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Paleolithic Lifeways Research Paper
Paleolithic Lifeways The Paleolithic Era or the "Stone Age" was the beginning of humanity. The
was the age of foraging and stone. People often lived in small groups of only close family. The only
way to obtain food was by hunting and eating some plants, because of this people only had enough
to feed their small group or family. These people relied on mainly animals and some plants which
meant they moved when there food moved. Temporary homes were build with bones and hides
which allowed them to move the homes when they food wasn't there. Hunting is just one job
specialization. Some others include sewing, tracking animals and watching the kids. People traveled
with only what they needed. The Great Thaw allowed people to travel to new places
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Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic People
Neolithic and Paleolithic People
To begin with, Paleolithic and Neolithic people are unintelligent, rowdy, hairy, and smelly.
Paleolithic and Neolithic people were known as cavemen. Neolithic people had better technology
than Paleolithic people. Additionally, The Neolithic and Paleolithic people use tools to survive.
Paleolithic people use tools so they can hunt, gather food, build houses, and make clothes. The
Paleolithic people's tools were constructed out of stone. Neolithic people use tools for farming. The
tools were constructed out of rocks and copper then they advanced their tools by mixing rock with
copper. People these days call rocks mixed with copper is called "bronze." The reason I picked tools
because they have plenty of
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The Neolithic Era And The Paleolithic Era
i. The Paleolithic Era began at the beginning of human life and ended 12 thousand years ago. The
era was given the nickname "The Old Stone Age" because stone was used both in tools and to make
tools. One of the most important tools used by humans was the spear. Spears were made for hunting
for food and protection from dangerous wildlife. During the Paleolithic Era the climate was much
colder than the present. This made food limited so humans had to follow the migration of game. ii.
Hunter–gatherers, also known as foragers, thrived from the beginning of human life to about 12
thousand years ago. The time period of the hunter–gathers corresponds with the Paleolithic Era.
They started off in East Africa and slowly moved to Eurasia. Foragers did not farm and had no fully
established homes. They lived in temporary homes that were easy to be made mobile. They migrated
with animals and collected other food sources from the land. This lifestyle can be described as
nomadic. iii. Controlled fire was very important to humans during the Paleolithic Era. The first fires
were started with lava or lighting at the source. Eventually humans realized rubbing two sticks
together or other materials could start a fire also. Fire now allowed for cooked meat which was the
number one source of protein. Also fire was used to harden wooden weapons and tools and treating
animal hides. Last, fire was used for warmth and light. iv. The Neolithic Revolution began 10,000
years ago. This
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Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper
Neolithic and Paleolithic Have you ever thought two different time periods could have so many
similarities and differences? Neolithic Ages was from 8000 to 3500 BCE and Paleolithic Age was
from 2.5 million to 8000 BCE. The main comparisons and contrasts are their shelter, food, and
technology they used. Archaeologist mainly helped us distinguish between them by using techniques
& analyzing fossils. Even though, the Paleolithic Age came before the Neolithic Age there are still
quite a few similarities and differences.
Neolithic and Paleolithic had different priorities when it came to shelters. Paleolithic people were
nomads, so they had no permanent home, because they had to constantly move to where their food
was available. So, their homes were temporary and they were usually caves, camp sites, or huts for
their housing. Also, only 20–30 people lived as together as clans. But on the other hand, Neolithic
people lived in permanent houses made of mud or stone, which more stable than tents or huts.
Therefore, many people lived together. They no longer had a nomadic lifestyle because they started
to develop other advanced ... Show more content on ...
Paleolithic men hunted animals like bison, mammoths, bears and deer. Women gathered berries, and
nuts. Meat was a source of food in both ages. Paleolithic diet was way healthier. The Neolithic age
began when humans discovered agriculture, farming, and raising cattle in permanent areas. On the
other hand, Paleolithic people were nomadic since they were hunter–gatherers. Neolithic people did
not have to search for food, unlike Paleolithic. So, rice and wheat were the first plants they actually
started producing. Unlike Paleolithic, the first animals to be domesticated, tamed and dependent on
humans for survival, were dogs, goats, sheep, pigs and horses. Overall Paleolithic Age adapted to
their environment while Neolithic made their environment adapt to
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Cultural Differences Of The Paleolithic And Neolithic...
Paleolithic and Neolithic Cultures The Paleolithic and Neolithic periods displayed major cultural
differences in religion, lifestyles, government, and technology. "Culture is the way of life of a group
of people. Culture includes common practices of a society, its shared understandings, and its social
organizations are always changing" (McDougal, World History: Patterns of Interaction, 2004) The
Paleolithic time period was full of inventions and was a time where new technology and lifestyles
were blossoming through all cultures. Tools made out of pressure flaked stone and rock were created
during this period to help with everyday tasks. The Paleolithic period was also the period where the
creations of fires were discovered along with religion and languages. The Neolithic age, however,
was more technologically improved, than the Paleolithic age. This was the start of the agricultural
revolution and the start of civilizations and societies. These two periods were ever changing. The
Paleolithic age and all the aspects of its culture were full of amazing inventions and discoveries. The
people of the Stone Age created a whole new way of living. The Paleolithic period was believed to
first begin in Africa as we started to evolve" (McDougal, World History: Patterns of Interaction,
2004). The Paleolithic age lasted from about 2.5 million to 8000 B.C" The hunter–gather lifestyle
was a big part of the Paleolithic culture. In this culture, there was an equal division of labor between
the men and women. To find food prehistoric people would use the hunter–gather method to find
food in their natural settings, this lifestyle was also called the nomadic lifestyle. The men would
hunt animals and the women would gather food such as berries and other plants. The nomads
equally shared the responsibilities of their families including the care their young. Small family
groups were common in the Paleolithic age do to the travel and constant search for food. There was
no set government in the Paleolithic period, the Neolithic period, however, was strikingly different
than the old stone age. The Neolithic age brought many technological advancements to the world
and the new Stone Age culture. The Neolithic age is also
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Gender Roles In Paleolithic Society
During Paleolithic times, men and women were equal. Both genders contributed equal amounts in
society, the economy, and decisions. It was only until the rise of agriculture things started to change.
In the first agricultural societies, men began to contribute more to the economy. As these societies
grew into civilizations, there was a continuing rise of male power. They had more control over
religion, politics, the economy, and the home. With economic, political, and social developments, a
patriarchy arose putting men over women. (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations)
Neolithic men's economic importance grew. They did the largest amount of agricultural work, and
manufactured most goods. This led to males being favored for agricultural jobs. For the first time
there were certain roles for each gender. Societies needed more people to help farm and keep up
with the disease rates, "This meant women spent more of their lives bearing and caring for children"
(The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations). With women taking care of children, men
took jobs in all sorts of areas, all of which in turn put men at a higher status than women. To put in
another ... Show more content on ...
There were many invasions during this time around the world, so most areas had a military–like
organization built. These defenses were created and run by men, "Agricultural societies... organized
more formal military forces, which gave new emphasis to male power" (The Rise of Agriculture and
Agricultural Civilizations). In addition, males took on political and religious leadership roles. This
led to a higher appreciation of the male. Religions had male creators. Examples being Greek and
Middle Eastern groups. As well as the Jewish faith, because of their singular male god, led to an
even larger rise of male importance. According to historians, "Laws and social habits soon followed
suit" (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural
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Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper
Do you ever wish you could go back in history? If you answered yes then you should learn more
about the Paleolithics and the Neolithics. These two cultures are extremely different, but were
basically the founding fathers for the way we've evolved and live today.
The evidence that Jared Diamond presented in his article seemed overwhelming. First he explained
how the Neolithic had poor nutrition from their starchy crops and their diets all consisted of rice,
wheat, and corn which are all deficient in certain vitamins or amino acids that are crucial for life.
Next he brought up the dependence of their crops. Their reliance meant that they could end up
starving if there was a drought. Another point he gave was the fact that they lived in big groups due
to all the crops. Which resulted in the spread of diseases killing off the large group of people they
had just worked to create.
In my opinion I think that the way they lived was a good thing and actually resulted in a good way
for humanity. It taught us how to be able to feed a large ... Show more content on ...
The Neolithic people never would have become Neolithic unless the Paleolithic people were
curious. The Neolithic also rely on their source of crops which in turn gave them the ability to be
able to survive off of the land around them. They were able to stay in one place and not migrate
because of their crops. They didn't only have crops, but also animals that they domesticated. They
would breed the animals and then once they were so big be able to eat those animals instead of
having to risk their life going on a hunt. Because of the Neolithics ways of life they were able to
feed a lot of people which in turn made them have more people. The Paleolithics saw this way of
life as a new opportunity to not have to depend on luck and rely on a source of food, which led to
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Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic
Historians have many ideas which differ but all divide history into two periods, the Paleolithic
Period and the Neolithic Period. In the Paleolithic period, there was little to no evidence of political
activities and a government, while the Neolithic period had agriculture which led to advancements
in political structures, activities, etc., increase of populations and the creation of professional
managers. There is also a difference in economy as seen when the Paleolithic people had a foraging
economy while the Neolithic people had an agriculture economy which allowed the creation of
specialized jobs and large systems of trade. The Paleolithic people also had a religion where they
worshipped Venus figurines in hope of fertility and painted
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Paleolithic And Neolithic Similarities
The Paleolithic Era and the Neolithic Era had many similarities and differences. The Paleolithic Era
was known as the old stone age, it stated on 2,000,000 BCE. After the Paleolithic Era came the
Neolithic Era which was also known as the new stone age. The people that live during the
Paleolithic Era where nomads which meant they moved around to gather their food. The paleolithic
Era people hunted and gathered their food. However, during the Neolithic Era the people knew how
to farm and domesticate their plants and animals. This allowed the Neolithic Era people to be
sedentary and stay in permanent villages. The Neolithic people also went out hunting for their
animals but not as often as the Paleolithic Era people did. The technology for
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Paleolithic Kinship
Around 10,000 to 2.5 million years ago, the first period of the Stone Age, the Paleolithic Era, existed
and was known for the nomadic lifestyle that its people lived. The people of the Paleolithic Era were
hunter–gatherers who moved constantly in search of animals to hunt and plants to gather. The
Paleolithic people preferred to live off of the resources that existed in abundance in a given region,
rather than producing resources for themselves. For this reason, the Paleolithic people were
organized into small kinship societies. Small kinship societies enabled the Paleolithic people to live
in groups and survive from available resources because larger kinship societies require more
resources and living space, which was not ideal. Since the ... Show more content on
Due to their nomadic lifestyle, the Paleolithic people lived in huts, simple tent structures, or in
nearby caves, instead of permanent housing structures. In order to build their huts or tent structures,
the Paleolithic people had many simple tools made from a variety of materials. The materials used
range from wood and animal skins to bone and even stone. The Paleolithic people used these
materials to build simple tools like clubs and scrapers, and even weapons like small axes, flints, and
simple arrowheads, which helped them, live day after day. Aside from their weapons and tools, the
people of the Paleolithic Era made a great discovery when they learned to control and master the
concept of fires. The people of the Paleolithic Era learned the art of starting a fire by rubbing two
objects, like sticks, together and mastered the technique used to conserve the energy released by the
embers of a fire. Once the Paleolithic people became comfortable with fire, they used it in many
beneficial ways, like in hunting, for cooking, for protection and for warmth in colder
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The Decline Of The Paleolithic Age
A. Humans began migrating across the globe during the Paleolithic Age. The human species
originated in Eastern Africa around the African Great Lakes. From there, they spread out all over
Africa. Then they moved out of Africa into Southwestern Asia. They migrated toward Europe and
from Eastern Asia down through the Pacific Islands and Australia. Many historians argue over how
humans populated the Americas, but most believe that they traveled on a land bride, connecting
Russia to North America during the Ice age. Once they reached North America, the Paleolithic
people migrated downward until they reached the tip of South America. The spread of the human
species an impressive achievement of the Paleolithic Age.
B. Agriculture was started during the Neolithic Revolution. The people in the Middle East were the
first to develop farming. Gradually, the knowledge spread to other communities in South Africa,
India, North China, and Southeast Asia. Agriculture emerged because of the end of the Ice Age. It
became harder to hind animals to hunt and farming provided a reliable source of food.
C. Sedentary agriculture lead to many changes in society. Farming gave people a reliable resource
for food, which could support a lot more people compared to hunting. Because it created a larger
population of people, it was harder to migrate in a nomadic life style. Thus, people began building
permanent homes and villages. Agriculture also caused the invention and development of new
techniques and
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Paleolithic Era Research Paper
The Paleolithic Era consists of hunter–gather societies. Living a nomadic lifestyle, the Paleolithic
people followed their PREY and used resources provided by the land. AS A RESULT, THEY WERE
ALWAYS MOVING SINCE they hunted mammoths, bison, deer, and rodents and gathered roots
and berries. The earliest humans used very rudimentary and basic tools for tasks like cracking open
bones and preparing animal hide. These tools were later improved on to help provide protection,
food, and clothing. By the end of the Paleolithic Era, the hominids made weapons for hunting and
food preparation, such as spears and the bow and arrow, out of bone and were creating more
advanced stone and wood structures. There is also evidence of fishing. The development of tools
helped hominids adapt to different ... Show more content on ...
Bands or tribes were formed when clans mixed with neighboring groups. Early tribes had a form of
government based chiefs and religious figures. They were the leaders of these early societies and
had the responsibility of keeping unity in the tribe. Many of the early tribes worshipped deities and
had numerous religious rituals. The sacrificing to gods, goddesses, and spirits is one example of the
rituals performed in the tribes. They also believed in an afterlife. Their dead can be found with
items, such as flowers and tools, which were possibly offerings to the dead. The people were known
to be spiritualistic and believed in animism. The idea that everything has a spirit was a part of
animism, and the way the spirits interacted caused natural occurrences like the weather. Within their
communities there were certain individuals, the shamans and the witchdoctors, who possess magical
powers that can have a good or bad effect on the tribe as a whole. The community participated in
many ritualistic dances, which had the power to control the behavior of spirits in order to have a
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Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic
The Stone Age was divided into two eras, The Paleolithic and the Neolithic. During the Paleolithic
Era, humans mostly foraged for food, used crude tools, and depended heavily on the environment
around them. By the time the Neolithic Era began, people were developing more complex
technology, social organization, using fire, and living sedentary lifestyles because of the discovery
of agriculture. During the Paleolithic era, hominids used the natural materials in the environment
around them (mostly wood, bone, and animal skin) to create simple tools and shelter, which started
out mainly in caves and canyons. With the discovery of fire about one million years ago, humans
were able to make simple structures like tents and huts to live in. Fire ... Show more content on ...
Tools that have been interpreted as cheese–strainers show that farmers in the sixth millennium BCE
were able to process dairy. This was a major innovation for early humans and a step to eating more
food without having to kill wild animals. In addition, it was during the Neolithic Era that people
made the gradual switch to farming and food production from foraging. During this transition, they
found animals in the wild and learned to domesticate them. They also began to selectively breed
their crops for various traits, leading to the creation of new species. For example, one species of
cabbage was selectively bred into the creation of several new plant species, including kale, brussels
sprouts, and cauliflower. As these farmers transitioned into eating more farmed food, they also
stopped taking in as many nutrients as they had been. This caused the human species as a whole to
get shorter, their bones lighter, and their brains smaller. Since meat is also a good source of vitamin
D, this change may have caused the skin of northern farmers to lighten, as they weren't getting as
much sun and therefore vitamin D as southern
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Social Changes In Paleolithic Society
An introduction to the Paleolithic era from Robert W. Strayer's 2013 edition of Ways of the World
reveals which traits such as hunting, expression, and social structure that prehistoric societies shared
in common (4, 12, and 20). Conversely, since the Agricultural revolution occurred over a vast span
of time and distance, societies differed (13, 16–17). As we have learned, some of the changes that
occurred during the transition from the Paleolithic to Neolithic era are still in use today.
Commonly, Paleolithic man survived on untamed land. For instance, the San and the Hadza people
ate "berries, nuts, roots, and grain" that they gathered (48, 11). Additionally, Paleolithic people used
a symbolic language to convey "ritual, religion, and stories" through art (3, 5, and 35). Though
slightly more advanced, two additional examples of hunting and gathering societies are the
Chumash and the Aborigines (26, 29). ... Show more content on ...
Unlike tribes with "highly egalitarian societies," the Chumash and Aborigines had complicated
social structures (20, 22). Reviewing differences in expression, we compare France's Lascaux cave
paintings to sculptures of "gods, goddesses, or ordinary people" by the Nigerian Nok and Ain
Ghazal people (51, 33, and 38). For survival, migratory societies adapted to their environments, so
while the Plainsmen of North America hunted bison, those in the desert hunted small animals (18).
Other tribes that settled near water, such as Japan's Jomon, survived mainly on fish (25). Regional
environments also influenced dwellings. Whereas San–like nomads had mobile shelters, there were
Longhouses in Labrador, and limestone pillars formed the Göbekli Tepe complex in prehistoric
Turkey (13,
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Paleolithic vs Neolithic Cc Essay
Human existence has lasted over several million years and in that time there has been countless
advances in the way we live. Human history has had many diverse periods of time, one being the
Stone Age. During the Stone Age there were two major subdivisions, the Paleolithic and Neolithic
periods. The Paleolithic, which lasted until about 10,000 years ago, had a significant separating
factor from the Neolithic, ending in 2000 B.C.E. This factor was the way in which the people in
these periods acquired food. The Paleolithic people hunted and gathered their food while the
Neolithic people produced their own food by agriculture. These two different styles of obtaining
food greatly affected the lifestyles of each period's people. The ... Show more content on ...
During the Neolithic period economics seemed to have played a bigger role than in the Paleolithic
age. This was mostly because of the agricultural advancement which had a significant function in
their economic system. They had surpluses of food which allowed them to trade and sell. Also
having something to barter with enabled them to buy better tools and equipment for farming. This
was not so with the Paleolithic people since they hunted and gathered their food. Since they relied
on themselves they had no reason to trade or sell. They only depended on their handmade stone and
bone tools. The only similarity between these two periods was that their lives revolved around their
need for food. The social lives of the Paleolithic foragers greatly differ from that of the Neolithic
farmers. This is mostly because of their way of acquiring food. The foragers had plenty of time after
they hunted and gathered there food because that was all they had to do while the farmers constantly
had to maintain their fields. The foragers spent their free time making art such as cave painting and
constructing tools. With what little time the farmers had they used it to build structures, tools and
containers for the next harvest. One thing they both had in common was the specific jobs that they
assigned to men and women based on each gender's abilities. In the Paleolithic time the men were
the hunters, since they were more muscular,
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The Upper Paleolithic Era
The Upper Paleolithic era – an era between 40,000 and 11,000 years ago – contained peoples in
what is now France and Spain navigating pitch–black caves, painting on walls and ceilings pieces of
artwork that would eventually become a part of the archaeological record. In 1987, Sophie de
Beaune researched the Upper Paleolithic lamp – she and her team established typology, discovered
how each type worked, and learned where and how each was used. These lamps were most
commonly found in southwest France, and only 19.5% were found deep in caves – instead, they
were often placed at "strategic" points where individuals would often pass (such as entrances and
intersections), most likely so the lamps could be found and reused.
These lamps ... Show more content on ...
If lichen and moss are equally present as or more present than juniper, there are two possibilities.
First, juniper was simply used more often in the past. Perhaps there was some greater reason for the
people of the time, such as a belief in healing remedies in the smoke. Second, it was the thousands
of years passed that was the main contributing factor to the wearing away of moss and lichen on all
found lamps rather than the immediate
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Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic
The Paleolithic era began about 2.6 million years ago; this was considered the Old Age. The
Neolithic era began about 10,000 BC where it was named the New Age. There were several
differences that existed between the men who lived in these two ages. The Paleolithic man consisted
of nomads who hunted and gathered their food to survive. Their hunting tools consisted of chipped
and dull stones and wooden weapons. Their shelter consisted of huts and skin tents, and they were
characterized as a tribal society. On the other hand, the Neolithic men were characterized by farmers
who resided in permanent settlements, as opposed to wandering around. Their shelter was made up
of bricks supported by timber, which seems to be a lot more durable
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Paleolithic Era
In the Paleolithic Era, humans relied on hunting and gathering to live, living off the resources the
environment provided and moving on when resources became scarce. This nomadic lifestyle
allowed them to eat a variety of plans and animals, including birds, mammoths, bison, deer, rodents,
roots, and berries. Because plants grew, fruited, and matured at different times of the year, gathering
remained a fairly constant means to provide food throughout the year. Although small animals and
young, ill, wounded, or old animals were easier to hunt successfully, hominids quickly mastered the
techniques to hunt large mammals, such as bison, rhinoceros, horses, woolly mammoths, and
mastodons, to feed more people. To do so, these hunters had to have high levels of cooperation,
intelligence, communication, and abstract reasoning, utilizing disguises, ambushes, camouflage, and
traps. At first, hominids lived in natural shelters such as caves and canyons, then in tents and simple
huts after discovering fire, developing the necessary tools and technologies to do so. Their nomadic
lifestyle discouraged them from building permanent homes, but rather required them to have tents
and huts that could be quickly erected and broken down. By the end of the ... Show more content on ...
With a spoken language, humans began forming social networks. Since humans are naturally social
creatures, early humans began organizing themselves into social groups early on. Small family units
bonded with other families to form clans or tribes. Because the hunter–gatherer lifestyle worked best
in small groups, clans and tribes were usually relatively small, consisting of 30 to 50 people. This
society were usually governed by a council of elders, religious figures, or a single clan or tribal
leader who were the main figure of the society and was responsible for holding the society
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Paleolithic Era Research Paper
The Paleolithic period was also known as the Stone Age, it was known to begin about 2.5 to 2
million years ago. Although people do not know every single detail about this group of people at this
time, we do know a little that can help us understand them. Throughout time we begin to understand
things that they used to survive. This was the first time we can see people using tools and weapons
made out of stone. It helped them perform tasks that were necessary. Crafted to help men and
women fulfil the duties they needed to survive. In a time where homo–sapiens lived in groups of up
to 20–30 people. It was always known as the roll of the men to hunt for a steady supply of food and
the women to gather necessities such as fruits, vegetables, and
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The Paleolithic Era
Human technology and social development fostered the rapid movement of people throughout the
globe during the latter phases of the Paleolithic Era. Many developments allowed the early hunter–
gathers to cope with various environmental pressures. The first development is fire which was the
"advance" towards human technology. Fire was considered the most centered element in their
culture. They formed the technique to preserve glowing embers and starting fires by rubbing sticks
together. This technique led to many improvements in the Paleolithic people. It allowed people to
eat much a wider range of food since they could now cook them. With fire, they could eat animals
such as cow, goat, and chicken. Not only was fire used to cook meat, but it
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Paleolithic Research Paper
The picture of the Paleolithic life reveals that this was a prehistoric era known as the "Stone Age"
era. The discovery made by Chauvet, Lascaux, and other archeologist signifies that there was life on
earth over millions of years ago. Paleolithic people depicted art on the cave walls as a way to
communicate and tell the history of their existence. However, Paleolithic people not only used the
cave as a canvas, but also as their living quarters. Paleolithic people were the first inventors of art.
The murals created by hand stencils and finger tracing is an indication of early phases of the
Paleolithic era. The depiction of animals on the cave walls were an indication of the latter phase of
the Paleolithic era. Evidence of the rare findings of the Pecten (a large shell) with black coal in it
signifies the coal was used for black paint. The discovery of distinctive caves signified that the
people of the Paleolithic era did not all live in one central location. ... Show more content on ...
Judging by the number of paintings and drawings of horses on the cave walls shows that horses
either played or had a significant role in their society. Furthermore, the paintings of animals on the
cave wall indicated that men were hunters and gathers. Reflect of male and female paintings were
also found on the cave walls. The color black was used to identify the female organs and to
distinguish the male figure from the female. Children also left markings or evidence of their
existence by their handprints. They had to have assistance in helping them place their handprints on
the wall because where their handprints were discovered and found shows that the wall was too high
for them to reach. Therefore, this did not only justify the children had access to the upper part of the
caves, but that Homo–Sapiens were tall in
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Middle Paleolithic Research Paper
The Middle Paleolithic period occurred between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago. It is most
commonly associated with Mousterian culture, Neanderthals and early humans. Middle Paleolithic
stone technologies saw a shift from core tools like the Acheulean Handaxe to flake tools, for
example the Levallois point. These flake tools could be modified into simple or more complex tools.
The most important difference between the Lower Paleolithic stone tools and the Middle Paleolithic
stone tools is the fact that the cores were being carefully shaped to produce flakes of a
predetermined shape and size for a specific purpose. The main types of tools found include:
the point (possibly used on spears or arrow tips)
side scrapers (flake tools with a retouched
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Paleolithic Civilizations
One of the most incredible achievements of Paleolithic people was their ability to migrate across the
globe. Paleolithic people first originated in Eastern Africa near the present–day countries of
Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. The need for food and resources led to the initial migration out of
Africa. The discovery of fire and warm animal skin clothing enabled people to live in colder
climates which increased migration. In conclusion, the need for resources and discoveries such as
fire and warm clothing, led to global migration. Agricultural societies first emerged in the Middle
East, India, north Africa, and Europe. They gained popularity after present day countries like
Turkey, Iraq, and Israel developed farming. The surplus of grains ... Show more content on ...
A political institution that emerged during this time was writing. Cuneiform, which was used in the
Middle East, enabled civilizations to organize more complex political structures by sending and
keeping records. A social institution that emerged was communication. When people became
literate, they were able to communicate with more ease on paper and in person. An economic
institution that emerged was taxes due to the increased literacy rate and advanced record keeping
process. A religious institution that emerged was people's dedication to their religion and in turn to
the creation of places of worship like ziggurats and godlike leaders. In conclusion, many political,
religious, economic, and social institutions
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Comparison Of Paleolithic Societies
Some ways that the paleolithic societies differed from one another were by their religion, ruling,
clothing, diets, and how they survived in certain areas. For example the Austronesian culture were
the start of things and was mostly done over water, taking both men and women, also bringing
domesticated animals. Thus leading to the hunting and gathering society. This particular society
became highly known for its equality because there were no formal rulers. Meaning no one had a
higher rank whether it be by gender or anything else, everyone basically had the same objectives. Or
the San Life, they were apart of the hunting and gathering society. They had fair enough food, a
society based on mobility (nomadic), sharing, and equality. There ways
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The Paleolithic And Neolithic
Many people wonder where they come from and how they became humans. There are two eras
throughout history that talks about how humans used to survive when there wasn't anything to make
a well–constructed shelter, weapons or kitchen essentials to make food to eat. According to Garvin
Lewis in the book WCIV Volume 1. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2012, the Paleolithic
era was the earliest and longest period of prehistory, when humans used simple stone stool (Lewis).
The Neolithic era was the period of human history characterized by advances in stone stool–making
and the beginning of agriculture (Lewis). This essay is going to compare and contrast the people in
Paleolithic era and Neolithic. The difference between the people in the Paleolithic and Neolithic era
was the way they both obtain food, and how they both lived. The similarity that the people of the
Paleolithic and Neolithic era had was that each gender obtained somewhat the same roles. Lastly,
the way that art was used. In the Paleolithic era, people were foragers and gathers because they used
to "hunt wild animals and forage wild plants" (Diamond). In this era, everyone was constantly
looking for food since they didn't have "no stored food and no concentrated food source"
(Diamond). Since they didn't have a place to permanently live in they used to move around and find
food as a small group and they used to permanently stay in caves. In the other hand, Farmer of the
Neolithic era were people that
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The Influence Of The Paleolithic Period And The Neolithic...
1.Three major cultural changes or contributions to the humanities that occurred between the
Paleolithic period and the and the Neolithic period are the different techniques developed to hunt,
the importance of the human figures, and the architecture. Different techniques to hunt were shown
by looking at wall paintings, in the Paleolithic era paintings were found in deep caves and showed a
realism of the animals they depended on for food, where as the Neolithic era paintings were located
on smooth limestone, beneath cliff hangs, and in rock shelters these paintings showed the animals
that they depended on for food also but these paintings showed the animals being hunted by human
figures with bows and arrows. This shows that somewhere between the two eras humans developed
a more efficient way to hunt and human figures became more important. Human figures were rarely
known before the Neolithic era, wall paintings did not show them and sculptures of them were very
rare except few female figures found from the Paleolithic age. In the Neolithic age, paintings not
only showed the importance of human figures hunting but it showed them dancing, and fighting as a
community. Architecture is not known from before the Neolithic period, very little survives because
it was made out of material that disappeared long ago. The most famous piece of architecture from
that era is the Stonehenge, not only was the Stonehenge believed to serve as a religious purpose, it
also was known as a clock
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A Paleolithic Diet
The type of study conducted was a pilot study. It was also a controlled and randomized blind
experiment that used a sample of thirty–four Dutch women and men from the Netherlands. The
study is a correlation study. The question the author asked was "Whether, independent of weight
loss, a Palaeolithic–type diet alters characteristics of the metabolic syndrome." The article was not
published in a peer–reviewed journal. The author's hypothesis was that a Paleolithic diet would alter
characteristics of metabolic syndrome. The study was conducted by selecting thirty–six
Netherlanders between the ages of eighteen and seventy. At least two of the test subjects exhibited
symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Later in the study, two individuals ... Show more content on ...
The Palaeolithic group also resulted in less metabolic syndrome symptoms than there was prior to
the experiment. Moreover, there was a decrease in the levels of potassium and magnesium in the
urine of the Palaeolithic group. In both groups, there was no decrease in waist circumference, but
38% (seven) of the subjects in the Palaeolithic group and 14% (2) of the subjects in the reference
group were given extra snacks in order to not lose weight since over 2kg of weight were lost
partway through the experiment. Regardless of this attempt to prevent weight loss, both groups
ended up losing weight – the Palaeolithic group losing more weight than the reference group. The
author concluded that the Palaeolithic diet was more effective than the healthy reference diet in
reducing several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In addition, the Palaeolithic diet was more
satisfying per calorie, thus it was difficult for the subjects to maintain their starting weight. In my
opinion, the study was adequately designed to answer the question they were asking – the
Palaeolithic diet did in fact impact the characteristics of the metabolic syndrome, independent of
weight loss. The study was reliable because it was a randomized controlled study. I also feel like
they had a good number of subjects for the experiment.
An improvement for the experiment would
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Paleolithic And Neolithic Similarities
The hunter–gatherer society living in the Paleolithic Era transitioned and evolved to become
farming people during the Neolithic Era, with different economic and social characteristics. During
both ages, one similarity is that both societies developed forms of language and the generation of
artistic technologies. However, they differ as the Neolithic Era founded the basis of artificial
selection and the domestication of crops and animals, deviating from the basis of hunting and
gathering seen in the Paleolithic Era. Historical evidence shows that there was an increase in
economic and social elements during the Stone Ages, with bonds between the development of fire
and innovative tools.
During the Paleolithic Era, the earliest descendants of ... Show more content on ...
As these clans grew they tended to mix with neighboring groups, forming tribes or bands. These
tribes also created a form of government, with chiefs, leaders, and religious figures leading the tribe.
Secondly, during the Neolithic Era, lifestyle was adapted to different foods and methods of food
production and gathering. In Melanie Salque's article, Earliest evidence for cheese making in the 6th
millennium BCE in northern Europe, she outlines a change in the diet of people living during the
Neolithic Era. In the report, Salque states that milk and dairy products became a considerable
component in the diets of prehistoric people. The creation and production of these products, such as
cheese, allowed for the consumption of nutrients without the need to kill livestock. Another
significant change in the diets and nutrition of society throughout Neolithic times came through the
introduction of agriculture and domestication. In the comic given in the information pamphlet,
information is provided about the establishment of domestication into society. Humans began to
gather and artificially select different food and plants, and would breed different species for their
behavioral or physical characteristics. Also, humans would domesticate certain species, such as a
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Paleolithic Woman Analysis
Nisa is very useful since she has more personal insight and experience on how the paleolithic
women used to live. Evidence is that her family were hunter gatherers and when she left from "the
bush" she started to learn what other people were like since she was only used to staying and
waiting for her father to bring food. And she realized that people in the wider world are stingy.
In her culture it is tradition for a wife and husband to have sex. Nisa believed she was expected to
have sex with Tashay but later was surprised that he didn't ask her. It is shown that the San people
are very acceptable of people having multiple lovers. Nisa had around 4 husbands as well as many
lovers. These beliefs compared to a contemporary society are not as ... Show more content on ...
And then transitioned to the Neolithic with the sculpture of the women and the physical remains of
the Otzi caveman. The sculpture showed how they expressed and recorded their ways through art
and Otzi showed how important personal items were.
People today can look at the cave art or even the sculptures and see how they lived and interpreted
things. And they can appreciate the creations that were left. As well as the evidence left helps
scholars interpret what they were and then explain to today's world about what happened and how
people lived a million years ago. I relate to the account by Nisa because I am a female and some of
the beliefs she had in the San society are the same beliefs we have in today's world.
Since historians are lacking lots of evidence it makes them have to look into it more. But sometimes
they can be wrong which makes these researches uncertain. I think it's good because others can
speculate as well and have their own opinion about the evidence. And they can share
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Monotheistic Religion In The Paleolithic And Neolithic Period
Paleolithic: The Paleolithic period lasted from about 200,000 b.c. to about 10,000 b.c. It was the
early phase of the Stone Age; and encompassed a steady development of stone tools, antler and bone
artifacts, engraving on bone and stone, and paintings on the walls of caves and rock structures.
There was not much structure built or agriculture done in this period as the people lived a nomadic
lifestyle, migrating with the herds of animals they hunted for food.
Neolithic: The Neolithic period lasted from about 9000 b.c. to about 8000 b.c. It was the last phase
of the Stone Age; and encompassed the domestication of animals, the development of agriculture,
and the manufacturing of pottery and textiles. During this period people were beginning to settle and
develop a more sedentary way of life. With this type of life style came territorial issues, meaning
that because of the idea of settling and claiming land people would be more likely to protect it or
fight for it.
Monotheism: The basic definition of monotheism is the belief in one God. The opposite of
polytheism, which is the belief in many Gods, who each serve a different purpose. However, for a
monotheistic religion, the God is all–knowing, all–seeing and all–powerful; this God would be the
sole creator and provider. There are three major religions associated with monotheism, Judaism,
Christianity and Islam.
Olmecs: This civilization prospered from about 1600 BCE to 3500 BCE. Located along the Gulf of
Mexico, this
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Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper
The social and economic structures of early foraging societies are quite different from that of later
agricultural societies. However, both societies share more similarities than one might think.
Typically, all Paleolithic peoples were equal, but there were sometimes members that became more
respected as a result of being courageous, skilled at hunting, etc. During the Neolithic Age, social
divisions became more defined due to specialized labor and accumulated wealth. Foraging societies
relied on loose cooperation to hunt big game for the community. Neolithic peoples were more
advanced and had a specific order within their permanent settlements. Creativity in both societies
was very clear. Foragers created bone sewing needles, figurines, and
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Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper
I would prefer living in the Paleolithic Era and the Neolithic Era.
One main reason is that the Paleolithic men were much healthier than the Neolithic men in the ways
that, Paleolithic men were foragers and they moved their food which led them to not staying in one
spot permanently. This means that sickness and diseases were not easily passed on. Unlike the
Neolithic men who did have permanent settlements and had illness passed around quite easily. Also
it says in the passage Old Stone Age vs. New Stone Age that "The adoption of grains in the
Neolithic era coincided with a shortening of stature, thinner bones and crooked, cavity – ridden
teeth." Since Paleolithic Era did not domesticated grains they only ate wild grains they were taller, ...
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They created created language by using symbolic language (using symbols or sounds to
communicate) and collective learning (telling other people about your discoveries so they can use it
and the information does not die). Although the Neolithic man did create some very important
discoveries too (the wheel, calendars, time keeping etc.) they would not have able to make these
discoveries without language.
Another reason is that the Paleolithic people had a healthy balanced diet. The Paleolithic people had
a main diet of meat, fruits, vegetables, and wild grains. Whereto the Neolithic people had a main
diet of wheat, yams, corn, rice, and maze. As we've seen in paragraph one grains make your bones
thinner, decrease your height, and make you have crooked teeth. Therefore the Paleolithic people
had a better balanced diet which allowed them to be healthier.
My fourth reason is that you are a farmer (Neolithic) and one year you have bad weather and your
crops don't grow. Now you have very little if any food. That doesn't just effect a couple of people
though. That effect your whole clan or colony which can be a lot of people. Whereto if your a
forager (Paleolithic) and you don't have a permanent settlement then if one year you have bad
weather you don't need to stress about it because you can move like you do anyway for your
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Paleolithic And Neolithic Research Paper
The characteristic phases of development of pre–historical humanity are the Paleolithic and
Neolithic eras. The Paleolithic era is called the Old Stone Age, and the Neolithic era is called the
New Stone Age. Pre–History is the time before history where people had not developed the use of
writing nor cities. The societies of the Stone Age started to emerge as "early hominids made most of
their tools out of stone", and because of their use of stone they are said to belong to the Stone Age,
the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras (Cole and Symes 4). The Paleolithic era is labeled as the
development of tools and a hunting and gathering period. The hominids in Africa started to make
tools with stone and fire. Later, about 200,000 years ago, the Neanderthals
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Upper Paleolithic Culture
Humans of the Upper Paleolithic era brought about numerous cultural innovations. In this time
period we see the first art in the form of paintings in caves (Cyraboski). With the spark of creativity,
the roaring fire of the first artistic cultural revolution was born. A wealth of new materials started
making their way into the archeological record. For example, clay, used for pots and figurines, and
bones, which were carved into beads and necklaces for personal adornment. The greatest
culmination of this newly born culture is shown in the burial rites of their dead. This is a brand new
cultural trait born in this era.
But how and why did all of these new innovations come about?
Why do humans create art, what purpose does it serve?
Humans ... Show more content on ...
(2010, March). The Skeletons of Shanidar Cave. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from–culture/the–skeletons–of–shanidar–cave–7028477/?no–ist
Katzman. (2016, May 7). Ornaments during the Paleolithic: The desire for differentiation. Retrieved
October 01, 2016, from
Kelly, D. (2016, February 21). Early human burials varied widely but most were simple – CU
Denver Today. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from–human–
Pin Hole. (n.d.). Creswell–crags Retrieved October 01, 2016, from http://www.creswell––creswell–area/the–creswell–gorge–and–caves/pin–hole.aspx
Stanglin, D. (2012, July 29). Pottery found in China cave confirmed as world's oldest. Retrieved
October 01, 2016, from–
Stow, G. (n.d.). The Digital Bleek and Lloyd. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from
UNESCO (n.d.). The Emergence of Modern Humans: The Pleistocene occupation sites of South
Africa. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from
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Comparison Of Paleolithic And Neolithic People
People think the early humans were really smelly, rowdy, hairy, and known as cavemen. They are
really Paleolithic and Neolithic people who were actually intelligent. They made many advances to
help them survive.
First of all, the paleolithic people discovered fire, and the neolithic people discovered how to farm.
In my history it says"The paleolithic people used fire to keep warm,the neolithic learned how to
farm crops". "Paleolithic people used fire to scare away wild animals or predators away". The
neolithic people farmed to get food for their health. The paleolithic people used fire for light to see.
Neolithic people farmed for they can't get diseases in their health. "The paleolithic people learned a
new language to communicate",and
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Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Art
Chapter 1 focuses on the prehistoric art of two different cultures, which include Paleolithic Art and
Neolithic Art. Paleolithic Art began during the time period of the Ice Age that dates back to about
10,00 to 40, 000 years. Moreover, as the Ice Age began to decline, new vegetation appeared and an
increase of other animal populations allowed the growth of Neolithic Art referred to as the New
Stone Age. Even though these cultures were divided by different time periods they both have some
similar techniques. For example, both regions had figurines, but they had a different aspect
pertaining to their culture of art. Also they both painted animals, but the style and type of animals
differed because of the region. However, most of the painting,
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Paleolithic Art Research Paper
Paleolithic art, an introduction
The oldest art: ornamentation
Humans have been creating art with many different meanings and using a plethora of materials for
thousands of years. Ancient non–representational ornamentation has been discovered all across
Africa, featuring punctured snail shells covered in red ochre. These shells are believed to be around
82,000 years old, and have shown to be strung as beads for necklaces and other jewelry. In Israel,
Nassarius beads have been discovered, reaching up to 100,000 years old. Shells that were pierced
and geometrically etched with ochre were also discovered in a 75,000 year old layer of sediment.
The oldest representational art
Representational imagery in its oldest form is believed to come from the Paleolithic period, from the
Aurignacian culture. Across Europe, 200 caves with paintings, sculptures and drawings displaying
representational image–making were found. A female figure carved out of ivory, standing 2.4 inches
tall, was discovered in fragments in southern Germany, dating to 35,000 B.C.E. ... Show more
content on ...
These paintings display animals, humans, nature, and some are even abstract. Paintings found at the
Chauvet–Pont–d'Arc are believed to be more than 30,000 years old, Pech Merle's paintings date to
25,000 and 15,000 B.C.E, while the paintings at Altamira and Lascaux date to around 15,000
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Paleolithic And Neolithic Similarities
The Paleolithic and Neolithic periods were both extremely different but also immensely similar.
Between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, the two seemed to have the biggest difference in their
lifestyles and tools. There are also quite a lot of similarities between the two including the idea of
tools and the use of fire. Their lifestyles being almost alike are very different, with the Neolithic
people celebrating holidays and finished efficient tools to the Paleolithic people making unfinished
ridged tools and performing rituals in front of cave paintings of a buffalo. Between the two lifestyles
of the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, the Paleolithic hunter would be the best overall lifestyle.
Having to hunt and gather seems to
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Examples Of Human Development In Paleolithic Culture
Some examples of human cultural development in the Paleolithic Culture would be that the humans
gradually evolved from early members of the genus homo habilis. Since then they had evolved from
those to hominid humans. Another example of human cultural development was the tools that were
made from 4.4 billion to 1.6 million years ago. The tools that they would usually use were pebble
tools, hand axes, and choppers. From 1 million to 25,000 years ago, the tools were changed, the
tools were made to become flake tools as it was called.
Some other examples of human cultural in the Paleolithic culture was in the "Ice Age" era was that
they discovered fire, they buried their dead, made cave paintings, sewing, and made spears. They
also made harpoons
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Paleolithic Lifeways Research Paper

  • 1. Paleolithic Lifeways Research Paper Paleolithic Lifeways The Paleolithic Era or the "Stone Age" was the beginning of humanity. The was the age of foraging and stone. People often lived in small groups of only close family. The only way to obtain food was by hunting and eating some plants, because of this people only had enough to feed their small group or family. These people relied on mainly animals and some plants which meant they moved when there food moved. Temporary homes were build with bones and hides which allowed them to move the homes when they food wasn't there. Hunting is just one job specialization. Some others include sewing, tracking animals and watching the kids. People traveled with only what they needed. The Great Thaw allowed people to travel to new places ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic People Neolithic and Paleolithic People To begin with, Paleolithic and Neolithic people are unintelligent, rowdy, hairy, and smelly. Paleolithic and Neolithic people were known as cavemen. Neolithic people had better technology than Paleolithic people. Additionally, The Neolithic and Paleolithic people use tools to survive. Paleolithic people use tools so they can hunt, gather food, build houses, and make clothes. The Paleolithic people's tools were constructed out of stone. Neolithic people use tools for farming. The tools were constructed out of rocks and copper then they advanced their tools by mixing rock with copper. People these days call rocks mixed with copper is called "bronze." The reason I picked tools because they have plenty of ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Neolithic Era And The Paleolithic Era i. The Paleolithic Era began at the beginning of human life and ended 12 thousand years ago. The era was given the nickname "The Old Stone Age" because stone was used both in tools and to make tools. One of the most important tools used by humans was the spear. Spears were made for hunting for food and protection from dangerous wildlife. During the Paleolithic Era the climate was much colder than the present. This made food limited so humans had to follow the migration of game. ii. Hunter–gatherers, also known as foragers, thrived from the beginning of human life to about 12 thousand years ago. The time period of the hunter–gathers corresponds with the Paleolithic Era. They started off in East Africa and slowly moved to Eurasia. Foragers did not farm and had no fully established homes. They lived in temporary homes that were easy to be made mobile. They migrated with animals and collected other food sources from the land. This lifestyle can be described as nomadic. iii. Controlled fire was very important to humans during the Paleolithic Era. The first fires were started with lava or lighting at the source. Eventually humans realized rubbing two sticks together or other materials could start a fire also. Fire now allowed for cooked meat which was the number one source of protein. Also fire was used to harden wooden weapons and tools and treating animal hides. Last, fire was used for warmth and light. iv. The Neolithic Revolution began 10,000 years ago. This ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper Neolithic and Paleolithic Have you ever thought two different time periods could have so many similarities and differences? Neolithic Ages was from 8000 to 3500 BCE and Paleolithic Age was from 2.5 million to 8000 BCE. The main comparisons and contrasts are their shelter, food, and technology they used. Archaeologist mainly helped us distinguish between them by using techniques & analyzing fossils. Even though, the Paleolithic Age came before the Neolithic Age there are still quite a few similarities and differences. Neolithic and Paleolithic had different priorities when it came to shelters. Paleolithic people were nomads, so they had no permanent home, because they had to constantly move to where their food was available. So, their homes were temporary and they were usually caves, camp sites, or huts for their housing. Also, only 20–30 people lived as together as clans. But on the other hand, Neolithic people lived in permanent houses made of mud or stone, which more stable than tents or huts. Therefore, many people lived together. They no longer had a nomadic lifestyle because they started to develop other advanced ... Show more content on ... Paleolithic men hunted animals like bison, mammoths, bears and deer. Women gathered berries, and nuts. Meat was a source of food in both ages. Paleolithic diet was way healthier. The Neolithic age began when humans discovered agriculture, farming, and raising cattle in permanent areas. On the other hand, Paleolithic people were nomadic since they were hunter–gatherers. Neolithic people did not have to search for food, unlike Paleolithic. So, rice and wheat were the first plants they actually started producing. Unlike Paleolithic, the first animals to be domesticated, tamed and dependent on humans for survival, were dogs, goats, sheep, pigs and horses. Overall Paleolithic Age adapted to their environment while Neolithic made their environment adapt to ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Cultural Differences Of The Paleolithic And Neolithic... Paleolithic and Neolithic Cultures The Paleolithic and Neolithic periods displayed major cultural differences in religion, lifestyles, government, and technology. "Culture is the way of life of a group of people. Culture includes common practices of a society, its shared understandings, and its social organizations are always changing" (McDougal, World History: Patterns of Interaction, 2004) The Paleolithic time period was full of inventions and was a time where new technology and lifestyles were blossoming through all cultures. Tools made out of pressure flaked stone and rock were created during this period to help with everyday tasks. The Paleolithic period was also the period where the creations of fires were discovered along with religion and languages. The Neolithic age, however, was more technologically improved, than the Paleolithic age. This was the start of the agricultural revolution and the start of civilizations and societies. These two periods were ever changing. The Paleolithic age and all the aspects of its culture were full of amazing inventions and discoveries. The people of the Stone Age created a whole new way of living. The Paleolithic period was believed to first begin in Africa as we started to evolve" (McDougal, World History: Patterns of Interaction, 2004). The Paleolithic age lasted from about 2.5 million to 8000 B.C" The hunter–gather lifestyle was a big part of the Paleolithic culture. In this culture, there was an equal division of labor between the men and women. To find food prehistoric people would use the hunter–gather method to find food in their natural settings, this lifestyle was also called the nomadic lifestyle. The men would hunt animals and the women would gather food such as berries and other plants. The nomads equally shared the responsibilities of their families including the care their young. Small family groups were common in the Paleolithic age do to the travel and constant search for food. There was no set government in the Paleolithic period, the Neolithic period, however, was strikingly different than the old stone age. The Neolithic age brought many technological advancements to the world and the new Stone Age culture. The Neolithic age is also ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Gender Roles In Paleolithic Society During Paleolithic times, men and women were equal. Both genders contributed equal amounts in society, the economy, and decisions. It was only until the rise of agriculture things started to change. In the first agricultural societies, men began to contribute more to the economy. As these societies grew into civilizations, there was a continuing rise of male power. They had more control over religion, politics, the economy, and the home. With economic, political, and social developments, a patriarchy arose putting men over women. (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations) Neolithic men's economic importance grew. They did the largest amount of agricultural work, and manufactured most goods. This led to males being favored for agricultural jobs. For the first time there were certain roles for each gender. Societies needed more people to help farm and keep up with the disease rates, "This meant women spent more of their lives bearing and caring for children" (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations). With women taking care of children, men took jobs in all sorts of areas, all of which in turn put men at a higher status than women. To put in another ... Show more content on ... There were many invasions during this time around the world, so most areas had a military–like organization built. These defenses were created and run by men, "Agricultural societies... organized more formal military forces, which gave new emphasis to male power" (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural Civilizations). In addition, males took on political and religious leadership roles. This led to a higher appreciation of the male. Religions had male creators. Examples being Greek and Middle Eastern groups. As well as the Jewish faith, because of their singular male god, led to an even larger rise of male importance. According to historians, "Laws and social habits soon followed suit" (The Rise of Agriculture and Agricultural ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper Do you ever wish you could go back in history? If you answered yes then you should learn more about the Paleolithics and the Neolithics. These two cultures are extremely different, but were basically the founding fathers for the way we've evolved and live today. The evidence that Jared Diamond presented in his article seemed overwhelming. First he explained how the Neolithic had poor nutrition from their starchy crops and their diets all consisted of rice, wheat, and corn which are all deficient in certain vitamins or amino acids that are crucial for life. Next he brought up the dependence of their crops. Their reliance meant that they could end up starving if there was a drought. Another point he gave was the fact that they lived in big groups due to all the crops. Which resulted in the spread of diseases killing off the large group of people they had just worked to create. In my opinion I think that the way they lived was a good thing and actually resulted in a good way for humanity. It taught us how to be able to feed a large ... Show more content on ... The Neolithic people never would have become Neolithic unless the Paleolithic people were curious. The Neolithic also rely on their source of crops which in turn gave them the ability to be able to survive off of the land around them. They were able to stay in one place and not migrate because of their crops. They didn't only have crops, but also animals that they domesticated. They would breed the animals and then once they were so big be able to eat those animals instead of having to risk their life going on a hunt. Because of the Neolithics ways of life they were able to feed a lot of people which in turn made them have more people. The Paleolithics saw this way of life as a new opportunity to not have to depend on luck and rely on a source of food, which led to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic Historians have many ideas which differ but all divide history into two periods, the Paleolithic Period and the Neolithic Period. In the Paleolithic period, there was little to no evidence of political activities and a government, while the Neolithic period had agriculture which led to advancements in political structures, activities, etc., increase of populations and the creation of professional managers. There is also a difference in economy as seen when the Paleolithic people had a foraging economy while the Neolithic people had an agriculture economy which allowed the creation of specialized jobs and large systems of trade. The Paleolithic people also had a religion where they worshipped Venus figurines in hope of fertility and painted ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Paleolithic And Neolithic Similarities The Paleolithic Era and the Neolithic Era had many similarities and differences. The Paleolithic Era was known as the old stone age, it stated on 2,000,000 BCE. After the Paleolithic Era came the Neolithic Era which was also known as the new stone age. The people that live during the Paleolithic Era where nomads which meant they moved around to gather their food. The paleolithic Era people hunted and gathered their food. However, during the Neolithic Era the people knew how to farm and domesticate their plants and animals. This allowed the Neolithic Era people to be sedentary and stay in permanent villages. The Neolithic people also went out hunting for their animals but not as often as the Paleolithic Era people did. The technology for ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Paleolithic Kinship Around 10,000 to 2.5 million years ago, the first period of the Stone Age, the Paleolithic Era, existed and was known for the nomadic lifestyle that its people lived. The people of the Paleolithic Era were hunter–gatherers who moved constantly in search of animals to hunt and plants to gather. The Paleolithic people preferred to live off of the resources that existed in abundance in a given region, rather than producing resources for themselves. For this reason, the Paleolithic people were organized into small kinship societies. Small kinship societies enabled the Paleolithic people to live in groups and survive from available resources because larger kinship societies require more resources and living space, which was not ideal. Since the ... Show more content on ... Due to their nomadic lifestyle, the Paleolithic people lived in huts, simple tent structures, or in nearby caves, instead of permanent housing structures. In order to build their huts or tent structures, the Paleolithic people had many simple tools made from a variety of materials. The materials used range from wood and animal skins to bone and even stone. The Paleolithic people used these materials to build simple tools like clubs and scrapers, and even weapons like small axes, flints, and simple arrowheads, which helped them, live day after day. Aside from their weapons and tools, the people of the Paleolithic Era made a great discovery when they learned to control and master the concept of fires. The people of the Paleolithic Era learned the art of starting a fire by rubbing two objects, like sticks, together and mastered the technique used to conserve the energy released by the embers of a fire. Once the Paleolithic people became comfortable with fire, they used it in many beneficial ways, like in hunting, for cooking, for protection and for warmth in colder ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Decline Of The Paleolithic Age A. Humans began migrating across the globe during the Paleolithic Age. The human species originated in Eastern Africa around the African Great Lakes. From there, they spread out all over Africa. Then they moved out of Africa into Southwestern Asia. They migrated toward Europe and from Eastern Asia down through the Pacific Islands and Australia. Many historians argue over how humans populated the Americas, but most believe that they traveled on a land bride, connecting Russia to North America during the Ice age. Once they reached North America, the Paleolithic people migrated downward until they reached the tip of South America. The spread of the human species an impressive achievement of the Paleolithic Age. B. Agriculture was started during the Neolithic Revolution. The people in the Middle East were the first to develop farming. Gradually, the knowledge spread to other communities in South Africa, India, North China, and Southeast Asia. Agriculture emerged because of the end of the Ice Age. It became harder to hind animals to hunt and farming provided a reliable source of food. C. Sedentary agriculture lead to many changes in society. Farming gave people a reliable resource for food, which could support a lot more people compared to hunting. Because it created a larger population of people, it was harder to migrate in a nomadic life style. Thus, people began building permanent homes and villages. Agriculture also caused the invention and development of new techniques and ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Paleolithic Era Research Paper The Paleolithic Era consists of hunter–gather societies. Living a nomadic lifestyle, the Paleolithic people followed their PREY and used resources provided by the land. AS A RESULT, THEY WERE ALWAYS MOVING SINCE they hunted mammoths, bison, deer, and rodents and gathered roots and berries. The earliest humans used very rudimentary and basic tools for tasks like cracking open bones and preparing animal hide. These tools were later improved on to help provide protection, food, and clothing. By the end of the Paleolithic Era, the hominids made weapons for hunting and food preparation, such as spears and the bow and arrow, out of bone and were creating more advanced stone and wood structures. There is also evidence of fishing. The development of tools helped hominids adapt to different ... Show more content on ... Bands or tribes were formed when clans mixed with neighboring groups. Early tribes had a form of government based chiefs and religious figures. They were the leaders of these early societies and had the responsibility of keeping unity in the tribe. Many of the early tribes worshipped deities and had numerous religious rituals. The sacrificing to gods, goddesses, and spirits is one example of the rituals performed in the tribes. They also believed in an afterlife. Their dead can be found with items, such as flowers and tools, which were possibly offerings to the dead. The people were known to be spiritualistic and believed in animism. The idea that everything has a spirit was a part of animism, and the way the spirits interacted caused natural occurrences like the weather. Within their communities there were certain individuals, the shamans and the witchdoctors, who possess magical powers that can have a good or bad effect on the tribe as a whole. The community participated in many ritualistic dances, which had the power to control the behavior of spirits in order to have a favorable ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic The Stone Age was divided into two eras, The Paleolithic and the Neolithic. During the Paleolithic Era, humans mostly foraged for food, used crude tools, and depended heavily on the environment around them. By the time the Neolithic Era began, people were developing more complex technology, social organization, using fire, and living sedentary lifestyles because of the discovery of agriculture. During the Paleolithic era, hominids used the natural materials in the environment around them (mostly wood, bone, and animal skin) to create simple tools and shelter, which started out mainly in caves and canyons. With the discovery of fire about one million years ago, humans were able to make simple structures like tents and huts to live in. Fire ... Show more content on ... Tools that have been interpreted as cheese–strainers show that farmers in the sixth millennium BCE were able to process dairy. This was a major innovation for early humans and a step to eating more food without having to kill wild animals. In addition, it was during the Neolithic Era that people made the gradual switch to farming and food production from foraging. During this transition, they found animals in the wild and learned to domesticate them. They also began to selectively breed their crops for various traits, leading to the creation of new species. For example, one species of cabbage was selectively bred into the creation of several new plant species, including kale, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. As these farmers transitioned into eating more farmed food, they also stopped taking in as many nutrients as they had been. This caused the human species as a whole to get shorter, their bones lighter, and their brains smaller. Since meat is also a good source of vitamin D, this change may have caused the skin of northern farmers to lighten, as they weren't getting as much sun and therefore vitamin D as southern ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Social Changes In Paleolithic Society An introduction to the Paleolithic era from Robert W. Strayer's 2013 edition of Ways of the World reveals which traits such as hunting, expression, and social structure that prehistoric societies shared in common (4, 12, and 20). Conversely, since the Agricultural revolution occurred over a vast span of time and distance, societies differed (13, 16–17). As we have learned, some of the changes that occurred during the transition from the Paleolithic to Neolithic era are still in use today. Commonly, Paleolithic man survived on untamed land. For instance, the San and the Hadza people ate "berries, nuts, roots, and grain" that they gathered (48, 11). Additionally, Paleolithic people used a symbolic language to convey "ritual, religion, and stories" through art (3, 5, and 35). Though slightly more advanced, two additional examples of hunting and gathering societies are the Chumash and the Aborigines (26, 29). ... Show more content on ... Unlike tribes with "highly egalitarian societies," the Chumash and Aborigines had complicated social structures (20, 22). Reviewing differences in expression, we compare France's Lascaux cave paintings to sculptures of "gods, goddesses, or ordinary people" by the Nigerian Nok and Ain Ghazal people (51, 33, and 38). For survival, migratory societies adapted to their environments, so while the Plainsmen of North America hunted bison, those in the desert hunted small animals (18). Other tribes that settled near water, such as Japan's Jomon, survived mainly on fish (25). Regional environments also influenced dwellings. Whereas San–like nomads had mobile shelters, there were Longhouses in Labrador, and limestone pillars formed the Göbekli Tepe complex in prehistoric Turkey (13, ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Paleolithic vs Neolithic Cc Essay Human existence has lasted over several million years and in that time there has been countless advances in the way we live. Human history has had many diverse periods of time, one being the Stone Age. During the Stone Age there were two major subdivisions, the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. The Paleolithic, which lasted until about 10,000 years ago, had a significant separating factor from the Neolithic, ending in 2000 B.C.E. This factor was the way in which the people in these periods acquired food. The Paleolithic people hunted and gathered their food while the Neolithic people produced their own food by agriculture. These two different styles of obtaining food greatly affected the lifestyles of each period's people. The ... Show more content on ... During the Neolithic period economics seemed to have played a bigger role than in the Paleolithic age. This was mostly because of the agricultural advancement which had a significant function in their economic system. They had surpluses of food which allowed them to trade and sell. Also having something to barter with enabled them to buy better tools and equipment for farming. This was not so with the Paleolithic people since they hunted and gathered their food. Since they relied on themselves they had no reason to trade or sell. They only depended on their handmade stone and bone tools. The only similarity between these two periods was that their lives revolved around their need for food. The social lives of the Paleolithic foragers greatly differ from that of the Neolithic farmers. This is mostly because of their way of acquiring food. The foragers had plenty of time after they hunted and gathered there food because that was all they had to do while the farmers constantly had to maintain their fields. The foragers spent their free time making art such as cave painting and constructing tools. With what little time the farmers had they used it to build structures, tools and containers for the next harvest. One thing they both had in common was the specific jobs that they assigned to men and women based on each gender's abilities. In the Paleolithic time the men were the hunters, since they were more muscular, ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. The Upper Paleolithic Era Background The Upper Paleolithic era – an era between 40,000 and 11,000 years ago – contained peoples in what is now France and Spain navigating pitch–black caves, painting on walls and ceilings pieces of artwork that would eventually become a part of the archaeological record. In 1987, Sophie de Beaune researched the Upper Paleolithic lamp – she and her team established typology, discovered how each type worked, and learned where and how each was used. These lamps were most commonly found in southwest France, and only 19.5% were found deep in caves – instead, they were often placed at "strategic" points where individuals would often pass (such as entrances and intersections), most likely so the lamps could be found and reused. These lamps ... Show more content on ... If lichen and moss are equally present as or more present than juniper, there are two possibilities. First, juniper was simply used more often in the past. Perhaps there was some greater reason for the people of the time, such as a belief in healing remedies in the smoke. Second, it was the thousands of years passed that was the main contributing factor to the wearing away of moss and lichen on all found lamps rather than the immediate ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic The Paleolithic era began about 2.6 million years ago; this was considered the Old Age. The Neolithic era began about 10,000 BC where it was named the New Age. There were several differences that existed between the men who lived in these two ages. The Paleolithic man consisted of nomads who hunted and gathered their food to survive. Their hunting tools consisted of chipped and dull stones and wooden weapons. Their shelter consisted of huts and skin tents, and they were characterized as a tribal society. On the other hand, the Neolithic men were characterized by farmers who resided in permanent settlements, as opposed to wandering around. Their shelter was made up of bricks supported by timber, which seems to be a lot more durable ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Paleolithic Era In the Paleolithic Era, humans relied on hunting and gathering to live, living off the resources the environment provided and moving on when resources became scarce. This nomadic lifestyle allowed them to eat a variety of plans and animals, including birds, mammoths, bison, deer, rodents, roots, and berries. Because plants grew, fruited, and matured at different times of the year, gathering remained a fairly constant means to provide food throughout the year. Although small animals and young, ill, wounded, or old animals were easier to hunt successfully, hominids quickly mastered the techniques to hunt large mammals, such as bison, rhinoceros, horses, woolly mammoths, and mastodons, to feed more people. To do so, these hunters had to have high levels of cooperation, intelligence, communication, and abstract reasoning, utilizing disguises, ambushes, camouflage, and traps. At first, hominids lived in natural shelters such as caves and canyons, then in tents and simple huts after discovering fire, developing the necessary tools and technologies to do so. Their nomadic lifestyle discouraged them from building permanent homes, but rather required them to have tents and huts that could be quickly erected and broken down. By the end of the ... Show more content on ... With a spoken language, humans began forming social networks. Since humans are naturally social creatures, early humans began organizing themselves into social groups early on. Small family units bonded with other families to form clans or tribes. Because the hunter–gatherer lifestyle worked best in small groups, clans and tribes were usually relatively small, consisting of 30 to 50 people. This society were usually governed by a council of elders, religious figures, or a single clan or tribal leader who were the main figure of the society and was responsible for holding the society ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Paleolithic Era Research Paper The Paleolithic period was also known as the Stone Age, it was known to begin about 2.5 to 2 million years ago. Although people do not know every single detail about this group of people at this time, we do know a little that can help us understand them. Throughout time we begin to understand things that they used to survive. This was the first time we can see people using tools and weapons made out of stone. It helped them perform tasks that were necessary. Crafted to help men and women fulfil the duties they needed to survive. In a time where homo–sapiens lived in groups of up to 20–30 people. It was always known as the roll of the men to hunt for a steady supply of food and the women to gather necessities such as fruits, vegetables, and ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. The Paleolithic Era Human technology and social development fostered the rapid movement of people throughout the globe during the latter phases of the Paleolithic Era. Many developments allowed the early hunter– gathers to cope with various environmental pressures. The first development is fire which was the "advance" towards human technology. Fire was considered the most centered element in their culture. They formed the technique to preserve glowing embers and starting fires by rubbing sticks together. This technique led to many improvements in the Paleolithic people. It allowed people to eat much a wider range of food since they could now cook them. With fire, they could eat animals such as cow, goat, and chicken. Not only was fire used to cook meat, but it ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Paleolithic Research Paper The picture of the Paleolithic life reveals that this was a prehistoric era known as the "Stone Age" era. The discovery made by Chauvet, Lascaux, and other archeologist signifies that there was life on earth over millions of years ago. Paleolithic people depicted art on the cave walls as a way to communicate and tell the history of their existence. However, Paleolithic people not only used the cave as a canvas, but also as their living quarters. Paleolithic people were the first inventors of art. The murals created by hand stencils and finger tracing is an indication of early phases of the Paleolithic era. The depiction of animals on the cave walls were an indication of the latter phase of the Paleolithic era. Evidence of the rare findings of the Pecten (a large shell) with black coal in it signifies the coal was used for black paint. The discovery of distinctive caves signified that the people of the Paleolithic era did not all live in one central location. ... Show more content on ... Judging by the number of paintings and drawings of horses on the cave walls shows that horses either played or had a significant role in their society. Furthermore, the paintings of animals on the cave wall indicated that men were hunters and gathers. Reflect of male and female paintings were also found on the cave walls. The color black was used to identify the female organs and to distinguish the male figure from the female. Children also left markings or evidence of their existence by their handprints. They had to have assistance in helping them place their handprints on the wall because where their handprints were discovered and found shows that the wall was too high for them to reach. Therefore, this did not only justify the children had access to the upper part of the caves, but that Homo–Sapiens were tall in ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Middle Paleolithic Research Paper The Middle Paleolithic period occurred between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago. It is most commonly associated with Mousterian culture, Neanderthals and early humans. Middle Paleolithic stone technologies saw a shift from core tools like the Acheulean Handaxe to flake tools, for example the Levallois point. These flake tools could be modified into simple or more complex tools. The most important difference between the Lower Paleolithic stone tools and the Middle Paleolithic stone tools is the fact that the cores were being carefully shaped to produce flakes of a predetermined shape and size for a specific purpose. The main types of tools found include: the point (possibly used on spears or arrow tips) side scrapers (flake tools with a retouched ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Paleolithic Civilizations One of the most incredible achievements of Paleolithic people was their ability to migrate across the globe. Paleolithic people first originated in Eastern Africa near the present–day countries of Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. The need for food and resources led to the initial migration out of Africa. The discovery of fire and warm animal skin clothing enabled people to live in colder climates which increased migration. In conclusion, the need for resources and discoveries such as fire and warm clothing, led to global migration. Agricultural societies first emerged in the Middle East, India, north Africa, and Europe. They gained popularity after present day countries like Turkey, Iraq, and Israel developed farming. The surplus of grains ... Show more content on ... A political institution that emerged during this time was writing. Cuneiform, which was used in the Middle East, enabled civilizations to organize more complex political structures by sending and keeping records. A social institution that emerged was communication. When people became literate, they were able to communicate with more ease on paper and in person. An economic institution that emerged was taxes due to the increased literacy rate and advanced record keeping process. A religious institution that emerged was people's dedication to their religion and in turn to the creation of places of worship like ziggurats and godlike leaders. In conclusion, many political, religious, economic, and social institutions ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Comparison Of Paleolithic Societies Some ways that the paleolithic societies differed from one another were by their religion, ruling, clothing, diets, and how they survived in certain areas. For example the Austronesian culture were the start of things and was mostly done over water, taking both men and women, also bringing domesticated animals. Thus leading to the hunting and gathering society. This particular society became highly known for its equality because there were no formal rulers. Meaning no one had a higher rank whether it be by gender or anything else, everyone basically had the same objectives. Or the San Life, they were apart of the hunting and gathering society. They had fair enough food, a society based on mobility (nomadic), sharing, and equality. There ways ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. The Paleolithic And Neolithic Many people wonder where they come from and how they became humans. There are two eras throughout history that talks about how humans used to survive when there wasn't anything to make a well–constructed shelter, weapons or kitchen essentials to make food to eat. According to Garvin Lewis in the book WCIV Volume 1. Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2012, the Paleolithic era was the earliest and longest period of prehistory, when humans used simple stone stool (Lewis). The Neolithic era was the period of human history characterized by advances in stone stool–making and the beginning of agriculture (Lewis). This essay is going to compare and contrast the people in Paleolithic era and Neolithic. The difference between the people in the Paleolithic and Neolithic era was the way they both obtain food, and how they both lived. The similarity that the people of the Paleolithic and Neolithic era had was that each gender obtained somewhat the same roles. Lastly, the way that art was used. In the Paleolithic era, people were foragers and gathers because they used to "hunt wild animals and forage wild plants" (Diamond). In this era, everyone was constantly looking for food since they didn't have "no stored food and no concentrated food source" (Diamond). Since they didn't have a place to permanently live in they used to move around and find food as a small group and they used to permanently stay in caves. In the other hand, Farmer of the Neolithic era were people that ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Influence Of The Paleolithic Period And The Neolithic... 1.Three major cultural changes or contributions to the humanities that occurred between the Paleolithic period and the and the Neolithic period are the different techniques developed to hunt, the importance of the human figures, and the architecture. Different techniques to hunt were shown by looking at wall paintings, in the Paleolithic era paintings were found in deep caves and showed a realism of the animals they depended on for food, where as the Neolithic era paintings were located on smooth limestone, beneath cliff hangs, and in rock shelters these paintings showed the animals that they depended on for food also but these paintings showed the animals being hunted by human figures with bows and arrows. This shows that somewhere between the two eras humans developed a more efficient way to hunt and human figures became more important. Human figures were rarely known before the Neolithic era, wall paintings did not show them and sculptures of them were very rare except few female figures found from the Paleolithic age. In the Neolithic age, paintings not only showed the importance of human figures hunting but it showed them dancing, and fighting as a community. Architecture is not known from before the Neolithic period, very little survives because it was made out of material that disappeared long ago. The most famous piece of architecture from that era is the Stonehenge, not only was the Stonehenge believed to serve as a religious purpose, it also was known as a clock ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. A Paleolithic Diet The type of study conducted was a pilot study. It was also a controlled and randomized blind experiment that used a sample of thirty–four Dutch women and men from the Netherlands. The study is a correlation study. The question the author asked was "Whether, independent of weight loss, a Palaeolithic–type diet alters characteristics of the metabolic syndrome." The article was not published in a peer–reviewed journal. The author's hypothesis was that a Paleolithic diet would alter characteristics of metabolic syndrome. The study was conducted by selecting thirty–six Netherlanders between the ages of eighteen and seventy. At least two of the test subjects exhibited symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Later in the study, two individuals ... Show more content on ... The Palaeolithic group also resulted in less metabolic syndrome symptoms than there was prior to the experiment. Moreover, there was a decrease in the levels of potassium and magnesium in the urine of the Palaeolithic group. In both groups, there was no decrease in waist circumference, but 38% (seven) of the subjects in the Palaeolithic group and 14% (2) of the subjects in the reference group were given extra snacks in order to not lose weight since over 2kg of weight were lost partway through the experiment. Regardless of this attempt to prevent weight loss, both groups ended up losing weight – the Palaeolithic group losing more weight than the reference group. The author concluded that the Palaeolithic diet was more effective than the healthy reference diet in reducing several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In addition, the Palaeolithic diet was more satisfying per calorie, thus it was difficult for the subjects to maintain their starting weight. In my opinion, the study was adequately designed to answer the question they were asking – the Palaeolithic diet did in fact impact the characteristics of the metabolic syndrome, independent of weight loss. The study was reliable because it was a randomized controlled study. I also feel like they had a good number of subjects for the experiment. An improvement for the experiment would ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Paleolithic And Neolithic Similarities The hunter–gatherer society living in the Paleolithic Era transitioned and evolved to become farming people during the Neolithic Era, with different economic and social characteristics. During both ages, one similarity is that both societies developed forms of language and the generation of artistic technologies. However, they differ as the Neolithic Era founded the basis of artificial selection and the domestication of crops and animals, deviating from the basis of hunting and gathering seen in the Paleolithic Era. Historical evidence shows that there was an increase in economic and social elements during the Stone Ages, with bonds between the development of fire and innovative tools. During the Paleolithic Era, the earliest descendants of ... Show more content on ... As these clans grew they tended to mix with neighboring groups, forming tribes or bands. These tribes also created a form of government, with chiefs, leaders, and religious figures leading the tribe. Secondly, during the Neolithic Era, lifestyle was adapted to different foods and methods of food production and gathering. In Melanie Salque's article, Earliest evidence for cheese making in the 6th millennium BCE in northern Europe, she outlines a change in the diet of people living during the Neolithic Era. In the report, Salque states that milk and dairy products became a considerable component in the diets of prehistoric people. The creation and production of these products, such as cheese, allowed for the consumption of nutrients without the need to kill livestock. Another significant change in the diets and nutrition of society throughout Neolithic times came through the introduction of agriculture and domestication. In the comic given in the information pamphlet, information is provided about the establishment of domestication into society. Humans began to gather and artificially select different food and plants, and would breed different species for their behavioral or physical characteristics. Also, humans would domesticate certain species, such as a primitive ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Paleolithic Woman Analysis Nisa is very useful since she has more personal insight and experience on how the paleolithic women used to live. Evidence is that her family were hunter gatherers and when she left from "the bush" she started to learn what other people were like since she was only used to staying and waiting for her father to bring food. And she realized that people in the wider world are stingy. In her culture it is tradition for a wife and husband to have sex. Nisa believed she was expected to have sex with Tashay but later was surprised that he didn't ask her. It is shown that the San people are very acceptable of people having multiple lovers. Nisa had around 4 husbands as well as many lovers. These beliefs compared to a contemporary society are not as ... Show more content on ... And then transitioned to the Neolithic with the sculpture of the women and the physical remains of the Otzi caveman. The sculpture showed how they expressed and recorded their ways through art and Otzi showed how important personal items were. People today can look at the cave art or even the sculptures and see how they lived and interpreted things. And they can appreciate the creations that were left. As well as the evidence left helps scholars interpret what they were and then explain to today's world about what happened and how people lived a million years ago. I relate to the account by Nisa because I am a female and some of the beliefs she had in the San society are the same beliefs we have in today's world. Since historians are lacking lots of evidence it makes them have to look into it more. But sometimes they can be wrong which makes these researches uncertain. I think it's good because others can speculate as well and have their own opinion about the evidence. And they can share ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Monotheistic Religion In The Paleolithic And Neolithic Period Paleolithic: The Paleolithic period lasted from about 200,000 b.c. to about 10,000 b.c. It was the early phase of the Stone Age; and encompassed a steady development of stone tools, antler and bone artifacts, engraving on bone and stone, and paintings on the walls of caves and rock structures. There was not much structure built or agriculture done in this period as the people lived a nomadic lifestyle, migrating with the herds of animals they hunted for food. Neolithic: The Neolithic period lasted from about 9000 b.c. to about 8000 b.c. It was the last phase of the Stone Age; and encompassed the domestication of animals, the development of agriculture, and the manufacturing of pottery and textiles. During this period people were beginning to settle and develop a more sedentary way of life. With this type of life style came territorial issues, meaning that because of the idea of settling and claiming land people would be more likely to protect it or fight for it. Monotheism: The basic definition of monotheism is the belief in one God. The opposite of polytheism, which is the belief in many Gods, who each serve a different purpose. However, for a monotheistic religion, the God is all–knowing, all–seeing and all–powerful; this God would be the sole creator and provider. There are three major religions associated with monotheism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Olmecs: This civilization prospered from about 1600 BCE to 3500 BCE. Located along the Gulf of Mexico, this ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper The social and economic structures of early foraging societies are quite different from that of later agricultural societies. However, both societies share more similarities than one might think. Typically, all Paleolithic peoples were equal, but there were sometimes members that became more respected as a result of being courageous, skilled at hunting, etc. During the Neolithic Age, social divisions became more defined due to specialized labor and accumulated wealth. Foraging societies relied on loose cooperation to hunt big game for the community. Neolithic peoples were more advanced and had a specific order within their permanent settlements. Creativity in both societies was very clear. Foragers created bone sewing needles, figurines, and ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper I would prefer living in the Paleolithic Era and the Neolithic Era. One main reason is that the Paleolithic men were much healthier than the Neolithic men in the ways that, Paleolithic men were foragers and they moved their food which led them to not staying in one spot permanently. This means that sickness and diseases were not easily passed on. Unlike the Neolithic men who did have permanent settlements and had illness passed around quite easily. Also it says in the passage Old Stone Age vs. New Stone Age that "The adoption of grains in the Neolithic era coincided with a shortening of stature, thinner bones and crooked, cavity – ridden teeth." Since Paleolithic Era did not domesticated grains they only ate wild grains they were taller, ... Show more content on ... They created created language by using symbolic language (using symbols or sounds to communicate) and collective learning (telling other people about your discoveries so they can use it and the information does not die). Although the Neolithic man did create some very important discoveries too (the wheel, calendars, time keeping etc.) they would not have able to make these discoveries without language. Another reason is that the Paleolithic people had a healthy balanced diet. The Paleolithic people had a main diet of meat, fruits, vegetables, and wild grains. Whereto the Neolithic people had a main diet of wheat, yams, corn, rice, and maze. As we've seen in paragraph one grains make your bones thinner, decrease your height, and make you have crooked teeth. Therefore the Paleolithic people had a better balanced diet which allowed them to be healthier. My fourth reason is that you are a farmer (Neolithic) and one year you have bad weather and your crops don't grow. Now you have very little if any food. That doesn't just effect a couple of people though. That effect your whole clan or colony which can be a lot of people. Whereto if your a forager (Paleolithic) and you don't have a permanent settlement then if one year you have bad weather you don't need to stress about it because you can move like you do anyway for your ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Paleolithic And Neolithic Research Paper The characteristic phases of development of pre–historical humanity are the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. The Paleolithic era is called the Old Stone Age, and the Neolithic era is called the New Stone Age. Pre–History is the time before history where people had not developed the use of writing nor cities. The societies of the Stone Age started to emerge as "early hominids made most of their tools out of stone", and because of their use of stone they are said to belong to the Stone Age, the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras (Cole and Symes 4). The Paleolithic era is labeled as the development of tools and a hunting and gathering period. The hominids in Africa started to make tools with stone and fire. Later, about 200,000 years ago, the Neanderthals ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Upper Paleolithic Culture Humans of the Upper Paleolithic era brought about numerous cultural innovations. In this time period we see the first art in the form of paintings in caves (Cyraboski). With the spark of creativity, the roaring fire of the first artistic cultural revolution was born. A wealth of new materials started making their way into the archeological record. For example, clay, used for pots and figurines, and bones, which were carved into beads and necklaces for personal adornment. The greatest culmination of this newly born culture is shown in the burial rites of their dead. This is a brand new cultural trait born in this era. But how and why did all of these new innovations come about? Why do humans create art, what purpose does it serve? Humans ... Show more content on ... (2010, March). The Skeletons of Shanidar Cave. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from–culture/the–skeletons–of–shanidar–cave–7028477/?no–ist Katzman. (2016, May 7). Ornaments during the Paleolithic: The desire for differentiation. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from Kelly, D. (2016, February 21). Early human burials varied widely but most were simple – CU Denver Today. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from–human– burials/ Pin Hole. (n.d.). Creswell–crags Retrieved October 01, 2016, from http://www.creswell––creswell–area/the–creswell–gorge–and–caves/pin–hole.aspx Stanglin, D. (2012, July 29). Pottery found in China cave confirmed as world's oldest. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from– found–in–from–china–cave–confirmed–as–worlds–oldest/1#.V–34PHoijwp Stow, G. (n.d.). The Digital Bleek and Lloyd. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from UNESCO (n.d.). The Emergence of Modern Humans: The Pleistocene occupation sites of South Africa. Retrieved October 01, 2016, from
  • 68. ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Comparison Of Paleolithic And Neolithic People People think the early humans were really smelly, rowdy, hairy, and known as cavemen. They are really Paleolithic and Neolithic people who were actually intelligent. They made many advances to help them survive. First of all, the paleolithic people discovered fire, and the neolithic people discovered how to farm. In my history it says"The paleolithic people used fire to keep warm,the neolithic learned how to farm crops". "Paleolithic people used fire to scare away wild animals or predators away". The neolithic people farmed to get food for their health. The paleolithic people used fire for light to see. Neolithic people farmed for they can't get diseases in their health. "The paleolithic people learned a new language to communicate",and ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Art Chapter 1 focuses on the prehistoric art of two different cultures, which include Paleolithic Art and Neolithic Art. Paleolithic Art began during the time period of the Ice Age that dates back to about 10,00 to 40, 000 years. Moreover, as the Ice Age began to decline, new vegetation appeared and an increase of other animal populations allowed the growth of Neolithic Art referred to as the New Stone Age. Even though these cultures were divided by different time periods they both have some similar techniques. For example, both regions had figurines, but they had a different aspect pertaining to their culture of art. Also they both painted animals, but the style and type of animals differed because of the region. However, most of the painting, ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Paleolithic Art Research Paper Paleolithic art, an introduction The oldest art: ornamentation Humans have been creating art with many different meanings and using a plethora of materials for thousands of years. Ancient non–representational ornamentation has been discovered all across Africa, featuring punctured snail shells covered in red ochre. These shells are believed to be around 82,000 years old, and have shown to be strung as beads for necklaces and other jewelry. In Israel, Nassarius beads have been discovered, reaching up to 100,000 years old. Shells that were pierced and geometrically etched with ochre were also discovered in a 75,000 year old layer of sediment. The oldest representational art Representational imagery in its oldest form is believed to come from the Paleolithic period, from the Aurignacian culture. Across Europe, 200 caves with paintings, sculptures and drawings displaying representational image–making were found. A female figure carved out of ivory, standing 2.4 inches tall, was discovered in fragments in southern Germany, dating to 35,000 B.C.E. ... Show more content on ... These paintings display animals, humans, nature, and some are even abstract. Paintings found at the Chauvet–Pont–d'Arc are believed to be more than 30,000 years old, Pech Merle's paintings date to 25,000 and 15,000 B.C.E, while the paintings at Altamira and Lascaux date to around 15,000 ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Paleolithic And Neolithic Similarities The Paleolithic and Neolithic periods were both extremely different but also immensely similar. Between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, the two seemed to have the biggest difference in their lifestyles and tools. There are also quite a lot of similarities between the two including the idea of tools and the use of fire. Their lifestyles being almost alike are very different, with the Neolithic people celebrating holidays and finished efficient tools to the Paleolithic people making unfinished ridged tools and performing rituals in front of cave paintings of a buffalo. Between the two lifestyles of the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, the Paleolithic hunter would be the best overall lifestyle. Having to hunt and gather seems to ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Examples Of Human Development In Paleolithic Culture Some examples of human cultural development in the Paleolithic Culture would be that the humans gradually evolved from early members of the genus homo habilis. Since then they had evolved from those to hominid humans. Another example of human cultural development was the tools that were made from 4.4 billion to 1.6 million years ago. The tools that they would usually use were pebble tools, hand axes, and choppers. From 1 million to 25,000 years ago, the tools were changed, the tools were made to become flake tools as it was called. Some other examples of human cultural in the Paleolithic culture was in the "Ice Age" era was that they discovered fire, they buried their dead, made cave paintings, sewing, and made spears. They also made harpoons ... Get more on ...