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The Purpose and Power of
All Children’s Oral Language
Sherry Taylor, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Program Chair
Literacy, Language & Culturally Responsive Teaching
University of Colorado, Denver
Isabelle Smith, MA
ECSE Pre-School Teacher, Boulder Valley School District
Lead Instructor in Early Literacy Certificate Program
University of Colorado, Denver
ECE Conference, July 28, 2014
Aurora Public School District
❏Young children and oral language
❏A quick overview of the research
❏Language & culture go ‘hand in hand’
❏Reflecting on our language use in the classroom
❏Purposeful planning: Intentional structures to
support children’s language
❏Assessing language: What are we looking for?
❏Take a chance: Turn talk over to the children!
Note: See chart paper & markers for later
Welcome! Our plans for
Isabelle Smith, MA
ECSE Pre-School Teacher in BVSD
Lead Instructor in Early Literacy Certificate
Program for the Literacy, Language &
Culturally Responsive Teaching Program at CU
ECE Enhanced grant (delivered in APS 2013-
2014): Working Group Member
Teaching areas (at CU Denver): Early
language development, Early literacy
instruction, Early literacy routines and
assessment, and Linking assessment with
I love to spend time with my husband and
dogs, Daisy and Cole, and travel...especially to
Florida… or any where that has a beach!
Taking a moment to find out more about
each other! A little about us...
Sherry Taylor, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Program Leader
Literacy, Language & Culturally Responsive
Teaching Program, CU Denver
Coordinator of Certificate Program delivered to K-
12 teachers in APS/COE
Principal Investigator of ECE Enhanced grant
(delivered in APS 2013-2014)
Teaching areas: Language & literacy
development & acquisition; Multicultural
Research areas: Teacher cognition; The impact
of culturally responsive teacher preparation
I love to spend time with my 15 year old daughter
& my husband; garden & landscape; read; play
pinball & pacman; travel; XX ski; and I’m excited
to be part of a literacy enrichment team in
August for kids in Michoacan Mexico!!
Let’s take a moment to find out
more about each other!
A little about YOU …
INTERNS: Anita Walker & Alea Alea Wojdyla
Folashade Adebayo
Sandra Carruthers
Lisa Dally
Geri Dansby
Susan Garcia
Lili Grove
Melissa Ivy
Pat LaMontagne
Karen Lozano
Amy Martin
Ashley Neff
Rebecca Ross
Sylvia Velasco
Dulcie Velasco Martinez
Holly Wettanen
Alice Wong
Lisa May
Pam Lopez
Maria Arroyo
Sandy Fermo
Sonia Fuentes Cruz
Rhonda Mohrbacher
Ashley Morgan
Soledad Ramirez
Tina Richards
Patricia Tanner
More about you!
❏ Who are ECE Facilitators?
❏ Who are ECE paraprofessionals?
❏ Who are Early childhood Special Education staff?
❏ Who are Administrators?
❏ Who are Teacher Coaches?
❏ Who has not been mentioned yet? Your positions?
❏ Who is located in a Child Development Center? ECE classroom in an
elementary school? Other?
❏ How many of you work with students who are acquiring English as an
additional language?
2 or 3 students?
Half of your students?
Most of your students?
Children are language learners by virtue of being born
into human society.
They construct knowledge about language as they
use it to engage with the people and objects
in their environments
as they use language to make sense of
their surroundings.
(Halliday, 1975).
Children and Oral
❏ Language expresses meaning through sounds made in
the vocal tract (barring impairment or obstacles to the use
of sound);
❏ Children learn language in the speech community
where they are raised with little or no direct instruction
by the adults;
❏ Discourse patterns (e.g., how to ask Qs, make requests,
tell stories, etc.) are learned by children at home & in
their community. (Barry, 2008)
Research tells us that ALL languages
share linguistic universals, such as:
❏ Language is used primarily for communication;
❏ Languages – and dialects - have regular structures
and a predictable set of rules or a grammar);
❏ Language is dynamic (not static);
❏ Language speakers have a language competence
that may not always be reflected in their spoken
Do you AGREE or
Words added to Webster dictionary in 2014:
❏ Fracking: the injection of fluid into shale beds at high
pressure in order to free up petroleum resources.
❏ Hashtag:a word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that
classifies or categorizes the accompanying text.
❏ Selfie:an image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital
camera especially for posting on social networks.
Language is DYNAMIC!
Pennsylvania German-English in the USA
Strongly influenced by Pennsylvania Dutch, a dialect of German spoken by
people in this area. Its grammar allows sentences like "Smear your sister
with jam on a slice of bread" and "Throw your father out the
window his hat."
South Midland English in the USA
This area is dominated by the Appalachian Mountains and the Ozark Mountains;
originally settled by the Pennsylvania Dutch and the Scotch-Irish. A TH at the end
of words or syllables is sometimes pronounced F, and the word ARE is often left
out of sentences. An A is usually placed at the beginning of verb that ends with
ING, and the G is dropped; an O at the end of a word becomes ER. For example,
"They a-celebratin' his birfday by a-goin' to see 'Old Yeller' in
the theatah.”
Dialects do have regular structures
& predictable grammar
A quick review!
What do we know about
predictable stages of
language development?
❏ Pre-language stage: Voice recognition;
discrimination of phoneme sounds for L1; babbling
with consonants & vowel sounds and intonation
❏ Early language: First words (labels from
immediate environment; holophrastic meaning that 1
word carries a longer message).
Typical, predictable stages of
language development
❏ Combining words: Telegraphic speech (“mommy
up!”); pivotal words (“more- _____”); an understanding
of syntax develops (subject_ verb_ object, such as,
“mommy get cookie!”).
❏ Acquisition of morphemes: There is a regular
sequence of morpheme acquisition that tends to occur.
Children regularly acquire “- ing” before plurals;
plurals & possessive before articles (“MINE!).
Typical, predictable stages of
language development (2)
Stages of
English language
(by age ranges)
18-24 months
∗ Says 50 words
∗ Names familiar objects
∗ Understands
approximately 300 words
∗ Points to body parts
∗ Uses two-word phrases
∗ Uses commands (‘move’)
∗ Uses possessives
Typical English Language Development
(First Language)
24-30 months
∗ Understands
approximately 500 words
∗ Says 200 words
∗ Answers ‘What’ and
‘Where’ questions
∗ Uses some regular
∗ Asks simple ‘what’ and
‘where’ questions
(What’s that?)
Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart
30-36 months
∗ Understands
approximately 900 words
∗ Points to pictures of
common objects
described by their use
(Show me what you eat
∗ Knows third person
pronouns (he, she)
∗ Says 500 words
Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart
Typical English Language Development
(First Language)
36-42 Months
∗ Understands
approximately 1,200
∗ Responds to two
unrelated commands (Put
your cup on the table and
turn off the TV)
∗ Says 800 words
∗ Uses regular past tense
∗ Beginning to ask
questions (What? Who?...
and, of course… WHY?!?)
42-48 months
∗ Understands
approximately 1,500-2,000
∗ Responds to three step
∗ Tells how common objects
are used
∗ Uses contractions
∗ Knows positional words (in
front, behind)
Typical English Language Development
(First Language)
48-54 months
∗ Uses approximately
2,000-2,500 words
∗ Says 1,500 words
∗ Uses possessives (boy’s,
∗ Identifies first, last and
Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart
54-60 months
∗ Understands
approximately 2,500 -
2,800 words
∗ Knows concepts such as
heavy/ light, long/ short
∗ Says 2,000 words
∗ Generates complex
∗ Tells familiar stories
without picture cues
Typical English Language Development
(First Language)
60-72 Months
∗ Understands
approximately 13,000
∗ States similarities and
differences between
∗ Uses pronouns
∗ Tells simple “jokes”
Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart
Acquiring an additional language
Second-language acquisition assumes that the learner
has a foundation and solid knowledge
of her first language.
Given this foundation, the learner moves through the
process of learning a new language, including
vocabulary, phonological components, grammatical
structures, and writing systems.
The process is not linear, it is more like
a zig-zag process
Learners of an additional language move through similar
developmental stages as those experienced during one’s
first language development thereby making some of the
same types of errors in grammatical markers and picking
up chunks of language without knowing precisely what
each word means.
Learners of an additional language rely on language input
and modifications from proficient speakers who support
successful conversational exchanges and
comprehension of the additional language.
Acquiring an additional language (2)
Second Language
STAGE 1: The silent period;" when the student takes in the
new language but does not speak it. This period often lasts six
weeks or several months, depending on the individual.
STAGE 2: The individual begins to speak using short
words and sentences; emphasis is still on listening and
absorbing the new language; many errors in this stage that
can last 3 months or longer.
STAGE 3: Speech becomes more frequent, words and
sentences are longer; student still relies heavily on context
clues and familiar topics. Vocabulary continues to increase in
this stage that can last 6 months to around 2 to 3 years; errors
begin to decrease in common or repeated interactions.
STAGE 4: Speech is fairly fluent in social situations with
minimal errors. New contexts and academic language are
challenging; individual struggles to express herself due to
gaps in vocabulary and appropriate phrases (2 to 3 years
depending on the individual).
Fluency STAGE 5: Communicating in the second language is
fluent, especially in social language situations; individual is
able to speak almost fluently in new situations or in
academic areas, but there will be gaps in vocabulary
knowledge and some unknown expressions; fewer errors,
and the individual is able to demonstrate higher order
thinking skills in the second language such as offering an
opinion or analyzing a problem (3 to 6 years depending on
the individual).
Fluency STAGE 6: The individual communicates fluently in most
all contexts and can maneuver successfully in new contexts
and when exposed to new academic information. At this
stage, the individual may still have an accent and use
idiomatic expressions incorrectly, but the individual is
essentially fluent and comfortable communicating in the
second language (5 to 7 years or never depending on the
What stages of 1st
language development or
2nd language
tend to be displayed
by the young children
you support?
The Power
Oral Language
❏ Language is the primary symbol system through
which children learn about the world.
❏ Children use language to facilitate their thinking and
learning in all areas.
❏ Children jointly construct meaning and knowledge
with others.
What is the power of
oral language?
Children’s talk provides us with
a window
into their thinking
their knowledge…..
What is the power of
oral language? (2)
❏ We create structures to support children’s talk
in a variety of contexts;
❏ We encourage & support children to engage in
talk with each other;
❏ We listen & observe with intention & purpose.
Children’ talk provides us with a
window into their thinking & their
❏ children’s knowledge of language functions & forms
across a variety of different contexts;
❏ children’s interactional competencies;
❏ what children know about content areas & the world;
❏ how children’s TALK corresponds with their reading
and writing development.
When we listen with intention &
we gain insights into...
Children develop the
to use,
talk about, and
learn through language…..
both oral & written
within the various contexts
of their lives….including
cultural contexts of their
Language, Culture, and Context
go hand-in-hand
Researchers and experts
agree that children
control most features of
the grammar of their
mother tongue by the
time they come to
(Owicki & Goodman, 2002)
We have multiple discourse circles in which we interact
Consider one day last week.
❏ Discuss the way you spoke and used written
language with your students, your colleagues, and
your administrator.
❏ Discuss the ways you speak and use written
language at home, at play, in social media, and with
family members.
Language, Culture & Context go
hand-in-hand for adults too!
❏ Are there particular contexts where your
language use is comfortable and proficient?
❏ Are there other contexts where your language
use is not as easy? Your words do not ‘flow’ as
comfortably? Where you may be somewhat
self-conscious and become “tongue-tied”?
❏ This is true for young children too! Their
language use excels in different contexts too!
Language use is influenced by the
different contexts we find
ourselves in
Reflecting on our
language use
in the classroom
Most days when I am in the classroom:
❏ I speak clearly and enunciate each word carefully.
❏ I tend to speak rapidly.
❏ I state directions only once; I do not repeat them.
❏ I use slang when I am interacting with students.
❏ I try to use simple, short sentences and avoid
complex, long sentences.
❏ I primarily speak in the present tense.
❏ I ask students more than 10 “Wh-” questions.
❏ After each question I ask, I wait 1-2 seconds before
encouraging students to answer.
Take a moment to reflect
YOUR language use in theclassroom
As you reflect on YOUR own language
use, consider the language used by
this classroom teacher
Why is our language use in the
classroom important?
Think about it as you analyze this
TRANSCRIPT: Morning Welcome
1. Teacher: Good morning friends!
2. A Few Students: Good morning!
3. Teacher: I heard some of you but I’d like to hear all of
you. Can you all say ‘good morning’?
4. Class: Good morning.
5. Teacher: Thanks! That’s better! Today is Thursday.
What day is it?
6. Class: Thursday.
7. Teacher: Yes, it’s Thursday. Good job! Today is the
fifth day of the month of April. It is April 5th. Let’s count
the days so far this month, K? Count with me, please.
8. All: 1,2,3,4,5.
9. Teacher: Great job! We counted to 5! Let’s talk about
how we’re feelin’ this morning. Today I am feeling happy
because I ate a good breakfast. Sammy, how are you this
10. Sammy: Ha..
11. Teacher: Today I am feeling…
12. Sammy: Today I am feeling happy.
13. Teacher: ‘cuz…
14. Sammy: ‘Cuz I’m at school.
15. Teacher: Great! Friends, how is Sammy feeling? He is
feeling happy. Why? ‘Cuz he’s at school. Nice job Sammy.
Kendra are you happy today?
16. Kendra: Yes.
17. Teacher: Why are you happy Kendra? Are you happy
‘cuz you’re at school, too?
18. Kendra: Yeah
19. Teacher: Who else is happy ‘cuz they’re at school?
Raise your hand if you’re happy. Wow! Check out how many
of you are happy today! Before we go to centers, let’s look at
our day today. We are in our circle, then we’re going to
centers. Who can tell me what we do after centers? Joe?
What do we do after centers?
20. Joe: snack
21. Teacher: yeah… we eat snack. Today we’re going to
have bananas and crackers. What color are bananas? Are
bananas yellow or red?
22. Joe: yellow.
What did you notice about the teacher’s
language? About the children’s language?
When in the classroom:
❏ I speak clearly and enunciate each
word carefully.
❏ I tend to speak rapidly.
❏ I state directions only once; I do not
repeat them.
❏ I use slang when I am interacting with
❏ I try to use simple, short sentences
and avoid complex, long sentences.
❏ I primarily speak in the present tense.
❏ I ask students more than 10 “Wh-”
❏ After each question I ask, I wait 1-2
seconds before encouraging students
to answer.
Why is
use in the
❏ Serve as a positive language model
❏ Give children interesting first-hand experiences to talk about
❏ Repeat & reinforce new words
❏ Observe talk, wait & ask Qs, then listen
❏ Talk with children often & listen to what they say
❏ Encourage conversations that go beyond “here & now”
❏ Use open-ended questions & prompts
❏ Read to children daily & talk about the story before, during, & after
❏ Enjoy songs, rhymes, & fingerplays together
❏ Play language games together
❏ Offer models so that children can hear their home language in the
❏ Share informational books that relate to children’s particular interests
The Creative Curriculum (Heroman & Jones, 2010)
What are some ways we can support
children’s language?
What might these
supports look like
in the classroom?
❏ Serve as a positive language model: Use
complete sentences; expand & build on what child says, ‘Go outside!’.... Tr:
“Would you like to go outside today? We’ll go out right after snack!”
❏ Give children interesting first-hand
experiences to talk about: Experiences that spark child’s
curiosity & wonder, prompt child to use senses & thinking, etc.
❏ Repeat & reinforce new words: Use new word in
different contexts during the day; The story “The Enormous Turnip” can prompt
talk about an enormous appetite or an enormous tree outside.
(Heroman & Jones, 2010)
Ways we can support children’s
❏ Observe talk, wait & ask Qs, then listen: Pay
close attention to what child says, be patient & wait for child to respond, then
respond appropriately.
❏ Talk with children often & listen to what
they say: Talk & listen; clarify when needed; strive for at least 5
exchanges in the conversation.
❏ Encourage conversations that go beyond
“here & now”: Discuss events that happened yesterday & might
happen in future; invite child to use her imagination (“If you could be any
animal, what would you be? What would you do?”)
(Heroman & Jones, 2010)
Ways we can support children’s
language (2)
❏ Use open-ended questions & prompts: “Wh-
questions” require MORE than a “yes” or “no”.... Also ask, “I wonder what
would happen if….”
❏ Read to children daily & talk about the story
before, during, & after: Talking about a story while reading it
helps children with language, vocabulary, AND comprehension. Read story
more than once!!
❏ Enjoy songs, rhymes, & fingerplays
together: Child hears & forms language sounds, learns new words,
becomes aware of patterns & rhymes.
Ways we can support children’s
language (3)
❏ Play language games together: Games that focus on
language, like “20 questions”....
❏ Offer models so that children can hear their home
language in the classroom: Invite people in who are proficient in
the child’s L1; Encourage families to discuss learning topics at home in L1.
❏ Share informational books that relate to children’s
particular interests: To introduce child to new ideas, new words &
potential interests. (Heroman & Jones, 2010)
Ways we can support children’s
language (4)
❏ Serve as a positive language model
❏ Give children interesting first-hand experiences to talk about
❏ Repeat & reinforce new words
❏ Observe talk, wait & ask Qs, then listen
❏ Talk with children often & listen to what they say
❏ Encourage conversations that go beyond “here & now”
❏ Use open-ended questions & prompts
❏ Read to children daily & talk about the story before, during, & after
❏ Enjoy songs, rhymes, & fingerplays together
❏ Play language games together
❏ Offer models so that children can hear their home language in the
❏ Share informational books that relate to children’s particular interests
The Creative Curriculum (Heroman & Jones, 2010)
Check off the strategies you already use!
Which strategies could you enhance?
Select 1 strategy you will enhance during the first few
weeks of school.
Talk it over at your table.
Write this strategy on the top of the chart paper.
Develop several ideas around this one strategy to support
‘turning talk over’ to the children!
Record your ideas on the chart paper.
Sharing your ideas!
After you have recorded ideas for using 1 of the
strategies to support children’s language use on the
chart paper…..
Be ready to share your ideas!
What are we looking for?
Where do we find it?
Observing talk
in a variety of contexts & settings
helps us gain insight into
children’s language development
conceptual growth.
Why do we want to observe children
talk in a variety of contexts
& settings ?
We want to observe children as they:
❏ talk and listen in various situations and settings;
❏ explore different language functions and forms;
❏ demonstrate different interactional competencies;
❏ demonstrate language & conceptual knowledge about
different aspects of their world.
How might we create
and settings
that are “rich” in talk?
A rich talk environment includes:
❏ A curriculum that prompts & inspires children’s interests;
❏ A variety of reasons for children to use language and explore curricular
❏ A physical environment that promotes socialization amongst the
children (e.g., whole-group, small group, pairs of chlidren).
❏ A sense of safety within the community of child learners where it is OK
to use one’s talk and take a risk to share her ideas & thoughts;
❏ An understanding that each individual in the classroom IS an expert
and brings important knowledge to the group.
❏ A teacher who has structured supports that turn talk over to the
children! (Owicki & Goodman, 2002)
What makes a rich ‘talk’
What language
functions have you
supported in the
For each language function
(or purpose), comes a set of
language forms that children
will use to express meaning.
Assessing language: What are
we looking for? And, where do we find it?
Where are the places in the
classroom where talk
occurs? For Example:
-whole group context;
-interest areas;
-small group;
-context for self-talk;
-context for one-to-one talk;
-context where child chooses partner;
-context where Tr chooses group;
-small instructional group;
-play context; other?
Observing and Assessing:
Knowing what you are looking for
functions we
can observe
children use
❏ Sharing stories (narrative forms)
❏ Retelling events (past tense verb
❏ Reporting information (declarative
sentence forms, conversational
❏ Expressing feelings, empathy,
emotional identification (descriptive
❏ Responding to peers’ and teachers’
questions & request for information
(declarative sentence forms)
Observing and Assessing: Knowing
where to look for children’s language
Contexts where
students will
use language
❏ whole group
❏ interest areas
❏ contexts for small group
(informal &/or selected by
❏ setting for self-talk
❏ pair-share or one-to-one
❏ small instructional group
❏ play context, snack, etc.
Intentional planning
And teaching children how
to interact when talking at
How can we make this
Don’t overlook that we need to teach children how to
interact using their language:
∗ Talking Stick
∗ Question of the Day (sentence starters and specific
vocabulary practice)
∗ Student Interviews
∗ Snack (vocabulary! textures, colors, tastes)
∗ Read Aloud/ Your Four Day Play Supports Student
∗ Partner Reading
∗ Turn and Talk (video clip)
Take a chance:
Turn talk over to the children!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Turn and Talk Example: With props
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Turn and Talk Example: Whole group
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Turn and Talk Example: With book
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Turn and Talk Example:
Take a chance: Turn talk over to
Getting Started:
1. What language functions do
you plan to observe (i.e., the
functions you want children to
use) & what are corresponding
language forms?
2. What structures do you need
to teach to support children’s
talk & use of these functions?
3. Where will students use these
language functions?
4. What structures will you put
into place so children have the
opportunity to use these
language functions in multiple
Ready for intentional
observation & assessment!
Your turn!
- Focus on 1 language function that you chose to support
during the first few weeks of school.
- Use the guidelines on the handout to begin to plan your
next steps for ‘turning talk over’ to the children!
-Record your ideas on the second chart paper.
- Be ready to share WHAT function & form you will be
observing in children’s language use and WHERE you will
be able to observe them.
Time to learn
from each other
IN CLOSING…..Children’s talk provides us with
a window into their thinking
their knowledge.
❏ children’s knowledge of language functions & forms
across a variety of different contexts;
❏ children’s interactional competencies;
❏ what children know about content areas & the world;
❏ how children’s TALK corresponds with their reading
and writing development.
Sherry & Isabelle
Email contacts:
Thank you!

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  • 1. The Purpose and Power of Supporting All Children’s Oral Language Sherry Taylor, Ph.D. Associate Professor & Program Chair Literacy, Language & Culturally Responsive Teaching University of Colorado, Denver Isabelle Smith, MA ECSE Pre-School Teacher, Boulder Valley School District Lead Instructor in Early Literacy Certificate Program University of Colorado, Denver ECE Conference, July 28, 2014 Aurora Public School District
  • 2. ❏Young children and oral language ❏A quick overview of the research ❏Language & culture go ‘hand in hand’ ❏Reflecting on our language use in the classroom ❏Purposeful planning: Intentional structures to support children’s language ❏Assessing language: What are we looking for? ❏Take a chance: Turn talk over to the children! Note: See chart paper & markers for later Welcome! Our plans for today
  • 3. Isabelle Smith, MA ECSE Pre-School Teacher in BVSD Lead Instructor in Early Literacy Certificate Program for the Literacy, Language & Culturally Responsive Teaching Program at CU Denver ECE Enhanced grant (delivered in APS 2013- 2014): Working Group Member Teaching areas (at CU Denver): Early language development, Early literacy instruction, Early literacy routines and assessment, and Linking assessment with instruction. I love to spend time with my husband and dogs, Daisy and Cole, and travel...especially to Florida… or any where that has a beach! Taking a moment to find out more about each other! A little about us... Sherry Taylor, Ph.D. Associate Professor & Program Leader Literacy, Language & Culturally Responsive Teaching Program, CU Denver Coordinator of Certificate Program delivered to K- 12 teachers in APS/COE Principal Investigator of ECE Enhanced grant (delivered in APS 2013-2014) Teaching areas: Language & literacy development & acquisition; Multicultural Education, Research areas: Teacher cognition; The impact of culturally responsive teacher preparation I love to spend time with my 15 year old daughter & my husband; garden & landscape; read; play pinball & pacman; travel; XX ski; and I’m excited to be part of a literacy enrichment team in August for kids in Michoacan Mexico!!
  • 4. Let’s take a moment to find out more about each other! A little about YOU …
  • 5. INTERNS: Anita Walker & Alea Alea Wojdyla ECE ENHANCED GRANT PROJECT: EARLY LITERACY AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUNG ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS COHORT MEMBERS: Folashade Adebayo Sandra Carruthers Lisa Dally Geri Dansby Susan Garcia Lili Grove Melissa Ivy Pat LaMontagne Karen Lozano Amy Martin Ashley Neff Rebecca Ross Sylvia Velasco COHORT MEMBERS: Dulcie Velasco Martinez Holly Wettanen Alice Wong Lisa May Pam Lopez Maria Arroyo Sandy Fermo Sonia Fuentes Cruz Rhonda Mohrbacher Ashley Morgan Soledad Ramirez Tina Richards Patricia Tanner
  • 6. More about you! ❏ Who are ECE Facilitators? ❏ Who are ECE paraprofessionals? ❏ Who are Early childhood Special Education staff? ❏ Who are Administrators? ❏ Who are Teacher Coaches? ❏ Who has not been mentioned yet? Your positions? ❏ Who is located in a Child Development Center? ECE classroom in an elementary school? Other? ❏ How many of you work with students who are acquiring English as an additional language? 2 or 3 students? Half of your students? Most of your students?
  • 7. Children are language learners by virtue of being born into human society. They construct knowledge about language as they use it to engage with the people and objects in their environments and as they use language to make sense of their surroundings. (Halliday, 1975). Children and Oral Language
  • 8. ❏ Language expresses meaning through sounds made in the vocal tract (barring impairment or obstacles to the use of sound); ❏ Children learn language in the speech community where they are raised with little or no direct instruction by the adults; ❏ Discourse patterns (e.g., how to ask Qs, make requests, tell stories, etc.) are learned by children at home & in their community. (Barry, 2008) Research tells us that ALL languages share linguistic universals, such as:
  • 9. ❏ Language is used primarily for communication; ❏ Languages – and dialects - have regular structures and a predictable set of rules or a grammar); ❏ Language is dynamic (not static); ❏ Language speakers have a language competence that may not always be reflected in their spoken language. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE?
  • 10. Words added to Webster dictionary in 2014: ❏ Fracking: the injection of fluid into shale beds at high pressure in order to free up petroleum resources. ❏ Hashtag:a word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that classifies or categorizes the accompanying text. ❏ Selfie:an image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital camera especially for posting on social networks. Language is DYNAMIC!
  • 11. Pennsylvania German-English in the USA Strongly influenced by Pennsylvania Dutch, a dialect of German spoken by people in this area. Its grammar allows sentences like "Smear your sister with jam on a slice of bread" and "Throw your father out the window his hat." South Midland English in the USA This area is dominated by the Appalachian Mountains and the Ozark Mountains; originally settled by the Pennsylvania Dutch and the Scotch-Irish. A TH at the end of words or syllables is sometimes pronounced F, and the word ARE is often left out of sentences. An A is usually placed at the beginning of verb that ends with ING, and the G is dropped; an O at the end of a word becomes ER. For example, "They a-celebratin' his birfday by a-goin' to see 'Old Yeller' in the theatah.” Dialects do have regular structures & predictable grammar
  • 12. A quick review! What do we know about predictable stages of language development?
  • 13. ❏ Pre-language stage: Voice recognition; discrimination of phoneme sounds for L1; babbling with consonants & vowel sounds and intonation patterns. ❏ Early language: First words (labels from immediate environment; holophrastic meaning that 1 word carries a longer message). Typical, predictable stages of language development
  • 14. ❏ Combining words: Telegraphic speech (“mommy up!”); pivotal words (“more- _____”); an understanding of syntax develops (subject_ verb_ object, such as, “mommy get cookie!”). ❏ Acquisition of morphemes: There is a regular sequence of morpheme acquisition that tends to occur. Children regularly acquire “- ing” before plurals; plurals & possessive before articles (“MINE!). Typical, predictable stages of language development (2)
  • 16. 18-24 months ∗ Says 50 words ∗ Names familiar objects ∗ Understands approximately 300 words ∗ Points to body parts ∗ Uses two-word phrases ∗ Uses commands (‘move’) ∗ Uses possessives (‘mine!’) Typical English Language Development (First Language) 24-30 months ∗ Understands approximately 500 words ∗ Says 200 words ∗ Answers ‘What’ and ‘Where’ questions ∗ Uses some regular plurals ∗ Asks simple ‘what’ and ‘where’ questions (What’s that?) Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart
  • 17. 30-36 months ∗ Understands approximately 900 words ∗ Points to pictures of common objects described by their use (Show me what you eat with.) ∗ Knows third person pronouns (he, she) ∗ Says 500 words Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart Typical English Language Development (First Language) 36-42 Months ∗ Understands approximately 1,200 words ∗ Responds to two unrelated commands (Put your cup on the table and turn off the TV) ∗ Says 800 words ∗ Uses regular past tense forms ∗ Beginning to ask questions (What? Who?... and, of course… WHY?!?)
  • 18. 42-48 months ∗ Understands approximately 1,500-2,000 words ∗ Responds to three step directions ∗ Tells how common objects are used ∗ Uses contractions ∗ Knows positional words (in front, behind) Typical English Language Development (First Language) 48-54 months ∗ Uses approximately 2,000-2,500 words ∗ Says 1,500 words ∗ Uses possessives (boy’s, dog’s) ∗ Identifies first, last and middle Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart
  • 19. 54-60 months ∗ Understands approximately 2,500 - 2,800 words ∗ Knows concepts such as heavy/ light, long/ short ∗ Says 2,000 words ∗ Generates complex sentences ∗ Tells familiar stories without picture cues Typical English Language Development (First Language) 60-72 Months ∗ Understands approximately 13,000 words ∗ States similarities and differences between objects ∗ Uses pronouns consistently ∗ Tells simple “jokes” Voress & Pearson (2006) Early Childhood Development Chart
  • 20. Acquiring an additional language Second-language acquisition assumes that the learner has a foundation and solid knowledge of her first language. Given this foundation, the learner moves through the process of learning a new language, including vocabulary, phonological components, grammatical structures, and writing systems. The process is not linear, it is more like a zig-zag process
  • 21. Learners of an additional language move through similar developmental stages as those experienced during one’s first language development thereby making some of the same types of errors in grammatical markers and picking up chunks of language without knowing precisely what each word means. Learners of an additional language rely on language input and modifications from proficient speakers who support successful conversational exchanges and comprehension of the additional language. Acquiring an additional language (2)
  • 23. Pre- production STAGE 1: The silent period;" when the student takes in the new language but does not speak it. This period often lasts six weeks or several months, depending on the individual. Early production STAGE 2: The individual begins to speak using short words and sentences; emphasis is still on listening and absorbing the new language; many errors in this stage that can last 3 months or longer. Speech Emergent STAGE 3: Speech becomes more frequent, words and sentences are longer; student still relies heavily on context clues and familiar topics. Vocabulary continues to increase in this stage that can last 6 months to around 2 to 3 years; errors begin to decrease in common or repeated interactions. Beginning Fluency STAGE 4: Speech is fairly fluent in social situations with minimal errors. New contexts and academic language are challenging; individual struggles to express herself due to gaps in vocabulary and appropriate phrases (2 to 3 years depending on the individual).
  • 24. Intermediate Fluency STAGE 5: Communicating in the second language is fluent, especially in social language situations; individual is able to speak almost fluently in new situations or in academic areas, but there will be gaps in vocabulary knowledge and some unknown expressions; fewer errors, and the individual is able to demonstrate higher order thinking skills in the second language such as offering an opinion or analyzing a problem (3 to 6 years depending on the individual). Advanced Fluency STAGE 6: The individual communicates fluently in most all contexts and can maneuver successfully in new contexts and when exposed to new academic information. At this stage, the individual may still have an accent and use idiomatic expressions incorrectly, but the individual is essentially fluent and comfortable communicating in the second language (5 to 7 years or never depending on the individual).
  • 25. What stages of 1st language development or 2nd language development tend to be displayed by the young children you support?
  • 27. ❏ Language is the primary symbol system through which children learn about the world. ❏ Children use language to facilitate their thinking and learning in all areas. ❏ Children jointly construct meaning and knowledge with others. What is the power of oral language?
  • 28. Children’s talk provides us with a window into their thinking and their knowledge….. What is the power of oral language? (2)
  • 29. …...if…..when…. ❏ We create structures to support children’s talk in a variety of contexts; ❏ We encourage & support children to engage in talk with each other; ❏ We listen & observe with intention & purpose. Children’ talk provides us with a window into their thinking & their knowledge…
  • 30. ❏ children’s knowledge of language functions & forms across a variety of different contexts; ❏ children’s interactional competencies; ❏ what children know about content areas & the world; ❏ how children’s TALK corresponds with their reading and writing development. When we listen with intention & purpose, we gain insights into...
  • 31. Children develop the capacity to use, talk about, and learn through language….. both oral & written language within the various contexts of their lives….including the cultural contexts of their lives. Language, Culture, and Context go hand-in-hand Researchers and experts agree that children control most features of the grammar of their mother tongue by the time they come to kindergarten. WOW! (Owicki & Goodman, 2002)
  • 32. We have multiple discourse circles in which we interact everyday. Consider one day last week. ❏ Discuss the way you spoke and used written language with your students, your colleagues, and your administrator. ❏ Discuss the ways you speak and use written language at home, at play, in social media, and with family members. Language, Culture & Context go hand-in-hand for adults too!
  • 33. THINK ABOUT IT: ❏ Are there particular contexts where your language use is comfortable and proficient? ❏ Are there other contexts where your language use is not as easy? Your words do not ‘flow’ as comfortably? Where you may be somewhat self-conscious and become “tongue-tied”? ❏ This is true for young children too! Their language use excels in different contexts too! Language use is influenced by the different contexts we find ourselves in
  • 34. Reflecting on our language use in the classroom
  • 35. Most days when I am in the classroom: ❏ I speak clearly and enunciate each word carefully. ❏ I tend to speak rapidly. ❏ I state directions only once; I do not repeat them. ❏ I use slang when I am interacting with students. ❏ I try to use simple, short sentences and avoid complex, long sentences. ❏ I primarily speak in the present tense. ❏ I ask students more than 10 “Wh-” questions. ❏ After each question I ask, I wait 1-2 seconds before encouraging students to answer. Take a moment to reflect YOUR language use in theclassroom TRUE or FALSE?
  • 36. As you reflect on YOUR own language use, consider the language used by this classroom teacher Why is our language use in the classroom important? Think about it as you analyze this transcript!
  • 37. TRANSCRIPT: Morning Welcome 1. Teacher: Good morning friends! 2. A Few Students: Good morning! 3. Teacher: I heard some of you but I’d like to hear all of you. Can you all say ‘good morning’? 4. Class: Good morning. 5. Teacher: Thanks! That’s better! Today is Thursday. What day is it? 6. Class: Thursday. 7. Teacher: Yes, it’s Thursday. Good job! Today is the fifth day of the month of April. It is April 5th. Let’s count the days so far this month, K? Count with me, please. 8. All: 1,2,3,4,5.
  • 38. 9. Teacher: Great job! We counted to 5! Let’s talk about how we’re feelin’ this morning. Today I am feeling happy because I ate a good breakfast. Sammy, how are you this mornin’? 10. Sammy: Ha.. 11. Teacher: Today I am feeling… 12. Sammy: Today I am feeling happy. 13. Teacher: ‘cuz… 14. Sammy: ‘Cuz I’m at school. 15. Teacher: Great! Friends, how is Sammy feeling? He is feeling happy. Why? ‘Cuz he’s at school. Nice job Sammy. Kendra are you happy today? 16. Kendra: Yes.
  • 39. 17. Teacher: Why are you happy Kendra? Are you happy ‘cuz you’re at school, too? 18. Kendra: Yeah 19. Teacher: Who else is happy ‘cuz they’re at school? Raise your hand if you’re happy. Wow! Check out how many of you are happy today! Before we go to centers, let’s look at our day today. We are in our circle, then we’re going to centers. Who can tell me what we do after centers? Joe? What do we do after centers? 20. Joe: snack 21. Teacher: yeah… we eat snack. Today we’re going to have bananas and crackers. What color are bananas? Are bananas yellow or red? 22. Joe: yellow.
  • 40. What did you notice about the teacher’s language? About the children’s language? When in the classroom: ❏ I speak clearly and enunciate each word carefully. ❏ I tend to speak rapidly. ❏ I state directions only once; I do not repeat them. ❏ I use slang when I am interacting with students. ❏ I try to use simple, short sentences and avoid complex, long sentences. ❏ I primarily speak in the present tense. ❏ I ask students more than 10 “Wh-” questions. ❏ After each question I ask, I wait 1-2 seconds before encouraging students to answer. ARE THESE HELPFUL PRACTICES? Why is our language use in the classroom important?
  • 41. ❏ Serve as a positive language model ❏ Give children interesting first-hand experiences to talk about ❏ Repeat & reinforce new words ❏ Observe talk, wait & ask Qs, then listen ❏ Talk with children often & listen to what they say ❏ Encourage conversations that go beyond “here & now” ❏ Use open-ended questions & prompts ❏ Read to children daily & talk about the story before, during, & after ❏ Enjoy songs, rhymes, & fingerplays together ❏ Play language games together ❏ Offer models so that children can hear their home language in the classroom. ❏ Share informational books that relate to children’s particular interests The Creative Curriculum (Heroman & Jones, 2010) What are some ways we can support children’s language?
  • 42. What might these supports look like in the classroom?
  • 43. ❏ Serve as a positive language model: Use complete sentences; expand & build on what child says, ‘Go outside!’.... Tr: “Would you like to go outside today? We’ll go out right after snack!” ❏ Give children interesting first-hand experiences to talk about: Experiences that spark child’s curiosity & wonder, prompt child to use senses & thinking, etc. ❏ Repeat & reinforce new words: Use new word in different contexts during the day; The story “The Enormous Turnip” can prompt talk about an enormous appetite or an enormous tree outside. (Heroman & Jones, 2010) Ways we can support children’s language
  • 44. ❏ Observe talk, wait & ask Qs, then listen: Pay close attention to what child says, be patient & wait for child to respond, then respond appropriately. ❏ Talk with children often & listen to what they say: Talk & listen; clarify when needed; strive for at least 5 exchanges in the conversation. ❏ Encourage conversations that go beyond “here & now”: Discuss events that happened yesterday & might happen in future; invite child to use her imagination (“If you could be any animal, what would you be? What would you do?”) (Heroman & Jones, 2010) Ways we can support children’s language (2)
  • 45. ❏ Use open-ended questions & prompts: “Wh- questions” require MORE than a “yes” or “no”.... Also ask, “I wonder what would happen if….” ❏ Read to children daily & talk about the story before, during, & after: Talking about a story while reading it helps children with language, vocabulary, AND comprehension. Read story more than once!! ❏ Enjoy songs, rhymes, & fingerplays together: Child hears & forms language sounds, learns new words, becomes aware of patterns & rhymes. Ways we can support children’s language (3)
  • 46. ❏ Play language games together: Games that focus on language, like “20 questions”.... ❏ Offer models so that children can hear their home language in the classroom: Invite people in who are proficient in the child’s L1; Encourage families to discuss learning topics at home in L1. ❏ Share informational books that relate to children’s particular interests: To introduce child to new ideas, new words & potential interests. (Heroman & Jones, 2010) Ways we can support children’s language (4)
  • 47. TALK ABOUT IT AT YOUR TABLE! ❏ Serve as a positive language model ❏ Give children interesting first-hand experiences to talk about ❏ Repeat & reinforce new words ❏ Observe talk, wait & ask Qs, then listen ❏ Talk with children often & listen to what they say ❏ Encourage conversations that go beyond “here & now” ❏ Use open-ended questions & prompts ❏ Read to children daily & talk about the story before, during, & after ❏ Enjoy songs, rhymes, & fingerplays together ❏ Play language games together ❏ Offer models so that children can hear their home language in the classroom. ❏ Share informational books that relate to children’s particular interests The Creative Curriculum (Heroman & Jones, 2010) Check off the strategies you already use! Which strategies could you enhance?
  • 48. Select 1 strategy you will enhance during the first few weeks of school. Talk it over at your table. Write this strategy on the top of the chart paper. Develop several ideas around this one strategy to support ‘turning talk over’ to the children! Record your ideas on the chart paper. OUR CHALLENGE TO YOU…
  • 49. Sharing your ideas! After you have recorded ideas for using 1 of the strategies to support children’s language use on the chart paper….. Be ready to share your ideas!
  • 50. Assessing language: What are we looking for? and Where do we find it?
  • 51. Observing talk in a variety of contexts & settings helps us gain insight into children’s language development and conceptual growth.
  • 52. Why do we want to observe children talk in a variety of contexts & settings ? We want to observe children as they: ❏ talk and listen in various situations and settings; ❏ explore different language functions and forms; ❏ demonstrate different interactional competencies; ❏ demonstrate language & conceptual knowledge about different aspects of their world.
  • 53. How might we create contexts and settings that are “rich” in talk?
  • 54. A rich talk environment includes: ❏ A curriculum that prompts & inspires children’s interests; ❏ A variety of reasons for children to use language and explore curricular concepts; ❏ A physical environment that promotes socialization amongst the children (e.g., whole-group, small group, pairs of chlidren). ❏ A sense of safety within the community of child learners where it is OK to use one’s talk and take a risk to share her ideas & thoughts; ❏ An understanding that each individual in the classroom IS an expert and brings important knowledge to the group. ❏ A teacher who has structured supports that turn talk over to the children! (Owicki & Goodman, 2002) Hmmm……. What makes a rich ‘talk’ environment?
  • 55. What language functions have you supported in the classroom? For each language function (or purpose), comes a set of language forms that children will use to express meaning. Assessing language: What are we looking for? And, where do we find it? Where are the places in the classroom where talk occurs? For Example: -whole group context; -interest areas; -small group; -context for self-talk; -context for one-to-one talk; -context where child chooses partner; -context where Tr chooses group; -small instructional group; -play context; other?
  • 56. Observing and Assessing: Knowing what you are looking for Language functions we can observe while children use various language forms LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS & (FORMS) ❏ Sharing stories (narrative forms) ❏ Retelling events (past tense verb forms) ❏ Reporting information (declarative sentence forms, conversational forms) ❏ Expressing feelings, empathy, emotional identification (descriptive forms) ❏ Responding to peers’ and teachers’ questions & request for information (declarative sentence forms)
  • 57. Observing and Assessing: Knowing where to look for children’s language use Contexts where students will use language functions ❏ whole group ❏ interest areas ❏ contexts for small group (informal &/or selected by teacher) ❏ setting for self-talk ❏ pair-share or one-to-one talk ❏ small instructional group ❏ play context, snack, etc.
  • 58. Intentional planning And teaching children how to interact when talking at school How can we make this happen?
  • 59. Don’t overlook that we need to teach children how to interact using their language: ∗ Talking Stick ∗ Question of the Day (sentence starters and specific vocabulary practice) ∗ Student Interviews ∗ Snack (vocabulary! textures, colors, tastes) ∗ Read Aloud/ Your Four Day Play Supports Student Talk ∗ Partner Reading ∗ Turn and Talk (video clip) Take a chance: Turn talk over to the children!
  • 60. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Turn and Talk Example: With props
  • 61. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Turn and Talk Example: Whole group
  • 62. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Turn and Talk Example: With book
  • 63. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Turn and Talk Example:
  • 64. Take a chance: Turn talk over to children! Getting Started: GUIDELINES 1. What language functions do you plan to observe (i.e., the functions you want children to use) & what are corresponding language forms? 2. What structures do you need to teach to support children’s talk & use of these functions? 3. Where will students use these language functions? 4. What structures will you put into place so children have the opportunity to use these language functions in multiple contexts? Ready for intentional observation & assessment!
  • 65. Your turn! - Focus on 1 language function that you chose to support during the first few weeks of school. - Use the guidelines on the handout to begin to plan your next steps for ‘turning talk over’ to the children! -Record your ideas on the second chart paper. - Be ready to share WHAT function & form you will be observing in children’s language use and WHERE you will be able to observe them.
  • 66. Time to learn from each other
  • 67. IN CLOSING…..Children’s talk provides us with a window into their thinking and their knowledge. WHEN WE PLAN, LISTEN & OBSERVE, WE CAN GAIN INSIGHT INTO: ❏ children’s knowledge of language functions & forms across a variety of different contexts; ❏ children’s interactional competencies; ❏ what children know about content areas & the world; ❏ how children’s TALK corresponds with their reading and writing development.
  • 68. Sherry & Isabelle Email contacts: Questions? Thank you!