time. I haven't eaten candy in about                        
  a month …”                                                                TL/statuses/11543969430
     (“I have to ask--peeps or no peeps
            the marshmallow-y things” - )
Sample Twitter Conversations

          @katidid378 I will ONLY eat them at Easter...the other holiday Peeps are just
 but yes, I do love them....pure sugar

          @bettielaven @nekazang my dears, my dears. The Best Easter Candy ever
          are stale Peeps! Keep them out so they're nice and dry. YUM.
                                                                       < chefterridien>

          @californiaboyz what color peeps? Although some people think they taste
          the same. They do not. Oh and was it peeps or bunny peeps?
                                                                   < leftyprofessor>

          @johnmoe #candyclub - Peeps is a complex issue, do colors taste differently,
          original, chololate, strawberry, chocolate covered, microwave?
                                                                         < Dav3Ston3>

          #ubercosign RT @ioroberts: Maaaan, Peeps have to be one of THE most
          disgusting "candies" ever! Its right up there with candy corn. Ugh!.
                                                                               < tlw83>

          Peeps are fucking gross. why cant they make better rubber duckie shaped
          candy? what an outrage! or are they baby chickens? not sure.
                                                                     < megablakeLB>
Reasons People Dislike Peeps

                                                       “i hate Peeps in any form or
                                                       color that they now come in
                                                        PLUS their evil cousins the
                                                     Circus Peanuts! Yuck! They are
                                                      just disgusting sugar delivery
   HA! I thought I was the only one                     vehicles that can't even be
       who HATED those flippen                            classified as "candy"!!
    things. Before I would have to
                                                                 <Sharon>                            “They are really cute, but they
      just see them during Easter                                                                    taste soooo gross. That does
    time. NOW they make them for                                                                    NOT taste like sugar more like
        very damn holiday. UGH.                                                                    ......who knows just sick. That is
                 <Beth>                                                                                   NOT even candy.....”

   UGH I hate PEEPS!!! Growing
  up my family didn't have much
   money and ALWAYS bought
   these damn things and were
                                                             around                                       I would rather eat a sugar
                                                                                                       cube. Peeps are NASTY. They
    expected to eat them every
  year. AND I DID!!!!! DAMN YOU
                                                             Peeps                                      better change the formula or
                                                                                                         they will be replaced with a
             PEEPS!!!                                                                                       better product. <Brad>

                                                                           “For real...I agree. Does anyone
                          “I have ended up in the ER                                  like Peeps???
                         because of PEEPS. Honestly                        They don't even taste like food,
                         have a serious panic attack                                 let alone sugar!
                         every time I see them.........”                     It's a blob of
                                   <MargiE>                                          more, no less.”
                                                                                          <Lisa >
Traditional Audience: How They Like Peeps?

                                          What traditional audience discussed about
                                                      21%            Their favorite Peeps'
                                                                     colors and shapes
                                                             8%      Their ways to eat

                                                     28%             Their thoughts on
                                                                     present of Peeps on
                                                                     Their dislike
                                                                     expressions with Peeps

        Traditional Audience's favorite
                colors of Peeps
   4%                                Chocolate
  19%                                Yellow
        14%                          Blue
Influential Traditional Communities
  Typical forum with high involvement level thread about Peeps forum: Two peas in a bucket
  Topic: I have to ask – peeps or no peeps (the marshmallow – y things). Total result: 118

  YES to peeps. I like the                                         Peep bunnies are the cutest
  bunnies better than the                                          thing in the world - an Easter
  chick shaped ones. they                                          basket must have item. A big
  taste better..I swear! I like                                    yes from me - although I really
  them fresh NOT stale!                                            don't care to eat them.

                                                            I personally hate them and always
   I love candy but No Peeps for                            have, even as a kid. I remember my
   me! My kids don't like them                              older sister always liked them. I
   either. The only person I know                           bought them for my kids just because
   that likes them is my mom.                               it was tradition. I stopped one year
   I used Bunny Peeps last year                             because it didn't seem like they cared
   to decorate cupcakes. They                               much for them either. I caught holy
   were a hit with the Easter                               heck (no pun intended) for that! So I
   crowd.                                                   am back to buying the creepy little
                                                            things again.

          Forum target segment: Young mother, young parents
Influential Traditional Communities
  Typical forum with high involvement level thread about Peeps: The Straight Dope
  Topic: Marshmallow Peeps. Total result: 54

                                                                    I love peeps. As children, they
 I love Peeps! Stale, preferably.
                                                                    were always a staple in our
 I'm waiting for Monday, when ALL
                                                                    Easter baskets. Now with
 of the Easter candy goes on
                                                                    hubby and no children at
 drastic clearance.
                                                                    home, we don't do Easter
                                                                    baskets, but we still buy the

   I am seeing Peeps on sale
   everywhere. What's up? No one                                    I only eat them around Easter
   likes them anymore. Walgreens                                    though, because non-Easter
   had them for a dollar a package.                                 peeps are somehow wrong. I
   I've never seen so many. I                                       don't know - I kinda like the
   wonder if people don't like them                                 pumpkin peeps at Halloween.
   or that they overstocked....
Influential Traditional Communities
  Typical forum with high involvement level thread about Peeps forum: The Bump – the
  inside scope of Pregnancy.
  Total result: 114. Total threads: 11                                 I love Peeps, but I don't really eat
                                                                them. I mean, I LOVE Peeps. No
                                                               Easter basket is complete without
                                                               Peeps, and I used to send holiday
                                                              themed Peeps in my care packages
                                                                  to DH when we were still long

wils0482: Bunnies, because I like to
eat the ears off first. Blasphemy! It's
 chocolate Bunnies, marshmallow
     peeps. That's the only way.

             Forum target segment: Young mother, young parents
Fan Culture

       Fan culture is the culture made up of fans of brands & products.
        These fans create art, which takes a variety of forms, from the
      products that they love so much. Fan culture represents the love of
           the product as well as the comraderie amongst the fans.

                                               Identity &


                              Fan Culture
Fan Culture Embraced: A Case Study

    Traditional Culture                                       Duck Tape duct tape is a                      Fan Culture
                                                            great example of a company
                                                               embracing the naturally
                                                              occurring fan culture and
                                                             making a profitable product
                                                           that appeals to the fan culture
                                                            population without disrupting
                                                              the traditional population.
                                                             Sales go through different

Daily Volume: Fan Culture Audience

                              Fan Culture Conversations Daily Volume

      184 results coming from Twitter (59%), in
      which 158 tweets are about the Washington
             Post Peeps Diorama Contest                                           233


                                                                                          153             148

                   39       40                43
          33                                           31

22-Mar   23-Mar   24-Mar   25-Mar   26-Mar   27-Mar   28-Mar   29-Mar   30-Mar   31-Mar   1-Apr   2-Apr   3-Apr   4-Apr   5-Apr   6-Apr

                             • Date range:                        3/22 – 4/6
                             • Total results:                     3,108
                             • Top domains:             
Fan Culture Audience: Where Are They?

             Counter-Culture Conversations Share of Voice

          1203                                                          All activities are visual/
                                                                        creative oriented.

                                                               153       123

    Video/photos   Microblog     Mainstreams     Blog       Social    Forum       Wiki

                               Counter-Culture Activities
                                                                     Peeps Diorama
                   29%                         30%
                                                                     Using Peeps to make Craft
                                                                     or Art Works
                                                     4%              Experiment/Game/Weird
                                                                     Taking photos/videos of
Influential Fan Culture Communities – surprisingly this is supposed to be a traditional channel for
  housewives, food lovers or family to discuss about food related topics

          The Peepshi Phenomenon
    Started on March 31 by Grace Kang on

 Receive 42comments                The Post is being tweeted
 and 43 favorites on the                1,764 times
     original post itself

              3620 tweets mentioning Peepshi
         159 Peepshi photos are posted on Flickr
           234 blog posts talking about Peepshi
                Within only 5 days (3/31 – 4/5)
Influential Fan Culture Communities
 14 Flickr groups are
  centered around            
  taking photos of
                                        • 1,438 Peeps photos were posted from 3/22-4/6
Total 4,083 members                     •      83% of these were Counter-culture photo types
   of these groups

  These 14 groups
  created 3,592
 Peeps photos total

             Let's face it, Peeps are colorful,
              fun, and are wonderful when
               photographed in real world
              - CJ Universal – sponsor and judge of the Flickr
                                          Peeps off contest -
Influential Fan Culture Communities

  Counter Culture YouTube video Types
                    Ways to kill peeps
                          15%               Others                        Unusual things/videos that
                                             14%                          people can do to Peeps such as:
                                                                          • Showing videos of peeps put
          Peeps Diorama                           Peeps                      on chairs (and that’s it)
              26%                            experiment/weird
                                                 activities               • How to take nude photos with
                                               (microwave)                   Peeps
                                                   45%                    • Use Peeps as bath sponge
                                                                          • Stick Peeps on mirror, stick
                                                                             peeps on someone’s nose, or
                                                                             stick Peeps anywhere on the
                                                                          • Videos of chewing Peeps (and
Counter Culture YouTube Video Views                                          just that)

                                                                          YouTube videos are getting more
                                                                          and more focused on different
                                                                    32%   ways to ‘torture’ Peeps.
                                                                            Total fan culture videos: 153
                                  7%                                           (date range: 3/22 – 4/6)

    Peeps Diorama            Peeps         Ways to kill peeps   Others
Influential Profile: 4 Peeps Sake You Tube Channel

       Example of Fan Culture Site
     Been making Peeps videos about 4 years
     Have uploaded total 118 videos
     Most viewed video received 18,876 views
     Most viewers like the videos
     Most videos have adult contents
Influential Profile: Shelly S

 Shelly S is a female librarian from New York

 She has 57 peeps photos which attracted
 5945 views in total. And all of these photos
 are classified as fan culture types

 The concept of her photos are toys/food
Influential Profile: University of Chicago Magazine

   The Magazine has 72 peeps photos
   which attracted 19146 views in total.
  And all of these photos are classified as
               fan culture types
Many People Like to See Peeps Explode

    • There were 190 YouTube videos of Peeps exploding in microwaves
      at the time of this report, and the number continues to grow.

    • The number of views for these videos are 2,841,589; with 11,213

                                                  What made people enjoy
                                                      these videos?
                                                         Others   Taste better
                                                          6%          9%
                                             No reason


Video “Three Peeps In A Basket... In A
Microwave Oven” (745 comments)
Fan Culture: Where It Came From?

                                   In 4 of the top sites about Peeps
                                   from Google, 3 have content that
                                    aligns with fan culture behavior

                                           Photo of Peeps got shot,
                                            Peeps in a strip club

                                       “…Peeps can also be eaten out of the
                                       microwave. This is often done in
                                       conjunction with "Peep Jousting", a game
                                       in which two Peeps are placed in the
                                       microwave with toothpicks stuck in them.
                                       The Peeps expand in the microwave, the
                                       player whose Peep pierces the other Peep
                                       gets the honor of eating both hot and
                                       gooey Peeps…”

                                      Showing methods of testing Peeps
                                     reactions to heat, cold, pressure,..etc.
Verbatim Posts about Exploding Peeps

          That basket's totally ruined. It was awesome, though! I loved the end, where
          you turned the microwave off and they deflated. xD
                                                       (Arithmatis – YouTube audience)

          oh my gosh that looked so gross but FUNNY!!! XD though I feel bad for them
          now. I microwave a peep and it almost exploded the fluff came out the side.....
          I'm gonna post it XD XD soon as my computer lets me
                                                   (MewBerrylvy – YouTube audience)

          lol I have microwave a not opened bag of marshmallows it had about a
          hundred of them or something try it and post it on youtube it is funny
                                                    (sweetbob67 – YouTube audience)

          OHMYGOSH NOOO THE PEEPS D: you expanded           their marshmallowy
          insides and they exploded out of the basket. D: and yet strangely that was
          interesting enough to watch. niiiice one :D
                                                     (HollowBreath – YouTube Audience)

          Peeps are gross.
                          They deserve that.

                                                (AndrewKalember – YouTube audience)
Various Reasons For Microwaving Peeps


        Taste better                                        Hobby

      Curiosity                                             Hate Peeps

                  Pagan ritual               Entertaining
Fan Culture
Daily Volume: Traditional vs. Fan Culture


1800             There has been a slight increase
                 of counter-culture conversations
1600             during Easter time. However, the
                   volume of this community is
1400             more stable and unseasonal than
                         traditional ones.






       22-Mar   23-Mar   24-Mar   25-Mar   26-Mar   27-Mar   28-Mar   29-Mar    30-Mar   31-Mar   1-Apr   2-Apr   3-Apr   4-Apr   5-Apr   6-Apr

                                                        Tradition              Counter-Culture
Share of Voice: Tradition vs Fan Culture
                       Traditional Share of Voice


                                    1627       1581

    Microblog       Blog      Mainstreams   Forum     Social Network   Video/Phot   Wiki

                     Counter-Culture Share of Voice
                                                         Counter-culture audience are
                                                          more visualized behaviors
                        774                              compared to Traditional ones


                                                               153           123

   Video/photos   Microblog   Mainstreams   Blog      Social network    Forum       Wiki
Traditional Audience vs Fan Culture Audience

The traditional audience adopted some counter culture activities, however, still remain
the characters of traditional audience.
Some of these micro trends include:
    Using Peeps to make unusual food (38% of Flickr traditional photos)
    Eating Peeps in unusual ways (33% of Flickr traditional photos)
    Use Peeps as toys for family playing together (25% of Flickr traditional photos)

                                                   Family/Friends playing Peeps war
                                                 together (put them in microwave) as
         Peepshi  and this is even new term
                                                         part of a family thing
Traditional Audience
                      About to be Fan Culture Audience:
       There is a set of customers who discuss their general feelings toward
             Peeps, but they also enjoy the Counter-culture activities.

       Research shows that majority of this audience is made up of
        teenagers or from family that having teenagers, as many
      discussions about Peeps (for both traditional and fan culture activities)
         are found on teen forums (or having most talkers are teenagers).

                                   (115 conversations about Peeps in March)

                                        (492 conversations about Peeps)

                        (Marshmallow Peeps Club with 757 fans , 44 videos and 65 photos)
Where is the noise?
Cross-Over Opportunities


                                       Neutral          Positive
                                        35%              26%


           20%                 Audience's Views of Peeps


                  6%                                                 6%

      Yummy      Cute   I like them    Cant have    Too much       Gross   Yucky   Simply don’t
                        but I don’t   too many at     sugar                            like
                         eat them        once

Positive                                                                                      Negative
Example of Missing Between Traditional and Fan Culture

Flickr name: Gelatobaby
Alissa Walker from Hollywood

Profile: writer, gelato-eater, and a
walker in LA

She wrote articles/blogs and posted
photos on 16 different online and
hard-copy magazines.

Peeps related activities: making
Peeps craft art, cooking food that
having Peeps, creating Peeps
diorama, and holding party with
Peeps theme

She has 122 photos of Peeps with
attracted 2135 views                   Is she traditional or is she counter culture ?
Cross Over Opportunities: In Their Own Words

          I love peeps!!! What's not to love about them? They're sugar-coated sugar!
          So amazingly delicious... Mmmm......
                                                           Swedishcurly – 16 years old

          I don't eat them anymore cuz there's far too much sugar in 'em but I loved
          'em as a kid! I wish I did still eat 'em.....they have 'em for every holiday now!
                                                                              Divajinx from IN

          I can't eat peeps. =[ Their little faces staring at me as I bring them closer to
          my mouth... It makes me feel like a terrible person.
          Damn marshmallows. Guilt-tripping me like that.
                                                              CyniqueCharme – 17 years old

          I love chocolate and sweets but NEVER peeps, A lot of my friends love them
                                                                Fury girl – 17 years old

          peeps.... I only eat one, maybe two. after that, I feel sick from all that sugar
          jam-packed into that little treat.
                                                                     Kimberly– 18 years old
Marshmallow Peeps Counterculture Peeps
  MARSHMALLOW PEEPS FANPOP                                      Site description: Fanpop is a
  The candy we love to hate…                                    network of fan clubs for fans of                television, movies, music and
  Fan members: 793                                              more to discuss and share
  Established: 2008                                             photos, videos, news and
                                                                opinions with fellow fans.
 Example of fan pick topics:
                                                   Activities: counterculture-oriented content
                                                   • Videos: 44
                                                   • Photos: 90
                                                   • Fan picks: 8
                                                   • Forum discussions: 2
                                                   • Links: 44

                                                   Impactful author’s bio: DrDevience
                                                   Name: Lori Leidig
                                                   Gender: Female
                                                   Age: 52 years old
                                                   Nationality: US citizen living in Sweden
                                                   Affiliation site: one of top 1000 contributors in
                                                   2009 on Associated content website

           Compare differences between traditional vs counterculture
                                   Traditional culture                   Counterculture
  Audience identified           Family-oriented, young parents,    Teenagers, young adults
                                young mothers, housewife

  Overall sentiment             Positive                           Major negative
  Present on social media       Text-driven (Twitter, forums,      Image-driven (Flick, Youtube,
                                etc.)                              etc.)
  What makes them interested?   Favorite/ new flavors              Videos of creative torturing ways
                                Cooking recipes                    Peeps dioramas
                                                                   Other experiments (other than

  Seasonality                   Easter                             All year round

  Trend indication              Peeps marketing strategies to      Microwave Peeps is becoming
                                approach traditional consumers     familiar and less interested from
                                will shift to public events like   social media viewers. Peeps fan
                                Peeps show, contests, Peeps        culturewill be fragmented and
                                for travel, etc.                   scatter into more creative
Conclusions and Recommendations

 •   Peeps traditional and fan culture exist alongside each other, yet independently

 •   The most popular fan culture recognized community is microwave Peeps

 •   The counter-culture community will be sustainable as number of people
     involving is increasing by time and with spiral effect of social media channels

 •   Peeps fan cultures will develop in the way that not support selling more
     traditional Peeps products to consumers, but creating buzz among
     Marshmallow Peeps brand

 •   Action to take: encourage development of positive fan cultures by starting
     new innovative trend such as video contest that show creative ways to make
     use of Peeps for young teenagers etc.
Suggested Next Steps For Research

                                                     How can the fan culture of Peeps be
                                                          leveraged by the brand?

                                                           Who are these                                   How can we reach
           What are they doing?
                                                             people?                                            them?

                                                             What draws    What do they
                                             Why do they                                   Online Social        In-store
Seasonal       Year-Round         Projects                   them to the    need from                                         Events
                                             like Peeps?                                      Media             Products
                                                               culture?        us?

   Merchandise that Just Born can create around the Peeps brands that will
      serve the Fan Culture while not disrupting the Traditional Culture
               Warren Sukernek
206-547-1588| Web: | Blog: | Twitter:
Alterian Slideshare: Alterian | YouTube: engagingtimeslive | Facebook: The Real Alterian

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Traditional Audience vs. Fan Culture: How Social Media Research Connects Communities

  • 1. Peeps Traditional vs. Fan Culture Audiences How Social Media Research Connects Communities Prepared by:
  • 2. Alterian Social Media Engagement Solutions Social Media Monitoring Easily capture and analyze Social Media data SOCIAL MEDIA to monitor your brand, identify key influencers ENGAGEMENT and generate sales leads SOLUTIONS Integrate all your relevant data sources, including syndicated, back office, response Listening & and web behavior data to increase insights Reporting Social Media Research Marketing Analytics Combine Social Media data with traditional market research rigor and techniques to Market identify valuable insights and drive strategy Research Social Media Engagement Content Publishing Rapidly deploy approved content to all relevant social channels One-to-One Conversations Engage with your customers, and respond to them with personal, high value offers Global Services Support, Professional and Managed Services Leverage experience from global deployments
  • 3. Social Media Performance Inputs Forums Delicious & Google Social Trends & Tagging Insights Microblogs (Twitter) Social Networking Multimedia Sites (YouTube, (Facebook, Podcasts) LinkedIn) Comments on Mainstream Blogs & News Comments
  • 4. Defining the Audience • Traditional Audience – Any customer using Peeps for: eating, cooking, present or mentioned them as part of Easter • Fan Culture Audience – Any customer using Peeps for purposes other than Traditional audience usually as a means of artistic/creative expression
  • 5. Traditional Audience “Most people have a love-hate relationship with Peeps. I think they were more special before the company started making marshmallow confections for every single holiday and/or greeting card holiday ever invented….”
  • 6. Daily Volume : Traditional Audience 1741 Main causes for increase in 1730 1607 volume: - People buying Peeps for their families on Easter day update on 1310 Twitter 1158 - Release new flavor: Chocolate 956 covered Peeps - Link to pages showing Peeps 733 727 601 489 462 470 378 395 399 357 22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr Traditional conversations increased Total results: 13,306 significantly in volume at second half Date range: Mar 22 – April 6 period of examining date range. The Top domain: increasing trend shows a tied relation between Peeps candy and Easter season in traditional consumers’ minds
  • 7. Traditional Audience: Where Are They? Traditional Conversations Share of Voice Conversations about buying Peeps candies for Easter season Traditional consumers are more text driven on social media 5088 3115 1627 1581 1362 509 24
  • 8. Traditional Discussions “Peeps are amazing... and as bill said, stale ones are very good too! They're great if you put 'em in the microwave for like 15 seconds and let them get soft and big, then eat them!” Ways <Bobby > (I Hate Peeps! - Facebook) traditional audience eat Peeps Peeps’ To traditional audience, is favorite Peeps only colors and for Easter ? shapes “My opinion on peeps varies. I used “@JenOgden *handing you a to loved them - stale - now not so Traditional pink, chick PEEP* Enjoy & much. But I love them Peeps Happy Easter!!! (I like the purple bunny Peeps) teehee” toasted/roasted. Mmmm! Perfection. I don't know if I'll be eating any this conversations time. I haven't eaten candy in about a month …” TL/statuses/11543969430 <jenjie> (“I have to ask--peeps or no peeps the marshmallow-y things” - )
  • 9. Sample Twitter Conversations @katidid378 I will ONLY eat them at Easter...the other holiday Peeps are just but yes, I do love them....pure sugar <Tish326> @bettielaven @nekazang my dears, my dears. The Best Easter Candy ever are stale Peeps! Keep them out so they're nice and dry. YUM. < chefterridien> @californiaboyz what color peeps? Although some people think they taste the same. They do not. Oh and was it peeps or bunny peeps? < leftyprofessor> @johnmoe #candyclub - Peeps is a complex issue, do colors taste differently, original, chololate, strawberry, chocolate covered, microwave? < Dav3Ston3> #ubercosign RT @ioroberts: Maaaan, Peeps have to be one of THE most disgusting "candies" ever! Its right up there with candy corn. Ugh!. < tlw83> Peeps are fucking gross. why cant they make better rubber duckie shaped candy? what an outrage! or are they baby chickens? not sure. < megablakeLB>
  • 10. Reasons People Dislike Peeps “i hate Peeps in any form or color that they now come in PLUS their evil cousins the Circus Peanuts! Yuck! They are just disgusting sugar delivery HA! I thought I was the only one vehicles that can't even be who HATED those flippen classified as "candy"!! things. Before I would have to <Sharon> “They are really cute, but they just see them during Easter taste soooo gross. That does time. NOW they make them for NOT taste like sugar more like very damn holiday. UGH. ......who knows just sick. That is <Beth> NOT even candy.....” <Trisha> Negative UGH I hate PEEPS!!! Growing up my family didn't have much sentiment money and ALWAYS bought these damn things and were around I would rather eat a sugar cube. Peeps are NASTY. They expected to eat them every year. AND I DID!!!!! DAMN YOU Peeps better change the formula or they will be replaced with a PEEPS!!! better product. <Brad> “For real...I agree. Does anyone “I have ended up in the ER like Peeps??? because of PEEPS. Honestly They don't even taste like food, have a serious panic attack let alone sugar! every time I see them.........” It's a blob of <MargiE> more, no less.” <Lisa >
  • 11. Traditional Audience: How They Like Peeps? What traditional audience discussed about Peeps 21% Their favorite Peeps' colors and shapes 43% 8% Their ways to eat Peeps 28% Their thoughts on present of Peeps on Easter Their dislike expressions with Peeps Traditional Audience's favorite colors of Peeps 4% Chocolate 10% Pink 19% Yellow 53% Purple 14% Blue
  • 12. Influential Traditional Communities Typical forum with high involvement level thread about Peeps forum: Two peas in a bucket Topic: I have to ask – peeps or no peeps (the marshmallow – y things). Total result: 118 YES to peeps. I like the Peep bunnies are the cutest bunnies better than the thing in the world - an Easter chick shaped ones. they basket must have item. A big taste better..I swear! I like yes from me - although I really them fresh NOT stale! don't care to eat them. I personally hate them and always I love candy but No Peeps for have, even as a kid. I remember my me! My kids don't like them older sister always liked them. I either. The only person I know bought them for my kids just because that likes them is my mom. it was tradition. I stopped one year I used Bunny Peeps last year because it didn't seem like they cared to decorate cupcakes. They much for them either. I caught holy were a hit with the Easter heck (no pun intended) for that! So I crowd. am back to buying the creepy little things again. Forum target segment: Young mother, young parents
  • 13. Influential Traditional Communities Typical forum with high involvement level thread about Peeps: The Straight Dope Topic: Marshmallow Peeps. Total result: 54 I love peeps. As children, they I love Peeps! Stale, preferably. were always a staple in our I'm waiting for Monday, when ALL Easter baskets. Now with of the Easter candy goes on hubby and no children at drastic clearance. home, we don't do Easter baskets, but we still buy the peeps. I am seeing Peeps on sale everywhere. What's up? No one I only eat them around Easter likes them anymore. Walgreens though, because non-Easter had them for a dollar a package. peeps are somehow wrong. I I've never seen so many. I don't know - I kinda like the wonder if people don't like them pumpkin peeps at Halloween. or that they overstocked....
  • 14. Influential Traditional Communities Typical forum with high involvement level thread about Peeps forum: The Bump – the inside scope of Pregnancy. Total result: 114. Total threads: 11 I love Peeps, but I don't really eat them. I mean, I LOVE Peeps. No Easter basket is complete without Peeps, and I used to send holiday themed Peeps in my care packages to DH when we were still long distance... wils0482: Bunnies, because I like to eat the ears off first. Blasphemy! It's chocolate Bunnies, marshmallow peeps. That's the only way. Forum target segment: Young mother, young parents
  • 16. Fan Culture Fan culture is the culture made up of fans of brands & products. These fans create art, which takes a variety of forms, from the products that they love so much. Fan culture represents the love of the product as well as the comraderie amongst the fans. Identity & Belonging Involvement & Performance Knowledge Fan Culture
  • 17. Fan Culture Embraced: A Case Study Traditional Culture Duck Tape duct tape is a Fan Culture great example of a company embracing the naturally occurring fan culture and making a profitable product that appeals to the fan culture population without disrupting the traditional population. Sales go through different Stain.html channels http://yuni- 0/03/duct-tape-prom.html
  • 18. Daily Volume: Fan Culture Audience Fan Culture Conversations Daily Volume 312 184 results coming from Twitter (59%), in which 158 tweets are about the Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest 233 224 194 153 148 118 110 101 74 52 39 40 43 33 31 22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr • Date range: 3/22 – 4/6 • Total results: 3,108 • Top domains:
  • 19. Fan Culture Audience: Where Are They? Counter-Culture Conversations Share of Voice 1203 All activities are visual/ creative oriented. 774 482 347 153 123 26 Video/photos Microblog Mainstreams Blog Social Forum Wiki network Counter-Culture Activities Peeps Diorama 29% 30% Using Peeps to make Craft or Art Works 4% Experiment/Game/Weird 37% activities Taking photos/videos of Peeps
  • 20. Influential Fan Culture Communities – surprisingly this is supposed to be a traditional channel for housewives, food lovers or family to discuss about food related topics The Peepshi Phenomenon Started on March 31 by Grace Kang on Receive 42comments The Post is being tweeted and 43 favorites on the 1,764 times original post itself 3620 tweets mentioning Peepshi 159 Peepshi photos are posted on Flickr 234 blog posts talking about Peepshi Within only 5 days (3/31 – 4/5)
  • 21. Influential Fan Culture Communities 14 Flickr groups are centered around taking photos of Peeps • 1,438 Peeps photos were posted from 3/22-4/6 Total 4,083 members • 83% of these were Counter-culture photo types of these groups These 14 groups created 3,592 Peeps photos total Let's face it, Peeps are colorful, fun, and are wonderful when photographed in real world situations! - CJ Universal – sponsor and judge of the Flickr Peeps off contest -
  • 22. Influential Fan Culture Communities Counter Culture YouTube video Types Ways to kill peeps 15% Others Unusual things/videos that 14% people can do to Peeps such as: • Showing videos of peeps put Peeps Diorama Peeps on chairs (and that’s it) 26% experiment/weird activities • How to take nude photos with (microwave) Peeps 45% • Use Peeps as bath sponge • Stick Peeps on mirror, stick peeps on someone’s nose, or stick Peeps anywhere on the face • Videos of chewing Peeps (and Counter Culture YouTube Video Views just that) YouTube videos are getting more 38% and more focused on different 32% ways to ‘torture’ Peeps. 23% Total fan culture videos: 153 7% (date range: 3/22 – 4/6) Peeps Diorama Peeps Ways to kill peeps Others experiment/weird activities
  • 23. Influential Profile: 4 Peeps Sake You Tube Channel Example of Fan Culture Site  Been making Peeps videos about 4 years  Have uploaded total 118 videos  Most viewed video received 18,876 views  Most viewers like the videos  Most videos have adult contents
  • 24. Influential Profile: Shelly S Shelly S is a female librarian from New York She has 57 peeps photos which attracted 5945 views in total. And all of these photos are classified as fan culture types The concept of her photos are toys/food diorama
  • 25. Influential Profile: University of Chicago Magazine The Magazine has 72 peeps photos which attracted 19146 views in total. And all of these photos are classified as fan culture types
  • 26. Many People Like to See Peeps Explode • There were 190 YouTube videos of Peeps exploding in microwaves at the time of this report, and the number continues to grow. • The number of views for these videos are 2,841,589; with 11,213 comments. What made people enjoy these videos? Others Taste better 6% 9% No reason 12% Gross 19% Fun 54% Video “Three Peeps In A Basket... In A Microwave Oven” (745 comments)
  • 27. Fan Culture: Where It Came From? In 4 of the top sites about Peeps from Google, 3 have content that aligns with fan culture behavior Photo of Peeps got shot, Peeps in a strip club “…Peeps can also be eaten out of the microwave. This is often done in conjunction with "Peep Jousting", a game in which two Peeps are placed in the microwave with toothpicks stuck in them. The Peeps expand in the microwave, the player whose Peep pierces the other Peep gets the honor of eating both hot and gooey Peeps…” Showing methods of testing Peeps reactions to heat, cold, pressure,..etc.
  • 28. Verbatim Posts about Exploding Peeps That basket's totally ruined. It was awesome, though! I loved the end, where you turned the microwave off and they deflated. xD (Arithmatis – YouTube audience) oh my gosh that looked so gross but FUNNY!!! XD though I feel bad for them now. I microwave a peep and it almost exploded the fluff came out the side..... I'm gonna post it XD XD soon as my computer lets me as (MewBerrylvy – YouTube audience) lol I have microwave a not opened bag of marshmallows it had about a hundred of them or something try it and post it on youtube it is funny but (sweetbob67 – YouTube audience) OHMYGOSH NOOO THE PEEPS D: you expanded their marshmallowy insides and they exploded out of the basket. D: and yet strangely that was interesting enough to watch. niiiice one :D (HollowBreath – YouTube Audience) Peeps are gross. They deserve that. (AndrewKalember – YouTube audience)
  • 29. Various Reasons For Microwaving Peeps Cheap clearance Taste better Hobby Microwave Peeps Curiosity Hate Peeps Pagan ritual Entertaining
  • 30. Traditional vs Fan Culture
  • 31. Daily Volume: Traditional vs. Fan Culture 2000 1800 There has been a slight increase of counter-culture conversations 1600 during Easter time. However, the volume of this community is 1400 more stable and unseasonal than traditional ones. 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr Tradition Counter-Culture
  • 32. Share of Voice: Tradition vs Fan Culture 5088 Traditional Share of Voice 3115 1627 1581 1362 509 24 Microblog Blog Mainstreams Forum Social Network Video/Phot Wiki Counter-Culture Share of Voice 1203 Counter-culture audience are more visualized behaviors 774 compared to Traditional ones 482 347 153 123 26 Video/photos Microblog Mainstreams Blog Social network Forum Wiki
  • 33. Traditional Audience vs Fan Culture Audience The traditional audience adopted some counter culture activities, however, still remain the characters of traditional audience. Some of these micro trends include:  Using Peeps to make unusual food (38% of Flickr traditional photos)  Eating Peeps in unusual ways (33% of Flickr traditional photos)  Use Peeps as toys for family playing together (25% of Flickr traditional photos) Family/Friends playing Peeps war together (put them in microwave) as Peepshi  and this is even new term part of a family thing
  • 34. Traditional Audience About to be Fan Culture Audience: There is a set of customers who discuss their general feelings toward Peeps, but they also enjoy the Counter-culture activities. Research shows that majority of this audience is made up of teenagers or from family that having teenagers, as many discussions about Peeps (for both traditional and fan culture activities) are found on teen forums (or having most talkers are teenagers). (115 conversations about Peeps in March) (492 conversations about Peeps) (Marshmallow Peeps Club with 757 fans , 44 videos and 65 photos) Where is the noise?
  • 35. Cross-Over Opportunities Sentiment Neutral Positive 35% 26% Negative 39% 20% Audience's Views of Peeps 18% 10% 6% 6% 5% 4% 3% Yummy Cute I like them Cant have Too much Gross Yucky Simply don’t but I don’t too many at sugar like eat them once Positive Negative
  • 36. Example of Missing Between Traditional and Fan Culture Flickr name: Gelatobaby Alissa Walker from Hollywood Profile: writer, gelato-eater, and a walker in LA She wrote articles/blogs and posted photos on 16 different online and hard-copy magazines. Peeps related activities: making Peeps craft art, cooking food that having Peeps, creating Peeps diorama, and holding party with Peeps theme She has 122 photos of Peeps with attracted 2135 views Is she traditional or is she counter culture ?
  • 37. Cross Over Opportunities: In Their Own Words I love peeps!!! What's not to love about them? They're sugar-coated sugar! So amazingly delicious... Mmmm...... Swedishcurly – 16 years old I don't eat them anymore cuz there's far too much sugar in 'em but I loved 'em as a kid! I wish I did still eat 'em.....they have 'em for every holiday now! Divajinx from IN I can't eat peeps. =[ Their little faces staring at me as I bring them closer to my mouth... It makes me feel like a terrible person. Damn marshmallows. Guilt-tripping me like that. CyniqueCharme – 17 years old I love chocolate and sweets but NEVER peeps, A lot of my friends love them though. Fury girl – 17 years old peeps.... I only eat one, maybe two. after that, I feel sick from all that sugar jam-packed into that little treat. Kimberly– 18 years old
  • 38. Marshmallow Peeps Counterculture Peeps MARSHMALLOW PEEPS FANPOP Site description: Fanpop is a The candy we love to hate… network of fan clubs for fans of television, movies, music and Fan members: 793 more to discuss and share Established: 2008 photos, videos, news and opinions with fellow fans. Example of fan pick topics: Activities: counterculture-oriented content • Videos: 44 • Photos: 90 • Fan picks: 8 • Forum discussions: 2 • Links: 44 Impactful author’s bio: DrDevience Name: Lori Leidig Gender: Female Age: 52 years old Nationality: US citizen living in Sweden Affiliation site: one of top 1000 contributors in 2009 on Associated content website
  • 40. Conclusions Compare differences between traditional vs counterculture Traditional culture Counterculture Audience identified Family-oriented, young parents, Teenagers, young adults young mothers, housewife Overall sentiment Positive Major negative Negative Present on social media Text-driven (Twitter, forums, Image-driven (Flick, Youtube, etc.) etc.) What makes them interested? Favorite/ new flavors Videos of creative torturing ways Cooking recipes Peeps dioramas Other experiments (other than microwave) Seasonality Easter All year round Trend indication Peeps marketing strategies to Microwave Peeps is becoming approach traditional consumers familiar and less interested from will shift to public events like social media viewers. Peeps fan Peeps show, contests, Peeps culturewill be fragmented and for travel, etc. scatter into more creative activities
  • 41. Conclusions and Recommendations • Peeps traditional and fan culture exist alongside each other, yet independently • The most popular fan culture recognized community is microwave Peeps • The counter-culture community will be sustainable as number of people involving is increasing by time and with spiral effect of social media channels • Peeps fan cultures will develop in the way that not support selling more traditional Peeps products to consumers, but creating buzz among Marshmallow Peeps brand • Action to take: encourage development of positive fan cultures by starting new innovative trend such as video contest that show creative ways to make use of Peeps for young teenagers etc.
  • 42. Suggested Next Steps For Research How can the fan culture of Peeps be leveraged by the brand? Who are these How can we reach What are they doing? people? them? What draws What do they Why do they Online Social In-store Seasonal Year-Round Projects them to the need from Events like Peeps? Media Products culture? us? Merchandise that Just Born can create around the Peeps brands that will serve the Fan Culture while not disrupting the Traditional Culture
  • 43. THANK YOU Warren Sukernek @warrenss 206-547-1588| Web: | Blog: | Twitter: Alterian Slideshare: Alterian | YouTube: engagingtimeslive | Facebook: The Real Alterian